Colonel: brought up as a gardener in Kent: enlisted in the Bengal Artillery, 1833: Sergt-Major, 26th regt., Bengal N.I. Sept., 1839: served in the Afghan war, 1842: at the forcing of the Khyber: at Mamu Kheyl, Jagdalak, Haft Kotal, Tezin, with the Artillery: in the Sikh campaigns: at Mudki, Firozshahr and Sobraon, with the 26th N.I.: Ensign, 1846: interpreter to the Firozpur regt. of Sikhs, and commanded them, "Brasyer's Sikhs" in the mutiny, 1857–8: with his regt. as the sole garrison, he held the fortress of Allahabad, the key of Upper India, at the most critical moment: through his energy and resolute attitude, his Sikhs remained loyal: "no man risen from the ranks has ever done a deed evincing such force of character and desperate resolution, and securing such invaluable results": at the capture of Lucknow, March, 1858: Lt-Colonel and CB., 1858: retired Oct. 1861: died March 15, 1897.