< Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Chapters (not listed in original)
- S
- S.P.Q.R
- S.S. Collar
- S.S.S.
- S.T.P
- Saadia
- Sabbath Day's Journey
- Sabbath of Sound
- Sabbathians
- Sabbatical Year
- Sabeans
- Sabeanism
- Sabeism
- Sabellians
- Sabiens
- Sable
- Sable black
- Sablonnière
- Sabra
- Sabreur
- Sabrina
- Saccharine Principle in Things
- Saccharissa
- Sacco Benedetto or Saco Bendito
- Sachem
- Sachentege
- Sack
- Sack
- Sack Race
- Sackbut
- Sackerson
- Sacrament
- Sacramentarians
- Sacred Anchors
- Sacred City
- Sacred Heart
- Sacred Isle
- Sacred War
- Sacred Way
- Sacred Weed
- Sacrifice
- Sacrifice to the Graces
- Sacring Bell
- Sacripant
- Sad Bread
- Sad Dog
- Sadah
- Sadda
- Sadder and a Wiser man
- Saddle
- Saddletree
- Sadducees
- Sadi or Saadi
- Sadler's Wells
- Sadlerian Lectures
- Sæhrimnir
- Safa
- Safety Matches
- Saffron
- Saffron Veil
- Saga
- Sagan of Jerusalem
- Sages
- Sagittarius
- Sagittary
- Sagramour le Desirus
- Sahib
- Sail
- Sail before the Wind
- Sailing under False Colours
- Sailing within the Wind or Sailing close to the Wind
- Sailor King
- Saint
- St. Bees' College
- St. Cecilia
- St. Cuthbert's Duck
- St. Distaff
- St. Elmo
- St. Francis
- St. George's Cross
- St. John Long
- St. John's Eve, St. Mark's Eve, and Allhallow Even
- St. Johnstone's Tippet
- St. Leger Sweepstakes
- St. Leon
- St. Lundi
- St. Michael's Chair
- St. Monday
- St. Simonism
- St. Stephens
- St. Stephen's Loaves
- St. Thomas's Castle
- St. Wilfrid's Needle
- Saints
- Saivas
- Saker
- Sakhrat
- Sakta
- Sa-kuntala
- Sakya-Muni
- Sal Prunella
- Salacacabia or Salacacaby of Apicius
- Salace
- Salad Days
- Salamander
- Salamander's Wool
- Salary
- Salchichon
- Sale by the Candle
- Salem
- Salic Law
- Saliens
- Salient Angles
- Salisbury Cathedral
- Salisbury Craigs
- Sallee
- Sallust of France
- Sally
- Sally Lunn
- Sallyport
- Salmacis
- Salmagundi
- Salmon
- Salmon
- Salmoneus
- Salsabil
- Salt
- Salt
- Salt Bread or Bitter Bread
- Salt-cellar
- Salt Hill
- Salt Junk
- Salt Lake
- Salt Ring
- Salt River
- Salt an Invoice
- Salt in Beer
- Salt in a Coffin
- Salt Losing its Savour
- Salt on His Tail
- Saltarello
- Saltpetre
- Salute
- Salutations
- Salve
- Salve
- Sam
- Sam Weller
- Samael
- Samanides
- Samaria
- Samaritan
- Sambo
- Samedi
- Samian
- Samian Letter
- Samian Sage
- Samiasa
- Samiel
- Samiel Wind, or Simoom
- Sammael
- Samoor
- Samosatian Philosopher
- Sampford Ghost
- Sampi
- Sampler
- Sampson
- Samson
- Samson Carrasco
- San Benito
- San Christobal
- San Suena
- Sance-bell
- Sancha
- Sancho Panza
- Sanchoniatho
- Sanctum Sanctorum
- Sancy Diamond
- Sand
- Sand
- Sand-blind
- Sand-man is about
- Sands
- Sandabar
- Sandal
- Sandals of Theramenes
- Sandalphon
