< Celtic Heathendom


abac, 592, 595.
Abdallah, 215.
Abdiel, 215.
Abel, 389, 537.
Aber Sein, 272.
Aberystwyth, 401.
Abrad-ruad, 143: see Conchobar.
Acall, 483, 485, 631.
Achan, 51-2.
Achilles, 106, 410.
Achlann, Corca, 522.
Achren, 244, 346.
acht tage, 364.
Achtlann, 343-4, 346.
adaig, 541.
Adamnán, 320, 332.
Adeon, 164-5.
adfeilio, 38.
Adgan, Adgant, 564.
Admetus, 29.
Adonis, 510.
Aed Abrat, 463.
Ægipan, 620.
Ægir, 639.
Aengus of tbe Brugh, 171, 508, 510.
Aengus the Mac Óc, 144-6, 150, 169, 171-3, 370, 667: see Óc.
Aengus of the p. Spear, 134, 503-4.
Aengus son of Umór, 150: see Dun Aengus.
Aerven, 598.
Aesculapius, 25.
æsir, 61.
Æsus, 60.
Æthilheard, 204.
Aethlem, 346.
Africa, 584, 609.
afu, 439.
Agamemnon, 106.
Agᵭi, 457.
ἀγκυλομήτης, 642.
Aglæa, 639.
agmen, 19.
Agni, 658.
Agnoman, 580.
ἄγορα, 369.
ahu, 62.
ahura, 62.
Ahurô Mazdaô, 62.
Ái, 330: see Cruachan.
aidche, 541.
Aife, 451, 458.
áige, 368.
Ailbe, 511.
Aillen, 485.
Ailill Aulom, 391-2, 505, 511, 525, 546.
Ailill of Cruachan, 137-8, 140, 142, 170, 322, 330, 367-9, 373, 410, 444, 468, 475, 479, 482, 513, 590-1, 598, 601, 627, 646, 659.
Ailill Find, 138.
Ailill Flann, 247.
ainmgorti, 468.
airecht, oirecht, 276.
Airem, 247: see Echaid Airem.
Aithech Tuatha, 312, 594, 597.
Aitherne,324, 326-9, 331-4, 336-7, 366, 373, 382, 483, 485, 563-4, 569.
ajma, 19.
Alawn, 276.
Alban, 312, 343, 345-6, 354, 449-50, 477.
Albeinwyn, 371.
Albion, 246, 345.
Albiorix, 42.
Alcyoneus, 622-3.
Algonquins, the, 673.
aỻawr, 186: see Red Altar.
All-hallows, 514, 516: see First of Nov.
Allmer, M., 5.
Allobroges, 4, 5, 7, 9, 21, 25, 58, 73, 77, 100-1, 149.
Allot, 664, 666.
aỻtud, 45.
alveolus ligneus, 67.
Amaethon, Amathaon, 90, 244, 286, 319, 333.
Amaltheia, 87.
Ambrosius, 151-2, 154, 158, 161, 184.
Amlawd, 486: see Anlawᵭ.
Amorgen, Amorgin, 365, 542, 549, 563-6, 568-70.
Amorgene, Amairgin, 570: see Amorgen.
ána, 191.
Anbual, 170, 172: see Etal.
Andóe, 368-70.
añdra, 295.
Andras, Andros, 200.
Andraste, 200.
Angiras, 294, 296.
aṅhu, aṅhva, 61-2.
Anlawᵭ, 486, 494.
Anluan, 513.
Annoeth: see Oeth.
Anse, the, 62-3, 68.
Anses, the, 115, 121, 529-34, 543, 557, 605, 611-2, 615, 618-9, 623, 628, 631, 639, 646, 652, 659, 663, 676-7.
Ansis, 61.
antrisc, 295.
Apaturia, the, 517-8.
Aphrodite, 413, 492, 510, 639, 661.
Apollo, 2, 3, 20-31, 79, 80, 88, 194-5, 222, 384, 430, 436, 443-4, 497, 510, 570-1, 575, 617.
Apollodorus, 622, 624.
âr, 6.
ara, 431.
aracoime, 618.
araith, 276.
Arann, 150, 322, 601.
Aranrod, 90: see Arianrhod.
Aranuagyl, 371.
Arawn, 191, 244, 276, 333, 339-42, 344-5, 354, 457, 625.
Arberth, 205, 338, 498, 500.
Arcadia, 183, 186.
Archan, 96.
árchú, 447.
Ard Brestine, 327.
Ard-Nemid, 650.
Ard-Nevon, 649.
ard-noenden, 362.
Arᵭu, 251.
Ares, 132.
Arevaci, 424, 541.
Argetlám, 120: see Nuada.
Arianrhod, 90, 161, 180, 236-9, 284-6, 299, 306-7, 319, 379, 385, 389, 392, 406, 425, 432, 435-6, 504, 527-8, 543, 546, 566. Ariosto, 158.
Arỻechweᵭ, 236.
Armagh, 609.
arnaisai, 416.
Artaius, 5, 6, 73.
Artas, 5.
Artay, 5, 6.
Arthur, 29, 91, 155, 162, 198, 248-9, 264, 334, 347, 350-2, 355, 372, 486, 488-9, 492-3, 517, 558, 561, 577, 640, 667.
Artio, 6, 73.
Arverni, 5, 9.
ásar, 61.
Ásbiörn, 63.
Asburg, 289.
Asciburgium, 289.
Ash, 289.
Ash Ygg's Steed, 557.
åska, 63.
Ásleikr, 63.
Ásmóᵭr, 63.
áss, 61.
ἄστυ, 11.
asura-s, 62.
asu-s, 62.
ásynja, 62.
atbail, 38.
atbél, 38.
Atecotti, 594.
Atepomaros, 428.
Atgan, 564.
Athboy, 515.
Athene, 72, 288, 381, 413, 423, 517, 519, 571, 623, 630, 639.
Athremail, 367, 369: see Maine.
Athubodva, 43.
Atlas, 89.
Attica, 517.
Attila, 32.
Auguselus, 354.
August, 421-2.
Augustae, 101; see Matres.
Augustodunum, 34.
Augustonemetum, 7.
Augustus, 2, 421, 424.
ἄνω, 38.
Auramazdâ, 62.
Aurelius, 151, 154; see Ambrosius.
Aurwrychyn, 404-5, 541.
Autun, 34.
Avagᵭu, 541, 546, 552, 565, 568.
Avaỻach, 423.
avanc, 354, 592, 595.
awen, 268.
awi, 70.
Awst, 421-2.
Aztecs, the, 295.
Bacchus, 196.
Badb, 43: see Bodb.
Bæda, 322.
bagha, 54.
Baginates, 47, 54.
bailey, 366.
baili, bali, 366.
Baiscinn, 322: see Corco.
Bala, 204, 544, 565.
Bala Deulyn, 400, 405.
Balder, 284, 328-9, 382, 430, 492, 529-38, 541-2, 568, 571, 578, 613, 616-8, 623, 625, 628, 631, 633, 678.
ballium, 366.
bally, 366.
Ballysadare, 586.
Balor, 78, 314-7, 391, 396-7, 417, 587, 611 , 614-6, 618, 643, 677.
baltas, 528.
Baugor, 547.
baptism, Gwri's, 499.
Baranton, 159, 184, 186.
Bardsey, 155, 159, 160.
Barthélemy, M. A. de, 69.
Bartholanus, 580.
Bartholomew, 263, 580.
beadu, 44.
bebla, 38.
Bé-Cuill, 579.
Beᵭgelert, 151.
Beggery, 124.
beili, 366.
Bél Dragain, 172.
Bél Sead, 172.
Belatucadr-os, -us, 37, 74, 91.
Belgadan, Mount, 585.
Beli, 90-1, 153, 165, 168, 274, 284, 318-9, 377, 425, 643-4, 659, 666, 678.
Belisama, Βελησαμα, Βηλησαμα, 3, 46, 74, 675.
Belismius, 74.
Bellinus, 90.
belsit, 38.
Beltaino, 519-20.
Benn Gulbain, Benbulbin, 507, 511.
Beothach, 262, 581.
beothu, bethad, 278, 541.
berbaim, 26.
Berendon, 186.
Ber-gelmir, 663.
Bern, 30.
berw, 26.
Bestla, 284.
Bible, the, 609.
bi-duum, 117.
bile, 678.
Bile, 90-1, 318, 643-4, 678.
Birds' Battle, the, 257.
Biroge, 315.
Bituriges, 47.
Black Knight, the, 185, 350-1, 354.
Black Sainglend, the, 441.
Black Woodward, the, 348-50.
bláth, 473.
Bláthnat, 473-4, 476, 478.
Blutobulgium, 597.
blodeu, 473.
Blodeueᵭ, 239, 241, 300, 384, 430, 473-4, 561.
Blodeuweᵭ, 239: see Blodeueᵭ.
Bloody Foreland, the, 317.
Boand, Boann, 144, 169, 556.
Boar of Benn Gulbain, the, 507-8, 511, 541.
böᵭ, 44.
Bodb (fem.), 43, 452, 604.
Bodb (mas.), 170-1, 579, 586.
Bodnod, 44.
Bodvogernus, 44.
Bodvognatus, 44.
bogies on the stiles, 516.
bogŭ, 54.
Bói, Búi, 309, 504-5.
bolg, bolga, 596-7.
Bolor, 396: see Balor.
Bolvinn-o, 35.
bonfires on the 1st of Nov., 515.
Bonus Puer, 22.
Book, the Black, 406, 537, 562.
Book of the Dun, the, 468, 525, 580-1, 593-4.
Book of Leinster, the, 467, 479, 556.
Book of Rhyᵭerch, the White, 402.
Book of Taliessin, the, 544, 546, 567, 574.
Bor, 115, 284.
Bore, the, 640.
Boreadae, 195.
boreu, bore, 400.
Bormana, 25-6.
Bormanicus, 25.
Bormanus, 25-6.
Bormo, 25-6.
Borr in Broga, 443.
Borvo, 25-6.
Boudicca, 199.
Bourbon-Lancy, 25-6.
Bourbon-l'Archambault, 26.
Bourbonne-les-Bains, 25.
Bonn, 31.
Bouhy, 35.
Boyne, 123, 129, 144-5, 433, 443, 446, 459, 493, 502, 507.
braint, 76.
Bran, 508.
Brân, 94-7, 245, 248, 256, 269 568, 665-6.
Branwen, 94-5, 256, 269, 568, 619.
Breas, 253, 397: see Bres.
Brécilien, 156-7, 159, 168, 184.
breenhin, 77: see brenhin.
Breiᵭablik, 529.
breint, 76.
brenhin, 77.
brentyn, 77.
Bres, 252-4, 275, 317, 322, 388, 413, 478, 586, 678.
Bri Léith, 331.
Brian, 393-5.
Bricriu, 363, 430, 434.
Bride, St., 75.
Bridge of Dread, the, 451.
Bridget, St., 75.
Bríg, 76, 388: see Brigit.
Brigantes, 75, 77.
Brigantia, 75, 77.
Brigindo, 75-6.
Brigit, 74-6, 254, 275.
Bṛihatî, 75.
Briou, 396: see Brian.
Brisinga, 83-4.
Britain, 90, 641.
Brittones, 664.
bro, 149.
Broad-Boyne Bridge, 148.
Broadhaven, 583, 598.
Bron. 666: see Brân.
brud, 148.
brug, 148.
Brug: see Brugh.
