Þe Prolog of Þe Sawter
Incipit prologus in librum Pſalterij.
Whan it is knowe, alle þe profetis to han ſpoke bi reuelacioun of þe Holi Goſt, Dauid moſt of profetis to han ſpoken ſum wiſe in wrþiere and ouer paſſende maner, as þe trumpe of þe Holi Goſt, þan oþere profetis. Oþere forſoþe profetis profecieden bi ſum maner ymagis of þingus, and wiþinne coueryngis of woordis, þat is, bi ſweuenes, and viſeouns, and deedis, and ſawis; Dauid forſoþe, þurȝ ſtiring of þe Holi Goſt alone, wiþoute vttermor helpe his profecie made out. Wherfor couenabli þis boc is ſeid, Þe boc of ſolitarie ſpechis. It is alſo ſeid a Sauter, þe whiche name it toc of a muſik inſtrument, þat Ebruli is clepid nablum, Grekli a ſauter, of þis Grek woord ſallim, þat is, touching; Latinli is ſeid an orgne, þat is of ten cordis, and fro þe ouere part ȝiueþ ſoun, bi þe touch of hondis. Of þat forſoþe inſtrument at þe lettre þerfore is nemned þis boc, for at þe vois of þat inſtrument Dauid ſong ſalmys beforn þe arke in þe tabernacle of þe Lord; and as alle þe ſweete ſongus of þat inſtrument weren clepid ſalmys, ſo and alle þe particlis of þis boc, or clauſis. Alſo aftir þe ſpirituel vnderſtonding wel of þat inſtrument it takeþ name, for as þat inſtrument is of ten cordis, ſo þis boc techeþ þe al aboute keping of þe ten heſtis; and as þat inſtrument ȝiueþ ſoun fro þe ouere part bi þe touch of hondis, ſo þis boc techeþ wel to werche, not for erþeli þingis, but for heuenli þingus, þat ben aboue. Þis boc ſtant in an hundrid and fifti ſalmys, not biſide þe reſoun of heȝere ſignefiyng; þis forſoþe noumbre is notid to moſt ſolempne myſteries. It ſtant forſoþe of eiȝteti and ſeuenti. And eiȝtety al oon ſignefieþ þat eiȝte, and ſeuenti þe ſame þat ſeuene. Eiȝte forſoþe ſignefieþ þe eiȝtþe age of aȝeen riſing; for ſiþen þer ben ſixe agis of men liuende, and þe ſeuenþe of men diende, þe eiȝþe age ſhal ben of men aȝeen riſende. Bi ſeuene forſoþe is betocned þe time of þis lif, þat is paſſid bi þe ofteſiþes comyng of ſeuen daȝes. Riȝtli þanne þis boc is maad in ſuch a noumbre of ſalmys, whos partyes ſignefien þe beforſeid myſteries; for it techeþ ſo vs in þe ſeuenþe of þis lif to werken and to liuen, þat in þe eiȝþe of aȝeen riſing wee be not clad wiþ þe doublefold cloþ of confuſioun, but wiþ þe ſtole of double glorifiyng. Or þerfore in þat noumbre of ſalmys it is maad, for, as wee han ſeid, þis noumbre ſtant of eiȝteti and ſeuenti, þat al oon betocnen þat eiȝte and ſeuene. Eiȝte forſoþe betocneþ þe newe teſtament, þe fadris forſoþe of þe newe teſtament to ogdoadi, þat is, to eiȝte deſeruen. Þei kepen forſoþe þe eiȝþe dai of þe reſureccioun of Criſt, þat is, þe ſone dai, and þe vtas of ſeintis, and abijden þe eiȝte of þe aȝeen riſing. Bi ſeuene forſoþe is betocned þe olde teſtament þerfore; for þe fadris of þe olde teſtament ſerueden to ebdoady, þat is, to ſeuene. Forſoþe þei kepten þe ſeuenþe dai, and þe ſeuenþe wike, þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe ſeuenþe ȝer, and þe ſeuenþe ȝer of þe ſeuenþe, þat is, þe fiftiþe, þat is ſeid iubile. Wherfore Salomon ſeiþ, "Ȝif partis ſeuene and alſo eiȝte." And Mychias, "Wee ſhul reren vp on hym ſeuen ſhepperdis, and eiȝte primatis." Weel þerfore þis boc in þat noumbre of ſalmys is maad, whos partis betocnen þe doctrine of eiþer teſtament, þat bi þat be ſhewid þe heſtis of eiþer teſtament to be contened in þis boc. Þis boc forſoþe is deuydid bi þre fifties; bi þe whiche þre ſtatis of criſtene religioun ben betocned. Of whiche þe firſte is in penaunce, þe ſecounde in riȝtwiſneſſe, þe þridde in preiſing of þe euere laſtende lif. Wherfore þe firſte fifti is endid in penaunce, þat is, þe ſalm þat begynneþ "Haue mercy of me, God;" þe ſecounde in riȝtwiſneſſe, þat is, þis ſalm, "Mercy and dom I ſhal ſingen to þee;" þe þridde in preiſing of þe euere laſtende lif, þat is, þis woord "Eche ſpirit preiſe God." And for þeſe þre þingus techeþ Dauid in þis boc, þerfore þis þrefold diſtinccioun of ſalmys is maad. Alſo it is to be notid, þis ſcripture mor þan oþere to ofte ben vſid in chirche ſeruyſis, þat þerfore is don, for in þis boc is þe fulle ending of þe hole boc of Godis woord. Heer forſoþe ben diſcriued þe meedis of goode men, þe tormentis of euele men, þe pleyne techyngus of begynende men, þe forþ going of profitende men, þe perfeccioun of ful comynge men, þe lif of actif men, þe ſpirituel beholding of contemplatif men; heer alſo is taȝt what ſynne doþ awei, what penaunce reſtoreþ, what þe gilti of ſynne oþenkende ſeye, þat is, "Lord, in þi wodneſſe vndernyme þou not me," and in an oþer place, "Haue mercy of me, God, aftir þy mychile mercy;" and what bi penaunce be purchaſid, whan he vnderioyneþ, "I ſhal teche wicke men þi weies, and vnpitous men to þee ſhul be conuertid;" bi whiche is ſhewid to no man, hou myche euere treſpaſinge to be, to myſtroſten of forȝiueneſſe, and of þe merci of God, taken to þe mecneſſe of oþenking; whan forſoþe wee beholden Dauid, a man ſleere and auoutrer, bi penaunce maad a doctour and a profete, to no man doende penaunce is laft place of wanhope; as of þe conuerting of Powil and his auaunſing in to apoſtil of þe mercy of God pleynli wee ben certefied. Wherfore þe chirche vſiþ in offiſis, as þe profecie of Dauid, þe epiſtolis of hym more þan of oþere; and þerfore þis profecie is oftene had in vſe, for among oþere profecies it paſſiþ in openyng of ſawys; þo forſoþe þingus þat oþere profetis dercly and as bi figure ſeiden of þe paſſion and þe reſureccioun of Criſt, and of þe euerlaſtende geteng, and of oþere myſterijs, Dauid of profetis moſt excellent ſo euydentli openede, þat more he be ſeen to euangeliſen þan to profecien.
Anoþer prolog
Dauyd, þe ſone of Jeſſe, whan he was in his reume, foure he ches þat ſalmes ſhulden maken, þat is, Aſaf, Eman, Eþan, and Iditym. Eiȝtety and eiȝte forſoþe ſeiden þe ſalmys, and two hundrid þe vnderſinging, and Abiud ſmot þe harpe. Whan Dauid hadde aȝen broȝt þe arke, aȝeen clepid fro Aſotis in to Jeruſalem aftir twenti ȝer, and abod in þe hous of Amynadab, þis he putte on in a newe ȝokid karte, and broȝte in to Jeruſalem; men choſen of al þe kinrede of þe ſonis of Iſrael, ſeuenti þouſend, of þe lynage forſoþe of Leuy, two hundrid ſeuenti and eiȝte þouſend men; of whiche foure princis he ordeynede to ben beforn to þe ſongus, Aſaf, Eman, Eþan, and Iditym, to eche of hem deuydende two and ſeuenti men, vnder criende preiſing of þe ſongis to þe Lord. And oon forſoþe of hem ſmot þe ſimbal, an oþer þe harpe, an oþer þe hornene trumpe enhauncende. In þe myddel forſoþe of hem ſtod Dauid, holdende hymſelf a ſautre; forſoþe þei wenten befor þe arke in ſeuene queris, and þe ſacrifiſe, a calf. Forſoþe al þe puple folewide after þe arke. Þanne alle þe ſalmys of Dauid ben in noumbre an hundrid and fifti, of whiche alle forſoþe nyne made Dauid himſelf, two and þretti han not ſuperſcripcioun, fifti and two and twenti in to Dauid, twelue in to Aſaf, twelue in to Iditym, nyne to þe ſones of Chori, oon to Moiſes, two in to Salomon, two in to Aggie and Zacharie. And ſo alle þe ſalmys of Dauid ben maad in noumbre of an hundrid and fifti. Þe deuyſeoun of ſalmys þat ben clepid diaſalmys ben in noumbre of ſeuenti and fiue; þe canticlis of grees ben in noumbre of fiftene. Þe firſte ſalm to no man is aſigned, for it is of alle. Þerfore what oþer man is vnderſtonde in þe firſte but þe firſte goten, þat wrþili inſcripcioun ſhul not be neceſſarie. Ferþermor for þat ſalm makeþ mencioun of Criſt, as aȝen þi Criſt expounende þe perſone to ben inſcriued, vttirli þei han not wiþinne chaungid þe ordre of ſtorie. Wee reden and in þe titlis of ſalmys; but þe ſalmys not after þe ſtorie, but aftir þe profecie ben rad, ſo þe ordre of titlis mai not diſturben þe order of ſalmys. Alle þe ſalmys þat ben inſcriued to hym Dauid, pertenen to þe ſacrament of Criſt, for Dauid is ſeid Criſt.
Explicit prologus ſuper pſalterium.
Þe boc begynneþ of ympnes and ſolitarie ſpechis of þe profete Dauyd, of Cryſt.
Salm I.
Blisful þe man, þat went not awei in þe counſeil of vnpitouſe, and in þe wei off ſinful ſtod not; and in þe chaȝer of peſtilence ſat not. But in þe lawe of þe Lord his wil; and in þe lawe of hym he ſhal ſweteli þenke dai and nyȝt. And he ſhal ben as a tree, þat is plauntid biſide þe doun rennyngis of watris; þat his frut ſhal ȝiue in his time. And þe lef of hym ſhal not fade; and alle þingus what euere he ſhal don ſhul waxe welſum. Not ſo þe vnpitouſe, not ſo; but as poudre, þat aferr þrowiþ þe wind fro þe face of þe erþe. Þerfore eft rijſen not þe vnpitouſe in dom; ne ſinful in þe counſeil of riȝtwiſe. For þe Lord haþ knowe þe weie of þe riȝtwiſe; and þe goyng of þe vnpitouſe ſhal perſhen.
Salm II.
Þe ſalm of Dauyd.
Whi gruccheden Jentilis; and puplys ſweteli þoȝten inwardli veyne þingus? Þer ſtode neeȝh þe kingus of þe erþe; and princis kamen togidere in to oon, aȝen þe Lord, and aȝen his Criſt. To-breke we þe bondis of hem; and aferr þrowe we fro vs þe ȝoc of hem. Þat dwelleþ in heuenes ſhal ſcorne þem; and þe Lord ſhal bemowe þem. Þanne he ſhal ſpeke to hem in his wraþe; and in his wodneſſe diſturbe þem togidere. I forſoþe am ſett king fro hym vpon Sion, þe holi mount of hym; prechende his heſte. Þe Lord ſeide to me, My ſone þou art; I to day gat þee. Aſke of me, and I ſhal ȝiue to þee Jentilis þin eritage; and þi poſſeſſioun þe termes of erþe. Þou ſhalt gouerne þem in an irene ȝerde; and as a veſſel of a crockere breke þem togidere. And now, kingus, vnderſtondeþ; beþ taȝt, þat demen þe erþe. Serueþ to þe Lord in drede; and ful out gladeþ to hym wiþ trembling. Takeþ diſcipline, leſt any time be wraþid þe Lord; and ȝee perſhe fro þe riȝtwis weie. Whan his wraþe ſhal brenne out in ſhort; blisful alle þat troſten in hym.
Salm III.
Salm of Dauid, whan he ſhulde flee fro þe face of Abſolon, his ſone.
Lord, wherto ben multiplied þat trublen me? manye inwardli rijſen aȝen me. Manye ſeyn to my lif, Þer is not helþe to hym in his God. Þou forſoþe, Lord, art myn vndirtakere; my glorie, and enhanſende myn hed. Wiþ my vois to þe Lord I criede; and he ful out herde me fro his holi hil. I ſleep, and was a ſlepe, and ful out ros; for þe Lord vndertoc me. I ſhal not drede þouſendis of puple goende aboute me; rys vp, Lord; mac me ſaf, my God.For þou haſt ſmyte alle doende aduerſite to me wiþ oute cauſe; þe teþ of þe ſinful þou haſt to-broſid. Of þe Lord is helþe; and vpon þi puple þi bleſſing.
Salm IIII.
In to þe ende, in ditees, þe ſalm of Dauid; or, In to þe ende, þe ſalm of þe ſong of Dauid
Whan I inwardli clepide, ful out herde me þe God of my riȝtwiſneſſe; in tribulacioun þou ſpraddeſt out to me. Haue merci of me; and ful out here myn oriſoun. Sones of men, hou longe wiþ greuous herte? whereto looue ȝee vanyte, and ſechen leſing? And witeþ, for þe Lord haþ maad merueilous his ſeynt; þe Lord ful out ſhal here me, whan I ſhal crie to hym. Wraþe ȝee, and wileþ not ſynnen; þat ȝee ſeyn in ȝoure hertis and in ȝoure couchis, haue ȝee compunccioun. Sacrifiſeþ ſacrifiſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and hopeþ in þe Lord; many ſeyn, Who ſhewiþ to vs goode þingis? Markid is vpon vs þe liȝt of þi chere, Lord; þou ȝeue gladneſſe in myn herte. Of þe frut of whete, win, and oile of hem; þei ben multiplied. In pes into itſelf; I ſhal ſlepe, and reſte. For þou, Lord; ſingulerli in hope haſt togidere ſet me.
Salm V.
Into þe ende, for hir þat getiþ þe eritage.
My woordis wiþ eris parceyue þou, Lord; vnderſtond my cry. Tac heede to þe vois of myn oriſoun; my king, and my God. For to þee I ſhal preȝe, Lord; erli þou ful out ſhalt here my vois. Erly I ſhal neeȝh ſtonde to þee, and ſeen; for þou art God not willende wickidneſſe. Ne ſhal dwelle beſide þee þe ſhrewe; ne ſhul dwelle ſtille þe vnriȝtwiſe before þin eȝen. Þou haſt hatid alle þat wirken wickidneſſe; þou ſhalt leeſen alle þat ſpeken leſing. Þe man of blodis and trecherous þe Lord ſhal wlate; I forſoþe in þe multitude of þi mercy. I ſhal entre in to þin hous; I ſhal honouren at þin holi temple in þi drede. Lord, bring forþ me in þi riȝtwiſneſſe for myn enemys; mac redi in þi ſiȝte my weie. For þer is not in þe mouþ of hem treuþe; þe herte of hem is veyn. An open ſepulcre is þe þrote of hem, wiþ þer tungis treccherouſli þei diden; deme þem, þou God. Falle þei doun fro þer þoȝtis; after þe multitude of þe vnpitouſneſſis of hem, put hem awei; for þei han terrid þee, Lord. And glade þei alle, þat hopen in þee; in to wiþoute ende þei ſhul ful out gladen; and þou ſhalt dwellen in hem. And alle ſhul glorien in þee þat loouen þi name; for þou ſhalt bliſſe to þe riȝtwiſe. Lord, as wiþ þe ſheeld of þi goode wil, þou haſt crouned vs.
Salm VI.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe eiȝþe.
Lord, in þi wodneſſe vndernyme þou nott me; ne in þi wraþe chaſtiſe þou me. Haue mercy of me, Lord, for I am ſyk; hele me, Lord, for diſturbid ben alle my bonys. And my ſoule is diſturbid gretli; but þou, Lord, hou longe? Be turned, Lord, and delyuere my ſoule; mac me ſaaf, for þi grete mercy. For þer is not in deþ, þat be myndeful of þee; in helle forſoþe who ſhal knouleche to þee? I haue trauailid in my weilinge, I ſhal waſſhe bi alle nyȝtis my bed; and wiþ my teres my bedding I ſhal watrin. Diſturbid is of wodneſſe myn eȝe; I haue inwardli eldid amongis alle myn enemys. Goþ awei fro me, alle þat werken wickidneſſe; for þe Lord ful out herde þe vois of my weping. Þe Lord ful out herde my louli preȝing; þe Lord myn oryſoun haþ vndertaken. Shamen and be diſturbid hugely alle myn enemys; be þei turned, and ſhame þei ful ſwiftli.
Salm VII.
In to þe ende; þe ſalm to Dauid, whom he ſong to þe Lord for þe woordus of Cuſi, ſone of þe riȝþalf, or Gemyny.
Lord, my God, in þee I hopide; mac me ſaf fro alle men purſuende me, and delyuere me. Leſt any time he raueſhe me as a leoun my ſoule; whil þer is not þat aȝeenbie, ne þat make ſaf. Lord my God, if I dide þis, if þer is wickidneſſe in myn hondis; if I quitte to þe men ȝeldende to me euelis, I ſhal falle doun þurȝ deſert fro myn enemys inwardli voide; purſue þe enemy my lif, and cacche, and to-trede in þe erþe my lif; and my glorie in to poudre bringe doun. Rys vp, Lord, in þi wraþe; and be þou enhauncid in þe cooſtis of myn enemys. And ris vp, Lord my God, in þe heſte þat þou haſt ſent; and þe congregacioun of puplis ſhal enuyroun þee. And for it in to heiȝ go aȝeen; þe Lord demeþ puplys. Deme me, Lord, aftir my riȝtwiſneſſe; and aftir my innocence vpon me. Shal ben endid þe ſhreudeneſſe of ſynneres, and þou ſhalt dreſſe þe riȝtwis; God ſerchende hertis and reenes. Riȝtwis myn helpe of þe Lord; þat makeþ ſaaf riȝte men in herte. God riȝtwis demere, ſtrong and pacient; wheþer he wraþiþ bi alle daȝes? But ȝee ſhul ben conuertid, his ſwerd he ſhal braundiſhen; his bowe he bende, and made it redi. And in it he maade redi veſſelis of deþ; his arewis wiþ brennende þingus he made out. Lo! he wiþinne wroȝte vnriȝtwiſneſſe; conceyuede ſorewe, and bar wickidneſſe. A lake he openede, and dalf it out; and fel in to þe dich þat he made. His ſorewe ſhal be turned in to þe hed of hym; and in to his nol þe wickidneſſe of hym ſhal deſcenden. I ſhal knouleche to þe Lord, after þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym; and I ſhal ſein ſalm to þe name of þe heȝeſt Lord.
Salm VIII.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe preſſis.
Lord, oure Lord; hou myche merueilous is þi name in al þe erþe. For rerid vp is þi grete doing, ouer heuenes. Of þe mouþ of vnſpekende childer and ſoukende þou performediſt preiſing, for þin enemys; þat þou deſtroȝe þe enemy and þe veniere. For I ſhal ſee þin heuenes, þe werkis of þi fingris; þe mone and þe ſterris, þat þou haſt foundid. What is a man, þat myndeful þou art of hym; or þe ſon of man, for þou viſitiſt hym? Þou laſſedeſt hym a litil laſſe fro aungelis; wiþ glorie and worſhipe þou crounedeſt hym, and ſettiſt hym ouer þe werkis of þin hondys. Alle þingus þou leidiſt vnder his feet, ſhep and oxen alle; ferþermor and þe beſtis of þe feeld; þe foulis of heuene, and þe fiſhis of þe ſe; þat þurȝ gon þe ſties of þe ſe. Lord, oure Lord; hou myche merueilous is þi name in al erþe.
Salm IX.
In to þe ende, for þe hid þingus of þe ſone, þe ſalm of Dauid.
I ſhal knoulechen to þee, Lord, in al myn herte; and telle alle þi merueilis. I ſhal gladen and ful out ioȝen in þee; I ſhal ſey ſalm to þi name, þou heȝeſt. In turnynge myn enemy bacward; þei ſhul be feblid, and perſhe fro þi face. For þou didiſt my dom, and my cauſe; þou ſittiſt vp on þe trone, þat demeſt riȝtwiſneſſe. Þou ferediſt Jentilis, and þe vnpitous perſhide; þe name of hem þou didiſt awei in to wiþ oute ende, and in to þe world of world. Of þe enemy failiden þe ſwerdis in to þe ende; and þe cites of hem þou deſtroȝediſt. Perſhide þe mynde of þem wiþ ſoun; and þe Lord in to wiþoute ende abit ſtille. He made redy in dom his trone; and he ſhal deme þe roundneſſe of þe erþe in equite; he ſhal deme puplis in riȝtwiſneſſe. And maad is þe Lord refut to þe pore; helpere in þo þingus þat nede is, in tribulacioun. And hope þei in þee, þat knewen þi name; for þou haſt not forſake þe ſechende þee, Lord. Singeþ ſalmys to þe Lord, þat dwelliþ in Sion; telleþ among Jentilis þe ſtudies of hym. For aȝeen ſechende þe blod of hem he recordide; he forȝat not þe cry of pore men. Haue mercy of me, Lord; ſee my mecneſſe fro myn enemys. Þat enhaunciſt me fro þe ȝatis of deþ; þat I telle alle þi preiſingus in þe ȝatis of þe doȝter of Sion. I ſhal ful out gladen in þi ȝiuere of helþe; ful ficchid ben þe Jentilis in þe deþ, þat þei maden. In þis grene, þat þei hidden, caȝt is þe foot of hem. Þe Lord ſhal be knowe doende domys; in þe werkis of his hondis caȝt is þe ſinful. Be turned þe ſynneres in to helle; alle Jentilis, þat forȝeten God. For not into þe ende forȝeting ſhal ben of þe pore; þe pacience of pore men ſhal not perſhen in to þe ende. Rys, Lord, be not coumfortid a man; be demed þe Jentilis in þi ſiȝte. Sett, Lord, a lawe ȝiuere vp on hem; wite þe Jentilis, for þey ben men. Wherto, Lord, wentiſt þou awei along? þou deſpiſiſt in nedfultees in tribulacioun. Whil proudeþ þe vnpitous wiþ inne, tend is þe pore man; þei ben caȝt in þe counſeilis, bi þe whiche þei þenken. For preiſid is þe ſynnere in þe deſiris of his ſoule; and þe wicke is bliſſid. Þe ſynnere ſharpli ful out terrede þe Lord; after þe myculneſſe of his wraþe he ſhal not ſechen. Þer is not God in his ſiȝt; defoulid ben þe weies of hym in alle time. Þi domes be taken awei fro þe face of hym; of alle his enemys he ſhal lordſhipen. Forſoþe he ſeide in his herte, I ſhal not be moued, fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun wiþoute euel. Whos mouþ is ful of curſing, and bitterneſſe, and treccherie; vnder his tunge trauaile and ſorewe. He ſitt in aſpies wiþ riche men in priuytes; þat he ſle þe innocent. Þe eȝen of hym beholden in to þe pore; he waitiþ in hid place, as a leoun in his den. He waiteþ, þat he raueſhe þe pore; to raueſhe þe pore, whil he draweþ hym to. In his grane he ſhal meken hym; he ſhal bowen hymſelf and fallen; whan he ſhal lordſhipen of pore men. Forſoþe he ſeide in his herte, Forȝeten is God; he turneþ awei his face, leſt he ſee in to þe ende. Rys up, Lord God, and be haunſid þin hond; ne forȝete þou of þe pore. For what þe vnpitouſe terrede God? forſoþe he ſeide in his herte, He ſhal not aȝeen ſechen. Seeſt þou, for trauaile and ſorewe þou beholdiſt; þat þou take þem in to þin hondis. To þee laft is þe pore; to þe faderles child þou ſhalt ben helpere. To-broſe þe arm of þe ſynnere, and of þe malice doere; þe ſynne of hym ſhal be ſoȝt, and not be founde. Þe Lord ſhal regne in to wiþ oute ende, and in to þe world of world; periſhe ſhuln ȝee, Jentilis, fro þe lond of hym. Þe deſyr of pore men ful out herde þe Lord; þe befor rediyng of þe herte of hem herde þin ere. To deme to þe moderles child and to þe meeke; þat no more ley to to magnefie hymſelf a man vp on erþe.
Salm X.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
In þe Lord I troſtne; hou ſey ȝee to my ſoule, Paſſe forþ in to þe hil, as a ſparewe. For loo! ſynneres benten bowe, maden redy þer arwis in þe arwe girdil; þat þei ſhete in derc þe riȝte men in herte. For þoo þingus þat þou parformedeſt, þei deſtroȝeden; þe riȝtwis man what dide forſoþe? Þe Lord in his holy temple; þe Lord, in heuene þe ſete of hym. His eȝen in to þe pore beholden; þe eȝelidis of hym aſken þe ſones of men. Þe Lord aſkeþ þe riȝtwis man, and þe vnpitous; he forſoþe, þat looueþ wickidneſſe, hatiþ hys ſoule. He ſhal reyne vp on ſynneres grenes; fyr, brunſton, and þe ſpiritis of tempeſtis, part of þe chalis of hem. For riȝtwis þe Lord, and riȝtwiſneſſe he loouede; equite ſaȝ þe chere of hym.
Salm XI.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe eiȝþe.
Lord, mac me ſaf, for þer failiþ þe holy; for mynuſht ben treuþis fro þe ſonys of men. Veyn þingus þei ſpeeken, eche to his neȝhebore; þer treccherous lippis in herte and herte ſpeeken. Þe Lord ſcatere alle trecherous lippis, and þe tunge gret ſpeche. Þat ſeiden, Oure tunge wee ſhul magnefien; oure lippis of vs ben; who is oure lord? For þe wrecchidneſſe of þe nedy, and þe weiling of þe pore; now I ſhal vp riſe, ſeiþ þe Lord. I ſhal putte in þin helþe ȝiuere; troſtily I ſhal don in hym. Þe ſpechis of þe Lord chaſte ſpechis; ſiluer examyned bi fyr, proued of þe erþe, purgid ſeuefold. Þou, Lord, ſhalt wiþholden vs; and kepen vs fro þis ieneracioun and in to wiþoute ende. In enuyroun vnpitous men gon; aftir þin heiȝneſſe þou haſt multiplied þe ſones of men.
Salm XII.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Hou longe, Lord, þou forȝetiſt me in to þe ende? hou longe þou turneſt awei þi face fro me? Hou myche while I ſhal putte counſeilis in my ſoule; ſorewe in myn herte bi day? Hou longe ſhall ben enhauncid myn enemy vp on me? Behold, and ful out here me, Lord my God. Liȝte þou myn eȝen, leſt any tyme I ſlepe al doun in deþ; leſt ſum time ſey myn enemy, I haue wonnen þe maiſtri aȝen hym. Þat trubblen me ſhul ful out glade, if I ſhul be moued; I forſoþe in þi mercy haue hopid. Myn herte ſhal ful out gladen in þin helþe ȝiuere; I ſhal ſinge to þe Lord, þat goodis ȝaf to me; and do ſalm to þe name of þe heiȝeſt Lord.
Salm XIII.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
The vnwiſe man ſeide in his herte, Þer is not God. Corupt þei ben, and abhominable ben maad in þer ſtudies; þer is not þat do good, þer is not vnto oon. Þe Lord fro heuene forþ beheeld vp on þe ſonus of men; þat he ſee, if þer is vnderſtondende, or aȝeen ſechende God. Alle ben bowid doun, togidere vnprofitable ben maad; þer is not þat do good, þer is not vnto oon. A ſepulcre opened is þe þrote of hem, wiþ þer tungis treccherouſly þei diden; þe venym of edderes vnder þe lippis of hem. Whos mouþ of curſing and bitterneſſe is ful; ſwifte þe feet of hem to ſheden out blod. To-broſing and vnwelſumneſſe in þe weies of hem, and þe weie of pes þei knewen not; þer is not þe drede of God befor þer eȝen. Wheþer alle ſhul not knowen, þat werken wickedneſſe; þat deuoure my folc, as mete of bred? God þey inwardli clepeden not; þere þei trembliden bi drede, wher was not drede. For þe Lord is in a riȝtwis ieneracioun; þe counſeil of þe nedi ȝee han confoundid, for þe Lord is his hope. Who ſhall ȝiue fro Sion þe helþe ȝiuere of Irael? Whan þe Lord ſhal take awei þe caitifte of his puple; Jacob ful out ſhal ioȝen, and Irael ſhall gladen.
Þe ſalm of Dauid.
Lord, who ſhal duelle in þi tabernacle; or who ſhal eft reſten in þin holy hil? Þat goþ in wiþoute wem; and werkiþ ryȝttwiſneſſe. Þat ſpekeþ treuþe in his herte; þat dide not trecherie in his tunge. Ne dide to his neȝhebore euel; and reprof toc not to aȝen hiſe neȝhboris. To noȝt is broȝt doun in his ſiȝt þe malice doere; forſoþe þe dredende þe Lord he glorifieþ. Þat ſwereþ to his neȝhebore, and deſceyueþ not; þat his monee ȝaf not to vſure; and ȝiftis vp on þe innocent toc not. He, þat doþ þeſe þingus, ſhal not be moued in to wiþout ende.
Salm XV.
Of þe title, þe inſcripcioun to hym Dauid.
Kep me, Lord, for I hopide in þee; I ſeide to þe Lord, My God art þou; for of my goodis þou nediſt not. To þe ſeintis þat ben in þe lond of hym; he made merueilous alle my willis in hem. Þer ben multiplied þe infirmytes of hem; aftirward þei heeȝeden to. I ſhal not gadere togidere þe conuenticulis of hem of blodis; ne I ſhal be myndeful of þe namys of hem bi my lippis. Þe Lord þe part of myn eritage, and of my chalis; þou art, þat ſhalt reſtore myn eritage to me. Cordis fellen to me in ful cleer þingis; forſoþe myn eritage ful cler is to me. I ſhal bliſſe þe Lord, þat ȝaf to me vnderſtondinge; ouermor and vnto þe nyȝt myche blameden me my reenys. I purueiede þe Lord in my ſiȝte euermor; for fro þe riȝt partis he is to me, leſt I be wiþ moued. For þat gladede myn herte, and ful out ioȝede my tunge; furþermor and my fleſh ſhal aȝeen reſten in hope. For þou ſhalt not forſake my ſoule in helle; ne ȝiue þin halewe to ſeen corupcioun. Knowen to me þou haſt maad þe weies of lif; þou ſhalt fulfille me þerto in gladneſſe wiþ þi chere; delitingus in þi riȝtt hond vnto þe ende.
Salm XVI.
Þe oriſoun of Dauid.