- Sandalwood
- Sandbanks
- Sandemanians or Glassites
- Sanden
- Sandford and Merton
- Sandjar
- Sandschaki or Sandschaki-sherif
- Sandwich
- Sandwichman
- Sang Bleu
- Sang Froid
- Sangaree
- Sanglamore
- Sanglier
- Sangrado
- Sangreal
- Sanguine
- Sanguinary James
- Sanhedrim
- Sanjaksherif
- Sans Culottes
- Sans Culottides
- Sans Peur et Sans Reproche
- Sans Souci
- Sanscara
- Sansfoy
- Sansjoy
- Sansloy
- Sansonetto
- Santa Casa
- Santa Claus or Santa Klaus
- Saophron
- Sapphics
- Sappho of Toulouse
- Saracen Wheat
- Saracens
- Saragoza
- Saraswati
- Sarcasm
- Sarcenet
- Sarcenet Chidings
- Sarcophagus
- Sardanapalus
- Sardinian Laugh
- Sardonic Smile, Grin, or Laughter
- Sardonyx
- Sarnia
- Sarpedon
- Sarsen Stones
- Sartor Resartus
- Sash Window
- Sassanides
- Sassenach
- Satan
- Satan's Journey to Earth
- Satanic
- Satire
- Saturday
- Saturn or Kronos
- Saturn
- Saturn's Tree
- Saturnalia
- Saturnian Days
- Saturnian Verses
- Saturnine
- Satyr
- Satyrane
- Sauce
- Sauce
- Sauce to the Goose is Sauce to the Gander
- Saucer Eyes
- Saucer Oath
- Saucy
- ‘Saul
- Saut Lairds o Dunscore
- Savage
- Save
- Save the Mark
- Savoir Faire
- Savoy
- Saw
- Sawdust Parlance
- Sawny or Sandy
- Saxifrage
- Saxon Castles
- Saxon Characteristics
- Saxon Duke
- Saxon English
- Saxon Relics
- Saxon Shore
- Say
- Sbirri
- Scævola
- Scaffold, Scaffolding
- Scagliola
- Scales
- Scallop Shell
- Scalloped
- Scammozzi's Rule
- Scamp
- Scandal
- Scandal-broth
- Scandalum Magnatum
- Scanderbeg
- Scanderbeg's Sword must have Scanderbeg's Arm—i.e
- Scandinavia
- Scant-of-grace
- Scantling
- Scapegoat
- Scaphism
- Scapin
- Scaramouch
- Scarborough Dress
- Scarborough Warning
- Scarlet
- Scarlet
- Scarlet Coat
- Scarlet Woman
- Scavenger's Daughter
- Sceatta
- Scene Painters
- Scene Plot
- Scent
- Sceptic
- Sceptre
- Scheherazade
- Scheltrum
- Scheme
- Schiedam
- Schiites
- Schlemihl
- Scholastic
- Scholastic Divinity
- Schools
- Schoolmaster Abroad
- Schoolmen
- Schoolmistress
- Scian
- Science
- Science Persecuted
- Scienter Nesciens et Sapiente Indoctus
- Scio's Blind Old Bard
- Scipio dismissed the Iberian Maid
- Scissors to Grind
- Sclavonic
- Scobellum
- Scone
- Score
- Scornful Dogs will eat dirty Puddings
- Scorpion
- Scorpions
- Scot
- Scot-free
- Scot and Lot
- Scots Greys
- Scots wha hae
- Scotch
- Scotch Breakfast
- Scotch Mist
- Scotch Pint
- Scotch Pound
- Scotch Shilling
- Scotia
- Scotists
- Scotland
- Scotland Yard
- Scott
- Scotus
- Scourge of Christians
- Scourge of God
- Scourge of Princes
- Scouring
- Scowerers
- Scrape
- Scrape an Acquaintance
- Scratch
- Scratch
- Scratch Cradle
- Scratch Crew
- Scratch Eleven
- Scratch Race
- Scratched
- Screw
- Screw Loose
- Screw Plot
- Screwed
- Screwed on Right
- Scribe
