Proloug of Tobie
Here begynneþ proloug of Tobie.
To Cromacio and Eliodre, biſſhopys, Jerome, preſt, in þe Lord ſendeþ greeting. To merueilen I ceſe not þe inſtaunce of ȝoure aſking; forſoþe ȝee aſken of me, þat þe boc, writen in Caldee ſermoun, in to Latin writing I drawe, þe boc of Tobie þat is, þe whiche Ebrues, ſeuerende fro þe noumbre of Godis ſcripturis, to þeſe þat holi ſcriptures remembren caſten to. I haue don a ſeeþ to ȝoure deſijr, ner þe latere not to my ſtudie. Forſoþe þe ſtudies of Ebrues vndernymyn vs, and wijten to vs þeſe þingis to tranſlaten to þe Latin eris aȝen þer bible. But I demende to be betere to deſpleſen to þe dom of Fariſees, and to ſerue to þe biſſhopis maundemens, biſiede as I myȝte; and, for þe tunge of Caldeis is neeȝ to Ebrue ſermoun, findende a moſt wijs ſpekere of eiþer tunge, I toc to þe trauaile of o dai; and what euere þing he to me expreſſede in Ebrue woordis, þoo þingus I, clepid to a notorie, expounede in Latin woordis. To ȝoure prieeris þe meede of þis werk I ſhal ȝelde, whan I lerne me to han fulfild þis werc to ben acceptid of ȝou þat voucheden ſaaf to comaunden.
Heere endiþ þe prolog of Tobie, and now begynneþ þe book.
Capitulum I.
Tobie, of þe linage and of þe cite of Neptalim, þat is in þe ouere partis of Galilee, aboue Naſon, after þe weie þat lediþ to þe weſt, in þe left hauende þe cite of Sofeþ, whan he was caȝt in þe daȝes of Salmanaſar, king of Aſſiries, ner þe latere in caitifte ſett, þe weie of treuþe he forſoc not, ſo þat alle þingus þat he myȝte han, eche dai to þe caityue breþern þat weren of his kinrede he delede. And whan he was alle ȝungere in þe linage of Neptalim, ner þe latere no childli þing he dide in deede. After whan alle wenten to þe goldene calues, þe whiche Jeroboam, king of Irael, made, þis alone fleiȝ þe cumpanye of alle; and wente to Jeruſalem, to þe temple of þe Lord, and þere honourede þe Lord God of Irael, alle his firſte frutis and his dymys treuli offrende; ſo þat in þe þredde ȝer to þe conuertid fro Jentilis and to comelingus he mynyſtrede alle tiþing. Þeſe þingus, and to þeſe lic, after þe lawe of God a litil child he kepte wel. Whan forſoþe he was maad a man, he toc a wif, Anne, of his linage; and he gat of hir a ſone, his own name puttende to hym; whom fro þe time þat he began to ſpeken, he taȝte to dreden God, and to abſtenen fro alle ſynne. Þanne whan by caytifte he was come, wiþ his wif and ſone, in to þe cite Nynyue, wiþ al his linage, and alle eeten of þe metis of Jentilis, þis kepte his ſoule, and neuere is defoulid in metis of hem. And for he was myndeful of þe Lord in al his herte, God ȝaf to hym grace in þe ſiȝte of king Salamanaſar; and ȝaf to hym power to go whider euere he wolde, hauende fredam to do what euere he hadde wold. Þanne he wente bi alle þat weren in þe caitifte, and moneſtingus of helþe he ȝaf to hem. Whan forſoþe he was come in to Ragis, cite of Medis, and of þeſe þingus wiþ þe whiche he was wrſhipid of þe king, hadde ten talentis of ſiluer; and wiþ myche cumpanye of his kinrede, he ſaȝ Gabel nedi, þat was of his linage, he ȝaf to hym þe ſeid peis of ſiluer, vndir writing. Forſoþe after miche of time king Salmanaſar dead, whan his ſone Senacherub regnede for hym, and hadde þe ſonus of Irael hateſum in his ſiȝte, Tobie wente eche dai bi al hys kinrede, and coumfortide hem, and deuidede to eche, as he myȝte, of his facultees; þe hungri men he fedde, and to þe nakide he ȝaf cloþis, and to þe deade and þe ſlaine beſi he fond ſepulture. After whan king Senacherub was turned aȝeen, fleende fro Jude þe veniaunce þat abouten hym God hadde do for his blasfemye, and wroþ ſloȝ manie of þe ſonus of Irael, Tobie biriede þe bodies of hem. And wher it was told to þe king, he comandide hym to be ſlain, and toc al his ſubſtaunce. Tobie forſoþe wiþ his ſone and wiþ wif fleende, nakid lurkide, for manie looueden hym. After forſoþe fiue and fourti daȝes, þe king his ſonus ſlowen; and Tobie is turned aȝeen to his hous, and al his faculte reſtorid to hym.
Capitulum II.
