< Budget of Paradoxes


Pages denoted by numerals of this kind (287) refer to biographical notes, chiefly by the editor. Numerals like 426 refer to books discussed by De Morgan, or to leading topics in the text. Numerals like 126 indicate minor references.

Abbott, Justice, I, 181.
Abernethy, J., II, 219.
Aboriginal Britons, a poem, II, 270.
Academy of Sciences, French, I, 163.
Adair, J., I, 223.
Adam, M., I, 65.
Adams, J. C., I, 43, 82, 385, 388; II, 131, 135, 140, 303.
Ady, Joseph, II, 42, 42.
Agnew, H. C., I, 328.
Agricola, J., I, 394.
Agricultural Laborer's letter, II, 16.
Agrippa, H. C., I, 48, 48.
Ainsworth, W. H., II, 132.
Airy, I, 85, 88, 152, 242; II, 85, 140, 150, 303, 347.
Alchemy, I, 125.
Alfonso X (El Sabio), II, 269.
Alford, H., II, 221.
Alfred, King, Ballad of, II, 22.
Algebra, I, 121.
Algebraic symbols, I, 121.
Almanac, I, 300; II, 147, 148, 207.
(See Easter.)
Aloysius Lilius, I, 362.
Alsted, J. H., II, 282.
Ameen Bey, II, 15.
Amicable Society, I, 347.
Ampère, I, 86.
Amphisbæna serpent, I, 31.
Anagrams, De Morgan, I, 138.
Anaxagoras, II, 59.
Angherà, II, 60, 60, 61, 279.
Annuities, Fallacies of, I, 157.
Antichrist, I, 130.
Antimony, I, 125.
Antinewtonism, I, 162.
Antinomians, I, 394.
Antiphon, II, 59.
Antonie, F., I, 126, 126.
Apollonius, I, 41, 107.
Apparitions, II, 47.
Arago, I, 243, 390.
Aratus, II, 167.
Arbuthnot, I, 133, 134.
Archer, H., II, 90.
Archimedes,I, 5, 11, 42, 83, 107.
Archytas, I, 53.
Argoli, I, 104.
Aristocrat, as a scientist, I, 131.
Aristotle, I, 5, 331.
Arnobius, II, 73.
Arson, P. J., II, 207.
Ashton, R., II, 99.
Astrology, I, 118, 127, 128, 350; II, 43.
Astronomer's Drinking Song, I, 380.
Astronomical Aphorisms, I, 398.
Paradox, I, 394.
Police Report, I, 390.
Society. (See Royal Astronomical Society.)
Astronomy, Bailly's exaggerated view of, I, 166.
Astunica, Didacas, I, 90.
Athanasian Creed, I, 371.
Atheists, Philosophical, I, 1.
Atoms, II, 191.
Attraction, I, 136, 151, 155.
Augustine, St., II, 23.
Aurora borealis, I, 134.
Austen, Jane, I, 191.
Auzout, A., II, 300.
Aviation, Early ideas of, II, 8.

Babbage, C., I, 207, 290, 291; II, 181.
Bachet, de Méziriac, I, 161.
Bacon, F., I, 5, 75, 75, 76, 79, 89, 145, 331.
Bacon, R., I, 5, 126, 126, 360; II, 94.
Baconian controversy, I, 141.
Baden Powell, II, 267.
Bailly, J. S., I, 166, 166, 308.
Baily, F., I, 308, 309; II, 16, 143, 188.
Baily, R., II, 16.
Baker, T., II, 302.
Bakewell, F. C., II, 156, 156.
Banks, J., I, 28.
Barberini, M., II, 267.
Barker, C., II, 262.
Baronius, I, 33, 35; II, 62.
Barrême, I, 42.
Barrett, G., II, 188.
Barrow, I., I, 160; II, 302.
Baruel, de, I, 165.
Bassano, Duc de, II, 3, 339.
Baxter, T., I, 146.
Bayle, P., II, 73.
Beaufort, F., II, 267.
Beaugrand, I, 119, 121.
Beaulieu, I, 119, 119, 121.
Beaune, de, II, 59.
Bécourt, R., II, 277.
Bedford, Duke of, (6th), I, 182.
Behmen, I, 168, 254; II, 317.
Bellenden, W., I, 175.
Bentley, I, 110.
Berkeley, G., II, 346.
Bernard, E., II, 297, 300.
Bernardus Trevisanus, I, 126, 126.
Bernoullis, I, 130, 150, 335, 336.
Bertius, P., II, 300.
Bèse, I, 66.
Bessel, I, 384; II, 2.
Bethune, I, 99, 279, 291.
Bettesworth, I, 19.
Beza. (See Bèse.)
Bickersteth, E. H., I, 238.
Bidder, I, 86.
Biden, J., II, 158, 160.
Bidle, (Biddle), I, 239.
Biot, I, 85.
Birch, T., I, 108; II, 304, 313.
Birks, T. R., II, 158, 158.
Bishop, G., I, 386.
Bishops as Paradoxers, I, 226.
Boccaccio, I, 38.
Boethius, I, 42, 45.
Böhme. (See Behmen.)
Boncompagni, I, 298.
Boniface, St., I, 32.
Bonnycastle, J., II, 16.
Booker, I, 115.
Boole, G., I, 261, 332; II, 75, 79.
A tribute to, II, 79.
Borelli, G. A., II, 300.
Borello, I, 69.
Boreman,I, 113.
Borron, Mrs., II, 7.
Boscovich, I, 156, 164.
Bouguer, II, 301.
Bouillaud, I, 87; II, 295.
Bouvard, A., I, 327.
Bovillus, I, 44; II, 324.
Epitome of, I, 44.
Bowdler, H. M., I, 194.
Bowring, J., I, 352; II, 256.
Boyle, R., I, 24, 125; II, 300.
Bradley, I, 24.
Bradwardine, I, 227, 228, 229.
Brahe. (See Tycho B.)
Brancker, I, 107; II, 300.
Brenan, J., I, 330, 330.
Brewster, D., I, 39, 137, 140; II, 214, 288, 372.
Briggs, I, 69; II, 299, 302.
Bright, J., II, 235.
Brinkley, J., I, 311.
Britannicus, D., II, 8.
British Museum library, I, 151.
Brothers, R., I, 315; II, 97.
Brougham, Henry, Lord, I, 191.
Brouncker (Brounker), I, 132; II, 302.
Brown, W., II, 168.
Browne, T., I, 31.
Brucker, I, 61.
Brunet, I, 402.
Brünnow, I, 386.
Bruno, I, 59, 59.
Bryson, II, 59.
Bürgi, I, 52.
Buffon, I, 282.
Bulstrode, II, 84.
Bungus, I, 55, 55, 57.
Buoncompagno, U., I, 362.
Burgon, J. W., II, 30.
Buridan, I, 37.
Questiones morales, I, 37.
Buridan's Ass, I, 37.
Burke, E., I, 173.
Burlesque, Frend's, I, 208.
Burnet, G., I, 107.
Burney, Frances, I, 190.
Burton, Frances B., I, 374.
Busby, R., II, 313.
Buteo, I, 51.
Butler, G., I, 199.
Butler, S., II, 218.
Buxton, J., I, 86.
Byrgius. (See Bürgi.)
Byrne, O., I, 329; II, 186, 190.
Byron, I, 186; II, 270, 273.