- Scriblerus
- Scrimmage
- Scripto rs Decem
- Scriptors Quinque
- Scriptors Tres
- Scriptorium
- Scriptures
- Scudamore
- Scudding under Bare Poles
- Scullabogue Massacre
- Sculls
- Sculpture
- Scutch
- Scuttle
- Scuttle Out
- Scylla
- Scylla
- Scythian or Tartarian Lamb
- Scythian Defiance
- Sea
- Sea-blue Bird of March
- Sea Deities
- Sea-girt Isle
- Sea-green Incorruptible
- Sea Legs
- Sea Serpent
- Seaboard
- Seal
- Seamy Side
- Seasons
- Sebaraim
- Sebastian
- Sebastianistes
- Second
- Second-hand
- Second Sight
- Second Wind
- Second of Time
- Secondary Colours
- Secret de Polichinelle
- Secular Clergy
- Secular Games
- Sedan Chairs
- Sedrat
- Seedy
- Seel
- Seemurgh
- Seian Horse
- Seidlitz Water
- Seiks
- Selah
- Selama or Selemeh
- Selen
- Seleucidæ
- Selim
- Seljuks
- Sell
- Selling Race
- Selling the Pass
- Seltzer Water
- Semiramis of the North
- Senanus.
- Seneca
- Senior Optime
- Sennacherib
- Sennight
- Sentences
- Sentinel
- Sepoy
- Sept
- September Massacres
- Septuagesima Sunday
- Septuagint
- Seraglio
- Seraphim
- Serapis
- Serat
- Serbonian Bog or Serbonis
- Seremenes
- Serenade
- Serene
- Serif and Sanserif
- Sèrjeants-at-Law
- Sermon Lane
- Serpent
- Serpentine Verses
- Serrapurda
- Servant
- Serve
- Servus Servorum
- Sesame
- Sesha
- Set Off
- Set Scene
- Set-to
- Setebos
- Sethites
- Setting a Hen
- Setting a Saw
- Setting of a Jewel
- Setting of Plaster or Paint
- Setting of Sun, Moon, and Stars
- Setting the Thames on Fire
- Settie your Hash
- Seven
- Seven Bibles (The) or Sacred Books
- Seven Bodies in Alchemy
- Seven Champions of Christendom
- Seven Churches of Asia
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Seven Dials
- Seven Joys of the Virgin
- Seven Sages of Greece
- Seven Senses
- Seven Sisters
- Seven Sleepers
- Seven Sorrows of the Virgin
- Seven Spirits
- Seven Spirits of God
- Seven Virtues
- Seven Weeks' War
- Seven Wise Masters
- Seven Wonders of the World
- Seven Years' Lease
- Seven Years' War
- Several = separate;
- Severn
- Severus
- Sèvres Ware
- Sew the Button on
- Sex
- Sexagesima Sunday
- Sextile
- Sexton
- Seyd
- Sforza
- Shack
- Shaddock
- Shades
- Shadoff or Shadoof
- Shadow
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shafalus
- Shafites
- Shaft
- Shatton
- Shah
- Shah-pour
- Shahzada
- Shakedown
- Shakers
- Shakes
- Shakespeare
- Shaking Hands
- Shaky
- Shallow
- Shalott
- Shambles means benches
- Shamrock
- Shan Van Voght
- Shandean Exactness
- Shandy
- Shandygaff
- Shanks' Nag
- Shannon
- Shanty
- Shanty Songs
- Shark
- Sharp
- Sharp
- Sharp-beak
- Sharp-set
- Shave
- Shaveling
- Shaving
- She Stoops to Conquer
- Shear Steel
- Sheb-seze
- Sheba
- Shebeen
- Sheep
- Sheet Anchor
- Sheik
- Shekinah
- Sheldonian Theatre
- Shelf
- Shell