Aftir þeſe þingus forſoþe, whan was þe feſte dai of þe Lord, and ſhulde be maad a good meteſhipe in þe hous of Tobie, he ſeide to his ſone, Go, and bring ſumme men of oure linage, dredend God, and ete þei wiþ vs. And whan he ſhulde gon, turned aȝeen he tolde to hym, oon of þe ſonus of Irael ſlain to lyn in þe ſtrete; and anoon ſtertende out fro his mete ſete, leuende þe mete, faſtende cam to þe bodi; and takende it, he bar to his hous priueli, þat whil þe ſunne were go doun, ſleeȝli he ſhulde birien it. And whan he hadde hid þe bodi, he eet bred wiþ weiling and trembling, remembrende þat woord, þat þe Lord ſeide by Amos, þe profete, Ȝoure feſte daȝes ſhul be turned in to weiling and ſorewing. Whan forſoþe þe ſunne hadde go doun, he wente, and biriede it. Forſoþe alle hiſe neȝheboris vndernomyn hym, ſeiende, Now bi cauſe of þis þing þou art comaundid to be ſlain, and vnneþe þou haſt ſcapid þe maundement of deþ, and eft þou birieſt þe deade? But Tobye, more dredende God þan þe king, caȝte þe bodies of þe ſlaine, and hidde in his hous, and in þe mydnyȝtus biriede hem. It fel forſoþe, þat on a dai weri of biriyng, comende hom, he hadde caſt hymſelf beſide þe wal, and hadde faſte ſlept; and fro þe neſt of ſwalewis to hym ſlepende hote toordis fellen in vp on his eȝen; and was maad blind. Þis forſoþe temptacioun þerfore þe Lord ſuffride to come to hym, þat to þe aftercomeres ſhulde exſaumple be ȝiuen of his pacience, as and of holi Job. And whan fro his time þat he began to ſpeke, euermore he dredde God, and kepte his heſtis, he ſorewide not aȝen God, þat þe veniaunce of blindneſſe cam to hym; but vnmouable in þe drede of God abod ſtille, gracis doende to God alle þe daȝes of his lif. For as to blisful Job aſaileden þe kingus, ſo to þis fader and moder and his coſynes ſcorneden his lif, ſeiende, Where is þin hope, for þe whiche almeſſe deede and ſepulturis þou didiſt? Tobie forſoþe blamede hem, ſeiende, Wileþ not ſo ſpeken, for þe ſonus of halewis wee ben, and þat lif wee abijden, þat God is to ȝiue to hem þat þer feiþ neuermor chaungen fro hym. Anne forſoþe, his wif, wente to weuyng werc eche dai, and of þe trauaile of hir hondis þe liflode, þat ſhe myȝte gete, ſhe broȝte. And it is do, þat takende a kide of ſhe get, ſhe broȝte hom. Of þe whiche bletende þe vois whan hir man hadde herd, ſeide, Lookeþ, leſt parauenture it be ſtoln, but ȝeldeþ it to his lordis; for it is not leeful to vs, or to eten of ſtelþe any þing or to touchen. At þeſe þingis his wif wroþ anſwerde, Openli vein is maad þin hope, and þine almeſſe deedis now han aperid. And in þeſe and in oþere ſuche maner woordis ſhe putte reprof to hym.
Capitulum III.
Thanne Tobie inwardli weilede, and began to preȝe wiþ teres, ſeyende, Riȝtwis þou art, Lord, and alle þi domes ben riȝtwiſe, and alle þi weies merci, and treuþe, and dom. And now, Lord, haue mynde of me, ne take þou veniaunce of my ſynnes, ne remembre þou my giltis, or of my fader and moder. For wee han not obeſhid to þin heſtis, and wee ben taken in to waſting, and caitifte, and deþ, and in to fable, and in to reprof to alle naciouns, in þe whiche þou haſt ſcatered vs. And now, Lord, grete ben þi domys; for wee han not don aftir þin heſtis, and wee han not go cleerli befor þee. And now, Lord, after þi wille do wiþ me merci, and comaunde in pes my ſpirit to be reſceiued; it is ſpedful forſoþe to me more to dien þan to liuen. And ſo þe ſame dai fel, þat Sara, þe doȝter of Raguel, in Ragis, cite of Medis, and ſhe herde þe repref of oon of þe handwymmen of hir fadir; for ſhe was take to ſeuene men, and a deuel, Aſmodius bi name, ſloȝ hem, anoon as þei weren gon in to hir. Þanne whan ſhe blamede þe child womman for hir gilte, ſhe anſwerde to hir, ſeiende, See wee no more of þee ſone or doȝter vp on erþe, þou ſleereſſe of þi men; wheþer and ſlen þou wilt me, as and þou ſlowe ſeuene men? At þis vois ſhe wente in to þe ouere bed place of hir hous, and þre daȝis and þre nyȝt ſhe eet not, ne dranc; but in oriſoun abidende ſtille, wiþ teres ſhe preȝede God, þat fro þis reprof he ſhulde deliueren hir. It is do forſoþe þe þridde dai, whil ſhe fulfilde þe oriſoun, bleſſende þe Lord, ſhe ſeide, Bleſſid is þi name, God of oure fadris, þat whan þou were wraþid, þou ſhalt do merci, and in time of tribulacioun ſynnes þou forȝiueſt to hem, þat inwardli clepen þee. To þee, Lord, I turne my face, and to þee myn eȝen I rere. I aſke, Lord, þat fro þe bond of þis repref þou aſoile me, or certis fro aboue þe erþe þou delyuere me. Þou woſt, Lord, for neuere I coueitide man, and clene I haue kept my ſoule fro alle luſt. Neuere wiþ pleieres I mengde me, ne wiþ hem þat in liȝtneſſe gon parcener I ȝaf me. An huſbonde forſoþe wiþ þi drede, not wiþ my luſt, I conſentide to taken. And or I was vnwrþi to hem, or þei parauenture to me weren not wrþi; for parauenture to an oþer man þou haſt kept me. Forſoþe in mannys power is not þi counſeil. Þat forſoþe for certein haþ eche man þat herieþ þee, for his lif, if in prouyng it were, ſhal ben crouned; if forſoþe in tribulacioun it were, it ſhal be deliuered; and if in chaſtiſing it were, it ſhal ben leful to come to þi merci. Forſoþe þou haſt not delit in oure leſſingus; for after tempeſt þou makiſt reſte, and after teres ſheding and weiling, ful out ioȝing þou heeldeſt in. Be þi name, God of Irael, bleſſid in to worldus. In þat time ben herd ful þe preȝeeris of boþe in þe ſiȝte of þe glorie of þe moſt good God; and þer is ſent an aungil of þe Lord, þe holi Rafael, þat he ſhulde curen hem boþe, whos oriſouns o time in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord ben reherſid.