Cabbala, I, 272.
Calculating Boys, I, 86.
Calculus, I, 129.
Calendar. (See Easter.)
Cambridge Poets, II, 269.
Campanus, I, 42, 43.
Canning, Geo., II, 145.
Carcavi, I, 106.
Cardanus, II, 59.
Carlile, R., I, 271.
Carlyle, T., II, 373.
Carnot, I, 107.
Caroline tables, I, 124.
Casaubon, I, 111.
Case, J., I, 128, 128.
Cassini, J., I, 172.
Castel, I, 148, 148.
Castiglioni, I, 139.
Castlereagh, I, 185, 186.
Cataldi, I, 69, 69.
Catcott, A., I, 237.
Causans, de, I, 298.
Cavalieri, I, 106.
Cavendish, C., I, 106; II, 299, 312.
Cavendish, W., I, 290.
Caxton, W., II, 281.
Cayley, A., II, 292.
Cecil, R. (1st Earl of Salisbury), II, 330.
Centrifugal force, II, 268.
Ceulen. (See Van Ceulen.)
Challis, J., I, 390; II, 141.
Chalmers, I, 102; II, 219.
Chambers, E., II, 282.
Chambers, R., I, 344, 344.
Charles IX, II, 94.
Charles X, II, 1.
Chasles, I, 39, 229.
Chesterfield, Earl of (4th), II, 298.
Chiffinch, W., II, 50.
Ch'in Chiu-shang, II, 66.
Chitty, J., II, 323.
Chiu-chang, Suan-shu, II, 67.
Christian Evidence Society, I, 270.
Christie, I, 27.
Christmann, I, 272, 272.
Church question, I, 62.
Church, The word, II, 30.
Circle squarers. (See Squaring the Circle.)
Circulating media of mathematics, I, 107.
Ciruelo. (See Sanchez.)
Clairaut, I, 219, 382.
Clarence, Duke of, I, 179.
Clarke, R., I, 255.
Clavius, I, 11, 69, 111, 112, 335, 362, 363, 372; II, 59.
Clayton., Geo., II, 98.
Cluvier, D., II, 332, 332.
Cobb, Mary, II, 117.
Cobbett, W., I, 177, 200, 399.
Cobden, R., II, 217.
Cocker, I, 42; II, 64, 173, 251, 307.
Cody, P., II, 208.
Coke, E., II, 331.
Colburn, Z., I, 86.
Colenso, I, 63, 247; II,191.
Collins, J., I, 107; II, 297, 300,302, 313.
Colvill, W. H., II, 68.
Cometic astrology, I, 128.
Comets, I, 128; II, 68, 83.
Cominale, C., I, 162, 162.
Compton, S. J. A., II, 19.
Computation, Paradoxes of, II, 251, 267.
Condamine, C. M. de la, II, 301.
Conduitt, John, I, 397.
Conduitt, Mrs., I, 136.
Congregation of the Index, I, 90.
Converse propositions, I, 295.
Convocation at Oxford, I, 96.
Cooke, Margaret, I, 310.
Cooper, A. A. (Shaftsbury), II, 181.
Copernicus, I, 5, 6, 76, 90, 121, 172, 380; II, 165, 335.
Copley, J. S., I, 198.
Cormouls, I, 225.
Cosmology, I, 172.
Cotes, R., II, 301.
Cottle, Mrs., II, 97, 97, 161.
Craig, J., I, 129, 129.
Creed, Mathematics of a, I, 329.
Cribb, T., I, 314.
Crotus, J., I, 318.
Cruickshank, G., I, 186.
Cube, Duplication of, I, 349.
Cumyns, Eliza, I, 299.
Cunningham, I, 172, 172.
Curabelle, I, 221.
Curious Calculations, II, 66.
Curll, E., II, 279.
Cusa, I, 44, 47, 360.
Custom, II, 324.
Cyclometry, II, 208. (SeeSquaring of the Circle.)
Cyclopædias, Review of, II, 280.