Here, Lord, my riȝtwiſneſſe; vnderſtond my lowe preȝing. Wiþ eris perceyue myn oriſoun; not in treccherous lippis. Fro þi chere my dom go forþ; þin eȝen ſee þei equites. Þou prouedeſt myn herte, and viſytediſt in þe nyȝt; bi fyr þou examynedeſt me, and þer is not founde in me wickidneſſe. Þat my mouþ ſpeke not þe werkis of men; for þe woordis of þi lippis I kepte harde weies. Parforme my goingus in þi ſties; þat my ſteppis be not meued. I criede, for þou, God, herdeſt me; bowe fully þin ere, and ful out here my woordis. Mac merueilouſe þi mercyes; þat makiſt ſaf þe hopende in þee. Fro þe wiþſtonderes to þi riȝþalf kep me, as þe appil of þe eȝe. Vnder þe ſhadewe of þi weengis defend me; fro þe face of vnpitous men, þat me han tormentid. Myn enemys my ſoule cumpaſiden; þer talȝ þei cloſiden togidere; þeyr mouþ haþ ſpoken pride. Þrowende me aferr now þei enuyrounden me; þer eȝen þei ordeyneden to bowe doun in to þe erþe. Þey toke me doun, as a leoun redy to þe prey; and as a leoun whelp dwellende in hid placis. Rys vp, Lord, befor come hym, and ſupplaunte hym; tac awei my ſoule fro þe vnpitous; þy ſwerd, fro þe enemys of þin hond. Lord, fro a fewe fro þe lond deuyde hem in þer lif; of þin hidde þingus fulfild to is þe wombe of hem. Þei ben fulfild wiþ ſones; and laften þer relikis to þer childer. I forſoþe in riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal apere to þi ſiȝte; I ſhal be fulfild, whan þi glorie ſhal apere.
Salm XVII.
In to þe ende, to þe child of þe Lord, Dauid; þe whiche woordus of þis ſong he ſpac to þe Lord, in þe dai þat þe Lord toc hym out fro þe hond of þe enemys of hym, and fro þe hond of Saul; and ſeide:
I ſhal looue þee, Lord, my ſtrengþe; þe Lord my faſtnyng, and my refut, and my delyuerere. My God, myn helpere; I ſhal hope in to hym. My defendere, and þe horn of myn helþe; and myn vndertakere. Preiſende I ſhal inwardly clepe þe Lord; and fro myn enemys I ſhal be ſaf. Þe ſorewis of deþ enuyrounden me; and þe ſtremes of wickidneſſe togidere ſturbiden me. Þe ſorewis of helle wenten aboute me; befor ocupieden me þe grenes of deþ. In my tribulacioun I inwardly clepide þe Lord; and to my God I criede. And he ful out herde fro his holi temple my vois; and my cry in his ſiȝte wente in to þe eris of hym. Moued is togidere, and togidere tremblide þe erþe; þe foundemens of mounteynes ben togidere ſturbid, and togidere moued, for he wraþide to þem. Þer ſteȝede vp ſmoke in his wraþe, and fyr fro his face ful out brente; and colis ben vndertend of hym. He ful bowide heuenes, and cam doun; and dercneſſe vnder his feet. And he ſteȝede vpon cherubyn, and fleiȝ; he fleiȝ on þe pennes of windis. And he putte dercneſſes his hiding place, in þe cumpas of hym his tabernacle; derk watir in þe cloudis of þe eir. Fro þe liȝting in þe ſiȝte of hym cloudis paſſeden; hail and þe colis of fyr. And in þundrede fro heuene þe Lord; and þe heȝeſt ȝaf his vois, hail and colis of fyr. And he ſente his arewis, and ſcaterede hem; leitis he multipliede, and togidere ſturbide hem. And þer apereden þe wellis of watris; and ben opened þe foundemens of þe roundneſſe of erþis. Of þi blamyng, Lord; of þe inbreþing of þe ſpirit of þi wraþe. He ſente fro þe heȝeſt, and toc me; and caȝte me fro many watris. He toc me out fro my moſt ſtrong enemys; and fro hem þat hatiden me, for þei ben coumfortid vpon me. Þei befor camyn me in þe dai of my tormenting; and þe Lord is maad my defendere. And he ladde out me in to brodneſſe; he made me ſaf, for he wolde me. And þe Lord ſhal ȝelde to me after my riȝtwiſneſſe; and after þe clenneſſe of myn hondis he ſhall ȝelde to me. For I kepte þe weies of þe Lord; ne vnpitouſly I dide fro my God. For alle þe domys of hym in my ſiȝte; and þe riȝtwiſneſſes of hym I putte not fro me awey. And I ſhal ben vndefoulid wiþ hym; and al abouten kepe me fro my wickidneſſe. And þe Lord ſhal ȝelde to me after my riȝtwiſneſſe; and after þe clenneſſe of myn hondis in þe ſiȝte of þe eȝen of hym. Wiþ þe holy, holy þou ſhalt be; and wiþ þe innocent man, an innocent þou ſhalt be. And wiþ þe choſen, choſen þou ſhalt be; and wiþ þe peruertid, þou ſhalt be peruertid. For þou a meke puple ſhalt make ſaf; and þe eȝen of proude men þou ſhalt lowen. For þou liȝtiſt my lanterne; Lord, my God, liȝte my dercneſſis. For in þee I ſhal be pullid out fro temptacioun; and in my God I ſhal gon ouer þe wal. My God, vndefoulid þe weie of hym, þe ſpechis of þe Lord bi fyr examyned; þe defendere he is of alle hoperis in hym. For who God but þe Lord? or who God but oure God? God þat befor girte me wiþ vertue; and ſette my weye vndefoulid. Þat parfitli made my feet as of hertes; and vp on heȝe þingus ſettende me. Þat techeþ myn hondis to bataile; and þou ſettiſt as a braſene bowe myn armys. And þou ȝeue to me þe proteccioun of þin helþe; and þi riȝþond vndertoc me. And þi diſcipline amendede me in to þe ende; and þat þi diſcipline ſhal teche me. Þou madeſt large my goingus vnder me; and my ſteppis ben not feblid. I ſhal purſue myn enemys, and taken hem; and I ſhal not be turned, to þe time þei failen. I ſhal breke þem togidere, ne þei myȝten ſtonde; þei ſhul falle vnder my feet. And þou befor girtiſt me wiþ vertue to bataile; and þou ſupplauntidiſt men riſende in me vnder me. And myn enemys þou ȝeue to me bac; and þe hatende me þou ſcateredeſt. Þei crieden, and þer was not þat ſhulde make ſaf; to þe Lord, and he ful out herde þem not. And I ſhal to-poone þem into pouder befor þe face of þe wind; as clei of ſtretis I ſhal do þem awei. Þou ſhalt take me out fro þe aȝen ſeiyngus of þe puple; þou ſhalt ſette me in to þe hed of Jentilis. Þe puple, þat I knewe not, ſeruede to me; in heering of ere it obeſhede to me. Alienes ſones han lied to me, alienes ſonus ben elded; and haltiden fro þi paþis. Þe Lord liueþ, and bleſſid my God; and God of myn helþe be enhauncid. God, þat giueſt veniauncis to me, and ſogetyſt puplis vnder me; my deliuerere fro my wraþeful enemys. And fro men riſende in to me, þou ſhalt enhaunce me; fro þe wicke man þou ſhalt take me awei. Þerfore, Lord, I ſhal knouleche to þee in naciouns; and to þi name a ſalm I ſhal ſeyn. Magnefiende þe helþis of his king; and doende mercy to his criſt Dauid, and to his ſed vnto þe world.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Heuenes tellen out þe glorie of God; and þe werkis of his hondes telliþ þe firmament. Dai to þe dai bolkeþ out woord; and nyȝt to þe nyȝt ſhewiþ out kunnyng. Þer ben not ſpechis, ne ſermownes; of þe whiche ben not herd þe voiſes of hem. In to al þe erþe wente out þe ſoun of hem; and in to þe endis of þe roundneſſe of erþe þeir woordis. In þe ſunne he ſette his tabernacle; and he as a ſpouſe goende forþ fro his priue chaumbre. He ful out gladide, as a ieaunt, to be runne þe weie; fro þe heȝeſt heuene þe going out of hym. And þe aȝeencomyng of hym unto þe heȝeſte of hym; and þer is not þat hide hymſelf fro his hete. Þe lawe of þe Lord vnwemmed, turnende ſoulis; þe witneſſing of þe Lord feiþful, wiſdam ȝiuende to litle childer. Þe riȝtwiſneſſes of þe Lord euene, gladende hertis; þe heſte of þe Lord liȝtſum, liȝtende eȝen. Þe drede of þe Lord holy, abit ſtille in to þe world of world; þe domes of þe Lord verre, iuſtefied in to þemſelf. Deſirable vp on gold, and precious ſton myche; and ſwettere ouer þe hony and þe honycomb. Forſoþe þi ſeruaunt kepeþ hem; in hem to be kept myche ȝelding. Giltis who vnderſtandiþ? fro myn hid þingis clenſe me; and fro alienes ſpare to þi ſeruaunt. If of me þei ſhul not lordſhipen, þanne I ſhal ben vnwemmed; and ful out clenſid fro þe moſt gilte. And þe ſpechis of my mouþ ſhul be, þat þei pleſe; and þe ſwete þenking of myn herte in þi ſiȝte euermore. Lord, myn helpere; and myn aȝeen biere.
Salm XIX.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Ful out here þee þe Lord in þe dai of tribulacioun; defende þee þe name of þe God of Jacob. Sende he to þee helpe fro þe holy; and fro Sion defende he þee. Myndeful be he of alle þi ſacrifiſe; and þi brent ſacrifiſe be maad fat. Ȝelde he to þee after þin herte; and alle þi counſeil conferme. We ſhul gladen in þin helþe ȝiuere; and in þe name of oure God wee ſhul be magnefied. Fulfille þe Lord alle þin aſkingus; now I haue knowe, for þe Lord made ſaf his criſt. He ſhal ful out heren hym fro his holi heuene; in myȝtus þe helþe of his riȝþond. Þeſe in charis, and þeſe in hors; wee forſoþe in þe name of þe Lord oure God ſhul inwardli clepen. Þei ben obliſht, and fellen; wee forſoþe riſen, and ben up riȝt. Lord, mac ſaaf þe king; and here us in þe day þat wee ſhul inwardli clepe þee.
Salm XX.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Lord, in þi vertue ſhal þe king gladen; and vpon þin helþe ȝiuere ful out ioȝen hugely. Þe deſyr of his herte þou ȝeue to hym; and in þe wil of his lippis þou begilideſt not hym. For þou wentiſt beforn him in bleſſingus of ſwetneſſe; þou puttiſt in his hed a crowne of precious ſton. Lyf he aſkide of þee, and þou ȝeue to hym; lengþe of daȝis in to þe world, and into þe world of world. Gret is his glorie in þin helþe giuere; glorie and gret fairneſſe þou ſhalt ful putte vp on hym. For þou ſhalt ȝiuen hym in to bleſſing in to world of world; þou ſhalt gladen hym in ioȝe wiþ þi chere. For þe king hopiþ in þe Lord; and in þe mercy of þe heȝeſt he ſhal not be moued. Be founde þin hond to alle þin enemys; þi riȝþond finde alle þat þee hatiden. Þou ſhalt putte þem as a furneis of fyr in þe time of þi chere; þe Lord in his wraþe ſhal deſturbe þem, and fyr ſhal deuoure þem. Þe frute of hem fro þe erþe þou ſhalt leeſe; and þe ſed of hem fro þe ſones of men. For þei bowede doun in to þee euelis; þei þoȝten counſeilis, þat þei myȝten not ſtablen. For þou ſhalt putte þem abac; in þi relikis þou ſhalt make beforn redi þe chere of hem. Be þou enhauncid, Lord, in þi vertue; wee ſhul ſynge, and wiþ ſalm ſeyn þi vertues.
Salm XXI.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þat taking to, or, for þe morutid vndertaking, or, for þe morutid hinde.
God, my God, behold in me; whi haſt þou forſake me? ferr fro myn helþe þe woordis of my giltis. My God, I ſhal crie bi dai, and þou ſhalt not ful out heren; and in þe nyȝt, and not to vnwiſdam to me. Þou forſoþe in þe holi duelliſt, preiſing of Irael; in þee hopiden oure fadris, hopeden, and þou deliueredeſt hem. To þee þei crieden, and þei ben maad ſaf; in þee þei hopeden, and ben not confoundid. I forſoþe am a werm, and not man; repref of men, and þe kaſting out of folc. Alle ſeende me ſcorneden me; þei ſpeeken wiþ lippis, and moueden þe hed. He hopide in þe Lord, deliuere he hym; make he hym ſaaf, for he wile hym. For þou art þat haſt drawe me out from þe wombe, myn hope fro þe tetis of my modir; in þee I am kaſt forþ out fro þe wombe. Fro þe wombe of my modir my God þou art; ne go þou awei fro me. For tribulacioun is next; for þer is not þat helpe. Þer han enuyround me manye calues; fatte bolis beſegeden me. Þei openeden vp on me þer mouþ; as a leoun rampaunt and rorende. As watir I am held out; and ſcatrid ben alle my bones. Maad is myn herte as wax meltende; in þe myddel of my wombe. My vertue driede as a ſhord, and my tunge cleuede to my chekis; and in to pouder of deþ þou broȝtiſt doun me. For þer wenten aboute me manye houndis; þe counſeil of warieris beſegide me. Þei dolue myn hondis and my feet; and ful noumbrable maden alle my bones. Þei forſoþe togidere lokeden, and inwardly beheelden me; þei deuydeden to þemſelf my cloþis, and upon my cloþ þei leiden lot. Þou forſoþe, Lord, ne awei longe þou þin helpe fro me; to my defending behold anoon. Pul out fro þe ſwerd my ſoule, þou God; and fro þe hond of þe hound myn only. Saue me fro þe mouþ of þe leoun; and fro þe hornes of þe vnycornes my mecneſſe. I ſhal telle þi name to my breþern; in þe myddel of þe chirche I ſhal preiſe þee. Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, preiſeþ hym; al þe ſed of Jacob, glorifieþ hym. Drede hym al þe ſed of Irael; for he ſpornede not, ne deſpiſide þe lowe preȝing of þe pore. Ne he turnede awei his face fro me; and whan I ſhulde crie to hym, he ful out herde me. Anent þee my preiſing in þe grete chirche; my vouwes I ſhal ȝelde in þe ſiȝte of men dredende hym. Pore men ſhul ete, and be fild, and þei ſhul preiſe þe Lord, þat aȝeen ſechen hym; þe hertis of hem ſhul liue in to þe world of world. Þei ſhul recorde; and be conuertid to þe Lord, alle þe cooſtis of erþe. And þer ſhuln honoren in his ſiȝte; alle þe meynes of Jentilis. For of þe Lord is reume; and he ſhal lordſhipen of Jentilis. Þei eeten, and honoureden, alle fatte men of erþe; in hys ſiȝte ſhul falle alle þat gon doun in to þe erþe. And my ſoule ſhal to him liue; and my ſed ſhal ſerue to hym. Þer ſhal be told to þe Lord þe ieneracioun to come; and heuenes ſhul telle þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym to þe puple þat ſhal be born, þe whiche þe Lord made.
Salm XXII.
Þe ſalm of Dauid.
The Lord gouerneþ me, and no þing to me ſhal lacke; in þe place of leſwe where he me ful ſette. Ouer watir of fulfilling he nurſhide me; my ſoule he conuertide. He broȝte doun me vpon þe ſties of riȝtwiſneſſe; for his name. For whi and if I ſhal go in þe myddel of þe ſhadewe of deþ; I ſhal not dreden euelis, for þou art wiþ me. Þi ȝerde and þy ſtaf; þo han confortid me. Þou haſt maad redi in þi ſiȝte a bord; aȝen hem þat trublyn me. Þou haſt myche fattid in oile myn hed; and my chalis makende ful drunken, hou riȝt cler it is. And þi mercy ſhal vnderfolewe me; alle þe daȝis of my lif. And þat I dwelle in þe hous of þe Lord; in to þe lengþe of daȝis.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, in þe firſt of þe wike.
Off þe Lord is þe erþe, and þe plente of it; þe roundneſſe of londis, and alle þat duellen in it. For he vpon þe ſes foundede it; and vp on þe flodis befor greiþide it. Who ſhal ſteȝen vp in to þe hyl of þe Lord; or who ſhal ſtonde in his holy place? Þe innocent in hondis, and in clene herte, þat toc not to in veyn his ſoule; ne ſwor in treccherie to hys neȝhebore. Þis ſhal take bleſſing of þe Lord; and mercy of God his helþe ȝiuere. Þis is þe ieneracioun of men ſechende God; of men ſechende þe face of God of Jacob. Doþ awei ȝoure ȝatus, ȝee princis; and beþ rerid out, ȝee euer laſtende ȝatis, and þer ſhal gon in þe king of glorie. Who is þis king of glorie? a Lord ſtrong and myȝti, a Lord myȝti in bataile. Doþ awei ȝoure ȝatis, ȝee princis; and beþ rered vp, ȝee euer laſtende ȝatis, and þer ſhal gon in þe king of glorie. Who is þis king of glorie? þe Lord of vertues, he is king of glorie.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
To þee, Lord, I rerede my ſoule; my God, in þee I troſtne, I ſhal not becomen aſhamed. And ſcorne not me myn enemys; forſoþe alle þat ſuſtene þee ſhul not ben confoundid. Confoundid be alle doende wickid þingus ouer veynly. Þi weies, Lord, ſhew þou to me; and þi ſties teche out me. Dreſſe me in þi treuþe, and tech me, for þou art God, my ſauere; and þee I ſuſtenede all day. Recorde of þi mercy deedis, Lord; and of þi mercies þat fro þe world ben. Þe giltis of my ȝouþe; and myn vnkunnyngneſſis, ne wil þou not han in mynde. Aftir þi mercy haue mynde of me; for þi goodneſſe, Lord. Swete and riȝt þe Lord; for þat lawe he ſhal ȝiue to þe gilteris in þe weie. He ſhal dreſſe debonere men in dom; he ſhal teche mylde men hys weies. Alle þe weies of þe Lord mercy and truþe; to þe aȝeen ſechende men, þe teſtament of hym and his witneſſis. For þi name, Lord, þou ſhalt be merciful to my ſynne; myche it is forſoþe. Who is þe man þat dredeþ þe Lord? lawe he ſette to hym in þe weie þat he ches. Þe ſoule of hym in goode þingus myche ſhal abide; and þe ſed of hym ſhal eritage þe erþe. Faſtneſſe is þe Lord to men dredende hym; and þe teſtament of hym, þat it be opened to þem. Myn eȝen euermor to þe Lord; for he ſhal pullen up fro þe grene my foot. Loke aȝeen in me, and haue mercy of me; for alone and a pore man I am. Tribulaciouns of myn herte ben multiplied; fro my nedis delyuere me. See my mecneſſe, and my trauaile; and forȝif alle my giltis. Behold myn enemys, for þei ben multiplied; and wiþ wicke hate þei hateden me. Kep my ſoule, and delyuere me; I ſhal not become aſhamed, for I hopide in þee. Innocentis and riȝte cleueden to me; for I ſuſtenede þee. Deliuere, God, Iſrael fro alle his tribulaciouns.
Salm XXV.
Þe ſalm of Dauid.
Deme me, Lord, for in myn innocence I wente; and in þe Lord hopende I ſhal not ben vnfaſtned. Prof me, Lord, and tempte me; brenne þou my reenys, and myn herte. For þi mercy is befor myn eȝen; and I wiþ pleſide in þi treuþe. I ſat not wiþ þe counſeil of vanyte; and wiþ berende wicke þingus I ſhal not gon in. I hatide þe chirche of wariende men; and wiþ þe vnpitouſe I ſhal not ſitte. I ſhal waſſhe amongys innocentis myn hondis; and I ſhal enuyroun þin auter, Lord. Þat I here þe vois of preiſing; and telle out alle þi merueilis. Lord, I loouede þe fairneſſe of þin hous; and þe place off þe dwelling of þi glorie. Ne leeſe þou wiþ þe vnpitouſe men, God, my ſoule; and wiþ men of blodis my lif. In whos hondis wickidneſſis ben; þe riȝþond of hem is fulfild wiþ ȝiftis. I forſoþe in myn innocence wente; aȝeen bie me, and haue mercy of me. My foot ſtod in riȝt; in chirchis I ſhal bliſſe þee, Lord.
Salm XXVI.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, befor þat he was enoyntid.
The Lord my liȝting and myn helþe; whom I ſhal dreden? Þe Lord defendere of my lif; fro whom I ſhal quake? Whil neȝhen vp on me noȝeris; þat þei ete my fleſh. Þat trublen me, myn enemys; þei arn feblid and fellen. If þey ſetten aȝen me tentis; myn herte ſhal not drede. If rijſe out aȝen me bataile; in þat I ſhal hope. O þing I aſkide of þe Lord, þat I ſhal ofte ſechen; þat I duelle in þe hous of þe Lord alle daȝis of my lif. Þat I ſee þe wil of þe Lord; and viſite his temple. For he hidde me in his tabernacle in þe day of euelis; and defendede me in þe hidde place of hys tabernacle. In þe ſton he enhauncide me; and now he haþ enhauncid myn hed vp on myn enemys. I haue gon aboute, and offrid in his tabernacle an oſt of criyng out; I ſhal ſinge, and ſeyn ſalm to þe Lord. Ful out here, Lord, my vois, þat I criede to þee; haue mercy of me, and ful out here me. To þee ſeide myn herte, Ful out ſoȝte þee my face; þi face, Lord, I ſhal ofte ſeche. Ne turne þou awei þi face fro me; ne bowe þou doun in wraþe fro þi ſeruaunt. Myn helpere be þou, Lord; ne forſake þou me, ne deſpiſe þou me, God, myn helþe ȝyuere. For my fader and my moder forſoken me; þe Lord forſoþe haþ take me to. Lawe ſet to me, Lord, in þi weie; and dreſſe me in a riȝt paþ for myn enemys. Ne þou ſhalt take me in to þe ſoulis of men trublende me, for þer han in riſen aȝen me wicke witneſſis; and wickidneſſe haþ lowe to þem. I leeue to ſeen þe goodis of þe Lord; in þe lond of lyueres. Abiyd þe Lord, manli do; and be coumfortid þin herte, and ſuſtene þe Lord.
Þe ſalm to þis Dauid.
To þee, Lord, I ſhal crien; my God, ne be þou ſtille fro me, leſt any time þou holde þi pes fro me; and I ſhal be lic to men fallende in to þe dich. Ful out here, Lord, þe vois of my lowe preȝing, whil I preȝe to þee; whyl I poote out myn hondis to þin holi temple. Ne take þou me togidere wiþ ſynneres; and wiþ men werkende wickidneſſe ne leeſe þou me. Þat ſpeken pes wiþ þer neȝebore; euelis forſoþe in þe hertis of hem. Ȝif to hem aftir þer werkis; and after þe wickidneſſe of þe findingus to of hem. Aftir þe werkis of þer hondis ȝif to hem; ȝelde þer ȝelding to hem. For þei vnderſtoden not þe werkis of þe Lord; and in to þe werkis of þe hondis of hym þou ſhalt deſtroȝe þem, and not bilde þem up. Bliſſid þe Lord, for he ful out herde þe vois of my lowe preiȝing. Þe Lord myn helpere, and my defendere; in hym hopide myn herte, and I am holpen. And aȝeen flourede myn fleſh; and of my wil I ſhal knoulechen to hym. Þe Lord þe ſtrengþe of his folc; and is þe defendere of þe ſauaciouns of his criſt. Lord, mac ſaf þi puple, and bleſſe to þin eritage; and gouerne þem, and enhaunce þem vnto wiþ oute ende.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, in þe endynge of þe tabernacle.
Bringeþ to þe Lord, ȝee ſones of God; bringeþ to þe Lord ſones of weþeres. Bringeþ to þe Lord glorie and wrſhipe; bringeþ to þe Lord glorie to his name; honoureþ þe Lord in his holi halle. Þe vois of þe Lord vp on watris, God of mageſte in þundrede; þe Lord vp on many watris. Þe vois of þe Lord in vertue; þe vois of þe Lord in gret doing. Þe vois of þe Lord togidere brekende cedris; and þe Lord ſhal to-breke þe cedris of Liban. And he ſhal to-poone þem as þe calf of Liban; and þe loouede as þe ſone of þe vnycornes. Þe vois of þe Lord betwene brekende þe flaume of fyr, þe vois of þe Lord hurtlende togidere deſert; and þe Lord ſhal to-ſtere þe deſert of Cades. Þe vois of þe Lord befor greiþende herttys, and he ſhal opene þe derk þingus; and in his temple alle ſhul ſey glorie. Þe Lord makeþ þe flod to duellen in; and þe Lord ſhal ſitte king wiþ oute ende. Þe Lord ſhal ȝiuen vertue to his puple; þe Lord ſhal bliſſe to his puple in pes.
Salm XXIX.
Þe ſalm of þe ſong, in þe dedicacioun of þe hous of Dauyd.
I ſhal enhaunce þee, Lord, for þou vndertoke me; and þou haſt not delitid myn enemys vpon me. Lord, my God, I criede to þee; and þou haſt helid me. Lord, þou broȝtiſt out of helle my ſoule; þou ſauediſt me fro men fallende doun in to þe lake. Doþ ſalmus to þe Lord, ȝee halewis of hym; and knoulecheþ to þe mynde of his holyneſſe. For ire in þe indignacioun of hym; and lif in his wil. At þe euetid longe ſhal abide weping; and at þe morutid glading. I forſoþe ſeide in myn abundaunce; I ſhal not be moued in to wiþ oute ende. Lord, in þi wil; þou ȝeue to my fairneſſe vertue. Þou turnediſt awei þi face fro me; and I am maad diſturbid. To þee, Lord, I ſhal crie; and to my God I ſhal lowly preȝe. What profit in my blod; whil I go doun in to corupcioun? Wheþir pouder ſhal knouleche to þee; or tellen out þi treuþe? Þe Lord herde, and rewede of me; þe Lord maad is myn helpere. Þou turnediſt my weiling in to ioȝe to me; þou to-heewe my ſac, and enuiroundeſt me wiþ gladneſſe. Þat to þee ſinge my glorie, and I ſhal not be pungid; Lord my God, in to wiþouten ende I ſhal knouleche to þee.
Salm XXX.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe ecces of mynde.
In þee, Lord, I hopide; I ſhal not be confoundid in to wiþoute ende; in þi riȝtwiſneſſe deliuere me. Bowe to me þin ere; heeȝe þat þou delyuere me. Be þou to me in to God a defendere; and in to an hous of refut, þat þou make me ſaf. For my ſtrengþe and my refut þou art; and for þi name þou ſhal ful out lede me, and ful out nurſhe me. Þou ſhalt ful out lede me fro þis grene, þat þei hidden to me; for þou art my defendere. In to þin hondis I take my ſpirit; þou boȝtiſt me, Lord God of treuþe. Þou hatediſt aboute waiteris, vanytes ouer veynliche. I forſoþe in þe Lord hopide; ful out I ſhal ioȝen, and gladen in þi mercy. For þou haſt beholde my mecneſſe; and ſauedeſt fro nedis my ſoule. And þou cloſedeſt not me in þe hondis of þe enemy; þou haſt ſett in large place my feet. Haue mercy of me, Lord, for I am trublid; diſturbid is in wraþe myn eȝe, my ſoule, and my wombe. For in ſorewe haþ failid my lif; and my ȝeris in weilingus. Enfeblid is in poreneſſe my vertue; and my bones ben diſturbid. Ouer alle myn enemys I am maad repref, and to my neȝhebores gretli; and drede to my knowen. Þat ſeȝen me, outfloun fro me; to forȝeting I am ȝiue, as a dead man fro herte. I am maad as a veſſel loſt; for I herde blamyng of manye duellende in enuyroun. In þat whyl þei ſhulde come togidere aȝen me; to take my ſoule þei counſeileden. I forſoþe in þee hopide, Lord, I ſeide, My God þou art; in þin hondys my lottis. Tac me out fro þe hondis of myn enemys; and fro men purſuende me. Liȝtne þi face vp on þi ſeruaunt, mac me ſaaf in þi mercy; Lord, I ſhal not be confoundid, for I inwardli clepide þee. Vnpitous men ſhame þei, and be þei broȝt doun in to helle; doumbe be þei made, treccherous lippis. Þat ſpeken aȝen þe riȝtwis wickidneſſe; in pride, and in abuſioun. Hou gret þe multitude of þi ſwetneſſe, Lord; þat þou hiddeſt to men dredende þee. Þou performediſt to hem, þat hopen in þee; in þe ſiȝte of þe ſones of men. Þou ſhalt hide þem in þe hid place of þi face; fro þe diſturbing of men. Þou ſhalt defende þem in þi tabernacle; fro þe aȝenſeiyng of tungis. Bleſſid þe Lord, for he made merueilous his mercy to me; in a ſtrengþid cite. I forſoþe ſeide in exces of my mynde; I am caſt aferr fro þe face of þin eȝen. Þerfore þou ful out herdiſt þe vois of myn oriſoun; whil I ſhulde crie to þee. Looueþ þe Lord, alle ȝee þe ſeintus of hym; for þe Lord ſhal aȝeen ſeche þe treuþe, and ȝelde plenteouſly to men doende pride. Manli doþ, and be counfortid ȝoure herte; alle ȝee þat hope in þe Lord.
Salm XXXI.
Þe vndirſtondyng of Dauyd.
Bliſſid of whom ben forȝiue þe wickidneſſis; and of whom couered ben þe ſynnes. Bleſſid þe man, to whom witide not þe Lord ſynne; and þer is not in þe ſpirit of hym trecherie. For I heeld my pes; inwardli eldeden my bones, whil I ſhulde crie al dai. For dai and nyȝt greued is on me þin hond; I am turned in my myſeiſe, whil wiþ ficchid is þe þorn. My gilte knowen I made to þee; and myn vnriȝtwiſneſſe I hidde not. I ſeide, I ſhal knowleche aȝen me myn vnriȝtwiſneſſe to þe Lord; and þou forȝiue þe vnpitouſneſſe of my ſynne. For þat ſhal preȝe to þee eche ſeint; in nedful time. Neuerþelatere in þe flod of manye watris; to hym þei ſhul not neȝhen. Þou art my refute fro tribulacioun, þat enuyrounde me; þou, my ful out ioȝe, pul out me fro þe enuyrounende me. Vnderſtonding I ſhal ȝiue to þee, and I ſhal enforme þee in þat weie, þat þou ſhalt go; I ſhal faſtne vp on þee myn eȝe. Wileþ not be maad as an hors and a mule; to whom is not vnderſtonding. In bernacle and bridil þe chekis of hem conſtreyne; þat neȝhen not to þee. Manye ſcourgis of þe ſynnere; þe hopere forſoþe in þe Lord, mercy ſhal enuyroune. Gladeþ in þe Lord, and ful out ioȝeþ, ȝee riȝtwiſe; and glorieþ, alle ȝee riȝt in herte.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauyd.