Capitulum IIII.
Thanne whan Tobie wende his preȝeere to ben herd, þat he myȝte dien, he clepide to hym Tobie, his ſone, and ſeide to hym, Here, my ſone, þe woordis of my mouþ, and hem in þi herte as foundemens mak togidere. Whan God ſhal take my ſoule, my bodi birie; and wrſhipe þou ſhalt han to þi moder alle þe daȝes of þi lif; forſoþe myndeful þou owiſt to be, what and hou grete ſhe ſuffride perilis for þee in hir wombe. Whan forſoþe and ſhe haue fulfild þe time of hir lif, þou ſhalt birien hir aboute me. Alle forſoþe þe daȝes of þi lif in mynde haue þou God, and bewar, leſt any time to ſynne þou conſente, and leie aſide þe heſtis of oure God. Of þi ſubſtaunce do almeſſe deede, and wile þou not turne awei þi face fro any pore man; ſo forſoþe it ſhal be do, þat neiþer fro þee be turned awei þe face of þe Lord. What maner wiſe þou ſhalt moun, ſo be þou merciful. If myche were to þee, abundauntli ȝif; if litil þer were, alſo litil gladli ſtudie to parten. Forſoþe a good meede to þee þou treſoriſt in þe dai of nede; for almeſſe deede fro alle ſynne and fro deþ delyuereþ, and ſhal not ſuffre þe ſoule to gon in to dercneſſes. Gret troſt ſhal ben almeſſe deede befor þe moſt goode God to alle men doende it. Tac heede to þee, ſone, fro alle fornicacioun, and, beſide þi wif, neuer ſuffre þou ſynne of euel los to knowen. Pride neuer in þi wit or in þi woord ſuffre þou to han lordſhipe; in it forſoþe al perdicioun toc begynnyng. Who ſo euere any þing to þee wercheþ, anoon ȝeeld his meede, and þe meed of þin hiryd man algate anent þee abijde not. Þat of an oþer þou hatiſt to be do to þee, looke þou, þat any time þou do not to an oþer. Þi bred wiþ þe hungri and wiþ þe nedi ett, and of þi cloþis nakide men couere. Þi bred and þi win vp on þe ſepulture of þe riȝtwiſe ordeyne, and wile þou not of it eten and drinke wiþ þe ſinful. Counſeil euermor of þe wiſe man ſeek. Alle time bleſſe God, and aſke of hym, þat þi weies he make redi, and alle þi counſeilis in hym abijde ſtille. I ſhewe alſo to þee, my ſone, me to han ȝiue ten talentus of ſeluer, whil ȝit þou were a litil faunt, to Gabel, in Ragis, cite of Medis; and þe writ of it anent me I haue; and þerfore enſerche, what maner to hym þou come, and reſceyue of hym þe aboue membrid weiȝte of ſiluer, and reſtore to hym his writ. Wile þou not dreden, ſone myn; a pore lijf forſoþe wee bern, but manye goodis wee ſhul han, if wee drede God, and gon awei fro alle ſynne, and do wel.
Capitulum V.
Thanne anſwerde Tobie to his fader, and ſeide, Alle þingus, what euere þou haſt comaundid to me, fader, I ſhal do; hou forſoþe þis monei I ſhal enſerche, I knowe not; he me knowiþ not, and I hym vnknowe; what tocne ſhal I ȝiue to hym? but neiþer þe weie, bi þe whiche me goþ þider, any time I knew. Þanne his fader anſwerde to hym, and ſeide, Forſoþe his writ anent me I haue, þe whiche whanne þou to hym ſhewiſt, anoon he ſhal ȝelde þe monee. But go now, and enſerche to þee ſum feiþful man, þat go wiþ þee, ſaued his meede, whil ȝit I liue, þat þou reſceyue it. Þanne Tobie gon out, fond a ȝung man ſtondende, ful fair, gird, and as redi to gon; and vnknowende þat an aungil of God he was, grette hym, and ſeide, Whennus han wee þee, goode ȝunge man? And he anſwerde, Of þe ſonus of Irael. And Tobie ſeide to hym, Haſt þou knowen þe weie, þat ledeþ in to þe regioun of Medis? To whom he anſwerde, I haue knowen, and alle þe weies of it ofteſiþes I haue go, and haue dwellid anent Gabel, ȝoure broþer, þat dwelleþ in Ragis, cite of Medis, þat is ſett in þe hil of Exbatenys. To whom Tobie ſeiþ, Suffre me, I beſeche, to þe time þeſe þingus I telle to my fader. Þanne Tobie, gon in, ſhewide alle þeſe þingus to his fader; vpe þe whiche þe fader, wundrid, preȝede, þat he ſhulde comen in to hym; and ſo gon in, ſalutide hym, and ſeide, Ioȝe to þee euermor be! And Tobie ſeiþ, What ioȝe to me ſhal be, þat in derkneſſes ſitte, and þe liȝt of heuene ſee not? To whom ſeiþ þe ȝunge man, In ſtrong inwit be þou; ful neeȝ it is þat of God þou be curid. And ſo ſeide Tobie to hym, Wheþer ſhalt þou mown ful lede my ſone to Gabel in to Ragis, cite of Medis, and whan þou comeſt aȝeen, I ſhal ȝelde þee þi meede? And þe aungil ſeide to hym, I ſhal leden, and aȝeen lede hym to þee hol. To whom anſwerde Tobie, I preȝe þee, ſhew to me, of what hous, and of what linage þou art? To whom Rafael, þe aungil, ſeide, Þe kinrede þou aſkiſt of þe hirid man, or þat hirid man, þat wiþ þi ſone go? But leſt parauenture I make þee ſtirid, I am Azarie, þe ſone of grete Ananye. And Tobie anſwerde, Of gret kinrede þou art; but I aſke, be þou not wroþ, for I wolde knowe þi kinrede. Forſoþe þe aungil ſeide to hym, I ſound ſhal lede, and ſound ſhal aȝeen bringe to þee þi ſone. Forſoþe Tobie anſwerende ſeide, Wel go ȝee, and þe Lord be in ȝoure weie, and his aungil folewe wiþ ȝou. Þanne alle þingus maad redi, þat weren to be born in þe weie, Tobie dide farewel to his fader and to his moder; and þei wente boþe togidere. And whan þei weren go forþ, his moder began to wepen, and ſein, Þe ſtaf of oure elde þou haſt taken awei, and haſt ſent ouer fro vs; neuere hadde be þat monee, for þe whiche þou ſentiſt hym; forſoþe oure poreneſſe ſuffiſide to vs, þat richeſſis wee ſhulden counte þat, þat oure ſone wee ſeȝen. And Tobie ſeide to hir, Wile þou not wepen; ſaf ſhal comen oure ſone, and ſaf ſhal aȝeen turne to vs, and þin eȝen ſhul ſeen hym. I leeue forſoþe, þat þe goode aungil of God folewe hym, and wel ſhal diſpoſen alle þingus, þat ben don aboute hym, ſo þat wiþ ioȝe he be turned aȝeen to vs. At þis vois ceſide his modir to wepen, and was ſtille.