Brugh, the, 148, 151, 171, 251, 414, 433, 443, 493, 502, 507, 510.
bruig, 149.
Brun de Morois, 608.
bryeint, 76.
Brynbild, 241.
bryntyn, 77.
Buan (fem.), 484-5.
Buan (mas.), 468.
Buanann, 450.
Buarainech, 78.
Buddha, 79.
Builc, 601.
bull-feast, the, 443.
bwbach, 516.
Byleist, 615.
cacc na m-bó, 476.
Cacus, 477.
câd, 32, 537.
Cadd, Cat, 454.
cader, cadair, 251, 404.
Cadmilus, 621.
Cadmus, 620-1, 625.
Cadoc, St., 547.
cadr, 37.
Cadwaỻawn, 650.
Cael, 251-2.
caer, 38.
Caer, 170-1, 173-4, 434.
Caer Arianrhod, 236, 307, 406.
Caer Dathal, 225.
Caer Leu, &c., 406.
Caer Ochren, 248.
Caer Seon, 271-2, 307.
Caer Sidi, 248-9, 254, 257, 270, 550.
Caer Vyrᵭin, 160.
Caer Wydyr, 248.
Caer yn Arfon, 272.
Caerabar, 170: see Caer.
caerthann, 358.
Caesar, 1, 8, 20, 32, 49, 50, 52, 55-8, 69, 74, 76-7, 84, 91, 153, 175, 320.
Caesarodunum, 7.
Caber Conree. 472-6.
Caill Crínmon, 553.
aill Cúan, 415.
Cain, 356, 593.
Cainte, 391.
Cairbre, 305, 321, 323.
Cairbre Baiscinn, 322.
Cairbre Cinnchait, 310-4, 317-8, 320.
Cairbre son of Cormac, 134.
Cairbre the Crowder, 255.
Cairbre son of Etan, 253-4, 276.
Cairbre of Kerry, 252, 255.
airbre the Luignian, 98-9, 255, 337.
Cairbre of Man, 323-4.
Cairbre Musc, 246-7, 255, 305, 308-10, 317-8, 320, 345, 379, 503, 505, 521, 527.
Cairbre Niafer, 321-2, 601.
Cairbre Rigfota, 322.
Caire Ainsic, 257.
Caitchenn, 313, 594.
calath, 11.
caled, 11.
Caledones, 487.
Caledonia, 487.
Caledonius, 152: see Merlin.
Calendar, the Greek, 519, 520.
Calendar, the Macedonian, 518, 676.
Calends of Winter, the, 459-60, 514: see First of Nov.
Calvus Patricii, 215.
camera, 40.
Camlan, the Battle of, 565.
Campbell's Popular Tales, 594.
Camulodunon, 39, 207.
Camulogenus, 39.
Camulognata, 39.
Camulorigi, 39.
Camuloris, 39.
Camulos, 38-9, 41, 123, 178, 180, 208.
camurus, 40.
Canine horse of Conall, the, 472.
cantalon, 75.
Cantguic, 168.
Cantire, 454.
Cantre'r Gwaelod, 463.
Caracalla, 25.
Carman, 411-2.
Carmarthen, 160, 406.
Casmilus, 621.
Casnar, 501.
Caspian, the, 581.
Cassivellaunos, -us, 7, 153.
Caswaỻawn, Caswaỻon, 153, 425, 666-7.
cath, 32, 537.
Cathair Chonrai, 472-3.
Cathbad, 137, 223.
Cathbuadach, 142.
Caturiges, 7, 32, 47.
Caturix, 32.
Catuvellauni, 7, 47.
Caucasus, 583.
Cauldrons, remarkable, 256-7, 347, 371, 373, 473, 476, 558.
Cecht, Mac, 569, 579, 604.
Ceithlenn, Cethlenn, 319, 616.
Cellach, 134.
Cenn Cruaich, 200-1, 203, 208, 210, 215.
Cenncait, 310, 313-4, 318, 594.
Cennfaelad, 318.
Cerberus, 447, 473, 513, 638.
cerᵭin, cerdin, cerdingen, 358.
Ceres, 60, 72, 645.
Cernach, 329, 403, 562: see Conall.
Cernenus, 78.
Cernunnos, 61, 65, 78, 80-2, 84-6, 88-9, 92, 97-8.
Cerquand, M., 65.
cess noinden, 363.
Cét, 136, 512-3.
Chair of Kerridwen, the, 550.
Chair of Taliessin, the, 550.
Chair of Teyrnon, the, 550.
Chalceia, the, 518-20.
Charis, χάριτες, 495, 639.
χρόνος, 643.
Charon, 14.
Chorges, 33.
Chrestien de Troyes, 403.
Chrocus, 9, 10.
Chuill, Mac an, 320.
chwioryᵭ, 62.
Cian, 390-4, 396, 403, 405.
cích, 512.
Cichol, 583.
cig, 512.
Cilicia, 620.
Cimbe, 601-2.
Cinnchait, 310, 313-4, 318: see Cenncait.
Cioccal, Ciocal, 583: see Cichol.
Citharoedus, Apollo, 79.
Clackmannan, 324, 664.
Clann Erci, 525.
Clanwilliam, barony of, 522.
Clas Myrᵭin, 168.
Cleghile, 211-2,214.
Cliach, 170-2.
Cliff Bridge, the, 451.
Cloch Chinnfhaolaidh, 316.
Clochan Chinnchait, 318.
Clothru, 139, 478.
Cnámchoill, 211-2, 214.
Cnoc na fola, 317.
Cocidius, 37, 44, 67.
Cocosus, 37.
Coed Alun, 167.
Coerabar Boeth, 172: see Caer.
cóic, 92.
cóicthiges, 361.
coimdiu, comdiu, 103-4.
coime, 618.
Coirpre Cundail, 344-5.
Coll, 142: see Cuill.
Collegium Sutorum, 424.
Columba, St., 211, 224, 314.
Columella, 67.
comalta, 480.
Comedonae: see Comedovae.
Comedovae, 103.
commentum, 377.
Con, Mac, 472-3, 524.
Conaing, 262-3, 584.
Conaire, 133, 135-6, 305, 321-2, 367, 369-70, 604, 640, 650.
Conall Cernach, 138, 329, 403, 430, 432, 439, 454, 471-2, 483-5, 503, 512-3, 536, 539, 562-3, 594, 602.
Conall Corc, 309.
Conchobar mac Nessa, 133, 135-44, 324, 326, 330, 335, 337, 343, 345-6, 363, 379, 431, 434, 444-5, 449, 452-3, 459, 502, 511, 576, 609, 627, 630, 638-9, 646-7, 668, 678.
Conchobar of the red Eyebrows, 143-4.
Conconnetodumnos, 7.
Condla Coel Corrbacc, 344.
Cong, 585.
Congaile, Ui, 522.
Conn, 133, 205-6, 210, 247, 391, 416-7, 443, 576.
Connaught, 439, 511, 585-6, 609.
Connells, the O', 522-3.
Connla's Well, 553-4, 556.
Conor, 136.
Con-roi, 472.
Constantine, 166.
Conu-ri, 472.
Conwy, the, 387, 592, 595.
Cooley, 140, 446.
còr, còran, 606.
Coranians, the, 606.
Corbre, 255: see Cairbre.
Corc, 308-9, 314, 503-5, 521-3, 525, 528, 546, 566, 639.
Corc Ferdoit, 522.
Corcaguiny or Corcaguinny, 393, 521-2.
corco, corca, 322, 522.
Corco Baiscinn, 322.
Corco Duibne, 521-4.
Cordelia, 562.
Coritani, 606.
Corkaree, barony of, 522.
Cormac mac Airt, 133-6, 144-6, 247, 357, 503.
Cormac son of Cairbre, 308, 566.
Cormac's Glossary, 74, 98, 170, 514, 520, 567.
corn, 78.
cornu, 78.
comu copiae, 87.
Coronis, 430.
Corpri, 313: see Cairbre.
Corr, 552, 676: see Lugaid.
Corrbacc, 344, 346-7.
Coscraid Menn Macha, 439.
Cotageib Ule, 368-9.
couvade, the, 140, 363, 627-9, 678.
Cræb-rúadi, 12.
Crede, 252, 255, 322.
Creiᵭylad, Creurdilad, 511, 561, 563.
Creirwy, 565.
Crete, 660-1.
criafol, 358.
Crickhowel, 204.
crin, 201.
Crochnuit, 506-7.
Cromm Cruaich, 201.
Cronus, 111-2, 115, 137, 139, 146-7, 149, 152, 154-5, 185, 207, 642-54, 656, 659, 661, 663, 665-6, 668.
cropped black sow, the, 515, 517.
Crotta Cliach, 172.
cruach, 201.
Cruachan Ái, 330, 410-1, 444, 513, 590-1.
Crûg Hywel, 204.
cruit, 170.
Cruithni, 600.
Cúailnge, Cúailgne, 140, 446.
Cûch, the, 338, 340.
Cúchulainn, 90-1, 138, 140, 142-4, 223, 259, 261-2, 264, 321, 323, 326, 342-7, 353-4, 307, 369, 374, 376, 378-9, 393, 395, 397, 403, 429-32, 435-45, 447-55, 457-62, 464-8, 470-7, 479-83, 487, 493-4, 501, 511, 526, 536, 538-42, 546, 565, 571, 576, 590, 594-5, 602, 610, 618, 624, 626-31, 633, 638, 641, 646-7, 659, 662.
Cuhelyn, 269.
Cuil m-Brocholl, 524.
Cuill, Mac, 540, 569, 579.
Cuirc, 521-2.
Culann, 446-7, 452, 511, 638-9.
Cultor, 6: see Mercurius.
Cumall, 40, 178, 180, 187.
Cundail, 344-5: see Coirpre.
Cuneᵭa, 270, 547.
Cunovali, 539.
Curci, 522.
Curach Life, Curragh of Kildare, 506.
Cú-rí, Cú-roi, Cú-rui, 472-7, 479.
Curry, O', 599.
Custennin, 489-90, 494-5.
Cwm Cawlwyd, Owl of, 555.
cwelan, cwellan, 38.
Cybele, 3.
Cyclopes, 106.
cyfaiỻ, cyfaiỻt, 480.
cyn Croc, 374: seo Neol.
cynrhon, 400.
cynthron: see cynrhon.
Cynwal, 539.
Dacia, 454.
Dædalus, 381.
dæg, 496.
dagas, 497.
Dagda, the, 75-6, 135, 144-50, 152, 154, 169-70, 191, 257, 371, 388, 579, 586, 604, 614, 616, 640, 644-5, 647, 651-2, 655-6.
dagis, 496.
dagr, 497.
Dagovasus, 11.
dah, 496.
Dahâka, 656.
Dair, 213.
Daire, 473.
Dairggdig, 435.
Dairthechta, 142.
δάκνω, 541.
δάκρυ, 467.
Dál Riada, 322.
Daỻben, 282.
daỻhuan, 574.
Daỻwaran, 282.
Daỻweir, 282.
Dawyr, 282.
Damona, 25-6.
dán, 394-5.
Danann, 89; see Danu.
Danu, 89, 91, 395-6, 579, 597, 663.
dâr, 675.
David, St., 193.
David's, St., 380.
Darthula, 335.
Dáthó, 330, 483, 511-2.
dawn, 395.
Dawn, the, 299, 300, 302, 385, 444, 456, 458.
Day of Doom, 562.
dé, 89, 118.
Dé Domnann, 597.
déa, 89, 144.
Déa Domnu, 587.
