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Treated of in three Books.
The first containing the use of an Ephemeris,
the erecting of a Scheam of Heaven; nature of
the twelve Signes of the Zodiack, of the
Planets; with a most easie Introduction
to the whole Art of Astrology.
The second, by a most Methodicall way Instructeth
the Student how to Judge or Resolve all manner of Que-
stions contingent unto Man, viz. of Health, Sick-
ness, Riches, Marriage, Preferment, Journies, &c.
Severall Questions inferred and Judged.
The third, containes an exact Method, whereby to
Judge upon Nativities; severall ways how to rectifie
them; How to judge the generall fate of the Native by the
twelve Houses of Heaven, according to the naturall
influence of the Stars; How his particular
and Annuall Accidents, by the Art of Di-
rection, and its exact measure of Time
by Profections, Revolutions, Transits.
A Nativity judged by the Me-
thod preceding.
The second Edition Corrected, and Amended.
By William Lilly Student in Astrology.
Omne meum nil meum. Nihil dictum, quod non dictum prius.
Printed by John Macock. 1659.
To The Student In ASTROLOGY
My friend, whoever thou art, that with so much ease shalt receive the benefit of my hard studies, and doth intend to proceed in this heavenly knowledge of the stars, wherein the great and admirable works of the invisible and alglorious God are so manifestly apparent. In the first place, consider and admire thy Creator, and be thankful unto him, be thou humble, and let no natural knowledge, how profound and transcendent soever it be, elate thy minde to neglect that divine Providence, by whose all-seeing order and appointment, all things heavenly and earthly, have their constant motion, but the more thy knowledge is enlarged, the more do thou magnifie the power and wisdom of Almighty God, and strive to preseve thy self in his favour; being confident, the more holy thou art; and more neer to God, the purer Judgment thou shalt give. Beware of pride and self-conceit, and remember how that long ago, no irrational Creature obey him, so long as he was Master of his own Reason and Passions, or until he subjected his Will to the unreasonable part. But alas! when iniquity abounded, and man gave the reins to his own affection, and deserted reason, then every Beast, Creature and outward harmful thing, became rebellious and unserviceable to his command. Stand fast, oh man! to thy God, and assured Principles, then consider thy own nobleness, how all created things, both present and to come, were for thy sake created; nay, for thy sake God became Man: thou art that Creature, who being conversant with Christ, liveth and reignest above the heavens, and sits above all power and authority. How many Pre-eminences, Priviledges, Advantages hath God bestowed on thee? thou rangest above the heavens by Contemplation, conceivest the motion and magnitude of the stars; thou talkest with Angels, yea with God himself; thou has all Creatures within thy Dominion, and keepest the Devils in subjection: Do not then, for shame, deface thy Nature, or make thy self unworthy of such Gifts, or deprive thy self of that great Power, Glory and Blessedness God hath alotted thee, by casting from thee his fear, for possession of a few imperfect pleasures. Having considered thy God, and what thy self art, during they being Gods servant; now receive instruction how in thy practice I would have thee carry thy self. As thou daily conversest with the heavens, so instruct and form thy minde according to the image of Divinity; learn all the ornaments of Vertue, be sufficiently instructed therein; be humane, curteous, familiar to all, easie of access, afflict not the Miserable with terror of a harsh Judgment; in such cases, let them know their hard fate by degrees; direct them to call on God to divert his Judgments impending over them; be modest, conversant with the Learned, Civil, Sober man, covet not an cilate; give freely to the poor, both money and judgment: let no worldly wealth procure an Erroneous Judgment from thee, or such as may dishonour the Art, or this divine Science: Love good men, cherish those honest men that cordially Study this Art: Be sparing in delivering Judgment against the Common-wealth thou livest in. Give not judgment of the death of thy Prince; yet I know experimentally, that Reges Subjucent Legibus Stellarum marry a wife of thy own; rejoyce in the number of they friends, avoid law and controversie: in they Study, be Totus in Illis that thou maist be Singulus in Art; be not extravagant or desrious to learn every Science, be not Aliquid in Omnibus; be faithful, tenacious, betray on ones secrets, no no I charge thee never divulge either friend or enemies trust committed to thy faith. Instruct all men to Live well, be a good example thy self, avoid the fashion of the times, love thy own Native Country: exprobate no man, no not an enemy: be not dismayed, if ill spoken of, Conscientia Mille Testes; God suffers no sin unpunished, no lye unrevenged.
To The Reader
I have oft in my former Works hinted the many fears I had of that danger I was naturally like to be in the year 1647, as any may read, either in my Epistle before the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, printed 1644. Or in page therof 108 as in the Epistle of Aglicus 1645, where you shall finde these words: I have run over more days then sixteen thousand five hundred fifty and nine, before I am sixteen thousand four hundred twenty two days old, I shall be in great hazard of my life, but that year which afflicts me will stagger a Monarch and Kingdom, &c.. What concerns my self, hath almost in full measure proved true, in 1647. Having in this untoward year been molested with palpitation of the Heart, with Hypoconary melancholy, a disaffected Spleen, the Scurvy, etc. and now at this present viz. August 1647, when I had almost concluded this Treatise, I am shut up of the Plague, having the 4th of August buried one Servant thereof, and on the 28. Of the same moneth another, my self and remainder of my Family enforces to leave my present seat, and betake myself to change of ayre; so that if either my present Epistles, or the latter part of the Book it felt be anything defective, as well they may, being written when my family and self were in such abundent sorrow and perplexity; I desire the Reader to be civill, as to pass over those slight imperfections (if any be) with a candid censure.
I thank Almighty God, who hath prolonged my life this present, and hath, been so gracious unto me as to spare me a long whereby have been enabled now at length to perfect my introduction so oft by me promised, so earnestly desired by many well-wishers unto this learning.
The latter part of my predictions concerning Monarchy,is now upon the stage and the eyes of millions attending what shall become of it: let me leave the event hereof unto God, who is hastening to require a strict account of some people entrusted in the Kingdomes affairs; fiat Justicia; vivat Rex; floreat Parlimentum.
The Citizens of London make small reckoning of Astrology; there are in one of those Epistles of mine, words significant, and of which time will make them sensible (that they were not wrote in vain but now too late, actum est. To the work in hand,viz.. the book ensuing, which is divided into three Treatises, the first whereof doth with much facility, and after a new method, instruct the Student how to begin his work, viz., viz, it teacheth him the use of an Ephemeris, of the Table of Houses, &c. it aquaints him how to erect a figure of heaven, how therein to place the Planets, how to rectifie their motions to the hour of his Figure; it unfolds the nature of the Houses, of the Planets, of the Signs of the Zodiack, their division, and subdivision, their severall properties, terms of Art, and whatever else is fit for Learner to know before he enter upon judgment; unto whom and everyone that will be studious this way, I give these cautions.
First, that he be very exact in knowing the use of his Ephemeris, and in setting a Scheam of Heaven for all the house of the day or night, and in reducing the motions of the Planets to the hour thereof when need requireth, and to know their characters distinctly and readily.
Secondly, I would have the Student very perfect in knowing the nature of the Houses, that he may the better discover from what house to require judgment upon the question propounded, left for want of true understanding he mistake one thing for another.
Thirdly, I would have him ready in, and well to understand the Debilities and Fortitudes of every Planet, both Essentiall and Accidentall.
Fourthly, he must be well versed in discovering the Nature of the Significator, what he signifies naturally, what accidentally, and how to vary signification, as necessity shall require. Fifthly, let him well understand the nature of the Signs, their properties and qualities, and what form, shape and conclusions they give of themselves naturally, and what by the personall existence of a Planet in any of them.
Sixthly, that he be ready in the, shape and description which every Planet designes, and how to vary their shape as they are posited in Sign and house, or aspected of the MOON or any other Planet.
Seventhly, he must of t read the termes of Art, and have them fresh in his memory, and especially the twentieth and one and twentieth Chapters of the first Book. If God Almighty shall preserve my life, I may therefore adde many things, and much light unto this Art, and therefore I desire the Students herein, that If they meet with any extraordinary casualty in their practice, they would communicate it unto me. I have with all uprightness and sincerity of heart, plainly and honestly delivered the Art, and have omitted nothing willingly, which I esteemed convenient or fit, or what might any thing assist the young Students herein; I have refused the Methods of all former Authors, and framed this DE NOVO, which I have ever found so easie and successful, that as yet I never undertook the instruction of any, whom I have not abundantly satisfied, and made very capable of the Art, in less time than any could expect; for although I am not yet six and forty years of age compleat, and have studied this Science but since 1632. and have lived six years since that in the Country, yet I know I have made more Schollers in this Profession, than all that professe this Art in England. It remalnes, that I give every Author his due, and deale plainly, unto which of them I am engaged for such matter as they have assisted me with in the Introductory part: verily the Method is my own, it’s no translation; yet I have conferred my own notes with Darion, Bonatus, Ptolomey, Haly, Etzler, Dietericus, Naibod, Hasfurtus, Zael, Tanstettor, Agrippa, Ferriers, Duret, Maginius, Origanus, Argol.
The second part of this Treatise judging of horary Questions, is very large, and far
beyond my first intentions, hath exceeded its just proportion: In building this Work I advised
with Bonatus, Haly, Dariot, Leupoldus, Pontarius, Avenezra,
Zael: I examined the Manuscripts of Ancient and Reverend Professors in this Art, who
lived more remote from these corrupt Times, (for unto the vulgar Professors now residing in
this City, am I noways engaged;) and though it was not small trouble unto me, to see the
discrepency of judgment amongst
them and the more ancient printed Authors, yet I have with some trouble reconciled their disagreements, and reformed and corrected what might have led the Reader into an errour: for indeed the Writings of our Fore—fathers in the Language they did deliver their minds in, was sound and solid, but the simplicity of such as undertook their translations was much and did beget mistakes, whilest they endeavouring to translate the Authors into Latin, or any other Language they thought fit; did not understand the Art or the Termes thereof; so that of those their Labours; they rendered an ill accompt unto Posterity, as any may see in the translation of that we call the ‘Judicium’ in Novem Judiclis.,&c. and In other pieces of Alkindus, one whereof lately a learned Gentleman gave me, guilty of the same deficiency In the translation. In this second Book I have omitted nothing which I could devise to be helpful, and if my own may of judicature please any, it being somewhat different from that of the Ancients, he may in many Chapters make use of it. I have illustrated every house with one or more figures, and therein shewed the method of judgment, which I held very convenient for Learners, it being my whole intention to advance this Art, and make even a slender wit capable hereof. You may in the third Book behold the entire Art of Nativities, I have made it plain and significant: part of the Method, and much of the matter I had from Leovitius, who was the first that methodized the Art of Nativities, before his time extremealy defective in that point; where he was not copious, I supplyed my self, or enlarged from Origanus; Junctine, Pezelius, Naibod, Cardan, Garceus, Schonerus, Albubatur, Montulmo, Judeus, Ptolomey, Lindhold: Perhaps some will accuse me for dissenting from Ptolomey; I confesse I have done so, and that I am not the first, or shall I have done so, be the last; for I an more led by reason and experience, then by the single authority of any one man, &c. I have inserted many judgments of my own, I could have added many more: but who am I? being all errour, that I could have contradict the sayings of so many wise men, whose learnings and pains I so much esteem and reverence. Little did I think this Work of Nativities would have swollen to so great a bulk; I assure you it exceeds my first intentions: the pains however hath been mine, and notwithstanding the importunities of some, and they not a few, who desired I should not deliver the Art in so plain and easie a method; yet I professe, their words rather invited me to discover all I knew, then to conceale one sillable material.
Had I respected my own private lucre, I need not have wrote at all; who could have compelled me? my own fortune is competent: but this thing we call the publick good, was ever, and shall be my maxime to guide me in such like actions: how shall I myself expect truth in any Author, if I myself, being an Author, play the knave in the same kind: Quod non vis tibi, ne facias alteri.
This Art of Astrology hath many more parts in it then at this present time I have handled, or indeed as yet have liesure to do; yet I know l.t will be expected I should have wrote of Elections, of the Effects of the greater and lesser Conjunctions of the Planets, of Eclipses, Comets, prodigious Apparitions, the variation and inclination of the Weather, Degeneralibus Accidentibus Mundi, and by the ingresse of the Sun into Aries, of every years particular Fate, of Monethly Observations, &c. Verily such things as these may justly be required at my hands; for unto God be the glory, they are all in a large measure known unto me, and I can perform them all, blessed be his name therefore: But as for Elections, me thinks he can be no ingenious Astrologian, that having studied or well entred into this my book shall not be able (ad libitum) to frame his own Figure of Elections, let the quere be what It will.
He that shall read my Discourse upon the Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, may make himself capable to write of the Major and Minor Conjunctions; I had no president for that, but wrought it out of the fire, at what time I had great leasure. I do write Annually of Eclipses, as they happen in the year, of prodigious Appearances twice I have Astrologically wrote, both times to good purpose, so did never any before that I read of.
Of Commets I have had no occasion as yet, but somewhat I began in that Tract of the
Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, wherein I a little treated of the Commet in 1618. Posterity
may know by that little, what Method I hold fittest to be followed, in that kind of judgment. Of
Weather, the knowledge thereof is so vulgar, yet withall the true Key so different, it requires a
longtime of experience; and besides, Master Booker
hath promised to undertake that burthen; and indeed, he is onely able of all the English Nation I know to perform it: I have great hopes of Master Vincent Wing, but he is yet more Mathematicall then Astrologicall; there may be many private men of great judgment therein, but its my unhappinesse I know them not.
Annuall and Monthly Judgments I have not yet digested into a Method, I hope to live
and perform it; I am the first of men that ever adventured upon Monthely Observations in such
plain language, yet it is my harty desire to communicate hereafter what ever I know unto
Posterity. Having been of late traduced by some halfwitted fools, I deliver myself to Posterity
who I am, and of what profession; I was born at Diseworth in Leicestershire May 1602. in an
obscure Village, and bred a Grammer Scholler at Ashby, and intended for Cambridge, &c. 1618
and 1619: my Father decayed his Estate so much, that he was not capable of sending me thither;
those two years I lived in some penury and discontent; in 1620. an Atturney sent me up unto
London to wait on a Gentleman, one Gilbert Wright, who lived and dyed In the House I now live
In; he never was of any profession, but had sometimes attended the Lord Chancellour Egerton,
and then lived privately. 1624, his wife dyed of a Cancer In her left brest, 1625. I lived in London
where I now do, during all that great sicknesse, God be praised I had it not. February 1626, my
Master married again, he dyed May 22, 1627, having before settled twenty pounds per annum of
me during my life, which to this day I thank God I enjoy; nor did I ever live so freely as when I
was his servant. Ere the year 1627, was quite run out, my Mistris was pleased to accept of me for
her husband. During some years of her life I passed my time privately and with much obscurity,
yet we lived exceeding loving together; but In 1632, I was strangely affected to Astrology, and
desirous to Study it, onely to see if there were any verity in it, there being at that time some
Impostors, that set out Bils publiquely what they could do. I met with a Master I confesse, but
such a one, as of all was the verriest Knave: This gave me small encouragement; after six
weeks I cast him off, nor to this day do we converse together. I was then forced to study hard, for
rather then to intangle
myself with another coxcombe, I was resolved to lay all aside; but by diligence and hard study, and many times conference with some as ignorant as myself, I at last became capable of knowing truth from falshood, and perceived the vulgar Astrologer that meerly lived of the Art, was a Knave.
In September 1633, my wife dyed, not knowing anyone in the world that had affinity unto her; she left me a competent fortune; and this I shall aquaint Posterity with, that having some Lands to dispose of, rather then she would suffer me to be at twenty Nobles charges to convey It unto me, she gave me the whole money, and sold it for 200 pounds.
In November 1634, I married again. In 1635, I was oppressed with the
Hypocondryack Melancholly so sorely, that I was enforced to leave London, and removed into Surrey 1636, where until September 1641, I lived amongst such whom I may name the most rurall of all men living. I then came for London, staggering In my judgment in point of Churchgovernment; and knowing that it Is necessary, I ever loved Monarchy, but still thought without a Parliment preserved in their just rights, it would vanish to nothing. I was nothing known then, or taken notice of by any; time produced me acquaintance, and amongst these a good Lady in 1643, about February, desired I would give judgment upon a most noble Gentlemans Urine a Councellor at Law, who then was not well; I consented, the Urine was brought, my judgment returned; I visited him, whom I no sooner beheld, but I knew there was aboundance of gallantry in the man; for indeed he is all Gentleman and a friend in very great earnest; my visit of him was the happiest day I ever saw in my whole life; for by his alone generosity and countenance, I am what I am, and Astrology is in despight of her enemies restored, and must call him her Restaurator.
Being by his goodness admitted to visit him, I presented him with a small Manuscript of my Astrologicall Judgment of the yeer 1644, wherein I was free in delivering my opinion modestly of that yeers affaires: it pleased him to communicate it, copies were obtained and dispersed; so that by his alone commendation of that poor Manuscript unto his private friends, this noble Art at first had respect amongst our Worthies in the Parliment; since which time, the Judicious of the whole Kingdom had it in a better esteem; therefore let his name live unto Posterity In an honorable esteem, that upon so slender acquaintance with the Author, with the Art, hath been so advantagious unto both.
The Errataes perhaps are many, I desire the Student to correct them before he enter upon the Discourse; I wish they were lesse; but in a work of this nature, it’s Impossible. All the Curtesies which either the Authors precedent to this Age, or at present living, have afforded me, I verily believe I have mentioned: I am heartily sorry if I have committed any errours, or ommitted any corrections.
Corner house over against
Strand—bridge, August
21, 1647.
To his honored Friend the AUTHOR.
What ! Persian, Caldee, Arabick, the Greek,
Latin Astrologers, all taught to speak
In English ! Trismegiscus, Hercules,
Pythagoras, Thales, Archimedes,
Great Ptolomy, and Julius Firmicus,
Albumazar, and Albategnius,
Hali, Bonatus, our own Eschuidus,
And Iohn de Regiomonte, Ganivetus,
Risse, Leovitius, Michael Nostradame,
Cardan, and Nabod, Ticho, men of fame;
All these, and more, are dead, all learned Men;
Were they alive, they might come learn again.
But are they dead? Behold Astrology,
Now Pha’nix like, reviv’d again in thee I
Questions resolv’d, Nativities, Directions,
Transites, with Revolutions and Protections;
Saturn must lay his sullen prankes aside,
And Mars his madness, lest he be decride;
Venus her lusts; his thefts must Mercury;
Sol his ambition; Love his jollity:
Luna her fickle and unconstant motion,
Is now notorious to each vulgar notion.
Aske what you will, Would you resolved be?
Observe your time, learn your Nativity:
Were Picus, Chambers, Perkins, Melton, Geree,
Vicars, to write again, all men would jeer yee.
You durst not let us know when you were born,
Your ignorance Is brought to publick scorn:
Our Latin Lilly is for Boyes are young;
Our English Lilly is for Men more strong.
The Sybils Books were burnt, they are all gone;
I will preserve my choyce, This is that one:
Be you for or against, or will ye, nill ye;
I’m for the Art, and th’ Author William Lilly.
John Booker.
Behold Urania with a Lilly deckt,
Presents her self to Englands gracious view.
Let Envies square, or opposite aspect
Not dare at her a frowning look to shew;
Let it be said, for such ungratefull scornes,
A Lilly late hath sprung among the thornes.
W onder you may ! the volumes of the Skye
I n our own Characters you here decry.
L una and Hermes, Venus and the great
L ight of the World, and Mars in English treat
I ove and old Saturn; they their influence send;
A nd their Conjunctions in our Tongue are penn’d
M ay not Apollo then, the sacred Bayes
L et fall upon his head, who casts their Rayes
I nto the language of our Albion quill?
L oe! he hath taught great Ptolom’s secret skill.
L earning, that once in brazen piles did stand,
Y ou now may see is Printed in our Land.
R. L. in Med. Studens & Philo—Mathemat.
Not to commend the Author, ‘tis the least
Of all my thoughts, this Work will do it best;
Nor yet to vex the prying Readers fence
With bumbast words instead of Eloquence,
Do I crowd in these rude unpolisht lines:
But rather to inform the giddy times
How much they are his Debtors; what they owe
To him, whose Labours freely doth bestow
On them his Art, his paines, his poercing sight,
His lampe of life, to give their darknese light.
‘Tis now a crime, and quite grown out of fashion,
T’incourage Art amongst the English Nation.
Tell them of it, or Natures mysteries,
Tush, cry they: Ignorance they idolize.
The glorious Stars, they think God doth not use them
To do his will: Lord ! how do men abuse them?
Nor will allow the Planets to fulfill
(As instruments) Gods high decree or will.
Nay, some there are, though letter wise, they can
Not yet beleeve that all was made for Man.
Barke black—mouth’d Envy; carpe at what’s well done,
This Book shall be my choyce companion.
The Author’s God, Composer and the Setter
Of all his works, and therein every letter.
Heaven is his Book; the Stars both great and small
Are letters Nonperill and Capitall
Disperst throughout; therein our learnings dull,
In this thy Work it is compleat and full:
Could man compose or set Heavens letters right
He would, like Printing, bring to publick sight
All what was done, nay what was thought upon;
For by this way, I see it may be done.
I. P.
The First Book.
Page #
25 . . . . . . . . . The number of Planets, Signes, Aspects, with their severall names and characters.
27 . . . . . . . . . Of the use of the Ephemeris.
30 . . . . . . . . . The right hand page of the Ephemeris unfolded.
33 . . . . . . . . . How to erect a figure of Heaven by the Ephemeris and Table of Houses aforesaid.
42 . . . . . . . . . Of the daily motion of the Planets, and how to reduce their motion to any hour of the day, and to the Meridian or London.
44 . . . . . . . . . How to finde the quantity of the hourly motion of any Planet by the Table following.
47 . . . . . . . . . Of the twelve houses of Heaven, and some names or termes of Astrologie.
50 . . . . . . . . . Of the twelve houses of heaven their nature and
57 . . . . . . . . . Of the Planet Saturn, and his significations.
61 . . . . . . . . . Of the Planet Jupiter, and his significations.
65 . . . . . . . . . Of the Planet Mars, and his severall significations.
69 . . . . . . . . . Of the Sun, his generall and particular significations.
72 . . . . . . . . . Of the Planet Venus, and her severall significations and nature.
76. . . . . . . . . Of Mercury, his significations, nature and property.
80 . . . . . . . . . Of the Moon, her properties and significations,
84 . . . . . . . . .Another brief description of the shapes and formes of the Planets.
86 . . . . . . . . . Of the twelve Signes of the Zodiack and their manifold divisions. 93 . . . . . . . . .The Nature, Place, Countries, generall description and Diseases signified by the twelve houses.
100 . . . . . . . . . Teaching what use may be made of the former discourse of the twelve Signes.
101 . . . . . . . . .Of Essentiall Dignities of the Planets.
104 . . . . . . . . . A Table of the Essentiall Dignities of the Planets.
105. . . . . . . . . Of severall Termes, Aspects, words of Art, Accidents belonging to the Planets, with other necessary rules.
108. . . . . . . . . A Table of the aspects of the Signes amongst one another.
115. . . . . . . . . A ready Table whereby to examine the Fortitudes and Debilities of the Planets.
116. . . . . . . . . A Table shewing the masculine and feminine degrees of every Sign.
119 . . . . . . . . . A Table shewing what members in mans body every Planet signifieth in any of the twelve Signes.
121 . . . . . . . . . Considerations before judgment.
123 . . . . . . . . . What Significator, Querent and Quesited are: An Introduction to judgment.
124 . . . . . . . . . To know whether a thing demanded will come to passe yea or not.
Questions concerning the First House.
Page #
129.......If the Querent is likely to live long yea or not. Signes of health or long life.
130.......The time when any accident shall happen.
132. To what part of heaven it’s best the Querent direct his affai res.
134.......What part of his life is like to be best.
135.......An Astrologicall figure judging the former Demands.
143. .Of the Part of Fortune, and how to take It either by day or night.
145.......How to examine its fortitudes.
147.......If one shall finde the party at home one would speak w I th.
148.......Of a thing suddenly happening, whether It signifie good or ill.
What marke, mole or scar the Querent hath.
151.......Whether one absent be dead or alive.
152...... ..An Astrologicall figure explaining the aforesaid demands.
153.......A Woman whether her Son were with his Master or not.
157.......Of a Ship at Sea, her safety or destruction.
162.......Example of a ship at sea upon a figure judged.
165.......Example of another ship.
166.......The time of receiving any Question.
Judgments concerning the Second House.
viz of Riches.
167.......Whether the Querent shall be rich.
168 By what means attain Riches.
172.......The reason or cause why the Querent may not attain a fortune.
173.......If the Querent shall obtain the substance he hath lent.
174.......If one shall acquire his wages or suspend owing him.
175.......Of the time when the accidents treated of may happen.
177.......A Figure resolving the doubts and demands aforesaid.
184.......Of that Planet or Planets Impediting the effecting or performance of what is demanded in every Question.
186.......If the Querent shall continue rich.
Of the Third House. Viz of Brethren. Sisters.
Kindred. Short Journeys.
Page #
188.......If the Querent and his brother, Neighbor or sister shall agree.
189....... Of a Brother that is absent.
192.......Of Reports, Intelligence or Fears, If true or false, or signifie good or evil.
193.......If Rumours be true or false.
194.......Of councell or advice, whether good or evil.
195.......Whether the Querent have brethern of sisters. Of a short journey, if good to go; which way.
196....... .An Astrologicall figure of an absent brother.
200.......If Cambridge was taken or no.
Of the Fourth house. viz. gf Parents. Lands.
Tenements. Cities. Townes.
202.......To find a thing hid or mislaid.
203.......What part of the house or ground.
204.......Of buying and selling Lands, Houses, Farmes, &c.
205.......Of the goodnesse or badnesse of the Land or House.
206.......Quality of the ground.
Tenants good or ill.
If wood on the ground.
208.......If good to hire or take the Farm or house desired.
210.......If the Querent shall enjoy the Estate of his Father.
212.......If good to remove from one house to another.
214.......Of turning the course of Rivers, &c.
215.......Of Treasure hid in the ground.
217.......If the Querent shall obtain it.
219.......If the Author should purchase some Houses, an Astrological Figure thereof.
Of the Fifth House. and its Questions.
222.......If one shall have children.
223.......If a woman ask whether she may conceive.
224.......Whether the Querent shall have children, be he man or woman that asketh.
225.......If a man shall have children by his Wife, yea or no, or of any other Woman whom he nominates.
226.......Whether she is with child or not.
228.......If the man ask unknown to the Woman.
Other Judgments
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229.......Whether a Woman be with child or not.
230.......If a Woman do conceive with child of more then one. If male or female.
231.......How long the Woman hath been conceived. Of the time when the birth will be.
232.......Whether the birth shall be by day or night.
234.......Whether unity is like to be between the Infant and Parents.
235.......Of Embassadours and Messengers.
236.......Of a Messenger sent forth upon any errand.
238.......If the Querent shall ecer have children, a figure judged thereof.
240.......If one were with child of a male or female; what time she should be delivered, a figure thereupon judged.
Of the Sixth House, and its Questions, viz. of Sickness.
Servants, small Cattle.
243.......Judgment of sickness by Astrologie. What part of the body afflicted.
244.......From what cause the sickness is.
245.......Diseases signified by the Houses.
Diseases signified by the Signs.
246.......Diseases of the Planets.
247.......Whether the disease will be long or short.
248.......Signes of a long or short sickness.
253.......Testimonies that the Querent shall live and not dye of the Infirmity now afflicting.
255....... Arguments of death.
258. .......D riot abridged.
259.......If the party be sick of whom the question is demanded. Cause of the Disease, inward or outward.
261 .......Of the quality and nature of the Disease.
263 .......Whether the Disease be in the right or left side.
264.......Whether the Disease be In the body, minde, or both.
266.......Of the Crysis, or dayes criticall.
267.......How long ere the sick recover.
268.......Hermes Trimegistus upon the Decumbiture of the Sick.
273-218...Of the Signs and conjectures of the Disease, and of
life and death by the good or ill disposition of the
MOON at the time of the Patients first lying down.
282.......Astrologlcall Aphorismes judging of sickness.
286.......A Figure of a sick Doctor, if curable.
289.......A Figure set to know whether the sick would live or
290.......Of the Crysis in Diseases.
294....... A Table shewing how to set a figure in sickness of
sixteen sides.
296....... If a Servant shall get free from his Master.
Significations of the Seventh House. viz. of Marriage.
Enemies. Law-suits. Contracts. Wars. Fugitives. Thefts.
Page #
298....…Aphorismes considerable before judgment.
302....…Of Marriage.
303....…More Aphorismes of Marriage by Alkindus.
Of Marriage whether it shall take effect or not.
304...….Of Marriage.
305....…What shall be the occasion hindring the Marriage.
Which love or desire is most.
307....…Whether a man shall Marry.
The time of Marriage.
How many Husbands a Woman shall have.
308.......From what part one shall Marry.
What manner of person he or she is.
Whether a man or woman be more noble.
Who shall be master of the two.
309.......Whether she be rich or not.
Whether the Marriage be legitimate.
How they shall agree after Marriage.
310....…Who shall be cause of their strife.
That the Marriage shall be broken, and the cause thereof.
311.......Whether a man or his Wife shall dye first. Which of the two shall live longest.
312.......Whether she be a Maid, or chaste.
Whether a Damosell be a Maid or not.
313.......Whether a woman be honest to her Husband or not.
Of a Woman whether she hath a Lover besides her Husband. .
314....…Whether a Woman is honest.
Whether a woman trades with any but her husband.
316....…If ones Sweet-heart have a Lover besides himself. Hath she a Lover.
317.......If a Marriage shall be perfected or not.
318.......Whether the child conceived is the Son of the reputed Father. Whether a woman living from her husband, shall be received into favor, or live with him again.
319.......Of Servants fled, Beasts strayed, and things lost.
320....…The place where the thing is that is lost.
321....…How the Goods were lost.
Whether the cattle be stolen or not.
Whether the thing missing fled of it self.
323.......Of Beasts strayed, or fugitives
324....…Of Beasts or strayes.
325....…That the beasts are lost.
Dead or alive.
In pound or not.
The cattle shall be found again.
326....…How far off a thing lost is from the Owner.
Beasts stolen or strayed, in what place which way.
327.......In what ground.
The cattle shall to pound and be long in pound. 328.......Escape the pound.
Whether the fugitive shall be taken.
Of MOON in questions of fugitives.
329.......Whether he shall be taken.
If a Fugitive shall be found or come again.
330.......Distance of the Fugitive.
A Woman flying from her Husband.
Of a thief and theft.
331.......Of the Significator of the Thief.
The significator of the thing stolen.
332....…Approved judgments of Theft.
334.......Whether it be stolen or no.
335........The Goods are stolen.
Not stolen.
It will be, or is intended to be stolen.
It’s lost or stolen. .
336.......Age of the Thief.
337.......Of the same.
338.......Whether the Thief be nam or woman.
339.......If one thief or more. Of the cloaths of the Thief.
340.......Names of Theeves or men according to Astrologie.
342.......Whether the Thief be of the house or not. Stranger or familiar.
343.......Rules by the Lord of the Seventh house.
344.......Whether the Thief be in the Town or not.
345.......Distance between the Owner and the Thief. Where the thief is.
346.......Towards what part the thief is gone.
347.......Of the house of the Thief, and marks thereof.
348.......Tokens of the Thlefs house.
349.......The Goods in the Owners hands.
Whether the Goods be in the custody of the Thief.
350.......If he carried all with him.
Distance of the thing from the Owner.
351.......Place where the Goods stolen are.
353.......Lost or stolen, in what part of the house. The form or likeness of the entring of the house.
354.......What is stolen by the Lord of the Second or Tenth house.
The quality of the Goods stolen.
355.......Sign of Recovery.
If it shall be recovered.
356.......In what time It shall be recovered. Asphorisms concerning Recovery.
358.......The discovery of the Thief, and recovery of the Goods.
359.......Of Theft.
366.......Whether the Thief shall be known or not. Whether the Thief be suspected of the Owner or not. Who did the deed or fact.
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360.......Whether it be the first fact the Thief did. Lillie’s experimental Rules of Theft.
361.......Of Battle, War, or other contentions.
367.......If one shall return safe from War, or a dangerous Voyage.
368.......What will ensue of the War.
369.......Who shall do best in a Law-suit.
Of Partnership betwixt two, If it shall be, and who shall do best.
370.......Of familiarity betwixt Neighbour and Neighbour. Of removing from place to place.
371.......If good to remove or stay in any Town or City. Of Hunting.
372.......Of a Law—suit or controversie betwixt two, who should do best.
376.......Of Buying and Selling Commodities.
377.......Of Partnership.
379.......Whether a city, Town or Castle beseiged shall be taken.
380.......Of Commanders in Armies, their abilities, fidelity, &c.
383.......If two Armies shall fight.
If the Querent have open enemies.
385.......A Figure to know if a Lady should marry the party desired.
389.......A second figure If the woman should marry the man beloved.
390.......A figure for a fugitive servant.
392.......A figure for a Dog missing.
395.......Money lost, who stole it, a figure thereupon.
397.......Fish stolen, a figure for it.
399.......A figure to know If Sir William Waller and Sir Ralph Hopton were engaged.
401.......A figure to know if the Earle of Essex should take Reading.
Of the Eighth House. viz.
Death, Dowrev. &c.
404.......If the absent party be alive or dead.
406.......Whether one absent will return.
407.......The time when he will return.
408.......Of the death of the Querent, or space of his own life.
409.......When or about what time the Querent may dye.
411.......Whether the Man or Wife shall dye first.
412.......What manner of death the Querent shall dye.
Whether the portion of the wife will be great, or easily obtained, or if the woman will be rich.
414.......If one be afraid of a thing, whether he shall be in danger thereof or not.
415.......A figure to know whether man or woman shall dye first.
417.......A figure of a womans to know if her husband at Sea were alive or dead.
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419.......A figure to know what manner of death Canterbury should dye.
421.......A figure to know If the Querent should have the Portion promised.
Of the Ninth House, viz. Long Journeys,
Religion, Dreams.
422.......Of a voyage by Sea, and successe thereof.
423.......What wind he will have.
Of him that taketh a journey.
424.......Of the short or slow return of him that taketh a journey.
425.......When he shall return that is gone a long journey.
428.......The cause of a Journey, and successe thereof. Successe and length thereof.
429.......If one shall profit by his knowledge, &c. in Chymistry or Chyrurgery.
431.......Of ones Science or wisdom whether it be true.
Of many persons travelling, in what condition they are.
432.......To what part of Heaven the Traveller had best direct
his Journey.
If the person shall obtain a good Benefice.
434.......Of Dreams whether they signifie anything or not.
436.......A figure adjusted concerning Dreams.
437.......A figure to know If one should obtain a Parsonage.
439.......A figure erected to know if Presbytery shall stand.
442.......A figure to know If the Querent should obtain the Phy 1 osophers Stone.
Of the Tenth House. viz. of Government. Dignitv,
Office, Command.
444.......If the Querent shall obtain the Office desired or not.
447.......If one shall continue in the Command or Office he is In.
448.......Whether a King expulsed his Kingdom, or an Officer removed from his Office, shall return to the Kingdom or Office, or not.
450.......Of the Profession or Trade any one is capable of.
452.......If Prince Rupert should get honour by our wars, a figure thereof.
453.......If he should worst the E. of Essex.
454......What should become of him.
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445.......If his Majesty should procure Forces out of Ireland to harm the Parliment, a figure thereupon, and judgment delivered.
If the Queen then in the North, would advance with her Army; if she would prosper; when she and his Majesty would meet.
456.......If attain the Preferment desired.
Eleventh House, Viz. House of Friends, Hope,
Substance of Kings.
457.......Of good or ill in questions concerning this house.
458.......If a Man shall have the Thing hoped for.
459.......Of the agreeing of Friends. Of love betwixt two.
Of the Twelfth House, viz. Imprisonment, Great Cattle,Whitcherv, Private Enemies, Labour, Banished Men.
460.......Of secret enemies not named.
To know who a secret enemy is.
461.......Whether any man committed to prison shall soon be delivered.
462.......Of the imprisoned.
463.......If a question be asked for a Captive or Prisoner. Of a Captive or Slave.
464.......If one be bewitched or not.
465......Naturall Remedies against witchcraft.
467.......A figure for a Horse lost.
468.......A figure to know if one were Bewitched.
470.......A figure of a Prisoner escaped out of Prison.
471.......A Lady of her husband in prison, a figure of it.
473.......A figure upon the Earle of Essex his last going into the west.
474.......A Table of the Planetary hour.
482.......To finde out what Planet ruleth any hour of the day or night.
Page #
489.......A Table converting hours and minutes of time into degrees and minutes of the Equator.
492........A Table of right ascentlons.
494.......A Table of oblique ascentions for the latitude of 34 degrees.
495.......A Table of oblique ascentions for the latitude of 49 degrees.
498.......A Table of oblique ascentions for the latitude of 53 degrees.
500.......Divers ways of rectifying Nativities.
502.......Correction of an estimate figure by Trutine of Hermes.
505.......Rectification of a Nativity by Animodar.
507.......Rectification by Accidents, the way to frame an Astrological 1 Speculuna.
509.......A Speculum of a Nativity.
512.......Characters of the new aspects, the number of the degrees of the aspect.
519.......Erection of a Scheam by Regiomontanus.
524.......Things considerable before judgment given upon a
525.......Of the Space of life, whether the Native shall live
long or not.
527.......Of Hylech or Aphaeta, and the Intersicient Planet.
531.......Of the Lord of the Geniture.
532.......Of the Complexion, temperment of the body, quality of Planets and Signes.
534.......Manners of the Native.
539.......Quality of manners discernable from the Planets.
543.......Of the understanding of the Native.
446.......Of the Stature, shape and form of body.
547.......Nature of the Signes, colour of the Face and Hair.
549.......Of the grossenesse or leannesse of bodies.
551.......Of the generall fortune or misery of the Native.
Of the Second House, viz. of Riches,
Or the goods of Fortune
553.......Whether the Native shall be rich.
554.......By what meanes the Native shall attain wealth.
561.......If the Native shall attain his Estate by just or indirect dealing.
562.......If the Estate of the Native shall be durable.
Judgments upon the Third House.
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564.......Of Kindred, Brethren, Sisters.
If have Brethren, Sisters.
566.......Fortune & condition of Brethren.
567.......Of the unity or concord betwixt the Native and his Brethren.
568.......Number of Brethren.
Judgments upon the Fourth House. concerning Parents, &c.
569.......Of the Father.
570.......Of the Mother.
572.......If the Mother had difficult labour at the Native’s Birth.
If the Native shall enjoy the Estate of his Father.
573.......Of the mutuall agreement of Parents.
574.......Of the Parents mutuall love to the Native.
575.......Significatlons of great fortune out of Mines.
Of. the Sixth House, viz. of Infirmities.
576.......Of the infirmities of Bodies.
577.......Aphorismes useful for this house.
578.......Kinds and qualities of Diseases, how discoverable from the Planets and Signes.
581.......Of weaknesse In the Sight, or casualties portended to the eyes.
582.......Defects in the Eyes.
Impediments in the Tongue.
583.......Of the Tooth-ach.
Of the falling Sicknesse.
584.......Of the Stone.
585.......Of the Gout.
Of violent Falls.
Whether the Diseases of the Native are curable or not.
586.......Of Servants and small Cattle.
Of the Seventh House.
586.......Of mens Marriages.
Whether the Native shall marry or not.
588.......Signes of Marriage.
589.......Whether the Native shall obtain his wife with ease or much difficulty.
The time of Marriage.
590.......Of the number of wives.
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592.......From whence, or what quarter the Native shall marry.
593.......What manner of wife or wives the Native shall have.
595.......Aphorlsmes concerning the positure of Venus.
597.......Of the mutual love and concord betwixt man and wife.
599.......Whether the Native or his wife shall dye first.
600.......Of the Marriage of women. If the woman shall marry.
601.......If with difficulty; when; from whence; what manner of man.
602.......If rich; if agree.
The Fifth House.
602.......Of Children.
603.......Aphorisms concerning this house.
604.......How many children the Native may have.
605.......Whether male or female. Aphorisms of Albubater.
Judgments upon the Ninth House, viz. of Journeys and Religion.
606.......Whether the Native shall travell or not.
607.......To what part of the World the Native shall travell.
608.......Whether travel by land or water.
609.......The cause of travell. Haly his Aphorismes.
610.......Of successe in travell.
611.......What Region or Country will be best to travell into.
The Religion of the Native.
612.......Aphorisms belonging thereunto
913.......Of Dreams.
Of the Tenth House.
615.......Of the Honour or Dignity of the Native. Whether the Native shall have Preferment or not.
617.......Rules from the two Luminaries.
618.......Aphorismes from the Sun.
619.......Concerning the Moon. Of the Midheaven.
620.......Of the Ascendant.
Of the Fixed Stars.
621.......What manner of Preferment, its quality.
622.......If the Dignity or Honour shall continue.
623.......Special Aphorismes concerning that judgment.
624.......Of the Profession of the Native.
626.......Experimented Aphorismes concerning the Natives Profession.
Page #
627.......Of Mercury when Lord of the Profession. When joyned with others.
628.......Of Venus when alone signifies the Profession. When mixed with others.
629.......Of Mars when significator of the Profession.
When mixed with others.
630.......Of Mercury and Venus when commixed. Of Venus with Mars.
631.......Of Mars and Venus when Significators of Art.
With what successe the Native shall handle it.
633.......Quality of the Profession.
Judgments belonging to the Eleventh House.
634.......Of Friends.
635.......Speciall rules concerning that house.
636.......Quality of Friends.
Constancy of Friends.
637.......Whether there may be untly or concord betwixt two.
639.......Whether of the Friends is more sincere.
Of the Twelfth House.
639.......Of enemies.
640.......What manner of enemies, their quality.
641.......If the Native shall overcome his enemies.
642.......Whose friendship the Native shall most avoid.
Of Captivity or Imprisonment.
644.......Of death, arguments of a violent death.
645.......The kinds of a violent death.
646.......From the Sign, from the House the quality of a violent death.
647.......From Saturn and Mars.
648.......From the Lord of the Ascendant and Fixed Stars.
The Effects of Directions.
654...... .Directions wherefore.
652.......Effects of Directions.
653.......What places of Heaven, what Planets Directed, and for what.
654.......How long the effects of a Direction last.
656.......The Ascendant its signification, when directed to the body, term or aspect of Saturn.
657.......The Ascendant directed to the Terms, body or aspect of Jupiter.
659.......To the body, Terms or other aspect of Mars.
660.......To the body or other aspect of Sun.
661.......To the body, Term or aspect of Venus.
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662.......To the body, Term or any aspect of Mercury.
663.......To the Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Square or Opposition of Moon.
665.......To the North Node, South Node or to Part of Fortune, or cusp of the 2nd, 3rd or
4th house.
666-667..To severall Fixed Stars.
668.......Mid-heaven directed to Promittors, and the reason why
669.......To the body of Saturn, or his Term, aspect.
To the body, Term or rayes of Jupiter.
671.......To the body, Term or severall aspects of Mars.
672.......To the Aspect or Conjunction of Sun.
673.......To the body, Term, &c. of Venus.
674.......To the severall aspects or Terms of Mercury.
675.......To the body of Moon or her aspects.
676.......M.C. to the 11th or 12th house.
M.C. to severall fixed stars.
679.......The Sun directed to Promittors, and wherefore.
680.......To the body or aspects of Saturn.
681.......To the aspects or body of Jupiter.
682.......To the body or aspect of Mars.
683.......To the body or aspect of Venus.
685.......To the like of Mercury
686.......To the like of Moon.
687-688...To North Node or South Node, or Part of Fortune, or cusp of any of the houses.
689.......The Sun directed to principall fixed stars.
691.......The Moon directed to Promittors, viz, to Saturn his body or aspect.
694.......To the body, term or aspect of Jupiter.
695.......To the aspect, term or body of Mars.
696.......To the body or aspect of Sun.
697.......To the body, term or aspect of Venus.
698.......To the body or aspect of Mercury.
700.......To the North Node, South Node, Part of Fortune, and to the twelve houses.
701...... .To the fixed stars.
703.......Part of Fortune wherefore directed, its effects when directed to Saturn or his aspects.
704.......To the aspects of Jupiter, Mars and Sun.
705.......To the apsects of Venus and Mercury.
706.......To Moon and her aspects, to North Node and South Node.
707.......To the cusps of the 12 houses.
708.......Of the measure of time In directions.
709.......The first and second way of measuring.
713.......The third measure of time, according to Naibod.
715-716…Of annuall Profections, mersurall and diurnall.
717.......A Table of Profections exactly made.
718.......The use of Profections and their effects.
720.......Lord of the Veer, what Planet.
721.......A Table converting degrees into dayes and hours, &c.
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722.......A Table of the dayes of the yeer, teaching what moneth and day of the moneth when the Profectionall Significator or other, and the Promittor meets; severall examples.
726.......How to judge a figure of Profections.
729.......Judgments upon the Profections of the Ascendant and Moon, their signification.
731.......What the mid-heaven and Sun signifie.
732.......Signlfication of Part of Fortune.
734.......Of Revolutions.
738.......The Return of the Planets to their own places, and of other Planets in a Revolution.
741.......The transit of the Planets.
742.......Astrologlcal judgments by way of example upon the 12 houses, and upon Directions, Profections, Revolutions and transits, upon a Merchants Nativity.
- hand written on this page,
page - 294
Table Moons Aspects
Lunar Table.
[T 01]
0 0 0 0 12 51 28 55 27 2 16 7 4 31
0 4 1 0 14 1 29 46 27 42 16 47 5 17
0 7 2 0 15 11 0D 36 28 25 17 28 6 3
0 11 3 0 16 21 1 26 29 1 18 8 6 50
0 15 4 0 17 29 2 15 20 41 18 48 7 36
0 18 5 0 18 37 3 4 0E 21 19 28 8 23
0 22 6 0 19 44 3 53 1 0 20 8 9 9
0 26 7 0 20 51 4 42 1 39 29 48 9 56
0 29 8 0 21 59 5 29 2 18 21 27 10 42
0 33 9 0 23 6 6 18 2 58 22 8 11 30
0 37 10 0 14 12 7 6 3 38 22 48 12 17
0 40 11 0 25 16 7 53 4 17 23 27 13 3
0 44 12 0 26 22 8 40 4 56 24 8 13 51
0 48 13 0 27 26 9 27 5 35 24 48 14 37
0 52 14 0 28 30 10 12 6 14 25 28 15 24
0 55 15 0 29 34 10 59 5 54 26 9 16 11
0 59 16 0 0 C 37 11 45 7 32 26 50 16 59
1 3 17 0 1 38 12 30 8 12 27 30 17 46
1 6 18 0 2 41 13 16 8 52 28 11 18 22
1 10 19 0 3 43 14 1 9 31 28 52 19 21
1 14 20 0 4 45 14 47 10 10 29 33 20 9
1 18 21 0 5 45 15 32 10 49 0F 14 20 57
1 21 22 0 6 46 16 17 11 29 0 55 21 45
1 25 23 0 7 46 17 2 12 8 1 36 22 32
1 29 24 0 8 46 17 46 12 47 2 17 23 20
1 33 25 0 9 46 18 31 13 27 2 58 24 9
1 36 26 0 10 46 19 16 14 7 3 40 24 58
1 40 27 0 11 45 20 1 14 46 4 22 26 46
1 44 28 0 12 45 20 45 15 26 5 3 26 35
1 48 29 0 13 44 21 29 16 5 5 45 27 23
1 52 30 0 14 4 22 13 16 45 6 26 28 12
T 02
1 52 0 0 14 41 22 13 16 45 6 26 28 12
1 55 1 0 15 38 22 57 17 25 7 8 29 1
1 59 2 0 16 36 23 42 18 5 7 50 29 50
2 3 3 0 17 33 24 27 18 45 8 33 0G 40
2 7 4 0 18 29 25 10 19 25 9 14 1 20
2 11 5 0 19 26 25 55 20 5 9 57 2 19
2 15 6 0 10 22 16 38 20 45 10 39 3 8
2 19 7 0 21 20 27 23 21 26 11 23 3 58
2 22 8 0 22 17 28 7 23 7 12 6 4 48
2 26 9 0 23 13 18 51 22 47 12 48 5 38
2 30 10 0 24 0 29 35 23 27 12 31 6 28
2 34 11 0 25 5 0E 19 24 49 14 58 7 19
2 38 12 0 16 1 1 4 24 49 14 58 8 9
2 42 13 0 26 56 1 47 25 30 15 41 8 59
2 46 14 0 27 51 2 32 26 12 16 25 9 50
2 50 15 0 28 46 3 16 26 53 17 8 10 40
2 54 16 0 29 41 4 1 27 34 17 52 11 32
2 58 17 0 0D 38 4 46 28 17 18 36 12 24
3 2 18 0 1 32 5 30 28 58 19 21 13 14
3 6 19 0 2 27 6 15 29 40 20 5 14 6
3 10 20 0 3 22 7 0 0F 23 20 50 14 57
3 14 21 0 4 17 7 45 1 5 21 34 15 49
3 18 22 0 5 11 8 30 1 47 22 19 16 40
3 22 23 0 6 5 9 15 2 29 23 4 17 32
3 26 24 0 6 59 10 0 3 12 23 49 18 24
3 30 25 0 7 53 10 44 3 54 24 35 19 16
3 35 26 0 8 48 11 30 4 37 25 20 20 8
3 39 27 0 9 43 12 15 5 20 26 6 21 1
3 43 28 0 10 36 13 1 6 3 26 51 21 53
3 47 29 0 11 30 13 46 6 46 27 31 22 46
3 51 30 0 12 24 14 31 7 29 28 23 23 38
3 51 0 0 12 24 14 31 7 29 28 23 23 38
3 55 1 0 13 19 15 17 8 13 29 9 24 31
4 0 2 0 14 14 16 0 8 57 29 55 25 24
4 4 3 0 15 8 16 49 9 41 0G 42 16 17
4 8 4 0 16 2 17 35 10 25 1 28 27 0
4 12 5 0 16 56 18 21 11 9 2 15 28 2
4 16 6 0 17 50 19 7 11 53 3 1 28 56
4 21 7 0 18 44 19 53 12 37 3 48 29 49
4 25 8 0 19 38 20 40 13 22 4 35 0H 43
4 29 9 0 20 31 21 25 14 6 5 21 1 36
4 33 10 0 21 25 22 11 14 51 6 9 2 29
4 38 11 0 22 19 12 50 15 35 6 56 3 23
4 42 12 0 23 14 23 45 16 21 7 44 4 17
4 46 13 0 24 8 24 31 17 5 8 31 5 11
4 50 14
0 25 2 15 18 17 50 9 18 6 5
4 55 15 0 25 37 26 5 18 35 10 6 6 59
4 59 16 0 26 51 26 53 19 21 10 54 7 53
5 3 17 0 27 44 27 39 20 6 11 41 8 47
5 8 18 0 28 38 28 27 20 51 12 28 9 40
5 12 19 0 29 42 29 14 21 37 13 10 10 34
5 16 20 0 0E 2 0F 2 22 22 14 2 11 28
5 21 21 0 1 21 0 50 23 8 14 51 12 22
5 25 22 0 2 15 1 37 23 53 15 39 13 37
5 29 23 0 3 9 2 24 24 39 16 26 14 11
5 34 24 0 4 4 3 12 25 25 17 14 15 36
5 38 25 4 57 4 6 26 10 18 2 15 59
5 42 26 0 5 52 4 47 26 56 18 50 16 53
5 47 27 0 6 47 5 35 27 43 19 38 17 47
5 51 28 0 7 41 6 23 28 28 20 25 18 42
5 56 29 0 8 35 7 10 29 13 21 13 19 36
6 0 30 0 9 29 7 58 0G 0 22 1 30 30
6 0 0 0 9 29 7 58 0 0 22 1 20 30
6 4 1 0 10 24 8 47 0 49 22 50 21 25
6 9 2 0 11 18 9 53 1 22 23 37 22 19
6 13 3 0 12 12 10 23 2 17 24 24 23 12
6 18 4 0 13 7 11 40 3 4 25 12 24 7
6 27 5 0 14 1 11 52 3 49 26 0 25 2
6 26 6 0 14 54 12 45 4 35 26 47 25 56
6 31 7 0 15 49 13 33 5 21 27 5 26 51
6 35 8 0 16 43 14 21 5 7 28 23 27 45
6 39 9 0 17 37 15 9 6 52 29 10 28 39
6 44 10 0 18 32 15 56 7 37 29 58 29 33
6 48 11 0 19 26 16 44 8 23 0 H 45 0 I 27
6 52 12 0 20 20 17 31 9 8 1 33 1 22
6 57 13 0 21 13 18 19 9 54 2 20 2 16
7 1 14 0 22 7 19 6 10 39 3 7 3 9
7 5 15 0 23 1 19 54 11 24 3 55 4 3
7 10 16 0 23 55 20 42 12 10 4 42 4 57
7 14 17 0 24 49 21 28 12 54 5 28 5 51
7 18 18 0 25 42 22 15 13 30 6 15 6 46
7 22 19 0 26 37 23 4 14 24 7 2 7 40
7 27 20 0 27 30 23 51 15 9 7 48 8 35
7 31 21 0 28 24 24 38 15 54 8 38 9 29
7 35 22 0 29 17 25 25 16 37 9 20 10 22
7 39 23 0 0 F 11 26 12 17 22 10 6 11 16
7 44 24 0 1 4 26 58 18 7 10 53 12 10
7 48 25 0 1 57 27 45 18 51 11 39 13 3
7 52 26 0 2 51 28 21 19 35 12 25 13 57
7 56 27 0 3 43 29 18 20 19 12 11 14 51
8 0 28 0 4 36 0 G 4 21 3 13 57 15 46
8 5 29 0 5 29 0 51 21 47 14 43 16 41
8 9 30 0 6 22 1 37 22 31 15 20 17 31
[T 05]
8 9 0 0 6 22 1 37 22 31 15 29 17 35
8 13 1 0 7 14 2 23 23 14 16 14 18 29
8 17 2 0 8 4 3 9 23 57 16 59 10 23
8 21 3 0 8 59 3 54 24 40 17 44 20 17
8 25 4 0 9 51 4 36 25 23 18 30 21 12
8 30 5 0 10 44 5 25 26 6 19 15 22 7
8 34 6 0 11 36 6 10 26 48 10 0 13 1
8 38 7 0 12 28 6 53 27 31 20 44 23 55
8 42 8 0 13 19 7 41 28 12 21 29 24 49
8 46 9 0 14 11 8 25 28 55 22 15 25 43
8 50 10 0 15 2 9 10 29 37 23 0 26 37
8 54 11 0 15 54 9 55 0 F 19 23 45 27 33
8 58 12 0 16 45 10 39 1 1 24 29 28 27
9 2 13 0 17 36 11 23 1 43 25 14 19 22
9 6 14 0 18 28 12 8 2 25 25 59 0 J 18
9 10 15 0 19 20 12 52 3 7 26 44 1 14
9 14 16 0 20 10 13 35 3 48 27 28 2 8
9 18 17 0 21 1 14 19 4 29 28 12 3 4
9 22 18 0 21 51 15 2 5 10 18 56 3 59
9 26 19 0 22 41 15 45 5 51 29 40 4 54
9 30 20 0 23 32 16 28 6 32 0 I 25 5 50
9 34 21 0 24 22 17 12 7 13 1 9 6 46
9 38 22 0 25 12 17 54 7 53 1 42 7 42
9 41 23 0 26 2 18 37 8 34 2 37 8 40
9 45 24 0 26 51 19 20 9 15 3 22 9 37
9 49 25 0 27 41 20 3 9 55 4 5 10 33
9 53 26 0 28 31 20 45 10 35 4 49 11 30
9 57 27 0 29 20 21 27 11 14 5 33 12 26
10 1 28 0 0 G 9 22 9 11 55 6 18 13 24
10 5 29 0 0 59 22 52 12 35 7 2 14 22
10 8 30 0 1 48 23 33 13 14 7 47 15 19
[T 06]
10 8 0 0 1 48 23 33 13 14 7 47 15 0
10 12 1 0 2 37 24 15 13 54 8 31 16 16
10 16 2 0 3 25 24 56 14 34 9 15 17 15
10 20 3 0 4 1 25 38 15 14 9 59 18 14
10 24 4 0 5 2 26 30 15 53 10 44 19 14
10 27 5 0 5 50 27 1 16 33 11 28 20 14
10 31 6 0 6 39 27 42 17 12 12 10 21 14
10 35 7 0 7 27 28 23 17 51 12 57 22 14
10 39 8 0 8 15 29 4 18 31 13 42 23 14
10 42 9 0 9 3 29 46 19 10 14 28 24 15
10 46 10 0 9 51 0 H 27 19 49 15 13 25 15
10 50 11 0 10 38 1 8 20 29 15 58 26 17
10 54 12 0 11 26 1 49 21 8 16 44 27 19
10 57 13 0 12 14 2 30 21 48 17 29 28 21
11 1 14 0 13 1 3 10 22 27 18 15 29 21
11 5 15 0 13 49 3 51 23 6 19 1 0 K 26
11 8 16 0 14 36 4 32 23 46 19 47 1 30
11 12 17 0 15 23 5 12 24 25 20 33 2 33
11 16 18 0 16 9 5 52 25 3 21 10 3 37
11 20 19 0 16 57 6 32 25 43 22 7 4 4
11 23 20 0 17 43 7 12 26 22 22 54 5 48
11 27 21 0 18 30 7 52 27 1 23 42 6 54
11 31 22 0 19 18 8 32 27 41 24 30 8 1
11 34 23 0 20 4 9 12 28 21 25 18 9 8
11 38 24 0 20 51 9 52 29 0 26 7 10 10
11 42 25 0 21 37 10 32 29 39 26 56 11 21
11 45 26 0 22 24 11 12 0 I 10 27 45 12 31
11 49 27 0 23 10 11 52 0 58 28 34 13 39
11 53 28 0 23 57 12 23 1 38 29 23 14 48
11 56 29 0 24 42 13 12 2 18 0 J 14 15 59
12 0 30 0 25 29 13 53 2 58 1 5 17 9
[T 07]
12 0 0 0 25 29 13 53 2 58 1 5 17 9
12 4 1 0 26 15 14 33 3 37 1 56 18 21
12 7 2 0 27 1 15 13 4 17 2 48 19 22
12 11 3 0 27 47 15 53 4 58 3 40 10 45
12 15 4 0 28 34 16 33 5 28 4 33 21 57
12 18 5 0 29 20 17 1 5 10 5 26 23 11
12 22 6 0 0 H 6 17 53 7 1 6 20 24 24
12 26 7 0 0 52 18 33 7 41 7 15 25 38
12 29 8 0 1 38 10 14 8 22 8 10 26 53
12 33 9 0 2 25 19 55 9 4 9 6 28 11
12 37 10 0 2 12 20 35 9 46 10 2 29 26
12 40 11 0 3 57 21 15 10 27 10 59 0 L 43
12 44 12 0 4 44 21 57 11 10 11 58 2 1
12 48 13 0 5 30 22 38 11 51 12 57 3 19
12 52 14 0 6 17 23 18 12 34 13 56 4 37
12 55 15 0 7 3 24 0 13 17 14 57 5 57
12 59 16 0 7 50 24 41 14 1 15 58 7 17
13 3 17 0 8 36 25 22 14 44 16 59 8 37
13 6 18 0 9 22 26 4 15 27 18 2 9 58
13 10 19 0 10 8 26 45 16 12 19 7 11 19
13 14 20 0 10 55 27 27 16 55 20 13 12 42
13 18 21 0 11 42 28 9 17 41 21 20 14 4
13 21 22 0 12 29 28 51 18 27 22 29 15 29
13 25 23 0 13 16 29 33 19 12 23 37 16 52
13 29 24 0 14 2 0 I 15 19 57 24 45 18 16
13 33 25 0 14 50 0 58 20 44 25 56 19 40
13 36 26 0 15 37 1 40 21 32 27 0 21 6
13 40 27 0 16 24 2 23 22 19 28 23 22 31
13 44 28 0 17 11 3 7 23 7 29 33 23 57
13 48 29 0 17 58 3 49 23 56 0 K 55 25 22
13 52 30 0 18 46 4 32 24 44 2 12 26 49
[T 08]
13 52 0 0 18 46 4 32 24 44 2 12 26 49
13 55 1 0 19 33 5 16 25 34 3 32 28 15
13 59 2 0 20 21 6 1 26 25 4 54 29 43
14 3 3 0 21 9 6 45 27 16 6 19 1 A 11
14 7 4 0 21 57 7 20 28 7 7 42 2 37
14 11 5 0 22 44 8 14 28 59 9 7 4 6
14 15 6 0 23 32 8 59 29 52 10 35 5 33
14 19 7 0 24 22 9 45 0 J 46 12 6 7 1
14 22 8 0 25 11 10 31 1 41 13 38 8 30
14 26 9 0 25 59 11 10 2 36 15 10 9 57
14 30 10 0 26 48 12 3 3 32 16 45 11 25
14 34 11 0 27 32 12 49 4 29 18 23 12 52
14 38 12 0 28 27 13 37 5 26 20 3 14 20
14 42 13 0 29 16 14 24 6 25 21 45 15 48
14 46 14 0 0 I 6 15 12 7 25 23 30 17 16
14 50 15 0 0 55 16 0 8 26 25 14 18 44
14 54 16 0 1 45 16 48 9 28 27 3 20 10
14 58 17 0 2 36 17 38 10 23 28 54 21 38
15 2 18 0 3 26 18 28 11 38 0 L 45 23 6
15 6 19 0 4 16 19 17 12 43 2 37 24 31
15 10 20 0 5 7 20 8 13 51 4 33 25 58
15 14 21 0 5 58 20 59 15 0 6 31 27 24
15 18 22 0 5 50 21 51 16 10 8 31 28 50
15 22 23 0 7 41 22 43 17 21 10 32 0 B 15
15 26 24 0 8 33 23 35 18 33 12 35 1 39
15 30 25 0 9 24 24 29 19 48 14 39 3 4
15 35 26 0 10 17 25 33 21 5 16 47 4 28
15 39 27 0 11 9 26 17 22 23 18 56 5 52
15 43 28 0 12 2 27 17 23 4 21 4 7 15
15 47 29 0 12 54 28 8 25 5 23 12 8 36
15 51 30 0 13 49 29 3 26 30 25 21 9 50
[T 09]
15 51 0 0 13 47 29 3 26 20 25 21 9 59
15 55 1 0 14 41 0 J 1 27 57 27 33 11 21
16 0 2 0 15 35 0 59 29 26 29 49 12 43
16 4 3 0 16 30 1 58 0 57 2 A 2 14 4
16 8 4 0 17 25 2 57 2 31 4 14 15 24
16 12 5 0 18 29 3 57 4 8 6 26 16 43
16 16 6 0 19 15 4 58 5 46 8 35 18 1
16 21 7 0 20 10 6 1 7 29 10 47 19 19
16 25 8 0 21 7 7 4 9 13 13 0 20 38
16 29 9 0 22 2 8 7 11 0 15 10 21 55
16 33 10 0 22 59 9 11 12 51 17 21 23 12
16 38 11 0 23 56 10 10 14 42 19 30 24 28
16 42 12 0 24 53 11 24 16 41 21 39 25 45
16 46 13 0 25 50 12 32 18 41 23 44 27 0
16 50 14 0 26 47 13 41 10 44 25 48 28 14
16 55 15 0 27 46 14 51 22 52 27 52 29 28
16 59 16 0 28 45 16 2 25 0 29 52 0 41
17 3 17 0 29 44 17 13 27 12 1 B 49 1 53
17 8 18 0 0 J 49 18 28 29 28 3 47 3 6
17 12 19 0 1 44 19 44 1 L 49 5 44 4 17
17 16 20 0 2 44 21 1 4 11 7 28 5 28
17 21 21 0 3 45 22 19 6 35 9 31 6 34
17 25 22 0 4 46 23 38 9 2 11 22 7 47
17 29 23 0 5 47 24 57 11 32 13 10 8 57
17 34 24 0 6 50 26 20 14 7 14 57 10 6
17 38 25 0 7 53 27 44 16 42 16 38 11 14
17 43 26 0 8 56 29 11 19 21 18 21 12 23
17 47 27 0 10 0 0 K 37 21 57 20 1 13 30
17 51 28 0 11 4 2 5 24 37 21 38 14 36
17 56 29 0 12 8 3 36 27 17 23 13 15 41
18 0 30 0 13 13 5 10 0 A 0 24 50 16 47
[T 10]
18 0 0 0 13 13 5 10 0 0 24 50 16 47
18 4 1 0 14 19 6 47 2 42 26 24 17 52
18 9 2 0 15 24 8 22 5 22 27 54 18 56
18 13 3 0 16 29 9 58 8 2 29 23 20 0
18 18 4 0 17 38 11 40 10 40 0 C 51 21 4
18 22 5 0 18 45 13 21 13 17 2 36 22 7
18 26 6 0 19 54 15 2 15 52 3 39 23 9
18 31 7 0 21 3 16 50 18 28 5 2 24 12
18 35 8 0 22 13 18 38 20 58 6 21 25 14
18 39 9 0 23 22 20 20 23 24 7 40 26 15
18 44 10 0 24 32 22 22 15 49 8 59 27 16
18 48 11 0 25 42 24 16 18 11 10 13 28 16
18 52 12 0 26 54 26 13 0 B 32 11 32 29 16
18 57 13 0 28 7 28 11 2 47 12 46 0 D 16
19 9 14 0 29 19 0 L 7 5 0 13 58 1 14
19 5 15 0 0 K 31 2 8 7 8 15 9 2 13
19 10 16 0 1 46 4 11 9 15 16 19 3 12
19 14 17 0 3 0 6 15 11 19 17 28 4 10
19 18 18 0 4 15 8 21 13 19 18 36 5 7
19 22 19 0 5 32 10 30 15 17 19 43 6 4
19 27 20 0 6 48 12 39 17 9 20 49 7 1
19 31 21 0 8 5 14 49 19 0 21 53 7 50
19 35 22 0 9 21 17 0 29 47 22 56 8 53
19 39 23 0 10 40 19 22 22 31 23 59 9 50
19 44 24 0 11 59 21 25 24 14 25 2 10 45
19 48 25 0 13 1 23 34 25 52 26 3 11 40
19 52 26 0 14 3 25 45 27 28 27 3 12 35
19 56 27 0 15 10 27 58 29 3 28 2 13 29
20 0 28 0 17 17 0 A 13 0 C 34 29 1 14 24
20 5 29 0 18 39 2 27 2 3 29 59 15 19
20 9 30 0 20 1 4 39 3 30 0 D 56 16 13
[T 11]
20 9 0 0 20 1 4 39 3 39 0 56 16 13
20 13 1 0 21 23 6 48 4 54 1 52 17 6
20 17 2 0 22 45 8 50 6 17 2 47 17 58
20 21 3 0 24 8 11 4 7 37 3 43 18 51
20 25 4 0 25 31 13 12 8 55 4 37 19 43
20 30 5 0 26 56 15 21 10 12 5 31 20 35
20 34 6 0 28 20 17 25 11 26 6 24 21 27
20 38 7 0 29 45 19 20 12 39 7 17 22 18
20 43 8 0 1 L 1 21 29 13 49 8 9 23 10
20 46 9 0 2 36 23 29 15 0 9 1 24 2
20 50 10 0 4 1 25 27 16 9 9 52 24 52
20 54 11 0 5 28 27 22 17 16 10 42 25 44
20 58 12 0 6 54 29 15 18 22 11 32 26 34
21 2 13 0 8 21 1 B 5 19 27 12 21 27 24
21 6 14 0 9 50 2 56 20 31 13 11 28 15
21 10 15 0 11 10 4 45 21 34 14 0 29 5
21 14 16 0 12 43 6 30 22 34 14 48 29 54
21 18 17 0 14 12 8 14 23 35 15 36 0 E 44
21 22 18 0 15 39 9 56 24 33 16 32 1 33
21 26 19 0 17 7 11 37 25 31 17 10 2 22
21 30 20 0 18 35 13 14 26 27 17 56 3 12
21 34 21 0 20 3 14 50 27 23 18 43 4 1
21 38 22 0 21 39 16 21 28 19 19 29 4 48
21 41 23 0 22 58 17 54 29 14 20 15 5 38
21 45 24 0 24 2 19 24 0 D 8 21 1 6 27
21 49 25 0 25 52 20 52 1 1 21 45 7 15
21 52 26 0 27 22 22 17 1 53 22 30 8 3
21 57 27 0 28 49 23 41 2 44 23 14 8 51
22 1 28 0 0 A 10 25 6 3 35 23 59 9 31
22 5 29 0 1 42 26 28 4 26 24 44 10 27
22 8 30 0 3 11 27 47 5 15 25 27 11 14
[T 12]
22 8 0 0 3 11 27 47 5 15 25 27 11 14
22 12 1 0 4 37 29 5 6 4 26 10 12 1
22 16 2 0 6 3 0 C 21 6 52 26 53 12 48
22 20 3 0 7 28 1 36 7 40 27 36 13 36
22 24 4 0 8 54 2 51 8 28 28 19 14 23
22 27 5 0 10 19 4 4 9 15 29 2 15 10
22 31 6 0 11 44 5 15 10 2 29 45 15 57
22 35 7 0 13 7 6 23 10 48 0 E 27 16 44
22 39 8 0 14 31 7 30 11 33 1 9 17 31
22 42 9 0 15 55 8 39 12 19 1 51 18 18
22 46 10 0 17 18 9 47 13 4 2 33 19 5
22 50 11 0 18 41 10 53 13 47 3 15 19 52
22 54 12 0 20 1 11 58 14 31 3 56 20 38
22 57 13 0 21 23 13 1 15 16 4 38 21 24
23 1 14 0 22 42 14 2 15 59 5 18 22 10
23 5 15 0 24 3 15 3 16 43 6 0 22 57
23 8 16 0 25 23 16 4 17 26 6 41 23 43
23 12 17 0 26 40 17 3 18 8 7 22 24 29
23 16 18 0 27 58 18 2 18 50 8 3 25 16
23 20 19 0 29 17 19 1 19 32 1 44 26 2
23 23 20 0 0 B 33 19 50 20 14 9 25 26 48
23 27 21 0 1 49 29 54 20 55 10 5 27 35
23 31 22 0 3 7 21 50 21 37 10 46 28 22
23 34 23 0 4 22 22 44 22 18 11 26 29 7
23 38 24 0 5 36 23 39 22 59 12 6 29 54
23 42 25 0 6 49 24 33 23 40 12 47 0 F 40
23 45 26 0 3 2 25 27 24 21 13 27 1 26
23 49 27 0 9 15 26 20 25 2 14 7 1 13
23 53 28 0 10 27 27 12 25 42 14 47 2 52
23 56 29 0 11 39 28 4 26 22 15 27 3 45
24 0 30 0 12 51 28 55 27 2 16 7 4 31
[E 01]
W V U Q T S R <
1 A 27 48 28
12 10 5 21 34 5 7 5 29 21 23 12 34
2 B 27 50 28 6 10 51 22 35 6 17 7 8 3 I 17 12 45
3 C 27 52 27 59 11 37 23 36 7 26 8 44 15 8 12 42
4 D 27 54 27 54 12 23 24 37 8 35 10 18 26 59 12 24
5 E 27 56 27 46 13 9 25 38 9 44 11 47 8 J 54 11 52
6 F 27 58 27 40 13 55 26 39 10 53 13 12 20 54 11 30
7 G 28 0 27 34 14 41 27 41 12 2 14 45 3 K 1 10 24
8 A 28 2 27 28 15 27 28 42 12 10 16 10 15 17 9 24
9 B 28 4 27 22 16 17 29 43 14 18 17 33 27 44 9 9
10 C 28 6 27 17 17 0 0 K 44 15 26 18 50 10 L 13 8 50
11 D 28 9 27 11 17 43 1 46 16 34 20 2 23 14 2 49
12 E 28 11 27 6 18 32 2 47 17 42 21 7 6 A 18 9 6
13 F 28 14 27 1 19 19 3 43 18 50 22 6 19 38 9 36
14 G 28 17 26 56 20 5 4 49 19 57 23 0 3 B 15 10 17
15 A 28 20 26 51 20 51 5 50 21 4 23 47 17 9 10 59
16 B 28 23 26 46 21 37 6 51 22 11 24 25 1 C 22 11 34
17 C 28 26 26 42 22 2 7 52 23 17 24 47 15 52 11 55
18 D 28 29 26 37 23 10 8 53 24 23 24 47 2 D 34 11 54
19 E 28 32 26 33 23 56 9 54 25 29 25 0 15 23 11 29
20 F 28 35 26 29 24 43 10 55 20 35 24
53 0 E 11 10 44
21 G 28 39 26 24 25 29 11 56 27 41 24 33 14 50 9 49
22 A 28 43 26 21 26 15 12 57 28 57 23 53 19 12 8 58
23 B 28 46 26 17 27 2 13 58 29 52 23 9 13 F 18 8 22
24 C 28 50 26 13 27 48 14 58 0 A 57 22 21 16 59 8 5
25 D 28 54 26 10 28 35 15 59 2 2 21 29 10 G 15 8 8
26 E 28 58 26 7 28 21 16 59 3 6 20 33 23 9 8 27
27 F 29 2 26 4 0 K 8 18 0 4 10 19 33 5 H 36 8 58
28 G 29 6 26 2 0 54 19 1 5 14 18 25 17 49 9 33
29 A 29 11 25 59 1 41 20 2 6 18 17 14 29 48 10 9
30 B 29 15 25 57 2 28 21 3 7 21 15 5 11 I 39 10 38
31 C 29 20 25 55 3 4 22 4 8 24 14 50 23 27 11 1
1 2 31 0 5 0 47 1 13 1 45
OF 10 2 27 0 4 0 51 0 39 0 26
20 2 26 0 2 0 55 0 S 9 2 S 10
1 A * 0
2 B # 6 $ 9
3 C * W V 21
4 D $ 2 " 2 R APOG.
5 E ! 9 * 2 ECLIP. Q
6 F # 14 ! 11.48 VC Q V SS U S
7 G ! 2 # Q W " R <
8 A $ 23
9 B * 0
10 C * 14 ! 11
11 D # 7 * 29
12 E # 23 S IN ELONG. M
13 F ! 15 * 13 # 25 * 5
14 G * U T 9
15 A $ 6 $ 10 * 7 # 12
16 B
17 C * 20 ! 17 # 13 $ 15
19 E # 21 " 14 $ 18 # V T 22
20 F " 18
21 G $ 23 * 19 " 15 SS W T R < E-
22 A VC V U
23 B # 23
24 C $ 1 " 8
25 D $ 11 $ 15 # W U 11 Q 0
26 E " 11 $ 6 # 13
27 F # 3.15 ORIENT. ! Q S 47
28 G # 1
29 A * 4 $ 13
30 B * 20 * 8
31 C $ 12 " 5
The Number of Planets, Signes, Aspects, with
their Several 1 Names and Characters.
In the first place you must know that there are seven planets, so called and charactered. Saturn W , Jupiter V, Mars U , Sol Q, Venus T, Mercury S, Luna R: There is also the Head of the Dragon, this noted: < ; and the Tayle > and are not Planets but Nodes.
There be also twelve Signes: Aries A , Taurus B , Gemini C , Cancers D, Leo E, Virgo F, Libra G, Scorpio H, Sagittarius I, Capricornus J, Aquarius K, Pisces L: Through these twelve sires the Planets continually move, and can perfectly distinguish the character of every Planet and signe, before you proceed to any part of this study; and also the characters of these Aspects that follow, viz. Sextile * , Square #, Trine $, Opposition ,Conjunction ! .
An Introduction to Astrolog ie.
You must know, every Signe containes in longitude thirty degrees, and every degree sixty minutes, &c. the beginning is from Aries, and so in order one Signe after another: so the whole Zodiack containes 360 degrees, the second degree of Taurus is the two and thirtieth degree of the Zodiack, the tenth of Taurus is the fortieth, and so in order all throughout the twelve signes; yet you must ever account the Aspects from the degree of the Zodiack wherein the Planet is, as if Saturn be in ten degrees of Gemini, and I would know to what degree of the Ecliptick he casteth his sinister Sextile Aspect; reckoning from Aries to the 10th degree of Gemini, I find Saturn to be in the 70th degree of the Zodiack, according to his longitude; if I adde 60 degrees more to 70, they make 130, which answers to the 10th degree of the Signe Leo, to which Saturn casteth his Sextile Apsect, or to any Planet in that degree.
When two Planets are equally distant one from each other, 60 degrees, we say they are in Sextile Apsect, and note it with this character * .
When two Planets are 90 degrees distant one from another, we call that Aspect a Quartill
(Square) Aspect, and write it thus, #
When two Planets are 120 degrees distant, we say they are in Trine Aspect, and we write it thus
When two Planets are 180 degrees distant, we call that Aspect Opposition, and character the
Aspect thus
When two planets are in one and the same degree and minute of any signe, we say they are in Conjunction, and write it thus !.
So then if you find Saturn in the 1st degree of Aries, and Moon or any other Planet in the 1st degree of Gemini, you shall say they are in a Sextile Aspect, for they are distant one from another 60 degrees, and this Aspect is indifferent good.
If Saturn or any other Planet be in the 1st degree of Aries, and another Planet in the 1st degree of Cancer, you must say they are in a Square Aspect, because there is 90 degrees of the Zodiack betwixt them: this Aspect is of enmity and not good.
If Saturn be in the 1st degree of Aries, and any Planet in the
An Introduction to Astrologie.
1st degree of Leo, th ere being now the distance of 120 degrees, they behold each other with a Trine Aspect; and this doth denote Unity, Concord and Friendship. If you find Saturn in the 1st degree of Aries, and any Planet In the 1st degree of Libra, they being now 180 degrees each from other, are said to be in Opposition: A bad Aspect: and you must be mindfull to know what signes are opposite each to other, for without it you cannot erect the Figure.
When Saturn is in the 1st degree of Aries, and any Planet is in the same degree, they are then said to be in Conjunction: And this Aspect is good or ill, according to the nature of the question demanded.
Signes Opposite to one another are
Aries ——— Libra Taurus ——— Scorpio
Gemini ——— Sagittarius Cancer ——— Capricorn
Leo ——— Aquarius Virgo ——— Pisces
That is Aries is opposite to Libra, and Libra to Aries; Taurus to Scorpio, Scorpio to Taurus: and so in order as they stand.
Ephemeris, what, and its use.
I would have all men well and readily apprehend what precedes, and then they will most easily understand the Ephemeris; which is no other thing, then a book containing the true places of the Planets, in degrees and minutes, in every of the 12 signes both in longitude and latitude, every day of the yeer at noon, and every hour of the day, by correction and equation. I have inserted an Ephemeris of the moneth of January 1646, and after it a Table of Houses for the latitude of 52 degrees, which will serve in a manner, all the Kingdom of England on this side of Newark upon Trent, without sensible errour; and this I have done of purpose to teach by them, the use of an Ephemeris, and the manner and means of erecting a Figure of Heaven, without which nothing can be known or made use of in Astrology.
CHAP. 11.
Of the Use of the Ephemeris.
The first line on the left—hand page, tels you, January hath 31: dayes.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
In the second line you find, The daily motions of the Planets and the Dragons head.
In the third line and over the character of Saturn you h ave M.D.M. signifying Meridlonall, D.
Descending; that is, Saturn hath Meridionall latitude, and is Descending. In the next column you find M.D. and underneath Jupiter; that is, Jupiter hath South or Meridionall latitude, and is descending.
In the third column you find M.A. and under those letters Mars; that is, Mars hath Meridionall latitude, and is ascending.
The Sun hath never any latitude.
In the next column to the Sun you find Venus and then Mercury, with the title of their Latitude:
Now if over any of the Planets you find S.A. or D. it tels you that Planet hath Septentrionall or North latitude, and is either ascending or descending, as the letters A. or D. do manifest. In the fourth line you see Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Moon, North Node; now you must observe ever, the South Node is in the opposite signe and degree to the North Node, though he is never placed in the Ephemeris.
In the Fifth line you have Aries, Gemini, Capricorn, Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo:
Over Aries you have Saturn, that is to acquaint you, that Saturn is in the signe of Aries: And so over Capricorn stands Mars: And so of all rest one after another. In the Sixth line you have figure 1, telling of you it’s the first day of January, and so underneath it to the lower end, you have the day of the moneth.
Next to the Figure 1, you have the letter A, which Is the letter of the day of the week; and if you run down under that column; you see the great letter to be D, which is the Sunday or Dominicall letter of the yeer 1646.
Over against the first day of January under the character of Saturn you find 27.48, over those figures you see Aries; the meaning is, Saturn is the first day of January in 27 degrees and S minutes of Aries: now you must observe, 60 minutes make one degree, and that when any Planet hath passed 30 degrees in a signe, he goeth orderly into the next; as out of Aries into Taurus, out of Taurus into Gemini, &c.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
In the fourth column, over against the first of the moneth, you find 28R12, over them Gemini, and over it Jupiter; that us; Jupiter the first of January is in 28 degrees of Gemini and 12 minutes:
The letter R tels you that he is Retrograde; had you found Di. or D. it had told you he was then come to be Direct in motion. Of all these termes hereafter by themselves. In the fifth column you find 10,5, over those figures Capricorn, Mars, viz. Mars is the first of January in the 10th degree and 5 minutes of Capricorn.
And so by this order you find the Sun to be in 21 degrees, and 34 minutes of Capricorn; and Venus in 5 degrees 7 minutes of Pisces; Mercury in 5 degrees and 29 minutes of Aquarius; the Moon in 21 degrees and 23 minutes of Scorpio, North Node In 12 degrees and 34 minutes of Leo.
So that you see on the left-hand page, there are ten severall columns; the first containing the day of the moneth; the second, the week—day letter; the third, the degree and minutes of Saturn; the fourth containes the degrees and minutes Jupiter is in; and so every column the like for the rest of the Planets.
Over against the tenth of January, under the column of the Sun, you find 0 Aquarius 44 minutes, which onely sheweth you the Sun to be that day at Noon, in 0 degrees and 44 minutes of Aquarius, &c.
In the lower end of the left-side page, after the 31 of January you find Lat. of Pla. that is, the Latitude of the Planets.
Under the letter c you find 1 10 20.
Under the column of Saturn over against 1, you find 2. 31. then continuing your eye, you have upder Jupiter 0, 5: under Mars 0,47; under Venus 1,13; under Mercury 1,45. The meaning here is, that the first day of January Saturn hath 2 degr: and 31 min: of latitude; Jupiter 0 degr: 5 min:
Mars 0 degr:47 min: Venus I degr: 13 min: Mercury 1 degr:45 min: of latitude. To know whether It is North or South, cast your eye to the upper column, and you may see over the character of Saturn stands M.D. that is, Meridionall Descending, or South latitude; where you find 5, it tels you the latitude is North; if you find A, the planet is Ascending in his latitude; if D. then Descending.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
The right—hand page of the Ephemeris unfolded.
There are eight columns: the first contains the days of the moneth; the six next containes the manner, quality and name of those Aspects the Moon hath to the Planets; as also, the hour of the day or night when they perfectly meet in Aspect; the eighth column hath onely those Aspects which Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury make to each other, and the time of the day or night when.
In the fourth line under Saturn you find Occid. that is, Saturn is Occidentall of the Sun, or sets after him; and so of Jupiter, or where you find Occid. it noteth as much. Under Mars you find Orient. that is, Mars is Orientall, or riseth before the Sun. And so at any time.
For better understanding the true time when the Moon comes to the Aspect of any Planet, you are to observe, that all those that write Ephemerides, compute the motion of the Planets for the noon time, or just at twelve: And you must know, we and they ever begin our day at Noon, and so reckon 24 hours from the noon of one day to the noon of the next, and after this manner you must reckon in the Aspects. As for example:
Over against the first day of January 1646. which is Thursday, and under the column appropriate to the Sun, you find * o. The meaning whereof is, that the Moon is in Sextile aspect with the Sun that first day of January at noon, or no hours P.M. or Post Men diem. Over against Friday the second of January, you find under the column of Venus [] 6. and on the right hand side over against the same day, under Mercury * 9. which is no more than this, viz, the second day of January at 6 a clock after noon, the Moon comes to the Square or Quartill aspect of Venus; and at 9 of clock she meets with the sextile of Mercury.
Over against the sixt day of January, being Tuesday, under Saturn you find
[] 14. that Is, fourteen
hours after noon of that day, the Moon comes to the
[] of Saturn: now you may easily find, that
An Introduction to Astrologie.
the fourteenth hour after noon on Tuesday, is two of clock in the morning on Wednesday. Again, over against the 6 day, under the column of the Sun you find Conjunction 11 48 which is no more but this, the Moon comes to Conjunction with the Sun at 48 minutes after eleven of clock at night: Now you must know the Moon her Conjunction with the Sun is her change, her next [] after Conjunction with the Sun is the first quarter, her Opposition with the Sun is full Moon, her [] after Opposition is her last quarter.
If you understand but this, that thirteen hours Is one of clock the day subsequent, fourteen hours two of clock, fifteen hours three of clock in the morning, sixteen is four of clock, seventeen hours is five in the morning, eighteen is six of clock, nineteen hours is seven of clock, twenty hours is eight in the morning, twenty one hours is nine of clock, twenty two hours after noon is ten of clock the next day, twenty three hours after noon is eleven of clock, &c. Now we never say twenty four hours after noon, for then it’s just noon, and if we say 00.00. after noon that is just at noon, or then it’s full-twelve of clock:
Understanding this and you cannot erre.
In that column under the Planets mutuall Aspects, over against the third of January being Saturday, you find * Saturn Jupiter 21 that is Saturn and Jupiter are in aspect 21 hours after noon of the Saturday; and that is, at nine of clock on the Sunday morning following. Over against the fourth day you find Moon Apogaum, that is, she is then remotest from the earth over against the eighteenth day in the outmost column you find Moon Perigaon, that is, the Moon is then nearest unto the earth.
Over against the twelfth day, in the same outmost column, you find Mercury in Elong. Max. it should be Mercury in Maxima Elongatione, or that day Mercury is in his greatest elongation or distance from the Sun.
Over against the sixt of January, you find in the outside column
Vc Sun Jupiter SS Mars Mercury; that is the Sun and Jupiter are
in Quincunx aspect that day; now that aspect consisteth of five
Signes, or 150 degrees.
SS is a Semisextil, and tels you, that day Mars and Mercury are in Semisextil to each other: this aspect consisteth of 30 degrees.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Over against the 25 of January, you find in the outmost column [] Saturn Mars 11, and Q Sun Saturn: The meaning is, that at eleven of clock after noon, Saturn and Mars are in Quartill aspect; and that Q Sun Saturn tels you, the Sun and Saturn have a Quintill aspect to each other that day:
A Quintill consists of two Signes twelve degrees, or when Planets are distant 72 degrees from each other: we seldom use more aspects then Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, Opposition: to these of late one Kepler, a learned man, hath added some new ones, as follow, viz. A Semisextill, charactered SS, consisting of 30 degrees.
A Quintil Q consisting of 72 degrees.
A Tredecile Td consisting of 108 degrees.
A Biquintill Bq consisting of 144 degrees.
A Quincunx Vc consisting of 150 degrees.
I only acquaint you with these, that finding them any where you may apprehend their meaning. After those two sides of an Ephemeris, followeth in order, A Table of Houses; for without a present Ephemeris and Table of Houses, it’s impossible to instruct you to set a Figure, without which we can give no judgment, or perform anything In this art. The use of the Table of Houses.
As there are twelve Signes in the Zodiack, through which the Sun and all the Planets make their daily motion, so are thers as you may see twelve severall great pages; and as Aries is the first Signe of the Zodiack, so in the first line of the first great page doe you find Sun in Aries; in the second grand page and first line you will find Sun in Taurus; In the third page and first line Sun in Gemini; and so in order according to the succession of Signes one after another through the twelve pages:
By help of these Tables we frame a Figure, as I shall now acquaint you.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
How to Erect a Figure of Heaven by the Ephemeris and
Table of Houses, aforesaid.
See Figure 1.
In the first place you are to draw the Figure thus; and to know that those twelve empty spaces are by us called the twelve houses of Heaven, that square in the middle is to write the day, yeer and hour of the day when we set a figure: the first house begins ever upon that line where you see the figure 1 placed, the second house where you see the figure 2 stand, the third house where you see the figure 3, the fourth house begins where you find the figure 4, the fifth house where you see the figure 5, the sixth where you see the figure 6, the seventh house where you find the figure 7, the eighth house where you find the figure 8, the ninth house where you find the figure 9, the tenth house where you find the figure 10, the eleventh house where you find the figure 11, the tewlfth house where you find the figure 12: what space is contained between the figure 1 to the figure 2, is of the first house, or what Planet you shall find to be in that space, you shall say he is in the first house; yet if he be within 5 degrees of the Cusp of any house, his vertue shall be assigned to that house whose Cusp he is neerest, &c. but of this hereafter. The Cusp or very entrance of any house, or first beginning, is upon the line where you see the figures placed; upon which line you must ever place the Signe and degree of the Zodiack, as you find it in the Table of Houses, as if you find 10 degrees of Aries for
An Introduction to Astrologie.
the tenth house, you must place the number 10 and Signe of Aries upon the line of the tenth house, and that same tenth degree is the Cusp or beginning of that house, and so in the rest. In erecting or setting your Figure, whether of a Question or Nativity, you are to consider these three things.
First, the yeer, moneth, day of the week, hour or part of the hour of that day. Second, to observe in the Ephemeris of that yeer and day the true place of the Sun in Signe, degree and minute at noon.
Thirdly, what hours and minutes In the Table of houses doe answer or stand on the left hand against the degree of that Signe the Sun is In the day of the Question; for by adding the hour of the day, and hours and minutes answering to the place of the Sun, your Figure is made, and this Signe where the Sun is you must always look for In the great column under the title of the tenth house, where you find the Sun and that Signe together; as if upon any day of the yeer when I set my Figure, the Sun is in Aries, then the first great page or side serveth, for there you find Sun in Aries; if the Sun be in Taurus, then the second page serveth, and so in order: and as in the uppermost line you find Sun In Aries Taurus Gemini, &c. so underneath those characters, and under the tenth house, you see 0 1 2 3 4 5 6, and so all along to 30 degrees; so that let the Sun be In what degree he will, you have it exactly to degrees in the second lesse column, under the title of the tenth house, If any minutes adhere to the place of the Sun as always there doth, If those minutes exceeds thirty, take the hours and minutes, adhering to the next greater degree the Sun Is in; if lesse minutes then thirty belong to the Sun, take the same you find him with, for you must know it breeds no error in an Horary Question.
Examples by the Figure following.
I would erect a Figure of Heaven the sixt of January, being Tuesday, 1646. one hour thirty
minutes afternoon, or P.M. that is, Post Meridiem. First, I look in the Ephemeris over against the
sixth of January, for the true place of the Sun, and I find it to be 26 39 Capricorn; then I look in
the Table of Houses untill I find the Sun in Capricorn 10, which signifieth the tenth house, I find
Capricorn; I enter with the degrees of the Sun
An Introduction to Astrologie.
See Figure 2.
which being 26 39 I look for 27, and on the left hand against it, I find 19h 56m; In the head of the Table over them H. H. signifying Hours and Minutes: These hours and minutes viz. 19,56, I adde to the time of day in my Question, vIz. 1, 30 (and so I must always in every Question adde both numbers together, and if they make more then 24 hours, I must cast away 24 hours, and enter the Table of Houses, under the title of time from noon, seeking for the remainder, or the neerest number to it, and on the right hand over against It, under the severall columns, you shall have the Cusps of the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, first, second, third, fourth houses: but to my former purpose: I add 19,56 to 1,30 and they produce 21 hours, 26 minutes; which number I seek for in that column, entitled Time from noon, or Hours, minutes, and which number I find precisely In the eleventh great page, under the Sun in Aquarius; and over against 21,26 on the right hand under the column of the tenth house, I find 19,(tenth house] and over its head upward, the Signe of Aquarius, so then I put the 19 degrees of Aquarius upon the Cusp of the tenth house.
[Eleventh house.] In the third column, over against 21,26 I find 17,6, over It the Signe of Pisces, above Pisces the number 11, which appoints you 17 degrees, and 6 minutes of Pisces for the Cusp of the eleventh house.
[Twelfth house.] In the 4th column you find over against the former number 11,37, over that the character of Taurus, at the upper end 12, which tels you, that 11,37 degrees of Taurus must be placed on the Cusp of the twelfth house.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[First house.] In the fi fth column over against the former number, you have 25,31, over It Gemini, over GeminI 1 House, and directs you to place the 25 degrees and 31 minutes of Gemini upon the line of Cusp of the first house.
[Second house.] In the sixth column you find 17,10, over that
Cancer, 2 House, which tels you 17, 10 degrees of the Signe
Cancer must be placed on the Cusp or line of the second house.
[Third house.] In the seventh little column over against the former number you have 2,22, over it the Signe Leo, and in the upper line 3 House; so you are directed to put the 2 deg. and 22 minutes of Leo upon the Cusp of the third house.
Having now perfected the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, first, second, and third House, I must direct you how to perform the rest.
You must for understanding hereof know, that the first six Signes of the Zodiack are opposite to the six last, as formerly I told you.
Aries——— Libra Taurus——— Scorpio
Gemini——— Sagittarius Cancer——— Capricorn
Leo ——— Aquarius Virgo——— Pisces
Viz. Aries is opposite to Libra, and Libra to Aries; to Taurus to Scorpio, and Scorpio to Taurus, and so all the rest in order.
The twelve Houses also are opposite each to other: as thus
10 11 12 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
So that the tenth house is opposite to the fourth, the fourth to the tenth; the eleventh to the fifth, the fifth to the eleventh, and so all the rest as you find placed: The use you are to make of it is this, That if on the Cusp of the tenth house you find the Signe Aries, then on the Cusp of the fourth the Signe Libra; and look what degree and minute of possesseth the Signe of the tenth house, the same degree and minute of the opposite Signe must be placed on the Cusp of the fourth house, and so of all the other Signes and Cusps of houses; and this is generall, and ever holdeth true; without which rule observed, you cannot erect the Figure aright.
In our former Figure you see 19 Aquarius on the Cusp of the tenth
An Introduction to Astrologie.
house, Leo is opposite to Aquarius, and the fourth house to the tenth; so then I place the 19 degree of Leo upon the Cuspe of that house.
Upon the line or cusp of the eleventh house you see Pisces 17,6,Virgo is the Signe opposite to Pisces, and the fifth house to the eleventh; so that I placed the 17 degree and 6 minutes of Virgo upon the Cusp of the fifth house.
The Cusp of the twelfth house is the 11,37 of Taurus, I see Scorpio is opposite to Taurus, and the sixth house to the twelfth; I therefore put the 11 degree and 37 minutes of Scorpio on the Cusp of the sixth house.
I doe so in the rest of the houses, and by this means I have framed the twelve houses, and placed the severall Signs of the Zodiack upon the Cusps as they ought to be. Having finished your twelve houses by the Method preceding, you must now learn to place the Planets therein; which you must doe by observing in the Ephemeris, the exact place of the Planet in Sign and Degree at noon the day of the Figure, and in what house you shall finde the Sign wherein the House is, in that House must you place the Planet, within the House if the Planet be in more Degrees then the Cuspe of the House; without the House, if his Degrees be lesse then those of the Cusp of the Houses.
Over against the sixt day of January aforesaid, I find Saturn to be in 27.58. of Aries: I look for Aries in the Figure, but find it not; I find Pisces on the Cuspe of the eleventh, and Taurus on the Cuspe of the twelfth House; so I conclude that the Signe Aries is intercepted; for so we say when a Signe Is not upon any of the Cuspes of Houses, but included betwixt one House and another: I therefore place Saturn in the 11 House, as you may see.
In the next place I finde the place of Jupiter to be 27.40. Gemini. I find 25.31. Gemini to be on the Cuspe of the first House, because the Degrees adhering to Jupiter are greater then the Cuspe, I place Jupiter within the House. And because he Is noted Retrograde I place the Letter R, the better to informe my judgment.
In the fifth column of the Ephemeris I find Mars the sixth of January to be in the 13.55.
Capricorn; which Signe in the figure is .the Cusp of the eighth House: I therefore place Mars as
An Introduction to Astrologie.
the Cusp as I can, but his Degrees in the Signe being lesse then the Cuspe of the House, I place him without the House.
I find the Sun the sixth day of January to be In 26.39 Capricorn whom I place beyond the Cuspe of the eighth House, because the Degrees of the Sun in Capricorn are more then the Cuspe of the House.
In the same line, and over against the sixt of January, I finde Venus to be in 10 Degrees, and 53 minutes of Pisces.
I finde the Signe of Pisces on the Cuspe of the eleventh House, and there I put Venus in the tenth House, neer the Cuspe of the eleventh House, but not in the House, because the Degrees of the Signe she is in are not equivalent to the Degrees of the Cuspe of the eleventh House, but are short of them.
In the eigth Column I finde under the character of Mercury 13.18. above it Aquarius. I therefore place Mercury neer the Cuspe of the tenth House, but not in the House; for you may see he is neerer In Degrees to the Cuspe of the tenth house then the ninth; for by how much neerer he is in Degrees to the Cuspe of any House, having the same Signe, by so much the neerer he ought to be p1aced to the Cuspe of that House.
In the ninth Column, under the Column of the Moon I finde over against the sixth of January
20.54. and over the Figures Capricorn: so then I place the Moon very neer the Sun in the eighth House, and betwixt the Cupse of the house and the Sun; for you may see the Moon hath not so many Degrees as may put her beyond the Sun; nor hath she so few to be without the eighth House. How to reduce the motion of the Moon an other Planets to any house of the day, you shall be instructed hereafter.
In the tenth column I find over against my said day, 10.10.over against it Leo and North Node: so you see the North Node is in 11 deg. 10 mm. of Leo; which I place in the middle of the third house, because ten degrees are very neer as nigh the Cuspe of the third house as fourth; the South Node being always in the opposite Signe and degree at the North Node, I place in the ninth house, viz. In 11 degrees 10 minutes of Aquarius, This being done, I must observe how the Moon Seperates and applies the same day; I find the sixt of January on the right-hand page of the book, that the Moon did last seperate from a Conjunction of Mars and now is applying to a Conjunction of Sun at 11,48, that is at eleven of clock and 48 minutes after at night, then to a Squ are An Introduction to Astrologie. of Saturn at fourteen hours after noon, or at two of clock the next morning. Thus have you one Figure of Heaven erected, and the Planets therein placed, though not rectif led to the hour of the day, for how to reduce their motion to any hour I shall shew hereafter: But because I have by experience found, that many Learners have been much stumbled for want of sufficient directions in former Introductions to set a Scheame of Heaven, I shall be a little more copious, and shew an example or two more.
I would erect a Figure on Saturday the 17 of January 1646. for eleven of clock and twenty after noon: the Sun that day at noon Is In 7 degrees and 52 of Aquarius: In the eleventh page of the Table of Houses I find Sun In Aquarius, under the column of the tenth house I look for the eighth degree of Aquarius, because 52 minutes want but little of a degree; over against the eighth degree on the left—hand, under the title of Time From Noon, I find 20 42, viz. 20 hours 42 minutes; so then I work thus, Time of the day is 11 20.
20 42 hours and minutes answering to the eighth degree of Aquarius, there being 62 min. viz, two min. more than one hour, I take that hour and adde both numbers together, they make ........... 32 02.
From 32 hours and 2 min. I subtract 24 hours, as I must ever doe, if there be more then 24 hours,
and then there remaines as you see,
8 hours and 32 02
2 min. which I find not 24 subtracted.
precisely in the Table of
Houses, but I find 8,0, 8 02 remaines.
which is neer my number, and which serves very well; over against 8h and 0m I find 28,0, and in the upper part I find Cancer, and over it the tenth house, so then I have 28 degrees, 0 min. of Cancer for the Cuspe of my tenth house: in the same line, on the right hand to the 28 degr. of Cancer, you shall find 4 36, over it Virgo, In the upper part of the eleventh house: so then 4 degr.
36 mm. of Virgo are the Cuspe of the eleventh house; then have you over against the said number of S hours 0 min. in An Introduction to Astrologie.
the fourth column, 0 Libra 4, over its head the twelfth house, this tels you the Cusp of the twelfth house is 0 degr. 4 min. of Libra: in the fifth column over against the said former number, you have 21.3, over them figures at the top of the page, Libra, and then the first house; which signifies, that you must place the 21 deg.and 3 min. of Libra on the cusp of the first house: adjoyning to the 21.degr. and 3 min of Libra in the sixth column, I find 13,57, over it the sign Scorpio, in the upper part of the second house, by which I know, that 13 degr. and 57 min of Scorpio must be placed on the cusp of the second house. In the seventh and utmost column over against my foresaid number of 8 hours and 0 min. I find 15.46, over them the sign Sagittarius, in the upper column over their head the third house, pointing out 15 degr. 46 min of Sagittarius for the Cusp of the third house; so then your Cusps of Houses stand thus:
Tenth house 28 Cancer.
Eleventh house 4.36 Virgo.
Twelfth house 0.4 Libra.
First house 21.3 Libra.
Second House 13.57 Scorpio.
Third house 15.46 Sagittarius.
The Cusps of the other houses are found out by the opposite Signes and houses, as I formerly directed, viz, the fourth house being opposite ever to the tenth, and the Signe Capricorn to Cancer. I place the 28 degr. of Capricorn on the Cusp of the fourth house: the fifth is opposite to the eleventh, and Pisces is the opposite Signe to Virgo, I therefore place the 4 degr. and 36 min. of Pisces for the Cusp of the fifth: the twelfth house is opposite to the sixth, so is Aries opposite to Libra, therefore I place the 21 degr. and 3 min. of Aries, the opposite Signe to Libra, on the Cusp of the seventh house: the eighth house is opposite to the second, and Taurus to Scorpio, I therefore place the 13 degr. and 57 min. of Taurus on the Cusp of the eighth house: the ninth house is opposite to the third, and Gemini to Sagittarius, I therefore make the 15 degr. and 46 min. of Gemini the Cusp of the ninth house: The Planets are to be placed in the An Introduction to Astrologie.
Figure as formerly directed; nor let it trouble you, if you find sometimes two signs in one house, or almost three, or sometimes one sign to be on the Cusps of three houses, ever place your Planets orderly as neer the degree of the house, as the number of degrees your Planet is in will permit.
You must ever remember that if your hour of the day be in the morning, or as we say Ante Meridiem, or before noon, you must reckon the time, as from the noon of the day preceding: As for example.
I would erect a Figure the 26. day of January 1646. being Monday, for 9. of the clock and 45 min. before noon.
My time stands thus: 9 ho. 45 min.
To this I adde 12 hours, because it is properly in our account, the 21 hour and 45 minutes after noon of the Sunday preceding: so then you may say thus; the Figure is set for 9. hours and 45 minutes Ante Meridiem, or before noon of the Monday.
Or else 25 of January, being Sunday, 21 hours and 45 min. Post Meridiem, or after noon, which is all one with the former time.
I find the Sun at noon the same 26 day, to be in 16 degr. and 59 min. of Aquarius; I look in the Table of Houses what hours and min. correspond to the 17 degrees of Aquarius in the tenth house; in the eleventh page I find Sun Aquarius, and along in the column of the tenth 17 degr. 0 min. on the left hand I find over against them, 31 hours 18 min. to these I add the hours and min.
of the
day, viz. 21.45; added together, they make 43h 03m.
from which in regard they are more then 24 hours,
I subtract 24.
43 03
Rests 19 03
With my 12 hours and a min. Ienter the Table of Houses, and under the title of hours and minutes, or Time from noon, I seek my number, In the tenth page I find 19 hours and 1 min. which is the next number unto my desire, over against it I see 14.0, and in the upper part of Capricorn and tenth house, signifying the 14 degr. of the Sign Capricorn is to be placed on the Cusp of the An Introduction To Astrolog ie.
tenth house, the rest of the houses are found out in order as they stand in the Table of Houses over against my number of 19 hours and 1 min. I hope these examples will be sufficient for all young Learners; but that they may presently consider whether they have set their Figure right yea or no, let them take this general rule, that if the Figure be erected from noon to Sunset, the Sun will be in the ninth, eighth or seventh house; if it be erected from Sunset till midnight, he shal find the Sun in the sixth, fifth or fourth house; if it be set from midnight till Sunrise, he shall find the Sun in the third, second or first house; if the Figure be set from Sunrise till noon, then he shall find the Sun in the twelfth, eleventh or tenth house, &c.
Of the daily motion of the Planets, and how to reduce
their motion to any house of the day,
and to the Meridian of London.
We have seldom occasion to erect a scheam of Heaven just at noon, to which time the motions of the Planets are exactly calculated, and need not any rectification; but usually all Questions are made either some hours before, or after noon; therefore it is needfull you know how to take their diurnall or daily motion, or how many degrees or min. they move in 24 hours, that thereby you may have a proportion to adde to the place of your Planets according to the hour of the day or night when you set your Figure: And although in horary questions, it occasioneth no error (except in the motion of the Moon) yet I thought fit to instruct the Learner herewith, that so he may know how to doe his work handsomely. Example.
You must set down the place of your Planet in Signe, degree and minute as you find him at noon; and if your Planet be direct, you must subtract him in degree and minute from the place he is in the day susbequent: but when a Planet is retrograde, you must doe the contrary, viz, subtract the motion of your Planet the day subsequent from the day going before. An Introduction to Astrologie.
January 7. at noon, Saturn is 28, 0 Aries
January 6. at noon, Saturn is 27,58 Daily motion is 2 min.
Here you see the daily motion of Saturn is onely two minutes.
Jan. 6 Jupiter M 27,40 Gemini Daily Motion is
Jan. 7 Jupiter 27,34 6 min.
Jan. 7 Mars is in 14,41 Capricorn
Jan. 6 Mars is in 13,55
So the Diurnall motion of Mars is 46 min.
Jan. 7 Sun is in 27,40 Capricorn
Jan. 6 Sun is in 26,39
The daily motion of the Sun is one degr. and one min.
Jan. 7 Venus is in 12,02 Pisces
Jan. 6 Venus is in 10,53
The daily motion of Venus is 1 degree and 9 min.
Jan. 7 Mercury is in 14,45 Aquarius
Jan. 6 Mercury is in 13,18
1 ,27
So the diurnall motion of Mercury is 1 degr. 27 min.