Capitulum VI.
Tobie forſoþe wente forþ, and an hound folewide hym, and he abod þe firſte abiding biſide þe flod of Tigris. And he wente out for to waſſhen his feet; and lo! a gret fiſh wente out for to deuouren hym. Whom dredende Tobie criede out wiþ a gret vois, ſeiende, Lord, he aſaileþ me. And þe aungil ſeide to hym, Cach his fin, and draȝ it to þee. Þe whiche þing whan he hadde do, he droȝ it in to þe drie, and it began to quappe befor his feet. Þanne þe aungil ſeide to hym, Opene þis fiſh, and his herte and galle and mawe lei vp to þee; þeſe þingus forſoþe ben profitabli neceſſarie to medicynes. Þe whiche þingus whan he hadde do, he roſtide his fleſh, and beren wiþ hem in þe weie; þe toþer þei ſaltiden, þat ſhulden ſuffiſe to þem in þe weie, to þe time þat þei ſhulden ful come in to Ragis, cite of Medis. Þanne Tobie aſkide þe aungil, and ſeide to hym, I beſeche, Aſarie, broþer, þat þou ſei to me, what remedie ſhuln han þeſe þingus, þat of þe fiſh þou haſt comaundid to be kept. And þe aungil anſwerende ſeide to hym, A parcel of his herte if þou putte vp on þe colis, his ſmoke putteþ out al þe kinde of deuelis, ouþer fro man or fro womman, ſo þat he come no more neeȝ to hem. And þe galle is worþ to eȝen to ben enointid, in þe whiche were rime, and þei ſhul ben hol. And Tobie ſeide to hym, Where wilt þou, þat wee dwelle? And þe aungil anſwerende ſeiþ, Heer is a man, Raguel bi name, neeȝ of þi linage, and þis haþ a doȝter, Sara bi name; but any oþer he haþ ſaue hir, neiþer male ne femele. To þee is due al his ſubſtaunce; and þee behoueþ to han hir wif. Aſke þanne hir of hir fader; and he ſhal ȝiue to þee hir wif. Þanne anſwerde Tobie, and ſeide, I haue herd, for ſhe haþ ben take to ſeuene men, and þei ben deade; but and þeſe þingus I haue herd, for a deuel ſloȝ hem. I drede þanne, leſt parauenture and þeſe þingus fallen to me; and ſiþen I am alone to my fader and moder, I putte doun þe eelde of hem wyþ ſorewe to helle. Þanne aungil Rafael ſeide to hym, Here me, and I ſhal ſhewe to þee, who ben, to whom mai þe deuel han maiſtrie; in hem, þat wedloc ſo taken, þat God fro þem and fro þer mynde þei cloſen out, and to þer luſtis ſo þei taken heede, as an hors and a mule, in þe whiche is not vnderſtonding, haþ vpon hem þe deuel power. Þou forſoþe, whan þou ſhalt taken hir, gon in to þe bed place, bi þre daȝes be þou continent fro hir, and no þing oþer but to preieeris þou ſhalt ſtonde in wiþ hir. Þat nyȝt forſoþe þe mawe of þe fiſh brent, þe deuel ſhal be dryuen awei. Þe ſecunde forſoþe nyȝt in þe coupling of holi patriarkis þou ſhalt ben admittid. Þe þridde forſoþe nyȝt bleſſing þou ſhalt gete, þat ſonus be goten of ȝou ſounde. Þe þridde forſoþe nyȝt ouerpaſſid, þou ſhalt take þe maiden wiþ þe drede of þe Lord, and for looue of ſonus more þan of luſt lad, þat in þe ſed of Abraham þou gete bleſſing in ſonus.
Capitulum VII.
