Titular see in the province of Bithynia Secunda, suffragan of Nicaea. The city was founded under the Emperor Augustus by a robber chieftain named Cleon, who was a native of the region; previously it had been called Gordoucome (Strabo, XII, viii, 9; Pliny, "Hist. Natur.," V, xl, 3). The location of the city is unknown, none of its titulars being known, neither does it figure in any "Notitiae episcopatuum," unless it may be considered identical with Gordoserboi, as Le Quien thinks (Oriens Christ., I, 659). This Juliopolis must not be confounded with another town of the same name situated in Galatia Prima, and which under the name of Gordion was formerly the capital of Phrygia. It was there, in the temple of Zeus, that Alexander cut the famous Gordian knot. Under its own name, or that of Basilaion, Juliopolis of Galatia is noticed in all the "Notitiae episcopatuum," and Le Quien (op.cit., I, 475-78) gives the names of a number of its bishops. Its ruins are about six miles S.S.E. of Nali-Khan, and about three miles north of the Sangarius, in the plain of Aimanghir and the vilayet of Angora.
SMITH, Dict. Greek and Rom. Geog., s.v. Gordium; RAMSAY, Historical Geography of Asia Minor (London, 1890), 244; PARTHEY, Hieroclis Synecdemus (Berlin, 1866), I, 141; III, 72; VII, 128; VIII, 152; IX, 59; X, 201; XIII, 61; PERROT, La Galatie de la Bithynie (Paris, 1872), 152-156, 219; PTOLEMY, ed. MUELLER, II, 805, 820.