< Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Chapters (not listed in original)
- O.
- O.
- O'
- O'
- O.H.M.S
- O.K.
- O. P. Riot
- O tempora! O mors!
- O Yes! O Yes! O Yes!
- Oaf
- Oak
- Oak and Ash
- Oak-tree
- Oaks
- Oaks Famous in Story
- Oakum
- Oannes
- Oar
- Oars
- Oasis
- Oath
- Oaths
- Oats
- Ob. and Sol
- Obadiah
- Obambou
- Obelisk
- Obelus
- Obermann
- Oberon
- Oberthal
- Obidah
- Obidicut
- Oblism
- Obiter dictum
- Object
- Obolus
- Obsequies
- Obstacle Race
- Obstinate
- Obverse
- Oby
- Occam
- Occam's Razor
- Occasion
- Occult Sciences
- Oceana
- Ochiltree
- Octavian
- Octavo
- Ocypus
- Od
- Odd Numbers
- Odd and Even
- Odd's or Ods
- Odds
- Ode
- Odhærir
- Odin
- Odium Theologicum
- ODoherty
- Odor Lucri
- Odorico
- Odour
- Odour of Sanctity
- Odrysium Carmen
- Odur
- Odyle
- Odyssey
- Œdipus
- Œil
- Œil de Bœuf
- Off
- Off-hand
- Off his Head
- Off the Hooks
- Off with his Head! So much for Buckingham!
- Offa's Dyke
- Og
- Og
- Oghams
- Oghris
- Ogier the Dane
- Ogleby
- Ogres
- OGroat
- Ogygian Deluge
- Oi Polloi
- Oignement de Bretaigne
- Oignons dEgypte
- Oil
- Oil of Palms
- Oil on Troubled Waters
- Oil the Knocker
- Ointment
- Olaf or Olave
- Old Bags
- Old Blade
- Old Bonâ Fide
- Old Boots
- Old Dominion
- Old England
- Old Faith Men
- Old Fogs
- Old Fox
- Old Gentleman
- Old Glory
- Old Gooseberry
- Old Grog
- Old Hands
- Old Harry
- Old Humphrey
- Old Mortality
- Old News
- Old Noll
- Old Noll's Fiddler
- Old Port School
- Old Reeky
- Old Rowley
- Old Salt
- Old Scratch
- Old Song
- Old Style—New Style
- Old Tom
- Old Women
- Old World
- Old as Adam
- Old as Methuselah
- Old as the Hills
- Old Age Restored to Youth
- Old Dogs will not Learn New Tricks
- Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
- Old Man Eloquent
- Old Man of the Moon
- Old Man of the Mountain
- Old Man of the Sea
- Oldbuck
- Oldcastle
- Oldenburg Horn
- Oldest Nation
- Oleum Adde Camino
- Olibrius
- Olifaunt
- Oligarchy
- Olindo
- Olio or Oglio
- Olive
- Olive Branches
- Oliver
- Oliver or Olivier
- Olivetans
- Olivia
- Olla Podrida
- Ollapod
- Olympia
- Olympiad
- Olympian Jove
- Olympic Games
- Olympus
- OLynn
- Om
- Oman's Sea
- Ombre
- Omega
- Omens
- Omeyinger Saga
- Omnibus
- Omnium
- Omnium Gatherum
- Omorca
- Omphale
- On dit
- On the Loose
- On the Shelf
- One-horse System
- One-horse Universities
- One Step from the Sublime to the Ridiculous
- One too Many for Him
- One Touch of Nature Makes the whole World Kin
- Onion Pennies
- Only
- Onslow
- Onus
- Onus Probandi
- Onyx
- Opal
- Opal of Alphonso XII.
- Open Air Mission
- Open Question
- Open Secret
- Open, Sesamë
- Open the Ball
- Ophelia
- Opinicus
- Opium-eater
- Oppidan of Eton
- Optimë
- Optimism
- Opus Majus
- Opus Operantis
- Opus Operatum
- Or Ever
- Oracle
- Oracle
- Oracle
- Oracle of the Church
- Oracle of the Holy Bottle, Bacbuc
- Oracle of Sieve and Shears
- Oracles
- Orange Lilies
- Orange Lodges
- Orange Peel
- Orange-tawny
- Orange Blossoms Worn at Weddings
- Orangeman
- Orania
- Orator Henley
- Orbilian Stick
- Orc
- Orca
- Orchard
- Orcus
- Ordeal
- Ordeal
- Order!
- Order of the Cockle
- Order of the Day
- Orders
- Orders of Architecture
- Ordigale
- Ordinary
- Ordinary
- Oread
- Oreilles
- Orelio
- Orellana
- Orfeo and Heurodis
- Orgies
- Orgoglio
- Orgon
- Oriana
- Oriande
- Oriel
- Orientation
- Oriflamme
- Origenists
- Original Sin
- Orilo or Orillo
- Orinda
- Orion
- Orkborne
- Orkneys
- Orlando
- Orlando Furioso
- Orlando Innamorato
- Orleans
- Ormandine
- Ormulum
- Ormusd or Ormuzd
- Oromasdes
- Oroöndats
- Orosius
- Orotalt
- Orpheus
- Orpheus of Highwaymen
- Orrery
- Orsin
- Orsini
- Orson
- Orthodox Sunday
- Orts
- Ortus
- Ortwine
- Orvietan
- Os Sacrum
- Osbaldistone
- Oseway
- Osiris
- Osmand
- Osnaburg
- Osprey or Ospray
- Ossa
- Osseo
- Ossian
- Ostend Manifesto
- Oster-Monath
- Ostler
- Ostracism
- Ostrich
- Ostrich Brains
- Ostrich Eggs in Churches
- Ostrich Stomachs
- Ostringers, Sperviters, Falconers
- Oswald's Well
- Othello
- Othello's Occupation's Gone
- Other Day
- Othman, Osman, or Othoman
- Otium cum Dig.
- Otos
- OTrigger
- Oui
- Out
- Out-Herod Herod
- Out and Out
- Out in the Fifteen
- Out in the Forty-five
- Out of Harness
- Out of Pocket
- Out of Sorts
- Out of the Wood
- Outis
- Outrigger
- Outrun the Constable
- Outworks
- Ouzel
- Ovation
- Over
- Over
- Over and Over Again
- Over Edom will I cast my Shoe
- Over the Left
- Overdo
- Overreach
- Overture
- Overy
- Ovid
- Owain
- Owen Meredith
- Owl
- Owl
- Owl-light
- Owl in an Ivy Bush
- Owl was a Baker's Daughter
- Owlery
- Owlglass
- Ox
- Ox-eye
- Ox of the Deluge
- Oxford
- Oxford Blues
- Oxford Boat Crew
- Oxford Movement
- Oxford Stroke
- Oxgang
- Oyer and Terminer
- Oyster
- Oyster
- Oyster Part
- Oyster and Huitre
- Oysters
- Oz.
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