Dead Ancestor, the, 656.
Death, 479, 659.
Decet, 70.
Dechtere, 141, 143-4, 174, 379, 431-4, 443, 496-7, 502.
Dee, the, 455, 598.
deep wheel, Gefjon's, 379.
degu, 496.
deigr, 467.
Déisi, the, 134, 321, 478, 504.
Delia, 520.
Delos, 384, 515.
Delphi, 222.
Deluge, the Aryan, 641, 649, 660-1.
Demetæ, 242.
demin, 552.
Demne, Deimne, 552-3, 560.
demon-steed, the, 607-8.
Denmark, 590.
dér, der, 467.
Derborgaill, 465-7, 479.
Derdriu, 335-6.
derg, 122.
Dermot; see Diarmait.
Derry, 664.
Dervorgild, 466.
Deucalion, 661.
Δευδόριξ, 30.
Devil, the, 516, 608.
deu-lynn, 400.
deus, 117.
Deutsch, 45.
deva, 117.
dȅvas, 117.
dȅve, 117.
devî, 117.
Devo Nodenti, 126.
Dêvognâta, 117.
dew, 468.
dhvan, 92.
dhvânta, 92.
día, 117-8, 144.
Dian Cecht, 381, 390, 579, 621.
Diana, 44, 70.
Diarmait, 135, 146, 187-92, 347, 355, 357, 503, 505-11, 514, 528-9, 560-1, 624.
Dienstag, 41.
dies, 118.
Diespiter, 109, 117.
Diet, 45.
Dietrich, 30-1.
dieu, 116.
Dimanche, 202.
Dingle, 473-4, 522-4, 564.
din, 34, 406.
dinas, 34, 406.
Dinas Dinỻe: see Dinỻe.
Dinas Emrys, 151, 161, 173: see Emrys.
dinech, 309.
dineu, 309.
Dinevor, 423.
Dinioch, 309.
Dinỻe, Dinỻeu, 236, 272, 307, 401, 406-7, 413, 420.
Dinỻef, 400, 406: see Dinỻe.
Dinmeirchion, 406.
dîo, 117.
Διογένης, 117.
Dion Cassius, 24.
Dionysus, 639.
Διός, 116.
δῖος, 117.
Diovis, 116.
Đirona, 27.
Dis, 65, 69, 77, 81, 84, 91, 99, 360, 391, 475, 582, 591, 638, 644.
Distorted One, the, 438.
diu, 116.
diûp röᵭul, 284, 435.
div, 118.
diva, 117.
divasa, 117.
dives, 81.
Diviciacus, 1.
Divona, 27.
dîvus, 117.
divya, 117.
do, 276.
Dobar, 257.
Dodona, 222.
Dóel Dermait, 345-7, 354, 374, 451, 494-5.
dóini, 92.
doiu, 117.
Dôme, Puy de, 182, 675.
Domhnach, 202.
Dominæ, 103-4.
dominicum, 202.
dominus, 598.
Domnall, Domnal, 323, 449, 458.
Domnu, Domna, 583, 589, 597-8.
domuiniur, 377.
Dôn, 89-91, 236, 244-5, 271, 274, 283, 306-7, 318-9, 333.
Donand, 89: see Danu.
Donegal, 664.
Donn, 504-6, 529.
donner, 58.
Donon, 182.
Donovan, O', 314, 319, 522, 567, 664.
Dontaurios, 92.
Donu, 89, 91.
donum, 395.
Doom of the Age, 652.
Dorney, O', 71.
Dornolla, 458.
doruthethaig, 142.
Doum, 12, 13.
Dovvinias, Dovinia, 524, 526.
δοῦνον, 428.
Dowth, 148.
Dragon, the, 616: see Earth-serpent.
Draupnir, 328, 365-6, 368, 373, 375, 531, 533, 632.
Drogheda, 148.
Droichet an Alta, 451.
Dropper, 531: see Draupnir.
drui, 213.
Druidæ, 221, 675.
druidechta, dé 224.
druids, the, 91, 137, 599, 673.
Drumnatinne, 314, 317.
Drunemeton, Δρυνέμετον, 219, 221.
δρῦς, 221.
Du Moro, 370-1, 608.
Du Traws, 352.
Du y Moroeᵭ, 370.
Duach Dall, 409.
Duald mac Firbis, 602.
Dub Sainglend, 441.
Duben, 308, 314, 379, 503, 505, 521-3, 525-9, 543, 566.
Dubgaill, 590.
Dubhros, 355-6.
Dublin, 610.
Dubr-duiu, 117, 675.
Dugan, Shane O', 314.
Duibind, 521: see Duben.
Duibne, Ui, 522.
Duibni, Duibne, 314, 504-5: see Duben.
duine, 92.
Dulyn, 185.
duma, 13.
Dumiates, 12-3, 47.
Dumnonii, 597.
Dunmu, 597.
Dun Aengus, 150.
Dun Inbir, 462, 464.
Dún Manann, 324.
dúnaim, 35.
Dunates, 33-5, 47.
Dunbolg, 597.
Dunmore Head, 524.
dûnon, 34, 428.
Durlas, 211-2.
Durthacht, 142, 328, 335, 366, 373-4, 382.
Dutch, 45.
duw, 116, 119.
Duw Gwyn, 528.
dvína, 92.
dwarfs under the sea, 550.
dwinan, 92.
dwindle, 91.
dwyf, 117.
dwyfol, 117.
Dwyvach, 649.
Dwyvan, 649.
dwyne, 91.
Dyaus, 109-10, 114, 116, 118, 181, 220, 301, 657.
Dyaushpitar, 40, 109, 116.
dyᵭ, 118, 175, 496.
dyfyd, 277.
Dyfrdwyf, 117.
Dy'gwyl y Meirw, 515, 676.
Dylan, 307-8, 386-7, 389-90, 393, 430, 504, 566.
dyn, 92, 377.
dynes, 92.
dyneton, 92.
Dynthle, 407.
Dyu, 40-1, 118.
dyv, dyw, 116-7.
Dyved, 242, 306, 341, 501, 504.
Dyvnarth, 561.
Dyvnwal, 449.
dywawd, 277.
dyvvedyd, 276.
Eadaoin, 91: see Etáin.
Eager, the, 640.
Eágor, 639.
Earth, 72-3, 111-4, 181, 645, 669-70.
Earth-serpent, 534, 612.
Eber, 526, 582.
Eccen, 563.
Eccet, 563-5, 570.
Echaid: see also Eochaid, Eochaidh.
Echaid Airem, 247, 579.
Echaid Bairche, 450.
Echaid Echbél, 477.
Echaid Echchen, 593.
Echaid of Eol, 342.
Echaid Feidlech, 579.
Echaid Glas, 344, 353-4.
Echaid mac Luchtai, 326-7.
Echaid mac Máireda, 463.
Echaid Ollathair, 579, 616.
Echaid Rond, 374.
Echaid son of Erc, 409, 586, 589.
Echchen, 608: see Echaid Echchen.
Echen, 564: see Eccen.
Echidna, 600.
ἐχυρός, 34.
ἔχω, 34.
Ecul, 564: see Eccet.
Edáin, 317: see Etáin.
edeithor, 497.
Eden, the Garden of, 637, 656.
Edne, Edle, 417.
Eglwys Wrw, 380.
Egypt, 620.
Eigr, 486.
Eirene, 495.
Eisteᵭvod, the, 18, 208-9.
Eithne: see Ethne.
Eivl, 236.
Elatha, Elathan, 254, 274-6, 278, 280, 586.
Elcmar, 147.
elegy to Cúiiroi, the Welsh, 475.
Elen, 161-2, 164-5, 167, 169, 173-4, 456, 678.
Eleranus, 201.
elfyᵭ, 42.
Elidyr, 370-1.
Elijah, 214.
Ellen, 161.
eỻyỻ, 138.
Eỻyỻ Malen, 608.
Elphin, 545, 547.
Eltheod, 45.
Elunet, 351.
Emain, 330, 346, 433-6, 447, 452-3, 462, 496.
Embla, 285.
Emer (fem.), 395, 443, 448, 455-6, 458, 461-2, 466, 479, 485, 542.
Emer (mas.), 526, 582: see Eber.
Emrys, 151-5, 161, 165-6, 168-9, 173, 194.
Enamelling, the Art of, 665.
ἔνδιος, 117.
ἕνη καὶ νέα, 308, 517, 521.
englyn, 210, 244.
Enỻi, 155.
Enniskillen, 319.
ent, entisc, 295.
Eo Feasa, 554, 677.
Eochaid: see Echaid.
Eochaidh Gharbh, 409.
Eogan, 63.
Eogan mac Durthacht, 142, 335, 452.
Eogan of Inber, 342.
Eogan Mór, 91, 122.
Eoghan, 63: see Eogan.
Eol, gen. Iúil, 342.
eolus, 278.
Eos, 384.
Epona, 27.
Er, 526.
Erc king of Leinster, 321, 471, 479, 482-3, 538-9, 590, 631.
Erc: see Echaid.
erch, 483.
Ercias, 524-5.
Ercol, 600.
Eremon, 582.
Eri, 561, 577.
Erichthonius, 517, 639.
Erinn, 417-9.
Erinnyes, 104.
Erna, Ernai, 527, 588.
Ernoll, 590.
Erp, 524, 527.
Erris, 583.
Ertham, 73.
Erythria, 622.
esa, 61.
Esni, 179, 478.
Essenberg, 289.
Esugenonertus, 63.
Esugenos, 63.
Esunertus, 63.
Esus, 61, 63-5, 68, 72-3, 86, 232, 646.
Etáin, 91, 145-6, 317.
Etal, 170, 172.
etan, 275-6.
Etan, 253, 317-8.
Ethiopians, the, 640.
Ethlenn, Eithlenn, 390, 410,414, 443: see
Ethne, 319, 390-1, 410, 417.
Ethne Ingubai, 458.
Ethne Uathach, 478.
Ethne wife of Conchobar, 139.
Ethnea, 315-6, 390: see Ethne.
Eubonia, 601.
Eudav, 104.
εὐδιεινός, 117.
εὐδιέστερος, 117.
Eugein, 63.
Eugenius, 63.
eulodeu, 399.
Eumæus, 527.
Eumenius, 26.
Eunomia, 495.
Euphrates, 556.
Eurgein, 371.
Eurynome, 638.
Fachtna, 137, 139, 144.
Fâd Felen, y, 608.
fáel, 318.
Faery, 445.
Fáfnir, 677.
fagus, 54.
Failbhe, Ui, 522.
Fairge, 328, 335.
Fairguneis, 220.
fairguni, 220.
fáith, 262, 277-8, 283.
Fál, 123-5, 130, 168, 206-8, 210, 212, 214-6, 576.
Falga, 475-6.
Faỻ, y, 608-9.
Falvys, the O', 522.
Fand, 342, 460-4, 460, 467, 477.
farma-týr, 119.
fáth, 277-8.
Fáthach, 137, 139, 277.
Feast of the Dead, the, 676.
Feats of Cúchulainn, the, 440.
Febis, 526.
Fedelm, 378, 630-1.
Fomis: see Febis.
Féni, the, 357.
Fenri's Wolf, 120-1, 392, 530, 611-2, 615, 619, 677.
Fensal, Fensalir, 530, 543.
fer, fir, 21, 282.
Fer Baeth, 480.
Fer Diad, 480-1.
Fer Tlachtga, 515.
Feradach, 312.
Ferceirtne, 474.