Ful out ioȝeþ, ȝee riȝtwiſe, in þe Lord; þe riȝte men ſemeþ togidere preiſing. Knoulecheþ to þe Lord in an harpe; in ſautre of ten cordis doþ ſalmys to hym. Syngeþ to hym a newe ſong; wel doþ ſalmys to hym in criende out. For riȝt is þe woord of þe Lord; and alle his werkis in feiþ. He loueþ mercy and dom; of þe mercy of þe Lord ful is þe erþe. By þe woord of þe Lord heuenes ben faſtned; and bi þe ſpirit of his mouþ al þe vertu of hem. Gederende as in a botel þe watris of þe ſe; and puttende ſes in treſoris. Alle þe erþe drede þe Lord; of hym forſoþe ben togidere moued alle þe indwelleris þe world. For he ſeide, and þei ben maad; he ſente, and þei ben formed. Þe Lord ſcatereþ þe counſeilis of Jentilis, repreueþ forſoþe þe þoȝtis of puplis; and repreueþ þe counſeilis of princis. Þe counſeill forſoþe of þe Lord wiþoute ende abit; þe þoȝtus of his herte in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun. Blisful þe folc of kinde, of þe whiche is þe Lord his God; þe puple þat he ches in to eritage to hym. Fro heuene beheeld þe Lord; he ſaȝ alle þe ſones of men. Fro his duelling place befor maad redi; he beheeld ouer alle, þat duelle þe erþe. Þat made arowe þe hertis of hem; þat vnderſtondiþ alle þer werkis. Þe king is not ſaued bi myche vertu; and þe ieaunt ſhal not be ſaued in þe multitude of his vertu. Deſceyuable þe hors to helþe; forſoþe in abundaunce of his vertu he ſhal not be ſaued. Lo! þe eȝen of þe Lord vp on men dredende hym; and in hem þat hopen on his mercy. Þat he pulle out fro deþ þe ſoulis of hem; and fede þem in hunger. Oure ſoule ſuffreþ þe Lord; for helpere and oure defendere he is. For in hym ſhal gladen oure herte; and in his holi name wee han hopid. Be do þi mercy, Lord, vp on vs; as wee han hopid in þee.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, whan he chaungide his chere beforn Abymalech, and he lafte hym, and he ȝide awey.
I ſhal bliſſe þe Lord in alle time; euermor his preiſing in my mouþ. In þe Lord ſhal ben preiſid my ſoule; here þe debonere, and glad þei. Magnefieþ þe Lord wiþ me; and enhaunce wee his name in to itſelf. I ſoȝte out þe Lord, and he ful out herde me; and of alle my tribulaciouns he caȝte me out. Neȝheþ to hym, and beþ liȝtid; and ȝoure facis ſhul not be confoundid. Þis pore man criede, and þe Lord ful out herde hym; and of alle his tribulaciouns ſauede hym. Þe aungil of þe Lord ſendiþ in; in þe enuyroun of men dredende hym, and he ſhal deliuere þem. Taſtiþ, and ſeeþ, for ſweete is þe Lord; blisful þe man, þat hopiþ in hym. Dredeþ þe Lord, alle ȝee ſeyntis of hym; for þer is not ſcarſneſſe to þe men dredende hym. Riche men nededen, and hungriden; forſoþe þe inwardli ſechende þe Lord ſhul not be mynuſht alle goode. Comeþ, ſonys, hereþ me; þe drede of þe Lord I ſhal techen ȝou. Who is þe man þat wil lif; looueþ to ſeen goode daȝis? Forfende þi tunge fro euel; and þi lippis þat þei ſpeke not treccherie. Turne awei fro euel, and do good; inwardlyche ſeek pes, and purſue it. Þe eȝen of þe Lord vp on þe riȝtwiſe; and þe eris of hym at þe preȝeeris of hem. Þe chere forſoþe of þe Lord vp on men doende euelis; þat he leſe fro þe erþe þe memorie of hem. Þe riȝtwiſe crieden, and þe Lord ful out herde hem; and fro alle þer tribulaciouns he deliuered hem. Neȝh is þe Lord to hem þat ben wiþ trublid herte; and þe meke in ſpirit he ſhal ſauen. Manye tribulaciouns of þe riȝtwiſe; and of alle þeſe ſhal delyuere þem þe Lord. Þe Lord kepeþ alle þe bones of hem; oon of hem ſhal not be to-broſid. Þe deþ of ſynneres þe werſte; and þei þat hateden þe riȝtwiſe ſhul gilten. Þe Lord ſhal aȝeen bie þe ſoulis of his ſeruauns; and þer ſhul not gilten alle, þat hopen in hym.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm to hym Dauid.
Deme, Lord, þe noȝende me; out fiȝt þou þe inpugnende me. Tac armis and ſheeld; and ris vp in to helpe to me. Heeld out ſwerd, and cloſe aȝen hem þat purſue me; ſei to my ſoule, I am þin helþe. Be þei confoundid, and ſhamefully drede þei, ſechende my ſoule. Be þei turned awey bacward, and confounded, þenkende to me euelis. Be þei maad as pouder beforn þe face of þe wind; and þe aungil of þe Lord to torment conſtreynende þem. Be maad þe weie of hem dercneſſis, and ſlideri; and þe aungel of þe Lord purſuende hem. For wiþoute cauſe þei hidden to me deþ of þer grene; and ouer veynly þei acuſeden my ſoule. Come to hym þe grene þat he knoweþ not, and þe taking þat he hidde cacche hym; and in þe grene falle he in it. My ſoule forſoþe ful out ſhal gladen in þe Lord; and ſhal deliten vp on his helþe ȝiuere. Alle my bones ſhul ſeyn Lord, who lic þee; takende out þe helples fro þe hond of þe ſtrengere of hym; þe nedi and þe pore fro men broſende doun hym? Riſende wicke witneſſis; þat I knew not aſkeden me. Þei ȝolden to me euelis for goodis; bareynte to my ſoule. I forſoþe whan to me þei weren heuy; was clad in an heire. I mekide in faſting my ſoule; and my preȝeere in my boſum ſhal be turned. As neȝhebore and oure broþer, ſo I wiþ pleſyde; as weilende and ſorewid, ſo I was mekid. And aȝen me þei gladiden, and came togidere; þer ben gedered vp on me ſcourgis, and I knew not. Þei ben ſcaterid, and not ficchid wiþ ſorewe; þei tempteden me, þei vndermouwiden me wiþ vndermouwing, and gnaſtiden vpon me wiþ þer teþ. Lord, whan þou ſhalt beholde, reſtore my ſoule fro þe malice doing of hem; fro leouns myn one. I ſhal knouleche to þee in a gret churche; in a ſad puple I ſhal preiſen þee. Ouerioȝe not to me þat enemyen to me wickeli; þat hatiden me wiþoute cauſe, and twincle wiþ eȝen. For to me forſoþe peſibly þei ſpeeken; and in þe wraþe of þe erþe ſpekende, treccheries þei þoȝten. And þei ȝeneden þeir mouþ upon me; þei ſeiden, Weu, weu! oure eȝen han ſeen. Þou haſt ſeen, Lord, ne be þou ſtille; Lord, ne go þou awei fro me. Ris, and ſee to my dom; my God, my Lord, in to my cauſe. Deme me aftir þi riȝtwiſneſſe, Lord, my God; and ouer ioȝe þei not to me. Sei þei not in þer hertis, Weu, weu, to oure ſoule; ne ſei þei, Wee ſhul deuouren hym. Waxe þei aſhamed, and ſhamely drede þei togidere; þat þanken to myn euelis. Be þei clad wiþ confuſioun, and ſhamefaſt drede; þat deedis of malice þenken vp on me. Ful out ioȝe þei, and glade þat wiln my riȝtwiſneſſe; and ſei þei euermor, Þe Lord be magnefied; þat wiln þe pes of his ſeruaunt. And my tunge ſhal ſweteli þenke þi riȝtwiſneſſe; al dai þi preiſing.
Salm XXXV.
In to þe ende, to þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, þe ſalm of Dauid.
The vnriȝtwiſe ſeide, þat he gilte in himſelf; þer is not þe drede of God beforn þe eȝen of hym. For treccherouſli he dide in his ſiȝte; þat his wickidneſſe be founden at hate. Þe woordis of his mouþ wickidneſſe and treccherie; he wolde not vnderſtonde þat he do wel. Wickidneſſe he ſwetli þoȝte in his couche; he ſtod neȝh to eche wey not good, malice forſoþe he hatede not. Lord, in heuene þi mercy; and þi treuþe vnto þe cloudis. Þi riȝtwiſneſſe as þe mounteynes of God; þi domes myche depneſſe. Men and beſtis þou ſhalt ſaue, Lord; as þou, God, haſt multiplied þi mercy. Þe ſones forſoþe of men; in þe coueryng of þi wengis ſhuln hopen. Þei ſhul ben inwardli drunken of þe plente of þin hous; and of þe ſtrem of þi delit þou ſhalt ȝiue þem drinke. For anent þee is þe welle of lif; and in þi liȝt wee ſhul ſee liȝt. Befor ſtrecche þi mercy to men knowende þee; and þi riȝtwiſneſſe to hem þat ben in riȝt herte. Come not to me þe foot of pride; and þe hond of þe ſynnere moue not me. Þere fellen þat werken wickidneſſe; þei ben put out, and myghten not ſtonden.
Þe pſalm of Dauyd.
Wyle þou not folewe bi enuye in warieris; ne folewen bi looue men doende wickidneſſe. For as hei ſwiftli þei ſhuln waxe drie; and as wrtis of erbis ſoone þei ſhul falle doun. Hope in þe Lord, and do goodneſſe; and indwelle þou þe erþe, and þou ſhalt be fed in þe richeſſes of it. Delite in þe Lord; and he ſhal ȝiue to þee þe aſkingus of þin herte. Opene to þe Lord þi weie; and hope in hym, and he ſhal do. And he ſhal bringen out as liȝt þi riȝtwiſneſſe, and þi dom as mydday; ſoget be þou to þe Lord, and preȝe hym. Wile þou not folewe bi enuye in hym þat waxeþ welſum in his weie; and in man doende vnriȝtwiſneſſis. Lef of fro wraþe, and forſac wodneſſe; wile þou not folewe bi enuye, þat þou be maad malicious. For þei, þat ben maad malicious, ſhul ben outlawid; ſuſtenende forſoþe þe Lord, þei ſhuln eritagen þe erþe. And ȝit a litil, and þe ſynnere ſhal not ben; and þou ſhalt ſeche þe place of hym, and not finde. Þe debonere forſoþe ſhuln eritagen þe erþe; and deliten in þe multitude of pes. Þe ſynnere ſhal waite þe riȝtwis; and gnaſte vp on hym wiþ his teþ. Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal ſcorne hym; for he beheeld forþ þat his day come. Þe ſynneres drowen out ſwerd; and benten þer bowe. Þat þei deſceyue þe pore and þe helpeles; þat þei to-hewe þe riȝte men in herte. Þe ſwerd of hem entre in to þer hertes; and þe bowe of hem be to-broke. Betere is a litil to þe riȝtwis; ouer manye richeſſis of ſynneres. For þe armys of ſynneres ſhul be to-broſid; forſoþe þe Lord confirmeþ riȝtwis men. Þe Lord knewȝ þe daȝis of þe vnwemmed; and þe eritage of hem wiþ oute ende ſhal be. Þei ſhul not ben confoundid in an euel time, and in þe daȝes of hungir þei ſhul be fulfild; for ſynneres ſhul perſhen. Þe enemys forſoþe of þe Lord, anoon as þei ſhul be maad wrſhipeful, and enhauncid; failende as ſmoke þei ſhul faile. Þe ſynnere ſhal borewe, and not paȝen; þe riȝtwis forſoþe haþ merci, and ſhal ȝelde. For bleſſende to hym þei ſhuln eritage þe erþe; curſende forſoþe to hym ſhul doun perſhe. Anent þe Lord þe going of man ſhal be dreſſid; and þe weie of hym he ſhal wiln. Whan þe riȝtwis ſhal fallen, he ſhal not ben hurtlid; for þe Lord vnderput his hond. Ȝungere I was, and forſoþe I eldede; and I ſaȝ not þe riȝtwiſe forſake, ne his ſed ſechende bred. Al dai he haþ reuþe, and leeneþ; and his ſed ſhal ben in bleſſing. Bowe doun fro euel, and do good; and indwelle in to þe world of world. For þe Lord looueþ dom, and he ſhal not forſake his ſeyntus; þei ſhul be togidere kept in to wiþ oute ende. Vnriȝtwiſe ſhul be punſhid; and þe ſed of vnpitouſe ſhal perſhen. Riȝtwiſe forſoþe ſhuln eritagen þe erþe; and indwelle in to þe world of world vp on it. Þe mouþ of þe riȝtwis ſhal ſweteli þenke wiſdam; and his tunge ſpeke dom. Þe lawe of his God in þe herte of hym; and his goingus ſhul not be ſupplauntid. Þe ſynnere beholdeþ þe riȝtwiſe; and ſecheþ to ſlen hym. Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal not forſaken hym in his hondis; ne dampne him whan it ſhal be demed to hym. Abyd þe Lord, and kep his weie, and he ſhal enhaunce þee, þat bi eritage þou take þe erþe; whan ſynneres ſhul perſhe, þou ſhalt ſee. I ſaȝ þe vnpitouſe aboue hauncid; and rerid vp as cedris of Liban. And I paſſide, and lo! he was not; I ſoȝte hym, and þer is not founden his place. Kep innocence, and ſee equite; for þei ben relikis to a peſible man. Þe vnriȝtwiſe forſoþe ſhul doun perſhe togidere; þe relikis of vnpitous men ſhul dien. Þe helþe forſoþe of þe riȝtwis of þe Lord; and þe defendere of hem he is in time of tribulacioun. And þe Lord ſhal helpen hem, and delyueren hem, and pullen hem out fro ſynneres; and ſauen hem, for þei hopeden in hym.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, in remembring of þe ſaboþ.
Lord, in þi wodneſſe ne undernyme þou me; ne in þi wraþe chaſtiſe þou me. For þin arwis ben in ficchid to me; and þou haſt confermed þin hond vp on me. Þer is not helþe in my fleſh fro þe face of þi wraþe; þer is not pes to my bones fro þe face of my ſynnes. For my wickidneſſes ouerȝiden myn hed; and as a greuous charge þei ben heuyed vp on me. Myne woundis ſtunken, and ben roten; fro þe face of myn vnwiſdam. A wrecche I am maad, and am crookid vnto þe ende; al dai al dreri I wente in. For my leendis ben fulfild wiþ deceytis; and þer is not helþe in my fleſh. I am tormentid, and I am meked ful myche; I rorede from þe weiling of myn herte. Lord, befor þee al my deſyr; and my weiling fro þee is not hid. Myn herte is al diſturbid in me; my vertu haþ forſake me, and liȝt of myn eȝen, and it is not wiþ me. My frendis and my neȝhebores; aȝen me neȝheden and ſtoden. And þat beſiden me weren fro aferr ſtoden; and fors þei maden þat ſoȝten my ſoule. And þat inwardli ſoȝten euelis to me, ſpeeken vanytees; and treccheries al day ſwetely þei þoȝten. I forſoþe as def herde not; and as doumb not openende my mouþ. And I am maad as a man not herende; and not hauende in his mouþ aȝen vndernemyngus. For in þee, Lord, I hopede; þou ſhalt ful out heren me, Lord, my God. For I ſeide, Leſt any time ouer ioȝen to me myn enemys; and whil al to-ſtirid ben my feet vp on me, grete þingus þei ſpeeken. For I in to ſcourgis am redi; and my ſorewe in my ſiȝte euermor. For my wickidneſſe I ſhal telle out; and I ſhal þenken for my ſynne. Forſoþe myn enemys lyuen, and ben confermed vpon me; and ben multeplied, þat wickeli hateden me. Þat ȝelden euelis for goodis, bacbiteden to me; for I folewede goodneſſe. Ne forſake þou me, Lord, my God; ne go þou awei fro me. Tac heede in to myn helpe; Lord God of myn helþe.
In to þe ende, þe ſong of Dauid, for Yditym.
I ſeide, I ſhal kepe my weies; þat I gilte not in my tunge. I putte to my mouþ warde; whan þe ſynnere ſhulde ſtonde aȝen me. I becam doumb, and am mekid, and heeld my pes fro goodis; and my ſorewe is renewid. Myn herte wex al hot wiþ inne me; and in my ſwete þenking ful out ſhal brenne fir. I ſpac in my tunge; Lord, mac knowen to me myn ende. And þe noumbre of my daȝes, what it is; þat I wite what failiþ to me. Lo! meſurable þou haſt put my daȝes; and my ſubſtaunce as noȝt befor þee. Neuerþelatere al vanyte; eche man liuende. Neuerþelatere in ymage paſſeþ a man; but in veyn he is al diſturbid. He treſoreþ; and vnknowiþ, to whom he ſhal gedere þo þingus. And now what is myn abiding? wheþer not þe Lord? and my ſubſtaunce anent þee is. Fro alle my wickidneſſis pul me awei; reprof to þe vnwiſe man þou haſt ȝiue me. I becam doumb, and openede not my mouþ, for þou didiſt; moue awei fro me þi ſcourgis. Fro þe ſtrengþe of þin hond I failide in blamyngus; for wickedneſſe þou chaſtiſideſt a man. Þou madeſt to flowen awei as an ireyne his ſoule; nerþelatere veynli is diſturbid eche man. Ful out here myn oriſoun, Lord, and my lowe preȝing; wiþ eris perceyue my teris. Ne be þou ſtille, for a comeling I am anent þee; and a pilgrim as alle my fadris. Forȝif to me, þat I be refreſhed, befor þat I go awei; and I ſhal be no more.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Abidende I abod þe Lord; and he beheeld to me. And he ful out herde my preȝeeris; and broȝte out me fro þe lake of wrecchidneſſe; and fro þe clei of dreſtis. And he ſette vp on a ſton my feet; and dreſſide my goingis. And he ful putte in my mouþ a newe ſong; a ditee to oure God. Manye ſhul ſee, and dreden; and hopen in þe Lord. Blisful þe man, of whom þe name of þe Lord is his hope; and aȝeen lokide not in to vanytees, and in to falſe wodneſſis. Manye þi merueilis þou haſt do, Lord, my God; and in þi þoȝtis þer is not, þat be lic to þee. I tolde beforn, and ſpac; þei ben multiplied ouer noumbre. Sacrifice and offring þou woldiſt not; eris forſoþe þou parformediſt to me. Brent ſacrifiſe, and for ſynne þou aſkideſt not; þanne I ſeide, Lo! I come. In þe hed of þe boc it is write of me, þat I do þi wil; my God, I wolde; and þi lawe in myddes of myn herte. I befortolde þi riȝtwiſneſſe in a gret chirche; lo! my lippis I ſhal not forfende, Lord, þou haſt knowen. Þi riȝtwiſneſſe I hidde not in myn herte; þi treuþe and þin helþe ȝyuere I ſeide. I hidde not þi mercy, and þi treuþe; fro myche counſeil. Þou, Lord, forſoþe ne do þou aferr þi mercy doingus fro me; þi mercy and þi treuþe euer mor vndertoken me. For þer enuyrounden me euelis, of þe whiche is no noumbre; þer caȝten me my wickedneſſis, and I myȝte not, þat I ſhulde ſee. Þei ben multiplied ouer þe heris of myn hed; and myn herte forſoc me. Holli pleſe it to þee, Lord, þat þou delyuere me; Lord, to helpen me looke aȝeen. Be þei confoundid, and ſhamefaſtli drede þei togidere; þat ſechen my ſoule, þat þei do it awei. Be þei turned al bacward, and ſhamefaſtliche drede þei; þat wiln to me euelis. Bere þey anoon þer confuſioun; þat ſeyn to me, Weu! weu! Ful out ioȝe þei, and glade vpon me, alle þat ſechen þee; and þat loouen þin helþe ȝiuere, ſey þei, Euermor be magnefied þe Lord. I forſoþe a beggere am and pore; þe Lord is biſi of me. Myn helpere and my defendere þou art; my God, ne be þou tariende.
Salm XL.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid; or, in to þe ende, þe vnderſtonding of Dauid.
Blisful þat vnderſtant vp on þe nedi and pore; in þe euele dai ſhal delyueren hym þe Lord. Þe Lord kepe hym, and quykene hym, and blisful make hym in þe erþe; and take hym not in to þe ſoule of his enemys. Þe Lord helpe bere to hym vp on þe bed of his ſorewe; al his bedding þou turnedeſt in his ſicneſſe. I ſeide, Lord, haue mercy of me; hele my ſoule, for I ſynnede to þee. Myn enemys ſeiden euelis to me; Whanne ſhal dien, and perſhen his name? And if he wente in þat he ſee, veyne þingus he ſpac; his herte ſhal gedere wickidneſſis to hym. He wente forþ outward; and ſpac in to itſelf. Aȝen me priueli grucchiden alle myn enemys; aȝen me þei þoȝten euelis to me. A wicke woord þei ſetteden aȝen me; Wheþer he þat ſlepeþ, ſhal not kaſte to, þat he ryſe aȝeen? Forſoþe þe man of my pes, in whom I hopide; þat eet my loues, magnefiede vp on me ſupplaunting. Þou forſoþe, Lord, haue mercy of me; and aȝeen rere me, and I ſhal ȝelde to þem. In þat I knew, þat þou woldiſt me; for þer ſhal not ioȝe myn enemy ouer me. Me forſoþe for innocence þou haſt vndertaken; and confermediſt me in þi ſiȝte in to wiþoute ende. Bleſſid þe Lord God of Irael; fro þe world, and in to þe world, be it do, be it do.
Salm XLI.
In to þe ende, vnderſtonding, or bi vnderſtonding, to þe ſones of Chore.
What maner deſireþ þe hert to wellis of watris; ſo deſireþ my ſoule to þee, God. My ſoule þriſtide to God, þe quyke welle; whan I ſhal comen, and apere befor þe face of God? Þer weren to me my teris, loues dai and nyȝt; whil it is ſeid to me eche day, Wher is þi God? Þeſe þingus I recordide, and helde out in me my ſoule; for I ſhal paſſen in to þe place of þe ful merueylous tabernacle, vnto þe hous of God. In þe vois of ful out ioȝing and confeſſioun; ſoun of þe etere. Whi dreri art þou, my ſoule; and whi al diſturbiſt þou me? Hope in God, for ȝit I ſhal knoulechen to hym; þe helþe ȝiuere of my chere, and my God. To myſelf my ſoule is al diſturbid; þerfore I ſhal be myndeful of þee fro þe lond of Jordan, and fro Ermonyum, þe litle hil. Þe depneſſe depneſſe inwardli clepeþ; in þe vois of þi gooteris. Alle þin heȝe þingis; and þi flodis ouer me paſſiden. In þe dai þe Lord ſente his mercy; and in þe nyȝt his ſong. Anent me oriſoun to God of my lif; I ſhal ſey to God, Myn vndertakere þou art. Whi forȝeete þou of me, and whi al ſori I go; whil þe enemy tormenteþ me? Whil my bones ben to-broken; to me repreueden myn enemys, þat trublen me. Whil þei ſeyn to me, bi alle daȝis, Wher is þi God? My ſoule, whi art þou dreri; and whi all ſturbiſt þou me? Hope in God, for ȝit I ſhal knoulechen to hym; þe helþe ȝiuere of my chere, and my God.
Salm XLII.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Deme me, God, and ſeuere my cauſe fro folc not holy; fro a wicke man, and a treccherous pul me awei. For þou art God, my ſtrengþe; whi haſt þou put me abac, and whi dreri I go, whil þe enemye tormenteþ me? Send out þi liȝt, and þi treuþe; þo þingis broȝten out me, and ladden to, in to þi holi hil, and in to þi tabernaclis. And I ſhal go in to þe auter of God; to God þat gladeþ my ȝouþe. I ſhal knouleche to þee in an harpe, God, my God; whi dreri art þou, my ſoule, and whi al to-ſturbiſt þou me? Hope þou in God, for ȝit I ſhal knoulechen to hym; þe helþe ȝyuere of my chere, and my God.
In to þe ende, to þe ſones of Chore, to þe vnderſtonding.
God, wiþ oure eris wee han herd; oure fadris befor tolden to vs. Þe werc þat þou wroȝtiſt in þe daȝis of hem; and in olde daȝis. Þin hond Jentilis ſcaterede, and þou formedeſt hem; þou tormentideſt puplis, and puttiſt out hem. Ne forſoþe in þer ſwerd þei weldeden þe erþe; and þeir arm ſhal not ſauen hem. But þi riȝþond, and þin arm, and þe liȝting of þi chere; for holli þou toke pleſaunce in hem. Þou art he, my king and my God; þat ſendiſt helþis to Jacob. In þee oure enemys we ſhul wynewe bi þe horn; and in þi name we ſhul diſpiſe inriſeris in vs. Forſoþe in my bowe I ſhal not hope; and my ſwerd ſhal not ſaue me. Forſoþe þou ſauediſt vs fro men tormentende vs; and þe hatende vs þou confoundedeſt. In God we ſhul be preiſid al dai; and in þi name we ſhul knouleche to þee in to þe world. Nou forſoþe þou haſt put vs abac, and confoundid vs; and, God, þou ſhalt not gon out in oure vertues. Þou turnediſt vs awei bacward after oure enemys; and þei, þat hatiden vs, dyuerſly caȝten to þemſelf. Þou ȝeue vs as ſhep of metis; and in Jentilis þou ſcaterediſt vs. Þou ſoldiſt þi puple wiþ oute pris; and þer was not multitude in þe togidere chaungingus of hem. Þou haſt put vs repref to oure neȝhebores; vnder mouwing and ſcorn to hem þat ben in oure enuyroun. Þou haſt put vs in to licneſſe to Jentilis; mouyng of þe hed in puplis. Al dai my ſhame is aȝen me; and þe confuſioun of my face ouercouerede me. Fro þe vois of repref puttende, and euele ſpekende; fro þe face of þe enemy, and þe purſuere. Alle þeſe þingus camyn vpon vs; and wee han not forȝete þee, and wickeli wee han not don in þi teſtament. And oure herte wente not awei bacward; and þou bowidiſt doun oure paþis fro þi weie. For þou mekediſt vs in þe place of tormenting; and ouercouerede vs þe ſhadewe of deþ. If wee han forȝete þe name of oure God; and if wee han ſprad out oure hondis to an alien God. Wheþer God ſhal not aȝeen ſechen þes þingus? he forſoþe knewȝ þe hidde þingis of þe herte. For wee ben mortefied for þee al dai; wee ben eymed as ſhep of ſlaȝtir. Rys vp, whi al ſlepiſt þou, Lord? ris vp, and putte þou not abac in to þe ende. Whi þi face turneſt þou awei? þou forȝetiſt of oure myſeiſe, and of oure tribulacioun. For mekid in pouder is oure ſoule; oure wombe is glued togidere in þe erþe. Ris vp, Lord, and help vs; and aȝeen bie vs for þi name.
In to þe ende, for hem þat ſhul ben wiþ chaungid, to þe ſones of Chore, to vndirſtondyng, þe ſong for þe loouede.
Myn herte bowide out a good woord; I ſey my werkis to þe king. My tunge þe penne of a ſcribe, ſwiftli wrytende. Fair in forme befor þe ſonus of men, grace is held out in þi lippis; þerfore bleſſide þee God in to wiþ oute ende. Be þou gird to wiþ þi ſwerd; vp on þin hipe moſt myȝtili. In þi ſhap and þi fairneſſe behold; go forþ welſumli, and regne. For treuþe, and debonerneſſe, and riȝtwiſneſſe; and þi riȝþond ſhal merueilouſly bringe þee þennes. Þin arwis ſharpe, puplis vnder þee ſhul falle; in to þe hertis of þe enemys of þe king. Þy ſete, God, in to þe world of world; þe ȝerde of þi gouernyng to eueneneſſe, þe ȝerde of þi regne. Þou loouedeſt riȝtwiſneſſe, and hatediſt wickidneſſe; þerfore enoyntide þee God, þi God, wiþ oile of gladneſſe befor þi felawis. Myrre, and þe ſwote gumme gutta, and þe ſwote erbe caſia, fro þi cloþis, fro þe yuer houſis; of þe whiche deliteden þee þe doȝtris of kingus in þi wrſhipe. Þe queen ſtod neeȝh fro þi riȝt parties in cloþing ouergilt; enuyround wiþ dyuerſete. Here, doȝter, and ſee, and inbowe þin ere; and forȝet þi puple, and þe hous of þi fader. And þe king ſhal coueite þi fairneſſe; for he is þe Lord þi God, and þei ſhul honouren hym. And þe doȝtris of Tiri in ȝiftis; þi chere ſhul louli preȝe alle þe riche men of þe folc. Al þe glorie of hym of þe doȝter of þe king fro wiþ inne, in goldene hemmes; aboute wrappid wiþ diuerſetees. Þer ſhul ben broȝt to þe king maidenes aftir hir; þe neȝheboris of hir ſhul be broȝt to þee. Þei ſhul be broȝte in gladneſſe, and ful out ioȝing; þei ſhul be lad to in to þe temple of þe king. For þi fadris ben born to þee ſones; þou ſhalt ſette þem princis vp on al erþe. Myndeful þei ſhul ben of þi name, Lord; in alle ieneracioun, and in to ieneracioun. Þerfor puplis ſhul knoulechen to þee in to wiþ oute ende; and in to þe world of world.
Salm XLV.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe priue þingis.
Oure God refut, and vertue; helpere in tribulaciouns, þat founden vs ful myche. Þerfore wee ſhul not drede, whil þe erþe ſhal be diſturbid; and hillis ſhul be born ouer in to þe herte of þe ſe. Þer ſouneden, and ben diſturbid þe watris of hem; þe hillis ben diſturbid in þe ſtrengþe of it. Þe bure of þe flod gladiþ þe cite of God; þe alþer heȝiſt halewide his tabernacle. God in þe myddel of it ſhal not be ſtirid; God ſhal helpen it erli fro þe morutid. Jentilis ben diſturbid, and reumes ben inbowid; he ȝaf his vois, moued is þe erþe. Þe Lord of vertues wiþ vs; oure vndertakere God of Jacob. Comeþ, and ſeeþ þe werkis of þe Lord; þe whiche he ſette wndris vp on erþ. Takende awei batailis vnto þe ende of þe erþe; þe bowe he ſhal to-broſe, and to-breke; armys and ſheeldis he ſhal to-brenne wiþ fyr. Takeþ heede, and ſeeþ, for I am God; I ſhal ben enhauncid in Jentilis, and I ſhal ben hauncid in þe erþe. Þe Lord of vertues wiþ vs; oure vndertakere God of Jacob.
Salm XLVI.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe ſonus of Chore.
Alle Jentilis, ioȝe ȝee wiþ hondis; gladeþ to God in vois of ful out ioȝing. For þe Lord heiȝ, ferful; a gret king ouer al þe erþe. He vnder leide puplis to vs; and Jentylis vnder oure feet. He ches to vs his eritage; þe fairneſſe of Jacob, whom he louede. God ſteȝide vp in ful ioȝe; and þe Lord in vois of trumpe. Doþ ſalm to oure God, doþ ſalm; doþ ſalm to oure king, doþ ſalm. For þe king of al erþe God; doþ ſalm wiſli. God ſhal regne vp on Jentilis; God ſit vp on his holy ſete. Princis of puplis ben gedered wiþ God of Abraham; for þe ſtronge godis of erþe hugeli ben rerid.
Þe ſalm, or þe preiſing of þe ſong of þe ſones, or to þe ſones of Chore, þe ſecounde of þe wike.
