Bartoli, Daniel, of Bologna, was the author of a work entitled "Del Suomi de Tremore Armonici e dell Udito," published in 1680. In this truly scientific and ingenious work are to be found several discoveries in harmonics that have been enlarged upon by posterior writers on the subject. It contains four dissertations : the first treats of the similarity between the circular undulations occasioned in still water when a stone is thrown into it, and the propagation and motion of sound. The second, of the motion of sound compared with that of light ; of echoes or reflection of sound, and of its augmentation in a whispering room or gallery. Third, of harmonic vibrations and ratios of sound ; of sympathetic sounds ; of the breaking a glass with the voice. Fourth, of the mixture of sounds ; of consonance ; harmonics ; and the immense increase of sounds in a vessel or enclosed place, by repercussion ; with many other curious inquiries, and ends with the anatomy of the ear. He was the author of many other profound and learned works, and died at Rome in 1685.