Betts, Arthur, was born in Lincolnshire. He received instructions of Hindmarsh and Viotti on the violin, and of Eley, Dussek, and Steibelt, in the theory of music ; he also derived great benefit from the friendly lessons of Russell, and from his long practice and experience, may be ranked among the most eminent teachers of the present day. The best compositions of A. Betts are as follows : "Three Sonatas for Piano-forte and Violin;" "A Duet for two Performers on the Piano-forte;" "Set of Duets for Violin and Violoncello ;" "Set of Duets (easy) for Violin and Tenor;" "A Sonata for Piano-forte, (violin obligato,) and Violoncello (ad lib. ;") "A Divertimento for Piano-forte and Violin ;" "Andante for Violin Obligate, with second Violin, Alto, and Bass" He has also composed some songs, and arranged pieces, amongst which is the much admired "Overture to the Men of Prometheus," by Beethoven, arranged as a quintet for two violins, alto, flute, and violoncello.