The grete Lord, and preiſable ful myche; in þe citie of oure God, in his holi hil. It is founded in ful out ioȝing of al erþe; þe mount of Sion, þe ſide of þe norþ, þe cite of þe grete king. God in his houſis ſhal be knowen; whan he ſhal vndertaken it. For lo! þe kingus of erþe ben gedered; þei camen togidere in to oon. Þei ſeende þus gretli wndreden, þei ben alle diſturbid; þei ben togidere ſtirid, trembling caȝte hem. Þere ſorewis as of þe berende child; in an hidous ſpirit þou ſhalt to-broſe þe ſhipis of Tharſis. As wee han herd, ſo wee han ſeen, in þe cite of þe Lord of vertues, in þe cite of oure God; God foundede it in to wiþ oute ende. God, wee han vndertake þi mercy; in þe myddel of þi temple. After þi name, God, ſo and þi preiſing in to þe endis of þe erþe; of riȝtwiſneſſe ful is þi riȝþond. Glade þe hil of Sion, and ful out ioȝe þe doȝtris of Jude; for þi domes, Lord. Goþ aboute Sion, and togidere biclippeþ it; telliþ in þe touris of it. Setteþ ȝoure hertes in þe vertue of it; and deliþ þe houſis of it, þat ȝee telle out in an oþer progenye. For þis is God, oure God, in to wiþoute ende, and in to þe world of world; he ſhal gouerne vs in to worldis.
In to þe ende, to þe ſones of Chore, þe ſalm of Dauyd.
Hereþ þeſe þingus, alle Jentilis; wiþ eris perceyueþ, alle þat dwellen þe world. Alle ȝee erþeli geten, and þe ſones of men; togidere in to oon, þe riche and þe pore. My mouþ ſhal ſpeken wiſdam; and þe ſwete þenking of myn herte prudence. I ſhal ful bowe in to a parable myn ere; I ſhal opene in a ſauter my propoſicioun. Whi ſhal I drede in þe euel dai? þe wickidneſſe of myn heele ſhal enuyroune me. Þat troſten in þer vertu; and in þe multitude of þer richeſſis glorien. A broþer aȝeen-bieþ not, ſhal a man aȝeenbien? and he ſhal not ȝiue to God wher of he be pleſid. And þe pris of þe aȝeen-biyng of his ſoule; and he ſhal trauaile in to wiþoute ende, and liue ȝit in to þe ende. He ſhal not ſeen deþ, whan he ſhal ſeen wiſe men diende; togidere þe vnwiſe and þe fool ſhul perſhe. And þei ſhul leue to alienes þeir richeſſis; and þe ſepulcris of hem þe hous of hem wiþoute ende. Þe tabernaclis of hem in progenye and progenye; þei clepeden þer namys in þer londis. A man, whan he was in wrſhipe, vnderſtood not; he is compariſound to vnwiſe beſtis, and lic is maad to þem. Þis weye of hem ſclaunder to þem; and aftir in þer mouþ þei ſhul togidere pleſe. As ſhep in helle þei ben ſet; and deþ ſhal tognawe þem. And þe riȝtwiſe ſhul lordſhipen of hem in þe morutid; and þe helpe of hem ſhal waxen old in helle, of þe glorie of hem. Neuerþelatere God ſhal aȝeen-bie my ſoule fro þe hond of helle; whan he ſhal take me to. Ne þou ſhalt dreden, whan riche a man ſhal be maad; and whan ſhal be multiplied þe glorie of his hous. For whan he ſhal dien, he ſhal not take alle þingus; ne ſhal go doun wiþ hym his glorie. For his ſoule in þe lif of hym ſhal be bleſſid; he ſhal knouleche to þee, whan þou weel doſt to hym. He ſhal gon in to þe progenyes of his fadris; and vnto wiþoute ende he ſhal not ſee liȝt. A man, whan he was in wrſhipe, vnderſtod not; he is compariſouned to vnwiſe beſtis, and lic is maad to hem.
Salm XLIX.
Þe ſalm to Aſaph.
God of godis, Lord ſpac; and clepide þe erþe, fro þe riſing of þe ſunne vn to þe going doun. Fro Sion þe ſhap of his fairneſſe, God openli ſhal come; oure God, and he ſhal not be ſtille. Fyr in his ſiȝt ſhal brenne out; and in his enuyroun ſtrong tempeſt. He clepide to heuene fro aboue; and þe erþe, to ſeueren his puple. Gadereþ to hym his ſeyntis; þat ordeynen his teſtament vp on ſacrifiſes. And heuenes ſhuln his riȝtwiſnes before telle; for God is domeſman. Here þou, my puple, and I ſhal ſpeke to Irael; and I ſhal witneſſe to þee, God, þi God I am. Not in þi ſacrifiſis I ſhal vndernyme þee; forſoþe þi brente ſacrifiſes in my ſiȝt ben euermor. I ſhal not take to of þin hous calues; ne of þi flockis get. For myn ben alle þe wilde beſtis of wodis; þe tame beſtis in hillis, and oxen. I knewȝ alle þe volatilis of heuene; and þe fairneſſe of þe feld is wiþ me. If I ſhal hungren, I ſhal not ſey to þee; myn is forſoþe þe roundneſſe of erþe, and his plente. Wheþir I ſhal ete fleſh of bolis? or þe blod of get I ſhal drinke? Offre to God þe ſacrifiſe of preiſing; and ȝeeld to þe heȝeſte þi vouwis. And inwardli clep me in þe dai of tribulacioun; and I ſhal pullen out þee, and þou ſhalt wrſhipe me. To þe ſynnere forſoþe God ſeide, Whi telliſt þou out my riȝtwiſneſſis; and takiſt to my teſtament bi þi mouþ? Þou forſoþe hatidiſt diſciplyne; and þrewe aferr my woordis hyndward. If þou ſeȝe a þef, þou runne wiþ hym; and wiþ auoutereres þi porcioun þou leidiſt. Þi mouþ aboundide in malice; and þi tunge ordeynde treccheries. Sittende aȝen þi broþer þou ſpeeke, and aȝen þe ſone of þi moder þou leideſt ſclaunder; þeſe þingus þou didiſt, and I heeld my pees. Þou eymedeſt wickeli, þat I ſhal be lic þee; I ſhal vndernyme þee, and ſette þee aȝen þi face. Vnderſtondeþ þis, ȝee þat forȝeten God; leſt any tyme he raueſhe, and þer be not þat deliuere. Sacrifiſe of preiſing ſhal wrſhipen me; and þere þe weie, bi þe whiche I ſhal ſhewe to hym þe giuere of þe helþe of God.
Salm L.
Þe ſalm of Dauid; whan cam to hym Naþan þe profete, whan or for he entride to Berſabee.
Haue mercy of me, God; after þi grete mercy. And after þe multitude of þi grete mercy doingus; do awey my wickidneſſe. More ouer waſh me fro wickeneſſe myn; and fro my ſynne clenſe me. For my wickidneſſe I knowe; and my ſynne aȝen me is euermor. To þee alone I ſynnede, and euel befor þee I dide; þat þou be iuſtefied in þi woordis, and ouercome whan þou art demed. Lo! forſoþe in wickidneſſis I am conceyued; and in ſynnes conceyuede me my moder. Lo! forſoþe treuþe þou loouediſt; vncerteyne and hidde þingis of þi wiſdam þou madiſt open to me. Þou ſhal ſprenge me, Lord, wiþ iſope, and I ſhal ben clenſid; þou ſhalt waſhe me, and aboue ſnowȝ I ſhal be maad al whit. To myn heering þou ſhalt ȝiue ioȝe and gladneſſe; and ful out ſhul ioȝe bones mekid. Turne awey þi face fro my ſynnes; and alle my wickidneſſes do awei. A clene herte forme in me, God; and a riȝt ſpirit inwardli newe þou in my bowelis. Ne þrowe þou me aferr fro þi face; and þin holy ſpirit ne do þou awei fro me. Ȝeld to me þe gladneſſe of þin helþe ȝiuere; and wiþ þe ſpirit principal conferme þou me. I ſhal techen wicke men þi weyes; and vnpitous men to þee ſhul ben al turned. Deliuere me fro blodis, God, God of myn helþe; and ful out ioȝende ſhal my tunge telle þi riȝtwiſneſſe. Lord, my lippis þou ſhalt opene; and my mouþ ſhal beforn telle þi preiſing. For if þou haddeſt wold ſacrifiſe, I ſhulde han ȝiuen; but forſoþe in brent ſacrifiſes þou woldeſt not deliten. Sacrifiſe to God, a ſpiritt holly trublid; a contrit herte and mekid, God, þou ſhalt not deſpiſe. Benygnely do, Lord, in þi goode wil to Sion; þat ful out be bild þe wallis of Jeruſalem. Þanne þou ſhalt taken at worþ ſacrifiſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, offringus, and brent ſacrifiſes; þanne þei ſhul putten in vp on þin auter calues.
Salm LI.
In to þe ende, þe vnderſtonding of Dauid, whan þer cam Doech Idume, and hadde told to Saul, Dauyd cam in to þe hous of Abymalech.
What glorieſt þou in malice; þat myȝti art in wickidneſſe? Al dai vnriȝtwiſneſſe þoȝte þi tunge; as a ſharp raſour þou didiſt treccherie. Þou loouediſt malice ouer benygnete; wickidneſſe mor þan to ſpeke equite. Þou loouedeſt alle þe woordis of kaſting doun; in a treccherous tunge. Þerfore God ſhal deſtroȝe þee in to þe ende, he ſhal pulle þee out, and myne þee out fro þi tabernacle; and þi roote fro þe lond of liueres. Riȝtwis ſhul ſeen, and dreden; and vp on hym þei ſhul laȝen, and ſeyn, Lo! þe man þat putte not God his helpere. But hopide in þe multitude of his richeſſis; and hadde þe maiſtri in his vanyte. I forſoþe as an oliue berende frut in þe hous of God; hopide in þe merci of God in to wiþoute ende, and in to world of world. I ſhal knouleche to þee in to þe world, for þou haſt don; and I ſhal abide þi name, for it is good in þe ſiȝte of þi ſeyntys.
Salm LII.
In to þe ende, þe vnderſtonding of Dauid for Amalech.
The vnwiſe man ſeide in his herte; Þer is not God. Þei ben corupt, and þei ben made abhominable in þer wickidneſſis; þer is not þat do good. God fro heuene beheeld vp on þe ſones of men; þat he ſee, if þer is vnderſtondende, or aȝeen ſechende God. Alle boweden doun togidere, þei ben maad vnprofitable; þer is not þat do good, þer is not vnto oon. Wheþer not alle ſhuln knowen, þat werken wickidneſſe; þat deuouren my puple as mete of bred? God þei inwardli clepeden not; þere þei trembliden bi drede, where was not drede. For God ſcaterede þe bones of hem, þat pleſen to men; þei ben confoundid, for God diſpiſide þem. Who ſhal ȝiue fro Sion þe helþe ȝiuere to Irael? whan þe Lord ſhal holli turne þe caitifte of his folc, Jacob ſhal ful out ioȝen, and Irael ſhal gladen.
Salm LIII.
In to þe ende in ditees or ympnes, in þe titlis, or vnderſtonding of Dauid, whan þer hadden come Zifei to Saul, and hadden told to Saul, Wheþir is not Dauyd hyd anentis vs?
God, in þi name mac me ſaaf; and in þi vertue deme me. God, ful out here þou myn oriſoun; wiþ eris perceyue þe woordis of my mouþ. For alienes inwardli riſen aȝen me, and ſtronge men ſoȝten my ſoule; and þei purpoſide not God befor þer ſiȝte. Lo! forſoþe God helpeþ me; and þe Lord is vndertakere of my ſoule. Turne awei euelis to myn enemys; and in þi treuþe ſcatere þem. Wilfulli I ſhal ſacrifice to þee; and I ſhal knoulechen to þi name, Lord, for it is good. For fro alle tribulacioun þou haſt deliuered me; and vpon myn enemys beheeld doun myn eȝe.
In to þe ende, in ditees or ympnes, þe vndirſtonding of Dauid.
Here þou, God, myn oriſoun, and deſpiſe þou not my lowe preȝeere; tac heede to me, and ful out here me. I am maad al ſory in myn enhaunting; and I am al diſturbid fro þe vois of þe enemy, and fro tribulacioun of þe ſynnere. For þei bowiden doun in me wickidneſſis; and in wraþe þei weren heuy to me. Myn herte is al diſturbid in me; and ferd of deþ fel vp on me. Drede and trembling camen vp on me; and al couereden me dercneſſes. And I ſeide, Who ſhal ȝiue to me federes as of a culuer; and I ſhal flee, and aȝeen reſten? Lo! I droȝ out me along fleende; and I duelte in wilderneſſe. I abod hym, þat made me ſaf; fro to litil coraiouſte of ſpirit, and fro tempeſt. Lord, put doun, and deuyde þe tungis of hem; for I ſaȝ wickidneſſe and contradiccioun in þe cite. Dai and nyȝt wickidneſſe ſhal enuyroune it vpon þe wallis of it; and trauaile in þe myddes of it, and vnriȝtwiſneſſe. And þer failede not fro þe ſtretis of it; vſure and treccherie. For if myn enemy hadde curſid to me; I ſhulde alſo han ſuffrid. And if he, þat hadde hatid me, ouer me grete þingis hadde ſpoken; I ſhulde han hid me perauenture fro hym. Þou forſoþe a man of oon inwit; my ledere, and my knowen. Þe whiche togidere wiþ me ſwete metis þou toke; in þe hous of God wee wente wiþ conſent. Deþ come vp on hem; and go þey doun in to helle lyuende. For ſhreudeneſſys in þe dwelling placis of hem; in þe myddel of hem. I forſoþe to þe Lord criede; and þe Lord ſhal ſaue me. Þe euentid and þe moru, and at myddai, I ſhal ſeyn, and befor telle; and he ſhal ful out here my voys. He ſhal aȝeen bie my ſoule in pes fro þem, þat neȝhen to me; for among manye þei weren wiþ me. God ſhal ful out heren, and meke þem; þat is befor worldis. Þer is not forſoþe to þem al hol chaunging, and þei dredde not God; he ſtraȝte out his hond in aȝeen ȝelding. Þei defouleden þe teſtament of hym, þei ben deuydid fro þe wraþe of his chere; and þe herte of hym neȝhede to. Softid ben þe woordis of hym vp on oile; and þei ben ſperis. Þroȝ vp on þe Lord þi biſyneſſe, and he ſhal nurſhe þee out; and he ſhal not ȝiue in to wiþ oute ende flotering to þe riȝtwiſe. Þou forſoþe, God, ſhalt bringe þem doun; in to þe pit of deþ. Men of blodis and treccherous ſhul not haluen þer daȝes; I forſoþe ſhal hope in þee, Lord.
Salm LV.
In to þe ende, for þe puple þat fro ſeintis is maad aferr, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title to hym, Dauid, whan þer ſhulden holden hym heþene men in Jeþ.
Haue mercy of me, God, for a man to-trad me; al day impugnende trublide me. My enemys to-treeden me al day; for manye fiȝtende aȝen me. Fro þe heiȝte of þe dai I ſhal drede; I forſoþe in þee ſhal hopen. In God I ſhal preiſe my woordis; in God I hopide, I ſhal not drede what do to me þe fleſh. Al dai þei curſiden my woordis; aȝen me alle þoȝtis of hem in to euel. Þei ſhul duelle in and hiden; þei myn heele ſhul waite. As þei ſuſteneden my ſoule for noȝt; þou ſhalt make þem ſaf in wraþe puplis þou ſhalt to-breke. God, my lif I haue out told to þee; þou puttiſt my teres in þi ſiȝte. As in þi beheſte, Lord; þanne ſhul ben al turned myn enemys bacward. In what euer dai I ſhal inwardli clepe þee; lo! I knew, for my God þou art. In God I ſhal preiſe þe woord; in þe Lord I ſhal preiſe þe ſermoun. In God I hopede; I ſhal not drede what do to me a man. In me, God, ben þi vouwis; þe whiche I ſhal ȝelde preiſingis to þee. For þou haſt deliuered my ſoule fro deþ, and my feet fro ſliding; þat I pleſe befor God in þe liȝt of liueres.
Salm LVI.
In to þe ende, ne deſtroȝe þou or ſhend Dauid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title, whan he fleiȝ fro þe face of Saul in þe den.
Haue merci of me, God, haue merci of me; for in þee troſteþ my ſoule. And in þe ſhadewe of þi wengis I ſhal hope; to þe tyme þat wyckidneſſe ouerpaſſe. I ſhal crie to þe heiȝeſt God; God þat dide weel to me. He ſente fro heuene, and deliuerede me; he ȝaf in to reprof þe tredende me. God ſente his merci and his treuþe, and toc awei my ſoule; fro þe myddel of þe leoun whelpis, I ſleep al diſturbid. Sones of men, þe teþ of hem armys and arwis; and þe tunge of hem a ſharp ſwerd. Be þou enhauncid, God, vpon heuenes; and vp on alle erþe þi glorie. Þei maden redi a grene to my feet; and þei myche crookeden my ſoule. Þei doluen befor my face a dich; and þei fellen in to it. Redi myn herte, God, redi myn herte; I ſhal ſinge and ſalm ſein. Rys vp, my glorie; ris vp, ſautre and harpe; I ſhal riſen vp erly. I ſhal knouleche to þee in puplis, Lord; and ſalm I ſhal ſei to þee in Jentylys. For magnefied is vnto heuenes þi merci; and vnto þe cloudis þi treuþe. Be þou enhauncid vp on heuenes, God; and ouer alle erþe þi glorie.
Salm LVII.
In to þe ende, ne ſhende þou or deſtroȝe Dauid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title.
If vereli alſo riȝtwiſneſſe ȝee ſpeke; euenli demeþ, ȝee ſones of men. Forſoþe in þe herte wickidneſſis ȝee werken in þe erþe; vnriȝtwiſneſſes ȝoure hondis menge togidere. Synneres ben aliened fro þe wombe; þei erreden fro þe wombe, þei ſpeeken falſe þingus. Wodneſſe to þem, after þe licneſſe of an eddere; as of a doumb eddere, and ſtoppende his eris. Þe whiche ſhal not ful out heren þe vois of þe enchaunteres; and of þe venym makere enchauntende wiſly. God ſhal to-broſe þe teþ of hem in þe mouþ of hem; and þe wang teþ of leouns þe Lord ſhal to-breke. To noȝt þei ſhul come, as water doun rennende; he bente his bowe, to þe time þat þei be feblid. As wax þat flowiþ, þei ſhul ben taken awei; fyr fel ouer, and þei ſeȝen not þe ſunne. Befor þat ȝoure þornes ſhulden vnderſtonde þe þeue þorne; as þe lyuende, ſo in wraþe he ſhal ſoupe þem vp. Þe riȝtwis ſhal glade, whan he ſeeþ veniaunce; his hondis he ſhal waſhen in þe blod of þe ſynnere. And a man ſhal ſeyn, If forſoþe þer is frut to þe riȝtwis; forſoþe God is demende þem in erþe.
In to þe ende, ne deſtroȝe þou or ſhend Dauid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title, whan Saul ſente, and kepte his hous, þat he ſhulde ſlen hym.
Tac me out fro myn enemys, my God; and fro þe inriſende in me deliuere me. Tac me out fro þe werkende wickidneſſe; and fro men of blodis ſaue me. For lo! þei token my ſoule; þer fellen in to me ſtronge men. Nouþer my wickidneſſe, ne my ſynne; Lord, wiþoute wickidneſſe I ran, and wel reulide. Rys vp in to aȝen comyng to me, and ſee; and þou, Lord God of vertues, God of Irael. Tac heede to alle Jentilis to be viſited; haue þou not mercy to alle þat werken wickidneſſe. Be þei conuertid at euen, and hunger þei ſhul ſuffre as houndys; and þei ſhul enuyroune þe cite. Lo! þei ſhuln ſpeke in þer mouþ, and ſwerd in þe lippis of hem; for who herde? And þou, Lord, ſhalt ſcorne þem; to noȝt þou ſhalt bringe alle Jentilis. My ſtrengþe to þee I ſhal kepe, for God myn vndertakere; my God, his mercy ſhal befor come me. God ſhewide to me vp on myn enemys, ne ſle þou hem; leſt any time my puplis forȝeten. Deſtroȝe þem in þi vertu; and put þem doun, Lord, my defendere. Þe gilte of þe mouþ of hem, and þe woord of þer lippis; and be þei caȝt in þer pride. And of curſing and leſing þei ſhul be told; in þe full ending. In þe wraþe of hol eende, and þei ſhul not ben; and þey ſhul wite, for þe Lord ſhal lordſhipen of Jacob, and of þe cooſtis of þe erþe. Þei ſhul be conuertid at euen, and hunger þei ſhul ſuffre, as houndis; and þei ſhul gon aboute þe cite. Þei ſhul be ſcaterid, to eten; if forſoþe þei ſhuln not be fulfild, and þei ſhul grucche. I forſoþe ſhal ſinge þi ſtrengþe; and enhauncen vp erly þi mercy. For þou art maad myn vndertakere; and my refute, in þe dai of my tribulacioun. Myn helpere, to þee I ſhal do ſalm; for God, myn vndertakere, my God, my mercy.
Salm LIX.
In to þe ende, for hem þat ſhul ben holli chaungid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title, to hym Dauyd, in to lernyng, whan he brende vp Meſopotanye of Cirie, or Cirie Sobal, and turnede Joab, and ſmot Edom in þe valei of ſalt placis, twelue þouſend.
God, þou haſt put vs abac, and deſtroȝid vs; þou wraþedeſt vs. Þou togidere mouedeſt erþe, and diſturbidiſt it; hele þe to-tredingis of it, for it is toſtirid. Þou haſt ſhewid to þi puple hard þingis; þou haſt drunken vs wiþ wyn of compunccioun. Þou haſt ȝiue to þe dredende þee toknyng; þat þei flee fro þe face of þe bowe. Þat þi loouede be deliuered, mac ſaf in þi riȝt hond; and ful out here me. God ſpac in his halewe; I ſhal gladen, and deuyde Siccymam; and þe valei of tabernaclis I ſhal meſuren. Myn is Galaad, and myn is Manaſſes; and Effraym þe ſtrengþe of myn hed. Juda, my king; Moab, þe pot of myn hope. In to Idume I ſhal ſtrecche my ſhoing; to me alienus ben ſoget. Who ſhal bringe me in to ſtrengþid cite; who ſhal bringe me in to Idume? Wheþer not þou, God, þat haſt put vs abac; and þou, God, ſhalt not gon out in oure vertues? Ȝif to vs helpe fro tribulacioun; for veyn is þe helþe of man. In God wee ſhul do vertu; and he to noȝt ſhal bringe doun men trublende vs.
Salm LX.
In to þe ende, in ympnes, þe ſalm to Dauyd.
Ful out here þou, God, my lowe preȝing; tac heede to myn oriſoun. Fro þe endus of þe erþe to þee I criede, whil myn herte ſhulde ben anguyſht; in a ſton þou enhauncidiſt me. Þou broȝteſt me out, for þou art maad myn hope; þe tour of ſtrengþe fro þe face of þe enemy. I ſhal duelle in þi tabernacle in to worldis; I ſhal be defendid in þe coueryng of þi wengis. For þou, my God, ful out herdiſt myn oriſoun; þou ȝeue þe eritage to men dredende þi name. Daȝis vp on daȝis of þe king þou ſhalt caſte to; his ȝeris vnto þe dai of ieneracioun and of ieneracioun. He abit ſtille into wiþoute ende in þe ſiȝte of God; þe merci and his treuþe who ſhal aȝeen ſechen? Soo ſalm I ſhal ſey to þi name in to þe world of world; þat I ȝelde my vouwis fro dai in to dai.
Salm LXI.
In to þe ende, for Iditym, þe ſalm of Dauyd.
Wheþer not to God ſoget ſhal be my ſoule; of hym forſoþe myn helþe ȝiuere. Forwhi and he my God, myn helþe ȝiuere, myn vndertakere; I ſhal be moued no more. Hou longe ȝee fallen in to a man? ȝee ſlen alle ȝee; as to a boowid woughe, and to a ſton wal put doun. Neuer þe latere my pris þei þoȝten to putte behinde, I ran in þriſt; wiþ þer mouþ þei bliſſiden, and wiþ þer herte curſiden. Neuer þe latere to God ſoget be þou, my ſoule; for of hym my pacience. For lo! my God and my ſaueour; myn helpere, I ſhal not gon out. In God myn helþe ȝiuere, and my glorie; God of myn helpe, and myn hope is in God. Hopeþ in hym, eche congregacioun of puple; heeldeþ out beforn hym ȝoure hertes, God oure helpere in to wiþoute ende. Neuer þe latere veyne þe ſones of men; lieris þe ſones of men in weiȝtis; þat þei deſceyue, þei of þe vanyte in to itſelf. Wileþ not hopen in wickidneſſe, raueynes wileþ not coueite; if richeſſis flowe to, wileþ not leyn to þe herte. Ones God ſpac, þeſe two þingus I herde; for þe power of God is, and to þee, Lord, mercy; for þou ſhalt ȝelde to eche man aftir his werkis.
Salm LXII.
Þe ſalm of Dauyd, whan he was in þe deſert of Ydume.
God, my God, to þee fro liȝt I wake. My ſoule þriſtide in þee; hou manyfold to þee my fleſh. In a deſert erþe and wiþoute weie, and wiþ oute water, ſo in holi I aperede to þee; þat I ſhulde ſee þi vertu, and þi glorie. For betere is þi mercy vpon lyues; my lippis ſhul preiſe þee. So I ſhal bleſſe þee in my lif; and in þi name I ſhal reren vp myn hondus. As bi talȝ and fatneſſe be fulfild my ſoule; and wiþ lippis of ful out ioȝing my mouþ ſhal preiſe. So I was myndeful of þee vp on my bedding, in þe morutidis I ſhal ſweteli þenken in þee; for þou were myn helpere. And in þe coueryng of þi wengus I ſhal ful out ioȝe, my ſoule cleuede to after þee; me þi riȝþond vndirtoc. Þei forſoþe in to veyn ſoȝten my ſoule, þey ſhul go in to þe neþermor partis of þe erþe; þei ſhul be taken in to þe hond of ſwerd, þe partis of foxis þei ſhul be. Þe king forſoþe ſhal gladen in God, and þer ſhul be preiſid alle þat ſwern in hym; for ſtoppid is þe mouþ of men ſpekende wicke þingus.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauyd.
Ful out here þou, God, myn oriſoun, whan I louli preȝe; fro þe drede of þe enemy tac awei my ſoule. Þou haſt defendid me fro þe couent of warieris; and fro þe multitude of men wirkende wickidneſſe. For þei ſharpiden out as a ſwerd þer tungis; þei benten a bowe, a bittere þing, þat þei ſheete in hid þingus þe vnwemmed. Sodeynly þei ſhul ſheten hym, and not dreden; þei faſtneden to hem a ſhreude woord. Þei tolden, þat þei ſhulden hide grenes; þei ſeiden, Who ſhal ſee þem? Þei ſercheden wickidneſſis; þei ſerchende faileden in ſerching. Þer ſhal neȝhen a man to an heiȝ herte; and God ſhal ben enhauncid. Þe arwis of litle childer ben maad þe veniauncis of hem; and þer ben feblid aȝen hem þe tungis of hem. Alle þat ſeȝen hem ben diſturbid; and eche man dredde. And þei beforn tolden þe werkis of God; and his deedis þei vnderſtoden. Þe riȝtwiſe ſhal gladen in þe Lord, and hopen in hym; and alle riȝtwiſe in herte ſhul be preiſid.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, þe ſong of Aggei, Jeremye, or Ezechiel, of þe woord of pilgrimagynge, or of þe puple of tranſmygracioun, whan þei ſhulden begynne to go forþ.
Thee ſemeþ an ympne, þou God, in Sion; and to þee ſhal ben ȝolden a vou in Jeruſalem. Ful out here þou myn oriſoun; to þee all fleſh ſhal come. Þe woordis of wicke men hadden þe maiſtri ouer vs; and to oure vnpitouſneſſis þou ſhalt be pleſid. Blisful whom þou haſt choſen, and take to; he ſhal dwelle in þin hallis. Wee ſhul be fulfild in goodis of þin hous; holi is þi temple, merueilous in equite. Ful out here vs, God, oure helþe ȝiuere; hope of alle þe cooſtis of erþe, and in þe ſe afer. Greiþende hillis in þi vertu, gird to bi power; þat diſturbiſt þe depþe of þe ſe, þe ſoun of his flodis. Jentilis ſhul ben ſturbid, and dreden þat duellen þe termes of þi tocnes; þe goingus out of þe morutid and þe euetid þou ſhalt make delitable. Þou haſt viſitid þe erþe, and maad it drunke; and þou multipliedeſt to maken it riche. Þe flod of God is fulfild wiþ watris; þou greiþedeſt þe mete of hem, for ſo is þe befor greiþing of it. Þou inwardli makende drunke þe ryueres of it, multiplie his buriounys; and in his drope fallingus ſhal glade þe buriounende. Þou ſhalt bleſſe to þe croune of þe ȝer of þi benyngnete; and þi feldis ſhul be fulfild wiþ plenteuouſte. Þe faire þingus of deſert ſhul waxe fatte; and bi ful out ioȝing litle hillis ſhul be gird aboute. Þe weþeres of ſhep ben clad, and þe valeis ſhuln abounde wiþ whete; þei ſhul crie, and forſoþe ſeyn ympne.
Salm LXV.
In to þe ende, þe ſong of þe ſalm of reſureccioun.
Ioȝeþ to God, al erþe, ſalm ſeiþ to his name; ȝiueþ glorie to his preiſing. Seiþ to God, Hou ferful ben þi werkis, Lord; in þe multitude of þi vertu ſhuln lie to þee þin enemys. Al erþe honoure þee, God, and do ſalm to þee; and ſey ſalm to þi name. Comeþ and ſeeþ þe werkis of God; ferful in counſeilis vp on þe ſones of men. Þat al turneþ þe ſe in to drie, in þe flod þei ſhul paſſe þurȝ afoote; þer wee ſhul gladen in hym. Þat lordſhipeþ in his vertu in to wiþoute ende; his eȝen vp on Jentilis beholden, þat ful out terren ſhul not ben enhauncid in hemſelf. Bleſſeþ, ȝee Jentylis, oure God; and herd makeþ þe vois of his preiſing. Þat putte my ſoule to lif, and ȝaf not in to togidere ſtiring my feet. God, for þou haſt proued vs; bi fyr þou examynedeſt vs, as ſiluer is examyned. Þou broȝtiſt vs in to þe grene, þou puttiſt tribulaciouns in oure rig; þou puttiſt in men vpon oure hedis. Wee paſſiden þurȝ fyr and watir; and þou broȝtiſt out vs in to refreſhing. I ſhal go in to þin hous in brent ſacrifiſes; I ſhal ȝelde to þee my vowis, þat determyneden my lippis. And my mouþ ſpac in my tribulacioun; brent ſacrifiſes ful of merȝ I ſhal offre to þee, wiþ encens of weþers; I ſhal offre to þee oxen wiþ get. Ȝee, alle þat dreden God, comeþ and hereþ; and I ſhal telle hou grete þingus he dede to my ſoule. To hym wiþ my mouþ I criede; and I ful out ioȝide vnder my tunge. Wickedeneſſe if I beheeld in myn herte; þe Lord ſhal not ful out here. Þerfore ful out herde God; and toc heede to þe vois of my lowe preȝing. Bliſſid þe God; þat mouede not awei myn oriſoun, and his merci fro me.
