Accidentals, 162
Achilles and the Tortoise, 453
Action, 5, 266, 293
Affirmative and Negative, 17
Aggression, 340
Ai, Duke, 62, 268, 429
Ai Fêng, 29
Ai T'ai T'o, 62
All-in-extremes, 276
Alternation theory, 18
Anger, 310
Ants and Mutton, 330
Apricot Altar, 413
Archery, 60, 255, 272, 308, 309, 318
Argument, Futility of, 30
Arms, Appeal to, 162
Arms, Men of, 318
Artificial, The, 147, 175, 210, 232, 309
Augur and the pigs, The Grand, 236
Balancing balls, 233
Bantams, 297
Battered but not Bruised, 80
Battering-ram, 207
Battle, The Six Plans of, 313
Beauty, 182, 260, 337
Bells, Chime of, 250
Bird, The strange, 258
Bishop-wort, 313
Black Forest, The, 413
Black Water, The, 276
Blades from Kan, 193
Boats, 75, 249, 295
Body, The human, 15; (without body) 145
Body and soul parted, 12, 324
Bogy, A, 236
Books, 170
Boots, (for the toeless) 63; (outside door) 368, 424
Border-warden. The, 141
Breathing from the heels, 69
Business, 133
Butcher, The faithful, 376
Butterfly, Chuang Tzŭ a, 32
Canon of Confucianism, 166, 188, 312, 438, 439
Cataract, A, 238
Caterpillars, 297
Cats, 312; (wild) 10
Centipede, The, 211
Ceremonial, 89, 108, 121, 133, 162, 195) 277, 318, 440
Chance, 350
Chan Tzŭ, 380
Ch'ang Chi, 56
Chang Hung, 112
Ch'ang Hung, 352
Chang I, 235
Chang Jo, 316
Chang Wu Tzŭ, 28
Ch'ang Yü, 316
Chao Hsi, 373
Chao Wên, 22
Chapped hands. Salve for, 9
Charioteering, 241
Charity, 88, 100, 101, 108, 114, 122, 133. 277, 307
Chê, Robber, 103, 112, 120, 155, 387
Ch'êns and Ts'ais, 180, 251, 253, 255, 380
Chê-yang, The, 154
Ch'êng, 281
Chêng K'ao Fu, 431
Chêng State, The, 59, 94
Ch'i, Mt., 372
Ch'i Kung, 261
Ch'i State, The, 50, 65, 110
Ch'i-yang, 384
Chi Ch'ê, 145, 146
Chi-yung, 331
Chi T'o, 72, 361
Chi Tzŭ (1) 72, 352; (2) 339
Chi Chên, 350
Chi Ch'ih, 442
Chi Chü, 45
Chi Hsing Tzŭ, 238
Chi Han, Magician, 94
Chiang Lü Mien, 145, 146
Chieh, 40, 119, 383
Chieh-kêng, 331
Chieh Tzŭ, 350
Chieh Yü, 7, 55, 92
Chien Ho, 353
Chien Wu, 6, 77, 92, 273
Chih, 206
Ch'ih Chang Man Chi, 152
Ch'ih Chi, 207
Chih-ho, 354
Chih Kung, 401
Ch'ih Yu, 392
Children, 299, 300, 301, 358
Chin, Duke of, 29
Chin State, The, 147
Ch'in Hua Li, 440
Ch'in Lao, 342
Chin-shao, The, 226, 244
Ch'in Shih, 36
Ch'in State, The, 368
Ch'ing, Carpenter, 240
Ch'ing-ning, The, 228
Ching-shih, 53
Ching Shou, The, 33
Ch'iu (Confucius), 145, 189
Chiu Fang Yin, 327
Ch'iu-shih, 426
Chiu-yu, The, 228
Chŏ-lu, 392
Chou, 40
Chou, River, 383
Chou Kung, 181, 384
Chrysalis, 3
Chu Hsien, 234
Chu Yung, 116
Ch'u State, The, 3 et alt. pass.