Ferchertne, 331.
fergara, 469.
Ferghoir, 489.
Fergus the Black-toothed, 134.
Fergus Fairge, 328, 647.
Fergus mac Róig, 137-40, 328, 335, 435, 522, 646-8, 651, 659, 668.
Fergus and the Luchorpáin, 591-2, 596.
Ferloga, 142-3, 513.
Ferna, 393.
fervere, 26.
Fferyỻ, 544.
Fflam, 179-80.
Ffleudor, 180.
Fflewdur, 179.
Fflûr, fflûr, 153, 239.
Fforᵭ Elen, 167.
Fiac's Pool, 553.
Fial, 677.
Fiann, Fián, 98-9, 552, 559.
Fidba: see
Fidga, 631, 641.
Field of Ith, 605: see Ith.
file, 144, 442.
Fimbul-ty, 534, 613.
fimm, fimt, 365.
Finland, 636.
Finn, 40, 98, 144, 146, 178, 181, 187, 251-2, 255, 322, 355, 357, 552-3, 508-9, 560, 565.
Finn Éces, 553, 560-1.
Finnchoem, 432, 434, 512, 539.
Finnfál, 122-4, 130, 208, 577.
Finnghlais, 474.
Fir Bolg, 120, 150, 213, 252-3, 277, 321, 409, 419, 579, 581-2, 585-91, 596-7, 599, 601-3, 606-7, 609-11, 614-5, 619, 627, 653, 659, 677.
Fir Déa, 89, 579.
Fir Domnann, 581, 589-90, 597, 599, 603.
Fir Morca, 593, 608.
firgen, 220.
First of Aug., 516, 518-9.
First of May, 498-9, 519-20, 545-6, 562, 607.
First of Nov., 459-60, 473, 514, 584, 587, 614: see Nov.-eve.
Firtri, Corca, 522.
Fjörgynn, 220.
Flann, 171, 173, 211.
Flood, the: see Deluge.
Flouest, M., 69.
fo, 591-2.
fóelaid, 318.
Fogamur, 514.
Foi, 212.
fólk, 46.
Fomor, Fomhair, 589, 594, 606, 662.
Fomori, Fomoraig, 253-4, 262, 275, 280, 387-9, 391, 396-7, 413, 419, 427, 449, 464, 466, 579, 582, 584-91, 593-6, 598, 603-5, 608-11, 614-5, 662, 677-8.
foráith, 277.
Forgall, 376, 395-6, 416, 448, 450, 455-7, 465-8, 479, 487, 492-3.
formach, 23.
Forseti, 534, 541, 633.
foss, 11.
Fothad, 505.
Four Dimples of Cúchulainn, 437.
Four Kisses of Aengus, 370.
Four Trefoils of Olwen, 490-1.
Franang, 539.
Freija, read Freyja.
Frey, 492, 612, 652, 676.
Freyja, 84, 619.
Friday, 543.
Frígedæg, 543.
Frigg, 529-33, 536, 542-3.
Fuad, 441.
Fulla, 533.
Fursa, 172.
fylkir, 46.
gabur, 593.
Gaea, 111, 115.
gaesum, 381, 600.
gái, 381, 441, 481, 600-1.
Gái Bolga, the, 441, 481.
Gaidoz, M., 8, 42, 55-6, 60, 65-6, 118, 176-7, 453, 575.
Gaileóin, Gailiúin: see
Gailióin, 330-1, 581, 585, 589-90, 598-601, 603.
gaill, 590.
Gair, 250.
Galli, 599.
Gallians, the, 599.
Gallizenae, 196.
Gann, 584-5, 589.
Gardens of Lug, 448, 455.
Garni, 612, 615.
garta, 448.
Gascony, 154.
Gauta-týr, 119.
Gavaelvawr, 372.
Gavida, 314, 316-9.
Gefjon, 284, 379, 435, 543, 546.
gein n-amra, 570.
gein m-buada, 570.
geir, Geir, 250, 270, 280.
Geirionyᵭ, 250, 555.
Geirrœᵭr, 456-7.
Geiryoeᵭ, Geiryoed, 250, 280.
Geiryon, 250.
gele, geleu, 400.
Geleón, 600-1.
Gelonus, Geloni, 600-1.
Gem-lea, 534, 613.
Genann, 584-5, 589.
geniessen, 128.
genus, 570.
Geoffrey, 129, 354, 567.
Georgics, the, 600.
Gerᵭr, 492.
Germania, the, 662.
Geryon, 14, 477.
gess, gessa, 99, 507-8, 647.
ghar, 22.
ghṛṇa, 22.
Giants, the, 619, 670, 677-8.
Gildas, 547.
Gilchrist, 215.
Gilla Dacker, the, 318.
gille, 215.
Gillecomded, 215.
Gillecrist, 215.
Gilvaethwy, 90, 336.
Giöll, 533.
Giraldus, 580.
Glas Gaivlen, the, 319.
Glass, 217.
Glass Fortress, the, 264, 550.
Glass House, the, 155-6, 161, 264.
Glaucus, 126.
gleam, 22.
Glen, the, 344.
glenn, 399.
Glenn ngaibthech, 451.
Glewlwyd, 372, 640, 667.
Glinneu, 561.
Glitnir, 534, 633.
Gloaming, the, 385.
Gloᵭaith, 497.
Gloucester, 626.
Gloyw Waỻt-lydan, 501.
Goborchinn, 593.
gobur, 593.
God of Druidism, the, 443.
goᵭeith, goᵭaith, 497.
Goᵭeu, 244, 248, 257-8.
Goddess of the Deep, the, 615: see Domnu.
Goᵭmundr, 456-7, 626.
Godo, 180.
gods and not-gods, 581.
Goewyn, 306, 336-7.
Goibniu, 90, 319, 388, 579.
Goleuᵭyᵭ, 486, 494, 496-7.
Goll, 552.
Goreu, 668.
Goronwy Owen, 97.
Goronwy Pevr, 240, 474, 616-7.
gorseᵭ, 205, 208-9.
Gorugiau Triplets, the, 667.
Gothia, 454.
Govannon, 90, 307, 318-9, 386-7, 389-90.
Govynion, Govynnion, 90, 319: see Govannon.
Gower, 668.
graienyn, 571.
Grainne, 146, 357, 506-7, 509-10, 560.
Gianheim, 24.
Grannos, Grannus, 3, 21-2, 24-5, 27, 510.
Gratian, 166-7.
Graunes, Eaux, 24.
Graux, 24.
Great Island, 650.
Gregory of Tours, 9, 10.
Greid, 561, 577.
Greidiawl, 561.
Gréine, Mac, 418, 542, 569, 579.
Gresholm, 96, 665.
Greth, 563.
Gretti, 85.
Grey of Macha, the, 441.
grian, 571.
Grian-ainech, 20.
grianan, 145-6.
gruagach, 189-90.
Guᵭrún, 457.
Guernsey, 198.
Guest, Lady Charlotte, 306.
guetid, 277.
Gula Augusti, 424.
Gule of August, 412.
Gundfled, 287-8, 298, 337.
Gungnir, 284.
Gunther, 482, 511.
Guth-ard, 200.
Gwair, 250: see Gweir.
Gwalchmai, 430.
Gwales, 96-7.
gwalstawt, gwalstot, 489.
Gwanar, 180.
Gwanas Gwyr, 668.
gwarawt, 277.
gwared, 277.
gwas, 'a man,' 23.
gwas, 'a mansion,' 11.
Gwas Duiu, 117.
Gwasgwyn, 153-4.
gwawd, 277-8, 283.
gwawl, 123, 168.
gwed, 276.
gwedyd, 276-7.
Gweir, 249-50, 252, 254, 270, 282, 285.
Gweiryoeᵭ, 249-50: see Geiryoeᵭ.
gweled, 277.
Gwen, 161.
Gwenᵭyᵭ, 157.
Gwennan, 161.
gwenriain, 527.
Gwent, Nether, 498.
Gwenwynwyn, 180.
Gwernabwy, the Eagle of, 555.
Gwilym, D. ab, 555, 574.
Gwion, 544-5, 551-3, 558-60, 588-9.
gwir, 21.
gwledig, 151, 162, 165.
gwr, 21, 282.
Gwrgwst, 561.
Gwrhyr, 489.
Gwri, 486, 500-1, 546.
Gwron, 282.
gwyd, 277.
Gwyd, 271, 277-9.
Gwydion, 225, 236-45, 248-9, 254-5, 258-9, 262, 270-2, 274, 276-80, 283-8, 291-4, 297-9, 300-1, 304-8, 313-4, 318, 321, 324, 326, 330, 333, 336-7, 341, 347, 379, 382, 384-6, 389-90, 398, 404-6, 425, 544, 623, 629.
Gwyᵭno, 155, 545.
Gwyl Awst, 421.
Gwyl Fair, 421.
Gwyl Fihangel, 421.
Gwyl Iwan, 421.
Gwyn ab Nûᵭ, 84, 146, 179, 181-2, 355, 371, 473-4, 478, 511, 537, 559-63.
Gwyn da Gyueᵭ, 371.
Gwyn da Reimat, 371.
Gwyn Gohoyw, 501.
Gwyn son of Esni, 478.
Gwyn son of Nwyvre, 478.
Gwynnwesi, 153: see Wenwas.
gwynt, 35, 71, 282.
Gwysmeuric, 153.
Gwythur, 355, 511, 561-2.
Gyges' ring, 378.
Gylfe, 284.
Gymir, 492.
Hácon, 226.
Hades, 90, 96, 248, 256-7, 261, 267, 276, 286, 291, 313, 326, 330-1, 333, 337-44, 346-7, 354, 373, 441, 447, 451, 457, 501, 550, 641, 643, 655, 678.
Half, 660.
half-week, the, 438.
Hallinskiᵭi, 83, 85.
Ham, 593, 609.
hand-bani, 538.
Hanga-týr, 119.
Happy Isles, the, 659: see Isles of the Blessed.
hare-witches, 199.
Harlech, 94, 96-7.
Harits, the, 495.
haul, heul, houl, 572.
hauligaera, 573.
Havgan, 191, 339, 342, 344, 354.
Head of Hades, 373, 501, 550, 558, 665-6: see Pwyỻ.
Heaᵭoric, 33.
heaᵭu, 537.
Heaven, 110-3, 182, 669-70.
Hedrich, 33.
Heimdal,Heimdall, 82-5, 365, 558, 602, 612, 656.
Heimdali, 85.
Helen, 167.
Helgi Lays, the, 198.
Helicon, 554.
Helios, 503, 571.
Hell, 329, 332, 347, 382, 430, 530-1, 533, 535, 546, 615.
Hellas, 622.
Hellen, 661.
Hemera, 571.
Hen Fenyw, 380.
Hengist, 154.
heol, 572.
Hephæstus, 381, 517-8, 521, 638-40.
Heracles, 14-6, 20, 89, 141, 225, 234, 281-2, 284, 287, 291, 296, 378, 432, 444, 471, 575, 623-6, 629-30, 678.
Hercules, 66, 68, 131, 273-4, 288-9, 477, 600: see Heracles.
Here, 43, 72, 432, 471, 623, 630, 639.
Hericus, 429.
Hermes, 15, 20, 274, 287, 427, 620-1, 624.
Hermóᵭr, 329, 382, 531, 533.
Hesiod, 495.
Hesus, 44, 47.
Hill of Ward, the, 515.
himil, 39.
himmel, 39, 178.
hir, 27.