Salm LXVI.
In to þe ende, in ympnes, þe ſalm of þe ſong to Dauyd.
God haue merci of vs, and bliſſe to vs, liȝte to his chere vpon vs; and haue mercy of vs. Þat wee knowe in þe erþe þi weie; in alle Jentilis þi helþe ȝiuere. Knouleche to þee puplis, God; knouleche to þee alle puplis. Gladen and ful out ioȝe Jentilis, for þou demeſt puplis in equite; and Jentilis in þe erþe þou dreſſiſt. Knouleche to þee puplis, God, knouleche to þee alle puplis; þe erþe ȝaf his frut. Bleſſe vs God, oure God, bleſſe vs God; and drede hym alle þe cooſtus of erþe.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of þe ſong of Dauyd.
Ryſe vp God, and be ſcaterid his enemys; and flee þei þat hatiden hym fro his face. As faileþ ſmoke, faile þei, as flowiþ wax fro þe face of fyr; ſo perſhe þe ſynneres fro þe face of God. And þe riȝtwiſe ete þei, and ful out glade þei in þe ſiȝte of God; and delite þei in gladneſſe. Syngeþ to God, ſalm ſeiþ to his name, makeþ weie to hym þat ſteȝeþ vp vp on þe going doun; Lord name to hym. Ful out ioȝeþ in his ſiȝte, þei ſhul be diſturbid fro þe face of hym, fader of faderles childer; and domes man of widewis. God in his holi place; God þat makeþ to indwelle of o maner in an hous. Þe whiche bringeþ out þe bounden men in ſtrengþe; alſo hem þat terren, þat dwellen in ſepulcris. God, whan þou ſhuldeſt gon out in þe ſiȝte of þi puple; whan þou ſhuldiſt paſſe in deſert. Þe erþe is moued, forſoþe heuenus droppeden doun fro þe face of God of Synay; fro þe face of God of Irael. Wilful reyn þou ſhalt don apart, God, to þi eritage, and it is feblid; þou forſoþe madiſt it parfit. Þi beſtis ſhul duelle in it, God; þou madiſt redy in þi ſwetneſſe to þe pore. Þe Lord ſhal ȝiuen a woord; to þe euangeliſeris in myche vertue. Þe king of vertues of þe looued of þe looued; and to deuyde ſpoilis to þe fairneſſe of þe hous. If ȝee ſlepe betwe þe mene ſortis, ȝee ſhul be þe ſiluerne pennes of þe culuer; and þe hindermor of his ryg, in þe paleneſſe of gold. Whil þe heueneli deuydeþ kingis vp on it wiþ ſnowȝ, þei ſhul ben maad whit in Selmon; þe hil of God a fat hil. Þe hil cruddid togidere a fat hil; wherto ouer trowe ȝee, þe hillis cruddid togidere? Þe hil in whiche is wel pleſid to God to duelle in it; forſoþe þe Lord ſhal dwelle in to þe ende. Þe charis of God manyfold in ten þouſendys, þat ben þouſandus of men gladende; þe Lord in hem, in Syna, in holi. Þou ſteȝedeſt vp in to heiȝte, þou toke caitifte; þou toke to ȝiftis in men. Forſoþe men not beleeuende; to dwellen in þe Lord God. Bleſſid þe Lord fro dai to eche dai; welſum wei ſhal make to vs þe God of oure helþe ȝiueres. Oure God þe God of makinge men ſaf; and of þe Lord Lord þe going out of deþ. Neuerþelatere God ſhal to-breke þe hedis of his enemys; þe top of þe her of men goende in þer giltus. Þe Lord ſeide, Fro Baſan I ſhal al turne; I ſhal al turne in to þe depþe of þe ſe. Þat inwet be þi foot in blood; þe tunge of þin houndis fro hym of þe enemys. Þei ſeȝen þin ingoingus, God; þe ingoing of my God, my king, þat is in holy. Þe princis camen befor ioyned wiþ þe ſingeris; in þe myddel of þe ȝunge wymmen tympanyſtris. In chirchis bliſſeþ to God; to þe Lord of þe wellis of Irael. Þere Beniamyn, þe ȝungling; in þe exces of mynde. Princis of Juda þe dukis of hem; princis of Zabulon, þe princis of Neptalym. Send, God, to þi vertue; conferme þou, God, þat þat þou haſt wroȝt in vs. Fro þi temple, þat is in Jeruſalem; to þee offre ſhul kingus ȝiftis. Blame þe wilde beſtis of þe reed, þe gedering togidere of bolis in þe kiyn of puplis; þat þei cloſe out hem þat ben preued bi ſiluer. Scatere þou þe Jentilis þat wiln batailis, þer ſhul come meſſageris fro Egipt; Eþiope ſhal befor come his hondis to God. Reumes of þe erþe, ſingeþ to God; doþ ſalm to þe Lord. Doþ ſalm to God; þat ſteȝeþ vp vpon heuene of heuene at þe eſt. Lo! he ſhal ȝiue to his vois, vois of vertue; ȝiueþ glorie to God vp on Irael; his grete doing and his vertue in cloudis. Merueilous God in his halewis, God of Irael, he ſhal ȝiue vertue, and ſtrengþe of hys puple; bleſſid be God.
In to þe end, for hem þat ſhuln ben al chaungid, to hym Dauid.
God, mac me ſaf; for watris camen in vnto my ſoule. I am inficchid in þe ſlim of þe depþe; and þer is not ſubſtaunce. I cam in to þe heiȝte of þe ſe; and tempeſt drenchide me doun. I trauailide criende, horſe ben maad my chekis; myn eȝen failiden, whil I hope in to my God. Þei ben multeplied ouer þe heris of myn hed; þat hatiden me wiþoute cauſe. Þei ben coumfortid þat purſueden me myn enemys vnriȝtwiſly; þe þingis þat I raueſhide not, þanne I paȝide out. God, þou knoweſt myn vnwiſdam; and my giltis fro þee ben not hid. Lord, ſhame þei not in me þat abiden þee, Lord; Lord of vertues. Be þei not confoundid vp on me, þat ſechen þee; God of Irael. For I ſuffride for þee repref; ſhenſhipe couerede my face. Straunge I am maad to my breþern; and a pilgrim to þe ſonus of my modir. For looue of þin hous eet me; and repreues of men repreuende þee fallen vp on me. And I couerede in faſting my ſoul; and it is maad in to repref to me. And I putte my cloþing an heire; and I am maad to þem in to a parable. Aȝen me ſpeeken þat ſeeten in þe ȝate; and in me diden ſalm, þat drunke win. I forſoþe made myn oriſoun to þee, Lord; tyme is of þi wel pleſing, God. In þe multitude of þi mercy ful out here me; in þe treuþe of þin helþe. Tac me out fro clei, þat I be not inficchid; deliuere me fro hem þat hatiden me, and fro þe depþis of watris. Drenche me not doun þe tempeſt of water; ne ſoupe me awei þe depþe, ne þreſte vp on me þe pit his mouþ. Ful out here me, Lord, for benyngne is þi mercy; after þe multitude of þi merci doingus behoold in me. And ne turne þou awei þi face fro þi child; for I am trublid, ſwiftli ful out here þou me. Loke in to my ſoule, and deliuere it; for myn enemys tac out me. Þou knowiſt my repref; and my confuſioun, and my ſhame. In þi ſiȝte ben alle þat trublen me; repref abod myn herte, and wrecchidneſſe. And I ſuffride þat ſumman togidere ſhulde wiþ ſorewen, and þer was not; and þat ſhulde coumforten, and I fond not. And þei ȝeuen in to my mete galle; and in my þriſt þei drunke me wiþ eiſel. Be mad þe bord of hem in to a grene befor þem; and in to ȝeldingus aȝeen, and in to ſclaunder. Be al to-dercned þe eȝen of hem, þat þei ſee not; and þe rig of hem euermor crooke þou in. Heeld out vp on hem þi wraþe; and þe wodneſſe of þi wraþe al take þem. Be maad þe dwelling of hem deſert; and in þe tabernaclis of hem be þer not þat indwelle. For whom þou haſt ſmyten, þei han purſued; and vp on þe ſorewe of my woundis þei addeden. Put to wickidneſſe vp on þe wickidneſſe of hem; and entre þei not in to þi riȝtwiſneſſe. Be þei do awei fro þe boc of lyueres; and wiþ riȝtwis men be þei not write. I am a pore man, and ſorewende; þin helþe, God, vndertoc me. I ſhal preiſe þe name of God wiþ ſong; and magnefien hym in preiſing. And he ſhal pleſe to God vp on a newe calf; hornes bringende forþ, and cles. See þe pore, and glade þei; ſecheþ God, and ȝoure ſoule ſhal liue. For þe Lord ful out herde þe pore; and deſpiſide not hiſe bounden. Preiſe hym, heuenes and erþe; þe ſe, and alle crepende þingis in it. For God ſhal make ſaf Sion; and þe cites of Jude ſhul be bild vp. And þei ſhuln induelle þere; and bi eritage þei ſhul purchaſen it. And þe ſed of his ſeruauns ſhal welden it; and þat loouen his name, ſhul duelle in it.
Salm LXIX.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, in remembring þat þe Lord made hym ſaf.
God, in to myn helpe tac heed; Lord, to helpen me heeȝe þou. Be þei confoundid, and ſhameli drede þei; þat ſechen my ſoule. Be þei turned awei hindward, and waxe þei aſhamed; þat wiln to me euelis. Be þei turned awei anoon and ſhamende; þat ſeyn to me, Weu! weu! Ful out ioȝe þei, and glad in þee, alle þat ſechen þee; and ſey þei euermor, Þe Lord be magnefied, þat loouen þi ȝiuere of helþe. I forſoþe a nedi and a pore man am; God, helpe þou me. Myn helpere and my deliuerere, be þou; Lord, ne tarie þou.
Salm LXX.
Þe ſalm of Dauid is of þe ſonys of Jonadab, and of þe raþere caitiues.
In þee, Lord, I hopide; I ſhal not be confoundid in to wiþ oute ende; in þi riȝtwiſneſſe deliuere me, and tac me awei. Bowe þou in to me þin ere; and ſaue me. Be þou to me in to God defendere, and in to a ſtrengþid place; þat þou make me ſaaf. For my faſtneſſe; and my refute þou art. My God, tac me awey fro þe hond of þe ſynnere; and fro þe hond of þe doere aȝen þe lawe, and of þe wicke. For þou art my pacience, Lord; Lord, myn hope fro my ȝouþe. In þee I am confermed fro þe wombe; fro þe wombe of my moder þou art my defendere. In þee my ſynging euermor; as wndring I am maad to manye; and þou a ſtrong helpere. Be fulfild my mouþ wiþ preiſing, þat I ſynge þi glorie; al dai þi gretneſſe. Ne þrowe þou me aferr in time of elde; whan ſhal faile my vertue, ne forſake þou me. For myn enemys ſeiden to me; and þei þat kepten my ſoule counſeil maden in to oon. Seiende, God haþ forſaken hym, purſueþ, and takeþ hym; for þer is not þat take awey. God, ne be þou longid awei fro me; my God, in to myn helpe behold. Be þei confoundid, and faile þei, bacbitende to my ſoule; be þei couered wiþ confuſioun and ſhame, þat ſechen euelis to me. I forſoþe euermor ſhal hopen; and caſten to vp on alle þi preiſing. My mouþ ſhal befor telle þi riȝtwiſneſſe; al dai þin helþe ȝiuere. For I knew not lettrure, I ſhal gon in to þe poweris of þe Lord; Lord, I ſhal han mynde of þi riȝtwiſneſſe alone. God, þou haſt taȝt me fro my ȝouþe, and vn to now; I ſhal telle forþ þi merueilis. And vn to þe laſte age, and þe laſte ende of it; God, ne forſake þou me. To þe time þat I telle out þin arm; to alle ieneracioun þat is to come. Þi power, and þi riȝtwiſneſſe, God, vn to þe heȝeſte grete þingus þat þou didiſt; God, who is lic to þee? Hou grete þou haſt ſhewid to me tribulaciouns, manye and euele, and al turned þou haſt quykened me; and fro þe depneſſis of þe erþe eft þou haſt aȝeen broȝte me. Þou haſt multiplied þi grete doing; and al turned þou haſt coumfortid me. For and I ſhal knouleche to þee in veſſelis of ſalm þi treuþe, God; I ſhal do ſalm to þee in an harpe, þou holi of Irael. Ful out ſhul ioȝe my lippis, whan I ſhal ſynge to þee; and my ſoule, þat þou aȝeen boȝtiſt. But and my tunge al dai ſhal ſweteli þenke þi riȝtwiſneſſe; whan confoundid and ſhamefaſtly aferd ſhul ben þat ſechen euelis to me.
Salm LXXI.
In to Salomon.
God, þi dom ȝif to þe king; and þi riȝtwyſneſſe to þe ſone of þe king. To demen þi puple in riȝtwiſneſſe; and þi pore men in dom. Vndertake mounteynes pes to þe puple; and þe hillis riȝtwiſneſſe. He ſhal deme þe pore men of þe puple; and ſaf he ſhal make þe ſonus of pore men; and he ſhal meke þe falſe acuſere. And he ſhal abide ſtille wiþ þe ſunne, and befor þe mone; in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun. He ſhal come doun as reyn in to flees; and as drope falling droppende vp on erþe. In his daȝis ſhal ſpringe riȝtwiſneſſe, and aboundaunce of pes; to þe time þat þe mone be don awei. And he ſhal lordſhipen fro þe ſe vn to þe ſe; and fro þe flod vnto þe termes of þe roundneſſe of londis. Beforn hym ſhul falle doun Eþiopis; and his enemys þe erþe ſhul licken. Þe kingis of Tharſis and ylis ſhuln offre deſerued ȝiftys; þe kingus of Arabs and Saba free ȝiftis ſhul bringe to. And þer ſhuln honouren hym alle kingus; alle Jentilis ſhul ſerue to hym. For he ſhal deliuere þe pore fro þe myȝti; and þe pore to whom was not an helpere. He ſhal ſpare to þe pore, and to þe helpeles; and þe ſoulis of pore men he ſhal make ſaaf. Fro vſuris and wickidneſſe he ſhal aȝeen bie þe ſoulis of hem; and wrſhipeful þe name of hem beforn hym. And he ſhal lyue, and þer ſhal be ȝiue to hym of þe gold of Arabie; and þei ſhul honouren of it, al day þei ſhul bliſſe to hym. Þer ſhal be faſtnyng in þe erþe, in þe heȝeſt þingis of mounteynes; þer ſhal ben aboue hauncyd aboue Liban his fruyt; and þei ſhul floure fro cite, as þe hei of erþe. Be his name bliſſid in to worldis; beforn þe ſunne abit ſtille his name. And þer ſhul be bliſſid in hym alle þe linagis of erþe; alle Jentilis ſhul magnefien hym. Bliſſid be þe Lord God of Irael; þat doþ merueilous þingus alone. And bleſſid be þe name of his maieſte in to wiþoute ende; and þer ſhal be fulfild wiþ his maieſte al erþe; be it do, be it do. Þer faileden preiſingis, or ympnes of Dauid, ſone of Jeſſe.
Þe ſalm of Aſaf.
Hou good þe God of Irael; to hem þat ben in riȝt herte. My feet forſoþe ben almoſt moued; almoſt ben held doun my goingis. For I enuyede vp on wicke men; ſeande þe pes of ſynneres. For þer is not reſpit to þe deþ of hem; and faſtnyng in þe wounde of hem. In þe trauaile of men þei ben not; and wiþ men þei ſhul not be ſcourgid. Þerfore heeld hem pride; þei ben couered wiþ wickidneſſe, and wiþ þer vnpitouſneſſe. Wente forþ as of talȝ þe wickidneſſe of hem; þei ouerpaſſiden in to luſt of herte. Þei þoȝten and ſpeeke ſhreudeneſſe; wickidneſſe in heiȝte þey ſpeeken. Þei putten in to heuene þer mouþ; and þe tunge of hem wente in þe erþe. Þerfore ſhal ben conuertid my puple heer; and fulle daȝis ſhul be founden in hem. And þei ſeiden, Hou wot God; and wheþer is þer kunyng in heiȝte? Lo! þo ſynneres, and abundende in þe world; weldeden richeſſis. And I ſeide, Þanne wiþ oute cauſe I iuſtefiede myn herte; and weſh among innocentis myn hondis. And I was ſcourgid al dai; and my chaſtiſing in þe morutidis. If I ſeide, I ſhal telle þus; lo! þe nacioun of þi ſones I haue repreued. I eymede, þat I ſhulde knowe þat; trauaile is befor me. To þe tyme þat I entre in to þe ſeyntuarie of God; and vnderſtonde in þe laſte þingus of hem. Neuerþelatere for treccheries þou leidiſt to hem; þou þrewe hem doun, whil þei weren rerid vp. What maner be þei maad in to deſolacioun; feerli þei faileden, þei perſhiden for þer wickidneſſe. As a ſweuene of riſende men; Lord, in þi cite þe ymage of hem to noȝt þou ſhalt bringe. For enflaumed is myn herte, and my reenys ben al chaungid; and I to noȝt am broȝt, and I wiſte not. As a beeſte I am maad anent þee; and I euermor wiþ þee. Þou heelde my riȝt hond, and in þi wil þou broȝtiſt me þennys; and wiþ glorie þou vndertoke me. What forſoþe is to me in heuene; and of þee what wolde I vp on erþe? My fleſh failide, and myn herte; God of myn herte, and my part, God in to wiþoute ende. For loo! þat longen hemſelf awei fro þee ſhul perſhen; þou loſtiſt alle þat don fornycacioun fro þee. To me forſoþe to cleue to God is good; to putten in þe Lord God myn hope. Þat I telle out alle þi prechingus; in þe ȝatis of þe doȝter of Sion.
Þe vnderſtonding of Aſaf.
Wherto, God, haſt þou put abac in to þe ende; þi wodneſſe wraþide vpon þe ſhep of þi leſwe? Myndeful be þou of þi congregacioun; þat þou weldedeſt fro þe begynnyng. Þou haſt aȝeen boȝt þe ȝerde of þin eritage; þe hil of Sion in whiche þou dwellidiſt in it. Rere vp þin hondis in to þe pridis of hem in to þe ende; hou grete þingis wariede þe enemy in þe holi. And þei glorieden þat hateden þee; in þe myddel of þi ſolempnete. Þei putten þer tocnes, tocnes; and þei knewe not as in þe going out vpon þe heȝiſt. As in a woode of trees wiþ axis þei heewen doun þe ȝatis of it in to itſelf; in axis and hachet þei þrewen it doun. Þei brenden vp wiþ fyr þi ſeintuarie; in þe erþe þei defouleden þe tabernacle of þi name. Þei ſeiden in þer herte, þe kinrede of hem togidere; To reſten make wee alle þe feſte daȝis of God fro þe erþe. Oure ſignes wee han not ſeen, now þer is not a profete; and he ſhal knowen vs no more. Hou longe, God, þe enemye ſhal repreue? þe aduerſarie vnlefulli takeþ þi name in to þe ende. Wherto turneſt þou awei þin hond, and þi riȝþond fro þi myddel boſum in to þe ende? God forſoþe oure king befor worldis; wroȝte helþe in þe myddes of erþe. Þou haſt confermed in þi vertu þeſe; þou al to-trublidiſt þe hedis of dragounys in watris. Þou haſt tobroke þe hedis of þe dragoun; þou haſt ȝiuen hym mete to þe puplis of Eþiope. Þou haſt waſtid þe wellis, and þe ſtremes; þou haſt dried þe flodis of Eþam. Þin is þe dai, and þin is þe nyȝt; þou forgediſt þe morutyd and þe ſunne. Þou madeſt alle þe termes of erþe; ſomer and ver time, þou formediſt hem. Myndeful be þou of þis, þe enemy putte repref to þe Lord; and þe vnwiſe puple terrede þi name. Ne take þou to beſtis ſoulis knoulechende to þee; and þe ſoulis of þi pore men ne forȝete þou in to þe ende. Behold in to þi teſtament; for þei ben fulfild, þat ben dercned of erþe; bi þe houſis of wickidneſſis. Ne be turned awei þe meke maad confundid; þe pore and þe helpelis ſhul preiſe þi name. Rys vp, God, deme þou þi cauſe, myndeful be þou of þi repreues of hem; þat of þe vnwiſe man ben al day. Ne forȝete þou þe voiſis of þin enemys; þe pride of hem þat hateden þee, ſteȝeþ vp euermor.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of þe ſong of Aſaf, ne deſtroȝe þou, or ſhend.
Wee ſhul knouleche to þee, God, we ſhul knouleche; and inwardli wee ſhul clepe þi name. Wee ſhul telle þi merueilis, whan I ſhal take tyme; I riȝtwiſneſſis ſhal deme. Molten is þe erþe, and alle þat dwellen in it; I confermede þe pileeris of it. I ſeide to þe wicke men, Wileþ not wickidli don; and to þe gilteris, Ne wileþ not reren vp þe horn. Wileþ not reren up in to heiȝte ȝoure horn; wileþ not ſpeken aȝen God wickidneſſe. For nouþer fro þe eſt, ne fro þe weſt, ne fro deſert hillis; for God is þe domyſman. Þis he mekiþ, and þis he enhaunceþ; for þe chalis in þe hond of þe Lord of cler wyn, ful of mengd. And he bowide in of þat in to þat; nerþelatere þe dreſte of it is not waſtid out, þer ſhul drinke of it alle þe ſynneres of erþe. I forſoþe ſhal telle out in to þe world; I ſhal ſynge to God of Jacob. And alle þe hornes of ſynneres I ſhal to-breke; and þe hornes of þe riȝtwis ſhul ben enhauncid.
Salm LXXV.
In to þe ende, in ditees, þe ſong to þe Aſſiries, þe ſalm of Aſaf.
Knowen is God in Jewerie; in Irael gret is his name. And maad is in pes his place; and his duelling in Sion. Þere he al to-brac poweris; bowe, ſheld, ſwerd, and bataile. Þou art liȝtende merueilouſly fro þe euere laſtende mounteynes; alle þe vnwiſe men ben diſturbid in herte. Þei ſleepen þer ſlep aſlep, and no þing founden; alle þe men of richeſſis in þer hondis. Fro þi blamyng, God of Jacob; nappeden þat ſtieȝeden vp horſis. Ferful þou art, and who ſhal wiþſtonde to þee? fro þanne þi wraþe. Fro heuene herd þou haſt maad dom; þe erþe tremblide, and reſtide. Whan God ſhulde riſe vp in to dom; þat he make ſaaf alle þe debonere of erþe. For þe þenking of a man ſhal knouleche to þee; and þe relikis of a þenking a feſte dai ſhul do to þee. Vouwiþ, and ȝeldeþ to þe Lord ȝoure God; alle ȝee þat in his enuyroun bringen to ȝiftis. To þe ferful, and to hym þat doþ awey þe ſpirit of princis; to þe ferful anent alle kingus of erþe.
In to þe ende, for Iditym, þe ſalm to Aſaf.
In my vois to þe Lord I criede, in my vois to God; and he tooc heede to me. In þe dai off my tribulacioun God I ſoȝte out wiþ myn hondis; þe nyȝt forn aȝen hym, and I am not deſeyued. My ſoule forſoc to be coumfortid; myndeful I was of God, and dilitide, and am enhauntid, and my ſpirit failide. Myn eȝen looke to forn wakingus; I am diſturbid, and I ſpac not. I þoȝte olde daȝis; and euere laſtende ȝeeris in mynde I hadde. And I ſweteli þoȝte in þe nyȝt wiþ myn herte; and I was enhauntid, and I ſwepte my ſpirit. Wheþer in to wiþoute ende God ſhal þrowe aferr; or he ſhall not lei to, þat he be more pleſid ȝit? Or in to þe ende his mercy he ſhal kutte awey; fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun? Or God ſhal forȝete to han merci; or he ſhal wiþholden in his wraþe his mercies? And I ſeide, Now I haue begunne; þis chaunging of þe riȝþalf of þe heȝe. I was myndeful of þe werkis of þe Lord; for I ſhal be myndeful fro þe begynnyng of þi merueilis. And I ſhal ſweteli þenke in alle þi werkis; and in þi findingis I ſhal ben enhauntid. God, in þe holi þi wey; who gret God as oure God? þou art God, þat doſt merueilis. Knowen þou haſt maad in puplis þi vertu; þou haſt aȝeen boȝt in þin arm þi puple, þe ſones of Jacob and of Joſeph. Þer han ſeen þee watris, God, þer han ſeen þee watris, and þei dredden; and diſturbid ben þe depneſſis. Þe multitude of þe ſoun of watris; a vois ȝeuen þe cloudis. Forſoþe þin arwis paſſeden þurȝ; þe vois of þi þunder in a whel. Þi ſhynyngus liȝteden to þe roundneſſe of þe erþe; it is togidere moued; and þe erþe togidere tremblide. In þe ſe þi weye; and þi ſties in manye watris; and þi ſteppis ſhul not be knowen. Þou broȝtiſt out as ſhep þi puple; in þe hond of Moiſes and Aaron.
Þe vnderſtonding of Aſaf.
Takeþ tente, my puple, to my lawe; inwardli bowiþ ȝoure ere in to þe woordis of my mouþ. I ſhul opene in parablis my mouþ; I ſhal ſpeke propoſiciouns fro þe begynnyng. Hou grete þingis wee han herd, and han knowe þem; and oure fadris tolden to vs. Þei ben not hid fro þer ſones; in an oþer ieneracioun. Tellende þe preiſingus of þe Lord, and his vertues; and his merueilis, þat he dide. And he rerede witneſſing in Jacob; and lawe he putte in Irael. Hou grete þingis he ſente to oure fadris, to make þoo þingus knowe to þer ſones; þat þe toþer ieneracioun knowe. Þe ſonus, þat ſhul be born, and riſen out; ſhul tellen out to þer ſones. Þat þei putte in God þer hope, and þei forȝete not þe werkis of God; and his heſtis þei out ſeche. Leſt þei be maad as þer fadris; a ſhreude ieneracioun and a terrende out. A ieneracioun þat dreſſide not his herte; and his ſpirit is not take wiþ God. Þe ſones of Effraym lokende in, and ſendende a bowe; ben turned in þe dai of bataile. Þei kepten not þe teſtament of God; and in his lawe þei wolden not go. And þei forȝeten his benefetis; and his merueylis, þat he ſhewide to þem. Befor þe fadris of hem he dide merueilis in þe lond of Egipt; in þe feld of Tafneos. He betwen vp brac þe ſe, and þurȝ broȝte þem; and ſette þe watris as in a botel. And he ladde hem þennes in þe cloude of þe day; and al nyȝt in þe liȝtnyng of fyr. He betwe brac þe ſton in wilderneſſe; and watride hem as in a myche deep water. And he broȝte out water of þe ſton; and he ladde out watris as flodis. And þei leide to ȝit to ſynnen to hym; in to wraþe þei ſtiriden þe heȝe, in vnwatri place. And þei tempteden God in þer hertis; þat þei aſke metis to þer ſoulis. And euele þei ſpeken of God; þei ſeiden, Wheþer God ſhal moun make redi a bord in deſert? For he ſmot þe ſton, and þer floweden watris; and þe ſtremes maden to flowen. Wheþer and bred he ſhal moun ȝiue; or greiþen a bord to his puple? Þerfore þe Lord herde, and lafte of; and fyr is tend up in Jacob; and wraþe is ſteȝed vp in Irael. For þei leeueden not in God; ne hopiden in his helþe ȝiuere. And he ſente to þe cloudes fro aboue; and þe ȝatis of heuene he openede. And he reynede to hem manna to ete; and þe bred of heuene he ȝaf to hem. Man eet þe bred of aungelis; metis he ſente to hem in abundaunce. He tranſlatide þe ſouþ fro heuene; and broȝte in his vertue þe ſouþerne wynd. And he reynede vp on hem fleſh as pouder; and federed volatilis, as þe grauel of þe ſe. And þei fellen in þe myddil of þe tentys of hem; aboute þer tabernaclis. And þei eeten, and ben fulfild ful myche, and þer deſir he broȝte to þem; þei ben not bigilid fro þer deſir. Ȝit þeir metis weren in þe mouþ of hem; and þe wraþe of God ſteiȝide vp upon hem. And he ſloȝ þe fatte men of hem; and þe choſen men of Irael he lettide. In alle þeſe þingus þei ſynneden ȝit; and þei leeueden not in his merueilis. And þe daȝis of hem failiden in vanytee; and þe ȝeeris of hem in wiþheeȝing. Whan he ſhulde ſlen hem, þei ſoȝten him; and weren turned aȝeen, and þe morutid þei camen to hym. And þei be remembrid, for God is þer helpere; and þe heȝe God is þe aȝeenbiere of hem. And þei looueden hym in þer mouþ; and in þer tunge þei lieden to hym. Þe herte forſoþe of hem was not riȝt wiþ hym; ne feiþful þei ben had in þe teſtament of hym. He forſoþe is merciful, and pleſid ſhal be maad to þe ſynnes of hem; and he ſhal not ſcatere þem. And he abundede, þat he turne awei his wraþe; and he teende not vp al his wraþe. And he recordide, for þei ben fleſh; a ſpirit goende, and not turnende aȝeen. Hou ofte ſiþis þei out terreden hym in deſert; in to wraþe þei toſtiriden hym in vnwatri place. And þei ben turned, and tempteden God; and holy Irael þei ful out terreden. Þei ben not recordid of his hond; þe dai þat he boȝte hem fro þe hond of þe trublere. As he putte in Egipt his ſignes; and his wunders in þe feld of Thaneos. And he turnede into blod þe flodis of hem; and þer ciſternes, þat þei ſhulde not drinke. And he ſente in to þem an hound fleȝe, and it eet hem; and a frogge, and it deſtroȝede þem. And he ȝaf to ruſt þe frutis of hem; and þer trauailis to a locuſt. And he ſloȝ in hail þe vynes of hem; and þer mulberie trees in froſt. And he toc to hail þe beſtis of hem; and þe poſſeſſioun of hem to fyr. He ſente in to þem þe wraþe of his indignacioun; indignacioun, and wraþe, and tribulacioun, in ſendingus bi euele aungelis. A weie he made to þe paþ of his wraþe, and he ſparide not fro þe deþ of þe lyues of hem; and þe beſtis of hem in deþ he cloſide. And he ſmot alle þe firſte goten in þe lond of Egipt; þe firſt frutis of alle þe trauayle of hem in þe tabernaclis of Cham. And he toc awei as ſhep his puple; and he ladde hem þurȝ as a floc in deſert. And he ladde hem þennys in hope, and þei dreden not; and þe enemys of hem þe ſe couerede. And he inladde þem in to þe hil of his halewing; þe hil þat his riȝþond purchaſide. And he caſte out fro þe face of hem Jentilis; and bi lot he deuydede to hem þe erþe in þe litle corde of deling. And he made to dwelle in þe tabernaclis of hem þe linagis of Irael. And þei tempteden, and ſharpli terreden þe heȝe God; and his witneſſingus þei kepten not. And þey turneden þemſelf awei, and þei kepten not couenaunt; as þer fadris ben turned in to a ſhreude bowe. In to wraþe þei ſtiriden hym in þer hillis; and in þer grauen þingis to ielouſte þei terreden hym. God herde, and deſpiſide; and to noȝt he broȝte gretli Irael. And he putte abac þe tabernacle of Silo; his tabernacle wher he dwelte in men. And he toc into caitifte þe vertu of hem; and þe fairneſſe of hem in to þe hondus of þe enemy. And he cloſide in ſwerd his puple; and his eritage he diſpiſide. Ȝunge men of hem þe fyr eet; and þe maidenes of hem ben not weilid. Þe preſtis of hem in ſwerd fellen; and þe widewis of hem weren not wept. And þe Lord is rerid vp, as ſlepende; as myȝti drunken of win. And he ſmot his enemys in to þe hindermor partis; euere laſting repref he ȝaf to þem. And he putte abac þe tabernacle of Joſep; and þe linage of Effraym he ches not. But he ches þe linage of Juda; þe hil of Sion, þat he loouede. And he bilde vp as vnycorn his holi making; in þe lond, þat he foundede in to worldus. And he ches Dauid his ſeruaunt, and he bar hym vp fro þe flockis of ſhep; fro þe aftir berende blet he toc hym. To fede Jacob his ſeruaunt; and Irael his eritage. And he fedde hem in þe innocence of his herte; and in þe vnderſtondingus of þer hondis he ladde hem þenes.
