< Cur Deus Homo


  • Chapter I: How man was made holy by God, so as to be happy in the enjoyment of God.
  • Chapter II: How man would never have died, unless he had sinned.
  • Chapter III: How man will rise with the same body which he has in the world.
  • Chapter IV: How God will complete, in respect to human nature, what he has begun.
  • Chapter V: How, although the thing may be necessary, God may not do it by a compulsory necessity; and what is the nature of that necessity which removes or lessons gratitude, and what necessity increases it.
  • Chapter VI: How no being, except the God-man, can make the atonement by which man is saved.
  • Chapter VII: How necessary it is for the same being to be perfect God and perfect man.
  • Chapter VIII: How it behooved God to take a man of the race of Adam, and born of a woman.
  • Chapter IX: How of necessity the Word only can unite in one person with man.
  • Chapter X: How this man dies not of debt; and in what sense he can or cannot sin; and how neither he nor an angel deserves praise for their holiness, if it is impossible for them to sin.
  • Chapter XI: How Christ dies of his own power, and how mortality does not inhere in the essential nature of man.
  • Chapter XII: How, though he shares in our weakness, he is not therefore miserable.
  • Chapter XIII: How, along with our other weaknesses, he does not partake of our ignorance.
  • Chapter XIV: How his death outweighs the number and greatness of our sins.
  • Chapter XV: How this death removes even the sins of his murderers.
  • Chapter XVI: How God took that man from a sinful substance, and yet without sin; and of the salvation of Adam and Eve.
  • Chapter XVII: How he did not die of necessity, though he could not be born, except as destined to suffer death.
  • Chapter XVIII (a): How, with God there is neither necessity nor impossibility, and what is a coercive necessity, and what one that is not so.
  • Chapter XVIII (b): How Christ's life is paid to God for the sins of men, and in what sense Christ ought, and in what sense he ought not, or was not bound, to suffer.
  • Chapter XIX: How human salvation follows upon his death.
  • Chapter XX: How great and how just is God's compassion.
  • Chapter XXI: How it is impossible for the devil to be reconciled.
  • Chapter XXII: How the truth of the Old and New Testament is shown in the things which have been said.
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