D'Alembert, I, 382; II, 283, 364.
Dalgarno, I, 116, 117.
Dalton, J., I, 255.
D'Arblay, Mme., I, 190.
Darwin, E., II, 8.
Darwinism, Primitive, I, 344.
Dary, M., II, 305.
Daval, P., II, 298.
Davies, T. S., II, 151, 151, 188.
Day, A., I, 295, 295.
De Baruel, I, 165.
De Beaune. (See Beaune.)
De Becourt, II, 277, 277.
Debenham, J., I, 393.
De Causans. (See Causans.)
Dechales. (See de Challes.)
De Challes, I, 45.
Decimal coinage, II, 80, 168, 169.
Decimals run riot, II, 80.
Dee, J., II, 302.
De Fauré, I, 149.
De la Leu, I, 297.
Delambre, I, 160, 167, 354; II, 165.
Democritus, II, 34.
De Moivre, I, 24, 376; II, 298.
De Molières, I, 220.
De Molina, I, 297.
Demonville, I, 291, 293.
De Morgan, A., I, 191, 383; II, 194.
Refusal of LL. D., I, 191.
De Morgan, G. C., I, 383.
De Morgan, Mrs., I, 196; II, 194.
Denison, J., I, 348, 353.
Desaguliers, I, 153, 156, 157.
Desargues, I, 119, 221.
Descartes, I, 5, 59, 105, 132, 165, 204, 220; II, 94.
De Serres, II, 60.
De Sluse. (See Sluse.)
De Thou, I, 51, 111, 113; II, 295.
De Vausenville, I, 12.
Devonshire, Duke of (7th), I, 290.
Diamandi, I, 86.
Didacus Astunica, I, 90.
Diderot, II, 4, 283, 339.
Digby, K., I, 108.
Digges, T., and L., II, 302.
Dionysius Exiguus, I, 360.
Dircks, H., II, 138, 138.
Discoverers and discoveries, II, 206.
Discovery, Basis of, I, 85.
D'Israeli, I., I, 115, 118, 136, 188, 227.
Ditton, I, 133, 133.
Division, Nature of, II, 248.
Dobson, J., I, 234, 234.
Dodson, J., II, 312.
Dodt, I, 52.
Doggerel verse, I, 341.
Dolland, I, 377.
Double Vahu Process, II, 360.
Douglas, G., I, 232.
Drach, S. M., II, 317.
Drayson, G. A. W., II, 132, 132.
Dryden, II, 71.
Dual arithmetic, II, 186.
Duchesne, I, 52.
Dumortier, I, 313.
Duncan, A., I, 179.
Dunkin, E., II, 349.
Duodecimal scale, II, 68.
Duplication Problem, I, 349.
Dupuy, J. and P., II, 295.
Dutens, L., II, 90.
Dyer, G., I, 178.

Earth, Figure of, II, 54.
Easter, I, 359.
Easter Day Paradoxes, I, 353.
Ebrington, Thos., I, 247.
Edgeworth, Maria, I,191.
Editorial System, I, 15.
Edleston, I, 140; II, 296.
Edwards, J., I, 144.
Edwards, T., I, 112.
Eirenæus Philalethes, I, 125, 125, 126.
Eldon, Lord (1st), II, 197.
Elephant story, I, 58.
Elizabeth, Queen, I, 128.
Ellenborough, Baron, I, 181.
Ellicot, I, 24.
Ellis, I, 76, 82.
Engel, I, 230.
English language, Origin of, I, 215.
Enriques, F., II, 367.
Epps, J., I, 153; II, 143.
Equation of fifth degree, I, 250, 373.
Erasmus, I, 110.
Erastus, I, 65.
Erichsen, I, 163.
Ersch, II, 193, 282.
Erskine, T., II, 127.
Esperanto, Forerunner of, I, 116.
Euclid, I, 5, 43; II, 118, 151.
Without Axioms, I, 287.
Eudoxus, II, 164.
Euler, I, 221, 382; II, 3, 4, 303, 331, 339.
Eusebius, II, 220.
Eustace, J. C., II, 46.
Eutocius, I, 41; II, 60.
Evelyn, J., I, 108.
Everett, J., I, 346.
Evidence, I, 57, 58.

Faber. (See Stapulensis.)
Fairfax, Mary, I, 242.
Falco, I, 53.
Faraday, M., II, 351.
Fauré, de, I, 149; II, 238.
Fawcett, H., II, 249.
Ferguson, J., II, 20.
Fermat, I, 122, 221; II, 300.
Ferrari, S., II, 68.
Fiction, New era in, I, 189.
Fienus, I, 74, 74.
Filopanti, Q. B., II, 93.
Finæus, I, 50, 50, 113.
Finleyson, J., I, 314, 314.
Flamsteed, I, 87, 309; II, 45, 143, 302, 306.
Fletcher, I, 378.
Fludd, II, 318.
Fly-leaf Paradox, II, 264.
Folkes, M., I, 136; II, 301.
Fontenelle, I, 103.
Forbes, D., I, 237.
Forman, W., I, 296, 296, 306.
Forster, T. I. M., I, 320, 320.
Foscarini, I, 90.
Foster, S., II, 310.
Fourier, II, 66.
Fox, G., I, 397.
Francis, P., II, 96.
Francœur, I, 365.
Frankland, W. B., I, 230, 287.
Franklin, J., II, 265.
Freedom of opinion, Growth of, I, 265.
Freher, A., II, 319.
French academy on circle squaring, I, 163.
Frend, W., I, 196, 196, 206, 208, 252.
Fresnel, II, 48.
Fromondus, I, 74, 74, 99.
Frost, I. and J., I, 394.
Fry, Elizabeth, I, 224.
Fuller, T., I, 86.
Fulton, R., I, 148.

Gadbury, J., I, 115, 115.
Galbraith, J. A., II, 372.
Galileo, I, 5, 6, 32, 76, 82, 83, 96, 122, 381.
Galle, J. G., I, 386; II, 7.
Galloway, I, 56, 57; II, 143.
Gamblers, I, 280.
Garrick, I, 21.
Gascoigne, W., II, 299.
Gassendi, I, 107.
Gauss, I, 86, 107, 310.
Gemistus, G., I, 188.
Gentleman's Monthly, Miscellany, I, 208.
Gephryander. (See Salicetus.)
Gergonne, I, 336.
Ghetaldi, I, 83; II, 59.
Ghost paradox, II, 47.
Giddy (Gilbert), II, 174.
Gilbert, Davies, II, 66, 174.
Gilbert, William, I, 6, 68, 68, 76.
Gillot, II, 315.
Glazier (Glazion), II, 7.
Godwin, F., I, 103.
Godwin, W., I, 174.
Golius, I, 106.
Gompertz, B., I, 378.
Goulburn, I, 288.
Goulden, S., II, 88.
Graham, I, 24.
Grandamicus, I, 104, 104.
Granger, J., I, 156.
Grant, A. R., II, 131.
Grant, R., I, 392; II, 131.
Grassi, O., I, 262.
Grassini, I, 231.
Graunt, J., I, 113, 114, 154.
Gravity, I, 151, 244, 348, 353.
Newton's apple, I, 136.
Greek numerals, II, 77.
Greene, R., I, 135, 135.
Greenhill, Sir G., I, 136.
Greenwich observatory,I, 87.
Gregg, T. D., II, 75, 75.
Gregorian Calendar, I, 363.
Gregory, D., I, 66; II, 301.
Gregory, J., I, 118, 118, 207; II, 302.
Gregory O., II, 71.
Gregory, Pope, I, 362.
Grevil, I, 202.
Grey, C., (2d Earl), I, 315; II, 247.
Grosart, I, 141, 141, 145.
Grove, W. R., II, 320.
Gruber, II, 193, 282.
Gruenberger, I, 70.
Grynaeus, I, 66.
Guaricus, I, 43.
Guillim, J., II, 28.
Guldin, I, 83.
Gumpach, Von, II, 137, 137.
Gunning, H., I, 198.
Gurney. (See Fry, E.)
Guthrie, W., I, 395.