Þe ſalm to Aſaf.
God, Jentilis camen in to þin eritage; þei defouleden þin holi temple, þei putte Jeruſalem in to þe keping of applis. Þei putte þe ſmyten to deþ of þi ſeruauntis, metis to þe foulis of heuene; fleſh of þi ſeintis to þe beſtis of erþe. Þei ſhadden out þe blod of hem, as water in þe enuyroun of Jeruſalem; and þer was not þat ſhulde birie. Wee be maad repref to oure neȝheboris; mouwing and ſcornyng to þem, þat ben in oure cumpas. Hou longe, Lord, þou ſhalt wraþen in to þe ende? ſhal be tend vp as fyr þi ielouſte? Heeld out þi wraþe in to Jentilis, þat han not knowe þee; and in to reumes, þat þi name han not inwardli clepid. For þei eete Jacob; and hys place þei han maad deſolat. Ne þou ſhalt han mynde of oure olde wickidneſſis, ſoone ſhul befor taken vs þi mercies; for pore men wee ben maad ful myche. Help vs, God, oure helþe ȝiuere, and for þe glorie of þi name, Lord, deliuere vs; and pleſid be þou to oure ſynnes for þi name. Leſt parauenture þei ſey in Jentilis, Wher is þe God of hem? and yt waxe ful knowen in naciouns beforn oure eȝen. Þe veniaunce of þe blod of þi ſeruauns, þat is held out; go in to þi ſiȝte þe weiling of þe gyued men. After þe mykilneſſe of þin arm; weld þe ſones of þe don to deþ. And ȝeld to oure neȝheboris ſeuefold in þe boſum of hem; þe repref of þem, þat þei repreueden þee, Lord. Wee forſoþe þi puple, and þe ſhep of þi leſwe; ſhul knouleche to þee in to þe world. In ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun; wee ſhul telle out þi preiſing.
In to þe ende, for hem þat ſhul ben al holli chaungid, þe ſalm for þe Aſſiries; þe witneſſing of Aſaph.
Thou þat gouerneſt Irael, tac heed; þat lediſt as a ſhep Joſeph. Þat ſittiſt vp on cherubyn; be þou maad open beforn Effraym, Beniamyn, and Manaſſe. Rere vp þi myȝt, and cum; þat ſaf þou make vs. God, conuerte þou vs, and ſheu þi face; and wee ſhul be ſaf. Lord God of vertues; hou longe ſhalt þou wraþe vpon þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt? Þou ſhalt feden vs wiþ bred of teris; and drinke þou ſhalt ȝiue to vs in teris in meſure. Þou haſt put vs in contradiccioun to oure neȝheboris; and oure enemys bemoweden vs. God of vertues, conuerte þou vs; and ſheu þi face, and wee ſhul be ſaf. Þou tranſlatidiſt a vyne fro Egipt; þou caſtidiſt out Jentilis, and plauntidiſt it. Duke of þe weie þou were in his ſiȝt; and þou plauntidiſt his rootis, and it fulfilde þe erþe. His ſhadewe couerede hillis; and his ſhrubbis þe ceders of God. He ſtraȝte out his braunchis vnto þe ſe; and vnto þe flod his railingus. Wherto deſtroȝidiſt þou his wal; and pullen it alle þat gon beſide þe weie? Þe bor of þe wode outlawide it; and þe ſinguler wilde beſte deſtroȝide it. God of vertues, be þou turned, behold fro heuene, and ſee; and viſite þou þis vyne. And parfitli mac it, þat þi riȝþond plauntide; and vp on þe ſone of man, whom þou haſt confermed to þee. Þe tend vp þingis wiþ fyr, and þe vnder doluen; of þe blamyng of þi chere ſhul perſhen. Þin hond be don vp on þe man of þi riȝþond; and vp on þe ſone of man, whom þou haſt confermed to þee. And wee goon not awei fro þee; þou ſhalt quykene vs, and þi name wee ſhul inwardli clepe. Lord God of vertues, conuerte vs; and ſheu þou þi face, and wee ſhul be ſaf.
Salm LXXX.
In to þe ende, for þe preſſis, ſalmto þat Aſaf, in þe fifte dai of þe wike.
Ful out ioȝiþ to God, oure helpere; ioȝeþ to God of Jacob. Takeþ ſalm, and ȝyueþ timbre; a merie ſautre wiþ an harpe. Trumpeþ in þe newe mone; wiþ a trumpe in þe noble dai of oure ſolempnete. For comaundement in Irael it is; and dom to God of Jacob. Witneſſing in Joſeph he putte it; whan he ſhulde gon out of þe lond of Egipt, þe tunge þat he hadde not knowe, he herde. He turnede awei fro birþenes his rig; his hondis in þe cofin ſerueden. In tribulacioun þou inwardli clepidiſt me, and I deliuerede þee; I ful out herde þee in þe hid place of tempeſt, I preuede þee anentis þe watir of contradiccioun. Here þou, my puple, and I ſhal witneſſe to þee, Irael, if þou ſhalt here me, þer ſhall not be in þee a freſh God; ne þou ſhalt honoure an alien God. I forſoþe am þe Lord þi God, þat ladde þee out fro þe lond of Egipt; ſpreed abrod þy mouþ, and I ſhal fulfille it. And my puple herde not my vois; and Irael toc not heed to me. And I lafte þem after þe deſiris of þer herte; þei ſhul gon in þer findingus. If my puple hadde herde me; Irael, if in my weies hadde go. For noȝt perauenture þe enemys of hem I ſhulde han mekid; and vpon men trublende þem I ſhulde han put myn hond. Þe enemys of þe Lord lieden to hym; and þe time of hem ſhal ben in to worldis. And he fedde þem of þe talȝ of whete; and of þe ſton wiþ hony he fulfilde hem.
Þe ſalm of Aſaf.
God ſtod in þe ſynagoge of godis; in þe myddel forſoþe godis he ſeuereþ. Hou longe ȝee demen wickidneſſe; and þe facis of ſynneres ȝee taken? Demeþ to þe nedy, and to þe moderles child; þe meke and þe pore iuſtefieþ. Takeþ awei þe pore; and þe nedi fro þe hond of þe ſynnere deliuereþ. Þei knewen not, ne vnderſtoden, in dercneſſis þei gon; þer ſhul be moued alle þe foundemens of erþe. I ſeide, godis ȝee ben; and þe ſones of þe heȝe alle. Ȝee forſoþe as men ſhul dien; and as oon of þe princys ſhul falle. Rys, God, deme þou þe erþe; for þou ſhalt eritagen in alle Jentilis.
Þe ſong of þe ſalm of Aſaf.
God, who ſhal be lic to þee? ne holde þou þi pes, ne be þou refreyned, God. For loo! þin enemys ſouneden; and þei þat hateden þee beeren vp þe hed. Vp on þi puple in malice ordeyneden a counſeyl; and þoȝten aȝen þi ſeyntis. Þei ſeiden, Comeþ, and ſcatere wee þem fro þe folc; and be no mor remembrid þe name of Irael. For þei þoȝten alle of oon inwit; togidere aȝen þee a teſtament diſpoſiden þe tabernaclis of Ydumees and Iſmaelitis. Moab, and Agarienes, Jebal, and Amon, and Amelech; alienes wiþ þe dwelleris of Tyrum. Forſoþe Aſſur cam wiþ þem; and þei ben maad in to helpe to þe ſones of Loþ. Do to þem as to Madian, and Ciſare; as to Jabyn in þe ſtrem of Ciſon. Þei perſhiden in Endor; þei ben maad as þe drit of erþe. Put þe princis of hem as Oreb and Zeb; and Zebie and Zalmana. Alle þe princis of hem, þat ſeiden; Bi eritage welde wee þe ſeintuarie of God. My God, put hem as a wheel; and as ſtobil befor þe face of wind. As fyr þat brenneþ a wode; and as flaume togidere brennende hillis. So þou ſhalt purſue þem in þi tempeſt; and in þi wraþe þou ſhalt diſturbe þem. Fulfil þe facis of hem wiþ ſhenſhipe; and þei ſhul ſeche þi name, Lord. Waxe þey aſhamed, and be þei al diſturbid in to þe world of world; and be þei confoundid and perſhe. And knowe þei, for name to þee Lord; þou onli heȝeſt in al þe erþe.
In to þe ende, for þe preſſis, to þe ſonus of Chore, þe ſalm.
Hou looued ben þi tabernaclis, Lord of vertues; my ſoule coueiteþ, and failiþ in to þe hallis of þe Lord. Myn herte and my fleſh; ful out ioȝeden in to God alyue. Forſoþe þe ſparowe fonde to hym an hous; and þe turtil a neſt, wher he leye vp his briddis. Þin auteres, Lord God of vertues; my king, and my God. Blisful þat dwellen in þin hous, Lord; in to þe worldis of worldis þei ſhul preiſe þee. Blisful þe man, whos helpe is of þee; ſteȝingus vp in his herte he diſpoſide, in þe valei of teris, in þe place þat he ſette. Forſoþe bleſſingus ſhal ȝiue þe lawe berere, þei ſhul go fro vertue in to vertue; God of godis ſhal ben ſeen in Sion. Lord God of vertues, ful out here myn oriſoun; wiþ eris parceyue þou, God of Jacob. Oure defendere, God, loke þou to, and behold in to þe face of þi criſt. For betere is oo dai in þin hallis; ouer þouſendis. I ches to be caſt awei in þe hous of my God; more þan to duelle in þe tabernaclis of ſynneres. For mercy and treuþe looueþ God; grace and glorie þe Lord ſhal ȝyue. He ſhal not make þem to be wiþoute goodis, þat gon in innocence; Lord of vertues, blisful þe man, þat hopeþ in þee.
In to þe ende, to þe ſonus of Chore.
Lord, þou haſt bliſſid þin erþe; þou haſt turned awei þe caitifte of Jacob. Þou haſt forȝiue þe wickidneſſe of þi folc; þou haſt couered alle þe ſynnes of hem. Þou haſt ſuagid al þi wraþe; þou haſt turned awey fro þe wraþe of þin indignacioun. Conuerte vs, God, our helþe ȝiuere; and turne awei þi wraþe fro us. Wheþer in to wiþoute ende þou ſhalt wraþe to vs; or þou ſhalt ſtrecchen out þi wraþe fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun? God, þou turned ſhalt quykenen vs; and þi folc ſhal gladen in þee. Sheu to vs, Lord, þi mercy; and þi helþe ȝiuere ȝif þou to vs. I ſhal heren, what ſpeke in me þe Lord God; for he ſhal ſpeke pes in to his folc. And vp on his ſeyntis; and in to þem þat ben conuertid to þe herte. Neuerþelatere neeȝh þe dredende hym his helþe ȝiuere; þat indwelle glorie in oure erþe. Mercy and treuþe metten to þemſelf; riȝtwiſneſſe and pes ben kiſt. Treuþe of erþe is ſprungen; and riȝtwiſneſſe fro heuene beheeld forþ. Forſoþe þe Lord ſhal ȝiue benygnete; and oure erþe ſhal ȝiue his frute. Riȝtwyſneſſe beforn hym ſhal go; and he ſhal putte in þe weie his goingus.
Þe oriſoun of Dauid.
Bowe in, Lord, þin ere, and ful out here me; for helpeles and a pore man I am. Kepe þou my ſoule, for holi I am; mac ſaf þi ſeruaunt, my God, hopende in þee. Haue mercy of me, Lord, for to þee I criede al dai; glade þou þe ſoule of þi ſeruaunt, for to þee, Lord, my ſoule I rerede. For þou, Lord, ſweete and mylde; and of myche mercy to alle þat inwardli clepen þee. Wiþ eris parceyue þou, Lord, myn oriſoun; and tac heed to þe vois of my lowe preȝing. In þe day of my tribulacioun I criede to þee; for þou ful out herdeſt me. Þer is not lic þee in godis, Lord; and þer is not aftir þi werkis. Alle Jentilis, what euere þou haſt maad, ſhul come, and honoure befor þee, Lord; and þei ſhul glorifie þi name. For gret art þou, and doende merueilis; þou art God alone. Leed mee þenes, Lord, in þi weie, and I ſhal gon in þi treuþe; glad myn herte, þat it drede þi name. I ſhal knouleche to þee, Lord my God, in al myn herte; and I ſhal glorifie þi name in to wiþ oute ende. For þi mercy great is vp on me; and þou toke out my ſoule fro þe neþere helle. God, wicke men inriſen vpon me; and þe ſynagoge of myȝti men ſoȝten my ſoule; and þei purpoſiden not þee in þer ſiȝte. But þou, Lord God, ruwer, and mercyful; pacient, and of myche merci, and verre. Behold in me, and haue mercy of me, ȝif empire to þy child; and ſaf mac þe ſone of þin handmaiden. Do wiþ me a tocne in good, þat þei ſee, þat hateden me, and be confounded; for þou, Lord, haſt holpe me, and coumfortid me.
To þe ſonus of Chore, þe ſalm of þe ſong.
The foundemens of hym in holi hillis; þe Lord looueþ þe ȝatis of Syon, vp on alle þe tabernaclis of Jacob. Gloriouſe þingus ben ſeid of þee; þou cite of God. Myndeful I ſhal be of Raab, and of Babiloyne; knowende me. Lo! alienus, and Tiris, and þe puple of Eþiopis; þeſe weren þere. Wheþer a man ſhal ſey to Sion, And a man is born in it; and he þe moſt heȝ foundede it? Þe Lord ſhal telle in þe ſcripturis of puplis; and of þeſe princis, þat weren in it. As of alle gladende; dwelling is in þee.
Þe ſong of þe ſalm, to þe ſonys of Chore, in to þe ende, for Melech, to anſwern, þe vnderſtonding of Eman Iſraelyte, or Eſrayte.
Lord God of myn helþe; in þe dai I criede and in þe nyȝte befor þee. Entre in þi ſiȝte myn oriſoun; bowe in þin ere to my preȝeere. For fulfild is wiþ euelis my ſoule; and my lif to helle neȝhede. I am eymed wiþ men goende doun in to þe lake; I am maad as a man wiþoute helpe, among deade men free. As woundid men ſlepende in ſepulcris, of whom þou art no mor myndeful; and þei of þin hond ben put aȝeen. Þey putten me in þe neþere lake; in derke þingus, and in ſhadewe of deþ. Vp on me is confermyd þi wodneſſe; and alle þi flodis þou broȝtiſt in vp on me. Fer þou madeſt my knowen fro me; þei putten me abhominacioun to þem. I am traȝid, and I wente not out; myn eȝen febleden for myſeiſe. I criede to þee, Lord; al dai I ſpradde out to þee myn hondis. Wheþer to deade men þou ſhal do merueilis; or lechis ſhul reren, and knoulechen to þee? Wheþer ſum man ſhal telle in ſepulcris þi mercy; and þi treuþe in to perdicioun? Wheþer ſhul be knowen in dercneſſis þi merueilis; and þi riȝtwiſneſſe in þe lond of forȝeting? And I to þee, Lord, criede; and erli myn oriſoun befor ſhal come þee. Wherto, Lord, pootiſt þou abac myn oriſoun; þou turneſt awei þi face fro me? A pore man I am, and in trauailis fro my ȝouþe; enhauncid, meekid forſoþe I am, and al diſturbid. In me paſſiden þurȝ þi wraþis; and þi feeris al diſturbiden me. Þey enuyrounden me as water al day; þey enuyrounden me togidere. Þou longedeſt awei fro me frend and neȝhebore; and my knowen fro wrechidneſſe.
Þe vnderſtondyng of Eþan, Iſraelite.
The mercies of þe Lord; in to wiþoute ende I ſhal ſynge. In ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun; I ſhal befortelle þi treuþe in my mouþ. For þou ſeidiſt, In to wiþ oute ende mercy ſhal be bild out in heuenes; beforn ſhal be maad redy þi treuþe in hem. I diſpoſide teſtament to my choſene; I ſwor to Dauid, my ſeruaunt, In to wiþoute ende I ſhal beforgreiþe þi ſeed. And I ſhal bilden out; in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun þi ſete. Lord, heuenus ſhul knouleche þi meruelis; forſoþe þi treuþe in þe chirche of halewis. For who in cloudis ſhal be maad euene to þe Lord; lic ſhal ben to God in þe ſonys of God? God, þat is glorified in þe counſeil of ſeyntis; gret, and ferful vp on alle þat in his cumpas ben. Lord God of vertues, who lic to þee? myȝti þou art, Lord, and þi treuþe in þi cumpas. Þou lordſhipiſt of þe power of þe ſe; forſoþe þe mouyngis of his flodis þou ſuagiſt. Þou mekediſt, as woundid, þe proude; in þe arm of þi vertue þou deſtroȝediſt þin enemys. Þine ben heuenes, and þin is þe erþe; þe roundneſſe of erþe, and hys plente þou foundedeſt; þe norþ and þe ſe þou formediſt. Thabor and Ermon in þi name ſhul ful out ioȝen; þin arm wiþ power. Be faſtned þin hond, and enhauncid be þi riȝþond; riȝtwiſneſſe and dom beforgreiþing of þi ſete. Merci and treuþe ſhul beforgo þi face; blisful þe puple þat wot ioȝing. Lord, in þe liȝt of þi chere þei ſhul go; and in þi name þei ſhul ful out ioȝen al day; and in þi riȝtwiſneſſe þei ſhul be enhauncid. For þe glorie of þe vertu of hem þou art; and in þi wel pleſing ſhal ben enhauncid oure horn. For of þe Lord is oure taking vp; and of þe holi of Irael oure king. Þanne þou ſpeeke in viſeoun to þi ſeintis, and þou ſeidiſt; I haue putt helpe in þe myȝti, and I haue enhauncid þe choſen of my folc. I haue founde Dauid, my ſeruaunt; wiþ myn holi oile I enoyntide hym. Myn hond forſoþe ſhal helpe to hym; and myn arm ſhal conferme hym. No þing ſhal profite þe enemy in hym; and þe ſone of wickedneſſe ſhal not ſette to, to noȝen hym. And I ſhal al to-hewe fro þe face of hym his enemys; and þe hatende hym in to fliȝt I ſhal al turne. And my treuþe and my mercy wiþ hym; and in my name ſhal ben enhauncid his horn. And I ſhal putte in þe ſe his hond; and in flodis his riȝt hond. He ſhal inwardli clepe me, My fader þou art; my God, and vndertakere of myn helþe. And I þe firſt goten ſhal ſette hym; heȝ befor þe kingis of erþe. In to wiþ oute ende I ſhal kepe to hym my mercy; and my teſtament feiþful to hym. And I ſhall ſette in to world of world his ſed; and his trone as þe daȝis of heuene. If forſoþe his ſonys ſhul forſake my lawe; and in my domys ſhul not go. If my riȝtwiſneſſis þei poote ferr awei; and myn heſtis ſhul not kepe. I ſhal viſite in a ȝerde þe wickidneſſis of hem; and in betingus þer ſynnes. My mercy forſoþe I ſhal not don awei fro hym; ne noȝen in my treuþe. Ne I ſhal not defoule my teſtament; and þat gon out of my lippis I ſhal not make vein. Ones I ſwor in myn holy, to Dauid I ſhal not lie; his ſed in to wiþoute ende ſhal duelle. And his trone as þe ſunne in my ſiȝt; and as þe moone parfit in to wiþoute ende, and þe witneſſe in heuene feiþful. Þou forſoþe haſt put abac, and diſpiſid; tariediſt þi criſt. Þou turnediſt awei þe teſtament of þi ſeruaunt; þou curſidiſt in þe erþe his ſeintuarie. Þou deſtroȝidiſt alle þe heggis of hym; þou puttiſt his faſtnyng drede. Þer waſteden hym alle men paſſende þe weie; he is maad repref to his neȝheboris. Þou enhauncidiſt þe riȝþond of men berende hym doun; þou gladedeſt alle his enemys. Þou turnedeſt awei þe helpe of his ſwerd; and þou helpediſt hym not in bataile. Þou deſtroȝidiſt hym fro his out clenſing; and his ſete in þe erþe þou hurtlidiſt. Þou laſſediſt þe daȝes of hys time; þou ful heeldedeſt hym wiþ confuſion. Hou longe, Lord, þou turneſt awei in to þe ende; ſhal brenne out as fyr þi wraþe? Haue mynde what my ſubſtaunce; wheþer forſoþe veyn þou haſt ordeynd alle þe ſonus of men? Who is a man, þat ſhal liue, and ſhal not ſee deþ; and ſhal pulle out his ſoule fro þe hond of helle? Wher ben þin olde mercies, Lord; as þou haſt ſworn to Dauid in þi treuþe? Myndeful be, Lord, of þe repref of þi ſeruauns; þat I wiþheld in my boſum, of many Jentilis. Þe whiche þin enemys repreueden, Lord; þat þei repreueden þe hole chaunging of þi criſt. Bleſſid þe Lord in to wiþ oute ende; be it do, be it do.
Þe oriſoun of Moiſes, man of God.
Lord, refut þou art maad to vs; fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun. Befor þat hillis weren maad, or were formed þe erþe and þe roundneſſe; fro world and vn to world þou art God. Ne turne þou a man in to mecneſſe; and þou ſeidiſt, Beþ conuertid, ȝee ſones of men. For a þouſend ȝeer befor þin eȝen; as ȝiſterdai þat is paſſid. And þe warde in þe nyȝt, þat for noȝt ben had; þe ȝeris of hem ſhul ben. Erli as an erbe paſſe he, erli flurſhe he, and paſſe; at euen falle he doun, inwardli harde he, and waxe drie. For we han failid in þi wraþe; and in þi wodneſſe wee ben diſturbid. Þou haſt put oure wickidneſſis in þi ſiȝt; oure world in þe liȝting of þi chere. For alle oure daȝis faileden; and in þi wraþe wee han failid. Oure ȝeris, as an ireyn, ſhul be beþoȝt; þe daȝis of oure ȝeris in þo ſeuenti ȝer. If forſoþe in myȝtis eiȝteti ȝer; and þe more ouer of þem trauaile and ſorewe. For þer ouercam debonerneſſe; and wee ſhul be chaſtiſid. Who knewȝ þe power of þi wraþe; and for þi drede þi wraþe denoumbren? Þi riȝþond ſo mac knowen; and þe taȝt wiþ herte in wiſdam. Be þou conuertid, Lord, hou longe; and louli preyable be þou vp on þi ſeruauns. Wee ben fulfild erly wiþ þi mercy; wee han ful out ioȝed, and delitid in alle oure daȝis. Wee han ioȝid for þe daȝis in whiche þou haſt mekid vs; þe ȝeris in whiche wee han ſeen euelis. Behold, Lord, in to þi ſeruauns, and in to þi werkys; and reule forþ þe ſones of hem. And be þe ſhynyng of þe Lord oure God vp on vs; and þe werkis of oure hondis riȝtforþ reule vp on vs; and þe werk of oure hondis reule riȝtforþ.
Salm XC.
Þe preyſing of þe ſong, to hym Dauid.
That woneþ in þe helpe of þe heiȝeſt; in þe defending of God of heuene ſhal al abide. He ſhal ſei to þe Lord, Myn vndertakere art þou, and my refut; my God, I ſhal hope in to hym. For he deliuerede me fro þe grene of hunteres; and fro þe ſharpe woord. Wiþ his ſhuldris he ſhal al aboute ſhadewe to þee; and under his pennys þou ſhalt hopen. Wiþ þe ſheld ſhal enuyroune þee his treuþe; þou ſhalt not drede fro þe nyȝt drede. Fro þe arwe fleende in dai, fro þe nede goende in dercneſſis þurȝ; fro þe inrennyng, and þe myddai deuel. Þer ſhul falle fro þi ſide a þouſend, and ten þouſend fro þi riȝt ſidis; to þee forſoþe he ſhal not neȝhe. Neuerþelatere wiþ þin eȝen þou ſhalt beholde; and þe ȝelding of ſynnes þou ſhalt ſee. For þou art, Lord, myn hope; heȝeſt þou haſt put þi refut. Þer ſhal not come to þee euel; and ſcourge ſhal not neȝhe to þi tabernacle. For to his aungelis he comaundide of þee; þat þei ſhulden kepen þee in alle þi weies. In hondis þei ſhul bern þee; leſt parauenture þou offende at þe ſton þi foot. Vp on þe eddere and þe kokatrice þou ſhalt go; and þou ſhalt totrede þe leoun and þe dragoun. For in me he hopide, I ſhal delyueren hym; I ſhal defende hym, for he knewȝ my name. He criede to me, and I ful out ſhal heren hym, wiþ hym I am in tribulacioun; I ſhal taken hym out, and glorifien hym. In lengþe of daȝis I ſhal fulfillen hym; and ſhewen to hym myn helþe ȝyuere.
Salm XCI.
Þe ſalm of þe ſong, in þe dai of ſabot.
Good it is to knoulechen to þe Lord; and to do ſalm to þi name, þou heȝeſt. To tellen out erly þi mercy; and þi treuþe by þe nyȝt. In þe ten cordid ſautre; wiþ ſong in þe harpe. For þou haſt delitid me, Lord, in þi making; and in þe werkis of þin hondis I ſhal ful out ioȝen. Hou magnefied ben þi werkis, Lord; ful myche deep ben maad þi þoȝtys. Þe vnwiſe man ſhal not knowen; and þe fool ſhal not vnderſtonde þes þingus. Whan full out ſprunge ſhul ben þe ſynneres, as hei; and ſhuln aperen alle, þat wirken wickeneſſe. Þat þei dien in to þe world of world; þou forſoþe heȝeſt in to wiþoute ende, Lord. For lo! þin enemys, Lord, for lo! þin enemys ſhul perſhen; and alle ſhul be ſcaterid þat werken wickidneſſe. And as an vnycorn ſhal ben enhauncyd myn horn; and my laſte age in plenteuous mercy. And myn eȝe lokide doun myn enemys; and to þe inriſeris wariende in me ſhal here myn ere. Þe riȝtwis as palm ſhal floure; as þe cedre of Liban he ſhal be multiplied. Þe plauntid in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe porchis of þe hous of oure God ſhul floure. Ȝit þey ſhul be multiplied in þe laſte plenteuous age; and wel ſuffrende þei ſhul be, þat þei telle. For riȝt is þe Lord oure God; and þer is not wickidneſſe in hym.
Salm XCII.
Þe preiſing of þe ſong of Dauid, in þe dai befor þe ſabat, whan foundid is þe erþe.
The Lord regnede, fairneſſe he is clad; þe Lord is clad ſtrengþe, and beforgirte hymſelf. Forſoþe he faſtnede þe roundneſſe of erþe; þat ſhal not be togidere ſtirid. Greiþid is þi ſete, God, fro þanne; fro þe world þou art. Þe flodis rereden vp, Lord; þe flodis rereden vp þer vois. Flodis rereden vp þer flowingis; fro þe voiſes of manye watris. Merueilouſe þe wawis of þe ſe; merueilous in heȝe þingis þe Lord. Þi witneſſingis ben maad beleeuable ful myche; holyneſſe ſemeþ þin hous, Lord, in to þe lengþe of daȝes.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, þe ferþe dai of þe wike.
God of veniauncis Lord; God of veniauncis freeli dide. Be þou enhauncid þat demeſt þe erþe; ȝeld ȝelding to þe proude. Hou longe ſynneres, Lord; hou longe ſynneres ſhul glorien? Þei ſhul ſteringli ſeyn, and ſpeke wickidneſſe; alle ſhul ſpeke þat wirchen vnriȝtwiſneſſe. Þi puple, Lord, þei mekeden; and ouertrauaileden þin eritage. Þe widewe and þe comeling þei ſloowen; and þe moderles childer þei killeden. And þei ſeiden, Þe Lord ſhal not ſeen; ne þe God of Jacob ſhal vnderſtonde. Vnderſtondeþ, ȝee vnwiſe men in þe puple; and, ȝee foolis, ſum tyme ſauoureþ. He þat plauntide þe ere, ſhal he not heren; or he þat made þe eȝe, behalt not? Þat chaſtiſeþ Jentilis, ſhal he not vndirnyme; þat techeþ man kunnyng? Þe Lord wot þe þoȝtis of men; for þei ben veyne. Blisful þe man, whom þou ſhalt enforme, Lord; and of þi lawe þou ſhalt techen hym. Þat þou ſuage hym fro euele daȝes; to þe time be dolue to þe ſynnere a dich. For þe Lord ſhal not putte abac his folc; and his eritage ſhal not forſake. For to riȝtwiſneſſe be turned in to dom; and who beſide it, alle þat ben riȝtwis in herte. Who ſhal al rijſen to me aȝen þe warieris; or who ſhal ſtonde wiþ me aȝen þe werkende wickidneſſe? But for þe Lord halp me; parauenture my ſoule ſhulde han duellid in helle. If I ſeide, Moued is my foot; þi mercy, Lord, halp me. After þe multitude of my ſorewis in myn herte; þi coumfortingis gladeden my ſoule. Wheþer cleueþ to þee þe ſete off wickidneſſe; þat formeſt trauaile in þe heſte? Þei ſhul cacchen in to þe ſoule of þe riȝtwis; and þe innocent blod þei ſhul condempne. And þe Lord is maad to me in to refut; and my God in to þe helpe of myn hope. And he ſhal ȝeelde to hem þe wickidneſſe of hem, and in þe malice of hem he ſhal deſtroȝe þem; ſhal deſtroȝe þem þe Lord oure God.
Þe preiſing of þe ſong, to hym Dauid.