Forſoþe þei wenten in to Raguel; and Raguel reſceyuede hem wiþ ioȝe. And Raguel, beholdende Tobie, ſeide to Anne, his wif, Hou lic is þis ȝunge man to oure auntis ſone. And whan þeſe þingus he hadde ſeid, he ſeiþ, Whennus be ȝee, ȝunge men, my breþern? And þei ſeiden, Of þe linage of Neptalim wee ben, of þe caitifte of Nynyue. Raguel ſeide to þem, Knowe ȝee Tobie, my broþer? Þe whiche anſwerden, Wee han knowen. And whan he ſpac of hym manye goode þingus, þe aungil ſeide to Raguel, Tobie, of þe whiche þou aſkeſt, is þiſis fader. And Raguel putte hym ſelf, and wiþ teres kiſte hym, and wepende vp on his necke, ſeide, Bleſſing be to þee, ſone myn; for of good and of þe beſte man þou art ſone. And Anne, his wif, and Sara, þe doȝter of hem, wepten. After forſoþe þat þei hadden ſpoken, Raguel comaundede a weþer to be ſlain, and to be maad redi a feſte. And whan he beſoȝte þem to ſitte doun to þe mete, Tobie ſeiþ, Heer I to dai ſhal not ete, ne drinke, but if firſt myn aſking þou conferme, and þou behote to ȝiue to me Sara, þi doȝter. Þe whiche woord herd, Raguel dradde, witende what fel to þoo ſeuene men; and he began to dreden, leſt parauenture lic maner to þis ſhulde fallen, and he die. And whan he doutede, and ȝaf not any anſwere to þe aſkere, þe aungil ſeide to hym, Wile þou not dreden to ȝiuen hir to þis; for to þis dredende God wif þi doȝtir is due; þerfore an oþer myȝte not han hir. Þanne ſeide Raguel, I doute not, þat God preieeris and my teres in his ſiȝte haþ taken. And I trowe, for þe Lord þerfore made ȝou to come to me, þat and þis ſhulde be ioyned to hir kin after þe lawe of Moiſes; and now wile þou not bern doute, for to þee hir I ſhal take. And takende þe riȝt hond of his doȝter toc to þe riȝt hond of Tobie, ſeiende, God of Abraham, and God of Iſaac, and God of Jacob, be wiþ ȝou, and he ioine ȝou, and fulfille his bliſſing in ȝou. And þe chartre taken, þei maden þe conſcripcioun of þe wedloc. And after þeſe þingus þei plenteuouſli eeten, bleſſende God. And Raguel clepede to hym Anna, his wif, and comaundede to hir, þat ſhe ſhulde make redi an oþer bed place. And he broȝte in to it Sara, his doȝter, and ſhe wepte; and he ſeiþ to hir, In ſtrong inwit be þou, doȝter myn; þe Lord of heuene ȝiue to þee ioȝe, for þe noȝe þat þou haſt ſuffrid.
Capitulum VIII.
Aftir forſoþe þat þei ſuppeden, þei broȝten þe ȝunge man in to hir. And ſo Tobie recordid of þe woordis of þe aungil, broȝte forþ of his bagge a part of þe mawe, and putte it vp on þe quike colis. Þanne aungil Rafael caȝte þe deuel, and bond hym in þe deſert of þe ouere Egipt. Þanne Tobie beſoȝte þe maiden, and ſeide to hir, Sara, rijs, and preȝee wee to dai to God, and to moru, and þe ſecunde moru; for þeſe þre nyȝtis wee ſhul be ioined to God; þe þridde forſoþe nyȝt paſſid ouer, wee ſhul ben in oure wedloc; ſonus forſoþe of halewis wee ben, and wee moun not ſo be ioyned as and Jentilis, þat vnknowen God. Riſende forſoþe togidere, biſili þei preȝeden boþe togidere, þat helþe ſhulde be ȝiue to hem. And Tobie ſeide, Lord God of oure fadris, bleſſe þee heuenus, and erþis, and ſe, and wellis, and flodis, and eche þi creature, þat is in hem; þou madiſt Adam of þe ſlim of erþe, and þou ȝeue to hym helpe, Eue. And now, Lord, þou woſt, for not bicauſe of leccherie I take my ſiſter, but for onli loue of bringing forþ of childre, in þe whiche be bleſſid þi name in to worldis of worldis. Alſo ſeide Sara, Haue merci to vs, Lord, haue merci to vs, and eelde wee boþe togidere hole. And it is do aboute chykenys crowing, Raguel comaundede his ſeruauns to be clepid, and þei wenten wiþ hym þat þei delue a biriel. Forſoþe he dradde, leſt lic maner ſhulde falle to hym, þat and to þe toþere ſeuene, þat wenten in to hir. And whan þei hadden maad redi þe pit, Raguel gon aȝeen to his wif, ſeide to hir, Send oon of þin hand wimmen, and ſee ſhe, if he is dead, þat I birie hym, befor it waxe liȝt. And ſhe ſente oon of hir hand wimmen, þe whiche gon in to þe bed place, fond hem ſaue and ſounde, ſlepende togidere wiþ hem ſelf. And ſhe, turned aȝeen, told good meſſage. And þei bleſſeden þe Lord, Raguel, þat is, and Anna, his wif, and ſeiden, Wee bleſſen þee, Lord God of Irael, for it falleþ not to vs, as we wenden; forſoþe þou haſt do wiþ vs þi mercy, and haſt cloſid out fro vs þe enemy purſuende vs. Don þou haſt mercy to þi two alone. Mac hem, my Lord, to bleſſ þee more fulli, and to offre to þee ſacrifiſe of þi preiſing, and of þer helþe, þat þe vnyuerſite of Jentilis knowe, for þou art God alone in al erþe. And anoon Raguel comaundede to his ſeruauntis, þat þei ſhulden fille þe pit, þat þei hadden maad, befor þat it waxe liȝt. To his wif forſoþe he ſeide, þat ſhe ſhulde ordeyne a feſte, and make redi alle þingus, þat in to metis weren neceſſarie to weie goeris. Alſo two fatte kijn, and foure weþeres he made to be ſlain, and plenteuous metus to ben maad redi to alle his neȝhebores, and to alle his frendis. And Raguel adiurede Tobie, þat two wikis he ſhulde dwelle anent hym. Of alle þingus forſoþe þat Raguel weldede, þe half part he ȝaf to Tobie; and he made þis ſcripture, þat þe half part þat lafte ouer, after þer deþ ſhulde come to þe hous of Tobie.