Chuan Hsü, 77
Chuang, Duke, 241
Chuang Tzŭ, 9, (and the butterfly) 32; 66, 137, 159, 215, 216, (asked to take office) 217, 434, (and the fishes) 218, (death of wife) 223, (and the skull) 224, (and the geese) 245; 254, 258, 268, (and Tao) 285, 318, (at Hui Tzŭ's grave) 321, (and the stickleback) 353, (and the useless) 358, (on Confucius) 365; 407, 427, (death of) 434, (his genius) 449
Chui, 115, 242
Chun Mang, 150
Chung, 332
Chung Yang, 116
Chü Ch'iao, 28
Chü Liang, 88
Chü Poh Yü, 49, 345
Ch'ü-to, 228
Chü Tzŭ, 442
Ch'ü Tzŭ, Mt., 316
Chü Yüan, 50
Cicadas, 2, 258, 306, (catching) 232
Class distinctions, 187
Classification, 168
Clouds and rain, 165, 173
Cocks and dogs, 117, 350
Cock-fighting, 238
Coffins, 53, 441
Cold, Latent, 319
Colossal, The, 204
Colour Sense, The, 99, 108, 115, 121, 155
Common-places, 154
Complacency, 402
Concentration, 34, 240, 300
Conditioned, The, 158
Confucius, 28, 38, 45, 55, 56, (and the leper) 62, 83, (and Lao Tzŭ) 144, 166, 182, 184, 188, 266, 282; 149, 179, 182, 201, (in danger) 213, 251; 225, (on concentration) 232, 235, (at the cataract) 238; 253, 255, 263, 272, 274, 282, 290, 291, 325, 338, 341, 346, (and Lao Lai Tzŭ) 356; (changed his opinions) 365; 366, (and Robber Chê) 387; 429
Conscription, 54
Cooks, 6, 33, 104
Correlatives, 207, 208
Corpse, (boy who impersonates) 6, 97; (singing near a) 83
Cunning, 315
Crane's legs. A, 101, 332
Criteria (of our minds), 16, (of Confucius), 166
Dark, Seeing in the, 139
Dark Palace, The, 77
Dark-Steep Mt., The, 276
Death. See Life and Death.
Death of Chuang Tzŭ's wife, 223
Destiny, 46, 64, 74, 90, 143, 189, 258
Determinate relations, 332
Dialecticians, 318
Dimensions, 202
Discontent, 402
Discord and accord, 320
Distance relative, 2
Diversity, 331
Divination, 357
Divine Man, 7, 85, 151, 193, 331, 361
Divine Teacher, The, 317
Do-nothing Say-nothing, 276
Doctrine of Silence, 56
Dogs, (straw) 180, (how to judge of) 312, 327, (why they bark) 350
Dog-tooth violet, 228
Doorkeepers, 320, 329
Doubts, 102, 117, 244, 334
Dove, young, 2, 306
Dragon, Lao Tzŭ a, 185
Dragons, 214, 263
Dragon-power, 122, 185
Dream, Life a, 30, 86
Dreamless sleep, 82, 192
Dregs of knowledge, 172
Drugs, 299, 331
Drunken man, A, 232
Duck's legs, A, 101
Duckweed, 228
Dust-bin, Spirit of the, 237
Duty, 46, 88, 101, 108, 114, 121, 122, 133, 166, 277, 298, 307, 367, 433
Dying, No advantage in not, 15
Ear, The, 333
Earth, 161, 173, 223; (music of) 12
Eel's habitat, The, 27, 295
Ego, Whence the, 14
Emotions, 308
Empyrean, The, 288
Energy, Hu Tzŭ shows his internal, 96
Enthusiasts, 330
Essentials, 162
Evil speakers, 39
Excalibur, 82, 303
Exhaling and inhaling, 191
Existence and non-existence, 206, 304
