FOX, CHARLES JAMES, an English statesman; born in England, Jan. 24, 1749; was educated at Oxford; entered Parliament in 1768; and in 1770 came forward as a supporter of Lord North. After six years' active support of that administration he was dismissed from office in consequence of a quarrel with his chief. Thereupon he joined the opposition and became the most formidable opponent of the coercive measures adopted by England toward the American colonies. In 1782, on the downfall of Lord North, he was appointed one of the secretaries of state, which office he held till the death of Rockingham. On the dissolution of the Shelburne administration in 1783 the North and Fox coalition was formed, and he resumed his former office; but the rejection of the India Bill by the House of Lords led to his resignation. It was then that Pitt came into power and that the long and famous contest between him and Fox began. After the death of Pitt in January, 1806, Fox became Foreign Secretary in the Ministry of All the Talents, and was on the point of introducing a bill for the abolition of the slave-trade, when he died in Cheswick, England, Sept. 13, 1806.