Doctor and author: son of Capt. George Balfour, and nephew of Joseph Hume, M.P.: born Sep. 6, 1813: educated at Montrose, and Edinburgh University: in 1839 went to India in the Medical Department, serving in both the Bombay and Madras Armies: became full Surgeon in 1852: wrote medical papers on subjects relating to the health of the troops, and besides his profession did much useful work: studied Oriental languages, and founded the Muhammadan public library at Madras: established, in 1850, a Government Central Museum, and was Superintendent for 9 years: published an Encyclopasdia of India, which went through several editions: and commenced the Mysore Museum, 1866: was Political Agent with the Nawab of the Carnatic for years: as Deputy Inspr-General of Hospitals, 1862–1870, he served in the stations under the Madras command, and as Surgeon-General, Madras, 1871–76, paid much attention to female medical education, for which the Madras Medical College was thrown open: Fellow of the Madras University: retired in 1876, and died Dec. 8, 1889.