Olomouc, Archdiocese of (Olomucensis; cf. C. E., XI—247a), in Czechoslovakia. In 1921 Mgr. Antonin Stojan was appointed archbishop of Olomouc to succeed Cardinal de Skrbensky-Hriste, resigned. Born in Moravia, 22 May, 1851, he was ordained in 1876 and for twenty years was curate and pastor in various churches. In 1896 he won his doctorate in theology and the following year was Czech Deputy to the Council of the Empire. In 1902 he was deputy to the Diet of Moravia, and was made canon and provost of collegiate chapter of Kromerizi in 1908. He was a delegate to the National Assembly in 1919, and the following year was elected to the Senate of Czechoslovakia. At the same time the pope made him a papal chamberlain. He was consecrated archbishop of Olomouc by Mgr. Micara, 3 April, 1921. Mgr. Wisnar, titular bishop of Calliopolis, is auxiliary of Olomouc. In 1916 there were in the archdiocese 51 deaneries, 664 parishes, 1536 secular and 145 regular priests, 2121 nuns, and 1,860,150 Catholics.