Hirp, mac, 524.
hláfmæsse, 411.
Höᵭ, 537.
Höᵭr, 530-2, 534, 537-9, 613.
Hœni, 534, 613.
homo, 92.
Horace, 303.
Horæ, the, 495.
horn, 78.
Horsa, 154.
Hours, the, 494-5.
Howel, 162.
Howth, 329.
Hû, 548, 592, 595.
huan, 574.
Hübner, Dr., 126.
Hûd Gwyn, 562.
huitaine, 361.
húm, 115.
húma, 115.
Hwch ᵭu gwta, yr, 515-6, 675.
Hwergelme, 557.
Hy-Fiachrach, 355.
Hy-Many, 343, 374.
Hyrrokin, 531.
hýma, 115.
Hymi, 115, 180-1, 661, 663.
Hyperboreans, the, 194.
Hyperion, 111.
Hyveiᵭ, 498.
Hywel, 102.
Iair, 527.
iarann, 70.
Iarbhoinel, 262, 675: see Iardonel.
Iarboneoil, 675.
Iardobar, 257.
Iardonel, 581, 675.
Iaripi, 524.
iarn, 70.
Iau, 175.
Ibar Cinn Trachta, 461.
Iccavos, 75.
Icht, 467.
Ictian Sea, the, 467.
Idâ, 660-1.
Iᵭa-plain, 534, 612: see Ith.
Iᵭa-völlr, 605: see Ith.
Idris, 250, 279, 675.
Ier, 526.
Igrayne, 486.
Ildánach, the, 427.
Inber, 342.
Indech, 587, 598, 615-6.
in-diu, 118.
Indra, 40, 181, 232, 292-301, 304, 382, 385-6, 390, 425, 623, 629.
iñdra, 295.
Ingcél, 135, 367, 650.
Inis Ceithlenn, 319.
Inis Fáil, 206.
Inny, 139.
Insi Gall, 476.
Inver Domnann, 582, 598.
Iobath, 262.
iôn, 62.
iôr, 62.
iôt, 117.
Ἰουέρνιοι, 588, 677.
Ir, 526.
Isle of Man, the, 663-4.
Isles of the Blessed, the, 643, 648.
ἴσχω, 34.
ith, 117.
ith, etho, 605.
Ith, Itha, 534, 605, 612, 631.
Iuchair, 393.
Iuchna, 477.
Iucharha, 393.
Iveragh, barony of, 522.
Jahveh, 50.
Janiculum, 648.
January, 360.
Janus, 94, 360, 648, 666.
Japetus, 14.
Japhet, 580.
Jason, 291-2.
jaút, 117.
jauti, 117.
Jesuit Missionaries, the, 673.
Jesus, 22.
Jordan, the, 556.
Jordanis, 61, 636.
Joshua, 50-1.
Jove, 2, 40-1, 47-9, 54-6, 58, 60, 72, 78, 86, 109, 117-8, 122, 132, 175-6, 178, 181, 195, 234, 295, 563, 575.
Jovius, 71.
Juliomagus, 7.
Juno, 43, 175.
Jupiter, Jovis, Jove: see Jove, Zeus.
jûs, 117.
Καδμογενής, 625.
Kadyrieith, 489.
καμάρά, 39.
kamara, 40.
kamaredha, 40.
κάρνον, κάρνυξ, 78.
Kastor, 571.
Keating, 409, 582-600.
keen, the, 388-9.
Kei, 347, 490.
Kelyᵭon, 486-7.
Keredigion, 463.
Kerridwen, 269, 544-6, 550, 565.
Kicva, 501.
Kildare, 193.
Kilgwri, the Blackbird of, 555.
kill, 38.
Killaraus Mons, 192.
Killare, 192-3.
Killorglin, 596.
Kilmactranny, 587.
Kilyᵭ, 486.
Kineely, Mac, 314-6, 318-9, 390.
king, 46.
Kinsale, 523.
kióla valdi, 652.
κμέλεθρον, 40.
Knowth, 148.
Korkureti, 522.
Κρόνια, 643.
Κρονιών, 643.
Κρόνος, 643.
Kulhwch, 28-9, 478, 486-95, 555, 559, 561, 577.
Kyledr, 561.
Kynan, 164-5.
Kynᵭelw, 268-9, 408.
Kynon, 347-51.
Kynval, Kynvael, 400: see Cynwal.
Kynyr, 317.
kyvarws, 488.
Labraid of the Swift Hand, 342, 346, 353, 461, 463, 631, 641.
Labraid Longsech, 590, 593, 601, 608.
Labraid Lorc, 590.
Lady of the Fountain, 351-3, 378.
Lady of the Lake, 156-8, 641.
Lady of the Van Lake, 422-3, 463.
Laertes, 289-90.
Lag an Aonaigh, 418.
lagen, 600.
Lagin, Laighin, 599-601.
Lám-fada, 390, 397, 409: see Lug.
Lamia, 104, 106.
Lammas, 409-11.
Lancelot, 484.
Land of Immortality, the, 627, 636.
Land of Promise, the, 355-6, 397, 665.
Lang, Mr. Andrew, 111-2.
Laon, 420.
Last day of Oct., 587: see First of Nov.
Lares, 3.
Latham, Dr., 635.
Latona, 195, 497.
Lear, 562.
Leda, 173.
Léim Conculainn, 462.
Lein, Lake of, 356.
Leinster, 467, 504, 511, 585, 599, 600, 609.
lenn, 399.
Léodús, 454.
Leto, 28, 444, 487, 497.
letsuanaigh, 618.
Leviathan, 530.
Lhuanys, 422.
Lia Fáil, 206, 576-7.
Liath Macho, 441.
Liban, 342, 460-3, 641.
Liffey, 471, 484-6, 506, 539, 610.
Liun Féic, 553.
Linn Léith, 441.
Lion, Chevalier au, 403, 503.
Lir, 342, 411, 461-2, 556, 579, 664, 666.
lir, 666: see Lir.
Lit, 531.
Livy, 67.
Little Van Lake, 422.
Llandyssul, 230.
Llanrwst, 555.
Llassar, 256.
Llawereint, 125, 610.
Llawgyffes, 237-8, 383, 399.
ỻef, 405,
ỻetuegin, 385.
Lleu, 237, 385, 398-401, 404-7, 409, 413, 419, 425, 430, 432, 436, 473-4, 486, 493, 501, 504, 543, 546, 551, 561, 565, 571, 617, 625: see Llew.
ỻeu babir, 408.
ỻeufer, ỻeuer, 408, 429.
Llew, 237-40, 248, 259, 272, 284, 299, 300, 305, 308, 318-9, 324, 341, 383-6, 389-90, 393, 398-402, 404, 407, 486: see Lleu.
ỻew, 237-8, 398, 401.
Lli, 96.
Lliaw, Lliaws, 180.
Llion, Llivon, 463, 583.
ỻuched, 59.
ỻuchio, 59.
Llûᵭ, 125, 127-30, 144, 173, 249, 511, 561-3, 577, 606-8, 610, 619, 643.
Llychlyn. 355.
Llydaw, 168.
ỻyg, 428.
ỻygliw, 428.
ỻygoden, 428.
Llyn y Gadair, 404.
Llyn Llion, 463.
Llyr, 94, 249, 425, 562, 577.
Llyvni, 405-6.
Loch Cimbe, 601.
Loch Cuan, 415, 465.
Loch Derg, 326.
Loch Dergdeirc, 326.
Loch Dub, 441.
Loch Lámraith, 471.
Loch Lugdech, 677.
Lóch Mór, 526.
Loch Tondchuil, 471.
lochdub, 428.
Lochlann, 129, 347, 355-6, 465, 467-8, 487, 615.
lochrúna, 428.
Lodon, 556.
Loeg, 343, 441, 461.
Loegaire Buadach, 430, 536, 594.
Loegaire mac Néill, 259, 416.
Logh, 408, 410.
Loki, 83, 120, 530-2, 534, 536, 538-40, 612, 615, 654.
Lomna, 98-9.
London, 129.
Lord's-day, the, 202.
Lot: see Loth.
Loth, Lothus, 125, 129, 583.
Lóthar, Lothor, Lothur, 478.
Lothians, the, 129.
Loucetius, 133.
Λούγδουνον, 419.
Λουγούδουνον, 419-20.
Lough Corrane, 677.
Lough Corrib, 664.
Lough Foyle, 664, 667.
Lough Hackett, 601.
Lough Neagh, 279, 463.
Lough Rudraide, 592.
Lough, Strangford, 465.
Lough Swilly, 605.
λοῦγος, lugos, 428.
Louth, 454.
Luachair, 462.
Luain, 336-7.
Lucan, 44-5, 47, 49, 60, 68, 70.
Lucdunum, 429: see Lugdunum.
luch, 428.
Luchorpáin, the, 591, 606.
Luchuirp, the, 592.
Luchtai, 326.
Lucian, 13, 20.
Lud, 129.
Ludgate, 129.
Ludi Miscelli, 421.
Lug, 143, 210, 237, 316-9, 383, 390-1, 394-8, 407-14, 418, 420-1, 423, 426-7, 429-31, 435, 442-3, 445, 448, 454, 486, 496, 501-2, 512, 519, 536, 540-2, 570-1, 578-9, 586-7, 590, 611, 614, 616, 618, 623, 625, 639.
lug, 512, 540.
Lugaid, 328, 343, 443, 465, 471-3, 477-85, 503, 528, 538-41, 618.
Lugaid Corr, 552, 676.
Lugaid mac Con, 524, 677.
Lugaid son of Ith, 677.
lugbairt, 429.
Lugdunum, 34, 419-20, 428-30.
Lugdunum Convenarum, 420.
Lugh, 397, 409: see Lug.
luglíath, 428.
Luglochta Loga, 448, 466.
Lugmod, 420.
Lugnassad, 409-11, 414-6, 418, 420, 423, 519.
Lugoves, 238, 419, 424-6, 430-1, 541.
Luguadicus, 541.
Lugudeccas, Lugudeca, 540.
Lugus, 238, 419-20, 428-31, 486.
Lunet, 351-2, 378-9.
Lusca, 466.
Lycæan Mountain, the, 183.
Lynette, 351.
Lyons, 34, 419.
Mabon, mabon, 21, 28, 31, 249, 400, 404, 423, 555, 577, 627.
mac, 320.
mac legind, 320.
Macbeth, 104.
Macpherson, 335.
Macha, 330, 441.
macht, 23.
Macrobius, 56.
maccu, 522.
madfaỻ, 609.
mael, 215.
Maelan, 161.
Maelgwn, 12, 271, 547-8.
Maelmuiri, 215.
Maelpadraic, 215.
Maen Ketti, 193.
Maen Twrog, 244.
Mag Bolg, 597.
Mag Cro, 312.
Mag n-Itha, 583, 605.
Mag Mór, 275.
Mag Slecht, 200-2, 208, 215.
Mag Tured, 387, 414-5, 585: see Moytura.
maga, 24.
magavan, 24.
Magee, Island, 477.
magha, 23.
maghavan, 23.
Magniac-o, 6, 7.
magnus, 23.
magu, 23.
main, 23.
Maine, 328, 366-70, 372-7, 380, 382.
Maini, the, 366-7, 369-70, 373-4: see Maine.
Mainz, 23.
máir, 124.
Maistiu, 150.
Malachi, 535.
Malahide Bay, 583.
Malen, 607-8: see March.
maỻ, maỻt, 608-9.
malu, 59.
mam wen, 528.
man, 377.