Jan. 7 Moon is in 3,01 Aquarius
Jan. 6 Moon is in 20,54 Capricorn
Subtract 20 degr. 54 min. of Capricorn from 30 degr. the completment of a Signe, and there rest 9. degr. 6.min. which added to 3.degr.1.min. of Aquarius, make the diurnall motion of the Moon to be 12 degr. and 7 min. The work had been easier, but that the Moon was removed into another Signe before the day subsequent at noon:
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Jan. 6 North Node is in 11,10 Leo
Jan. 7 North Node is in 10,24
The motion of the North Node is 46 min. whom you must carefully observe, for he sometimes moves forward in the sign, sometimes backward, which you may easily perceive by the Ephemeris, without further instruction.
How to find the quantity of the hourly motion of
any Planet by the Table following.
In every Figure you set, the place of the Planets ought to be rectified to the hour of the setting the Figure, especially the place of the Moon, because of her swift motion; in the Planets you need not be scrupulous, but take whole degrees without sensible error, or indeed any at all: this I mean in Questions; but in Nativities, you are to have the places of them exactly to degrees and minutes; and above all, the motion of the Sun to minutes and seconds, because by his motion we set the yearly revolutions of Nativities.
I shall onely deliver the practice of two or three Examples, and leave the rest to the diligence of every Learner. The Table followeth.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Figure 3.
de. mi. sec th. de. mi. sec th. de. mi. sec th. mi. sec th. 4h. mi. sec th. 4h mi. sec th. 4h.
1 0 2 30 22 0 55 0 43 1 47 30
2 0 5 0 23 0 57 30 44 1 50 0
3 0 5 30 24 1 1 0 45 1 42 30
4 0 10 0 25 1 2 30 46 1 55 0
5 0 12 20 26 1 5 0 47 1 57 30
6 0 15 0 27 1 7 30 48 2 0 0
7 0 17 30 28 1 10 0 49 2 2 30
8 0 20 0 29 1 12 20 50 2 5 0
9 0 22 30 30 1 15 0 51 2 7 30
10 0 25 0 31 1 17 30 52 2 10 0
11 0 27 30 32 1 20 0 53 2 12 30
12 0 30 0 33 1 22 20 54 2 15 0
13 0 32 30 34 1 25 0 55 2 17 30
14 0 35 0 35 1 27 30 56 2 20 0
15 0 37 30 36 1 30 0 57 2 22 30
16 0 40 0 37 1 32 30 58 2 25 0
17 0 42 30 38 1 35 0 59 2 27 30
18 0 45 0 39 1 37 30 60 2 30 0
19 0 47 30 40 1 40 0 61 2 32 0
20 0 50 0 41 1 42 30
21 0 52 30 42 1 45 0
In the preceding scheam of the sixth of Jan. you find the diurnall motion of the Sun to be 61 min. or one deg. one min. in the very last line of this Table 1 find 61, over the head of it deg. min. but over against 61 to the right hand, I find 2,32,30, which tels you, that the hourly motion of the Sun is, 2 min. 32 seconds, and thirty thirds, as you may see in the upper part of the column over the heads of the figures.
The daily motion of Mars is 46 min. in the Figure abovenamed.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
I enter down the first column, and find 46, against it I find 1 min. 55 seconds to be one hours motion of Mars, when in 24 hours he moves 46 min.
You must note, if you enter with minutes, you must have minutes, if with seconds, seconds; and so in the rest: This in the motion of Saturn Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury; with the Moon otherwayes.
If the motion of your Planet be above 61 min. viz. 70 or 75 or 80 min. then enter the Table twice:
as for example.
The motion of Mercury is, as you perceive, 1 degr. and 27 min. I would know what his hourly
motion is, I enter first with 60 min. against which I find 2,30, viz. 2 min. 30 seconds, then I enter
with 27, against which I find 1,7,30, viz. 1 min. 7 seconds, thirty thirds, which I cast away, and
adde the two former summes together thus, 2 30
1 7
3 37 added together they make 3 min. 37 seconds, and so much is the hourly motion of Mercury, when his diurnall motion is 87 minutes.
The daily motion of the Moon you see is 12 degrees and 7 minutes. I enter down the first column with 12, against it I find 0,30,0, viz. 0 degr, 30 min. 0 seconds.
I enter with 7, over against it I find 0 17 30
I adde the number to it 30 0 0
they produce 30 minutes 17 seconds, and 30 thirds for the hourly motion of the Moon in our figure: you may in her operation reject the seconds and thirds.
By this rule I would know where the true place of the Sun is at that hour when we erected the Figure.
The hour of the day is 1:30, the time admitted by Eichstadius for reducing his Ephemeris to the
Meridian of London, is 50 min. of an hour in motion, for they being more East then we, the Sun
comes sooner to them at their noon, then to us that are more West-ward, by so much time: I adde
50 min. to my former time, viz. 1.30, the whole is then 2 hours and 20 min. now if the motion of
the Sun in one hour be 2 min. 32 seconds
then in two hours it will be 2 min. 32 seconds more.
added together they are 5 min. 04 seconds.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Which being ad ded to the place of the Sun at noon, make the true place of the Sun at time of erection of the Figure, 26 deg. 44 min. and 4 sec. of Capricorn; there is 20 min. of one hour more; but because they produce nothing of consequence, I omit further herein. The place of the Moon the same day at noon is 20 54; if you adde her motion in two hours, you shall see it will be twice 30 min.. viz, one whole degr. and then her true place will be 21 54 Capricorn.
We that say many Figures, never care for this exactnesse, but use this generall rule; In the motion
of the Sun, Venus and Mercury, if the figure be for six or seven hours after noon, we adde about
15 min. to their places at noon, and so allowing for every six hours 15 min. motion. Because the Moon goeth 12,13 or 14 degr. in an day, we constantly adde to her place at noon 3 degr. for every six hours, and some mm. over; doe so with the other Planets according to their diurne motion. He that would doe them more exact, may work them by multiplication and division, or procure some old Ephemeris, wherein there is usually large proportionall Tables concerning this business.
Now as I have acquainted you, that in motion of the Planets you must in a Nativity or Question, if you please, allow the Planets so much to be added unto their place at noon as can be got in 50 min. of an hour, so you must observe the contrary in the Aspects. As for example: The sixt of January you find Moon Square Saturn 14 P.M. viz, the Moon comes to the square aspect of Saturn at 14 hours after the noon of the sixth day of January, or at two of the clock the next morning on the seventh day: now you must subduct 50 min. of an hour from 14 hours, and then the true time of the Moon her perfect square to Saturn with us at London, is at 13 hours and 10 min. after noon: doe so in all the aspects &c.
Of the twelve Houses of Heaven, and some Names
or Termes of Astrologie.
The whole spheare of Heaven is divided into four equal parts by the Meridian and Horizon, and again into four quadrants, An Introduction to Astrologie.
and every Quadrant again into three parts, according to other Circles drawn by points of Sections of the aforesaid Meridian and Horizon; so the whole Heaven is divided into twelve equall parts, which the Astrologers call Houses or Mansions, taking their beginning from the East. The first Quadrant is described from the East to the Midheaven, or from the line of the first house to the line of the tenth house, and contains the twelfth, eleventh and tenth houses, it’s called the Orientiall, Vernall, Masculine, Sanguine, Infant quarter.
The second Quadrant is from the Cusp of the Mid-heaven to the cusp of the seventh house, containing the ninth, eighth and seventh houses, and is called the Meridian, Estivall, Feminine, Youthfull, Cholerick quarter.
The third Quadrant is from the cusp of the seventh house to the cusp of the fourth house, and contains the sixth, fifth and fourth houses, is called the Occidentall, Autumnall, Masculine, Melanchollique, Manhood, cold and dry.
The fourth Quadrant is from the cusp of the fourth to the cusp of the first house, and contains the third, second and first house, is Northern, Feminine, Old Age, of the nature of Winter, Phlegmatique.
The first, tenth, seventh and fourth houses hereof are called
Angles, the eleventh, second, eighth & fifth are called
Succedants, the third, twelfth, ninth and sixth, are termed
Cadents. The Angles are most powerfull, the Succedants are next in vertue, the Cadents poor, and of little efficacy: the Succedant houses follow the Angles, the Cadents come next the Succedants; in force and vertue they stand so in order:
1 10 7 4 11 5 9 3 2 8 6 12
The meaning whereof is this, that two Planets equally dignified, the one in the Ascendant, the other in the tenth house, you shall judge the Planet in the Ascendant somewhat of more power to effect what he is Significator of, then he that is in the tenth: doe so in the rest as they stand in order, remembering that Planets in Angles doe more forcibly shew their effects.
When we name the Lord of the Ascendant, or Significator of the
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Querent, or thing quesited; we mean no other thing then that Planet who is Lord of that Sign which ascends, or Lord of that Sign from which house the thing demanded is required; as if from the seventh house, the Lord of that sign descending on the cusp is Significator, and so in the rest: but of this in the ensuing Judgments.
Cosignificator is when you find another Planet in aspect or conjunction with that Planet who is the principall significator; this said Planet shall have signification more or lesse, and either, assist or not, in effecting the same thing desired; and so hath something to doe in the judgment, and ought to be considered: if a friendly Planet, he notes good; if an infortune the contrary, viz, either the destruction of the thing, or disturbance in it.
Almuten, of any house is that Planet who hath most dignities in the sign ascending or descending upon the Cusp of any house, whereon, or from whence, you require your judgment. Almuten of a Figure, is that Planet who in Essentiall and Accidentall dignities, is most powerfull in the whole Scheam of Heaven.
The Dragons Head we sometimes call Anabibazon.
The Dragons Taile Catabibazon.
The Longitude of a Planet is his distance from the beginning of Aries, numbered according to the succession of signs, unto the place of the Planet.
Latitude is the distance of a Planet from the Ecliptick, either towards the North or South, by which means we come to say, a Planet hath either Septentrionall or Meridionall Latitude, when either he recedes from the Ecliptick towards the North or South. Onely the Sun continually moveth in the Ecliptick, and never hath any latitude. Declination of a Planet is his distance from the Equator, and as he declines from thence either Northward or Southward, so is his declination nominated either North or South.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Of the twelve Houses, their Nature and Signification.
As before we have said there are twelve signs, and also twelve Houses of Heaven, so now we are come to relate the nature of these twelve Houses; the exact knowledge whereof is so requisite, that he who shall learn the nature of the Planets and Signs without exact judgment of the Houses, is like an impovident man, that furnisheth with variety of householdstuffe, having no place wherein to bestow them.
There is nothing appertaining to the life of man in this world, which in one way or other hath not relation to one of the twelve Houses of Heaven, and as the twelve signs are appropriate to the particular members of mans body; so also doe the twelve houses represent not onely the severall parts of man, but his actions, quality of life and living, and the curiosity and judgment of our Fore-fathers in Astrology, was such, as they have alotted to every house a particular signification, and so distinguished humane accidents throughout the twelve houses, as he that understands the Questions appertaining to each of them, shall not want sufficient grounds whereon to judge or give a rationall answer upon any contingent accident, and successe thereof. Of the first House and its Signification.
The first house, which containeth all that part of Heaven from the line where the figure one standeth, until the figure two, where the second house beginneth. It hath signification of the life of man, of the stature, colour, complexion, form and shape of him that propounds the Question, or is born; in Eclipses and great Conjunctions, and upon the Sun his annuall ingresse into Aries; it signifieth the common people, or generall State of that Kingdom where the Figure is erected.
And as it is the first house, it represents the head and face of man, so that if either Saturn, Mars or South Node be in this House, either at the time of the Question, or at the time of birth, you shall observe some blemish in the face, or in that An Introduction to Astrologie.
member appropriate to the signe that then is upon the cusp of the house; as if Aries be in the Ascendant, the mark, mole, or scarre is without faile in the head or face; and if few degrees of the signe ascend, the mark is in the upper part of the head; if the middle of the sign be on the cusp, the mole, mark or scar is in the middle of the face, or neer it; if the later degrees ascend, the face is blemished neer the chin, towards the neck: This I have found true in hundreds of examples. Of colors, it hath the White; that is, if a Planets be in this house that hath signification of white, the complexion of the Party is more pale, white and wan; or if you enquire after the colour of the cloathe of any man, if his significator be in the first house, and in a sign corresponding, the parties apparell is white or gray, or somewhat neer that colour, so also if the Question be for cattle, when their significators are found in this house, it denotes them to be of that colour or neer it: The house is Masculine.
The Cosignificators of this house are Aries and Saturn; for as this house is the first house, so is Aries the first signe, and Saturn the first of the Planets, and therefore when Saturn is but moderately well fortified, in this house, and in any benevolent aspect of Jupiter, Venus, Sun or Moon, it promiseth a good sober constitution of body, and usually long life: Mercury doth also joy in this house, because it represents the Head, and he the Tongue, Fancy and Memory: when he is well dignified and posited in this house, he produceth good Orators: it is called the Ascendant, because when the Sun commeth to the cusp of this house, he ascends, or then ariseth, and is visible in our Horizon.
Questions concerning the Second House.
From this house is required judgment concerning the estate or fortune of him that asks the question, or his Wealth or Poverty, of all removeable Goods, Money lent, of Profit or game, losse or damage; in suits of Law, it signifies a mans Friends or Assistants; in private Duels, the Querents second; in an Eclipse or Great Conjunction, the poverty or Wealth of the people; the An Introduction to Astrologie.
Sun his entrance into Aries, it represents the Ammunition, Allies and Support the Commonwealth shall have; it imports their Magazines.
It represents in man the neck, and hinder parts of it towards the shoulders, of colours, the green. So that if one make demand concerning any thing specified above in this house, you must look for signification from hence: It’s a feminine house and Succedant, called in some Latin Authors Anaphora.
It hath Cosignificators Jupiter and Taurus; for is Jupiter be placed in this house, or be Lord hereof, it’s an argument of an estate or fortune; Sun and Mars are never well placed in this house, either of them shew dispersion of substance, according to the capacity and quality of him that is either born or asks the questions.
The Third House.
Hath signification of Brethren, Sisters, Cozens and Kindred, Neighbours, small Journeys, or inland-Journeys, oft removing from one place to another, Epistles, Letters, Rumours, Messengers: It doth rule the Shoulders, Armes, Hands and Fingers. Of Colours, it governeth the Red and Yellow, or Croceall, or Sorrell colour: It hath Cosignificators, of the Signe Gemini, of the Planet Mars; which is one reason why Mars in this house, unlesse joyned with Saturn is not very unfortunate, it is a Cadent house, and is the joy of the Moon; for if she be posited therein, especially in a moveable sing, it’s an argument of much travell, trotting and trudging, or of being seldom quiet: The house is Masculine. The Fourth House.
Giveth Judgment of Fathers in generall & ever of his Father that enquires, or that is born; of Lands, Houses, Tenements, Inheritances, Tillage of the earth, Treasures hidden, the determination or end of any thing; Towns, Cities or Castles, besieged or not besieged; all ancient Dwellings, Gardens, Fields, Pastures, Orchards; the quality and nature of the grounds one An Introduction to Astrologie. purchaseth, whether Vineyards, Cornfielfd, &c. whether the ground be Woody, Stony or barren. The Sign of the fourth denoteth the Town, the Lord thereof, the Governour: It ruleth the Brest, Lungs.
Of Colours, the Red: It’s Cosignificator is Cancer, and of Planets the Sun; we call it the Angle of the Earth, or Imum Coeli; it is feminine, and the North Angle: In Nativities or Questions, this fourth house represents Fathers, so doth the Sun by day and Saturn by night; yet if the Sun be herein placed, he is not ill, but rather shews the Father to be of a noble disposition, &c. The Fifth House.
By this house we judge of Children, of Embassadours, of the state of a Woman with child, of Banquets, of Ale-houses, Tavernes, Playes, Messengers or Agents for Republick; of the wealth of the Father, the Ammunition of a Town beseiged; if the Woman with child shall bring forth male or female; of the health or sicknesse of his Son or Daughter that asks the Question. It ruleth the Stomack, Liver, Heart, Sides and Back, and is masculine. Of Colours, Black and White, or Honey—colour, and is a Succedant house; It’s Cosignificators are Leo and Venus, who doth joy in this house, in regard it’s the house of Pleasure, Delight and Merriment; it’s wholly unfortunate by Mars or Saturn, and they therein shew disobedient children and untoward.
The Sixth House.
It concerneth Men and Mid-servants, Gallislaves, Hogges, Sheep, Goats, Hares, Connies, all manner of lesser Cattle, and profit and losse got thereby; Sicknesse, it’s quality and cause, principall humour offending, curable or not curable, whether the disease be short or long; Day—labourers, Tenants, Farmers, Shepherds, Hogheards, Neatherds, Warriners; and it signifieth Unkles, or the Fathers Brothers and Sisters.
It ruleth the inferiour part of the Belly, and intestines even to
An Introduction to Astrologie.
The Arse: this house is a Feminine and Cadent house, unfortunate, as having no aspect to the Ascendant.
Of Colours, black colour, Mars rejoyceth in this house, but his Cosignificator is of the Signes Virgo, of Planets Mercury; we usually find that Mars and Venus in Conjunction in this house, are arguments of a good Physitian.
The Seventh House.
It giveth judgment of Marriage, and describes the person inquired after, whether it be Man or Woman, all manner of Love questions, our publique enemies; the Defendant in a Law—suit, in Warre the opposing party; all quarrels, Duels, Law—suits; in Astrology the Artist himself; in Physick the Physitian; Theeves and Thefts; the person stealing, whether Man or Woman, Wives, Sweetharts; their shape, description, condition, Nobly or ignobly born: in an Annuall ingresse, whether Warre or Peace may be expected: of Victory, who over-comes, and who worsted;
Fugitives or runawayes; Banished and Out—lawed—men.
It hath cosignificator Libra and Moon, Saturn or Mars unfortunate herein, shew ill in Marriage.
Of Colour, a dark Blacke colour.
It ruleth the Haunches, and the Navill to the Buttocks; and is called the Angle of the West: and is Masculine.
The Eighth House.
The Estate of Men deceased, Death, its quality and nature; the Wills, Legacies and Testaments of Men deceased; Dowry of the Wife, Portion of the Maid, whether much or little, easie to be btained or with difficulty. In Duels it represents the Adversaries Second; in Lawsuits the Defendants friends. What kinde of Death a Man shall dye., it signifies fear and anguish of Minde. Who shall enjoy or be heir to the Deceased.
It rules the Privy-Parts. Of colours, the green and Black.
Of Signes it hath Scorpio for Cosignificator, and Saturn, the Hemoroids, the Stone, Strangury, Poysons, and Bladder are ruled by this house; and is a succedant House, and Feminine. An Introduction to Astrologie.
The Ninth House.
By this House we give judgment of Voyages or long journies beyond Seas of Religiousmen, or Clergy of any kinde, whether Bishops or inferiour Ministers; Dreams, Visions, forraign Countries, of Books, Learning, Church Livings, or Benef ices, Advowsions; of the kindred of ones Wife, & sic e contrario.
Of colours it hath the Green and White.
Of mans body it ruleth the Fundament, the Hippes and Thighes, Sagittarius and Jupiter are cosignificators of this House; for if Jupiter be herein placed, it naturally signifies a devout man in his Religion, or one modestly given; I have oft observed when the Dragons tayle, or Mars or Saturn have been infortunately placed in this House; the Querent hath either been little better then a Atheist or a desperate Sectarist: the Sun rejoyceth to be in this House, which is Masculine, and Cadent.
The Tenth House.
Commonly it personateth Kings, Princes, Dukes, Earles, Judges, prime Officers, Commanders in chief, whether in Armies or Towns; all sorts of Magistracy and Officers in Authority, Mothers, Honour, Preferment, Dignity, Office, Lawyers; the profession or Trade any one useth; it signifies Kingdoms, Empires, Dukedoms, Countries.
It hath of colours Red and White, and ruleth the knees and Hammes. Its called the Medium coeli, or Mid-heaven, and is Feminine. Its cosignificators are Capricorn and Mars; either Jupiter or the Sun doe much Fortunate this House when they are posited therein, Saturn or South Node usually deny Honor, as to persons of quality, or but little esteem in the world to a vulgar person, not much joy in his Profession, Trade or Mystery, is a Mechanick.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
The Eleventh House.
It doth naturally repres ent Friends and Friendship, Hope, Trust, Confidence, the Praise, or Dispraise of any one; the Fidelity or falsenesse of Friends; as to Kings it personates their Favourites, Councellours, Servants, their Associates or Allyes, their Money, Exchequer or Treasure; in Warre their Ammunition and Souldiery; it represents Courtiers, &c. in a Common—wealth governed by a few of the Nobles and Commons, it personates their assistance in Councell: as in London the tenth House represents the Lord Major; the eleventh the Common-councell; the Ascendant the generality of the Commoners of the said City.
Of members it ruleth the Legs to the Ancles. Of colours, it ruleth the Saffron or Yellow. It hath of the Signs Aquarius, and Sun of the Planets, for cosignificators Jupiter doth especially rejoyce in this House; it’s a succedant House, and masculine, and in vertue is equivalent either to the seventh or fourth Houses.
The Twelfth House.
It hath signification of private Enemies, of Witches, great Cattle, as Horses, Oxen, Elephants, &c. Sorrow, Tribulation, Imprisonments, all manner of affliction, self—undoing, &c. and of such men as maliciously undermine their neighbours, or inform secretly against them. It hath cosignificators Pisces and Venus; Saturn doth joy in that House, For naturally Saturn is Author of mischief; and it ruleth in Mans body the Feet.
In Colour it presents the Green.
Its a Cadent House, Feminine, and vulgarly sometimes called Cataphora, as all Cadent Houses may be. This is the true Character of the severall Houses, according to the Ptolomeian Doctrine, and the experience my self have had for some yeers: I must confesse the Arabians have made severall other divisions of the Houses, but I could never in my practise finde any verity in them, wherefore I say nothing of them.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Of the Planet SATURN, and his Signification.
[Names] He is called usually Saturn, but in some Authors Chronor Phoenon, Falcifer.
[Colour] He is the supreamest or highest of all Planets; is placed betwixt Jupiter and the Firmament, he is not very bright or glorious, or doth he twincle or sparkle, but is of a Pale, Wan or Leaden, Ashy colour slow in motion.
[Motion] Finishing his Course through the twelve signs of the Zodiack in 29 yeers, 157 dayes, or thereabouts; his middle motion is two minutes and one second; his diurnall motion sometimes is three, four, five, or six minutes, or seldom more.
[Latitude] His greatest North Latitude from the Ecliptick is two degrees 48 minutes; his South Latitude from the Ecliptick is two degrees 49 minutes; and more then this he hath not.
[Houses] In the Zodiack he hath two of the twelve Signes for his Houses, viz. Capricorn his Night—house, Aquarius his Day-house; he has his Exaltation in Libra, he receives his Fall in Aries; he rejoyceth in the sign Aquarius.
[Triplicity] He governeth the Aiery Triplicity by day, which is composed of these Signs; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
[Terms] in all the twelve Signe he hath these degrees for his Terms, allotted him by Ptolomy.
In Aries, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Taurus, 23, 24, 25, 26.
In Gemini, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Cancer, 28, 29, 30.
In Leo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Virgo, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
In Libra, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Scorpio, 28, 29, 30.
In Sagittarius, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Capricorn, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Aquarius, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In Pisces, 27, 28, 29, 30.
The meaning whereof is, that if Saturn in any Question be in
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Face. any of these degrees wherein he hath a Term, he cannot be said to be Peregrine, or void of essentiall dignities; or if he be in any of these degrees allotted him for his Face or Decanate, he cannot then be said to be peregrine: understand this in all the other Planets. He hath also these for his Face or Decanate.
In Taurus, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Leo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In Libra, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In Sagittarius, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In Pisces, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
He continueth Retrograde 140 dayes.
He is five dayes in his first station before Retrogradation, and so many in his second station before Direction.
[Nature] He is a Diurnall Planet, Cold and Dry (being far removed from the heat of the Sun) and moyst Vapours, Melancholick, Earthly, Masculine, the greater Infortune, author of Solitarinesse, Malevolent, &c.
[Manners & Actions, when well dignified.] Then he is profound in Imagination, in his Acts severe, in words reserved, in speaking and giving very spare, in labour patient, in arguing or disputing grave, in obtaining the goods of this life studious and solicitous, in all manner of actions austere.
[When ill.] Then he is envious, covetous, jealous and mistrustfull, timorus, sordid, outwardly dissembling, sluggish, suspicious, stubborn, a contemner of women, a close lyar, malicious, murmuring, never contented, ever repining.
[Corporature] Most part his Body more cold and dry, of a middle stature; his complexion pale, swartish or muddy, his Eyes little and black, looking downward, a broad Forehead, black or sad Hair, and it hard or rugged, great Eares; hanging, lowring Eye—brows, thick Lips and Nose, a rare or thin Beard, a lumpish, unpleasant Countenance, either holding his Head forward or stooping, his Shoulders broad and large, and many times crooked, his Belly somewhat short and lank, his Thighs spare; lean and not long; his Knees and Feet indecent, many times shoveling or hitting one against another, &c.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[SATURN ORIENTALL] You must observe, if Sat urn be Orientall of the Sun, the stature is more short, but decent and well composed.
[OCCIDENTALL] The man is more black and lean, and fewer Hairs; and again, if he want latitude, the body is more lean, if he have great latitude, the body is more fat or fleshy; if the latitude be Meridionall or South, more fleshy; if the latitude be Meridionall or South, more fleshy, but quick in motion.
If the latitude be North, hairy and much flesh.
Saturn in his first station, a little fat.
In his second station, fat, ill favoured Bodies, and weak; and this observe constantly in all the other Planets.
[QUALITY OF MEN.] In generall he signifieth Husbandmen, Clowns, Beggars, Day—labourers, Old-men, Fathers, Grand—fathers, Monks, Jesuits, Sectarists.
[PROFESSION.] Curriers, Night—farmers, Miners under ground, Tinners, Potters, Broom—men, Plummers, Brick-makers, Malsters, Chimney—sweepers, Sextons of Churches, Bearers of dead corps, Scavengers, Hostlers, Colliers, Carters, Gardiners, Ditchers, Chandlers, Diers of Black cloth, an Herdsman, Shepheard or Cow-keeper.
[SICKNESSES.] All Impediments in the right Ears, Teeth, all quartan Agues proceeding of cold, dry and melancholly Distempers, Leprocies, Rheumes, Consumptions, black Jaundies, Palsies, Tremblings, vain Feares, Fantasies, Dropsie, the Hand and Footgout, Apoplexies, Dog-hunger, too much flux of the Hemoroids, Ruptures if in Scorpio or Leo, in any ill aspect with Venus.
[SAVOURS.] Sower, Bitter, Sharp, in mans body he principally ruleth the Spleen.
[HEARBS.] He governeth Beirsfoot, Starwort, Woolf—bane, Hemlock, Ferne, Hellebor the white and black, Henbane, Ceterach or Fingerferne, Clotbur or Burdock, Parsnip, Dragon, Pulse, Vervine, Mandrake, Poppy, Mosse, Nightshade, Bythwind, Angelica, Sage, Box, Tutfan, Orage or golden Hearb, Spinach, Shepheards Purse, Cummin, Horitaile, Fumitory.
[PLANTS and TREES.] Tamarisk, Savine, Sene, Capers, Rue or Hearbgrice, Polipody, Willow or Sallow Tree, Yew-tree, Cypress tree, Hemp, Pine-tree.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[BEASTS, &c.] The Asse, Cat Hare, Mouse, Mole, Elephant, Beare, Dog, Wolf, Bastlisk, Crocodile, Scoprion, Toad, Serpent, Adder, Hog, all manner of creeping Creatures breeding of putrification, either in the Earth, Water or Ruines of Houses.
[FISHES, BIRDS, &c.] The Eele, Tortoise, Shel-fishes. The Bat or Blude-black, Crow, Lapwing, Owle, Gnat, Crane, Peacock, Grashopper, Thrush, Blackbird, Ostritch, Cuckoo.
[PLACES.] He delights in Deserts, Woods, obscure Vallies, Caves, Dens, Holes, Mountaines, or where men have been buried, Church—yards, &c. Ruinous Buildings, Cole—mines, Sinks, Dirty or Stinking Muddy Places, Wells and Houses of Offices, &c.
[MINERALS.] He ruleth over Lead, the Lead—stone, the Drosse of all Mettals, as also , the Dust and Rubbidge of every thing.
[STONES.) Saphire, Lapis Lazuli, all black, ugly Country Stones not polishable, and of a sad ashy or black colour.
[WEATHER.] He causeth Cloudy, Dark, obscure Ayre, cold and hurtfull, thich, black and cadense Clouds: but of this more particularly in a Treatise by it self.
[WINDS.] He delighteth in the East quarter of Heaven, and causeth Eastern Winds, at the time of gathering any Planet belonging to him, the Ancients did observe to turn their faces towards the East in his hour, and he, if possible, in an Angle, either in the Ascendant, or tenth, or eleventh house, the Moon applying by a Trine or Sextile to him.
[ORBE.] His Orbe is nine degrees before and after; that is,his influence begins to work, when either he applies, or any Planet applies to him, and is within nine degrees of his aspect, and from that aspect.
[YEERS.] In Generation he ruleth the first and eighth moneth after Conception.
The greatest yeers he signifies —— 465.
His greater —-— 57.
His mean yeers ——- 43 and a half.
His least ———— 30.
The meaning whereof is this; Admit we frame a new building, erect a Town or City, or Family, or principality is beAn Introduction to Astrologie.
gun when Saturn is essentially and accidentally strong, the Astrologer may probably conjecture the Family, Principality, &c. may continue 465 yeers in honour &c. without any semible alteration: Again, if in ones Nativity Saturn is wel dignified, is Lord of the Geniture, &c. then according to nature he may live 57 yeers; if he be meanly distinguished, then the Native but 43; if he be Lord of the Nativity, and yet weak, the child may live 30 yeers, hardly any more; for nature of Saturn is cold and dry, and those qualities are destructive to man, &c. As to Age, he relates to decreped old men; Fathers, Grandfathers, the like in Plants, Trees, and all living Creatures.
[COUNTRIES.] Late Authours say he ruleth over Bavaria, Saxony, Stiria, Romandisle, Ravenna, Constantia, Ingoldstad.
[ANGEL.] Its Cassiel, alias Captiel.
His friends are Jupiter, Sun and Mercury, his enemies Mars and Venus. We call Saturday his day, for then he begins to rule at Sun rise, and ruleth the first hour and eighth of that day.
Of the Planet Jupiter, and his Signification.
Jupiter is placed next to Saturn (amongst the Ancients) you shal sometimes finde him called Zeus, or Phaeton: He is the greatest in appearance to our eyes of all the Planets (the Sun, Moon and Venus excepted;)
[COLOR, MOTION.] In his Colour he is bright, dleer, and of an Azure colour. In his Motion he exceeds Saturn, finishing his course through the twelve Signes in twelve yeers: his middle motion is 4 min. 59 seconds: his Diurnal motion is 8,10,12 or 14 mm. hardly any more.
[LATITUDE.] His greatest North Latitude is ---- 1 38
His greatest South Latitude is ---- 1 40
[HOUSES.] He hath two of the twelve Signe of the Zodiack for his houses, viz. Sagittarius his Day-house, and Pisces his Night-house.
H3 An Introduction to Astrologie.
He receives Detriment in Gemini and Virgo. He is Exalted in Cancer, hath his Fall in Capricorn.
[TRIPLICITY, TERMS.] He ruleth the Fiery Triplicity by night, viz. Taurus, Leo, Sagattarius.
He hath also these degrees allotted for his Tearmes, viz.
In Aries, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
In Taurus, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
In Gemini, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In Cancer, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
In Leo, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Virgo, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
In Libra, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
In Scorpio, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In Sagittarius, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
In Capricorn, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
In Aquarius, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In Pisces, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
He hath assigned him for his Face or Decanate,
Of Gemini, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Of Leo, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Of Libra, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
Of Capricorn, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Of Pisces, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
He is Retrograde about 120 dayes, is five days in his first station before retrogradation, and four dayes stationary before Direction.
[NATURE.] He is a Diurnall, Masculine Planet, Temperately Hot and Moyst, Aiery, Sanguine, the greater Fortune, author of Temperance, Modesty, Sobriety, Justice.
[MANNERS & ACTIONS WHEN WELL PLACED.) Then is he Magnanimous, Faithfull,
Bashfull, Aspiring in an honourable way at high matters, in all his actions a Lover of fair
Dealing, desiring to benefit all men, doing Glorious things, Honourable and Religious, of sweet
and affable Conversation, wonderfully indulgent to his Wife and Children, reverencing Aged
men, a great Reliever of the Poor, full of Charity and Godlinesse, Liberal, hating all Sordid
actions, Just, Wife, Prudent, Thankfull, Vertuous: so that when you find Jupiter the significator of
any man in a Question, or
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Lord of his Ascendant in a Nativity, and well dignified, you may judge him qualified as abovesaid.
[WHEN ILL.] When Jupiter is unfortunate, then he wastes his Patrimony, suffers every one to cozen him, is Hypocritically Religious, Tenacious, and stiffe in maintaining false Tenents in Religion; he is Ignorant, Carelesse, nothing Delightfull in the love of his Friends; of a grosse, dull Capacity, Schismaticall, abating himself in all Companies, crooching and stooping where no necessity is.
[CORPORAT.] He signifies an upright, straight and tall Stature; brown, ruddy and lovely Complexion; of an ovall or long Visage, and it full and fleshy; high Forehead; large gray Eyes; his Hair soft, and a kind of aburn brown; much Beard; a large, deep Belly:
Strong proportioned Thighs and Legs; his feet long, being the most indecent parts of his whole Body; in his Speech he is Sober, and of grave Discourse.
[ORIENTALL.] The skin more deer, his complexion Honey—colour, or betwixt a white and red, sanguine, ruddy Colour; great Eyes, the body more fleshy, usually some Mole or Scarre in the right Foot.
[OCCIDENTALL.] A pure and lovely Complexion, the Stature more short, the Hair a light Brown, or neer a dark Flaxen; smooth, bald about the Temple or Forehead.
[MEN & THEIR QUALITY IN GENERALL.] He signifies Judges, Senators, Councellours, Ecclesiasticall men, Bishops, Priests, Ministers, Cardinals, Chancellours, Doctors of the Civill Law, young Schollers and Students in an University or College, Lawyers. Clothiers, Wollen—Drapers.
[DISEASES.] Plurisies, all Infirmities in the Liver, left Eare, Apoplexies, Inflamation of the Lungs, Palpitations and Trembling of the Heart, Cramps, pain in the Back—bone, all Diseases lying in the Vaines or Ribs, and proceeding from corruption of Blood, Squinzies, Windinesse, all Putrification in the Blood, or Feavers proceeding from too great abundance thereof.
[SAVOURS.] He governeth the Sweet or well sented Odours; or that Odour which in smell is no way extream or offensive.
[COLOURS.] Sea-green or Blew, Purple, Ash-colour, a mixt Yellow and Green.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[HEARBS & DRUGS.] Cloves and Clove-sug ar, Mace, Nutmeg, Gilly-flower, the Straw-bury, the herb Balsam, Bettony, Centory, Flax, Ars-smart, Fumitory, Lung-wort, Pimpernel, Walwort, Orangy or Wild Margorane, Rubbarb, Self—heale, Borage, Buglosse, Wheat, Willow—hearb, Thorough—Leafe, Violets, Laskwort, Liverwort, Bazil, Pomergranets, Pyony, Liquorish, Mynt, Mastix, the dazy, Feversend, Saffron.
[PLANTS & TREES.] Cherry-tree, Birch-tree, Mulberry-tree, Corall-tree, the Oae, Barburies, Olive, Gooseburies, Almond-tree, the Ivy, Manna, Mace, the Vine, the Fig-tree, the Ash, the Pear-tree, the Hazel, the Beech—tree, the Pyne, Raysons.
[BEASTS.] The Sheep, the Heart or Stag, the Doe, the Oxe, Elephant, Dragon, Tyger, Unicorne, those Beasts which are Mild and Gentle, and yet of great benefit to Mankind, are appropriate to him.
[BIRDS.] The Stork, the Snipe, the Lark, the Eagle, the Stock-dove, the Partridge, Bees, Pheasant, Peacock, the Hen.
(FISHES.] The Dolphin, the Whale, Serpent, Sheath—fish or River Whale.
[PLACES.] He delighteth in or neer Alters of Churches, in publick Conventions, Synods, Convocations, in Places neat, sweet, in Wardrobes, Courts of Justice, Oratorie.
[MINERAL & PRECIOUS STONES.) Tyn. Amethist, the Saphire, the Smarage or Emrald, Hyacinth, Topaz, Chrystal, Bezoar, Marble, and that which in 4England5 we call Free—stone.
[WHEATHER.] He usually produceth serentiy, pleasant and healthful North Winds, and by his gentle Beams all ayes the ill weather of any former Malignant Planets.
[WINDS.] He governeth the North Wind, that part which tendeth to the East.
[ORBE.] His Radiation or Orbe, is nine degrees before and after any of his aspect.
[GENERATION.] He governeth the second and tenth moneth; his proper seat in man is the Liver; and in the Elements he ruleth the Ayre.
[YEERS.] His greatest yeers are 428. his greater 79. his mean 45. least 12.
[AGE.] Men of middle age, or of a full Judgment and Discretion.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[CLIMATE.] He governeth the second Climate.
[COUNTRIES.] Babylon, Persia, Hungaria, Spain, Cullen.
[NUMBER.] The number of three is
attributed to him.
[ANGEL.] Zadkiel.
[DAY OF THE WEEK.] Thursday, and rules the first hour after Sun rise, and the eighth; the length of the Planetary hour you must know by the rising of the Sun, and a Table hereafter following.
All Planets except Mars are friends to Jupiter. In gathering any Hearb appropraited to Jupiter, see that he be very powerfull either in Essential or Accidental Dignities, and the Moon in some manner in good aspect with him, and if possible, let her be in some of his Dignities, &c.
Of the Planet MARS, and his severall significations.
MARS doth in order succeed Jupiter, whom the Ancients sometimes called Mayors, Aris, Pyrois, Gradivus; he is lesse in body then Jupiter or Venus, and appeareth to our sight of a shining, fiery, sparkling colour, he finisheth his course in the Zodiack in one yeer 321 dayes, or thereabouts; his greatest latitude North is 4, 31 min. his South is 6 degr. and 47.
[MOTION.] His mean motion is 31 min. 27 seconds. His diurnall motion is sometimes 32. 34.
36. 38. 40. 44. min. a day, seldom more.
He hath Aries for his Day—house, and Scorpio for his Night-house; he is exalted in 28 degr. of Capricorn, and is depressed in 28 Cancer, he receiveth detriment in Libra and Taurus; he is retrograde 80 dayes; stationary before direction two dayes; after, but one day.
[TRIPLICITY & TERMS.] He governeth wholly the Watry Triplicity, viz. Canser, Scorpio, Pisces. In the whole twelve Signs, Ptolomy assigneth him these degrees for Terms, viz.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
In ARIES, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
In TAURUS, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In GEMINI, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In CANCER, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In LEO, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In VIRGO, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In LIBRA, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In SCORPIO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In SAGITTARIUS, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In CAPRICORN, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
In AQUAIRUS, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In PISCES, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
He hath allotted him for his Face these degrees.
In ARIES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In GEMINI, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In LEO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In SCORPIO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In CAPRICORN, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In PISCES, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
[NATURE.] He is Masculine, Nocturnall Planet, in nature hot and dry, cholerick and fiery, the lesser Infortune, author of Quarrels, Strifes, Contentions.
[MANNERS WHEN WELL DIGNIFIED.] In feats of Warre and Courage invincible, scourning any should exceed him, subject to no Reason, Bold, Confident, Immoveable, Contentious, challenging all Honour to thenselves, Valiant, lovers of Warre and things pertaining thereunto, hazarding himself to all Perils, willingly will obey no body; nor submit to any, a large reporter of his own Acts, one that fights all things in comparison of Victory, and yet of prudent behaviour in his own affaires.
[WHEN ILL PLACED.] Then he is Pratler without modesty or honesty, a lover of Slaughter and Quarrels, Murder, Theevery, a promoter of Sedition, Frayes and Commotions; and Highway-Theef, as wavering as the Wind, a Traytor, of turbulent Spirit, Perjurer, Obscene, Rash, Inhumane, neither fearing God or caring for man, Unthankful, Trecherous, Oppressors, Ravenous, Cheater, Furious, Violent.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[CORPORATURE.] Generally Martialuts have this forme; they are but middle Stature, their Bodies strong, and their Bones big, rather leane then fat; their Complexion of a brown, ruddy colour, or flaxen, and many times crisping or curling, sharp hazle Eyes, and they piercing, a bold confident countence, and the man active and fearlesse.
[ORIENTALL.] When Mars is Orientall, he signifies Valiant men, some white mixed with the rednesse, a decent talnesse of Body, hairy of his Body.
[OCCIDENTALL.] Very ruddy Complexion’d, but mean in Stature, little Head, a smooth Body, and not hairy; yellow Hair, stiffe, the natural humours generally more dry.
[PRINCES.] Ruling by Tyranny and Opression, or Tyrants, Usurpers, new Conquerours.
[QUALITIES OF MEN AND PROFESSION.] Generals of Armies, Colonels, Captaines, or any Souldiers having command in Armies, all manner of Souldiers, Physitians, Apothecaries, Chirurgions, Alchimists, Gunners, Butchers, Marshals, Sergeants, Bailiffs, Hang-men, Theeves, Smiths, Bakers, Armourers, Watch-makers, Botchers, Tailors, Cutlers of Swords and Knives, Barbers, Dyers, Cooks, Carpenters, Gamesters, Bear-wards, Tanners, Carriers.
[DISEASES.] The Gall, the left Eare, tertian Feavers, pestilent burning Feavers, Megrams in the Head, Carbunckles, the Plague and all Plague—sores, Burnings, Ring—wormes, Blisters Phrensies, mad sudden distempers in the Head, Yellow—jaundies, Bloody—flux, Fistulaes, all Wounds and Diseases in mens Genitories, the Stone both in the Reins and Bladder, Scars or smal Pocks in the Face, all hurts by Iron, the Shingles, and such other Diseases as arise by abundance of too much Choller, Anger or Passion.
[COLOUR AND SAVOURS.] He delighteth in Red colour, or yellow, fiery and shinning like Saffron; and in those Savours which are bitter, sharp and burn the Tongue; of Humours, Choller.
[HEARBS.] The Hearbs which we attribute to Mars are such as come near to a rednesse, whose
leaves are pointed and sharp, whose taste is costick and burning, love to grow on dry places, are
corosive and penetrating the Flesh and Bones with a most subtil heat: They are as followeth. The
Nettle, all manner of
An Introduction to Astrologie
Thistles, Rest-harrow or Cammo ck, Devils—milk or Petty spurge, the white and red Brambles, the white called vulgarly by the Hearbalists Ramme, Lingwort, Onion, Scommony, Garlick, Mustard-seed, Pepper, Ginger, Leeks, Ditander, Hore—hound, Hemlock, red Sanders, Tamarindes, all Hearbs attracting or drawing choller by Sympathy, Raddish, Castoreum, Arsolarr, Assarum, Carduus, Benedictus, Cantharides.
[TREES.] All Trees which are prickly, as the Thorn, Chestnut.
[BEASTS AND ANIMALS.] Panther, Tyger, Mastiffe, Vulture, Fox; of living creatures, those that are Warlike, Ravenous and Bold, the Castor, Horse, Mule, Ostrich, the Goat, the Wolf, the Leopard, the wild Asse, the Gnats, Flyes, Lapwing, Cockarrice, the Griffon, Bear.
[FISHES.] The Pike, the Shark. the Barbel, the Fork-fish, all stinking Worms, Scorpions.
[BIRDS.] The Hawke, the Vultur, the Kite or Glead, (all ravenous Fowle) the Raven, Cormorant, the Owle, (some say the Eagle) the Crow, the Pye.
[PLACES.] Smiths, Shops, Furnaces, Slaughter—houses, places where Bricks or Charcoales are burned, or have been burnes, Chimneys, Forges.
[MINERALS.] Iron, Antimony, Arsenick, Brimston, Ocre.
[STONES.] Adamant, Loadstone, Blood—stone, Jasper, the many coloured Amatheist, the Touch-stone, red Lead or Vermilion.
[which usually appear after a long time of drinesse and fair Wheather, by improper and unwholesome Mysts.
[WINDS.] He stirreth up the Western Winds.
[ORBE.] His Orbe is onely seven degrees before and after any of his aspects.
[YEERS.] In man he governeth the flourishing time of Youth, and from 41 to 56; his greatest yeers are 264, greater 66, mean 40, lesse 15.
[COUNTRIES.] Saromatia, Lumbardy, Batavia, Ferraria, Gothland, and the third Climate.
[DAY OF THE WEEK.] He governeth Tuesday, and therein the first hour and eighth from Sun rise, and in Conception the third moneth.
[ANGEL.] Samael. His friends are onely Venus; Enemies all the other Planets.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Of the SUN, his generall and particular significations.
[SOL.] The Sun is placed in the middle of all Planets, and is called amongst the Ancients, both Poets and Historians, Sol, Titan, Ilioa, Phebus, Apollo, Pean, Osyris, Diespiter: It’s needlesse to mention his Colour, being so continuallly visible to all mortal men: He passeth through all the twelve Signs of the Zodiack in one yeer, or 365 dayes and certain hours:
[MOTION.] His mean motion is 59 min 8 seconds, yet his diurnal motion is sometimes 57m 16 seconds, sometimes more, never exceeding 61 minutes and six seconds. He always moves in the Ecliptick, and is ever voyd of latitude, so that it is very improper in any Astrologian to speak of the Sun his latitude.
[HOUSE.] He hath onely the Sign of Leo for his House, and Aquarius for his Detriment. He is Exalted in the 19 degree of Aries, and receives his Fal in 19 Libra.
[TRIPLICITY.] The Sun governeth the fiery Triplicity, viz. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius by day.
[TERMS.] He hath no degrees of the twelve Signes admitted him for his Terms, though some affirm, if he be in the six Northern Signs, viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, he shal be said to be in his Terms, but because there is no reason for it, I leave it as Idle. In the twelve Signs he hath these degrees for his Decanate or Faces.
In ARIES, the 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In GEMINI, the 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In VIRGO, the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In SCORPIO, the 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CAPRICORN, the 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
The Sun is alwayes direct, and never can be said to be Retrograde, it’s true, he moveth more slowly at one time then another.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[NATURE.] He is naturally Hot, Dry, but more temperate then Mars; is a Masculine, Diurnall Planet, Equivalent, if well dignified to a Fortune.
[MANNERS WHEN WELL DIGNIFIED.] Very faithfull, keeping their promises with all puncutuality, a kind of itching desire to Rule and Sway where he comes: Prudent, and of incomparable Judgment; of great Majesty and Statelinesse, Industrious to acquire Honour and a large Patrimony, yet as willingly departing therewith again; the Solar man usually speaks deliberately, but not many words, and those with great confidence and command of his own affection; full of Thought, Secret, Trusty, pseaks deliberately, and nothwithstanding his great Heart, yet is he Affable, Tractable, and very humane to all people, one loving Sumptuousnesse and Magnificence, and whatever is honourable; no sordid thoughts can enter his heart, &c.
[WHEN ILL DIGNIFIED.] Then the Solar man is Arrogant and Proud, disdaining all men, cracking of his Pedegree, he is Pur-blind in Sight and Judgment, restlesse, troublesome, domineerning; a meer vapour, expensive, foolish, endued with no gravity in words, or sobernesse in Actions, a Spend—thrift, wasting his Patrimony, and hanging after an other mens charity, yet thinks all men are bound to him, because a Gentleman born.
[CORPORATURE.] Usually the Sun presents a man of a good, large and strong Corporature, a yellow, saffron Complexion, a round, large Forehead: goggleEyes or large, sharp and piercing; a Body strong and well composed, not so beautifull as lovely, full of health, their hair yellowish, and thereofre quickly bald, much Hair on their Beard, and usually an high ruddy Complexion, and their bodies fleshy, in conditions they are very bountifull honest, sincere, wel-minded, of great and large Heart, High-minded, of healthfull Constitution, very humane; yet sufficiently Spirited, not Loquacious.
In the Sun, we can onely say he is Orientall in the Figure, or in the Orientall quarter of the Figure, or Occidentiall, &c. all other Planets are either Orientall, when they rule, appear before him in the morning.
Occidentall, when they are seen above the Earth after he is set.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[QUALITY OF MEN AND THEIR PROFESSIONS.] He signifi eth Kings, Princes, Emperours, &c. Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Barons, Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants of Countries, Magistrates, Gentlemen in generall, Courtiers, desirers of Honour and Preferment, Justices of Peace, Majors, High-Sheriffs, High-Constables, great Huntsmen, Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Stewards of Noble-mens houses, the principall Magistrate of any City, Town, Castle or Country-Villiage, yea, though a petty Constable, where no better, or greater Officer is;
Goldsmiths, Brasiers, Pewterers, Coppersmiths, Minters of Money.
[SICKNESSE.] Pimples in the Face, Palpitation or Trembling, or any Diseases of the Brain or Heart, Timpanies Infirmities of the Eyes, Cramps, sudden swoonings, Diseases of the Mouth, and sunking Breaths, Catars, rotten Feavers; principally in man he governeth the Heart, the Brain and right Eye, and vitall Spirit, in Women the left Eye.
[COLOURS AND SAVOURS.] Of Colours he ruleth the Yellow, the colour of Gold, the Scarlet or the deer Red, some say Purple: In Savours, he liketh wel a mixture of Sower and Sweet together, or Aromatical flavour, being a little Bitter and Stiptical, but withal Confortative and a little sharp.
[HEARBS AND PLANTS.] Those Plants which are subject to the Sun doe smell pleasantly, are of good flavour, their Flowers are yellow or reddish, are in growth of Majestical form, they love open and Sunshine places, their principal Vertue is to strengthen the Heart, and comfort the Vitals, to deer the Eye-sight, resist Poyson, or to dissolve any Witchery, or Malignant Planetary Influences; and they are Saffron, the Lawrel, the Pomecitron, the Vine, Enula Campana, Saint johns—wort, Ambre, Musk, Ginger, Hearb grace, Balm, Marigold, Rosemary, Rosafolis, Cinamon, Celendine, Eye—bright, Pyony, Barley, Cinquefoile, Spikenard, Lignum Aloes, Arsnick.
[TREES.] Ash—tree, Palm, Lawrel-tree, the Myrrhe-tree, Frankinsence, the Cane-tree or Planet, the Cedar, Heletrepion, the Orange and Lemmon-tree.
[BEASTS.] The Lyon, the Horse, the Ram, the Crocodile, the Bul, Goat, Night-wormes or Glowwormes.
[FISHES.] The Sea—Calf or Sea-Fox, the Crabfish, the Starfish.
An introduction to Astrologie.
[BIRDS.] The Eagle, the Cock, the Phoenix, Nightingale, Peacock, the Swan, the Buzzard, the Slye Cantharis, the Goshawke.
[PLACES.] Houses, Courts of Princes, Pallaces, Theators, all magnificent Structures being clear and decent, Hals, DiningRooms.
[MINERALS OR METTALS.] Amongst the Elements Sun Hath domination of fire and deer shining flames, over mettals, he ruleth Gold.
[STONES.) The Hyacinth, Chrisolite, Adamant,
Carbuncle, the Etites stone found in Eagles nests, the Pantaure, if such a stone be the Ruby.
[WEATHER.] He produceth wheather according to the season; in the spring gentle moysting Showers; in the Summer heat in extremity if with Mars; in Autumn mists; in Winter small Rain.
[WINDS.] He loves the East part of the World; and that winde which proceeds from that quarter.
[ORBE.] Is 15. degrees before any aspect; and so many after seperation.
[YEERS.] In age he ruleth youth, or when one is at the strongest; his greatest yeers are 1460, greater 120, mean 69, least 19.
[COUNTRIES.] Italy, Sicilia, Bohemia; and the fourth Climate, Phenicia, Chaldea.
[ANGEL.] Michael.
[DAY OF THE WEEK.] He ruleth Sunday the first hour thereof, and the eight; and in numbers the first and fourth; and in conceptions the fourth moneth. His friends are all the Planets except Saturn, who is his Enemy.
Of the Planet VENUS and her severall significations and nature.
[NAME.] After the Sun succeedeth Venus; who is sometimes called Cytherea, Aphrodite, Phosphoros, Vesperugo, Ericina.
[COLOUR IN THE ELEMENT.) She is a bright shining colour, and is well known amongst the vulgar by the name of the evening Starre or Hesperus; and that is when she appeares after the Sun is set: common people call he the morning Starre, and the learned Lucifer, when she is seen long before the rising of the Sun.
[MOTION.] Her mean motion is 59 min. and 8 seconds: her diurnall motion is sometimes 62 min. a day 64.65.66.or 70.74.76.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
minutes; but 82 min. she never exceedeth.
[LATITUDE.] Her greatest North or South latitude is 9 degr. and two mm. In February 1843. she had eight degr. and 36 min. for her North latitude.
[HOUSES.] She hath Taurus and Libra for her houses, she is exalted in 27 Pisces, she receiveth detriment In Aries and Scorpio, and hath her fal In 27 Virgo.
[TRIPLICITY.] She governeth the Earthly Triplicity by day viz. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; she is two dayes stationary before retrogradatlon, and so many before direction, and doth usually continue retrograde 42 dayes.
[HER TERMS.] She hath these degrees in every Sign for her Terms.
In ARIES, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In TAURUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
In GEMINI, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CANCER, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
In LEO, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
In VIRGO, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
In LIBRA, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
In SCORPIO, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
In SAGITTARIUS, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
In CAPRICORN, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In AQUARIUS, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In PISCES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
These degrees are allowed for her Face.
In ARIES, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In CANCER, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In VIRGO, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, .18, 19, 20.
In SCORPIO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In PISCES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
[ELEMENT, NATURE.] She Is a Feminine Planet, temperately Cold
and Moyst, Nocturnal, the lesser Fortune, author of Mirth and
Jolity; the elements, the Ayre and Water are Venerial; In the
Humours, Flegme with Blood, with Spirit, and Genital seed.
[MANNERS & LOVING QUALITY WHEN MIRTH, WELL PLACED.] She signifies a quiet man, not given to Law, Quarrel or Wrangling, not Vitlous, Pleasant, Neat and Spruce, Loving Mi rth in his words An Introduction to Astrologie.
and actions, cleanly in Apparel, rather Drinking much then Gluttonous, prone to Venery, oft entangles in Love-matters, Zealous in their affections, Musical, delighting in Baths, and all honest merry Meetings, or Maskes and Stage-playes, easie of Belief, and not given to Labour, or take any Pains, a Company-keeper, Cheerful, nothing Mistrustful, a right vertuous Man or Woman, oft had in some Jealousie, yet no cause for it.
[WHEN ILL.] Then he is Riotous, Expensive, wholly given to Loosenesse and Lewd companies of Women, nothing regarding his Reputation, coveting unlawful Beds, Incestuous, an Adulterer;
Fennatical, a meer Skip-jack, of no Faith, no Repute, no Credit; spending his Means in Alehouses, Taverns, and amongst Scandalous, Loose people; a meen Lazy companion, nothing careful of the the things of this Life, or any thing Religious; a meer Atheist and natural man.
[CORPORATURE.] A man of fair, but not tall Stature, his Complexion, being white, tending to a little darknesse, which makes him more Lovely; very fair Lovely Eyes, and a little black; a round Face, and not large, fair Hair, smooth, and plenty of it, and it usually of a light brown colour, a lovely Mouth and cherry Lips, the Face pretty fleshy, a rolling wandering Eye, a Body very delightful, Lovely and exceeding wel shaped, one desirous of Trimming and making himself neat and compleat both in Cloaths and Body, a love dimple in his Cheeks, a stedfast Eye, and ful amarous enticements.
[ORIENTALL.] When Orientall the Body inclines to talnesse; or a kind of upright straightnesse in Person, not corpulent or very tal, but neatly composed. A right Venerian person, is such as we say, is a pretty, compleat, handsome Man or Woman.
[OCCIDENTALL.] When she is Occidental, the Man is of more short stature, yet very decent and comely in Shape and Form, wel liked of all.
[QUALITIES OF MEN & THEIR PROFESSIONS.] Musitions, Gamesters, Silk—men, Mercers,
Linnen—Drapers, Painters, Jewellers, Players, Lapidaries, Embroiderers, Women-tailors, Wives,
Mothers, Virgins, Choristers, Fidlers, Pipers, when joyned with Moon, Singers, Perfumers, Semi
lers, Picture—drawers, Gravers, Upholdsters, Limners, Glovers, all such as fell those
Commodities which adorn
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Women either, in Body (as Cloaths) or in Face, (as Complexion-waters.)
[SICKNESSE.] Diseases by her signified, are principally in the Matrix and members of Generation; in the reines, belly, back, navil and those parts; the Genorrex or running of the Reines, French or Spanish Pox; any disease arising by inordinate lust. Priapisme, impotency in generation, Hernias & the Diabetes or pissing disease.
[SAVOURS AND COLOURS.] In colours she signifieth White, or milky Skie—colour mixed with brown, or a little Green. In Savours she delightes in that which is pleasant and toothsome; usually in moyst and sweet, or what is very delectable; in smels what is unctious and Aromatical, and incites to wantonnesse.
[HEARBS AND PLANTS.] Myrtle always green; all hearbs which she governeth have a sweet flavour, a pleasant smel; a white flower; of a gentle humour, whose leaves are smooth and not jagged. She governeth the Lilly white and yellow, and the Lilly of the Valley, and of the Water. The Satyrion or Cuckoe-pintle, Maidenhair, Violet; the white and yellow Daffadil.
[TREES.] Sweet Apples, the white Rose, the Fig, the white
Sycamore; wilde Ash, Turpentine—tree, Olive, Sweet Oranges, Mugwort, Ladies-mantle, Sanicle-Baim, Veryin, Walnuts, Almonds, Millet, Valerian, Thyme, Ambre, Ladanum, Civet or Musk, Corriander, French Wheat, Peaches, Apricocks, Plums, Raisons.
[BEASTS.] The Hart, the Panther, smal cattle, Coney, the Calf, the Goat.
[BIRDS.] Stockdove, Wagtayle, the Sparrow, Hen, the Nightingale, the Thrush, Pellican, Partridge, Ficedula, a little Bird Feeding on Grapes; the Wren, Eagles, the Swan, the Swallow, the Owse or Black Bird, the Pye.
[FISHES.] The Dolphin.
[PLACES.] Gardens, Fountains, Bride—chambers, fair lodgings, Beds, Hangings, Dancing-Schooles, Wardrobes.
[METALS AND MINERALS, STONES.] Copper, especially the Corinthian and White; Brasse, all Lattenware. Cornelian, the sky—coloured Saphyre, white and red Coral, Margalite, Alabaster, Lapis Luzuli because it expels Melancholy, the Beril, Chrisolite.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[WINDE AND WEATHE R.] She governeth the South—winde being hot and moyst; in the temperament of the Ayre, she ruleth the Etesia; she foretelleth in Summer, Serenity or cleer weather; in Winter, rain or snow.
[ORB.] Her Orbe is 7. before and after any aspect of hers. EYEERS.] Her greatest yeers are 151. her greater 82. her mean 45. her least 8. In man she governeth Youth from 14 to 28.
[COUNTRIES.] Arabia, Austria, Campania, Vienna, Polonia the greater, Turing, Parthia, Media, Cypress, and the six climate.
[ANGEL.] Her Angel is Anael.
[DAY OF THE WEEK.] Her day of the week Friday, of which she rules the first and eigth houre; and in conception the first Month. Her Friends are all the Planets except Saturn.
Of MERCURY, and his signification, nature and property.
[NAME.] He is called Hermes, Stilbon, Cyllenius, Archas. Mercury is the least of all the Planets, never distant from the Sun above 27.degrees; by which reason he is seldom visible to our sight:
[COLOUR.] He is of a dusky silver colour; his mean motion is 59 min. and 8 seconds; but he is sometimes so swift that he moveth one degree and 40.min. in a day, never more; so that you are not to marvaile if you finde him sometimes goe 66. 68. 70. 80. 86. or 100. in a day: he is Stationary one day, and retrograde 24.dayes.
[LATITUDE.] His greatest South Latitude is 3. degr. 35.min. His greatest North Latit. is 3.deg.
[HOUSE.] He hath Gemini and Virgo for his Houses, and is exalted in the 15. of Virgo: he receives detriment in Sagittarius and Pisces, his fal is in Pisces.
[TRIPLICITY.] He ruleth the aery triplicity by night, viz. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
[TERMS.] He hath these degrees in every Sign for his Terms.
In ARIES, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
In TAURUS, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
InGEMINI, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
In CANCER, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In LEO, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
In VIRGO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
In LIBRA, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
In SCORPIO, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
In SAGITTARIUS, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CAPRICORN, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
In AQUARIUS, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
In PISCES, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
[FACE.] These subsequent degrees are his Faces or Decanate:
In TAURUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In CANCER, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In VIRGO, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
In SAGITTARIUS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In AQUARIUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
[NATURE.] We may not call him either Masculine or Feminine, for he is either the one or other as joyned to any Planet; for if in Conjunction with a Masculine Planet, he becomes Masculine; if with a Feminine, then Feminine, but of his own nature he is cold and dry, and therefore Melancholly; with the good he is good, with the evil Planets ill:
[ELEMENTS.] In the Elements the Water; amongst the humours, the mixt, he rules the animal spirit: he is author of subtilty, tricks, devices, perjury, &c.
[MANNERS WHEN WELL PLACED.] Being wel dignified, he represents a man of a subtil and politick brain, intellect, and cogitation; an excellent disputant or Logician, arguing with learning and discretion, and using much eloquence in his speech, a searcher into all kinds of Mysteries and Learning, sharp and witty, learning almost any thing without a Teacher; ambitious of being exquisite in every Science, desirious naturally of travel and seeing foraign parts: a man of an unwearied fancy, curious in the search of any occult knowledge; able by his own Genius to produce wonders; given to Divination and the more secret knowledge; if he turn Merchant, no man exceeds him in a way of Trade or invention of new wayes whereby to obtain wealth.
[MANNERS, WHEN ILL PLACED OR DIGNIFIED.] A troublesome wit, a kinde of Phrenetick
man, his tongue and Pen against every man, wholly bent to spoil his estate and time in prating
and trying nice conclusions to no purpose; a great lyar, boaster, pratler, busibody, false, a tale—
carrier, given to wicked ARTS, as Necromancy, and such like ungodly knowledges; easie of
beleef, an asse or very ideot, constant in no place or opinion, cheating and theeving every where; a news—monger, pretending all manner of knowledge, but guilty of no true or solid learning; a trifler; a meer frantick fellow; if he prove a Divine, then a meer verball fellow, frothy of no judgment, easily perverted, constant in nothing but idle words and bragging.
[CORPORATURE,] Vulgarly he denotes one of an high stature and straight thin spare body, an high forehead and somewhat narrow long face, long nose; fair eyes, neither perfectly black or gray, thin lips and nose, little hair on the chin, but much on his head, and it a sad brown inclining to blacknesse; long arms, fingers and hands; his complexion like an Olive or Chestnut colour. You must more observe Mercury then all the Planets; for having any aspect to a Planet, he doth more usually partake of the influence of that Planet then nay other doth: if with Saturn then heavy, with Jupiter more temperate, with Mars more rash, with Sun more genteele, with Venus more jesting, with Moon more shifter.
[ORIENTALL..] When he is Oriental, his complexion is honey colour, or like one wel Sun-burnt; in the stature of his body not very high, but wel joynted, smal eyes, not much hair; in very truth, according to the the height of body, very wel composed, but stil a defect in the complexion, viz. swarty brown, and in the tongue, viz, all for his own ends.
[OCCIDENTALL.] When Occidental, a tawny visage, lank body, small slender limbs, hollow eyes, and sparkling and red or fiery; the whole frame of body inclining to drinesse.
[QUALITY OF MEN AND PROFESSIONS.] He generally signifies all literated men, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Astrologians, Merchants, Secretaries, Scriveners, Diviners, Sculptors, Poets, Orators, Advocates, School-masters, Stationers, Printers, Exchangers of Money, Atturneys, Emperours, Embassadours, Commissioners, Clerks, Artificers, generally Accomptants, Solicitors, sometimes Theeves, pratling muddy Ministers, busie Sectaries, and they unlearned; Gramarians, Taylors, Carriers, Messengers, Foot-men, Userers.
[SICKNESSE.] All Vertigo’s, Lethargies or giddinesse in the Head, Madnesse, either Lightnesse, or any Disease of the Brain; Ptisick, all stammering and imperfection in the Tongue, vein and An Introduction to Astrolog ie. fond Imaginations, all defects in the Memory, Hoarcenesse, dry Coughs, too much abundance of Spettle, all snaffling and snuffling in the Head or Nose; the Hand and Feet Gout, Dumnesse, Toungue—evil, all evils in the Fancy and intellectual parts.
[COLOURS AND SAVIOURS.] Mixed and new colours, the Gray mixed with Sky—colour, such as is on the Neck of the Stock-dove, Linsie—woolsie colours, or consisting of many colours mixed in one. Of Saviours an hodge—podge of all things together, so that no one can give it any true name; yet usually such as doe quicken the Spirits, are subtil and penetrate, and in a manner insensible.
[HEARBS AND PLANTS.] Herbs attributed to Mercury, are known by the various colour of the flower, and love sandy barren places, they bear their seed in husks or cobs, they smel rarely or subtilly, and have pricnipal relation to the tongue, brain, lungs or memory; they dispel winde, and comfort the Annimal spirits, and open obstructions. Beanes, three leaved—grasse, the Walnut and Walnut—tree; the Filbert—tree and Nut; the Elder-tree, Adders—tongue, Dragon—wort, Twopenny-grasse, Lungwort, Anniseeds, Cubebs, Marjoran. What hearbs are used for the Muses and Divination, as Vervine, the Reed; of Drugs, Treacle, Hiera, Diambra.
[BEASTS.] The Hyaena, ~Ape, Fox, Squirrel, Weasel, the Spider, the Grayhound, the Hermophradite, being partaker of both sexes; all cunning creatures.
[BIRDS.] The Lynnet, the Parrot, the Popinian, the Swallow, the Pye, the Beetle, Pifinires, Locusts, Bees, Serpent, the Crane.
[FISHES.] The Forke—fish, Mullet.
[PLACES.] Tradesmens—shops, Markets, Fayres, Schooles, CommonHals, Bowling—Allyes, Ordinaries, Tennis—Courts:
[MINERALS.] Quicksilver.
[STONES.] The Milestone, Marchasite or fire-stone, the Achates, Topaz, Vitro-il, all stones of divers colours.
[WINDS AND WEATHER.] He delights in Windy, Stormy and Violent, Boistrous Weather, and stirs up that Wind which the Planet signifies to which he applyes; sometimes Rain, at other times Haile, Lightning, Thunder and Tempests— in hot Countries Earthquakes, but this must be observed really from the Sign and Season of the year.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[ORBE.] His Orbe is seven degrees before and after any aspect.
[YEERS.] His greatest yeers are 450; his greatest 76; his mean 48; his little or least 20: in Conceptions he governeth the sixth moneth.
[COUNTRIES.] He hath Grecia, Flanders, Egypt, Paris.
[ANGEL.] His Angel is named Raphael.
[DAY OF THE WEEK.] He governeth Wednesday, the first hour thereof, and the eight. His Friends are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and his Enemies all the other Planets.
Of the MOON her properties and significations.
[NAME.] The Moon we find called by the Ancients, Lucina, Cynthia, Diana, Phoebe, Latona, Noctiluca, Prosperpina; she is neerest to the Earth of all the Planets; her colour in the Element is vulgarly known:
[MOTION.] she finisheth her courte through the whole twelve Signs in 27 days, 7 hours and 43 min. or thereabouts: her mean motion is 13 degr. 10 min. and 36 seconds, but she moveth sometimes lesse and sometimes more, never exceeding 15 degr. and two min. in 24 hours space.
[LATITUDE.] Her greatest North Latitude is 5 degr. and 17 min.(or thereabouts) Her greatest South Latitude is 5 degr. and 12 rn-in. (or thereabouts) She is never Retrograde, but always direct; when she is slow in motion, and goeth lesse in 24 hours then 13 degr. and 10 min. she is then equivalent to a Retrograde Planet.
[HOUSE.] She hath the Sign Cancer for her house, and Capricorn for her detriment; she is exalted in 3. Taurus, and hath her fal in 3 grad. Scorpio; she governeth the Earthly Triplicity by night, viz. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
[TRIPLICITY.] The Sun and she have no Terms assigned them.
In the twelve Signs she hath these degrees for her
Decanate or Face.
In TAURUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In CANCER, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
In LIBRA, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
In SAGITTARIUS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
In AQUARIUS, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
[NATURE.] She is Feminine, Nocturnal Planet, Cold, Moyst and Flegmatique.
[MANNERS OR ACTIONS WHEN WELL PLACED OR DIGNIFIED.] She sign-if leth one of composed Manners, a soft, tender creature, a Lover of all honest and ingenuous Sciences, a Searcher of, and Delighter in Novelties, naturally propense to frit and shift his Habitation, unstedfast, wholly caring for the present Times, Timorous, Prodigal, and easily Frighted, however loving Peace, and to live free from the cares of this Life, if a Mechannick, the man learnes many Occupations, and frequently wil be tampering with many wayes to trade in.
[WHEN ILL. ] A meer Vagabond, idle Person, hating Labour, a Drunkard, a Sot, one of no Spirit or Forecast, delighting to live beggarly and carefly, one content in no condition of Life, either good or ii.
[CORPORATURE.] She generally presenteth a man of fair stature, whitely coloured, the Face round, gray Eyes, and a little louring; much Hair both on the Head, Face, and other parts; usually one Eye a little larger then the other; short Hands and fleshy, the whole Body inclining to be fleshy, plump, corpulent and flegmatique: if she be impedited of the Sun in a Nativity or Question, she usually signifies some blemish in, or neer the Eye:
a blemish neer the Eye, if she be impedited in Succedant Houses; in the Sight, if she be unfortunate in Angles and with fixed Starres, called Nebulose.
[QUALITIES OF MEN AND WOMEN.] She signifieth Queens, Countesses, Ladies, all manner of Women; as also the common People, Travellers, Pilgrims, Sailors, Fishermen, Fish-mongers, Brewers, Tapsters, Vintners, Letter-carriers, Coach-men, Hunts-men, Messengers, (some say the Popes Leg ts) Marriners, Millers, Ale—wives, Maistors, Drunkards, Oister—wives, Fisherwomen, Chare-women, Tripe-women, and generally such Women as carry Commodities in the Streets; as also, Midwives, Nurses, &c, Hackney-men, Water-men, Water-bearers.
[SICKNESSE.] Apoplexies, Palsie, the Chollick, the Belly—ache, 81 An Introduction to Astrologie.
Disease in the Left Side, Stones, the Bladder and members of Generation, the Men-stries and
Liver: in Women Dropsies, Fluxes of Belly, all cold Rheumatick Diseases, cold Stomack, the
Gout in the Rists and Feet, Sciatica, Chollick, Worms in Children and men, Rheumes or Hutts in
the Eyes, viz, in the Left of Men, and Right of Women: Sursets, rotten Coughs, Convultion fits,
the Falling sicknesse, Kings—evil, Apostems, smal Pox and Measels
[COLOURS AND SAVIOURS.] Of Colours the White, or pale Yellowish White, pale Green, or a little of the Silver—colour. Of Saviours, the Fresh, or without any flavour, such as is in Hearbs before they be ripe, or such as doe moysten the Brain, &c.
[HEARBS, PLANTS AND TREES.] Those Hearbs which are subject to the Moon have soft and thick juicy leaves, of a waterish or a little sweetish taste, they love to grow in watry places, and grow quickly into a juicy magnitude; and are.
The Colwort, Cabbage, Melon, Gourd, Pompion, Onion, Mandrake, Poppy, Lettice, Rape, the Linden-tree, Mushroomes, Endine, all Trees or Hearbs who have round, shady, great spreading Leaves, and are little Fruitful.
[BEASTS OR BIRDS.] All such Beasts, or the like, as live in the water; as Frogs, the Otter, Snailes, &c. the Weasel, the Cunny, all Sea Fowle, Coockoe, Geese and Duck, the Night-Owle.
[FISHES.] The Oyster and Cockle, all She—fish, the Crab and Lobster, Tortoise, Eeles.
[PLACES.] Fields, Fountains, Baths, Havens of the Sea, Highwayes and Desertplaces, Port Towns, Rivers, Fish—ponds, standing Pools, Boggy places, Common—shoars, little Brooks, Springs.
[MINERALS.] Silver.
[STONES.] The Selenite, all soft Stons, Cristals.
[WEATHER.] With Saturn cold Ayre; with Jupiter Serene; with Mars Winds red Clouds; with the Sun according to the Season; with Venus and Mercury Showres and Winds.
[WINDS.] In Hermetical operation, she delighteth towards the North, and usually when she is the strongest Planet in the Scheam, viz. in any Lunation, she stirs up Wind, according to the nature of the Planet she next applies unto.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[ORBE.] Is 12. degrees before and af ter any Aspect.
[YEERS.] Her greatest yeers are 321. greater 108. mean 66, least 25. in conceptions she ruleth the seventh moneth.
[COUNTRIES.] Holland, Zealand, Denmarke, Norimberge, Flanders.
[ANGEL.] Gabriel.
[DAY OF THE WEEK.] Her day is Monday the first hour and the eight, after the rise of the Sun. The Head of the Dragon is Masculine, of the nature of Jupiter and Venus, and of himself a Fortune; yet the Ancients doe say, that being in Conjunction with the good he is good, and in conjunction with the evil Planets they account him evil.
The Tayle of the Dragon is Feminine by Nature, and clean contrary to the Head; for he is evil when joyned with good Planets, and good when in conjunction with the malignant Planets. This is the constant opinion of all the Ancients, but upon what reason grounded I know not; I ever found the North Node equivalent to either of the Fortunes, and when joyned with the evil Planets to lessen their malevolent signification; when joyned with the good to increase the good promised by them: For the Tayle of the Dragon, I always in my practise found when he was joyned with the evil Planets; their malice or the evil intended thereby was doubled and trebled, or extreamly augmented, &c. and when he chanced to be conjunction with any of the Fortunes who were significators in the question, though the matter by the principal significator was fairely promised, and likely to be perfected in a smal time; yet did there ever fal out many rubs and disturbances, much wrangling and great controversie, that the businesse was many times given over for desperate ere a perfect conclusion could be had; and unlesse the principal significators were Angular and wel fortified with essential dignities, many times unexpectedly the whole matter came to nothing.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Another brief Description of the Shapes and formes
of the Planets.
SATURN - Signifieth one of a swart colour, palish like lead, or of a black earthly brown; one of rough shin, thick and very hairy on the body, not great eyes, many times his complexion is betwixt black and yellow, or as if he had a spice of the black or yellow Jaundies: he is lean, crooked, or beetle—browed, a thin whay Beard, great lips, like the black-Moores; he lookes to the ground, is slow in motion, either is bow-leged, or hits one leg or knee against another; most part a stinking breath, seldom free from a Cough: {this is where he is peregrine or unfortunate.} he is crafty for his own ends, seducing people to his opinion, full of revenge and malice, little caring for the Church or Religion; its a foule nasty, slovenly knave, or a whore; a great eater. or one of a large stomack, a brawling fellow, big great shoulders, covetous, and yet seldom rich, &c. JUPITER - We must describe Jupiter and a Jovialist, to be one of a comely stature, full faced, full eyed, a sanguine complexion, or mixed with white and red, a large space betwixt his eyebrowes, usually his Beard is of a flaxen or sandy-flaxen colour: sometimes also when Jupiter is combust very sad or black, his hair thick, his eyes not black, his teeth well set, good broad teeth, but usually for some mark of difference in the two fore-teeth, either by their standing awry, or some blacknesse or impersection in them; his hair gently curls (if he be in a fiery Sign.) A man well spoken, religious, or at least a good morall honest man; a person comely and somewhat fat (if Jupiter be in moyst Signs) fleshy; if in Aery Signs, bigge and strong; if in earthly Signs, a man usually well descended; but if he be significator, of an ordinary clown, as sometimes he may be, then is he of more humanity then usually in such kinde of men.
MARS - A Martiall Man, is many times full faced with a lively high colour like Sun—burnt, or
like raw tanned—Leather, a fierce
An Introduction to Astrolog ie.
countenance, his eyes being sparkling or sharp and darting, and a yellow colour; his hair both of head and beard being reddish (but herein you must vary according to the Sign, in fiery signs and aery where Mars fals to be with fixed stars of his own nature, there he shews a deep sandy red colour, but in watery signs, being with fixed Starres of his own nature, he is of a flaxenish or whitish bright hair; if in earthly Signs, the hair is like a sad brown, or of a sad Chestnut colour.) He hath a marke or scar in his face, is broad—shouldered, a sturdy strong body, being bold and proud, given to mocke, scorn, quarrell, drink, game, and wench: which you may easily know by the Sign he is in; if in the house of Venus he wencheth, if he Mercury he steals, but if he be in his own house he quarrels, in Saturnes, is dogged; in the Sunnes, is lordly; in the Moones, is a drunkard.
SUN - The Sun dete generally denote one of an obscure white colour mixed with red; a round face, and short chin, a fair stature, and one of comely body; his colour sometimes betwixt yellow and black, but for the mod parts more sanguin then otherwayes: a bold man and resolute, his hair curling; he hath a white and tender skin, one desirous of praise, fame and estimation amongst men; he hath a deer voyce and great head, his teeth somewhat distort or obliquely set, of slow speech but of a composed judgment; using outwardly a great decorum in his actions, but privately he is lascivious and inclinable to many vices.
VENUS - Who is signified by Venus, whether Man or Woman, hath a goodly and fair round visage, a full eye, usually we say goggle-eyed, red ruddy lips, the neither more thick or bigger then the upper, the eye—lids black, however lovely and gracefull, the hair of lovely colour (but most part according to the Sign as before repeated) in some its cole-black, in others a light brown, a soft smooth hair, and the body extream well shaped, ever rather inclining to shortnesse than talnesse.
MERCURY - We describe Mercury, to be a man neither white or black 85 An Introduction to Astrologie.
but betwixt both, of a sad brown or dark yellowish colour, long visaged, high-forehead, black or gray eyes, a thin long sharp nose, a thin spare beard (many times none at all) of an aburn sad colour next to black, slender of body, smal legs, a pratling busie fellow, and in walking he goes nimbly, and aiwayes would be thought to be ful of action.
MOON — She by reason of her swiftnesse, varieth her shape very oft, but in the general, she personates one having a round visage and ful faced, in whose complexion you may perceive a mixture of white and red, but palenesse overcomes; if she be in fiery signs, the Man or Woman speeks hastily; in watery signs, he or she hath some freckles in his or her face, or is blub cheecked; no very handsome body, but a mudling creature, and unlesse very wel dignified, she ever signifies an ordinary vulgar person.
The colours of the Planets and Signs.
Saturn -- Giveth black colour:Jupiter a colour mixed with red and green: Mars -- red, or iron colour: Sun -- yellow or yellow Purple: Venus -- white or purple colour: Mercury – sky -- colour or blewish: Moon -- a colour spotted with white and other moxt colours.
Aries -- White mixed with red: Taurus -- white with Cirtine:
Gemini -- white mixed with red: Cancer -- green or russet: Leo -- red or green: Virgo -- black speckled with blew: Libra -- black or dark crimson, or tawny colour: Scorpio -- brown:
Sagittarius -- yellow or a green sanguine: Capricorn -- black or russet, or a swart brown:
Aquarius -- a skye -- colour with blew: Pisces -- white glittering colour.
Of the twelve Signs of the Zodiack, and their
manifold Divisions.
The whole Zodiack is divided into twelve equal parts, which we call Signs, and give them the
names of living Creatures, either
An Introduction to Astrologie.
for their properties they hold with living Creatures, or by reason of the situation of the Starres in those places which somewhat resemble that effigies and similitude of living creatures: Their names and characters follow.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Every one of these Signs contains thirty degrees or parts in longitude: Hence it comes to passe that the whole Zodiack doth contain 360 degrees, every degree containes 60 minutes, which we also call scruples, every minute containes 60 seconds, and fo further if you please, &c. but in Astrology we onely make use of degrees, and minutes and second. These Signs are again divided many wayes; as first, into four quadrants or quarters, answering to the four quarters of the year. The Vernal or Spring quarter, is sanguine, Hot and Moyst, and containes the first three Signs, viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini. The Estival or Summer quarter is Hot, Dry and Cholerick, and containes the fourth, fifth and sixth Signs, viz. Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Autumnal or Harvest quarter is Cold, Dry and Melancholly, and containes the seventh, eighth and ninth Signs, viz. Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. The Hyemnal, Brumal or Winter quarter is Cold, Moyst and Phiegmatique, and containes the tenth, eleventh and twelfth Signs, viz. Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
They are again divided in division of the Elements, for some Signs in nature are Fiery, Hot and Dry, viz. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and these three Signs constitute the Fiery Triplicity. Others are Dry, Cold and Earthly, viz. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, and make the Earthly Triplicity.
Others are Aiery, Hot and Moyst, viz. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, which make the Aiery Triplicity.
Others are Watry, Cold and Moyst, viz. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and are called the Watry Triplicity.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Again, some Signs are Masculine, Diurn al, and therefore Hot, as
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Some are Feminine, Nocturnal, therefore Cold,
viz. Taurus,
Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
The use whereof is this, That if you have a Masculine Planet in a Masculine Sign, it imports him or her more manly; and so if a Masculine Planet be in a Feminine Sign, the man or woman is lesse couragious, &c.
Some Signs again are called Boreal, Septentrional or Northern, because they decline from the Equinoctial Northward, and these are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo; and these six Signs contain half the Zodiack, or the first semi—circle thereof.
Some Signes are called Austral, Meridional or Southern, for that they decline Southward from the Equinoctial, and these are Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
[MOVEABLE.] The Signs again are divided into Moveable, Fixed and Common, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn are called moveable and Cardinal: moveable, because when the Sun enters into Aries and Libra, the Weather and Season of the Year quickly varies and changes; they are called Cardinal, because when the Sun enters into any of those Signs from that time we denominate the Quarters of the yeer.
For from the Sun entering into Aries and Libra the Equinoctial or the Spring and Autumne arise; from the Sun his entrance into Cancer and Capricorn ariseth the Solstice of Summer and Winter.
[FIXED SIGNS.] The Fixed Signs doe in order follow the Equinoctial and Tropicks; and they are called fixed, for that when Sun enters into them, the season of the yeer is fixed, and we doe more evidently perceive either Heat or Cold, Moysture or Drinesse. The fixed Signes are these, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquari us.
[COMMON.] Signes are constitutes between moveable and fixed, and retain a property or nature, pertaking both with the preceding and consequent Sign: and they are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.
They are called By—corporeal or double bodied, because they represent two Bodies: as Gemini two Twinnes, Pisces two Fishes.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
The right knowledge of these in Astrology is much, and you must understand it thus; In the Question or Figure of Heaven, if the Planet who is Lord of the Ascendant be in a moveable Sign, and the Sign ascending be also one, it denotes the person to be unstable, and of no resolution, easily mutable, perverted, a wavering unconstant man.
Let us admit the Ascendant to be fixed, and the Lord of that Sign also in a fixed Sign, you may judge the party to be of firm resolution, no changling; or as we say, one that will stand to maintaine what he hath said or done, be it good or ill.
If the Sign ascending be common, and the Lord of that Sign also in a Common Sign, you may judge the man or woman to be neither very wilful or easily variable but between both. The Signs also are divided into;
- Bestail or Quadrupediall, in viz. Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn; these have representation of Four-footed Creatures.
- Fruitful or prolifical, viz. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
- Barren Signs, Gemini, Leo, Virgo.
- Manly or humane, curteous Signs, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius.
- Ferall Signs are Leo and last part of Sagittarius.
- Mute Signs or of slow Voice, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; the more if Mercury be in any of them, in Conjunction, Square, or Opposition of Saturn.
The use hereof is, that if your Significator or Lord of the Ascendant be in Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, there’s in the condition of that party something of the nature of that Beast which represents that Sign he is in; as if he be in Aries, the man is rash, hardy and lascivious; if in Taurus, steadfast and resolved, and somewhat of a muddy condition, vitiated, with some private imperfection, &c. and so of the rest.
Let us admit, one propounds his Question, if he shall have children, then if the Moon and principall Significator be in Prolificall Signs, and strong, there’s no question but he shall the same doe, if the Question concern Barrennesse, viz, if the Ascendant or fifth house be of those Signs we call barren Signs, it generally represents few or no children.
In Questions, if Gemini, Virgo, Libra or Aquarius ascend, or the Lord of the Ascendant be in
humane Signs, then we may judge the
An Introduction to Astrologie.
man to be of civill carriage, very affable and easie to be spoken withall, &c.
[ANTISCION OF THE PLANETS.] Besides th ese and many other divisions of the Signs, I thought good to be plain in setting down the Antiscions of the Planets.
[PTOL. APHO. STELLAE IRRATIO.] The Antiscion Signs are those, which are of the same vertue and are equally distant from the first degree of the two Tropick Signs, Cancer, Capricorn, and in which degrees whilest the Sun is, the dayes and nights are of equall length; by example it will be plain; when the Sun is in the tenth degree of Taurus, he is as far distant from the first degree of Cancer as when in the twentieth degree of Leo; therefore when the Sun is in the tenth of Taurus, he hath his Antiscion to the twentieth of Leo; that is, he giveth vertue or influence to any Star or Planet that at that time either is in the same degree by Conjunction, or casteth any Aspect unto it.
But that you may more fully and perfectly know where your Antiscion fals in degrees and minutes, behold this following Table.
A generall Table of Antiscions in Signs.
Any Planet in Gemini sends his Antiscion into Cancer, or being in Leo into Taurus.
If you would know the exact degrees and minutes, you must work as followeth. Let us suppose Saturn in twenty degrees and thirty five minutes of Leo, I would know in what part of the Zodiack he hath his Antiscion.
Over against Leo I find Taurus, so then I conclude his Antiscion is in Taurus. To know the
degree and minutes the Planet is in, subtract that from 30 degrees, and the remainder tels you
both the degree and minute
An Introduction to Astrologie.
As Saturn being in 20 degrees and 35 minutes of Leo, I subtracted
from 30’ 0"
20’ 35"
9’ 25" Subtracted.
Here I subtract 25 min. from one whole degr. or from 60 min. which I borrow, and there rests 25 min. one degr. I borrowed, taken from 10, and there rest 9 degr. one that I borrowed and two are three, taken from three, then nothing remains, so then I find my Antiscion of Saturn fals to be in 9 degr. & 25 min. of Taurus, which Signs as you see is over against Leo; but this Table expresseth the work more quickly.
The Antiscion in
Antiscion of the Planets in Minutes.
1 29 1 59 16 44
2 28 2 58 17 43
3 27 3 57 18 42
4 26 4 56 19 41
5 25 5 55 20 40
6 24 6 54 21 39
7 23 7 53 22 38
8 22 8 52 23 37
9 in 21 9 in 51 24 in 36
10 20 10 50 25 35
11 19 11 49 26 34
12 18 12 48 27 33
13 17 13 47 28 32
14 16 14 46 29 31
15 15 15 45 30 30
The use is easie if you enter with the whole degrees of your Planet, the two first columns serve
you, as Mars, supposed to be 14 degr. of a Sign, look for 14 in the first column, over against it is
16, to that degree he sends his Antiscion.
If you have minutes, enter the four last columns; as if you enter with 17 mm., in the first column,
over against it you find 43. or first look the Sign where the Antiscion fals, then suctract the
number of degr. and minutes the Planet is in, from 30, what remaines is the degree and minute
where the Antiscion is; and as
An Introduction to Astrologie.
there are Antiscio ns, which of the good Planets we think are equall to a Sextile , Trine; so are there Contrantiscions, which we find to be of the nature of a Square of Opposition: and to know where it is, you doe more then observe in what Sign and degree the Antiscion is, in the Sign and degree opposite to that place the Contrantiscion: as in the former examples, the Antiscion of Saturn is in nine degr. and 25 min. of Taurus, his Contrantiscion must then be in 9 degr. and 25 min. of Scorpio.
There are also many other divisions of the Signs: as into Signs commanding, viz. ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO And Signs obeying; LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS PISCES.
An into Signs of right or long ascention, viz. CANCER LEO VIRGO LIBRA AQUARIUS SAGITTARIUS.
An into Signs of shorter oblique ascention, viz. CAPRICORN
The Signs of long ascention continue two hours and more in the Ascendant: and Signs of short ascentions, doe arise in little more then an houre, and some in lesse, as you may experiment by the table of Houses:
I would like to know how many houres Sign continues in Ascendant Horizon?
In the first column of the Table of Houses, I look for the Sign Leo, under the title of the first House, and in the fourth line, I finde S Leo 21, viz, no degree, 21 min. of Leo. Over against that number on the left hand, under the title of houses and min. or time from noon, I finde 00. 18 min. or no houres, 18 min. I then continue with my sign Leo in the same column until I find 29.40. by which I perceive that the sign Leo is removed out of the Ascendant; I seek under the title of houres and minutes from noon over against the said 29.40 of Leo: on the left hand, what houres and min. stand there. I find the number of 3.h. 6.m. I subtract my former number of 00. 18 min. from 3 hours and 6 min.
3.h. 6.m.
00 18
2 48. there remaines two houres and 48 min. of an houre, which is all the space of time that Leo continues in the Ascendant, and in this regard it is called a sign of long ascentions. You shall see the difference now in a sign of short Ascentions.
An Introduct ion to Astrologie.
I would know how long the sign of Aquarius continues in the Ascendant. See in the ninth
column, and under the title of the first house: in the third line I finde 00 aquarius 57, viz. 0
degree, 57 min. of aquarius, over against it under houres and min. I find 16, 4 min. in the tenth
line under the first house I find 29.28. against it on the left hand 17.8 viz. 17 houres, 8 min. I
subtract my former houres and min. from the latter
17 8
16 4
1 4. the difference is one houre and 4 min. and so long time the sign of Aquarius rests in the Ascendant: without exact knowledge hereof, one cannot attain to any exactnesse in naturall Magick, viz. in gathering Hearbs, or perfecting many other rarities. That which is most necessary for every Student in the Art is, that he know and be expert in the following Chapter.
The Nature, Description, and Diseases signified
by the twelve signs.
[QUALITY.] Aries is a Masculine, Diurnall Sign, moveable, Cardinall, Equinoctiall; in nature fiery, hot and dry, cholerick, bestial, luxurious, intemperate and violent: the diurnall house of Mars of the Fiery Triplicity, and of the East.
[DISEASES. ] All Pushes, Whelks, Pimples in the Face, small Pocks, hare Lips, Polypus, (noli me tangere) Ring-worms, Fallingsicknesse, Apoplexies, Megrims, Tooth-ach, Head-ach and Baidnesse.
[PLACES ARIES SIGNIFIETH.] Where Sheep and small Cattle doe feed or use to be, sandy and hilly Grounds, a place of refuge for Theeves, ( as some unfrequented place;) in Houses, the Covering, Seeling or Plaisting of it, a Stable of small Beasts, Lands newly taken in, or newly plowed, or where Bricks have been burned or Lyme.
[DESCRIPTION.] A dry Body, not exceeding in height, lean or spare, but lusty Bones, and the
party in his Limmes strong; the
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Visage long; black Eye-browes , a long Neck, thick Shoulders, the Complexion dusky brown or swartish.
[KINGDOMS SUBJECT TO ARIES.] Germany, Swevia, Polonia, Burgundy, France, England, Denmark, Silesia the higher, Judea, Syria.
[CITIES.] Florence, Capua, Napels, Ferrara, Verona, Utrecht, Marselles, Augustia, Casarea, Padna, Bergamo.
[QUALITIES OF THE SIGN TAURUS.] Taurus is an Earthly, Cold, Dry, Melancholy, Feminine, Nocturnal, Fixed, Domestical or Beastial Sign, of the Earthly Triplicity, and South, the Night-house of Venus.
[DISEASES.] The Kings Evil, sore Throats, Wens, Fluxes of Rheumes falling into the Throat, Quinzies, It apostumes in those part.
[PLACES.] Stables where Horses are, low Houses, Houses where the implements of Cattle are laid up, Patures or Feeding grounds where no Houses are fleer, plain grounds, or where Bushes have bin latley grub’d up, and Wherein Wheat and Corn is sowed, some little Tree not far off, in Houses, Sellars, low Rooms.
[SHAPE AND DESCRIPTION.] It presents one of a short, but of a full, strong and wel set stature, a broad Forehead, great Eyes, big Face; large, strong Shoulders; great mouth, and thick Lips; grosse Hands; black rugged Hair.
[KINGDOMS SUBJECT TO.] Polonma the great, North part of Sweathland, Rissia, Ireland, Switzerland, Lorrain, Campania, Persia, Cypress, Parthia.
[CITIES.] Novmgrade, Parma, Bolonia, Panormus, Mantita, Sena, Brixia, Carolstad, Nants, Liepsig, Herbipolis.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF GEMINI.] Gemini, it’s an aerial, hot, moyst, sanguine, Diurnal, common or dounle—bodied human Sign; the diurnall house of Mercury of the aery triplicity, Western, Mascu1ine.
[DISEASES.] He signifies all Diseases or infirmities in the Armes, Shoulders, Hands, corrupted Blood, Windinesse in the Veines, distempered Fancies.
[PLACES.] Wainscot Roomes, Plaistering, and Wals of Houses, the Halls, or where Play is used, Hils and Mountaines, Barnes, Storehouses for Corn, Coffers, Chests, High Places.
[KINGDOMS.] Lumbardy, Brabant, Flanders, the West and Southwest of England, Armienia.
[CITIES.] London, Lovaine, Bruges, Norrimberg, Corduba, Hasford, Mentz, Bamberg, Cesena.
[DESCRIPTION.] An upright, tall, straight Body: either in Man or Woman the Complexion
sanguine, not cleer, but obscure and
An Introduction to Astrologie.
dark, long Arms, but many times the Hands and Feet short and very fleshy; a dark Hair, almost Black; a strong, active Body, a good piercing hazel Eye, and wanton, and of perfect sight, of excellent understanding, and judicious in worldly affairs.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF CANCER.] Cancer is the onely house of the Moon, and is the first Sign of the Watry or Northern Triplicity, is Watry, Cold, Moyst, Flegmatick, Feminine, Nocturnal, Moveable, a Solstice Sign mute and slow of Voyce, Fruitful, Northern.
[DISEASES.] It signifies Imperfections all over, or in the Brest, Stomack and Paps, weak Digestion, cold Stomack, Ptisick, salt Flegms, roten Coughs, dropsicall Humours, Impostumations in the Stomack, Cancers which ever are in the Brest.
[PLACES.] The Sea, great Rivers, Navigable Waters; but in the Inland Countries it notes places neer Rivers, Brooks, Springs, Wels, Sellars in Houses, Wash-houses, Marsh grounds, Ditches with Rushes, Sedges, Sea banks, Trenches, Cisternes.
[SHAPE AND DESCRIPTION.] Generally a low and small stature, the upper parts of more bigness then the lower, a round Visage; sickly pale, a whitely Complexion, the Hair a sad brown, little Eyes, prone to have many Children, if a Woman.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES & CITIES.] Scotland, Zealand, Holland, Prusi a, Tunis, Algier, Constantinople, Venice, Millan, Genoa, Amsterdam, Yorke, Magdeberg, Wittenberg, Saint Lucas, Cadiz.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF LEO.] Leo is the onely house of the Sun, by nature, Fiery, Hot, Dry, Cholerick, Diurnal, Commanding, Bestial, Barren, of the East and Fiery Triplicity, Masculine.
[DISEASES.] All sicknesses in the ribs abd sides, as Plurises, Convulsons, paines in the back, trembling or passion of the heart, violent burning-feavers, all weaknesse or diseases in the heart, sore eyes, the Plague, the Pestilence, the yellow-Jaundices.
[PLACES.] A place where wilde Beasts frequent, Woods, Forests, Desert places, steep rocky places, unaccessable places, Kings Palaces, Castles, Forts, Parks, in houses where fire is kept, neer a Chimney.
[SHAPE AND FORM.] Great round Head, big Eyes starting or staring out, or goggle-eyes, quick—sighted, a full and large body and is more then of middle stature, broad Shoulders, narrow Sides, yellow or dark flaxen hair and it much curling or turning up, a fierce countenan ce, but ruddy, high sanguine complexion, strong valiant and active.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] Italy, Bohemia, the Alpes, Turkie, Sicilia, Apulia, Rome, Syracusa, Cremona, Ravenna, Damasco, Prague, Lintz, Constuentia, Bristol.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF VIRGO.] Virgo it’s an earthly, cold, melancholly, barren, feminine, nocturnail, Southern Sign; the house and exaltat ion of Mercury, of the earthly triplicity.
[PLACES.] It signifies a Study where Books are, a slocet, a Dairy-house, Corne-fields, Granaries, Malt-houses, Hay-ricks, or of Barley, Wheat or Pease, or a place where Cheese and Butter is preserved and stored up.
[DISEASES.] The Worms, Winde, Choslicke, all Obstructions in the bowels and miseraicks, croking of the Guts, infirmenesse in the Stones, and disease in the belly.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] Greece, the south part thereof, Croatia, the Athenian territory, Mesepotamia, Affrica, the southwest of France, Paris, Hierasalem, Rhodes, Lyons, Thoulous, Rafil, Heidelburge, Brundusiam.
[SHAPE AND FORM.] A slender body of mean height, but decently composed; a ruddy brown complexion, black hair, well—favoured or lovely, but no beautiful creature, a small shrill voyce, all members inclining to brevity; a witty discreet soul, judicious and excellently well spoken, studious and given to History, whether Man or Woman; it produceth a care, understanding, if Mercury be in this Sign, and Moon in Cancer, but somewhat unstable.
[NATURE AND PROPERTY OF LIBRA.] Libra is a Sign aeriall, hot and moyst, Sanguine, Masculine, Moveable, Equinoctiall, Cardinall, Humane, Diumnall, of the Aerinall Triplicity, and Western, the chief House of Venus.
[DISEASES.] All Diseases, or the Stone or Gravell in the reines of the Backe, Kidnies, heats and diseases in the Loynes or Hanches, Impostumes or Ulcers in the Reines, Kidnies or Bladder, weaknesse in the Backe, corruption of Blood.
[PLACES.] In the Fields it represents ground neer Winde-mils, or some stragling Barn or outhouse, or Saw-pits, or where Coopers work or Wood is cut, sides of hils, tops of Mountains, grounds where Hawking and Hunting is used, sandy and gravelly Fiel is, pure dleer Ayre and sharp, the upper rooms in Houses, Chambers, Garrets, one Chamber within another.
[SHAPE AND FORM.] It personates a well framed body straight, tall and more subtill or slender
then grosse; a round, lovely and
An Introduction to Astrologie.
beautifull Visage, a pure sanguine colour; in Youth, no abundance or excesse in either white or red, but in Age usually some pimples, or a very high Colour, the Hair yellowish, smooth and long.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] The higher Austria, Savoy its Dukedom, Alsatia, Livonia, Lisbone in Portugal, Frankeford, Vienna, Placentia the territory, in Greece where sometimes the City Thebes stood, Aries, Friburge, Spires.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF SCORPIO.] Scorpio is a cold, watry, nocturnal, flegmatick, feminine sign, of the watry Triplicity, fixed and North, the house and joy of Mars, feminine; usually it doth represent subtill, deceitfull men.
[DISEASES.] Gravell, the Stone in the Secret parts, Bladder, Ruptures, Fistulaes, or the Pyles in Ano, Gonorrhea’s, Priapisaics, all aflicting the Privy parts either in Man or Woman; defects in the Matrix.
[PLACES.] Places where all sorts of creeping Beasts use, as Beetles, &c. or such as be without wings, and are poysonous; Gardens, Orchards, Vineyards, Ruinous Houses neer Waters; muddy, moorish Grounds, stinking Lakes, Quagmires, Sinks, the Kitchen or Larder, Wash-house.
[FORM AND DESCRIPTION.] A corpulent, strong, able Body, somewhat a broad or square Face, a dusky muddy complexion, and sad, dark Hair, much and crisping; an hairy Body, somewhat bowlegged, short necked, a squat, wel-trussed Fellow.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] North part of Bavaria, the Woddy part of Norway, Barbary, the Kingdom of Fez, Catalonia in Spain, Valentia, Urbine and Forum Julit in Italy, Vienna, Messina in Italy, Gaum, Frankenford upon Odor.
[QUALITY AND NATURE OF SAGITTARIUS.] Sagittarius is of the fiery triplicity, East, in nature fiery, hot, dry, Masculine, Cholericke, Diurnall, Common, by-corporall or double bodied, the House and Joy of Jupiter.
[DISEASES.] It ruleth the Thighes and Buttocks in the parts of mans body, and all Fistulaes or Hurts falling in those members, and generally denoteth blood heated, Feavers Pestilentiall, fals from Horses, or hurts from them or four-footed Beasts; also prejudice by Fire, Heat and intemperatenesse in Sports.
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[PLACES.] A Stable of great Horses, or Horses for the Wars, or a House where usually great four-footed Beasts are kept; it represents in the Fields, Hils, and the highest places of Lands or Grounds that rise a little above the rest; in houses upper rooms, neer the fire.
[SHAPE AND FORM OF BODY.] It represents a wel-favoured Countenance, somewhat long Visage, but full and ruddy, or almost like Sun—burnt; the Hair light Chestnut colour, the stature somewhat above the middle Size; a conformity in the Members, and strong able body.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] Spain, Hungary, Slavonia, Moravia, Dalmatia, Buda, in Hungary, Toledo, Narbon, Cullen, Stergard.
[QUALITY AND NATURE OF CAPRICORN.] Capricorn is the House of Saturn, and is Nocturnal, Cold, Dry, Melancholly, Earthly, Feminine, Soisticall, Cardinal 1, Moveable, Domesticall, Four-footed, Southern; the exaltation of Mars.
[DISEASES.] It hath government of the Knees, and all Diseases incident to those places, either by Straines or Fractures; it notes Leprosie, the Itch, the Scab.
[PLACES.] It shews an Oxe-house, or Cow-house, or where Calves are kept, or Tooles for Husbandry, or old Wood is laid up; or where Sailes for Ships and such Materials are stored; also Sheep-Pens, and grounds where Sheep-feed, Fallow-grounds, barren Fields Bushy and Thorny;
Dunghils in Fields, or where Soyle is laid; in houses low, dark places, neer the ground or threshold.
[CORPORATURE.] Usually dry Bodies, not high of Stature, long, lean and slender Visage, thin Beard, black Hair, a narrow Chin, long small Neck and narrow Brest, I have found many times Capricorn ascending, the party to have white hair, but in the seventh ever Black, I conceive the whitenesse proceeded from the nature of the Family rather then of the Sign.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] Thrace, Macedon in Greece now Turkie, Albania, Bulgaria, Saxony the South-west part, WestIndies, Stiria, the Isles Or des, Hassia, Oxford, Mecklin, Cloves, Brandenburge.
[NATURE AND PROPERTY OF AQUARIUS.] Aquarius is an aierial, hot and moyst Sign, of
the aiery Triplicity, diurnal, Sanguine, fixed, rational, humane, masculine, the principall house of
Saturn, and house wherein he most rejoyceth; Western. ESICKNESSE.] Aquarius Governeth the
Legs, Andes, and all manner
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of infirmities incident to those members, all melancholy Winds coagulated in the Veines, or disturbing the Blood, Cramps, &c.
[PLACES.] Hilly and uneven places, places new digged, or where quarries of Stone are, or any Minerals have been digged up; in Houses, the roofs, eaves or upper parts; Vineyards, or neer some little Spring or Conduit-head.
[SHAPE AND FORM.] It presents a squat, thick Corporature, or one of a strong, well composed Body, not tall; a long Visage, sanguine Complexion; if Saturn who is Lord of this house, be in Capricorn or Aquarius, the party is black in Hair, and in Complexion sanguine, with distorted Teeth; otherwayes, I have observed the party is of deer, white or fair Complexion, and of sandy coloured Hair, or very flaxen, and a very pure Skin.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] Tartary, Croatia, Valachia, Muscovia, Westphalia in Germany, Piemont in Savoy, the West and South parts of Bavaria, Media, Arabia, Hamborough, Breme, Montsserat and Pisaurum in Italy, Trent, Ingoistad.
[PROPERTY AND QUALITIES PISCES.] Pisces is of the Watry Triplicity, Northern, cold Sign, moyst, Flegmatick, feminine, nocturnal, the house of Jupiter, and exaltation of Venus, a Bycorporeal, common or double-bodied Sign, an idle, effeminate, sickly Sign, or representing a party of no action.
[SICKENESSE.] All diseases in the Feet, as the Gout, and all Lamenesse and Aches incident to those members, and so generally salt Flegms, Scabs, Itch, Borches, Breakings out, Boyles and Ulcers proceeding from Blood putrificated, Colds and moyst diseases.
[PLACES.] It represents Grounds full of water, or where many Springs and much Fowl, also fish-ponds or Rivers full of Fish, places where Hermitages have been, Moats about Houses, WaterMils; in houses neer the water, as to some Well or Pump, or where water stands.
[CORPORATURE.] A short stature, ill composed, not, not very decent, a good large Face, palish Complexion, the Body fleshy or swelling, not very straight, but incurvating somewhat with the Head.
[KINGDOM, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] Calabria in Sicilia, Portugall, Normandy, the North of Egypt, Alexandria, Rhemes, Wormes, Compostella.
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Teaching what use may be made of the former Discourse
of the twelve Signs.
If one demand of the Artist, of what condition, quality or stature the person quesited, or enquired of is, then observe the Sign of that house whereby he is signified, the sign wherein the Lord of that house is, and wherein the Moon is, mix one with another, and by the greater testimonies judge; for if the Sign be humane, aerial, that ascends or descends, and the Lord of that Sign or the Moon in any Sign of the same triplicity or nature, you may judge the Body to be handsome, and the conditions of the party to be sociable, or he very courteous, &c. If the Quere be concerning a Disease, and Aries be either on the cusp of the Ascendant, or descending in the sixt, you may judge he hath something in his Disease of the nature of Aries, but what it is, you must know by the concurrence of the other significators. If a Country man or Citizen hath lost or misseth and Cattle, or any materiall thing in his house, let him observe in what Sign the Significator of the thing is in; if in Aries, and it be a Beast strayed, or the like, let him see what manner of places that Sign directs unto, and let him repair thither to search, considering the quarter of the heaven the Sign signifies: if it be an unmoveable piece of Goods, that without man or woman cannot be removed, then let him look into such parts of his house, or about his house as Aries signifies.