External, The, 49, 82, 103, 156, 235, 299, 302, 310, 315
Extremes meet, 115
Eye, The, 211, 333
Fa Yen, The, 47
Failure, Causes of, 432
Fallacia amphiboliæ, 275
Fame or Reputation, 5, 103
Fan, Prince of, 275
Fang Ming, 316
Fasting, 42, 43, 282
Father praising son, 363
Fên-yang, 8
Fêng Mêng, 255
Fighting, 207, 315
Fighting-cocks, 238
Filial piety, 153, 175, 186, 361
Finger, 19
Fire eternal, 37
Fire Spirit, The, 237
Fire, Production of, 353
First Cause, 246, 267
Fisherman, 357
Fishes, 114, 174, 185, 295, 296, 331, 354; happiness of, 218
Fish-hawks, 189
Five Bonds, The, 399
Five Princes, 78
Five Rulers, The, 186, 202
Flattery, 153
Fools, 154
Foot, The, 333
Footprints, 188
Footsteps, Afraid of his, 418
Forgetfulness, 65
Form, 144, 297
Forms and Name, 163
Four Seas, The, 123, 151, 202
Foxes, 247, 295
Friendship, 253
Frog of the Well, 201, 215
Fu Hsi, 45, 77, 116, 196, 274
Fu Yüeh, 78
Fulness and decay, 203, 287
Gain, 103
Gambling, 234
Geese, 297
Gentleness, 123
Glow-worm, 228
Glue, Sticking without, 102
God, 1, 15, 31, 68, 82, 163, 257, 282, 301, 333
Goitre, A large, 65
Golden Age, 116, 152
Golden Roster, 313
Goose, The cackling, 245
Gourd, Five-bushel, 9
Government, (a curse) 92; 107, 114, 119, 123, 130, 132, 146; (by the true Sage) 151; 163, 164, 186, 187, 317
Grand Augur, The, 236
Grand Tutor, 272
Grave, Opening a, 355
Great Bear, The, 77
Great truths, 154
Great Yü, The, 16, 142, 152, 215, 254
Grief, Real, 85
Han-ch'ih, The, 176
Han-tan, 216, 217; (siege of) 113
Han-yin, 147
Happiness, (in inaction) 158, 159, (elements of) 220, 405, (of fishes) 218, (and sorrow) 199, 221
Hard and White, The, 22, 67, 100, 117
Hê Hsü, 116
Hearing, Sense of, 99, 104, 115, 121, 311, 333, 359
Heart, Natural goodness of, 123, (the seat of intellect) 297
Heat, Latent, 319
Heaven, 161, 173, 223
Hermaphrodites, 189
Heron, 366
Ho Hsü, 109
Ho-shang, 434
Horses, 19, 106, 209, 228, 285, 312, 316, 347
Hou I or Yi, 60, 255, 308, 309, 319
House, A, 306
Hsi P'êng, 316, 322
Hsi Shih knits her brows, 182
Hsi Wang Mu, 78
Hsi Wei, 76, 292, 346
Hsi Wei Shih, 359
Hsiang-ch'êng, 316
Hsiang Li Ch'in, 442
Hsiao Chi, 352
Hsiao Poh (Duke Huan), 399
Hsien of the Kung-wêns, 35
Hsien-ch'ih, The, 227
Hsien Yüan, 116
Hsin, The, 237
Hsü (butterflies), 228
Hsü-aos, The, 26, 40
Hsü Wu Kuei, 311
Hsü Yu, 6, 87, 140, 329, 361, 382, 404, 432
Hsü Yü Chi T'o, 73, 361
Hu, 98
Hu Pu Hsieh, 72
Hu Tzŭ, 94
Hua, 141; (Mt.) 443
Hua Chi, 316
Hua Lin, 207
Hua Tzŭ, 339
Huan (Confucianist), 426
Huan of Ch'i, Duke, 65, 170, 236. 322, 399
Huan Tou, 124
Huan T'uan, 453
Huang-chung, 100
Huang-hua, The, 154
Huang-k'uang, The, 228
Huang Liao, 453
Huang Ti. See Yellow Emperor
Huang Tzŭ Kao Ngao, 236