- Shell Jacket
- Shell of an Egg
- Shells
- Shemitic
- Shepherd
- Shepherd Kings or Hyksos
- Shepherd Lord
- Shepherd of Banbury
- Shepherd of Salisbury Plain
- Shepherd of the Ocean
- Shepherd's Sundial
- Shepherded
- Sheppard
- Shepster Time
- Sheriffmuir
- Sheva
- Shewbread
- Shewri-while
- Shiahs
- Shibboleth
- Shield
- Shield-of-Arms
- Shield of Expectation
- Shields
- Shi-ites
- Shillelagh
- Shilling
- Shilly Shally
- Shimei
- Shinar
- Shindy
- Shingebis
- Ship
- Ship Letters
- Ship-shape
- Ship of the Desert
- Ships
- Ships of the Line
- Shipton
- Shire and County
- Shire Horses
- Shirt
- Shittim Wood
- Shivering Mountain
- Shoddy
- Shoe
- Shoe-loosed
- Shoe Pinches
- Shoe a Goose
- Shoe the Anchor
- Shoe the Cobbler
- Shoe the Horse
- Shoe the Wild Colt
- Shoes
- Shoemakers
- Shoot the Moon
- Shoot the Sun
- Shooting-iron
- Shooting Stars
- Shop
- Shop-lifting
- Shore
- Shoreditch
- Shorne (Sir John) or Master John Shorne
- Short
- Short Stature
- Shot
- Shot in the Locker
- Shot Window
- Shotten Herring
- Shoulder
- Shovel-board
- Show
- Shrew-mouse
- Shrieking Sisterhood
- Shrimp
- Shropshire
- Shrovetide Cocks
- Shunamite's House
- Shunt
- Shut up
- Shy
- Shylock
- Shylock
- Si
- Si Quis
- Siamese Twins:
- Sibberidge
- Sibyl
- Sibyls
- Sibylline Books
- Sibylline Leaves
- Sibylline Verses
- Siccis pedibus
- Sice
- Sicilian Dishes
- Sicilian Vespers
- Sick Man
- Sick as a Cat
- Sick as a Dog
- Sick as a Horse
- Siddons (Mrs.)
- Side of the Angels
- Sidney (Algernon)
- Sidney (Sir Philip)
- Sidney-Sussex College
- Siegfried
- Sieglind
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Siesta
- Sieve and Shears
- Sif
- Sight
- Sight
- Sign your Name
- Signs instead of words
- Significavit
- Siguna
- Sigurd
- Sikes
- Sikh
- Silbury
- Silchester
- Silence gives Consent
- Silent
- Silenus
- Silhouette
- Silk
- Silk Gown
- Silk Purse
- Silken Thread
- Silly is the German selig
- Silly Season
- Siluria—that is
- Silurian Rocks
- Silvana
- Silvanella
- Silver was
- Silver
- Silver Cooper
- Silver Fork School
- Silver-hand
- Silver Lining
- Silver Pheasant
- Silver Spoon
- Silver Star of Love
- Silver Streak
- Silver-Tongued
- Silver Trumpet
- Silver Weapon
- Silver Wedding
- Silver of Guthrum, or Guthram's Lane
- Silverside of Beef
- Simeon
- Similes in common use:—
- Similia Similibus Curantur
- Simmes' Hole
- Simnel Cakes
- Simon
- Simon Magus
- Simon Pure
- Simony
- Simple
- Simple Simon. A simpleton
- Simplicity is sine plica
- Simplon Road
- Sin
- Sin-eaters
- Sincere
- Sindhu
- Sindon
- Sine Die
- Sine qu Non
- Sinecure
- Sinews of War
- Sing a Song o Sixpence
- Sing my Music, and not Yours
- Sing Old Rose
- Sing Out
- Sing-su-hay
- Singapores
- Singing Apple
- Singing-Bread
- Singing Chambermaids