If one aske concerning Travell, whether such a Country, City or Kingdom will be healthfull or
prosperous unto him, yea or no; see in the Figure in what Sign the Lord of the Ascendant is in, if
the significator be fortunate in Aries, or if Jupiter or Venus be therein, he may safely travell or
sojourn in such Cities or Countries as the Sign of Aries represents, which you may easily discern
in the abovenamed Catalogue: Those countries subject to the Sign wherein the Infortunes are
posited, unlesse themselves
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be significators, are even unfortunate: where remember, that a Gentleman enquires usually, if he shall have his health and live jocundly in such or such a Country or City; the merchant by wholly aimes at Trade, and the encrease of his Stock, therefore in the Merchants Figure you must consider the Country or City subject to the Sign of the second house, or where the Part of Fortune is, or Lord of the second is, and which is most fortified, and thither let him Trade.
Of the Essentiall Dignities of the Planets.
The exact way of judicature in Astrology is, first, by being perfect in the nature of the Planets and Signs.
Secondly, by knowing the strength, fortitude or debility of the Planets, Significators, and a well poysing of them and their aspects and severall mixtures, in your judgment. Thirdly, by rightly applying the influence of the positure of Heaven erected, and the Planets aspects to one another at the time of the Question, according to naturall (and not enforced) maximes of Art; for by how much you endeavour to strain a judgment beyond nature, by so much the more you augment your Errour.
A Planet is then said to be really strong when he hath many Essential dignities, which are known, by his being either in his House, Exaltation, Triplicity, Terme or Face, at time of the erecting the Figure. As Example:
[ESSENTIAL DIGNITY, HOUSE.] In an scheam of Heaven, if you find a Planet in any of those Signs we call his house or houses, he is then essentially strong, and we allow for that five dignities; as Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius, &c.
In Judgment, when a Planet or Significator is in his own house, it represents a man in such a
condition, as that he is Lord of his own house, estate and fortune; or a man wanting very little of
the Goods of this world, or it tels you the man is in a very happy state or condition: this will be
true, unlesse the
An Introduction to Astrologie.
significator be retrograde, or combust, or affli
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cted by any other malevolent Planet or aspect.
[EXALTATION.] If he be in that Sign wherein he is exalted, you may allow him four dignities essentiall, whether he be neer the very degree of his exaltation, yea or not; as Mars in Capricorn or Jupiter in Cancer.
If the Significator be in his exaltation, and no wayes impedited, but Angular; it presents a person of haughty condition arrogant, aaffirming more unto him then his due; for it’s observed, the Planets in some part of the Zodiack doe more evidently declare their effects then in others; and I conceive this to be in those Signs and degrees where fixed Starres of the same nature with the Planet, are more in number, and neerer the Ecliptick.
[TRIPLICITY.] If he be in any of those Signs which are alotted him for Triplicity, he hath allowed him three dignities; but herein you must be cautious; as for example: In a Question, Nativity, or the like, if you find the Sun in Aries, and the Question, or Nativity, or Scheam erected be by night, and you would examine the Sun his fortitudes, he shall have four dignities for being in his exaltation, which continues through the Sign; but shall not be allowed any dignity, as being in his triplicity; for by night the Sun ruleth not the fiery Triplicity, but Jupiter; who had he been in place of the Sun, and by night, must have had allowed him three dignities: and this doe generally in all the Planets, Mars excepted, who night and day ruleth the watry Triplicity.
A Planets in his triplicity, shews a man modestly indued with the Goods and Fortune of this world, one prettily descended, and the condition of his life at present time of the Question, to be good; but not so, as if in either of the two former dignities.
[TERMS.] If any Planet be in those degrees we assign for his Terms, we allow him two dignities; as whether day or night, if Jupiter be in one, two, three or four, &c. degrees of Aries, he is then in his oen Terms, and must have two dignities therefore, and so Venus in any of the first eight degrees of Taurus, &c.
A Planet fortified, onely as being in his own Terms, rather shews a man more of the corporature and temper of the Planet, then any
no match
An Introduction to Astrologie.
extraordinary abundance in fortune, or of eminency in the Commenwealth.
[FACE.] If any Planet be in his Decanate, Decurie or Face, as Mars in the first ten degrees of Aries, or in Mercury in the first ten degrees of Taurus, he is then allowed one essentiall dignity; for being in his own Decanate or Face, cannot then be called Peregrin. A Planet having little or no dignity, but by being in his Decanate or Face, is almost like a man ready to be turned out of doors, having much adoe to maintaine himself in credit and reputation: and in Genealogies it represents a Family at the last gasp, even as good as quite decayed, barely able to support it self.
The Planets may be strong another manner of way, viz. Accidentally; as when Direct, swift in Motion, Angular, in Trine or Sextile aspect with Jupiter or Venus, &c. or in Conjuction with certain notable fixed Stars, as shall hereafter be related; Here followeth a Table of Essentiall Dignities, by which onely casting your eye thereon, you may perceive that essential dignity or imbeciltiy any Planet hath.
There hath been much difference between Arabians, Greeks and Indians concerning the Essential Dignities of the Planets; I mean how to dispose the severall degrees of the Sign fitly to every Planet; after many Ages had passed, and until the time of Ptolorney, the Astrologians were not wel resolved hereof; but since Potolemy his time, the Grecians unanimously followed the method he left, and which ever since the other Christians of Europe to this day retain as most rationall; but the Moores of Barbary at present and those Astrologians of their Nation who lived in Spain doe so somewhat at this day vary from us; however I present thee with a Table according to Ptolomey.
Q V V 6 T 14 S 21 U 26 W 30 U 10 Q 20 T 30 T W
B T N R 3 T R T 8 S 15 V 22 W 26 U 30 S 10 R 20 W 30 U
C S D < 3 W S S 7 V 14 T 21 W 25 U 30 V 10 U 20 Q 30 V
U U U 6 V 13 S 20 T 27 W 30 T 10 S 20 R 30 W U
Q V W 6 S 13 T 19 V 25 U 30 W 10 V 20 U 30 W
T R S 7 T 13 V 18 W 24 U 30 Q 10 T 20 S 30 V T
W S W 6 T 11 V 19 S 24 U 30 R 10 W 20 V 30 U Q
H U N U U U 6 V 14 T 21 S 27 W 30 U 10 Q 20 T 30 T R
I V D > 3 Q V V 8 T 14 S 19 W 25 U 30 S 10 R 20 W 30 S
T R T 6 S 12 V 19 U 25 W 30 V 10 U 20 Q 30 R V
K W D W S W 6 S 12 T 20 V 25 U 30 T 10 S 20 R 30 Q
L V N T U U T 8 V 14 S 20 U 26 W 30 W 10 V 20 U 30 S S
An Introduction to Astrologie.
See Figure 4.
The Use of the Table.
Every Planet hath two signs for his House, except Sol and Luna, they but one apiece: Saturn hath Capricorn and Aquarius; Jupiter Sagittarius and Pisces; Mars- Aries, Scorpio; Sun— Leo;
Venus— Taurus, Libra; Mercury- Gemini, Virgo; Moon- Cancer. The one of these Houses is called Diurnall, noted in the second Column by the Letter D. The other is Nocturnall, noted by the Letter N. In these Signs the Planets have their Exaltations, which the third Column points out; as the Sun in 19 Aries; Moon in 3 Taurus, North Node in 3 degr. Gemini, &c. are exalted. These twelve Signs are divided into Four Triplicities: The fourth Column tels you which Planet or Planets both night and day govern each Triplicity: As over against Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, you find Sun, Jupiter, viz. Sun governeth by day in that triplicity, and Jupiter by night: Over against Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, you find Venus and Moon; viz, that Venus hath domination by day, and Moon by night in that Triplicity: Over against Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, you find Saturn, Mercury; which rule as aforesaid: Over against Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, you find Mars, who, according to Ptolomey and Naibod, ruleth onely that Triplicity both day and night. An Introduction to Astrologie.
Over agianst Aries, in the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth column, you find Jupiter 6. Venus
14, which tels you, the first six degrees of Aries are the Terms of Jupiter; from six to fourteen, the terms of Venus, &c.
Over against Aries, in the tenth, rlrvrnth and twelfth columns, you find Mars 10. Sun 20. Venus
30. viz, the first 10 degrees of Aries are the Face of Mars; from ten to twenty the Face of Sun; from twenty to thirty the Face of Venus, &c.
In the thirteenth column, over against Aries, you find Venus Detrirnent;viz. Venus being in Aries, is in a Sign opposite to one of her own Houses, and so is said to be in her Detriment. In the fourteenth column, over against Aries, you find Saturn, over his head Fall; that is, Saturn when he is in Aries is opposite to Libra his Exaltation, and so is Infortunate, &c. Though these things are expressed in the nature of the Planets already, yet this Table makes it appear more evidently to the eye.
Of Several Terms, Aspects, words of Art, Accidents,
and other materiall things happening amongst he Planets;
with other necessary Rules to be well known and understood
before any Judgment can be given upon a Question.
The most forcible or strongest Rayes, Configurations or Aspects, are onely these (nominated before) the Sextil, Quadrate, Trine, Opposition, we use to call the Conjunction, an Aspect, but very improperly.
A Sextile aspect is the distance of one Planet from another by the sixt part of the Zodiack or Circle; for six times sixty degr. doe make 360. degr. this aspect you shall find called sometimes a Sexangular aspect, or an Hexagon.
A Quadrate aspect, or Quadranglar, or Tetragonall, is the distance of two Points, or two Planets by a fourth part of the Circle, for four times ninety doe contain three hundred and sixty degrees. An Introduction to Astrologie.
The Trine aspect consists of 120 degrees, or by a third part of the Circle, for three times an humdred and twenty degrees make the whole Circle, or 360 degrees: It’s called a Triangular aspect, or Trigonall, and if you find sometimes the word Trigonocraton, it is as much as a Planet ruling or having domination in such a Triplicity or Trygon; for three Signs make one Trygon or Triplicity.
An Opposition or Diametrall Radiation is, when two Planets are equally distant 180 degrees, or half the Circle from each other.
A Conjunction, Coition, Synod or Congresse (for some use all these words) is, when two Planets are in one and the same degree and minute of a Sign: Other new Aspects I have formerly mentioned in the beginning of this Discourse. You must understand amongst these Aspects, the Quadrate Aspect is a sign of imperfect emnity; and that the Opposition is an aspect or argument of perfect hatred; which is to be understood thus: A Question is propounded, Whether two persons at variance may be reconciled? Admit I find the two Significators representing the two Adversaries, in Square aspect; I may then judge because the aspect is of imperfect hatred, that the matter is not yet so far gone, but there may be hopes of reconciliation betwixt them, the other Significators or Planets a little helping. But if I find the main significators in opposition, it’s then in nature impossible to expect a peace betwixt them till the suit is ended, if it be a suit of Law; untill they have fought, if it be a Challenge.
The Sextile and Trine aspects are arguments of Love, Unity and Friendship; but the Trine is more forcible, (viz.) if the two Significators are in Sextile or Trine, no doubt but peace may be easily concluded.
Conjunctions are good or bad, as the Planets in Conjunction are friends or enemies to one another.
There is also a Partill or Platick aspect: Partill aspect is when two Planets are exactly so many degrees from each other as make a perfect aspect: as if Mercury be in nine degrees of Aries, and Jupiter in nine degrees of Leo, this is a Partill Trine aspect: So Sun in one degree of Taurus, and Moon in one degree of Cancer, make a Partill Sextile, and this is a strong sign or argument for performance of anything, or that the matter An Introduction to Astrologie.
is neer hand concluded when the aspect is so partill, and signifies good; and it’s as much a sign of present evill when mischief is threatened.
A Platick Aspect is that which admits of the Orbs or Rayes of two Planets that signifie any matter: As if Venus be in the tenth degree of Taurus, and Saturn in eighteen degrees of Virgo, here Venus hath a Platick Trine, or is in a Platick Trine of Saturn, because she is within the Moity of both their Orbs; for the Moity of Saturn his Rayes or Orbs is five, and of Venus 4, and the distance betwixt them and their perfect aspect is eight degrees; and here I will again insert the Table of the quality of their Orbs, although I have in the Planets severall discriptions mentioned them; they stand that as I have found by the best Authors and my own Experience. d. m. d. m.
SATURN 10 0 according to others 9 0
JUPITER 12 0 as some have wrote 9 0
MARS 7 30 all consent 7 0
SUN 17 0 most say 15 0
VENUS 8 0 many write but 7 0
MERCURY 7 0 all consent onely 7 0
MOON 12 30 generally but 12 0
I sometimes use the one, and sometimes the other, as my Memory best Remembereth them, and this without error.
[APPLICATION.] Application of Planets is three severall wayes:
First, when a Planet of more swift motion applies to one more slow and ponderous, they being both direct; as Mars in 10 degrees of Aries, Mercury 5: here Mercury applies to Conjunction of Mars.
Secondly, when both Planets are retrograde, as Mercury in 10 degrees of Aries, and Mars in 9 of Aries; Mercury being not direct untill he hath made Conjunction with Mars; this is an ill Application and an argument either suddenly perfecting, or breaking off the business, according as the two Planets have signification.
Thirdly, when a Planet is direct, and in fewer degrees, and a retrograde Planet being in more degrees of the Sign, as Mars being direct in 15 Aries; and Mercury retrograde in 17 Aries; this is an ill application, and in the Air shews great change; in a Question on sudden alteration: but more particularly I expresse Application as followeth.
- # $ " * # $ " * # $ "
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[APPLICATION.] It is when two Planets are drawing neer together either by Conjunction or Aspect, viz, to a Sextile, Trine, Square or Opposition; where you must understand, that the Superiour Planet doe not apply to the inferiour (unless they be Retrograde, but ever the lighter to the more ponderous; as if Saturn be in 10 degree of Aries, and Mars be in the seventh degree of Aries the same Sign, here Mars being in fewer degrees, and a more light Planet then Saturn, applies to his Conjunction; if Mars had been in the seventh degree of Gemini, he had then applyed to a Sextile Aspect with Saturn: had Mars been in the seventh degree of Cancer, he had then applyed to a Square of Saturn; had he been in the seventh degree of Leo, he had applyed to a Trine of Saturn; had Mars been in the seventh degree of Libra, he had applyed to an Opposition of Saturn, and the true Aspect would have been when he had come to the same degree and minute wherein Saturn was: And you must know, that when Saturn is in Aries and casteth his Sextile, Square or Trine to any Planet in the like degrees of Gemini or Cancer or Leo, this Aspect is called a Sinister Sextile, Square or Trine, and it is an Aspect according to the succession of the Signs; for after Aries succeeds Taurus, then Gemini, the Cancer, &c. and so in order. Now if Saturn be in Aries, he also casteth his Sextile, Square, or Trine to any Planet that is in Aquarius, Capricorn or Sagittarius, and this is called a Dexter Aspect, and is against the order of Signs; but this Table annexed will more easily inform you.
See Figure 5.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
The Use of the Table Aforesaid.
You may see in the 2, 3, 4, and fifth column, in the upper part of the Table, Sextile, Square, Trine, Opposition.
You may see in the second line and first column Dexter
and in the four Columns over against them
Aquarius Capricorn Sagitarrius
Gemini Cancer Leo
The meaning is thus; a Planet posited in Aries, and another in Aquarius in like degrees, he in Aries doth behold the other in Aquarius with a Sextile dexter Aspect. A Planet in Aries and another in Capricorn, he in Aries beholds the Planet in Capricorn with a Square dexter.
A Planet in Aries beholding another in Sagittarius, casts his Trifle dexter thither.
A PLanet in Aries beholding another in Libra, casts his Opposite Aspect unto him. Again, over against Sinister, and under Aries you finde Gemini Cancer Leo; that is, Aries beholds Gemini with a Sextile Sinister: Cancer with a Square Sinister, Leo eith a Trine Sinister: Observe the dexter aspect is more forcible then the Sinister: this understand in the other Columns, viz, that Dexter Aspects are contrary to the succession of Signs, Sinister in order as they follow one another.
Signs not beholding one another.
See Figure 6.
These are called Signs inconjunct, or such, as if a Planet be in one of them, he cannot have any aspect to another in the sign underneath: as one in Aries can have no aspect to another in Taurus or Scorpio, or one in Taurus to one in Aries, Gemini, Libra or Sagittarius, so understand of the rest.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[SEPERATION.] Seperation, it is, in the first place, when two Planets are departed but six minutes distance from each other, as let Saturn be in 10 degr. and 25 min. of Aries and Jupiter in 10 degr. and 25 min. of Aries: now in these degrees and minutes they are in perfect Conjunction; but when Jupiter shall get into 10 degr. and 31 or 32 minutes of Aries, he shall be said to be seperating from Saturn; yet because Saturn hath 9 degr. allowed him for his rayes, and Jupiter hath also the same number allowed him, Jupiter cannot be said to be totally seperated or cleer from the rayes of Saturn, untill he hath got 9. degrees distant from him, for the half of Jupiter his orbe is 4 degr. 30 min. and the half of Saturn his orbe is 4 degr. 30 min. added together they make 9. whole degrees; for every Planet that applies is allowed half his own orbs and half the orbs of that Planet from whom he seperates: As if Sun and Moon be in any aspect, the Moon shall then be seperated from the Sun, when she is fully distant from the Sun 7.degr. and 30.min. viz, half the orbs of the Sun, and 6.degr. the moity of her own orbs; in all 13 degr. and 30 mi flutes.
The exact knowledge hereof is various and excellent: For admit two Planets significators in Marriage at the time of the question, are lately seperated but a few minutes; I would then judge there had been a few days before great probability of effecting the Marriage, but now it hung in suspence, and there seemed some dislike or rupture in it; and as the significators doe seperate, so will the matter and affection of the parties more alienate and vary, and according to the number of degrees that the swifter Planet wanteth ere he can be wholly seperated from the more ponderous, so will it be so many weeks, dayes, moneths or yeers ere the two Lovers will wholly desist or see the matter quite broke off:
The two Significators in moveable Signs, Angular and swift in motion, doth hasten the times; in common signs, the time will be more long; in fixed, a longer space of time will be required.
[PROHIBITION.] Prohibition is when two Planets that signifie the effecting or bringing
to conclusion any thing demanded, are applying to an Aspect; and before they can come
to a true Aspect, another Planet interposeth either his body or aspect, to that thereby the
matter propounded is hindered and retarded; this is
An Introduction to Astrologie.
called Prohibition. For example, Mars is in 7. degr. of Aries, and Saturn is in the 12. Mars signifies the effecting my business when he comes to the body of Saturn, who promises the conclusion, the Sun is at the same time in 6. degr. of Aries. Now in regard that the Sun is swifter in motion then Mars, he will overtake Mars, and come to Conjunction with Saturn before Mars, whereby whatever Mars or Saturn did formerly signifie, is now prohibited by the Sun his first impediting Mars and then Saturn, before they can come to a true Conjunction. This manner of prohibition is called a Conjunctionall or Bodily prohibition; and you must know that the combustion of any Planet is the greatest misfortune that can be.
[2.] The second manner of Prohibition is by Aspect, either Sextile, Square, Trifle , Opposition, viz. when two Planets are going to Conjunction; as Mars in 7 degr. of Aries, Saturn in 15 of Aries; let us admit the Sun in 5. degr. of Gemini; he then being more swift than Mars in his diurnall motion, doth quickly overtake and passe by the Sextile dexter of Mars ( and comes before Mars can come to Conjunction) to a Sextile dexter of Saturn: This is called Prohibition by Aspect, in the same nature judge if the Aspect be Square, Trine, Opposition.
[REFRENATION.] There’s another manner of Prohibition; by some more properly called Refrenation; as thus, Saturn in 12 degr. of Aries, Mars in 7 degr. here Mars hastens to a Conjunction of Saturn, but before he comes to the tenth or eleventh degree of Aries he becomes Retrograde, and by that meanes refrains to come to a Conjunction of Saturn, who still moves forward in the Sign, nothing signifies by the former Conjunction will ever be effected.
[TRANSLATION.] Translation of light and nature is, when a light Planet seperates from a more weighty one, and presently joyns to another more heavy; and its in this manner, Let Saturn be in 20. degr. of Aries: Mars in 15 of Aries, and Mercury in 16 of Aries; here Mercury being a swift Planet seperates from Mars, and translates the vertue of Mars unto Saturn. Its done also as well by any Aspect as by Conjunction. And the meaning hereof in judgment, is no more then thus; That if the matter or thing were promised by Saturn, then such a man as is signified by Mercury shall procure all the assistance a Mars man can doe unto Saturn, whereby the businesse may be the better effected; in Marriages, Lawsuits, and indeed in all vulgar questions Translation, is of great use, and ought well to be considered.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[RECEPTION.] Reception is when two Planets that are significators in any Question or matter, are in each others dignity; as Sun in Aries, and Mars in Leo; here is reception of these two Planets by Houses; and certainly this is the strongest and best of all receptions. It may be by Triplicity, term or face, or any essentiall dignity; as Venus in Aries, and Sun in Taurus; here is reception by triplicity, if the Question or Nativity by day: so Venus in the 24 of Aries, and Mars in the 16 of Gemini; here is reception by term, Mars being in the terms of Venus, and she in his terms.
The use of this is much; so many times when as the effecting of the matter is denyed by the Aspects, or when the significators have no aspect to each other, or when it seems very doubtfull what its promised by Square or Opposition of the significators, yet if mutuall Reception happen betwixt the principall significators, the thing is brought to passe, and that without any great trouble, and suddenly to the content of both parties.
[PEREGRINE.] A Planet is then said to be Peregrine, when he is in the degrees of any Sign wherein he hath no essentiall dignity:
As Saturn in the tenth degree of Aries, that Sign being not his House, Exaltation, or of his Triplicity, or he having in that degree either Term or Faces, he is then said to be Peregrine; had he been in 27, 28 &c. of Aries, he could not be termed Peregrine, because then he is in his own Term.
So the Sun in any part of Cancer is Peregrine, having no manner of dignity in that Sign. This is very much materiall in all Questions, to know the Peregrine Planet, especially in questions of Theft; for ever almost the significator of the Theef is known by the Peregrine Planet posited in an Angle, or the second House.
[VOID OF COURSE.] A Planet is void of course, when he is seperated from a Planet, nor doth forthwith, during his being in that Sign, apply to any other: This is most usually in the Moon; in judgments doe you carefully observe whether she be void of course yea or no; you shall seldom see a businesse goe handsomely forward when she is so.
[FRUSTRATION.] Frustration is, when a swift Planet would corporally joyn with a more
ponderous, but before they can come to a Conjunction, the more weighty Planet is joyned
to another, and so the Conjunction of the first is frustrated, as Mercury in
An Introduction to Astrologie.
ten degrees of Aries, Mars twelve, Jupiter in thirteen of Aries; here Mercury strives to come to Conjunction with Mars, but Mars first gets to conjunction with Jupiter; whereby Mercury is frustrated of the Conjunction of Mars: in Questions is signifies as much as our common Proverb, The Dogges quarrell, a third gets the Bone.
[HAYZ.] HAYZ is when a Masculine and Diurnall Planet is in the day time above the earth, and in a Masculine Sign, and so when a Feminine, Nocturnall Planet in the night is in a Feminine Sign and under the earth: In Questions it usually shews the content of the Question at time of the Question, when his significator is so found.
[SUPERIOUR & INFERIOUR PLANETS.] Saturn, Jupiter and Mars being placed above the Orbe of the Sun, are called the superiour, ponderous and more weighty Planets;
Venus, Mercury and Luna are called the inferiour Planets, being under the Orbe of the Sun.
[COMBUSTION.] A Planet is said to be Combust of the Sun, when in the same Sign where the Sun is in, he is not distant from the Sun eight degrees and thirty minutes, either before or after the Sun; as Jupiter in the tenth degree of Aries, and Sun in the eighteenth of Aries; here Jupiter is Combust: or let the Sun be in eighteen of Aries, and Jupiter in twenty eight degrees of Aries, here Jupiter is Combust: and you must observe a Planet is more afflicted when the Sun hastens to conjunction of him, then when the Sun receds from him; in regard it’s the body of the Sun that doth afflict. I allow the moyity of his own Orbs to shew the time of Combustion, and not of Jupiter; for by that rule Jupiter should not be combust before he is within four degrees and a half of the Sun. I know many are against this opinion.
Use which you find most verity in: the significator of the Querent Combust, shews him or her in great fear, and over powred by some great person.
[UNDER THE SUN BEAMS.] A Planet is said to be under the Sunbeams, untill he is fully elongated or distant from his body 17 degr. either before or after him.
[CAZIMI, OR IN THE HEART OF THE SUN.] A Planet is in the heart of the Sun, or in
Cazimi, when he is not removed from him 17 min. or is within 17 min. forward or
backward, as Sun in 15.30 Taurus, Mercury 15.25. of Taurus: here Mercury is in Cazimi,
and all Authors doe hold a Planet in Cazimi to be fortified thereby; you must observe all
Planets may be in Combustion of the Sun, but he
An Introduction to Astrologie.
with none, and that Combustion can onely be by personall conjunction in one Sign, not by any aspect, either Sextile, Square, Trine or Opposition, his Square or Opposite aspects are afflicting, but doe not Combure or cause the Planet to be in Combustion.
[ORIENTALL, OCCIDENTALL.] Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, are Orientall of the Sun, from the time of their conjunction with him, untill they come to his Opposition: from Whence untill again they come to conjunction, they are said to be Occidentall; to be Orientall is no other thing then to rise before the Sun: to be Occidentall is to be seen above the Horizon, or to set after the Sun is down: Mercury and Venus can make no Sextile , Square, Trine or Opposition to the Sun: their Orientality is when they are in fewer degrees of the Sign the Sun is, or in the Sign preceding; their Occidentality, when they are in more degrees of the Sign the Sun is in , or next subsequent: for you must know Mercury cannot be more degrees removed from the Sun then 28. nor Venus more then 48. though some allow a few more. The Moon is Orientall of the Sun from the time of her opposition to he conjunction, and Occidentall from the time of her Conjunction to Opposition; and the reason hereof is, because she far exceeds the Sun in swiftnesse of motion, and so presently gets further into the Sign, &c.
[BESIEGING.] Besieging is, when any Planet is places betwixt the bodies of the two Malevolent Planets Saturn and Mars: as Saturn in 15. Aries, Mars in 10. of Aries, Venus in 13. Aries: here Venus is besieged by the two infortunes, and it represents in questions, a Man going out of Gods blessing into the warm Sun; I mean is Venus be a Significatrix that time in time in the figure.
There are other accidents belonging to the Planets one amongst another mentioned by the Ancients, but of so little purpose in Judgment, that I have cleerly omitted them.
[DIRECTIONS IS.] When a Planet moveth forward in the Sign, as going out of 13 degr. into 14. and so along.
[RETROGRADE IS.] When a Planet goeth backward, as out of 10 degr. into 9, 8, 7, &c.
[STATIONARY IS.] When he moves not at all, as the superiours doe not 2, 3, or 4 dayes before Retrogradation.
A Planet in His Own House, or in Mutual Reception by
House, Shall Have Dignities.
5 In His Detriment 5
In His Exaltation, or Reception by Exaltation 4 In His Fall 4
In His Own Triplicity 3 Peregrine 5
In His Own Term 2
Decanate of Face 1
In the Mid-Heaven or Ascendant 5 In the Twelfth House 5
In the 7th, 4th and 11th Houses 4 In the 8th and 6th 2
In the 2nd and 5th 3 Retrograde 5
In the 9th 2 Slow in Motion 2
In the 3rd House 1 W V U Occidental 2
Direct /the Q , R are Always So/ R Decreasing in Light 2
As to Them This is Voyd 4 Combust of the Q 5
Swift in Motion 2 Under the Q Beames 4
W V U When Orientall 2 Partill ! with < 4
S T When Occidental 2 Beseiged of W and U 5
The R Encreasing or When She is Occidental 2 Partill " of W or U 4
Free From Combustion and Q Beams 5 Partill # of W or U 3
In the Heart of the Q, or Cazimi 5 Agol in 20 B , or Within 5 Degrees* 5
In Partill ! With V and T 5
In Partill ! With < 4
In Partill $ to V and T 4
In Partill ' to V and T 3
In ! with Cor Leonis, in 24 Degr. E * 6
Or in ! With Spica in 18^ G ** 5
[* Cor Leonis (Regulus) is at 29^50' Leo in Jan. 2000]
[*Caput Agol is at 26^10' Taurus in January
[**Spica is at 23^50' Libra in Jan. 2000]
A MAS. 8, 15, 30 D. 3, L.8, D.16, L.20 6 11 16 19
FEM. 9, 22 V. 24, L.29, V.30 23 29
B MAS. 11,21,30 D.3, L.7, V.12, L.15 5 12 6 7 8 3 15
FEM. 5, 17, 24 V.20, L.28, D.30 24 25 9 10 27
C MAS. 16, 26 L.4, D.7, L.12, V.16 2 12 17 11
FEM. 5, 22, 30 L.22, D.27, V.30 26 30
D MAS. 2, 10, 23, 30 L.12, D.14, V.18 12 17 23 9 10 11
1 2 3
FEM. 8, 12, 27 SM.20, L.28, V.30 26 30 4 15
E MAS.5, 15, 30 D.10, SM.20 6 13 15 18 27 2 5 7
FEM. 8, 23 V.25, L.30 22 23 28 28 19
F MAS. 12, 30 D.5, L.8, V.10, L.16 8 13 16 3 14
FEM. 8, 20 SM. 22, V.27, D.30 21 22 20
G MAS. 5, 20, 30 L.5, D.10, L.18 1 7 3 15
FEM. 15, 27 D.21, L.27, V.30 20 30 21
H MAS. 4, 17, 30 D.3, L.8, V.14, L.22 9 10 22 19 28 7 18
FEM. 14, 25 SM. 24, V.29, D.30 23 27 20
I MAS.2, 12, 30 L.9, D.12, L.19 7 12 15 1 7 8 12 20
FEM. 5, 24 SM.23, L.30 24 27 30 18 19
J MAS. 11, 30 D.7, L.10, S.15, L.19 7 17 22 26 27 12 13
FEM. 19 D.22, V.25, D.30 24 29 28 29 14 20
K MAS. 5, 21, 27 SM.4, L.9, D.13 1 12 17 18 19 7 16
FEM. 15, 25, 30 L.23, V.25, D.30 22 24 29 17 20
L MAS. 10, 23, 30 D.6, L.12, D.18 4 9 24 13 20
FEM. 20, 28 L.22, V.25, L.28, D.30 27 28
An Introduction to Astrologie.
The Use of the Table.
Many times it happens, that it is of great concernment to the Querent to know, whether a Woman be with childe of a Male or Female; or whether the Theef be Man or Woman, &c. When it shall so chance that neither the Angles, or the sex of the Planet, or the Signes doe discover it, but that the testimonies are equall; then if you consider the degrees of the Sign wherein the Moon is, and wherein the Planet significator of the thing or party quesited is, and the degree of the Cuspe of the House signifying the person quesited after; and see by the second Column whether they be in Masculine or Feminine Degrees, you may pose your judgment, by concluding a Masculine party, if they be posited in Masculine degrees; or Feminine, if they be in Feminine degrees. You see the first eight degrees of Aries are Masculine, the ninth degree is Feminine, from nine to fifteen is Masculine, from fifteen to two and twenty is Feminine, from two and twenty to thirty is Masculine; and so as they stand directed in all the signs.
The third Column tels you there are in every Sign certain Degrees, some called Light, Dark, Smoakie, Void, &c. the use hereof is thus:
Let a Sign ascend in a Nativity or Question, if the Ascendant be in those Degrees you see are called Light, the Childe or Querent shall be more fair; if the degree ascending be of those we call Dark, his Complexion shall be nothing so fair, but more obscure and dark; and if he be born deformed, the deformity shall be more and greater; but if he be deformed when the light degrees of a Sign ascend, the imperfection shall be more tolerable.
And if the Moon or the Degree ascending be in those degrees we call Void, be the Native or Querent fair or foul, his understanding will be small, and his judgment lesse then the world supposeth, and the more then conferrest with him, the greater defect shalt thou finde in him. If the Ascendant, the Moon or either of them be in those degrees we call Smoakie, the person inquiring or Native, shall neither be very fair nor very An Introduction to Astrologie.
foule, but of a mixt Complexion, Stature or condition, betwixt fair and foule. betwixt tall and of little Stature, and so in condition neither very judicious or a very Asse. You see the three first Degrees of Aries are Dark, from three to eight are light, from eight to sixteen are Dark, from sixteen to twenty are Light, from twenty to four and twenty are Voyd, from four and twenty to nine and twenty are Light, the last Degree is Voyd.
[DEGREES, DEEP OR PITTED.] Degrees deep or pitted presented in the fourth Column have this signification, that if either the Moon or the degree ascending or Lord of the Ascendant be in any of them, it shews the Man at a stand in the question he asks. nit knowing which way to turn himself and that he had need of help to bring him into a better condition; for as a man cast into a Ditch doth not easily get out without help, so no more can this querent in the case he is without assistance.
[CALLED BY SOME AZIMENE DEGREES.] Degrees lame and deficient are those mentioned in the fifth Column; the meaning whereof is thus, If in any question you finde him that demands the question, or in a Nativity, if you finde the Native defective in any member, or infected with an inseperable disease, halting, blindnesse, deafnesse &c. you may then suppose the native hath either one of these Azimene degr. ascending at his birth, or the Lord of the Ascendant, or the Moon in one of them: in a Question or Nativity, if you see the Querent lame naturally, crooked, or vitiated in some member, and on the sudden you can in the figure give no present satisfaction to your self, doe you then consider the Degree ascending, or Degree wherein the Moon is in, or the Lord of the Ascendant, or principall Lord of the Nativity or Question, and these is no doubt that you shall finde one or more of them in Azimene degrees.
[DEGREES INCREASING FORTUNE.] These Degrees are related in the fifth Column, and tend to this understanding, that if the Cuspe of the second House, or if the Lord of the second house, or Jupiter, or the Part of Fortune be in, any of those degrees, it’s and argument of much wealth, and that the Native or Querent will be rich.
An Introduction to Astrologie
A TABLE shweing what members in Mans Body every Planet
Signifieth in any of the twelve SIGNES
A Brest, Arm Neck,
Thighs. Reines,
B Heart, Brest Shoulder,
Knees. Secretsmembers,
C Belly, Heart Brest,
, Arms,
D Reines,
Knees. Knees,
E Secrets,
Head. Legs,
F Thighs,
Secrets Feet
Throat. Feet,
, Bowels
G Knees,
H Knees, Legs. Thighs,
I Legs, Feet Knees,
An Introduction to Astrologie
J Head,
K Neck,
L Arms,
The Use and Reason of the Former Table.
It was well neer four yeers after I had studied Astrology, before I could finde any reason, why the Planets in every of the Signs should signifie the members as mentioned in the Table: at last, reading the 88. Aphorisms of Hermes, I understood the meaning of it, viz. Erit im-pedimentum circa 111am partem corporis quam significat signum, quod fuerit nativitatis tempore impeditum. There will be some impediment in or neer that part of the body, which it signified by the Sign that shall be afflicted at the time of the Birth The use of all comes to thus much:
That if you would know where any Disease is, I mean in what member of the body, see in what Sign the significator of the sick Party is, and what part of mans body that Planet signifies in that Sign, which you may doe by the former Table, in that member or part of the body shall you say the sick party is grieved or diseased.
As if Saturn be Significator of the sick party, and at time of your question in Gemini; have
recourse to your Table, and you see
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Saturn in Gemini a Disease in the Belly or heart &c. Do so in the rest.
Now the reason of this signification of every Planet in such or such a Sign is this. Every Planet in his own House or Sign, governeth the Head; in the second Sign from his House, the neck; in the third Sign from his house, the Arms and Shoulders; and so successively through the twelve Signs: as Saturn in Capricorn ruleth the Head, in Aquarius the Neck, in Pisces Arms and Shoulders; so Jupiter in Sagittarius ruleth the Head, in Capricorn the Neck, in Aquarius the Arms and Shoulders.
The Moon observes the same order as the rest; yet the Arabians, from whom this learning is, doe allow her in Aries the Head as well as the Knees: The Head, because Aries signifies so much:
The Knees, because Aries is the ninth Sign from Cancer.
You may observe this in the marks of mans Body, and many other judgments, and make singular use of it; ever remembering this, the more the Sign is vitiated, the greater mole or scarre; or the neerer to an Azimene, Pitted or Dificient degree of the Sign, the stronger is the deformity, sicknesse, &c, CONSIDERATIONS before Judgment.
All the Ancients that have wrote of questions, doe give warning to the Astrologer, that before he deliver judgment he well consider whether the Figure is radicall and capable of judgment; the Question then shall be taken for radicall, or fit to be judged, when as the Lord of the hour at the time of proposing the Question, and erecting the Figure, and the Lord of the Ascendant or first House, are of one Triplicity, or be one, or of the same nature.
As for example; let the Lord of the hour be Mars, let the Sign of Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces ascend, this Question is then radicall, because Mars is Lord of the Hour, and of the Watry Triplicity, or of those Signs Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
Again, let the Lord of the hour be Mars, and Aries ascend, the Question shall be radicall, because Mars is both Lord of the hour and Sign ascending.
An Introduction to Astrologle.
Let the Lord of the hour be Mars, and let the Sign Leo ascend, here, although the Sun is one of the Lords of the Fiery Triplicity, and the Lord of the Sign Leo, yet shall the Question be judged; because the Sun, who is Lord of the Ascendant, and Mars who is Lord of the hour, are both of one nature, viz. Hot and Dry.
When either 00. degrees, or the first or second degrees of a Sign ascend (especially in Signs of short ascentions, viz. Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, you may not adventure judgment, unlesse the Querent be very young, and his corporature, complexion and moles or scarres of his body agree with the quality of the Sign ascending.
If 27, 28, 29 degrees ascend of any Sign, it’s no wayes safe to give judgment, except the Querent be in yeers corresponding to the number of degrees ascending; or unlesse the Figure be set upon a certain time, viz, a man went away or fled at such a time precise; hope you may judge, because it’s no propounded question.
It’s not safe to judge when the Moon is in the later degrees of a Sign, especially in Gemini, Scorpio or Capricorn; or as some say, when she is in Via Combusta, which is, when she is in the last 15 degrees of Libra, or the first fifteen degrees of Scorpio.
All manner of matters goe hardly on (except the principall significators be very strong) when the Moon is void of course; yet somewhat she performs if void of course, and be either in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces.
You must also be wary, when in any question propounded you find the Cusp of the seventh house afflicted, or the Lord of that house Retrograde, or impedited, and the matter at that time not concerning the seventh house, but belonging to any other house, it’s an argument the judgment of the Astrologer’s will give small content, or any thing please the Querent; for the seventh house generally hath signification of the Artist.
The Arabians, as Alkindus and others, doe deliver these following rules, as very fit to be considered before a Question be judged.
Viz. if Saturn be in the Ascendant, especially Retrograde, the matter of that Question seldom or never comes to good.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Saturn in the seventh either corrupts the judgment of the Astrologer, or is a Sign the matter propounded will come from one misfortune to another.
If the Lord of the Ascendant be Combust, neither question propounded will take, or Querent be regulated.
The Lord of the 7th unfortunate, or in his fall, or Terms of the Infortunes, the Artist shall scarce give a solid judgment.
When the testimonies of Fortunes and Infortunes are equal, deferre judgment, it’s not possible to know which way the Ballance will turn: however, deferre you your opinion till another question better informs you.
What Significator, Querent and Questied are; and an
Introduction to the Judgment of a Question.
The Querent is he or she that propounds the question, and desires resolution: the Quesited is he or she, or the thing sought and enquired after.
The Significator is no more then that Planet which ruleth the house that signifies the thing demanded: as if Aries is ascending, Mars being the Lord of Aries, shal be significator of the Querent, viz, the Sign ascending shall in part signifie his corporature, body or stature, the Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon and Planet in the Ascendant, or that the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant are in aspect with, shall shew his quality or conditions equally mixed together; so that let any Sign ascend, what Planet is Lord of that Sign, shall be called Lord of the House, or Significator of the person enquiring, &c.
So that in the first place therefore, When any Question is propounded, the Sign ascending and his Lord are always given unto him or her that asks the question.
2. You must then consider the matter propounded, & see to which of the twelve houses it doth
properly belong: when you have found the house, consider the Sign and Lord of that Sign, how,
An Introduction to Astrologie.
and in what Sign and what part he is placed, how dignified, what aspect he hath to the Lord of the Ascendant, who impedites your Significator, who is friend unto him, viz, what Planet it is, and what house he is Lord of, or in what house posited; from such a man or woman signified by that Planet, shall you be furthered or hindered; or of such relation unto you as that Planet signifies; if Lord of such a house, such an enemy, if Lord of such a house as signifieth enemies, then an enemy verily; if of a friendly house, a friend: The whole naturall key to all Astrology reflect in the words preceding rightly understood: By the Examples following I shall make all things more plain; for I doe not desire, or will reserve anything whereby the Learner may be kept in suspence of right understanding what is useful for him, and most fit to be known. In every question we doe give the Moon as the CO-SIGNIFICATOR with the querent or Lord of the Ascendant (some have also allowed the Planet from whom the Moon seperated as a Significator; which I no way approve of, or in my practice could ever find any Verity therein.) In like manner they joyned in judgment the Planet to whom the Moon applyed at time of the question, as Co-Significator with the Lord of the house of the thing quesited, or thing demanded. Having well considered the severall applications and seperations of the Lords of those houses signifying your question, as also the Moon, the Scite of Heaven and quality of the aspect the Moon, and each significator hath to other, you may begin to judge and consider whether the thing demanded will come to pass yea or no; by what, or whose means, the time when, and whether it will be good for the Querent to proceed further in his demands yea or no.
To know whether a thing demanded will be brought to
perfection yea or nay.
The Ancients have delivered unto us, that there are four wayes or means, which discover whether one question or the thing demanded shall be accomplished yea or not.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
[CONJUNCTION.] First, by Conjunction; when as therefore you find the Lord of the Ascendant, and Lord of that house which signifies the thing demanded, hastening to a Conjunction, and in the first house, or in any Angle, and the significators meet with no Prohibition or Refrenation, before they come to perfect Conjunction; you may then judge, that the thing sought after, shall be brought to passe without any manner of let or impediment, the sooner, if the Significators be in swift motion, and Essentially or Accidentally strong; but if this Conjunction of the Significators be in a Succedant house, it will be perfected, but not as soon: if in Cadent houses, with infinite losse of time, some difficulty, and much strugling.
[ASPECT OF SEXTILE OR TRINE.] Things are also brought to passe, when as the principall signifiers apply by Sextile or Trine aspect out of good Houses and places where they are essentially well dignified ( and meet with no malevolent Aspect to intervene are they come to be in perfect Sextile or Trifle; I mean to the partill Sextill or Tryne.)
[ASPECTS OF SQUARE AND OPPOSITION.] Things are also produced to perfection, when the Significators apply by Square aspect, provided each Planet have dignity in the Degrees wherein they are, and apply out of proper and good Houses, otherwise not. Sometimes it happens, that a matter is brought to passe when the Significators have applyed by Opposition, but it hath been, when there hath been mutuall reception by House, and out of friendly Houses, and the Moon seperating from the Significator of the thing demanded; I have rarely seen any thing brought to perfection by this way of opposition; but the Querent had been better the thing had been undone; for if the Question was concerning Marriage, the parties seldom agreed, but were ever wrangling and jangling, each party repining at his evill choice, laying the blame upon their covetous Parents, as having no minde to it themselves: and if the Question was about Portion or Monies, the Querent did, its true, recover his Money or Portion promised, but it cost him more to procure it in suit of Law, then the debt was worth, &c. and so have I seen it happen in many other things, &c.
[TRANSLATION.] Things are brought to perfection by Translation of Light and Nature, in this manner.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
When the Significators both of Querent and Quesited are seperated from Conjunction or Sextile or Trine aspect of each other, and some one Planet or other doth seperate himself from one of the Significators, of whom he is received either by House, Triplicity, or Term, and then this Planet doth apply to the other Significator by Conjunction or aspect, before he meeteth, with the Conjunction or aspect of any other Planet, he then translates the force, influence and virtue of the first Significaotr to the other, and then this intervening Planet (or such a man or woman as is signifies by that Planet) shall bring the matter in hand to perfection. Consider what house the Planet interposing or translating the nature and light of the two Planets is Lord of , and describe him or her, and say to the party, that such a party shall doe good in the business of, &c. viz, if Lord of the second, a good Purse affects the matter; if Lord of the third, a Kinsman or Neighbor; and so of all the rest of the Houses: of which more shall be said in the following Judgments.
[COLLECTION.] Matters are also brought to perfection, when as the two principall Significators doe not behold one another, but both cast their severall Aspects to a more weighty Planet then themselves, and they both receive him in some of their essentiall dignities; then shall that Planet who thus collects both their Lights, bring the thing demanded to perfection: which signifies no more in Art then this, that a Person somewhat interested in both parties and described and signified by that Planet, shall perform, effect and conclude the thing which otherwayes could not be perfected: As many times you see two fall at variance, and of themselves cannot think of any way of accommodation, when suddenly a Neighbour or friend accidently reconciles all differences, to the content of both parties: And this is called Collection.
Lastly, things are sometimes perfected by the dwelling of Planets in houses, viz, when the
Significator of the thing demanded is casually posited in the Ascendant; as if one demand if he
shall obtain éuch a Place or Dignity, if then the Lord of the tenth be placed in the Ascendant, he
shall obtain the Benefit, Office, Place or Honour desired: This rule of the Ancients holds not true,
or is consentanious to reason: except they will admit,
An Introduction to Astrologie.
that when the Moon, besided this dwelling in house, doth transferre the light of the Significator of the thing desired, to the Lord of the Ascendant; for it was well observed that the application of the Significators shew inclination of the parties, but seperation usually privation; that is, in more plain terms, when you see the principall Significators of the Querent, and thing or party quesited after seperated, there’s then little hops of the effecting or perfecting what is desired, (notwithstanding this dwelling in houses) but if there be application, the parties seem willing, and the matter is yet kept on foot, and there is great probability of perfecting it, or that things will come to a further treaty.
In all Questions you are generally to observe this Method following. As the Ascendant represents the person of the Querent, and the second his Estate, the third his Kindred, the fourth his Father, the fifth his Children, the sixth his Servant or Sicknesse, the seventh his Wife, the eighth the manner of his Death, the ninth his Religion or journeys, the tenth his Estimation or honour, the eleventh his Friends, the twelfth his secret Enemies. So you must also understand, that when one asks concerning a Woman or any party signified by the seventh House and the Lord thereof, that then the 7th House shall be her Ascendant and signifie her person, the eight House shall signifie her Estate and be her second, the ninth House shall signifie her Brethern and Kindred, the tenth shall represent her Father, the eleventh her Children or whether apt to have Children, the twelfth her Sicknesse and Servants, the first House her Sweetheart, the second House her Death, the third her Journey, the fourth her Mother, the fifth her Friends, the sixth her sorrow, care and private Enemies.
Let the Question be of or concerning Churchman, Minister, or the Brother of the wife or sweetheart,
the ninth House shall represent each of these, but the tenth House shall be Significator of
his Substance, the eleventh House of his Brethern, and so in order: and so in all manner of
Questions the House signifying the party shall be his Ascendant or first house,
An Introduction to Astrologie.
the next his second House, and so continuing round about tne whole Heavens or twelve Houses.
If a question be made of a King, the tenth is his first house, the eleventh his second, and so orderly: but in Nativities, the Ascendant ever signifieth the party born, weather King or Beggar: These things preceding being well understood, you may proceed to judgment; not that it is necessary you have all that is wrote, in your memory exactly, but that you be able to know when you are in an errour, when not; when to judge a question, when not: I should also have shewed how to take the Part of Fortune, but that I will doe in the first Example, the use of the Part of Fortune being divers, but hardly understood rightly by any author I ever met with: However note, if a King propound an Astrologicall Question, the Ascendant is for him, as well as for any meaner party; and all the houses in order, as for any vulgar person: For Kings are earth, and no more then men; and the time is comming &c. when.
Christian Astrology
William Lilly -- 1647
Volume Two
the erecting of a scheam of Heaven; nature of
the twelve Signs of the Zodiack, of the
Planets; with a most easie Introduction
To the whole Art of Astrology.
the Student how to Judge or Resolve all manner of Questions contingent unto Man, viz. of Health, Sickness, Riches, Marriage, Preferment, Journies, &c. Severall Questions inferred and Judged.
Judge upon Nativities; severall ways how to rectifie them;
How to judge the generall fate of the Native by the twelve Houses of Heaven, according to the naturall influence of the STARS:
How his particular and Annuall Accidents, by the Art of Direction, and its exact measure of Time by Profections, Revolutions, Transits.
A Nativity judged by the Method preceding.
The Second Edition Corrected, and Amended.
By WILLIAM LILLY Student of Astrology.
Omne meum nil meum. Nihil dictum, quod non dictum prius
Printed by John Macock 1659
of all manner of Q U E S T I 0 N S
and D E M A N D S.
Chap. XXII.
Questions Concerning the First House.
If the Querent is likely to live long yea or not.
Many men and women have not the time of their Nativities, or know how to procure them, either their Parents being dead, or no rememberance being left thereof; and yet for divers weighty considerations they are desirous to know by a question of Astrology, whether they shall live long or not?, whether any sicknesse is neer them? , what part of their Life is like to be most happy? together with many other such Queries people doe demand incident to this house.
Signs of Health or Long Life.
In the Question you must consider if the Sign ascending, the Lord thereof, and the Moon be free
from misfortune, viz. if the Lord of the Ascendant be free from Combustion of the Sun, from the
The Resolution Of
Square, Opposition or Conjunction of the Lord of the 8th, 12th, 6th or 4th House, if he be Direct, in Essentiall Dignity, Swift in Motion, or Angular, especially in the 1st house, (for in this question he is best placed therein) or 10th, or else in the 11th, or 9th House, and in a good aspect with Jupiter or Venus, or the Sun, or in the Termes of Jupiter and Venus, it’s an argument of Health and long life to the Querent, for the Lord of the Ascendant, or Ascendant it selfe unfortunate or Moon in bad houses afflicted, show mischiefe at hand; the aforesaid Significators tree, argue the contrary: for as you consider the Lord of the Ascendant, so the Ascendant is to be considered, and what aspect is cast unto it, viz. good or evil, and by what Planet or Planets, and of what house or houses they are Lords of.
It’s generally received, that if the Lord of the Ascendant be under the Sunbeams, or going to Combustion, which is worse then when he is departing, or the Moon cadent and unfortunated by any of those Planets who have dominion in the 8th or 6th, and either the South Node, Saturn or Mars in the Ascendant or 7th House, peregrine or in detriments, or retrograde, or if there be in the degree ascending, or in that degree of the Signe wherein the Lord of the Ascendant is, or with the Moon, or with that Planet who afflicts any of those; I say, any Fixed Starre of violent influence or nature of the Planet afflicting, or nature of the Lord of the 8th or 6th House, then you may judge the Querent is not long lived, but neer some danger, or shall undergoe some misfortune in one kind or other, according to the quality of the Significator and Signification of that or those houses they are Lords of.
The Time When Any of These ACCIDENTS Shall Happen.
You must see if the Lord of the Ascendant be going to Combustion, or to Opposition or
Conjunction of the Lord of the 8th or 4th, how many degrees he is distant from the Sun, or Lord
of the 8th or 4th, and in what Signe either of them are in; if the space betwixt them be eight
degrees, and in a common Signe, it denotes so many moneths; if in a fixed signe, so many yeers;
if in a moveable, so many weeks: this is onely for example, and in
all manner of QUESTIONS.
generall; for the measure of time must be limited according to the other Significators concurring in judgment herein..
Secondly, having considered the Lord of the Ascendant, see how many degrees the Moon is also distant from any Infortune, or from the Lords of the 6th or 8th, and in what Signe or Signes, their Nature, Quality and House wherein they are posited..
Thirdly, consider if there be an Infortune in the Ascendant, how many degrees the Cusp of the house wants of that degree the unfortunate Planet is in, or if the unfortunating Planet be in the 7th, how many degrees the Ascendant wants of his true Opposition, and compute the time of Death, Sicknesses or Misfortune according to the dimension of degrees in Signes moveable, common, or fixed..
If you find the Lord of the Ascendant afflicted most of all by the Lord of the 6th, and in the 6th, or if the Lord of the Ascendant comes to Combustion in the 6th, you may judge the Querent will have very many and tedious sicknesses, which will scarce leave him till his death; and the more certain your judgment will be, if the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Lord of the 8th and the Moon be all placed in the 6th.
If you find the Lord of the Ascendant, the Signe ascending, or Moon most principally impedited or unfortunated by the Lord of the 8th, or that Planet who afflicts your Significators out of the 8th, then you may judge that the sicknesse with which he is now afflicted, or is shortly to be troubled withall, will end him, and that his death is approaching or that death is threatened..
But if you can find that the Lord of the Ascendant, or Signe of the Ascendant, or the Moon are
chiefly afficted by the Lords of some other houses, you shall judge his misfortune from the
nature of the house or houses whereof the Planet or Planets afflicting are Lords; and the first
original thereof, or discovery, shall be signified from something, Man or Woman, &c. belonging
to that house wherein you find the Planet afflicting posited, and thereby you shall judge a
misfortune and not death: The Fixed Starres I mentioned, being of the nature of Mars, show
sudden distempers of
The Resolution of
body, or Feavers, Murders, Quarrels &c. of the nature of Saturn, quartan Agues, Poverty, casuall hurts by fals &c..., of the nature of Mercury, they declare Consumptions,Madness, cozenage by false Evidence or Writings: of the nature of the Moon, Tumults, Commotions, Wind-chollick, danger by Water, &c, of the nature of the Sun, envy of Magistrates, hurt in the Eyes, &c. of the nature of Jupiter, oppression by domineering Priests, or by some Gentleman: of the nature of Venus, then prejudice by some Woman, the Pox, or Cards, Dice and Wantonnesse.
You must carefully avoid pronouncing Death rashly, and upon one single testimony, you must observe, though the Lord of the Ascendant be going to Combustion, whether either Jupiter or Venus cast not some Sextile or Trine to the Lord of the Ascendant, ere he come to perfect Combustion, or any other infortune, for that is an argument that either Medicine or Strength of Nature will contradict that malignant influence, or take off part of that misfortune; but when you find two or more of the rules asforesaid concurring to death, you may be more bold in your Judgement; yet concerning the absolute time of death of any party, I have found it best to be wary, and have as much as I could, refrained this manner of judgement; onely this much by the Question may be knowne, that if you find the Significators, as aforesaid, afflicted, you may judge the man or party inquiring to be no long lived man, or subject to many miseries and calamities, and this I know by many verified examples; the knowledge hereof is of excellent use for such as would purchase any Lease or Office, or thing for Life or Lives, &c. or for those who would carefully in a naturall way prevent those casualties their natures or inclinations would run them into.
To What Part of Heaven its Best the Querent Direct His
Affairs, or Wherein He May Live Most Happily.
You must know that the twelve Houses are divided into the East, West, North and South quarters of Heaven.
The Cusp of the first house is the beginning of the East, and its
all manner of QUESTIONS.
called the East Angle, from the Degree of the first house to the Degree or Cusp of the 10th House or Medium Coeli, containing the 12,11 and 10th houses, are East, inclining to the South: from the Cuspe of the 10 house to the Cusp of the 7th house, containing the 9,8, and 7, is South, verging toward the West: from the degree of the 7th house to the Cusp of the 4th, consisting of the 6,5, and 4th houses, is the West, tending to the North: from the Degree of the 4th house to the degrees of the Ascendant, containing the 3,2,and 1st houses, is North inclining to the East.. Having viewed the several quarters of Heaven, see in which of them you finde the Planet that promiseth the Querent most good, and where you find Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Part of Fortune, or two or more of them, the quarter that direct your affaires; and if you have the Part of Fortune and the Moon free from Combustion and other misfortunes, go that wayes, or to that quarter of Heaven where you finde her; for you must consider, that though Jupiter and Venus be Fortunes, yet casually they may be Infortunes, when they are Lords of the 8,12,or 6th, in that case you must avoyd the quarter they are in, and observe the Part of Fortune and the Moon and the Lord of the Ascendant; and as neere as you can avoyd that quarter of Heaven where the infortunes are, especially when they are Significators of mischiefe, otherwayes either Mars or Saturn being Lord of the Ascendant or 2nd house, 10th or 11th, may (being essentially strong) prove friendly. The general way of resolving this Question is thus; If the Querent does onely desire to live where he may most enjoy most health, look in what signe and quarter of Heaven the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon are in, and which of them are strongest, and does cast his or her more friendly Aspect to the Degree ascending; to that quarter of Heaven repaire for Heavens sake:
If the Querent desire to know to what part he may steer his course for obtaining of an Estate or Fortune, then see where and ‘in what quarter of Heaven the Lord of the 2nd is placed, and the Part of Fortune, and his Dispositor or two of them; for where and in what quarter they are best fortified, from thence may he expect his most advantage, &c. Of this I shall speak casually in subsequent Judgments.
The Resolution of
What Part of His LIFE is Like to be Best.
See either in what Angle or quarter of Heaven the fortunate and promising Planets are posited in;
for in this way of Judicature, we give usually to every house five yeers, but sometimes more or
lesse, according as you see the Significators promising Life or Death, (but commonly five yeers
we give) beginning with the 12th, and so to the 11th, then the 10th, the 9th, &c. and so to the
Ascendant; as if in your question you find Jupiter or Venus in the 11th or 10th house, you may
judge the Man or Woman to have lived happily from the 5th yeer of his age to the 15th, or in his
youth: if they, or either of them, be in the 8th or 7th, they declare that from 20 to 30 he will, or
hath lived, and may live contentedly: if Jupiter or Venus be in the 6th, 5th, or 4th, then judge
after his middle age, or from 30 to 45, he may do well: If you find Jupiter or Venus in the 3rd,
2nd, or 1st, then his best days, or his greatest happinesse will be towards his old age, or after he is forty five until sixty; if you find the Significators of Life very strong, and signifying long life, you may adde one yeer to every house, for it’s then possible the Querent may live more than sixty years, or until seventy, or more, as many we know doe.
Lastly, you must observe at the time of your Question, how the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon are separated, from what Planet, and by what Planet, and by what aspect; the seperation of those shew the manner of Accidents which have preceeded the Question; their next application, what in the future may be expected; if you consider what house or houses, the Planet or Planets they separated from are Lords of, it aquaints you with the matter, nature, person and quality of the thing already happened: ill, if the aspect was ill; Good, if the aspect was good; and if you observe the quality of the next aspect by application, and the well or ill being and position of the Planet or Planets applied unto, it delivers the quality of the next succeeding Accidents and Casualities, their nature, proportion, time when they will happen or come upon the Querent.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
[Note: Modern copies of all charts
appear in Appendix A.]
An Astrologicall Judgment Concerning These Demands
Propounded by the Querent.
1. If he were like to live long, yea or not.
2. To what part of the world he were best direct his course of life.
3. What part of his life, was in possibility like to be most fortunate.
4. He desired I would relate (if possible by a figure) some of the general
had happened unto him already.
5. What Accidents in future he might expect, good or evil.
6. The time when.
The Stature of the Querent is signified by Leo, the Signe Ascendant; there is a Fixed star called
Cor Leonis neer the cuspe of the 1st house, viz., in 24:34 of Leo, of the nature of Mars and
Jupiter, and 1st magnitude; both the cuspe of the 1st house and degree of the signe wherein Sun,
Lord of the Ascendant is in, are
The Resolution of
the termes of Jupiter; the Moon is in Trine aspect with both Jupiter and Venus, and they in the
10th house; so that the form and Stature of the Querents body are decent, of middle stature strongly compacted, neither fat or fleshy, but comely, wanting no gracefulnesse in its composure; a fair Visage, reddish haire, cleere Skin, some cuts on his right Cheek, (for he was a Soldier;) but certainly the presence of the Fixed star in the Ascendant, which represents the Face, occasioned those hurts or scarres.
As the signe ascending is fiery, and as the Lord of the Ascendant is in a fiery signe, and by nature is Hot and Dry, so was this gentlemans temper and condition, being exceeding Valiant, Cholerick, high Minded, and of great spirit; for Sun, Lord of the Ascendant is in his Exaltation; yet in regard the Moon is in Trine with the two Fortunes, he is sober, modest, and by Education excellently qualified, and thereby had great command of his Passion; but as the Moon was in Opposition to Mercury, he had his times of Anger and Folly, whereby he much prejudiced his affaires. But to our question.
If Live Long, &c.
Finding the Ascendant not vitiated with the presence of either Saturne, who is Lord of the 6th, or of Jupiter who is Lord of the 8th.
Seeing the Lord of the Ascendant was in exaltation, no ways impedited, pretty quick in motion, in the 9th house, and in the Termes of Jupiter.
Observing the Moon separated from Trine of Venus applying to Trine of Jupiter, and he posited in the mid heaven, and thereby the malice of Mars restrained by the interposition of Jupiter.
Considering the Sun was above the earth, the fortunate Planets, viz. Jupiter and Venus Angular,
and more potent than the infortunates, viz. Saturn or Mars: from hence I concluded, that
according to naturall causes, he might live many yeers; and that Nature was strong, and he
subject to few Diseases, This hath hitherto proved true; he being yet alive this present, March
all manner of QUESTIONS.
To What Part of the WORLD, or of the KINGDOM, he Might
Best Apply Himself to Live in.
The Lord of the Ascendant is Sun, who being neer the Cuspe of the 9th house,(signifying long journeys) and the signe thereof Moveable; I intimated he was resolving sodainly upon a Journey South-East, or to those parts of the World which lye from London South-East: South, because the quarter of Heaven wherein the Lord of the Ascendant is in, is South: East, because the Signe where Sun is in is East (this be confessed:) And as the Sun was but 2 degrees 10 min. distant from the cusp of the 9th, he went away within two months; for Sun was 4:18 Aries. I judged those Countries subject to the Signe of Aries, might be suitable and propitious to his Affaires; which you may see in the nature of Aries, pag. 95 and what their Names are, to which I now refer.
Had his resolution been to have staid in England, the North Node and Sun being both in Aries, show it might have been good for him, for England is subject to Aries; I would have advised him to have steered his court life towards Kent, Essex, Suffex or Suffolk, for they lye East or by South from London; but if sometimes you find that a city, towne or kingdome subject to the Celestiall Signe which promises you good, stands not, as to the quarter of Heaven, directly as you would have it, or as the Signe points it out; herein you must observe this generall rule; That if your occasions enforce you, or you shall and must live in that Country, City, or Towne, so directed unto you in Art, that then you must lead your life, or direct your actions, or manage your employments to those parts of that city or country which lye East, West, North or South, as in the Figure you were directed as for Example; You may see France is subject to the Signe Aries, it lyeth from London South-west: had this gentleman gone into France, it would have been best for him to have seated himself towards the South-east part, or East part of France, &c, Now because the Moon applied so strongly to the Trine of Jupiter, and that he and Venus were in Taurus, and the Signe signifies Ireland.
The Resolution of
I advised him that Ireland would well agree with his constitution, and that he might get Honour there, because the Planet to whom the Moon applies is in the house of Honour. And verily the Querent did go into Ireland, and there performed good service and obtained a notable Victory against the rebels; as I could manifest, but that I will not mention the Name of the Gentleman, What Part of His Life Would be Left.
Considering the two Fortunes were placed in the 10th house, and that North Node and Sun were
in the 9th, I judged his younger yeers would be the most pleasant of all his whole life; feeling
also Mars in the 8th house, Which according to our owne direction of time comes to be about
24,25 or 26 of his age; I judged that about those times he had many crosses, or first of all his afflictions then began; and seeing further no fortunate Planet was either in the 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th or 3rd houses, I judged those Calamities or Misfortunes should not suddenly come upon him, because the Moon was in application to a Trifle of Jupiter, and wanted almost 3 degrees of comming to his perfect aspect; wherefore I conceived by means of some man in authority represented by Jupiter, or some Courtier or person of quality, for almost 3 years after the proposal of the Question, he should be supported and affiliated in his affaires, or else get Imployment answerableto his desires; had Jupiter been Essentially fortified, I should have judged him a more durable fortune.
What General Accidents Had Happened Already.
Although it is not usuall to be so nice or inquisitive, yet seeing the question so radical, I first
considered from what Planet or Planets the Sun, who is Lord of the Ascendant, had last
separated; if you look into the Ephemeris of that yeer, you shall find, that the Sun had lately,
during his passage
All manner of QUESTIONS.
through the Signe Pisces, been first in Conjunction with Mars, then in Square of Saturn, lately in Sextile of Jupiter; now, for that Mars in our Figure is Lord of the 4th house, signifying Lands, etc. and was now locally in the 8th, which signifies the substance of Women, I judged he had been molested of late concerning some lands, or the Jointure or Portion of his Wife or a Woman; wherein I was confirmed the more, because the Moon was also applying to an Opposition of Mars, in this Figure placed in the 8th house; for the Moon being in the Querents house of substance, viz. the 2nd, intimated the quarrell or strife should be for, or concerning Money, for such things as are significated by that house: (and this was very true.) Because Sun had already been in Square of Saturn, who is Significator of the Querent’s Wife, I told him I feared his Wife and he had lately been at great variance; and because Saturn her Significator did dispose of his Part of Fortune, I judged she had no mind he should have any of her estate, or manage it, but kept it to her own use; for Saturn is Retrograde, a superior Planet, and in a fiery signe, and that signe of the 7th is Fixed; these show her a Virago, or gallant spirited woman, and not willing to be curbed, or else to submit: (This was confessed.)
Lastly, because Sun was lately in Sextile with Jupiter and Jupiter was in the 10th; I told him, either some great Lawyer or Courtier had endeavoured to reconcile the differences betwixt them; and forasmuch as both the Sun who was his Significator, and Saturn who was hers, did now both apply to a Trine aspect, there seemed to be at present a willingnesse in both parties to be reconciled; nor did I see any great obstruction in the matter, except Mercury who is in Square aspect with Saturn, did impedite it; I judged Mercury in the general, to signifie either some attorney, or lawyer, or writings; but as he is Lord of the Querent’s 2nd, it might be because the Querent would not consent to give or allow such a summe of money as might be demanded, or that the Querents purse was to weak, he had not wherewithall to solicite his cause lustily; or as Mercury is Lord of the 11th house, some pretended friend would impedite her, or advise the contrary, or some of her Lawyers; or as the 11th is in the 5th from the 7th, a child of the Querent’s wife might be occasion of continuing the breach. ( I believe every particular herein proved true; however, this was the way to find the occasion or thing disturbing their unity or concord. )
The Resolution of
Observe as Venus Lady of the 10th, doth dispose of Jupiter Lord of the 8th, viz. the wife’s Fortune, so she had entrusted her estate to a great Nobleman..
That Accidents in Future He Might Expect; Time When,
In this Quere, I first considered the Sun Lord of the Ascendant, who being no ways unfortunated, or in any evill aspect with any Planet, which might impeach or impedite him, but on the contrary excellently fortified, I judged, he had the wide world to ramble in, (for a Planet strong, and in no aspect with others shewes a man at liberty to doe what he will;) and that for many yeers he might (quoad capax) live in a prosperous condition (according to the preceding limitation) and traverse much ground, or see many Countries; because Aries, the Signe wherein the Sun is in, is moveable, placed on the cusp of the 9th, signifying long journeys, which prenoted many turnings and shiftings, variety of action in sundry parts.
Secondly, I observed the Moon in the Querent’s house of substance, viz. the 2nd, did apply to Jupiter in the 10th house, and that Jupiter was Lord Of the 5th house and 8th: the 5th house signifies Children; the 8th denoted the substance of the Wife: From hence I gathered, that the Querent was very desirious to treat with some Nobleman (because Jupiter is in the 10th) about the Education of his Child or Children, and that there might be a Salary payable for their breeding and education, out of the Wife’s Jointure or annuall Revennue:(such a thing as this in one kind or another, he did settle before he went out of England.)
Thirdly, I found the Moon in the signe Virgo (Peregrine) it being a Diurnal Question, else she hath a Triplicity in that Trygon by night.
Fourthly, I found Mercury Lord of the 2nd house, viz. signifying his Fortune and Estate, in Pisces, which is his Detriment, yet in his own Termes, afflicted by Mars, from whose Opposition the Moon lately had separated.
From hence I collected, that he had been in great want of Money a little before the Question
asked; and if we look how many degrees
all manner of QUESTIONS.
there is distant betwixt Moon and Mercury, since their Opposition last past, we shall find them to be 6 degrees, 21 min., viz. 6 degrees and 21 minutes which noted, that he had been in some want of Money for about 6 months and somewhat more, or thereabouts, before the time of demanding the Question: (this was confessed.)
Fiftly, feeling the Moon was applying to a Trine of Jupiter, of which signification I spoke before, and then before she got out of the Signe Virgo, did occur the Opposition of Mars: I did aquaint the Querent, that after some yeers or times of pleasure, he would be in great danger of losing his Life, Goods, Lands and Fortune. His life, because Mars is in the 8th: His Goods and Estate, because Moon is in the 2nd: His Lands or Inheritance, because Mars is Lord of the 4th, now placed in the 8th. For the 4th house signifies Lands, &c.
The Time When.
In this quere I considered the application of the Moon to a Trine of Jupiter, which wanting about
3 degrees from the true aspect, I judged for some times succeeding the Question, or for 3 yeers, he might live pleasantly.
Secondly, feeling the Sun Lord of the Ascendant, during his motion through the Signe Aries, did not meet with any malevolent aspect, and had 26 degrees to run through of the Sign, ere he got into Taurus; I gave in this nature of judgment, for every degree 1 moneth, and so told him, That for about 26 moneths following, or untill after 2 yeers, or much about that time, I judged he should live in a free condition in those parts into which he intended his Journey, &c. Last of all, I considered how many degrees the Moon wanted ere she came to the true Opposition of Mars.
Longitude of Mars 28 40
Longitude of Moon 21 l8
Difference 7 22
The difference is 7 degrees and 22 minutes; which if I proportion into time, and neither give
yeers, because the Significators are in Common Signes, and not in Fixed ; or moneths, because
the Signes doe signifie somewhat more; but doe proportion a meane between both: the time
limited in this way of Judicature, will
The Resolution of
amount to about 3 yeers and 3 quarters (3 3/4 years) from the time of asking the Question, ere the malevolent Opposition of the Moon to Mars shall take effect: But in regard his quere was generall, I might have allowed for every degree 1 yeer: After, or about which time, he was in severall actions both dangerous to his Person and Fortune; and since that time, till the time of publishing hereof, he hath had his Intervals of good and 111, but is now under the frowne of Fortune, &c.
But as the Sun at time of the Question was strong, he did overcome all manner of difficulties for many yeers, and subsisted, and hath in our unlucky differences had honorable Imployment on his Majesties part: but as the Moon is in Opposition to Mars, so it was not without the generall out-cry and exclamations of the people; nor was it his fortune, though in great Commands, ever to doe his Majesty any notable piece of Service; yet is he now forever, by just Sentence of the Parliament, deprived of so much happinesse as to end his dayes in England; which, though in some measure, might have been forseen, by the Moon her Opposition to Mars, being Lord of the 4th, viz. the end of all things.
Yet we must herein admire Providence, and acknowledge according to that strong Maxime of Astrologers; That the generall Fate of any Kingdome is more prevalent, then the private geniture or question of any Subject or King whatsoever.
Very little of this Judgment hath already failed; I have heen herein somewhat large, because young Students might thereby benefit the more; and if my Judgments doe vary from the common Rules of the ANCIENTS, let the Candid Reader excuse me, sith he may still follow their Principles if he please; and he must know, that from my Conversation in their Writings, I have attained the Method I follow.
Of the Part of Fortune, and How to Take it,
Either by Day or Night.
Ptolomy doth not more consider a Planet then the Part of Fortune, it hath no aspect, but any Planets cast their aspects unto it.
The greatest use of it, that hitherto I have either read or made of it for, is thus; That if we find it well placed in the Heaven, in a good house, or in a good aspect of a benevolent Planet, we judge the Fortune or estate of the Querent to be correspondent unto its strength, viz. if it be wel posited or in an angle, or in those Signes wherein it’s fortunated, we judge the estate of the Querent to be sound and firm, if Part of Fortune is otherwayes placed, we do the contrary.
The Manner Either Night or Day to Take it is Thus:
First, consider the Signe, degree and minute of the Moon.
Secondly, the Signe, degree and minute of the Sun.
Thirdly, subtract the place of the Sun from the Moon, by adding 12 Signes to the Moon if you cannot do it otherwise; what remains, reserve and add to the Signe and degrees of the Ascendant; if both added together make more than 12 Signes, cast away 12, and what Signes, degrees and minutes remain, let your Part of Fortune be there: For example in our present Figure:
The Moon is in 21:18 of Virgo, or after 5 Signes, in 21 degrees 18 minutes Virgo.
The Sun is 00 Signes, 4 degrees 18 minutes of Aries. Set them together thus:
Place of the Moon 5s 21d 18m
Place of the Sun 0s 4d 18m
I subtract the Sun from the Moon thus: I begin with minutes,
18m from 18m, remains nothing.
Next I subtract degrees, 4d from 21d, reflects 17 degrees.
Then 0s from 5s, remains 5s: All put together, there does rest in Signes and degrees as follows:
5s 17d 00m
To these 5, Signes 17degrees, I adde the Signe ascending which is 4 Signes 23.degrees,
27.minutes, or the 23:27 of Leo.
The Resolution of
Sig Deg Min
Then it is thus: 5s 17d 00m (distance of sun from Moon)
4s 23d 27m (Signes/degrees of the Asc.)
Added together l0s 10d 27m
they make:
Viz. 10 Signes, 10 degrees and 27 minutes, which direct you to know, that after 10 Signes numbered from Aries, you must place the Part of Fortune, viz. in 10 degrees and 27 minutes of Aquarius, for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn are 10 Signes, etc. and Aquarius the 11th in order.
Whether your Figure be by day or night, observe this Method; for how many degrees the Sun is distant from the Moon, so many is the Part of Fortune from the Ascendant; but because this may not be thoroughly understood by every Learner upon a sudden, let him observe this generall rule, the better to guide him.
If the Part of Fortune be taken upon a New Moon, it will be in the Ascendant..
If upon the 1st Quarter, in the 4th house.
If upon the Full Moon, in the 7th house.
If upon the Last Quarter, in the 10th house.
After the change, and before the 1st Quarter, you shall ever have her in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd house.
After the 1st Quarter until the Full Moon, in the 4th, 5th or 6th house.
After the Full Moon until the Last Quarter, in the 7th, 8th or 9th house.
After the Last Quarter, either in the 10th, 11th or 12th house
So that if the Learner doe mistake, he may by this method easily see his errour; ever remembering, that the more dayes are passed after the Change or Quarter, &c, the more remote the Part of Fortune is from the Angle preceeding.
Some have used to take Part of Fortune in the night from the Moon to the Sun; which if you doe, you must then make the place of your Sun your first place, and adde the Ascendant as in the former method. Ptolomie, day and night takes it as above directed, with whom all practicioners at this day consent.
Here follows a Table, by help whereof you may examine the strength of the Part of Fortune in any Figure you erect.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
The Part of In the Taurus, Pisces 5
Fortune is Signs Lib,Sag,Leo,Cancer 4
strong and of Gemini 3
fortunate Virgo (terms Jup. 2
or Venus )
If in Conjunct.. w/Jup or Venus, has Dignities 5
In Trine with Jupiter or Venus 4
In Sextile with Jupiter or Venus 2
In Conjunction with North Node 3
1st or 10th, has dignities 5
P.O.F. is 7th, 4th, 11th 4
strong in 2nd or 5th 3
houses, viz.. 9th 2
If in: 3rd 1
In Conjunct with Regulus(24:34 Leo) 6
with any of with Spica Virginis(18:33 Lib) 5
these Fixed not Combust, or under Sun Beams 5
The P.O.F. is Vir,Cap,Aqu (dibilities) 5
weak in: Aries (neither gets or loses) 5
Conjunct Saturn or Mars (dibil.) 5
Conjunct South Node 3
P.O.F. is weak Opposition Saturn or Mars 4
by conjunction Square of Saturn or Mars 3
or aspect.. In Termes of Saturn or Mars 2
In the 12th house 5
As also by being In the 8th house 4
in Houses, viz. In the 6th house 4
With Caput Algol in 20 degrees 54 minutes Taurus 4
Combust 5
There are many other Parts which the Arabians have mentioned frequently in their Writings, of which we make very little use in this Age: I shall, as occasion offers, teach the finding them out, and what they said, they did signifie: Sometimes the Part Of Fortune hath signification of Life, and sometimes of Sicknesse; which occasionally I shall teach, as matter and occasion offer, addhereing to the true observation of the Ancients: but I am little hitherto satisfied concerning Part Of Fortune its true effects; intending to take paines therein hereafter, and publish my intentions..
- P.O.F.} Part of Fortune
The Resolution of
The Preceding Figure Judged by a More Short Method.
1. The Ascendant not afflicted, Lord of the Ascendant Essentially fortified, the Moon Trine with both the Fortunes; Signes of long life..
2. Jupiter and Venus in the South Angle, in Taurus, a Southeast Signe; Sun in Aries, an Easterly Signe; Moon in Virgo, a Southern or South-west Signe; best to travel Southward, or a little East.
3. Jupiter and Venus in the Midheaven, North Node and Sun in the 9th; his younger years are most full of pleasure..
4. Sun Lord of the Ascendant, lately separated from good and ill aspects; Moon also separated as well from Opposition of Mercury as Trine of Venus; shew both good and ill had happened of late; Good, because of the good aspects: ill, by reaction of the malevolent: but the evill aspects being more in number than the good, and signified by superiour Planets; augment the evil and lessen the Good..
5. Moon applying to Trine of Jupiter the Sun Lord of the Ascendant in Exaltation promise Preferment..
Moon weak in the 2nd, and after her trine with Jupiter going to Opposition of Mars; shows, after a little time of Joy, great danger.
6. The small distance of degrees between the Trine of Moon to Jupiter, and he Angular; denotes a present happinesse or fortune neer to the Querent.
Her greater distance from Opposition of Mars, shew his miseries to succeed some yeers after his times of honor are expired, &c.. In such a nature I ever contract my Judgment.. I with all young Beginners at first to write down their Judgments in length, and the reasons in ART, as fully as they can, and afterward to contract their opinions into a narrow compasse: by following these directions, they will have the Rules of ART perfectly in their memory: I also wish them in delivering their Judgment to the Querent, to avoid termes of ART in their Discourse, unless it be to one understands the ART..
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If One Shall Find the Party at Home He Would Speak Withall.
The Ascendant and his Lord are for the Querent, the 7th house and his Lord from him you would speak withall; this is understood, if you goe to speak with one you familiarly deale withall, or are much conversant with, and is not allied unto you, &c, but if you would goe speak with the Father, you must take the Lord of the 4th; if with the Mother, the Lord of the 10th; if the Father would speak with his Child, the Lord of the 5th, and so in the rest; vary your rule and it serves for all.
If the Lord of the 7th house be in any of the 4 Angles, you may conclude the party is at home with whom you would speak with; but if the Lord of the 7th, or Lord of that house from whom judgment is required, be in a Succeedant house, viz. 11th, 2nd, 5th or 8th, then he is not far from home; but if his Significator be in a Cadent house, then he is far from home. If you find the Lord of the Ascendant applying to the Lord of the 7th house by any perfect aspect, the same day that you intend to goe visit him, you may assured either to meet him going to his house, or heare of him by the way where he is, for he cannot be farre absent; or if any Planet, or the Moon, separate from the Lord of the 7th house, and transfere his light unto the Lord of the Ascendant, he shall know where and in what place the Party is, by such a one as is signified by that Planet who transfers his light; describe the Planet, and it personates the Man or Woman accordingly; but whether it will be Man or Woman, you must know by the nature of the Planet, Signe and quarter of Heaven he is in, wherein plurality of masculine Testimonies argue a man, the contrary a woman.
The Resolution of
Of A Thing Suddenly Happening, Whether it
Signifies Good or Evil.
Erect your Figure of Heaven at what time the Accident happened, else when you first heard of it;
then consider who is Lord of the Signe wherein the Sunne is, and the Lord of that Signe wherein
the Moon is, and the Lord of the house of Life, which is ever the Ascendant, and see which of
these is most powerfull in the Ascendant, let his position be considered, and if he be in Sextile or
Trifle with the Sun, Jupiter or Venus, there will no evill chance upon the preceding Accident,
Rumour or Report; but if you find that Planet weak in the scheame, combust or in Square,
Opposition or Conjunction of Mars, Saturn or Mercury, there will some misfortune follow after
that accident, in one kind or other; if you consider the Planet afflicting your Significator; his
posture and nature, it may easily be discovered, in what nature the evill will chance or upon what
occasion; as if the Lord of the 3rd, from or by some neighbour or Kinsman; if the Lord of the
2nd impedite them, then losse in substance; if Lord of the 4th, expect discontent with one of your Parents, or about Land or Houses; if the Lord of the 5th, some difference or discord in an Alehouse or Taverne, or in Company keeping, or by meanes of some child, &c. and so of the rest.
What Mark, Mole or Scarre the Querent Has in Any
Member of His Body.
I have many times admired at the verity hereof, and it hath been one maine argument of my
engaging so farre in all the parts of Astrology, for very rarely shall you find these rules faile,
When you have upon any demand erected the Querent’s Figure, consider the Signe Ascending,
what member of man’s body it represents, and tell the Querent he hath a Mole, Scarre or Marke
on that part of his body represented by that Signe; as if the Signe Ascending be Taurus, it’s on
the Neck: if in Gemini, on the Arms, &c., also in which of the 12 Signe of the Zodiac the Lord
all manner of QUESTIONS.
of the Ascendant is in, and in that member represented by that Signe, he or she hath another. Then observe the Signe descending on the cusp of the 6th house, and what part of man’s body it personates, for in that member shall you find another; so shall you discover another in that member which is signified by the Signe wherein the Lord of the 6th is. Last of all, consider what Signe the Moon is in, and what member of mans body it denotes, therein shall you also find a Mark, Mole or Scarre; if Saturn signifies the Mark, it’s a darkest, obscure, black one; if Mars, then it’s usually some Scarre or Cut if he be in a Fire Signe, or else in any other Signe, a red Mole; and you must always know, that if either the Signe, or the Planet signifying the Mole, Mark or Scar, be much afflicted, the Mark or Scarre is the greater and more eminent.
If the Signe be Masculine, and the Planet Masculine, the Mole or Scarre is on the right side of the body.
The contrary judge, if the Signe be Feminine, and the Lord thereof in a Feminine Signe. If the Significator of the Scarre or Mole be above the earth, (that is, from the Cusp of the Ascendant to the Cusp of the 7th, as either in the 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th or 7th) the Mark is on the fore part of the body, or visible to the eye, or on the out-side of the member; but if the Significator be under the earth, viz., in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th, the Mole or Scarre is on the back part of the body, not visible, but on the inside of the member. If few degrees of a Signe doe ascend, or if the Lord of the Signe be in a few degrees, the Mole, Mark or Scarre is in the upper part of the member; if the middle of the Signe ascend, or the Lord thereof in the middle, or neer the middle of the Signe, the Mole or Mark is so in the member, viz. in the middle: If the latter degrees ascend, or the Moon, or Lord of the 1st or 6th house be neer the last degrees of the Sign, the Mole Mark or Scarre is neere the lower part of the member.
If your Question be radicall, the time rightly taken, and the party enquiring be of sufficient age,
or no Infant, you shall rarely find error in this rule: I have many times upon a sudden
The Resolution of
in company, trying this experiment upon some of the company, and ever found it true, as many in this city well know. In November and December, when Signes of short ascenscions are in the Ascendant, you must be wary, for in regard many times the Sun is not then visible, and Clocks may faile, it’s possible to be deceived, and misse of a right Ascendant, for Pisces and Aries doe each of them ascend in the space of 3 quarters of an hour, and some few minutes; Aquarius and Taurus in 1 hour and some odde minutes; but if you have the time of the day exact, you need not ever mistrust the verity of your Judgment: which will infinitely satisfie any that are students herein, and cause them to take great pleasure in the ART, and make them sensible, that there is as much sincerity in all the whole ART OF ASTROLOGIE, when it is rightly understood and practized, which at this day I must confesse it is by very few.
As these rules will hold certaine upon the body of every Querent, and in every question, so will they upon the body of the quesited, (mutatis, mutandis;) as if one enquires somewhat concerning his Wife, then the Signe of the 7th house, and the Signe wherein the Lord of the 7th is, shall show the Woman’s Marks; so shall the Signe upon the Cusp of the 12th, for that is the 6th from the 7th, and the Signe wherein the Lord of the 12th is in, shew two more Moles or Marks of the woman.
Usually an Infortune in the Ascendant blemishes the Face with some Mole or Scarre according to his nature, for the 1st house signifies the Face, the 2nd the Neck, the 3rd the Arms and Shoulders, the 4th the Breast and Paps, the 5th the Heart, &c.. and so every house and Signe in order, according to succession; for what Signe soever is in the Ascendant, yet in every Question the 1st house represents the Face: Many times if the Moon be in Conjunction or Opposition of the Sun, the Querent hath some blemish or the like near one of his Eyes; and this is ever true, if the Opposition or Conjunction be in Angles, and either of them have any ill aspect to Mars.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Whether One Absent be Dead or Alive.
If a Question be demanded of one absent in a generall way, and the Querent hath no relation to the party; then the 1st house, the Lord of that house and the Moon shall signify the absent party; the Lord of the 8th House or Planet posited in the House or within five degrees of the Cuspe of the 8th House shall shew his death or its quality.
In judging this Question, see first whether the Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon and the Lord of the 8th House or Planet in the 8th house be corporally joined together; or that the Moon, Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 8th are in Opposition either in the 8th and 2nd, or 12th and 6th, for these are arguments the party is deceased, or sick, and very neer death. See also if there be any translation of the light of the Lord of the Ascendant unto the Lord of the 8th, especially in degrees deepe, lame or deficient; or on the contrary, that there be any translation or carrying the vertue or influence of the Lord of the 8th unto the Lord of the Ascendant; or if the Lord of the 8th be posited in the Ascendant, or if the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon be placed in the 4th house, these are testimonies the party absent be dead.
If the Lord of the Ascendant be separated from a bad Aspect of the Lord of the 6th, you may say
the absent hath been lately sicke; if from the Lord of the 8th, he hath been in danger of death, but
is not dead; if from the Lord of the 12th, he hath been lately much troubled in mind, in feare of
imprisonment, arrests, &c., if from the Lord of the 2nd, he hath been hard put to it for money, or
in distresse for want; if from the Lord of the 7th, in some quarrell or contention; if from the Lord
of the 9th or 3rd, he hath been crossed in his journey (if he was at Sea by contrary windes or
Pyrats) if at land by Theives, bad Ways &c., and so of the rest. In judging this question, I have
ever found, that if the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 9th, 10th, or 11th (though many reports
went the absent was dead) yet I have found him to live. Now if you find the absent alive, and you
would know, when happily you may heare of him; see in your
The Resolution of
Ephemerides when the Lord of 11th and the Lord of the Ascendant come to a Trine or Sextile
Aspect and about that time, if not that day, newes will be had of him; or if the Moon apply to a
sextile or trine of the Lord of the Ascendant See how many degrees shee wants of the Aspect,
and give dayes, weekes or moneths, viz. For every degree
in MOVEABLE Signes -- DAY,
in COMMON Signes -- WEEKS,
in FIXED Signes -- MONTHS.
A Further Explanation of the Preceding Judgments
by the Figure Succeeding.
1. If find the party inquired of at home.
2. A thing suddenly happening, whether good or bad is intended?
3. What Moles or Marks the Querent has?
4. If one absent be dead or alive?
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Viz. A Woman being at my House in the country, demanded if her Sonne were with his
Master, or at her owne House.
In this Figure Venus is Lady of the Ascendant, and shall signifie her that asked the Question; the
matter quesited after must be required from that house which signifies Children, and that is the
5th: I considered Jupiter who is Lord of the Signe Pisces, for Pisces is the house of Jupiter, and I
found Jupiter, the Youths Significator, in the Angle of the East, or Ascendant; one argument, that
the Party sought after was at home at his Mother’s house at time of the Question: I observed
further, that the Moon did apply to a Sextile Dexter of Saturn, Lord of the 4th, which signifies
the house or dwelling place of the Querent; from which two testimonies, I judged the Youth was
at his Mothers, and that she should find him there at her comming home, as indeed she did:
now had I found Jupiter, Lord of the 5th, in the 10th, because that is the house which signifies
the Master, or had the Moon separated from Jupiter, Significator of the youth, and presently
applied to a good or indifferent aspect of the Sun, and she, viz. Moon been in an Angle, I would
have adjudged him at his Master’s house, &c. I did further consider that the 25 of July following,
at two hours after noon, Jupiter and Venus being both their Significators, viz. both the Mothers
and the Sons came to a Trifle aspect, and therefore I judged she should see him that very day, but
hardly any sooner, or before; (and indeed she stayed in the country till that very morning; but
when the strength of the influence grew powerful, and as well her Significatrix, as his, were so
neer their perfect aspect, she could not be induced to stay any longer, and so (volens nolens)
went away, and it was about three in the afternoon the same day before she could get home,
where she found her Sonne in her owne house, abiding her comming; for usually about that day
when the Significators came to a Trine or Sextile aspect (which you may know by your
ephemeris) it’s very probably you shall have a Letter, or newes of the Party quesited after (if the
distance of places betwixt you can afford it,) but if the Party enquiring, and Person inquired after
be not farre asunder, without question they meet
The Resolution of
that very day, though neither of them formerly thought any such matter. Had this Woman enquired, if she should have found a Neighbor or Brother or Sister at home, or not;
You must have taken signification from Jupiter, who is Lord of the 3rd house; for you may see in the signification of the houses, pag.52, that the 3rd house signifies Brethern, Sisters, Kindred and Neighbors; you might safely have adjudged, she should have found any one of these at home, because Jupiter their Significator is in an Angle, But if she had enquired, whether she should have found a Party at home, yea or not, to whom she had no relation, but as to a stranger; then Mars the Lord of the 7th; had been his Significator, whom I find to be in the Signe of Sagittarius, and in the 2nd house of Heaven, for wanting more than 5 degrees of the Cusp of the 3rd, he is not admitted to have signification in that house. In the first place therefore, I find Mars in the 2nd house, and in a Northerne quarter of Heaven, (for the Cusp of the 4th house to the Cusp of the 5th, or Ascendant, is so, as you may see pag. 48) next I find Mars, who is Significator of the Party with whom she would speak with, is in Sagittarius, which is an Easterly Signe, (as you may see pag. 97.)
Being Mars is not in an Angle, I say he is not at home; the 2nd house wherein he is being Succeedant, I say he is not far from home.
The quarter of Heaven wherein at present he is, is North-east, for so Signe and quarter import.
His distance from home may be a Furlong, or a Close or two, because his Significator is in a
Succeedant house,
The quality of the place or ground where you may expect to find him, must be judged from the
Signe wherein Mars his Significator is, viz. Sagittarius, a Fiery Signe; what manner of place that
signifies, see in pag. 98 , and you shall there find, it represented in the Fields, Hills, or Grounds
that rise a little:
so that the Party enquired after being absent, you must direct a messenger to find him, in such or
such a Ground, or part of the Ground, as is of the nature and quality described, and butting or
all manner or QUESTIONS
lying to that quarter of Heaven, as is formerly directed, viz. North-east,
But had it been so, that you were informed, the man was in a Towne, and not in the Fields, then enquire in the Towne neer to some Smiths or Butchers shops, or the like, being North-east from his house, for you may read Mars delights in such places,(see pag. 68)
Of a Thing Suddenly Happening, Whether Good or ill,
Resolution Thereof by the Last Figure,
Let us admit the figure preceding to be set upon such an occasion; the Sun is the Lord of the Signe wherein he is; Jupiter is Lord of Pisces, the Signe wherein the Moon is, Venus is Lady of the Ascendant, or house of Life; Venus is most powerfull in the Ascendant, Libra being her house, and she having a Terme therein, and casting her Trine Sinister unto the Cusp of the house; as also, being in Trine with Jupiter, and he in the Ascendant; from hence one might have safely judged, had this been the very time of a sudden accident, or thing done, that it could not have redounded to the Querent’s disadvantage, but rather good: Now had Venus been neerer to the Opposition of Mars, he being in the 2nd , which signifies Riches, I should have judged the Querent would have received some losse shortly; and so of the rest or some falling out about Moneys.
What Marks the Querent Had.
I find the 25. of Libra Ascending, and Jupiter in the Ascendant; which as I aquainted you,
signified the Face; this Querent had a Wart or Mole on the right side of her Face, neer her
Mouth, for Jupiter is masculine, so is the Signe Libra; and as the later degrees of Libra ascend, so
the Querent confessed a Mole on the lower part of her Reines, towards the Haunches; Aries
being the Signe of the 6th, shewed she had one on the Fore-head, neer the Haire, for you see the
Cusp of the house is but 4 degrees; Mars Lord or Aries, being in a Masculine Signe, viz. in
Sagittarius but under the earth, shewed a Mole on the right Thigh, towards the middle of it, on
the back part, or that part which is not
The Resolution of
visible; the Moon being in Pisces, viz. 26 degrees 43 minutes in a Feminine Signe, and under the earth, I told her she had one Mole under her Foot, towards the extremity of her left Foot.
The Quesited Party being her Sonne, had Pisces in 9 degrees for his Ascendant, which denoted a
Mole on the left side of his Cheek; and as Pisces signifies the Foot, so he had one on the left
Foot, a little below the Ancle, for you see few degrees ascend. The 6th house from the 5th, is the
10th in the figure, where you see Leo 4 degrees, which signified, that neer his right Side, below his Breast, he had some Scarre, Mole or Mark, &c. follow these Directions, and they are sufficient Instructions in this kind of Judgment.
Whether One Absent be Dead or Alive, by the
Preceding Scheame of Heaven.
In the Figure abovesaid, let us admit the Question to have been demanded for one absent:
The Ascendant Libra, Jupiter therein, Venus and Moon are Significators of the absent Party. The ascending Signe manifests his Stature, Jupiter gives comliness unto it, Venus, Jupiter and Moon argue his Conditions.
Neither is the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant joyned to any Planet in the 8th by Conjunction but are all free from the malignant and aspects of the Lords of the 8th or 6th, or is the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon in Opposition with the Lord of the 8th.
Or is there translation of light from the Lord of the 8th to the Lord of the Ascendant, or is the
Lord of the 8th in the Ascendant, but a Benevolent planet, or is Moon or the Lord of the
Ascendant in the 4th house: I should therefore pronounce the absent in health; but because Venus
Lady of the Ascendant, had not many dayes before been in Opposition with Mars, who is Lord of
the 2nd and 6th; I should adjudge he had been lately discontented for want of Money, and also
inclinable to a Feaver; but by Jupiter his positure in the Ascendant, and his Trifle to Venus, I
should judge Medicine, or such a one as Jupiter had relieved him: and because Mercury Lord of
the 11th, applies to a
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Square of Jupiter in the Ascendant, both of them being in Signes of long ascention, which is equivalent to a Trine, I should judge the Querent to have newes of the absent about 10 weeks from the time of the Question, because Mercury wants 10 degrees of the Square of Jupiter; if the absent be known to be at a neer distance, I would have said in 10 days they should heare of him, because the Signes are moveable.
Of a Ship, and Whatever are in Her,
Her Safety or Destruction.
The Ancients do put this question to those concerning the 9th house, and I conceive for no other
reason, than because it must be granted, that all Ships are made for travel and journeys:
however, in regard the most part of the judgment concerning its safety or ruin is derived from the
Ascendant and his Lord, and the Moon, I thought fit to place this judgment as belonging to the
1st house.
Generally, the Signe ascending and the Moon are Significators of the Ship, and what goods are in
her: if in the question demanded you find all these unfortunate, that is, if a malevolent Planet by
position be placed in the Ascendant, he having dignities in the 8th; or if you find the Lord of the
Ascendant in the 8th, in any configuration with the Lord of the 8th, 12th, 4th or 6th, or the Moon
combust, or under the earth, you may judge the Ship is lost, and the men drowned, (unless you
find reception betwixt themselves) for then the Ship was casually Shipwrecked, and some of the
sea men did escape: but if you find the preceding Significators all of them free from misfortune,
both men and goods are all safe; the more safe if any reception be. But if the Ascendant and the
Moon be infortunate, and the Lord of the Ascendant fortunate, the Ships like to be drowned, but
the men will be saved: Some for better knowledge and discovery of what part of the Ship was
like to be freest from danger, have divided the several parts of the Ship, and have assigned to
every of the
The Resolution of
twelve Signes, a part or place of the Ship, by which if any damage was to come to the Ship, they could or might better prevent it.
Unto Aries they give the Brest of the Ship.
To Taurus what is under the Brest a little towards the Water.
To Gemini the Roother or Sterne of the Ship.
To Cancer the Bottome or Floor of the Ship.
To Leo the top of the Ship above Water.
To Virgo the Belly of it.
To Libra that part which sometimes is above, and sometimes below the Water, or betwixt Wind and Water, To Scorpio that part where the Seamen are lodged, or so their Office.
To Sagittarius the Mariners themselves,
To Capricorn the ends of the Ship.
To Aquarius the Master or Captaine of the Ship.
To Pisces the Oares.
At the time when the Question is asked concerning the well or ill being of the Ship, see which of these Signes, or how many of them are fortunate, or hath the Moon or the Lord thereof fortunate, it’s an argument those parts of the Ship so signified, will have no defect, or need repaire thereof, or the Ship will receive any detriment in those parts: but which of these Signes you find unfortunate, or in what Signes you find the Moon or Lord of the Signe where she is, unfortunate, in that place or part of the Ship assigne impediment and misfortune, and thereof give warning.
But when the Querent shall demand of any Ship which is setting forth, and the state of that Ship
ere she return, and what may be hoped of her in her voyage, then behold the Angles of the
Figure, and see if the fortunate Planets are therein posited, or falling into Angles, and the
infortunes remote from Angles, Cadent, Combust or under the Sun Beams, then you may judge
the Ship will goe safe to the place intended, with all the Goods and Loading in her: But if you
find the infortunates in Angles, or Succeeding Houses, there will chance some hinderance unto
the Ship, and it shall be in that part which the Signe signifies where the unfortunate Planet is; if
the same infortunate be Saturn, the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Ship will be split, and all the men drowned, or receive hurt by some bruise, or running a ground:
but if it be Mars, and he in any of his Essentiall Dignities, or behold a place where he hath any Dignity or be in an Earthly Signe, he shall then signify the same which Saturn did, or very great danger and damage to the Ship: But if the Fortunes cast their benevolent rayes or aspect to the places where Mars or Saturn are, and the Lords of the four Angles of the Figure, and especially, or more properly, the Ascendant, and the Lord of that house or Signe where the Moon is in be free, then it’s an argument, the Ship shall labor hard, and suffer much damage, yet notwithstanding the greater part both of Goods and Men shall be preserved. But if Mars does afflict the Lords of the Angles, the Dispositor of the Moon; the Mariners will be in great fear of their enemies, or of Pyrates or Sea-robbers, shall even tremble from feare of them: and if there also unto this evill configuration chance any other affliction in the Signes, there will happen among the Mariners Blood-shed, Controversies, quarrelling one with another, theeving and robbing each other, purloyning the Goods of the Ship; and this judgment will prove more certaine if the unfortunate Planets be in the Signes which fall to be in the Division of the upper part of the Ship, towards the height or top of her.
If Saturn in the like nature doe afflict, as was before recited of Mars, there will be many thefts committed in the Ship, but no bloodshed; the Goods of the Ship consume, no body knowing which way.
If the unfortunate Signes (viz. those which are afflicted by the presence of Saturn or South Node) be those which signifie the bottome or that part of the Ship which is under Water, it’s an argument of the breaking and drowning thereof, or receiving some dangerous Leak: if the Signes so unfortunate be in the Midheaven, and Mars unfortunating them, it’s like the Ship will be burned by fire, thunder or lightning, or matter falling out of the Aire into the Ship; this shall then take place when the Signes are Fiery, and near violent fixed Stars.
If that Signe wherein Mars or the unfortunate Planet be the Signe of the 4th house, it notes firing
of the Ship in the bottome of her; but if Mars be there, and the Signe humane, viz. either
The Resolution of
Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, that fire or burning of the Ship shall proceed from a fight with Enemies, or they shall cast into her or shall teare the Ship in pieces in grapling with her, and the fire shall in that part of the Ship first take hold, signified by the Signe wherein an Infortunate was at time of asking the Question.
If Saturn instead of Mars does denunciate dammage, and be placed in the Mid-heaven, the Ship shall receive prejudice by contrary Winds, and by leaks in the Ship, by rending or using of bad sailes; and this misfortune shall be greater or lesser, according to the potency of the Significator of that misfortune, and remotenesse of the Fortunes.
If the same Infortune be in the 7th house, and he be Saturn, the latter part of the Ship will be in danger of misfortune, and the Sterne of the Ship will be broke.
Moreover, if any infortune be in the Ascendant, some losse will be in the fore-part of the Ship, greater of lesse, according to the quality or strength of the Significator thereof; or if the Lord of the Ascendant be Retrograde, the Ship will proceed forward a while, but either returne or put into some harbor within a little time after her setting forth; and if the Lord of the Ascendant be in a Moveable Signe and Retrograde, and the Lord of the 4th also, viz. Retrograde, the Ship will returne againe crossed by contrary Winds, to the very Port from which she first set out: and if the Lord of the Ascendant have no other impediments than Retrogradation, there will be no losse by the returne of it; but if to Retrogradation some other misfortune happen, the Ship returnes to amend something amisse, and was also in danger.
Besides, if the Lord of the 8th shall infortunate the Lord of the Ascendant, especially if the Lord
of the Ascendant be in the 8th, there will come hurt to the Ship according to the nature of the
Planet afflicting: as if the same Planet that is Lord of the 8th house doe impedite the Lord of the
house of the Moon, the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon, it imports the death of the Master
or Governour of the Ship, and of his Mate and principall Officers of the Ship: and if the Part of
Fortune and the Lord of the 2nd house be unfortunate, it pronounceth losse in sale of those
Goods in the Ship, or ill venting of them, or that they will not come
all manner of QUESTIONS.
to a good market; but if either North Node, Jupiter or Venus be in the 2nd house, or Lord thereof, or Dispositors of the Signe the Part Of Fortune is in, there will be good profits from the Voyage of that Ship, and sale of Goods therein the more the Significators are essentially strong, the more profit may be expected.
If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the house of the Moon be slow of course, and those Planets that dispose of them, then it’s probable the Ship will be slow in her motion, and make a long Voyage of it: but if the aforesaid Significators be quick in motion, the Ship shall make good speed to the Port intended, and will returne home again in shorter time then is expected. And if it happen that there be an Opposition or Square aspect betwixt the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of that Signe who disposeth the Moon, and this aspect be without reception, then will there be much discord among the Saylors, and much controversie betwixt the Merchant and them; wherein, he shall prevaile that is most dignified; that is, the Sea-men if the Lord of the Ascendant be strongest; the Merchant, if the Lord of the house where the Moon is be best fortified.
If the lord of the 2nd be removed from his 2nd (that is, if Taurus be the cusp of the 2nd, and Venus further removed then Gemini) or if the Lord of the 2nd be removed from the 2nd house wherein the Moon is in, (as if she be in Virgo, and the Lord of the 2nd not in Libra, or if the Disposer of the Part Of Fortune be not with it, then the Ship-men will have scarsity of Provisions of Victuals and Food: if these Planets or Part Of Fortune be in Watry Signes, want of fresh water will most annoy the Saylors: if the Significators be in Earthly or Airey Signes, want of Food, Victuals and Fire will oppresse them: This is the manner by which the Ancients did judge of the good or ill successe of a Ship, concerning her Voyage at her first going forth.
The Resolution of
An Example of A Ship At Sea.
In December 1644, a Merchant in London having sent out a Ship to the coast of Spaine for Trade, had severall times newes that his Ship was lost or cast away, there having been a little before very Tempestuous weather, in so much that many Shipps were sunk and Shipwrackt; he would have given 60 in the hundred for the assurance of her; but so generall was the report of her losse, that none of the Ensurance company would meddle, no not upon any termes. A Friend of the Merchants propounds the Question unto me, What I thought of the Ship, if sunk or living? whereupon I erected the Figure preceding, and having well considered what was requisite in this manner of Judgment, I gave my Opinion. That the Ship was not lost, but did live, and though of late in some danger, yet was now recovered.. My Judgment was grounded upon the Considerations in Art following..
In the first place, the Ascendant being the 11 degree and 33 minute of Cancer, showed the Bulk or Body of the Ship; there doth also ascend with these degrees of Cancer 3 Fixed Starres in our Horizon, wholly almost of the nature of Saturn: I find Saturn castest his Square Sinister out of the 11th house, but from a Cardinall Signe to, or very neer the Cusp of the ascending degrees, thereby afflicting it: after his Square aspect, I found the Moon in her Exaltation, casting a Sextile Sinister to the degree ascending, interposing her Sextile betwixt the Ascendant and the Opposition of Mercury and Sun in the 7th, which otherwise had been dangerous, for all opposite aspects to the Ascendant in this Judgment are dangerous.
all manner of QUESTIONS..
From the Ascendants affliction both by the Square of Saturn, and presence of fixed Stars of his like nature, I judged the Ship was much of the nature of Saturn, viz. a sluggish, heavy one, and of no good speed, or very sound; and Cancer being a weakly Signe, made me judge the condition, building and quality of the Ship was such; (and it was so confessed.) From hence, and for that South Node is in the 9th house, I judged the Ship had been in some affliction or distresse in her journey, occasioned from such casualties as are signified by Saturn, viz. had received some such casualties as are signified by Saturn, viz. had received some bruise, leak, dammage in or neer her Brest; because Aries, the Signe wherein Saturn is, represents that part, thereby afflicting it.
But in regard the Moon, who is Lady of the Ascendant, is posited in the 11th house, and in her Exaltation, is no manner of way impedited, but by a benevolent aspect applying to a Trine of Mercury and Sun, and is by bodily presence so neer unto Jupiter, and all the Significators above the Earth, (a thing very considerable in this Judgment.)
