< Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)

Sacchoni, Raineiro (Reiner), a learned and zealous Dominican, born at Piacenza about he beginning of the thirteenth century; died about 1263. It is generally said that he died in 1258 or 1259, but this in an error, as we learn from the Brief of Urban IV, by which he was called to Rome, 21 July, 1262. Little is known as to his youth and early manhood. That, however, at an early age, he was perverted by the Cathari, became on of their bishops, and remained amongst them for seventeen years, we are assured by his own humble avowal ("Summa contra Waldenses", vi). He was led back to the Faith, most probably, by the preaching of St. Peter Martyr, joined the Order of Preachers, then recently established, and laboured zealously for many years among the heretics of Upper Italy. After the martyrdom of St. Peter he was made inquisitor for Lombardy and the Marches of Ancona. Being enraged against him, and yet unable to put him to death, the heretics finally succeeded in having him sent into exile. Thereafter we have no further mention of him except in the Brief of Urban IV. The "Summan de catharis et leonistis, sive pauperibus de Lugduno" (Paris, 1548, and by Martene in "Thes. Anecd.:, V, 1759), is the only authentic work ascribed to him. This work is a collection of the heretical doctrines of his time, and was regarded as a great authority during the Middle Ages. The edition of Gretser (Ratisbon, 1738) is much interpolated.

ECHARD, Script. Ord. Praed., I, 154 sq.; HUNTER, Nomenclator, II, 336 sq.; TOURON, Hist. des hommes ill., I (Paris, 1743), 313 sq.

Chas J. Callan.

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