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Arnold, Dr. SAMUEL, an English musician and composer of considerable eminence, was born in London, about 1739, and received his musical education at the royal chapel, St. James's, under Mr. Gates and Dr. Nares, who discovered in him the most promising talents, which he afterwards cultivated and strengthened by constant study. In 1760, he became composer to Covent Garden Theatre, of which the celebrated Mr. Beard was then one of the managers, and had the advantage of having his compositions introduced to the public through the medium of the vocal abilities of that popular singer and his associates. For them he composed "The Maid of the Mill," which has ever been a favorite with the public. But, in 1767, he tried his skill in a higher species of composition, (the oratorio,) setting to music Dr. Brown's "Curse of Saul," in which it was universally confessed that he was eminently successful. This encouraged him to proceed in the same style ; and he produced "Abimelech," "The Resurrection," and "The Prodigal Son," the various merits of which have been justly applauded by the best musical critics. The latter became so much a favorite, that when, in 1773, it was in contemplation to install the late Lord North, as chancellor of the University of Oxford, the stewards appointed to conduct the musical department of the ceremony applied to Mr. Arnold for leave to perform "The Prodigal Son." His ready compliance with this request, which, however, it would have been very imprudent to refuse, procured him the offer of an honorary degree ; and his refusal of this did him real honor. He was not insensible of the real value of a degree, but determined to earn it in the usual academical way, and, conformably to the statutes of the university, received it in the school room, where he performed, as an exercise, Hughes's poem on the power of music. On such occasions, it is usual for the musical profess-or of the university to examine the exercise of the candidate ; but Dr. Wm. Hayes, then the profess-or of Oxford, returned Mr. Arnold his score unopened, saying, "Sir, it is unnecessary to scrutinize the exercise of the author of 'The Prodigal Son.' ' About 1771, he purchased Mary-le-bone Gardens, for which he composed some excellent burlettas and other pieces, to which he added some ingenious fireworks. This scheme succeeded.; but in 1770, the lease of the gardens expired, and they were let for the purpose of building. We find Dr. Arnold afterwards employed by Mr. Colman, then manager of Covent Garden, as musical composer ; and when he purchased the Haymarket Theatre, Dr. Arnold was there engaged in the same capacity, and continued in it for life. On the death of Dr. Nares, in 1783, he was appointed his successor, as organist and composer to his majesty's chapel at St. James's ; and at the commemoration of Handel, in Westminster Abbey, in 1784, was nominated one of the sub-directors. In 1786, he began to publish a uniform edition of Handel's works, and about the same time brought out four volumes of cathedral music. In 1789, he was appointed director and manager of the performances held ix. the Academy of Ancient Music, a post of honor in which he acquitted himself with the highest credit. In private life he is allowed to have possessed those virtues which engage and secure social esteem. He died at his house in Duke Street, Westminster, Oct. 22, 1802, in his sixty-third year. Dr. Arnold's published works are, four oratorios, eight odes, three serenades, forty-seven operas, three burlettas, besides overtures, concertos, and many smaller pieces. Perhaps the composition by which he will he longest remembered is the song, "Flow, thou regal purple stream."

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