Portugese missionary in Japan, born in the castle of Govillou, Diocese of Guarda, Portugal, 1529; died at Goa, 1609. In 1554 he entered the Society of Jesus, and after his studies went to Japan, where he laboured strenuously to propogate the Christian religion. There he enjoyed the friendship of princes and kings, many of whom, together with their subjects, were won over to the Faith by his zealous labours. He filled very important places in the government of his order, being superior of Japan for twelve years, master of novices, and rector of the College of San Pablo of Goa, and finally visitor to India. He died at the age of eighty-one with a great repute for prudence and holiness.
Varones Ilustres de la Compañía de Jesús (2nd ed., Bilbao, 1887), I, 655-63.