Man, 324, 601, 638, 664.
Manann, 663-4.
Manann, Dún, 324.
Manannán, 147, 256, 342, 377, 397, 411, 461-2, 464, 474, 477, 663-7.
manas, 377, 380.
Manaw, 663-4.
Manawyᵭan, 377, 425, 663-8.
Manawyt, 666.
Mane: see Maine.
Manes, Manis, 662.
manman, 377.
Mannus, 377, 662.
Mans, le, 420.
μάντις, 377.
Manu, 377, 659-60.
maouez, 23.
mapon: see mabon.
Maponos, Maponus, 21, 27-8, 68, 404, 577: see Apollo.
Marc, 590: see Margg, Morc.
March, 239, 271, 590, 650, 662.
March Malaen, 607: see Malen.
Marches, the, 149.
Margam, 668.
Margg, 590, 593, 608: see Morc.
Marianus, 215.
mark, 149.
Marne, 29.
Marô, ar, 568, 659.
marriages at Lugnassad, 418-9.
Mars, 2, 32-3, 35, 37, 40-2, 44, 48, 50, 68-9, 91, 118, 126, 130, 133, 181, 210, 537-9.
Mars-Jupiter, 468, 625, 631.
Martin, St., 538.
Martius, 71.
martulus, 59.
Mâth, 225-6, 236, 239, 241, 246, 284, 298, 305-8, 326, 336, 384, 389, 398, 406, 424, 432, 527.
Matholwch, 94-5, 619.
Mathonwy, 305, 527: see Mâth.
Mathremail, 367, 369.
Matræ: see
Matres, 100-4.
Matrona, 27, 29.
Matronæ, 100.
mavi, 23.
maw, 23.
Max Müller, Prof., 107.
Maxen, 160, 162, 164-9.
Maxim, 167, 675.
Maximianus, 167.
Maximus, 166-7.
may, 23.
Mayence, 23.
Mayo, 583.
Mbocobis, the, 673.
meal, 59.
mealde, 59.
meanadh, 666.
meaning, 377.
Medb, 137-40, 142, 170, 322-3, 330, 367-9, 410, 444, 468, 475, 478-80, 482, 511, 598, 601, 627, 646.
meᵭiant, 103.
Medea, 291-2.
Meirchion, 239, 271, 590, 650: see March.
Mela, 130, 174, 196-9.
μέλαθρον, 40.
meỻt, 59.
Melyngan Gamre, 385.
memini, 377.
μέμονα, 377.
ménaoued, 665.
Menai, 405.
μενεαίνω, 377.
Menelaus, 660.
Meneviensis, 380.
menma, 377.
μἐνος, 377, 380.
mens, 377.
Μέντωρ, 377.
Menw, 380: see
Menyw, 375-7, 380, 489.
Mercœur, 8.
Mercoiray, 8.
Mercoire, 8.
Mercoiset, 8.
Mercuer, 8.
Mercurette, 8.
Mercurey, 8.
Mercurie, 8.
Mercurot, 8.
Mercury, a place, 8.
Mercury, the god, 1, 3, 6-9, 35, 47, 49, 73, 80, 88, 110, 231-2, 274, 281, 285, 294, 321, 428, 675.
Merlin, 125, 144, 151-61, 174, 184, 187, 192-5, 225-6, 544, 577, 640-1, 651, 667.
mermaids, 198, 660.
Mersey, the, 454-5.
Mesgegra, 136, 330, 483-5, 513.
Mesroida, 511, 513.
Messiah, the, 613.
meu, 407.
meudwy, 23, 117, 407.
Midas, 593.
Middleby Kirk, 597.
Mider, 145, 331-4, 395, 473, 475-7, 549, 579, 604, 627.
Midluachair, 462.
Midsummer-day, 586.
might, 23.
Milbel, 368.
Milde mon, Mil de mal, 449: see Domnall.
Mile, 90-1, 147, 313, 569, 579, 581-2, 603, 643.
Miles Hispaniæ, 263, 582.
Milesians, the, 506, 542, 569, 579, 582, 588-9, 603-4, 643-4.
Milscothach, 368-70.
Milton, 479.
Mim, 557-8, 568.
mind, 377.
Minerva, Menerva, 2, 3, 73-5, 77, 377, 379-80, 546.
Míngor, 367, 369.
Minocannus, 90.
Minos, Μίνως, 377, 660-3, 668.
mistletoe, the, 530.
Mithras, 3, 100.
Mjölnir, 59, 531, 646.
mlatiti, 59.
mlatŭ, 59.
mlŭnij, 59.
mo, 525.
Mo Dovinia, 524-5.
Mó Epert, 367-70.
moco, mocu, muco, 522.
Mocu-Dalon, 522.
Mocu-Runtir, 522.
Mocu-Sailni, 522.
Modaib Loga, 420.
Modron, 28-9, 400, 423, 577.
moel, 449.
Moel-mud, 449: see Dyvnwal.
Móen, 311, 317-8, 542, 546, 566.
Mo-Febis, 525-6.
Mog Néit, 215.
Mog Nuadat, 122, 215.
Mog Ruith, 211-2, 214-6, 381, 515, 517, 526.
mögen, 23.
Mogha, Corca, 522.
Mogounos, Mogounus, 22-4, 27.
Moguntia, 23.
Moguntiacum, 23.
Mo-haulum, 525-6.
Mold, 204.
molina, 59.
Mo-ling, 211.
molo, 59.
Mo-luigid, 526, 528.
Momaros, 428.
mon, 376.
monach, manach, 376, 395.
Monapia, 663.
moneo, 377.
Mongán, 552.
Mons Jovis, 167.
Mont St. Michel, 91, 161, 334.
Montmartre, 8.
Montmercure, 8.
Moon, the, 672-3, 678.
Morann, 310-4, 317, 323-4.
Morc, 262, 584, 590, 593, 608-9, 662: see Marc, Margg.
Morcant, 229.
Mordav, 544.
Morecambe Bay, 455.
Morgan, 229.
Morgant, 160.
Morgen, 229, 408.
Mórgor, 367, 369.
Moridûnon, 160.
Morien, 229.
Morn, 496: see Eos.
Morna, mac, 552: see Goll.
Moro, 370-1: see
Morois, 371, 608: see Brun.
Mórrígu, 43-4, 452, 468, 470-1, 604, 629.
Morris, Lewis, 97.
morrow, 408.
Morva Dinỻeu, 407.
Morvran, 565.
Morvuᵭ, 423.
Moses, 52.
Mothers, the, 101-2.
Mowat, M., 64-6, 78-9, 82.
Moytura, 585, 587, 589-90, 601, 604, 614, 617, 619, 626, 631, 644: see Mag Tured.
mruig, 149.
Muena, 591.
mug, 23, 407.
Mugain, 139.
Mug-éime, 247, 320.
muin, 374.
Muineamon, 373.
muir, 257, 467, 591-2.
Muirn, 252.
Mulpatrick, 215.
Munster, 585, 609.
Mureif, 371: see
Murias, 257, 371.
Murthemne, 393, 435, 444, 446, 452, 454, 459, 471, 481, 638, 647.
Musc, 308, 310, 317, 320-1: see Cairbre.
Muscraige, 321.
Muscraige-Thire, 441.
Muscraighe, 521.
Muscry, 321.
Muskerry, 321.
Muspell, 615.
Mwynvawr, 370: see Elidyr.
Myᵭvai, 423.
Mygnach, 153.
Mynach, 372.
Mynawg, 376-7.
mynawyd, 665.
Mynogan, 90, 377.
Mynyw, 380.
Myrᵭin, 151, 160, 168.
Myrmidons, the, 597.
Naas, 329-30.
Nama, mac, 650.
Namnites, 196.
Nanna, 533.
Nantes, 196.
Nantỻe, Nantỻeu, 240, 400, 405.
naô, 362.
Nár, 478.
nassa, 416.
nassad, nasadh, 410, 415.
naudà, 128.
Naue, Mac, 320.
naut, 128.
Nâv, Naw, 180, 271, 650.
naw, 362, 364.
Nawmod, 376: see
Nawmon, 371-2, 376.
neat, 128.
Necht, 122-3, 130.
Nechtan, 122, 556.
nef, 649.
nef wen, 528.
negar, 123.
Neivion, Neivon, 258, 271, 649-50.
nem, 649.
Nemausus, 100.
Nemed, Nemid, 213, 262-3, 580, 582-3, 585-6, 589, 608, 649-51, 668.
Nemedians, the, 584.
Nemetiali-, 101-2.
νεμητον, 46, 102.
Nemetona, 42.
Nemon, 42.
Nennius, 151, 167, 584, 600-1.
Neol, 374.
neótan, 128.
Neptune, 123, 126-7, 130-1, 649-50.
Nereids, the, 106.
Nessa, 135-7, 143, 324, 646.
Nestor, 15.
Nét, 42, 215.
Neta-Ttrenalugos, 12, 203.
Nethawc, 561.
netta, neta, 33, 203.
Netta-Segamonas, 33-4.
Nevenhyr, 258.
Nevwy, 649.
Nevyᵭ, 583, 651, 663, 668.
Newgrange, 148.
newid, 362.
Newry, 461, 610.
Newtown Hamilton, 441.
nexus, 415.
nia, 33, 203.
Niad, 321.
Niafer, 321-2, 601.
Niall, 374-5, 475.
Niámán, 42, 323.
Nibelungen Lied, the, 32, 96.
Nick, 123.
nicor, 123.
Niflheim, 530.
nigim, 123.
Nimeth, 263: see Nemed.
Nine Forms, 376, 378.
Nine Gates, 373.
Nine Hazels, 373, 554.
Nine Hearts, 378.
Nine Hostages, 374.
Nine maiden Mothers, 365, 558.
Nine Maidens, 373.
Nine Muses, 558.
Nine-night Week, 360, 365.
Nine Porters, 372.
Nine Tricks, 376.
Nine Witches, 373, 626.
Niörᵭr, 652-4, 659.
niutan, 128.
nix, 123.
νίζω, 123.
njóta, 128.
Noah, Noe, 580, 593.
Noatún, 653.
Nodens, 125-8, 130-3, 159, 176, 178, 610.
noinden, noenden, the, 362-5, 368, 370-1, 438, 480.
Nos Galangaeaf, 514-6.
Nóis, mac, 479.
nómad, 364.
Norns, the, 334.
nouitiou, 362.
November-eve, 459-60, 464, 473, 507, 514, 516, 662: see First of Nov.
Nuada, 119-23, 125, 129, 133, 135-6, 144, 181, 208, 252, 275, 381, 396, 414, 427, 576-7, 579, 586-7, 609-11, 615-6, 621, 642-4.
Nûᵭ, 125, 127-8, 159, 179, 181, 559-60, 563, 577.
nundinæ, 361, 363.
Nuts, the Crimson, 356.
nütze, 128.
Nwython, 561.
Nwyvre, 123, 179-80.
nyfed, 102.
Nyx, 571.
ó, 522.
oath, a form of Manx, 361.
Óc, the Mac, 144-50, 152, 155, 161, 169-71, 185, 191, 225-6, 604, 644, 647: see Aengus.
Occidentalis, Cumulus, 168.
Oceanus, 111-2.
Ochidient, Cruc, 168.
Ochren, 248, 346: see Achren.
Óᵭenn, Óᵭinn, 278: see Woden.
óᵭr, 278.
Odysseus, 280, 291, 327.
Odyssey, the, 327, 527, 640.