Comeþ, ful out ioȝe wee to þe Lord; inwardli ioȝe wee to God, our helþe ȝiuere. Befor ocupie wee his face in knouleching; and in ſalmys inwardli ioȝe wee to hym. For God a gret Lord, and a gret king ouer alle godis; for þe Lord ſhal not poote abac his folc. For in his hond ben alle þe cooſtis of erþe; and þe heiȝtis of hillis ben of hym. For of hym is þe ſe, and he made it; and þe drie his hondis formeden. Comeþ, honoure wee, and falle wee doun before God, wepe wee befor þe Lord, for he made vs; for he is þe Lord oure God. And wee þe puple of his leſwe; and þe ſhep of his hond. To dai if hys vois ȝee han herd; wileþ not hardne ȝoure hertis. As in þe terring, after þe day; of tempting in deſert. Where tempteden me ȝoure fadris; proueden and ſeȝen my werkis. Fourti ȝeer offended I was to þat ieneracioun; and I ſeide, Euermor þeſe erren in herte. And þes knewen not my weyes, to whom I ſwor in my wraþe; þei ſhul not entre in to my reſte.
Salm XCV.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, whan þe hous was bild vp after þe caitifte.
Syngeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; ſingeþ to þe Lord, al erþe. Syngeþ to þe Lord, and bleſſeþ to his name; telleþ fro dai in to dai his helþe ȝyuere. Telliþ out among Jentilis his glorie; in alle puplis his merueilis. For þe Lord gret, and preiſable ful myche; ferful he is ouer alle godis. For alle þe godis off Jentilis deuelis; þe Lord forſoþe heuens made. Knouleching and fairneſſe in þe ſiȝte of hym; holyneſſe and gret doing in þe halewing of hym. Bringeþ to þe Lord, ȝee kuntres of Jentilis; bringeþ to þe Lord glorie and wrſhipe; bringeþ to þe Lord glorie to hys name. Takeþ oſtis, and entreþ in to his porchis; honoureþ þe Lord in his holi porche. Be to moued fro his face al erþe; ſeiþ in Jentilis, for þe Lord haþ regned. Forſoþe he haþ amendid þe roundneſſe of erþe, þat ſhal not be moued; he ſhal demen puplis in equite. Gladen heuenes, and ful out ioȝe þe erþe, be to moued þe ſe, and his plente; feeldis ſhul ioȝen, and alle þingus þat in hem ben. Þanne alle þe trees of wodis ſhul ful out ioȝen fro þe face of þe Lord, for he cam; for he cam to demen þe erþe. He ſhal demen þe roundneſſe of þe erþe in equite; and puplis in his treuþe.
Salm XCVI.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, whan his lond is reſtorid to hym.
The Lord haþ regned, þe erþe ful out ioȝe it; manye ilis glade þei. Cloude and dercneſſe in his cumpas; riȝtwiſneſſe and dom þe coreccioun of his ſete. Fir beforn hym ſhal go; and enflaume in þe cumpas his enemys. His leitis liȝteden to þe roundneſſe of þe erþe; he ſaȝ, and þe erþe is al to-moued. Hillis as wax floweden fro þe face of þe Lord; fro þe face of þe Lord al erþe. Heuenes tolden out his riȝtwiſneſſe; and alle puplis ſeȝen his glorie. Be þei confoundid, alle þat honouren grauen þingus; and þat glorien in þeir maumetis. Honoureþ hym alle ȝee his aungelis; Sion herde, and gladdede. And þe doȝtris of Jude ful out gladeden; for þi domes, Lord. For þou, Lord, heȝeſt ouer alle erþe; ful myche þou art enhauncid ouer alle goddis. Ȝee þat loouen þe Lord, hatiþ euel; þe Lord kepeþ þe ſoulis of hys ſeintis; fro þe hond of þe ſynnere he ſhal deliuere þem. Liȝt is ſprunge to þe riȝtwis; and gladneſſe to þe riȝt men in herte. Glade, ȝee riȝtwiſe, in þe Lord; and knoulecheþ to þe mynde of his halewing.
Þe ſalm of Dauid.
Singeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; for merueilous þingus he dide. His riȝt hond ſauede to hym; and þe holi arm of hym. Knowen made þe Lord his helþe ȝeuere; in þe ſiȝte of Jentilis he ſhewide his riȝtwiſneſſe. He recordide of his mercy; and of his treuþe, to þe hous of Irael. Alle þe termes of erþe ſeȝen; þe helþe ȝeuere of oure God. Inwardli ioȝe ȝee to God, al erþe; ſyngeþ, and ful out ioȝeþ, and doþ ſalm. Doþ ſalm to þe Lord in harpe, and in harpe and in vois of ſalm; in trumpis beten out, and in vois of þe hornene trumpe. Inwardli ioȝeþ in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord king; be moued þe ſe, and his plente; þe roundneſſe of londis, and alle þat dwellen in it. Þe flodis ſhuln flappe for ioȝe wiþ hond togidere; mounteynes ſhul ful out ioȝen fro þe ſiȝte of þe Lord; for he cam to deme þe erþe. He ſhal deme þe roundneſſe of þe erþe in riȝtwiſneſſe; and puplis in equitie.
Þe ſalm of Dauid.
The Lord regnede, wraþen þe puplis; þou þat ſittiſt vp on cherubyn, be moued þe erþe. Þe Lord in Sion gret; and heyȝ ouer alle puplis. Knouleche þei to þi gret name, for ferful and holi it is; and þe wrſhipe of þe king looueþ dom. Þou haſt greiþid riȝtforþ reulingis; dom and riȝtwiſneſſe in Jacob þou haſt do. Enhaunce ȝee þe Lord oure God, and honoureþ þe litle ſteȝing vp place of his feet, for it is holi. Moyſes and Aron in þe preſtis of hym; and Samuel among hem þat inwardli clepen his name. Þei inwardli clepeden þe Lord, and he ful out herde þem; in þe piler of a cloude he ſpac to þem. Þei kepten his witneſſingus; and þe heſte þat he ȝaf to hem. Lord oure God, þou ful out herdeſt hem; God, þou merciful were to þem, and veniende in to alle þe findingus of hem. Enhaunceþ þe Lord oure God, and honoureþ in þe holy hil of hym; for holi þe Lord oure God.
Salm XCIX.
Þe ſalm in confeſſioun.
Inwardli ioȝe ȝee to God, al erþe; ſerueþ to þe Lord in gladneſſe. Entreþ in his ſiȝte; in ful out ioȝing. Witeþ, for þe Lord he is God; he made vs, and we not vſſelf. His puple, and þe ſchep of his leſwe, goþ in to his ȝatys in confeſſioun; his porchis in ympnes, knouleche ȝee to hym. Preiſe ȝee his name, for ſwete is þe Lord, in to wiþouten ende his mercy; and unto ieneracioun and ieneracioun his treuþe.
Salm C.
Þe ſalm to hym Dauid.
Mercy and dom; I ſhal ſinge to þee, Lord. I ſhal do ſalm, and vnderſtonde in þe vndefoulid weie; whan þou ſhalt come to me. I fulli ȝide in þe innocence of myn herte; in þe myddel of myn hous. I purpoſide not befor myn eȝen an vnriȝtwis þing; þe doende þe brekingus of þe lawe I hatide. Þer cleuede not to me a ſhreude herte; þe malice doere bowende doun fro me I knewȝ not. Þe bacbitende priueli to his neȝhebore; þys I purſuede. Wiþ þe proude eȝe and þe vnfilable herte; wiþ it I eet not. Myn eȝen to þe feiþful men of þe erþe, þat þei ſytte wiþ me; þe man goende in þe vndefoulid weie, þis ſeruede to me. Þer ſhal not dwelle in þe myddel of myn houſe, þat doþ pride; þat ſpekeþ wicke þingus, reulide not riȝt in þe ſiȝte of myn eȝen. In þe morutid I ſloȝ alle þe ſynneres of erþe; þat I ſhulde deſtroȝe fro þe cite of þe Lord alle men werkende wickidneſſe.
Salm CI.
Þe oriſoun of þe pore man, whan he was tormentid, alſo befor þe Lord he helde out his preȝeere.
Lord, ful out here myn oriſoun; and my cry to þee come. Ne turne þou awei þi face fro me; in whateuere day I am trublid, bowe in to me þin ere. In what euere dai I ſhal inwardli clepe þee; ſwiftli ful out here me. For my daȝis han failid as ſmoke; and my bones as croote han dried. I am ſmyten as heiȝ, and myn herte driede; for I haue forȝete to ete my bred. Fro þe vois of my weiling; cleuede to my bon to my fleſh. Lic I am maad to a pellican of wilderneſſe; I am maad as a nyȝt rauen in þe hous eueſe. I wook; and am maad as a ſpare ſolitare in þe rof. Al day putten to me repref myn enemys; and þei þat preiſiden me aȝen me ſworen. For aſke as bred I eet; and my drinc wiþ weping I mengde. Fro þe face of þe wraþe of þin indignacioun; for rerende vp þou hurtledeſt me. My daȝes as ſhadewe boweden doun; and I as hey driede. Þou forſoþe, Lord, in to wiþoute ende abidiſt ſtille; and þi memorial in to ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun. Þou riſende vp, Lord, ſhalt han mercy of Sion; for time of his rewing, for þer is comen time. For þer pleſeden to þi ſeruauns his ſtones; and to his erþe þey ſhuln han mercy. And Jentilis ſhul dreden þi name, Lord; and alle kingis of erþe þi glorie. For þe Lord haþ bild vp Sion; and it ſhal be ſeen in his glorie. He beheeld in to þe oriſoun of þe meke; and he deſpiſide not þe preȝeere of hem. Þeſe þingus be þei write in an oþer ieneracioun; and þe puple þat ſhal be formed ſhal preiſe þe Lord. For he beheeld forþ fro his heȝe holy; þe Lord fro heuene in to erþe lokede. Þat he ſhulde here þe weilingus of þe gyuede; and looſen þe ſones of þe ſlayne. Þat þei telle out in Sion þe name of þe Lord; and his preiſing in Jeruſalem. In gedering togidere þe puplis in to oon; and kingus, þat þei ſerue to þe Lord. He anſwerde to hym in weie of his vertue; Feweneſſe of my daȝis ſhewe þou to me. Ne aȝeen clepe þou me in þe myddil of my daȝis; in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun þi ȝeris. In þe begynning þou, Lord, þe erþe foundedeſt; and þe werkis of þin hondis ben heuenus. Þei ſhul perſhen, þou forſoþe abidiſt ſtille; and alle as cloþing ſhuln waxen old. And as a couertour þou ſhalt chaunge þem, and þei ſhul be chaungid; þou forſoþe he þe ſame art, and þi ȝeeris ſhul not faile. Þe ſones of þi ſeruauns ſhul wone; and þe ſed of hem in to þe world ſhal be riȝtforþ reulid.
Salm CII.
Þe ſalm to hym Dauid.
Bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord; and alle þingus þat wiþinne me ben, to his holi name. Bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord; and wile þou not forȝete alle þe ȝeldingus of hym. Þat haþ mercy to alle þi wickidneſſis; þat heliþ alle þin infirmytees. Þat aȝeen bieþ fro deþ þi lif; þat crouneþ þee in mercy and mercy doingis. Þat fulfilleþ in goode þingus þi diſeyr; ſhal be renewid as of an egle þi ȝouþe. Doende mercies þe Lord; and dom to alle men ſuffrende wrong. Knowen he made his weies to Moiſes; and to þe ſones of Irael his willis. Reewere, and merciful þe Lord; long abidende, and myche merciful. In to euermore he ſhal not wraþen; ne in to wiþoute ende he ſhal þrete. Aftir oure ſynnes he dide not to vs; ne aftir oure wickidneſſis he ȝelde to vs. For after þe heiȝte of heuene fro erþe; he ſtrengþide his mercy vpon men dredende hym. Hou myche þe riſing ſtant fro þe going doun; aferr he made fro vs oure wickidneſſis. What maner wiſe þe fader haþ mercy of þe ſonus, þe Lord dide mercy to men dredende hym; for he knew oure britil making. He recordide for pouder wee be, a man as hey his daȝes; as þe flour of þe feld ſo he ſhal floure out. For þe ſpirit ſhal þurȝ paſſen in hym, and he ſhal not ſtonde ſtille; and he ſhal no more knowen his place. Þe mercy forſoþe of þe Lord fro wiþoute ende, and vnto wiþoute ende; vpon men dredende hym. And þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym in to þe ſones of ſones; to hem þat kepen his teſtament. And myndeful þei ben of his maundemens; to do þem. Þe Lord in heuene made redi his ſete; and his reume to alle ſhal lordſhipen. Bliſſe ȝee to þe Lord, alle his aungelis, miȝti bi vertue, doende þe woord of hym; to ben herd þe vois of his ſermounes. Bleſſiþ to þe Lord, alle ȝee his vertues; ȝee his ſeruauns þat don his wil. Bleſſiþ to þe Lord, alle ȝee his werkis, in alle place, ȝee his domynaciouns; bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord.
Salm CIII.
i Bliſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord; Lord my God, þou art magnefied hugeli. Confeſſioun and fairneſſe þou haſt clad;
wrappid wiþ liȝt, as wiþ cloþing. Srecchende out heuene as ſkin; þat couereſt wiþ watris þe ouermoris of it. Þat potiſt þe cloude þi ſteȝing vp; þat goſt vp on þe pennys of windis. Þat makiſt þin aungelis ſpiritis; and þi ſeruauns brennende fyr. Þat foundedeſt þe erþe vpon hys ſtableneſſe; it ſhal not ben inbowid into þe world of world. Þe ſe as a cloþing is his wrapping; ouer mounteynes ſhul ſtonde watris. Fro þi blamyng þei ſhul flee; fro þe vois of þi þunder þei ſhul drede. Hillis ſteȝen vp, and þe feldis gon doun; in to þe place þat þou haſt foundid to hem. A terme þou haſt ſet, þat þei ſhul not ouer paſſe; ne þey ſhul ben al turned, to couere þe erþe. Þat ſendiſt out wellis in valeis; betwe þe myddil of mounteynes ſhul paſſe þurȝ watris. Alle þe beſtis of þe feld ſhul drinke; aſſis ſhul abide in þer þriſt. Vpon þo þingus þe foulis of heuene ſhul wone; fro þe myddel of ſtones þei ſhul ȝeue voiſis. He watrende þe hillis fro þin ouermor; of þe frut of þy werkis ſhal be fulfild þe erþe. Bringende forþ hei to hous beſtis; and erbe to þe ſeruyſe of men. Þat þou bringe out bred fro þe erþe; and wyn glade þe herte of man. Þat he make gladſum þe face in oile; and bred þe herte of man make ſtable. Þer ſhul ben fulfild þe trees of þe feld, and þe cedris of Liban þat he plauntede; þere ſparewis ſhul make neſtis. Þe hous of þe ierfaucoun duke is of hem; þe heȝe mounteynes to herttis; þe ſton refut to irchounes. He made þe mone in to times; þe ſunne knewȝ his going doun. Þou haſt ſet dercneſſis, and maad is þe nyȝt; in it ſhul þurȝ paſſe alle þe beſtis of þe wode. Þe whelpis of leouns rorende þat þei raueſhen; and ſechen of God mete to þem. Sprungen is þe ſunne, and þei ben gadered to gider; and in þer ligging placis þey ſhul be ſett togidere. A man ſhal go out to his werc; and to his werching, vn to euen. Hou magnefied ben þi werkis, Lord, alle þingus in wiſdam þou haſt maad; fulfild is þe erþe wiþ þi poſſeſſioun. Þis grete ſe and large to hondis; þere crepende beſtis, of whiche is no noumbre. Little beſtis wiþ þe grete; þere ſhippis ſhul þurȝ paſſe. Þis dragoun þat þou haſt formed to begile to hym; alle þingus of þee abijden, þat þou ȝiue to þem mete in tyme. Þee ȝyuende to þem, þei ſhul gedere; þee openende þin hond, alle þingis ſhul be fulfild wiþ goodneſſe. Þee forſoþe turnende awei þe face, þei ſhul be diſturbid; þou ſhalt taken awei þe ſpirit of hem, and þei ſhul faile; and in to þer pouder þei ſhul turne aȝeen. Send out þi ſpirit, and þei ſhul be formed; and þou ſhalt renewe þe face of þe erþe. Be þe glorie of þe Lord in to þe world; glade ſhal þe Lord in his werkis. Þat behalt þe erþe, and makeþ it to tremble; þat toucheþ þe mounteynes, and þei ſmoken. I ſhal ſynge to þe Lord in my lif; I ſhal do ſalm to my God, as longe as I am. Joȝeful be to hym my ſpeche; I forſoþe ſhal deliten in þe Lord. Faile þe ſynneres fro þe erþe, and wicke men, ſo þat þei be not; bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, and inwardly clepeþ his name; telleþ out among Jentilis his werkis. Singeþ to hym, and doþ ſalm to hym, and telliþ alle his merueilis; be ȝee preiſid in his holi name. Glade þe herte of ȝou ſechende þe Lord; ſecheþ þe Lord, and beþ confermed; ſecheþ his face euermor. Haueþ mynde of his merueilis, þat he dide; his wonders, and þe domes of his mouþ. Þe ſed of Abraham, his ſeruaunt; þe ſonus of Jacob, his choſen. He þe Lord oure God; in al erþe his domes. Myndeful he was in to þe world of his teſtament; of þe woord þat he ſente in to a þouſend ieneraciouns. Þe whiche he diſpoſide to Abraham; and of his oþ to Iſaac. And he ſette it to Jacob in to an heſte; and to Irael in to euere laſtende teſtament. Seiende, To þee I ſhal ȝeue þe lond of Chanaan; þe litle corde of ȝoure eritage. Whan þei weren in ſhort noumbre; moſt fewe and tilieris of it. And þei paſſiden þurȝ fro folc in to folc; and fro reume in to an oþer puple. He lafte not a man to noȝe to þem; and he chaſtiſide for hem kingis. Wileþ not touche my criſtis; and in my profetis wileþ not ben waried. And he clepide hungir vp on þe erþe; and alle faſtneſſe of bred he to-ponede. He ſente beforn hem a man; and into a þral Joſeph is ſold. Þei mekeden in ſtockis his feet, iren paſſide þurȝ hys lif; to þe time þat his woord ſhulde come. Þe ſpeche of þe Lord enflaumede hym; þe king ſente and looſede hym, þe prince of puplis and lafte hym. He ſette hym lord of his hous; and prince of all his poſſeſſioun. Þat he ſhulde enforme his princis as hymſelf; and his olde men prudence he ſhulde teche. And Irael entride in to Egipt; and Jacob a tiliere was in þe lond of Cham. And he encrecide his puple hugely; and faſtnede hym vpon his enemys. He turned þe herte of hem, þat þei hateden his puple; and treccherie ſhulden do in to his ſeruauns. He ſente Moiſes, his ſeruaunt; and Aron, hym whom he ches. And he putte in hem þe woordis of his tocnes; and of his wonders in þe lond of Cham. He ſente dercneſſis, and made derc; and vntymely he fullfilde not his woordis. And he turnede þe watris of hem in to blod; and ſloȝ þe fiſſhis of hem. And þe lond of hem ȝaf froggis; in þe preue chaumbris of þer kingus. He ſeide, and þer cam an hound fleeȝe; and gnattis in alle þe cooſtis of hem. And he putte þe reynes of hem hayl; fyr brennende in þe lond of hem. And he ſmot þe vynes of hem, and þe fige placis of hem; and he to-broſide þe wode of þe cooſtis of hem. He ſeide, and þer cam a locuſt; and worte werm of þe whiche was no noumbre. And it eet al þe hei in þe lond of hem; and eet al þe frut of þe lond of hem. And he ſmot alle þe firſte goten in þe lond of hem; þe firſte frutis of alle þe trauaile of hem. And he broȝte hem out wiþ ſyluer and gold; and þer was not a ſyk man in þe linagis of hem. Egipt gladede in þer forþ going; for þer drede lai in vp on hem. He ſtraȝte out a cloude, in to þe proteccioun of hem; and fyr, þat he ſhulde liȝte to hem by þe nyȝt. Þei aſkeden, and þer kam a kurlu; and wiþ þe bred of heuene he fulfilde hem. He to-brac þe ſton, and þer flowiden watris; þer wenten awei flodis in þe drie. For myndeful he was of his holi woord; þat he hadde to Abraham, his child. And he broȝte out his puple in ful out ioȝing; and his choſene in glading. And he ȝaf to þem þe regiouns of Jentilis; and þe traualis of puplis þei weldeden. Þat þei kepe his iuſtifiyngus; and his lawe þey aȝeen ſeche.
Salm CV.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for good; for in to þe world þe mercy of hym. Who ſhal ſpeke þe poweris of þe Lord; herd ſhal make alle þe preiſingus of hym? Blisful þat kepen dom; and don riȝtwiſſneſſe in alle time. Haue mynde of vs, Lord, in þe well willing of þi puple; viſite þou vs in þi helþe ȝyuere. To ſeen in þe goodneſſe of þi choſene, to gladen in þe gladneſſe of þi folc; þat þou be preiſid wiþ þin eritage. Wee han ſynned wiþ oure fadris, vnriȝtwiſly wee han do; wickidneſſe wee han wroȝt. Oure fadris in Egipt vnderſtoden not þi meruelis; þei weren not myndeful of þe multitude of þi mercy. And þei in to þe ſe ſteȝende vp, þe rede ſe, terreden; and he ſauede þem for his name, þat knowen he ſhulde make his power. And he inbowide þe rede ſe, and it is dried; and he ladde hem in þe ſe depneſſis as in deſert. And he ſauede hem fro þe hond of hateris; and he aȝeen boȝte þem fro þe hond of þe enemy. And water couerede þe men trublende þem; oon of hem lafte not. And þei leeueden to þe woordis of hym; and þei preiſiden his preiſing. Soone þei diden, þei forȝeeten of þe werkis of hym; and þei ſuſteneden not his counſeil. And þei coueiteden coueiting in deſert; and þei tempteden God in þe place wiþ oute water. And he ȝaf to hem þe aſking of hem; and he ſente fulfilling in to þe ſoulis of hem. And þei terreden Moiſes in þe tentis; Aron, þe holy of þe Lord. Þe erþe is opened, and it ſwolewid doun Daþan; and it couerede vpon þe congregacioun of Abiron. And fyr brende vp in þe ſynagoge of hem; and flaume al to-brende þe ſynneres. And þei maden a calf in Oreb; and þei honoureden a grauen þing. And þei chaungeden þer glorie; in to þe licneſſe of a calf etende hey. Þei forȝeeten God, þat ſauede hem, þat dide grete þingus in Egipt, merueilous þingus in þe lond of Cam; ferful þingus in þe rede ſe. And he ſeide, þat he ſhulde deſtroȝe þem; but Moiſes, his choſen, hadde ſtoden in þe to-breking in his ſiȝt. Þat he turne awei hys wraþe, þat he deſtroȝe þem not; and for noȝte þey hadden þe deſirable erþe. Þey leeuede not to his woord, and þei gruccheden in þer tabernaclis; þei ful out herden not þe vois of þe Lord. And he rerede vp his hond vpon hem; þat he ſhulde þrowe þem doun in deſert. And þat he ſhulde caſte doun þe ſed of hem in naciouns; and ſcatere þem in regiouns. And þei ſacrifieden to Belfegor; and þei eete þe ſacrifices of þe deade. And þei terreden hym in þer findingis; and multiplied is in hem falling. And Fynees ſtod, and pleſide; and þe broſing ceſide. And it is witid to hym to riȝtwiſneſſe; in ieneracioun and ieneracioun vnto euermor. And þei terreden hym at þe watris of contradiccioun; and Moiſes is ouertrauailid for hem, and þei to myche ſharpeden þe ſpirit of hym. And he ordeynede in his lippis; þei deſtroȝeden not þe Jentilis, þat þe Lord ſeide to þem. And þey be mengd togidere among Jentilis, and þei lerneden þer werkis, and ſerueden to þe grauen þingis of hem; and it is maad to þem in to ſclaunder. And þei offreden þer ſones; and þer doȝtris to deuelis. And þei ſhadden out þe innocent blod; þe blod of þer ſones and of þer doȝtris, þat þei ſacrifieden to þe grauen þingus of Canaan. And þe lond is ſlayn in blodis, and defoulid is in þe werkis of hem; and þei diden fornycacioun in þer findingus. And þe Lord wraþede in wodneſſe in to his puple; and he wlatide his eritage. And toc þem in to þe hondis of Jentilis; and þei lordſhipeden of hem, þat hateden hem. And þe enemys of þem trobleden hem, and þei ben mekid vnder þer hondis; ofte he delyuerede hem. Þei forſoþe terreden hym in þer counſeil; and ben mekid in þer wickidneſſis. And he ſaȝ, whan þei weren trublid; and herde þe oriſoun of hem. And myndeful he was of his teſtament; and it oþoȝte hym aftir þe multitude of his mercy. And he ȝaf hem in to mercies; in þe ſiȝte of alle, þat hadden take þem. Mac vs ſaf, Lord oure God; and gadere vs fro naciouns. Þat wee knouleche to þin holi name; and glorien in þi preiſing. Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Irael fro world and unto world; and al þe puple ſhal ſey, Be it do, be it don.
Salm CVI.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for good; for in to þe world his mercy. Sei þei now, þat ben aȝeen boȝt of þe Lord, whom he aȝeen boȝte fro þe hond of þe enemy; fro regiouns he gederide hem. Fro þe ſunne riſing, and þe going doun; fro þe norþ, and þe ſe. Þei erreden in wilderneſſe, in vnwatri place; weie of dwelling place of a cite þei founde not. Hungrende and þirſtende; þe ſoule of hem in hem failide. And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; and fro þe nedis of hem he toc hem out. And he broȝte hem þennus in to a riȝt weye; þat þei ſhulde go in to þe cite of wonyng. Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and þe merueilis of hym to þe ſones of men. For he fulfilde þe idil ſoule; and þe hungri ſoule he fulfilde wiþ goodis. Þe ſitteris in dercneſſis, and in þe vmbre of deþ; and þe bounden in beggeri and iren. For þei maden egre þe ſpechis of God; and þe counſeil of þe heȝeſt þei terreden. And mekid is in trauailes þe herte of hem, and þei ben feblid; and þer was not þat wolde helpe. And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; and fro þe nedis of hem he deliuerede hem. And he ladde hem out fro dercneſſis, and þe ſhadewe of deþ; and þe bondis of hem he to-brac. Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and his merueilis to þe ſones of men. For he to-broſide þe irene ȝatis; and þe irene barris he to-brac. He toc hem fro þe weie of wickidneſſe of hem; for þer vnriȝtwiſneſſes forſoþe þei ben mekid. Alle mete þe ſoule of hem wlatide; and þey neȝheden to þe ȝatis of deþ. And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; and fro þe nedis of hem he delyuerede hem. He ſente his woord, and helide hem; and deliuerede hem fro þe deþis of hem. Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and his merueilis to þe ſonus of men. And ſacrifiſe þei a ſacrifiſe of preiſing; and telle þei out his werkis in ful out ioȝing. Þat gon doun þe ſe in ſhipis; doende werching in many watris. Þei ſeȝen þe werkis of þe Lord; and his merueilis in depþe. He ſeide, and þe ſpirit of tempeſt ſtod; and his flowingus ben enhauncid. Þei ſteȝen vp vn to heuenes, and gon doun vn to depneſſis; and þe ſoulis of hem in euelis failede. Þei ben diſturbid, and ben moued as a drunke man; and al þe wiſdam of hem is deuourid. And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; and of þe nedis of hem he broȝte hem out. And he ordeynede his tempeſt in to fair weder; and his flodis weren ſtille. And þei gladeden, for þei were ſtille; and he broȝte hem out in to þe hauene of þe wil of hem. Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and his merueilis to þe ſonus of men. And enhaunce þei hym in þe chirche of folc; and in þe chaȝer of elderis preiſe þei hym. He ſette þe flodis of hem in to deſert; and þe iſſue of watris in to þirſt. Þe fructuous erþe in to briyn; fro þe malice of men dwellende in it. He putte deſert in to pondis of watris; and þe erþe wiþoute water in to þe iſſues of watris. And he ſette þere þe hungry men; and þei ordeyneden a cite of wonyng. And þei ſeewen feeldis, and plaunteden vines; and maden þe frut off birþe. And he bliſſide to hem, and þei ben multiplied ful myche; and þe beſtis of hem he laſſide not. And fewe þei ben maad, and ben ouertrauailid; fro tribulacioun of euelis and ſorewe. Held out is ſtrif vp on þe princis; and to erren he made hem in wiþoute weye, and not in þe weie. And he halp þe pore man fro myſeiſe; and putte as ſhep meynes. Riȝt men ſhul ſeen, and gladen; and alle wickidneſſe ſhal ſtoppe þer mouþ. Who wis man, and ſhal kepe þes þingus; and ſhal vnderſtonde þe mercies of þe Lord?
Salm CVII.
Þe ſong of þe ſalm, to hym Dauid.
Redi is myn herte, God, redy is myn herte; I ſhal ſynge, and ſalm ſeyn in my glorie. Ris vp, ſautre and harpe; I ſhal riſen vp fro þe morutid liȝt. I ſhal knouleche to þee in puplis, Lord; and do ſalm to þee in naciouns. For gret vp on heuenus þi mercy; and vn to þe cloudis þi treuþe. Be þou enhauncid vp on heuenes, God; and vp on alle erþe þi glorie; þat þi loouede be delyuered. Mac ſaf wiþ þi riȝt hond, and ful out here þou me; God ſpac in his holi. I ſhal ful out ioȝen, and deuyde Syccymam; and þe grete valey of tabernaclis I ſhal meſure. Myn is Galaad, and myn is Manaſſes; and Effraym þe vndertaking of myn hed. Juda my king; Moab þe caudroun of myn hope. In to Ydume I ſhal ſtrecchen out my ſho; to me alienes frendis ben maad. Who ſhal bringe me þennus in to a ſtrengþid cite; who ſhal bringe me þennus in to Idume? Wheþer not þou, God, þat haſt put us abac; and þou ſhalt not gon out, God, in oure vertues? Ȝif to vs helpe fro tribulacioun; for vein is þe helþe of man. In God wee ſhuln do vertue; and he to noȝt ſhal bringe doun oure enemys.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
God, my preiſing holde þou not ſtille; for þe mouþ of þe ſynnere, and þe mouþ of þe treccherous vp on me is opened. Þei ſpeeken aȝen me wiþ a treccherous tunge, and wiþ woordis of hate þei enuyrounden me; and þei foȝten me out wiþ oute cauſe. For þi þat me þei ſhulden loouen, þei bacbiten to me; I forſoþe preȝede. And þei ſetten aȝen me euelis for goodis; and hate for my louyng. Sett vp on hym a ſynere; and þe deuell ſtonde at his riȝt ſide. Whan he is demed, go he out condempned; and his oriſoun be maad in to ſynne. His daȝis be þei maad fewe; and an oþer take his biſhopriche. His ſonus be þei maad faderles; and his wif a widewe. Wagerende be tranſlatid his ſones, and begge þei; and be þey caſt out of þer wonyngus. Enſerche þe vſurer al þe ſubſtaunce of hym; and alienus take þei awei his trauailis. Be þer not to hym an helpere; ne be þer þat haue mercy to his moderles childer. His ſones be þei maad in to deþ; in o ieneracioun be don awei his name. In to mynde turne aȝeen þe wickidneſſe of his fadris in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord; and þe ſynne of his moder be not don awei. Be þei maad aȝen þe Lord euermor, and perſhe awei fro þe erþe þe mynde of hem; for þi þat he haþ not recordid to do mercy. And he purſuede an helpeles man and a beggere; and to ſlen þe ſory in herte of ſynne. And he loouede curſing, and it ſhal come to hym; and he wolde not bliſſing, and it ſhal be longid awey fro hym. And he cladde curſing as cloþing, and it wente in as water in to his innermor partis; and as oile in hys bones. Be it maad to hym as cloþing, wiþ þe whiche he is couered; and as a girdil, wiþ þe whiche he is euermor gird beforn. Þis þe werc of hem þat bacbiten to me anent þe Lord; and þat ſpeken euelis aȝen my ſoule. And þou, Lord, Lord, do wiþ me for þi name; for ſwete is þi mercy. Deliuere me, for nedi and a pore man I am; and myn herte is al diſturbid wiþ inne me. As ſhadewe, whan it bowiþ doun, I am taken awei; and am ſhaken out as locuſtis. My knes ben feblid of faſting; and my fleſh is chaungid to betere for oile. And I am maad repref to þem; þei ſeȝen me, and moueden þer hedis. Help me, Lord my God; mac me ſaf aftir þi mercy. And þei ſhul wite, for þis is þin hond; and þou, Lord, haſt maad it. Þey ſhul curſe, and þou ſhalt bleſſe, þat rijſen aȝen me, be þei confoundid; þi ſeruaunt forſoþe ſhal gladen. Be þei clad wiþ ſhame, þat bacbiten to me; and be þei couered as wiþ a double mantil wiþ þer confuſion. I ſhal knouleche to þe Lord ful myche in my mouþ; and in þe myddel of manye I ſhal preiſen hym. Þat ſtod neȝh fro þe riȝt parties of þe pore; þat he make ſaf fro purſueris my ſoule.
