< Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Chapters (not listed in original)
- J.
- J. J
- Jaafer
- Jachin
- Jack
- VIII. Jack
- Jack-a-Dandy
- Jack-a-Lantern
- Jack-a-napes or Jackanapes = Jack of apes
- Jack-Amend-All
- Jack Brag
- Jack Drum's Entertainment
- Jack Horner
- Jack Ketch
- Jack Pudding
- Jack Robinson
- Jack Sprat
- Jack Tar
- Jack and the Bean Stalk
- Jack of all Trades is Master of None
- Jack o both Sides
- Jack o the Clock
- Jack of Dover
- Jack of Newbury
- Jack o the Bowl
- Jack Out of Office
- Jack the Giant-killer
- Jack the Ripper
- Jack and James
- Jackal
- Jacket
- Jackson
- Jacksonian Professor
- Jacob the Scourge of Grammar
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jacob's Staff
- Jacob's Stone
- Jacobins
- Jacobites
- Jacobus
- Jacquard Loom
- Jacqueline
- Jacquerie
- Jacques
- Jacqùes Bonhomme
- Jactitation of Marriage
- Jade or The Divine Stone
- Jade
- Jaffier
- Jagger
- Jail-bird
- Jamambuxes
- Jambon
- Jambuscha
- James
- James
- Jamie or Jemmie Duffs
- Jamshid
- Jane
- Jane Eyre
- Janissaries or Janizaries
- Jannes and Jambres
- Jansenists
- Januarius
- January
- Ja nus
- Japanese
- Japheth's Stone
- Japhetidie
- Jaquemart
- Jaques
- Jarkman
- Jarnac
- Jarndyce v. Jarndyce
- Jarvey
- Jarvie
- Jaundice
- Javan
- Javanese
- Javert
- Jaw
- J-wb
- Jawbone
- Jay
- Jay
- Jazey
- Je Maintiendrai
- Je ne Sais Quoi
- Jeames
- Jean Crapaud
- Jean Farine
- Jean de Lettre
- Jean de la Suie
- Jean de la Vigne
- Jean des Vignes
- Jeannot
- Jebusites
- Jedwood Justice
- Jehennam
- Jehovistic
- Jehu
- Jejune
- Jekyll
- Jelly Pardons
- Jellyby
- Jemmie Duffs
- Jemmy
- Jemmy
- Jemmy
- Jemmy
- Jemmy Dawson
- Jemmy Jessamy
- Jenkinson
- Jennet
- Jenny
- Jenny lOuvrière
- Jenny Wren
- Jeofail, i.e. Jai failli
- Jeopardy
- Jereed
- Jeremiad
- Jeremiah
- Jeremy Diddler
- Jeremy Twitcher
- Jericho
- Jerked
- Jerkin
- Jeroboam of Rum or Claret
- Jerome
- Jeronimo
- Jerry-built
- Jerry-shop, or a Tom and Jerry Shop
- Jerry Sneak
- Jerrymander
- Jersey
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Jerusalem Chamber
- Jerusalem Delivered
- Jerusalem Pony
- Jess
- Jessamy Bride
- Jesse Tree
- Jesse Window
- Jessica
- Jesters
- Jesuit
- Jesus Paper
- Jet
- Jet dEau
- Jetsam or Jetson
- Jettator
- Jettatura
- Jeu dEsprit
- Jeu de Mot
- Jeunesse Dorée
- Jew
- Jews-eye
- Jews-harp
- Jew's Myrtle
- Jews
- Jews' Sabbath
- Jewels
- Jewels
- Jewels
- Jezebel
- Jib
- Jib
- Jib-boom
- Jib-door
- Jib-stay
- Jib Topsail
- Jiffy
- Jig
- Jilt
- Jim Crow
- Jingo
- Jingoes
- Jingoism
- Jinn
- Jinnistan
- Joachim
- Joan
- Joan Cromwell
- Joan of Arc or Jeanne la Pucelle
- Joannes Hagustaldensis
- Job (1)
- Job's Comforter
- Job's Pound
- Job (2)
- Job (3)
- Job Lot
- Jobs
- Job (4)
- Jobation
- Jobber
- Jobbing Carpenter
- Jocelin de Brakelonda
- Jockey (1)
- Jockey (2)
- Jockey of Norfolk
- Joe or a Joe Miller
- Joey
- Jog
- Jog-trot
- Joggis or Jogges
- John
- John-a-Dreams
- John-a-Droynes
- John-a-Nokes
- John Anderson, my Jo
- John Audley
- John Bull
- John Chinaman
- John Company
- John Doe
- John Dory
- John Dory
- John Long
- John Roberts
- John Thomas
- John Drum's Entertainment
- John in the Wad
- John of Bruges
- John o'Groat
- John of Hexham
- John of Leyden
- John the Almoner
- John the Baptist
- John Tamson's Man
- John with the Leaden Sword
- Johnnies
- Johnny Crapaud
- Johnny Raw
- Johnson
- Johnstone
- Johnstone's Tippet
- Join the Majority
- Joint
- Jolly
- Jolly Dog
- Jolly God
- Jolly Good Fellow
- Jolly Green
- Jolly Roger
- Jollyboat
- Jonah and the Whale
- Jonas
- Jonathan
- Jonathan and David
- Jonathans
- Jonathan's Arrows
- Jonc
- Joncs
- Jordan Passed
- Jordeloo
- Jormungandar
- Josaphat
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph Andrews
- Joseph of Arimathea
- Joseph's Coat
- Joss
- Josse
- Jot
- Jotham
- Jotunheim
- Jour Maigre
- Jourdain
- Journal
- Journey
- Journey-weight
- Jouvence
- Jove
- Jovial
- Joy
- Joyeuse
- Joyeuse Garde
- Juan Fernandez
- Jubal
- Jubilee
- Judaise
- Judaism
- Judas
- Judas Kiss
- Judas Slits or Judas Holes
- Judas Tree
- Judas-coloured Hair
- Jude
- Judée
- Judge's Black Cap
- Judges' Robes
- Judica
- Judicium Crucis
- Judicium Dei
- Judith
- Jug
- Juge de Paix
- Jugged Hare
- Juggernaut or Jaggernaut
- Juggler
- Juggs or Jougs
- Julian
- Julian Epoch or Era
- Julian Period
- Julian Year
- Julienne Soup
- Juliet
- Julium Sidus
- July
- Jumala
- Jump
- Jump at an Offer
- Jump Over the Broomstick
- Jumper
- June
- June Marriages Lucky
- Junior Optime
- Junior Soph
- Junius
- Junk
- Junk
- Junket
- Junner
- Juno
- Junonian Bird
- Junto
- Jupiter
- Jupiter Scapin
- Jupiter's Beard
- Jurassic Rocks
- Jurisprudence
- Jury Leg
- Jury Mast
- Jus Civile
- Jus Divinum
- Jus Gentium
- Jus Mariti
- Jus de Réglisse
- Jus et Norma Loquendi
- Just
- Juste Milieu
- Justices in Eyre
- Justing of Watson and Barbour
- Justinian
- Juvenal
- Juvenal
- Juveniles
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