< Biographia Hibernica


A pious and exemplary prelate, was born in the county of Antrim, in the year 1713, and received his education in Trinity College, Dublin, of which his nephew, Dr. Andrews, was afterwards provost. On the 9th of January, 1771, he was consecrated Dean of Limerick, in Christ Church, Dublin, by the Archbishop of Dublin; but lived not long to enjoy his elevation, as he died on the 14th of September following, at Innismore, in the county of Kerry, being then on his visitation. He was a divine whose worth exhibited itself more in works than words, for during the short period he was dean, he gave two hundred guineas to be lent in small sums to poor tradesmen; and likewise discovered strong proofs, that he would have expended the greater part of his income in benevolent actions. The primitive church was not possessed of a more worthy pillar than Bishop Averill, from whose precepts and examples every good consequence might rationally be expected. He was fraught with charity, meekness, and humanity; and laid the foundation for reviving many good institutions in the diocese. He had no ambition but in the service of God; and sought not to possess those luxuries of life which his income would readily have procured for him, but was contented with the bare conveniences of living, and devoted the major part of his affluence to the assistance of the distressed, and the relief of those “that have none to help them.”

His remains were interred with great solemnity on the 18th of September, near the communion table, in St. Mary's Church; and the following inscription, on a brass plate, has been fixed over them:-

"Hic jacet rectè Rev. Johannes Averill, D.D.
Episcopus Limericensis, obiit 14mo. Sept. 1771, Ætatis 58.

Cujus si in Deum pietatem,
In regem fidem,
In ecclesiam amorem,
Si in equales liberalitatem,
In omnes spectes benevolentiam,
Vix ætas ulla tulit parem,
Nulla superiorem!"

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