Besides, I observed no Infortunes in Angles, which was one other good argument; for these considerations, I judged the Ship was not cast away, but living, and that the Saylors and Officers of the Ship were lively and in good condition.
The next quere was, Where the Ship was, upon what Coast, and when any newes would come of her?
Herein I considered the Moon was fixed, and locally in the 11th house; Taurus is a Southerne Signe, but in an East quarter of Heaven, verging towards the South: her application to a Trine of Mercury, and he in Capricorn, a South Signe and West Angle, made me judge the Ship was South-west from London, and upon our own Coast, or neer those which lye betwixt Ireland and Wales; I judged her at that time to be in some Harbor, because Taurus wherein the Moon is, is fixed, and in the 11th house, which is the house of Comfort and Relief; and that she was put into some Harbor to mend her Defects or Rents:(It proved true that she was in the West, and in an Harbor.)
Because the Moon applyed to a Trine of Mercury and Sun, and they in an Angle, and was her
selfe as well as they, very swift in motion and did want but a few minutes of their perfect Trine; I
The Resolution of
judged there would be newes or Letters, or a certaine discovery of the Ship in a very short time; the Significators so neer aspect, I said either that night, or in 2 days; (and so it proved:) And you must observe, that it gave me good encouragement when I saw Part Of Fortune Disposed by Mars, and Mercury to whom the Moon applyed to be in reception with Mars: as also, that the Moon, by so forcible an aspect, did apply to the Sun, who is Lord of the 2nd house, or of Substance, an argument, the Merchant should encrease his Stock, and not lose by that adventure:
You shall also observe, that Jupiter has his Antiscion in the 9th of Leo, the very Cusp of the 2nd house, and Mars his Antiscion fals upon the very degree ascending: these were good testimonies of safety: Mars as being Lord of the 11th, and Dispositor of Part Of Fortune; and Jupiter as Lord of the 10th, viz. of Trade and Commerce.
Besides, usually when the Moon applies to a good aspect of a Retrograde Planet, it brings the matter to an end one way or another speedily, and when least suspected: and it’s a generall Maxime in such like cases, if the Moon apply to the Fortunes, or by good aspect to any Planet or Planets in Angles, then there is reason we hope well, etc.
The Ascendant free from presence of Infortunes, a good sign: Lord of the Ascendant above the Earth, and the Moon and their Dispositors, good signes: Lord of the Ascendant in 10th, 11th or 9th houses, good: Lord of the Ascendant in Trine or Sextile with Jupiter or Lord of the 11th, good.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Example of another Ship.
Here the Ascendant and the Moon are Significators of the Shippe, and those that saile in her: the Moon lately separated from a Square of Saturn, Lord of the 8th and 9th, then at time of the question voyd of course; but afterwards 1st applyed to a Trine of Saturn, then to Opposition of Mercury, Lord of the 12th and 4th; this shewed the Ship had lately been in danger (of Death) viz. Shipwrack: and as the Moon had been voyd of course, so had no newes been heard of her;
because the Moon was last in Square of Saturn, in fixed Signes, tortuous or odiously and
malitiously aspecting each other, and falling into Cadent houses, and then did not presently apply
to the good aspect of any benevolent Planet, but was voyd of course, and then againe continued
her application out of the 4th to Saturn, who is still Lord of the 8th, although it was by good
aspect; and then after seperation from him, applyed to Opposition Mercury, and that Mercury her
Dispositor was in Detriment, and entering Combustion, and Jupiter Dispositor of Mercury
Subterranean and in Conjunction with Mars, and termes of an Infortune; and forasmuch as I
found Mars in his Fall, upon or neer the Cusp of the 2nd house, I judged losse was at hand to the
Merchant; Part Of Fortune being in the 6th house, disposed by Jupiter, and he Retrograde in the
2nd, not beholding Part Of Fortune; the Moon also casting her Square Sinister to the Part Of Fortune, and so Mercury his Dexter Square: by meanes therefore of so many evill testimonies of receiving losse rather than benefit; I judged that the Merchant should lose much, if not all that was adventured in this Ship, and so consequently I doubted the Ship was cast away; (and so it proved.)
Principal Significators under the Earth, ill: worst of all, if in the 4th, for that is an assured testimony of sinking the Ship.
The Resolution of
Of the Time of Receiving any QUESTION.
it hath been disputed largely amongst the Arabians, who were excellent in the resolution of Horary Questions, what time the Astrologer should take for the ground of his Question, whether that time when the Querent first comes into ones House or Closet, or first salutes the Artist, whether that is to be admitted for the most proper time of erecting a Figure, and giving Judgment thereupon.
Though some have consented to this opinion, yet I could never be satisfied herein either with reason or experience; for let us admit one comes to demand a Resolution of me, and we converse together a good while; but in the end, some occasion intervenes, and we depart: I hope no sound Judgment will allow of this time to be the Radix of a Question (whenas none is really demanded) viz. at what time he first saw me, or entered my house and spake with me.
Without doubt the true houre of receiving any Question is then, when the Querent propounds his
desire unto the Astrologer, even that very moment of time, in my opinion, is to be accepted: for
let us suppose a Letter is sent or delivered unto me, wherein I am desired to resolve some doubts;
perhaps I receive the Letter into my hands at 3:00 in any day of the week, but in regard of some
occassions, doe not read it untill 4 or 5 hours after; that very hour and minute of hour when I
break it open, and perceive the intention of the Querent, is the time to which I ought to erect my
Figure, and from thence to draw mine Astrological
Judgment: This way and manner have I practiced, and found successe answerable: And whereas
Bonatus and some others doe give warning that the Astrologian judge not his owne Question,
and say he cannot tell how to accept of a question from himselfe; this I conceive was his reason,
Because he thought the Artist would be partiall to himselfe in his judgment: Verily I am of a
contrary opinion and have found by many experiments, that at what
all manner of QUESTIONS.
hour the mind or intention of the Astrologer is heavily perplexed with or concerning the successe of any matter wherein himselfe is really concerned, I say he may with great reason accept of that hour for the true time of erecting his Scheame of Heaven, and he may (if not partiall) as well judge of that Figure erected by himselfe, as of any other; but herein I advise him to lay aside all love and partiality unto his owne Cause.
Whether the Querent Shall be Rich, or Have a Competent
Fortune? By What Meanes Attaine it? The Time When? Etc.
And if it Shall Continue?
Whoever interrogates, be his Condition what it will be, King, Noble, Priest or Layman, the Ascendant, the Lord thereof and the Moon are his Significators: and if the question be in generall termes, (viz. Whether he shall ever be rich yea or not?) without relation to any particular person from whom he may expect a Fortune, the resolution of it is in this nature:
Consider the Signe ascending on the Cusp of the 2nd House, the Lord thereof, the Planet or Planets therein posited, or aspecting the Lord of that house or Cuspe thereof; the Part Of Fortune, the Signe and place of Heaven where it is placed and how aspected by the Planets, (for Part Of Fortune it selfe emitteth no rayes, or casteth any aspect to any Planet, no more doe the North Node or South Node.)
First, if you find the Planets all angular, it’s one good Signe of Substance; if they be in succeedant houses, direct and swift in motion, it’s a good Signe.
If Planets be in good houses, direct, and but moderately
The Resolution of
dignified in essentiall Dignities, it’s an hopefull argument of an Estate: Those rules are generall:
If the Lord of the Ascendant, or the Moon, and the Lord of the 2nd house, viz. of Substance, be
corporally joyned together, or if they, viz. Lord of the Ascendant and Moon, have friendly
aspects to the Lord of the 2nd, or if Jupiter and Venus cast their Trine or Sextile, or be in
Conjunction with Part Of Fortune, or if the Lord of the 2nd be in the Ascendant, or the Moon, or
Lord of the Ascendant in the 2nd, or if any Planet transfer the light and vertue of the Lord of the
2nd to the Lord of the Ascendant, or if benevolent Planets cast their Sextile or Trine to the Cuspe of the Ascendant or Part Of Fortune, or any fixed Starre of the nature of Jupiter and Venus, doe ascend with the Cuspe of the 2nd or Part Of Fortune be in Conjunction with or neer to such a fixed Starre; or if Jupiter who is naturall Significator of substance, or Venus who is naturally a fortune or North Node be in the 2nd, and no infortune cast his aspect unto them, or if you finde all Planets direct and swift in motion (viz.) if their daily motion be more then what is assigned for their meane or middle motion, which you may perceive by page The Querent shall not feare poverty, for he will be competently rich or have a sufficient fortune to subsist on, and this his estate shall be greater or lesser according to the Major testimonies, which you are carefully to examine of those Significators which doe naturally resolve the question; and here in this demand you must remember to take notice of the quality of the person inquiring or demanding the question, for (Quoad capax) it shall happen to any Interrogant.
By What Means Attain It.
When you have sufficiently examined your Figure, and perceived that the Querent shall have a substance or will come to have riches, it will be demanded, how? by whom, or what meanes it may be obtained?
Herein you must observe, that if the Lord of the 2nd House be in the 2nd, the querent shall obtain
an Estate by his owne labour and proper industry; if the Lord of the 2nd be placed in the
Ascendant, he shall unexpectedly come to a Fortune or without
all manner of QUESTIONS.
much labour attaine it. If that the Lord of the 2nd or the Moon do promise substance by any aspect they have to each other, you must consider from what House the aspect is, or what House the Moon is Lady of, or if neither of these promise substance; see to the Part Of Fortune, what house it is in, and what House of Heaven the Dispositor is Lord of. If the Planet assisting or promising encrease of Fortune be Lord of the Ascendant, the Querent himself will by his owne diligence advance his owne Fortune; if he be a meane man or Mechanicall that interrogates, then by the sweat and labour of his owne hands, his owne Invention, Care and Pains, no King shall put him into a fortune: But if the Adjuvant Planet be Lord of the 2nd, he will augment his Estate by advance of his owne Stock, and well managing his private Fortune, and adventuring to Buy and Sell in such things as naturally he is addicted unto, or fals in his way in the course of his life, or are of the nature of that Planet (the Signe he is in considered.)
If the Lord of the 3rd fortunate the Lord of the 2nd, or the Cuspe of the House, or Part Of Fortune, he will be assisted in procuring an Estate by some honest Neighbour, or some one of his Kindred, Brethern or Sisters, if he have any, or by some Journey he shall undertake, or removing to that quarter of Heaven from whence the Lord of the 3rd calls his good aspect, or is corporally joined with the Significator of Substance.
If the fortunate Planet or significator be Lord of the 4th or placed in the 4th, the Querent will attaine Wealth by means of his Fathers assistance, (if he be living) or by some aged person, as Grandfather, etc. or by taking some Farme or Grounds, or purchase of Tenements, Lands or Hereditaments, or well managing the Stock his Ancestors have or shall leave him, or some Stock of Money his Kindred may lend him.
If the Lord of the 5th doe promise Wealth, then he obtaines meanes: if a Gentleman (by Play, Cards, Dice, Sports, Pastimes) if of Capacity, and a Courtier, by some Embassage, Message, etc.
If an ordinary man propounds the question, by keeping a Victualling-house, as Ale-house, Inne,
Taverne, Bowling alley, or being a Door-keeper, Porter to some Gentleman; or be he who
The Resolution of
will that enquires, if the Lord of the 5th House be strong, he promises somewhat out of the Estate of the Father, or by making Matches, etc..
If the Lord of the 6th, or Significator, or assistant Planet be in the 6th, and the Signe of the 6th be humane, the Querent may expect good Servants, and profit by their labours: If a King or Prince propounds the Question (as sometimes they doe) you may judge, his Subjects will assist him with many tumbling Subsidies, Privy-Seales, Loans of Money, etc.. If a Nobleman or Gentleman enquire, he shall augment his Estate by Letting Leases, and the discreet managing of his Estate by his Stewards, Bailiffs, and such as undertake for him.. If the question come from a Country-man, as a Farmer or Husband-man, tell him he may thrive by dealing in little Cattle, as Sheep, Goats, Hogs, Conies, etc..
If a Scholler propound the Question upon the like occasion, advise him to turne Physician, for he shall thrive by his Salary obtained from people infirme and diseased.. If the Lord of the 7th House fortunate the Lord of the 2nd House, or the Cuspe of the House, or the Part Of Fortune, or that Planet which is posited in the 2nd, let the Querent expect God’s Blessing, by meanes of a rich and good Wife, or the assistance of some loving Woman: As also, if a Gentleman propounds the Question, then by the Sword, or the Wars, or by Law recovering somewhat detained from him, by contracting of Bargains, by the common aquaintance he hath in his way of Trade or Commerce, if he be a Merchant..
If the Lord of the 8th be that Planet who fortunates the Significators above named; the Querent shall either have some Legacy bequeathed him by Testament of deceased party, or a further increase of his Wife’s Portion, little by him expected at time of his Question, or shall goe uncompelled, and reside in some Country, where increase of substance shall happen unto him,viz.. he shall unexpectedly settle himselfe where formerly he had no intention, and there shall thrive and grow rich..
If the Lord of the 9th gives vertue or fortunate the Part Of Fortune or Lord of the 2nd, or Cuspe
of the House, the Querent
all manner of QUESTIONS..
may thrive by some Voyage to Sea, if Cancer or Pisces descend on the Cuspe of the 9th, and the Lord of the same Signe be therein, or one of his Wife’s Brothers, or some allied unto her, or neer Nighbour, or the place where she did live when he first married her, of some religious man or Minister shall befriend him in the way of his Vocation or Calling, for the increase of his Fortune..
If an Earth Signe be on the Cuspe of the 9th, and the Lord of that House be therein posited, he may thrive by removing to that part of Heaven, or that Coast of the Kingdom or Country signified by the Signe and quarter of Heaven, and by dealing in the native Commodities of that County, City or Country to which the Heavens direct him..
If the Lord of the 2nd be fortunate in the 10th House, or the Lord of the 10th and 2nd be in reception, or the Lord of the 10th doe behold the Lord of the 2nd or Cuspe of the 2nd House, or a Planet therein, or the Part Of Fortune, with any benevolent configuration; let the Querent try the service or employment of some King, Prince, Nobleman, Gentleman, Master, or the like, and thereby he shall augment his estate or get a subsistence: if one inquires that is young and of small fortune, let him learne a Mechanicall trade, according to the nature of the Signe of the 10th and Planet who is Lord therof; for the Heavens intimate he shall doe well in his Magistery or Trade, if he be capable and fit for it; or if he be a man of any education and desirous of preferment, let him expect an Office or Publique imployment in the Common-wealth, in one kinde or other.. If the Lord of the 11th be that benevolent Planet who is Significator in the premises, viz. the Planet fortunating, then some friend shall commend the party inquiring to accept of some imployment very advantagious, or some Merchant, Courtier, or servant of a Nobleman, King, or great person shall be the meanes of raising the Querent to a Fortune, and then, shall unexpectedly happen unto the Querent which he never thought of: and this for good..
If the Fortunate Planet, who casts his Aspect as aforesaid, be in the 12th, the Querent shall
advance his Fortune by great Cattle, Horse-races, by imprisonments, or men imprisoned, if the
Signe of
The Resolution of
the 12th be humain; if the Signe be Taurus or Capricorn or Aries by Cattle; if Virgo by Corn.
And herein mix your judgment with reason..
The most assured testimony in Astrology, and upon a Question onely propounded, that the Querent shall be rich and continue so, is this, if the Lord of the 1st and 2nd and Jupiter be joyned together in the 2nd House, 1st, 10th, 7th, 4th or 11th; but if they be not in Conjunction, then that they apply by Sextile or Trine with Mutual Reception: nay, although they apply by Square or Opposition, yet if it be with reception, the party will thrive or have an estate, though with much labour, and many intervening difficulties, yet will he ever more abound then want..
Of the Reason, or from whence it proceeds, or what is the
Cause, why the Querent shall not obtaine Wealth.
When in any question you find your Figure signifies the Querent shall come to an estate, the resolution following is needlesse; but if you find that he shall not obtaine any great fortune, and the Interrogant would know the cause why, or thing impediting, that so he may the better direct his affaires, and be more wary in the course of his life, for better prevention of such difficulties:
In this Judgment carefully observe the Planet obstructing, or who doth most afflict the Lord of
the 2nd, or Part Of Fortune, or the Cuspe of the 2nd, the Moon, or Lord of Dispositor of the Part
Of Fortune; if the Lord of the 1st be that Planet, then the Querent himselfe is the cause; if the
Lord of the 2nd doe with Square or Opposition behold the Part Of Fortune, or the Cuspe of the
2nd, then want of money or a sufficient Stock to set himselfe in imployment is the cause: If Lord
of the 3rd, his own Kindred will doe nothing for him, or will prove burdensome, or malicious
Neighbours will get all the Trade from him, or so under-sell him, that he will be much kept under
thereby: and so run through the 12 Houses, as in the Chapter mentioned before. I thought good
here to give this generall caution, that if the Lord of the 2nd House, or Dispositor of the Part Of
Fortune be infortunes, yet if they have Essentiall Dignities where they are, or aspects to good
Planets, or be placed in such benelovent Houses as I formerly mentioned,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
they may be Significators of position of Substance; and in like nature both Jupiter and Venus
being afflicted or impedited, or Significators, as aforesaid, may be the Planets obstructing as well
as any other, for every Planet must do the work for which he is by divine Providence assigned
unto: Doe you also ever remember that in what House you can find Cauda Draconis, it prenotes
detriment and impediment in such things as are signified by that House, as if he be in the 2nd, he
denotes consumption of Estate by the Querent’s own folly or not thriving, by his owne proper
neglect: in the 3rd, hinderance by evill, beggarly or peevish Kindred, etc.., and so judge in all the
rest of the 12 Houses -
If the Querent shall obtaine the Substance which he demands,
or hath lent, or the Goods he hath pawned.
If the demand of the Querent be, Whether or no he shall procure the money or substance from him of whom he intends to demand it?
The Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon are his Significators, the Lord of the 2nd House of his substance.
The 7th House, and the Lord thereof signify him or her of whom he intends to demand or borrow Money: In proceeding to Judgment, See if the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 8th, who is Lord of the Substance of the party quesited after, or see if either of them joyned, or in aspect to a Planet posited in the 8th; if the Planet in the 8th be a fortunate, or the aspect itself fortunate, he shall obtaine the money desired; or if he would borrow the money required will be lent him: if he have deposited any Pledge, it will be restored, whether the fortunate Planet in the 8th be received or not; yea, if an infortunate Planet in the 8th, or Lord of the 8th, and receive either the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon, the Querent shall obtaine his desire; but if no reception be, he will hardly or ever procure his demands, and if ever, with so much difficulty and labour, as he would rather wish the thing had been undone..
In like manner, if the Lord of the 8th be in the 1st, or in the
The Resolution of
2nd, and the Lord of the 2nd receive him, it’s probable the businesse will be effected; but is the
Lord of the 7th, or of the 8th be in the 1st or 2nd, and neither have reception of the Lord of the
1st or 2nd House, or of the Moon, it’s an argument he shall not have his desire accomplished, but shall receive a deniall or more prejudice in the thing demanded.
If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon be joined to a Fortune that has Dignity in the Signe ascending, or Signe intercepted in the Ascendant, the matter will be effected; or if any of them be joyned to an Infortune who hath dignity in the Ascendant, and that Infortune receive the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon, the business will be dispatched: Or if the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon be joyned to a fortunate Planet, and he well placed either in the 10th or 11th, the matter shall be perfected, though there be no reception: The Judgments of this Chapter shall have place and prove true, when as the matter in question is amongst ordinary persons, or with such people as with whom there is a community, as Citizens with Citizens, Countrymen with Countrymen, one Tradesman with another; from this Judgment we exempt Kings, Princes, Noblemen and such, who pay Debts slowly, and on whom the Law takes little notice..
If one shall aquire that Gaine or Profit, Wages or Stripend
of the King or Nobleman, Generall or Common-wealth,
Lieutenant-Generall, or any great Person
which be Expects.
The resolution hereof will serve for any question of the like nature, where the Querent is much inferior to the Quesited, or the party or parties from whom he expects the accomplishment of his desires..
The Ascendant, Lord thereof and the Moon signifie him that askes the Question; the 10th House
and Lord thereof, signifie the Quisited, or person sought after, or from whom the matter is to be
required; the 2nd House and the Lord thereof are to be considered for the Querent, the 11th
House and Lord thereof shall
all manner of QUESTIONS.
signifie the Estate, Money or Substance of the King, Nobleman, Generall etc., or Party enquired after: If in the Question you doe find the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon joyned to the Lord of the 11th House, or if any of them be joyned to any Planet in the 11th House, and that Planet be a Fortune, not in any measure impedited, or ill disposed, then you may affirme that the Querent shall obtaine what Salary, wages, debt or money the great person of what quality soever owes unto him; or if it happen that the Moon and the Lord of the Ascendant be joyned to an unfortunate Planet, and he receive them into some of his essentiall dignities, the Querent shall obtaine his Money, Wages, etc., but not without much solicitation, many weary addresses, feares and distrusts; if it happen any Aspect be betwixt the Significators, the one being an infortune and without reception, the Querent will never obtaine what he desires. In this manner of Judgment be very careful to observe the Planets true essentiall dignities, and their mutual receptions, and by which of their mutuall dignities they receive each other.
Of the time when the aforesaid accidents treated of in
this Chapter may happen.
Herein you must diligently observe unto what Planet either the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon
applyes unto, or is joyned by body., and doth signifie the effecting and performance of the matter
quesited after, for if that Planet be in Sextile or Trine with the Lord of the Ascendant or the
Moon, whether he be a Fortune or not, or receive the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon or not;
consider well how both of them project their beames or rayes to each other, until they come to
their perfect aspect, or see how many degrees at the time of the Question asking, they want of
being in true Partill aspect or Conjunct, and you may answer that it shall be so many dayes as are
the number of degrees betwixt the Significators, if they be both in Cadent Houses: if they be in
Succeedant Houses of Heaven, it will be so many weeks; if in Angles, the time will be so many
moneths: But here the Astrologer must use discretion, and consider if it be possible that the
matter enquired of may be effected in dayes, weeks or
The Resolution of
moneths; for if it be a businesse that may require much time, instead of moneths you may adde yeers, and this especially if the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Moon and other Significators be in Angles; but if one Planet be in an Angle, and the other in Succeedant, then they shall signifie Moneths; if one be in Succeedant and the other in a Cadent , then they shall denote weeks; but if one be in an Angle, and the other in a Cadent House, they prenote moneths. Some of the Ancients have said, that if at the Houre of the Question the Planet which signifies the perfection of the thing demanded be in one Signe with the Lord of the Ascendant, the matter shall then be brought to conclusion when that Planet and the Lord of the Ascendant come to corporall Conjunction in Degrees and Minutes, if the Lord of the Ascendant be the more ponderous Planet, or weather there be reception yea or not; but if the Lord of the Ascendant be the more light Planet, so that he make haste to the conjunction of the Planet signifying the effecting of the matter, and that Planet receive the Lord of the Ascendant, the matter will be finished. But if that Planet shall not receive the Lord of the Ascendant, then the matter will not be effected, unlesse the foresaid significators be in an Angle when the Conjunction shall be, or in one of his owne Houses, and especially in that House which is called his joy; as Aquarius is the joy of Saturn, Sagittarius of Jupiter, Scorpio of Mars, Libra of Venus, Virgo of Mercury. What I have observed in resolving Questions of this nature, is this, that single reception by exaltation without other testimonies profiteth not; that reception by essential dignities of House, when benevolent Planets are significators, though by Square or Opposition do usually shew perfection, yea beyond exception, and therefore very certainly when by Sextile or Trine aspect it so fals out, And "for the time when", I observe, if a fortune, or the Moon or Lord of the thing quesited be in the Ascendant, and have any essentiall dignity therein, the number of Degrees betwixt the Cuspe of the Ascendant and the body of the Planet, doth denote the time when, dayes if a moveable Signe, and the businesse capable of being perfected in dayes, moneths or yeers, according to the Signe, its quality and nature of the businesse.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
A Tradesman of this City in the yeer 1634: propounded these severall Demands unto me:
because I have seen the experience of my Judgment, and his Queries were pertinent for Resolutions of the Demands of this 2nd House; I have inferred his severall Queries, with the Reasons in Art of my so judging them. His Queries were;
1. If he should be rich, or subsist of himselfe without marriage?
2. By what meanes he should attain wealth?
3. The time when?
4. If it would continue?
The Resolution of
If the Querent Shall be Rich or Poor.
It’s first necessary for more exact judgments in this question, that you examine the Diurnall motion of the Planets, which I finde here to be as followeth:
Viz. Saturn moveth in 24 houres, 2 minutes: and is therfore slow in motion. Jupiter 13 min. Ergo, he moveth more in 24 houres, than his middle or meane motion: which is 4 min. 59 sec. is reputed swift, as you may see fol. 61.
The Diurnall motion of Mars is 35 min. this being more than his middle or meane motion, which you see in page 65., is 30 min. 27 sec. He is reputed swift.
Diurnall motion of the Sun 57 min. 00 sec. being lesse then his mean motion; he is slow.
Of Venus 1 degr. 13 min. very swift
Of Mars 1 degr. 44 min more swift
Of Moon 11 degr. 54 min. slow
In the next place I am to examine the fortitudes and delibities of the Planets: by the Table of essentiall dignities, page 104, and the other Table of Page 115. I doe this more willingly that young Learners may better understand the use of both these Tables, which they will frequently have occasion to use, True place of Saturn is 15.19 Sagittarius, Essentiall dignities he hath none in that degree of Sagittarius, where he is, as you may observe by the Table of essentiall dignities, page 104.
Saturn—His Accidentaial Dignities
In the 3rd House 1
Free from Combustion 5
Saturn—His Debilities
Peregrine 5
Retrograde 5
Slow in Motion 2
Occidentall 2
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Jupiter- His Fortitudes He has no Debilities,
either Accidentall or
In Exaltation 4 Essentiall, yet some
In the 10th house 5 Detriment it is unto him,
Direct 4 being in Square with Mars,
Swift in Motion 2 though the aspect be
Free from Combustion 5 Platick.
Mars In Those Degrees of Libra
he is in, has no Essentiall
His Accidentall Fortitudes
In the Asc. 5
Direct 4
Swift in Motion 2
Free from Combustion 5
In Conjunct. with Spica
Virgo, or within 5 deg. 5
In Detriment 5
Peregrine 5
Occidentall of 2
the Sun 12
His Fortitudes, Essentiall and
In his owne house 5
In Mid-heaven 5
Slow in motion 2
Her Fortitudes
In the 11th house 4
Direct 4
Swift in Motion 2
Occidentall of Sun 2
Free from Combustion 5
Conjunct with Regulus,
viz. within 6 degrees. 6
Debilities of Venus
Peregrine 5
MERCURY—His Fortitudes
In the 10th house 5
Direct 4
Swift in motion 2
Occidentall 2
Free from Combustion 5
Peregrine 5
MOON—Her Fortitudes
In the 10th house 5
Increasing in Light 2
Free from Combustion 5
Slow in Motion 2
Peregrine 5
Part of Fortune as you may observe, page 145, in Scorpio hath 5 Debilities, and as it is placed in
our Figure, shall rather be admitted to be in the 2nd house, then in the 1st; and hath therefore but
3 testimonies of strength, which taken from 5 Debilities, Part Of Fortune is found weak by 2 testimonies: and though Part Of Fortune is some minutes more than 5 degrees removed from the Cusp of the 2nd, yet were it absurd to think it had signification in the 1st.
The Testimonies of all the Planets Collected
Into One, Stand Thus.
Saturn Weak by testimonies 8 therefore Unfortunate
Jupiter Hath Fortitudes 20 no imbecillity
Mars Strong as having 9 Dignities:
subtracted from
Sun Hath Dignities 8 0
Venus 18 0
Mercury 13 0
Moon Hath 5 0
Part of
Fortune Hath Disibilities 2 0
all manner of QUESTIONS..
you must ever consider, whether your Planet have more Fortitudes or Debilities, and having subtracted the lesser number from the greater, make use of what remaines, whether they be Fortitudes or Debilities, and so judge.
The Antiscions of the Planets
Saturn in 14 41 Cap.
Jupiter 12 29 Gem.
Mars 13 48 Pis.
Sun 26 50 Tau.
Venus 4 26 Tau.
Mercury 12 15 Tau.
Moon 10 53 Tau.
Saturn in 14 41 Can.
Jupiter 12 29 Sag
Mars 13 48 Vir.
Sun 26 50 Sco.
Venus 4 26 Sco.
Mercury 12 15 Sco.
Moon 10 53 Sco.
If the Querent Should be Rich or in a Capacity
of Substance without Marriage.
Herein first I considered the generall disposition of the Planets, and found that the Major number of them (especially the 2 Fortunes) were swift in their motion, well posited in houses, no manner of wayes in a violent way, or by a forcible aspect afflicting each other.. I also well considered that Venus Lady of the Ascendant. was neer to Cor Leonis, a Star of great vertue and influence, the Moon increasing in light, Jupiter almost culminating: From hence I collected thus much in generall, that he should subsist in the Common-wealth, and live in good ranke and quality among his Neighbours, etc.. (quoad capax) according to his calling..
Secondly, whether he should be rich or not? In resolving this Question, I considered, that the
Lord of the 2nd is posited in the Angle of the East, and that the Lord of the 2nd, viz.. Mars is
Lord of the Part of Fortune or Dispositor thereof, and is neere Spica Virgo in 18 degrees of
Libra.. Then I observed that Jupiter a generall Significator of wealth, was in his exaltation and
Angular, casting his Square Sinister very neer to the degree ascending, which Square in signes of
long ascensions, we usually repute a Trine. I also found the Moon separated newly from
The Resolution of
Sextile of Mars Lord of the 2nd, and significator of the thing demanded, and immediately after separated from Conjunction of Mercury, then instantly applying to the Conjunction of Venus Significator of the Querent, transferring thereby both the vertue and influence of Mercury and Mars to the proper significator of the Querent; and the Moon is also disposed by the Sun and he is strong and powerful, and as she has a generall signification in every Question, so being no wayes unfortunate she promised the Querent much good.. Lastly, I considered that Part of Fortune was in a fixed sign and in Mars his own termes: from all which testimonies aforesaid, I judged that the Demandant would aquire an Estate, and have a competent future in this world, but attaine it with labour and care, because it is signified by an Infortune; so to the day hereof he hath; but because Mars Lord of the 7th (which is the house of Women and Wives) hath the most materiall signification of the thing demanded, viz.. Wealth and Riches. I advized to marry, and acquainted him, that without Marriage he should nothing so well subsist.
By what Meanes, or how attaine Riches.
Herein you must consider the Planet or Planets promising Wealth; Mars in our Scheame being
Lord of the 2nd house and of Part Of Fortune is the Planet we must principally consider; for in
the 2nd house you finde no Planet, as he is Lord of the 2nd and placed in the Ascendant, he
intimates an estate to be got by the Querents owne industry, and because the Significator of the
thing demanded is posited in the Ascendant, it argues that an estate or increase thereof would
come somewhat easily or with lesse labor then expected, but Mars being an Infortune something
lessens that point in our positure at this time; and as Mars is Lord of the 7th house, and thereby
signifieth (Women, etc.) I acquainted him he would marry a Woman who would produce him a
good fortune, and it fixed, and more then he could very well looke for; which I judged first by
the Lord of the 7th his being in the Ascendant.. and neer so eminent a fixed Starre; as also
because Venus who is Lady of the wives house of substance , viz. the 8th, is so well
all manner of QUESTIONS..
fortified.. I afterwards considered the Moon was Lady of the 10th house (which signified his Trade) that she was transferring the light and nature of Mercury and Mars to the Querent; wherefore I advised him to diligence in his profession, and that he should thereby attaine a very good or competent Estate.. He hath, as he informs me, had a good fortune with he Wife, both Money and Land; and for his Trading it has been very good; for Jupiter in the 10th is a certaine and infallible argument (according to naturall causes) that the Querent shall have plenty of trading, or exercise a gainfull Profession..
The Time When.
All the Significators either in the Ascendant, or Orientall quarter of Heaven, and 5 of the Planets swift in their motion, promise Substance in a small compasse of time, after the proposall of the Question.. Mars Lord of the 2nd house, and of Part Of Fortune, the principall thing inquired of, being swift in motion argues the same..
The distance of the Ascendant. from Mars being about 2 degrees, did in this way of judgment
signifie 2 yeers or there-abouts, as what time he had a Portion with his Wife: Some may wonder
why Mars being peregrine shall signifie any good to the Querent. I say to that, he being Lord of
the 2nd house and of the 7th, and the promising Planet of the thing demanded, shall as well shew
the time When, as also the performance of what he signifies, (but not without some manner of
obstruction;) and herein no question ought to be made, as in civill societies of men, the wicked or
ungracious doe as well many good offices of love for their Friends, as others better qualified.. In
the next place, I observed what quantity of degrees the Moon wanted of her perfect Conjunct
with Venus, etc.., I found they were 6 degrees, 27min.; from hence and the former consideration,
I concluded, that about 2 yeers after that Question propounded, or sooner, he should sensibly
perceive a melioration in Estate by meanes of a Wife, or by his owne proper diligence and
industry, and about 1640, which was 6 yeers after the Question, he should have very great
trading, and live in excelent repute, have many good Friends and
The Resolution of
Acquaintance, by whose meanes he should improve his Estate: And the reason why I judged augmentation of his Wealth by meanes of Friends was, because Venus is seated on the cusp of the 11th house, which signifies Friendship, etc., for in all Judgments you must warily consider the nature of the house wherein the application of your Significators are, &c.. as also, when you judge in this nature of things contingent, you must measure out the time when they shall happen according to reason, and mix Art and Reason together, and not too much rely upon the generall rules of Art, for Abs te & a Scientia..
Of that Planet or Planets impediting the effecting or
performance of what is demanded in every Question.
It is considerable in all Demands, that you be carefull to know what that Planet is, who impedites the matter, or hinders it, that it shall take no effect, and we may justly call him Strong, Hurtfull, Destroyer, Abscissor, because he onely destroys and perverts the nature of the Question, when otherwayes it would come to a good conclusion: We receive judgment herein from that Planet with whom the Lord of the Ascendant. is joyned, or the Significator of the thing quesited after, whether it be the Moon her selfe, or that she is partaker with the Lord of the Ascendant, or not, or is Significatrix of the thing Demanded..
In resolving this you must consider the Planet unto whom the Significator of the Querent is joyned, or the Significator of the thing required, or the Moon, and observe how that Planet is disposed, and unto whom he is joyned; for if the Lord of the Ascendant, or Moon, or Significator of the matter propounded, is joyned to an evill Planet, evill disposed, without reception; or if he be not ill Disposed, but joyned to an Infortune, and he ill disposed, and receive him not, it prenotes the destruction of the thing quesited..
We understand a Planet to be ill disposed, when Peregrine, Retrograde, Combust, Cadent, from
the Ascendant or house of the thing demanded, so that he beholds not the house, or at least the
all manner of QUESTIONS..
Lord of the house, in this nature the aspect to the house is better than to the Lord thereof; so any Planet in his Fall or Detriment, may properly be called Destroyer or Obstructor, or Planet impediting.
Moreover, it the Significator of the Querent, or thing sought after, or Moon, or Planet to whom she is joyned, whether she is a Significatrix, or hath participation in the Question, be joyned to an unfortunate Planet, viz. Retrograde, Combust, Cadent, then observe if Reception intervene; which if therebe, it signifies the perfection of the matter, though with wearinesse and much solicitation: If no reception be, the matter will come to nothing, though there have been much probability of its performance.
If the Planet who receives the Lord of the Ascendant., or the Moon, or Lord of the thing Demended, or the Planet who receives any of them, be free from misfortunes, neither receiving or received, it perfects the matter with facility.
If the Planet to whom the Lord of the Ascendant., or the Moon, or Lord of the matter sought after, be free from Infortunes, and is joyned to any benevolent Planet who is in aspect with a malevolent, and he impedited and not receiving the former Planet, the matter will not then be brought to perfection, or come to any good conclusion.
Doe you still materially consider if the Planets aspects be without reception, for when they are in reception, things are brought to passe, though with some trouble; ever considering whether any Planet doe cut off the light and vertue of the Significators before their perfect Conjunction with an evill Planet; if such a thing happen, it hinders not, but that the matter may be perfected and accomplished: but if no abscission of light intervene, whereby the malevolence of the Infortune may be taken off, the matter is prohibited, and will not be effected.
You must notwithstanding judge if Reception doe intervene whether it be not by Square or
Opposition aspect, for then if a Planet be evill disposed, then the reception profiteth nothing; the
lesse when he that is received is impedited: but if reception be by Sextile or Trine, you may
confide the matter will be effected; or if the Planet who receives be at that time well disposed, let
The Resolution of
reception be by any manner of aspect, the matter is performed, be the aspect Square or Opposition; if the aspect be Trine or Sextile, it performes the thing, whether the Significator be received or not; but provided, the aspect be not separated, but applying; if the Significator be joyned with a Fortune not impedited, the thing will be perfected.. If any Planet translate the light or vertue betwixt one Significator and another, and he to whom the light is translated be an Infortune, and impedited, the Question or matter is destroyed; unlesse the Infortune be againe received..
If the Significator of the Querent, or the Moon, and Significator of the thing looked after, be joyned to any Planet who collects the light of both Planets, be he an Infortune or infortunate, he destroyes the matter, and permits it not to be accomplished, unlesse himselfe receive both the Significators; if he receive onely one of them, it matters not, the matter will not be performed. Consider likewise, whether the Significator of the Querent be in the house of the thing desired, or going to Conjunction of his Lord, this intimates the Querent is going to the thing quesited after; if the Significator of the thing demanded be found in the Ascendant, or hastening to the Conjunction of the Significator of the Querent, it imports the matter enquired of, or thing desired shall come to the Querent, receptions notwithstanding, the Moon and other aspects remaining in their proper being..
If the Querent should continue Rich.
This I resolved by the cusp of the and, which being a Sign fixed, and Part Of Fortune in it, and Jupiter in his exaltation and Angular, and Venus the Dispositor of Mars, and the Moon in Leo, a firme and stable Sign, I judged he would continue in a plentifull estate, and that the riches God should blesse him withall would be permanent; I meane, he would still have a competent fortune, and not be reduced to poverty or want.
The Antiscjons of the Planets could be made little use of in this Figure, because none of them fell exactly either upon the cusp of any materiall house, or with the exact degree of any Planet;
all manner of QUESTIONS.
onely I observe the Contrantiscion of Saturn fals neer to the degree of Jupiter; from whence I judged, no great unity betwixt him and his kindred, or Brothers and Sisters, for you see Saturn personally in the 3rd, and Jupiter Lord of that house, disturbed by Saturn his Contrantiscion, nor did it promise lesse then prejudice by servants, or some vices or blemishes at least in their behaviour, let their outward demeanour be what it will be; for though Jupiter be in his exaltation, yet the foresaid Contrantiscion doth afflict him, and leaves a tincture of Saturn with Jupiter: Here are onely two things of which in the course of his life I advised him friendly of, which materially arise out of the Figure, viz. because Sun Lord of the 11th, beholds Part Of Fortune with a Square Sinister, as also, the cusp of the 2nd house, and that the Sun is Lord of the 11th, which signifies Friends, I dehorted him from engagements, or confiding in Solar men, though of much friendship with him, for all in such cases describe the Planet afflicting, and you give caution enough; what manner of men Sun signifies; see page 71.
Of the THIRD House, Viz. Of Brethern, Sisters,
Kindred, Short Journeys.
Many are the Demands which may be made concerning Questions appertaining to this House; but in effect, the most principall and materiall of them, and which naturally doe arise from hence, concerne the Querents Brothers, Sisters, Kindred, or whether there is like to be Unity and Concord betwixt the Querent and them, yea or no; or if the Querent shall live in peace with his Neighbors, or what are their condition good or bad; or of a short Journey, whether prosperous, yea or not.
The Resolution of
If the Querent and his Brother, Neighbour or Sister
shall agree or love each other.
The Lord of the Ascendant is for him that asks the Question, the Lord of the 3rd for the Brother, Sister or Neighbour quesited after.
If the Lord of the 3rd be a benevolent Planet, or if he be in the Ascendant, or if a fortunate Planet be in the 3rd, or if the Lord of the 3rd and the Lord of the Ascendant be in Sextile or Trifle aspect within the orbs of either Planet, or if they be in mutuall reception, or if the Lord of the 3rd cast his Sextile or Trine to the cusp of the Ascendant, or the Lard of the Ascendant cast his Sextile or Trine to the 3rd house; theres then no doubt but unity and concord will be betwixt the Querent and Brother, Sister, Neighbor or Kinsman quesited after; if a Fortune be in the Ascendant or the Lord of the Ascendant behold the cusp of the 3rd, and the Lord of the Ascendant doe not aspect either the Ascendant, or be in aspect with the Lord thereof, you may judge the Querent to be of good condition, and that there will be no default in him, but that the defect will be in the Brother, Sister, Neighbor or Kinsman quesited after; when either Saturn or Mars or South Node are locally placed in the Ascendant, it shewes the Querent to be evill conditioned, and the fault in him, but if you find either Saturn, Mars or South Node in the 3rd, unlesse in their owne essentiall Dignities, it’s an assured evidence the Querent shall expect little good from his Brethern, Sisters, Neighbors, or Kindred, and less if they are Peregrine, Retrograde or Combust, or in any malevolent configuration with any other Planet; for though at the present time of the question, there is appearance of unity, yet will it not continue, but usually mortal hatred or untoward grumbling doth afterward arise.
When Saturn is in the 3rd, or South Node, it signifies the Neighbours are Clownes,the kindred covetous and sparing; if Mars, then Kindred are treacherous, Neighbors theiveish; and this most assuredly when either of them are out of their Dignities Essentiall.
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Of A Brother That is Absent.
The Ascendant and his Lord are the Querents Significator, the cusp of the 3rd house shall be the Ascendant of the Brother that is absent, the 4th the absents house of Substance, and so in o rde r. Consider in what condition the Lord of the 3rd is in, and in what house, and how the Planets do aspect him, and whether he be in the aspect of the good or evill Planets, and what that aspect is they have to each other, or whether they are in Corporall Conjunction; for if the Lord of the 3rd be in the 3rd and the unfortunate Planets have no Square or Opposition aspect unto him, you may judge the Brother is in health; but if the malignant Planets behold him with a Square or Opposition, without reception, you may say, the Brother lives, is in health, but he is in great perplexity, discontent and sorrow; but if they behold him with the aforesaid aspects, and be in reception, you may say, the Brother is in great distresse, but will with ease evade it, and free himselfe from his present sad condition: but if the Fortunate Planets behold him with a Sextile or Trine aspect, without reception, or with a Square or Opposition with reception, you may Judge the Brother is in good health and is well content to stay in the place where he then is: if the fortunate Planets behold him with Sextile or Trine and with reception, you may tell the Querent his Brother is in health, and wants nothing in this world to make him happy: but if the Lord of the 3rd be in the 4th, which is his own 2nd house, without the aspect of the malignant Planets, he endeavours to get an Estate or fortune in that country wherein he is at the time of the erecting the Scheame; but if the Lord of the 3rd be in the 5th house, and is joyned with the Lord of the 5th house, with reception of a Fortune or not, as long as the Lord of the 5th house is not impedited in any grievous manner, it’s an argument the absent brother is in health, is jocund and merry, and well liketh the conversation of the men of that Country wherein he is: if he be a Fortune with whom the Significator of the Brother is in Conjunction with, or in Sextile or Trine with reception, you may then more safely pronounce the Brother to be in a good condition;
The Resolution of
yet if the Lord of the 3rd be in the 5th voyd of course, or in perfect Conjunction with any of the infortunate Planets, without reception, and those unfortunate Planets be themselves impedited, it’s an argument the absent Brother is indisposed in health, crazy and not contented in the place where he is: if you find the Brother’s Significator in other houses which are not naturally ill (as the 6th, 8th and 12th houses are) then he is not well placed, but yet no hurt will come of it. If the Brother’s Significator be found in the 8th house, and is either corporally or by Sextile or Trine aspect joyned to a Fortune, you may judge the Brother is not very well, yet not so ill, that he need any thing doubt of his well being; however, he is indisposed. If he be joyned to evill Planets by bad aspects, and out of the 6th house, the absent Brother is infirme; the same you may judge if the Lord of the 6th be in the 3rd, unless he have dignities in the Signe, and be in those dignities..
If you find the Brother of the Querent to be ill, see if the Lord of the 3rd be in Conjunction with the Lord of the 8th, or is entering Combustion, it’s likely then he will dye of that infirmity; but if you find his Significator in the 7th, say, he is in the same Country in which he went, and not yet gone out of it, he continues there as a Stranger or Sojourner, is neither well or ill, but so-so. If the Significator be in the 8th, he doubts himself that he shall dye; and the more dubious he is, if his Significator be either combust, or in conjunction with the Lord of the 8th in the 8th, or in aspect by Square or Opposition of the Infortunes out of the 8th. If the Significator be in the 9th, then is he gone from the place to which he first went into a further Country, or if capable, he is entered into some religious Order, or is imployed by those that are in Order, viz.. Religious Men, or possibly according to his quality, is imployed in some journey far distant from his former aboad.
If his Significator be in the 10th, and joyned by the Conjunction or in aspect with the fortunes by
Trine or Sextile aspect, especially with reception, he hath then got some imployment,
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all manner of QUESTIONS.
Office or Command in the Country where he is, and is in good estimation and lives in a credible way: but if he be joyned to the infortunes, or in Square or Opposition of them, or any other wayes be impedited by them, or Combust in the 10th; it may be feared he is dead. If he be in the 11th House, joyned to the Fortunes by any good aspect; or if he be in Conjunction with the Lord of the 11th; he is then safe at the house of a friend, and is pleasant and merry: but if evill Planets afflict him in that House, or cast their malevolent beames unto him; then is he malecontented, and not well pleased with his present condition. If he be in the 12th House, joyned to the Fortunes with reception, and that or those Fortunes not impedited; he then trucks for Horses, or great Cattle, is turned Grasier, or is Master of a Horse, an Hostler, a Drover of Cattle, or one that drives Cattle to Market, according to the quality of the person inquired about.
If he be unfortunate in the 12th, or in bad aspect with the infortunes, or in aspect with the Lord of the 8th, or Combust; the man is discontent, and doubts he shall never see his Country againe; and well he may, for its probable he will dye there.
If he be in the 1st, the absent Brother is frolicke and merry, and extreame well pleased where he is; and they much love and respect him where he is.
If he be in the 2nd, it’s probable the man can by no means come away; either he is detained as prisoner, or hath done some such act as that he is not capable of coming away; yet if the Significator be Retrograde, he will make hard shift to escape when ever opportunity is offered. I have been somewhat more tedious in this judgment, because it is as a Key to all the rest: For if any ask of their Father being absent, let the 4th house be the Ascendant of him, and so run around the 12 houses in your judgment for the Father as you have done for the Brother, ever having this Consideration, that the 2nd House from the Ascendant of your Question, is the substance of the Quesited; the 3rd from that shall signifie his Brethern;
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The Resolution of
the 4th his Father: If inquiry be made for a Childe, or Sonne, or Daughter absent, the 5th house is their Ascendant; the 6th their 2nd House, then the 7th their 3rd, &c. If one aske of a Servant, the 6th House is his 1st House or Ascendant; the 7th his 2nd or House of Substance, and so orderly as is before specified: and you must understand that although every House has his 6th, 8th House and 12th House, yet in every one quesited after, the 6th House of the Figure shall signify his infirmity, the 8th his death, the 12th his imprisonment; only you must know how to vary your Rules, wherein principally consists the Master-peece of the Art..
Of Reports, Newes, Intelligence, or Feares, whether true
or false, or in what sense its best to take them?
Whether they signifie good or evill?
The manner of understanding this Question, and taking it in its proper sense, is diversly related
by the Ancients; for some would make these like Questions to belong to the 5th house; others, to
certaine Lords of triplicities, having dominion in the signs ascending or decending on the Cuspes
of the 3rd or 5th House. That which I have found true by experience (in our woefull late sad
times of Warre) was this; that if I found the Moon in the Ascendant, 10th, 11th, or 3rd House,
separated by a benevolent aspect from any Planet (be he Lord of what House soever) and then
applying by Trine or Sextile or Conjunction to the Lord of the Ascendant; I say, I did finde the
report or rumour true, but alwayes tending to the good of the Parliment, let the report be good or
ill; but if at the time of erecting the Figure, the Moon applyed to the Lord of the 7th by any good
aspect, I was sure we had the worst, and our enemies the victory:
if the Moon was voyd of course, the Newes proved to be of no moment, usually vaine or meer
lyes, and very soon contradicted:
if the Moon and Mercury were in Square aspect or in Opposition, and did not either the one or
other, or both cast their favorable Sextile or Trine to the degree ascending, the Newes was false,
and reported of purpose to affright us.. For the time when to
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all manner of QUESTIONS..
take the Question, I ever observed the houre when I first heard the newes or rumour, and tooke that moment of time for the ground of my question; but if another propounded it, then that very particle of hour when it was proposed: however, if at any time upon the like occasion you heare some speech or have some intelligence or report of anything, and would know whether it will be prejudiciall to you, yea or no, then see whether Jupiter of Venus be in the Ascendant, or the Moon or Mercury in any of their essentiall Dignities, in Trine or Sextile to the Lord of the 11th; you may then judge, the newes is such as you or the party enquiring shall receive no detriment thereby: but if you find the Lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th Houses in the Ascendant, or in bad aspect to the Lord of the Ascendant, or Mars or Saturn Retrograde in the Ascendant, or in an evill aspect with the Lord of the Ascendant, or casting their Square or Opposition rayes to the degree ascending, then the Querent shall receive prejudice by the newes he heares, if it concerne him or her self e; or if it concerne the Common—wealth, some dammage has happened to their Ministers or Parties: If Saturn signifie the mischiefe, their poor Country-friends have been plundered, lost their Corn and Cattle; if Mars, then some stragling parties of theirs is cut off; if Mercury, some of their letters have miscarried, or been intercepted; if the Sun be the Significator, their principall Officer or Commander in Chief e is in some distresse, etc., if Jupiter or Venus, the mischiefe fals on some Gentleman, their friends, or such as take part with them.. Herein vary your rules according to the Question..
If Rumors be True or False, According
to the Ancients.
Consider the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon, and see which of them is in an Angle, or if
the Dispositor of the Moon be in an Angle, and a fixed Signe, or if any of these be in any
succeedant house and fixed Signe, or in good aspect with the fortunate Planets, viz. in Sextile or
Trine of Jupiter, Venus or Sun, you may then judge the Rumours are true and very good; but if
you find the Lord of the Ascendant afflicted by the Infortunes, or cadent in house, you must
judge the contrary though he strong in
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The Resolution of
the Signe wherein he is.. Rumors are for the most part true when the Angles of the Figure are in Fixed signs, viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and the Moon and Mercury in fixed Signes, seperating from the Infortunes and applying to a fortunate Planet, placed in any Angle. Ill Rumours hold true, if the Angles of the 4th and 10th house be fixed, and the Moon received in them; I say, they will be in some sort verified: If you heare evill newes or bad reports, or have unlucky intelligence, yet if either of the Fortunes be in the Ascendant, or the Moon Unfortunate, it’s a strong argument the Rumours are false, and that they will turne rather to good than evil:
The Retrogradation of Mercury, or he any other way afflicted, or of that Planet to whom the Moon applies, or to whom Mercury applies, and above all, if either of those two be Lords of the Ascendant, doe signifie the ill Rumours shall vanish to nothing, and shall be converted to good; if the Lord of the Ascendant be under the Sun Beames or Combust, the matter is kept secret, and few shall ever know the truth of them..
Of Counsell or Advice given, whether it be for
good or evill.
Sometimes a Neighbour, Kinsman or Friend takes occasion to come visit their Friends, with intention and pretension to give them good advice, or perswade them to such or such a matter, &c., if you would know, whether they intend really, yea or no, erect your Figure for the moment of time when first they begin to break their minds unto you; then consider if there be in the Medium Coeli, 10th house a fortunate Planet, viz. Sun, Jupiter or Venus, or else North Node, or the Moon applying to the Lord of the Ascendant, then judge they come with an honest heart, and the advice they give is intended for your good: If an Infortunate, viz.. Saturn, Mars or South Node, they intend deceitfully, and are lyars. Haly doth further affirm, that if the Signe ascending be a moveable Signe, and the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Moon in moveable Signes, he is trecherous fellow, and comes with deceit to entrap you.
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all manner of QUESTIONS.
Whether the Querent Have Brethren or Sisters.
Although this is better resolved from the proper Nativity of the Querent, then the Question; yet you may observe these rules, which I have found true by experience.
Viz. If you find upon the cusp of the 3rd house a fruitfull Sign, as Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
(Aquarius, Sagittarius or Gemini, though these are not so fruitful as the other) yet you may judge
he hath Brethren or Sisters; Brother or Brethren, if a Masculine Signe be there, and the Lord
thereof in a Masculine Signe or house, or in aspect with a Masculine Planet: Sister or Sisters, if
the Feminine Signe and Planet be in the 3rd, or the Significators in Feminine Signes or Houses,
and in Conjunction or application to Feminine Planets; some say, so many Planets as are in the
house, or that the Lord of the 3rd is in aspect with, so many Brothers or Sisters the Querent has;
but I ever held it too scrupulous to require such particulars from a Question: the unity amongst
Brethren or Kindred, wither in the present or future, is discernable by the last aspect the Lord of
the 3rd, and the Lord of the Ascendant were in, or by the happy positure of Benevolent or
malignant Planets in the Ascendant or 3rd; for where the Fortunes are placed, from there it may
be expected all unity and concord from that party: from the Querent, if they be in the Ascendant:
from the Brother, Sister of Kindred in generall, if the Fortunes be in the 3rd.. The ill positure of
Saturn or Mars out of their essentiall Dignities in the 3rd, or South Node therein, is a strong
argument of untoward and crosse Brethren, Sisters or Kindred, and of no unity betwixt them, but
continuall discord, wrangling and jangling, &c,
Of A Short Journey, if good to goe, yea or no;
which way intended.
By a short Journey I intend, 20, 30 or 40 miles, or so farre from ones home, as he may goe and
come in a day, or at lest on the next; now if you would know whether it will be best for you to
goe, yea or not: herein consider the Lord of the Ascendant at the time of propounding the
Question, and see if he be swift or
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The Resolution of
slow in motion, or in any of the Dignities of the Lord of the 3rd, or placed in the 3rd, or in
Sextile or Trine or Conjunction either with the Lord of the 3rd, or with a Benevolent Planet
posited in the 3rd, or if the Moon Apply to the Lord of the 3rd, or to any Planet posited in the
3rd, or be in the 3rd, or cast her Sextile aspect to the Signe ascending, or her Square in Signes of short ascensions, in any house whatsoever, or if she be swift in motion, all, or any of these are arguments, that the party shall goe his short Journey, and with good successe; and if you would know to what part of Heaven the place lyeth whether he goe, consider the Signe of the 3rd house, the Signe wherein the Lord of the 3rd is, and wherein the Moon is, and judge by which of them is strongest in essentiall Dignities where he is; if the principall Significator be in a Northerne Signe, then his Journey is intended North, and so of the rest, with their due limitations.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
In November 1645, a citizen of London being gone into the West of England, and no newes for many weeks had where he was, his owne Brother with great importunity moved me to give my judgment concerning these Particulars.
1. If living or dead? if dead, whether killed by souldiers? for at this time our miserable Kingdome was full of Souldiery.
2. If living, when he should heare of him? and where he was?
3. When he would come home?
Judgment upon the preceding Figure.
The Ascendant doth represent the shape and forme of him that asked the Question, with consideration had to Saturn Lord of the Signe; and as both the Signe ascending and Lord thereof are of a dry quality and nature, so was the Querent, leane, spare of body, and a reall Saturnine man, &c.
Taurus is the Ascendant of the 3rd House, and Venus being Lady of the Signe, did represent the absent Brother, or party inquired after: the Moon in regard she neither applyed to one significator or other, had not much to doe in this Question, I mean in description of the parties.. For as much as Venus significatrix of the Quesited is no manner of way afflicted either by Mercury who is Lord of the eight in the figure, or by Mars who is Lord of the eight as to the Ascendant of the quesited, and that the seperation of the Moon was good, viz. from a Dexter of Jupiter, and her next application to a Conjunction of Sun, upon the Cuspe of Medium Coeli, I judged the absent Brother was alive and had no manner of casualty happened unto him, but was in good health. Having judged the man to be alive, there needs no proceeding to judgment of the rest of the first Quere.
The Resolution of
When Heare of him.
You see Venus is Lady of the 3rd, and Saturn is Lord of the Ascendant; if you consider the Signes they are in, and the severall degrees of each Planet in the Signe; you shall observe, that as well the Significator of the absent Brother, who is Venus, as Saturn Lord of the Ascendant doe apply to each other by a friendly Trine; for Saturn though a ponderous Planet, yet being Retrograde and in more degrees of the Signe then Venus, does by Retrogradation apply to meet her: a very good argument that the Querent should heare newes of his Brother very suddenly; and if you looke into the Ephemeris of Eickstadius 1645, Nov.7, you shall finde the true time of the Trine aspect betwixt Saturn and Venus to be at five of the clocke the same day the Question was asked in the afternoon; but with reduction to our London Meridian a little after foure: I therefore advised the Querent to goe to the Carriers of those Countries where he knew his Brother had been, and aske of them when they saw the quesited; for I told him, it was probable he should heare of him that very day; upon the reason onely because the Significators of both parties met by a friendly Trine, He has since confidently affirmed, that about the very moment of time, viz. about four, a Carrier came casually where he was, and informed him his Brother was in health and living.
Where He Was.
His Journey was into the West; at time of the question I find Venus the quesited his Significatrix,
leaving Sagittarius a Northeast Signe, and entring Capricorn a South Signe: whereupon I judged
he was in the South-east part of the Country unto which he went; and because Venus was not
farre removed from the Ascendant, but was in the Oriental quarter of Heaven, I judged he was
not above one or two dayes journey from London; and because Venus was departing the Signe
Sagittarius, and entring the Signe Capricorn, wherein she has essentiall Dignities by Triplicity
and Terme, I judged the man was leaving the country and place where he last was, and wherein
he had no Possessions or Habitation, and was coming to his own house in London, wherein he
all manner of QUESTIONS.
had good propriety; in regard that Venus wanted one degree of getting out of Sagittarius, I judged he would be at home in lesse then one week; for Sagittarius is a Bicorporeal, Common Signe, and one degree in that Signe, and in the nature of this question, might well denote a week. But he came home the Tuesday following, when the Moon came to the body of Venus, she being then got into Capricorn to her owne Termes, and into her Diurnall Triplicity. There being an amicable aspect betwixt the two Brothers Significators, viz. Saturn and Venus, these two Brothers alwayes did, and doe agree lovingly: This which has been said is enough concerning the judgment of this question; vary your judgment according to the position of your Significators and matter propounded, and by this method you may judge of anything propounded belonging to this 3rd house.
If a Report or common Rumour were
True or False.
In the yeer 1643, His Majesties Army being then Rampant, severall Reports were given out, that his Majesty had taken Cambridge, &c. a wel-affected person enquires of me, if the newes were true or false? Whereupon I erected the Figure ensuing, and gave Judgment, All that we heard was untruth, and that the Towne neither was, or should be taken by Him or his Forces.
A Report that C A M B R I D G E was Taken by the King’s
Forces; if true?
First, I considered that the Angles were all moveable, and that Mars did vitiate the cusp of the
10th, and Saturn the cusp of the 7th, one argument the Report was false. Secondly, I found the Moon cadent, and in Gemini, a Signe wherein she nothing delights; a second strong evidence of a false rumor.
Thirdly, I found North Node on the cusp of the Ascendant, a Signe of good to the Parliment, for
the 1st house signified that honorable Society: I found Venus Lady of the Ascendant, and our
Significatrix, in her Exaltation; but Mars, Lord of our Enemies Ascendant, viz. the 7th, entering
his Fall, viz. Cancer, and afflicted by Square of Saturn; I saw the Moon seperating from Jupiter,
placed in the 7th and transferring his light and virtue to Venus, which gave me reason to expect,
that there would come
all manner of QUESTIONS.
good to us or our side from this report or Rumour, and no benefit to our Enemies: I saw Mars and Saturn in a Square, which assured me our Enemies were so full of division and treason, and thwarting one anothers Designes, that no good should come unto them upon this Report; and so in short, I judged Cambridge was not taken, and what we heard of its taking were lyes. Had this question been propounded, Whether the Querent should have Brothers or Sisters? Then you would have converted the Judgment thus:
Scorpio –The Signe of the 3rd is a fruitfull Signe.
Cancer –Wherein the Lord of the 3rd is posited, is a fruitfull Signe. Moon applies to Venus who is placed in a fruitfull Signe, as you may see page 89, where all these Signes are noted Prolifical, or Signes arguing fruitfulnesse; from hence you might have assured the Querent, he might have expected both Brothers and Sisters, or a plentifull numerous kindred; but more Sisters than Brothers, because all the Signes are Feminine, as you may see page 88, and Mars, Lord of the 3rd, is in a Feminine Signe; yet in regard the Moon who is Dispositor of Mars, is in Gemini, a Masculine Signe, and in Sextile platick with Jupiter, a Masculine Planet, Angular, and in a Masculine Signe and House, it’s an argument of the Demandant’s having a Brother or Brethern..
It was too nice a poynt in Art, to predict of the certain number, if we onely intend to satisfie our selfe in generall, leaving the disposing and determination of their certaine number to divine Providence.
The 3rd house is no wayes afflicted, or any ill aspects betwixt Venus, Significatrix of the Querent, and Mars Lord of the 3rd, both being in Signes of the same nature, and Moon Applying by a Square Dexeter in Signes of short ascensions, to Venus; Moon haveing been lately, and yet being within Orbs of the Sextile of Jupiter; there argue an agreement, concord and unity betwixt this Querent Kindred and him, and betwixt him and such Brothers or Sisters as he should in future have.
The Resolution of
Of the FOURTH House, and the Judgment
depending thereupon.
This is the House of Parents, of Lands, Tenements,
Hereditaments, Cities, Towns, Villiages, Farmes,
Manours, Castles, Treasure-trove, or of any thing
hid in the ground, &c.
To Find A Thing hid or mislaid.
Becareful to take your Ascendant exactly, and consider the nature of the Question, viz. whose Goods, or to whom the thing missing, or lost, or enquired after did appertaine; if the Goods be the Querents own Commodity, then see to the Lord of the 2nd; if it belong to the Brother or Sister, then have regard to the Lord of the 4th; if to the Father, the Lord of the 5th; if to the Mother, the Lord of the 11th, &c. and so in order, according to the nature of the Party who proposeth the Question.
If you find the Lord of the 2nd in any Angle, you may judge the thing lost, hid or missing, is within the house of him that demands the Question; and if the Lord of the 2nd be in the Ascendant, or in the Sign wherin the Lord of the Ascendant is, or in one of his houses, you may judge the things is in that part of the house which he himselfe most frequents, or wherein he doth most abide, or is conversant, or where he layeth his owne Commodities, or such things as he most delights in; but if the Lord of the 2nd be in the 10th house, it’s then in his Shop, if he be a Mechanick; if a Gentleman, in his Hall or Dining-room; if a Husband-man, in the ordinary common room of his house, or first room after entrance into his house: If the Lord of the 2nd be in the 7th, it’s in that part of the house where his Wife, or his Maid-servants have most to do in:
If the Lord of the 2nd be
all manner of QUESTIONS.
in the 4th, it’s where the most aged of the house doth lodge, or formerly did most frequent, or in the middle of the house, or in the most ancient part of the house, where either his Father or some ancient man lodged: The nature and quality of the place is knowne by the Signes the Significators are in;for if the Signe of the 2nd be alery, or the greater number of the Significators and Signe wherein Part of Fortune is, doth concurre, the thing is his in the Eaves or top, or upper part of that house or roome where it is, or on high from the ground: and if the thing hid be in the Field, or in a Garden or Orchard, it’s higher then the ordinary ground, or upon the highest hill or part of that ground, or hangs upon some stalk of a Plant or Tree. If the former Significators be strong, and in watry Signes, it’s in the Buttery, Dairy or Wash house, or neer Water.
If in fiery Signes, it’s neer the Chimney, or where Iron is, or in, or neer the Wals of the house. If in earthly Signe, the thing hid is on the ground or earth, under or neer some Pavement or Floor, and if you find the thing to be mislaid out of the house in any ground, it notes neer the Bridge or Stile where people come into the ground..
If your Significator be going out of one Signe and entering another, the thing is behind something or other, or is carelesly fallen downe betwixt two rooms, or neer the Threshold, or joyning together of two rooms, and is higher or lower in the place, according to the nature of the Signe, &c.
[What Part of the House or Ground.]
The Ancients have delivered many rules, and doe say, that to judge in what part of the house or
ground the thing is in, you must see to the Lord of the hour, and if he be in the 10th house or
11th, you may say the thing is in the South part of the house, towards the East; and if he between
the 4th house and Ascendant, then North-east: if he be between the 4th house and 7th, then
North-west; If between the 10th house and the 7th, then Southwest
This is and was the opinion of the former Astrologians, however, I have not found this judgment
very exact, therefore I laboured to find a more certaine manner, and a more exact way for the
The Resolution of
ready discovery or finding out anything mislaid or missing in the house, and not stolen: and it was thus:
First, I considered the Signe ascending, it’s nature, the quarter of Heaven it signified.
Secondly, what Signe the Lord of the Ascendant was in. The Signe of the 4th house.
The Signe the Lord of the 4th was in.. What Signe the Moon was in..
The Signe of the 2nd house.
The Signe the Lord of the 2nd was in.. The Signe Part of Fortune was in. I considered the quality of the Signe, as to shew what part of the house it was in; I mean, what quarter, whether East, West, North or South, according to the greater number of testimonies: and you must know, for things lost, mislaid, or fugitives, there are the true quarters of Heaven the Signes signifie.
Ari. - East, Leo - East by North, Sag.- East by South
Lib. - West, Gem.- West by East, Aqu.- West by North
Can..- North, Sco. - North by East, Pis.- North by West
Cap.- South, Tau.- South by East, Vir.-South by West
Having found the quarter of Heaven, the nature of the Signes showed me also the quality of the place in the house, viz.. aiery Signes, above ground; fiery Signes, neer a Wall or Partition; earthly Signes, on the Floor; watry Signes, neere a moyst place in the roome, &c. A few experiments I know may better this Judgment: I have sometimes in merriment set a present Figure, and by that discovered in what part of the house the Glove, Book or any thing else was hid, and found the rule very true.
Of Buying and Selling Lands, Houses, Farmes, &c.
Give the Ascendant and Lord thereof, and Planet from whom the Moon is separated to the Querent or Buyer.
Give the 7th house the Lord thereof, and the planet to whom the Moon applyes to the Seller.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Give the 4th house, the Planet therein placed, and the Moon and the Lord of the 4th house to the House, Ground or Mannour to be bought or purchased..
Let the 10th house, a Planet or Planets posited therein, and Lord of that house signifie the Price, that is, Whether it will be sold cheap or deer.
[If Agree.]
If you find the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 7th in any amicable aspect, the Lord of the 7th applying to the Lord of the Ascendant, you may judge the Seller hath good will to Sell and to deale with the Querent or Buyer: and if the Significators be in any essentiall Dignities upon this their application or translation of light; or their application be by Conjunction, it’s then probable they will agree and conclude upon the Purchase with little labour: if the application or translation of light be by Square or Opposition, the two Parties will at last bargaine, but with many words and probabilities of breaking off, and after much expense of time. Consider also, if the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon apply to the Lord of the 4th, or the Lord of the 4th or the Moon to the Lord of the Ascendant, and whether only the Lord of the 4th apply to the Lord of the Ascendant, and he receive him in any of his Dignities, or if the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 4th, or the Moon, or the Lord of the 4th in the Ascendant, then shall the Party enquiring buy the House or Inheritance at that time in question, But if this dwelling in houses be not, yet if the Moon transferre the virtue or light of the Lord of the 4th to the Lord of the Ascendant, the Bargaine will be concluded, but rather by Messengers or Brokers, than by the personall treaty of the two principall Agents. If there be no application or translation, or transferring the light of one Planet or another, it’s not like there will be any Bargaine concluded..
Of the goodnesse or badnesse of the Land or House..
[House or Land, good or ill.]
If you find in the 4th house the 2 Infortunes, very potent or peregrine, or if the Lord of the 4th be
Retrograde or
The Resolution of
unfortunate, or in Fall or Detriment, ‘twill never continue long with your Posterity.. But if either Jupiter, Venus or North Node be in the 4th, or the Lord of the 4th in his owne house, viz. in the 4th, the Purchaser may expect good successe in the Land or House now in buying, and that it may continue a long time with his Posterity, and it’s an argument he shall have good encrease for his Money by that Bargaine.
[Quality of the ground.]
If it be arrable land, and you would know the nature of it, make the ascendant the Significaton of the Tenants, Husband-men and Farmers occupying it.
The 4th house shall signifie the condition and nature of the soyl, its form and condition; or of a House or Houses, when the Question is for them.
The Angle of the West shall signifie the Herbage thereof, and the quality and quantity, but the Medium Coeli is Signifier of the Wood, Trees and Plants growing thereupon..
[Tenants, good or ill.]
It an Infortune possesse the Ascendant, the Tenants or Occupants are ill, deceitfull and unwilling the goodnesse of the ground should be discovered: if a Fortune be in the Ascendant judge the contrary, viz. the Tenants are honest men, and doe give, and will give the Land lord content, and will love him besides, and are content to hold what they have already, and to occupy the Land still; but if an infortunate Planet be in the ascendant and direct, the Tenants will purloyne the Woods, or weare out the virtue of the land; but if he be Retrograde, the Tenants wil put the land upon the Landlord, or will run away or throw up their Leases.
[Wood on the ground.]
If a Fortunate Planet be in the Mid-fleaven and Direct, say there is good Timber upon the
ground, and good store; if the Fortune be Retrograde, judge there are many Trees, but little
Timber, and those lopt, or that of late the Seller hath sold many, or made much spoyle thereof, or
that the Trees are much decayed, &c.. if an Infortune be in the Medium Coeli, direct, there’s then
but few Trees; if he be Retrograde, say, the Country people have stolne, or made great wast
But if no planet be in the Mid-heaven, see to the Lord of that house, if he behold it with a good
aspect, and be in any of his
all manner of QUESTIONS.
owne Dignities, say there is some Wood on the ground; if he does not behold the Mid-heaven, either there is little or no Wood, or it is North nothing; if the Lord of the 10th be Orientall, and behold his owne house, the Trees are young ones, or the Wood of small growth, or there are Copses: but if the Lord of the 10th be Occidentall, and in the condition beforesaid, the Trees are of more growth, and the Wood is ancient; and if the Lord of the 10th be then direct, the Trees are found, and will continue so a long time; but if Retrograde, there’s many Trunks and hollow Trees among them..
Having considered what precedes, consider the Angle of the West, or the 7th house, which will declare unto thee the state and quality of the Herbage, or smaller Plants of the ground, for if you find either Jupiter or Venus, or the Lord of the 7th in the 7th, it’s an argument the Land yeelds plenty of Grasse, Come, or what is reasonably required from it, if an Infortune be there, judge the contrary, &c.
[Quality of the ground.]
In consideration of the property of the earth, have respect to the 4th house and Signe of the 4th, for if Aries, Leo or Sagittarius be on the cusp of the house, it’s hilly, mountainous, dry and hard piece of ground, or a great part of it is so; if either Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn be on the cusp of the 4th, the ground is plaine, champion, and excellent Pastorage, or good for Grazing or Tillage. If Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, it’s neither very hilly or very plaine (flat), but there is grounds of both types, and in nature part of it is good, and part not so: if Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then there is no doubt but there is some pretty River, Rivolet, or good store of Water.
You must for the perfect knowledge of the quality and nature of the soyle, observe this generall
rule, That if an Infortune be in the Signe of the 4th, Retrograde, or in his Fall or Detriment, the
land shall partake highly in the infelicity that Planet signifies; as if Scorpio be the cusp of the
4th, and Saturn is place therein, and is either Retrograde or afflicted by some other Misfortune, you may confidently averre, the ground is troubled with too much Water, or it’s Boggy and unwholesome, full of long rushy Grasse, &c.
And if the Land lye neer the Sea, you may feare the excursion of the Sea, or a decay in the Seabanks,
or it is subject to be overflowne with the River or Water, &c. if Saturn afflict a fiery
The Resolution of
Signe in the 4th, the Land is barren, stony nungry, mountainous, yeelds no profit without infinite labour, wants water, for it’s naturally barren, produces little Grasse: If Saturn afflict the sign of Gemini, by his presence there, or any of the humane Signes, viz. Libra or Aquarius, by his retrogradation, that Signe being the cusp of the 4th, there’s yet defect in the goodnesse of the Land, and ill Husbands have formerly managed it unthriftily:
If he be unfortunate in an earthly Signe, upon the Signe of the 4th, the Land is good, but the present Occupiers give it not its due Tillage, or are not in the right way in their managing it, they are idle, lazy, slothfull, penurious, and unwilling to bestow cost upon it; besides, it’s an heavy clay ground, and the Farmers understand not the nature of the Soyl, &c.
[Cheap or Dear.]
This is knowne by the Lord of the 10th, for if he be Angular, Direct, and strong in essentiall
Dignities, the price will be high, and the Seller will put it off at deare rates; but if the Lord of the
10th be cadent, retrograde, slow of motion, afflicted, then the price will not rise high.
If it be good to hire or take the Farme, House
or Land Desired.
Give the Ascendant and his Lord to the person of him that would hire a House, or take Lands. Let the 7th house and his Lord signifie him or her that hath the letting or selling of this House or Farme.
Let the 10th house and the Lord thereof signifie the Profit which may arise by that undertaking. The 4th house, and Planets therein placed shall shew the end which shall ensue upon taking, or not taking the House, Land or Farme, &c. be it what it will be.
If the Lord of the Ascendant shall be in the Ascendant or Signe ascending, or shall have a Sextile
or Trifle aspect unto the Signe ascending, but more properly to the degree ascending, within the
moyity of his owne Orbs, or if in the Ascendant there be a Fortune, whether essentially dignified
or not, or if Part Of Fortune be therein placed, and not impedited, it’s an argument or
all manner or QUESTIONS
testimony the Farmer shall take the House, Land or Farme, and is full of hope to doe good thereby, or that it will be a good Bargaine, and he obtain much profit thereby, and that he hath much liking to the thing, and is well pleased therewith.
But if an Infortune be in the Ascendant (it’s no matter which of them) if the man have taken the thing ere he come unto you, it now repents him; if he have not taken it already, he has no will thereunto; or if he does take it, he will presently post it off to some other party, for he nothing at all earns for the Bargaine.
Having considered what belongs to the party intending to buy or take a Lease, have now recourse to the 7th house, and Lord thereof, for him that shall let it: If you find the Lord of the 7th in the 7th, or casting a benevolent aspect to the cusp of the house, or find a fortunate Planet therein, the man will keep his word with you, you shall have what you bargaine with him for, but he will profit by the bargaine.
If an Infortune be in the 7th, and not Lord of the 7th, have great care of the Covenants and Conditions to be drawne betwixt you, the Landlord will be too hard for you, he minds nothing but his owne ends in dealing with you.
Consider the 10th house afterwards, and if a fortunate Planet be therein, or behold the 10th house, the parties notwithstanding some rubs, will proceed in their Bargaine, and the House, Farme or Lands will be let to the Querent.
But if you find an Unfortunate Planet in the 10th, or behold that house with an Opposition or Square aspect, there will be no house or Lands taken; and if it be Land that is in agitation to be let, it’s probable they differ about the Wood or Timber on the ground, or upon the new erecting of some houses or building upon the ground; or if it be a house, they differ upon the repaires thereof.
As to the end of the businesse, see to the 4th house, and let that signifie the end thereof; if there be a Fortune therein, or if the Lord of the 4th be there, or behold the house with Sextile or Trine, there will come a good end of the matter in hand, both parties will be pleased: but if an Infortune be there, in conclusion, the Matter, bargain or thing demised wil neither please the one party or other.
The Resolution of
If the Querent shall enjoy the Estate of his Father.
You must in this Question give the Ascendant and Lord thereof to the Querent; the 4th house,
Lord thereof and Planet posited in the 4th for the Significator of the Father; the personall Estate
or Goods moveable of the Father are signified by the 5th house, his Lord, and any Planet
accidentally placed in the 5th; if in this Question you find the Lord of the 2nd and Lord of the 5th
in reception, the Lord of the 5th being in the 2nd, and the Lord of the 2nd in the 5th, there’s no
doubt to be made but the Querent shall have a competent fortune out of the Estate of his Father;
but if it happen that the Lord of the 5th house be Retrograde, or in some bad aspect of any
malevolent Planet, then some part of that Estate the Father intends for the Querent, will be
wasted or otherwayes disposed of by the Father; and if you enquire wherefore or upon what
grounds, or who shall be the occasion of it? then see what Planet it is that impedites the Lord of
the 5th, either by Square or Opposition, or if it be the Sun by Combustion, what house he is Lord
of; if it be the Lord of the 6th, it’s probable it is one of the Fathers Brothers or Sisters, or some of
his Tenants or Neighbours that will perswade the Father to alter his intention, and to diminish
part of what he did formerly intend to doe: If it be the Lord of the 7th, it is some Woman or
Sweethart, or one the Querent hath been sometimes at variance with, that will withdraw the
Parents intention: If it be the Lord of the 12th, it’s some sneaking Parson or Parish Priest, or
some or other of the Mothers Kindred; now if upon the description of the Party, the Querent is
well informed of him or her who it is, and he is desirous to obtain this parties favour or good
will, that so he may be lesse malicious unto him, let him then observe, when the Planet who
impedites, and the Lord of the Ascendant, are approaching to a Sextile or Trine or Conjunction,
and that day that in the Ephemeris he shall find the Moon seperating from the one, and applying
to the other, let him, I say, about or at that time endeavour a reconcilement, and it’s
all manner of QUESTIONS.
not to be doubted that he may obtaine his desires, as I have found many times by good experience.
If the Lord of the 5th dispose of Part of Fortune, and be in the Ascendant or 2nd, the Querent shall obtain his desires which he expects from his Father.
If Jupiter or Venus out of the 5th house cast their benevolent aspects to any Planet in the Querents 2nd, it argues the same.
If the Moon separate from the Lord of the 5th, and either have presently after a Sextile or Trifle to the Lord of the 2nd, or of the Ascendant, it shows strong and assured hopes of aquiring the thing demanded of the Father.
If you find an Infortune in the 4th, not having Dignities there, then you may say the Father hath little left to part with his Money, nor will it be good to move him much, untill that unfortunate Planet be transited out of that Signe; but if you cannot stay so long, observe when that unfortunate Planet is Direct, Swift in Motion, Orientall, and in Sextile or Trine with Jupiter or Venus, or with the Lord of the Ascendant, and then let the Father be moved in the businesse:
This I write, where the Querent would have present meanes, and cannot conveniently stay the Fathers leizure: nor do I write, that the observation of those times doe themselves enforce the mind or will of the Father, but that then at those times there’s more benevolent inclinations. If you find the Lord of the 2nd and the 5th, applying by Retrogradation to any good aspect, the Querent will receive some Estate from his Father suddenly, ere he be aware, or when he least thinks of it: now to know, whether the Father love the Querent better than any of his Brothers or Sisters, you must observe, whether the Lord of the 3rd, or any Planet in the 3rd be neerer to, or in better aspect with the Lord of the 4th, then the Lord of the Ascendant is, or if there be any reception betwixt them, viz. the Significators of Brothers and Sisters, or translation of light, and none betwixt the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 4th, You may then be assured, the Fathers affection stands more to another then to the Querent; the Planet neerest in aspect to the Lord of the 4th, shews the party or person beloved, so do the most powerfull reception of Significators.
The Resolution of
If Good to remove from one house or place to another,
or to stay or abide in any place or not?
See to the Lords of the Ascendant, the 4th house and 7th house, for if the Lord of the 4th be in the 7th, and be a good Planet, and the Lord of the 1st and 7th be good Planets, or strong in that part of Heaven where they are, or in the whole Figure, if they be Direct, and of swift motion, and in good aspect with good Planets, it is good then to abide still and not remove from the place where the Querent is; but if the Lord of the 7th be with a good Planet, and the Lord of the 4th with an evill one, it is then not good to stay, for if he doe, he shall receive much damage there:
That which I have observed in this manner of Judgment was this; That if the Lord of the Ascendant did lately separate from the Square or Opposition of the Lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th, and the Moon also did concure in judgment, viz. if she separate from any evill aspect of the Infortunes, they being Lords of either the 7th or 4th &c. and not Friends or Significators in the person of the Querent; or if I found an Infortune in the Ascendant, Peregrine or Retrograde, or if a Peregrine or unfortunate Planet was in the 4th, or if the Lord of the 2nd was weak or ill posited, I advised the Querent to remove his habitation, and gave him reason why he should; for if I found the Lord of the 6th house in the Ascendant, or afflicting the Lord of the Ascendant, I judged he had his health very bad there, was sickly, or tormented with ill servants, by whose meanes he did not thrive in his Vocation.
If the Lord of the 12th afflicted the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon, I said he had backbiting, evill or slanderous Neighbours, or people that lived not very farre from him did scandalize him:
If the Lord of the 2nd was unfortunate, or in Square or Opposition to the Lord of the Ascendant, or if Part of Fortune was in the 12th, 8th or 6th, I judged he went back in the world, and his Estate consumed.
If his Significator, viz. if the Lord of the Ascendant was
afflicted by the Lord of the 10th, I acquainted him, his Reputation was lost, his Trade decayed, or
had no Trading; and if the Lord of the 4th was unfortunate, or the 4th house itself, I judged the
house was unlucky, and few that had lived therein did thrive, or that the Repaires of the house
had much weakened him, r the house stood not conveniently for his Trade]. If the Lord of the 7th
afflicted the Lord of the Ascendant or 2nd, his overthwart Neighbours had all the Trade, were
better furnished with Commodities, &c. Now in giving direction which way to steer his course,
in hopes of better Trading, I observed what Planet in the Scheame was most fortunate and
strongest, and had the most friendly aspect to either the Lord of the Ascendant or Lord of the
2nd, look what quarter of Heaven the Signe that Planet was in did signifie, to that part did I ever advise the Querent to remove; and I remember not, that any ever repented their following my advice; many have afterwards returned to me thanks and rewards. And whereas I mention these words (perhaps the house was unluckie) some may cavill at the words, and say,God’s blessing is alike in all places, and it’s superstitious to judge, a house that is not a living thing, can be made unsuccessfull or unfortunate, &c.: Let them enjoy their opinion still; there’s not a man in this world lesse superstitious than my selfe, yet what I have found by experience, I freely communicate, and doe remaine of this opinion; That in what house any execrable facts are committed, the ministring of Angels of God feeling the villany done in that house, and the dishonor done to God therein, doe accurse that place or house; which continues so long, as there is not a full expiation made by some godly person, for the sinnes committed in that house; or untill the time limited by the angry Angel be expired, the house shall remaine a most unfortunate house for any to live in: And this which I write, and is inflicted upon houses which are insensible, I assuredly know is preformed to the full upon the great and smaller Families of this world, &c. How in a naturall way to discharge these curses, Sunt Sigilla & Lamina quae nec Scripta Sunt,& ego novi.
But some for resolution of this Question, say, if the Moon separate at time of the Question from
Jupiter or Venus, then
The Resolution of
stay; if she separate trom an Intortune, remove; or a Fortune in the Ascendant bids you stay; an Infortune remove: This heedfully considered with the preceeding Judgment, will instruct any indifferent Astrologer to reslove the preceding Question concerning removing from one place to another.
Of turning the course of Rivers, or bringing Water into
ones Ground or House, either by Conduit or Pipes.
In this manner of judgment, you must principally consider the position and strength of Saturn
and the Moon, and in what aspect they or either of them are in, either with Jupiter or Venus; for
if you find Saturn Direct, Swift in Motion, Orientall, and the Moon in the 3rd, 11th or 5th house,
without any aspect either good or evill to Mars, it’s an argument, the Work that is to be
undertaken will have good successe, be brought to a good conclusion, and that the Querent will
have prosperity and credit by it, and the matter easily performed; and this the rather, if the Moon
apply to that Planet who is Lord of the Signe wherein she is, and he receive her in any of his
Dignities; and if that Planet who is receiver of the Moon be a Fortune, and is ascending in his
latitude, and in a fixed Signe, the Querent shall not need to feare, but that there will be water
enough, and that it will run plentifully, and the Water-course will long continue: if there be in the
10th house either Jupiter or Venus, but especially Jupiter, it’s a sure argument the River, Channel, Conduit, Pipe or Water-work shall remaine many a yeer. In further consideration of this judgment, if you find Saturn in the 11th, very strong and potent, and the Moon in Sextile or Trine unto him, and the Dispositor of the Moon in a fixed Signe, or a common one, or the Moon her self e in one of those Signes producing Raine, which are Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Pisces.
All these arguments, that in the work you are in hand with, you shall have a good Current, and
plenty of Water; but if you find an infortunate Planet in the 10th, it’s probable your Pipes will
215 break, your Water-course be subject to ruptures or breaking downe of the Banks, the Water will not run constantly, that the Plot is ill laid, nor is there any successe promised to the undertaker or undertakers, by that present imployment.
Of Treasure lying hid in the Ground, or to be
digged out of the Earth.
The resolution of this Question is various, according to the nature of its propasall, or according to the nature and quality of the thing enquired after, viz. whether Money, Plate or Jewels, or things easily movable, or for Treasure long since obscured or hid, the Querent not knowing what it is: or if it be, whether there be any Mine of Gold, Silver or Iron, or any other minerals in the Ground, Mannor or Lordship now questioned; then it is requisite to know whether the Querent did hide or obscure this Treasure now enquired after, or whose it was, or what relation the party that did so had unto him, or whether that he aske in a generall way of Treasure hid, not being able to discover either when, where, or whose, or what it is?
If the Querent did hide his own Plate, Money or Jewels in any part of his Ground, or in his house, and hath forgotten whereabouts, you must herein observe the Signe of the 2nd house, the Lord thereof, what Signe and quarter of Heaven he is in, as also, the Signe of the 4th and his Lord, and what quarter of Heaven they signifie: the Lord of the 2nd and of the 4th in Angles, the Plate is still in the house, or in the ground, and not removed; but if these Planets be not in Angles, but an Infortune, without dignities, be either in the 4th or 7th, there’s then either part of it, or all removed and made away; and if your Figure promise, that your Goods are not removed, to find in what part they are, have recourse to the first Chapter of this house concerning things hid, &c.
If the question be concerning Treasure absolutely, without knowledge whose or what it was, viz.
whether there be any in the
The Resolution of
place or ground suspected, yea or no; observe in the Figure whether Jupiter or Venus or North Node be in the 4th house, there’s then probability of Treasure being there; if they be there and in their owne houses, the matter is without dispute, and you may be sure there is Treasure, or something of value in the house or ground suspected; or if you find either Saturn or Mars in any of their owne houses, Direct, and without Impediment, and in the 4th, there is also Treasure, or if you find Venus in Taurus in the 4th, not labouring with any misfortune, it’s probable there is Treasure there, for you must know there is no Planet unfortunate, when he is in his owne house, or essentially dignified, and a Significator.
If you are ignorant of the nature and quality of the Treasure, or thing obscurred, then see to the Planet who signifieth the Treasure, and consider if he be Lord of the 7th house and examine his nature and property, if he be so; if he be not Lord of the 7th, joyne the Lord of the 7th in judgment with him, so frame a mixture for the quality of the thing. But if that Planet who is Significator of the Treasure be not Lord of the 7th or have affinity with him, then absolutely take the Lord of the 7th to signifie the nature and Species of the Treasure; who if he be the Sun, and he in his house or exaltation, there is Gold there, or precious Stones or Jewels of that colour, or neer to the colour of the Sun.
And if the Question were, Whether there were a good Mine yea or no? the place considered, it’s like there is; if the Sun be not so well dignified, and yet signifie the Treasure, it’s then somewhat very precious, and neere to Gold in goodnesse.
If the Moon be in her owne house or exaltation, and be Lady of the 7th, the Treasure is Silver, Plate, Crystal or Jewels &c. of the colour she is of, &c.
If Mars be the Lord of the 7th, and so dignified, he shewes, the thing sought after may be Brasse or Glasse, or some Curiosities or Engine of Iron &c. but if he be weak, perhaps you may find some old rusty Iron, Candlesticks, Kettles &c. If the Question were about the Iron-stone, it’s probable it will prove good Iron217 all manner of QUESTIONS..
stone, and make good Iron. If Saturn be Lord of the 7th, and fortified as before specified, there’s some Antiquities of great account, or ancient Monuments of men long since deceased, some Urne, &c. or there are some things wrapt up in old blacke Cloaths, or woodden Boxes: and if the Question were concerning any Mine or quarry of Stone, then it’s very probable there is a rich Mine of Coles, if the Question were concerning Coles, or of good Stone, if the Question were of it: but if Saturn be weak, and ill dignified, then neither is the Mine a rich one, or can it be wrought without much expense of Treasure; whether it be full of water, or what may be the impediment, you must require from the Signe he is in, well considering what was formerly said in this Chapter.
If Jupiter be Lord of the 7th and essentially fortified, there is Silver or very rich Cloth, and great store of it, or Tyn, &c.
If Venus be Lady of the 7th, she intimates curious Householdstuffe, costly Jewels, or that fine Linnen is there hid..
If Mercury be Significator, he prenotes some Pictures, Medals, Writings, Books, some pretty Toyes are obscured, or are the Treasure looked after..
If the Querent shall obtaine the Treasure hid.
If the Planet who Signifies the Treasure or thing hid, doth apply to the Lord of the Ascendant, or
if there be mutuall reception or translation, or collation of light and nature between them, it’s
probable the Querent shall obtaine the matter sought after; if the aspect be by Square or
Opposition, then not without difficulty and much labour; and the more assuredly, if they be in a
fixed Signe, and posited in the Querents 2nd house, or in the Ascendant, either of the Luminaries
placed in the Ascendant and not unfortunated, gives great faculty in the Work; but if neither of
them be in the Ascendant, or behold it, but be both in cadent houses, there remaines little hopes
in the matter: When Part of Fortune is in the Ascendant, and also his Lord or Dispositor, it
promises acquisition of the Treasure: but if the Lord of Part of Fortune be cadent, and both the
Lights, especially the Moon, and have no aspect to the Part of Fortune,
The Resolution of
or the Lord of the Ascendant behold not the Ascendant I can give the Querent then no hope of obtaining the Treasure or thing hid: Alkindus giveth this generall rule concerning Treasure, or anything obscured in the ground; Erect your Figure aright, consider the severall aspects of the Planets, if there be in the Ascendant, or in any Angle a Fortune, say, there is Treasure in the ground, and that the thing hid is still in the ground, the quality, price, esteem thereof, shall be according to the potency, vertue or debility of the Fortune.
If you find the thing hid to be unremoved, then he proceeds and saith, behold the Lord of the
Ascendant and the Moon, if there be any good aspects betwixt them, and that Fortune which
signified the Treasure to be there, viz. a good aspect and reception, he that demands the question
shall then have the thing enquired after, &c. He further says, that fixed Signes shew the thing is
hid in the Earth, common Signes in or neer a Wall, moveable Signes on high, or in the covering
of houses: whether it lye deep in the earth or not, consider if the Planet Significator, be in the
beginning, middle or neer the end of the Signe; if he be newly entered the Signe, the Commodity
is not deep, but shallow, neer the upper part of the earth; the further the Planet is in the Signe, the
deeper, when you would dig, let not the Infortunes be angular, but if possible, the Significators
applying by Sextile or Trine to the Lord of the 2nd house, and the Moon seperating from the
Significator of the Treasure, and applying to the Lord of your Ascendant
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If I should purchase Master B. his houses.
The Inheritance of the house wherein at this present 1647, I live, and some others being proffered me to buy 1634. I had a desire to know if I should deal with the Seller and procure Moneys in convenient time to pay for the Purchase, (my owne Money being in such hands as I could not call it in under six moneths warning) being desirous, I say, to purchase the said houses, and fully resolved upon it, I took my own Question my selfe, at what time I found my mind was most perplexed and solicitous about it; the time of my Quere to my selfe fell out according to the position of Heaven aforesaid.
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The Resolution of
The Signe Ascending is Libra, the degree of the Signe is the same wherein Jupiter was in my Radix; I looked upon that as a good Omen in the first place..
Venus is for my selfe, the Sun locally placed in the 7th is for the Seller; the Sun receives Venus
in his Exaltation; besides, Venus is neer the cusp of the 7th, and no other Planet in the 7th Sun
excepted, which signified, there was at present no other purchaser about it but my selfe: the Sun
so exalted and angular prenoted the Seller to be high in his Demands, (and so he was) nor was
he necessitated to depart with it: finding, I say, my Significator received of Sun, and so neer to
the cusp of the Angle of the West, it was an argument I should proceed further in the matter,
notwithstanding Venus her many Debilities; for as I found Sun Lord of the 7th, so also was he
Lord of the 11th, signifying my hopes should not be frustrated: besides, Venus was Applying to
a Trifle of Saturn, Lord of the 4th, viz. the houses enquired after, and had no abscission or
frustration ere the perfect aspect; a main strong argument I should buy the houses: and indeed
both Significators strongly applyed to a Trine aspect viz. Saturn and Venus, for Saturn is
Retrograde: I also considered the Sun was in perfect Trine with Saturn, the Sun being, as I said,
Lord of my 11th, and he of the 4th; Saturn has also signification of me, as Querent, because he
beholds the Ascendant, and therein has exaltation: now whether you consider him, as having
Dignities in the Ascendant, or as Lord of the 4th, the Lord of the 11th and he Applying unto
each other by a Trine, argued, assuredly I should proceed further in the matter, and in the end
conclude for them: The Moon in the next place translating the influence of Mars, who hath
Dignities in the 7th, to Saturn, having vertue in the Ascendant, though by a Square aspect (yet
out of Signes of long ascensions) did much facilitate the matter, and argued my going on, and
probability of contracting, but with some leisure, and slowly, because of the Square aspect; for
as the Moon is afflicted, and Venus unfortunate, so had I much to doe, and many meetings about
it; the Seller not abating one penny of the five hundred and sixty pounds, being the first penny
he demanded: As the Sun is neer to a Sextile aspect of Jupiter, so did a joviall man endeavour to
procure the purchase unto himselfe (this was after I had begun and before I had concluded); but
Jupiter is cadent, and in detriment, shewing he should not prevaile, Venus angular and in
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all manner of QUESTIONS.
aspect with Saturn Lord of the thing sought after; and as Sun is Lord of the 11th, which is the 5th from the 7th, so a Daughter of the Sellers was my very good friend in this businesse, and suffered no interloper to intervene, though some offered fair (to hinder me); for Mars in my 2nd house Retrograde, argues I should get none of my owne Monies to supply my occasions; nor did I:
Jupiter Lord of the Part of Fortune in Sextile with Sun no wayes impedited, but by being in
detriment, in Sextile Platick with Venus Lady of my Ascendant, shortly entering his exaltation,
gave me such hopes as I doubted not of procuring Monies when he entered Cancer, and Mars
became direct, which he did 12 days after, at what time a friend lent me 500 L. The quality of the
houses are signified by Capricorn the Signe of the 4th, and Saturn Lord of the 4th, who having no
materiall debilities, except Retrogradation and Cadency, also being in Trine with Sun; the houses
were really old, but strong and able to stand many yeers. When Venus and Sun came to
Conjunction in Taurus, that day I bargained, viz. die Venus 25 Aprill following: the 17 of May
Venus and Moon in Conjunction; I paid 530 _, and my conveyance was Sealed. So that as Venus
wanted 6 degrees of the body of the Sun, so was it 6 weeks and some dayes from the time of the
question ere I perfected what the Figure promised; as to the Moles and Scars of my body it does
exactly agree: for as Venus is in Aries, which represents the face, so have I a Mole on my Cheek
about the middle or it; and as Libra Ascends, I have one on the reines of my backe, the Moon in
Virgo Afflicted by Mars, I have a red Mole below my Navell, Jupiter Lord of the 6th in Gemini a
Masculine Signe, I have a Mole neer my right hand visible on the outside; so have I on the left
foot, as Pisces the Signe of the 6th does represent. Many things might be considered herein,
besides what is written; but I feare this book will increase beyond my first intention: Ergo. The
truth of the matter is, I had a hard bargaine, as the Figure every way considered doth manifest,
and shall never live to see many of the leases yet in being, expired: and as Venus is in Aries, viz.
opposite to her owne House, so did I do my self e injury by the Bargaine, I mean in matter of
Money; but the love I bore to the House I now live in, wherein I lived happily with a good
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The Resolution of
full seven yeers, therein obtained my first Wife, and was bountifully blessed by God with the Goods of this World therein, made me neglect a small hinderance, nor now, I thanke God, doe I repent it; finding Gods blessing in a plentifull measure upon my Labours: yet was I no Taylor or Scriverner, as Wharton affirmes, or indeed any profession at all; nor was my Master a Taylor, or my Wife a Scriveners Widdow.
Of the FIFTH HOUSE, and its
If one shall have Children, yea or no?
When this question is demanded by a man or woman, long before marriage, or by some ancient
Batchelour or Maid, Whether they shall have any Child or Children, yea or not? herein generally
you are to consider, whether the Signe upon the 5th, or Ascending, be of those we call Fruitfull,
yea or no, (viz.. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and whether the Lord of the Ascendant (be the Signe
what it will) or the Moon be in aspect with the Lord of the 5th house, and that aspect be either
Conjunction, Sextile, Trine or Square (though Conjunction is not properly an aspect) which if it
be so, and the Planet to whom the Lord of the 5th doth Apply, or is in aspect with, be free from
Combustion, and other Accidentall or Essentiall misfortunes, it’s an argument the good old
Batchelour or stale Maid, or whoever propounds the Question, shall have Children or Issue ere
they dye; In like case judge, if the Lord of the 5th be in the Ascendant, or else the Moon, or the
Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon apply to the Lord of the 5th, yet if there be rendering of
vertue or light one unto another, or translation of collection by or from the principall
Significators, you may still continue your judgment,
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all manner of QUESTIONS.
that the Querent shall have issue, but not so scone, as if it had been forseen by the first manner of judgment. After all this, have respect to the Planet who is receiver of the Disposition of the Significators; who if he be clear from misfortune or affliction, viz. from Retrogradation, Combustion, or Cadency in House, it gives great hopes of issue.. See also if that Planet from whom the Moon is separated the Lord of the 5th Signe from the Signe wherein the Planet is to whom the Moon applies, and both these Planets have any aspects to each other; that also doth testify the party shall have Children or a Childe. If no aspect happen betwixt them, it’s not then likely he will have any; and yet some say, that is the above named Planets or Significators be not in any Aspect, yet if the Planet to whom the Moon Applies be in an Angle, the Querent may have Issue.
If a Woman aske, whether she may conceive?
Many times a Woman married, having been long without Children, may inquire, whether she is like to Conceive, yea or no? In this Question you are to consider:
If the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, or the Lord of the 5th in the 1st, or the Lord of the 1st in the 5th, or if the Lord of the 5th be in the 7th, or the Lord of the 7th in the 5th, or the Moon with him, or good Planets in the Ascendant, or with the Lord of the 5th, or in any of the Angles; she may then conceive: but if none of these testimonies concurre, and you find barren Signes and ill Planets to be in the former places, she neither is at present conceived, or will thereafter conceive. If good and bad Planets be mixed together, she may perhaps conceive or have Children, but they will not live: If Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces be in the Ascendant or 5th, she may have Children; but if Leo or Virgo be there, she neither is at present, or hardly after will be with Child. When women have been long without Children, and propound such a Question, see if their Nativity did not originally deny Children..
At what time, or how long it may be before she have a Childe?
If you finde that according to naturall causes she may have a Childe or Children; and the Querent
is desirious to know neer
The Resolution of
what time: See then where you find the Lord of the 5th house, viz. if in the ascendant or 1st house; then judge the 1st yeere; if in the 2nd house, the 2nd yeere; if in the 10th house, the 3rd yeere; if in the 7th house, the 4th yeere; if in the 4th house, the 5th yeere. And herein you must be carefull in considering what Signe the Lord of the 5th house is in; for the Swiftnesse of a Planet in a moveable Signe doth somewhat hasten the time; a double bodied Signe doth not manifest so soon; fixed Signes prolong the matter; however, this is worthy of your consideration, that let the Significator be in what Signe he will be, yet if he be swift in motion and direct, he doth make the more haste in performance of the businesse he is a Significator in, and causeth the matter sooner to be accomplished..
Whether the Querent shall have Children,
be he Man or Woman that asketh?
Behold the Ascendant, and if fortunate Planets behold the same, and the Lord thereof be in the Ascendant, or in the 10th, 11th or 5th house, and you finde Jupiter also well placed together with that Planet who is Lord of the Triplicity ascending, and he be not Combust or Retrograde; judge then, if the Man aske the Question, he may have Children, or is capable of getting them. If a woman inquires, say, she may Conceive, and is not naturally barren. If the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 4th or 7th, and Jupiter in a good house of Heaven, do you say, the party shall have a Childe a long time after the asking of the Question..
But if you finde the Ascendant afflicted, or infortunated by the Malevolent Planets, and the Lord
of the Ascendant in an evill place or House of heaven, and Jupiter Cadent, or in the 8th or
Combust, or not fully elongated from the Sunne-Beames; then you shall judge he will have few
Children, and they sickly, hardly able to live.. It’s also a great Signe of non-conception, or no
capacity to conceive, when the Moon is unfortunate.. If you find a Fortunate Planet in the 5th
house, or having a benigne aspect to the Cuspe thereof; it gives hope and strong testimony of
all manner of QUESTIONS
having a Childe in a little compasse of time; but if an infortune be in the 5th ill dignified, Combust, Retrograde, slow of motion, &c. the Querent will have no Children; but if the infortune be direct and swift, Orientall, and in any of his essentiall dignities, he shall signifie Children; the more Children if Jupiter, Venus or Sun be in Sextile or Trine with him out of good houses: you must ever remember, that the neerer a Fortune is to the Ascendant, the sooner the Querent may expect Children, the more remote the longer time must be allowed. Others observe this rule following, That if Jupiter be in the Ascendant or 5th, and in a Signe which is not barren, it’s an argument the Querent may have a Childe; there is also much strength in the Lord of the house; for if he be angular with reception of the Lord of that Angle where he is, or in the 11th or 5th with the like reception, it is a sure testimony of having Children. In all Questions concerning Children, be carefull of the age of the Querent, and some other natural or hereditary infirmity incident to the Querent, and seldome conclude without two testimonies.
If a Man shall have Children by his Wife yea or not, or of
any other Woman whom he nominates.
When it is demanded of you by any Man, Whether he shall have any Children by the Wife he
hath, or the Woman he mentions; or if a Woman aske if she shall have Issue or Children by such
a Man. Behold the Ascendant, his Lord and the Moon, and if the Lord of the Ascendant or the
Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 5th, you may judge he or she shall have Issue by the party
inquired of; if this be not, then see if any translation be from the Lord of the 5th to the Lord of
the Ascendant; that’s an argument of having Children after some space of time: If the Lord of the
Ascendant or the Moon be in the 5th house, he or she may have Children, or the Lord of the 5th
in the Ascendant: if none of these be, consider if the Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon, and the
Lord of the 5th be not joyned to a Planet more ponderous then themselves; for he collecting both
their lights, shall be the receiver of their disposition, and shall signifie whether the
The Resolution of
Childe or Children (if any be) shall live or not; if he be not impedited the Children then shall live, but if he be Retrograde, Combust, Peregrine, or otherwise unfortunate, neither will the Children live long, or will the Parents take comfort of these Children. After this, consider Jupiter, who naturally signifieth Children, if he be in the Ascendant, 3rd, 5th, 9th or 11th house, free from all manner of misfortune; you may affirme the Woman shall shortly conceive, perhaps upon the first congresse or coition after the asking of the Question, or a little after, and the matter seems as good as done.
If Venus be in the 5th no way impedited, and some other Fortune be there besides, it hastens the time, and she will conceive very suddenly. But if Jupiter be in the aforesaid places impedited, say, that either she is not conceived, or if she be, it will not come to perfection, for the Woman shall suffer abortion. In like manner if Venus be unfortunate by Saturn or Mars, or be under the Sun-Beames, or Combust, the Woman is not conceived, unlesse a Fortune be in the 5th house, and then she is more assuredly with Childe, or shall be shortly; yet you may justly feare she will suffer mischance ere the birth.
If either Saturn or Mars, or especially South Node be in the 5th, or the two former malevolents cast their Opposition to the 5th, it seems the woman is not with childe; and verily the Square of the Infortunes to the 5th house seems to hinder conception.
Whether She is With Child or Not.
A woman mistrusting her selfe to be with Child, and desirous to know the truth; if she aske the Question of thee, then give Answer, having well considered your Figure, erected according to the time of her demand, viz. as these following rules direct you.
[She is. ]
The Lord of the Ascendant or Moon behold the Lord of the 5th with any aspect or translation.
If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon be in the 5th house, free from the malevolent aspect
of the Infortunes and direct; and herein you must not wholly rely upon Saturn and Mars or the
South Node to be the onely Unfortunate Planets, (I meane Saturn and Mars for Planets, Not
Nodes) you must consider the position of
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Heaven at the time of erecting your Scheame, and take any evill aspects of the Lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th, be he what Planet he will, to be an affliction, if he have Square or Opposition to the Lord of the 5th, or Lord of the Ascendant, or the Moon.
Jupiter generally in the 1st, 5th, 11th or 7th, not in aspect to Saturn or Mars, they being slow in motion or Retrograde.
The Lord of the Ascendant or Lord of the 5th house aspecting a Planet in an Angle with reception, and rendring up his venture unto him; if the Moon be in reception with any Planet in an Angle, that is, essentially Fortified, else not; for accidentall dignities in this manner of judgment, giveth hopes, but not reall assurance.
If the Lord of the Ascendant behold the Ascendant with an amicable aspect, out of any good House; or if the Moon be in the 7th, and behold the Lord of the 7th in the 11th, or if the Moon be in the 11th, and behold the Lord of the 7th in the 7th.
The Lord of the Ascendant received in either House, Triplicity or Exaltation, and the receiver of the Lord of the Ascendant having alike dignity in the House, Triplicity, Exaltation, or Term of the received, viz.. Lord of the Ascendant.