Hui, Prince, 33, (of Wei) 338
Hui Tzŭ, 8, 66, 217, 218, 223, 318, 321, 341, 358, 361, 365, 450
Hunchbacks, 55, 65, 224, 232
Hun Tun, 98
I, Mt., 341
I Chieh, 335
I-êrh, The, 251
I Êrh Tzŭ, 87
I Liao, 247, 325, 342
I-lu, 228
I Yin, 309, 383
Immunity of Drunkards, 232
Inaction, 80, 97, 122, 131, 134, 136, 137, 158, 159, 160, 165, 222, 288, 308, 318
Infinite, One with the, 89
Infinitesimal, The, 204
Influences, The Six, 129, 174
Instincts, 107
Intelligence, 139
Internal, The, 49, 122, 156, 235, 299, 302, 310, 315
Intrinsicality, 102
Irrigation, 147
Jen, 251
Jen Ch'iu, 290
Jen Hsiang Shih, 337
Jen Kung Tzŭ, 354
Jih Chung Shih, 92
Joy and sorrow, 293
Kan, Blades from, 193
Kan-yü-ku, 228
Kao, 237
Kêng Sang Ch’u, 294
Kings, The Three, 186
Knotted Cords, 116
Knowledge, (Great) 13; (of the ancients) 21, 161, 304; (limit to) 302; (perfection of) 333; (a curse) 115, 118, 125, 129, 298; (from repose) 195; (shallowness of) 293; (personified) 276; (of the wherefore) 368
Kou Chien, 332
Ku, Shepherd, 103
K'u Huo, 442
Ku-tu, 384
Ku-chüeh, Mt., 276
Kuan Chung, 226, 236, 322, 399
Kuan Lung Fêng, 40, 112, 352
Kuan Yin, 230, 447
K'uang, 213
Kuang Ch'êng Tzŭ, 125
K'uang Tzŭ, 401
Kuei, 206
K'uei, The, 237
Kueis, The, 26
Kuei-ch'i, 332
Kuei Chi, 354
K'un, 327
K'un Hun, 316
K'un-lun Mountains, 139, 224, 289
Kung Ch'ui the artisan, 115, 242
Kung Poh, 382
K'ung-t'ung, 126
Kung Sun Lung, 214, 319, 453
Kung Tzŭ Mou, 215
Kung Yüeh Hsiu, 335
Kuo, men of, 253
Laggards, Whipping up the, 234
Language, The best, 293
Lao Lai Tzŭ, 356
Lao Lung Chi, 287
Lao Tzŭ (and No-toes), 61; 93, 123, 137, 142; (and Confucius) 144, 166; 168, 169, 182, 184, 266, 282; (and Kêng Sang Ch’u) 294; (and Nan Yung), 298; (and Poh Chü) 343; (and Yang Tzŭ Chü) 368; (death of) 36
Law, The, 133, 162; (men of), 318
Laws of Nature, 135
Lei T'ing, 237
Leopard, The, 228, 247
Leper, A, 62
Leviathan, The, 1, 3
Li, 237
Li to a mile, Three, 2
Li Chi, 27, 29
Li Chu, 104, 115
Li Hsü, 116
Li Lu, 116
Li tree, Sacred, 50
Liang, City of, 341
Liang State, The, 218
Liao, River, 93
Liberty, 36, 37
Lichen, 228
Lieh Tzŭ (his supernatural power) 4, (and the magician) 94, (and the skull) 227, (and the perfect man) 230, (and archery) 272, (declines food) 375; 423
Lien Shu, 6
Life (art of) 234; (and death) 203, 229, 291, 305; (a tumour) 84; (transitory) 209, 285
Light (personified) 289, (of Nature) 19
Likes and dislikes, 155, 156, 366
Like and the Unlike, The, 100, 117
Lin Chü, 259
Lin Hsia Chi, 387
Lin Hui, 253
Ling of Chou, Prince, 112
Ling of Wei, Prince, 49, 65, 250, 346
Lo Book, The, 174
Long life, 141
Love for the people, 314, 329
Lu Chü, 319
Lu State, The, 56, 113, 145, et alt. pass.
