Blessèd: so have they named her. With just pride,
Deliberate care, and cautious circumstance,
The Holy Council have beatified
The Maid of Orleans, martyred child of France,
Who at Domrémy's village altar kneeling—
Ignored by friend and foe—
Through all her young unsullied spirit feeling
The tears of a despairing people flow,—
Implored relief; and following the word
Which none save she had heard,
Delivered France, and crowned her—long ago.
Rejoice, Domrémy, 'midst thy bowery green!
She was thine own, whom all, at last, would claim,—
The greatest miracle that Earth hath seen
Since out of Nazareth a Saviour came!
Lowly as thou (though sheathed in armor bright,)
Her soul was as the snow—
Yea, as the lilies of her banner, white!
The Church hath blessed her; but man's heart, less slow,—
Remembering how glorious the price
Of her dear sacrifice,
Gave her the name of blessèd—long ago!
Florence Earle Coates
This work is from the United States and in the public domain because it was not legally published with the permission of the copyright holder before January 1, 2003 and the author died more than 70 years ago. This is believed to apply worldwide.