The Moon giving vertue, or rendring her light to a Planet in the 5th house, or having essentiall dignities in the 5th.
The Moon applying to the Lord of the Ascendant or Lord of the 5th in the 1st or 10th house, and he not Cadent from his owne House or exaltation;(a Planet Cadent from his owne House) where you must understand this generall rule concerning a Planet his being Cadent from his owne House, is this, viz. if Mars be in Aries, it being his own House, let him then be in any of the 12 Houses, he shall be said to be Angular as to his being in Aries: if Mars be in Taurus he is Succeeding or in Succeedant House in that way: if Mars be in Gemini he is then Cadent as from his owne House; and so forth in the rest: for ever a Planet is Angular in any of his owne Houses.
[These added to other testimonies.]
The Dispositor of the Moon and the Lord of the houre in Angles; Mars in the Signe of the 7th
House, she is newly conceived (this is to be understood if he be well Fortified:) Saturn in the 7th,
the party is quicke, or her Infant moveth: Jupiter in the 7th, she is impregnated of a male childe
Sagittarius or Pisces in
The Resolution of
the 7th, she is with childe of a Girle; this must be understood when all the rest of the Significators are equall, and ballance not the judgment, then if you finde Sagittarius or Pisces in the 7th, you may judge the party shall have a Girle. Besides, the Moon in the 5th applying to Jupiter or Venus argue the same. You may ever predict true Conception, if the Signe ascending be fixed, and a Fortune therein placed, or the Lord of the 5th strong in the Ascendant or 10th House.
If the Man aske unknowne to the Woman.
[She is.] If the Lord of the 5th behold a Planet in an Angle with reception, or if the Lord of the Houre, Lord of the 5th, Jupiter, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mercury or North Node be in the 5th Fortunate; or if the Lord of the 5th be in the 7th, or Lord of the 7th in the 5th.
[She is NOT.] If Jupiter or Venus be impedited, if Venus be joyned to Saturn or Mars, and they either Combust, Retrograde or slow in motion, or in Leo, Virgo or Capricorn, Saturn or Mars in the 5th, in Square or Opposition to the Lord of the 5th, denotes no conception, or danger of abortion, if other Significators be more prevalent then they, and give testimony or conception. The Lord of the Ascendant joyned to a Retrograde Planet; or one in a Cadent House, or received by a Retrograde or Combust Planet, no aspect or translation of light between the Lord of the 5th and Lord of the Ascendant; judge by the major testimonies.
[Male or Female.] The Lord of the Ascendant, Lord of the 5th, Lord of the Houre Masculine, and the Moon in a Masculine Signe, degrees, or Quarter, doe note a Male, the contrary a Female.
[Whether it shall live?] The Lord of the 5th Retrograde, Combust, or Cadent from his House of Exaltation, is a presage of Death, &c. e contra.
The Lord of the Ascendant, Lord of the Houre, Lord of the 5th, all or most of them unfortunate, is an argument of death; Saturn, Mars or South Node in the 1st or 5th house, and Retrograde, denote the same.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Twinnes. Where suspition is had of Twins: if upon that Question you find the Signe ascending Common, and a Fortune in it, or the 5th or 1st house, and Sun and Moon in common Signes, or the Signe of the 5th one, and Lord of the 5th in a common Signe, you may judge Twins.
Other Judgements concerning Womens being with childe or not.
Whether a Woman be with Child or not.
When a woman asks this Question, have respect to the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon who
shall signifie the person of the Querent, the 5th house and Lord thereof shall show the
Conception, if any be: If the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 5th, or Lord of the 5th in the
Ascendant, free from all manner of impediments, it argues the Woman is conceived with child;
so also if the Lord of the Ascendant his vertue or disposition be translated to any Planet in an
Angle, the more certaine you may judge; if he to whom the Lord of the Ascendant commits his
Disposition, be received of the Lord of the Ascendant by him; but if the Planet to whom the Lord
of the Ascendant hath committed his Disposition, be in a cadent house, it notes the Woman hath
taken griefe; and whereas she thinks she may be conceived of a Child, it’s more like to be a
Sicknesse; and if the Conception should hold, t’will come to no good end, especially if the
Ascendant be Aries or Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, or if any of the malevolent Planets be in an
Angle, or else South Node, for usually South Node in the 5th, shewes abortion, in the Ascendant
extreame feare and mistrust of it; but if the ponderous Planet to whom the Lord of the Ascendant
commits his Disposition be in good house, viz. in the 2nd, 11th or 9th, not in Conjunction with
the Infortunes, and the Moon be free, it notes the Conception shall come to a good end, and the
Woman safely delivered: so as also if the Lord of the 5th, who
The Resolution of
is naturall Signiticator of Children, be in the Ascendant free from misfortune, viz. Retrogradation
or Combustion, or not with South Node,
If a Woman doe Conceive with Childe of more
than one?
To resolve this Question, see if either Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces be ascending, then see
if both Jupiter and Venus be in the Signe ascending, or in the Signe of the 5th, or be in any of the
12 Signes (except Leo) it’s probable she goeth with 2 Children; and if the North Node be with Jupiter and Venus in the Ascendant or 5th, it’s possible she may have 3; but if none of these be in the Ascendant or 5th, behold if these Planets cast their Sextile or Trine to the degree ascending, or to the cusp of the 5th house; it’s also probable she may conceive, or is with Child with more then one: but if a fixed Signe possesse the Ascendant or 5th house, or any moveable Signes, and the Sun and Moon be therein, viz. either in fixed or moveable Signes, and in the 5th or 1st house, it’s a certain argument the Woman is with child but with one: The Astrologer must not rashly adventure his Judgment without well considering his rules, or without knowledge had, whether it be not naturall or usuall for some of her family to bring at one Birth more than one.
If Male or Female.
See to the Ascendant, the Lord that Signe, the Signe of the 5th and Lord of the 5th, and whether the Signes be Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius; these Signes import a Male, the other 6 Signes a Female: If the Lord of the Ascendant be in a Masculine Signe, and the Lord of the 5th in a Feminine, then have recourse to the Moon, and see what Signe she is in, and if she apply to the Planet in a Masculine Signe, then she gives her testimony to that Significator who is in a Masculine Signe, and you may judge the party is with Child of a Boy or Man-Child. Masculine Planets.
Masculine Planets are always Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Sun; Venus and the Moon are Feminine,
and Mercury as he is in aspect or Conjunction with a Masculine or Feminine Planet, so is he of
all manner of QUESTIONS.
either sex accordingly; but when he is Orientall of the Sun, he is reputed Masculine; when Occidentall, then Feminine.
How long the Woman hath been Conceived?
In this case have regard to the Moon and the Lord of the 5th and the Lord of the hour, and see which of all these is neerest from the separation of any Planet, and well consider him, and from what manner of aspect this separation is; if he be separated by a Trine aspect, say, she is in the 5th moneth of her Conception, or the 3rd, if the aspect was a Sextile, say, she is in the 2nd or 6th month; if the separation was by a Square aspect, she is in the 4th of her Conception; if is was by an Opposition, she has been Conceived seven moneths; if it were by a Conjunction, then she hath beene Conceived one moneth.
Of the time when the Birth will be?
In judging about what time the Querent may be delivered, you are to consider, When Mars and Sun are in Conjunction with the Lord of the 5th, and with the Moon and Lord of the houre, or the more part of them, and that time of their Conjunction shall shew the hour of Birth; help your selfe herein by that Fortune which in the Question shall behold the "Part of Children",viz. when he shall Apply to that Quarter of Heaven where the "Part of Children" is, and direct that ‘Part of Children’, by the Ascensions to the degree of the 5th house, and to the degree of Jupiter, and to his aspects, especially if Jupiter is between the Part of Children and the 5th house, because when that Part doth apply it self to the degrees of ascensions, and when it is within the Orbes of those degrees, is the time of delivery, giving to every degree one day.
Behold also the Disposition or application of that Planet to whom the Part of Children is
directed, before the Conjunction of the Lord of the 5th with the Lord of the ascendant, in the
ascendant or in the 5th house, because about that time will be the time of birth. See also when the
Significator of the Question doth
The Resolution of
change his form, viz. when he removes out of one Signe into another, then is also like to be the time of the birth: or behold the Lord of the 5th, how far he is removed from the cusp of the 5th, and give to every Signe 1 month, and help yourself with your other testimonies, and judge according to the major part of those Significators that do most nearly concur. The Part of Children is taken day and night from Mars to Jupiter and projected from the Ascendant Whether the Birth Shall be by Day or by Night?
In this manner of judgment, behold the Ascendant and his Lord, the Moon, Planet in the Ascendant, Lord of the 5th, Signe of the 5th; if the major part of the Significators be in Diurnal Signes, the birth will be by day; if the contrary happen, then in the night. If the Significators disagree amongst themselves, take him that is Essentially most strong, and judge by him; or else consider the number of degrees that the Planet you judge by is distant from the cusp of the 5th house, so many degrees as is their distance each from other, do you project from the degree ascending, and see where your number determines; and if it end in Diurnal Signe, she will be brought to bed by day; if contrary then in the night: by this means also you may judge of the quality of the sex, by considering the Lord of the 5th, the Moon, the Lord of the Hour, and the Part of Children before mentioned, and his Dispositor; if the major part hereof be in Masculine Signes, it’s a Male the woman goes with, and the birth will be by day; but if the testimonies be equal, the birth will be by twilight.
Some say if the Question be, Whether a woman be with Child or not; consider the Lord of the Asc, Lord of the 5th, and Dispositor of the Moon, and the Moon herself; if any application be between these Planets, and the Moon be in a Common Signe, and the Ascendant one, and the Significators in Angles, or if in the Ascendant or 2nd there be a Fortunate Planet, she is with Child, otherwise not.
Or if by chance a Planet Direct be in Conjunction with the Moon, it shews the same; Jupiter and Venus in the 5th, or Moon in the all manner of QUESTIONS.
5th, applying to Jupiter or Venus, or a Planet in Cazimi of the Sun, the Planet being a Fortune, is
a strong argument of being with Child; but if instead of Fortunes you find the Infortunes so
placed as abovesaid, it’s no signe of Conception; or if there be assurance of Conception before
the Question be asked, it’s a pregnant proofe of abortion, and if you find Mars to be the
Infortunate Planet afflicting, she will miscarry by a Flux of blood; if Saturn afflict, then by Sicknesse, Feare, Frights, or by too much aboundance of wind and water. If you are demanded of the state of the Mother, and how, or in what case she shall be in after the Birth? behold the Moon, and observe to what Planet she applies, and according to the last application she hath before she goe out of the Signe she is in, it shall be with the Mother; so observe that Planet she last applies unto, his Nature, place in the Heaven and Fortitude, so shall it be with the Mother after Birth: I have in my practice observed this concerning the safety of the Mother, and her condition at the Birth, if it were evident she were with Child; and I found the Ascendant free, and the Lord of the Ascendant neither separated from a bad aspect of the Lord of the 8th or 4th, or applying to any aspect of the Lords of those two houses, or if I found the Moon Fortunately Applying to either of the Fortunes, or to the Sun, or indeed to any good aspect of the Infortunes, I never doubted the life of the Mother, and I remember not that I ever failed. If the Lord of the 5th were in the 8th, and had no essential dignities in the Sign, and had any aspects good or ill to the Lord of the 8th or 4th, I usually judged the Infant would not live long after the Birth, and I ever found the prediction true; and you shall very seldome observe any Infant borne upon the very change of the Moon, but he dyes shortly, seldom outlives the next full Moon; or if he or she be borne at the moment of the Full Moon it’s very probable the Infant dyes upon the next New Moon; for as there is no light in earth but what these two Planets give, so neither doe I beleeve any life can be permanent, when both these at the time of birth are either of themselves, or by Infortunes afflicted, &c.
The Resolution of
Whether Unity is like to be betwixt the Infant and
the Parent, or betwixt the Parent and any
of his Children of elder Yeers.
This were better resolved from the Nativity, but because few among us are capable of judging one, I adventure somewhatby an Horary Question: The Question being then demanded as aforesaid, behold the Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon, the Lord of the 5th; if you find reception and application betwixt the Lord of the 5th, and Lord of the Ascendant, and this in the 10th, 11th, 5th, 3rd, 9th, 1st or 2nd houses, there will be Love and Unity betwixt them; or if Jupiter or Venus doe behold the cusps of both houses, there will be Unity and Concord betwixt them. I doe in these manner of demands observe onely thus much; I presently consider if either Saturn, Mars or South Node be in the 5th, for if those two Planets, or any Planet who is posited in the house be Peregrine; I say, that the Childe will be untoward, very averse, and not easily regulated by his Parents directions, and that the fault is wholly in the Child, or young Man or Maid, according to the Question propounded. If I find Saturn, Mars or South Node in the Ascendant, I tell the parents that enquires, the fault is their owne, that the Child is not more observant unto them; and if Mars be there, I say, they are too much lordly over him or her, or their Children, and over-awe them, and keep them in too much subjection; if Saturn be the Planet impediting, I say, they are too austere, dogged, and too much close-fitted, and expect more service, duty, obedience or attendance from them then is fitting in a Christian liberty, that they give their Children no encouragement, or shew them any countenance, &c. If South Node be there in the Ascendant, I blame the Parent enquiring, and tell him, he is too jealous, and too mistrustfull of the actions of his or their Children, that he believes lyes and calumnies against his or their Children, that simple people foole him in his humour, and besot him with vaine reports, &c. You may apply the last part of Judgment to any other Question as well as this, with very good successe, as I have done many times, and thereby have reconciled the father or mother and their Child.
But by all means I desire all Astrologers to deal fairly and honestly, let the fault be where it will be, &c.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Of Embassadours or Messengers.
The Lord of the 5th shall represent the person of the Embassadour, the Moon shall herein be admitted to have signification, that Planet to whom either the Lord of the 5th house or the Moon doe apply unto, shall shew the cause of his Embassage, or you may take judgment from both those Planets to whom they apply.
If you find the application is from a Fortune by a Square or Opposition or Conjunction, and if
there be reception betwixt them, or collection or translation of light by any Planet, and that
Planet be either Lord of the 10th, or in the 10th, you may say, the cause of his Embassage is unto
the King upon a meer point of honour, or upon some high and great Businesse, or concerning a
very great and urgent occasion: If the Planet who is received, or who collects or translates the
vertue of one to another, be Lord of the 11th, he comes to renew the League of Friendship
betwixt the two Nations: If the Lord of the 5th be Unfortunate in the 7th, and the Lord of the
Ascendant and he be in Square or Opposition, and Mars have any malicious aspects to them
both, or to either of them, there is then no likelihood of Unity, or to be any content in the
Embassage to be delivered, or both parties will find triviall meanes to discontent one another, so
that no solid peace may be expected from any act performed or to be performed by this Treaty or
Embassage, rather probability of falling at varience; whether the Embassador will deal fairly or
prove false, or shuffle in his Undertakings, you must know that Judgment from the well or ill
affection of the Lord of the 5th house, and from that aspect he shall cast to the Ascendant or Lord
thereof, or to the Lord of the 11th; observe also in what
The Resolution of
house the Lord of the 5th is in, for if he be in the 10th, and there dignified essentially, the Embassador will stand too much upon the Honour of his owne Prince, and hath an overweening conceit of his owne abilities: If Mercury and the Lord of the 5th be in Square or Opposition, the Embassador hath not a Commission large enough, or shall be countermanded or contradicted either by some Missive from his Prince, or the Secretary playes the knave with him, &c. or his Message will be ill taken.
Observe this generally, if the Significator of the Embassadour have any Sextile or Trine aspect (or be he well dignified or not) either to the Lord of the Ascendant, or Lord of that Signe under which the Kingdome you are in is subject, the Embassadour himself wishes well to the Kingdome, and will performe his trust with much sincerity.
Of A Messenger Sent For or Upon Any Errand For Money.
Herein give the Ascendant and his Lord to him that sends, the 7th house and his Lord unto him to whom the Messenger is sent, the Message to the Moon, the Lord of the 5th to the Messenger and managing of the Business: If you find the Lord of the 5th separated from the Lord of the 7th, and applying to the Lord of the Ascendant, you may judge the Messenger has effected the thing he went about, is departed from him, and returning home againe:
If the Lord of the 5th be separated from the Lord of the 2nd house, he brings Money with him,
whether a Fortune or Infortune be Lord of that house; and you must understand, that the answer
which the Messenger brings is of the nature of that house, whose Lord is the Planet from whom
the Lord of the 5th is separated, and of the Planet himselfe; so that if you find his separation from
a good Planet, it gives hopes of a good Answer, the contrary when separation is from the
Infortunes: If the Significator of the Messenger doe apply by Square or Opposition to an
Infortune, before he is separated from the Lord of the 7th, you may then acquaint the Querent,
the his Messenger has had some impediment in effecting his Businesse by the party to whom he
was sent, and that he also sustained some hinderance in his Journey, ere he
all manner of QUESTIONS.
came to the place to which he was sent: but if this application to an Infortune happen after that the Lord of the 5th was separated from the Lord of the 7th, the Messenger will have delayes or misfortune in his returning home againe; if you find an Infortune in the 9th, he will hardly travell safe for Theeves; if a Fortune be in the 9th, judge his going and returning will be safe. Concerning the sending of Foot-Posts, Lackeys, &c. about any Message or Errand, whether they shall come to their Journeys end, or safe to the place unto which they are sent, behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon, and if either one or the other be in the seventh, or one or both apply to the Lord of the 7th, he then went safe to his journeys end; ever judge in this manner of question according to the nature of the Fortune or Infortune, and how he is dignified in the Heavens, what is his Vertue, what his Debility, and accordingly frame your judgment according to Fortunes, or they dwelling or being in Significant Houses, portend good, the Infortunes the contrary.
If there be reception betwixt the Lord of the 5th and 7th, and any amicable aspects, your
Messenger was well received and entertained by him to whom he went, though the application be
by Square or Opposition, yet he was well received; but the party sought after, framed some
excuse, or framed some matter in his owne defence, concerning the thing sent unto him for. For
your Messengers returne when it shall be; behold if the Lord of the 5th be receded from the Lord
of the 7th, or applying to the Planet who is his Dispositor, say, he commeth; the time when, is
found out thus; according to the number of degrees of the application, give Days, Weeks or
Monthes, according to the nature and length of the Journey, and according to the nature of the
Signes, viz., either Fixed, Common, or Moveable; if the Significator be Retrograde, the
Messenger will returne when he comes to be Direct, or according to the number of degrees he
wants ere he becomes Direct. I doe usually observe this generall rule, when the Lord of the 5th
comes to a Sextile or Trine of the Lord of the Ascendant, that day, or neer it, the Messenger is
heard of; or when the Moon separates from the Lord of the 5th to
The Resolution of
the Lord of the Ascendant, the Querent shall have intelligence of his Messenger: You must know, the application of the Significator to a ponderous Planet, shews more certainly the day; use descretion in knowing the length or brevity of the Journey, and by what precedes you may be satisfied, If The Querent Should Ever Have Children?
Judgment upon the preceding Figure.
The Ascendant is here Virgo a barren Signe, as you may see page 89 and 96, the Signe
of the 5th is Capricorn, a Signe of indifferency in this nature of judgment; the Moon is
in a barren
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Signe; Saturn Lord of the 5th house is Retrograde, and in Sagittarius; Mercury Lord of the Ascendant in Gemini; both Saturn and Mercury being in Signes rather barren then fruitfull:
the Moon in the Termes of Mars, in Square of Saturn Lord of the 5th, Mercury Lord of the Ascendant in the Termes of Saturn, afflicted by the presence of Mars, and going to Opposition of Saturn, who is Lord of the 6th, as well as of the 5th; South Node also possesseth the Ascendant; a strong argument of barrennesse: for these reasons in Astrologie above recited, I delivered this Judgment, viz. That the Querent neither had been ever yet conceived, or for any reason in Art that I could find, ever would conceive, and that she was naturally barren; for finding the 5th, 10th and 4th houses, being the principall Angles of the Figure, Afflicted, I was certaine, the evil impediting her Conception had been long upon her, and would also continue. Had I found Jupiter either fortunating the cusp of the 5th house, or in any aspect to the Lord of the Ascendant, or unto Saturn, or if any reception had been betwixt Saturn and Jupiter or Jupiter and Mercury, or any collection of light from Mercury to Saturn, and that Planet so collecting had received Saturn or Mercury, I would not have been so peremptory; but when I found no one promising testimony, I gave my judgment in the negitive, viz. she should not conceive or ever have any children; for whoever considers the positure of Heaven exactly, shall find it is a most unfortunate Figure for having children: as the Moon was in Square of Saturn, Lord of the 6th, and Mercury Lord of the Ascendant, applying to his Opposition, so was the Querent very sickly, and extremely afflicted with the Wind and Chollick in her Belly and small Guts; the South Node in the Ascendant shewed very great paine in the Head, so did Mercury in Gemini, being afflicted by both the Malevolents, represent extreame grief in the Head, for Mercury in Gemini signifies the Head. (see page 119)
Shee affirmed, that the Moles of her Body did correspond exactly to the Figure of Heaven, viz. one Mole close by the Navill, one upon the right Ancle, signified by Aquarius on the cusp of the 6th; one towards the right Knee on the inner side of the Thigh, represented by Saturn, Lord of the 6th in Sagittarius, one in or neer the member signified by the Moon in Virgo; and as Mercury Lord of the Ascendant is in Gemini, so had the Querent a Scarre or Mole on her right Arme, on the outside thereof, &c.
The Resolution of
When you find a Question that is so peremptory in the negative, you shall deale discreetly to enquire the time of Birth, and set the Figure thereof, and see what corresponding there is betwixt the Radix and the Question propounded, and help your selfe in your judgment by discretion; for if the Radix affirrme Barrennesse, it’s impossible any promising Horary Question can contradict its signification: and usually I have found, that whoever propounds a Question to the Astrologer, I meane in their first Question, they have a Signe of the same Triplicity Ascending in their Question, agreeable to the nature of the Ascendant in their Nativity, and many times the very self same Signe and degree is ascending upon an Horary Question which was ascending in the Nativity, as I have many times found by experience; for if Gemini ascend in the Nativity, it’s probable upon an Horary Question, either Libra or Aquarius may ascend, which are Signes of the same Triplicity.
If one were with Child of a Male or Female, and about
what time she should be delivered.
Judgment upon the Figure beforegoing.
You may see in the judgments appertaining to this house how to judge of this question; however, I did follow the Method succeeding, and considered onely the plurality of testimonies, Masculine or Feminine, of the proper Significators, and thereby gave resolution.
Arguments of a Girl
Virgo Signe of Ascending Feminine
Capricorn Signe of 5th Feminine
Moon in a Signe Feminine
Mercury Lord of Ascendant Feminine
W/Venus, a Planet
Significations of a Male Child
Mercury Lord of Ascendant Masculine
in a Signe
Saturn Lord of 5th, Planet Masculine
Saturn Lord of 5th, Signe Masculine
Moon in a house Masculine
Saturn in a house Masculine
Jupiter Lord of the House Masculine
Jupiter in a Signe Masculine
Mercury Applying to Mars Masculine
His Square, and Mars
A Planet
You see here are 8 testimonies of a Male Conception, or of Being with child of a Sonne, and but four of a Female; I therefore affirmed, that the Lady was impregnated of a Man child, (and so it proved.)
The Resolution of
How long ere she should be Delivered.
The Signe of the 5th, viz. Capricorn, is moveable, so is Aries, wherein both the Lord of the Ascendant and 5th are posited; these argued but a short time: but because Saturn Lord of the 5th is a ponderous Planet, and of slow motion, I much valued him in this Judgment, so did I the Moon, because she was posited in the Signe of the 5th; I took their proper difference in degrees and minutes each from other:
Locus Saturn in 24:37 Aries Both Cardinal Signs
Locus Moon in 9:50 Capricorn
The distance of the Moon from the Square aspect of Saturn is, as you may find by subtraction of the Moon, from Saturn 14. degrees, 47. minutes.
I then subtracted Mercury his distance from the body of Saturn, because he was Lord of the Ascendant, and Saturn Lord of the 5th.
Saturn 24:37 Aries
Mercury 11:00 Aries
Distance 13. degr. 37.min. so that finding no greater difference betwixt the distance of the Moon to the Square of Saturn, and the Conjunction of Mercury with Saturn, then 1 degree and 10 minutes; I gave for every degree one week, and so judged, that about fourteen weeks from the time of the Question, she should be delivered.
The truth is, she delivered the 11th of July following, at what time Mars transited the degree ascending, and Mercury Lord of the Ascendant, the Opposite place of the Moon, viz. the 9th of Cancer: You may further observe that the Sun the same day is in 27.48 Cancer, viz. in perfect Square to his place in our Figure, and the Moon in Cancer in Conjunction with Mercury.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Of The SIXT House, and It’s
Viz. Sicknesse, Servants, Small Cattle.
Judgment of Sicknesse by Astrology
That which I hold convenient to write of Sicknesses, is thus much:
That in the first place, we aught to carefully take the exact time of the parties first falling sick, viz. the house as neer as can be had, not that moment when first the patient felt a smatch of it, but that very time when first he was so ill, or so extremely oppressed, that he was enforced to take his Bed, or to repose.
Secondly, if that cannot be had, then accept of that time when the sick parties Urine was first carried to somebody, to enquire of the Disease, whether the party enquired of was a Physitian or not.
Thirdly, if no such thing can be had, let the Physitian take the time of his own first speaking with, or accesse to the Patient, or when first the Urine was brought unto him, let a Figure be erected accordingly, and the place of the Moon exactly rectified to the very houre; and then to know where the Disease is, let him carefully observe:
First, the Ascendant, what Planet or Planets are therein placed. Secondly, the 6th house, and what Planet or Planets are therein posited. Thirdly, the Signe and house wherein the Moon is. Fourthly, how she is afflicted or affected, by what Planet, in what house that Planet is, what house of the Figure that Planet is Lord of.
What part of the Body is afflicted; wherein you consider?
If the 1st house be afflicted by the presence of an evill Planet
The Resolution of
and he Retrograde, Combust, Peregrine, slow in motion, or in Square or Opposition to any Planet who is Lord of the 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th, the Disease is then in the Head, or in that or those parts of the Body which the Planet or Planets signifie in that Signe then ascending, which you may see by the Table beforegoing page 119, as if the Signe ascending be Cancer, and Saturn therein, you may judge, the sick party is afflicted in the Head, or such Diseases as are incident to the Head, because that 1st house signifies in mans Body the Head, and is now afflicted by the position of Saturn in that house: but you shall also judge the sick party is Diseased with a Loosenesse or Flux in the Belly, or an imperfection in the Reynes or Secrets, or troubled with cold, raw Matter in his Stomack, because Saturn in Cancer doth signifie those members, or else with some rotten Cough; and your judgment herein shall be more certaine, and I dare say infallible, if either the Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon, or Lord of the 6th be in a Signe, and therein signifie that very member which Saturn doth, or if the Signe of the 6th represent that member.. The same course and manner which I have directed in the ascendant, I would have observed in the 6th house, viz. the Signe of the 6th, the Planet or Planets therein placed, what member of mans Body they represent in the Signe wherein they are posited, from whom the Lord of the 6th last separated, to whom he next applies: Together with these, observe carefully the Signe and house wherein the Moon is, the separation and application, and you may then descend to give judgment in what part of the Body the sick party is grieved, and of what nature and quality the Sicknesse is of, or what humour is most predominant and peccant.
From what cause the Sicknesse is. Generally observe:
The Significators in Signes fiery, and the Signes ascending in the 1st, and decending in the 6th of the same nature, shew Hectick Feavers, and that Choller is predominant in this Sicknesse. The Significators in earthly Signes, argue long and tedious Agues, or Feavers of great continuance, of such Diseases as may occasionally proceed from Melancholly, Consumptions, &c.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
The Significators in ayery Signes, shew the Blood purified or corrupted, Gouty Diseases, Leprosies, the Hand and Foot Gout.
The Significators in moyst Signes, declare the Disease to proceed from some cold and moyst
cause or causes, and shewes Coughs, rottennesse in the Stomack, and that those parts are
disaffected, &c
Diseases signified by the Houses.
1st Head, Eyes, Face, Eares, stinking Breath, sore Mouth, and Noli me tangere.
2nd Throat, Neck, Kings—Evill
3rd Shoulders, Armes, Hands.
4th Stomack, Brest, Lungs.
5th Back, hind part of Shoulders, Stomack, Liver, Heart, Sides.
6th Lower part of the Belly, Guts, Liver, Reynes
7th Hammes, Flank, small Guts, Bladder, Matrix, members of Generation.
8th Back-bone, Arse, Groine.
9th Huckle-Bone, or, the Hips.
10th Knees, Hamme of ones Leg behind the Knee.
11th Shank, Legge from the Knee to the Ancle Shin-Bone.
12th Feet, and all Diseases incident to them.
Diseases signified by the Signes.
Aries All Diseases incident to the Head (as in the 1st house is signified) and such as proceed or have originall from Choller, small Pocks, Pushes, Pimples.
Taurus Diseases in the Neck and Throat, having their beginning from Melancholly, as in
2nd house.
Gemini Shoulders, Armes, Hands, proceeding from Blood distempered. Cancer Scabbiness, Cancers in the Brest, Hurts in the Brest, ill Digestion in the Stomack, Spleen, Lungs, Upper part of the Belly, Cold and Moisture being the cause, Surfets, &c.
The Resolution of
Leo Back-bone, Sides, Ribs, Heart, Lower part of the Brest, such infirmities as proceed from Choller and excesse of Blood.
Virgo Shows Melancholly Diseases in the Intestines, and Bellyakes Fluxes, &c. impediments in the Miseraicks, Wind-chollick.
Libra Great Heats in the Back, or the Stone in the Reines or Kidneys, Surfets by drinking or eating, or from too much Venery, Diseases in the Buttocks, Joints, Hammes and Haunches.
Scorpio The Groin and parts about the privy Members, the Arse, Bladder, Pyles, Stones in the Bladder, Strangury Sagittarius The Hippes, Hammes, Buttocks, Fistula’s, Itches, Sciatica’s. Capricorn The Knees, back part of the Hammes, Scurfs and Itches in and about the Knees, proceeding of Melancholly.
Aquarius The Legs, Shin-Bone and Calves of the Legs, with the Ancles.
Pisces The Ancle-bone and Feet, Gouts, Swellings in those parts.
Diseases Of The Planets.
Saturn Is Significator of these Diseases; of noyse or rumbling in the right Eare arid Head, Deafnesse, Tooth-ach, paine in the Bones, in the Bladder, all cold Diseases proceeding from a deflux of the Humours, the Gout, Scab, Melanchollick, infirmities, Leprosie, Palsie, Consumption, black-Jaundies, quartan Agues, the Iliack-passion, Dropsie, Chin-coughs, Catarres of Rheums falling upon the Lungs and Pectorals.
3upiter The Lungs, Ribs, Grissels, Liver, the Pulse, the Seed, Arteries, Apoplexies, Pluresies, wringings at the Heart, Convulsions, Inflamations of the Liver, Diseases in the Head, prickings and shootings neer or upon the Ridgebone, all windinesse in the Veines and body, or any Diseases arising from putrification in the Blood, &c.
Mars The left Eare, Gall, Reines, Privities and Stones, the Plague, wounds in the Face, Imposthumations, burning-Feavers, yellow-jaundice, Carbuncles, Fistula’s, Epilepsies, bloody-Flux, Calentures, St. Anthonies Fire.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Sun The Braine, Heart, Eye-sight, right Eye of a man, left eye of a woman, Cramps, Swoonings or sudden tremblings at the Heart, the Cardiack Passion, Fluxes in the Eyes, Catarres, red Choller.
Venus The Matrix, Genitals, Paps, Throat, Liver, Sperme, or Seed in man or woman, Suffocations or Defections in the Matrix, Pissing Disease, Gonorrhea, Debility in the Act of Generation, Strangury, weakness of Stomack and Liver, French or Spanish Pocks, imbecility or desire to vomit, or that Disease when presently after eating, all comes up againe.
Mercury The Braine, Spirit, Fancy, Imagination, Speech, Tongue, Fingers, Hands, privation of Sense, Madnesse, Lethargy, Stammering, Hoarsenesse, Coughs, falling Evill, aboundance of Spettle, &c.
Moon Left Eye of Man, right Eye of woman, the Braine, the Small Guts, the Bladder, Taste, falling Sicknesse, Palsie, Collick, Menstrues in women, Apostems, Fluxes of the Belly, viz. Loosness, and all coagulated, crude Humours in any part of the Body From what proceeds, it’s easy to discover both the member afflicted, quality of the Disease, it’s cause and original rise; which being well considered, it’s requisite you be able to aquaint the sick party of the length or shortness of his Disease, and its time of accesse or recesse, the better to comfort him if life be ordained, or to make him more penitent and prepared for Heaven, if you see apparent testimonies of death.
Whether the Disease will be long or short.
Herein you must have respect to the time of the yeer in the first place, and to consider, that Sicknesses happening in the Winter are usually more long, and of long continuance; in the Summer more short; in the Spring they are reputed healthfull; in the Autumn, for the most part Diseases mortall and pernicious are stirred up.
Also cold and dry Diseases which proceed from Saturn, or which he
The Resolution of
stirs up, or is the Author of, are more permanent and long, and generally are regulated by the Sun: hot and dry Diseases, which are procreated from the influence of Mars and the Sun are but short, and are determined by the motion of the Moon: Saturn produceth chronick Infirmities;
Jupiter and Sun short; Mars more short, violent and quick; Venus a meane betwixt both; Mercury divers and unconstant; the Moon such as do againe revert, as the Falling-Sicknessee, Giddinesse, Swimming of the Head, Gout, &c.
Signs of a long or short Sicknesse.
If the Signe of the 6th be fixed, expect a long Disease; a moveable Signe, short continuance, a common Signe, a mediocrity, neither too long or too short, but for the most part, an alteration of the Disease, and returne of it againe.
The last degrees of any Signe being upon the cusp of the 6th house, the Disease is almost at an end, or is either altering for better or worse: fixed Signes do argue the humour not to be expulsed without much time and difficulty.
When the Lord of the 6th is of evill influence, and placed in the 6th, it's an ill Omen, or an
unlucky Signe of a durable and great Sicknessee: but if in the like nature a Fortune be there, the
Disease will soon be cured, nor is it mortall: When the Lord of the 6th is stronger than the Lord
of the Ascendant, the Disease is like to encrease, advise the Patient to take fit remedies, for
nature is weaker then the Disease; but is the Lord of the 6th house be more weak then the Lord of
the Ascendant, then be assured nature will be able to overcome the malignity of the Disease,
without much assistance of the Physician: When Saturn is Lord of the 6th house, and fixed in the
Signe he is in,, he extremely prolongs the Disease; if he be Retrograde or slow in motion, he
performs the same; but if he be in a moveable Signe and in any of his Termes, or Swift in
motion, he is not then much unfortunate, or will he greatly prolong the Disease: a moveable
Signe in the 6th, and the Moon likewise, and no impediment otherwise appearing, the Disease
continues but a while; common Signes do continue longer any infirmity, except Pisces, for that
being upon the cusp of the 6th, I ever found it equivalent to a
all manner of QUESTIONS.
moveable Signe: If the Moon apply by ill aspect to the Lord of the Ascendant, the Disease
encreases; if the Moon be in the 6th in ill aspect with Venus, the sick may thank himselfe for his
Disease, he is a disorderly fellow, and of ill Dyet; and if Venus be in Scorpio, &c, he has got a
clap of some uncleane woman; if a woman asks, she has too great Flux of Whites or Reds, or the
Disease is occasioned by her owne Folly, &c,
If the Lord of the 6th apply to the Lord of the Ascendant by Square or Opposition, the Disease is
encreasing, and is not yet at his height or full growth; so also the Lord of the 6th in the 8th or
12th, is an ill argument and great presumption, that the party sick must be more afflicted before his Disease leave him:
If an Infortunate Planet be in the 6th, and is removing out of one Signe into another, the Disease
will speedily alter: if it’s desired When, or how long it may be before it does so? then see how
many degrees the malevolent Planet wants ere he can get out of the Signe, and thereby judge so
many Monthes, Weeks or Dayes according to the nature and quality of the Signe: if the Lord of
the 6th be Retrograde, Combust in the 8th or 12th, and in Square, Opposition or Conjunction
with Saturn, Mars, or Lord of the 8th or 4th of the Figure, he prenotes much infirmity, a long
continued and sudden alteration of the Disease from better to worse, if not Death it selfe; the
Lord of the 6th in the 8th, and the Lord of the 8th in the 6th, there being also a Sextile or Trine
aspect betwixt both Significators, you shall not doubt of the death of the Patient at that time, for
the Heavens do declare that Nature is not yet overcome, or so weak, but that the sick shall
overcome it: if there happen any Trine, Sextile or Conjunctions betwixt the Lord of the 6th and
Jupiter, and he in the 9th, and the Moon separate from the Lord of the 6th to Jupiter, so in the 9th
house posited, it’s an assured argument, that the Medicines which the Physitian precribes, or
which the Patient has already taken, have caused the party to be very sick at time of their taking,
and whilest they operated, and that the Medicines wrought effectually in the outward parts of the
body, but afterwards the sick felt great comfort, and has found great emendation in the parts of
the Body, afflicted at time of his first being ill; either Saturn or Mars, or any unfortunate Planet
in the 6th, threatens great danger in the Sicknesse, yet
The Resolution of
if he be Nell affected or essentially fortified, he hurts little; and you may rather judge, the Disease is happened casually and suddenly, then upon any prepared matter in the Body beforehand, therefore let the sick be of good comfort: so likewise when you find a Benevolent Planet well fortified in the 6th, and he not author of the Disease, you may safely judge, the Disease is not, or will not be permanent.
Many times it happens that in some Country-townes, people are afraid of Witches; If the Lord of
the 12th be in the 6th when mistrust is had by any such Querent, it’s a strong argument the
supposition is true, that the party is vexed by an evill Spirit, or by Fascination; when you find in
the Question of a sick party, the Lord of the 6th in the Ascendant, and the Lord of the Ascendant
in the 6th, you may give judgment the Disease has been of long continuance, and will continue
untill one of the Significators get out of the Signe wherein he is; and if it happen, at the time of
the Planets transit out of the Signe into another, he meet with the Square or Opposition of the
Lord of the 4th or 8th, or with the oppressing or malicious aspect of Saturn or Mars, and they
slow in motion, in Signes odiously beholding or aspecting another, it’s a very great Signe the
sick will then depart this Life; when you find the Lord of the 6th afflicted by the Square or
Opposition of the Lord of the Ascendant in Azimen degrees, a sig. for the Physitian, the Disease
is uncurable, and the sick party continually pained: When the Lord of the 6th is in the Ascendant,
the Disease will continue, but the paine doth slacken and seems quite removed at same times, or
the Patient sometimes is not sensible of the paine: but if he be in a Cadent house, the Disease is
neither very grievous, or will it endure any long space of time; so also good Planets in the 6th do
promise a good end of the Disease; evill the contrary: Usually a malignant Planet in the 6th,
shew his Disease unsettled, so doth also the Lord of the 6th if he be in the 6th, 8th or 12th,
denotes a Disease not easily curable; if the Lord of the Ascendant and Moon be ‘free from the
Square, Opposition, or Conjunction of Saturn or Mars, or any other infortunate Planet, and be
Direct, free from Combustion, swift in motion, not Peregrine, or in his Fall or Detriment, or in
the 8th or 6th, or in any aspect with the Lord of the 12th house, 6th or 8th, it’s
All manner of QUESTIONS
faire signification of health and recovery; when the Lord of the Ascendant is in the 4th or 8th and is not afflicted, he shall not signifie death, but recovery; but if he be unfortunate in the 4th, it notes great difficulty ere the party be cured; but if the Lord of the Ascendant be himselfe unfortunate, either in his house, or by Retrogradation, Peregrine, Combustion, or be in his Fall or Detriment, it’s possible be may be cured, but within a short time after he will relapse, dye or fall into some desperate infirmity; when also the Lord of the Ascendant is infortunated by the Lord of the 6th or 12th, and in bad aspect of the Moon, there’s danger in the Disease threatened; above all, have a care if Saturn be Lord of the Ascendant, and in his Dignities, slow, diminished in light, Retrograde, for then the Patient or Querent will be long sick; judge contrary of the signification of Saturn when otherwayes qualified..
The Lord of the Ascendant in an Angle, having no configuration to any malevolent Planet, but
being in benevolent house of Heaven, and under the Sun Beames, or Retrograde, you may judge
the Querent is in no danger at this time: When the Lord of the Ascendant be swift in motion, and
entering into another Signe, or going out of his owne house into another, so it be not into the
Signe of the 6th or 12th, the Disease will quickly determine: If the Lord of the Ascendant be not
afflicted in himselfe, or by any ill aspect of the malevolent Planet or Planets of a contrary nature
unto himselfe, but is swift in motion, and in some goad aspect with the Fortunate Planets, it’s a
strong argument that the nature of the Diseases or Querent is nothing diminished, but is able to
overcome the malignity of the Disease, and that in a very short time; but if the Significator of the
sick be afflicted powerfully, it’s a Signe of a strong fit of Sicknesse; the greater it will be, when
the Significator of life is more weak then the Planet afflicting: if all the Significators of the
Diseases be in fixed Signes, it prenotes a great space of time before the Patient can be cured, nor
will the cure be easily perfected; when the Lard of the Ascendant is applied unto by a malevolent
Planet, it retards the cure, prolongs the infirmity, though at present great hopes appeare; so doth
also the Moon when
The Resolution of
she is slow in motion, and goeth in 24 hours lesse than her meane motion, and be in any aspect or Conjunct with the Lord of the Ascendant; but if she be swift the sure is performed presently, or effected in a little time; for the most part when the Moon decreases in light and motion, and comes to the Conjunction, Square or Opposition of Saturn, unless the Disease be in its decrease and leaving the Patient or Querent, it’s I say, very mortal and dangerous: When the Moon is in Conjunction with a Planet that is Orientall, Direct and Swift, expect a short Sicknesse; joyned to a Retrograde or Planet Occidentall, look for’ the contrary.
When you find Scorpio Ascending, you may for the most part judge, the party was cause of his owne infirmnesse, either by peevishness, folly, choller or the like; and your judgment will be more firme, if Mars be then placed in Scorpio: If both the Luminaries be in Cadent houses, and the Planet or Planets that are their Dispositors be unfortunate, the Querent may expect a terrible Sicknesse; if the Fortunes assist in judgment, yet will the Sicknesse be of long continuance, and of a sharp Disease, prove chronick, yet beyond all expectation, the sick party will recover; and the more confident in your judgment, by how much more strong the Fortunes are Dignified above the Infortunes; when you find Mars Lord of the Ascendant and posited in the 6th house in Sextile or Trine with Venus, Nay, but if he be in Square or Opposition of Venus, there’s no great danger.
If the Lord of the 6th be Combust or Retrograde, in his Fall or Detriment, and in the 8th, in
Conjunction, Square or Opposition of Saturn or Mars, you may doubt, and not unjustly, that the
Disease will never leave the sick party till death; and if the Moon have equall testimony to the
former Significators, viz. if she also apply to the Square, Opposition or Conjunction of the Lord
of the 8th, your former judgment will be very certaine; if either the Moon or Lord of the
Ascendant be in Square, Conjunction or Opposition to a benevolent Planet, Retrograde, the sick
will recover, but not in haste, for it’s an argument for the prolongation of the Disease, and
relapsing out of one Disease into another: When you find the Moon receded from Opposition of
the Sun, to be swift in motion, and hastens to the Square or Opposition of Mars it will come to
passe, that the Disease which the Querent now undergoes, will be grievous and mortall; but if she
Salute at the same time the Sextile or Trine of Jupiter or
All manner of QUESTIONS
Venus, the sick shall recover. There’s usually no danger if the Moon at time of the Question be strong, and the Lord of the Ascendant free from misfortune, and in no aspect to the Lord of the 6th, yet when the Moon at time of the Question applies to Saturn, or is impedited, it’s an ill Omen and Signe of a Sicknesse at hand, and that the Querent mistrusts his owne health is sick, but knowes not where to complain, or in what part of the Body the infirmity is placed. At the time of ones first lying down, if the Moon be placed in the Ascendant, in Conjunction, Square or Opposition of Saturn or Mars, or any of the unfortunate Planet, it’s a Signe of ill, and shews ill, unless the Moon be in reception with the Planet or Planets so afflicting: It’s very considerable to observe at the time of the question, what Signe the Moon is in: if in a Fixed, expect a long fit of sicknesse; in a moveable Signe, quick dispatch; in a Common or Doublebodied Signe, the Disease will not be very difficult to cure, but somewhat long in curing: and thus much more you must consider, that if there be translation of light (from that Planet who is Dispositor of the Moon, and he unfortunate) to the Lord of the Ascendant, or Signe Ascending, it gives great suspicion that the Querent will have a sharp sicknesse, according to the nature of the Signes and Planets signifying the infirmity.
Testimonies that the Querent shall live and not dye
of the infirmity now afflicting.
When it is demanded seriously, if you conceive the Querent shall escape Sicknesse he now
languishes under, or shall live, you must carefully have recourse to your Figure erected, and
therein observe these rules following: That if the Moon be separated from a malevolent, weak
Planet (that is ill dignified) and is applying to a Fortune powerfully strong, the sick party will be
restored to former health; where Saturn is Orientall of the Sun, and Significator of the Disease, it
proceeding from Cold (which is the true nature of Saturn without mixture) the Patient will
recover; if you find in like case, that Saturn is Occidentall, and the generall Significators do
incline or manifest, that the Disease is more of Heat than Cold, the sick will also be
The Resolution of
recovered; yet you must ever understand, that Saturn is unlucky when he is Occidentall &c. For the Disposition of Mars, you shall find, that after his Opposition with the Sun, that is, when he is Occidentall, he is not so much to be feared (viz. his evill influence) as when he is Orientall; for the Conjunction of the Moon with Mars is dangerous, and an argument of a strong sicknesse at hand, his Opposition or Square aspects do less mischiefe; the Moon doth more hurt in her encrease then in her decrease, so doth Mars being Orientall, more then when Occidentall.
When you find there is any reception betwixt the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 8th,
and neither of then infortunated by the malignant Planets, after desperation, there will be
recovery: The Lord of the Ascendant in reception of the Lord of the 8th by House or Triplicity,
the Fortunes afflicting either with their Trine or Sextile the degree Ascending or the 6th house, or
the Moon her selfe, there’s no danger of death, but the sick will perfectly recover; so also, when
the Lord of the ascendant shall happen to be a benevolent Planet, and posited in the 1st, 10th,
11th, 5th or 3rd house, being no wayes endangered by the Square or Opposition configuration of the Malevolents, it prenotes sanity: so doth also the position of the Fortunes in the Mid—Heaven or 1st house, at what time the sicknesse first assaulted the sicke person, nothing is a more sure argument of health, or that the party sick shall live, then when you find the Sun, Jupiter, Venus or the Moon in the ascendant of the question, not any wayes damnified led by the hatefull aspect of the Lord of the 8th or 6th; and this argument is more certaine, if the aforesaid Significators be in good Signes, that is, in either of Jupiter his houses, or in Cancer or Leo, Libra or Taurus:
When the Moone is in her owne house, or in the house of Jupiter or Venus, and there in either of their aspect, free from any ill aspect of Saturn or Mars, she signifies health and life.
It’s a good argument of recovery, when in your Question you find the Moon in Conjunction with
Jupiter, let Jupiter be in what Signe he will it denotes good, but less in Capricorn then in any
other Signe, for neither the Moon or Jupiter have any delight therein, that Signe being the Fall of
Jupiter and Detriment of the Moon; in very deed, no Planet delights to be in the Signe wherein he
Fals, or is he able therein to express the strength of
all manner of QUESTIONS.
his influence. When the Moon is applying to the Lord of the ascendant by a Trine or Sextile aspect, and she be cleer of all misfortune, or not impedited by the Lord of the 8th, or 6th especially, health and life are promised: Safety is also to be expected, when the Moon shall be well affected and posited in a Succeding house, provided, she be encreasing in light and motion, and not neer the bodies of Saturn or Mars, or infected with their Rayes: The Moon either in the 1st, 10th, 11th, 9th, 2nd, 3rd or 5th, in Trine or Sextile with the Lord of the ascendant, or with his Antiscion, Yea; if he be a malevolent Planet, so that neither the Lord of the ascendant. or the Moon have any other impediment, it doth argue life. When at the first falling sick of the infirme Body, the Moon is voyd of course, and at her next Crisis meets with a Sextile or Trine of Jupiter or Venus, in that very degree which makes a perfect crisis, the sick shall recover, but he never so much pained or grieved at the time of demanding the Question or accesse of the urine: when in the first beginning or approach of a Disease, the Sunne, Moon and the Lord of the Ascendant are free from ill aspects of the Infortunes or Lord of the 8th, there needs no feare or suspicion to be made of the death of the then sick person, or when the Benevolent Planets are more potent then the Malevolent, they give assured hopes of life, and invite the infirme person to confide of his escape.
Arguments Of Death.
When the ascendant at time of first falling sick, shall be the 7th house at the Birth, you may feare death, unlesse the Profection of that yeer be the same Signe: What Profection is, you shall know in my Treatise of Nativities; those Signes which are adverse in a Nativity are the Signes of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th.
When the 5 Hylegicall places at the hour of Birth, at time of Decumbiture of the sick, as also the
Lord of the Ascendant, are oppressed, judge death immediately to follow, unlesse reception
intervene betwixt the Infortunes, and the Fortunes interject
The Resolution of
their comfortable aspects; for then, by a divine miracle as it were the sick party may escape. He will be infinitely oppressed who in the houre of Mars shall first get an hot Disease, and in the house of Saturn a cold one.
The Lord of the Ascendant and of the Figure Combust, doe undoubtedly declare death, unlesse there is some reception between the Sun and them, such a chance happening, and the Moon proving Fortunate, after all hopes of escape, a little hopes remaines. The Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon in Conjunction with the Lord of the 8th, without the interposing aspects of the Fortunes, threatens death.
The Lord of the 8th in an Angle, the Lord of the ascendant in a Cadent, is alwayes mortall; the rather if he be an Infortune.
The Application of the Moon to a Planet in the 8th, is alwayes dangerous: The Application of the Lord of the Ascendant unto the Lord of the 8th or unto Malevolent Planets therein, the Moone being any manner of way corrupt, denotes death.
The Moon transferring the light and influence of the Lord of the ascendant to the Lord of the 8th, brings usually death: So also when the Lord of the 8th is in the ascendant, the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon being both afflicted: It also proves fatall when the Lord of the ascendant is infortunate in the 8th, the Moon being then corrupted or very weak, and in no essentiall Dignity: The Lord of the ascendant being Subterranean, and in any aspect to the Lord of the 8th in the 8th, or if he be in the 4th, and the Lord of the 8th in the 4th, and they both in Conjunction, argue death: It’s a very ill Signe of life when the Lord of the ascendant is corporally joyned with the Lord of the 4th, 6th, 7th or 12th, it seldome succeeds well with the sick person then.
Having speciall consideration to the Luminary of the time, for according to the well or ill
affection thereof you may improve your Judgment. The Lord of the ascendant afflicted of an
evill Planet in the 8th, without the benevolent aspect of the Fortunes, the Moon also then vitiated,
shews great perill of death, and
all manner of QUESTIONS.
usually by reason of ill government of the sick party, or some error in his ordering and course in Physick: It’s a powerful argument that the sick person will dye, when at time of his first Question to his Physitian, you find the Lord of the ascendant Combust in the ascendant The Lord of the Ascendant and of the 8th unfortunate, prenote death. The Lord of the 8th in the 10th house, and Lord of the ascendant in the 4th, 6th or 7th, afflicted of the malevolent Planets, argue death.
A Planet very strong, and placed in the ascendant, if he be Lord of the houre and of the 8th, portends death: If the Lord of the 8th be Retrograde, and in Conjunction, Square or Opposition of the Moon, it shewes death: The Lord of the 8th in the 7th, the Moon and Lord of the ascendant in cadent Houses, infested with ill aspects of Infortunes; and more certaine, if one of the malevolents be Lord of the 8th, or posited in the 8th; some say, if the Moan be in Conjunction with Saturn or Jupiter, the sicknesse will have little good thereby, nor will he escape, unlesse Saturn be Retrograde and Jupiter Direct.
When the Lord of the Ascendant is in Conjunction with the Lord of the 8th, or in Square or
Conjunction of a Planet posited in that house, or in the Antiscion of the Lord of the 8th, without
the benevolent Sextile or Trine of Jupiter, and at the same time the Moon be anyway afflicted,
it’s probable the sick will dye; but if the Lord of the Ascendant be in reception with the Planet in
the 8th, it’s possible he may avoyd death; however, let him be assured a very long and grievous
Disease he cannot: If the Moon be with Saturn or Mars, without the assistance of some good
aspect from Jupiter and Venus; and if Saturn be slow in motion, or is going Retrograde, it’s so
much the worse, and it’s one argument the sick will dye at that time; if other testimonies
concurre, it’s more certaine. The Lord of the Ascendant in the 7th, in his Fall, or under the earth
in the 4th or 6th, or in other Cadent houses, afflicted by the malevolents, and the Lord of the 8th
in the 7th, these are testimonies of death. malevolent Planet neer to the degree ascending, or a
violent fixed Starre, viz. Antares in 4 degrees of Sagittarius, Lans Australis about the 9th degree
of Scorpio, Palilicium in 4 degrees of Gemini, Caput Medusae in 20 degrees of Taurus, these
The Resolution of
prenote death. The Lord of the Ascendant in Leo or Aquarius, in any bad configuration of the Lord of the 6th or 12th, shewes little hope of recovery.. Both the Lights afflicted of Saturn in Angles, give testimony of a tedious long sicknesse; so doth both the Lights, being ill dignified and under the earth, signifie the same. When as also the Sun from the beginning of the Disease shall be corporally afflicted, or by the Square or Opposition of Saturn or Mars impedited, or be in the perfect Antiscion of a malignant Planet, or shall apply and not separate, either death, or an extraordinary long sicknesse succeeds. The Moon after the beginning of the Disease comming to Opposition of the Lord of the Ascendant, and he Retrograde or Combust, argues death, or a sharp disease, not easily curable.. Saturn in Opposition with the Lord of the 8th, the Moon in the 4th with Mars, or Moon in the Ascendant, and neer the degree ascending, are arguments of death. The Moon besieged by the Infortunes, or between Sun and Mars, or between Sun and Saturn, are ill Omens of health. He who fals sick whilest the Moon is under the Sun-Beames, viz. departing from Combustion, his Disease shall encrease till she hath passed the Sun his Opposition; but then if she prove ill affected, and come to an ill aspect of the Lord of the 8th, it threatens death, otherwise he or she will escape..
Any malevolent in the 6th, or any Planet peregrine and unfortunate in that house, shew great danger in the Disease; the Combustion of the Moon in the 8th house, and in Leo, or in Libra, in Square or Opposition to Saturn or Mercury, or in Conjunction with the Pleiades in 24 degrees of Taurus, or other violent fixed Starres, argues death.. The Moon being Lady of the 6th, or of the Ascendant in Combustion, and the Lord of the 8th at the same time afflicted by Conjunction, or ill aspect of Saturn or Mars, shew death.
DARIOT Abridged.
In regard I have ever affected Dariot his Method of judgment in sicknesses, I have with some abbreviation annexed it, in a farre more short way and method heretofore published.
All manner of QUESTIONS.
If the Party be sicke of whom the
Question is Demanded.
The Significator of the Querent in the Signe contrary to his owne nature, as Mars being Lord of the Ascendant, and naturally hot and dry, if he be in Cancer, which is cold and moyst; or if the Lord of the Ascendant be in a Cadent house, chiefly in the 6th, he is sick.. A diurnall Planet being Significator, and he under the earth ill affected, Combust, Retrograde, in his Fall or Detriment, weak, or in Termes of malevolents, or with violent fixed Stars, or besieged by the two Infortunes, these things happening, the party is sick.. What was spoken of a diurnall Planet, must be understood of a nocturnall one. (consideratic, consideratis)
When a Question was asked of me upon any Urine, or without it, having erected my Figure, I observed this method, to know whether If the Ascendant were not afflicted, or the Lord thereof out of his essentiall Dignities, or in any evill aspect of Saturn or Mars, or Lord of the 6th.
Or if no Planets afflicted the 6th house by presence, or that the Moon were not afflicted in the 8th or 12th; or if I found Jupiter or Venus or North Node in the Ascendant, or the Sun in the 6th, or the Moon and the Lord of the Ascendant in any good aspect, or Jupiter or Venus casting a Trine or Sextile to the cusp of the Ascendant or the 6th house, I would directly aquaint the party they were not sick, or that no sicknesse would succeed upon the Quere, but that their mistrust of a sicknesse was grounded upon some sudden distemper of Body, which would presently be rectified.
Cause Of The Disease Inward or Outward.
The inward cause and condition of the Disease we require from the ill disposition of the Significator, in Signe, House and place in Heaven, his good or ill configuration with the malevolent Planets: where generally observe, any Planets may in this case be malignant, if he be the Lord of the 8th, 12th or 6th, &c.
The Resolution of
The Outward cause is required from those Infortunes that doe afflict the Lord of the Ascendant, or from the principall Significators in the Figure, or the Moon; for if you find the Lord of the Ascendant sufficiently strong in essentiall Dignities, swift in motion, in a good house of Heaven, you may then judge the Querent is not naturally ill, but accidentally and outwardly afflicted, and if you find notwithstanding the strength of the Lord of the Ascendant, that either Saturn or Mars have some Square or Opposition aspect unto him, and neither of them be Lords of the 6th, or Dispositors of the Moon, you may judge some outward cause hath happened to the party, whereby it comes to passe he is not well, yet not perfectly sick; doe you then observe in what house that Planet is, or of what house he is Lord, and from the judgments belonging to that house, require satisfaction in Art; as for example:
If you find the Lord of the Ascendant casually afflicted by Saturn or Mars, &c. and either of
them are Lords of the 2nd house, and there appears no inward cause of a Disease, then doe you
judge the Querent is in some want of money, (if the Significators apply) or hath had lately
damage, the Significators are separated; the greatnesse or smallnesse of his losse judge according
to the strength of the Planet afflicting, and quality of the aspect; where note, Oppositions herein
are worse then Square aspects or Conjunctions. If it be the Lord of the 5th, be the Planet good or
ill, that afflicts, or hath evill aspect to the Lord of the Ascendant, either by evill Dyet, Surfet, &c.
or by losse at Dice, Tables or Sports (if Querent is capable) or that the Father comes not off
freely with his Pension; (this is when young people demand a Question, or are distempered) if it
be the Lord of the 7th that oppresses the Lord of the Ascendant, the party has had lately some
difference with his Wife (and so a Woman, on the contrary, with her Husband) or some Lawsuit,
or willful Neighbour-contention, or Partner is the outward cause of his evill indisposition. In
Youth, if the like configuration be upon the Question from the Lord of the 7th to the Lord of the
Ascendant, it’s alone melancholly, his Friend, or
all manner of Questions
the Maid he affects, or the man she longs after is unkind, and discontent for that occasion is the outward cause of this ill affectedness in the Body, yet will no sicknesse follow it.. This is the Method which I ever observed, which I freely comunicate to the world, and which, if well understood, will give knowledge sufficient to this way of judicature.
Of the qualitie and nature of the Disease.
Although formerly I have briefly given directions herein, yet now I hold it fit to be more copious, and desire the Learner that he will contract what I write into such a Method as may best please his owne Phansie; and be inabled to make the best use of it for his owne advantage. When therefore you have erected your Figure, consider what Planet is significator of the Disease; and if you so find Saturn to be significator, he produces continued and tedious Sicknesses, quarten Agues, Coughs, comsumptions, &c. If he be in Leo or in Scorpio with South Node or North Node, or Combust, or if Saturn be with violent fixed Starres, he afflicts the sicke party with pestilent and dangerous Feavers, and it may be doubted (where suspicion of Poyson is) that the Sicke has been indeavoured to be Poysoned, or hath taken some potion equivolent to Poyson. When Saturn is in the Signe of the fiery Triplicity, as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, he usually signifies Hectick-Feavers. If he be in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, the cause and matter of the Disease growes from some cold and moyst cause or matter, or distemper; and this more assuredly if Venus or Moon, who are moyst Planets, have together with him and signification in the Disease, the matter then afflicting or cause of the disease is more grosse and vicious with long Paroxismes, with ebbing and flowing of the Disease. The sicke party is almost overwhelmed with horror, dread and fearful imaginations, with extreme chillinesse or coldnesse. When Saturn is in fixed Signes, as in Taurus, Leo or Aquarius, he afflicts the Patient with durable and long continued Agues and Feavers, pectorall rotennesses, or dry coughs, the joynt Gout, Leprosie, or generall Scabbinesse all over the Body, all manner of Gouts.
The Resolution of
Saturn being in moveable Signes, as Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, prenotes a generall Flux of humours all-over the Body, principally the Dropsie or Tympanicall humours. Being in common Signes, the Disease proceeds not from the disaffection of one humour alone, but has many changings, receding and reverting, and yet the Disease continues a long time.. Jupiter When he is author of the Sicknesse, he demonstrates ill affection of the Liver, and a corruption of the blood either by inflamation, or other causes of nature agreeable to the Signe wherein he is posited, as if in Cancer, or in a moyst Signe the blood is waterish, or too thin, &c. If in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, it’s overheated by some extravagant excesse of heat or choller, if in Aquarius, Libra or Gemini the blood over flows, there’s too much, breathing of a Veine is necessary or sweating. If in Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo, the blood is infected with Melancholly, too grosse, and not fluent.. Jupiter in fiery Signes causes Feavers proceeding from blood, yet without rottennesse or store of putrification..
When Mars is joyned with the Sun, it prenotes a distempered Feaver procreated, by putrification of the blood.
If Mars be significator of the Disease and in any Signes afflicting the Luminaries or the Ascendant or Lord of the Ascendant, he procreates hot burning Feavours, some mixture of Melancholy. If Saturne be mixed in the Judgment of the disease, that is, if he have anything to do in the Signification of the Disease, or Mars in any of his dignities. When Mars is in common Signes, the disease will not easily be discovered, it will come and goe, and be at no certainty, yet at what time it seems to leave. If Saturne have any signification and be in aspect with good Planets, the disease will quite goe away, but if then Saturne be with the Lord of the 8th or 6th, the Sicke may expect death. Usually when Mars is in common Signes the Patient is vexed with many infirmities and they acute, returning when expectation is of amendment. The symptoms hereof are sudden motions, and more quicke and speedy Criticall dayes, either to good or ill, according to the nature of the Significator. Mars under the beames of the Sun in the 6th or in the 12th, in fiery Signes, brings scorching or burning inflaming Feavers, that is, Feavers exceeding, especially in heat, and as it were boiling the blood.
All manner of QUESTIONS
Mars being the cause of a Feaver and in Leo, shews ebolition or a boyling of the humours, continuall burning Feavers, whose originall cause springs from the great Veines neer the heart:
When the Sun at first lying downe of the Sicke party, is in Conjunction, Square or Opposition of Saturne, or in Saturne his Antiscion, the Disease then afflicting is meerly Melancholly; If the Sun be afflicted of or by Mars with the aforesaid aspects, the Disease is from Choller: Venus being Significatrix of the Disease, shewes it proceeds of intemperancy, too much Gluttony of some Surfeit, the disaffection in the Belly, or in or neer the privy parts, or by some Womanish trick, &c. Venus in Fiery Signes, shewes a Feaver but of one dayes continuance, but if Mars joins in signification, it notes rotten Feavers arising from Fleagme.
When Mercury is unfortunate and is author of the Disease, the sick party hath his Braine disaffected, is disturbed with an unquiet Fancy or Minde, with a Frenzie, Fallingp-sicknesse, Cough, Ptissick, or the like. When the Lord of the 9th is in the 6th, the Disease is from some Poyson, Witchery or Fascination, Charme, or by or from some occult cause; this is, when mistrust is of such like chances.
Whether the Disease be in the right or left side or part
of the Body of him that demands the Question
or is Sick.
When you finde the Lord of the 6th unfortunate or afflicted above the earth (that is in the
12,11,10,9,8,7 houses) the Disease is in the right side of the Body, and in the upper part thereof. If the Lord of the 6th be under earth, viz.. in the 1,2,3,4,5,6 houses, or vitiated in a diurnal Signe, the Disease is in the superior or fore-part of the body, as in the fore—head, stomacke, &c. If in a nocturnall Signe, the infirmity is in the back part of the Body.
If the Significator of the Disease be in a Feminine Signe, and in Aspect to a Feminine Planet in a
Feminine Signe or House, the Disease is in the left side of the Body. I ever finde this generall
rule to hold true, viz. if the Lord of the 6th be a Masculine Planet and above earth, the right side
of the Sicke is pained. If the Significator be in few degrees of the Signe, the
The Resolution of
upper part of that Member is pained or grieved; If the Significator be in the middle of the Signe, the middle part of the Member is distressed, and so the lower part of the Member, when the Significator possesseth the lower degrees of the Signe.
Whether the Disease be in the Body, Minde or both.
You must understand in the first place, that the Signe ascending the Moon and the Lord of the house wherein the Sun is, doe shew the Spirit of Man, and that the Lord of the Ascendant, the Planet who is Dispositor of the Moon, doth denote both the externall and internall Members. Wherefore in giving judgment herein, you may consider if the Ascendant Sun and Moon be all vitiated or afflicted, the Disease is then through the whole Body, or no place is free. If those Planets who dispose of the Sun and Moon, or he that is Lord of the Ascendant, or two of them at least be afflicted, the Disease is in the Spirits together with some indisposition of minde. The reason hereof is, because the Lord of the Ascendant and Dispositor of the Moon are properly the Significators of the Animal faculties and infirmities in Man, or which may chance unto him. As deprivation of Sense, Maddnesse, Frenzie, Melancholly, &c.
If the Ascendant, the Moon and Lord of the House of the Sun are all or but 2 of them impedited, the infirmity rests in the Mind but not in the Body.
If the Ascendant and the Moon be both unfortunate, and the Lord of the Ascendant and
Dispositor of the Moon free, the indisposition is in the Minde and not in the Body. This generall
rule many Astrologians observe, viz. that Saturn naturally forshews or causeth Melancholy, all
manner of distempers from Melancholly, and by consequence the disturbed Minde; wherefore
wheresoever you finde Saturn Lord of the Ascendant or of the Houre, or 12th House, or 6th, or if
the Moon separate from him, or if Saturn be in the 6th house, or in the Ascendant, or in
Conjunction, Square or Opposition of the Lord of the Ascendant, the sick-party labours with
some affliction of Minde, or with some vexatious care where—with his minde is more troubled;
now the contrary hereof Jupiter effects, for he never oppresseth the
all manner of QUESTION
Minde but the Body. If the Lord of the House of the Moon and of the Ascendant are unfortunate by the Sun, or Combust, or under his beames, the infirmity is Bodily. If that Planet who rules the Signe wherein the Lord of the Ascendant is in, and he who is Dispositor of the Moone be infortunate in their fall, detriment or otherwayes very much afflicted, the Disease raignes more in the Minde then in the Body.
If a Planet in the Ascendant, or the Ascendant, or if the Lord of the House of the Moone be oppressed in the 12th, or by a Sextile or Trine or Opposition of Mars, the Disease is both in the Minde and the Body. A Planet being by nature malevolent, beholding the Ascendant and not the Moone, and together with this, if the Lord of the Signe where the Sun is be afflicted, the party is grieved in Minde, but not sick in his Body. Also, if the degree ascending and degree of that Signe wherein the Moon is be more afflicted then the Lords of those Signes, the Disease ranges more in the Minde then the Body, and so the contrary when the Lords are more afflicted then the parts of the Signes before mentioned. If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Sun be in their exaltations, and the dispositor of the Moon in his detriment or fall, the Disease is in the Body, not the Minde. When the Lords of the places of the Moon and of the Sun be in their detriment, fals, or Peregrine, Retrograde, Combust, and the degree ascending in Square of the Moon; and free from ill aspects of Saturn and Mars, then is the Patient vexed with a tormented Soule. Usually when the Sun, the Lord of the Ascendant, or houre, or of the 12th house are Significators of the party inquiring, these shew a Minde vexed with haughtinesse, vaine-glory, self—conceitednesse, Pride, &c.
Venus argues luxury, a laviscious desire to Women, wherewith both Body and Minde are
disturbed. Mercury shews doating fancies, and fearfull imaginations, wheresoever you finde him
a Significator and afflicted: as also, that he is stirred to mistrust upon vaine feares, his owne
jealous fancies, or upon some flying reports.. Over and above the many Directions formerly
prescribed, you must well consider whether the degrees wherein the Lord of the Ascendant, the
Sun or Moon at time of the Birth (if you have the Patients Nativity) doe fall to be the degrees of
a Signe
The Resolution of
when the Moon is 12 degrees from the wherein a present Eclipse is, at time of the sicknesse or neer it, or of some eminent great Conjunction; for I must tell you, these are all unfortunate. The Signe of the Eclips or of a great Conjunction threatening evil, or the Signe of the 8th House of the yeerly revolution of the World, falling in any of the Angles of the Nativity, especially in the Ascendant, proves very dangerous.
When a Signe ascends upon the first falling sick, or demand of the Patient, wherein the Infortune was in the Nativity, it most fearfully torments the sick party, viz. it shews he shall have a hard fit of Sicknesse. The Conjunction of the Moon with the Sun is a very ill Signe, when there’s not above 6 degrees distance betwixt them, and the Moon not yet passed by the Sun, that is, not having been in Conjunction with him: however, upon the Sun and Moon their being in Conjunction in Aries or Leo, this misfortune is lessened;
Sun, she shews little danger..
Of the Crysis, or dayes Criticall.
Sundry Astrologians have handled this part of Medicinall Astrology so learnedly, that I shall onely refere them to their excellent Works, which are publikely to be had; onely thus much I have ever observed, that to find the true Crysis, you must as neer as can be obtained, get the hour wherein the Patient first took to his Bed; which if it cannot be had, then take the hour when first Judgment was required of the Physitian, and rectifie the Moon her motion to that very hour; if the Disease be not chronick, but acute, you shall find great alteration in the Disease and party infirmed, neer upon those times when the Moon comes to be distant from that her first place, 45 degrees; so also when she is 90 degrees from that place; and again when distant 135 degrees, for discovering whether the Crysis will be good or ill, you must note what Planet she is in aspect ¡ithal at those times, whether with a friendly Planet or Infortune. If she be in a good aspect at those times with a benevolent Planet, it doth promise ease, and a better condition in the Disease..
But if she then meets with an ill aspect of the Lord of the 8th or 6th, the Patient will be worse, his
paine encrease,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
and the Medicine will do little good. I usually observe, and I doe not remember that I have failed, viz. that as oft as the Moon came to Square, Conjunction or Opposition of that Planet who did any wayes either afflict the ascendant; the Lord of the ascendant of the Moon, or when she came to the like aspect of the Lord of the 6th or any Planet that was posited in the 6th, I say, then I did ever observe the Patient to be much distempered, the Disease high, and Medicines given about those times to work little or no good effect; when I observed Moon to come to a Trine or Sextile of the Lord of the Ascendant, or Lord of the 11th, or Lord of the 9th or 10th, I use to pronounce to the Infirmed, comfort and some relaxation or an intervall of ease; so also, when the Lord of the Ascendant came to any good aspect of the Sun (if he has not power or domination in the disease, I found the Patient’s mind much enlightened.)
[How long ere the sick recover.]
When I find, that by God’s blessing the sick party shall recover, and it be demanded, When or about what time it is like to be? I usually observe, who is the Lord of the Ascendant, and which of the benevolent Planets he is in aspect with, and how many degrees there are distant betwixt them, in what house they both are in, viz. whether Angles, Succedant, Cadent, what Signe they possesse, whether Moveable, Fixed or Common, and according to discretion and quality of the Disease, so I frame my measure of time; yet ordinarily if the aspect be in moveable Signes, I judge, in so many dayes the party will amend, the more certainly, I determine, if the significators be swift in motion, angular.. If the application be in common Signes, I neither judge moneths, weeks or dayes, but according as I can with discretion frame my judgment, having first observed the nature of the Disease, and possibility of determining in such or such a time, the Ancients did say:
Moveable Signes shew Dayes.
Common Signes, Weeks or Moneths.
Fixed Signes, Moneths or Yeers.
Angles are equivalent to moveable Signes.
Succeedant to common Signes.
Cadent to fixed Signes.
The Resolution of
Together with the principall Significators, consider the quick or slow motion of the Moon, the Signe she is in, and its quality, mix all together, and your judgments will be more rationall: I many times find, when the Lord of the Ascendant moves out of the Signe he is in at the time of the Question, and has essentiall Dignities in the Signe he is going into, the party recovers then, or sensibly feels an alteration for the good in himselfe; and so if the later degrees of a Signe are on the cusp of the 6th, viz. if I find 28 degrees, and the Signe common, I say, the Disease will vary in lesse time then 2 weeks: I might give infinite rules, but in judgment of a Figure or two subsequent, I shall better be understood in the practicall part of it, and deliver the method I always observed; but because, together with what I write, the Reader might have more variety of judgment; and because nothing in this life is more irksome then Sicknesse, or more delightfull then health, I have endeavoured to English the Iatromathematicks of Hermes, much esteemed in all Ages, and here to insert them, as being necessary to the Judgments of this House.
Decumbiture of the Sick.
The heavenly Rayes or influence proceeding and emitted from the seven Planets are multiplied and dispersed into the severall members of man, even whilest the conception in the Mothers Wombe, doth first begin to cleave together: neither verily doth it happen otherwayes when the child first sees the light of this world, but even according to the position of the twelve Signes of Heaven, so doe we assigne the Head to the Signe Aries.
all manner of QUESTIONS
The Sensitive Parts or Instruments of Mans Body are
thus attributes to the seven Planets.
The right Eye to the Sun, the left to the Moon.
The sense of Hearing and Eares to Saturn..
The Braine to Jupiter, Blood to Mars.
Smelling and Tasting to Venus.
The Tongue, the Weesell-pipe of a mans Throat or Lung-pipe to Mercury. That member suffers a defect or imperfection, of which either at conception or birth an afflicted Planet had dominion or did Signifie the same.
There are also in man foure more principall and generall parts; the Head, the Breast, the Hands, and Feet.
If the Planet who governth any of those principal parts be unfortunate and ill affected, either at the time of Conception or Birth, the same Planet afflicteth or disfigureth all those parts so attributed unto himselfe, or some particular or principall part of those members. As when the Sun or Moon be ill disposed or vitiated, either the one or both, the eyes receive prejudice; if Saturn the eares, teeth or sense of hearing. When Mercury is oppressed, we find a defect in the tongue, or stammering in speech. And in the same manner we may apprehend, whether any part of the Breast, Lungs, Liver, Spleen, Heart, or any of the intestines or inwards of the body be corrupted and infected, radically from the Birth or Conception.. In consideration of the Hands and Feet we shall observe, whether the Fingers, Nailes or any of these are unperfect or vitiated by the affinity of some predominating malignant Planet. To such defects and imperfections as are within the compasse of cure, convenient Medicines are to be applyed, and we must resist the Disease proceeding from the influence of the Planets, by other Planets of contrary nature and power to the Planet afflicting. To Saturn are assigned such Medicaments as doe coole or refrigerate, extenuate with drinesse and promotes ficcity.
The Resolution of
To Mercury such as congeale, are flatuous and windy.
To Mars such as are calefactive, warm and impletive, as unto a Planet being a very sharpe heater and procurator of blood..
To Jupiter and Venus things conglutinating, mollifying and are effective to asswage and cure all Ulcers.
The Moone helps that Planet, or lends assistance to him, be he good or bad, to whom she applies..
To him therefore that would either cure the Sicke or heale the Lame, the position of Heaven ought to be well considered and knowne, set or erected for the houre of his first falling sick, or lying downe; the Planets and their respective disposition and mutuall habit to and among themselves, is carefully to be respected, for without the congresse and influence of these in humane and worldly affaires, nothing is either infirme or sound. No Patient can possibly be cured by the industry of his Physitian, be he never so learned, without the benevolent configuration of the Stars, and happy positure thereof; but he shall either perish, being destitute hereof, or recover and be preserved by their kinde influence..
If the certaine hour of the parties first falling sick cannot exactly be knowne, then carefully take
the position of Heaven at that given time when judgment is required of the Physitian:
therein observe from whom the Moon is separated, to whom she applies, with what Planets she is
in Square or Opposition to, or with whom in Conjunction; if she be in configuration with the
malevolents, she intimates the Disease will extend almost to death. But with the Fortunes, the
sick will obtaine remedy more speedily: Observe if she be swift in motion, and encreasing in
light, or whether both of them happen at once, or neither of them: for if after her Conjunction
with the Sun, when she begins to grow great, and as it were, to swell with the encrease of light
and motion, she shall then be afflicted by the Square or Opposition of Mars, before she came to
Opposition of Sun, and no intervening aspect of a benevolent Planet chance between, she
signifies mortall or pernicious Diseases. But if conjoyned, or in good aspect of beneficiall
Starres, the infirme Body shall recover, though he were absolutely persuaded he should not live
or escape that Disease; but if the Moon be decreasing in light and motion, and afflicted either by
the Square or Opposition of
all manner of QUESTIONS
Saturn (unlesse presently after Opposition with Saturn the vigor of the Disease remit) the Disease is not curable but Mortall. If she apply to benevolent Planets, the Disease will soone be cured. This is further to be considered, that during the encrease of the Moon in number and light, the Disease encreaseth.. When the Moon growes slow in motion, the sicknesse diminisheth. This ought carefully to be regarded upon the first insult of every Disease.. Those who are at the time of their first lying downe are oppressed by the malignant influence of Saturn or Mercury, they are commonly heavy and drowsie, unwillingly moving their diseased Members, stupified or benummed with immoderate cold, or molested with unnatural defluxions:
The Disease by little and little stealeth upon the sick party, nor is he easily awaked though moved thereunto: He is silent in speech, fearfull, desires such Plaisters or formentations as are very hot, and inforce heat; they delight to be without light, as to be in darknesse; he sighes continually, and gently drawes in his breath, or sucks it up, or is short winded; the Pulse is swift and painfull; warme things applyed gives them great comfort; they have feeble Pulses; the outside of their bodies are cold and dry whereby it comes to passe, that in curing such people, that the Physitian ought to apply such Medicines as are naturally hot, doe mollifie and constringe.
Who fall sicke upon any malevolent configuration of the Sun or Mars, become disturbed in their
Minds, perplexed in their Fancies, are troublesome and very rugged in their deportment; the
superficiall parts of their bodies being inflamed with a fiery heat. They are prone to anger, make
much clamor or noyse, look peevishly, lye staring, aiwayes thirsty by reason of the roughnesse of
their parched tongues; desirious of Wine, cold Drinke, importuning the use of Bathes: no manner
of Meat whets their appetite; they freely squander out their virulent language against every man;
they have a short, depressed and inordinate Pulse; red rubicund faces, oppressed with fullnesse of
body. For recovery of these Men, it conduces much to let Blood untill the fifth day, or prescribe
such Medicines as evacuate and Purge the foulnesse of their bodies, and to administer such other
The Resolution of
as the necessity of nature further requires. What Medicines are agreeable to the nature of Mars are repugnant to Saturn as not calesactive, emollient or mollifying and dissolving obstructions. Medications which naturally are concurring with Saturn, prove contrary to those of the nature of Mars; as those which are refrigerating or cooling, astringent or binding, and repercussing. All infirmities or passions, or tremblings of the heart, and such as proceed from the mouth of the Stomack, Diseases and paines in the Arteries, Veines and Joynts, have originall from the evill influence of Mars and Sun.
Continues Feavers, Phrensies, Exulceration and inflamation of the Lungs and Lights, and such like Diseases, draw their originall from Saturn and Mercury; Against such Diseases, Medicines that refrigerate are most proper, of which sort are these:
Nightshade Stone Hematites Allum
Coriander Purcel/Egg White Flower of Field-Vine
Endive Flax-seed Fruit of Palm Trees
Juyce of Poppy Reed The Myrrh-Tree
Root of Alkakenge Leaves of Mallows Summach
Knot-graffe Pomegranet Fresh Roses
Singreen Hypocistis Bull-Rushes
Fleawort Cypress Tree Ladanum
Lentiles Blackberry Tree Saffron
Vine-leaves Acania Potomagitum
White Lead Quinces
Silver-froth Pirapirastra
Such medicines as are naturally calesactive or hot, are assigned to the dominion of Mars and Sunne; whereof some are as followeth:
Oleum Cyprinum Ongnentum Irinum White Daffodille
Cinamon Fenigreek Sweet Marjorum
Spikenard Myrrh Cassia Odorata
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Bdellium Frankinsence Storax Calamita
Ammoniacum Helleborus Ocymum
Root Sera Rue/Hearbgrace Pyrethrum
Dry Figgs Mirabolans Chrysocalla
Cummin Onions Pix
Salt-Peeter Garlic Fat
Granum Gnisdium Leeks Marrow
Staves-acre Raddish Roots Galbanum
Stone Asius Chick Peas Flower de Luce
Galangal Sea-Salt
all things smelling sweet, and being fragrant.
To expulse and recover those Diseases which have their original rise and cause from Saturn or Mercury (which afterwards you shall have discovered by the course of the Moon) such manner of Medicines as these must be administered, which do naturally heat and mollifie. But in repressing Solar and Martiall Diseases, the learned Physitian must apply such Remedies, as by nature are refrigerative, cooling and repercussive.
Of the Signes and conjectures of the Disease, and of life or death
by the good or ill positions of theMoon at time of the Patient first lying
downe, or demanding the Question.
Whoever shall first lye downe of their sickness, the Moon decreasing in light and motion, in any of the 12 Signes, and afflicted by Saturn his Square, Opposition or Conjunction, shall in part or in all, be partaker of such Diseases as follows, during the time of the continuance of their Disease..
Viz.. With Head—ach, or heavinesse of the Head, or Rheume, falling down into the Nostrils,
singing in the Eares, stuffing in the Head, wearinesse or dulnesse of the Eyes, distillation of
Rheumes and corrupt humours falling from the head into the Throat and Wind-pipe, weak Pulse
and inordinate, drowsinesse of mind, loathing of the Stomack, intemperate or unseasonable
Sweats, hot within, cold without, more afflicted by night then day; if Moon be not favoured by
the aspect of any good Planet , without doubt
The Resolution of
the sick party will dye, God sending no extraordinary remedy. To loosen the Belly represses the grief, to let blood is ill.
Feavers proceeding from obstructions and distemper of the Ppaecordiacks and Arteries, viz. of the inward parts neer the Heart, Liver and Lungs, occasioned by too much Luxury, or from Surfets or inordinate Repletion; their Pulses are lofty and high, but immoderate, an inflation or puffing up of the Body, ulceration of the Lungs; if the Moon be not supported with some gentle aspects of the Fortunes, the party will hardly live fourteen dayes; but if the Moon be, as beforehand, in any good aspect, beyond expectation the sick will recover. Those Medicines which purge or dissolve grosse Humours, and Phlebotomy are good..
Who fall sick, the Moon in Gemini, afflicted of Saturn, by Conjunction, Square or Opposition, have the original of their Disease, occasioned by wearinesse of the mind, and over-burdening it with multiplicity of affaires, or some wearinesse in ¡oistu, or over-much exercise of body, feare of a small Feaver, the paine disperses itself all over the body, but principally in the Arteries and Joynts.
I find the Vitals much afflicted when Moon is in Gemini, at the time of any ones Decumbiture, and the sick inclinable to a Consumption; with such the Pulse is rare and little, afflicted with frequent sweatings, Simptomes of the Spleen, and the Disease more troublesome in the night then in the day; if Mars, together with Saturn, at the same time afflict the Moon, most Authors hold, the sick will not live above ten dayes, unlesse the favorable aspects of Jupiter or Venus intervene, and then after a long time, the sick may recover.
Who fals sick the Moon afflicted of Saturn in Cancer, is much afflicted in the Brest with tough
melancholly Matter, or with filmy, thick Flegme, is vexed with Coughs, or abundance of Spittle
and ¡oisture, Catarres, Hoarcenesse, distillation of Rheumes, or descending of Humours into the
Brest, their Pipes are narrow and obstructed, small Feavers, and many times feare of the
all manner of QUESTIONS
Quotidian Ague; but usually a Quartan Ague followes, holding a long time, Belly ake, or some infirmnesse in the Reynes or Secrets. If the Moon be decreasing and neer the Body of Saturn, The sicknesse will continue a great space of time; and if together with her affliction, the Lord of the Ascendant be impedited by the Lord of the 8th, there’s small hopes of recovery.
Those who lye down or first complaine, the Moon being impedited of Saturn in Leo, the sicknesse shall proceed of ill melancholy Blood, the sick will be oppressed with unkindly heat in the Brest, intension of the Heart-strings, with violent Feavers, the Pulse are troubled, externall and internall Heats doe much annoy the sick, sometimes they are taken with a fit of the Stone, or faintnesse of Heart, or Swooning, and if the Disease does continue long, the sick is in danger of the Black-jaundices.
Such things as gently moisten and heat, are good for the Diseased; when the Moon comes to the Opposition of Saturn, if the Sextile, Trine or Conjunction of Jupiter or Venus afflict not, many times the sick dyeth.
The Moon in Virgo afflicted by Saturn, the Sicknesse proceeds from Crudities and evill digestion in the Stomack, and from too much viscious Flegme obstructing the Bowels and Intrailes, pricking or shooting under the Ribs, inordinate Feavers, many times I find the sick afflicted when the Moon is in Virgo in aspect of Saturn with the Wind-chollick, with extreme Melancholly, with the Gout or aches in the Thighes and Feet, &c., things which mollifie heat and dissolve, are most proper for the sick; when the cause of the Disease originally rises from this configuration of the Moon in Virgo, unfortunated by Saturn, I seldom find by experience but that the Diseased continues sick a great while; for Virgo is an Earth Signe and Saturn is Slow.
The Moon in Libra afflicted by Saturn, the Disease has its originall form some Surfet of Wine,
Gluttony, or Meat not fully digested, or too many Venery, the Brest is disaffected, so also the
Head, no appetite to eat, a loathing in the Stomack, the
The Resolution of
Cough, Hoarcenesse, distillation of Rheums afflict him: I have found the sick party, upon this aspect of the Moon to Saturn, to have been troubled with great panes in the Joynts, Knees and Thighes, and an itching in those parts, they fearing a Sciatica..
Saturn afflicting the Moon in Scorpio, the Disease is in Ano or Anglice [Arse-hole] usually an Ulcer there, or the Hemorroids or Piles, or some Exulceration or Bubo, [Anglice] a botch in the Privy-members.
I find by experience, if a man or woman enquire upon the Moon her affliction by Saturn in Scorpio, there’s no retention of Urine, the party is vexed with the Stone in the Bladder, or with a swelling dropsical Humour, offending and swelling about their Knees and Legs. As also sometimes they have a Flux, if a man then the Gonorrea; if a woman, too much aboundance of Menstrua’s.
Saturn afflicting the Moon, the diseased party is sensibly oppressed with Deflux of subtill, thin sharp Humours, griefes in the Arteries or Joynts, feare of a Feaver, extremeties of heat and cold, many times a double accesse of a Feaver. What mitigates heat gently, and moystens, is good for such people as fall sick under this aspect.
I find by experience, that the Moon in Sagittarius, afflicted by a Conjunction of Saturn, doth cause the Disease to proceed from Blood infected with choller and melancholly, and many times by too great paines-taking, or violent exercise, and cold thereupon taken. Upon the Opposition of the Moon and Saturn, for the most part the sick has a spice of the Gout, or some Tumour or Swelling in the Hands, or Thighes, or Feet &c. If Mars have any ill aspect to the Moon as well as Saturn at time of first falling sick, it proves a violent burning Feaver.
The Disease proceeds from Cold and Melancholly, with subtill, thin Distillations, heavinesse of the Brest and Stomack, difficulty of breathing, dry Coughs, the Lungs oppressed, intended Feavers, more pained in the night then in the day-time. Medicines that heat and moysten moderately doe availe in this Disease.
The party will still complain of the Head-ach, or paine in the left Eare, or of a Rumbling or Noyse in his Head.
all manner of QUESTIONS
MOON IN AQUARIUS (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) SATURN The Sicknesse hath beginning, or is occasioned from too much labour, wearisomenesse or toyling the Body and Minde, want of sleepe and due refreshment of nature: The Malady ceaseth on him unequally, with remission and intension, untill the Moon have past the opposition of her owne place, then if your Fortunes have any good Aspect to the Moone, the sicke is recoverable. I finde the sicke complaining or lying downe under the preceding malevolent Aspect, to be grieved with winde or noyse in the head, with faint fits or passions of the heart; or many times they have either a sore throat, or are troubled with a rising there, and in danger of suffocation.
The Malady its cause, is from cold distillations; the party is afflicted with continual Feavers, oft and continuall sighings, pricking or shooting under the Paps, extensions of the precordiacks and hart-strings.
I find the Sicke have surfeited by some extremity of cold, that their throat is oppressed with thicke fleagme, and their brest is troubled with a rotten cough and aboundance of watery matter lodging there..
Those Medicines that heat and gently califie are good in these cases. As we have treated of such Diseases as may afflict any one upon their first falling Sicke or Decumbiture, the Moon being in any of the 12 Signes and oppressed by Saturn, or indeed by Mercury.. So now we will endeavour to chew the quality of the Disease from the Moon her affliction from Mars or the Sun through the 12 Signes of the Zodiacke.
Who fall sick the Moon in Conjunction, Square or Opposition of Mars in Aries, their disease shall proceed from a distempered affection of the Membranes or Pellices of the braine, continual Feavers, no rest or quietnesse. An hot thirsty mouth, extreme thirst, drynesse of the tongue, hot Liver or inflamation thereof, much heat in the Brest, high and sublated Pulses, keeping no order, a Phrensie may be feared, or deprivation of Senses: letting of Blood and such things as do coole and nourish are very helpfull.
The Resolution of
If the Moon next after her separation from the Malevolent beames or aspect of Mars doe apply to Conjunct or Opposition of Saturn, and she decreasing in light and slow in motion, there’s small hopes of life; let the sicke prepare for God. I finde, usually the Moon being in Aries afflicted of Mars, the party is almost ready to run mad, or hath some extreme paine or griefe in his Belly or smal guts occassioned by chollericke obstructions..
The party falling sicke, has too much abundance of ill Blood, continuall Feavers, the whole frame of the body obstructed, inflamation of the throat, neck and hinder—part thereof, ach of the bones, ungentle slumbers, but no sleepe, a foolish longing after Wine and cold water. Blood letting and such things as moderately coole or allay heat are necessary. I finde Moon in Taurus afflicted by Mars, the Patient is afflicted with the stranguary, or stone, or gravell in the Reines and Kidneys, with pestilent soare throats, or hoarsenesse, or some malignity there in that member.
Who takes his or her Bed the Moon in Gemini afflicted by Mars, usually shews he or she shall undergo a violent and dangerous Feaver, obstructions; high and inordinate Pulses attend such; the blood is too hot, and a necessity there is of emission of blood. The whole body being neer corruption, by reason of the ranknesse of blood..
I finde those falling sicke the Moone in Gemini afflicted by Mars, to be pained all over the body, the Disease in no place ¡ettled, their Blood extremely windy, corrupted, and what not, some lameness or grief in their Arms or Joynts, and afflicted with the stone or heat in the reines, and sometimes spitting of blood.
The Moone afflicted by Mars in Cancer, the Sicke is sensible of great abundance of sweet fleagme in his stomacke, hath too much ingurgitated, or taken some surfeit, oft vomits or desires so to do, with eversion or turning of the ventricle.
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I finde, usually it is a meer surfeit gotten by riot and excesse, and most that I have seen thus afflicted have been cured by Vomit; many times it turns to a loosenesse, or a rotten filthy cough, sometimes spitting of blood.
In this case too much blood abounds and thereby strong Feavers, very weake Pulses, raving and strong raging fits, a disturbed Braine, depravation of appetite, heavinesse and drowsinesse all over the body, many distempers of the heart; the body in danger of a Consumption; usually they dye about the ninth day after the first falling sicke, if other configurations of heavens accord. I finde the Blood over—heated, the party almost starke raging mad, choller in excesse abounding, the body over—dryed, a probability of the Plurisie; faintnesse and swooning, or the heart very much afflicted; I evermore feare this dangerous Conjunction or Opposition of Mars and the Moone in this Signe, more then in any other of the Zodiacke.
Usually in alteration or flux in the Belly, or miseraicks followes this unluckie position, small Feavers, the originall choller and melancholly, the Pulse remisse, eversion of the ventricle loathing of food; death within 30 days, if the Fortunes assist not. I have by experience found, the afflicted upon this aspect or aspects, to be tormented with the winde, chollicke, many times weaknesse in the legges or neere the ancles. Yet I did never finde any Disease easily removeable, if the Moone at time of the decumbiture, or first falling ill, was afflicted by Mars in Virgo.
The Patient is grieved with plenitude of Blood, and from that cause hath intended Feavers, high Pulses, abstains from sleepe, has no naturall rest, an inflamation all over the body. I observe in this kinde, sick people upon this kinde are oppressed with Blood over-heated, have taken some surfeit by disorder in dyet; many times have the stone or gravell in their kidneys, or great heat therein.
The Resolution of
Glister, and such things are gently coole, are best in this nature; many times the Disease is all over the Body, in every part; and most violent burning Feavers follow. Blood letting is good.
Its neither better or worse with the party inquiring, but that he or she hath some grievous infirmnesse in his or her privie parts. There’s usually some exulceration, the Pox small or French (or Mesels, if children) the Hemerods or Pyles.
I observe the Sicke offended with snafling in the Head, or some grievous colds or rheumes in that member; if the party looke like a wanton, the French Pox or Gonorrea or burnt Prick, without more words I doe judge: many times I find the party scabby and oppressed with breakings out, &c.
This is corruption of Blood, &c. such things as heat and comfort, are now necessary; the Disease usually is a scandalous one. Let a modest party propound the Question; there’s cause to distrust foule play, &c. if a Man propound, the Wife may be faulty, &c. in Contrarlo.
Such an affliction of the Moone in Sagittarius intimates, the sick party is grieved with a very desperate Disease, occasioned from surfetting or gluttony, or too much repletion; he is tormented with high Feavers, with chollerick passions, with the Flux or Laske: the Pulses are few and faint, or beat slowly and weakly. If the sicke escape the 7th day, or know properly that day when the Moone comes to a true Square of the place she was in at first lying downe, there’s then hope of true recovery.. I daily find by experience, the sick party his Blood is over-heated by some inordinate exercise, that he burnes extreamly, sometimes the malignancy of the pestilent Feaver is such, he is twice or thrice let Blood; they are besides many times offended with the Hand and Foot-gout, or Itches and breakings out, and sometimes with sore Throats, &c. at other times sharp Rheume offend their Eyes..
Here appears no perfect concoction, Choller abounds, the sick desires to vomit, there’s
inappetency of the Ventricle, a
all manner of QUESTIONS.
swelling of puffing up in the Sinews, a Flux of the Belly followes immediatly, continual or oft returning Feavers, inflamation of the Brest, some Exulceration offends the party, or a cholerick humour his Hands or Joynts of his Fingers. Obstructive and contingent Medicines are usefull, their Pulses are remisse and slow.
I find the sick inclinable to the Yellow-jaundies, their Countenance meagre, and their Persons exceeding leane, and that the Blood all over the body is disaffected, and the Disease is very hard to be cured by the most Learned; such usually have very little Blood, or their Blood is corrupted to purpose, or in the highest measure.
If the Moon be slow in motion, and decreasing in light, when a Disease first takes the party, and is afflicted of Mars, the Infirmity proceeds from most sharp and violent affections, or vehement passions; any favorable Planet casting his good aspect unto the Moon, either at her first Square to her owne place, or when she comes to Opposition of that degree of the zodiack she was in at the first lying downe, gives present remedy after twenty dayes.
Experience hath informed me that upon the preceding aspects, especially upon the Opposition, the sick has been pained at the Heart, troubled with swooning fits, had a most desperate Feaver, the Blood swelling in all the Veines, high Pulses; sometimes they complaine of great paine in their Brest, and draw their Wind with great difficulty.
When the Moon is afflicted of Mars in this Signe Pisces, and is encreasing in light, and swift in motion, the Body is full of grosse Humours, the Disease proceeds from too much ingurgitation, swelling and drinking, the Disease is most prevalent in the night-time; the party is vexed with a phrenetick Out-rage or Delirium, hath sharp burning Feavers, vehement thirst and desirous of Wine.
Usually I find, the party sick or enquiring, when the Moon is of Mars in Pisces so afflicted,
oppressed with violent Loosenesse, and grievously complaining of paine in their Bellies, or an
extraordinary rotten Cough, and continuall defluxion of Rheume
The Resolution of
from the Head into the Throat, the party almost suffocated therewith, their Bellies swollen, and they in danger of a Dropsie.
Astrologicall Aphorismes beneficial
For Physicians.
1. In questions concerning sick People, give the Ascendant and his Lord and the Lord of the Figure for Significators of the sick party.
2. From the Signe of the 6th, the Lord of that House, Planets therein placed, and place of
Heaven and Signe wherein the Moon is, require the Disease or part afflicted, with relation
to the Ascendant
3. The 7th house represents the Physician, the 10th his Medicine; if the Lord of the 7th be unfortunate, the Physician shall not cure; if the 10th house or Lord thereof, his Physick is improper.
4. The 4th house signifies the end of the sicknesse, and whether It will terminate quickly, or endure long: fixed Signes prolong, common Signes vary the Disease, moveable ones shew an end one way or another quickly.
5.. That Physician that first visits his Patient in the houre of Saturn, his Patient shall either be long sick, or long in curing, and suffers much torment in his cure; nor shall be cured, untill almost both Physician and Patient despaired.
6. He that first enters upon a cure in the hour of Mars, shall find his Patient disaffected to him, and partly disdaine or reject his Medicines, his pains ill rewarded, and his person slighted.
7. He that first visits his Patient in the hour of Jupiter or Venus, shall have good words of the sick, be well esteemed and paid for his paines. Though he faile of the cure, yet shall he receive no prejudice thereby; I meane, in point of estimation.. 8. When a Urine is brought, let the Ascendant represent the sick Party, whether the Querent come with consent or no, for the Urine was sometimes of the essence of the sick.
9. If no Urine or consent of the sick party come to the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Physician, then the Ascendant presents the Querent; but the person and sicknesse must be required according to the relation the Querent has to the sick party: A man for his servant, the 6th shall shew his person, not his Disease, that must be from the 6th to the 6th, which is the 11th, &c., sic. in allis where no consent is.
10. But in every Disease have care to the place of the Moon, for she is a general Significatrix in all things.
11. The sick party is in great danger of death, when at the time of the Question asked, or when the sicknesse first invaded the sick party, both the Sun and Moon are under the Earth.
12. As no light is in this World without the presence of the Sun or Moon, so no safety, or hopes of recovery in the sick, when they are obscured or subterranean at first lying downe of the sicke, and it’s greater argument of death, if either of them be then afflicted.
13. The Square or Opposition of the Fortunes, as it destroyeth not, so neither doth the benevolent aspect of the Infortunes profit, unlesse that aspect be with Reception.
14. If the Sun and Moon, or Lord of the Figure, or Lord of the Ascendant, be free from affliction, and have no affinity with the Lord of the 8th, without doubt the sick party will recover; if two of these Significators be so affected, it will goe well with him, otherwise he dyes.
15. The Lord of the Ascendant in his Fall, unfortunate or Combust, or else the Lord of the Figure, it’s doubtfull the sick party will dye of that Infirmity.
16. When the Significator of the sick is feeble, and the Lord of the 8th strong and afflicting him, it’s much feared the sick party will dye of his then infirmnesse, nature being weak, and the Disease prevalent.
17. If the Lord of the Ascendant be placed in the 8th, and received of the Lord of the 8th by some essentiall Dignity, though the Lord of the Ascendant receive not him againe, the sick party recovers beyond expectation.
18.. The Physitian may justly feare his Patient, when the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon do both apply by ill aspect to a Planet under the Earth; the contrary is to be expected, if they apply to a Planet above the Earth. The 12th, 11th, 9th, 8th, 7th houses are above the Earth, the rest under.
19. The Lord of the 8th being on the cusp of the 10th, and the Lord of the Ascendant under the Earth, there’s great fear of recovery.
The Resolution of
20. If the Moon be swift in course, and encreasing in light, and by a Sextile or Trine apply to the Lord of the Ascendant, though under the Earth, it hastens the cure, the more easily if any Reception be; the cure must needs be sooner if the application be above the Earth to the Lord of the Ascendant.
21. If the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 6th, or the Lord of the 6th in the Ascendant, it protracts the Disease, and is an argument of much affliction therein; so also doth the Square or Opposition of the Lord of the 6th to the Lord of the Ascendant.
22. If the two benevolent Planets Jupiter and Venus be most powerfull in the Figure, judge well to the sick, or hope well; if the Infortunes be most strong, judge the contrary.
23. The application of the Lord of the 4th, to the Conjunction of the Lord of the 8th, prolongs the Infirmity, and also signifieth Death, if the Lord of the 4th be an Infortune; of a benevolent expect the contrary.
24. A Retrograde Planet Significator of the Disease, shews the continuance of it, and argues the Bodies Consumption, Backsliding and Relapse.
25. The Significator being stationary, shews aptnesse and desire to vomit, and the oft change and variation of the Disease; but if he be Combust of the Sun, for the most part the sick dyes: and the reason is, a Planet stationary hath time to work mischiefe, because he moves not.
26. A Significator in his Fall or Detriment, shewes ill and much danger, and argues much distrust and fear in the sick party..
27. The Ascendant and the Moon being afflicted, and the Lord of the one and Dispositor of the other not so, the Disease is in the Body, not in the Spirits:
28. But the Ascendant and Moon free from misfortune, and their Lords unfortunate, the griefe lyes in the Spirits, not in the Body; but if both be afflicted, both Body and mind are tormented: so also, is a malevolent Planet behold the Ascendant and not the Moon, the Disease is in the Animals, not the Body, and so on the contrary..
29. The Lord of the 6th in the Ascendant, 9th, 11th or 10th house, the Disease is manifest; in the 7th or 4th, it lyes occult and not knowne, and so in the 12th or 8th.
30. Moveable Signes easily cause the Disease to vary; fixed Signes make it long and permenent, and not without much difficulty; removeable, common Signes shew recidivation, or that it’s now here, now there, or that the sick party is much better at one time then at another.
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31. In the beginning of Diseases, ever feare the ill positure and affliction of the Moon, mix the signification with the well or ill being of the Lord of the Ascendant, and so judge of the good or ill attending the sick.
32. If the Nativity of the sick may be obtained, observe if the Moon at the time of the first Decumbiture or Question asked, be then in a place where an Infortune was in the Radix, or in Square or Opposition thereof, the cure will goe on the more hardly, and be more difficult to overcome.
33. If in the beginning of a sicknesse the Moon be in the 6th of the Nativity, 4th, 7th, 8th,
12th, and both times there happens to be an Infortune, it doth manifest death, unlesse a Fortune at one of those times cast forth his benevolent Beames.
34. When the Ascendant of the sicknesse is opposite to that of the Nativity, and is either the
4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, or 7th, the Ascendant of the Revolution being not the same, it shews hardly any recovery.
35. When the Lord of the 2nd doth Infortunate the Lord of the Ascendant the sick shall not be cured without too much expense of his money; or if he dye, he spends most part or much upon his cure to no purpose.
36. The Sun in the Ascendant brings usually health immediately; if in the 6th, the sicknesse presently changes; if the Lord of the 8th be Combust, the sick shall recover and not dye at this time.
37. The Sun is the candle or light of Heaven, and that Spirit which clarifies and beautifies those Signes he is in, destroying natures enemies.
38. Fear not the death of thy Patient if Jupiter be in good aspect to the Sun, although the Lord of the Ascendant apply to the Lord of the 8th..
39. When a sicknesse takes one first, at what time the Moon separates from combustion, the sicknesse will encrease untill the Moon doth come into Opposition of the Sun.
40. The Lord of the Ascendant being unfortunate in the 8th, the Patient will much encrease the Disease and retard the cure by his ill government and carelessnesse.
41. The Significator of the sick, Occidentall, denotes chronick Diseases; but Orientall, new sicknesse: consider the separation of the Moon, and as she separates or applyes, so will the Disease decrease or increase, &c.
42. If Saturn be author of the Disease, it proceeds of Cold; if
The Resolution of
Mars or the Sun, it proceeds of Heat and Drinesse; and so doe in the signification of the rest of the Planets.
43. The Moon is more afflicted of Mars when she is encreased in light, and more oppressed by Saturn in her wane: beware in the beginning of a sicknesse when the Moon is thus unfortunated, and understand Mars doth more mischiefe when he is in masculine Signes, Oriental and above the Earth: doe the contrary in the judgment of Saturn.
A sick Doctor, what was his Disease?
If curable?
What part of the Body was afflicted.
The Signe ascending in the Question is Scorpio, the Chelae notable fixed Stars neer the
Ascendant, yet it is not afflicted by the
All manner of QUESTIONS
evill position or presence of any evill Planet; therefore I must next look to the 6th house, and see if it be afflicted, wherein I find Saturn in his Fall, who thereby afflicts that house, which naturally signifies Diseases by his unlucky presence; from whence I concluded, that from thence and from that house I must require the part or member of the Body afflicted or most grieved, as you may read page 244.
Aries represents the Head, as you may see page 245.
Saturn in Aries signifies the Brest, as page 112.
Mars Lord of the Ascendant in Leo doth signifie the Heart.
The Lord of the Ascendant is Mars, and him you find but lately separated from a Square Dexter of Saturn, both of them in Cardinall Signes, Mars at time of the Square in Cancer, which presents the Brest and Stomack: from hence I positively concluded, as to the parts of Body grieved, they were the Head, Brest, Heart and Stomack, and that there lodged in the Brest or Stomack some melanchollick Obstruction, the cause of all his disease and Misery.
From what Cause the Sicknesse was.
Saturn being principall Significator of the Infirmity, in his owne Termes, and the Moon in his house applying unto him, did prenote Melancholly, and such dry Diseases as are occasioned from melancholly distempers, and might abide in the Head and Brest: what Infirmities Saturn naturally signifieth, see page 244. how to make a right mixture, your Physicians best know, and what Diseases man may be subject unto in those parts, and may proceed from such causes as abovesaid.
