Page 1, line 3 (from bottom), insert comma after "sunbeam."
Page„ 49, line 2, Prince Ling is the same individual as the Duke Ling of pp. 65, 250, 346.
- [All such terms are, of course, arbitrary, being used merely as convenient equivalents of the Chinese titles in the text.]
Page„ 60, line„ 13, For "Hou I" read "Hou Yi." [This for the sake of uniformity. See pp. 255, 308, &c.]
Page„ 65, line„ 16, For "too short" read "too scraggy."
Page„ 65, line„ 20, For "too thin" read "too scraggy."
Page„ 72, line„ 4, For "Chi Tzŭ Hsü Yü" read "Chi Tzŭ, Hsü Yü.'
Page„ 170, line„ 3 (from bottom), After "Duke Huan." omit the full stop.
Page„ 228, line„ 14, For "glow-worm" read "fire-fly."
Page„ 230, line„ 22, For "to the minister" read "to be the minister."
Page„ 262, line„ 22, For "Wên Po" read "Wên Poh."
Page„ 270, line„ 6, For "Po Li Ch'i" read "Poh Li Ch'i."
Page„ 272, line„ 3 (from bottom), For "Po Hun" read "Poh Hun."
Page„ 309, line„ 12 For "Duke Mu" read "Duke Muh."
Page„ 309, line„ 12 For "Po Li Ch'i" read "Poh Li Ch'i."
Page„ 314, last line, "Love for the people," &c. Compare p. 329, lines 17 and 18, "There is no difficulty," &c. The conflict between the meanings of these two passages has not been pointed out. The first passage is rendered by some commentators, "Not to be able to love the people is the," &c. Neither rendering is quite satisfactory; for reasons which would require quotations from the Chinese text.
Page„ 324, lines 15 and 26, For "Tzŭ Chi" read "Tzŭ Ch'i."
Page„ 327, lines„18 and 28, For "Tzŭ Chi" read "Tzŭ Ch'i."
Page„ 328, line 7, For "Tzŭ Chi" read" Tzŭ Ch'i."
Page„ 346, line„ 5, After "Duke Ling," add "of Wei."
Page„ 371, line„ 17, For "Shih Hu" read "Shih-hu."
Page„ 373, line„ 3, For "Tan Hsüeh" read "Tan-hsüeh."
Page„ 394, line„ 8, For "Yin Li" read "Yin-li."
- [These last three corrections mean that I have written names of places with a hyphen between the transliteration of the component Chinese characters, the names of men with a capital letter to the transliteration of each of the Chinese characters which go to make up the surname and personal name.]