General; born March 12, 1807: son and grandson of E. I. Co's agents at Plymouth: entered the E. I. Co.'s Military service as Ensign 1825: Capt. 1837: Maj-General, 1868: Lt-General, 1876: Adjutant and Interpreter of the 3rd Bombay N.I. at Bombay, and Fort-Adjutant at Asirghar: commissariat officer at Mhow, 1839, other stations, and Aden, 1847: Assistant Commissary General at Bombay and Executive Commissariat officer there during the Persian war, 1856–7: rendered also invaluable service during the mutiny, organizing the bullock train between Bombay, Wassind and Mhow, on which Sir H. Rose's operations depended: consulted constantly by Lord Elphinstone, Governor of Bombay, and highly esteemed by the native community, who called him Birdwood Maharaja: he always accompanied the Commissioner of Police, C. Forjett, (q.v.) in interviews with their leaders: was Commissary-General, Bombay Army: recommended for the C.B. by Lord Elphinstone, who constantly testified to his merits as a first-class commissariat officer: he became General in 1877 and retired after 52 years' service, 45 actually spent in India: died July 4, 1882.