Hailes, J. D., II, 135, 135.
Hailesean system of astronomy, II, 135.
Hale, M., I, 123, 123.
Hales, S., I, 123.
Hall, B., II, 181.
Hallam, I, 159.
Halley, I, 24, 124, 311; II, 301, 332.
Halliwell-Phillips, II, 148, 296.
Hamilton, W., I, 112, 117, 331, 335, 339, 341, 342; II, 52, 53, 111.
Hamilton, W. Rowan, I, 332; II, 104, 256, 343.
Hanover, King of, I, 201.
Hardy, C., I, 298.
Hardy, T., I, 178.
Harriot, T., II, 302.
Harvey, I, 76, 78; II, 201.
Hauff, I, 230.
Haughton, S., II, 372.
Hauksbee, F., I, 156.
Hayes, C., I, 132, 132.
Heath, D. D., I, 76.
Heinfetter, H., II, 94, 94.
Helmont, J. B. van, I, 125.
Henson, II, 8.
Heraclitus, II, 34.
Herbart, J. F., I, 253, 253; II, 78.
Hérigone, II, 59.
Herschel, J., I, 80, 299, 326, 383, 386; II, 88, 95, 181, 255, 261, 262.
Herschel, W., I, 81, 151, 192, 225, 233, 299; II, 288, 348.
Heywood, F., II, 49.
Hicks, J. P., II, 67.
Higgins, G., I, 257, 274.
Hilarius, Pope, I, 359.
Hill, J., I, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Hill, Rev. R., I, 192.
Hill, Sir R., I, 165, 232.
Hind, J. R., I, 384.
Hippocrates, II, 59.
Hoax, An interesting, I, 163.
Lunar Caustic, I, 288.
Moon (Herschel), I, 326; II, 131.
Hobbes, I, 105, 109, 143, 144; II, 80.
Hobhouse, J. C., II, 126.
Hodder, J., II, 265.
Hodge, C. B., I, 114.
Hodges, W., I, 237.
Hoffmann, J. J., II, 282.
Hoffmann, J. J. I. von, I, 230.
Holloway, B., I, 237.
Holmes, O. W., I, 109.
Holyoake, G. J., I, 399, 399.
Hone, W., I, 124, 180, 184, 185.
Hook, T. E., II, 261.
Hooke, I, 77; II, 300.
Hooker, R., II, 201.
Hopkins, J., II, 41.
Horace, I, 40.
Horne, G., I, 152, 152, 154, 155, 236.
Horne, J., I, 178.
Horner, L., I, 176.
Horner, W. G., II, 66, 151, 187.
Houlston, W., II, 156, 156.
Howard, E., I, 131.
Howison, W., I, 256, 256.
Howitt, W., II, 193, 193.
Howley, I, 63.
Hulls, I, 147, 147; II, 8.
Hume, J., I, 352; II, 174.
Husaín Rifki, II, 16.
Hussein Effendi, II, 15.
Hutchinson, J., I, 154, 154.
Hutton, C., I, 153, 161; II, 303, 340.
Huyghens, I, 100, 133; II, 300.

Imaginary numbers, II, 186.
Impalement by request, II, 133.
Inaudi, I, 86.
Index Expurgatorius, I, 90.
Infant prodigies, I, 86.
Inglis, J. B., II, 52.
Inglis, R. H., I, 352.
Ingliz Selim Effendi, II, 15.
Innocent I., I, 359.
Irving, E., II, 54.
Ivory, J., II, 142, 142.

Jabir ben Aflah, II, 59.
Jack, R., I, 149.
Jacotot, J., I, 278, 278.
Jameson, Mrs., II, 63.
Jeffreys, G., I, 183.
Jenner, E., II, 205.
Jesuit contributions, I, 164.
Johnson, H. C., I, 350.
Johnson, S., I, 20, 190, 259; II, 117.
Johnston, W. H., II, 67.
Jombert, I, 161.
Jonchère, I, 146, 146.
Jones, W., I, 135; II, 298, 301.
Jones, Rev. W., I, 237.
Jonson, B., I, 13.
Journals, Three classes of, II,144.

Kantesian Jeweler,I, 258.
Karsten, I, 230.
Kästner, I, 43, 110, 112.
Kater, I, 11.
Keckermann, I, 3.
Keill, J., II, 302.
Kepler, I, 52, 76, 82, 381; II, 166.
Kerigan, T., I, 308, 353.
Keroualle, De, II, 50.
Kersey, I, 107.
King, Wm., I, 246.
Kircher, Adolphe, I, 229.
Kircher, Athanasius, I, 103.
Kirkringius, T., I, 125, 125.
Kittle, I, 236.
Klein, F., II, 367.
Knight, C., II, 109, 280, 289.
Knight, G., I, 151, 151.
Knight, R. P., II, 274.
Knight, Wm., I, 97.
Koenig, S., I, 150.