- Singing Tree
- Singing in Tribulation
- Single-Speech Hamilton
- Sinister
- Sinning One's Mercies
- Sinon
- Sintram
- Sir
- Sir Oracle
- Sir Roger de Coverley
- Siren
- Sirius
- Sirloin of Beef
- Sisyphus
- Sit Bodkin
- Sit Out
- Sit Under …
- Sit Up
- Sit Upon
- Sit on the Rall or Fence
- Sit on Thorns (To) or on Tenterhooks
- Sitâ
- Sitting in Banco
- Sieve and Shears
- Siva
- Six. Six thrice or three dice
- Six-and-Eightpence
- Six Articles
- Six-hooped Pot
- Six Members
- Six Months' War
- Six Nations
- Six Points
- Six-Principle Baptists
- Sixes and Sevens
- Sixteen-string Jack
- Sizar
- Sizings
- Skains-mate or Skeins-mate
- Skald
- Skedaddle
- Skeggs
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Jackets
- Skevington's Daughter
- Skibbereen and Connemara
- Skibbereen Eagle
- Skid
- Skiddaw
- Skied
- Skillygolee
- Skimble-Skamble
- Skimmington
- Skin
- Skin a Flint
- Skin of his Teeth
- Skinfaxi
- Skinflint
- Skinners
- Skirt
- Skogan
- Skopts, Skopti, or White Doves
- Skull
- Skurry
- Sky
- Sky
- Sky-blue
- Sky-rakers
- Skye
- Skylark
- Skylark
- Slander, Offence
- Slang
- Slang
- Slap-bang
- Slap-dash
- Slap-up
- Slate
- Slate Club
- Slate One
- Slating
- Slave
- Sleave
- Sleck-stone
- Sledge-hammer
- Sleep
- Sleep like a Top
- Sleeper
- Sleeping Beauty
- Sleepless Hat
- Sleepy Hollow
- Sleeve
- Sleeve of Care
- Sleeve of Hildebrand
- Sleeveless Errand
- Sleight of Hand
- Sleipnir
- Slender
- Sleuth-Hound
- Slewed
- Slick
- Slick Off
- Sliding Scale
- Slip
- Slippers
- Slipshod
- Slipslop
- Sloane MSS
- Slogan
- Slop
- Slops
- Slopard
- Slope
- Slough of Despond
- Slow
- Slow Coach
- Slubber-Degullion
- Slug-abed
- Slumland
- Slums
- Sly
- Sly-Boots
- Sly Dog
- Sly as a Fox
- Slyme
- Small
- Small-back
- Small Beer
- Small-endians
- Small Hours of the Morning
- Smalls
- Smart Money
- Smash
- Smec
- Smectymnuans
- Smectymnus
- Smell
- Smell a Rat
- Smelling Sin
- Smells of the Lamp
- Smelts
- Smiler
- Smith
- Smith of Nottingham
- Smith's Prize-man
- Smithfield
- Smoke
- Smoke Farthings
- Smoke Silver
- Snack
- Snails have no sex
- Snake-Stones
- Snake in the Grass
- Snakes in his Boots
- Snap-Dragons
- Snap of the Fingers
- Snap One's Nose Off
- Snarling Letter
- Sneck Posset
- Sneezed
- Sneezing
- Snickersnee
- Snider Rifle
- Snob
- Snood
- Snooks
- Snore
- Snow King
- Snowdonia
- Snowdrop
- Snuff
- Snuff Out
- Soane Museum
- Soap
- Soap
- Soaped-pig Fashion
- Soapy Sam
- Sober or Sobrius
- Sober as a Judge—i.e. grave and sedate
- Sobrino
- Sobriquet
- Socialism
- Société de Momus
- Society
- Sock
- Sock a Corpse
- Socrates
- Sodom
- Soffarides
- Soft
- Soft Sawder
- Soft Soap
- Soft as Soap
- Soft Fire makes Sweet Malt
- Soft Words Butter no Parsnips
- Softly
- Softy
- Soho!