Lu T'ung, 7
Lun Yü, The, 382
Lung Fêng, 40, 112, 352
Lutes, The two, 319
Lü-liang, Cataract at, 238
Magic Circle, The, 400
Man (not a free agent) 145, (origin of) 228, (pre-eminent) 231
Mang-ts'ang, 2
Mankind, 133
Man Kou Tê, 397
Mantis, The praying, 49, 258
Mao Ch'iang, 27
Map-making, 270
Matter, 133
Measures, 114, 115
Mechanical, The, 147
Mên Wu Kuei, 152
Mên Yin Têng Hêng, 338
Mêng Sun Ts'ai, 85
Mêng Tzŭ Fan, 83
Mental criteria, 16
Mental equilibrium, 160
Metempsychosis, 32
Methusaleh, A Chinese, 3
Miao-ku-shê Mountain, 7, 8
Middle Kingdom, The, 202, 262, 269, 284
Mih Tzŭ, 17, 100, 116, 155, 292; (his works and doctrines) 440
Min Tzŭ, 65
Mind, The, (without body) 145, 211, 264, 333; (function of) 97, 360
Minister of War, 290
Mirror, The mind a, 97, (mankind a) 337
Modification, Physical and moral, 292
Monkeys, 20, 27, 145, 181, 255, 323
Monkey Mountain, The, 323
Moon, The, 29, 165, 173
Moses, Burial of, 435
Mosquitoes, 184, 366
Motes in sunbeam, 1
Mother-in-law and wife, 360
Mou of Chung-shan, Prince, 380
Mou of Wei, 214
Mou-jui, The, 228
Mourning, 162, 186
Mu of Ch'in, Duke, 309
Mud spirit. The, 237
Muh Wang, 207
Mulberry Grove, The, 33
Murder, Origin of, 296
Music and Ceremonial, 89, 100, 108, 115, 155, 162, 177, 195, 318, 440
Music of Heaven, 12, 13, 178
Mutilation, 35, 56, 59, 61, 320, 329
Mutton and Ants, 330
Names, 163
Nameless, The, 143
Nan Po Tzŭ K'uei, 78
Nan-yüeh, 248
Nan Yung Ch'u, 296
Nature, 189, 303; (habit second) 239
Natural, The, 102, 131, 144, 175, 210, 232, 309
Necessity, 310
Negative, Positive and, 120, 127, 266, 349
Negative quantity, The Sage a, 192
Neglect better than care, 74
Nest-builders, The, 391
Nincompoops, 330
Nightmare, 180
No-beginning, 288
No-Toes, 61
Non-existence, Domain of, 11
Nose, Scab on the, 321
Nothing, (as an existence) 23; (its success) 139, 143, 289
Nü Shang, 311
Nü Yü, 78
O Ho Kan, 287
Objective, The, 17, 18, 145
Obstinacy, 360
Office, Value of, 198, 434
Officials, 221
ONE, All things, 23, 73, 89, 128, 136, 143, 250, 278, 281, 303, 333, 336; (the Greater and Lesser) 450
One-legged men, 224, 309
Owl's sight, An, 207, 332
P'ang Huan, 237
Pao Chiao, 394, 401
Pao Yü, 322
Parasites, 330
Passions, 66, 311
Passivity, 97, 138, 165, 192, 266
Patriots, 208, 221
Peace, Men of, 318
Pearl in corpse's mouth, 355
Pecks and bushels, 114
P'ei, 368
Pei I, 140
Pei Jen Wu Tsê, 382
Pei Kung Shê, 250
Pei Men Ch'êng, 176
P'ei O, 237
P'êng Mêng, 445
P'êng Tsu, 3, 78
Penumbra and Umbra, 32, 367
Perfect ambition, honour, &c., 176
Perfect Man, The, 27, 97, 146, 151, 169, 183, 210, 231, 295, 301, 359
Perfect music, 177
Personality, Man's, 87
Physical life, 230
P'i I, 281
Pi Kan, 40, 112, 352, 395
Piao Shih, 255
Pien Ch'ing Tzŭ, 242
Pien Sui, 383
Pigs, 236, 286, 330
Pin, 371
Ping, 319
P'ing I, 77
Plains, Slopes and, 208
Ploughing, 342
Po Li Ch'i, 270, 309
Poh Ch'ang Ch'ien, 346