Lacomme, I, 46.
La Condamine, II, 301.
Lacroix, I, 41, 159, 207.
Lactantius, I, 33, 96.
Lagrange, I, 221, 288, 313, 382; II, 86.
Laing, F. H., II, 186, 186.
Lalande, I, 159.
Lamb, C., I, 178; II, 270.
Lambert, J. H., I, 336; II, 214, 367.
Lambert, John, II, 309.
Language, Test of, II, 327.
Lansbergius, I, 70, 70.
Laplace, I, 24, 255, 382; II, 1, 340.
Lardner, D., II, 253.
Lardner, N., I, 14; II, 221.
Laud, I, 145.
Lauder, W., I, 297.
Laurent, P., I, 309, 309.
Laurie, J., II, 4.
Laurie, P., II, 42.
Laurus, I, 381.
Law, Edmund, I, 181.
Law, Edward, I, 181.
Law, W., I, 168, 254; II, 317.
Le Coq, I, 86.
Lee, R., I, 66.
Lee, S., I, 131.
Lee, W., I, 157.
Legate, I, 59.
Legendre, I, 229; II, 215, 367.
Legh, P., II, 68, 83.
Leibnitz, I, 5, 7; II, 46.
Leo, St., I, 359.
Leverrier, I, 43, 82, 383, 386, 388, 390; II, 7, 135, 140, 303.
Lewis, G. C., II, 162, 162.
Libri, I, 40, 62; II, 295.
Lilius, Aloysius, I, 362.
Lilly, I, 115; II, 302.
Lipen, M., I, 298.
Little, J., I, 206.
Livingston, R., I, 148.
Locke, J., I, 142, 142, 144;
and Socinianism, I, 142.
Locke, R., I, 146.
Locke, R. A., I, 326; II, 86, 131.
Logan, W. E., I, 337.
Logic, Formal, I, 158; II, 75.
Has no paradoxes, I, 330.
London Mathematical Society, I, 383.
London, University of, I, 259; II, 71.
Long, G., II, 290.
Long, J. St. J., II. 38, 205.
Longitude problems, I, 132, 146, 249.
Longley, C. T., I, 325.
Longomontanus, I, 105, 105.
Lottery, I. 281.
Lovett, R., I, 165, 166.
Lowe, R., II, 169.
Lowndes, W. T., I. 402.
Lubbock, J., I, 279; II, 148.
Lucas, F., II, 28.
Lucian, I, 102.
Lunar Caustic Joke, I, 288.
Lunn, J. R., II, 66.
Lydiat, T., II, 302.
Lyndhurst, I, 198.

Macclesfield, Earls of, I, 7; II, 296, 301.
Macclesfield, Letters, II, 296.
MacElshender, II, 87.
Machin, J., II, 301.
Mackey, John,I, 349.
Mackey, S. A., I, 256.
Maclear, T., II, 181.
Macleod, H. D., II, 184, 184.
Magic, I, 118.
Magna Charta, I, 25.
Magnus, I, 42.
Maitland, S., I, 63, 163.
Malacarne, I, 119.
Malden, H., II, 162.
Malius, II, 342.
Mallemens, II, 333.
Mankind gullible, I, 115.
Manning, H. E., (Card.), II, 233.
Mansel, H. L., II, 162.
Marcelis, J., I, 129, 129.
Maret, II, 3.
Margarita Philosophica. (See Reisch.)
Marryat, Capt., II, 87.
Marsh, H., I, 199, 271.
Martin, B., I, 152, 153.
Martin, R., II, 236.
Maseres, F., I, 197, 203.
Mason, M., II, 132.
Mathematical Illustrations of Doctrine, II, 70;
Psychology, I, 253;
Society, I, 374, 376, 382;
Theology, I, 149.
Mathematics, Condensed history of, II, 58.
Matter to Spirit, II, 194.
Maty, I, 23.
Maupertuis, II, 301.
Maurice, F. D., II, 101.
Maurolycus, I, 121.
Maxwell, A., I, 102.
Meadley, G. W., I, 223.
Mechanics Magazine, II, 141, 145.
Medici, Cosmo de, II, 295.
Medicine, Status of, I, 266.
Melanchthon, II, 323.
Menestrier, I, 127, 127.
Mercator, G., II, 92.
Mercator's projection, I, 84.
Mersenne, I, 106, 107; II, 295, 297.
Meslier, J., II, 195.
Meteorologist, An early, I, 320.
Meteorology, I, 327.
Metius, A. and P., I, 52, 99, 99.
Meton, II, 167.
Metric System, Forerunner of, I, 171.
Méziriac, I, 161.
Milbanke, A. I., I, 225.
Mill, Jas., I, 260.
Miller, Joe, I, 182.
Miller, S., I, 167.
Mills, Elizabeth, W., II, 7.
Milne, J., I, 286.
Milner, I., I, 251, 251.
Milner, J., II, 23.
Milner's lamp, I, 252.
Milward, II, 250.
Miracles vs. Nature, II, 6.
Mitchell, J., I, 242.
Molière, I, 232.
Molina, A. C. de, I, 297.
Mollendorff, von, II, 3, 338.
Mondeux, I, 86.
Montague, C., II, 311.
Montmort, P. R. de, II, 301.
Montucla, I, 40, 45, 54, 65, 117, 120, 159, 163; II, 60.
Moon Hoax, I, 326; II, 131.
Moon, Nature of, II, 84;
Rotation of, II, 4, 19, 84, 87.
More, Hannah, I, 189, 192.
More, Henry, I, 123.
Moore, Dr. John, I, 190.
Moore, Sir John, I, 190.
Morgan, S., I, 6.
Morgan, T., I, 191.
Morgan, W., I, 223, 224.
Morhof, I, 61.
Morin, I, 99, 99.
Morinus, J. B., I, 149.
Morland, S., II, 302.
Mormonism, II, 69.
Morrison, R. J., I, 321; II, 43.
Mose, H., II, 266.
Mottelay, I, 68.
Motti, II, 60.
Mouton, I, 172; II, 300.
Muggleton, I, 394, 395.
Multiplication, Nature of, II, 251.
Murchison, R. I., I, 384.
Murhard, I, 43, 298.
Murphy, A., II, 308.
Murphy, J. L., II, 54, 54.
Murphy, P., I, 327, 398.
Murphy, R., I, 349, 349.
Murray, J., I, 186; II, 145.
Murray, L., II, 326.
Murray, Mungo, II, 310.
Musgrave, T., I, 324.
Mydorge, I, 298.
Mystrom, J. W., II, 182.
Mythological paradoxes, I, 256.