- Soi-disant
- Soil
- Soil the Milk before Using It
- Sojourn
- Sol
- Sol-fa
- Solan Goose
- Solano
- Solatium
- Soldan or Sowdan
- Soldats
- Soldier
- Soldier's Heart
- Soldiers' Battles
- Soldiers of Fortune
- Soldiering
- Solecism
- Solemn
- Soler
- Solid Doctor
- Solingen
- Solomon
- Solomon's Carpet
- Solomon's Ring
- Solon of Parnassus
- Solstice
- Solyman
- Soma
- Somagia
- Sombrero
- Somerset
- Somerset or Somersault
- Somerset House
- Somoreen
- Son
- Son of Belial
- Son of Dripping
- Son of One Year
- Son of Perdition
- Son of the Morning
- Son of the Star
- Sons of God
- Sons of the Band
- Sons of the Mighty
- Sons of the Prophets
- Sons of the Sorceress
- Song
- Song of Degrees
- Song of Roland
- Song of Songs
- Sonna or Sunna
- Sonnambula
- Sonnet
- Sop
- Soph
- Sophi or Safi
- Sophis
- Sophia
- Sophist, Sophistry, Sophism, Sophisticator, etc
- Sorbonica
- Sorbonne
- Sorceress
- Sordello
- Sorites
- Sorrows of Werther
- Sorts Biblicæ
- Sortes Virgilianæ
- Sorts
- Sosia
- Sotadios or Sotadic Verse
- Sothic Year
- Soul
- Soul Cakes
- Soul and Spirit
- Soul of a Goose or Capon
- Sound
- Sound Dues
- Sound as a Bell
- Sound as a Roach
- Soundings
- Sour Grapes
- Sour Grapeism
- South-Sea Scheme or Bubble
- Southampton Street
- Southampton's Wise Sons
- Southern Gate of the Sun
- Soutras
- Sovereign
- Sow
- Spa or Spa Water
- Spade
- Spadish Language
- Spafields
- Spagiric Art
- Spagiric Food
- Spagnaletto
- Spaie
- Spain
- Span New
- Spaniel
- Spanish Blades
- Spanish Brutus
- Spanish Main
- Spanish Money
- Spanish Worm
- Spank
- Spanker
- Spanking
- Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child
- Sparkling Heat
- Spartan Dog
- Spasmodic School
- Speaker's Eye
- Speaking
- Speaking Heads and Sounding Stones
- Spear
- Spear-half
- Spear of Ithuriel
- Special Pleading
- Specie, Species
- Spectacles
- Spectre of the Brocken
- Spectrum, Spectra, Spectre
- Speculate
- Speech
- Speed
- Spell
- Spellbinders
- Spelter
- Spence
- Spencer
- Spendthrift
- Spenser
- Spenserian Metre
- Spent
- Spheres
- Sphinx
- Spice
- Spick and Span New
- Spider
- Spidireen or Spidereen
- Spigot
- Spilt Milk
- Spindle-half
- Spinning Jenny
- Spinoza's System
- Spinster
- Spirit
- Spirit-writing
- Spirits
- Spirits
- Spirited Away
- Spiritual Mother
- Spiritualism or Spiritism
- Spirt or Spurt
- Spitalfields
- Spite of His Teeth
- Spitfire
- Spitting for Luck
- Spittle or Spital
- Spittle Sermons
- Splay
- Spleen
- Splendid Shilling
- Splice
- Splice the Main Brace
- Spoke
- Spoke
- Sponge
- Spontaneous Combustion
- Spoon
- Spoon
- Spooning
- Spoony
- Sporran
- Sport a Door or Oak
- Sporting Seasons in England
- Spouse
- Spout
- Sprat
- Spread-eagle
- Spread-eagle Oratory
- Spring Gardens
- Spring Tide
- Sprout-kele
- Spruce