óenach, 362, 369.
Oengus, 144: see Aengus.
oer, 38.
oerfel, 38.
Oerueᵭawc, 371.
Oeth, 667-8.
ofyᵭ, 17.
Ogam, 18-20, 33, 98, 274, 523-4.
Ogma, 17-20, 274, 321, 579, 611, 615, 621.
Ogmios, 13, 16, 18-9, 274, 281, 285, 287, 294, 296, 301, 304.
ὄγμος, 19.
Ogo Maen Cymwd, 97.
Ogyrven, 267-9, 275.
ogyrvena, the, 268, 274.
óibell, 38.
oidheam, 19.
Oingus, 144: see Aengus.
Oissín, Oisín, 551: see Ossín.
Olaf, 286, 456-7.
Olgen, 245.
Ollathair, 644.
Ólom, 391, 525: see Ailill.
Olwen, 28, 413, 486-8, 490-2, 494.
Olympus, 183, 620, 622, 624, 640.
Oppianicnos, 57, 75.
Orbsen, 664.
Orkney, 454.
Ormuzd, 62.
Orpheus, 291.
Ósbeorn, 63.
Osborne, 63.
Oscar, 561.
Osismi, 196.
Óslac, 63.
Osma, 424, 541.
Ossín, 551-2, 558, 561.
Ósmóᵭ, 63.
oss, os, 551.
οὐάτεις, 278.
oulodeu, 399.
Οὐρανίδας, 649.
Οὐρανός, 40, 115, 180, 649: see Uranus.
ovyᵭ, 17-8, 274.
Owein, 63, 162, 185, 191, 347, 350-4, 378, 401-4, 423, 429-30, 430, 457, 472, 494, 624.
owl, the, 241.
pabwyr, 408: see ỻeu.
page, 23.
παιδιόν, 23.
Pair Dadeni, 256.
Panathenæ, the, 414, 423, 519.
Papa, 112-3.
Paradise, 556.
Parisii, 130.
Parjanya, 220, 295.
Partholomaeus, 263: see
Partholon, 580, 582, 589, 604-5, 651, 668.
Patrick, St., 193, 200-2, 213, 215, 259.
Patroclus, 410.
Paul, St., 129.
Peblic, 258.
Pelagianism, 547.
Pelagius, 230.
πεμπάζω, 365.
Penates, 3.
Peucawr, 373.
Pendaran Dyved, 500-1.
Penka, Dr., 636.
Penkridge, 203.
Penỻech, 371.
Penỻyn, 565.
Penn Cruc, 203.
Pennocrucium, 203.
penrhyu, 406.
Pentheus, 625.
penthryn, 406.
Penzance, 539.
Peredur, 373, 403, 430, 592, 608, 626.
Perilous Glen, the, 451.
πέρκος, 483.
Perkunos, 219-21.
Persephone, 131, 563.
Perverse Black Knight, the, 352-4, 494.
Peter, St., 83, 211, 412.
Petrylew, 371.
peuỻawr, 407.
Phœbus, 127, 501, 639.
Φηγοναῖος, 54.
Φηγος, 54.
Pictava, 600.
Pictet, M., 61.
Picts, the, 600-1, 610.
Pitaras, the, 658.
Plain of Ith, the, 605.
Plant y Faỻ, 608.
Pliny, 9.
πλοῦτος, 81.
Πλούτων, 81.: see Pluto.
Plutarch, 632.
Pluto, 81, 83-5, 131, 475, 537, 563, 569.
poculum, 67.
podium, 8.
Poictiers, 600.
Polar Sea, the, 637.
Pollux, 36-7, 571.
Polyphemus, 280, 288, 327.
Porguini, 220.
Porphyrio, 622-3.
Portzmarch, 590.
Posidon, 130, 569.
Posphorus, 22, 24.
pouỻorawr, 407.
Powell, Mr., 83, 557.
Prayer, the Gorseᵭ, 209.
Pṛithivî, 114-5, 181.
Procopius, 153.
Prometheus, 225, 287-8, 291, 298, 624, 642, 661.
Proteus, 660.
prúll, 567.
prwystl, 567.
Prydelaw, Prydelw, 371.
Pryderi, 242-3, 246, 248-9, 255, 341, 500-1, 665-6.
pryderi, 500.
Prydwen, 248-9.
ψυχοπομπός, the, 654, 658.
Pueblo Indians, the, 295.
pugillares, 407.
purᵭu, 402.
purwyn, 402.
Pûshan, 655-6.
puy, 8.
Pwyỻ, 191, 242, 248-9, 255, 337-42, 344, 346-7, 354, 457, 497-8, 500-1, 550, 624-5, 641, 665-6.
Pyanepsion, 517, 521.
Pytheas, 194.
Pytho, the, 520, 617.
quercus, 217.
quicken berries, 356, 358.
quinque, 92.
quinzaine, 361.
Quirk, 522.
ráᵭ-bani, 538.
ráim, 431.
ráith, 431.
Ramayana, 298.
Rangi, 112-3.
ráth, 205, 596.
Rath Croghan, 330.
Rathach, Ui, 522.
Rathlin Island, 454, 601.
raúdmi, 389.
Red Altar, the, 186, 233.
Red Book, the, 401, 407.
Red, King of the Isles, 454, 464: see Ruad.
Redg, 590, 604.
Reiᵭi-týr, 119.
Renan, M., 230.
reótan, 389.
Res, 399.
Reuda, 322.
Rex Sacrorum, 228.
reynir, 358.
Rhadamanthus, 149, 650, 661-2.
rhawd, 277.
rhed-eg, 277.
Rhea, 642.
Rhedynvre, the Stag of, 555.
rhi, 32.
Rhiannon, 97, 498-501, 641, 666.
Rhiwaỻon, 423.
rhoᵭedig farch, 385.
Rhonwen, 154.
rhyfel, 38.
rí, 32.
Riab n-Derg, 472: see Lugaid.
Riada, 322.
Riangabra, 441.
Riastartha, the, 438.
Ribble, the, 455.
Rig, 83, 602.
Rigfota, 322.
Rigisamos, 42.
Rig-Veda, the, 654, 657-9.
Rime-Mane, 468.
Rime-Ogres, the, 577, 615.
ring, Woden's: see Draupnir.
Ringhorn, the, 531.
robur, 218.
Roc mac Diocain, 507-8.
rochorc, 309.
rodana, 389.
Rodasî, 389.
Róig, mac, 137, 139, 328, 335.
Romove, 219, 221.
Rond, Echaid, 374.
rönn, rönne, 358.
Ros na Rígh, 148.
Ros Ruad, 322.
Ross, 139.
Roth Fáil, 210, 212, 214-6.
Roth Rámach, 210, 212.
Rowan, the, 358-9.
Rowen, 154.
ruad, 389.
Ruad, 322, 464-5, 595.
Ruadán, 388-9.
rudo, 389.
Rudra, 389.
Rudraide, Rudraige, Rugraide, 585, 589, 592.
Runtir, genus, 522.
rydaja̧, 389.
Rym, 615.
Sadh, 391-2.
Saegon-, 273, 290.
Saeturnus, 648: see Saturn.
Sága, 286.
Saint, 273: see Seint.
Sálach, 563: see Eccet.
Salicidun-i, 12.
Salmon of Knowledge, the, 358, 553-4, 659.
Salmon of Llyn Llyw, 555, 558.
Samhain, Samain, 396, 516, 518-9, 584.
Samhanach, the, 516.
Samoans, the, 177.
samthach, 320.
Samthainn, Mac, 314-5, 319-20.
Sanskrit, 633-4.
Saporta, M. de, 637.
Sarn Elen, 167.
Satan, 479.
Saturn, 68, 644, 648, 651, 665-6.
Saturnalia, the, 648.
Saturn ia Regna, 648.
Saturday, 490.
sauil, 572.
sáuli, 572.
Saxons, the, 610.
Sayce, Prof., 634-5.
Scáth, 259-60.
Scáthach, 450-1, 454-5, 480-1.
Schrader, Dr., 636.
Scone, 206.
Scimach, 414.
scoim, 439.
Scots, the, 610.
Scotti, 263, 600, 664.
scyphus, 67.
Scythia, 454, 600.
Scythians, the, 475.
Se, 271, 281, 290.
Seagha, Ui, 522.
Searbhan, 355-6, 594
secht, 366-7.
seehtmain, 366-7.
Seeland: read Zealand.
sefyỻ, 277.
Segeint, 272.
Segestis, 291.
Segimundus, 291.
Segomaros, 46, 74.
Segomo, 33-5, 39, 281.
Segontiaci, 273.
Segontium, 271-3.
Segovia, 541.
Sein, 158, 160, 168, 174, 195-7, 199.
Seint, Saint, 272-3.
Seiont, 270-1, 281, 290.
Selene, 571.
Sena, 196.
Senach, 342.
Sencha, 76.
Senchan, 566-7.
Sengann, 585.
sennight, 361.
septem, 366.
septimana, 366-7.
Sera, 580.
Serapis, 25.
Seseronis, 428.
Setanta, 432, 445-7, 455, 501-2, 610, 627.
Setanitii, 455, 610.
Seteia, the, 455.
Sethor, &c., 332.
Severn, the, 127, 129, 132, 556.
Seviri Augusti, 3.
Shakspear, 104, 501, 562.
Shannon, the, 556.
Sheas, the O', 522.
hepherd of Yspyᵭaden, the, 488, 656.
sibyls, 568.
Síd, 148, 247.
Síde, 169.
sieg, 34, 281, 291.
Siegfried, 291, 482, 511, 675.
Sif, 60, 72, 645.
sigis, 34.
Sigrdrifa, 241.
Sig-týr, 118, 217.
Silchester, 273, 290.
Silvanus, 64-5, 67-9.
Silver Hosts, the, 166, 173, 456.
Silver Wheel, 435.
Simeon Brec, 213, 581.
Simon Drui, 213, 223, 599.
Simon Magus, 210-4, 223.
Sinann, 556.
Sinclair's Stat. Acc. of Scotland, 520.
sinum, 67.
sion, 618.
Siôn Kent, 548.
Siôn y Cydau, 607.
Siorna, 28.
sír, 27.
Sirona, 27-8.
siur, 61.
Skadi, 653.
Skirni's Lay, 492.
sky, ský, 116.
Sky, 109-10, 114, 116, 180, 182, 642, 671: see Heaven, Uranus.
Slainge, 585, 589, 599.
Slamannan, 665.
Slane, village of, 553.
Sleipnir, 531.
Slemna Maige Itha, 583, 604: see Ith.
Sliab Fuait, 441.
Sliab Umór, 583.
Sliabh Bán, 171.
Slieve Mis, 473, 564, 570.
slŭnŭce, 573.
Smirdubh, 171.
Snorri, 645.
Snowdon, 185, 199, 251, 279.
Sokk-mimi, 286.
sol, sól, 572-3.
Solinus, 291.
Solstice, the Summer, 422.
soma, 296-9.
Son of Man, 534.
sorg, 408.
sorrow, 408.
Spain, 90-1, 263, 409, 413, 424, 446-7, 541, 582, 585, 643.
Spanish Giant, the, 517.
Spiritus Poematis, 567.
Sreng, 585-6, 591, 611, 615.
Stanzas of the Graves, the, 668.
Stariath, 581.
Starn, 213.
στέγος, 62.
Sterculus, Stercutus, 648: see Saturn.
Stone of Vision, 576: see Lia Fáil.
