< Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)

Archdeacon of Fiesole, born probably at the beginning of the ninth century; died about 877. St. Andrew and his sister St. Bridget the Younger were born in Ireland of noble parents. There they seem to have studied under St. Donatus, an Irish scholar, and when the latter decided to make a long pilgrimage to the holy places of Italy, Andrew accompanied him. Donatus and Andrew arrived at Fiesole when the people were assembled to elect a new bishop. A heavenly voice indicated Donatus as most worthy of the dignity, and being consecrated to that office, he made Andrew his archdeacon. During the forty-seven years of his episcopate Andrew served him faithfully, and he was apparently encouraged by Donatus to restore the church of St. Martin a Mensola and to found a monastery there. Andrew is commended for his austerity of life and boundless charity to the poor. He died shortly after his master St. Donatus; and his sister St. Bridget is believed to have been miraculously conducted from Ireland by an angel to assist at his deathbed. After St. Andrew's holy death, Bridget led the life of a recluse for some years in a remote spot among the Apennines. St. Andrew is commemorated on 22 August.

Herbert Thurston.

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