< Catholic Hymns (1860)
For other versions of this work, see Dear Saint, who on thy natal day.

St. Aloysius.
(June 31st.)

Deae Saint, who on thy natal day
To Mary's tender care was given,
And did beneath her gentle sway
Almost unsinniug pass to heav'n:

Sweet flower which lov'd to bloom unknown,
A Saint 'mid worldly pomp and pride;
Who at the footstep of a throne
Knew nought but Jesus crucified:

Blest youth, who cast a crown away,
To be with Christ despised and poor
Teach us to walk our humble way,
Content, though little be our store

May no repining fill our breast
Amid the ills of poverty;
Oh, make us feel that we are blest,
To be thus poor with Christ and thee!

Teach us like thee to shrink from sin,
Like thee to love sweet purity;
That we from Mary's heart may win
The love she once bestow'd on thee

Thus safe beneath her gentle sway,
Oh, may the grace to us be giv'n,
To pass from earth some happy day,
And join thee in the courts of heav'n.

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