Names of Religious Bodies, II, 22.
Napier, J., I, 5, 66, 67, 82.
Napoleon, Doubts as to, I, 246.
Nautical Almanac, I, 300; II, 147.
Neal, I, 98.
Negative numbers, I, 196, 203.
Neile, W., II, 190.
Neptune, Discovery of, I, 387; II, 140. (See Adams, Leverrier.)
Nesse, C, I, 128, 128.
Newcomb, S., I, 162.
Newcomen, T., I, 147.
Newton, Sir Isaac, I, 5, 6, 8, 24, 39, 84, 88, 130, 136, 139, 144, 145, 148, 152, 154, 155, 162, 165, 167, 197, 225, 237, 242, 257, 282, 296, 297, 309, 311, 382, 394, 395, 396, 397; II, 2, 70, 184, 297, 302, 305.
Newton, John, II, 305.
Nicene Creed, I, 371.
Nichol, J. P., II, 289.
Nicholas. (See Cusa.)
Nichols, J., I, 175.
Nicolas, N. H., I, 354.
Nicollet, I, 326; II, 131.
Nicolson, W., I, 201.
Nieuwentijt, II, 333.
Nizzoli, M., II, 275.
Non-Euclidean geometry, II, 83.
Northampton, Marquis of (2d), II, 19.
Novum Organum Moralium, II, 74.
Number, Mystery of, I, 55, 56, 169.
Number of the Beast (666), I, 55, 130, 272, 298, 352; II, 77, 159, 217, 218, 361, 373.
Numeral system, II, 68.
Nursery rhymes, II, 150.

Occam, Wm. of, II, 40.
Odgers, N., II, 191, 191.
Oinopides of Chios, II, 59.
Oldenburgh, H., II, 300, 302.
Orthodox Paradoxes, II, 363.
Orthography, Paradoxes of, II, 267.
Ortwinus, I, 319.
Oughtred, W., II, 298, 303.
Owenson, I, 191.
Ozanam, I, 161, 312.

Pagi, I, 32.
Paine, T., I, 173, 173, 271.
Paley, W., I, 222; II, 226.
Palmer, C., I, 225.
Palmer, H., I, 141, 141, 145.
Palmer, J., II, 253.
Palmer, T. F., II, 254.
Palmer, W., II, 37.
Palmerston, Viscount (3d), I, 290, 352.
Palmézeaux, I, 167.
Panizzi, A., I, 151.
Papist, II, 26.
Paracelsus, II, 322.
Paradox defined, I, 2, 31.
Paradox, religious, I, 236.
Paradoxers in general, II, 352.
Parallels, Theory of, I, 229, 344.
Pardies, I. G., II, 300.
Park, Mungo, II, 91, 132.
Parker, F., II, 94.
Parker, G. (Earl of Macclesfield), II, 296.
Parr, S., I, 173, 173, 175, 176, 184.
Parsey, I, 293, 293.
Partridge, J., I, 305.
Pasbergius, I, 381.
Pascal, I, 39, 119, 122, 220, 221; II, 73.
Pascal's Hexagram, I, 221.
Passot, I, 279, 279.
Passover, I, 358, 372.
Patriotic paradox, I, 231.
Paucton, I, 172.
Paulian, I, 165, 165.
Peacock, Geo., I, 196, 350.
Peacock, T. L., I, 190, 340.
Pearce, A. J., II, 43.
Pearne, T., I, 239.
Peel, Sir R., I, 290, 352.
Peel, W. Y., I, 290.
Pèlerin, J., II, 324.
Pell, J., I, 105, 105, 107; II, 300, 302, 312.
Pepys, I, 113, 114.
Perigal, H., II, 19, 20.
Perpetual motion, I, 118, 348; II, 55, 138.
Perspective, New theory of, I, 293.
Peters, W., II, 11, 315.
Petitioning Comet, I, 127.
Petrie, W. M. F., I, 328.
Petty, I, 114; II, 300.
Philalethes, Eirenaeus, I, 125, 125, 126.
Philalethes, Eugenius, I, 255.
Phillips, R., I, 242, 242, 245.
Philo of Gadara, I, 40, 40.
Philosopher's stone, I, 118, 125.
Philosophical atheists, II, 1.
Philosophy and Religion, II, 37.
Phonetic spelling, II, 81.
π, values of, I, 11, 43, 45, 46, 52, 69, 100, 110, 129, 135, 146, 245, 283, 284, 294, 347, 348, 349, 350; II, 60, 63, 105, 110, 118, 135, 156, 209, 279, 315, 316.
Pighius, I, 372.
Pike, S., I, 236, 236.
Pindar, P., II, 272.
Piozzi, Mrs., I, 235; II, 272.
Piscator, B., II, 25.
Pitman, F., II, 81, 81.
Place, F., I, 199.
Planets inhabitable, I, 100, 102.
Plato, I, 5.
Platt, H., I, 126, 126.
Playfair, J., I, 233.
Pletho, G., I, 188.
Pliny, II, 280.
Ploucquet, I, 336, 337.
Poe, E. A., II, 132.
Poincaré, I, 136.
Poisson, I, 292; II, 2.
Pollock, J. F., II, 174.
Pons, II, 45.
Pope, Wm., I, 277, 277.
Porta, I, 68, 68, 83.
Porteus, B., I, 193, 203.
Porteus, H. F. A., II, 157, 157.
Porus, I, 44.
Powell, Baden, II, 267.
Powell, W. S., I, 222.
Pratt, H. F. A., II, 157, 157.
Pratt, O., II, 69.
Predaval, Count de, I, 348.
Prescot, B., I, 270, 270, 278.
Prester John, I, 70, 71, 152.
Price, R., I, 223.
Probability, Discourse on, I, 279.
Proclus, I, 188, 188.
Prodigies, Youthful, I, 219, 332.
Pronunciation, II, 330.
Protestant and Papal Christendom, II, 33.
Protimalethes, II, 6.
Ptolemy, I, 5, 33, 380.
Pullicino, II, 61, 61.
Pusey, I, 64.
Pyramids, The, I, 328; II, 95, 136.
Pythagoras, II, 59.

Quadrature problem. (See Squaring the circle.)
Quarles, F., II, 277.
Quintilian, II, 280.
Quotem, C., I, 399.