- Spun
- Spun Out
- Spunging House
- Spur Money
- Spurs
- Spy
- Spy
- Spy Wednesday
- Squab Pie
- Squad
- Squalls
- Square
- Square the Circle
- Squash
- Squib
- Squint-eyed
- Squintifego
- Squire of Dames
- Stabat Mater
- Stable-door
- Stable Keys
- Staff
- Staff of Life
- Stafford
- Stafford Law
- Stag
- Stags
- Stagirite or Stagyrite
- Stain
- Stalking-horse
- Stammerer
- Stamp
- Stampede
- Stand
- Stand Nunky
- Stand Off
- Stand Out
- Stand Sam
- Stand Treat
- Stand Upon
- Stand to a Bargain
- Stand to his Guns
- Stand to Reason
- Standing Dish
- Standing Orders
- Standing Stones
- Standard
- Standards
- Standards of Individuals
- Standards
- Stang
- Stanhope
- Stanhope Lens
- Stank Hen
- Stannary Courts
- Star
- Star
- Star Chamber
- Star-crossed
- Star of Bethlehem
- Star of the South
- Stars and Garters!
- Stars and Stripes (The) or the Star-spangled Banner
- Starboard and Larboard
- Starch
- Starry Sphere
- Starvation Dundas
- Starved with Cold
- Stations
- Statira
- Stator
- Statue
- Status of Great Men
- Statute Fairs
- Steak
- Steal
- Steal a Horse
- Steal a March on One
- Steam-kettles
- Steelyard
- Steenie
- Steeple-engine
- Steeple-Jack
- Steeplechase
- Stelvio
- Stentor
- Stentorian Lungs
- Stentorophonic Voice
- Stepfather and Father-in-law
- Stephen
- Stephen's Bread
- Stephens
- Stepney Papers
- Sterling Money
- Stern
- Sternhold
- Sterry
- Stewing in their own Gravy
- Stick
- Stickler
- Stiff
- Stigmata
- Stigmatise
- Stigmites, or St. Stephen's Stones
- Stiletto of the Storm
- Still
- Still Sow
- Still Waters Run Deep
- Stilling
- Stilo Novo
- Stimulants of Great Men
- Stinkomalee
- Stipulate
- “Stir Up” Sunday
- Stirrup
- Stirrup Cup
- Stirrup-Oil
- Stiver
- Stock
- Stock Exchange Slang
- Stock, Lock, and Barrel
- Stockdove
- Stockfish
- Stocking
- Stockwell Ghost
- Stoics
- Stole
- Stolen Things are Sweet
- Stomach
- Stone
- Stone Age
- Stone Blind
- Stone Cold
- Stone Dead
- Stone Jug
- Stone Soup or St. Bernard's Soup
- Stone Still
- Stone of the Broken Treaty
- Stone of Stumbling
- Stone of Tongues
- Stones
- Stonebrash
- Stonehenge
- Stonewall Jackson
- Stony Arabia
- Stool of Repentance
- Stops
- Store
- Stork
- Storks' Law or Lex Ciconaria
- Storm in a Teapot
- Storms
- Stormy Petrel
- Stornello Verses
- Storthing
- Stovepipe hat
- Stowe
- Stowe Nine Churches
- Strabo
- Stradivarius
- Straight as an Arrow
- Strain
- Stralenheim
- Strand
- Strange
- Stranger of the Gate
- Strangers Sacrificed
- Strap Oil
- Strappado
- Strasburg Goose
- Stratagem means generalship
- Straw
- Straw
- Strawberry
- Strawberry Preachers
- Streak of Silver
- Street and Walker
- Stretcher
- Strike
- Strike
- Strike Amain
- Strike a Bargain
- Strike Sail
- Strike while the Iron is Hot
- String
- Stripes
- Strode
