< Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)

Ackermann, Leopold, a Catholic professor of exegesis, b. in Vienna, 17 November, 1771; d. in the same city, 9 September, 1831. He entered the canons regular of St. Augustine, taking, in religion, the name of Peter Fourrier. He taught Oriental languages and archæology, and in 1806 became professor of exegesis of the Old Testament in the University of Vienna, succeeding Jahn there. He filled this chair for twenty-five years with success. Two works of his, "Introductio in libros Veteris Fœderis usibus academicis accomodata" (Vienna, 1825) and "Archæologia biblica" (Vienna, 1826), have new and corrected editions by Jahn, third and fourth respectively. The latter was reprinted by Migne (Cursus Scripturæ Sacræ, II, 1840, col. 823–1068). He also wrote "Prophetæ Minores perpetua annotatione illustrata" (Vienna, 1830), in which he gives nothing new but collects whatever is best in older works, and supplies philological observations upon it. He reproduces the original Hebrew text and comments on it, briefly but excellently.

Seback, P.F. Ackermann, biographische Skizze (Vienna, 1832); Vigoroux in Dict. de la Bible (Paris, 1895), I, 149, 150.

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