Mars Lord of the Ascendant was also in the Termes of Saturn, and the Moon out of his Termes,
applyed to a Square of Sun, and he in Mars his Termes; so that Choller was a secondary cause of
this Doctor’s sicknesse; and indeed when I came to speak with him, he was afflicted with great
paine and rumbling in his head, very silent, dull and melancholy, slept very little, had a very dry
Cough, and complained of great weaknesse and paine in his Brest, and at the Heart; his
Complexion was betwixt black and yellow, as if there was inclination to the Jaundies; he had
The Resolution of
these, a lingering Consumption and great wearinesse all over him, and in every joynt, for the Moon is in an ayery Signe; and as Scorpio doth ascend, which signifies the Secrets, Stone in the Bladder; so doth also the Moon in Aquarius signifie the Secrets and Diseases therein, &c. so had he difficulty in making Urine, voyded red gravell, and was greatly pained in those parts, &c. Having my selfe little judgment in Physick, I advised him to perscribe for himselfe such Physicall Medicines as were gently hot, moyst and cordiall, whereby he might for a while prolong his life; for the Moon in the 4th in Sextile with Saturn, argues sicknesse until death: He dyed the fourteenth of August following..
Whether the Disease would be long or short?
Saturn being author of the Disease, shewed it would be permanent, or of some continuance, as page 248. for he is a ponderous, slow Planet: besides, the Angles of the Figure are all fixed, the Moon and Sun both in fixed Signes, and in Square, out of Angles, both in the Termes of an Infortunate; Mars Lord of the Ascendant and 6th in a Fixed Signe; all these portend the longitude of the Disease: Besides, the Antiscion of Mars falls neer the Sun, and thereby afflicteth him, being the Luminary of the time.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Whether the Sick would live or dye,
and what his Disease was?
Judgment of the Figure aforesaid.
The Signe Ascending, viz. Virgo, is in the Figure most afflicted by the corporall presence of
Mars, who is partly Lord of the 8th house, therefore from that house and Signe must we require
the Disease, cause, and member grieved: Aquarius being the Signe of the 6th, is fixed, afflicted
by South Node, and Saturn who is Lord of the 6th house is in Taurus, a fixed Signe, earthly and
melancholy, of the same nature and Triplicity that Virgo, the Signe ascending is of; the Moon a
generall Significatrix in all Diseases, being afflicted by her proximity to Mars and posited in
The Resolution of
the Ascendant, in an earthly, melancholy Signe, together with the other Significators, did portend the Patient to be wonderfully afflicted with the Spleen, with the Wind—chollick, and melancholly obstructions in the Bowels or small Guts, small Feavers, a remisse Pulse; and as the Signe Virgo is the Signe ascending, and Moon and Mars therein, it argued, the sick was perplexed with distempers in his Head, slept unquietly, &c. (all which was true) I perswaded the man to make his peace with God, and to settle his house in order, for I did not perceive by naturall causes, that he could live above ten or twelve dayes.. And my reasons were, because all the Significators did promise no lesse then death: for first, Sun who was the temporall light at time of the Quere, and is (sons vitalis potentia) was in perfect Square of Saturn Lord of the 6th in Signes fixed.
Secondly, the Ascendant was extreamly afflicted by the presence of Mars, he being naturally ill, and accidentally almost Lord of the whole 8th house.
Thirdly, the Moon was neer Cauda Leonis, and afflicted by the crosse influence of Mars, in that house which signifies life, viz. the Ascendant Fourthly, the Moon did separate from the Sextile of Mercury, Lord of the Ascendant, in Signes of long ascensions (which is more properly a Square aspect) and did transfer his vertue to Jupiter Lord of the 8th.
The sick dyed the 28th of July following, Mercury comming to the degree of the Sun in the Question, and therein to the Square of Saturn Lord of the 6th, the day preceeding; and the Moon to an Opposition of the Sun, the Moon that day transiting the degree of the 6th house at the time of the Question, viz. 14. of Aquarius, and Sun the cusp of the 12th.
Of The Crysis in Diseases.
Crisis is no other thing then a duel or contention betwixt nature and the infirmity; if nature at
time of the Crysis
all manner of QUESTIONS
overcome the malignity of the Disease, it’s a good Crysis; if the sicknesse prevaile, it’s a pernicious and ill Crysis. Or C R Y S I S is no more then this, viz. A sudden alteration of man’s body when he is sick, tending either to health or further sicknesse; for when this Crysis is, there’s a sharp fight, as it were, betwixt nature and the Disease, whether of them shall overcome. Dayes Criticall, Decretory and Chrysmall are all one, and intend no more then a certaine and more sure judgment of the infirmity afflicting, either more powerfully, or in a lesse measure at those times when the true Crysis is.
The true Crysis is best of all taken from the moment of time when first the sicknesse invaded the Infirme; which if it cannot be had, then it may be taken (but not so certainly) from the very hour when first the Water is brought to the Doctor to advise for recovery: but if no Urine come, then when the Doctor first speaks with the sick party, and is demanded by the Infirmed what he thinks of his sicknesse, and what course he would advise for cure thereof. Every sudden and vehement motion of the Disease may be called a Crysis as Galen saith; or it is, not a locall motion altogether, but an alteration of the Disease.
Or Crysis imports judgment in the Disease afflicting, and which way it will terminate, viz. for good or evil..
Hypocrates will have Crysis to be an acute or swift reportation in Diseases, either to recovery or death: But, say some, in regard there are more Diseases to terminate in health then in death (except pestilentiall Diseases) where the matter and cause is so malignant and poysonous, that nature many times doth not attend a fight or combat with the Disease, whereby it cannot properly be called a Crysis; the definition of the Hypocrates will not well hold, unlesse it be in such Diseases as doe determine in a recovery of the sick party: So some say. Avicenna, in Canticis, agrees with Galen, and saith, Crysis (est velox motus morbi ad salutem vel ad mortem..)
There are some that have contended, That although in diseases there is a Crysis, yet is it not caused by influence of the Celestiall bodies, but from inferior causes.
The Resolution of
Now if this were granted that Decretory or Criticall-dayes did proceed from inferior causes, then according to divers sicknesses and variety of humours, the severall Criticall—dayes were to be assumed, after a different way in tertians, quartans and continued Feavers: But this, as many learned say, cannot be, therefore it is more generailly received and concluded, that in regard of the great dominion and influence the Moon hath upon inferior Bodies, whereby she doth excite and stir up the humours, that she by her motion doth declare the true Crysis of the disease, and that it is required from the time of the sick parties first falling sick, and her recesse and accesse forward and backward to and from that place or degree of the Zodiack, wherein she was at the exact time of falling sick; or if that time cannot be procured, then as beforesaid, take her true place exactly rectified to the hour of the Patients first asking for advice.. I have hereunto inserted a Table, wherewith if you enter with the place of the Moon in Signe and degree, you shall easily discover when she comes to an Indicative day, when to a Semi— quadrate or halfe Crysis( when to a true Square, when to an Opposition ) which is called a full Crysis, and so for all the Indicative and Criticall dayes during the sicknesse, &c.. As for example; let the place of the Moon in the later Figure of the 16th of July 1645. be supposed the true period of beginning of a Disease, the place of the Moon is 15.42. Virgo; because 42 minutes doe almost make one degree, I enter with 16..degr.. under the Signe of Virgo in the 8th column, so that 16.degr. of Virgo is my Radix, or true place of the Moon; over against 16.degr. to the right hand, I find 8.30 over the head thereof Libra, so that when the Moon comes to 8.degr. and 31.min. of Libra, it was the first Indicative day, wherein the Physician might expect how the Disease then would shew it selfe; upon every Crysis or Indicative day, have consideration with what Planet the Moon is in configuration; if with a benevolent, expect some remisnesse in the Disease; if with a malevolent, a bad indication, &c.
Next on the right hand to 8.30, Libra, you find 1 M, viz. when the Moon came to the first of
Scorpio, she was then in Semiquadrate to her first place, and this is, as it were, halfe a Crysis, at
what time the Disease might more or lesse manifest it selfe according to that aspect the Moon
found at her being in
all manner of QUESTIONS.
that first degree of Scorpio. In the next column on the right hand, you see 23.30. over it Scorpio, it tels you, when the Moon came to the 23. and 30.min. of Scorpio, it was a second Indicative day, whereby the Physician might further judge of the encrease or decrease of the Disease: In the next column you find 16. over it Sagittarius, when the Moon came to the 16th of Sagittarius there was then a true Crysis, at what time the Disease assuredly might be more fully discerned in one kind or other, and then, according to the aspects the Moon in that degree had to the Planets, good or ill, so might the Patient or Physician expect a better or worse Crysis: and so in the same continued line or column, you run round the Heavens, ever observing the Moon her comming to those places of the Zodiack, wherein she makes the Indicative or Criticall day, and what Planets she is then in aspect with, and whether in the Figure they promise good or ill: Besides this, you shall observe what dayes she transits the cusps of the 6th, 7th and 8th houses, and how then she is aspected of the benevolent or ill Planets.
The Resolution of
The Table Followeth.
15 30 8 0 30 23 15 30 8 0 30 23 15 30 8 0 30 23 15 30 8
16 30 9 1 30 24 16 30 9 1 30 24 16 30 9 1 30 24 16 30 9
17 30 10 2 30 25 17 30 10 2 30 25 17 30 10 2 30 25 17 30 10
18 30 11 3 30 26 18 30 11 3 30 26 18 30 11 3 30 26 18 30 11
19 30 12 4 30 27 19 30 12 4 30 27 19 30 12 4 30 27 19 30 12
20 30 13 5 30 28 20 30 13 5 30 28 20 30 13 5 30 28 20 30 13
21 30 14 6 30 29 21 30 14 6 30 29 21 30 14 6 30 29 21 30 14
22 30 15 7 30 30 22 30 15 7 30 30 22 30 15 7 30 30 22 30 15
23 30 16 8 30 1 E 23 30 16 8 30 1 H 23 30 16 8 30 1 K 23 30 16
24 30 17 9 30 2 24 30 17 9 30 2 24 30 17 9 30 2 24 30 17
25 30 18 10 30 3 25 30 18 10 30 3 25 30 18 10 30 3 25 30 18
26 30 19 11 30 4 26 30 19 11 30 4 26 30 19 11 30 4 26 30 19
27 30 20 12 30 5 27 30 20 12 30 5 27 30 20 12 30 5 27 30 20
28 30 21 13 30 6 28 30 21 13 30 6 28 30 21 13 30 6 28 30 21
29 30 22 14 30 7 29 30 22 14 30 7 29 30 22 14 30 7 29 30 22
1 C 30 23 15 30 8 1F 30 23 15 30 8 1 I 30 23 15 30 8 1 L 30 23
2 30 24 16 30 9 2 30 24 16 30 9 2 30 24 16 30 9 2 30 24
3 30 25 17 30 10 3 30 25 17 30 10 3 30 25 17 30 10 3 30 25
4 30 26 18 30 11 4 30 26 18 30 11 4 30 26 18 30 11 4 30 26
5 30 27 19 30 12 5 30 27 19 30 12 5 30 27 19 30 12 5 30 27
6 30 28 20 30 13 6 30 28 20 30 13 6 30 28 20 30 13 6 30 28
7 30 29 21 30 14 7 30 29 21 30 14 7 30 29 21 30 14 7 30 29
8 30 30 22 30 15 8 30 30 22 30 15 8 30 30 22 30 15 8 30 30
9 30 1 D 23 30 16 9 30 1 G 23 30 16 9 30 1 J 23 30 16 9 30 1 A
10 30 2 24 30 17 10 30 2 24 30 17 10 30 2 24 30 17 10 30 2
11 30 3 25 30 18 11 30 3 25 30 18 11 30 3 25 30 18 11 30 3
12 30 4 26 30 19 12 30 4 26 30 19 12 30 4 26 30 19 12 30 4
13 30 5 27 30 20 13 30 5 27 30 20 13 30 5 27 30 20 13 30 5
14 30 6 28 30 21 14 30 6 28 30 21 14 30 6 28 30 21 14 30 6
15 30 7 29 30 22 15 30 7 29 30 22 15 30 7 29 30 22 15 30 7
all manner of QUESTIONS.
You must observe, that upon the Criticall day (but especially upon the first Quartill) when Moon meets with the body or aspect of a fortunate Planet, it’s very probable (if the party be ordained for life) that nature will be fortified above the disease; and this her good aspect or application is a good indication of health, and that the Physician now imployed shall restore the sick party to former health by most easie Medicines; but if she meet at that time with the unlucky aspect of an Infortune, it gives the Physician little hopes at present; the Crysis is then ill, and the Physician must more warily proceed, &c. formerly men did repute the 7th, 14th and 21st dayes for Criticall dayes; but in regard that the Moon her motion is sometimes more slow, at other times more quick, the precise day cannot be had without compute or calculation of her true motion; which how to doe, I have given sufficient direction in my Introduction. In giving Medicines, observe the motion of the Moon, for she Ari,Leo,Sag, the Attractive vertue is strengthened in the Plhegmatick. Being In: Tau,Vir,Cap, the Retentive is fortified in Sanguine people.
Gem,Lib,Aqu, the Digestive in the Melanchollick.
Can,Sco,Pis, the Expulsive in the Cholerick.
Moon in Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces, in Sextile or Trine to:
Jupiter Purge Melancholly.
Venus Purge Choller.
Mars Sun Purge Plegme.
The vertue retentive is stirred up from Saturn, by reason of his frigidity.
Vegetative & Digestive by Jupiter
Attractive & Irasicible by Mars
Vital & Natural Potency by Sun
Appetitive & Concupiscible by Venus
Cogitative & Imaginative by Mercury
Expulsive by Moon
Fiery Signes stir up red choller, viz. Ari,Leo,Sag.
Earthly Signes, Black melancholly Tau,Vir,Cap.
Ayery Signes, Blood Gem,Lib,Aqu.
Watry Signs, Spittle & Phlegme Can,Sco,Pis.
The Resolution of
I once intended a more large Discourse of Sicknesse, but Master Booker having promised to undertake that labour, I forebeare.
If a Servant shall get free from his Master?
The first house, the Lord thereof, and the Moon, shall signifie the Servant; the 10th house and the Lord of the Signe shall denote his Master, let this condition be what it will be in this judgment; consider if the Lord of the Ascendant be joyned to the Lord of the 10th house, and whether it be a perfect Conjunction, whether by body or aspect, whether with reception or not: if it be a Conjunction by degree and minute, the Servant shall be freed easily, and in a short time; but if the Lord of the Ascendant be separated from the Lord of the 10th some few minutes, it’s an argument he is as good as freed already from his Master: if no such Conjunction or aspect be betwixt the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 10th, then have recourse to the Moon, and judge the same of her, as if she had been Lord of the Ascendant, &c. I mean if she be so aspected as abovesaid.
But if neither the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant be separated from the Lord of the 10th, consider if either of them be separated from the Sun, or joyned with him, judge in the like nature of them as you would have done with the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 10th, the same aspects considered: but if the Question be determinate and not absolute, viz., if he demand, Shall I be freed from the service or slavery of this man my Master, in which I now live, or shall I ever be freed from his power? then see if the Lord of the Ascendant be cadent from an Angle, and have no aspect to the Ascendant, or is in aspect with any Planet in an Angle, or with a Planet that doth behold the Ascendant, or if he be in the 3rd or 9th, or joyned to a Planet in them; then say, he shall be freed from his service, and shall depart from his Master: say the same if you find the like aspects or have the same occasion, from the aspects of the Moon.
But if the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant be in the Ascendant,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
10th, 7th, or 4th house, or if either of them be joyned to a Planet being in those angles, and that Planet be Direct, he shall not be delivered from his Master; but if the aforesaid Planets be Retrograde, it argues freedome, but with slownesse and difficulty: If the Lord of the Ascendant be impedited in the Ascendant, 10th, 7th or 4th, by corporall Conjunction of any ill Planet, or by his Square or Opposition, or if he be entring combustion, he shall not be freed from his service, &c.
(finish sixth house.)
The Significations of the SEVENTH
It signifies Marriage, open Enemies, Law-Suits, Controversies,
Contracts, Warres, Bargaines, Fugitives, Thefts, &c.
Because the Demands which doe naturally appertain to the 7th house, require more consideration, and are more difficult to judge then any other house, I have been enforced to be more large in delivering the opinions of the Ancients, as of some moderne Practisers; and have also published 43 significant Aphorismes; which, if well understood, will give great light, not only for better understanding what concernes this house, but the whole body of Astrology.
The Resolution of
APHORISMES and Considerations for
better judging any HORARY
1. See the Question be radicall, or fit to be judged; which is, when the Lord of the Ascendant and hour be of one nature or Triplicity.
2. Be not confident of the Judgment if either the 1st degrees or later of any Signe be ascending; if few degrees ascend, the matter is not yet ripe for judgment; if the later degrees arise, the matter of the Question is elapsed, and it’s probable the Querent hath been tampering with others, or despaires of any successe; however, the Heavens advise you not to meddle with it at that time.
3. The position of Saturn or Mars in the 10th, and they peregrine or unfortunate, or the South Node in that house,. the Artist hardly gets credit by that Question.
4. Judge not upon every slight motion, or without premeditation of the Querent, nor upon sight and triviall Questions, or when the Querent hath not wit to know what he would demand.
5. Have speciall regard to the strength and debility of the Moon, and it’s farre better the Lord of the Ascendant be unfortunate then she, for she brings unto us the strength and vertue of all the other Planets, and of one Planet to another.
6. Behold the condition of Saturn in every Question, he is naturally ill by his excesse of cold; Mars is of ill influence, because of his too much heat: in very truth, neither of them is cold or dry, but signifie so much in their vertue and operation, and therefore in all Questions they shew tardity and detriment in the Question, unlesse the Moon and they receive each other in the Signification.
7. See the condition of Jupiter and Venus be observed, who naturally are Fortunes and temperate, and never import any malice, unlesse by accident: where they are Significators without reception, they put forward the matter, but they best preforme the matter in question when they apply by Trine or Sextile, and to purpose when in Essentiall Dignities.
8. In every Question where Fortunes are Significators, hope well; but in Infortunes, then fear the worst, and accordingly order your businesse.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
9. Generally consider the state of the Moon, for if she be void of course there’s no great hopes of the Question propounded, that it shall be effected; yet if she be in Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces, your fear may be lesse, for then she is not much impedited by being voyd of course.
10. See from what Planet the Moon is separated, that Planet shewes what has already been done: if from a Fortune good; if from a malevolent, ill; according to the nature of the house, &c.
11. The Application of the Moon shewes the present condition of the thing demanded, viz. her applying by a good aspect, and in a good house, to a good Planet, intimates the strong hopes of the thing intended.
12. The Application of the Moon to a Planet in his Fall, signifies anguish, trouble and delayes in the thing demanded.
13. A Retrograde Planet, or one in his first station, Significator in Question, denotes ill in the Question, discord and much contradiction.
14. We ought warily to consider if evill Planets be Significators in any thing, for if they predict evill in the thing quesited, the vengence is more heavy; if they foretell of any good, it’s lesse then what it expected, it’s imperfect, and nothing therein comes, without infinite solicitation and affliction, &c.
15. A Planet that is slow in motion, prolongs the thing quesited after, so that it’s hardly performed; the nature of the Signe wherein the Planet is, doth herein much advantage the judgment.
16. When Infortunes are Significators of any evill, doe you well consider if the Fortunes, viz. Jupiter or Venus, cast not any aspect unto them, then the evill intended formerly is lessened; doe so when the Fortunes are Significators.
17. If the Fortunes signifie any thing, and are cadent, or ill placed in Dignities, or behold not the Ascendant, or are Retrograde, then are they impedited, and shall performe little, if not received.
18. Notwithstanding Reception, if he be an Infortune, he performes but little; but if the same happen when the Fortunes are Significators, the thing is perfected.
19. A Planet Peregrine, viz. having no essentiall Dignities where he is, he is malicious beyond expression; if he be in essentiall Dignities, the lesse; for then he is like a noble soule that hath his enemy in his clutches, but scornes to hurt him.
The Resolution of
20. And yet generalily, if Saturn or Mars be in House, Exaltation, Triplicity and Angles, and then have Signification in a Question, they performe the thing desired.
21. Confide not too much in the assistance a Fortune lends, unlesse he be in essentiall Dignities; for then he performes matters wholly, else but by halves.
22. When in a Question wherein both the Fortunes and Infortunes are either weak or equally ill placed, promise no successe upon that demand; deferre the Judgment untill the Heavens have a better Position.
23. Beware in all Judgments, when the Significator of the question is either Combust, or in Opposition to the Sun, he will then signifie nothing of the matter, no good, nor is be able to bring anything to perfection.
24. One Infortune joyned to another, if good be signified by their aspect, yet will it have no effect, or come to any thing: If they signifie evill, it’s probable that it may fall out with more malice then expected.
25. The Lord of the Ascendant out of his essentiall Dignities, Cadent, &c., shewes the Querent is out of all hopes in his businesse.
26. A Planet within 12 degrees of the Sun, is said to be under his Beames, and then hath no fortitude, let it be in what Signe it will; when a Planet is within 16 minutes of the Sun, he is said to be in Cazimi, or heat of the Sun, and then it’s an addition of fortune, and he is wonderous strong.
27. See to what Planet the Significator commits his disposition, and if Orientall or Occidentall; if it be to Saturn, Jupiter or Mars, and they Orientall, the matter is sooner performed; later, if Occidentall, doe the contrary in Venus and Mercury.
28. Observe if the Planet that is Significator of the thing desired, be in a fixed Signe, moveable or common: fixed Signes shew stability, and that the thing shall continue, whether it be begun, or is to be begun: common Signes shew the oft probability of perfecting the thing, and yet not its conclusion: moveable Signes shew a sudden resolution or conclusion of the matter one way or other. From hence we begin Foundations of Houses and Townes when Significators are fixed; short Journeys when they are in moveable: but in things wherein we define a mediocrity, we elect common Signes.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
29. The Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon with the Head or Taile of the Dragon, brings damage to the Question propounded; see in what house they are in, and receive signification from thence.
30. Look whether the degree of the Ascendant, or place of the Signe the Significator is in, be the then place of any Eclipse at hand; though the matter propounded be in a faire way to be concluded, yet shall it insensibly receive prejudice when least is expected, and hardly be concluded.
31. If you find the Moon impedited in any Question, be it what it will, there will be the like stay, demur or hinderance in the thing quesited; and indeed there’s seldom good end comes of a Question where the Moon is impedited; if it be in going to Warre, you may feare the life of the Querent; if in a Journey, ill successe; if Marriage, an ill end of Wooing, &c.
32. If the Lord of the question or the Moon be in a Signe opposite to his owne house, as Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces, &c., the Querent hath no good hopes of his demands, he despairs, nor doth he delight in it, nor doth he care whether it can be performed or not.
33. Consider diligently the Planet impediting the Signifier of the thing demanded, and what house he is either Lord of, or is posited in; from the nature or person of that house require the cause obstructing.
34. The neerer your Significator is to an Angle, the more good you may expect; lesse, if placed in a Succeedant house; little, if in a Cadent.
35. In all Questions, know there’s not so great an affliction to the Moon, as when she is in Conjunction with the SUN; the ill aspects of the infortunes doth much afflict her, but none so powerfull as her Combustion.
36. In any Question, see if an Infortune aspect your Significator, and whether they be both Peregrine, Retrograde, Cadent, or in Signes contrary to their owne nature, it may then be doubted they inferre such a mischiefe in the question, as is inevitable, according to naturall causes.
37. Planets that are Significators in any thing, if they are in Conjunction, and in a Signe agreeing to their owne nature, then the thing quesited after is brought to perfection with much ease and facility, else not.
38. Have special regard to the Significators, and whether any frustration or prohibition be before the perfect aspect: the Planet frustrating describes the party or cause hindering the matter demanded.
39. Ever consider the Part of Fortune, which if well dignified in any house, the Querent gets by men, or things denoted by that house; and so, if ill dignified, damage from thence.
The Resolution of
40. In questions of Marriage, and unfortunate Planet in the 7th threatens ill agreement in Marriage, unlesse the same Planet be a Significator at the Birth.
41. If the Lord of the 8th be impedited or unfortunate in the
8th, the Querent shall receive prejudice by the death of some woman, or concerning some debts due unto him from men deceased.
42. In what house you find Jupiter and Venus well dignified, you may expect benefit from
such men and things as are Signified by that house; as if in the 3rd, from Kindred; in the
4th, from Father, or by Lands, &c. in the 5th by Play, &c. and so in other houses.
43. Beware of men and things appertaining to that house wherein South Node is in; it seldome failes, but the Querent shall receive damage, scandall or slander from men and matter signified by the house he is in.
C H A P. X L I X.
Of Marriage.
If a Question be asked of Marriage, behold the Ascendant and the Lord thereof, and the Moon,
and the Planet from whom the Moon is separated, and give those for the Significators of the
Querent; and the 7th house, and the Lord thereof, and the Planets to whom the Moon applieth,
for the Signifiers of him or her concerning whom the Question is asked. If it be a man that asketh
the Question, joyne the Sun and Moon with his Significators, and make him partner in the
Signification; and if it be a woman, joyne Venus and Moon, and make them partners: afterwards,
behold what application the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon hath with the Lord of the 7th, and
what application that Planet hath from whom the Moon is separated, with the Planets to whom
she doth apply, or Sun with Venus; for if the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon apply to the
Lord of the 7th house, it doth signifie the Querent shall have his or her desire, yet with many
petitions, solicitations and prayers: and if the application be by Square or Opposition, and with
reception, it signifieth that it shall be brought to passe with a kind of slownesse, labour and
travell: but if the Lord of the 7th apply to the Lord of the Ascendant, or
all manner of QUESTIONS.
the Planet to whom the Moon doth apply, unto the Planet from whom she is separate; or if the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, the matter shall be brought easily to passe, with great good will of the man or woman quesited after; chiefly if there be an application by Trifle or Sextile aspect.
Aphorismes of A L K I N D U S Touching
M A R R I A G E.
When the Lord of the ascendant doth apply to the Lord of the 7th, or if the Lord of the 7th apply to the Lord of the Ascendant, it’s an argument the Marriage shall be preformed and done. Also, if the Moon doth apply to Venus, and she strong, increasing in her motion, and in some of her owne Dignities, and the Moon likewise, the Marriage shall be concluded: if Venus doth behold the Sun, and the Sun have any dignity in the Ascendant, and behold the Lord of his house, viz. of the Signe wherein he is, it doth signifie likewise the Marriage shall be concluded; but if the Planet applying, and he to whom he doth apply, be cadent from the angles, and especially if their Lords doe not behold them, it doth signifie there shall be good hopes at the first, but by dallying and tracting the time, there shall be trouble, and no Marriage at all performed: Also if Moon, Sun, Venus and Lord of the 7th, and Lord of the Ascendant be in angles, and they beholding one another, or if their Lords behold them, though with Square or Opposition, yet it signifieth the matter shall be first in despaire or suspended, but afterwards it shall by the will of God, be brought to passe, and finished by the consent of all parties.
Of Marriage, whether it shall take effect or no?
Give unto the Querent the Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon and the Planet from whom the Moon
is separated; and to the party enquired, the Lord of the 7th, and the Planet to whom the Moon
doth apply; and if the Querent a Man, then adde the Sun, but if a Woman then adde Venus. Then
behold what application there is between the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 7th, for
The Resolution of
the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, or apply to the Lord thereof, it will willingly be consented to by the party desired; If the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon apply to the Lord of the 7th, or be in the 7th, the Querent shall obtaine his purpose by his owne labour; but if none of these happen, yet if there be translation of light between them, then it shall be effected by the meanes of Friends or Acquaintance; also the Moon in the 10th signifieth the same, also, the application of the Moon with Venus effecteth the matter, but by mediation of friends: also the application of the Sun and Venus, especially when Sun hath dignity in the 7th, idem: if the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, or with the Lord of the Ascendant, or behold him with a good aspect, it doth give great encouragement for effecting the matter.
Of Marriage.
If a man aske, his Significators are; First, the Lord of the Ascendant: Secondly, the Moon;
Thirdly, the Planet the Moon is separated from; Fourthly, Sun, the naturall significator of men.
The Significators of the Woman are; the Lord of the 7th, the Planet the Moon applieth to, the
Planet in the 7th, Venus the naturall significatrix of women: the like judge for the woman if she
aske the Question, (mutatis mutandis) that is, the Ascendant and other significators, and Venus;
the question asked by the woman, the 7th and his Lord, the Planet the Moon applies unto; these
are for the man, the Ascendant and his Lord, the Planet the Moon is separate from, the Moon and
Venus, so the Querent hath three Significators, the party desired hath also three: It shall be, if the
Lord of the Ascendant or Moon be in the 7th; secondly, if the Planet the Moon separates from,
applies to the Planet the Moon applies to, thirdly, or the Sun and Venus apply to each other;
fourthly, the Lord of the 1st in the 7th, or 7th in the first; fiftly, any translation of light from the
Significators, or Reception of the Significators, or any collection by a more weighty Planet, it
shall be, viz. one in Termes, the other in the Triplicity of the Significator, or the like. The
signifiers in interchangeable Dignities, the Moon in
all manner of QUESTIONS.
the 7th giving vertue to the Lord of the Ascendant, or Lord of the 7th.
Which love most, or desire it most.
The Lord of the 7th in the Ascendant, the party desired loveth best: The Lord of the Ascendant in the 7th, the Querent loveth best; and so with the other significators, for those that apply argue most love, &c. The Lord of the 7th in the 7th, especially in one of his owne houses, the party desired is free from love, hath little mind to Marriage, and her Portion is knowne, or the mans. The significators of the party desired, not beholding the Significators of the Querent, noteth the love of some other more then the Querent, or an aversnesse to the party now enquiring. The application of the Significators frustrated, notes the Marriage to be broken off, by such person or thing as that Signifier noteth, which you may know by the house he is in & Lord of, viz. if by the Lord of the 2nd house, want of Riches; if Lord of the 3rd, by the Brother, &c. contrariwise, the Marriage being presaged by translation of light, or collection, it shall be furthered by such a one (as above mentioned) viz. if by the Lord of the 2nd, by some friend promising Dowry; 3rd, a Brother; 10th, a Mother; 5th or 11th, a Friend; 6th, an Unckle, Aunt, or a Servant: Where note, that Marriages promised by Conjunction Square or Opposition, note performance with much adoe; Trine or Sextile, easie; with Reception, best of all.
What shall be the occasion of hindring the Marriage.
Having carefully observed, that although there seem great probability of effecting the Marriage
enquired of, yet you find just cause to judge, it shall not either really be acted, or much
obstruction will be before it can be done; and you are desirious to know from where the
impediment shall come, the better to prevent it; consider what evill Planet it is who doth hinder
the Reception of the disposition of the Significators, viz. of the man and woman, or who
frustrates their aspect, or prohibits them, or interjects his Rayes betwixt the Significators; if he be
the Lord of the 2nd, they break off on the Querent’s behalf, Money or
The Resolution of
Fortune being wanting on that side, or poverty objected: if it be the Lord of the 3rd, the Querent’s Kindred, Brethern or Sisters, or some untoward Neighbor, or some Journey &c. if the Lord of the 4th, the Parent will not agree, he will part with no Lands, no House, Houses or Tenements, will settle no Estate: if the Lord of the 5th, Children may be the occasion (if either party have any;) or if a Batchelour propounds, perhaps it’s objected, he either is not capable of getting a Child, or that he hath had a Bastard, or is scandalized about such a thing, or that it’s feared the party will be wanton, or given to luxury, too much to his pleasure and pastime, &c. vary your rule, and it serves if a woman propounded, &c. If it be the Lord of the 6th, either some of his Fathers Kindred, viz. some Unckle or a Servant, or the like, or some infirmity or sicknesse in the Querent may be the cause impediting.
If it be a Planet in the 7th, some other he or she Friend will impedite, or a publick Enemy, or one he or she have formerly had variance with, or a Law-suit, &c.
If it be the Lord of the 8th, it may be feared Death will bereave the Querent of Life ere the Marriage, or the quesited hath not a sufficient Portion, their Estate is disliked, it gives no content, it will not be accepted.
If the Lord of the 9th, one or other of the quesited’s Kindred or difference in Religion, or some busie-headed Priest, or by reason of some Journey to be undertaken by the querent, &c. If the Lord of the 10th the Father of the Quesited, or Mother of the Querent, or some principall man, Officer or Magistrate.
If the Lord of the 11th, the Friends of both parties dislike the Match, or such as at first brought on the matter, will now endeavour to dissolve the match.
If the Lord of the 12th, then there is some under-hand dealing and much juggling in the businesse, the matter shall be much retarded, and the Quererit shall never know by whom; the Querent is much slandered, or some scandall privately insinuated doth much wrong, and will quite break the matter.
As you have notions whereby you may understand what may be the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
obstacle in any Marriage, so by the same rules, rightly varied, you shall find who will afflict or befriend the Querent in his suit, or will endeavour to do him good therein; I have herein dealt very candidly, and expressed the whole truth.
Whether a man shall Marry.
If the Moon behold the Sun or Venus by a good aspect, or the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, or the Lord of the 7th in the Ascendant, or either of them behold other with a good aspect, it signifieth Marriage to the Querent.
I observe, if the Significators be in Prolificall Signes, or Dignities of Venus, the party enquiring doth marry.
The time of Marriage.
The degree of the application of Moon to Sun or Venus, or Lord of the Ascendant to the Lord of the 7th, or Lord of the 7th to the Lord of the Ascendant; if it be in moveable Signes, Dayes; in common Signes, Moneths; in fixed Signes, Yeers; according to that time the Marriage shall be performed.
This must be understood when you find strong testimonies of Marriage, and that the Significators are swift.
How many Husbands a woman shall have.
Behold from the degree of the 10th house to the degree of Mars, and so many Planets as you shall find between them, so many Husbands shall she have; but if Mars be in the 11th house, then look from Mars to Jupiter, and judge accordingly: some judge from Mars to the Lord of the 10th; these rules are Arabicall: plurality of Husbands is best adjudged from the Lord of the 7th and Sun, Mars being in common Signes, or many Planets in the 7th, or Sun in Sextile or Trine to many Planets in the 7th, argues plurality, or more than one.
The Resolution of
From what part one shall Marry.
If the Lord of the 7th be in the 9th, he shall marry a Stranger, &c. if the Lord of the 7th and of the Ascendant be in one quarter of Heaven, or in one house or Signe, usually the party marries one neer to the place of his own abode: consider the Signe of the 7th, the Signe and quarter of Heaven the Lord of the 7th is in, and judge by the major testimonies, from what part of Heaven the party shall live whom the Querent shall marry; as if most concurre in South testimonies, the South; mix the quarter of Heaven and Signe, preferring the Signe before the quarter: but this will be best explained upon an example.
What manner of person he or she is.
For the man, note the Planet the Moon is with; as if with Venus, say she is faire, slender and pleasant; and for the woman, judge by the Planet the Sun beholdeth; Sun in Trine or Sextile of Saturn, wife and painfull; Sun aspecting Jupiter, honest; and so of the rest; the Sun and Moon in Square or Opposition, note contention, separation and discords.
Whether man or woman be more noble.
If the Lord of the 7th be in an angle, and the Lord of the Ascendant in a succeedant house, the woman is best descended; and so if the Lord of the Ascendant be in an angle, judge accordingly; in like manner one may judge of two Companions, or any one else: A most assured way is, by observing which of the Significators is most superiour, and most potential in essentiall Dignities; if no such thing be, who is best placed in an angle, is most noble; and this will not faile.
Who shall be Master of the two.
Behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon; if the Moon or the Lord of the Ascendant be
received in an angle, and he that is the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
receiver be an heavy or ponderous Planet, the Querent shall be Master; and whether Significators shall be found weak, ill dignified, or in cadent houses, that party shall be subject.
Whether she be rich or not.
If a man ask, see the Lord of the 8th, or Planet in the 8th, for if they are strong, or Moon applying to the Lord of the 8th by a good aspect, then she is wealthy (&c., e contra, poor;) if the woman ask of the man, and of his estate, judge after the same manner. (eadem est ratio.)
Whether the MARRIAGE be Legitimate.
If the Significators of them, either of the man or woman be vitiated or joyned to Saturn or Mars, and they not Significators in the Question, or if they be with South Node, it sheweth unlawfull Marriage, viz. there hath been some wrangling or claime laid to the party by some former man or woman.
How they shall agree after Marriage.
If the Figure performe Marriage, note if the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 7th aspect each other with Trine or Sextile, they agree well: Moon beholding her Dispositor, or Lord of the Exaltation of the house wherein she is, with good aspect, idem: The Lord of the 7th more weighty, and in an angle, she will be Master, or strive for it: if neither the Lord of the Ascendant, or of the 7th be in angles, then note the weightier, for that party signified by him, shall be Master; Sun impedited, worst for the man; if Venus be impedited, worst for the woman; if the Moon be impedited or unfortunate, is ill for them both.
The Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 7th in Square or Opposition, Lord of the Moon
impedited beholding the Ascendant,
The Resolution of
or Saturn, Mars or a Retrograde or Combust Planet in the Ascendant, doth note contention ever by the Querent, &c. e contra, judge the like if the Lord of the 7th suffer the same afflictions, that then the Quesited shall be the occasion of strife: the Moon in her fall, or at Square or Opposition with Saturn or Mars, or any Retrograde Planet, if the Moon then behold the Ascendant, noteth brawling ever moved by the woman; Saturn, Mars, South Node in the Ascendant, idem., if the question be asked by the man.
Who shall be the cause of their Strife,
or the author of their Good.
If the Lord of the 3rd be that Planet who doth afflict or impedite, and he in the Ascendant or 7th house, it shall be by Brethern or Kindred; an Infortune in the 10th, notes brawling, and continuall chiding and wrangling: In the 4th, either a Divorcement or a willingnesse to it, or hinderance in Dowry; the Moon infortunate beholding the Ascendant, note brawling, separation and dishonest living: ill Planets in the 10th and 4th, ill persons make contention, or their Parents; no application between the Planet the Moon separates from, and the Planet unto whom she doth apply, notes contention alwayes: if the Moon doth aspect, or be in conjunction with Saturn or Mars, one of them shall dye quickly, or have some misfortune; if this conjunction be in the 10th or 4th, in a masculine Signe, the man shall suffer; if in a feminine Signe, the woman: The Moon in Trine or Sextile good Planets, declares gifts from Friends; Moon in Square of good Planets, by dead men;
Moon in conjunction of good Planets, promises good by their owne industry and labour; if the Moon aspect Saturn or Mars, or be in the 12th or 8th, or voyd of course, they shall have both troubles, griefes and sicknesse; in angles, notes a probability of separation or long disagreements.
That the Marriage shall be broken,
and the cause thereof.
Behold the Planet who receiveth the light of the Significators, if he be a heavy Planet, and be
hindered by Square or Opposition
all manner of QUESTIONS.
of an ill Planet, or be Cadent, the intended Marriage shall be broken off againe, though at present it is very feasible. Behold whether parties Significator is strongest, that party shall first marry after this dissolution.
If the ill Planet that hindereth the Marriage be Lord of the 2nd or 8th house, it is for matter of Dowrey; if Lord of the 3rd, Brother; if Lord of the 4th or 10th, it is the Father or the Mother, or such like; and so judge for the rest.
If there be an ill Planet that carries the light between the Significators, it shall be by meanes of a Messenger; describe that Planet, and you may notifie the party.
That woman who doth depart from her Husband or become a Widdow, the Moon being between the 17th degree of Sagittarius, and the 1st minute of Capricorn, shall never returne or marry. (An Arabic Aphorism, not overmuch to be credited without consent of other Significators.) Whoso is Espoused to a Wife the Moon being in the first 12 degrees of Capricorn, shall lose her before marriage, or dye within 6 moneths, or live in discord with her.
Whether a Man or his Wife shall dye first,
and the time when.
Behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 7th, and see which of them goes first to Combustion, and if the Lord of the Ascendant, the Querent shall dye first; if the Lord of the 7th, the Quesited: The Lord of the Ascendant Retrograde or Combust, or in his Fall, or neer the Lord of the 8th, the Man; the Lord of the 7th in the, like case, the Woman: Sun unfortunate, the Man;
Venus unfortunate, the Woman.
Usually I observe, whose Significator is first Combust, and in what Signe; if he be Combust in Tropick Signes, as Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, it portends death in a short time; If in common Signes, viz. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, the time is longer: in Signes fixed, viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, it will be a longer time ere the party dye, &c.
Which of the two shall live longest?
Behold the Lord of the Ascendant, and of the 7th, which of these
The Resolution of
two are in the best place of heaven, best dignified, and in good aspect with Fortunes, and more remote from the presence or ill aspect of the Lord of the 8th house. That person shall live longest: Where you must observe, as to the Lord of the 7th, the Lord of the 2nd in the Figure is his 8th house, and so Lord of, or Significator of death.
Whether she be a Maid, or Chaste,
of whom the quere is.
Look if the Lord of the Ascendant Venus and the Moon be found in fixed Signes, good Planets beholding them, then say,, she is a Maid, and chaste: But if in place of the Fortunes there be Infortunes, say she is neither a Virgin, nor chaste: especially if Mars be there, and he in the house of Venus without Reception: Also, if Moon and Sun behold themselves and Mars, she is no Maid; but if the Significators be in moveable Signes, Infortunes beholding them, say then she desireth a man very much, and that she refraines and restraines her concupiscence very much, and casts off her Suitors; yet, it is not to trust alwayes to this judgment, because the nature of women is changeable.
The Significatrix of the woman in her owne essentiall Dignities, or in Trifle to the Sun or Jupiter with any Reception, or the Moon and the Significatrix in Trine or Sextile, in Reception, out of any mutuall Dignities, or Venus in Leo not afflicted, or the Moon in Aquarius, free from Square, Conjunct, or Opposition of Mars, I judged honesty, and I found it ever true.
Whether A Damosell be a Maid or not.
Behold the Ascendant and his Lord, and the Moon, and if thou findeth them fixed and well disposed, it signifieth she is a Virgin; but if they be in common or moveable Signes, or evill Planets be in fixed Signes beholding them, or aspect them any way, it is a doubt of Legerdemain; also Scorpio Ascending, argueth she is, or would be too familiar. In many things I dissent from the Ancients, and so in this; for if Mars be in Leo, and Scorpio ascend, the Querent is suspected and tempted, but yet is honest.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Whether a Woman be honest to her Husband.
The Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon or Venus in fixed Signes, in aspect of the Fortunes, she is chaste; these being in aspect of the Infortunes, not chaste, chiefly with Mars; Sun or Moon beholding Mars, she is meretrix; Sun and Moon in no aspect, nor Mars with them, she is suspected a privy Harlot, rather privately wanton.
I must change all sonnes of Art to be sparing in delivering judgment upon these queries, rather to be silent; for as men we may erre, and so by delivering an unlucky judgment, be authors of much mischiefe.
Of a woman whether she be corrupt, or has a
Lover besides her Husband or sweetheart.
Behold the Ascendant and his Lord, and the Moon, and see if they be both in angles or fixed Signes, then say the Maid is a Virgin, and they lye of her, or what is reported is false: if the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Moon be in fixed Signes, and the angles be moveable Signes, she was tempted, but gave no credit or admittance to the Temptor. If the Moon be joyned to Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun corporally by aspect, so that there is between them but 5 degrees or lesse, she is tempted of someone who has the effigies of that Planet to whom she is joyned; but if the Moon be joyned to Venus or Mercury, she is tempted by some woman for a man, but she makes not reckoning of the old or young Bawds words, but she laughs her to scorne: If the angles be fixed Signes, and the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon in moveable or common Signes (for in this judgment the common are of lesse importance) she hath been attempted, and is still tempted, but she is honest; and hath been formerly deluded, if she be with the North Node: but if then the Moon be with South Node, she has formerly offended, and is still guilty, nor will she amend hereafter; the same may be said of Mars, if he be in place of the South Node; yet Mars imposes not so much malice on the woman as South Node: generally the Moon in any Question with South Node, imports mis—reports of the woman, you may call them slanders.
The Resolution of
Whether a woman is honest.
- This where suspition of the quesited’s honesty will hold true.
The Moon in the last face of Gemini, the woman seems to be corrupt, if the Ascendant be a moveable Signe, or common, or if the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon be in moveable or common Signes she is no Virgin; The Lord of the Ascendant combust in a moveable Signe, the woman has been tempted and made a harlot by violence, or she was unwillingly drawn to lewdnesse; the Lord of the Ascendant in a fixed Signe, and the Ascendant fixed, though the Moon be in a moveable Signe, she is still a Virgin and honest; the Moon in the Ascendant with Saturn, the woman was abused by force, and not by her concent: If the Ascendant be a fixed Signe, and the Lord of the Ascendant in the 5th, or the Moon in the 5th, or the Lord of the 5th in the Ascendant, or both of them corporally joyned in one Signe, it seems the woman hath newly conceived, or was lately tempted; but if they be separated asunder by 3 degrees, it seems the woman is delivered, or free from the party she was lately in fear of.
Whether A Woman Trades With Any But Her Husband.
- These judgments must be carefully observed and well considered before judgment be propounded in the negative, viz. that she is not honest.
Behold the Ascendant, his Lord, the Moon, and Planet from whom the Moon is separated, these are Signifiers of the Querent; the 7th house and his Lord, the Planet to whom the Moon is joyned, are the Signifiers of the woman: see to whom the Moon and Lord of the 7th is joyned, which if they be both joyned to the Lord of the Ascendant, whether with Reception or Conjunction, say, the woman is not faulty, but honest: but if the Lord of the 7th, or the Moon or either of them is joyned to the Lord of the Triplicity of the Ascendant, viz. to him that is Lord of the Diurnall or Nocturnall Triplicity then ascending, or if any of them is joyned to the Lord of the 7th, and Moon is separated from the Lord of the Ascendant, it then seems she hath a Friend that she loves besides her Husband: the Lord of the 7th voyd of course, the woman hath no Friend.
The Lord of the 7th, the Moon, or both, separate from any other Planet but the Lord of the
Ascendant, and he not separated above
all manner of QUESTIONS.
3 degrees, the woman did love another, but she hath now left him: the Lord of the 7th with the North Node, the Woman is blamelesse, without he be in Conjunction with some other Planet, then she is worthy to be blamed not, was also in times past, and in times to come will be; for if she be not faulty in act, she is in her desires and affections.
The Lord of the 7th or Moon joyned with Mars, if the North Node be there, it seems the woman hath a Sweetheart whom she loveth, and that useth her company: If Mars be with South Node, and the Lord of the 7th be joyned as beforesaid, it minisheth the malice, and though the woman love some martial man, yet he cannot bring her under his Yoak, yet is the hard put to it, and much perswaded If Mars be with the Lord of the 7th, or with Moon, or in one Signe in Conjunction, or with South Node, the woman hath a Sweetheart in contract, not farre from her house; and if they be in 1 degree, then he is in the house, and one of the familiars of the man that asks the Question, or of her owne Husband.
If the Moon or Lord of the 7th separate from Mars, or Mars from him, or that they be separated, perchance the woman had a Lover before she knew her Husband, but now they have one forsaken the other, or they have forgot each other.
Mars Lord of the 7th, or Moon Lady of the 7th, in Aries or Scorpio, and Mars beholding any of them, viz. either of the Signes, or Moon, or in Reception with one or other, viz. Moon and Mars, for if Mars did receive the Moon, she did a long time love one, but she hath little to do with him now: Moon Lady of the 7th, in Conjunction with Mars or Jupiter in any Signe whatsoever, the woman hath loved a certaine man, a Nobleman or a Bishop, viz. a man of better quality than her selfe, but if there be a mutuall Reception between them, they still love one another, or still some acts of kindnesse passe between them, and there wants nought but opportunity. The Lord of the 7th or Moon joyned to Mercury, the woman seems to love a young Clerk, or a Merchant, or witty, nimble Fellow.
The Lord of the 7th joyned with Venus with Reception, with or without any aspect, or else by a
Trine or Sextile, or Square
The Resolution of
without Reception, the Woman cares not for men, but hath a friendship with women, or speaks wantonly, but is not naturally lewd or vitious.
The Lord of the 7th or Moon in Conjunction with Saturn, the woman loveth an Old Man, or a Religious man, or a Country-man or a man of plaine sober carriage. The Lord of the 7th joyned to the Sun, she loveth at present, and did love a certain great person, according to the quality of the Demandant; if it be with Reception, he hath or may have, if he please, to doe with her; but if it be without Reception, he cares not for her, but hath quite forsaken her: But if more Planets doe behold the Sun as well as the Lord of the 7th, especially Saturn or Mercury, more men hath had to doe with her, nor is she yet amended, but somewhat tardy, &c.
If ones Lover or Wife hath a Sweetheart besides himself.
See if Mars be in the 7th house, so that he be not in his owne house, then she hath none; if Saturn be there, she loveth one but lyeth not with him; if Jupiter be there, she hath much adoe to be honest; if Venus, she is a merry wag, and is thought to be wanton, but is not: if Mercury, she had a Friend but hath not now; if Moon be in the 7th, she as yet hath none, but she will have, and will be common: if Sun or North Node be there, she is chaste and hath no Friend: After the same manner you may judge of Friends, or of the man, when the woman propounds the Question.
Hath she a Lover?
Any Planet in the 7th, (so he be not the Lord of the 7th) she hath one of his complexion, (if none be in the 7th, none;) thus doe for the man, but have relation to the 11th house: The Lord of the 7th voyd of course, she hath none; or with the North Node, idem: the Lord of the 7th or Moon joyned to Mars, she hath a Sweetheart, or one whom she is familiar withall, that she doth much respect, but I say not in any dishonest way.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If a Marriage shall be perfected or no.
Consider the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon, these are properly Significators of the Querent; the 7th house and his Lord are for the Quesited.
If the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 7th, in any of the dignities of the Lord of the 7th, and in the Ascendant, 11th or 10th, hardly in the 7th, the querent shall obtaine the party desired.
If both Significators behold each other with Sextile or Trine, out of the Ascendant and 11th, or 9th and 7th, or 7th and 5th houses, with or without Reception, no prohibition, frustration or abscission, or Retrogradation of the principall Significators intervening, the Match will be concluded if the querent please, (for we doe suppose a freedome of will in this , nature) if a Square or Opposition be between the Significators (and no Reception) the matter will come to nothing.
A Square aspect with Reception of Significators, perfects the matter, but with a little difficulty; if no Reception be, there’s onely hopes, no grounds whereby to judge the thing shall be effected really.
Contrary to all the rules of the Ancients, I have ever found, that when the Lord of the 7th hath been in the Ascendant, the Querent hath loved most, and when the Lord of the Ascendant was in the 7th, the Quesited loved best.
If the Significators aspect not one another, but some Planet transferres their influence one to another, and this with a benevolent aspect, then shall the matter be brought to passe by one signified by that Planet, whose description you may frame according to the Signe wherein he is, and his quality from the house he is Lord of. A masculine and diurnall Planet denotes a man; a feminine, nocturnall Planet, or a man of a feminine construction, &c. sic e contrario.
If a Planet transfers the Significators disposition, observe who that Planet is, and to whom he
commits his disposition, and whether he be not Retrograde, Combust or unfortunate or Cadent
The Resolution of
from his owne house, or in the figure, or in Opposition or Square aspect to an Infortune, without Reception; for then if no such thing be, the matter will be effected and continue, especially if he be a Fortune, and the Matrimony will take well, and the people love together.
Whether the Child conceived is the Sonne of him
who is reputed his Father.
Behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon, who signifie the Interrogant; then observe the Signe of the 11th and his Lord, these signifie the issue in Conception; if these Significators behold one another by Trifle or Sextile, with Reception or not, the Conception is legitimate; if they behold one another with Square or Opposition, with mutual Reception, and perfect aspect, or the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon in the 5th, or if the Lord of the 5th be in the Ascendant, without evill aspect of the Infortunes, or if the Fortunes one or both doe behold the 5th house or his Lord, the Child conceived is legitimate and true begotten, &c. but if none of these things be, but that Saturn, Mars or Mercury behold the 5th house, or Lord thereof, there may be just suspicion the Child is conceived in adultery, and the Mother was stuprated.
Of a woman living from her Husband, whether she
shall ever live with him againe or not,
or be received into favour.
This Question will as well resolve the doubt concerning a Mistris, &c. or Sweetheart.
If the woman her selfe propound the Question, who is absent from her Husband or Friend, &c.
Whether she shall be received into favor or not againe?
Consider herein the Lord of the 7th, which is the Ascendant of the woman in this case, for the
7th is ever given to the banished or expulsed party; see if the Lord of the 7th behold the
Ascendant so partilly, or with so true and good an aspect as himself doth, then without doubt she
shall again return and come into favour; if the Lord of the 7th behold not the Ascendant, but
another Planet who is not impedited, yet beholds the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Ascendant, the woman shall be received againe by the mediation of some person who shall interpose his friendship with the Husband or Friend, and reconcile them; if none of these things be, then have recourse to the Sun, the natural Significator of man, or the Husband, and of Venus, the naturals Significatrix of the woman; and if the Sun be above the Earth, and Venus behold the Ascendant with a pleasant Sextile or Trine the woman shall return to her house or Sweetheart with ease or without any great noyse.
If the Sun be under the earth, and Venus above, and behold the Ascendant with Sextile or Trine; the woman or wife shall be received, but with some importunity and delayes, with much adoe, and a great deale of labour, and all her Neighbours shall take notice of it. If the Moon be encreasing in light, and in any good aspect to the Ascendant, she shall returne, but with much solicitation.
If the Moon be Decreasing in light, and in her 2nd or last quarter, and not neer the Sun beames, but beholding the Ascendant, she will returne with much ease and quickly. Behold if Venus be Occidentall, Retrograde and hastening to Combustion, then of her owne accord the woman will returne to her Husband, fearing by her absence she shall offend him, and she is sorry she ever departed from him; but if she be lately separated from the Sun beames, then it repents the man that he gave occasion to his Wife to absent her selfe, or that he abused her; but the woman will be angry and malapert, and seems sorry that she shall returne, nor will she much respect her Husband after that time.
Of Servants fled, Beasts strayed, and things lost.
The Signifier of the thing lost is the Moon, wherefore if you find the Moon applying to the Lord
of the Ascendant, or to the Lord of the 12th from the Ascendant, or to the Lord of the house
The Resolution of
of the Moon, the thing missing shall be found againe;
[this principally concerns Cattle strayed]
but if the Moon apply to none of these, nor abide in the ascendant nor in the 2nd house, the thing lost or miscarried shall not be found: if the Lord of the house of the Moon be in the 3rd, or in a Sextile to the Ascendant, there is some hope of finding the thing againe, during that aspect with the degree ascending: And againe, if he separate himselfe from the Lord of the 12th, 8th, or 6th house, and apply unto the degree of the house of Substance, (what aspect soever it be) there is hope to find it again; or if the Lord of the house of the Moon do behold Moon; but if you finde these Constellations contrary, judge the contrary; if the Moon be fortunate by any of the two Fortunes, the thing that is lost chanced into the hands of some trusty body, which keepeth the same, and would fame restore it againe; or if that Fortune apply to the ascendant, or behold the same, or the Moon behold the ascendant, that faithfull person will restore the same again to the owner.
The place where the thing is that is lost.
The Signifier of the place where the thing is at time of the Question, is the place of the Moon according to the nature of the Signe she is in, for if the Signe be Orientall, it is in the east part; if it be Occidentall, it is west, &c. Behold also the place of the Moon in the Figure, for if she be in the Ascendant, it is in the east, &c. if the Lord of the house of the Moon be in humane Signes, it is in a place where men use to be; if in Signes of small Beasts, as Aries and Capricorn it is where such kind of Beasts be: Also, look to the Moon, and see if she be in a fiery Signe, it is where fire is; if in a watry Signe, where water is &c. if the Moon be with the Lord of the ascendant in one quarter, and there be not between them more then one Signe, the thing lost is in the house of him that lost it, or about it; but if there be between more then thirty degrees, and lesse then seventy degrees, the thing is in the Towne where the owner is, but if they be not in one quarter, it is then farre from the owner.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
How the things or Goods was lost.
If you will know how in what manner they were lost, behold from whom the Lord of the Ascendant did last separate, and if he did separate from Saturn, the cause of the lost thing was through forgetfulnesse of the owner, who knowes not where he laid it, or it is forgotten by reason of some cold or sicknesse which afflicted the loser, especially if Saturn be Retrograde, if he be separated from Jupiter, or in the house of Jupiter, then through fast or abstinency, or ordering of Lawes, or by his excesse of care of governing of things, or managing the affaires of the house, or else by some trust put upon him that carried it away or mislaid it.
[This was Frierly Astrology
and supposes somewhat lost in an Abbey or Nunnery.]
If he be separated from Mars, or in the house of Mars, it was lost through fear, or by some hidden passion, provoking the loser to anger, fury, fire, or for emnity, or upon a quarrell. If from the Sun or his house, then by the meanes of the King, study of hunting or pastime, or by meanes of the master of the Family, or a Gentleman. If from Venus or in her house, then by drinking, Cards or Dice, or making merry in an Alehouse or Taverne, or by pastime, or singing and dallying with women, &c. If from Mercury by reason of writing, or sending, or dictating of Letters, or going on a Message: If from the Moon, or in the house of the Moon, it was lost by too frequent use, and shewing the Commodity of thing lost, or the party made it too common, or some Messenger, Widdow or Servant lost the same. If the thing lost or missing be a Beast, and not a thing moveable, the signification in knowing the place, and the state thereof, is as the said significations of things not having life, but that it is needful to seek whether it fled away of it selfe, or some other drove him away, whether it liveth or no? and to find the cause of the death of it, if it be dead.
Whether it be stolen or no.
[This concerns Cattle.]
If you would know if the Beast fled away by it selfe, or some body took it, behold if you find the
Lord of the house of the
The Resolution of
Moon seperating himselfe from any Planet, say then, that he fled away of his owne accord; but if the lord of the house of the Moon be not separated from any Planet, but that another Planet is seperating himselfe from him, say that some one or other took it and fled away; but if the lord of the house of the Moon be not in any of these two we speak of, behold what you see by the positure of the Lord of the 2nd house , and judge by him as you judge by the Lord of the house of the Moon, and her separation; and if you find of these two no separation, say that the Beast is still in his place, or neer it, and that he fled not away.
Whether it be alive.
If you will know whether it be alive or not, behold the Moon and if you find her in application to the Lord of the 8th house from her, say it is dead; and if you find no such thing, behold her Lord, and if you find him applying to the Lord of the 8th house from the Moon, say likewise that it is dead, or it shall dye very shortly; but if in none of these you find application, take the signification from the Lord of the 8th house after the same manner.
Whether the thing missing be stolne, or fled of it selfe.
[Stolen.] If the Significator of the Theef be in the ascendant, or giveth his vertue to the Moon, or the Moon to him, it is stolen, or the Lord of the ascendant to the Significator of the Thiefe, or the Signifies of the Theef apply to the Lord of the Ascendant by Square or Opposition, or the Moon by Conjunction, Square or Opposition, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or her Terme, or the Lord of the 2nd house, or Part of Fortune or his Lord, or if any Planet be in the Ascendant, and give his power to the Signifier of the Theef, or the Signifier to him by Square or Opposition, if some of these constellations be not, it is not stolen, except there be an Infortune in the Ascendant or 2nd, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or her Terme be infortunate, or the Part of Fortune or his Lord, or the Lord of the Ascendant, or the Lord of the 2nd house be infortunate, these signifie losing.
[Not Stolen.] Or of you find the Lord of the house of the Moon
all manner of QUESTIONS.
seperating from any Planet, it is fled of its owne accord; if he separate not, but some other from him, it is driven away; the like in either by the Lord of the second, if he be in no such state or position, the thing abideth still, and it is not stolen.
For Beasts strayed, or Fugitives, or any thing lost.
[If found.] The Significator is Moon, wherefore the Moon applying to the Lord of the ascendant, or 2nd house, or the Dispositor, it shall be found, otherwise not; Moon in the Ascendant, or her Dispositor in a Trifle or Sextile, gives hopes to find it; the Dispositor of the Moon seperating from the Lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th, and applying to the Lord of the Ascendant, or to the degree of the 2nd house, good hopes also; Moon in aspect to her Dispositor, good; Moon infortunate of the Lord of the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, it is in the hands of an ill person that will not depart from it, chiefly if the Infortune behold the Ascendant or his Lord.
[Restored.] Moon beholding Jupiter or Venus, it is in the hands of an honest man that will restore it againe; if Jupiter or Venus have any aspect to the ascendant, or Moon apply to the ascendant; Moon in the ascendant, it is restored with trouble or paine; or the Lord of the 12th in the 12th house, the Lord of the 7th in the 12th, the Fugitive is imprisoned.
[Fugitive in restraint.]
[The Place.] The place: Moon in the 10th, it is south; in the 7th, west; in the 4th, north; in the ascendant, east, &c. the Dispositor of the Moon in a humane Signe, it is in a place where men use; in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, a place of Water or Wels; Moon in the last face of Capricorn, it is amongst Ships; this must be when things are lost neer a Harbour. Moon In Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, in a place of fire; Moon or her Dispositor being in movable Signes, it is in a place newly broken up.
[Strayed.] Moon within 30 degrees of the Lord of the Ascendant the thing is with the Loser, or neer him; Moon more then 30 degrees from the Lord of the Ascendant, it is farre off; the Dispositor of the Moon seperating from another Planet, it is strayed; another Planet seperating from the Dispositor of the Moon, it is stolen.
The Resolution of
Moon Or her Dispositor applying to the Lord of the 8th, or 8th house from the Moon, it is dead or will dye shortly.
Moon In the ascendant, or Trine to the Lord of the Ascendant; Moon in Trine to Sun, found.
The Lord of the 2nd in the 10th or 9th, it is in the house of the
Querent, or in the power of a familiar friend; Sun in the
Ascendant (unlesse in Libra or Aquarius) found; the Lord of the
2nd in the 11th or 12th, farre off.
Of Beasts or Strayes.
If the Lord of the 6th be in the 6th, the Beasts be small: if the Lord of the 12th be in the 12th, the Beasts be great: if the Lord of the 6th be in the 6th or 12th, they be in a Pound; if the Lord of the 6th be in fiery Signes, they shal be under fetters and locks; if the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the hour be one Planet, then it is true they are in Pound; if the Moon be in common Signes, they are in rushy grounds; if in an angle, they be in Closes or Grounds, if in a succedant, they be within Closes, or about them, on the right hand of the owner; if the Moon be in a cadent house, they are in common Fields; if in Cancer, where Dennes and water-beasts be, or some little Rivolet, if Aquarius or Pisces in watry or fishing places, or neer Fish-ponds, in the last moity of Capricorn, in a place of Ships, or some Wood or Wood-yard.
[This concerns Goods immovable.]
Behold the Signe where the Moon is, if in fiery Signes, in a place where fire is, or about a fire, or where fire hath formerly been made; the Moon in watry Signes, where water is, or about waters; the Moon in ayery Signes, in a place of many windowes, or open places, as Garrets, and such like; (this has relation to Beasts strayed.) the Moon in earthly Signes, in an earthly place, where houses are made of earth, or neer mud wals or clay; the Moon, or the Lord of the house where she is, be in a movable Signe, in a place new peopled, or a house new built, or where are hils, and in other places levell grounds; the Moon in a fixed Signe, in a plaine Country or champion; the Moon in a common Signe in a place of much water, according to the nature of the place where the thing was lost or missing. all manner of QUESTIONS.
Another Judgment
Common Signs, as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, do signifie within the house, if it be dead things, as rings &c. but if it be quick or living things, or Cattle, it signifieth watry grounds, Ditiches, Pits, Rushes, a Market-place; fixed Signes, the Goods are hid, or laid low by the earth, or neer it, in wals, or in hollow Trees; movable Signs, high places, Roofs, or Seeling of houses; watry Signes, in water, or under the earth, a Pavement, Foundation of houses, &c.
That the Beasts are lost.
The Lord of the 6th unfortunate by Saturn or Mars, the Beasts be lost, chiefly if the Lord of the 6th be cadent, or that the Cattle are drived away or stolen; if any Planet doe separate from the Lord of the house of the Moon, it is driven away or sold; if the Planet separate from the Lord of the 2nd, idem; if you find none of these, the Beasts are not far off.
Dead or alive.
If the Moon apply to the Lord of the 8th, it is dead, or to the 8th house; if the Lord of the house of the Moon apply to 8th,idem; or if the Significator of the Beast be in the 8th, in Square to any infortunate in the 4th.
In Pound or not.
If the Lord of the 6th or 12th be in the 9th or 10th, then are the Beasts with some Justice or Officer, as Baily or Constable, or under Lock, or are commanded to be safe kept; for the most part Lord of the 12th or 6th in the 12th or 6th, they are kept close.
That the Cattle shall be found againe.
If the Lord of the 6th be fortunate by Jupiter or Venus, and if they be found in the 2nd, 5th or
11th houses, the Beasts will be had again; if the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, or the Lord of
the Cusp of the 4th house be with the Lord of the Ascendant, idem; or if the Lord of the 6th or
12th be in Trine of Sun out of angles.
The Resolution of
How farre off a thing lost is from the owner.
The Moon in the same quarter with the Lord of the Ascendant if there be but one Signe between them, the lost thing is in the house, or about his house that lost it; if there be more then 30 degrees unto 70, the thing lost is in the Town, and in the same limits and bounds where the owner is; and if it be not within 90 degrees, the thing list is farre distant from the owner; for usually when the Significator of the thing lost is in the same Quadrant, or the Moon, the goods are in the same Town or Hundred where the Querent liveth.
Beasts stolen or strayed.
If the Lord of the house of the Moon, or Lord of the 2nd doe separate from their owne houses (if the goods be fixed) it is stolen; if moveable, fled of his owne accord.
In what place they are.
If the Lord of the 6th be in an angle, the Beasts be of small growth and in Pounds, Closes or houses; in cadent, in a Common, and are going way-ward; in succedant, in some Pasture neer hand.
Which way.
If the Lord of the 6th be in fiery Signes, east-ward in Woods or where Bushes, Brambles or Ferne have been burned; but in angles in fiery Signes, in Closes or Pound, or under Lock. The Lord of the 6th in earthly Signes, South on dry lands, or grounds, but if in an angle, in a Pound, or close Pound with a thing that earth is about it, viz. a mud wall; if succedant, it is about Closes on the right hand of the Querent.
The Lord of the 6th in an ayery Signe, they are most in plaine ground, if he be in an angle, they be in Pound or housed west from the place where they were lost; In succedant, on the right hand westward; on cadent, on the left and going away-ward, viz. Straying further from their right Owner.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If the Lord of the 6th be in watry Signes, North, in a low place; if in an angle, in Close-ground, northward; in cadent, in the Common on the left hand, where water is, or Medowes, going awayward, or where people water their Cattle.
In what grounds they be.
If the Lord of the 6th be in movable Signes, they are in hilly ground. If the Lord of the 6th be in fixed Signes, in plaine ground where is new building, or some grounds new plowed or turned up. Common Signes, where water is, rushy grounds, ditches. If the Lord of the Terme of the Moon be in a fixed Signe they are in a plain ground newly taken in, or nigh a new building.
In movable, in new land, or ground full of hils.
In common Signes, in a watry place, rushy or a marshy ground, nigh ditches and pits.
The Cattle shall to Pound.
If the Moon be in the 12th, they shall be had to Pound or be pounded, what signification soever, if the Moon be unfortunate, they shall to Pound; if the Lord of the 12th and principall Significator be unfortunate, they shall to pound, or be kept obscurely in some private or close place.
Long in Pound.
If Saturn be in the 12th, or in the 1st (when the Querent comes to know of you what is become of the Cattle) or the Moon in the 12th, any of them unfortunate, than shall they be long in pound; if Mars aspect Saturn or the Moon in the 12th, with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, they will be killed in Pound, or dye there, or be very neer starving.
From hence the movable, fixed or common Signes may easily be knowne, when Sheep be stolen,
whether and where they are killed
The Resolution of
or not? if Saturn be in the ascendant, 4th, 8th or 12th, long in pound.
Escape the Pound.
If the Lord of the ascendant be in a movable Signe, in the 3rd, 9th or 10th, they shall escape Pound; if the Lord of the ascendant be in the 12th, though good, yet sick and ill in Pound. If the Lord of the ascendant be in the 8th, it’s probable they dye in pound. If the principall Significator of the ascendant be Retrograde they dye in Pound. If the Lord of the 6th behold the Lord of the ascendant with Sextile or Trine, they will be had againe; if he behold him with Square or Opposition, then they will be stopped: if he behold the Moon or the Lord of the house of the Moon, with Sextile or Trine, had againe; with Square or Opposition, stopt or staid in some Village or Towne.
Whether the Fugitive shall be taken.
Give the ascendant and his Lord and the Sun unto the Querent, and the 7th and his Lord unto the Fugitive or thing asked for, and behold what aspect is between them, and so judge; for if the Lord of the ascendant apply unto the Lord of the 7th with Conjunction, Sextile or Trine, or that the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, it betokeneth the Querent shall recover the things lost or Fugitive, gone away. Also, if the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, or apply to the Lord thereof, or there be any translation of light betwixt them, it sheweth the same with more facility.
Of the Moon.
For Fugitives, have respect to the Moon, being naturall Significatrix of them, by reason of her
quick motion, for if she be in the Ascendant, or apply to the Lord thereof with a good aspect, or
that the lord of the 7th or the Moon separate from the Fortunes, and be immediately conjoyned to
the Infortunes, all
The Resolution of
these shew, that the Fugitive shall returne and be recovered, or shall be so hindered, that he shall come againe.
The Moon encreasing in light and number, he shall be long in search; decreasing, soon found, and with lesse labour: also, the Moon seperating from the Lord of the 7th, and joyned with the Lord of the ascendant, the Fugitive is sorry he went, and will send some to entreat for him; the Lord of the 7th Combust, signifies the Fugitive will be taken, will he, nill he; behold in what quarter the Moon is, that way the Fugitive draweth, or intendeth to goe.
Whether he shall be taken.
The Lord of the 7th joyned to an Infortune in an angle, upon good search, the Fugitive will be taken; but if both be not in an angle, he shall be detained or staid by the way, but not imprisoned; if the Lord of the ascendant behold that Infortune who afflicts the Fugitive, the Querent shall find the Fugitive detained by some one, to whom he ought to give money, or who wil demand mony before he so restore the Fugitive unto him: if the Infortune be in the 9th, he shall be staid in his journey and taken; the Lord of the 7th with a Planet stationary, in his 1st or 2nd station, in an angle or succedant, he knoweth not which way to fly but shall be taken.
If a Fugitive shall be found, or come againe.
If the Lord of the 7th be in the ascendant, the Fugitive will returne of his owne accord; Moon
seperating from the Lord of the ascendant, and joyned immediately to the Lord of the 7th house,
or to the 7th house, one will shortly bring newes of him; the Lord of the 7th combust, or entring
combustion, the Fugitive shall be found (volens, nolens;) the Moon seperating from the Lord of
the 7th, and joyned immediately to the ascendant, or Lord thereof, the Fugitive repenteth his
departure, and will send some to entreat for him; Moon joyned to Infortunes, viz. Saturn, Mars or
South Node, or to a Planet Retrograde, he shall be found or come againe, and hath endured much
misery since his departure; the Lord of the 7th beholding and Infortune from the 7th, the
The Resolution of
Querent shall find him that is fled with some to whom he must give money before he can have him; Moon seperating from Jupiter or Venus, he shall quickly come back againe, or, a thing lost shall suddenly be found; Moon aspecting her owne house with Sextile or Trine, the Fugitive returneth within three dayes; for according to probability, the Querent shall hear where he is within three dayes, if the distance be not too great.
Behold the Lord of the 7th, and the Lord of the hour, and look how many degrees are between them, so many miles he is off from the place he went from.
The former rule I doe conceive not so perfect as this which followes; see what distance there is betwixt the Moon and significator, viz. their aspect and what Signes they are in; give for every degree in a movable Signe 17 houses or furlongs, at discretion; in common Signes, give for every degree 5 Furlongs or distance of five houses; in fixed Signes, for every degree give one Furlong, or one house, &c. having relation to the thing lost, and whether it be in a Town, or in the Fields.
Of a Woman flying from her Husband.
The Sun under the earth, Venus Occidentall and Retrograde, she will returne of her owne will;
Venus Orientall, she cometh, but not willingly; Lord of the ascendant, the Moon, and Lord of the 7th in Trine, she returneth, with a Square or Opposition without Reception, never; Mars in an angle, and giving the Moon strength, and the ascendant movable, they shall be contented to be separated for ever.
Of a Thief and Theft.
Haly saith, you must know that the ascendant is the Significator of the Querent, the Lord of the
2nd is Significator of the thing that is stolen or taken away, and the 7th house is the Significator
of the Thiefe, if there be no Peregrine Planet in an angle or 2nd house; the 10th house is the
Signifier of the King,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
and the Signe of the 4th the Signifier of the place where the thing is, that is, or was taken away; whose proper significations you must know from the Lords of those houses, whereby you may know the condition and state of what is missing, and if you find in the ascendant a Planet peregrine, put him as the Significator of the Thiefe, and especially if he be Lord of the 7th house; but if no Planet be in the Ascendant, look if there be any in the other angles, and give him to be Signifies of the Thief.
[This shall be more copiously handled in some Chapter following. A most certaine rule.] Of the S I G N I F I C A T O R of the Thiefe.
[A Planet is then peregrine when he is neither in his House, Triplicity, Terme, Exaltation or Face. I rather and more assuredly prefer the Lord of the 7th, as more rational and consentanious to reason.] The Lord of the 7th commonly signifies the Thief, but especially if he be peregrine in the ascendant, or in any other angle; but if he be not so, then behold if any other Planet be peregrine in any of the angles, call him the Thief; if none be peregrine in any of the angles, take the Lord of the Hour, and call him the Thief, and if it happen that the Lord of the Hour be Lord of the 7th, then it is more radicall; if the Lord of the 7th be in the ascendant, the Querent is Thief; this will hold where just suspition is made of the Querent’s fidelity, or most cause above all others, whose complexion and condition is according to the Planet, Lord of the 7th, and Signe thereof.
The S I G N I F I C A T O R of the thing stolen.
[This rule is vulgar, and not of any credit.]
The Significator of the thing stolen is the Lord of the Term the Moon is in; when thou hast found the Significator of the Thief, and understandest the nature of his disposition by the significant Planet and his aspects, know that the ascendant is Signifier of the Question, or Demandant, and if thou see the Lord of the ascendant draw towards the Lord of the 7th, or to the Lord of the houre, or be in the 7th, it signifieth that the Thief shall be taken anon after, or it gives hopes of discovery of the thing lost.
Of T H E F T S.
The 1st house, which is the ascendant, is for the Querent, and
The Resolution of
his Lord for him that hath lost the Goods, and signifieth the place from whence the Goods was taken; the 7th house and his Lord, and the peregrine Planet in an angle, and the Lord of the hour, signifieth the Thief, or party that took away the Goods.
[This is a very good judgment, and may
well be trusted.]
The 2nd house and the Lord of the 2nd house and the Moon, shall signifie the Goods or thing that is lost, stolen or mist; the 4th house and his Lord shall signifie the place where it is laid, put or done, or conveyed unto, and is in at that instant of time.
The aspects of the Sun and Moon, of the Lord of the ascendant, of the Lord of the 2nd house, and of the Lord of the house of the Moon, to the Lord of the ascendant, and their application and aspects one to another, shall tell and shew whether the Goods shall be found and had againe or not: If the Lord of the 2nd and the Moon be in the 7th, in the Signe if the 7th, and the Lord of the 7th house behold them both by Trine or Sextile aspect (though long out, viz. if the aspect be by many degrees distance) then is the Goods taken away by some body. viz. they are not simply lost: if the Moon be Lady of the 2nd and in the house of the Lord of the hour, going to Conjunction of the Lord of the 7th house, then hath the party lost the thing or Goods in some place where he was, and hath forgot it, and it is neither lost or stolen, but carelesly mislaid.
If the Moon be Lady of the ascendant, and in the 4th, and the Lord of the 2nd in the 7th, or in the
sign of the 8th house, in Opposition to the 2nd house, at a Sextile or Trine to the Moon, the thing
is not stolen, but taken away in jest. If the Moon be Lady of the ascendant, and in the ascendant,
not farre remote, and the Sun Lord of the 2nd in the 10th with the Lord of the 7th house, and the
Lord of the 7th oppresse the Moon with a Square, then is the Goods stolen and taken away; if the
Moon be in the 3rd, opprest with the Lord of the 7th house by his Square aspect, and Lord of the
2nd also being Lord of the ascendant, and in the 7th, in the Signe of the 7th, then it is stolen, but first it was taken in jest, and it will be hard to get it againe, except the Sun and Moon behold the ascendant.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If Moon be in the 7th in the Signe of the Lord of the hour, the Lord of the hour being Lord of the
7th, then is the Goods not stolen or taken away, but overlooked and mistaken. If Moon be in the
5th house and in Capricorn, and be Lady of the hour, and Venus Lady of the 2nd in the 10th, in
the Signe of the 10th, and Moon in Opposition to the Lord of the 7th, then hath the party lost the
Goods as he went by the way, or was in some place where he left them: If the Moon be Lady of
the hour, in Cancer, in the 8th, and Lord of the 2nd in the 5th, and neither of them behold the
Lord of the 7th, but the Lord of the 7th be in the 7th, then is the Goods taken away in jest by the
Master of the house, and he will deny it: If the Moon be Lady of the hour in the 4th, in
Opposition to the Lord of the 7th, and the Lord of the 2nd in the 12th, in a Sextile to the Lord of
the 7th, then hath somebody taken the things away in jest: If Moon be in the Signe of the Lord of
the 7th, and not beholding the Lord of the 7th, but Moon in the 12th, and Lord of the 2nd in the
6th, then is the Goods taken away in jest, if the Lord of the 2nd did last separate from the Lord of
the house of the Moon, then the Goods is stolen in jest, but will scant be had again. If the Moon
doe separate from the Lord of the 2nd by Square, the Goods is taken where she is, then it is
stolen: If the Lord of the ascendant doe separate from Jupiter, or from the Lord of the 2nd house,
then did the Querent lay it downe and forget it, and so it was lost: but when the Lord of the
Ascendant and Lord of the 2nd doe separate from Jupiter, it is the surer: and sometimes it fals
out, that the Moon is Lady of the ascendant, and separates from Jupiter, and doth apply unto the
Lord of the 2nd house, which did also last separate from Jupiter, and sometimes the Lord of the
Ascendant, as Sun is also Lord of the 2nd, and doth separate from Jupiter, yet if it be so, it giveth
all one judgment as aforesaid: If the Lord of the 2nd or Jupiter doe separate from the Lord of the
ascendant, then did the party lose the Goods by the way as he went, or in some secret place
where he was, or else it tumbled out of his pocket privily into some secret place where it is not
stolen or found: But if there be none of these separations
The Resolution of
aforesaid, then see if the peregrine Planet or Lord of the 7th or Mercury, who is also for the Thief, doe apply to Jupiter, or the Lord of the 2nd; if they doe, then is the Goods absolutely stolen, and the Thief came with intent for to steale: If the Lord of the 2nd or Jupiter doe apply unto the peregrine Planet, or to the Lord of the 7th, or to Mercury, who is for the Thief, then the Goods or the thing lost did offer it selfe to the Thiefe, or he came easily by them without trouble; for he that stole them, came not with intent for to have stolen it, but seeing the thing did lye so open, and so carelesly, he took it and carried it away. If the Moon be Lady of the ascendant, and also lady of the 2nd, and be in Taurus, and apply by Conjunction to the Sun, within one degree, and Sun be the Lord of the 3rd house, and Mars be the peregrine Planet, and in the 10th, and Mercury apply to Mars, none of the abovesaid separations or applications impediting, or the Lord of the 7th in the 3rd, then the Querent did lose the thing by the way as he went, and it is not stolen from him.
Whether it be stolen or no.
For this, behold if the Signifier of the Thiefe be in the ascendant, or give his vertue to the Moon or the Moon to him, it is stolen; if the Lord of the ascendant give his vertue to the Signifier of the Thiefe, it is stolen; if the Signifier behold the Lord of the ascendant by Square or Opposition, or the Moon by Conjunction, Square or Opposition, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, or the Lord of the 2nd house, or the Part of Fortune or his Lord, the thing is stolen.
And if any Planet be in the ascendant, and give his power to the Signifier of the Thiefe, or the Significator to him by Square or Opposition, it is stolen, except there be an Infortune in the ascendant or 2nd house, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or of the Terme of the Moon is unfortunate, or the Part of Fortune or his Lord be unfortunate, or the Lord of the ascendant, or the Lord of the 2nd house be infortunate, all these signifie losse of losing.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
That the Goods are stolen.
If any Planet be in the ascendant peregrine, it is stolen; or the peregrine Planet give vertue to the Moon, or the Moon to him, it is stolen; the Lord of the ascendant peregrine, it is stolen; if the Thiefe be peregrine, that is, if he have no dignities where he is, it is stolen; if the Significator be with the Lord of the ascendant or in Square or Opposition to the Lord of the ascendant, it is stolen.
If any Planet doe separate from the Lord of the house of the Moon, it is stolen; if any Planet have respect to the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, it is stolen: if any Planet be separate from the Lord of the house of Substance, it is taken away: if the Thiefe have respect unto the Lord of the house of the Moon, with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, it is taken away.
Not stolen.
If neither the Lord of the house of the Moon or Lord of the 2nd separate not themselves from one another, or any other Planet from them, then what you look for is in his owne place; if the Moon give vertue to Saturn or Mars, or to any Planet in cadent houses, or to the Lord of the 8th, not stole, but missing, or else negligently throwne aside.
It will be (or is intended to be stolen.)
If the Moon be Lady of the 7th, and give her vertue to a Planet in the 2nd, or in the 11th or 5th, having her selfe neither Sextile or Trine to the Cusps of the houses, or if any Planet in the 7th give vertue to a Planet in the 2nd, 5th or 11th, and have no Sextile or Trifle to the Planet in the 7th, it will be, or if the Lord of the 10th be in Conjunction, Square or Opposition with the Thiefe, it will be stolen.
It is Lost of Stolen.
If a Planet doe separate himselfe from the lord of the house of
The Resolution of
the Moon, or from the Lord of the 2nd, then it is taken away with hands and stolen: If the Moon be Lady of the 7th, and give vertue to the Lord of the ascendant, it is stolen: if the Lord of the ascendant give vertue to the Moon in the 7th, it is stolen.
If any Planet in the ascendant give vertue to the Signifier of the Thiefe, it is stolen, or the Thief to the Lord of the ascendant, its stolen, but the Thief gives so much of the Goods to the owner againe, according to the vertue or light that the Thief giveth to the Lord of the ascendant; if any Planet in the ascendant be peregrine, it is stolen, and the Thief shall escape. If the peregrine Planet give vertue to the Moon, or the Moon to him, if the Thief aspect the Moon with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, or aspect the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, it is stolen.
If the Moon give vertue to Saturn or Mars, or if she give vertue to any Planet in a cadent house, or if the Moon give vertue to the Lord of the 8th, and he in a movable Signe, the things are stolen, but in fixed Signes, taken away.
[not stolen] If the Lord of the house of the Moon separate from any Planet, or the Lord of the
2nd doe separate from any Planet, stolen.
If the Lord of the house of the Moon or 2nd be in his owne house, and have vertue of Saturn or Mars, gone away by it selfe, and not stolen.
Of the age of the Thief.
The age is taken from the Planet that is Significator of the Thiefe, if he be Orientall, he is young; in the midst of his Orientality, then of middle age; if he be in the end of his Orientallity, he is old, saith Haly.
To judge by the distance of the Planets from the Sun, for by the Sun the Planets are Orientall and Occidentall, by which the signification of age is taken, after Haly, and other Writers. If together with this, you consider in what degrees of the Signe the Significator is in, you shall doe better, for a Planet Orientall and in a few degrees, denotes youth, or younger; in more degrees, more age; frame the age according to an exact mixture.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If Saturn, Jupiter or Mars be significators, then behold the distance of them from the Sun; from their Conjunction with the Sun to the Square aspect, signifieth the age of 18 yeers, and the neerer the Sun the lesser in age, and from the Square to the Opposition signifieth the age of 36. from the Opposition to the next Square signifies the age of 45. from that last Square to the Conjunction signifieth the age of 72. and so to the end of life.
Guido Bonatus saith, the Sun being significator, and being between the ascendant and Midheaven or 10th house (which is all one) signifieth the thiefe to be young, and so increasing till he come to the angle of the earth.
And if Venus or Mercury be significators, the age is taken by their distance or elongation from
the Sun, from their Conjunction with the Sun, being direct to the mid-way of their Conjunction in
their Retrogradation, signifies the age of the thiefe to be about 18. and the neerer the Sun the
younger, and from the mid-way to their Conjunction in their Retrogradation, signifieth the age of
36. or neer that age, the neerer to the Conjunction the elder, and from the Conjunction in the Retrogradation, to the mid-way of their Conjunction in direction, signifieth the age of 72. and so to the end of life; and if the Moon be signifier judge as by Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, as before is said.
The same Guido saith, Venus signifieth the thiefe to be young, a woman or a Maid, Mercury of lesse age then Venus, Mars signifieth full age, or in prime of his youth, Jupiter more of yeers then Mars, and Saturn signifieth old age or decrepit, or well in yeers, the Sun signifieth as before said; the Moon being significatrix in the beginning of the Moneth to the first quarter, signifieth to be young; and if she be neer to the full Moon, it signifieth the middle age or perfect man; and if she be in the end of the Moneth, it signifieth the Thiefe to be aged, or of greater yeers.
The age of the Thiefe.
If the Moon increases, he is young; if decrease he is old; if the significator be in the house of Saturn, or aspected by him, or in the last degree of a Signe, it signifies old age; Saturn the same;
Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury from the Ascendant unto the 10th, signifie young yeers, especially if
they be in the beginning of
The Resolution of
Signes: from the 10th to the 7th, middle yeers; if the Significator be a superiour Planet and direct, then he is of good yeers, if Retrograde elder or very old, and so judge of inferior Planets; for if they be Retrograde or joyned to Planets Retrograde, it augmenteth the age: thus is you mingle your signification, you may judge better. The Sun between the Ascendant and mid heaven argueth a childe, between the Meridian and Occident, accuseth a young Man, between the Occident and Septentrionall angle, a Man growne; and from the Septentrionall to Orientall, accuseth a very old Man; Lord of the ascendant in the East quarter, or Moon in the Ascendant, a young Man; Mercury alwayes signifies a Childe or a young Man, especially being in the Ascendant and Orientall: any Planet, except Saturn, Signifieth young Man; or if the signifier be joyned to Venus, Moon increasing in light, or in the first ten degrees or middle of the Signe, or the significator in the beginning of the Orientall quarter, signifies a Childe, or a young Man, or a Woman, &c.
Whether the Thiefe be a Man or Woman.
[behold the signe of the 7th and the Lord of the 7th]
Behold the Signe ascending and the Lord of the houre; if both be Masculine, the Thiefe is Masculine; and if the Lord of the houre and Ascendant be both Feminine, the Thiefe is Feminine; if the Signe Ascending be Masculine , and the Lord of the houre Feminine, it is both Masculine and Feminine, viz. there were two Theeves, both a Man and a Woman. Also the Significator Masculine and Moon in a Masculine Sign, signifieth a Man-kinde, & e contra. If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the houre be both in the Ascendant in Masculine Signes, it is a Man; in Feminine Signes, a Woman.
If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the houre be the one in a Masculine, and the other in a Feminine Sign, both a Man and a Woman had a hand in the Theft. The Angles of the Figure Masculine, a Man; Feminine a Woman. Venus Significatrix aspecting Mars with Square, notes impediment in hearing, principally in the left eare.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Venus, Mercury, Moon noteth Woman, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Sun Men; respecting the Signe and quarter wherein they be.
If one Thiefe or more.
Behold the Significator of the Thiefe; if he be in a fixed Signe, and of direct Ascensions, or a Signe of few Children, or of few shapes and likenesse; it signifies to be one and no more. If the Signe be of two bodies, viz. a common or bycorporeall Signe, it signifies more then one, and more likely if there be in the Signe many Planets peregrine: also when the Sun and Moon behold themselves by a Square in the Angles, it signifies more then one:
Signes that signifie many Children are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; few Children are Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. Divers shapes or formes, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius: barren Signes are Gemini, Leo and Virgo; Signes of direct Ascensions Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius; Signes of oblique Ascensions are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini. If the Moon in the houre of the Question be in the Angle of the Earth, in a common Sign, there is more then one; if she be in any of the other Angles, in a fixed Sign, there is but one Thiefe. Looke how many Planets are with the Thieves significator, so many Theeves; the Moon in a common Signe more then one. Lord of the Ascendant in a Male Signe, and Lord of the houre in a Female, Man and Woman (as aforesaid;) looke to which the Moon doth agree, viz. to whom she applies, that person is the principall actor; the Angles moveable especially the 1st and 7th, or the Significator being in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, more then one. The Sign wherein the Significator of the Thiefe is in, if it be immoveable, or a double bodied Sign, more then one. Both the Luminaries beholding one another from Angles, more then one; Moon in the Ascendant, and it a double bodied Signe, doth demonstrate there were more Thieves then one.
Of the Cloathes of the Thiefe.
You must know the colour of the Cloathing by the Planets, Signs and Degrees, and the House the
Significator is in; and after the mixture the one with the other, accordingly judge the colour of
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their Cloathes. If there be signification of many Theeves, judge them by the Lord of the triplicity the significators are in. The Significators of the Colours of the Planets after Alcabitius are these, Saturn Blacke, Jupiter Green, Spotted, or Ashy, or such like; Mars Red; Sun Tawny or Saffron, I rather conceive an high Sandy colour. The Colours by mixing the Planets one with another are these; Saturn and Jupiter, a darke Greene, or deepe spotted with Blacke; Saturn and Mars a darke Tawney, Saturn and Sun a Blacke—yellow and shining, Saturn and Venus a White gray, Saturn and Mercury a Black Black or Blewish, Saturn and Moon a deepe Tawney, or deep Gray or Russet. Jupiter and Mars a Tawney, somewhat light spotted, Jupiter and Sun much after the mixture of the Sunne and Mars but more shining, Jupiter and Venus a Greenish-gray, Jupiter and Mercury a Spotted Green, Jupiter and Moon a somewhat high Greene. Mars and Sun a deepe Red shining, Mars and Venus a light Red or Crimson, Mars and Mercury a Red or a red Tawney, Mars and the Moon a Tawney or light Red.
[They who are conversant in judging many Theft might much perfect this judgment; I have known it hold true very many times; my greater imployments keeps me from further observations.] You must mix the colour of the Signifier with the colour of the House he is in, and thereafter judge the colour of their Cloathes; or judge the Colour by the Signes and the Degrees the Signifier is in; as if he be in the Signe, or House, or Terme of Saturn, judge after Saturn as before; and if he be in the House of Saturn and Terme of Jupiter, judge after the mixture of Saturn and Jupiter, and so of all other as before.
For Names.
Jupiter, Sun and Mars in Angles signifie short Names and of few Sylables, and being neer the Mid-heaven doe begin with A or E: Saturn or Venus Significator, the Name is of more Syllables, as Richard or William, for the most part if the Querents Names be short, so is also the Quesited.
Names of Theeves or Men, as Astrologers write.
To know the Names by the Lord of the 7th house; or the Planet in the 7th House, or the Planet joyned with them, as followeth:
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Principall Planet Cojoyned Mens
Signifier Joyned Names
Mercury Mars Matthew
Moon Mercury Simon
Sun Jupiter Laurence
Mercury Sun Clement
Mercury Saturn Edmund
Jupiter Sun John
Saturn Venus William
Mars Sun Robert
Mars Sun Peter
Mars Anthony
Sun Mercury Benjamin
Jupiter Saturn Thomas
Sun Roger
Sun Phillip
Saturn Sun George
Sun Saturn Andrew
Moon Sun Henry
Moon Saturn Nicholas
Jupiter Sun Richard
Sun James
Sun Stephen
Mars Mercury Katherine
Mercury Mars Sun Christian
Saturn Moon Venus Joane
Venus Saturn Isabel
Saturn Sun Elizabeth
Saturn Sun Julian
Moon Mars Sun Mary
Moon Venus Ellin
Venus Mercury Agnes
Sun Mercury Margaret
Sun Venus Alice
Sun Mercury Edith
Sun Venus Maud
Sun Jupiter Lucy
Sun Anne
Jupiter Rachel
Moon Nell, Ellenor
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Some moderne Professors, have endeavoured to give aprobable conjecture what Christian name the Thiefe is of, or party enquired after, whether man or woman. First, they consider if the Planet who is principall Significator of the party enquired of, whether he be angular or no, and then whether he be in aspect (it matters not what aspect, good or ill) with any Planet or Planets: if he be in no aspect, then in whose Dignities he is, and from hence they make their mixture; for example; let us admit Mercury to be Lord of the 7th, and Significator of a Maids Lover.
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and he in aspect, or in the dignities of Mars, I shall then have recourse on the Table before, and there I find in the first line over against Mercury and Mars Matthew, I shall then say the man’s name is Matthew, or of a name equivalent in length, or same number of letters: for my part I never use this way, nor yet have much credited it; yet I beleeve, were it well practiced we might find out very pretty conclusions, and goe neer to find the very name, or somewhat neer it.
Whether the Thief be out of the house or not.
If both the Lights behold the ascendant, or he be in their owne houses, the Thief is one of the Family, the Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, idem; the Lord of the 6th in the 2nd, it is a Servant; if either of the Luminaries behold the ascendant, it is no stranger; Sun opposite to the ascendant, it is an overthwart Neighbour; the Lord of the 7th beholding the ascendant with a friendly aspect, idem.
A Stranger or Familiar.
Sun and Moon beholding the ascendant or the Lord of the ascendant in the 1st, or joyned to the Lord of the 7th, it is one of the house, or one that frequents the house; the Luminaries in their proper houses, or in the house of the Lord of the ascendant, the same; in the Triplicity of the Lord of the ascendant, a Neighbor; in the Terms of him, a familiar; Moon in the 9th in Conjunction, Square or Opposition to Saturn or Mars, brings back the Thief; without fail if they be Retrograde.
If the Sun and Moon aspect the Lord of the ascendant, and not the ascendant, the Thief is knowne to the owner; the Significator of the Thiefe strong in the ascendant, noteth a Brother or Kinsman; Zael, Lord of the 7th in the 9th from his owne house, it is a Stranger; Sun and Moon beholding each other, a Kinsman; the Lord of the ascendant in the 3rd or 4th, accuseth thine owne household-Servant; this I have oft proved true by experience.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Ruled by the Lord of the Seventh house.
The Lord of the 7th in the ascendant or 4th, noteth one of the house, or of the household, or frequenting the house, and is in the City or Towne, and is one whom the Querent least mistrusteth, and one which will hardly confesse the fact.
The Lord of the 7th in the 2nd, noteth one of the household, or an acquaintance (if is be in a Masculine Signe,) but if it be in a Feminine Signe, it is his Wife, perhaps a Sweetheart or Mayd of the house, and is within the power of the Loser, or some of his house, and may be recovered by money.
The Lord of the 7th in the 3rd, one of the Kindred, Brother, Sisters, Cozens, or his onely Fellow by way of service, or some Neighbour often in his sight, or his Disciple, Messenger or Servant, &c.
The Lord of the 7th in the 4th, it is his Father, or some old Body, or of his Fathers Kin, or one dwelling in the Heritage or house of his Father, and the Thiefe hath given it to his Wife, or the Woman to her Husband, or it is the good man or good Wife of the house, or else he is a Tiller or Labourer of the Land for the Querent, The Lord of the 7th in the 5th, the Sonne or Daughter of him, or the Sonne or Daughter of his Cozen or Nephew, (if the Sign be a masculine) or of the household of his Father, or else his very Friend.
The Lord of the 7th in the 6th, A Servant, a Disciple or Labourer to the Querent, or one conversant with some Churchman, a Brother or Sister of the Father, a sick body or unsteadfast, or grieved person.
The Lord of the 7th in the 7th, his Wife or Lady, or an Harlot, or a woman that useth to be suspected for such matters, or a Buyer or Seller in Markets; if it be a feminine Signe, the Taker is an utter enemy to the Loser, by some cause formerly happened between them, and dwels somewhat far from him, and the things are in his custody still, and hard to be recovered.
must be warily understood.]
The Lord of the 7th in the 8th, a Stranger, yet seemeth to be one
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of the household, or one of his open enemies, or of his neer Kinswoman, for some cause of offence done, or some evill disposed person (and of the Livery of the Man) and he useth to come to his House, and either is kept by him, or else doth some servile acts, as a Butcher or Labourer doth, otherwhiles to kill Cattell, and it seemeth the thing lost will not be had againe but by either faire words, or dread of death, or by reason of some threats, or else the thing is lost by some Man absent, the which is not now had in the minde at this time, but seems to be quite forgotten. The Lord of the 7th in the 9th, an honest person, a Clarke, or a Church-man, and the Thiefe is out of the way or Country, a Disciple, or Governour to some Master of some priviledged Place, or a poore vagrant person, hard to be recovered but by some religious person as aforesaid.
[I ever finde it to signifie one lodging in the House, when the thing was lost, or using the House.] The Lord of the 7th in the 10th, a Lord, or Master, or Governour in the Kings House, or of his Household; or some Lady or Gentlewoman, if the Figure be Feminine, & e contra; or some crafts-Master; usually its some person that lives handsomely, and is not necessitated to this course of life.
The Lord of the 7th in the 11th, a Friend or one knowne by some service done; or of the household of some man of the Church, or Neighbour, or Servant in the place where the Querent hath some Lordship, and is put in trust, or is of the Household of the Querent his Mother, and by such a one or his meanes to be recovered againe.
The Lord of the 7th in the 12th, a Stranger, envious a false person, and inthralled, incumbered or oppressed with poverty, and hath no riches; wherefore he hath visited many Regions, as some Enemy or Beggar doth, and he joyneth in it; judge his quality by the Signe and Place, and commix all these with the other testimonies of the Signes and Planets.
Whether the Thiefe be in the Towne or no.
Behold the Significator of the Thiefe, if thou find him in the end of the Signe direct, or
seperating from Combustion, or applying to a Planet in the 3rd or 9th House; say, he is gone or
all manner of QUESTIONS.
going out of the Towne, for the removing of the Significator out of one Signe into another, denoteth change of Lodging or removing; if it be a superiour Planet, the rule is infallible. If the Lord of the ascendant and the Moon be not in one quarter but above 90 degrees asunder, it noteth departure, or a great distance betwixt the Goods and the Owner; but if they be in angles, and applying to Planets in angles, it noteth no farre distance, especially if the Moon and the Lord of the ascendant be in one quarter.
Distance betwixt the Owner and the Thief.
[These judgments best agree from the Country.]
If the Thief, viz. his Significator, be in a fixed Signe, account for every house betwixt the Lord of the ascendant and him, three miles; in common Signes, every house betwixt the ascendant and Thief, one mile; in movable Signes, for every house betwixt the ascendant and the Thiefe, account that so many houses on the earth are betwixt the Loser and the Thiefe. If the Signe ascending be a fixed Signe, for every house give three miles; if a common Signe, then for every house give one mile; if a movable Signe, for every house reckon one halfe mile. If his Significator be in an angle, he is still in the Towne; in a succedant, not far off, in a cadent he is far gone.
Where the Thief is.
[These are still for the Country.]
Moon in an angle, at home; succedant, about home; if in cadent, far from home, The Significator of the Thief in an Angle, in a house; Moon in an angle, in his owne house; in a succedant, he is in Closes; Moon in a succedant, in his owne Closes, The Significator of the Thiefe in a cadent house, he is in a Common; Moon in a cadent, in his owne Common, or that which belongs to the Towne he lives in.
If the Signifier of the Thief be within thirty degrees of the Lord of the ascendant, then is the
Thiefe neer him that lost the
The Resolution of
Goods; if within seventy degrees, within the Towne or Parish of him that lost the Goods, the more degrees betwixt them, the farther off they are from each other. If the Significator be in a Square aspect to the Lord of the ascendant, he is out of the Towne; if the Lord of the 7th be strong, & in an angle, the Thief is not yet gone out of the Town or Parish where the Theft was acted; if he be found weak in an angle, he is gone, or departing.
[It sometimes holds true, the Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, the Thiefe brings the Goods home willingly.] If the Lord of the 7th be in the ascendant, tell the Querent the Thiefe will be at home (before him) or before he get home, probatum est.
If the Lord of the 7th be in the 7th, he is hid at home and dare not be seen. If the Lord of the 6th be in the 1st, or 2nd with any of their Lords, the Thief is of the house of the Querent.
If the Lord of the ascendant and the Significator of the Thief be together, the Thief is with the Querent, probatum est; the very truth us, he cannot be far from him.
Towards what part the Thief is gone.
[These things shal be more fully explicated in the succeding sheet, If you would know to what part he is fled, after he is gone out of Towne, behold the Planet that signifies his going out of Towne, and in what Sign he is; and if he be in a fiery Sign, say he is in the east part of the Towne or Country; if he be in a watry Signe, he is in the North; if in an Ayery Aign, he is in the west; if in an earthly Signe, he is in the south: Behold also in what quarter of Heaven he is in, and judge accordingly; if the signifier be in the west, he is in the west; the east part os from the Mid-heaven to the ascendant, &c. mix the signification of the Signe with the signification of the quarter, and thereafter judge, preferring the Signe before the quarter, onely making use of the quarter to ballance your judgment when other testimonies are equall.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Which way the Thief is gone.
Behold the significant Planet, in what Signe he is, and also the quarter, and accordingly judge; others judge by the place of the Moon; others behold the Lord of the 7th, and the Lord of the hour, what Signe and quarter they are in, and if they agree, then they judge thereafter; others regard the Significator to whom he doth apply, or render his power; others by the Lord of the 4th, I alwayes judge by the strongest, either of the Significator or the Moon.
[The peculiar quarter of heaven every Signe naturally signifies doth follow hereafter.] If the Significator of the Thief be in a fiery Sign, he went east; earthly, south; ayery, west; watry, north; see what angle Moon is in, there is the Thief; in no angle, look for the Lord of the house of the Moon, to that part he went.
See what Signe the Lord of the 7th is in; if in Aries, eastward; in Taurus, in the South against the east; and so of the rest, Of the house of the Thiefe, and the mark thereof.
If you will know the quality of the house the thing lost is in, and the Signe and token thereof, and in what place the thing is, behold the Signe the Significator of the Thief is in, and in what part of heaven he is, and say in that part of the Towne the thing is; if it be in the ascendant, it is in the point of the east; in the 7th, just in the west; in the 4th, just in the north; in the 10th, it is south; and if it be between these angles, judge accordingly; as south-west or north-west; give the place of the Sun to be the house the Thief is in, and the place of the Moon to be the door of the house; if the Sun be in an Orientall Signe, the house is in the east part from the Master, or from him that lost the Goods.
The Door of the house.
To know in what part of the house the Door is, behold the place the Moon is in, whether in the
angles, succedants or cadents, and judge as it is said in the parts of the house, the which part is
The Resolution of
taken of or from the Signe the Moon is in one way; if the Moon be in a fixed Signe, say the house hath but one door; in a movable Signe, say the door is high above the earth, and it may be there is one other little one; and if Saturn have any aspect to that Signe, the door hath been broken and after mended againe, or else it is black or very old.
[Or is well bard with Iron.]
If Mars have any aspect thereunto, the gate or door shall have some token of burning or fire; and if Saturn and Mars have a friendly aspect to the same Signe, the gate is Iron, or most part of it, or a good strong one; and if the Moon have small light, the house hath no door opening to the highway, but opens on the back part of the house.
Tokens of the Thiefe house.
If the Moon be in Square, Conjunction, or Opposition to Mars, the door is burned with iron, fire or candle, or hath been cut with some iron instrument; if the Moon be in Trine or Sextile to Mars, say the door of the Thiefs house is mended with iron; if the Moon be but newly encreased in light, his gate or door is part under the earth, or under a Bank-side, or they goe downe by a step, Moon in a fixed or movable Signe, he hath but one door outwardly, in common Signs more then one.
[Or men goe down by steps,]
Moon in a fixed Signe, the gate is under the earth, viz. if in Taurus, or the house standeth on the Bank-side, if in Aquarius; Moon in movable Signs, the gate or door is above the earth, and a step to go up in to it (probatumn est.) or one ascends somewhat in going into the house. Moon Infortunate, the gate is broken, and note what part of heaven Moon is in, that part of the house the door standeth in; if Saturn aspect the Moon with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, the door or gate is broken downe, old or black; if with Sextile or Trine, the door is mended againe.
Of the house where the Thiefe remaineth or dwelleth.
Behold the Signe wherein the Signifier is in, and in what part of
The Resolution of
Behold the Lord of the terme wherein the Significator of the Thiefe is, and by him judge the estate of the Thiefe; if an infortunate Planet be in a fortunate terme, he was of a wilde stocke, and now is in good state: If a fortune be in the terme of an infortune, say the contrary.
If he carried all with him,
Behold the Lord of the 7th and 8th, if the Lord of the 7th be in an Angle, he was willing to have
carried all away, but could not; if in a succedent, and the Lord of the 8th with him strong, he had
all; if both the Lord of the 7th and 8th be in cadent Houses, he neither carried it away or had it,
The distance of the thing from the Owner.
[These rules are much followed by those that practice in the Country.]
Behold how many Degrees are between the Significator and the Moon; and whether the Signes be fixed, movable or common; in fixed Signes account for every Degree a Mile; in common Signes so many tenths of Miles; in Movable Signes so many Rods. How many Degrees betwixt the Lord of the 7th and the Lord of the houre, so many thousand Paces betwixt the Querent and the Fugitive.
Looke what distance is betwixt the Ascendant and his Lord, such is the distance betwixt the place where the thing was lost and the thing it selfe.
Looke how many Degrees the Signifier is in his Signe, and so many Miles are the Cattle from the place where they went, and in that quarter or coast where the Lord of the 4th is.
How farre the thing is from the Querent.
Behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Ascendant, and see how many Signes and Degrees are
betwixt the Lord of the Ascendant and the Ascendant; and if the Lord of the Ascendant be in a
fixed Signe, then give for every Signe (betwixt him and the Ascendant) foure Miles; and if he be
in a common Signe, give for every Signe a Mile and a halfe; and if he be in a moveable Signe,
give for
all manner of QUESTIONS.
every Signe (betwixt them) halfe a Mile, and the overplus of the Degrees, according to the Signe the Lord of the Ascendant is in:
As for Example;
A Question was asked, and the 7th Degree of Capricorn ascended, and Saturn in Scorpio foure Degrees; so there is between the Ascendant and Saturn 3 Signes, and Saturn in a fixed Signe; therefore I must give for every Signe 4 Miles, 3 times 4 is 12, and there is 3 Degrees more to the which belong halfe a Mile; so the whole sum is 12 Miles and a halfe.
