Theologian, b. of Spanish parents at Naples, 28 December, 1584; d. at Ingolstadt 6 March, 1653. He entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in 1600, and was professor of theology for twenty-five years at Toledo, Muricia, and Vienna. In moral questions, Dicastillo followed the principles of the probabilists. His principal works are: "De justiti et jure ceterisque virtutibus cardinalibus libriduo" (Antwerp, 1641); "De Sacramentis in genere disputationes scholastic et morales" (Antwerp, 1646-52); "Tractatus duo de juramento, perjurio, et adjuratione, necnon de censuris et p nis ecclesiasticis" (Antwerp, 1662); "Tractatus de incarnatione" (Antwerp, 1642).
Hurter, Nomenclator; Sommervogel, Biblioth que de la c. de J.,III, col. 49; Langhorst in Kirchenlex., s.v.