Rabelais, I, 102.
Rainbow Paradox, II, 334.
Ramachandra, Y., I, 374.
Ramchundra, I, 374.
Ramus, I, 5.
Recalcati, II, 208, 314.
Recorde, R., II, 328.
Reddie, Jas., II, 183, 183, 344, 360.
Reeve, J., I, 395.
Regiomontanus, I, 48, 360.
Reisch, I, 45; II, 281.
Religion and Philosophy, II, 37.
Religious bodies, Names of, II, 22;
customs, Attacks on, I, 177;
Insurance, I, 345;
Paradox, I, 236;
Tract society, I, 192.
Remigius, I, 50.
Reuchlin, J., II, 323.
Revelations, Napier on, I, 66.
Revilo, (O. Byrne), I, 241, 329, 329.
Reyneau, C. R., II, 301.
Rheticus, I, 69; II, 372.
Rhonius, II, 300.
Ribadeneira, P. de, II, 62.
Riccioli, I, 96.
Richards, G., II, 270.
Rigaud, J., II, 299.
Rigaud, S. J., II, 299.
Rigaud, S. P., I, 140; II, 298, 313.
Ringelbergh, J. S., II, 281.
Ripley, G., I, 126, 126.
Ritchie, W., I, 295, 295.
Ritterhusius, I, 60.
Rive, J.-J., I, 160.
Robertson, Jas., I, 237.
Roberval, I, 105, 122.
Robinson, B., I, 148, 148.
Robinson, H. C., I, 314; II, 52, 275.
Robinson, R., I, 177.
Robinson, T. R., II, 181.
Roblin, J., II, 136.
Rogers, S., II, 260.
Roget, P. M., I, 398.
Roomen, A. van, I, 110.
Ross, J. C., I, 303.
Rosse, I, 26.
Rossi, G., I, 231, 231.
Rotation of the Moon, II, 4, 19.
Rough, W., I, 198.
Rowning, J., I, 155.
Royal Astronomical Society, I, 27;
Forerunner of, I, 374.
Royal Society, I, 21, 22, 24-30, 56, 57, 136, 153, 163, 164, 165.
Rudio, I, 159; II, 367.
Rudolff, C., II, 373.
Russell, Earl (1st), I, 296.
Rutherford, W., II, 109.

Sabatíer, A., II, 267.
Sabellius, I, 241.
Sacrobosco, I, 360.
Sadler, T., I, 238, 241.
Saint-Martin, I, 167, 168, 206.
St.-Mesmin, M. de., I, 280.
St. Vincent, G. de., I, 110, 117.
St. Vitus, Patron of Cyclometers, II, 60.
Sales, de, I, 167.
Salicetus, I, 64.
Salisbury, Earl of (1st), II, 330.
Salmasius, Claudius, II, 168.
Salusbury, Hester, I, 235.
Sanchez, Petro, I, 229, 229.
Sanders, W., I, 207.
Sanderson, R., I, 135.
Sara, R., I, 297.
Saunderson, N., I, 377; II, 301.
Scaliger, I, 44, 110, 111, 112, 113; II, 238.
Scévole de St. Marthe, I, 113.
Schooten, Van, II, 59.
Schopp, I, 60.
Schott, I, 64; II, 64.
Schumacher, H. C., I, 107; II, 297.
Schwab, I, 230.
Scientific paradoxes, I, 232.
Scott, Michael, I, 38.
Scott's Devils, I, 38.
Scott, W., I, 20, 27, 38, 39, 155, 191.
Scripture and Science, II, 261.
Search, John, I, 247.
Selden, J., II, 250.
Sénarmont, II, 48.
Serres, De, II, 60.
Shaftesbury, Earl of, II, 181.
Shakespeare, I, 13.
Shanks, II, 63, 65, 109.
Shaw, P., I, 142.
Sheepshanks, J., I, 147.
Sheepshanks, R., I, 290.
Shelley, I, 174.
Shepherd, S., I, 124.
Sherburne, E., II, 295.
Sheridan, R. B., I, 175.
Sheridan, T., I, 175.
Shoberl, F., II, 270.
Shrewsbury, I, 108.
Siddons, Mrs., I, 189.
Simms, W., I, 152.
Simplicius, II, 164.
Simpson, T., I, 377; II, 304.
Simson, R., I, 197, 202, 233.
Sinclair, G., I, 207.
Slander Paradoxes, II, 138.
Sloane, I, 24.
Sluse, R. de, I, 118, 118; II, 300.
Smith, Adam, II, 112.
Smith, Jas., I, 46; II, 103, 103, 154, 236, 237, 238, 241, 336, 360.
Smith, Jas., II, 217.
Smith, Jas. (Shepherd), II, 55, 193.
Smith, Joseph, II, 69.
Smith, Richarda, I, 242.
Smith, Thomas, I, 346, 346.
Smith, Wm., II, 152.
Smyth, C. P., I, 328; II, 65.
Snell, I, 75, 75.
Socinianism, I, 142, 143.
Socinus, I, 3, 143.
Socrates Scholasticus, I, 358.
Sohncke, L. A., II, 131.
Somerville, Mrs., I, 242.
South, J., II, 181.
Southcott, Joanna, II, 58, 97, 239.
Spearman, R., I, 237.
Speculative thought in England, I, 374.
Spedding, I, 76, 82, 142.
Speed, J., I, 201.
Speke, I, 70.
Spelling, phonetic, II, 81.
Spence, W., I, 231, 231.
Spencer, Earl (3d), II, 9.
Spinoza, I, 3, 37.
Spiritualism, II, 47, 55, 207.
Spurius Cassius Viscellinus, II, 342.
Spurius Maelius, II, 342.
Squaring the circle, I, 8, 42, 44, 46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 69, 70, 75, 109, 117, 119, 129, 135, 146, 149, 159, 163, 164, 347, 348, 374; II, 10, 11, 60, 105, 154, 156, 208, 278, 314.
Stäckel, I, 230.
Stanhope, P. D., (Earl of Chesterfield), II, 298.
Stapulensis, I, 44; II, 324.
Star polygons, I, 229.
Starkie, G., I, 126, 126.
Statter, D., II, 80.
Steamship suggested, I, 147.
Steel, Jas., II, 68.
Stenography, II, 81.
Stephens, I, 44; II, 324.
Stephenson, G., II, 138.
Stephenson, R., II, 138.
Stevin, I, 83, 313; II, 59.
Stewart, D., II, 53.
Stewart, R., I, 186.
Stifel, M., II, 373.
Strafford, Earl of, I, 240.
Stratford, W. S., I, 300.
Street, T., I, 124.
Stukely, W., I, 236.
Suffield, G., II, 66.
Suidas, II, 29.
Sumner, C. R., I, 324.
Sumner, J. B., I, 324.
Sun as an electric space, II, 41.
Supernatural, The, II, 193.
Suvaroff, II, 85.
Swastika, II, 231.
Swedenborg, E., I, 255.
Swift, I, 19, 133.
Sylvester, J. J., II, 336.
Symington, W., I, 148.
Symons, II, 4, 5, 20, 84, 85.
Sympathetic powder, I, 108.
Synesius, I, 125.