The Place where the Goods stolne are.
[More certainly by the Lord of the 4th. This is where things are hid in grounds.] If you will know the place where the thing stolne is in; take Signification of the Place from the Signe the Significator of the Thiefe is in, and from the place of the Lord of the 4th House; if they be both in one Signification it is well; if not, behold then what place is Signified by the Lord of the 4th House, and judge by that Signe the nature of the place where the thing stolne is. If he be in a moveable Signe, it is in a place high from the ground; if in a fixed Signe, it is in the Earth; and if in a common Signe, it is under some Eaves of a House; and helpe your judgment in these by the Terme of the Signes, as if the Significator be in Aries, it is in a place where Beasts doe use that be small, as Sheep, or Hogs &c. if he be in Leo, it is in a place of Beasts which bite as Dogs, &c. if he be in Sagittarius, it is in a place of great Beasts that are ridden; as in a Stable of Horses, or such like: if in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, it signifieth a House or place of great Beasts, as Oxen, Kine or such other Cattle: Virgo and Capricorn Signifieth a place of Camels, Mules, Horses, Asses, and such like: Virgo hath the Signification of a Barn, or of such places as be under the Earth, or neer to the Earth, or Granaries, such as they put Corne in:
Capricorn signifieth a place of Goats, Sheepe, Hogs, and such like. If he be in Gemini, Libra,
Aquarius, it is in the House; in Gemini it is in the Wall of the House; Libra neer a little House or
Closet, Aquarius it is neer a Doore that is above a Doore or Gate, in some place on high. If
Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, the thing is in Water, or neer Water, and these doe Signifie a Pit or
Cistern: Scorpio it is neer a place of unclean
The Resolution of
Water, or where they use to cast out filthy Water, as a Gutter: Pisces sheweth a place alwayes moyst.
The place where the thing lost or stolne is hidden.
Behold the place of the Signifier of the Thiefe, and the Lord of the 4th, if they be both in one Signification and wel agreeing, if not, behold the Lord of the 4th; if he be in a moveable Signe, it is in an high place; if in a fixed Signe, it is on the Earth; if in a common Signe, in a covered place. Herein behold what Signe the Moon is, or whether in the Ascendant or Mid-heaven, or about it, behold the forme or Signe that Ascends with her, and say the thing is in that place which the forme thereof representeth..
Where the Goods are.
Looke to the Lord of the 2nd and his Almuten, (viz. he that hath most dignities there) there are the Goods: if the Lord thereof and the Lord of the 4th be both in one Signe, judge the things to be where they are, and the Thiefe and Theft both together; if they be not together, judge by the 4th, &c.
If the Lord of the 4th be found in a fixed Sign, the Goods are in the Earth, or in a House having no Chamber.
If the Lord of the 4th be in a moveable Signe, the Goods are in a Chamber above another, or in an upper Loft or Room.
If in a common Signe, in a Chamber within another Chamber. If the Goods be found in a fiery Signe, they are East; in an Earthly South; in an Aery, West; in a Watry, North.
[This is, when Goods are certainly known to be out of the House.] If the Lord of the Terme of the Moon be in an Angle, and in a moveable Signe, the Goods are in Closes where are both Corne and G rasse - If in a succedent and fixed Signe, in Woods, Parkes, or in closed Grounds that lyeth from the High-way-side: if in a cadent and common Signes, in a Common of divers Mens, or Pasture or Meddow of divers Mens.
Haly saith, it was asked him one time when Leo was Ascending and
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Venus therein; and he saith, the thing was under a Bed neer a Robe or Covering; because Venus was in the Ascendant, the which is Significatrix of a Bed, and after these considerations judge.
Lost or stolen in what part of the house.
[The true quality of the place every Planet and Signe doth Signifie, I have exactly set forth from Pg. 57 to page 100.] If the thing is lost or stolen be in the house, & you would know the place where it is, behold the Lord of the 4th. and the Planet which is therein; if it be Saturn, it is hid in a dark place or part of the house, or in a desolate or stinking place and deep, be it a seige-house or Jakes, where people seldome come.
If it be Jupiter, it signifies a place of Wood, Bushes or Bryers. If it be Mars, it is in some Kitchin, or in a place where fire os used, or in a Shop, &c.
If it be Sun, it signifieth the Cloyster or Hall of the House, or the Place or Seat of the Master of the House.
If it be Venus, it signifieth the place of the Seat of a Woman, or Bed or Cloathes, or where women are most conversant.
If it be Mercury, it is in a place of Pictures, Carving or Books, or a place of Come, and chiefly in Virgo.
If it be Moon, it is in a Pit, Cisterne or Lavatory.
The forme or likenesse of the entring of the house.
[This hath relation as well to any other thing as to Thefts, and may be made good use of for severall Discoveries.] Behold the place of the Sun, from him is knowne the forme and likenesse of the opening of the house; from Moon is knowne the Sellar, and the place that holdeth the water, or a Pit; by Venus, the place of Mirth, Play and women &c. from the place of the North Node is knowne the place of height, or highest Seat, Stool, Stairs or Ladder to climbe by; and from the place of the South Node is knowne the place the Wood is in, or the house the Beasts be in, or a Pillar in the house; and if Mercury be in a common Signe it is in a little Cell within another Chamber; if he be in a movable Signe, it is within a little Cell that hath another Chamber about it; if in a fixed Signe, it is in a house that hath no Sellar nor other Chamber, as many Country-houses have not.
The Resolution of
And if Jupiter or Venus, or both of them be in the 10th house, the door hath a faire opening; if
Jupiter be in the 10th, the opening of the door is neer some Ditch or Pit, or deep place; if Mars be
there, neer to the opening of the house is the place of making the fire, or killing os Beasts, or
heading; if Mercury be in the 10th, say in the opening of the house, is a place where the Master
of the house keeps his things in, viz. his instruments or Tools he uses about his Beasts; and if
Sun be in the 10th, in the opening is some Stoole or Seat to sit on, or a bed; if the Moon be in the
10th house, say that in the entring of the house is a door under the ground, or some other necessary thing that a man hath much occasion to use in his house, as a Furnace or Overn, or such like, What is stolne by the Lord of the 2nd or 10th House.
[More properly by the Lord of the 2nd.]
Saturn—Lead, Iron, Azure, blacke or blew colour, Wooll, blacke Garments, Leather, heavy things, labouring tooles for the Earth: Jupiter—Oyle, Honey, Quinces, Silke, Silver: Venus—white Cloth, and white Wine, Green-colour.
Mars - Pepper, Armour, Weapons, red Wine, red Cloathes, Brasse, Carbuncles, yellow Cloathes:
Moon - ordinary and common Commodities.
The quality of the Goods stolne.
[These Judgments are more proper for the Country than City.]
Behold the Lord of the 2nd; if he be Saturn, it is Lead, Iron, or a Kettle, something with three feet; a Garment or some blacke thing, or a Hide or Beasts skin.
If Jupiter be Lord of the 2nd, some white thing; as Tyn, Silver, or mixed with vaines, as it were with yellow and white, or broad Cloath, &c.
Sun signifies Gold and precious things, or things of good value.
Mars - those which be fiery belong to the fire, Swords, Knives.
Venus - such things as belong to Women, Rings, faire Garments, Smocks, Wastecoats, Peticoats.
Moon - Beasts, as the Horse, Mules, Cowes, or Poultry in the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Country of all forts; Mercury - Money, Books, Paper, Pictures, Garments of divers colours.
A signe of recovery.
[These are excellent and approved rules, this must be in signes of short ascentions.]
The Moon in the 7th Aspecting the Lord of the Ascendant with a Trine, Venus or the Lord of the
2nd in the Ascendant, Jupiter in the 2nd direct, Venus Lady of the 2nd in the Ascendant, Moon in the 10th in Trine to a Planet in the 2nd: Moon in the 2nd, with a Trine to the Lord of the 2nd:
Moon in the 2nd, to a Square of Sun in the 12th: The Lord of the Ascendant in the 2nd, Sun and Moon aspecting each other with a Trine, Sun and Moon aspecting the cuspe of the 2nd with a Trine: Lord of the 2nd in the 4th, or in the House of the Querent, viz. in the Ascendant.
If it shall be recovered.
To know if it shall be recovered or not: For resolution hereof, behold the Lord of the terme of the Moon, the which is Signifier of the substance stolne to be recovered. If the Lord of the terme of the Moon, and the Lord of the house of the Moon be increasing [To encrease in motion is, whenas lately a Planet had moved slowly, and now encreases his motion, or moves more quick; to encrease in number is, when the day subsequent he is found to have moved more minutes then the day or dayes preceding.] both in motion and number, and free from infortunes; it shews it shall be recovered whole and found, and nothing diminished thereof. Consider also the Lord of the houre, and take his testimony, as you did from the Lord of the terme of the Moon; behold also the application of the Lord of the Ascendant, unto the Lord of the terme of the Moon, or unto the Lord of the 2nd House; or if that they apply unto him, for when he doth apply unto one of them, or to both, and the Moon apply unto them both or to the Lord of the House, or if the Sun doe apply unto the Lord of his House, and the Moon be diminished in light; I meane if the Lord of the House of the Sun, doe apply to the Sun; for the state of all these doe Signifie that the thing stole shall be found, and especially if the Planet Signifier be in an angle or succedant.
Also if the Lord of the terme of the Moon, or the Lord of the House of the Moon, or the Lord of
the 2nd house apply unto the
The Resolution of
Lord of the Ascendant, the Master of the thing lost shall recover the same. Also if the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant apply unto the Ascendant, or one of them apply unto the Lord of the 2nd House, or unto the Lord of the terme of the Moon, the thing stolne shall be had againe through inquisition and diligent search.
And if the Lord of the House of the Moon, and the Lord of the Terme of the Moon be both diminished in their motion or number, say the more part is lost and shall not be recovered. If the Lord of the terme of the Moon, and the Lord of the house of the Moon be increasing in number and motion, and safe from ill fortunes, the thing shall be restored whole and nothing diminished; for if those Signifiers be not Cadent from angles, it Signifieth the things shall be soon recovered; but is they be in angles, it Signifieth meanly, viz. neither very soone nor very late, viz. the recovery.
In what time it shall be recovered.
Behold the application of the two Planets that Signifie the recovery, and number the Degrees that are between them, or from the one to the other, and determine dayes, weekes, yeers, or houres, in this manner; Behold the place they are in, or the place of their application; for if they be in moveable Signes, the shorter time is required, or it shal be in weeks, or in months; in fixed Signes it Signifies Moneths or Yeers; in common Signs a meane betwixt both: helpe your selfe from these judgments: or if the Significator be quick in motion, they Signifie it shall be recovered quickly, or lightly: which Significators, if they be falling from angles, signifieth a time short, wherein the Goods shall be recovered: These Judgements are made properly for this Chapter; you must not judge in other things by these, or by this Method.
Aphorismes concerning Recovery.
The Lord of the 8th in the Ascendant, or with the Lord thereof,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
signifies the recovery of the theft. The Lord of the 2nd in the 8th, denieth recovery. Saturn also, or Mars, or South Node, signifieth dividing and losse of the thing, and that all shall not be recovered.
The Lord of the 2nd in the Ascendant sheweth recovery, The Lord of the Ascendant in the 2nd, signifieth recovery after long search.
If the 2nd House be hindered or the Lord thereof, it cannot be that all shall be found and recovered.
When the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon; with the Sun, or the Lord of the 10th, or the
Lord of the House of the Moon; or if the Lord of the 7th be with the Lord of the Ascendant, or
have good aspect to him; or if the Lord of the 7th be in combustion; or at least the Lord of the
10th, and the Lord of the house of the Moon agree well together, upon such a position it is probable the thing lost shall and may be recovered. When both the Luminaries are under the earth it cannot be recovered, Whatsoever is lost, the Sun together with the Moon, beholding the Ascendant cannot be lost but will, shortly be discovered.
Behold when the body of the Moon and the body of the Lord of the Ascendant, viz. when one of them applyeth bodily to the Planet that signifieth recovery; the thing stolne shall then be recovered; and if the application of the Significators be by Retrogradation, the recovery shall bee sudden, if the application be by direction, the recovery shall be before it be looked for. Behold also the Lord of the term of the Moon, if he do apply to the same term, and the Lord of the house of the Moon applies to the same house, or when the Lord of the 2nd applies to his own house: or when any of them apply to the Ascendant; all these do signify the time of recovery.
Look also if the Part of Fortune have any testimony with the Lord of the Ascendant, or with the
Moon, because when any of them apply to each other, or the Lord of the house of the Moon to
the Moon, there is the time of the recovery in hope; and when the Lord of the Part of Fortune
applyes to the Lord of the Ascendant, or to the 2nd house, or unto the place in which the Part of
Fortune is, or to the Moon; all these signify recovery: Behold
The Resolution of
also how many degrees is from the planet which signifieth recovery, unto the angle he goeth first to, and the number of those degrees is the time of recovery.
When both the lights behold themselves in angles, it signifies recovery of the thing at length, but with labour and pain; and it signifies more then one thief; if the aspect be a Trine, it signifyeth the lighter recovery.
The Moon in the Ascendant with any Fortune, it signifies recovery: If the Moon be in Sub Radijs, or combust, it signifieth the thing lost shall not be recovered, if it be, it shall be with much pain and labour; Sun and Moon in the 10th, sudden recovery. If both Sun and Moon be nearer the Ascendant then any other angle, it signifyes recovery of the thing with much trouble, anxiety, strife, bloodshed, or quarrelling. When Sun is in the Ascendant, the thing stolen shall be recovered, except the Ascendant be Libra or Aquarius; for therein the Sun is weak. The Moon in the Ascendant and Jupiter with her, it shall be recovered.
Of the discovery of the thief, and recovery of the goods.
If the Moon be in the Ascendant, or in a Trine aspect to the Lord thereof, thou findest the thief. If there be a Trine aspect between Sun and Moon, it signifies recovery. If Sun and Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 7th, or beholding him by aspect, he cannot hide himself. If the Lord of the Ascendant apply to the 2nd, or the Lord of the 2nd to the Ascendant; if there be any application or translation of light between the Lord of the 8th, and the Lord of the 2nd; or the Lord of the 8th be in the 2nd, it signifyes recovery. Moon in the 2nd with one of the Fortunes, or applying with a good aspect to her own house, or the Lord of the sign wherein she is, sheweth recovery.
The chiefest signes of no recovery are if Saturn, Mars or South Node, be in the 2nd, or the Lord
of the 2nd in the 8th, or combust, or when the Lord of the 2nd applieth to the Lord of the 8th
with any aspect, all or any of these are signes of no recovery. If the Lord of the 2nd be in his
exaltation, there is
all manner of QUESTIONS.
a great hope of recovery, especially if there be any other testimony of the recovery.
The Theft.
[Thefts recoverable or no,]
If the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, the theft shall be restored againe; if the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, it will be found after much enquiry; if Moon be in the ascendant, or with the Lord of the ascendant, it will be found or may be found; if the Moon be in the 5th, with the Lord of the ascendant, it may be had; or if Sun and Moon be in the 5th, and the Lord of the 8th be with the Lord of the ascendant in the ascendant, it will be found.
If the Lord of the 2nd be in the 8th, it cannot be had; if Saturn or Mars or South Node be in the
2nd, it will not be had; if the Lord of the 2nd be in the ascendant, it will be had againe, and none shall know how; if the Lord of the ascendant be in the 2nd, with great labour it may be had; if the Lord of the 2nd be cadent, it will not be had; but if he be in his exaltation, it will be quickly restored; the sooner if Moon apply unto him.
Other Judgments of Thefts.
Lord of the ascendant and Lord of the 7th joyned, it shall be got by searching of the Querent. Lord of the ascendant in the 7th, or the Lord of the ascendant joined to the Lord of the 8th, or Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, the Thief comes of his owne accord before he goes any farther; very many times I have found it so.
If Moon be separated from the Lord of the ascendant, and be joyned to the Lord of the 7th, he shall be found, viz. the Thief.
The Lord of the 7th joyned to an Infortune in an angle, he shall be taken: the Lord of the 7th joyned to a Fortune, he shall not be taken, unlesse that Fortune be under the Sun Beames, or impedited; if he goe to combustion, it signifies his death.
[I have oft found this true.] Moon joyned to an infortunate Planet, he shall be found; the Moon
joyned to a retrograde Planet, he returnes of his owne accord, if he went; if the same
The Resolution of
Planet be stationary, he shall not remove from his owne place untill he be taken.
Whether the Thief shall be knowne or not.
Most Planets in cadents, he shall be knowne: Sun Conjunct, Square or Opposition to the Significator of the Thief, knowne; Sun in Sextile to him, he is suspected, but not openly knowne.
Whether the Thief be suspected of the Owner or not.
If the Thief be in Square or Opposition to the Lord of the ascendant he is suspected, a Trine or Sextile, not; if the Thieve’s Significator be in Conjunction with the Moon, the Owner suspecteth one with him, or using his owne company.
If the Moon be in Square or Opposition to any Planet in the 10th or 7th, say he suspecteth one far from him, except the Almuten of the 10th or 7th house be in Square or Opposition to the Moon. If Moon have Conjunction or Opposition to a Planet in the 7th, or to the Almuten thereof, the Owner suspecteth him; but if Moon aspecteth another Planet, he suspecteth another, and not the Thief: if the Moon be joyned to, or received of an evill Planet, the suspected is the Thiefe; look to the Lord of the ascendant and the Moon, and take the strongest of them, who if he have received any vertue from evill Planets, viz. separated from them, he hath played the Thiefe; and so much the more being received of the Lord of the 2nd: Lord of the ascendant in an angle, applying or seperating to a Planet in a cadent house, truth is said of him; or Moon conjoyned to a Planet in an angle, especially in the 10th, signifies the same.
Who did the Deed or Theft.
[This where the querent is suspected a Knave.]
Lord of the ascendant in the 2nd, or 7th, it is the Owner himselfe; or Lord of the 2nd in the
ascendant, the owner. If Sun and Moon be with the Lord of the 3rd, it’s Owner’s Kinsman; Sun
and Moon in the 4th, Father or Mother, or a Friend; Sun or Moon in the 5th, a Sonne or Daughter
of the Owner; Sun or Moon in the 6th, a Servant; Sun or Moon in the 7th his Wife or a Woman,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
and Moon together cojoyned, beholding the ascendant, the Owner’s acquaintance; or if either of them behold the ascendant, idem. Sun or Moon in their proper houses, or in the ascendant, the Owner may be justly suspected.
If Sun or Moon be not together, but one of them behold the ascendant, it was one was borne, or formerly lived in the house where the robbery was done, If Sun or Moon be in their owne Triplicity, the Thief retaines him that lost the Goods; they having but a Face where they are, then he is not one of the house, but Kin unto him.
[A Familiar of the house.]
If Sun or Moon behold the ascendant, and not the Thief, the Thief entred not the house before he took it.
If the Thiefe have any great Dignities in the ascendant, the Thiefe is Kin to the Querent, or a very neer acquaintance. Mars being Significator of the Thiefe, and placed in the 10th, the querent is the Thief, or very negligent.
The Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, he is suspected to be the Thief e.
Whether it be the first fact the Thief hath committed.
If Sun and Moon doe behold the Lord of the house where the Moon is from an angle, he hath plaid the Thiefe more then once. If Part of Fortune or Lord of the 7th be free from misfortunes, or Jupiter Significator alone of the Thiefe, it is the first fact he hath committed. Mars seperating from the Lord of the 7th, or Saturn Orientall, it is not the first; Mars Significator, he breaketh in [viz. by violence.]; Venus, under the cloak of love; Mercury, by subtilty and flattery.
Of Theft by Astrologie, or LILLIES best experienced Rules.
[Number.] Many Thieves, if Peregrine Planets be in angles. The Significator in a Signe of Fruitfulnesse, viz. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; or in a Bycoporeall, viz. Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces; or beholding many peregrine Planets.
[One.] The angles fixed, or the Moon or Significator in Signes of direct ascention which are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius; or in Signes not fruitfull, viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn.
The Resolution of
The Sex.
Masculine, if the Lord of the hour, Lord of the 7th and his Dispositor be Masculine, or if the Dispositor of the Moon and the Planet to whom she applies be masculine; or if the Significator be in the part of Heaven, viz. in the 1st, 12th, 11th or 7th, 6th, 5th, and Orientiall. Feminine, if the contrary to this happen.
Old, or in yeers, the Significator being Saturn.
A man, if Jupiter, Mars or Sun.
Not so old, if Mercury or Venus be Significators.
The Moon for her age, viz. young, she in her first quarter; more man if in her second quarter; and so in her third quarter more aged; in her last quarter of greater yeers. Where note, the Moon or any Planet Orientall, denotes the Thief more young; Occidontall, more aged. Or thus; observe in what house the Significator is in, give for every house five yeers from the ascendant.
Or observe the degree descending in the 7th house, and give for every degree two yeers.
Or see the age of the Planet to whom the Moon applyes, or the
Significator of the Thief, or consider the day of the moneth the
Question is asked, give for every day elapsed to the day of the
Question two yeers.
The best way, and most sure is, to consider most of these wayes, and pitch upon the greatest number.
Forme and Stature.
Proportion great, if the Significator have much Orientality, and be in Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius.
Proportion little, if his Occidentality be much, or the Significator in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. The upper part of his body is thick and strong, if the Significator be in Aries, Taurus, Leo; his lower parts if in Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If the Significator have much latitude from the Ecliptick, be Retrograde, or in his first station, or in the first part of Aries, Taurus, Leo, or in the last part of Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius. It’s probable he inclines to talnesse, the Moon in Cancer or Pisces, Libra, Virgo or Aquarius give fleshy bodies, and well proportioned.
The Significator having small latitude, or direct, or in his second station, or in the beginning of Gemini, Scorpio, Sagitarrius, or in the summity of his Eccentricity. Sun beholding the Significator, gives a handsome shape and fatnesse; the Moon Beholding, gives temperature and moystnesse.
The Thiefs strength.
Significator in South Latitude, the party is nimble; in North latitude, slow in motion. A Planet in his first station gives strong bodies; going out of one Signe into another, weak and feeble.
Where the Knave is.
He flyes, or is running out of one place into another, or removing his Lodging, if the Significators be going out of one Signe into another; or if the Significator be leaving combustion, or the Rayes of the Sun; or if the Thief s Dispositor separate from the Lord of the 1st, and apply to a Planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th.
He flies, or is farre distant if the Significator of the Thiefe and thing sought after be not in one quarter of heaven, or apply to the Lord of the 3rd or 9th, or if the Significators be in the 3rd or 9th.
He remaines.
If the Lord of the 1st be joyned to a Planet in a cadent house, and behold the ascendant.
The Resolution of
A Familiar if Sun and Moon at one time behold the ascendant, or if the Lord of the 1st be joyned to the Lord of the 7th in the ascendant.
Or if Sun and Moon be in Leo or Cancer, or in the ascendant it selfe, or in the house of the Lord of the ascendant, and beholding him, or the Lord of the 7th house in the 12th or 8th, the Sun or Moon in their exaltation, note one well knowne, but not of the Family. The Luminaries in their Termes or Faces, the party is known to some of the household, but not of the Family; Lord of the 7th in the 7th he is of the Household.
A Stranger.
If the Lord of the 7th be in the 3rd or 9th from his house. Lord of the ascendant and Lord of the 7th not if one Triplicity.
If you see the Thief is domesticall, then
Sun Signifies Father, or Master,
Moon The Mother, or Mistris.
Venus The Wife, or a Woman.
Saturn A Servant, or a Stranger lying there by chance.
Mars A Son, or a Brother, or Kinsman.
Mercury A Youth, Familiar or Friend.
Whither is the Thief gone, or Fugitive.
Where you are principally to observe, that the ascendant or a Significator in the ascendant, signifieth the East; but this Table expresses the quarters of Heaven more fully.
1st house- East. 7th house- West.
2nd house- Northeast by East. 8th house- Southwest by South.
3rd house- North Northeast. 9th house- South Southwest.
4th house- North. 10th house- South.
5th house- Northwest by North. 11th house- Southeast by South 6th house- West, Northwest. 12th house- East, South-east.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
The Signes.
Aries- East. Aries- East..
Taurus- South and by East.. Leo- Northeast by East.
Gemini- West and by South. Sagittarius- East Southeast.
Cancer- is full North. Libra- West.
Leo- East and by North. Gemini- Southwest by West.
Virgo- South and by West. Aquarius- West, Northwest.
Libra- full West. Cancer- North,
Scorpio- North and by East. Scorpio- North, Northeast.
Sagittarius- East by South. Pisces- Northwest by North.
Capricornus- Full South. Capricornius- South.
Aquarius- West by North. Taurus- Southeast by South.
Pisces- North by West. Virgo- South, Southeast.
[This small difference breeds no error, let every one use what he finds most true.]
The flight of the Thiefe.
It’s swift, if his Significator be swift in motion, or joyned to Planets swift in motion, or being himselfe in Signes movable or of short ascentions.
His flight is uncertaine.
If his or their Significators are in their 2nd station, or joyned to stationary Planets in angles or succedants.
He makes slow haste.
If his Significator is slow in motion, or joyned to Planets of slow motion, or in Signes fixed or of long ascentions.
He shall be taken.
If the Lord of the ascendant be in the 7th, or in Conjunction to the Lord of the 7th; or the Lord of the 7th in the 1st, or joyned to the Lord of the 1st, or a Retrograde Planet; or if the Moon separate from the Lord of the 7th, to the Conjunction of the Lord of the 1st; or from the Conjunction of the Lord of the 1st to the Lord of the 7th; or if Sun and Moon be in Conjunction with the Lord of the 7th, some day, if they behold him; or if the Lord of the 7th be going to Conjunction, viz. Combustion; or if the Lord of the ascendant be in Conjunction in the ascendant, 10th or 7th, or an infortunate Planet in the 7th.
The Resolution of
If the Lord of the 7th be in aspect with a Fortune, if in aspect to Jupiter or Venus in the 11th, he escapes by friends; if in the 3rd, by strangers.
The Goods restored.
If the Lord of the 1st and 2nd are in Conjunction with the Lord of the 8th, or in any strong Reception:
Or if the Lord of the 2nd depart from Combustion; or Sol or Moon in the ascendant or 10th house, it notes recuperation; the most part, if they are strong; lesse, if they be weak. There’s hope of retribution when the Lights behold themselves with any aspect, chiefly in angles; or the Lord of the 7th or 8th.
No Restitution.
If the Lord of the 2nd be Combust or the Lord of the 7th in Conjunction with the Lord of the 8th; or if the Lord of the 2nd behold not the 1st house, or his Lord; or the Sunne and Moon not aspecting themselves, or the Part of Fortune, or when both are under the earth.
Other Rules that the Thiefe shall be taken.
Moon in the 7th, applying to the Lord of the 8th.
Lord of the 1st in the ascendant.
Moon in the 7th applying to a Square of Mars.
Moon seperating from a Square of Saturn or Mercury, applying to a Square of Sol.
Moon in the 6th, 8th or 12th.
Moon Seperating from a Conjunction of Saturn, applying to a Square of Mercury.
Moon in the 8th, in Opposition to Mars in the 2nd.
Of Battles, Warre, and other Contentions.
If one demand, whether he shall overcome his Adversary or not; give to the Querent the Lord of
the ascendant the Moon, and the Planet from whom she is separated; and unto the Defendant the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
and his Lord, and the Planet to whom the Moon applyeth; and behold whose Significator is in Angles and gest and with better Planets, and so judge.
If evill Planets be in the Ascendant, and Fortunes in the 7th, the Adversary shall overcome, & e contra.. The Lord of the 7th in the Ascendant, betokens victory to the Querent, & e contra.
Whether one shall return: safe from Warre, or any
dangerous Voyage.
Behold if the Lord of the Ascendant be strong, and with a good Planet, and well disposed; it is a great testimony of security, & e contra. Behold also the 7th and the Lord thereof, and if they be Fortunate (although the 1st be not so) yet shall the Party returne, though not without great crosses and lets, & e contra. Behold also the Moon how she is disposed; for her application with the good is Fortunate, & e contra. Evill Planets also in the 8th, are no small Signification of feare, and terrour, or death. Saturn signifies ruines or bruses, Mars or the South Node wounds by Weapons..
If one shall returne safe from Warre.
If the Lord of the Ascendant be with good or good himselfe or a good Planet in the Ascendant, he shall returne safe. If the Sun be with the Lord of the Ascendant in any part of the Question, he may not goe; because the Sun burnes him. If the Lord of the 7th be with a good Planet, and the Lord of the Ascendant with an evill, he shall have some impediment in his way, yet shall not dye.
If an evill Planet be with the Lord of the 1st, and a good one in the 1st; if he then goe, he shall suffer great losse, but not death; but questionlesse he will be sorely wounded.
If Saturn be in the 1st, or with the Lord of the 1st, let him not goe; because losse will happen
unto him by one whom he meeteth: If an ill Planet be with the Lord of the 1st, and Saturn in the
Ascendant, or with his Lord, he shall be wounded with Wood or
The Resolution of
Stone. If Mars or the South Node be in the Ascendant, or with the Lord thereof, or evill Planets in the 1st, or with the Lord thereof, he shall receive a wound, and go neer to dye thereof.. Also if an evill Planet be in the 8th, it is to be feared, death will ensue; if the Sun be with the Lord of the 7th, or in the 8th, it is ill to goe; and so of the 10th and 7th.
What will ensue of the Warre.
Behold the Lord of the 7th and 1st, and their Lords: the 1st house signifieth the Querent, the 7th his Adversary; if good Planets be in the 1st, and malevolent in the 7th, and the Lord of the Ascendant good, and the Lord of the 7th ill; the Querent overcomes: but if an Infortune be with the Lord of the Ascendant, and an evill Planet in the Ascendant; and the Lord of the 7th good, and a good Planet there, the Querent shall be overcome, and shall be taken or slaine. If both the Lord of the Ascendant and 7th be in the Ascendant, and on the behalfe of the Lord of the Ascendant, there be good Planets casting their benevolent aspects to the cuspe of the 2nd; then the Querent will doe well in the Warre and obtaine money thereby; he shall have victory of his Adversary, or they will endeavour to be reconciled..
[Any Planet in the 10th, 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, is conceived a friend to the Querent. So all Planets in the 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, are reputed for the Quesited.] If both Lords, viz. of the 1st and 7th, be in the Ascendant, and good Planets be on the part of the Ascendant, and evill on the part of the 7th; both Parties shall suffer losse; but the Querent shall have the better in the end. If the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, of his Question, it shewes the Fortitude of the Actors; the contrary noteth the contrary.
If the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 8th, or with the Lord of the 8th, or the Lord of the 8th in the Ascendant; it notes the death of the Querent.
If the Lord of the 7th be in the 2nd, or with the Lord thereof; or the Lord of the 2nd in the 7th, or with the Lord of the 7th; it notes the death of the Adversary.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Who shall doe best in a suit of Law.
[This shall be more copiously handled, ere I conclude the judgements of this 7th house.] If the Lord of the Ascendant and 7th be in angles, weither shall overcome: See which is joyned to an evil Planet in a cadent house, that Party shall be overcome: If both be joyned to Infortunes, both Parties will be undone by the Suit, or receive infinite prejudice. If the one be strong and the other weake, and he that is strong be not cadent, nor joyned to an Infortune; and he that is ill dignifyed, or in a weake quarter of Heaven or House, I say, if he be not in his owne House, or Exaltation, or with a good Planet; then the strongest in the Scheame overcomes. He that is but meanly strong in the Figure, seems very fearfull; sometimes he hopes to win, at othertimes to loose: and observe this in Questions, concerning Warres and Kingdomes, the Fortitude of a Planet is greater in his Exaltation then in his House, in all other Questions quite contrary.
Of Partnership, Society or Fellowship betwixt two, if it
shall be, or not.
If good Planets be in the 7th and 1st, the Society shall be, and good will come of it: the continuance of it, whether for yeers, dayes, or moneths, is knowne by the Lord of the 7th. If you will know when it shall be, see if a good Planet be in the 7th, then the Society or Partnership shall be that yeere. If the Lord of the Ascendant and 7th agree in nature and quality, the Parties will agree; if not, they will disagree, and there will be perpetuall (or at least often) jangling.
Of two Partners, which shall game or doe best.
The Lord of the Ascendant and 7th are to be considered, and in what state their Lords be, and so
judge; for if the Significators of the Querent be in better dignities then the Quesited, the Querent
prospers; & e contra. If evill shall come on the
The Resolutionn of
businesse, then he whose Significator is in a cadent house, that party doth the worst; if any ones Significator be exalted, he gaineth.
See the 2nd and his Lord, and the 8th and his Lord, and in which of these houses the best Planet, or the Lord thereof in the best place, or joyned to the best Planet, he shall game most. The 2nd house sheweth the Querents substance, the 8th the riches of the Companion or Partner; if both be good, both shall game. If both ill, both shall lose; if one good and the other ill, he that hath the good Planet shall gaine, the other shall lose.
Of familiarity betwixt Neighbour and Neighbour.
Whether Society or Friendship shall endure, behold if a good Planet be in the 7th, then he pretendeth thee or the Querent good fellowship and meanes really, especially if the same Planet or the Lord of the 7th behold the ascendant, or the Lord thereof, with a Trine or Sextile aspect; also it shall endure so many Moneths, Dayes or Yeers, as he hath Degrees to goe in the same House, or Signe, fixed, common, or moveable.
Of removing from place to place.
Behold the 4th and 7th houses, and their Lords, and if they be good and strong, and well affected, and good Planets in the said houses, it is very good, & e contra.
The Lord of the ascendant stronger then the Lord of the 7th, abide; if not, remove; if both be evill, stay; & e contra. Moon seperating from Infortunes, goe; from Fortunes, abide. Note the ascendant is for the Journier ( or the place he goeth from,) the 7th the Place whither he would goe. Also if the Lord of the ascendant separate from Infortunes and apply to Fortunes, goe; If from Fortunes, and applieth to Infortunes, stay: and if the Lord of the Ascendant and Moon agree, the judgement is more certain.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Of removing from one place to another; or of two
Businesses, which is best.
Consider the 1st and 2nd houses, and their Lords, and the Lords of the places to which thou wouldest goe, and Lord of the substance thou thinkest for to attaine there, see the 7th and 8th houses and their Lords, which of them is best and strongest, thither goe and remove. Or see the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon, whom if thou findest to be separated from evill Planets, and joyned to Fortunes, it is better to goe then stay, and doe any businesse thou intendest. If the Lord of the ascendant be separated from fortunes, and apply to infortunes, neither move or do the businesse thou intendest; see if the planet to whom the Moon applyes be better then that she separated from, for then thou mayest remove, else not: &c.
If it be best to remove or stay in any place, whether Village,
Territory, City or House.
See the Lord of the Ascendant, 4th and 7th house; if the Lord of the 4th be in the 7th, and be a good planet, and if the Lord of the 1st and 7th be good, and with good planets, it is good to abide still: but if the Lord of the 7th be with a good planet, and the Lord of the 4th with an evill one, it is then not good to stay; for if he goe, he shall receive much dammage by abiding there.
Of Hunting.
[Sith the Ancients have taken notice of such trifles, I must consent.]
You shall know the Lord of hunting by the ascendant, the Moon, and from the Lord of the terme
of the degree of the Moon and from the Lord of the hour; for the Lord of the hour is of great
force and strength, when he is in the ascendant, and the ascendant a signe of four footed beasts:
in case of hunting see if the ascendant be a signe of four footed beasts, or an earthly signe, for
these are good for hunting amongst mountaines, and hils; see the Lord of the ascendant, and the
Lord of the hour, if they be fortunate or infortunate; and if either do behold other, or separate one
from another, and if one be falling from another,
The Resolution of
note this. Consider after if the 7th be a signe of four footed beasts, and if you do finde in the same the Lord thereof, or the Lord of the hour; or the Lord of the angle fortunate, judge that the beast you seek for shall be found and taken. But if the Lord of the 7th be an Infortune, and the Moon infortunate, the good planets falling after her, after much search something shall be found, and little shall be taken, and that with wearinesse of the body; which shall be the truer, if the Lord of the ascendant be Saturn, and in the 7th or in any of the angles of the Lord of the 7th, and she be fortunate, say that he shall speed in his Hunting.
Of a Law-suit or Controversie betwixt two, who shall
speed best, or whether they shall compound, or
have the matter taken up or not
before they doe goe to Law.
Behold the ascendant, his Lord and Moon, these signifie the Querent; the 7th house and his Lord are for the Adversary.
If the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon be joyned to the lord of the 7th, or be in Sextile or Trine aspect with mutuall Reception, the parties will easily of themselves accord, and compose all difficulties without mediation of any, or with a little entreaty.
But if one receive the other, and he that is received, receive not the other Significator, they shall agree without Suit of law, but not without intermission of a third party or more; and those that intercede, for the most part shall be his Friends or Acquaintance that did receive the other Planet. If they, viz. the lord of the 7th and ascendant are in a Square aspect, or in Opposition, with Mutuall Reception, or in a Sextile or Trine without Reception, they will be reconciled, but first they will have one little combate at law: and you must observe, that unity shall proceed from that party whose Significator is lesse ponderous, and commits his disposition to the other; and this concord shall be the more firme, if both Significators receive one another: If the lighter Planet be joyned to the more weighty, and receive him not, but the superiour Planet receive him, it argues, he that receive would accord whether his Adversary will or not.
all manner of QUESTIONS..
Having considered the former Significators, now observe the Significator of the Judge, who is ever the lord of the 10th house, and whether he aspect either of the Significators, viz. whether the lord of the ascendant or 7th, or be in Conjunction with either of them; see if the lord of the ascendant hastens to the Conjunction of the lord of the 7th, or the lord of the 7th to him, and that the lord of the 10th house doth frustrate their Conjunction, it’s then an argument they shall not agree before they have been at law, and herein the Judge or Lawyer seems faulty, who will not permit the parties to compose their differences: see if the Moon transferre light between the lord of the ascendant and 7th; if she doe not, see if any other Planet carry their influence or light to each other; for if it be so, it’s like some or other interpose their paines, and reconcile the parties though they be in law.
See after this, whether the lord of the ascendant or 7th be strongest, for he whose Significator is
most powerfull, ought to have the victory; he is strongest, who is in an angle, and in some of his
essentiall Dignities; the greater his strength is, how much greater the essential Dignity is wherein
he is; and if he be also received by any other Planet, it’s an argument that party is able, and that
he hath the more Friends to assist him:
if you doe find that they will compound, the first mover thereunto, will be on the part of the
lighter Planet, who commits his disposition to the other; for is the lord of the ascendant be more
light, and the lord of the 7th more ponderous, the first motion of peace shall come from the
Querent, and so E CONTRARIO: A Planet in a cadent house is more weak, if not received or
assisted by the aspect of some other; if the lord of the 7th house be in the ascendant, then the
Querent without doubt overcomes, and the Adversary will yeeld; the like happens to the Querent,
viz. that he shall be overcome: and this happens not onely in law Suits, and for more Moneys,
but also in Fights, Duels and Warre: see further if the Lord of the ascendant be retrograde, it
argues the weaknesse of the Querent, and that he will not stand to it stoutly, that he will deny the
truth to his Adversary nor will he beleeve that he hath any right to the thing
The Resolution of
in question; if the lord of the 7th be retrograde, it argues the same things on the Quesited’s part.
Behold the Significator of the Judge who is to give sentence in the Cause, which is the lord of the
10th house, whether he be direct, and behold them, for then he will proceed according to order of law in the Cause, and will endeavour to shorten and determine it; but if he be Retrograde, it’s an argument the Judge will not goe on or proceed according to order of law, nor will he care to end it; nay it’s rather probable he will prolong it a longer time then he ought by law: judge the same if the Lord of the ascendant be separated from the Lord of the 7th, or the Lord of the 7th from the Lord of the ascendant.
See if the Lord of the ascendant be in aspect with the Sun or Moon, or either of them joyned to him, so that no other Planet hinder their aspect, beware it be not a corporall Conjunction, for that signifies an impediment, unlesse the Planet were in the heart of the Sun, for then the Planet was fortified thereby; so is he in like nature, if the Planet be in either of the houses of the Luminaries, or if the Sun and Moon be in the ascendant, these argue the potency of the Querent: if the Lord of the 7th be dignified or qualified as before I mentioned of the Lord of the ascendant, you must judge in like nature on the behalfe of the Quesited: If the Lord of the ascendant be joyned to the Lord of the 10th, he that is the Querent will aquaint the Judge himselfs, or make meanes to acquaint him with his Cause, and it may be he will endeavour to bribe the Judge, that so he may judge on his side: if the lord of the 10th receive the lord of the 2nd, the Judge will have Money for his paines; but if the lord of the 10th receive the Lord of the ascendant, the Judge hears the Querent’s importunities, otherwayes not.
If the lord of the 10th be more light then the lord of the ascendant, and joyned unto him, he will doe the Querent’s businesse, though he never speak unto him; if the lord of the 2nd be joyned to the lord of the 10th, then the Adversary makes meanes to the Judge; and if the lord of the 10th receive the lord of the 7th, he will assist him; but if he receive the Lord of the 8th, he will take his Money.
If the lord of the 10th receive both Significators the Judge will
all manner of QUESTIONS.
compose the matter ere it doe come to a full Tryall.
If the Lord of the 10th be in the 10th, in his owne house, the Judge will then doe justice, and judge the cause of his honour, unlesse that Planet he Saturn: if the Lord of the 10th be onely in his owne Termes or Triplicity, it’s true the Judge will determine the Cause, but makes no matter which way it goes, if a Planet be in the 10th house that hath no dignity, or is not in Reception with the Lord of the 10th, it argues the parties will not be content, or stand to that Sentence, they both feare that Judge, and had rather have another Judge his Sentence, with which they would be content: If Saturn be Judge, he will not judge as he ought; if at that time Jupiter, Venus, Sun, Mercury or Moon be in any aspect to Saturn but Opposition, the Judge will be ill reported of, but in a little time will be cleered, and the aspersion taken off; but if any of those be in Opposition to Saturn, there will goe a hard report on the Judge for that his Sentence, and it will continue long; the Judges defamation will be great if Mars be in Opposition to Saturn, unlesse Mars be with Saturn in Capricorn, then the scandall will be the lesse.
But to be short, in these like Judgments observe this method; the Querent is signified by the Lord of the ascendant, the Adversary by the Lord of the 7th, the Judge by the Lord of the 10th, the end of the matter from the Lord of the 4th; consider well the Lords of the houses, their Fortitudes, and whether they be in Angles, Succedants or Cadents, Fortunate or not Fortunate; for the Planet that is most strong, and best posited, is the best man, and most likely to carry the victory, and hath the best Cause.
If more Planets be in the ascendant and 2nd, the Querent shall have most Friends & sic e contario: if both Significators give their vertue to one Planet, there will be one who will intercede betwixt them: if the Signe ascending and 7th be fixed, both Querent and Quesited are resolutely bent to proceed in the Suit or Controversie; if movable Signes be there, it’s like they have no great stomack to the businesse, but will end it very shortly; if common Signes be there, they will continue the Suit long, and have the Cause out of one Court into another; on whose part you find the Infortunes, that party shall receive most prejudice, sorrow and trouble by the Contention.
The Resolution of
You are to consider in this manner of Judgment the Moon from whom she is separated, and the Planet to whom she applyes are equally significant, as the ascendant and 7th house, &c.
Of Buying and Selling Commodities.
The Buyer is signified by the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon; the Seller by the Lord of the 7th, see if the Moon be joyned with the Lord of the 7th, the Querent may then buy the thing or Commodity he desires, and this quickly; if the Lord of the ascendant be a more light Planet then the Lord of the 7th, the Querent will occasion the sale of it, & e contra, if the Lord of the 7th be the lighter Planet: if the preceeding Significators have no aspect to each other, behold if the Moon or some other Planet transferre not the light of the one to the other, a Friend shall then appeare who will drive on the bargaine for them both, so that the matter will be done: In this manner of Judicature, you must distinguish what you are to buy; as if a Servant or Sheep, Hogges, Coneys, &c. the 6th house and his Lord are then considerable: if it concerne Horses, Asses, Camels, Oxen or Cowes, Judgment must be drawn from the 12th house and the ascendant:
if a House, Towne or Castle, then the 4th house and his Lord, and so consider in any Commodity..
If the Lord of the 7th be in the ascendant, the Seller will importune the Querent to buy; the
contrary if the Lord of the ascendant be in the 7th, for then the Querent hath most mind to buy: if
either Jupiter or Venus be in the ascendant, the Buyer performes his work suddenly without any
labour; so if the Sun be in the ascendant, and not corporally joyned to any other Planet; if
Mercury or the Moon be in the ascendant, not infected with the evill aspect of an Infortune, they
fortunate the Buyer, and he performes what he intended; Saturn, Mars or South Node in the
ascendant, argue labour and difficulty, and that the matter will
all manner of QUESTIONS.
not be had without much labour, & that the Buyer is a cunning companion, and means deceitfully, and will deceive the Seller, if possible: if the Infortunes be in the 7TH, have a care of the Seller, he will find out one trick or other to delude the Buyer; he is a crafty Fellow, &c. If the Moon be voyd of course, unlesse the Significators apply strongly, there’s seldome any Bargaine concluded, or Commodity at that time, and yet both parties wrangle, and have some meetings to no purpose: If the Planet from whom the Moon separates enters Combustion, he that sels his Land or House at that time, shall never recover them againe: but if the Planet from whom the Moon did last separate, be free from misfortune, and beholds the Lord of that Signe from whence the Judgment, or thing in question is required; it’s then possible the Seller may in time repurchase the Lands or Commodities againe, or others of as good value.
Of Partnership.
The Lord of the ascendant is for the Querent; Lord of the 7th for the Partner intended: but herein be carefull that you observe what Planet is in the 7th, and neer the cusp of the 7th, and whether the party enquired of be more like to the description of the Planet posited in the 7th, or to the Lord of the 7th; take that Planet for his Significator who is neerest to his description, and consider him as you would otherwayes the Lord of the 7th, and as you ought to doe of the Lord of the 7th, no other Planet being in the 7th.
Let the Moon be partner in signification; the 10th house shall shew what credit there may come of the Partnership: but whether the Partnership will extend to good or ill, you must expect that from the 4th house and his Lord, and the Planet therein posited, and the Planet to whom the Moon applyes.
If the Lord of the ascendant and the Moon be in movable Signes without Reception by House or
Exaltation, or Triplicity or Terme, then there will happen Contention, and they will disagree, but
The Resolution of
matters will againe reconciled, and the Partnership will hold, but still they will be mistrustfull of one another, nor will much good come of it: but if the Significators be in fixed Signes, their society will continue long; but if no Reception be, little profit will come from thence accrew to either party if they buy any thing, the Commodities will lye long on their hands; if the Significators be in common Signes, it promises a gainfull Partnership, and that they will be faithfull to each other; If one Significator be in a movable Signe, and the other in a fixed, the disturbance arising will be lesse then at first may be feared: If ill Planets aspect both the Significators, viz.. Lord of the ascendant and Lord of the 7th, the Partnership will be ill for both, neither the one party or other will deal fairly; see where, and in what house or houses the evill Planets are posited, and from thence you may discerne the cause: I have oft acquainted you with the signification of the houses: an evil Planet in the ascendant, the Querent is a false companion; judge the like if an evill Planet be in the 7th.
If the Moon separate from one Fortune and apply to another, they will begin well and end well, though neither of them get any Wealth; but if she be separated from a good Planet, and apply to an ill, they begin well, but end in strife and hatred; and so the contrary: but if the Moon be separated from an ill Planet and apply to another, they will begin Partnership with muttering and repining, continue it with feares and jealousies, end it with Law-suits. A good Planet in the 10th, shewes they will obtaine reputation, and will rejoyce and delight in their mutuall Society.
A good Planet in the 2nd, best for the Querent; in the 7th for the Partner. An ill Planet in the 2nd, or South Node, the Querent will get little, but be cheated, or entrust much, and get in few Debts.
If the Lord of the 4th apply to the Lord of the 11th by Sextile or Trine; or if a good Planet be in
the 4th, or if the Lord of the 11th and 4th be in Reception, or if good Planets cast their Sextile or
Trine to the Lords of the ascendant and 7th, a good end may be expected by the Partnership
intended: observe the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Part of Fortune, how dignified, how aspected; if the Lord of the 7th or of the 8th cast a Square or Opposition to it, the Querent must expect no great good from his Partner, for it’s like he will embessell the Estate, or their common Stock.
Whether a City, Towne or Castle, besieged, or to be besieged,
shall be taken or not.
The ascendant and his Lord are for the Querent, and those that doe or shall besiege; the 4th house shall signifie the Towne, City or Fort besieged, or to be besieged, the Lord thereof the Governour; the 5th house, Planets therein, and his Lord, the Ammunition, Souldiery and Assistants the Governour and Towne may expect to relive or assist them:
[in the Town and are in
Garrison.] If you find the Lord of the 1st strong and fortunate, or joyned to the Lord of the 4th in the 1st, or with the Moon or Lord of the 10th, or in any house except the 12th, 8th, and 6th, conditionally, that the Lord of the 1st receive the Lord of the 4th, or the Moon receive the Lord of the 4th, though she be not received againe, it’s an argument, the Towne, Fort or Castle shall be taken: or if the Lord of the 4th be in such houses as behold not the 4th, (except the Lord of the 7th be in the 4th, then it will not be taken;) if the Lord of the 4th be with the ill Fortunes, and impedited, it’s probable the City shall be taken, and the Governour wounded, or if Infortunes be in the 4th without some strong aspect of the Fortunes, It will be taken, or can it hold out long, or there may be treason in Towne: If South Node be in the 4th, it will be taken, and there will be some goe about to betray or deliver it, or some principall Work or Fort therein; the Signe shewes which part of the Towne; nor doth the Governour think himself able to preserve it.
If none of these Accidents or Configurations before rehearsed be, then have regard to the Lord of
the 4th; if he be in the 4th strong and fortunate, and not Retrograde or Combust, or besieged of
the Infortunes, or if the Lord of the 7th be there, free from all impediments, or if Jupiter or Venus
or North Node be therein,
The Resolution of
and no reception between the Lord of the ascendant and 4th, then the City, Fort or Towne at that
time surrounded or besieged, shall not be taken or delivered to the Army now besieging it; nay, if
there be both a Fortune and an Infortune in the 4th, the Towne shall not be taken, if the Fortune
be neerest to the cusp of the house, or first of the two Planets which shall transit the degree of the
4th; and this you may averre with greater confidence, if the Lord of the ascendant be any thing weak, or a light Planet and unfortunate; but if the Lord of the ascendant be fortunate, and a Fortune therein, and he or the Moon behold the 4th house, it notes surrendring or taking the City, Towne or Castle besieged: but if he be unfortunate and otherwayes impedited, and an Infortune in the 2nd, or the Lord thereof Retrograde, or in Square or Opposition to the Lord of the ascendant, it signifies the Querent’s Souldiers will desert him, and will not continue the Siege, they have no mind to the work, or the Querent wants to fit instruments or materials for a Siege, or his Ammunition will not come opportunely, or the Souldiers will depart discontented for their pay, or their duties are too hard, so that he may expect no honour at this Siege.
Of COMMANDERS in Armies, their abilities,
fidelity, and whether by them Victory may
be bad yea or not, &c.
A Gain, consider well all the 12 houses and their proper Significators, and make the ascendant
Significator of the Querent, and his Lord; let the 7th & his Lord shew the opposite parties or
Adversaries who may come to relieve the Besieged; let the 8th be their Seconds or Friends, and
the 9th their 3rd house, and so all the other houses in order,
An In-fortunate in the ascendant, or beholding the house with Square or Opposition, it notes, the
Querent, or that side he takes part with, will not manage their matters well, or prosecute the
Warre discreetly: an Infortune in the ascendant, or being Lord of the ascendant, argues no great
justice on the Querents
all manner of QUESTIONS.
part, or that he hath no cause to begin the Warre or quarrell, but if either a good Planet be in the ascendant, or behold the ascendant with Sextile or Trine, it signifies a good ground or cause on the Querent’s behalfe; if an Infortune be in the 2nd, and be not Lord of the 2nd (or have Exaltation in the Signe,) if he, I say, behold the 2nd with a Square or Opposition, it’s like there will be not Warre, but if any be, the Querent shall have the worst; a Fortune in that house, or aspecting it, shewes the contrary, &c. If an In-fortune be in the 3rd, and Mars be that Planets, and be strong, the Querent is like to have good warlike Provisions; say the same if Jupiter be there: but if Mars be therein unfortunate, his Army is like to be composed of Thieves, Highway men, vagrant Fellowes, seditious, and such as will obey no commands, If an Infortune be in the 4th, the place where the Warre is like to be, or where the Armies may engage, is like to be unfit for the Querent’s Army: if it be mountainous, the places are rough, inaccessible not habitable, full of Woods, no passage for Armies; if the place seem to be described moyst, it’s miery, dirty, full of standing waters, Bogs, Rivers and Brooks, not fit to marshall an Army in, or wherein an Army can doe any service: If Mars be in the 5th, well dignified, or the good aspects of the Fortunes irradiate that house, or a Fortune be therein posited, then it’s like the Army or Souldiers on the Querent’s part, will be good Souldiers, apt for fight, and obedient to their Officers; the Infortunes posited therein shew contrary qualities. If either of the Fortunes or North Node be in the 6th, the Carriage-Horse attending the Army, seems serviceable, high prized, and fit for the employment.
If Mars be therein well dignified, the Horse entertained or employed will be fierce, impatient and hard to be governed.
But if Saturn be in the 6th without dignities, the Horse are old, rotten jades, unserviceable, tyred, over-spent, slow, not fit for this service, diseased, &c.
If a Fortune be in the 7th, the instruments of Warre and Fortification, the Canons and great Guns
of the Army are faire, sound, well cast, and well performe their work: and this
The Resolution of
position of a Fortune in the 7th, denotes, the Enemy is no foole; if an Infortune be there, or have the before-named evill aspects to the house, the enemy is weak, the Querent’s instruments are nought, will performe no service, the Enemy will rather fight by policy, craft and treachery, then man-hood.
If Fortune be in the 8th, it’s an argument no mortality or much destruction of men will follow, or will there be many men wounded, or their wounds difficult to cure; no great slaughters, fights, flights, or any set Battles will be betwixt the Armies on either part: but if Saturn be therein Retrograde, many prisioners will be taken, much ruine and destruction, much poverty and plundering will succeed.
If a Fortune be in the 9th, or have aspect to the house, the enemy is in a good posture, hopes to benefit himself e by some false reports, or by some false allarums or sallies, and that he intends to act much by such reports, and by witty inventions, for the Enemy is politick. If a Fortune be in the 10th. or cast his Sextile or Trine thither, it’s an argument, the Commander in Chiefe is a discreet man, understands what to doe in his place, and that the Officers of the Army are expert men, every one in his place being capable of what he undertakes: but if Saturn or South Node be therein, or Mars, any wayes unfortunate, the Officers and Captaines are very asses and buzzards, have no judgment, simple Fellowes, the whole designe is like to be overthrowne by their knavery, and want or discretion and judgment; I meane, the greater part of the Officers, &c. they are more fit for hanging, then to Command. If a Fortune be in the 11th, it shewes, the Conductors of the Army are men of good discretion and sound judgment, expert men in the art of Warre, know how to command and order their affaires, are valiant and carefull, and understand in every particular when to charge or retreat; in a word, the Officers seem men of approved intregrity and judgment.
If an Infortune be in the 11th, the Conductor or Conductors may be men of fidelity, and assured
Friends and Wel-willers to the cause they undertake, but they are unexpert, and not fit to
undertake such a waighty imployment in hand, for they nothing
all manner of QUESTIONS.
understand the stratagems of Warre, whereby the whole cause is like to suffer.
If a Fortune be in the 12th house, those against whom the Army is to go, are well provided, and
resolve to defend themselves; they agree well, feare nothing, will stand it out to the last: but if an
Infortune be there, they suspect their owne abilities, are not capable of resisting, disagree
amongst themselves, feare surprizall every moment: It is, notwithstanding, ever considerable,
that if Mars be in the 12th house, the Querent may justly suspect trechery, and indeed you have
just cause to feare the same if South Node be in the 12th. Now as you have considered the whole
12 houses on the behalfe of the Querent, so must you observe the same for the Quesited, and so every house in order: Which judgments rightly understood, will give great light to any manner of question propounded in this nature by any prime Officer or Commander.
If the Armies shall fight.
Behold herein the ascendant and his Lord, the Moon and Lord of the 7th, see if they be corporally joyned in any angle, then it seems the Armies will fight: if there be no Conjunction of the Lord of the ascendant and 7th, see if they behold one another by Square or Opposition, they will also then fight: if this happens not, see if any Planet transferre the light of one to the other by Square or Opposition aspect, with or without Reception; if such an aspect be, there will be a fight betwixt them: but if the more ponderous, of the two receive that Planet who transferres their lght, no fight will be, but all things will be composed lightly.
If the Querent have open Enemies, or any Adversaries, or
many that doe envy him.
This is a difficult Question, and yet by Astrologie responsible, but you must justly consider
whether the Querent doe demand thus
The Resolution of
much, viz. Have I enemies or not? Or, Whether is such a man my adversary? &c.
[But if the Querent doubt his Brother, Father, or Servant; then take Signification from each particular House signifying them.] If any be nominated, require judgment from the 7th house and Lord thereof: if the Lord of the 7th aspect the Lord of the ascendant, with Square or Opposition, or be in like aspect with the Moon, it’s then very probable, the party enquired after doth envy the Querent, and wishes him no good: if the aspect be separated, they have lately been in some contest, or some difference hath been betwixt them; but if they are then applying to a Square or Opposition, the enmity, difference or controversie is approaching, is not yet over, will grow to a greater height then now it is, and the party enquired after, doth what in him lyes to thwart and crosse the occasions of the Querent.. In like manner, consider if the Lord of the 7th be in the 12th from the ascendant, or in the 12th from the place wherein the Moon is, or if the Lord of the 7th be in Conjunction with any Planet, or in any aspect with a Planet who is in Opposition or Square to the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon, without Reception, then the Quesited, or man or woman nominated, is adverse, and an enemy to the Querent, but if it be not so, then he or she enquired after is no enemy.
If the Question be absolute, (as thus) Whether have I enemies yea or no? you must require
judgment herein from the 12th house, and see if the Lord of that house be in Square or
Opposition to the Moon with or without Reception; if so, then he hath enemies that watch for an
opportunity against him, but they doe all things clandestinely and cunningly, and desire to play
their part when they can doe it without noyse or rumour of evill, that so they may still goe under
the notion of Friends, when as in truth they are trecherous, false and deceitfull: Consider also
where and in what house the Lord of the 12th is, say confidently such people, men or women of
such a quality or condition, are the Querent’s adversaries: Many Planets in the 7th, denotes many
[often and ever by me found true.] Many Planets in the 2nd, much want of money, if
they are all ill dignified, &c. and so doe in all the rest, observing how many Planets there are in
the 7th, and of what houses they are Lords of, or from the houses
all manner of QUESTIONS..
whereof they are Lords, from thence doe you require the quality of the people who are enemies, &c. remembering, that the Square aspect shewes envy and malice, yet posible to be reconciled, Opposition aspects with Reception, never, &c.
A LADY, if marry the GENTLEMAN desired?
Judgment upon the Figure above-said.
The true state of this Ladies cause stood thus: A Gentleman had been a long time an ernest Suitor
unto her for Marriage, but she could never master her affection so much as to incline to
Marriage—thoughts with him, but slighted him continually; and at last, to the great discontent of
the Gentleman, she gave him an absolute deniall: After which deniall so given, she became
passionately affectionate of him, and did sorely repent of her
The Resolution of
folly, and so churlish a carriage, wishing she might againe have former opportunities. This was her condition at what time she propounded the Question unto me. The ascendant and Sun are for the Querent; Saturn Lord of the 7th, is for the man Quesited after, The Querent was moderately tall, of round visage, sanguine complexion, of a cheerfull, modest countenance, gray eyed, her haire a light browne, occasioned, as I conceive, by Sun Lord of the ascendant, in the Termes of Mars, she was well spoken, and sufficiently comely. Finding Saturn in an angle of the South, and in Conjunction with Mars, and both in Taurus, a fixed, earthly Signe, I judged the corporature of the Quesited party to be but meane, and not tall, or very handsome, his visage long and incomposed, a wan, pale or meagre complexion, dark haire, or of a sad, chestnut colour, curling and crisp, his eyes fixt, ever downward, musing, stooping forward with his head, some impediment in his going, as treading away, &c.
[ this was
confessed.] Finding Saturn so, as abovesaid, elevated, and in Conjunction with Mars, I judged
the Gentleman to be sad, angry, much discontented, and scorning his former slights, (as ever all
Saturine people doe;) I judged him much incensed by a Kinsman or Gentleman of quality,
signified by Mars, Lord of the 3rd, in part, from the 7th, and of the 4th, being the 10th from the
7th; and that this Gentleman and he lived either in one house, or neer one another, because both
Significators are angular and fixed,
[and so it was,] I said the Gentleman had no inclination or
disposition unto her, finding the Moon separated from voyd of course, and applying to
Opposition of Sun, Lord of the ascendant, it did agrue there was small hopes of effecting her
desire, because she her selfe, by her owne perversnesse, had done her selfe so grand a mischiefe,
Whereupon she told me the truth of all, and not before, and implored my directions, which way,
without scandall to her honour, it might be brought on againe, if possible: and indeed she was
lamentably perplexed, and full of heavinesse. Hereupon, with much compassion, I began to
consider what hopes we had in the Figure: I found Sun applying to a Sextile of Saturn; this
argued the womans desire, and the strength of her affections toward the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Quesited, because she is signified by the lighter Planet; but there was no Reception betwixt the Significators, therefore that application gave little hopes: but finding Reception betwixt Jupiter and the Moon, and betwixt Sun and Moon, she in his Triplicty, Sun in her House; observing also that the Moon did dispose of Saturn in her Exaltation, and of Jupiter in her House, and that Jupiter was very neer a Sextile Dexter of Saturn, still applying, and not separated; as also, that Jupiter was in his Exaltation, and a fortunate Planet ever assisting nature and the afflicted, and that he was able by his strength to qualifie and take off the malice of Saturn: besides, the neernesse of Jupiter to the Sextile of Saturn, made me confident that the Quesited was intimately acquainted with a person of quality and worth, such as Jupiter represented, whom I exactly described, and the Lady very well knew: Unto him I directed to addresse her Complaints, and aquaint him fully with her unhappy folly: I positively affirmed, in the Gentleman described she should find all honour and secrecy, and I doubted not but, by God’s blessing, he would againe revive the businesse (now dispaired of) and bring her to her hearts content: But finding that Saturn and Sun came to Sextile aspect the 27th of the same moneth, I advised to hasten all things before the aspect was over; and also gave direction, that the 19th of June neer upon noon, the Gentleman should first move the Quesited in the businesse: and my reason was, because that day Saturn and Jupiter were in perfect Sextile aspect..
My counsell was followed, and the issue was thus: By the Gentlemans meanes and procurment
the matter was brought on againe, the Match effected, and all within twenty dayes following, to
the content of the sorrowfull (but as to me unthankfull) Lady, &c. In Astrologie, the true reason
of this performance is no more then, first, an application of the two Significators to a Sextile, viz
the Lord of the 7th and 1st: Next, the application of the Moon to the Lord of the ascendant,
though by Opposition, yet with Reception, was another small argument; but the maine occasion,
without which in this Figure it could not have been, the application of Jupiter to Sextile of Saturn
Lord of the 7th, receiving his vertue which Saturn did render unto him, and again transferred to
the Sun Lord of the ascendant, he, viz. Jupiter, meeting with no manner of prohibition, abscission
or frustration untill his perfect
The Resolution of
Conjunction with the Sun, which was the 29th of June, so that no difficulty did afterwards intervene, I did aquaint this Lady, that very lately before the erection of this Figure, her Sweetheart had been offered a Match, and that the Gentlewoman propounded, was such a one as is signified by Venus, one not onely of a good fortune, but excellently well descended: I had her follow my directions, with hope and expectation of a good end, and told her she should not fear his marrying of Venus: Which judgment I gave, by reason Mars was neerer Venus then Saturn, and so interposed his influence, or kept off Saturn. I judged Mars to be some Souldier, or Gentleman that had been in Armes: this I did the more to enlighten her fancy, which I found apprehensive enough. She well knew both the Gentlewoman and man, and confessed such matters were then in action.
Had the Quere been, Who should have lived longest? certainly I should have judged the woman, because Sun is going to Conjunction of Jupiter, and Mars afflicts Saturn by his presence. Had she demanded, Whether the Quesited had been rich? I must have considered Jupiter Lord of his 2nd house, whom I find in his Exaltation, Direct, Swift, &c. only under the Sun-Beames; I should have adjudged his Estate good.
For Agreement, because Sun and Saturn are applying to Sextile, I should have conceived they would wel accord; yet doubtlesse Saturn wil look for much observancy, for as he is ill by nature, so is he vitiated by Mars, and made thereby chollerick as well as melancholly, so will he be naturally jealous without cause; yet the gentle Sextile of Jupiter to both Mars and Saturn, seems by education, to represse that forwardnesse naturally he may be subject unto. If it be demanded, Will the Querent be honest? I answer, her Significatrix, viz. Sun, is no way afflicted by Mars: her Signe ascending being Leo, and Reception betwixt Jupiter and Moon, are arguments of a vertuous woman.
In this nature you may examine any Figure for discovery of what is necessary, &c.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If she should marry the man desired?
The Judgment.
The Querent was of tall stature, ruddy complexioned, sober, discreet and well spoken, &c. The quesited was very tall, slender, leane, and of a long visage, black haire: His talnesse I attribute to Jupiter, as being in the Termes of Mercury, and the cusp of the 7th being also in his Termes: and indeed the being of a Significator in the Termes of any Planet, doth a little vary the party from his naturall temper and constitution, so that he will retaine a small or great tinture from that Planet according as he is dignified: The sadnesse of his haire, I conceive to be from Jupiter his aspect to Saturn, and the Moon her Square unto him, being her selfe subterranean.
Mercury is here Significatrix of the Querent, Retrograde, under
The Resolution of
the Sun-beames, was in some distresse and feare that the Quesited would not have her; and she might and had some reason for it, for Jupiter was in his Exaltation, and neer the Sextile of Venus, an argument the man stood upon high termes, and had been tampering with another; yet were both Significators in a Semisextile, and in good houses, from which I gathered hopes, that there was some sparks of love betwixt them; but when I found the Moon seperating from Square of Jupiter, and carrying his light by a Trine aspect to Mercury the Lord of the ascendant, and he in an angle, receiving willingly, by his Retrograde motion, that her vertue which she brought from Jupiter. I was confident the Match would suddenly be brought to passe by such a one as Moon was, or represented by her, who did much interpose in the businesse, and who at last, with a little difficulty, produced the Marriage to effect, to the content of both parties.
A Fugitive Servant, which way gone, when returne?
391 all manner of QUESTIONS.
Judgment upon the Figure beforegoing,
The ascendant, and Mercury in Aquarius, together with Mars posited in the ascendant, did signifie the Master of the Servant, who was short of stature, corpulent, of a good complexion, and ruddy, fresh countenance; his fatnesse I conceive from the north latitude of Mercury, which was about one degree; as also, that the degrees ascending were in the Termes of Mars, in an ayery Signe, and in the Face or Decanate of Sun, now posited in a watry Signe, and in partill Trine to Moon, both in moyst Signes, which argues a flegmatick, full body, &c. The Significator of the Servant was Mars peculiarly in this Figure, although many times Mercury shall signifie a Fugitive Servant: The Servant was a young Fellow of about nineteen, a well set Fellow, short, big joynted, broad and full faced, dark browne haire, his teeth growing ilfavouredly, a Sun-burnt, obscure complexion, yet the skin of his body deer.
I observe that he went away from his Master the Sunday preceding, at what time the Moon was in Gemini, a Westerne Signe, and that now Mars, the Significator of the Fellow was in the same Signe; as also, that Mercury the common Significator of Servants, was in Aquarius, a Westerne Signe, but South quarter of Heaven; it is true that Gemini hath some relation to the South quarter, and Aquarius to the North.
I judged from hence that the Servant went westward at his first departing, and that at the time of the Question, he was West from the Querent’s house; and this I judged because Mars was angular, and every way as strong as the Moon, otherwayes I should have judged by the Moon:
Forasmuch as Mars the Significator of the Servant, and Mercury Lord of the ascendant, were
suddenly hastening to a Trine out of angles, I judged, that within a day or two he should have his
Servant againe: I found the Moon in the 2nd, in her owne house; the Servant being a part of his
Master’s Estate, I judged from hence also, that the Master should not lose, but recover forthwith
his lost Goods; and the rather, for that the Moon was in the 2nd, and in perfect Trine of the Sun
in the 11th, both of them in the Mediety ascending: the
The Resolution of
neernesse of Mars to the degree ascending, made me judge the Servant was not above three or four houses Westward from his Masters house.
The truth is, that upon Friday following betimes in the morning, he came home, and said he had been at Kingston upon Thames: which if true, then he was full West, or a little to the South, and neer a great Water, viz the Thames, as Moon in Cancer did or might signifie.
A Dogge missing, where?
Judgment upon this preceding Figure.
Living in London where we have few or no small Cattle, as Sheep, Hogs, or the like, as in the
Countrey; I cannot give example of such creatures, onely I once set the Figure preceding
all manner of QUESTIONS.
a Dogge (who is in the nature of small Beasts) which Dogge was fled or missing. The Quere unto me was, What part of the City they should search, next if he should ever recover him. The Querent was signified by the Signe ascending and the Lord thereof; and indeed in his person he was Saturnine, and vitiated according to Caudia in the Ascendant, in his stature, mind or understanding; that is, was a little deformed in body, and extream covetous in disposition, &c. The Signe of the 6th and his Lord signifies the Dogge; so must they have done if it had been a Sheep or Sheep, Hogs, Conies, &c. or any small Cattle.
The Signe of Gemini is West and by South, the quarter of heaven is West; Mercury the Significator of the Dog, is in Libra a Westerne Signe but Southerne quarter of heaven, tending to the West; the Moon is in Virgo, a South-west Signe, and verging to the Westerne angle: the strength of the testimonies examined, I found the plurality to signifie the West, and therefore I judged, that the Dog ought to be Westward from the place where the Owner lived, which was at Temple-barre, wherefore I judged that the Dog was about Long-acre, or upper part of Drurylane:
In regard that Mercury Significator of the Beast, was in a Signe of the same Triplicity that
Gemini his ascendant is, which signifies London, and did apply to a Trine of the Cusp of the 6th
house, I judged the Dog was not out of the lines of Communication, but in the same quarter; of
which I was more confirmed by Sun and Saturn their Trine, The Signe wherein Mercury is in, is
Libra, an ayery Signe, I judged the Dog was in some chamber or upper room, kept privately, or
in great secrecy: because Moon was under the Beames of the Sun, and Mercury, Moon and Sun
were in the 8th house, but because the Sun on Monday following did apply by Trine Dexter to
Saturn Lord of the ascendant, and Moon to Sextile of Mars, having exaltation in the ascendant; I
intimated, that in my opinion he should have his Dog againe, or newes of his Dog or small Beast
upon Monday following, or neer that time; which was true; for a Gentleman of the Querent’s
acquaintance, sent home the Dog the very same day about ten in the morning, who by accident
comming to see a Friend in Long-acre, found the Dog chained up under a table, and knowing the
Dog to be the
The Resolution of
Querent’s, sent him home, as abovesaid, to my very great credit. Yet notwithstanding this, I cannot endure Questions of Fugitives or Thefts, nor ever would have done any thing, but with intention to benefit Posterity.
Usually I find, that all Fugitives goe by the Moon, and as she varies her Signe, so the Fugitive wavers and shifts in his flight, and declines more or lesse to East, West, North or South: but when the Question is demanded, then without doubt you must consider the strength both of the Significator and the Moon, and judge by the stronger; if both be equivalent in Fortitudes, judge either by the Significator, if he best personate the Fugitive, or by the Moon, if she most resemble him; with relation to either of them that comes neerest in aspect to the cusp of the house, from whence signification is taken.
Of Theft.
It was the received opinion of Master Allen of Oxford, a man excellently versed in Astrologie, that the true Significator of a Thiefe is that Planet who is in an Angle or 2nd house, and beholds the 7th house: if no peregrine Planet be in an angle or the 2nd house, then the Lord of the 7th shall be Significator of the Thiefe, if he behold the 7th house: otherwayes that Planet to whom the Moon applyes, if he behold the 7th house; the rather, if the Moon separate from the Lord of the ascendant, And he saith further, that a peregrine Planet on what angle soever, shall not be Significator of the Thiefe, unlesse he behold the 7th house, or have any dignity in the degree of the 7th; yet if one and the same Planet be Lord of the hour and of the ascendant, he shall signifie the Thiefe, though he behold not the ascendant:
The truth is, I have ever found that if a peregrine Planet were in the ascendant, he was
Significator of the Thiefe: next to the ascendant, I preferred the angle of the South, then the West
angle, then the 4th house, last of all the 2nd: many peregrine Planets in angles, many are or may
be suspected, justly if they
all manner of QUESTIONS.
are in Conjunction, Sextile or Trine; not consenting, if in Square or Opposition: ever prefer that peregrine Planet for your Significator, who is neerest to the cusp of the angle he is in.
Money lost, who stole it? if recoverable?
Judgment upon this Figure.
Scorpio here ascends, and partly represents the Querent’s person, Mars his mind and disposition, who being in Square with Mercury and Saturn gave sufficient intimation unto me of the inclination of the Querent, who was sufficiently ill conditioned, arrogant, proud, wastfull, &c. Mars is here in the 25 degr. and 2 min. of Leo, is angular, and but two minutes enters his owne Termes, yet being in his Decanate I refused him for Significator of the Thiefe, and that justly, nor indeed was he.
The Resolution of
In the next place, although Saturn was in the angle of the West, yet did I find him in his own Terms, and Decanate; I also passed by him, In the next place, I found Mercury in 24.42.Taurus, lately separated or rather in Square of Mars, and now almost in partill Conjunction with Saturn; him I found truly peregrine, viz. having no essentiall Dignity where he is, therefore I adjudged Mercury to be Significator of the Thiefe, But whether Mercury signified Male or Female, was the dispute, as also the corporature, quality, &c.
The angles are part Masculine, part Feminine, no certaine judgment could therefore arise from thence, the Moon was in a Masculine Sign, applied to a masculine Planet in a masculine Sign,and Mercury usually is convertible in nature, according to the nature of the Planet he is in aspect with: he is now in aspect with Mars, and in Conjunction with Saturn; hence I judged the Sex to be Male.
And said it was a young Youth of some fifteen or sixteen: young, because Mercury ever signifies Youth; but more young, because the Moon was so neer the Sun, and scarce separated from him, I said he was of reasonable stature, thin visaged, hanging Eyebrowes, a long Forehead, some blemish or scarres in the Face, because Mars cast his Square dexter to Mercury; bad Eye-sight because Mercury is with evill fixed Starres, of the nature of Mars and Moon; a sad Haire, because of his neernesse to Saturn; but of a scurvy countenance, one formerly a Thief or suspected for such knaveries: in regard Mercury the Youth his Significator was in Conjunction with Saturn Lord of the 3rd & 4th, I judged he was some Neighbours child; and as the Moon was in Gemini and Mercury in Taurus, I conceived he dwelt either opposite to the Querent or a little Southwest; and because Part of Fortune was in the ascendant, and disposed by Mars Lord of the ascendant in the 10th, and the Moon applyed to his Sextile aspect, and was within four degrees of the aspect: I judged he should not onely heare of, but have his Money within four dayes after the Question. He beleeved not one word I said, but would needs perswade me, that a Womanservant signified by Mars, was one Theef, and Saturn was another; but I stood firme to the true rules of Art, and would not consent unto it, because both these Planets were essentially dignified. The event proved directly true as I had manifested, both as to the person described, and to the day of the money returned, which was within three dayes after.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Fish Stolen.
Living in the Country 1637. I had bought at London some Fish for my provision in Lent, it came down by the Barge at Walton, on Saturday the 10. of Febr. one of the Watermen, instead of bringing my Fish home, acquainted me, their warehouse was robbed last night, and my Fish stolen: I took the exact time when I ‘first heard the report, and erected the Figure accordingly, endeavouring to give my selfe satisfaction what became of my goods, and, of possible, to recover part of all of them againe.
I first observed, there was no peregrine Planet in angle but Jupiter whom I found upon the cusp of the 7th house, the thing I lost was Fish, therefore any Gentleman would scorne such a course Commodity; I considered the signification of Jupiter in Scorpio, a moyst Signe, and the Significator of my Goods, viz. Mercury that he was in Pisces, a moyst Signe, and that Part of Fortune was in Cancer, a moyst Signe. Discretion, together with Art, assisted me to think he must be a man whose profession or calling was to live upon the Water, that had my Goods, and that they were in some rnoyst place, or in some low rooms, because Part of Fortune was in Cancer, and the Moon in Taurus an earthly Sign.
The Resolution of
I was confident I should heare of my Goods againe, because Mercury Lord of my house of Substance, was applyed unto by a Sextile of Moon, who was Lady of my Part of Fortune; and yet without hopes of recovering them, but as he was in his own Termes, and had a Trine aspect to Part of Fortune, there was hopes of some of my Goods, There being never a Waterman in that Town of Walton neer unto the description of Jupiter in Scorpio, I examined what Fisherman there was of that complexion; and because Mars Lord of the 7th was departing the Sign Scorpio, viz. his owne, and entring another Signe, I examined if never a Fisherman of Mars and Jupiter his nature had lately sold any Land, or was leaving his proper house, and going to another habitation; such a one I discovered, and that he was much suspected of theevery, who was a good fellow, lived neer the Thames side, and was a meer Fisherman, or man conversant in water; for all Significators in watry Signes, argued, he must needs live neer the water, or a watry place, that stole the Goods, or be much conversant in waters, The man that was the Thiefe was a Fisherman, of good stature, thick, full bodied, faire of complexion, a red or yellowish haire.
I procured a Warrent from a Justice of Peace, and reserved it privately untill Sunday the 18th of
February following, and then with a Constable and the Barge-man, I searched only that one
house of this Fisherman suspected; I found part of my Fish in water, part eaten, part not
comsumed, all confessed. This jest happened in the search; a part of my Fish being in a bag, it
happened the Thiefe stole the bag as well as the Fish; the Barge-man, whose sack it was, being in
the same room where the bag was, and oft looking upon it (being clean washed) said to the
woman of the house, Woman, so I may have my sack which I lost that night, I care not: the
Woman answered; she had never a sack but that which her husband brought home the same night
as the Fish. I am perswaded the Barge-man looked upon the sack twenty times before, and knew
it not, for the woman had washed it cleane I as heavily complained to the woman for 7 Portugall
Onyons which I lost; she not knowing what they were, made pottage with them, as she said, The
remainder of my Fish I
all manner of QUESTIONS.
freely remitted, though the hireling Priest of Walton affirmed I had satisfaction for it, but he never hurt himselfe with a lye.
So that you see the peregrine Planet in an angle describes the Thiefe, and that neither the Sun or Moon in the ascendant, and in essentiall Dignities, gives assured hopes of discovering who it was; the application of Moon to the Lord of the 2nd, argues recovery; a full recovery, if both the Moon and the Lord of the 2nd be essentially dignified; part, if accidentally fortified; a discovery, but no recovery, if they apply and be both peregrine.
A Figure erected to know whether Sir WILLIAM WALLER or
Sir RALPH HOPTON should overcome, they being supposed to be engaged neer Alsford, Venus 29th March, 1644.
The ascendant is for our Army, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus for our General’s, viz. Sir William
& Major Generall Browne, a valiant & prudent citizen of London, who may justly Challenge a
large share of honor in that dayes service: Sir Ralph Hopton is signified by Saturn Lord of the
7th, his Army by Capricorn, in the descending part of heaven, which is usually given to the
The Resolution of
Friends and Assistants of the Enemy; there is onely Mars and South Node in the 9th, so that by this is appeared Sir Ralph had no supplyes ready to attend that dayes successe, &c.
From the existence of the Moon in her exaltation, and in the 11th house with Jupiter, she being
Lady of the ascendant, and having principall signification for us and our Army, engaged for the
Parliment, I concluded all was, and would be well on our side, and the victory ours: by her
separation from Jupiter, I said, I did verily conceive we had gained already from them some
ammunition, or performed some service against them, which judgment was more strengthened
by Sun, Lord of our assistants and substance, posited in the 10th house, in the very degree of his
Exaltation; and though I did imagine, by reason of the proximity of Saturn to Sun, we should not
game the whole, or have a perfect victory without diminution of some part of it, yet I was
confident we should obtaine a considerable proportion of their Ammunition, and obtaine a
compleat victory, the onely thing enquired after; for that the Moon did apply to Venus, and then
to a Sextile or Mercury, he angular, I acquainted the Querent that within 11 or 12 hours after the
question we should have perfect newes, and it pleasing and good; for considering the fight was
within 50 miles of London, I ordered my time according to discretion, not allowing dayes for the
time, but hours; for you may see the Moon is distant from Venus 11 degrees, but withall is in her
swift motion, and encreasing in light, all which were arguments of our successe, and the Enemies
routing; as it did appeare the same Friday by a Letter that came from the Army, certifying, that
our Generals took the Thursday before, 120 Commanders and Gentlemen, 560 common
Souldiers, much Ammunition. That according to naturall causes in Art, the Enemy should be
worsted, I had these reasons; first, because Saturn the Lord Hopton’s Significator is Sub Radiis;
next, he is in his Fall; thirdly, in no aspect of any Planet, but wholly peregrine and unfortunate,
beholding the cusp of the 7th with a Square dexter, arguing losse to his Army, and dishonour to
himselfe by the fight, &c,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If his Excellency ROBERT Earle of ESSEX should take
Reading, having then surrounded it with his
the most honorable of the English nation, viz. Essex the Kingdomes Generall, is here signified by Mars Lord of Scorpio, the Sign ascending: his Majesty by the Sun Lord of the 10th; the forces that were to relieve Reading, or to oppose and hinder his Excellency, by Venus in Pisces, and Sun in Taurus.
The Towne of Reading by Aquarius the Signe of the 4th, the Governour Sir Arthus Aston, reputed an able Souldier, by Saturn Lord of the 4th, their Ammunition and Provision in the Towne by Jupiter Lord of the 5th, and Venus locally therein.
We have Mars his Excellencies Significator excellently fortified labouring under no one
misfortune (except being in his Fall) and of how great concernment it is in Warre, to have Mars
the generall Significator of Warre, friendly to the Querent, this Figure well manifests; the Moon
separated ( a cacuo) and indeed there was little hope it would have been gained in that time it
was; she applyed to a Sextile of Mars, being in Signes of long ascensions, the aspect is
equivalent to a Square; which argued, that his Excellency would have much difficulty, and some
The Resolution of
fighting, ere he could get it: but because Mars and the Moon were in Reception, viz. Mars in her house, the Moon in his Termes and Face, and neer Cor Leo, placed also in the 10th, I judged his Excellency should obtaine and take Reading, and get glory and honour thereby. Finding the Sun his Majestie’s Significator in the 7th, in a fixed Signe, I aquainted the Querent, his Majesty would oppose what he could, and send Forces to relieve the Towne with all vigour and resolution, but I said he should not prevaile, for Mars is better fortified then Sun. I considered Aquarius for the Town, and in regard I found not the Signe afflicted, I judged the Towne strong, and capable of holding out; when I considered Venus to be in the 5th, I was confident they wanted not Ammunition. Having thoroughly considered all particulars, and well weighed that Saturn Lord of the 4th, signifying the Governour, was in his Fall with South Node, and that Mercury and Jupiter were not farre from South Node, and that Mars did with his Square aspect behold Saturn, I said and sent somebody word, the most assured way, & which would certainly occasion the surrender of the Towne, was, to set division amongst the principall Officers, and to incense them against their Officer in Chiefe, & that about 8 dayes from the time of the Question, I beleeved his Excellency would be Master of the Towne, yet rather by composition than blood, because Sun and Mars were separated from the Square dexter of Saturn from Cardinal Signes; as also, because the application of the Moon was so directly to the Sextile of the Lord of the Ascendant, without any frustration or prohibition. The Towne was delivered for the Parliaments use the 27 of April, 1644. three dayes after the time limited by me was expired: But it’s observable, the very Monday before, being 8 dayes after the Figure set, they began to treat.
The truth of this Siege was thus, that his Majesty in person did come, and was worsted and beaten back at Causham-bridge.
That Sir Arthur Aston the Governour, was hurt in the head, as Saturn in Aries with South Node well denotes: nor did they want ammunition, as Venus in the 5th signifies.
It was delivered by Colonel Fielding, a very valiant Gentleman, a
all manner of QUESTIONS.
good Souldier, and of noble Family, not without jealousie and mistrust of underhand dealing in the said Colonell by the King’s party; for which he was brought to some trouble, but evaded:
And I have since heard some of his Majesties Officers say thus, They did beleeve that Fielding acted nothing but what became a man of honour, and that it was the malice of his Enemies that procured him that trouble, &c.
A person of honour demanded this Question, and was well satisfied with what hath been spoken. Had this very Question been of a Law suit, Who should have overcome? you must have considered the Lord of the ascendant for the Querent or Plaintiff, and the ascendant it selfe, together with the Moon: for the Enemy or Defendant, the 7th and his Lord and Planets therein placed. In our Figure, in regard the Moon applies to a Sextile of Mars, the Querent therefore would have had the victory, by reason of the Verdict given by the Jurors, who ever are signified by the Moon; but because the Sun is locally in the 7th, opposite to the ascendant, and is Lord of the 10th, viz of the Judge, there’s no doubt but the Judge would have been adverse to the Plaintiff, as his Majesty was to his Excellency and to the Parliment.
In this case I should have judged the Defendant a man of good estate, or able to spend well,
because Venus Lady of the 8th, viz his 2nd, is in Exaltation; and yet the Sun and Mars in Sextile,
might give strong testimonies that the Judge would labour to compound the matter betwixt both
parties; the Dispositor of the Part of Fortune in his Fall, viz. Saturn in Aries with the South Node,
would have shewn great expence of the Querent’s or Plaintiffs estate and money in this Suit; and
that such a man as Saturn would herein be a great enemy unto him, because Saturn and Mars are
in Square. As Saturn is Lord of the 3rd, he may shew an ill Neighbour, or a Brother or Kinsman;
but as the 3rd house is the 9th from the 7th, it may argue some pragmaticall Priest, or one of the
Defendant’s Sisters Husbands; wherefore the Plaintiffe must either take such a one off, or else
compound his matter, or must see whether his Enemies Atturney be not Saturnine, then shall he
receive prejudice by his extreame rigid following the Cause: If Saturn signifie his Lawyer, the
The Resolution of
damage is by him, or by some aged man, perhaps the Querent’s Father or Grandfather, or else some sturdy Clowne or ill Tenant, &c. for according to the nature of the Question, you must ever vary the nature of your rules; by exact knowledge whereof, you may attaine the perfection of the whole Art.
The EIGHT HOUSE, and those QUESTIONS properly belonging unto it.
Of Death, Dowry, Substance of the Wife, &c.
If the absent party be alive or dead?
The true resolution of this Question depends much upon a right understanding, what relation the
Querent hath to the party enquired of, for you have oft to read in the preceding judgments, that in
every Question great care is to be taken, that the intentions of the Demandant and Questied party
may be carefully apprehended, that thereby one Significator be not mistaken for another;
wherefore for better satisfaction of this part of judgment we now are handling, you must enquire
whether he, viz. the Querent, enquire of the death of a Friend, or of his Wife, or a Father, or a
Child, or of a Servant, &c. Give the 1st house and his Lord for the Significator of the Querent;
but for the party Quesited, give the Signe of that house he is signified by, the Lord thereof and
the Moon for his Significators: if you find the Lord of his ascendant in the 4th or 8th, either from
his owne ascendant, or of the Figure, that configuration is one argument that man or woman
enquired after, is deceased; (this must be
all manner of QUESTIONS.
judged where the party hath been long absent, and in remote parts, and strong intelligence concurring therewith.)
Together with this, consider if the Lord of his ascendant or the Moon, be in the 12th from his owne house, with any evill Planet, or if he be in the 12th, in aspect of any unfortunate Planet, either by Square or Opposition, or if the Sun be unfortunate or afflicted, or the Moon in like manner, for then the absent is dead: If the Significator of the absent man or woman be in the 6th from his owne house, or 6th of the Question, or in any Square or Opposition or affliction of the Lord of the 6th, without Reception, or the benevolent aspect of a Fortune, the absent is then sick:
but if he be going from the Conjunction of evill Planets, wither by body or aspect, so that he be surely separated from them, or is departing from Combustion, it argues the party enquired of hath lately escaped a danger or sicknesse, or perill equivalent; the greatnesse of the disaster or infirmity you shall judge according to the quality if the Signes the Significators are in, and manner of aspect afflicting, having relation to the house from whence the aspects are. It’s considerable, that you poyse in your judgment, whether the Significator of the absent party be in the 6th, or to any unfortunate Planet afflicting him, or whether he be in any amicable aspect with either of the Fortunes, or if he be strong in the Signe, you must not then judge the man sick, but rather weary or drowsie, or perhaps he hath let blood of late &c. or taken some Physick for prevention of a disease which he feared.
I doe onely observe, of the Significator of the absent be strong, and separated from a Fortune, and in a good house, the absent lives; if he be afflicted, or was lately in Square or Opposition of the Infortunes, he was perplexed, or suffered much misery, according to the nature of the house from whence afflicted; but I judge him not dead, unlesse together with that mischance, the Lord of the 8th doe unfortunate him.
The Resolution of
Whether one absent will returne or not, and when?
Consider by what house the absent party is signified, and what Planet is his Significator; then see if his Significator be in the 1st house (let his Journey be whither it will,) yet if it be a long Journey, and beyond Seas, then see if he be in the 9th, or if in the 12th, if a very long Journey was undertaken; or if he be in the 5th, if a moderate Journey was intended, or in the 3rd, if a short Journey. If he be in any of these houses, or do commit his disposition to any Planet in any of these houses, it signifies the absent will not dye in that Voyage, but returne: if he be in the 7th, he will returne, but not in hast; nay, he will tarry long; and he is at time of the Question in that country unto which he first went, nor hath he hitherto had any thoughts of returning; however, now he hath: If he be in the 4th, he will stay and abide longer then if he were in the 7th: if his Significator be in the 3rd or 9th, and in any aspect with any Planet in the ascendant, the absent is preparing to come home, and is fully resolved thereof; or if he be in the 2nd, in aspect with a Planet in the 9th, he is endeavouring to provide moneys for his Voyage homewards, nor will it be long are he be at home; but if he be in a Cadent house, and not behold his owne ascendant, he neither cares for his returne, or hath any thoughts thereof, nor can he come if so be he would: if he be cadent and also afflicted, and behold not the ascendant, but is otherwayes impedited, there’s no hopes of his returne, nor will he ever come; but if either his Significator be Retrograde, or the Moon be joyned to a Retrograde Planet, and behold the ascendant, it imports his sudden returne when not expected: if you find his Significator impedited, see what house he is Lord of that doth unfortunate him; if it be the Lord of the 4th, the man is detained and cannot have liberty; if it be the Lord of the 6th, he is ill; if the Lord of the 8th, he feares he shall dye by the way, or before he gets into his owne Country; if the Lord of the 12th, he is as a prisoner and cannot procure liberty: such configurations as these seem to impede his returne.
Having considered the Significator of the absent, now have
all manner of QUESTIONS.
recourse to the Moon, the generall Significatrix, for if she be in Conjunction or Good aspect of the absent’s Significator, or commit her disposition unto him, and he posited in the ascendant, it argues his returne; the nearer the aspect is to the degree ascending, the sooner he returnes; the more remote, the longer it will be.
The Significator onely posited in the 8th, without other impediments, prolongs his returne, but at last he will come: but if unfortunated therein, he dyes and never returnes: Moon separating from the Lord of the 4th, 7th, 9th or 3rd, or any Planet under the earth, and then joyned to the Lord of the ascendant, or a Planet above the earth, the absent will returne.
The time when he will returne.
You are herein with descretion to consider, first, the length of the Journey; then the Lord of the ascendant and Significator of the party absent, and to observe, whether they are of the superiour Planets or not, or whether the Journey was long or short, or according unto discretion, in what space of time a man might come and goe, or performe by water or land, such or such a Journey or Voyage; if you find both the Significators applying by Sextile or Trifle aspect, observe in your Ephemeris when the day of the aspect is, and then much about that day or near unto that time, shall you heare some newes of the party, or have a letter from him, or concerning him; this supposes the party so neer, that a possibility thereof may be, for if the distance be very farre, then you may judge within a fortnight or more of the day of the aspect: But if you be asked, When he will come home, or when the Querent shall see him? then it is very probably, when both the Significators come to Conjunction, he will come home and the Querent shall be in his company; if the Significat.or of the absent be in any Signe preceding one of his owne houses, observe how many degr. he wants are he get out of that Signe and enters his owne house, and put them into dayes, weeks, moneths or years, according to discretion, and the nature of the Signe and place of heaven he is in; for movable Signes argue a short stay in the place; common ones, more long; fixed doe prolong and shew long time.
The Resolution of
Of the death of the Querent, or space of his owne life.
If one is fearful of death, or feels himselfe ill, or would be resolved, Whether, according to naturall causes, he may live a yeer, two, three or more, the better to dispose of some matters concerning his owne private affaires, and shall demand such a Question of you, give the ascendant, his Lord and the Moon for his Significators, and see in what houses they are in, and how dignified essentially, unto whom they apply, or with what Planets associated: if the Lord of the 1st be joyned with any of the Fortunes, and commit his vertue unto him, and that Planet is well dignified and commit his disposition to no Planet, then see if that Fortune be Lord of the 8th; for if he be not, then assuredly the Querent out-lives the year, or two or three, or time by him propounded; but if the Planet to whom the Lord of the ascendant is in Conjunction with, or commits his disposition unto, be Lord of the 8th, then whether he be a good or an ill Planet, he kils (for every Planet must doe his office,) and signifies, that the Querent shall dye within the compasse of time demanded; and this judgment you may averre with more constancy, if the Moon be then impedited, unlesse some other Planet be joyned with the Lord of the ascendant, who receives either him or the Moon, for then he shall not dye in that space of time enquired of by him.
Consider if the Lord of the ascendant be joyned to an Infortune, who receives him not either by House or Exaltation, or by two of his lesser Dignities, and the Moon also at that time unfortunate, it signifies the Querent’s death.
If in like manner you find the Lord of the 1st joyned to the Lord of the 8th, unlesse the Lord of the 8th receive him, and so notwithstanding, as that the Lord of the 1st receive not the Lord of the 8th, though he receive the Lord of the 1st; because if the Lord of the 8th receive the Lord of the 1st, and the Lord of the 1st the Lord of the 8th, whether Fortune or Infortune, you may justly feare the Querent’s death; but if the Lord of the 8th receive the Lord of the ascendant, so there be not mutuall Reception, it hinders not.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Having considered judiciously that the Querent shall not dye, behold when or in what time it wil be are the Lord of the ascendant is joyned to that Planet who receiveth him with a compleat Conjunction, untill that time and year or years signified by that Conjunction, the Querent shall be secure, and so may ascertaine himselfe, that at this time he shall not dye. But if you find just grounds in Art the Querent shal dye, behold when and at what time the Lord of the 1st is joyned to the Lord of the 8th, or to the abovesaid Infortune, who receives him not, but afflicts him, and is the interficient Planet; for when their perfect Conjunction is, whether by body or aspect, at that time he is like to dye.
But if the Lord of the 1st is so disposed, or he is such a condition, as you conceive that by him alone, without other testimonies, you cannot sufficiently judge of his death or life, then doe you consider the Moon, and judge by her position, as you did of the Lord of the 1st: but as I related before, if the Lord of the 8th and the Lord of the 1st be joyned together and each receive other, or at leastwise, the Lord of the 1st receive the Lord of the 8th, it prenotes his death, as aforesaid: when the interficient Planet comes to the degrees wherein the two Significators were in Conjunction, or if they were in Square or Opposition aspect, then when the malevolent Intersector comes to the degree of the Zodiack wherein the Lord of the ascendant was at time of the Question; or when the unfortunate Anareta, transits the degree ascending, and there meets with the malevolent aspect of the Lord of the 6th, or when an Eclipse, or its opposite place fals to be either the degree ascending or the degree of the Signe wherein the Lord of the ascendant was, or of the Moon, if you judged by her, and not by the Lord of the ascendant.
When, or about what time the Querent may dye?
When the Question is absolute, and without limitation, and the Querent shall propound unto you,
being an Astrologian, his Question in this manner of way, viz. When shall I dye, or how long
may I live? In this demand, you are to behold the Lord of
The Resolution of
ascendant, the ascendant it selfe, and the Moon, the Lord of the 8th or infortunate Planet in the 8th, and that Planet unto whom either the Lord of the 1st or the Moon is joyned by body or malevolent aspect, and you shall determine the death of the Querent according to the number or distance of degrees which are betwixt the Lord of the 1st and the Lord of the 8th, or of that Planet to whom either the Lord of the ascendant or Moon is joyned, for those number of degrees shall shew either moneths or years: If the Lord of the 1st be in Conjunction with the Lord of the 8th in an angle, it notes so many years; for in these judgments, angles do not accelerate death, but shew that life and nature are strong, and a possibility of overcoming the malignity of the humour afflicting: if the abovesaid Conjunction be in a succedant house, it notes so many moneths; but note, if the Signe be fixed, it gives halfe years, halfe moneths: if in a cadent house, so many weeks: you must understand this Question with mature judgment, and well consider whether the Significators are extremely afflicted, or have sufficiently manifested that according to naturall causes, the Querent cannot live long, or that death is not farre from the Querent. If the Significators doe not presage death at present, then aquaint him, it’s possible, he may live so many yeers as there are degrees betwixt the Conjunction of the Lord of the ascendant and the Lord of the 8th, or of that Planet at time of the Question afflicting him. The Ancients have ever observed, that the Lord of the ascendant is more in this judgment to be considered then the Moon, and therefore his affliction or Conjunction with the Lord of the 8th, or Combustion with the Sun is especially worth consideration, and most to be feared; for naturally the Lord of the 1st doth signifie the life and body of the Querent, and not by accident.
If the Lord of the ascendant be separated from the Lord of the 8th, or the Lord of the 8th from
him, or from that Planet who did afflict him, it’s not then probable the Querent shall dye, in so
many years as there are degrees betwixt them, viz. from that their separation: where observe, the
Conjunction of the Moon with the Lord of the 8th, doth not much hurt, unlesse the Lord of the
1st be also joyned with him; for let the Moon be afflicted,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
yet if the Lord of the ascendant be strong, it’s no great matter; but if the Moon be well Fortified, and the Lord of the ascendant be weak and afflicted, the strength of the Moon afflicts nothing for the evasion of the Querent; for although in the Querent’s affaires she hath much to do, yet in this manner of judgment little, where life or death are in question.
Whether the Man or Wife shall dye first?
This doth more neerly depend upon the Nativity of either party, then upon an horary Question,
and therefore I would advise in the resolution of this Question, that first the Artist doe demand of
the Querent, his or her Age, or if they have it, the time of their Birth, and that he erect the Figure
thereof, and see what possibility there was in the Radix, of the length or shortnesse of the
Querent’s life if time give you leave, see if the Sun or Moon in the Radix, or the ascendant of the
Nativity, doe near the time of the Question, come to any malignant direction, or whether the
Querent be not in or neer a Climactericall year or years, which are the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th,
42nd, &c. or whether you find not maleficall transits of the infortunate Planets either by their near Conjunction to the degree of the Sun, Moon or ascendant in the Radix, or whether they cast not their Square or Opposition aspects to the degrees of the Sun, Moon or ascendant of the Radix, now at this instant time of the Question; this I would have well considered: and then erect your Figure according to the time of the day given, and behold who asks the question, and let the Lord of the ascendant be for him or her, the Lord of the 7th for the quesited party; see which of them is weakest, or most afflicted in the Figure, and whether the ascendant or 7th house hath any malevolent Planet posited therein, or whether there arise with the ascendant, or descend with the cusp of the 7th, and maleficall fixed Starres; for in this manner judgment they shew much:
Behold whether the Lord of the 7th, or of the ascendant goe to combustion first, or to the
affliction of any malignant Planet, or to the Lord of the 8th; for it is an assured rule, that if the
Lord of the ascendant be
The Resolution of
most afflicted, or first goe to combustion, and the 1st house it selfe be unfortunated by the presence of an Infortune, that then the Querent dyeth first: and so judge for the Quesited, if the same misfortunes befall to the 7th house, and his Lord, &c.
What manner of death the Querent shall day.
in this manner of judgment observe the Lord of the 8th, if he be therein posited, or what Planet is nearest to the cusp of the house, and hath Dignities therein; for you must take signification of the quality of death from either of these, or from that Planet who afflicts the Lord of the ascendant, and have Dignities in the 8th: If the Planet signifying death is either Venus or Jupiter, you may assure the Querent, he or she shall dye a fair death: and observe what Diseases they or either of them in the Signe they are in doe signifie, and what part of mans body they represent in that Signe, and you may certifie the Querent, that the disease or infirmity he or she dye of, will be of the nature of the Planet, and in that part of the body they signifie in that Signe. Usually, good Planets in the 8th, a fair, gentle death; malevolent ones, either strong Feavers, or long continued Sicknesses, and much afflicting.
Whether the Portion of the Wife will be great, or easily
obtained, or whether is the Woman enquired
after rich or not.
Herein vary your ascendant, and then the Question as well resolves the demand concerning the estate of a man as of a woman. The Querent is still signified by the Lord of the ascendant and 1st house, his substance and Estate by the 2nd house, Lord thereof, Planet or Planets posited in the house, and the Lord of Part of Fortune and place of heaven, and sign wherein it is found.
That which is the occasion of this Question is, if a man propounded the Question, Whether the
Woman he enquires after be
all manner of QUESTIONS.
rich, &c. Behold in this judgement the Signe of the 8th house, the Lord thereof, the Planet posited therein.
The Cusp of the 8th in the Termes of Jupiter or Venus give good hopes of Wealth, or Jupiter or Venus posited in that house; plenty of Wealth if they are essentially dignified, direct, and free from Combustion; not so much, if they or either of them be Retrograde, Combust, or slow in motion: for though in essentiall dignities and so qualified, they expresse a sufficient and large proportion, yet with some kinde of trouble it will come to the Querent. The Lord of the 8th in the 8th no wayes impedited, gives good hopes of some Inheritance or Land to fall to the Wife or woman, or by some Legacy, some Estate; the more certaine if either the Lord of the 4th in the Figure, or the Lord of the 10th and the Lord of the 8th be in any benevolent aspect out of Angles or succedant houses, or out of the 11th and 8th. Part of Fortune in the 8th and in Aquarius or Leo, or any of the houses of Jupiter or Venus, they casting their Trine or Sextile aspect to Part of Fortune: you need not feare but the estate of the quesited party is sufficient, and if the dispositor of Part of Fortune doe but cast his Sextile or Trine to it, or else is in a good aspect of Jupiter of Venus: these argue the Woman inquired after to be a good Fortune, and you are not to make doubt of his or her Estate.
Saturn or Mars Peregrine in the 8th, either poore or little of what is promised will be obtained, or extreame contention about it.
The Lord of the 8th Combust, slow performance, scarce ability in the Parents to performe what is promised.
South Node in the 8th, no fortunate Planet being there, there’s cheating intended, or more will be promised then performed.
Lord of the 8th in the 2nd, or in Trine or Sextile to the Lord of the 2nd, the Querent shall have what is promised, in Square with difficulty, in Opposition never, without much wrangling; if no reception hardly at all. Its impossible to give such generall Rules as will hold ever certaine, therefore I advise every Practicer to well weigh the Querent his Condition, and the possibility the Figure promises, and so frame his conjecture.
The Resolution of
If one be afraid of a thing, Whether he shall be in
danger of the same or not.
Behold the ascendant and his Lord, and the Moon; if you finde the Moon infortunate, or if the Lord of the ascendant be infortunate, and falling from an angle; or especially in the 12th and Moon with him; it signifies the same Fear is true, and certaine that there is cause for it, or that the great labour and griefe shall molest him, and that many things shall be demanded of him, or he charged with many matters not appertaining to him, or of which he is guilty. If the Lord of the ascendant doth ascend from the 12th into the 11th or 10th, or shall be joyned to Fortunes; it signifies the thing feared shall not appertaine to him, or he be molested thereby, or that he need not be afraid, nor shall the matter doe him ill, but he shall escape that feare. When the Lord of the ascendant shall be in one degree with Fortunes, no ill is towards the Querent (if the Fortunes unto which the Lord of the ascendant doth apply, or which apply unto him be in the mid heaven, and the Moon apply unto those Fortunes, and she be in an angle or elevated above him, it signifies he that is afraid shall easily be delivered from feare; nor hath he any grounds for it.
The signifier of the question applying to infortunes, it is true; to a fortune, and not received of an infortune, it is false. Many have judged, that if the Moon be in the 8th, 6th or 12th, and apply to any Planet in a Cadent house, the Suspition is not true, or the report will hold long, but that it will be smothered and vanish to nothing: the Moon in Trine to Sun discovers all suddenly.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Whether Man or Wife shall dye first?
Judgment upon this Figure.
For many weighty Reasons one desired me to consider whether himselfe or wife should dye first;
Whereupon I erected the figure of heaven, as above placed.
Finding the 7th house afflicted, which signifieth the Wife by the position of Saturn in Aries his
Fall, and that Mars Lord of the 7th was cadent in Gemini and the 9th house, and disposed by
Mercury Lord of the 6th from the 7th, and he Retrograde and in his Fall, and the Moon in
Scorpio, but the 8th house from the 7th. These considerations moved me to inquire of the
Querent, whether his Wife was not very sicke, and in a Consumption (for so it appeared unto me)
and also infirmed (in Secretis.) For if you observe all those Significators which have relation
unto her,
The Resolution of
are wholly unfortunate and out of their essentiall dignities. I inquired her age, her exact Nativity I could not obtaine, onely I understood she was now in her 42. yeer of age, viz. her Climactericall yeer, which is usually dangerous; and the more unto her, she meeting with an untoward Disease neer or in that time.
