< Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)

The present Roman Martyrology records eleven saints named Rufinus:

(1) On 28 February, a Roman martyr Rufinus, with several companions in martyrdom; nothing is known concerning them.

(2) On 7 April, an African martyr Rufinus with two companions; their names are mentioned under 6 April in a list of martyrs in the "Martyrologium Hieronymianum" (ed. De Rossi-Duchesne, 40).

(3) On 14 June, the two martyrs Valerius and Rufinus who suffered at Soissons, France, during the Diocletian persecution; their names are given under this date in the "Martyrologium Hieronymianum" (ed. cit., 78; cf. 66 under 26 May; also Acta SS., June, II, 796 sqq.).

(4) On 21 June, Rufinus who suffered martyrdom with Martia at Syracuse; nothing is known concerning him.

(5) On 30 July, Rufinus of Assisi, who was according to legend the bishop of this city and a martyr. He is probably identical with the "episcopus Marsorum" noted under 11 August. The Acts of the martyrdom of this Rufinus are purely legendary [cf. "Bibliotheca hagiographica latina", II, 1068; Elisei, "Studio sulla chiesa cattedrale di S. Rufino" (Assisi, 1893); D. de Vincentiis, "Notizie di S. Rufino" (Avezzano, 1885)].

(6) On 19 August, Rufinus, confessor at Mantua.

(7) On 26 August, a confessor Rufinus venerated at Capua (cf. Acta SS., August, V, 819-820). His name is given in the "Martyrologium Hieronymianum" under 26 and 27 August.

(8) On 4 September, a martyr Rufinus with his companions in martyrdom who suffered at Ancyra in Galatia; he is also mentioned in company with several others in the "Martyrol. Hieronym." (ed. cit., 113) under 31 August, and again under 4 September (ed. cit., 116).

(9) On 9 September, Rufinus and Rufinianus, with no further particulars.

(10) On 16 November, Rufinus, a martyr in Africa with several companions in martyrdom; nothing is known concerning this saint.

(11) Besides the saints already given mention should also be made of a martyr Rufinus of Alexandria whose name is given under 22 June in the "Martyrol. Hieronym." (ed. cit., 81)


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