Capitulum IX.
Thanne Tobie clepide to hym þe aungil, whom forſoþe he wende a man; and ſeide to hym, Azarie, broþer, I aſke, þat þou herkne my woordis. If myſelf I take to þee a ſeruaunt, I ſhal not ben euene worþi to þi prouidence. Ner þe latere I beſeche þee, þat þou take to þee beſtis, or ſeruyſes, and go to Gabel in to Ragis, cite of Medis, and ȝeld to hym his writ; and þou ſhalt reſceyuen of hym mone, and preȝe hym to comen to my bridalis. Forſoþe þiſelf woſt, þat my fadir noumbreþ þe daȝis, and if I ſhul tarien o dai more, his lijf ſhal be maad ſori. And certis þou ſeeſt, hou Raguel haþ coniurid me, whos adiurement I mai not diſpiſen. Þanne Rafael, takende foure of þe ſeruauns of Raguel, and two camailis, wente in to Ragis, cite of Medis, and findende Gabel ȝaf to hym his writ, and reſceyuede of hym al þe monee; and ſhewede to hym of Tobie, þe ſone of Tobie, alle þingus þat ben don. And he made hym to come wiþ hym to þe bridalis. And whan he was come in to þe hous of Raguel, he fonde Tobie ſittende; and ſtirtende þei kiſten hem togidere. And Gabel wepte, and bleſſide God, and ſeide, Bleſſe þee þe Lord God of Irael, for þe ſone þou art of þe beſte man, and riȝtwis, and dredende God, and doende almeſſe deedis; and be þer ſeid bleſſing vp on þi wif, and vp on ȝoure fadris and modris, and ſee ȝee ȝoure ſonus, and ſonus of ȝoure ſonus, vn to þe þridde and ferþe ieneracioun; and be ȝour ſeed bleſſid of God of Irael, þat regneþ in to worldys of worldis. And whan alle hadden ſeid Amen, þei wenten to þe feſte; but and wiþ drede of þe Lord þei enhaunteden þe feſte of bridalis.
Capitulum X.
Whan forſoþe Tobie made abidingus bi encheſoun of þe bridalis, his fadir Tobie was ſtirid, ſeiende, Weneſt þou, whi my ſone abit, and whi he is wiþholden þere? Weneſt þou, leſt Gabel be dead, and no man ȝelde to hym þe monei? Forſoþe he began to be ſori, and Anna, his wif, wiþ hym; and þei begunne boþe togidyr to wepe, for þi þat þe ſett dai þer ſone was not turned aȝeen to hem. Þanne wepte his modir wiþ vnremediable teris, and ſeide, Allas me! my ſone, wherto ſente wee þee to pilgrimagen, þe liȝt of oure eȝen, þe ſtaf of oure eelde, ſolace of oure lif, hope of oure after bringing forþ of childer? Alle þingis togidere in þee oon hauende, wee ſhulden not lete þee gon fro vs. To whom ſeide Tobie, Be ſtille, and wile þou not be diſturbid; hol is oure ſone; feiþful inow is þat man, wiþ þe whiche wee ſenten hym. She forſoþe no wiſe myȝte take coumfort, but eche dai ſtertende out, beheeld aboute, and wente aboute alle þe weies, bi þe whiche ſemede hope of turnyng aȝeen, þat afer ſhe myȝte ſeen hym comende, if it myȝte be do. But forſoþe Raguel ſeide to his ſone in lawe, Dwel heer, and I ſhal ſenden a meſſager of helþe fro þee to Tobie, þi fader. To whom Tobie ſeide, I knew, þat my fader and my moder now counten þe daȝes, and þer ſpirit is tormentid in hem. And whan wiþ manye woordis Raguel preȝede Tobie, and he hym bi no reſoun wolde heren, he toc to hym Sara, and þe half part of al his ſubſtaunce, in childer, in hand wymmen, in beſtis, in camailis, and in kijn, and myche monee; and ſaaf and ioȝende he lafte hym fro hym, ſeiende, Þe holi aungil of þe Lord be in ȝoure weie, and ful bringe ȝou ſound, and finde ȝee alle þingus riȝte aboute ȝoure fadris and modris, and ſee myn eȝen ȝoure ſonus, raþere þan I die. And þe fader and moder, takende þer doȝter, kiſten hyr, and laften hir to gon, moneſtende hir to wrſhipen hir fader and moder in lawe, to looue þe huſbonde, to reule þe meyne, to gouerne þe hous, to ȝiue hirſelf vnreprefable.
Capitulum XI.