Poh Ch'êng Tzŭ Kao, 142
Poh Chü, 343
Poh Huang, 116
Poh Hun Wu Jen, 59, 272, 423
Poh I, 72, 103, 201, 384, 394
Poh Kung, 207
Poh Loh, 106
Politeness, Perfect, 307
Portal of God, 304
Positive and Negative, 120, 127 205, 266, 349
Precedence, 162
Predestination, 350
Predicables, Eight, 24
Prometheus, A Chinese, 196
Provident, The, 392
P'u I Tzŭ, 91
Pu Liang I, 79
Punishments, 124, 162
Pure Man, The, 69, 72, (a) 313
Purity, Absolute, 127
Purpose, Discard, 307
Quail, 4
Rain, 165, 173
Rarey, A Chinese, 106
Rat's liver, 82
Raven, Blackness of, 185
Record of Marvels, The, 1, 4
Red Lake, The, 139
Relations determinate, &c., 332
Relativity, (of Distance) 2, (of Time) 3
Repose, 127, 157, 158, 195
Reputation, 5, 360
Retired scholars, 197
Rewards and Punishments, 162
Rhinoceros, 214
Rice-pudding, Grains in a, 296
Riches, 141
Right and Wrong, 244, 306, 345, 366
Rings, Joined, 451
River God, 53, 200, 357
Rivers perennial, 332
Robber Chê, 103, 112, 120, 155, 387
Robbers v. Sages, 113
Robbery, Origin of, 296
Round Squareness, 25
Rukh, The, 1, 3
Rule of life, 84
Ruler, The Wise, 161
Rulers (of old) 344, (the Five) 186
Rustic, The sick, 299
Sacrifices, 6, 53, 305
Sacrificial caps, 8
Sage, The True, 146, 192, 326, 336
Sages a curse, 108, 113, 117, 125
Salve for chapped hands, 9
San Ching, 377
San-miao, 124
San-wei, 124
Sang Hu, 83, 253, 254
Scales and Steelyards, 114
Schemes, 317, 360
Scholars' robes, 269
Sciolist, The, 164
Sea-bird, Arrival of a, 226, 244
Sea-serpents, 214
Seasons, The, 162, 165, 348
Secret of existence, 280
Self, 5, 145
Senses, The, 20, 99, 100, 155, 311, 343
Sha-ch'iu, 346
Shadow, Afraid of his, 418
Shadow, Man and his, 332
San Chüan, 371, 404
Shan Pao, 235
Shang Mountain, 52
Shang-shên Rapid, The, 233
Shao Chih, 347
Shao Kuang, 78
Shê, Duke of, 45
Shên Nung, 116, 196, 226, 246, 287, 385
Shên T'u Chia, 59
Shên T'u Ti, 72, 394
Shên Yao, 443
Shih Ch'êng Chi, 168
Shih Chin, 179
Shih Ch'iu, 346
Shih-hu, 371
Shih K'uang, 22, 100, 104, 115
Shih-ling, 331
Shih-nan, 247, 325, 342
Shih Yü, 100, 116, 120, 155
Shou (Prince of Yüeh), 373
Shou-ling, The youth of, 216
Shou-yang, Mt., 103, 385
Shu, 98, 352
Shu Ch'i, 72, 384, 394
Shu Shan No-toes, 61
Shu Tan (Chou Kung), 384
Shun, The Emperor, 5 et alt. pass.
Sight, Sense of, (its failure) 139; 311, 359
Silence, Doctrine of, 56, 293, 325
Sincerity, Cultivation of, 316
Singing alongside a corpse, 83
Six Influences, The, 129, 174
Six Ranks, The, 399
Skull (Chuang Tzŭ and the) 224; (Lieh Tzŭ and the) 227
Sky, The, 173
Slopes and plains, 208
Smell, Sense of, 155, 360
Snake, The (moves without legs) 211; (its shoulders) 82
Snail, The, 340
Snow-goose, Whiteness of, 185
Society, 34
Sons, 141
Soot, Life as mere, 305
Sophistry, 117; (of Hui Tzŭ) 451
Sorrow, 199, 221, 293
Soul, The, 14, 37, 57
Soyer, A Chinese, 104
Space, 202, 304, 340