Talbot, G., I, 22, 108.
Talbot's powder, I, 108.
Tartaglia, II, 59.
Tasse, I, 106.
Tate, J., I, 199.
Tauler, J., II, 322.
Taylor, Brook, II, 301.
Taylor, John, I, 352; II, 95.
Taylor, Robt., I, 270.
Taylor, T., I, 188, 188.
Teissier, I, 113.
Temple, H. J., I, 290.
Tenterden, Chief Justice, I, 181.
Thales, II, 59, 83.
Theism independent of Revelation, I, 399.
Thelwall, J., I, 178.
Theodoretus, I, 358.
Theological Paradoxes, I, 316.
Theology, Mathematical, I, 129, 149.
Theophrastus, II, 167.
Thiébault, II, 3, 338.
Thom, D., II, 226, 240.
Thom, J. H., II, 226.
Thompson, P., I, 7.
Thompson, T. P., I, 252, 287, 344; II, 83, 185.
Thomson, Dr., I, 21.
Thomson, W., I, 325.
Thorn, W., II, 158, 158, 360.
Thorndike, H., II, 313.
Thrale, Mrs., I, 235.
Thurlow, Baron, I, 222.
Thyræus, I, 50.
Tides, New theory of, I, 393.
Tombstones of mathematicians, I, 106.
Tonal System, II, 182.
Tooke, H., I, 178.
Torriano, E., I, 250.
Towneley, II, 300.
Townley, C., II, 300.
Trisection problem, I, 118; II, 10, 12, 13, 15.
Troughton, I, 152.
Turnor, E., I, 137.
Tycho Brahe, I, 5, 76, 381; II, 302, 335.

Upton, W., II, 12, 12, 15.
Ursus, I, 52.

Valentine, B., I, 125, 125.
Van Ceulen, I, 52, 70, 100.
Van de Weyer, I, 313.
Van Etten, I, 161.
Van Helmont, I, 125, 125.
Van Roomen, I, 110.
Van Schooten, II, 59.
Vaughan, T., I, 255.
Victorinus, I, 359.
Viète, I, 51; II, 210, 295.
Virgil, St., I, 32, 33, 34, 99.
Virginia, University of, I, 233.
Viscellinus, II, 342.
Vitruvius, II, 281.
Vivian, T., I, 172, 172.
Vogel, A. F., I, 373.
Voltaire, I, 103, 165, 166, 167, 168, 248; II, 268.
Von Gumpach, II, 137, 137.
Von Hutten, I, 318.
Von Wolzogen. (See Wolzogen.)
Vyse, R. W. H., I, 328.

Walker, W. E., II, 316.
Walkingame, F., II, 173.
Wallich, N., II, 14.
Wallis, J., I, 107, 109, 110; II, 299, 313.
Walpole, I, 23, 131.
Walsh, John, I, 260, 260; II, 157.
Wapshare, J., II, 230.
Warburton, H., I, 349.
Warburton, Wm., I, 55, 112; II, 174.
Ward, S., II, 299.
Waring, E., I, 203, 222.
Warner, W., II, 302, 312.
Warren, S., II, 340.
Watkins, J., II, 270.
Watson, Bp., I, 223.
Watt, R., I, 102, 402.
Watts, I., II, 18.
Weddle, T., II, 187.
Wentworth, Thos., I, 240.
Wharton, I, 115.
Whately, R., I, 246, 246, 324.
Whately's Paradox, I, 246.
Whewell, I, 101, 101, 273, 314, 380; II, 104, 246, 247.
Whigs, II, 22.
Whiston, J., I, 147.
Whiston, W., I, 133, 133, 146, 156, 311.
White, H. K., II, 271.
White, J. B., I, 248.
White, R., I, 11.
Whitford, I, 105.
Whitworth, W. A., II, 344.
Whizgig, On the, I, 254.
Wightman, I, 59.
Wilberforce, W., II, 236.
Wilkins, J., I, 96, 100, 116, 226.
Williams, J. B., I, 378.
Williams, T., I, 171, 171.
Wilson, Sir J., I, 221.
Wilson, J. M., II, 344.
Wilson, R., II, 7, 7.
Wilson's Theorem, I, 222.
Wingate, E., II, 308.
Winter, I, 46.
Wirgman, T., I, 258, 258.
Wiseman, N. P. S., II, 26, 61, 294.
Wolcot, J. (Peter Pindar), II, 272.
Wollstonecraft, I, 173, 173.
Wolzogen, I, 106.
Wood, A., I, 98.
Wood, John, I, 233.
Wood, Wm., I, 246, 246.
Woodley, W., I, 307, 307.
Wordsworth, II, 273.
Wright, E., I, 84.
Wright, T., I, 151, 151, 152, 153.
Wright, W., II, 9.
Wronski, I, 249, 250.
Wrottesley, J. (Baron), II, 181.

Young, B., II, 69.
Young, J. W. A., II, 367.
Young, T., I, 24, 30, 250.
Youthful Prodigies, I, 219.
Yvon, I, 297.

Zach, von, II, 45, 196.
Zachary, Pope, I, 32, 34.
Zadkiel, I, 321; II, 43.
Zetetic Astronomy, II, 88.
Zodiac, II, 136.
Zytphen, II, 335.
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