Stonehenge, 192-5, 197.
Stygius, 78: see Jupiter, Cernunnos.
Sucelos, Sucælos, Sucellos, 54-5.
sun, Sun, 299, 300, 573, 655, 672-3.
sunne, 573.
Suptung, 286, 291-2, 297.
Sûrya, 573.
Sûryâ, 573, 655.
svar, 573.
Swart, 612, 615-7, 621, 623, 631, 652, 678.
Swine of Mac Dáthó, the, 511-2.
Sylvaticus, 152: see Merlin.
Syria, 620.
Tacitus, 85.
tag, 496-7.
tahjan, 541.
tailc, 551.
Taillne, 414-5, 519.
Tailltin, 148, 409-11, 415, 418, 576, 588.
Tailltiu, 409, 412-5, 423, 519.
Táin, the, 138, 140, 323, 330, 367, 369-70, 373, 434, 443-4, 468, 475, 478-9, 482, 526, 590, 598, 638.
tâl-, tàl-, iessin, 545.
talg, 408.
Taliessin, 21, 38, 97, 270, 386, 543-51, 558-60, 565-6, 568-70.
tallow, 408.
talmaide, 144.
talmnidu, 502.
Tanarus, 58.
Tane-Mahuta, 113.
Tara, 462, 479, 485, 503, 576, 665.
taran, 69.
Taran, 561.
Taranis, 44, 47, 65, 70-3, 232.
Taranucus, Taranucnus, 57, 60, 69, 72.
Taranus, 57, 69, 70.
tarbfes, 443.
Tarquin, 67.
Tartarus, 642.
tarvos, 61, 86.
Tawhiri-Matea, 113.
tear, 467.
tech, teg, 467.
Tech n-Duind, 504.
Tegid, 544, 546, 565.
τέγος, 62, 467.
tei, tai, 62.
Teirgwaeᵭ, 375, 489.
Teivi, 338, 380.
telediw, 551.
Telessin, Teleessin, Telyessin, 551: see Taliessin.
Teltown, 409: see Tailltin.
telyn, 551.
Temair Fáil, 207.
Tennyson, 158, 351.
Ternôg, 172.
Terra, 66, 68, 73.
Tethra, 449.
Teutates, 44-5, 232: see Toutates.
Teuto, 46, 662.
Teutobochus, 46.
Teutobodus, 46.
Teutomeres, 46.
Teutones, 46.
Teyrnon, 499-501.
θάνατος, 92.
Thargelia, 519.
Thargelion, 519-20.
theod, 45.
theoden, 46.
Theodoric, -us, 30-2.
Theseus, 668.
Thetis, 639.
Θευδέριχος, 30.
thiuda, 45.
thiudans, 46.
thjóᵭ, 45.
thjóᵭann, 46.
θνητός, 92, 626.
Thökk, 534, 536.
Thor, 58-60, 62-3, 65-8, 72, 110, 233, 358, 531, 611-2, 645-7, 652-3, 655.
Thorsness, 233.
Thorsteinn, 456-8.
Three Blemishes of the Ultonian Women, the, 439.
Three Blows, the, 386.
Three Cairbres, the, 650.
Three clever Countings, the, 442.
Three Colours of Cúchulainn's Hair, the, 437.
Three Cows of Mider, the, 476.
Three Cranes, the, 331, 333-4.
Three Damosels, the, 334.
Three Exiles from Faery, the, 665.
Three Flagstones of Lugaid's Court, the, 483, 539.
Three Gods of Dán, the, 394.
Three golden Cordwainers, the, 425, 665.
Three Graces of Greece, the, 495.
Three holy Clans, the, 547.
Three Horse-loads, the, 370.
Three Hounds of Lugaid's Pedigree, the, 472-3.
Three landless Monarchs, the, 666.
Three Divisions of the Day-time, the, 495.
Three Teats of the Mórrigu's Cow, 470.
Three weird Sisters, the, 334.
Three white Ladies, the, 527.
Three Whites of Emain, the, 478.
thunder, Thunder, 57-8, 645: see Thor.
thunor, 58.
Thurles, 212.
Tibal, 660.
Tiber, 556, 648.
Tibullus, 67.
Tigerna, 327.
Tigernmas, 417.
Tigris, 556.
Tioutates, 44: see Teutates.
Tír fa Tonn, 190, 347, 355.
Tir Mab Dôn, 271.
Tirerrill, 587.
Titans, the, 615, 619, 624, 642, 649, 653, 659, 663, 670.
Tithonus, 158.
Tiu, 41, 109, 115-6, 611, 621: see Týr.
tívar, 119.
Tlachtga, 381, 515, 517.
tocad, 536.
toirn, tairn, 69.
τοουτιους, 160.
Tor Conaing, 262, 584.
Tor More, 315.
Toranias, 70-1.
Torinis, 262.
tórmach, 23.
Torna, 70-1.
torunn, torrunn, 69.
Tory Island, 262, 314, 584, 590, 662.
tôta, 45.
Totates, 44: see Teutates.
Totatigens, 44.
Toutates, 44-5, 47, 49, 50: see Teutates.
Toutiorix, 21, 30, 45.
Toutissicnos, 57.
touto, 45.
town, 34.
Tralee, 473, 564.
Tre' Ga'r Anthrod, 406.
Tree of Knowledge, 558.
Tree of the World, 605.
Trees, Battle of the, 257.
Tre'Meirchion, 406.
tref, 406.
Trent, 640.
trí dee dana, 394.
tri-duum, 117.
trigaranus, 86.
tripartite, the day, 375-6.
Triton, 127.
troediog, the, 305.
tromma, 439.
tuath, 45.
Tuath Déa, 579: see Tuatha Dé Danann.
Tuatha Dé Danann, 18, 20, 89, 120, 129, 138, 206, 253, 257, 275, 319, 321, 323, 331, 356, 358, 371, 387-8, 391, 394-6, 398, 409, 414, 427, 442, 454, 507, 555, 569, 579, 581-2, 585-91, 602-4, 609, 611-2, 614-6, 618-20, 626, 644, 664.
Tuathal Teachtmar, 599.
tud, Tud, 45, 160.
Tudri, 30.
Tuesday, 41, 116.
Tuirenn, 393-4, 427.
Tuisco, Tuisto, 46, 662: see Teuto.
Tumatuenga, 113.
Tured, Mag, 427, 585, 587: see Moytura.
Tutates, 44: see Toutates.
tutor, 21.
Tutenganahau, 113.
Tvashṭar, 297.
Twrch Trwyth, 29, 346.
Tylor, Dr., 108, 672.
tynghed, 536.
Tynwald, 208, 361.
Typho, 72, 121, 136, 142, 619-21, 624, 632.
Týr, 41, 49, 109, 115-6, 118-21, 611-2, 615, 619, 621, 642, 652, 657.
Tyryawc, 244: see Maen Twrog.
Týsdagr, 41.
ua, 522.
Uaman, 170.
Uathach, 451, 458.
ufel, 38.
Ui Maini, 374.
Ulfilas, 46.
Ulster, 140, 439, 442. 462, 511, 585, 609-10.
Ulysses, 287-91.
Umór, Ughmór, Uthmór, 150, 583, 601.
unda, 463.
Undine, 463, 466.
Upsala, 637.
Uranus, 40, 111, 115, 180-1, 642, 651 657, 661: see Heaven, Sky.
urceus, 67.
Urᵭawl Ben, 97.
Ureconn, 407.
Urien, 185, 347, 350, 371, 401, 423, 429, 457, 472, 494, 624.
uro, 38.
Urogenonertus, 88.
Ursula, 166, 174.
urus, 88.
Usk, 499.
Usnech, 137, 192-3, 335.
Uther Pen-dragon, 567: see
Uthr Ben, 97, 151, 269, 567-8.
uwd, 117.
Uxama, 424, 541.
Valentia or Valencia, 211, 522.
Valerius Anno, 541.
Vali, 532, 535, 539.
Valkyria, 537.
Vallentin, M., 5, 37.
vand˚ú, 463.
Varuṇa, 40, 115, 180-1, 657, 659.
vas, 11.
Vasio, 100.
vastu, 11.
Vassocalet-i, 10-2.
vates, 278, 280.
Vaughan, 12.
Veilaun-o, 6, 7: see Vellaun-o.
Velenryd, the, 244.
Vellaun-o, 6.
Vence, 36.
Veneria, 71.
Vens, 36.
ventus, 35.
Venus, 543.
Vepotalos, 551.
Vercassivellaunos, 7.
Vergil, Virgil, 67, 217, 279, 544.
Veriugodumnos, 7.
Verona, 30.
verus, 21.
Vesontio, 100.
Vicious Bridge, the, 451.
victor, 561-2.
Victor, Mercurius, 6.
Vidar, 612.
Vienna (Vienne), 4-6, 100.
Vierge Noire, the, 103.
Vigfusson, Dr., 198, 557.
Vintios, 35-7, 40, 68-9, 71.
vir, 21, 92, 282.
Virgines, 102-3.
Viri Armorum, 600.
Virotut-i, 21.
Vivasvant, 659.
vóds, 278.
Volcanus, 86.
Volospá, 534, 557, 605.
Völundr, 381, 517.
Voretovirius, 282.
Vortigern, 151-2, 154-5, 161, 184, 610, 650-1.
Vrindr, 532.
Vṛitra, 583.
Walhalla, 530, 646.
Wanes, the, 619, 652, 659.
was, 11.
Waves mourning, the, 387, 389.
water, 463.
Wayland Smith, 381.
wealhstód, 489.
Wednesday, 278.
Well of Wisdom, the, 373.
Wener, Lake, 543.
Wenwas, y, 675.
Western Isles, the, 454, 464, 476, 601, 662.
Westimarialanda, 153.
White Sea, the, 637.
Wieland, 517.
Willo, 46.
Wilser, Dr., 636.
wind, 35.
winters old, so many, 360.
witches, 198-9, 626.
wód, 278.
Woden, 49, 60, 110, 115, 232, 241, 278, 280, 283-93, 295, 297-8, 301, 304, 328-30, 359, 365, 368, 373, 375, 382, 426, 529-34, 543, 557, 568, 612-3, 615, 623, 625, 629, 632, 645-6, 653.
Wolf, the: see Fenri.
wood, 278.
Wordsworth, 52.
World-dragon, the, 530, 534, 612: see Leviathan, Earth-serpent.
Worrall, 555.
Wrekin, 407, 420.
wud, wuth, 278.
wuth, 278.
wvbod, dyn da ei, 377.
Wye, the, 499.
wythnos, 360, 370.
Yama, 297, 654-60.
Yamî, 654.
year, the Celtic, 419.
Yell-bridge, the, 533.
Yell-horn, the, 557.
Yima, 655-6.
Ymi, 115: see Hymi.
Yrp, 524.
ysgyfaint, 439.
Yspyᵭaden, 373, 487, 489-95, 616, 656.
yu, 117.
Zealand, 543.
Zend literature, 655.
Zenodorus, 9.
Ζεῦ, 109, 116.
Zeus, 40-1, 49, 54, 60, 72, 87, 109, 115-9, 121-2, 129-33, 136, 139, 141-2, 146-7, 149-52, 159, 178, 181-3, 185, 195, 197, 199, 200, 217, 220, 225-6, 234, 295, 337, 432, 527, 563, 575-6, 578, 619-21, 625, 629-32, 638-42, 644-7, 652, 657, 661, 667-9.
Ziestag, 41.
Ziu, 41, 109, 116.

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