I considered the 7th house which was her ascendant whereby I judged her Corporature to be small, or her Person incurvating, her visage long and leane, her complexion darke and pale, her conditiond very waspish, or she very forward, &c. which was confessed, and I afterwards found, Because Saturn sheweth long lingering Diseases, and Mercury Lord of the 6th house was Retrograde; I judged she would relaps out of one Disease into another, partly by her owne obstinatenesse, and partly by the errour of the Physician: By her owne wilfulnesse, because that the the Lord of her ascendant was also Lord of the 8th; and partly by neglect of the Physician, who was signified by Venus who was in Square with Saturn in Equinoctiall and Tropicall Signes and in Angles, arguing his or their small care of the miserable Gentlewoman: All things seriously considered, I concluded the Woman would dye first; for the Significator of the Man hath no manner of affliction, viz. Venus she being in her Hayne, and free from the least manner of misfortune, and so was the man from all infirmities. For the time when she should dye, I observed when Saturn and Mars came to an ill aspect; for Saturn did most of all represent her in person and condition; and I found that about the latter end of September following Mars came to an opposition of Saturn, Mars then being neer the place of the Moon at time of the Question, viz. in 2 degr. of Scorpio, and Saturn in 2 of Taurus, the Moon at that moment in the place of Mars, viz. in 20 degr. of Gemini or thereabouts. From thence I concluded, that it was probable she would dye or be in great danger of death about the latter end of September or beginning of October; and in truth she dyed the 8th of October, upon which day Mars and Mercury were in Conjunction in the 8th degree of Scorpio; the one in the Question being Lord of the ascendant, and the other of the 6th, the degree it selfe the very same of the Moon in the Question, and Moon to the 12. of Libra the opposite degree to her ascendant in the Question.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
A Woman of her Husband at Sea, if alive, where, when returne?
[This question hath as much relation to the 9th as 8th house.]
Mercury Lord of the ascendant doth personate the Querent, and as Mercury is in Conjunction with Moon and Saturn in Aries which doth signifie the Face, so was she extreamly disfigured therin by the smal-Pocks, had weak Eyes, &c. was full of griefe & sorrow for her Husband occasioned by Saturn his affliction of Mercury; she also had a lisping in her speech, and spake but ill; for usually Saturn afflicting Mercury in mute or bestiall Signes, causeth impediment speech.
The Quesited was signified by Jupiter Lord of the 7th, who being posited in the 10th house, and
lately separated from the Sextile of Venus now in the 9th, she being Lady of the 3rd, argued the
man had been lately some voyage South-east; and because both Venus and Moon had been with
Sextile of Venus, he being now no way afflicted, but swift in motion, made me judge the man
was alive and in health: but as Mercury, who disposeth of Jupiter, is Lord of the 2nd, viz. the 8th
from the 7th, and as the Moon is so exceedingly afflicted by Mercury and Saturn, I judged he had
been in much danger and perill of his life, by trechery and cunning plots of his adversaries, and
had suffered many afflictions in his absence; for Mercury is Lord of the 7th from
The Resolution of
his ascendant, and Saturn of the 12th from the 7th: besides, Jupiter is accidentally Fortified, but not essentially, and his Detriment, with Oculus Taurus a violent fixed Star, intimating, the man had endured many sudden violent chances.
Finding Jupiter more Fortified then the Moon, she almost entring Taurus a Southerly Signe, and Jupiter in Gemini a Western Signe, and South quarter; I judged the man absent was in the Southwest of England, in some Harbour, because Jupiter was Angular.
[When return or hear of him.]
The Moon separates from Saturn & doth apply unto the Conjunction of Mercury Significatrix of
the Querent; an argument after much expectation & longing, the Woman should heare of him in
2 or 3 dayes, because the distance of Moon from the body of Mercury is about 1 degree and no more, and the Sign movable, [so she did.] But as Mercury is in a movable Signe, and Moon is corrupted by him and Saturn, the report she heard of her Husband was false [for she heard he was in Town,] but it was not so. Considering that Mercury and Jupiter did hasten to a Conjunction in Gemini, Mercury being therein very potent, and that this Conjunction was to be the 5th day of May following; I judged from thence that about that time she would have certaine newes of her Husband, if happily he came not then home. The second week in May the Woman did heare certaine newes from her Husband, but he came not home till the second week in July, he had been severall Voyages in the West parts, was taken prisoner by the Kings Forces, and at time of the Question asked, was at Barnstable, &c.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
What manner of Death CANTERBURY should dye?
It may appear to all indifferent minded men, the verity & worth of Astrologie by this Question, for there is not any amongst the wisest of men in this world could better have represented the person and condition of this old man his present state and condition, and the manner of his death, then this present Figure of heaven doth.
Being a man of the Church, his ascendant is Capricorn, the cusp of the 9th house; Saturn is Lord of the Signe, now in Aries his fall; a long time Retrograde, and now posited in the 12th of the Figure, or 4th from his ascendant; so that the heavens represent him in condition of mind, of a violent spirit, turbulent and envious, a man involved in troubles, imprisioned, &c. Jupiter a generall Significator of Church-men, doth somewhat also represent his condition, being if that eminency he was of in our Commonwealth: Jupiter, as you see, is Retrograde, and with many fixed Starres of the nature of Mars and Moon; an argument he was deep laden with misfortunes, and vulgar Clamours at this present..
The Resolution of
The Moon is Lady of the 4th in the Figure, but of the 8th as to his ascendant; she separates from Saturn, and applies to the Opposition of the Sun neer the cusp of the 8th house; Sun in a fiery Signe, applying to an Opposition of Mars, the Dispositor of the aged Bishop; Mars being in an Ayery Signe and humane, from hence I judged that he should not be hanged, but suffer a more noble kind of death, and that within the space of 6 or 7 weeks, or thereabouts; because the Moon wanted 7 degrees of the body of Mars. He was beheaded about the 10th of January following. I write not these things as that I rejoyced at his death; no, I doe not; for I ever honoured the man, and naturally loved him, though I never had speech or acquaintance with him: nor doe I write these lines without teares, considering the great incertainty of humane affaires: He was a liberall Moecenas to Oxford, and produced as good Manuscripts as any were in Europe to that University, whereby the Learned must acknowledge his bounty: let his imperfections be buried in silence, Mortuus est, & de mortuus nil nisi bonum. Yet I account him not a Martyr, as one Asse did; For by the Sentence of the greatest Court of England, viz. the Parliament, he was brought to his end.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If have the Portion promised?
Saturn is here Significator of the Querent, Retrograde, and in the 12th house, as if the Querent
had been in some despaire of it,
[and so he confessed.]
The Woman is signified by Jupiter and Moon; Jupiter in his Exaltation, and Moon in Leo, a fixed Signe argue the Woman to be well conceited of her self e, confident, yet vertuous and modest:
the Moon her Significatrix neer the Sun, she had a scar neer her right eye, for the Moon signifies in Women the right Eye.
That which is pertinent to the resolution of the thing demanded is this; That finding Venus in the
8th house, which is the womans 2nd, and the Sun to be Lord thereof, in his own house, and that
Moon did separate from the Conjunction of Sun, and transferred his vertue to Saturn, who is
Lord of the ascendant and Dispositor of Part of Fortune, and also Lord of the Querent’s 2nd
house, I did from hence cheer up the dull Querent, and assured him he had no cause to feare the
non payment of his Wives Portion, but that it would really be performed, whatsoever was or had
been promised; and that, to his further comfort, she would
The Resolution of
prove a chast vertuous woman, but somewhat proud; all this proved true, as I experimentally have it from the Querent’s owne Mouth.
The ninth HOUSE, and those QUESTIONS properly belonging unto it.
Long Journeys, Religion, Pilgrimage,
Dreams, &c.
Of good or ill in questions concerning this House.
If in this house good Planets have either government, or are in possession thereof, or aspect the same without the testimonies of the Infortunes, it signifieth good, or is an argument thereof in all questions concerning this house.
Of a Voyage by Sea, and Success thereof.
Look to the 9th house, if it be good and strong, and aspected of good Planets, or good Planets in the said house, especially if the Lord of the ascendant and the 10th be well affected, it is very good: but if thou findest Saturn, Mars or the South Node there, then is the way evill, if the Lord of the 9th be with an evill Planet, it is evill, and he shall not speed well in the way, or get any wealth by that Voyage: Mars in the 9th, :intimates danger by Theeves or Pyrates; Saturn threateneth losse of Goods, or sicknesse; the South Node doth import the same that Mars doth, but most part with cozenage and deceit.
The substance of the Journey is from the 10th, because it is the 2nd from the 9th: Fortunes there,
expect Wealth; Infortunes,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
losse: the 9th infortunate, many hardships in the Voyage; Fortunes there, a happy passage. Together with this, see to the Lord of the 8th, or 8th house; for if he or it be strong there is Wealth to be got; Saturn, Mars or South Node in that house, nothing to be had, or not worth labour.
What wind you shall have.
Behold the Lord of the ascendant, if he be with a good Planet or Planets, and they strong, and in friendly aspect, it signifieth good winds; but if with evill Planets, or they in cadent houses, the contrary; if the Significators be in Opposition out of fixed Signes, and neer violent fixed starres, the Traveller may expect impetuous stormes, sudden blasts, contrary winds often driving the Passenger this way, and sometimes that way; as also, that he shall await many dayes, weeks or moneths for a comfortable wind before he shall gaine it: Gentle gusts of wind are signified when the Significators are in Trine aspect out of Signes ayery, viz. Gemini, Libra or Aquarius.
Of him that taketh a Journey, and the successe thereof.
Behold what Planets are in the angles, if you find in the ascendant a good Fortune, judge then that he shall have good successe, before that he removeth from the place he is in, or in the beginning if his Journey; if that good Fortune be in the Mid-heaven, he shall have much happinesse in his Journey, and after his entring the Ship, or upon the way as he goeth on his Journey: but if the Fortune be in the 7th, he shall have content in the place whereunto he goeth: if that Planet which is the Fortune be in the 4th, it shall be at his returne, or when he shall come to his owne place or home back againe.
If that Fortune be Jupiter, the benefit he expects, or the Means to advance him, shall come from
or by meanes of a religious person, or Judge, or Gentleman, in quality and kind according to the
power, quality and nature of the Lord of the house of that Fortune, or by a person of that
description; as if it be the house of the Sun, it shall be by the King, a Magistrate, or some
The Resolution of
noble Person, or by a Solar man of noble disposition.. If Saturn be Significator, it shall consist in things and Commodities of his nature, or else in things of antiquity, or Ground, Corne or Tillage; or by meanes of an ancient man: describe Saturn exactly, and let the man apply to such a one in his Affaires. If Venus, it shall be as touching Women, Joy and Sport, or by meanes of Women, Friends, or in Linnen, Silks, Jewels, or pleasant things. If Mercury, it shall be by writing, or by wit and discretion, or merchandize, Accounts or Letters testimoniall, or by the Merchant. If it be the Moon, it shall be by Services or Masteries, much imployment by some Woman or Widdow, or Saylor, or by carrying Newes, or playing at Dice, Sports or Pastimes, Tables, or such like.
If the Fortune in the 10th house, is Venus, he shall have good, or make great benefit in his Journey, by dealing in such things as bring joy, or cause delight and pastime, by Jewels or Silks which are of the nature of Venus: If the Lord of that house be Saturn, and he be strong, say then of Saturn as in the preceding part, and so of the rest: If a Planet who is an Infortune be Lord of the 12th and he be Saturn, it is to be feared there shall happen unto him some sicknesse comming of a cold and dry cause, or by much trechery, but if Saturn be in a Signe Bestiall, it is to be feared, some ill fortune or mischance shall happen to the Traveller by meanes of some Fourfooted Beast; if he be in a humane Sign, it may be by some deceitfull men; if that ill Fortune instead of Saturn be Mars, it is to feared he may incurre some sicknesse that is of a hot nature, or fall into the hands of Theeves, and shall have feare of himselfe touching hurt to his body, &c. and so of the rest.
Of the short or slow returne of him that taketh a Journey.
Behold the Signifier of the Journey, if that Planet be swift in Course, Occidential, and Moon and
he in movable Signes, it signifieth his Journey to be short, and not much tarrying from home, or
a quick, speedy passage, yet with trouble and pain; but if he be swift, (viz. the Significator) in
motion and Orientall,
all manner of QUESTIONS.
it shall be quick, short, and without any labour or much trouble: when the Lord of the ascendant doth apply unto the Lord of the house of Journeys, or when the Lord of the Journey applies to the Lord of the ascendant, or any Planet carryeth light of one to the other, or when the Lord of the house of Journeys is in the ascendant, or when the Lord of the 7th is in the ascendant, or the Lord of the ascendant in the 7th; all these doe signifie short returne, or good speed according to the length of the Voyage: But if none of these be, or the greater part of the said Significators be in angles, especially in fixed Signes, it signifieth either destruction of his Journey, or else slow, or to be a great while absent: If a Fortune be in the house of Journeys, it signifieth health of body; a good Fortune in the Mid-heaven signifieth mirth and jollity, or gladnesse in his journey, or that he shall have good company: in the 7th and 4th, it signifieth prosperity, and a good end of the Journey or Voyage.
If the Lord of the house of Journeys be in a fixed Signe, it signifieth continuance and long tarrying: in a common Signe, it signifieth he shall change his mind from his first intended thoughts, or remove from one journey to another.
If the Moon in questions of Journeys, be in the 6th, or in Opposition to the Lord of the 6th, it shewes sicknesse to him that travels, and impediments in his occasions, and that his businesse shall be for the most part feeble, weak and slackly handled, his endeavours and designes shall be much crossed; yet if the Lord of the ascendant be fortunate, or in the house of trust, or not opposite to the same, it signifieth successe and prosperity, and the accomplishing of his businesse, though with many difficulties and obstructions.
When he shall returne that is gone a long Journey..
[You must ever have regard to the proper Significator.]
Behold the Lord of the ascendant, if you find him in the ascendant or mid-heaven, or giving his
power to another Planet being in any of those places, it signifieth that he shall returne and is
thinking of it; but if the Lord of the 1st be in the 7th, or in an angle of the earth, it signifies, that
his returne is
The Resolution of
prolonged, and that as yet he is not gone far from the place he went unto, nor hath he yet any desire thereunto.
If the Almuten of the 1st be in the 9th or 3rd from the ascendant, applying to a Planet in the ascendant, it signifieth he is in his journey homewards: the same also doth the Lord of the ascendant signifie if he be in the 8th or 2nd, applying to any Planet in the 10th; yet notwithstanding, if the Lord of the ascendant be cadent, and doe not apply to any Planet in an angle, or behold the ascendant, it is a token of tarrying.
But if at any time the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon doe apply unto a Planet Retrograde, or the Lord of the ascendant himselfe be Retrograde, (viz. the Significator of the absent) and doe behold the ascendant, it is a token he is comming: but is the Lord of the ascendant be infortunate, it doth signifie some let or hinderance which makes him to tarry, or that he cannot come: If you find not in the house of the ascendant any of those things which I have said, behold the Moon, and if she doe give her power or light to the Lord of the ascendant, being in the ascendant or neer the ascendant, it signifies that he shall come shortly or intends it: also, if the Moon be in the 7th, 9th or 3rd, applying to the Lord of the ascendant, it signifies that he commeth: If the Moon be separate from a Planet which is in the left side of the ascendant (that is, under the earth) and applyeth to another Planet on the right hand of the ascendant, (that is, above the earth) it doth signifie that he commeth.
If the Moon be on the right hand of the ascendant, and apply to a Planet in the mid-heaven, it signifieth that he commeth, yet with slownesse, for the Moon being in the right hand of the ascendant, doth show so much; which if she had been in the left hand, she had shewed his comming sooner. If the Lord of the house of the Moon be infortunate, it signifies tarrying, and let or hinderance in comming home.
You must ever consider for whom the question is asked, for if he that demands the question ask
for a Sonne, then from the 5th house look for the Significator: If for a Brother, then to the 3rd: If
for a Father, the 4th, &c. Behold the Fortunes and Infortunes carefully placed in those places,
and by them and their position, judge the estate of him that is absent in his
all manner of QUESTIONS.
journey, both for health and hinderance, for according to the estate or place of the Fortunes or Infortunes in the Figure, and their dignities or imbecillities, so you may judge.
[Still you must keep to the Lord of your proper ascendant.]
When the Lord of the ascendant is in the ascendant, or in the 2nd, entring or arising towards the ascendant, or if he be Retrograde, or the Planet which was the signifier of the Journey be Retrograde, or the Lord of the ascendant apply to the Lord of the 10th, or the Lord of the midheaven be in the ascendant, or the Moon received of the Lord of the 10th, or the Lord of the ascendant received of him; all these doe signifie that he is absent is coming, and that he retumneth speedily and shortly.
The Planet from whom the Lord of the ascendant of the question is separated, is the Signifier of the state and condition in which he lately was, and of those actions which are past; and the Planet unto whom the Lord of the ascendant doth apply, is the Signifier of the state he is now in; and the Planet to whom he applyes after him, is the Signifier of the state of him unto whom he shall come, or intends to come.
If a question be asked for one that is in a journey, and you find his Significator going out of one Signe and entring into another, judge that he went out of the place he was in, and is entred another, or taken another journey in hand; and behold in which of those Signes he was stronger, more fortunate, or better received and so judge his successe the better, and corresponding thereto.
Note that Combustion in a question of one that is absent is ill, for that signifieth captivity, imprisionment, or some great let: if the Combustion be neer the house of death, or the Sun Lord of the house of Death, it signifies death except God doe miraculously deliver him..
If in the question of him that is absent, you find in the ascendant or mid-heaven Mercury or the Moon, judge that Letters shall come from him, or some Newes very shortly, for Mercury is the Significator of Letters or Newes.
The Resolution of
If you would know whether the Newes or Letters which are to come be good or ill, look from whom Mercury and Moon are separate; if the separation be from a Fortune, it notes good newes and joyfull; but if from ill Fortunes, judge the contrary.
If a Question be asked of a Letter, whether it be true or not, behold Mercury, if he be in a movable Signe, beholding Saturn or Mars, say it is a lye; if in a fixed Signe, judge it is true; in a common Signe, part true and part false.
The cause of a Journey, and the successe thereof.
Behold if the Moon apply to the Sun, he goeth to Kings or States, or in service of such men, viz. of such as are able to maintaine him, &c.
If Moon apply to Saturn, he is directed by old men, or men of gravity and yeers..
If Moon apply to Jupiter, Religious persons or Gentlemen doe imploy him.
If Moon apply to Mars, men of Warre, Captaines, or such like are the cause..
If to Venus, Women-kind, or desire to purchase such things as Women love. If to Mercury, Merchants, Schollers, or he travels to see variety of Countryes, and to learne the languages.
If Moon her selfe signifie the cause, it seems he is hired, or that he is publikely imployed. The cause is usually required from the house wherein the Lord of the 9th is; or if a Planet therein, see what house he is Lord of; the Lord of the 9th in the ascendant, he goes of his owne accord; the Lord of the 9th in the 2nd, for game; the Lord of the 9th in the 3rd, purposely to travell, &c.
Successe thereof.
Behold the four angles, if a fortunate Planet be in the ascendant, the beginning of his journey
shall be fortunate; if the mid-heaven be fortunate, the rest of his journey shall prove in like
manner; if the 7th, it shall also happen well when he is arrived to the place he intends, or is at his
journeys end: If
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Fortunes be in the 4th, all shall happen well in his returne homeward, & e contra: a most happy journey is intended.
Also for the successe of a journey, behold the Lord of the ascendant, the 9th house and the Moon, and if they be all well affected, it sheweth a fortunate Journey.
Length thereof.
If the Lord of the 9th be in the ascendant, or the Lord of the ascendant in the 9th, it hasteneth the journey; the Lord of the ascendant in the 7th, idem.; the Significators on cadent houses, or in movable Signes, or the angles movable, idem.: But if the angles be fixed, and the Significators posited therein, it prolongeth the journey: the Lord of the 9th in the ascendant, hasteneth the journey, and being fortunate therein, fortunateth the same Voyage, the Significators and Moon slow in motion, a tedious Journey.
If one shall profit by his Knowledge, be it in what kind
it will; Chymistry, Chyrurgery, &c.
or if he be perfect.
Give the Querent the ascendant, his Lord and the Moon; the 9th house, Planet therein posited,
and the Lord thereof for the Science endeavoured to be attained: See if the Lord of the 9th be
fortunate or not, Orientall or Occidentall, cadent from an angle, in an angle or succedant house,
and whether he behold the Lord of the ascendant or not with Sextile or Trine; if he be a Fortune
and behold the Lord of the 1st, the man hath good knowledge in him, and what is reported of the
man is true, and he will doe good by his knowledge; and the more if it be with Reception: if the
aspect be by Square or Opposition, the man knowes much, but shall doe no good thereby; if an
Infortune aspect either the Lord of the 9th or 1st, the man hath wearied himself e, and will doe,
but to no purpose, for he shall never attain the perfection of the knowledge he desires,
The Resolution of
Of Science, Cunning or Wisdome in a man,
whether it be true or not.
You must give the ascendant to him of whom it is asked, and the 9th house to the Science; and if there be Fortunes in the 9th house, or the Lord of the 9th fortunate, and behold the Lord of the ascendant, judge there is Science in that man: But if in the 9th house there be Infortunes, or the Lord of the 9th infortunate, and behold not the Lord of the ascendant, it doth signifie the contrary, and that there is none, or little knowledge in him.
Behold in what condition the Moon is, with the Lord of the 9th; if they both apply to Fortunes, it signifieth that there is knowledge in the man; but if the apply to Infortunes, it signifies the contrary.
In the 9th house, the Lord thereof be infortunate, nor behold the Lord of the ascendant, it signifies no knowledge in him, or such as by which he will never doe himselfe good, if it concern the Querent: if another body, then the party Quesited.
Of many Persons absent or travelling,
in what Condition they are.
It happens sometimes that four or five or more travelling together in a company beyond Seas, or
are at places farre distant, and the Querent is willing to heare newes of every one of them: In this
case you must desire the Querent to set downe all their names in order, one after another; then
observe the Moon her applications first of all, and that Planets to whom she applies; shall signifie
the state and condition of the first man in order as he is writ downe; observe in what condition
that Planet is in, how posited, how dignified, how and by whom or what Planst aspected, from
whom he last separated, unto whom he next applies; accordingly judge of the state and condition,
health or welfare of the first Person inquired after. Having performed that worke, then behold the
Moon her second application, be it good or ill, and to what Planet, the second Man in order shall
partake in his affaires according to the well or ill being of
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Planet to whom she doth the second time apply; and so in order, doe for all the rest remaining, ever considereing the Significators Retrogradations, Directions, Combustions of the Planets; and in this manner run them all over by turnes againe, if the Men enquired after be more then seven. In the same order you may doe by a Man inquiring after many Women, & e contra, &c.
To what part of Heaven the Traveller
had best direct his Journey.
Although we have in some measure handled this judgement in the Chapter of the 1st house, yet I shall againe briefly mention some further judgements herein, pertinently belonging to this House.
If therefore the Querent who is desirious to Travell or take a Journey, shall make this demand,
To what part of the World is it best for me to Travell? Doe you herein consider in what quarter of
the Figure the fortunate Planets are posited, and where most fortified, you may safely direct the
Querent to travell, sojourn or direct his voyage to those parts, as if the fortunate Planet promising
happinesse unto him be in the East Quadrant, then direct him Eastward, if in the South Quarter
Southward, in the West Westward, in the North Northward, and observe where the most or
greatest number of fortunate Planets be placed, to those parts its best to Travell; and as you will
elect that part of Heaven for best where the Fortunes are, so disswade from travelling or
journying to those parts where the Infortunes are.. In the number of Infortunes; put the South
Node; in all Journeys have a speciall care of the 2nd and 8th Houses; for an Infortunate Planet in
the 8th portends or signifies little game, or small successe in the Countrey the Traveller is going
unto; but a malevolent Planet in the 2nd, intends no great successe in the Countrey, wherein after
the voyage is performed the Traveller intends to settle him selfe.. Hence it is, that when elections
of times are made for the happinesse of a party in the Countrey he is going unto, that we alwayes
put a good Planet in the 8th house. But if we expect to live happily after our returne, then we
ever set forth or begin our Journey when a good and fortunate
The Resolution of
Planet is in the 2nd. Beware of Cauda in the 2nd when you returne, or in the 8th when you set forward..
If an idle covetous Priest upon his Question propounded
shall Obt.aine a good Parsonage, yea or no?
Saith the Clergy are as Covetous and vicious as other men, I give them leave to make their demand as well as others, provided alwayes, it be not to hinder themselves from enjoying a lusty Benefice, or impeach them in preferment; if therefore the Lord of the ascendant who is Significator if the Minister (it matters not whether he be Protestant, Presbyter or Papist) that would have a Church-living, or other Ecclesiasticall preferment) or the Moon or both be joyned to the Lord of the 9thm who signifies the thing sought after, viz. a Benefice: for if the Lord of the 9th be in the 9th, or behold the house, it argues the Clerke or Priest shall obtaine the Benefice desired, but with Labour and industry, and his owne very much paines taking, which I confesse they doe willingly; but if neither the Moon or Lord of the ascendant be joyned to the Lord of the 9th, or he with them; see if either the Moon or Lord of the ascendant be in the 9th, for that argues the attaining of the thing sought after: if he be not Retrograde, or otherwise unfortunate or Combust, or in Square aspect of an infortune without reception, for then it argues a destruction of the matter after it seems to be in a good forwardnesse, or neer accomplishing; but if the Lord of the 9th be in the 1st, whether the Lord of the 1st behold him or the Moon or not, in what condition soever the disposition of the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon are in, or if the Lord of the 9th be the lighter Planet, and apply to the Lord of the 1st, it’s a pregnant testimony of procuring the thing sought after without much seeking on the Querent’s behalf. The Lord of the ascendant in Trine or Sextile to Sun or Jupiter, and either of them in the ascendant, argues the acquisition of the Benefice or Preferment.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
The Conjunction of the Lord of the 1st and 9th, or their aspects, with Reception, gives the preferment without bribing, freely, perhaps upon a desert or merit; for some of that Tribe are black Swans: If the aspect be by Square, it comes not so lightly; yet if Reception be, it comes at length, perhaps a fish with 20d. is presented to the Patron.
After this, see if any Planet transferre the light of the Lord of the 9th to the Lord of the ascendant, the Benefice is obtained by some interloping person, unlesse the more ponderous Planet to whom the Translator doth afford vertue, commit that influence to some other Planet, and that Planet have no signification in the Question, for such an action intimates destruction of the matter, after it is hoped to be neer prefecting: If the Lord of the ascendant hasten to the Conjunction of the Lord of the 9th, and meet with no obstructive aspect before, it’s not then to be doubted but the Parson obtaines his preferment, but not without solicitation: many Planets Significators in this or the like Question, either many Competitors in the thing, or many contentions and much labour to obtain it.
Lord of the ascendant in Conjunction with an Infortune, and he not Lord of the 9th, or in
Reception with him, or not committing his disposition to any Planet who receives the Lord of the
1st or the Moon, the matter will not be performed: If that Infortune commit his vertue to any Fortune, who is strong in the Figure, the thing will be perfected; for the Conjunction of the Infortunes without Reception, performes nothing; with Reception, they performe with difficulty:
a Planet signifying the effecting of anything, being posited in an angle; hastens the matter, in a succedant, it retards the thing; in a cadent, quite destroyes the matter, or suddenly, beyond expectation, when all men despair, by some secret trick, perfects it; but this is very rare.
If any malevolent Planet aspect the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon with Square or
Opposition, without Reception, the Querent seems much troubled, is displeased with the manner
of prosecuting the matter, and beleeves he is either negligently or knavishly dealt withall, by
such as endeavour to negotiate in the matter: if the Lord of the 1st and 9th both of them commit
their disposition to any Planet, by whatsoever aspect, who is not
The Resolution of
impedited, or becomes Retrograde before he goe out of the Signe he is in, it argues performance of the businesse: The Moon well dignified, shewes many Friends: if the Lord of the 9th be joyned to the Lord of the 4th, or the Lord of the 4th apply to the Lord of the 9th, without much labour the matter will be effected: But to know whether the Benefice be a lusty one or not, or worth acceptance,(a thing considerable;) consider the 10th house, the Lord thereof, and Planet or Planets therein places; Planets well dignified and angular, shew hopes, and are sure testimonies of a good thumping Benefice.
And now I wonder why some wooden Clergy should so preach against me and Astrlogy; I never either countenancing or maintaining one hereticall position, or perswading any person to attaine a Benefice by Symony, or professing more then Astrology, of which these men are as ignorant (the most of them as Asses;) witnes Astrologo-Mastix, a most absurd Coxcomb, to meddle with what he knowes not.
Of Dreames, whether they signifie any thing or not.
BONATUS in judging this Question farre exceeds HALY, in many others he is not so judicious;
when therefore any shall demand, What the effect of his Dreames shall be? Behold the 9th house,
and give it to signifie the DREAME, if any of the seven Planets be therein posited, he shall have
signification of the DREAME: If Saturn be therein, he dreamed of some things that frightened or
terrified him, & it was some inordinate matter, not really naturall, as it is beleeved by the
Querent: if South Node be in the 9th, he beheld somewhat in his Dream more terrible, and which
more affrighted him; he was afraid some prosecuted him, and would have killed him, and that he
had much adoe to escape: Behold in what house Capricorn and Aquarius fall, they being the
houses of Saturn, for from some matter signified by either of those houses shall this horrour
proceed, or disturbance by dreame: If either of those Signes ascend, the feare proceeds from
himselfe; if
all manner of QUESTIONS.
they be on the cusp of the 2nd, Money or personall Estate occasioned that Dreade; if Capricorn or Aquarius be on the cusp of the 3rd, the matter proceeded from some occasion concerning his Kindred or Brethern, or ill Neighbours, or bad reports: you must run all the houses in order in the same nature, as I have formerly both in the 2nd and 3rd house aquainted you, &c. and from thence find the occasion..
If you find no Planets in the 9th, consider the 10th and see if any Planet be therein, and judge as formerly by the 9th house; for whatsoever Planet is in the 10th, the Significattion of the Dreame hath signification thereof, either for good or evill: If no Planet be in the 10th, see if any be in the ascendant, he shall signifie the matter of the Dreame; if no Planet be in the ascendant, behold if any be in the 7th, he shall then manifest the Dreame; if no Planet be there, see to the 4th, for a Planet therein shall demonstrate the quality and effects of the Dreame; if no Planet be in the 4th, see to the 3rd; if none be there, see to the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th or 12th, all which have signification of the vanity of the Dreame, and that it hath no effects to follow it: The very true way of judging whether Dreames, how terrible soever, have or shall have any influence upon the Querent, is by observing whether the Lord of the 9th, or any Planet posited in the 9th, doth behold the Lord of the ascendant with Square or Opposition, for then assuredly the Querent shall receive prejudice thereby in one kind or other; usually crosses or afflictions to his person: But if the Lord of the 9th afflict the Lord of the 2nd, he receives from prejudice by one or other in point of Estate, &c. and so doe in all the other houses, (consideratis considerandis.) A good Planet in the 9th, no ill shall happen by the Dreame; a good Planet in the ascendant signifies the same; or the Lord of the ascendant in Trine of Sun, Jupiter or Venus argues the same, the Infortunes the contrary. I hold it vaine to be more large upon this Discourse.
The Resolution of
Terrible Dreames.
Jupiter and Saturn are Lords of the 9th accidentally posited in the 12th casting a Square aspect to
the cuspe of the 9th: their position in the 12th according to the best Authors, intimates the vanity
of the Dream, and rather a Person or fancy oppressed with various perturbations and worldly
matters, then any other matter: But according to our judgment, Mars being the onely Planet in an
Angle, shall best expresse the cause of the Dreame, and whether it will tend to good or evill; if
we observe what house Mars is Lord of, we shall finde he is Lord of the ascendant and disposer
of Part of Fortune, it being angular, I therefore acquainted him that the occasion of his Dreames
might be construed two wayes; one, by his too great care of his Estate and Fortune intrusted out,
and now desperate; because Mars was in Opposition to Part of Fortune; and that his minde ran so
much thereupon, that his Fancy was disturbed, so that he could not enjoy that quiet and rest by
night which nature affordeth all Creatures, In the next place, because Saturn is Lord of the 10th,
which signifies Office, Command, &c.. and did afflict Jupiter Lord of the 9th, or did Impedite
him at least; I told him I doubted he had lost the benefit of some good Place in the Commonwealth,
and that now he was solicitous how to live in that credit he formerly did: howsoever,
because Jupiter and Mars
all manner of QUESTIONS.
were in Sextile, I judged no matter or perill to his person should come thereby, onely some dammage in Estate; and this really proved true.
If he should obtaine the Parsonage desired.
Judgement upon this Figure.
The Querent is signified by the signe ascending, Saturn therein posited, and Mars Lord of the
ascendant in Gemini, an Ayery Signe, and Moon in Aquarius, of the same triplicity. The 9th
The Resolution of
house and Jupiter Lord thereof are Significators of the Benefice.
1. In the first place I finde no Conjunction betwixt Jupiter Lord of the 9th, and Mars Lord of the ascendant, or is the Moon in any aspect with Jupiter.
2. I finde neither Mars Lord of the ascendant, or Moon posited in the 9th.
3. There is no weighty Planet that translates or collects the light of Jupiter (who signifies the preferment) unto Mars.
4. There is no reception betwixt Jupiter and Mars.
5. Saturn is impedited in the ascendant, and by his presence infortunates the question, causing the Querent to despaire in the obtaining it.
6. The Moon separates from a Trine of Mats, and applies to an opposition of Mercury, Lord of the 3rd: which intimated in my judgment, that some neighbour of the Querents, wither with letter, words, or crosse information would wholly destroy the Querents hopes, and that Mercuriall men, viz. Schollars, or Divines would be his enemies: and because I found Venus in Libra and 7th house, opposing the ascendant; I judged some Women would inform against him, or prejudice him in his suit, By all that hath been collected, I dehorted him from proceeding after the matter any further, as not to be obtained; but the Parson being covetous would proceed further in the matter; and so he did, and when he thought to have the matter absolutely on his side;
Behold, a scurvey Letter revealing some manifest truths concerning a Female, dasht the good Mans hopes, &c. exit. The Querent was Saturn and Mars exactly, had wit and volubility of tongue; and as Mercury and the Moon are in Opposition, he under the Earth, she in the 12th, he could never discover which of his Neighbours it was that thus affronted him, nor would he aske me; if he had, it must have been Saturn Lord of the 12th, viz. some Farmer, or dealer in Cattle, living North-east from him about fifteene Furlongs; a covetous repining Miser, Sickly, &c.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If Presberty shall stand?
Judgment upon the Figure abovesaid.
The angles of the Figure are common, and not fixed, but the Signe of the 9th, from which at
present judgment must be naturally deduced, is Taurus, a fixed, stable Signe, and from Saturn in
the Terms of Jupiter, who is therein posited, a slow and ponderous Planet; a generall Significator
in Religion, Religious Rites and Ceremonies is now standing to Direction; and is departing out of
The Resolution of
his Exaltation, having been a long time Retrograde therein, and now at present impedited by mars: after his transit out of Cancer, he enters the fixed Sign of Leo, and into the Terms of Saturn; but in the first six degrees thereof he meets with severall obnoxious fixed Starres, and thence passes into the Termes of Mercury, who is now in the Signe Pisces his Fall; yet angular, entred into the Decanate of Mars.
We find Venus Lady of the 9th house in Aries her Detriment, and in the 8th of the Figure, but
12th house from her own viz. Taurus, now the cusp of the 9th: and if you observe Venus well, she hath 21 degrees to passe through the Signe of Aries, and these degrees all in the 8th house, ere she get into Taurus where she may possible fix, or at least would; but before she fully gets out of this movable Signe Aries, she first hath occurse to the sinister Square of Jupiter, (The Gentry of England will oppose it.) then of Mars, (Mars Lord of the ascendant of England, the generality or whole Kingdome will distaste it.) all three in the Termes of Saturn: this might have produced some materiall effects, if Saturn had been essentially Fortified where he is, or if Presbytery had any relation to Monkery, or if it had been the first beginning of a Religious Order.
Let us take all the Planets as posited, and there’s not a Planet fixed except Saturn, not any essentially dignified but Jupiter, and he impedited by Mars; the Moon is entring Via Combusta, Mars is in his Fall, Mercury in his, Venus in her Detriment..
We have the Moon separating from Venus in the 8th, then going to be Vacua Cursus afterwards
she Squares with Mars, (The Presbytery will struggle hard, and wrangle stoutly.) then with
Jupiter: From those configurations we shall naturally frame our judgment, not positive or
affirmative, but conjecturall, onely out of a desire that posterity may see there’s some verity in
Astrology, and the Clergies just cause to carp at the Art if I lye: and we hope herein, that we shall
no more offend in writing the Astrall intention of the heavenly bodyes, (deduced from reasons in
Art) then those who daily (pleno ore) and publickly deliver amongst hundreds their conceptions,
though repugnant to the opinion of very many now alive. The posture of Saturn in the 9th who is
naturally of a severe, surly, rigid and harsh temper, may argue, the Presbytery shall be too strict,
sullen and dogged for the English Constitutions, little gentle or compliant with the natures of the
generality, and that there shall spring up amongst
all manner of QUESTIONS.
themselves many strange and fearfull opinions and distractions even concerning this very Presbytery now mentioned, that they shall grow excessive covetous, contentious, and desirous of more then belongs unto them, worldly, envious and malicious one against another; that amongst them some Juniors represented by Venus, shall be but of light judgment, wave and decline the strictnesse of this Discipline; that the Elder, represented by Saturn, shall not be respected by reason of their too much rigidnesse, or shall their Orthodox opinions be consented unto. Saturn is Peregrine, Occidentall, &c. fortified by no essentiall Dignity, or supported with the favourable aspect of either of the Fortunes; there’s Reception betwixt the Moon and him, but no aspect: Mercury Lord of the 10th signifying Authority, is separated and separateth apace from Saturn, as if the Gentry, or supreamest people of this Kingdome, doe in part decline from the severity of the too too austere Clergy or Presbytery, mistrusting a Thraldome rather then a Freedome to ensue hereupon.
[The Souldiery will distaste it.]
If you would know who shall most afflict, or who shall begin the dance, or most of all oppose it? Saturn represents the Countryman, for he afflicting the house properly signifying Presbytery shewes the cause; this in few words expresses, it will not stand or continue (status quo:) Remove Saturn, Viz. Covetousnes, Rigidnes, Maliciousnesse, &c. then there may be more hopes that it might, but yet it will not stand (ita in fatis.)
Three whole yeers from hence shall not passe, ore Authority it selfe, or some divine Providence
informe our understanding with a way in Discipline or Government, either more neer to the
former purity of the primitive times, or more beloved of the whole Kingdome of England, or
Authority shall in this space of time moderate many things now stifly desired: For some time we
shall not discover what shall be established, but all shall be even as when there was no King in
Israel, a confusion among us shall yet a while romaine: the Souldery then, or some men of fiery
Spirits wil arise, and keep back their Contribution from the Clergy, and will deny obedience or
submission to this thing we call Presbytery; it will then come to be handled by the Magistrate,
and taken into consideration by the grand Authority of the
The Resolution of
Kingdome; yea, and by the plurality of the Clergy-men of England, or men of very sound judgments, it will be contradicted, disputed against, disapproved; and these shall make it manifest, this very Presbytery now maintained, is not the same the Commonwealth of England will entertaine, as a standing rule, for it to live under, or be governed by. From what I doe find by this Figure, I conclude, that Presbytery shall not stand here in England (status quo) without refining and amending, and demolishing many scrupulous matters urged at present by the Clergy; for if we consider Jupiter as Lord of the 4th, we find the Moon, in plaine language, (after a little being voyd of course) run hastily to the Square of Mars and Jupiter; intimating, the Commonalty will defraud the expectation of the Clergy, and so strongly oppose them, that the end hereof shall wholly delude the expectation of the Clergy.
If attaine the Philosopher’s Stone?
An ingenious ma with much seriousnes propounded the Question above, viz. Whether he should
obtain the Philosopher’s Stone? or, that Elixar by which such wonders are preformed? that there
is such a thing in being I verily believe; that it may be attained I am confident: but as it is a
blessing beyond all blessings upon
all manner of QUESTIONS.
earth, so I hold, that it is given but to very few, and to those few rather by revelation of the good Angels of God, then the proper industry of man. This Question must admit of this manner of proposall; Whether the Knowledge of the querent is so able, or he so cunning, as to produce to effect by his Art what he desires?
The Querent is signified by the ascendant, and Mercury Lord thereof; his knowledge by Mars Lord of the 9th, and the aspects which may be cast unto him from the other Planets. I find Mars Lord of the Querent’s Science in a cadent house, but in his owne Terme and Face. Mars is in a Square aspect both of Mercury and Saturn, and they and he in fixed Signes, they in the Terms of Saturn, falling into the 9th house; I find Mercury lately Retrograde, and in Square or Mars, now moving slowly in his direct motion, and applying againe to a second Square of Mars: From hence I judged, the Querent had formerly spent some time in the search of this admirable Jewell the Elixar, but in vaine and to no purpose; his second application by Square happening not long after, while Mercury was in Gemini, and in his owne Terms, intimated a stronger desire, greater hopes and resolution to endeavour once more the attaining of the Philosopher’s Stone, but I advised the Querent to decline his further progresse upon that subject; and in regard of the former reasons, advised him how incapable he was, and the improbability of the thing he intended, according to naturall causes, and advised him to desist: I also said, that he erred in his materials or composition, working upon things terrene or of too grosse and heavy a substance; part of which judgment I collected by Saturn his Square unto Mars, part by the affliction of Mercury, his intellective part by the proximity of Saturn, both cohabiting in an earthly Signe, for in any operation where Mercury is corrupted, there the fancy or imaginative part is imbecill; but where the Lord of the Work it selfe is unfortunate (as here Mars Lord of the 9th is,) there the ground work or matter it selfe of the principall part of the operation is defective, as here it was: and that the Gentleman should think I spoke not in vaine, I acquainted him, he had more necessity to cure himselfe of a Consumption, he was entring into (nay entred) then of advancing his paines further in the scrutiny of this Laborinth.
The Resolution of
For seeing Mercury Lord of the Ascendant, and Saturn in Conjunction in Taurus, Saturn being Lord of the 6th, of evill influence naturally, and finding Mars afflicting Mercury out of the 12th, and Mercury not receded from, but applying to a further evill Square of Mars, no Fortune interjecting his benevolent aspect betwixt Mercury and the two Infortunes, but that he stood single of himselfe without any assistance, and thereby was incapable of resisting their malevolent influence, I advised to have a care of his health speedily, &c.
THE TENTH HOUSE, and those QUESTIONS properly belonging unto it.
Of Government, Office, Dignity, Preferment, or any place of
Command or Trust, whether attainable or not?
The 1st house and his Lord are given to the Querent, the 10th house and his Lord shall signifie
the Place, Office, Preferment, Command, Honour, &c. enquired after; if the Lord of the
ascendant and the Moon be both joyned to the Sun, or to the Lord of the 10th, or either of them,
and the Lord of the 10th behold the 10th, or be personally therein, the Querent shall then have
the thing sought after, but not Gratis; nay, he must bestir himselfe, and use all the friends he can
about it: if none of the Significators be joyned to the Lord of the 10th,, see if the Lord of the 1st
or Moon be in the 10th, he shall then attain what he desires, if that Planet be not impedited: The
Lord of the 10th in the 1st, so he be a lighter Planet then the Lord of the
1st, though no aspect be betwixt them, yet shall he attain the Place or Office desired; but with more ease and lesse labour when the Lord of the 10th is in the ascendant, and is either going to Conjunction , Sextile or Trine aspect with the Lord of the 1st.
If the Lord of the 10th be joyned to Jupiter or Venus by any
all manner of QUESTIONS
aspect, and the Lord of the 10th be in the ascendant, it argues obtaining of the Office with ease and facility: If the Lord of the 10th be joyned to Mars or Saturn, and they or either of them in the ascendant, in their owne house or exaltation, and themselves Orientall and Direct, and not one opposite to another, this doth argue obtaining the Preferment, though with much importunity. If the Lord of the 10th receive the Lord of the 1st or the Moon by any reception, or in any house, the matter will be effected with much content and profit.
If any Planet transferre the vertue of the Lord of the 1st to the Lord of the 10th, then the thing will be perfected, or Office obtained by meanes of another that labours in the matter, and not by himselfe: In this case, it’s best that he who would acquire the Dignity, observe if he know such a man as the Planet describes, that in probability is active, or of neer acquaintance to the person of whom he would have the Office, and let him imploy such a one in the businesse, for by his meanes it’s very like he may attaine the place desires.
If the Lord of the 10th doe not desire the Conjunction of the Lord of the 1st, but the Lord of the ascendant his, and doth really come to Conjunction of the Lord of the 10th, without the abscission of any other Planet before Conjunction, the Office will be obtained, but the Querent must labour hard for it.
No Conjunction being betwixt the Lord of the 1st and 10th, or either of them joyned to a Fortune, but to a malevolent, and this malevolent joyned to another malevolent, and this malevolent joyned to a Fortune, and this Fortune joyned to the Lord of the 10th; if the Conjunction of the 1st Infortune be with the Lord of the 1st, or the last Planet is joyned to the Lord of the 1st, or if their first Conjunction be with the Lord of the 10th, yet it imports acquisition of the Dignity, but with infinite perplexities, and solicitation of many and severall persons: you may easily distinguish the persons of those to be imployed, by the Planets before mentioned, and the houses they are Lords of; those Planets that are in Sextile or Trine to the Lord of the 10th are great with him: Let application or meanes be made to such, for those men may be great Friends to the Querent.
The Resolution of
Behold if any of the preceding Planets be in the 1st, or in the 10th; if he be a Fortune, it notes obtaining the Dignity, whether he be in Reception or not: if the Planet so posited do receive the Moon or Lord of the 1st, the matter will be perfected, but without Reception, not. If the 10th house be in the house or exaltation of that evill Planet, and he placed in that house, he performes the business, whether he receive the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon: In every Question you must observe, that what Planet soever is Significator of any thing, if he be in an angle, he hastens to effect the matter; in a succedant, the matter goes on slowly; in a cadent house, the matter goes backward, yet at last is performed.
See if an ill Planet behold the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon, with Square or Opposition, without Reception, for unlesse he then commit his disposition to another, he hinders and disturbs the Querent by meanes of that person who is to solicite the cause or businesse, and it’s probable they will fall out about it: if a Trifle or Sextile be betwixt them, he will not be angry with him, although he performe not what he expects.
If the Lord of the ascendant and 10th commit their disposition to any Planet by any aspect, with or with no Reception, whether the Receiver be a Fortune or Infortune (so that he be not Retrograde, Combust or Cadent, or goe out of that Signe wherein he is before the Conjunction of the Lord of the 1st or 10th, the Querent shall achieve the preferment expected.
It’s generally concluded by all Astrologers, that if the Lord of the ascendant and the Lord of the
10th be joyned together, and the Moon apply to either of them, the matter will be effected, but best of all when Moon separates from the Lord of the 10th, and applyes to the Lord of the ascendant.
Behold if the Lord of the 1st be joyned to the Lord of the 4th, or the Lord of the 4th to the Lord of the ascendant, it argues their perfecting of the thing: but if the Lord of the ascendant be joyned to the Lord of the 4th, and the Lord of the 4th be joyned to the Lord of the 10th, the matter shall be effected, but with so much strugling and delaying that it was absolutely despaired ever to be effected, yet at last it was perfected..
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If one shall continue in the Office or Command he is in.
Behold herein the Lord of the 1st and the 10th, and see if they be in any aspect, or neer to a corporall conjunction; and see if the more ponderous Planet of the two, that is, the receiver of the Disposition be in any angle but the 4th; say then, he shall not be removed from his Office untill his appointed time comes out: but if that Receiver of the Disposition be under the earth, or in the descending part of heaven, it imports he shall depart from his Office, or for a time loose it; but shall returne thither againe more confirmed in his Place: and if the receiver of the Disposition be received againe, then he returnes with more honour then before, and also very speedily. You may judge in the same manner if the Lord of the ascendant be joyned to the Lord of the 3rd or 9th, or to a Planet therein, and after separation from him, be joyned to a Planet in any Angle except the 4th.
But if they are separated from each other, then he returnes not againe to his government, but shall depart from it.
If the Lord of the 1st or 10th, or Moon commit their disposition to any Planet in an Angle (except he be in the 4th) and that Planet be slow in motion, he shall not be removed from his Office or place of trust, untill that Receiver become Retrograde or approach to Combustion, or goe out of the Signe wherein he is; for much about that time will be removed, If the Lord of the 1st be joyned to any Planet who is in a Sign opposite to the exaltation of the Planet who is in the Sign opposite to the exaltation of the Planet who now disposes him, the Officer will then carry himselfe ill in his place, and it may be feared he shall dye for it (but this is to be understood according to the quality of the place he hath.) If the Lord of the opposite house to the exaltation of the Lord of the 1st be joyned unto him; the men of that Kingdome, or people of that City or Countrey shall report ill of him, shall produce false witnesses against him; the ignorant shall beleeve those false reports, nor will they be easily beaten into any other opinion.
The Resolution of
But if the Lord of the 10th be joyned to the Lord of the opposite house of his exaltation; the Countrey where he governs or governed, shall suffer great detriment, viz. by the said Governour. If the Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 10th, and he in the 10th, the Governour or Officer shall not be put from his Office or Dignity.
If the Lord of the 1st or the Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 10th or either of them, and he
more weighty then either of them, and be in a good place of heaven, viz. either in the 10th, 11th,
or 5th free from all manner of impediments, though he behold not the 10th, yet withstanding if
the Querent be then in any Command or Office, he shall be transferred to some other place of
trust or Command: But if he behold the 10th house, then he shall continue where he is. If the
Lord of the ascendant and the Moon be in Angles, and the Angles moveable Signes and Moon
not joyned to the Lord of the exaltation of that Sign she is then in, it argues he shall goe from this
present Command or Government: or if the Moon be joyned to any Planet who is not in any of
his essential dignities, though he be received, unlesse it be from a fortune by Sextile or Trine,
and that fortune in the 3rd or 9th, the Querent shall leave his Government or Office. In like
manner the same thing will happen unto him, if either the Lord of the 4th or the Moon be in the
4th, and the Sign of the 4th be Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, the judgement will hold more certaine if the Moon be then joyned to the Lord of the 4th, and he Peregrine: and againe, the same will come to passe, if the Moon be joyned to a Planet, who is in the opposition to the Sign of the exaltation or house of her selfe; or if she be in Capricorn, or if the Moon be voyd of course.
Whether a King expulsed his Kingdome, or an Officer
removed from his government shall returne
to his Kingdome or Office
In these sad times of our Civill Distempers, many of the Gentry have propounded such Queries;
Whether they should return and
all manner of QUESTIONS.
enjoy once more their former estates, &c. that Question fals not to be judged by this house; the matter of this Question is of greater concernment; For Kings and Princes are now in this Chapter upon the Stage; and all manner of principall men cast out from former honours or preferments. The 1st house in the Question and Lord thereof, are for the Querent, be he King, or other Officer, &c. Lord, Marquesse, Duke or Gentleman..
Doe you well observe if the Lord of the 1st be in Conjunction with the Lord of the 10th, and see
if the more ponderous of them who receives the disposition of the more light Planet behold the
10th house, then the King, Gentleman or Officer, shall returne and have power, or rule in the Kingdome or place he formerly had, and from whence at present he is suspended. If that receiver of the disposition of the other significator do not aspect the 10th house, then observe the Moon, a generall Significatrix, and see if she be joyned to any Planet who is placed in the 1st or 10th, that signifies his returning or restoring: see if the Moon be in Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, he returnes the sooner: But if the Lord of the 10th be so joyned to a Planet in the 10th, it signifies the returne of a King to his Kingdome, or of one outed from his Office, to his place or command againe.
If the Lord of the 10th be more light then the Lord of the 4th, and be separated from him, these argue the same: If the Lord of the 10th be more light then the Lord of the 1st, and be joyned unto him, he shall returne and continue; so also, if the Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 10th, and she behold the 10th house, unlesse she commit her disposition to a peregrine Planet under the earth: if the Lord of the 1st be received of a Planet not impedited, he returnes: if not received, no returne.
The Moon joyned to a Planet in the 9th, signifies the King so expulsed (Or hath little desire to returne.) recedes from his Kingdome, unlesse the Planet be a Fortune: if the Planet to whom the Moon is joyned be a Fortune, and be in Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, the forlorne King or dejected Officer returnes: if the Planet to whom the Moon is joyned, be in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, the King obtains Soveraignty in another place, or the abjected a Command or Office in some other Country.
The Resolution of
If you find the Lord of the 10th and the Moon impedited in any angle, by the corporall Conjunction of any Infortune, it imports that neither the distressed King, or expulsed Governour, or removed Officer, shall returne againe to their former Dignity, Rule or Command.
Of the Profession, Magistery or Trade any one is capable of.
Country people many times have not the time of their childrens Nativities, yet being desirious to know what profession such or such a Sonne is fittest for, they may repair to the Astrologian for satisfaction herein: Upon the time of their demanding the Question, erect your Figure, and therein consider the ascendant and his Lord, the Lord of the 10th and 10th house, and especially the places of Mars and Venus; for these Planets are the Significators of Magistery, Trade or Profession: take which of the two you find most powerfull, and see in what Signe he is, if he be in Aries, consider the four angles, and whether you find a Planet in either of them, and if that Planet be in a fiery Signe, or of the nature of Aries, you may say, the Boy will prove a good Cartmaker, Coach-maker, Shepheard, Grasier or Drover to deale in Cattle, a good Groom, or Master of Horse, or Farrier, succesfull to deale in four-footed Beasts, or a good Butcher, Brick-maker, Smith, &c. but if Mars have any dignity in the place of the Significator, or the Sun, he will prove excellent in any Profession where fire is used, or of its nature: if the Significator be in his Exaltation, it’s pity the Child should be of any servile Trade, as aforesaid, he may doe better in serving the King, some Nobleman or Gentleman: After this manner consider in all those Signes which represent the shape of four-footed Cattle, according to the Angles, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, for these five signifying Fowle, or such like; but if no Planet be therein, then they import any thing of the nature of water .
all manner of QUESTIONS.
But to the purpose, observe if the Significator of ones Profession be in Taurus, then Husbandry may be best for him, or planting Trees, Gardening, buying and selling Corne, or grazing Cattle, dealing in Oxen, Cowes, Sheep, Hogs, or he may be of such a Trade as hath affinity in Womens matters, or Huswifry, he would prove a good Soap-maker, a Fuller of Cloth, a Whitster, &c. If the Significator be in Gemini, he will make a Scrivener, Clerk, Arithmatician, a Baily to gather Rents, a Geometrician or Surveyor, Astronomer, Astrologer, Painter, &c. If the Significator be in Leo, he will make a good Serving-man, or to be of any Trade that useth fire or hot things, a good Hunts-man, a good Leech for Cowes or Cattle, a good Rider or Horsecourser, or Coach-man, or a Smith, Watch-maker, Glassemaker, If the Significator be in Virgo, he will make a good Secretary to a King or Nobleman, a Schoolmaster, an Accountant, a Stationer, or Printer, he will be an excellent Politian, a good Astrologer, and of a divining Soule.
If the Significator be in Libra, he will be a good Poet, a good Orator, a Song-man or Musitian, a Silkman or Linen-Draper, a good Pedagogue, or fit to redeem Captives. If the principall Significator be in Scorpio, he may prove a good Chyrurgion, Apothecary or Physitian, a Brasier or Founder, a Brewer, Vintener, Water-man or Maltster. If the Significator be in Sagittarius, he will make an excellent man to buy and sell Cattle, to study Chymistry, or to make a Church-man, or he may be a good Cook or Baker. If the Significator be in Capricorn, he will prove a good Chandler, Victualler, Farrier, Cowleech, Jeweller, Farmer, dealer in Wool, Lead or Country-commodities, a good Husband-man. If the Significator be in Aquarius, he may be an excellent Ship carpenter; and if any Planet out of the watry Signe aspect him, he may prove an excellent Saylor, or Master of a Ship, a Trimmer or Painter of Ships, a good industrious Merchant.
If the Significator be in Pisces, he may be a Jester, Singer, a Gamester, a Brewer or Fish-monger; but for the most part in such like cases, the Genius is dull, and the child proves a moor Sot.
The Resolution of
If Prince RUPERT should get honour by our Warres, or worst
the Earle of ESSEX? What should become of him?
Resolution of this Figure.
This Question fals not under the notion of vulgar rules, or must the Astrologian expect particular
Rules to governe his Fancy in every Question; it was well said, Ate & a Scientia, for I doe daily
resolve such Questions as come not into the vulgar Rules of Guido or Haly; and yet I was never
to seek a sufficient reason in Art, whereby to give a good and satisfactory answer to the
Proponent, &c. as many hundreds in this Kingdome well know, &c.. He that propounded the
Questions was a very great wel-willer to
all manner of QUESTIONS.
the Parliament, and involved himselfe and Fortune amongst us, therefore the ascendant and Lord thereof shall signifie the Querent; but in regard Prince RUPERT is a noble Man, or person of eminency, he is signified by the 10th house and Lord thereof; the Signe is Scorpio, the Lord thereof Mars: I must confesse, at first finding the Moon in Cancer, to cast her Trine Sinister to the cusp of the 10th; I judged, the person of the man would be in no great danger, and that many vulgar people, and some of better quality, would much honour him, and he find great respect amongst them, and have a special care of his owne person: and verily Jupiter doth also cast his Trine Dexter to the cusp of the 10th house, whereby I judged, that we should not destroy his person, for the heavens by this Figure intimated the contrary:
The very truth is, I was twenty four hours studying the resolution of this Question, for much may be said in behalfe of the Prince, and the hopes might be expected from him; at last I came to this resolution, that he should gain no honour by this War, because neither of the Luminaries were in the 10th house, or in perfect aspect with his Significator, but at last fall into the hatred and malice of all or many, by his owne perversnesse and folly, and in the end should depart without either honour, love or friendship, but should not be killed: The Lord of the 10th in his Detriment, argue his depraved Fancy; and being in a fixed Signe, shewes his obstinatenesse, self-opposition, conceitednesse and continuance in his erronious judgment, for let all the Planets assist in a Question concerning Warre or Souldiery, if Mars himselfe, who is Significator thereof, be unfortunate, or not strongly supported by the Luminaries, it’s as good as nothing, the party shall be preserved, but doe no glorious work or action in War, though he be never so valiant.
If he should worst the Earle of ESSEX?
ESSEX is here signified by Venus, because she is Lady of Taurus, the opposite house to the Prince’s; we find Venus
in Aquarius, in the Terms of Saturn, and the Lord of the Ascendant; in Reception with Saturn, for
as she receives him in her Exaltation, so doth he her in him Joy and Terme: the Moon transferres
The Resolution of
influence of Jupiter to Saturn, by a forcible and strong aspect, viz. a Trine; Venus is in Square of Mars, but separated; as if not long before there had been some fight or warre betwixt them, (for you must understand we are not upon poynt of warre;)
[and so there had:] For Edge-hill fight was above a moneth before, wherein Essex had the better; and this I prove because he kept the ground where the Battle was fought, when both the King and Prince Rupert left the Field. I know Posterity will beleeve me, sith I write now as an Artist, and upon a subject which must be left to Posterity: This I know by the testimony of many of the Kings owne Officer’s who have confessed as much unto me &c. But let it suffice, I positively affirmed, Rupert should never pervaile against the valiant Essex, &c. nor did he.
What should become of him?
His Significator, viz. Mars, being peregrine, and in the 3rd, I said, it should come to passe, he should be at our disposing, and that we should at last have him in our owne custody, and doe what we list with him: this I judged, because the gentle Planet Venus, Essex Significator, did dispose of Rupert: an errour in part I confesse it was, yet not much to be blamed, for (in totidem verbis) it was very neer truth, for in 1646, he was besieged in Oxford, and after surrender thereof, having unadvisedly repaired to Oatlands, contrary to Agreement and Covenant, he was then at the mercy of the Parliament, and in their mercy: but they of that house looking on him rather as an improvident young man, then any worthy of their displeasure or taking notice of, let him depart with his owne proper fate, heavy enough for him to beare; and so he escaped. So that the generall fate of this Kingdome, overcame my private opinion upon Prince Rupert. However, I am glad he escaped so, being questionlesse a man of able parts, but unfortunate, not in himselfe, but in the fate of his Family.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
If his MAJESTY should procure Forces out of Ireland to
harme the Parliament?
If the QUEEN, then in the North, would advance with her Army? If she would prosper? When She and his Majesty should meet?
His Majestie is here signified by Moon in Cancer in the 10th house, who increasing in light, elevated and posited in her owne house, voyd of all infelicity, except slownesse in motion, did manifest at the time of the erecting of this Figure, his Majesty to be in an able condition, as indeed he was.
In this Judgment we find Sun Lord of the 11th (which house signifies assistance or aide in this
manner of Judgment) posited in the 7th, in his Exaltation, and applying to the cusp of the 11th
with a Trine aspect, but wants 6 degrees of being partill; forasmuch as the Moon being in her
owne house, and Sun so well fortified, I did judge his Majesty should have ayde of Commanders
out of Ireland (for Sun represents Commanders) and men, or common men, besides; because
both Sun and Moon are friendly unto him: that they should harme us, I judged because Sun Lord
of that assistance, was in the 7th, in direct Opposition to the ascendant, which representes the
Parliament and their party: but because the Sun is so neer South Node, and beholds the cusp of
the 10th with a Square Sinister, I did in the end lesse fear them, and judged they should produce
much scandall, to his Majesty and his Party, and that they would cause many ill and
The Resolution of
heavy reports to fall upon his Majesty by their meanes: I also then judged, that his Majesty was likely to improve his Forces, and augment them for some certaine time, but that it should not continue very long, for that neither the Sun or Moon were fixed. The truth is, he had Irish Forces come over, which much hardened the hearts of the English against him, but time cut them off, &c. as we doe all well know, at the Siege of Namptwich, by valiant FAIRFAX. Her Majesties Signifatrix is Saturn Lord of the 4th, for that is the 7th from the 10th, removing out of one Signe into another: Saturn being a ponderous Planet, made me more confident her Majesty would move forwards with her Army, with intention to meet his Majesty, which I said she should do about 3 or 4 moneths from the time of the Figure, because the Moon wanted 3 or 4 degrees of the Trine of Saturn, I intimated a great desire in his Majesty to see her, because his Significator applyed, The truth is, she met him about the 14. of July 1643. in Warwick-shire. I judged that she would not prosper but decline, because Saturn her Significatrix was going into Aries his Fall, and that Jupiter, viz. good Fortune, was separated, and did separate from Saturn. Besides, I observed that Mars made haste to a Square of Saturn in Cancer, as if our Souldiery would quite destroy and bring to nothing her Army; and that she would be crossed at or neer the time of that aspect, which was the 11. April, when about Nottingham she lost some Forces, and more had, but that we had ever either some knaves or fools in our Armies.
If attaine the Preferment desires?
At the same time within 4 or 5 minutes thereof, a Gentleman desired to know if he should obtaine an Office or place he looked after.
The ascendant and Venus are for the Querent, the 10th house for the Office or place of perferment he expects.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Finding the Moon placed in the 10th, which is in the house of the thing looked after, viz.
Preferment, it was one argument the Querent should have it.
In the next place, the Moon applyed to a Trine of Saturn, who hath Exaltation in the ascendant, and who receives Venus, and is received of her againe.
Besides, the Moon applying to Saturn, who is Lord of the 4th, argues that in the end he should obtaine the Office: but because Sun was in the 7th house in Opposition to the ascendant , and with South Node, and was Lord of the 11th, I judged he did employ as a Friend, a Solar man, who was false, and did rather envy them affect him. I concluded for the reasons above-named, that with some difficulty he should obtaine the Dignity, notwithstanding the opposition a pretended Friend did make; and so it came to passe within lesse three weeks, and he then discovered that his Friend was false, who had a great scarre in his Face, was not of bright or yellow Haire, but of a blackish dark colour, occasioned by Sun his neernesse to South Node: the separation of Moon from a Sqaure of Mercury, argued, he had delivered many Petitions about it, but hitherto without successe.
The ELEVEN HOUSE, and those QUESTIONS properly belongong unto it.
It is the House of Friends, Hope,
Substance or Riches of Kings.
Of good or ill questions concerning this House.
If the Lord of this house be strong, fortunate, and well aspected of the Lord of the ascendant, it
foresheweth the obtaining of the
The Resolution of
thing at present hoped for; as also, love and concord of Friends and Acquaintance, if the Question be thereof.
If a man shall have the thing hoped for?
Behold if there be any good aspect between the Lord of the ascendant and the 11th, or Reception or translation of light, or that the Lord of the 11th in the ascendant: all or any of these gives hope of obtaining the same. If there be none of those, behold Moon, and if she be not qualified with the Lord of the 11th, aforesaid, judge the contrary, Another Judgment concerning the former Question.
When any one asketh for a thing he hopes to have of his Prince, Lord, Master or Noble-man, as sone Dignity, &c. behold if the Lord of the 11th house doe apply unto the Lord of the ascendant, or the Lord of the ascendant to the Lord of the 11th, say then he shall have the thing hoped for; and if the aspect be by Trine or Sextile, he shall obtaine the same with great ease and speed: but if the aspect be with Square or Opposition, he shall get it with much labor and tediousnesse; yes, although there be Reception of Significators.
If you find the Lord of the 11th in an angle received, judge the thing shall come to passe as he would wish..
If you find the Receiver of the disposition of the Moon in a common Signe, judge he shall have but part of the thing hoped for: If the same Receiver be in a movable Signe, he shall onely have the name, or a probability of having thereof, or else very little of it: but if the same Receiver be in a fixed Signe, he shall have the thing whole and compleat: but if the Receiver of the Moon be infortunate, the matter shall receive damage or hurt, after that he hath the same, or is in possession thereof.
If you find the Receiver of the Moon received, he shall likewise obtaine the same, and more then he looked for: if you find the Lord of the ascendant received, he shall obtaine whatsoever he hoped for: this must be understood in things feasible and possible.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Of the agreeing of Friends.
If one aske, If he shall joyne, and be at Concord and Unity with his Friend, or not? behold the Lord of the ascendant and the Moon, if you find them applying to the Lord of the 11th house, say they shall both joyne and agree together; if the application be by Sextile or Trine they shall agree and joyne together with respect, desire, joy and love: but if the application be by Square or Opposition, in their joyning there shall be brawling and strife, and the one shall be irksome to the other; and note, that the application which is by Opposition, is worse then that which is by Square.
Note, if any one aske for a thing secretly, saying, Look I pray you for me, If I shall obtaine the
thing I hope for, or not: consider if you find the Lord of the ascendant and the Moon applying to
Fortunes, and in angles or Succedants, then he shall obtaine it, otherwise not, But if the Querent
shall manifest the thing and name it, then you must behold the thing in its owne proper place
pertaining to the same House, and so judge of the hopes or not hopes thereof,
Of Love betwixt two.
If it be asked of the love of two, viz. If the one doe love the other or not? behold the Lord of the
11th. 7th and 3rd, and if the Lords of these houses doe behold the Lord of the ascendant with a Sextile or Trine aspect they love one another: but if the aspect be by Square of Opposition, they love not, or but teeth outward; chiefly if one of them be Lord of the 12th house; if neither of them shall have aspect thither, viz. to the 12th house or Lord thereof, the love of the two persons shall be the more firme and strong: if all three be there, viz. either in the 11th, 7th, or 3rd, or doe behold each other out of those houses, their love shall be the stronger, especially if the aspect be in fixed Signes.
The Resolution of
Of the TWELFTH HOUSE, and those QUESTIONS which properly appertain unto it.
Viz. Of Imprisionment, great Cattle,
Witchery, private Enemies, Labour, banished Men, &c.
Of Secret Enemies, not named.
If a Question be asked, concerning Enemies, and none named, see to the Lord of the 12th; but if any be named, then to the 7th house and the Lord thereof; diligently considering their applications to and with the Lord of the ascendant, and by what aspect, and out of what houses; for if the Lord of the 12th behold the Lord of the ascendant with Square or Opposition, out of the 8th, 6th or 12th, or out of those houses which have a Square aspect to the ascendant, or no aspect at all, then there is some that privately and secretly wish him ill, and doe him mischiefe, or some secret enemy unto him.
To know some Secret Enemy who he is.
If any man demand the state of a secret Enemy, behold the Lord of the 12th house, and how he is
affected, and whether he be with good or evill Planets, and behold the ascendant or Lord thereof,
for if he be in the 6th, or joyned to the Lord thereof, it shewes the secret Enemy is afflicted with
some secret Disease or Malady; as also, if the Lord of the 6th be in the 12th: but if he, viz. Lord
of the 12th, be with the Lord of the 10th, he is in favour
all manner of QUESTIONS.
with the King, or is a man of good quality, or lives with some man of quality, and it is not good for the Querent to meddle with him, especially if at such time he behold the Lord of the ascendant with Square or Opposition: but if the Lord of the 12th be in the 4th or 8th, or with the Lord thereof, judge him sickly, or neer to dying, or even pining and repining. Consider and judge with discretion in such like cases, according to former Directions.
Any man committed to Prison, whether he shall
be soone Delivered?
[You must know your ascendant exactly, and what relation the party enquired of hath to the
Querent, &c.]
Behold the Moon, if she be swift or slow of course: if she be swift, it shewes short tarrying in
prison; the contrary if she be slow of course: if she give her strength to a Planet in the 3rd house
or 9th, this shewes he shall soon come forth of prison; if she give power to the Lord of the 9th or
3rd, and be not in one of the angles, idem: and as you judge by the Moon so judge by the Lord of the ascendant.
You shall also note, that the Quarters of Heaven in the Figure, are of great strength and force; for the Significators in Quarters feminine, doe signifie a swift going out, the other more slow: so also common Signes shew a time betwixt both; for is the Significator be in one of them, it signifies he shall be imprisioned againe.
If you find the Lords of the angles in angles, he shall not come out of prison; and so much the worse, if the Lord of the ascendant be in the 4th, or that he give power to the Lord of the 12th, or the Lord of the 12th to the Lord of the ascendant; and yet worse, if the Lord of the ascendant give power to a Planet being in an angle; which if he be an ill Planet, it’s so much worse; if it be the Lord of the 8th house, he shall dye in prison: If the Moon give power to the Lord of the ascendant, it’s an evill Signe; and the worse, if a Planet being in an angle, and slow in motion; if he be swift, it diminisheth part of the evill, and shortneth the time.
The Resolution of
Every Planet that is Retrograde, sheweth slownesse: If the Lord of the ascendant be Combust, he shall never come out; or if he be not then received of the Sun, he shall dye in prison.
Of the Imprisoned.
Moon and Mercury in movable Signes, aspecting a Fortune, or Mercury in aspect of a Fortune, notes enlargement: this is when Mercury is Lord of the ascendant. Jupiter in the ascendant, or Mars or Moon at time if Arrest, or Venus in the ascendant with the Moon, or Mercury with Jupiter, aspecting the Moon, or Moon applying to Jupiter or Venus notes enlargement.
The Dispositor of Moon in aspect with a Fortune; any of these notes he shall be delivered in a short and convenient time.
If a Question be asked for a Captive or Prisioner.
Behold the Lord of the ascendant, and if he be separated from the Lord of the 4th house, or the Lord of the 4th house from him, it signifies he shall quickly goe out of prison: if the Lord of the ascendant in separating himselfe from the Lord of the 4th doe apply unto a Fortune, and he himselfe remove from an angle, it is a more sure and certaine signe that he shall escape and come forth of prison; when the Lord of the ascendant shall be in Cadents from the Angles, it is likewise a signe of escape.
If the Lord of the ascendant doe escape himselfe from the Sun, or if the Moon shall be existent under the Beames, it signifies escape and that especially if he be in the King’s Prison.
If at any time any of the ill Signs, viz. fixed, be ascending at the house of Imprisonment, or when
the Question is taken for the Prisoner, or the Lord of the ascendant or Moon be unfortunate in
any of these Signes Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Pisces, it signifies long time of imprisonment, or in
danger thereof by quarrelling: If the same Infortune be Saturn it signifies great Tortures, Irons,
and grievous punishments, amongst us it notes wants, hard measure, small or no mercy,
sicknesse: If an Infortune be in the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
two latter Signes, it signifies long endurance in prison, but shortest time if in Pisces. If the Lord of the ascendant be cadent from his House or his Exaltation, and Moon in Aquarius, it signifies long imprisionment: The Lord of the ascendant or the Moon in the 8th, doe signifie the same. If Mercury be with any of the Infortunes, he addeth evill and misery to the Incarcerated, and an ill end to the Prisoner.
To be short, there can be nothing better to be wished for the Prisoner, then if the Moon be in her wane, descending unto her Septentrionall part, and applying unto Fortunes, and the ascendant and his Lord fortunate.
Note also, that Venus is more to be wished for the Prisoner then Jupiter, and delivereth sooner out of Prison; especially if she be joyned in signification with the Moon or Mercury: If the Moon be with Saturn, and Jupiter behold them with a Square, and Mars with a Trine, it signifies that after long imprisonment and misery, he shall break prison and escape.
Of a Captive or Slave.
Behold the 6th house or 12th, and if any Planet be therein, he is the Signifier of the Captive, because those houses are the houses of Captives or imprisonment. If you find none there, behold the Planet which is under the Sun-Beames, he is the Signifier.
Behold the hour at what time the Captive is taken in, and if the Lord of the hour be an Infortune, it signifies long imprisonment or Captivity.
The Ancients say, he that is taken in the hour of the Sun, shall escape within a moneth; in the
hour of Venus, in 40 dayes; in the hour of Mercury, long imprisonment; in the hour of the Moon,
his state shall change according to the applications of the Moon hath with the Planets, fortunate
or infortunate; according to which you shall judge easie or slow deliverance: he that is
The Resolution of
taken in the hour of Saturn, shall be long in prison; in the hour of Jupiter, he shall soon goe out, but he that is taken in the hour of Mars, much trouble shall happen unto him in prison, for he shall be put in Fetters or beaten; this you must understand of Fellons, or Souldiers, or men that break Prison, or of mad men, &c.
If one be Bewitched or not.
If the Lord of the 12th be in the 6th, or the Lord of the 6th in the 12th, or the Lord of the ascendant in the 12th, or the Lord of the 12th in the ascendant, or the Lord of the 8th in the ascendant, or the Lord of the ascendant in the 8th, in a Question where suspition of Witchcraft is, it is probable; otherwise not so: But the Judgment succeeding I have found more certaine. It’s a received, generall Rule amongst those Artists that know the Cabalisticall Key of Astrologie, that if one Planet be Lord of the ascendant and 12th house, that then the Sicknesse is more then naturall: when Saturn is Lord of the ascendant and 12th, and in the 12th Retrograde, or in the 7th or 8th house in the same condition, and the Moon being Lady of the 6th, apply to Saturn, we constantly judge the party enquiring is Bewitched or Fore spoken, or that an evill Spirit hath power over him, and that the Infirm will be sore oppressed and disturbed in his Fancy, if not distracted.
If the Lord of the ascendant be Combust, or infortunate in the 12th, or joyned to the Lord of the
12th, there may be great feare, that the party enquiring or enquired for is Inchanted or
Bewitched, or else some evill Spirits doe hant him, If the Lord of the ascendant be Lord of the
12th, and Combust, you must observe of what house the Sun is Lord, and in what Signe and quarter of Heaven he and the Lord of the ascendant are, and judge the Witch liveth that way; describe the Sun Sign as he is, and it represents the person.
If the Lord of the ascendant be Lord of the 12th, Combust, or
all manner of QUESTIONS..
unfortunate by the Lord of the 3rd, it’s a Neighbour hath procured some Witch to doe this act, or one of the Kindred; see in what house the Lord of the ascendant fals to be in, and in what house the Lord of the 3rd is in, and infortunates him, you may judge the cause of the malice to proceed from something of the nature of that house; as if either of them be in the 6th, it’s for Pastorage of Cattle, or some difference about small Cattle, or for one hiring the others Servants, &c. and in like manner consider all twelve houses.
If the Lord of the ascendant be infortunate, as aforesaid, by the Lord of the 5th, it’s some Alewife, Nurse, or some drunken companion that occasions it, or hath procured this Witchery. If the Lord of the 10th afflict the Lord of the ascendant in the 12th, it’s doubtlesse the hand of God, or by some supernaturall power or cause.
If the Lord of the ascendant be an unfortunate Planet, as Mars or Saturn, and be in the 12th house, Combust and infortunated by the Lord of the 12th, it imports the man is bewitched by a common Witch..
If the Lord of the 12th be in the ascendant it argues Witchcraft, or that some evill Spirit doth molest the party, or that some that are neer him or about him have evill tongues, or in plaine tearmes, have bewitched him.
In places where people are troubled with Witches, as in many places of this Kingdome they are, these Rules will hold: as also, if the Moon be in the 12th, in Opposition to the Lord of the ascendant or 12th. If people suspect their Cattle Bewitched, if they be great Cattle, make the 12th house their ascendant, and the 11th their 12th house, and vary your Rules with Judgment.
Having by the Figure discovered and described the Party, either by that Planet who is Lord of the
12th, or posited in the 12th, and doth behold the Lord of the ascendant with a malicious
The Resolution of
aspect, you must let one watch the party suspected, when they goe home to their owne house, and presently after, before any body goe into the house after him or her, let one pull a handfull of the Thatch, or a Tile that is over the Doore: and if it be a Tile, make a good fire and heat it red hot therein, setting a Trevet over it, then take the parties water, if it be a man, woman or child, and poure it upon the red hot Tile, upon one side first, and then on the other, and againe put the Tile in the fire, and make it extreamly hot, turning it ever and anon, and let no body come into the house in the meane time.
If they be Cattle that are bewtiched, take some of the Haire of every one of them, and mix the Haire in faire water, or wet it well, and then lay it under the Tile, the Trevet standing over the Tile: make a lusty fire, turne your Tile oft upon the Haire, and stir up the Haire ever and anon:
after you have done this by the space of a quarter of an hour, let the fire alone, and when the ashes are cold, bury them in the ground towards that quarter of heaven where the suspected Witch lives.
If the Witch lives where there is no Tile but Thatch, then take a great handfull thereof, and wet it is the parties water, or else in common water mixed with some salt, then lay it in the fire, so that it may molter and smother by degrees and in a long time, setting a Trevet over it. Or else take two new Horse-shooes, heat them red hot, and naile one of them on the Threshold of the Door, but quench the other in Urine of the party so Bewitched; then set the Urine over the fire, and put the Horse-shooes in it, setting a Trevet over the Pipkin or Pan wherein the Urine is; make the Urine boyle, with a little salt put into it, and three Horse-nails untill it’s almost consumed, viz. the Urine; what is not boyled fully away poure into the fire: keep your Horseshooe and nailes in a cleane cloth or paper, and use the same manner three severall times; the operation would be farre more effectuall, if you doe these things at the very change or full Moon, or at the very hour of the first or second quarter thereof. If they be Cattle bewitched, you must mix the Haire of their Tailes with the Thatch, and moysten them, being well bound together, and so let them be a long time in the fire consuming. These are naturall experiments, and work by sympathy, as I have found by severall experiments: I could have perscribed many more, Multa creduntur ratione experintia, non quod videntur vera vi rationis.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
A Horse lost or stolen neer Henley, if recoverable or not?
Mercury Here Lord of the 12th signifies the Horse whom you see Retrograde, & hastening to a Conjunction of the Sun, Lord of the Querent's House of Substance; forasmuch as Mercury did by his Retrograde motion apply to the Lord of the Querent’s house of Substance, and that the Moon was locally in the 2nd and both Jupiter and Mars Retrograde, neer the cusp of the 2nd, I judged the Querent should have his Goods or Horse quickly and unexpectedly, within a day to two from the time of the Question asked; and because the 7th house was afflicted by South Node, I judged the Thief could not keep him.
I was asked, Which way he went? I considered the Signe of the 12th was Gemini, viz. West; the Signe wherein Mercury Lord of the .12th was in, was Aquarius, viz. West; though the quarter of Heaven was South, but much inclining to the West; and the Moon was in Leo, a North-east Signe: Besides, Mercury as he was Lord of the 4th, was in a West Signe. From whence I concluded, the Horse was gone Westward; but because Mercury was Retrograde, I judged the Horse would not proceed farre, but return againe to his proper owner;
[and indeed the Horse did
come home three dayes after, and had been full West.] However, I judged the Horse would have
been at home a day sooner; but who shall more exactly consider of the Scheame, shall find, the
Mercury Significator of the Horse, although he came to the body of Sun Lord of the Querent’s
house of Substance, the same night the Question was
The Resolution of
asked, yet because the Sun had no Dignities where he was, the Horse came not home untill Wednesday or Thursday the 13th or 14th of January, at what time Mercury and Venus came to a partill Conjunction.
I must confesse, here were many good significations that the Querent should recover his lost Horse: first, North Node in the ascendant: next, Moon in the 2nd, arguing he should be discovered: thirdly, Mercury Lord of the thing lost Retrograde, importing a returning of the thing againe casually: fourthly, two Retrograde Planets upon the cusp of the 2nd, which usually shews quick and unexpected recovery; Jupiter and Mars peregrine, I took them for those that rode away the Horse, Jupiter especially;
[and it was very true.]
If Bewitched.
Wee must first consider if Mars Lord of the 12th afflict Mercury Lord of the ascendant, or if
Mars afflict the Moon; or whether Mercury be Lord of the ascendant and 12th, or if Saturn Lord
of the 8th doe mischieve the ascendant; for without the Lord of the ascendant or ascendant
itselfe, or the Moon be afflicted by the Lord of the 12th, there’s no strong Witchcraft: Here
finding the Moon going to Opposition of Saturn, both Planets in the 6th and 12th houses, it gave
suspition of Witchcraft, and there seemed to those that asked for the Querent some reason for it,
in regard
all manner of QUESTIONS.
the Physitians had prescribed much Physick, and it wrought no effect, but the Patient was worse and worse: I positively affirmed he was not bewitched, because Mercury was in Trine to Jupiter and Mars, and Venus in the 12th, and Saturn much elongated from the cusp of the house, the Moon applying after her Opposition of Saturn, unto Mercury Lord of the ascendant, he above the earth, ascending towards the Meridian.
I directed them againe to advise with the Doctors, and civilly to aquaint them, that the Disease peccant was occult, and lay in the Reines and Secrets, and occasioned by too much Venerian sports, &c. That it was so, Libra is on the cusp of the 6th; Venus Lady of the Signe in the 12th; ergo, an occult secret Disease, and Venerian, Moon in Scorpio in the 6th, in Opposition to Saturn in the 12th; this argues a Female Disease, closely obtained; for as it was a deed of darknesse, so doe neither Saturn or Moon behold the ascendant: I judged he was itchy, because Mercury was in Pisces, a moyst Signe, and because Libra the Signe of the 6th, and Gemini are ayery Signes, the Disease was all over his Bones, and in his joynts, and in his Blood, that being corrupted: I did not say it was perfect Lue Veneria, but I gave a caution to prevent it. This advice was followed, the course of Physick altered, and the afflicted party in or about three weeks perfectly recovered.
The Resolution of
A Prisoner escaped out of Prison, which way
he went, If Recoverable?
The person of the Prisoner is represented by Sagittarius the cusp of the 12th, and Jupiter in Leo. The way he went and intended to go, is from the Signe of the 12th, viz. Sagittarius, and the Signe Leo wherein Jupiter is.
Quarter of Heaven & Sign where Moon is in.
All of them considered, they signified unanimously that the Prisoner would goe Eastward, or Ful East;
[and so he did..] The neernesse of Moon to the ascendant, shewed he was not yet out of Towne, but Eastward from the Prison he brake out of; at least, that he could not be farre from Towne: and as Jupiter is in the 8th house, so I judged he lay obscurely for a while, viz. a night, but then would go away;
[so he did.]
I confidently affirmed, he should be recovered againe, and taken by some man of authority; for the Moon separated from Trine of Jupiter his Significator, and applyed to Opposition of Sun, both in angles; for it never failes, but if either the Moon or Significator of the Prisoner or Fugitive be afflicted by an infortunate Planet out of the 7th, but that the Fugitive or Prisoner is againe taken.
In the next place I found Jupiter and Mercury in Sextile; Mercury in his owne house, and
applying to Jupiter, therefore I judged the Querent should have newes of the Prisoner by Letter,
or by some young man within six or seven dayes, or when the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
Significators came to a Sextile aspect, which was six dayes after. The truth is, the Friday after, he had a letter where he was, and the Sunday after apprehended him againe by authority, &c. This manner of judgment is the same with that of Fugitives, (Consideratis, considerandis.)
A LADY of her Husband imprisoned, when he
should be delivered?
Judgment upon this Figure.
This Question belongs to the 12th house; Jupiter Lord of the 7th signifies the Ladies Husband, in
Cancer Retrograde, lately, or the day before, in Trifle with the Sun, the Moon applying to a
Sextile of Saturn, Retrograde, then to a Trine of Jupiter, with a most forcible Reception; from
hence I made not many words, but told the Lady, she should neither care to make Friends to his
The Resolution of
Majesty or any else for delivery of her Husband, for I was assured he either was or would within three dayes be discharged of his imprisonment, by meanes of a Solar man, Commander, who would release him and furnish him with what was convenient for his necessity. The very truth is, he was released, and the Garrison where he was prisoner taken the same day before the Question was asked, by an honest Parliament-Colonell, who plentifully relieved him with Money, and all convenient necessaries .
Jupiter In Exaltation Retrograde, in a movable Signe, in Trine to Sun, short imprisonment, because Sun is Lord of the 4th, and in so perfect a Trine.
Figure 44
[A facsimile from the orignal text of Christian Astrology
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Place of
the Q.
S.D. H.M H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
A 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 F 30
3 5 54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9 58 10 59 0 27
6 47 47 51 54 56 58 0 24
9 41 44 47 51 55 57 0 21
12 35 39 43 48 53 56 0 18
A 15 5 28 6 33 7 39 8 44 9 49 10 55 12 0 F 15
18 22 28 35 41 47 54 0 12
21 16 23 31 38 45 53 0 9
24 10 18 27 35 43 52 0 6
27 3 13 22 32 40 51 0 3
B 0 4 57 6 8 7 18 8 29 9 39 10 50 12 0 F 0
3 51 3 14 26 37 45 0 27
6 45 5 58 10 23 35 49 0 24
9 40 52 7 20 33 48 0 21
12 34 48 3 17 31 47 0 18
B 15 4 28 5 42 6 59 8 14 9 29 10 45 12 0 E 15
18 23 39 55 12 28 44 0 12
21 18 35 52 9 26 43 0 9
24 12 30 48 6 24 42 0 6
27 8 27 45 4 23 41 0 3
C 0 4 2 5 23 6 42 8 2 9 21 10 41 12 0 E 0
3 3 59 19 39 0 20 40 0 27
6 55 16 37 7 58 18 39 0 24
9 51 13 34 56 17 39 0 21
12 48 10 32 54 16 38 0 18
C 15 3 45 5 8 6 30 7 53 9 15 10 38 12 0 D 15
18 43 6 29 52 14 37 0 12
21 41 4 27 51 14 37 0 9
24 40 3 27 50 13 37 0 6
27 39 2 26 50 13 36 0 3
C 30 3 38 5 1 6 25 7 49 13 10 46 13 0 D 0
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
7 8 9 10 11 12
Place of
the Q.
S.D. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
A 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 F 30
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 27
6 2 4 6 9 11 13 24
9 3 6 10 13 16 19 21
12 4 8 13 17 21 25 18
A 15 1 5 2 11 3 16 4 21 5 27 6 31 F 15
18 6 13 19 25 32 38 12
21 7 15 22 29 37 44 9
24 8 17 25 33 42 50 6
27 10 19 29 38 48 57 3
B 0 1 11 2 21 3 32 4 42 53 7 3 F 0
3 12 23 35 46 58 9 27
6 13 25 38 50 6 6 15 24
9 13 27 40 55 7 20 21
12 14 29 43 57 12 26 18
B 15 1 15 2 31 3 46 5 1 6 17 7 31 E 15
18 16 32 49 5 21 37 12
21 17 34 51 8 25 41 9
24 18 36 54 12 30 48 6
27 19 37 56 15 33 52 3
C 0 1 20 2 39 3 59 5 18 6 38 7 57 E 0
3 20 40 4 1 21 41 8 1 27
6 21 42 3 23 44 5 24
9 22 43 5 26 48 9 21
12 22 44 6 28 50 12 18
C 15 23 2 45 4 8 5 30 6 53 8 15 D 15
18 23 46 9 31 54 17 12
21 23 46 10 32 56 19 9
24 23 47 10 33 57 20 6
27 24 47 11 34 58 21 3
C 30 1 24 2 47 4 11 5 35 6 58 8 22 D 0
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Place of
the Q.
S.D. H.M H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
G 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 L 30
3 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 27
6 13 11 9 7 4 2 0 24
9 19 16 13 10 6 3 0 21
12 25 21 17 13 8 4 0 18
G 15 6 32 7 24 8 21 9 16 10 11 11 5 12 0 L 15
18 38 30 25 19 13 6 0 12
21 44 37 29 22 15 7 0 9
24 50 42 33 25 17 8 0 6
27 57 48 38 29 19 9 0 3
H 0 7 3 7 53 8 42 9 32 10 21 11 10 12 0 L 0
3 9 58 46 35 23 11 0 27
6 15 8 3 50 38 25 12 0 24
9 20 7 53 40 27 13 0 21
12 26 12 57 43 29 14 0 18
H 15 7 32 8 17 9 1 9 46 10 31 11 15 12 0 K 15
18 37 21 5 49 32 16 0 12
21 42 25 8 51 34 17 0 9
24 48 30 12 54 36 18 0 6
27 52 33 15 56 37 19 0 3
I 0 57 8 38 9 18 9 59 10 39 11 20 12 0 K 0
3 8 1 41 21 10 1 40 20 0 27
6 5 44 23 2 41 21 0 24
9 9 48 26 4 43 22 0 21
12 12 50 28 6 44 22 0 18
I 15 8 15 8 53 9 30 10 8 10 45 11 23 12 0 J 15
18 17 54 31 9 45 23 0 12
21 19 56 33 10 46 23 0 9
24 20 57 33 10 47 23 0 6
27 21 58 34 11 47 23 0 3
I 30 8 22 8 58 9 35 10 11 10 47 11 24 12 0 J 0
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
7 8 9 10 11 12
Place of
the Q.
S.D. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
G 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 L 30
3 0 59 1 58 2 57 3 56 4 55 5 54 27
6 58 56 54 51 49 47 24
9 57 54 51 47 44 41 21
12 56 50 48 43 39 35 18
G 15 0 55 1 49 2 44 3 39 4 33 5 28 L 15
18 54 47 41 35 28 21 12
21 53 45 38 31 23 16 9
24 52 43 35 27 18 10 6
27 51 41 31 23 13 3 3
H 0 0 50 1 39 2 29 3 18 4 8 4 57 L 0
3 49 37 26 14 3 51 27
6 48 35 23 10 3 58 45 24
9 47 33 20 7 53 40 21
12 46 31 17 5 48 34 18
H 15 0 45 1 29 2 14 2 59 3 43 4 28 K 15
18 44 28 12 55 39 22 12
21 44 26 9 52 35 18 9
24 43 24 6 48 30 13 6
27 41 23 4 45 27 8 3
I 0 0 41 1 21 2 2 2 42 3 23 4 3 K 0
3 40 20 0 39 19 3 59 27
6 39 18 1 57 36 15 55 24
9 39 17 56 34 13 51 21
12 38 16 54 32 10 48 18
I 15 0 38 1 15 1 53 2 30 3 8 3 45 J 15
18 37 14 51 28 5 43 12
21 37 14 51 27 4 41 9
24 37 13 50 27 3 40 6
27 37 13 50 26 2 39 3
I 30 0 36 1 13 1 49 2 25 3 2 3 38 J 0
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
1 2 3 4 5 6
of the
S.D. H.M H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
A 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 F 30
3 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 27
6 13 11 9 7 4 2 0 24
9 19 16 13 10 6 3 0 21
12 25 21 17 13 8 4 0 18
A 15 6 32 7 24 8 21 9 16 10 11 11 5 12 0 F 15
18 38 30 25 19 13 6 0 12
21 44 37 29 22 15 7 0 9
24 50 42 33 25 17 8 0 6
27 57 48 38 29 19 9 0 3
B 0 7 3 7 53 8 42 9 32 10 21 11 10 12 0
3 9 58 46 35 23 11 0 27
6 15 8 3 50 38 25 12 0 24
9 20 7 53 40 27 13 0 21
12 26 12 57 43 29 14 0 18
B 15 7 32 8 17 9 1 9 46 10 31 11 15 12 0
18 37 21 5 49 32 16 0 12
21 42 25 8 51 34 17 0 9
24 48 30 12 54 36 18 0 6
27 52 33 15 56 37 19 0 3
C 0 57 8 38 9 18 9 59 10 39 11 20 12 0 E 0
3 8 1 41 21 10 1 40 20 0 27
6 5 44 23 2 41 21 0 24
9 9 48 26 4 43 22 0 21
12 12 50 28 6 44 22 0 18
C 15 8 15 8 53 9 30 10 8 10 45 11 23 12 0
18 17 54 31 9 45 23 0 12
21 19 56 33 10 46 23 0 9
24 20 57 33 10 47 23 0 6
27 21 58 34 11 47 24 0 3
C 30 8 21 8 50 9 25 10 11 10 47 11 24 12 0
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
7 8 9 10 11 12
of the
S.D. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
A 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 F 30
3 0 59 1 58 2 57 3 56 4 55 5 54 27
6 58 56 54 51 49 47 24
9 57 54 51 47 44 41 21
12 56 52 48 43 39 35 18
A 15 0 55 1 49 2 44 3 39 4 33 5 28 F 15
18 54 47 41 35 28 22 12
21 53 45 38 31 23 16 9
24 52 43 35 27 18 10 6
27 51 41 32 22 13 3 3
B 0 0 50 1 39 2 29 3 18 4 8 4 57 F 0
3 49 37 26 14 3 51 27
6 48 35 23 10 3 58 45 24
9 47 33 20 7 53 40 21
12 46 31 17 5 48 34 18
B 15 0 45 1 29 2 14 2 59 3 43 4 28 E 15
18 44 28 12 55 39 23 12
21 43 26 9 52 35 18 9
24 42 24 6 48 30 13 6
27 41 23 4 45 27 8 3
C 0 0 41 1 21 2 2 2 41 3 23 4 3 E 0
3 40 20 0 39 19 3 59 27
6 39 18 1 57 36 15 55 24
9 39 17 56 34 13 51 21
12 38 16 54 32 10 48 18
C 15 0 38 1 15 1 53 2 30 3 8 3 45 D 15
18 37 15 51 28 5 43 12
21 37 15 51 27 4 41 9
24 37 14 50 27 3 40 6
27 37 13 50 26 3 39 3
C 30 0 36 1 12 1 49 2 25 3 2 3 38 D 0
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
1 2 3 4 5 6
of the
S.D. H.M H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
G 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 L 30
3 5 54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9 58 10 59 0 27
6 47 47 51 54 56 58 0 24
9 41 44 47 51 54 57 0 21
12 35 35 43 48 52 56 0 18
G 15 5 28 6 33 7 39 8 44 9 49 10 55 12 0 L 15
18 22 28 35 41 47 54 0 12
21 16 23 31 38 45 53 0 9
24 10 18 27 35 43 52 0 6
27 3 13 23 39 41 51 0 3
H 0 4 57 6 8 7 18 8 19 9 39 10 50 12 0 L 0
3 51 3 14 26 37 49 0 27
6 45 5 58 10 23 35 48 0 24
9 40 52 7 20 33 47 0 21
12 34 48 3 17 31 46 0 18
H 15 4 28 5 43 6 59 8 14 9 29 10 45 12 0 K 15
18 23 39 55 12 28 44 0 12
21 18 35 52 9 26 43 0 9
24 12 30 48 6 24 42 0 6
27 8 27 45 4 23 41 0 3
I 0 4 3 5 23 6 42 8 2 9 21 10 41 12 0 K 0
3 3 59 19 39 0 20 40 0 27
6 55 16 37 7 58 18 39 0 24
9 51 13 34 56 17 39 0 21
12 48 10 32 54 16 38 0 18
I 15 3 45 5 8 6 30 7 53 9 15 10 38 12 0 J 15
18 43 6 29 52 14 37 0 12
21 41 4 27 51 14 37 0 9
24 40 3 27 50 13 37 0 6
27 39 2 26 50 13 36 0 3
I 30 3 38 5 1 6 25 7 49 13 10 36 13 0 J 0
A Table whereby to find the Planetary hours
Hours before Noon
Place of
the Q.
7 8 9 10 11 12
Place of
the Q.
S.D. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. S.D.
G 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 L 30
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 27
6 2 4 7 9 11 13 24
9 3 6 10 13 16 19 21
12 4 8 13 17 21 25 18
G 15 1 5 2 11 3 16 4 21 5 27 6 31 L 15
18 6 13 19 25 32 38 12
21 7 15 22 29 37 44 9
24 8 17 25 33 42 50 6
27 10 19 29 38 48 57 3
H 0 1 11 2 21 3 32 4 42 53 7 3 L 0
3 12 23 35 46 58 9 27
6 13 25 38 50 6 3 15 24
9 13 27 40 53 7 20 21
12 14 29 43 57 12 26 18
H 15 1 15 2 31 3 46 5 1 6 17 7 31 K 15
18 16 32 49 5 21 37 12
21 17 34 51 8 25 41 9
24 18 36 54 12 30 48 6
27 19 37 56 15 33 52 3
I 0 1 20 2 39 3 59 5 18 6 38 7 57 K 0
3 20 40 4 1 21 41 8 1 27
6 21 42 3 23 44 5 24
9 22 43 5 26 48 9 21
12 22 44 6 28 50 12 18
I 15 23 2 45 4 8 5 30 6 53 8 15 J 15
18 23 46 9 31 54 17 12
21 23 46 10 32 56 19 9
24 23 47 10 33 57 20 6
27 24 47 11 34 58 21 3
I 30 1 24 2 47 4 11 5 35 6 58 8 22 J 0
The Resolution of
To find out what Planet ruleth every hour of the Day
or Night by the preceding Table.
You must understand that as there are seven dayes of the Week, viz. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; so there are seven Planets, viz. Saturne, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercury, Luna: We appropriate to each day of the Week a severall Planet; as to Sunday, Sun; to Monday, Moon; to Thursday, Mars; to Wednesday, Mercury; to Thursday, Jupiter; to Friday, Venus; to Saturday, Saturn: and the first hour of every day we assigne to that Planet assigned for the day, beginning at Sun-rise ever, the second houre we give to the next Planet, the third hour to the third Planet from him; as if upon any Sunday I would know what Planet governeth the first, second, third, fourth, fift, sixt hour of that day, I say Sun governeth the first, Venus the second, Mercury the third, Moon the fourth, Saturn the fift, Jupiter the sixt, &c. and so in order successively during that day and night subsequent: and if you account in order, you shall find by this continuall account, that Moon fals to rule the first hour upon Monday, Saturn the second, Jupiter the third, Mars the fourth, &c.
It is very true, some of the Ancients have Winter and Summer, made the day and night to consist
of equall hours, I mean every hour to consist of sixty minutes equally; but Astrologians doe not
so, but follow this method, viz. according to the motion of the Sun both Summer and Winter, so
doe they vary their hours in length or shortnesse; for all that space of time which is contained
from Sun rise to Sun-set, they divide into twelve equall parts, whereof the one halfe containes the
hours before Noon, the rest the hours after Noon; so also, what space of time is from Sun-set
untill Sun-rise againe the next day after, is equally divided into 12 parts; whereof every 12th part
containes the space or time of one hour Astrologicall; and we doe ever begin to number from
Sun-rise, and continue untill the next Sunrise, with that Planet who is assigned to the day, and so
all manner of QUESTIONS.
numbering successively in order untill the next day; so that your Astrologicall hours are called unequall hours, as all the yeer long consisting of more or lesse then 60 minutes for the space of one hour, unlesse it be the day of the Sun his entrance into Aries or Libra, at what time an Astrologicall hour is just 60 minutes and no more.
Use of the Table.
Be the Sun in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and you would know the Planetary hour of the day, first and second Pages serve your turne.
If you would know the Planetary hour of any day, the Sun being in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, the third and fourth Pages will serve you. If you would know the Planetary hour of the night or after Sun-set, whilest the Sun is in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, then you must be directed by the fift and sixt Pages of this Table. If you would know the Planetary hour od the night, the Sun being in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, the seventh and eight Pages will satisfie you.
An Example.
If you would know when the Sun riseth, being in the third, fourth or fift of Aries, see to the first
Column of the first Page, and there you find, Place of the Sun, under it, S.D. viz, Signes,
Degrees, under these two letters, Aries 0, then under 0 3. on the right hand, 5 54. over it H.M.
viz. Houres and Minutes; so that it tels you, the Sun being in three deg. of Aries, riseth at 54
minutes after 5. proceed in the same line, and you see the Planetary houre; as, admit I would
know at halfe an houre after nine in the morning, upon Monday the 15. of March 1646, the Sun
at noon that day being in 4.. degr. 47.min. of Aries, which wanting so few min. of 5.degr. I enter
with five whole degr. under the Signe Aries, and in the fourth line of the first Column I find 6.
for the whole Table of Signes goes by the continuall addition of three, and if I had entred with
four or five degrees of Sun in Aries, I might have taken either three or six, and it
The Resolution of
had bred little difference. But to the purpose, over against 6. on the right hand, I find, as
aforesaid, 5 47. for the time of Sun-rising, then 6 47. then in order 7 5. then 8 54. then 9 56, my
hour was 9 30. so then I begin and say, the Moon being the Planet of the day, beginneth to rule at
47.min. after 5. and governeth until 47.min. after 6. then Saturn ruleth the 2nd hour of the day, untill 51.min. after 7. then Jupiter ruleth the 3rd hour, viz. till 54.min. after 8. then Mars the fourth hour, until 56.min. after 9. which is the hour sought for, I say Mars ruleth at that hour; and so you must doe either day or night: And you must remember, that as you see onely in the first Column Aries, Taurus, Gemini, so in the ninth Column of the said page, Virgo, Leo, and Cancer, so when you enter with the place of the Sun in Virgo, Leo or Cancer, you must enter upward contrary to the former side; for the Sun being in 15. of Taurus, riseth at the same moment of time as he doth being in the 15. of Leo: or when in the 15. of Virgo, as when in the 15. of Aries. The length of the Planetary hour is thus known, let the Sun be in the 6th degree of Aries, he riseth then, as you may see, at 47.min. after 5.
In the third Column you find 6 47. which if you subtract from the next number on the right hand in the same line, viz.
7 51. 7 51 rests one hour and four minutes for
6 47 the length of the houre that day,
and so as your day-hour is more then 60 minutes, so much the nocturnall hour must want of 60 min. and this is a generall rule.
The above named 15. of March 1646, the Sun being in 4 47. of Aries, I would know what Planet
reignes at 20 min. past 5. in the afternoon; I enter the first Column of the second Page, under the
title of the Sun, in the fourth line under Aries I find 6. and accept of that without errour, because
the place of Sun is 4 47. of Aries, and so is neerer 6. then 4. over against 6. on the right hand, I
find 1 2. then 2 4.. then 3 6. then 4 9. then 5 11. then 6 13. these tels me, the first Planetary hour
after noon ends at 1 2. that is, two min. after one, the second at two min. after two, the third at six
min. after three, the fourth at nine min. after four, the fift at eleven min. after five, the sixt at
thirteen min. after 6.. now my hour enquired after was 20 mm. past 5. which fals to be the last
hour of the
all manner of QUESTIONS.
day; and if you look over the head of 6 13. you may see the number 12 viz, it’s the twelft hour of
the day; now if you begin in the morning at Sun-rise, accounting Moon the first, and so proceed,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12
You shall find, that Sun begins his rule at eleven min. past five, and ends at thirteen min. past six. I need not be more copious in a thing so plaine and obvious to the eye; I shall onely propound one example more, viz..: the said 15 of March 11 deg. 10 min. after noon, I would know what Planet rules; the Sun being in 4 47 of Aries, I now enter the fifth Page of the Table, I look to the 6. of Aries, against it on the right hand I find 6 13. then 7 11. then 8 9. then 9 7. then 10 4. then 11 2. then 12 0. My hour is ten min. after 11, in the seventh Column you have 11 2.. my hour is included in the next; so then I conclude my hour is the last hour before mid-night, and consequently the 6th hour after Sun-set, but the 18th hour of the day, and being accounted as we formerly instructed, you shall find it the hour of Mars. Either in giving Physick, or performing many naturall conclusions, without exact knowledge of the Astrologicall planetary hour, no worthy work can be done, with it wonders, either in collecting Hearbs, framing Sigils, Images, Lamens, &c. So now by the blessing of Almighty God, without whose providence we can performe no worthy act, I have produced to an end the second part of my intended Work, and could have willingly acquainted untill a further opportunity had been offered: but such is the desire and importunity of severall wel-affected to this study, that beyond my first intentions I againe adventure upon the succeding Traciate of NATIVITIES, wherein the pitifull and mercifull God of all the faithfull, whole brightnesse shines in our fraile understandings, assist me, that I may performe this Work with judgment and understanding, for the good of all honesthearted English, my most beloved Country-men. Assist me 0 glorious God, for my Task is difficult, and thy servant is of little understanding! few, nay none at all are the helps I expect from any man living (having hitherto had no assistance)
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The Resolution of
but what thy pleasure is, But the universall Anima Mundi, to infuse into my obscure intellective part, that will I candidly deliver without deceit or fraud and as my former two Parts have had neither the Head, Hand or Heart or assistance of any man, so neither now will I beg or begin to distrust that Providence, whereby I have waded through the former Treatise, but will like a valiant Champion enter the fields of Defiance, against all the world of Detractors, and performe what my present weaknesse is able, &c. not doubting but there wil some arise in all Ages, who will either amend my failings, or defend my sayings so farre as they may with modesty. June 11. 1647.
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This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.