< Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Chapters (not listed in original)
- V.
- V. D. M.
- V. D. M. I. Æ.
- V. V. V.
- Vacuum
- Vacuum Boyleanum
- Vade Mecum
- Væ Victis!
- Vail
- Vails
- Vain as a Peacock
- Valdarno
- Vale of Avoca
- Vale of Tears
- Vale the Bonnet
- Valens or Valanus
- Valentia
- Valentine
- Valentinians
- Valerian or Valirian
- Valerian
- Valhalla
- Valiant
- Valise
- Valkyriur or Valkyries
- Valla
- Vallary Crown
- Valley of Humiliation
- Valley of the Shadow of Death
- Vallombrosa
- Valorem
- Vamp
- Vampire
- Van
- Van
- Vandal
- Vandyck
- Vandyke
- Vanessa
- Vanity Fair
- Vanoc
- Vantage Loaf
- Varina
- Varnish
- Varro
- Varuna
- Vassal
- Vathek
- Vatican
- Vaudeville
- Vaugirard
- Vauxhall or Fauxhall
- Ve
- Veal. Calf
- Vedas or Vedams
- Vehmgerichte or Holy Vehme Tribunal
- Veil
- Veiled Prophet of Khorassan
- Vendémiaire
- Vendetta
- Vendredi
- Venerable
- Vengeur
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Veni, Sanote Spiritus
- Veni, Vidi, Vici
- Venial Sin
- Venice Glass
- Venice of the West
- Venison
- Venom
- Venomous Preacher
- Ventilate a Subject
- Ventre-saint-Gris!
- Ventriloquism
- Venus
- Venus Anadyomene
- Venus Genetrix
- Venus Victrix
- Venus de Medicis
- Venus of Cnidus
- Venus of Milo or Melos
- Venusberg
- Vera Causa
- Verbatim et Literatim
- Verbum Sap
- Verbum Sat
- Vere Adeptus
- Verger
- Vernon
- Veronese
- Veronica
- Versailles of Poland
- Versaillese
- Versi Berneschi
- Vert
- Vertumnus
- Verulam Buildings
- Vervain
- Vesica Piscis
- Vesper Hour
- Vesta
- Vestal Virgin
- Veto
- Vetturino
- Via Dolorosa
- Vial
- Viaticum
- Vicar
- Vicar of Bray
- Vicar of Wakefield
- Vice
- Vice Versa
- Victor Emmanuel of Italy
- Vierge
- View-holloa
- Vignette
- Viking
- Village Blacksmith
- Villain
- Villiers
- Villoner
- Vincent
- Vincent de la Rosa
- Vindicate
- Vine
- Vinegar
- Vinegar Bible
- Vineyard Controversy
- Vino. In vino veritas
- Vintry Ward
- Vinum Theologicum
- Violet
- Violet
- Violet
- Violet-crowned City
- Violin
- Violon
- Viper and File
- Virgil
- Virgilius
- Virgin
- Virgin Mary's Guard
- Virgin Mary's Peas
- Virgin Queen
- Virgins
- Virginal
- Virtuoso
- Vis Inertiæ
- Vishnu
- Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame
- Vitellius
- Vitex
- Vitruvius
- Vitulos
- Vitus
- Viva Voce
- Vivien
- Vixen
- Vixere
- Viz
- Vogue
- Vogue la Galère
- Vole
- Voltaic Battery
- Voltaire
- Volume
- Vox et Præterea Nihil
- Vox Populi Vox Dei
- Vulcan
- Vulcan's Badge
- Vulcanised Indiarubber
- Vulcanist
- Vulgar Errors
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