Speech, (Great) 13; (not mere breath) 16, 17, 22; (a surplus) 23; (like wind to wave) 47; (failure of) 139; (no room for) 264
Spirit of the Clouds, 129
Spirit„ of the„ Ocean, 200
Spirit„ of the„ River, 200
"Spring and Autumn," 24
Square and Compasses, 101, 263
Ssŭ-mi, The, 228
Standard of right, 306
Standards must be absolute, 436
Stars, The, 167
Stealing purses, 114; (States) 114
Stickleback, Chuang Tzŭ and the, 353
Stoat, The, 313
Stone-mason's skill, A, 321
Straight-browed people, The, 150
Straw dog, The, 179
Strength of no avail, 139
Stupidity, 360
Su, Hunchback, 55
Subjective, The, 17, 18, 305, 306, 364
Success, Causes of, 432
Sui Jen, 196, 226
Summum bonum, The, 155
Sun and Moon, 29, 165, 167, 173, 243
Sun Hsiu, 242
Sun Hsiu Ao, 273, 325
Sung Hsing, 443
Sung State, The, 8, 9, 53
Supreme Void, The, 289
Swallow, Wisdom of the, 257
Swords, Forging, 290; (the Three), 410
Ta-lü, 100
Ta T'ao, 346
Ta T'ing, 116
T'ai, Mt., 3, 77, 103
Tai Chin Jen, 340
T'ai Huang, 91
T'ai Kung Tiao, 347
T'ai Wang Shan Fu, 371
Talkers, 327
Tan-hsüeh, 373
T'ang, The Emperor, 3, 207, 215, 292, 309, 361, 383
Tao, 16; (axis of ) 18, 24; (perfect) 25; (gives form) 75, 76, 79; (man born in) 85; (in everything) 112; (in abstraction) 127; (of God and man) 134, 135, 137, 138, 157, 163, 167; (capacity of) 169, 182, 197; (eternal) 209; (how to reach) 277, 281; (is everywhere) 285, 288, 303, 316 (and Tê) 326; (functions of) 438; (and fatalism) 446
T'ai Hsi Ching, The, 70
Tao-Tê-Ching, The, 19, 34, 56, 71, 111, 115, 122, 125, 136, 143, 170, 172, 179, 205, 231, 243, 275, 277, 278, 300, 369, 448
Tapir, The, 6
Taste, Sense of, 155
Tê (see Virtue), 45
Teeth cold, 113
Tell, A Chinese, 60, 255
Têng Ling, 442
Thieves, 110, 169
Thieving, Art of, 112
Things, 231
Thoroughness, 342
Thought, 170
Three in the Morning, 20
Three Dynasties, 101, 118, 120
Three Princes, 124, 132, 186, 202
Tiao-ling, 258
T'ien Ch'êng Tzŭ, or T'ien Ho 111, 324
T'ien K'ai Chih, 234
T'ien Kên, 93
T'ien P'ien, 443
Tigers, 174, 214, 263
Time, 189, 202, 291, 304
Tit, The, 6
Toes, 305, 306
Tongue, A three-foot, 326
Topsy-turvydom, 199
Tortoise, 3, 357; (ChuangTzŭ and the) 217
Translation (as of Enoch), 230
Travelling, 180
Trees Useless, 10, 51, 52, 245
Tripe, 305
Tsang, Old man of, 271
Tsang, Shepherd, 103
Ts'ang-wu, 354
Ts'ao Shang, 428
Tsê Yang, 335
Tsêng Shên, 100, 116, 120, 155, 352, 366
Tsêng Tzŭ, 378
Ts'ui Chü, 123
Tsun Lu, 116
Tsung, Mt., 124
Tsungs, The, 26
Ts'ung-chih, 40
Tung Kuo Shun Tzŭ, 261
Tung Kuo Tzŭ, 285
Tung Kuo Tzŭ Chi, 366
Tung-t'ing, 176, 227
Tung Yeh Chi, 241
Turtle of eastern sea, 215,296, 335
Tzŭ Ch'an, 59
Tzŭ Chang, 397
Tzŭ Ch'i, 12, 52, 324, 327
Tzŭ Ch'in Chang, 83
Tzŭ Chou Chih Fu, 370
Tzŭ Chou Chih Poh, 370
Tzŭ Hsü or Wu Yüan, 112, 221, 352, 401
Tzŭ Hua Tzŭ, 373
Tzŭ Kao, 45
Tzŭ Kung, 83, 147, 185, 225, 378, 381, 388, 413
Tzŭ Lai, 81
Tzŭ Lao, 342
