O'REILLY, JOHN BOYLE, an Irish American poet; born at Dowth Castle, County Meath, Ireland, June 28, 1844; became a reporter for English and Irish papers, and Fenianism. In 1863 he enlisted in the 10th Hussars, in Ireland, for the avowed purpose of spreading revolutionary doctrines among the soldiers. For this he was arrested, tried for treason and sent for 20 years penal servitude in Australia. The following year (1869) he escaped to America. In Boston he found work on “The Pilot” (subsequently became editor and principal owner). In 1870 he went to Canada for “The Pilot” during the second Fenian raid and commanded Irish forces. His works include: “Songs of the Southern Seas” (1873); “Songs, Legends and Ballads” (1878); “Moondyne, a Novel” (1879); “Statues in the Block” (1881); “In Bohemia” (1886); and “Stories and Sketches” (1888). He died in Hull, Mass., Aug. 10, 1890.