And whan þei weren turned aȝeen, þei camen to Carre, þat is in myddel wei aȝen Nynyuen, þe elleuenþe dai. And þe aungil ſeide, Tobie broþer, þou woſt, what maner þou laftiſt þi fader. And ſo if it pleſe to þee, go wee beforn; and wiþ ſofte pas þe meyne, togidere wiþ þi wif and wiþ þe beſtys, folewe þei oure wei. And whan þat hadde pleſid, þat þei ſhulden go, Rafael ſeide to Tobie, Tac wiþ þee of þe galle of þe fiſh, forſoþe it ſhal be neceſſarie. And ſo Tobie toc of þat galle, and þei wenten. Anne forſoþe ſat beſide þe weie eche dai in þe eueſe of þe hil, fro whennus ſhe myȝte beholden fro aferr. And whil fro þe ſame place ſhe beheeld his comyng, ſhe ſaȝ aferr, and anoon ſhe knewȝ hir ſone comende; and rennende ſhe tolde to hir huſbonde, ſeiende, Lo! þi ſone comeþ. And Rafael ſeide to Tobie, But wher þou ſhalt gon in to þin hous, anoon honoure þe Lord þi God, and gracis doende to hym, neȝhe to þi fader, and kis hym. And anoon anointe vp on hys eȝen of þat galle of þe fiſh, þat þou bereſt wiþ þee; wite þou forſoþe, for anoon his eȝen ſhul ben opened, and þi fader ſhal ſeen þe liȝt of heuene, and in þi ſiȝte he ſhal ioȝen. Þanne þe hound ran beforn, þat togidere was in þe weie, and, as a meſſager comende neiȝ, wiþ þe faunyng of his tail he ioȝede. And riſende vp þe blinde fader, ſtumblende wiþ þe feet, began to rennen, and, þe hond ȝiuen to þe child, he cam aȝen to meete wiþ his ſone. And takende he kiſte hym, wiþ his wijf, and þei begunnen boþe to wepe wiþ ioȝe. And whan þei hadden honourid God, and do gracys, þei ſeten togidere. Þanne Tobie, takende of þe galle of þe fiſh, enointede þe eȝen of his fadir. And he ſuffrede as almoſt half an hour, and þe ryme of his eȝen began, as þe fellis of an ey, to gon out. Þe whiche Tobie takende, droȝ fro his eȝen, and anoon he reſceyuede ſiȝt. And þei glorifieden God, he, þat is, and his wif, and alle þat knewen hym. And Tobie ſeide, I bleſſe þee, Lord God of Irael, for þou haſt chaſtiſid me, and þou haſt ſauyd me; and lo! I ſee Tobie, my ſone. Alſo after ſeuen daȝes Sara, þe wif of his ſone, cam in, and al þe meyne, and þe beſtis hole, and þe camailis, and myche monee of þe wif, but and þe monee þat he hadde taken of Gabel. And he tolde to his fader and moder alle þe benefetus of God, þat he hadde don abouten hym bi þe man, þat hym hadde lad. And þer camen Achior and Nabaþ, coſynes to Tobie, ioȝende to Tobie, togidere þankende to hym of alle goodis, þat God hadde ſhewid abouten hym. And bi ſeuene daȝes etende, wiþ gret ioȝe þei gladeden.
Capitulum XII.
Thanne Tobie clepide to hym his ſone, and ſeide to hym, What moun wee ȝiue to þis holi man, þat wiþ þee cam? Tobie anſwerende ſeide to his fadir, Fader, what meede ſhul wee ȝiue to hym, or what þing wrþi mai ben to þe benefetis of hym? Me he haþ led, and aȝeen broȝt hol; þe monee fro Gabel he toc; a wif he me made to han, and þe deuel fro hir he refreynede; ioȝe he dide to hir fader and to hir moder; me myſelf fro þe deuouring of þe fiſh he delyuerede; þee alſo to ſeen þe liȝt of heuene he made; and wiþ alle goodis bi hym wee ben fulfild; what to hym to þeſe þingus wrþi wee ſhuln moun ȝiue? But I aſke þee, fader, þat þou preȝe hym, if parauenture he ſhal vouche ſaf þe half of alle þingus, what euere ben broȝt, to take to hym. And clepende hym his fader and þe ſone, token hym apart, and þei begunne to preȝen, þat he vouche ſaaf þe half part of alle þingus, þat þei broȝten, acceptid to han. Þanne he ſeide to hem priueli, Bleſſeþ God of heuene, and beforn alle þingus liuende knoulecheþ to hym, for he haþ don his merci wiþ ȝou. Forſoþe þe ſacrament of þe king to hiden is good; þe werkis forſoþe of God to ſhewen and to knowlechen is wrſhipeful. Good is oriſoun wiþ faſting, and almeſſe deede more þan treſores of gold to hiden; for almes deede fro deþ deliuereþ, and it is þat purgeþ ſynnes, and ſhal make to finde euere laſtende lif. Þei forſoþe þat don ſynne and wickeneſſe, ben enemys of þer ſoule. Þanne I opene to ȝou þe treuþe, and ſhal not hide fro ȝou þe priue woord. Whan þou preȝedeſt wiþ teris, and þou biriedeſt þe deade, and laftiſt þe mete, and þe deade bi dai þou hiddeſt in þin hous, and þe nyȝt þou biriedeſt, I offride þin oriſoun to þe Lord. And for þou were acceptid to God, it was nedful þat temptacioun ſhulde preue þee. And now þe Lord ſente me, þat I ſhulde hele þee, and Sara, þe wif of þi ſone, fro þe deuel deliueren. I forſoþe am Rafael, aungil, oon of þe ſeuene þat ſtonden befor þe Lord. And whan þeſe þingus þei hadden herd, þei ben diſturbid, and fellen doun tremblende vp on þer face. And þe aungil ſeide to hem, Pes to ȝou, wileþ not dreden; forſoþe whan I was wiþ ȝou, I was bi þe wil of God. Forſoþe I was ſeen wiþ ȝou to eten and to drinken; but I inuyſible mete, and drink þat of men mai not ben ſeen, vſe. Time is þanne, þat I turne aȝeen to hym, þat me ſente; ȝee forſoþe bleſſeþ God, and telleþ out alle his merueilis; hym bliſſeþ, and ſyngeþ to hym. And whan þeſe þingus he hadde ſeid, he is born awei fro þe ſiȝte of hem; and þei myȝten ſeen hym no mor. Þanne þei, þrowen doun bi þre houris in to þe face, bleſſiden God. And riſende þei tolden alle his merueilis.
Capitulum XIII.
