< Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)

A Græco-Slavonic Rite diocese in Croatia.

Crisium is the Latin name of a little town some miles north-east of Agram (Zagreb), on the Glagovnitza. Its Croatian name is Krizevac (pronounced Krizhevatz); Slavic, Kriz; Hungarian, Körös; German, Kreuz. It has 4,000 inhabitants; trade of cattle, wood, and wine.

About the year 1600 numerous Serbs emigrated from Servia and Bosnia to Croatia, where they found coreligionists, known to historians since the fourteenth century as Wallachians. The emigrants soon took the same name. Some of them were converted to Catholicism through the efforts of Dimitrovich, Latin Bishop of Agram, who granted their leader, the monk Simeon Vratania, the monastery of St. Michael on Mount Marzha, near Ivanitz. In 1611 Simeon was appointed bishop of all the Catholic Serbs; he remained a staunch friend of Rome, as did his successors and their flock, in spite of defections caused by the schismatic Servian propaganda and conflicts with the Bishops of Agram. They bore the title "Episcopus Platæcensis" from Platæa in Bœotia, while the government called their see "Episcopatus Svidnicensis", a name that has not yet been explained satisfactorily. In 1671 Bishop Paul Zorcic accepted for himself and his successors the position of vicar-general of the Bishop of Agram for the Catholics of the Slavonic Rite. It was not until 16 June, 1777, that Pius VI re-established the Uniat diocese with the title "Episcopatus Crisiensis". Since then its bishops have resided at Krizevac; as stated above, they first resided at Mount Marzha, but after 1690 had no settled abode, on account of the persecutions caused by the schismatic Serbs.

The list of the bishops is given by Nilles in his "Symbolæ", p. lxxxiii (index), 765-69. The Græco-Slavonic Uniat Diocese of Krizevac, suffragan of the Latin Archbishop of Agram, includes to-day 20,700 Catholics, in 23 Servian and Ruthenian parishes situated in Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia, and the county of Bács-Bodrog in Hungary. The languages spoken are Croatian, Ruthenian, and Hungarian; the liturgical language is of course Slavonic. There are 28 secular priests, 30 churches, 22 with a resident priest, and 2 chapels. The schismatics number 225,000; there are also in this territory 17,000 Calvinists, 47 Lutherans, and 7,000 Jews.

NILLES, Symbolœ ad illustrandam historiam ecclesiœ orientalis (Innsbruck, 1885), 703-775; LAPASICH, Karlovac. Poviest i mjestopis grada i okolice (Agram, 1879); Missiones Catholicœ (Rome, 1907), 796.


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