< Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Chapters (not listed in original)
- U.S.
- Ubeda
- Udal Tenure
- Ugly
- Ugly
- Ugly as Sin
- Ugolino
- Uhlan
- Ukase
- Ul-Erin
- Ulania
- Ulema
- Uller
- Ullin
- Ulric
- Ulster
- Ulster
- Ulster Badge
- Ulster King of Arms
- Ultima Thule
- Ultimatum
- Ultimum Vale
- Ultimus Romanorum
- Ultra Vires
- Ultramontane Party
- Ulysses
- Ulysses
- Ulysses' Bow
- Uma
- Umber
- Umble-pie
- Umbra
- Umbrage
- Umbrella
- Umbrella
- Una
- Una Serranilla
- Unaneled
- Uncas
- Uncial Letters
- Uncircumcised in Heart and Ears
- Uncle
- Uncle
- Uncle Sam
- Uncle Tom
- Unco
- Uncumber
- Under-current
- Under-spur-leather
- Under the Rose
- Under Weigh
- Under which King, Bezonian?
- Underwriter
- Undine
- Ungrateful Guest
- Unguem
- Unhinged
- Unhouselled
- Unicorn
- Unicorns
- Unigenitus
- Union Jack
- Union Rose
- Unionists
- Unitarians
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Unities
- Universal Doctor
- Universe
- University
- Unknown
- Unlicked or Unlicked Cub
- Unlucky Gifts
- Unmanned
- Unmarried Men of Note
- Unmentionables
- Unready
- Unrighteous
- Unwashed
- Up
- Up a Tree
- Up the Spout
- Up to Snuff
- Up to the Hub
- Up to the Mark
- Up-turning of his Glass
- Upas-tree or Poison-tree of Macassar
- Upper Crust
- Upper Storey
- Upper Ten Thousand or The Upper Ten
- Uproar
- Upsee-Dutch
- Upset Price
- Urbi et Orbi
- Urd
- Urda or Urdan Fount
- Urda, Verdandi, and Skulda
- Urgan
- Urganda la Desconecida
- Urgel
- Uriah
- Uriel
- Urim
- Urim and Thummim
- Ursa Major
- Ursa Minor
- Used Up
- Usher means a porter
- Usquebaugh
- Ut
- Ut Queat Laxis, etc
- Uta
- Uter
- Uterine
- Utgard
- Utgard-Lok
- Uti Possidetis
- Uticensis
- Utilitarians
- Utopia
- Utopian
- Utraquists
- Utter and Inner Barristers
- Uzziel
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