Tzŭ Li, 81
Tzŭ Lu, 165, 231, 263, 342, 381; (death of) 393; 413
Tzŭ Sang, 90
Tzŭ Sang Hu, 83, 253, 254
Tzŭ Ssŭ, 80
Tzŭ Yang of Chêng, 375
Tzŭ Yü, 80, 90
Ugliness, 260
Umbra and Penumbra, 32, 367
Uncanny events, 328
Unconditioned, The, 158, 209, 307
Uniformity (of results), 186, 132, 227, 331
Universe, The, 19, 29, 161, 167, 279, 290
Universal Love, 167
Untrodden ground, 333
Useful and Useless, The, 11, 306, 358
Usurpers, 208
Valetudinarianism, 191
Vengeance not extended against things, 232
Violence, 340
Virtue (Tê), 45, 133, 143, 151, 176, 185, 252, 277, 308, 326, 360
Virtue, Man of Perfect, 210
Vision (Eye and) 333; (perfection of) 104, 139
Vital Principle, The, 129
Wa Lung, 237
Walrus, The, 211
Wang Hsiang, 237
Wang I, 26, 91, 140
Wang Kuo, 335
Wang T'ai, 56
Wang Tzŭ, 395
Wang Tzŭ Ch'ing Chi, 250
War, 315, 318
Wasps, 297
Water, (Fluidity of) 268; (to men and fishes) 227
Water-level, The, 64, 157
Wealth, 221; (value of) 403; (evil of) 405
Weasel, The, 313
Weeding plants, 360
Weeping, 162; (without snivelling) 85
Wei, Prince of, 9, 38, 254, 338
Wei, Prince Wu of, 311
Wei, The State of, 38, 49
Wei of Ch'i, Prince, 338
Wei of Chou, Duke, 234
Wei I, The, 237
Wei-lei Mountains, 294
Wei Shêng, 395, 401
Weights and measures a curse, 114
Well-sweep, A, 147, 181
Wên of Wei, Prince, 261
Wên Chung, 332
Wên Po Hsüeh Tzŭ, 262
Wên Wang, 273
Wên Wang of Chao, 407
Wheel of Existence, The, 228
Wheelwright, The, 171
Whole made up of parts, 347
Wife, Mother-in-law and, 360
Wigs, 152
Wind, 173, 211, 332
Wine, Thin, 113
Winnowing, Chaff from, 184
Wisdom a curse, 115, 121, 125, 188
Wisdom-tricks, 111
Without-end, 288
Wolves, 174
Words, 170, 171
Wu, Prince of, 9, 323
Wu Chuang, 88
Wu Ch'un, Hunchback, 65
Wu Han Chao, 173
Wu Kuang, 72, 361, 383
Wu Lai, 352
Wu Ting, 78
Wu-tsu, 228
Wu Tzŭ Hsü, 395
Wu Wang, 152, 207, 292, 384
Wu Yoh, 400
Wu Yüan, 112, 221, 352, 401
Yak, The, 10
Yang-ch'i, The, 228
Yang Chu, 100, 116, 155, 259, 318
Yang Hu, 214
Yang Tzŭ Chü, 93, 368, 369
Yao, The Emperor, 5, et alt. pass.
Yeh Ch'üeh, 26, 91, 140, 281, 329
Yellow Emperor, The, 28, 77, 123, 125, 139, 176, 196, 224, 246, 274, 277, 292, 316
Yellow Spring, The, 358
Yen Gate, The, 361
Yen State, The, 329
Yen Ch'êng Tzŭ Yu, 12, 324, 366, 441
Yen-ch'i, 410
Yen Ho, 48, 241, 374, 429
Yen Hui or Yen Yüan, 38, 85, 179, 225, 233, 256, 264, 272, 291, 379, 381, 388
Yen Kang Tiao, 287
Yen Pu I, 324
Yi, 60, 255, 308, 309, 319
Yi Yang, 237
Yin, Mountain, 93
Yin and Yang, The, 82, 120, 126, 177, 192, 201, 280
Yin-li, 394
Yin Wên, 443
Ying, 451
Ying, A man of, 321
Ying-yang, 382
Yü, The Great, 16, 142, 152, 215, 254
Yü Ch'iang, 78
Yü Ch'ieh, 357
Yü Erh, 104
Yu-hu, 40
Yu island, 124
Yu Piao, 179
Yüan of Sung, Prince, 270, 321
Yüan Fêng, 150
Yüan Hsien, 378
Yüeh State, The, 8, 9, 16, 313, 451
Yung Ch'êng, 116
Yung Ch'êng Shih, 338
Yung, The philosopher, 4