< Century Magazine < Volume 49
- Napoleon's Childhood and Youth, by William M. Sloane
- The Mother Who Died Too, by Edith M. Thomas
- Casa Braccio, by F. Marion Crawford
- A Hallowe'en Reformation, by Hezekiah Butterworth
- In the City of Canton. How the Chinese Work and Live, by Florence O'Driscoll, M.P.
- A Bachelor Maid, by Mrs. Burton Harrison
- The Hawthornes in Lennox (Told in Letters by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Sophie Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and others), by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop
- Dreamland, by William Prescott Foster
- Kitwyk Stories. Josselin, by Anna Eichberg King
- The Making of Thieves in New York, by Jacob A. Riis
- Witch-Hazel, by Elizabeth Akers
- The Churches of Provence, by Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer
- M'Graw, by Francis Lynde
- Renascence, by John H. Boner
- Washington in Lincoln's Time, by Noah Brooks
- An Evening, by Robert Burns Wilson
Topics of the Time
- Good Government in New York
- Congress and the Forestry Question
- What is the Referendum?
- Free Art in America at Last
- The Pictorial Side of the Life of Napoleon
Open Letters
- Sloane's "Napoleon", by Charles Dudley Warner
- A Coincidence in Napoleon's Life, by Guido Biagi, Librarian of the Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana
- The Government of Cities, by Washington Gladden
- Old Dutch Masters. Bartholomeus van der Helst, by Timothy Cole
- Postscript on "Sophie Germain"
In Lighter Vein
- At Candle-Lighting, by John Vance Cheney
- Action, by Charlotte Fiske Bates
- A Puritan Thanksgiving, by Daniel Carter Beard
- "Down the Green Lane She is Coming", by Jennie E. T. Dowe
- Successor to a Paragon, by S. Elgar Benet
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