Baillot, Pierre, a celebrated French violinist, was born near Paris, in the year 1771. Ile went to Rome for some years, and took lessons of Polani, an excellent professor of the school of Tartini. About the year 1795, he succeeded Rode as professor of the violin to the Conservatory of Paris ; since which time he has edited an excellent method for the violin, and one for the violoncello, both of which are now in use at the Conservatory; he has also published some instrumental music. This eminent artist expired at Paris, on the 16th of October, 1842, in the 71st year of his age. His funeral, which took place on the following Saturday, in the cemetery of Montmartre, was attended by all the most eminent musicians in Paris, anxious to mingle their regrets over the grave of a highly-talented brother. Baillot is known throughout Europe by his extraordinary genius and finished style as a per-former, and as being master of nearly all the most celebrated violinists of the last quarter of a century.