Forſoþe þe eldere Tobie, openende his mouþ, bleſſide God, and ſeide, Lord, þou art gret in to wiþ oute ende, and in to alle worldis þi reume; for þou ſcourgiſt, and ſaueſt; ledeſt to hellis, and aȝeen bringiſt; and þer is not þat aſcape þin hond. Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, ȝee ſonus of Irael, and in þe ſiȝte of Jentilis preiſeþ hym; for þerfore he ſcaterede ȝou among Jentilis, þat vnknowen God, þat ȝee tellen out his merueilis, and maken hem to knowen, for þere is noon oþer God almyȝti biſide hym. He chaſtiſeþ vs for oure wickedneſſe; and he ſhal ſauen vs for his mercy. Beholdeþ þanne, what þingis he haþ do wiþ vs, and wiþ drede and trembling knoulecheþ to hym; and þe king of worldis enhaunſeþ in ȝoure werkus. I forſoþe in þe lond of my caitifte ſhal knouleche to hym; for he haþ ſhewid his mageſte in to a ſynful folc. Beþ conuertid alſo, ȝee ſynful men, and doþ riȝtwiſneſſe befor God, leeuende þat he doþ mercy wiþ vs. I forſoþe and my ſoule in hym ſhuln gladen. Bleſſeþ þe Lord, ȝee alle choſen of hym; doþ daȝes of gladneſſe, and knoulecheþ to hym. Jeruſalem, cite of God, þe Lord haþ chaſtiſid þee in þe werkis of þin hondis. Knouleche þou to God in þi goodis, and bleſſe God of worldys, þat he bilde aȝeen in þee his tabernacle, and clepe aȝeen to þee alle þi caitiues; and þou ioȝe into alle worldis of worldis. Wiþ ſhynende liȝt þou ſhalt ſhyne, and alle þe coſtus of erþe ſhuln honoure þee. Naciouns fro aferr ſhuln come to þee, and bringende ȝiftus ſhuln honouren in þee þe Lord, and þi lond in to halewing þei ſhuln han; forſoþe a gret name þei ſhul inwardli clepen in þee. And curſid ſhuln ben, þat deſpiſe þee, and dampned ſhul be, þat blasfemen þee; and bleſſid ſhul be þat bilden vp þee. Þou forſoþe ſhalt gladen in þi ſonus, for alle ſhul be bleſſyd, and be gedered togidere to þe Lord. Bleſſid alle þat loouen þee, and þat ioȝen vp on þi pes. My ſoule, bleſſe þe Lord, for he haþ delyuered Jeruſalem, his cite, fro alle his tribulaciouns, þe Lord oure God. Bleſſid I ſhal be, if þer weren relikis of my ſed to be ſeen þe clerte of Jeruſalem. Þe ȝatus of Jeruſalem of ſafijr and of ſmaragd ſhul be bild, and of precious ſton al þe cumpas of his wallis. And of whyit ſton and clene gold alle his ſtreetis ſhul ben pauyd; bi his tounus alleluia ſhal be ſungen. Bleſſid þe Lord þat enhauncide it, þat his reume be in to worldys of worldys vp on it. Amen.
Capitulum XIIII.
And þe woordis of Tobie ben ful endid; and after þat he is liȝtid to ſeen, he liuede two and fourti ȝer, and he ſaȝ þe ſonus of his ſonus ſonus. And ſo fulfild an hundrid ȝer and twelue, he is biryed wrſhipefulli in Nynyue. Of ſixe and fifti ȝer forſoþe he lafte þe liȝt of eȝen; forſoþe in þe ſixtiþe ȝeer of age he reſceyuede. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of his lif was in ioȝe, and wiþ good profit of þe drede of God he paſſide in pes. In þe hour forſoþe of his deþ he clepide to hym Tobie, his ſone, and ſeuene ȝunge ſonus of hym, his ſonus ſonus, and ſeide to hem, Neeȝh ſhal be þe deſtruccioun of Nynyue, forſoþe þe woord of God falleþ not of; and oure breþern, þat ben ſcaterid fro þe lond of Irael, ſhul be turned aȝeen to it. Al forſoþe þe deſert lond of it ſhal be fulfild, and þe hous of God, þat in it was brent, ſhal be bild aȝeen, and þider ſhul turne aȝeen alle men dredende God. And Jentilis ſhuln leue þere maumetus, and þei ſhul come to Jeruſalem, and dwellen in it. And þer ſhul ioȝen in it alle kingus of erþe, honourende þe king of Irael. Hereþ þanne, my ſonus, ȝoure fader; ſerueþ to þe Lord in drede and in treuþe; and inwardli ſecheþ, þat ȝee do þat ben pleſaunt to hym. And to ȝoure ſonus comaundeþ, þat þei do riȝtwiſneſſis and almeſſe deedis; þat þei be myndeful of God, and bleſſe God in alle time, in treuþe and in al his vertue. Now þanne, my ſonus, hereþ me, and wileþ not dwellen heer, but what euere dai ȝee birie ȝoure moder aboute me in o biriele, fro þat tyme dreſſeþ ȝoure goingus, þat ȝee go hennus; forſoþe I ſee þat his wickedneſſe ende ſhal ȝiue to it. It is do forſoþe after þe deþ of his moder, Tobie wente awei fro Nynyue, wiþ his wif, and ſonus, and ſonus of ſonus, and is turned aȝeen to his fader and moder in lawe. And he fond hem ſound in good eelde. And þe cure of hem he bar, and he cloſide þe eȝen of hem; and al þe eritage of þe hous of Raguel he perceyuede, and he ſaȝ þe fifte ieneracioun, þe ſonus of his ſonus. And fulfild nynti and nyne ȝer in þe drede of þe Lord, wiþ ioȝe þei birieden hym. Al forſoþe his kinrede, and al his ieneracioun, in good lif, and in holy conuerſacioun, abod ſtille, ſo þat þei weren acceptid boþe to God and to men, and to alle dwellende in þe long.