(Also Angelis).
Missionary to Ethiopia, born at Sorrento, Italy, 1567; died at Colela in Ethiopia, 21 October, 1628. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1583. After two years (1602-04) spent in the mission of the Indies, he went to Ethiopia, the field of his future evangelical labours. Of a gentle and cheerful disposition, the Abyssinians called him "the man who was always cheerful". Angeli stood high in the favour of two successive Kings of Ethiopia. Although, owing chiefly to the opposition of the schismatical monks, he was unsuccessful in converting the people and bringing about the reunion of the Abyssinian Church with that of Rome, he converted a large number of the schismatics, among them the brother of the King and many lords of the court. For five years Angeli preached the Gospel among the Agazi, a half-schismatic and half-idolatrous people tributary to Ethiopia. Conversions were numerous, and he founded a church and school. He translated many religious works into the language of these people. The most important of them was the commentary of Maldonatus on the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke.
CORDARA, Hist. Soc. Jes., par. VIa, lib. IV, no. 106, 164; lib IV, no. 126, 207, lib. VII, no. 165, 390; SANTAGATA, Istor. della Provincia di Napoli, III, 66, 190, 216, 477; IV, 95, 277; SOTWEL, Bibl., 212; SOMMERVOGEL, I, 386.