- Stroke
- Stromkarl
- Strong
- Strong-back
- Strong-bow
- Strontian
- Struldbrugs
- Stubble Geese
- Stuck Pig
- Stuck Up
- Stuck-up People
- Stuck his Spoon in the Wall
- Stuff Gown
- Stumers
- Stump
- Stump Orator
- Stùmp Up
- Stumps
- Stumped Out
- Stupid Boy
- Sty or Stye
- Stygian
- Style
- Styles
- Stylites or Pillar Saints
- Styx
- Suaviter in Modo
- Sub Cuitro Liquit
- Sub Hasta
- Sub Jove
- Sub-Lapsarian, Supra-Lapsarian
- Sub Rosa
- Sublime Port
- Sublime Porte
- Submerged (The) or The Submerged Tenth
- Submit
- Subpœna
- Subsidy
- Substitution of Service
- Subtle Doctor
- Subvolvans or Subvolvani
- Succession Powder
- Succinct
- Succoth
- Suck the Monkey
- Sucking Young Patricians
- Suckle
- Sucre
- Suds
- Suffolk
- Suffrage
- Sugar-candy
- Sugar-lip
- Sugar and Honey
- Sugared Words
- Sui Generis
- Sui Juris
- Suicides
- Suisse
- Suit
- Suit of Dittos
- Sullt
- Sultan of Persia
- Sultan's Horse, Deadly
- Sultana
- Summa Diligentia
- Summer
- Summer King
- Summons
- Summum Bonum
- Sumpter Horse or Mule
- Sumptuary Laws
- Sun
- Sun
- Sun-burst
- Sun Inn
- Sun and Moon Falling
- Sun in one's Eyes
- Sun of Righteousness
- Sunday
- Sunday Saint
- Sundays
- Sundew
- Sunflower
- Sunna or Sonna
- Sunnites
- Suo Jure
- Suo Marte
- Super, Supers
- Supercilious
- Supernaculum
- Superstition
- Supped all his Porridge
- Supper of Trimalchio
- Supplication
- Sure as Demoivre
- "Surest Way to Peace is a constant Preparation for War"
- Surety
- Surfeit Water
- Surgeon
- Surloin of Beef
- Surlyboy
- Surname
- Surplice
- Surrey
- Surt or Surtur
- Susan
- Sussex
- Sutor
- Suttee
- Svalin
- Swaddler
- Swag
- Swag
- Swagger
- Swainmote
- Swallow
- Swan
- Swan
- Swan-hopping
- Swan of Avon (The), or Sweet Swan of Avon
- Swan of Cambray
- Swan of Mantua (The), or The Mantuan Swan
- Swan of Meander
- Swan of Padua
- Swans … Geese
- Swanimote
- Swarga
- Swashbuckler
- Swear
- Swear Black is White
- Swear by my Sword
- Sweat
- Sweating Sickness
- Swedenborgians
- Swedish Nightingale
- Sweep
- Sweepstakes
- Sweet as sugar
- Sweet Singer of Israel
- Sweet Singers
- Sweet Voices
- Sweetheart
- Swell Mob
- Swi Dynasty
- Swift
- Swim
- Swindle
- Swine
- Swing
- Swinge-buckler
- Swiss
- Swiss Boy
- Swiss Family Robinson
- Swithin
- Switzers
- Sword
- Sword-makers
- Sword Excalibar
- Sword of God
- Sword of Rome
- Sword of the Spirit
- ¶ Sword
- Sword and Cloak Plays
- Swords Prohibited
- Sworn Brothers
- Sworn at Highgate
- Sybarite
- Sycamore and Sycomore
- Sycophant
- Sycorax
- Syenite
- Syllogism
- Sylphs
- Sylvam Lignum Ferre
- Sylvester
- Sylvius Bonus
- Symbol
- Symbols of Saints
- Symbolism of Colours
- Symbolism of Metals and Gems
- Syrens of the Ditch
- Syria
- Syrtis
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