Salm CIX.
Þe ſalm of Dauid.
The Lord ſeide to my Lord; Sit þou of my riȝt parties. To þe tyme þat I poote þin enemys; þe litle ſteeȝing vp ſtol of þi feet. Þe ȝerde of þi vertue þe Lord ſhal ſenden out fro Sion; lordſhipe þou in þe myddel of þin enemys. Wiþ þee þe begynnyng in þe dai of þi vertue, in ſhynyngis of ſeintis; fro þe wombe befor þe dai ſterre I gat þee. Þe Lord ſwor, and it ſhal not oþinken hym; Þou art a preſt in to wiþoute ende, after þe order of Melchiſedech. Þe Lord fro þi riȝtſidis; tobroſide in þe dai of his wraþe kingis. He ſhal deme in naciouns; he ſhal fulfille fallingis; he ſhal to-broſe hedis in þe lond of manye. Of þe ſtrem in þe weie he dranc; þerfore he enhauncyde þe hed.
Salm CX.
I ſhal knouleche to þee, Lord, in al myn herte; in counſeil of riȝtwis men and congregacioun. Grete þe werkis of þe Lord; ful out ſoȝt in to alle his willis. Knoulechinge and gret doing þe werc of hym; and his riȝtwiſneſſe woneþ in to world of world. Mynde he made of his merueilis þe merciful and þe rewere Lord; mete he ȝaf to men dredende hym. Myndeful he ſhal ben in to þe world of his teſtament; þe vertue of his werkis he ſhal befortelle to his puple. Þat he ȝyue to þem þe eritage of Jentilis; þe werkis of his hondis, treuþe and dom. Feiþful alle his mandemens, confermed in to world of world; don in treuþe and equyte. Aȝeen biȝing þe Lord ſente to his puple; he ſente in to wiþoute ende his teſtament. Holy and ferful his name; þe begynnyng of wiſdam, þe drede of þe Lord. Good vnderſtonding to alle men doende it; his preiſing dwelliþ in to world of world.
Salm CXI.
Alleluia of þe aȝeen turnyng of Aggee and of Zacarie.
Blisful þe man þat dredeþ þe Lord; in his maundemens he ſhal wilne ful myche. Myȝti in þe erþe ſhal ben his ſed; þe ieneracioun of ryȝt men ſhal be bliſſid. Glorie and richeſſis in his hous; and his riȝtwiſneſſe dwelliþ in to world of world. Ful out ſprungen is in dercneſſis liȝt to þe riȝte; þe merciful, and þe mercy doere, and þe riȝtwis. Joȝeful a man, þat haþ mercy, and leeneþ; diſpoſiþ his woordis in dom; for in to wiþoute ende he ſhal not be moued. In euere laſting mynde ſhal be þe riȝtwiſe; of euel hering he ſhal not drede. Redi his herte to hopen in þe Lord; confermed is his herte, he ſhal not be moued, to þe time þat he looke doun his enemys. He delede, he ȝaf to pore men; þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym dwelliþ in to world of world; þe horn of hym ſhal ben enhauncid in glorie. Þe ſynnere ſhal ſeen, and wraþen; wiþ his teþ he ſhal gnaſten, and waſten hymſelf; þe deſir of ſynneres ſhal perſhen.
Salm CXII.
Preiſe, ȝee childer, þe Lord; preiſe ȝee þe name of þe Lord. Be þe name of þe Lord bliſſid; fro þis now and vnto þe world. Fro þe riſing of þe ſunne vn to þe going doun; preiſable þe name of þe Lord. Heiȝ vp on alle Jentilis þe Lord; and vp on heuenys his glorie. Who as þe Lord oure God, þat in heȝe þingus dwelliþ; and meke þingus beholdiþ in heuene and in erþe? Vnder rerende fro erþe þe helpeles; and fro drit rerende vp þe pore. Þat he ſette hym wiþ princis; wiþ þe princis of his puple. Þat makeþ to wone þe bareyn in þe hous; a moder of ſonys gladende.
In þe going out of Irael fro Egipt; of þe hous of Jacob fro þe ſtraunge puple. Maad is Jude his halewing; Irael þe power of it. Þe ſe ſaȝ, and fleiȝ; Jordan is al turned hindward. Mounteynes ful out ioȝeden as weþeris; and hillys as lombis of ſhep. What is to þee, þou ſe, þat þou flowe; and þou Jordan, for þou art al turned bacward? Hillis, ȝee ful out gladiden as weþeris; and ȝee hillis, as þe lombis of ſheep. Fro þe face of þe Lord moued is þe erþe; from þe face of God of Jacob. Þat turnede þe ſton in to poolis of watris; and þe roche in to wellys of watris. Not to vs, Lord, not to vs; but to þi name ȝif glorie. Vp on þi mercy and þi treuþe; leſt any time ſey þe Jentilis, Wher is þe God of hem? Oure God forſoþe in heuene; alle þingus what euere he wolde, dide. Þe maumetis of Jentilis ſyluer and gold; þe werkis of þe hondis of men. Mouþ þei han, and þei ſhul not ſpeke; eȝen þey han, and þei ſhul not ſee. Eris þei han, and þei ſhul not heren; noſe þerlis þei han, and þei ſhul not ſmelle. Hondis þei han, and þei ſhul not grope; feet þei han, and þey ſhul not go; þei ſhul not crien in þer þrote. Lyc to þem be þei maad, þat don þo þingus; and alle þat troſten in hem. Þe hous of Iſrael hopide in þe Lord; he is þe helpere of hem, and þe defendere of hem. Þe hous of Aron hopide in þe Lord; he is þe helpere of hem, and þe defendere of hem. Þat dreden þe Lord, hopiden in þe Lord; he is þe helpere of hem, and þe defendere of hem. Þe Lord myndeful was of vs; and bliſſede to vs. He bliſſede to þe hous of Irael; he bliſſede to þe hous of Aaron. He bliſſede to alle men þat dreden þe Lord; to þe litle wiþ þe more. Þe Lord caſte he to vp on ȝou; vpon ȝou and vp on ȝoure ſones. Bleſſid be ȝee of þe Lord; þat made heuene and erþe. Þe heuene of heuene to þe Lord; þe erþe forſoþe he ȝaf to þe ſones of men. Not þe deade ſhul preiſe þee, Lord; ne alle þat go doun into helle. But wee þat lyuen, bliſſen to þe Lord; fro þis now and vn to þe world.
I loouede; for þe Lord ſhal ful out here þe vois of myn oriſoun. For he inbowide his ere to me; and in my daȝis I ſhal inwardly clepe. Þer enuyrounden me ſorewis of deþ; and þe perilis of helle founden me. Trybulacioun and ſorewe I fond; and þe name of þe Lord I inwardli clepede. O! Lord, delyuere þou my ſoule; mercyful Lord, and riȝtwys, and oure God haþ reuþe. Þe Lord kepende litil childer; I am meekid, and he deliuerede me. My ſoule, be þou al turned in to þi reſte; for þe Lord haþ wel do to þee. For he toc out my ſoule fro deþ; myn eȝen fro teris, my feet fro ſliding. I ſhal pleſe to þe Lord; in þe regioun of men on lyue.
Salm CXV.
I leeuede, wherfor I ſpac; I forſoþe am mekid ful myche. I ſeyde in myn exceſſe; Eche man a liere. What ſhal I ȝeelde to þe Lord; for alle þingus þat he ȝeld to me? Þe chalis of þe helþe ȝyuere I ſhal take; and þe name of þe Lord I ſhal inwardli clepen. My vouwis to þe Lord I ſhal ȝelde befor al his puple; precious in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord þe deþ of his ſeintis. O!
Lord, for I þi ſeruaunt; I þi ſeruaunt, and þe ſone of þin hond maiden. Þou haſt broke my bondis, to þee I ſhal ſacrifien an oſt of preiſing; and þe name of þe Lord I ſhal inwardli clepe. My vouwis to þe Lord I ſhal ȝelde, in þe ſiȝte of al his puple; in þe porche of þe hous of þe Lord, in þe myddil of þi Jeruſalem.
Salm CXVI.
Preiſe ȝee þe Lord, alle Jentilis; preiſe ȝee hym, alle puplis. For confermed is vp on vs þe mercy of hym; and þe treuþe of þe Lord dwelliþ in to wiþ oute ende.
Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe world þe merci of hym. Seye now Irael, for he is good; for in to þe world þe mercy of hym. Seie now þe hous of Aron; for in to þe world þe mercy of hym. Seye now þei þat dreden þe Lord; for in to þe world þe mercy of hym. Fro tribulacioun I inwardli clepide þe Lord; and ful out herde me in breede þe Lord. Þe Lord to me an helpere; I ſhal not drede what do to me a man. Þe Lord to me an helpere; and I ſhal deſpiſe myn enemys. Good is to troſtnen in þe Lord; þan to troſten in man. Good is to hopen in þe Lord; þan to hopen in princis. Alle Jentilys ȝiden aboute me; and in þe name of þe Lord, for I am vengid in hem. Goende aboute þei ȝiden aboute me; and in þe name of þe Lord, for I am vengid in hem. Þei enuyrounden me as bes, and wraþeden out as fyr in þornes; and in þe name of þe Lord, for I am vengid in hem. Ful myche conſtreyned I am turned vp ſo doun, þat I ſhulde falle; and þe Lord vndertoc me. My ſtrengþe, and my preiſing þe Lord; and he is maad to me in to helþe. Þe vois of ful out ioȝing and of helþe; in þe tabernaclis of riȝtwis men. Þe riȝt hond of þe Lord dide vertue; þe riȝt hond of þe Lord enhauncide me; þe riȝt hond of þe Lord dide vertue. I ſhal not die, but liuen; and I ſhal telle þe werkis of þe Lord. Chaſtiſende chaſtiſede me þe Lord; and to deþ he toc not me. Openeþ to me þe ȝatis of riȝtwiſneſſe, and gon in to þem I ſhal knouleche to þe Lord; þis þe ȝate of þe Lord, riȝtwis men ſhul gon in to it. I ſhal knouleche to þee, for þou haſt ful out herd me; and þou art maad to me in to helþe. Þe ſton þat bildende þei repreueden; þis is maad in to þe hed of þe corner. Of þe Lord þis is don; and it is merueilous in oure eȝen. Þis is þe dai þat þe Lord made; ful out ioȝe wee, and glade wee in it. O! Lord, mac me ſaf, O! Lord, weel be þou welſum; bliſſid þat comeþ in þe name of þe Lord. Wee han bliſſid to ȝou fro þe hous of þe Lord; God þe Lord, and he haþ liȝtid to vs. Ordeyne ȝee a ſolempne dai in þicke þingis; vn to þe horn of þe auter. My God þou art, and I ſhal knouleche to þee; my God þou art, and I ſhal enhaunce þee. I ſhal knoulechen to þee, for þou haſt ful out herd me; and þou art maad to me in to helþe. Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe world þe merci of hym.
Blisful þe vndefoulid in þe weie; þat gon in þe lawe of þe Lord. Blisful þat enſerche þe witneſſingus of hym; in al þe herte ful out ſechen hym. Forſoþe not þei þat wirken wickidneſſe; in þe weies of hym ȝiden. Þou haſt comaundid; þin heſtis to be kept ful myche. Wolde God weren dreſſid my weies; to be kept þi iuſtifiyngus. Þanne I ſhal not be confoundid; whan I ſhal parfitli loken in alle þin heſtis. I ſhal knouleche to þee in riȝt reuling of herte; in þat þat I haue lerned þe domes of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. Þi juſtifiyngis I ſhal kepe; ne forſake þou me on alle ſydys.
In what amendiþ þe ȝunge man more waxen his weye? in keping þi woordis. In al myn herte I ful out ſoȝte þee; ne poote þou me abac fro þin heſtis. In myn herte I hidde þi ſpechis; þat I ſynne not to þee. Bliſſid þou art, Lord; teche me þi iuſtifiyngus. In my lippis I tolde forþ; alle þe domes of þin mouþ. In þe weie of þi witneſſingis I delitide; as in alle richeſſes. In þin heſtys I ſhal ben enhauntid; and I ſhal beholde þi weies. In þi iuſtefiyngus I ſhal ſweteli þenken; and I ſhal not forȝete þi woordis.
Ȝeld to þi ſeruaunt; quikene þou me, and I ſhal kepe þi woordis. Opene myn eȝen; and I ſhal beholde þe merueilis of þi lawe. A comeling wonere I am in þe erþe; ne hide þou fro me þin heſtis. My ſoule coueitide to deſire þi iuſtefiyngus; in alle tyme. Þou blamediſt proude men; curſid ben þei, þat bowen doun fro þi maundementis. Do awei fro me repref and diſpiſing; for þi witneſſingus I ful out ſoȝte. Forſoþe þer ſeten princis, and aȝen me þei ſpeeken; þi ſeruaunt forſoþe was enhauntid in þi iuſtefiyngus. For and þi witneſſingus is my ſwete þenking; and my counſeil þi iuſtefiyngus.
Myn ſoule cleuede to þe pament; quykene þou me aftir þi woord. My weies I tolde out, and þou ful out herdeſt me; teche me þi iuſtefiyngis. Þe weie of þi iuſtefiyngus enforme þou me; and I ſhal ben enhauntid in þi merueilis. My ſoule nappide for noȝe; conferme þou me in þi woordis. Þe weie of wickidneſſe moue þou awey fro me; and in þi lawe haue mercy of me. Þe weie of treuþe I ches; þi domes I haue not forȝeten. I cleuede to þi witneſſingus, Lord; wile þou not me confounden. Þe weie of þin heſtis I ran; whan þou ſpreddeſt abrod myn herte.
Lawe ſet þou to me, Lord, þe weie of þi iuſtefiyngus; and I ſhal ſeche out it euermor. Ȝif to me vndirſtonding, and I ſhal enſerche þi lawe; and I ſhal kepen it in al myn herte. Bring out me in þe ſty of þin heſtis; for it I wolde. Bowe in myn herte in to þi witneſſyngus; and not in to coueitiſe. Turne awei myn eȝen, leſt þei ſee vanytee; in þi weie quykene þou me. Sett to þi ſeruaunt þi ſpeche; in þi drede. Kut of my repref, þat I ouertrowide; for þi domys ioȝeful. Lo! I haue coueitid þin heſtis; in þin equite quykene þou me.
And þi mercy come vp on me, Lord; þin helþe ȝiuere after þi ſpeche. And I ſhal anſwere to þe repreuende me a woord; for I hopide in þi ſermounes. And ne take þou awei fro my mouþ a woord of truþe on eche ſide; for in þi domes I ouer hopide. And I ſhal kepe þi lawe euermor; in to þe world, and in to þe world of world. And I ȝide in breede; and þin heſtis I out ſoȝte. And I ſpac in þi witneſſingus in þe ſiȝte of kingus; and I was not confoundid. And I ſweteli þoȝte in þin heſtis; þat I loouede. And I rerede myn hondis to þin heſtis, þat I loouede; and I ſhal ben enhauntid in þi iuſtefiyngis.
Myndeful be þou of þi woord to þi ſeruaunt; in whiche to me hope þou haſt ȝiuen. Þis coumfortide me in my mecneſſe; for þi ſpeche quykenede me. Proude men wickidli deden on eche ſide; fro þi lawe forſoþe I bowide not doun. Myndeful I was of þi domes fro þe world, Lord; and I am coumfortid. Failing heeld me; for þe ſynneres forſakende þi lawe. Chauntable weren to me þi iuſtefiyngus; in þe place of my pilgrimaging. Myndeful I was þe nyȝt of þi name, Lord; and I kepte þi lawe. Þis is do to me; for þi iuſtefiyngis I out ſoȝte.
My porcioun þou, Lord; I ſeide to kepe þi lawe. I louli preȝede þi face in al myn herte; haue mercy of me aftir þi ſpeche. I þoȝte my weies; and al turnede my feet in to þi witneſſingus. I am redi, and am not diſturbid; þat I kepe þin heſtys. Þe cordis of ſynneres ben wounden aboute me; and þi lawe I haue not forȝete. At myd nyȝt I ros to knouleche to þee; vp on þe domes of þi iuſtefiyng. Parcener I am of alle men dredende þee; and of kepende þin heſtis. Of þi mercy, Lord, ful is þe erþe; þi iuſtefiyngus teche þou me.
Goodneſſe þou haſt do to þi ſeruaunt, Lord; aftir þi woord. Goodneſſe, and diſcipline, and kunnyng tech þou me; for in þin heſtys I leeuede. Beforn þat I was mekid, I treſpaſide; þerfore þi ſpeche I kepte. Good art þou; and in þi goodneſſe tech me þi iuſtefiyngis. Multeplied is vp on me þe wickidneſſe of proude men; I forſoþe in al myn herte ſhal enſerche þin heſtis. Cruddid is as mylc þe herte of hem; I forſoþe þi lawe ſweteli þoȝte. Good is to me, for þou haſt mekid me; þat I lerne þi iuſtefiyngus. Good is to me þe lawe of þi mouþ; vp on þouſendis of gold and of ſiluer.
Þin hondus maden me, and formeden me; ȝif to me vnderſtonding, þat I lerne þin heſtis. Þat dreden þee ſhul ſee me, and gladen; for in þi wordis I ouerhopide. I knewȝ, Lord, for equite þi domes; and in þi treuþe þou haſt mekid me. Be don þi mercy, þat it coumforte me; after þi ſpeche to þi ſeruaunt. Come to me þi mercy doingus, and I ſhal liue; for þi lawe is my ſwete þenking. Proude men be þei confoundid, for vnriȝtwiſli wickidneſſe þei diden aȝen me; I forſoþe ſhal ben enhauntid in þin heſtis. Þe men dredende þee be þei al turned to me; and þo þat knewe þi wytneſſingus. Be maad myn herte vndefoulyd in þi iuſtefiyngis; þat I be not confoundid.
My ſoule failide in to þin helþe ȝiuere; and in to þi woord I ouerhopede. Myn eȝen faileden in to þin ſpeche; ſeiende, Whanne ſhalt þou coumforte me? For I am maad as a botel in hor froſt; þi iuſtefiyngus I haue not forȝete. Hou fele ben þe daȝis of þi ſeruaunt; whanne ſhalt þou do of þe purſuende me dom? Wicke men tolden to me talingus; but not as þi lawe. Alle þin maundemens treuþe; wicke men purſueden me, help þou me. A litel laſſe þei waſteden me in þe erþe; I forſoþe forſoc not þin heſtis. After þi mercy quikene þou me; and I ſhal kepe þe witneſſingis of þi mouþ.
In to wiþoute ende, Lord; þi woord abit ſtille in heuene. In ieneracioun and to ieneracioun þi treuþe; þou foundediſt þe erþe, and it abit ſtille. In þin ordynaunce abit þe day; for alle þingus ſeruen to þee. But þat þi lawe is my ſwete þenking; þanne parauenture I hadde perſhid in my mecneſſe. In to wiþouten ende I ſhal not forȝete þi iuſtefiyngis; for in hem þou haſt quykened me. Þin I am, mac me ſaf; for þi iuſtefiyngis I haue out ſoȝt. Me abiden ſynneres, þat þei ſhulden deſtrie me; þi witneſſyngus I vnderſtod. Of alle ending I ſaȝ þe ende; brod þin heſte ful myche.
What maner I loouede þi lawe, Lord; al dai my ſwete þenking it is. Vp on myn enemys prudent þou madiſt me wiþ þin heſte; for in to wiþoute ende it is to me. Vp on alle techende me I vnderſtod; for þi witneſſyngis is my ſwete þenking. Ouer olde men I vnderſtod; for þin heſtis I ſoȝte. Fro alle euel weie I forfendede my feet; þat I kepe þi woordus. Fro þi domes I bowide not doun; for lawe þou haſt put to me. Hou ſwete to myn chekis þi ſpechis; ouer hony to my mouþ. Of þin heſtis I vnderſtod; þerfore I hatide eche weie of wickidneſſe.
Lanterne to my feet þi woord; and liȝt to myn paþis. I ſwoor; and ſette to kepe þe domes of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. I am mekid on alle ſide; Lord, quykene þou me aftir þi woord. Þe wilful þingus of my mouþ wel pleſing mac þou, Lord; and þi domys tech me. My ſoule in myn hondis euermor; and þi lawe I haue not forȝeten. Synneres ſetteden a grene to me; and fro þin heſtis I errede not. Bi eritage I purchaſide þi witneſſingus in to wiþoute ende; for þe ful out ioȝing of myn herte þei ben. I bowede in myn herte to ben don þi iuſtefiyngis; in to wiþoute ende for ȝelding.
Wicke men to hate I hadde; and þi lawe I loouede. Helpere, and myn vndertakere þou art; and in to þi woord I hopide ouer. Boweþ doun fro mee, ȝee malice doeris; and I ſhal ſerche þe heſtis of my God. Vndertac me aftir þi ſpeche, and I ſhal liue; and confounde þou not me fro myn abiding. Help me, and I ſhal ben ſaaf; and I ſhal ſweteli þenken in þi iuſtefiyngis euermor. Þou haſt deſpiſid alle men goende doun fro þi domes; for vnriȝtwis þe þenking of hem. Treſpaſende I heeld alle þe ſynneres of erþe; þerfore I loouede þi witneſſingis. Pricke wiþ þi drede my fleſh; forſoþe fro þi domes I dradde.
I dide dom and riȝtwiſneſſe; tac þou nott me to þe akuſende me. Vndertac þi ſeruaunt in to good; chalenge me not þe proude. Myn eȝen faileden in to þin helþe ȝiuere; and in to þe ſpeche of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. Do wiþ þi ſeruaunt after þi mercy; and þi iuſtefiyngis teche þou me. Þi ſeruaunt I am; ȝif to me vnderſtonding, þat I wite þi witneſſingis. Time of doing, Lord; þei han ſcatered þi lawe. Þerfore I loouede þin heſtis; ouer gold and topaſion. Þerfore to alle þin heſtis I was riȝtforþ reulyd; alle wicke weie to hate I hadde.
Merueilous þi witneſſingis, Lord; þerfore ſerchede þem my ſoule. Þe declaring of þi woordis liȝtneþ; vnderſtonding ȝiueþ to litle childer. My mouþ I openede, and I droȝ to a ſpirit; for þin heſtis I deſirede. Behold in me, and haue mercy of me; after þe dom of men loouende þi name. My goingus forþ riȝt reule þou after þi ſpeche; þat þer lordſhipe not of me alle vnriȝtwiſneſſe. Aȝeen bie me fro þe chalengis of men; þat I kepe þin heſtis. Þi face liȝtne þou vp on þi ſeruaunt; and tech me þi iuſtefiyngis. Iſſues of watris broȝten out myn eȝen; for þei kepten not þi lawe.
Riȝtwis þou art, Lord; and riȝt is þi dom. Þou haſt comaundid riȝtwiſneſſe, þi witneſſingus; and þi treuþe ful myche. My looue made me to dwyne; for myn enemys han forȝete þi woordis. Fyrid is þi ſpeche hugeli; and þi ſeruaunt loouede it. A ȝung waxen man I am, and diſpiſid; þi iuſtefiyngis I haue not forȝete. Þi riȝtwiſneſſe, Lord, riȝtwiſneſſe in to wiþoute ende; and þi lawe treuþe. Tribulacioun and anguiſh founden me; þin heſtis is my ſwete þenking. Equite þi witneſſingus in to wiþoute ende; vnderſtonding ȝif þou to me, and I ſhal liue.
I criede in al myn herte, full out here me, Lord; þi iuſtefiyngus I ſhal aȝeen ſeche. I criede to þee, mac me ſaf; þat I kepe þin heſtis. I cam beforn in ceſounable time of werking, and I criede; in to þi woordis I ouer hopede. Myn eȝen camen beforn to þee þe morutid; þat I ſhulde ſweteli þenke þi ſpechis. My vois here þou aftir þi mercy, Lord; and aftir þi dom quykene þou me. Þer neȝheden þe purſuende me to wickidneſſe; fro þi lawe ferr þei ben maad forſoþe. Neeȝh þou art, Lord; and alle þi weies treuþe. Fro þe bigynnyng I knewȝ of þi witneſſingys; for in to wiþoute ende þou foundedeſt hem.
See my mecneſſe, and tac me out; for þi lawe I haue not forȝete. Deme þou my dom, and aȝeen bie þou me; for þi ſpeche quikene þou me. Ferr fro ſyneres helþe; for þi iuſtefiyngus þei out ſoȝten not. Þi mercies manye, Lord; and aftir þi dom quikene þou me. Manye þat purſuen me, and trublen me; fro þi witneſſingis I bowede not doun. I ſaȝ lawe brekeris, and I dwynede awei; for þei kepten not þi ſpechis. See, for þi heſtis I loouede, Lord; in þi mercy quikene þou me. Þe begynnyng of þi woordis treuþe; into wiþoute ende alle þe domes of þi riȝtwiſneſſe.
Princis purſueden me wiþ oute cauſe; and of þi woordis dradde myn herte. I ſhal gladen vpon þine ſpechis; as he þat findeþ manye ſpoilis. Wickidneſſe to hate I hadde, and wlatide; þi lawe forſoþe I loouede. Seuen ſiþes in þe dai preiſing I ſeide to þee; vp on þe domys of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. Myche pes to þe loouende þi lawe; and þer is not to þem ſclaundre. I bod þin helþe ȝiuere, Lord; and þin heſtis I loouede. My ſoule kepte þy witneſſingus; and loouede þem hugeli. I kepte þin heſtis, and þi witneſſingis; for alle my weies in þi ſyȝt.
Neȝhe my lowe preȝing in þi ſiȝte, Lord; aftir þi ſpeche ȝif to me vnderſtonding. Entre myn aſking in þin ſighte; aftir þi ſpeche deliuere me. My lippis ſhuln tellen out an impne; whan þou ſhalt teche me þi iuſtefiyngus. My tunge ſhal telle forþ þi ſpeche; for alle þi maundemens equyte. Be maad þin hond, þat it ſaue me; for þi maundemens I ches. I coueitide þin helþe ȝiuere, Lord; and þi lawe is my ſweete þenking. Liue my ſoule, and it ſhal preiſe þee; and þi domys ſhul helpe me. I errede as a ſhep þat perſhede; ſeche þi ſeruaunt, Lord, for þin heſtis I haue not forȝeten.
Salm CXIX.
Þe ſong of grees.
To þe Lord, whan I was trublid, I criede; and he ful out herde me. Lord, deliuere my ſoule fro wicke lippys; and fro þe treccherous tunge. What be ȝiue to þee, or what be put to þee; aȝen þe treccherous tunge? Sharpe arewis of þe myȝti; wiþ colis waſtende. Allas to me! for my pilgrimaging is drawen along, I dwelte wiþ men dwellende Cedar; myche wonyng as a comeling was my ſoule. Wiþ hem þat hateden pes I was peſible; whan I ſpac to þem, þei impugneden me wiþ oute cauſe.
Salm CXX.
Þe ſong of grees.
I rered vp myn eȝen in to þe mounteynes; whennys ſhal come helpe to me. Myn helpe of þe Lord; þat made heuene and erþe. Ȝiue he not in to ſtiring þi foot; ne nappe he, þat kepeþ þee. Lo! he ſhal not nappen, ne ſlepen; þat kepeþ Irael. Þe Lord kepeþ þee, þe Lord þi defending; vp on þi riȝþond. By day þe ſunne ſhal not brenne þee; ne þe mone bi þe nyȝt. Þe Lord kepeþ þee fro alle euel; kepe þi ſoule þe Lord. Þe Lord kepe þin entre and þi iſſu; fro þis now and vn to þe world.
Salm CXXI.
Þe ſong of grees.
I gladide in þeſe þingus, þat ben ſeid to me; In to þe hous of þe Lord wee ſhul go. Stondende weren oure feet; in þi porchis, O Jeruſalem. Jeruſalem, þat is bild as a cite; whos part taking is in to itſelf. Þider forſoþe ſteȝeden vp lynagis, þe linagis of þe Lord; þe witneſſing of Irael, to knouleche to þe name of þe Lord. For þer ſeten þe ſetis in dom; þe ſetis vpon þe hous of Dauid. Preȝeþ þat to þe pes ben of Jeruſalem; and abundaunce to þe loouende þee. Be maad pes in þi vertue; and abundaunce in þi touris. For my breþeren and my neȝheboris; I ſpac pes of þee. For þe hous of þe Lord oure God; I ſoȝte goode þingus to þee.
Þe ſong of grees.
To þee I liftide myn eȝen; þat dwelliſt in heuenus. Lo! as þe eȝen of þe ſeruauns; in þe hondis of þer lordis. As þe eȝen of þe hondmaide, in þe hondis of hir ladi; ſo oure eȝen to þe Lord oure God, to þe time he haue merci of vs. Haue merci of vs, Lord, haue mercy of vs; for myche wee be fulfild wiþ diſpiſing. For myche is fulfild oure ſoule; to þe abundaunt repref, and to þe proude men diſpiſing.
Þe ſong of grees.
But for þe Lord was in vs, ſeie now Irael; but for þe Lord was in vs. Whan men ſhulden riſen aȝen vs out; per auenture aliue þei hadde ſwolewid vs. Whan ſhulde wraþen þe wodneſſe of hem in to vs; per auenture water hadde vp ſopen vs. Oure ſoule paſſide þurȝ þe ſtrem; per auenture oure ſoule ſhulde han paſſid þurȝ þe vnſuffrable watir. Blyſſyd be þe Lord; þat ȝaff not vs in to þe cacchynge to þe teþ of hem. Oure ſoule, as a ſparewe, is caȝt out; fro þe grene of hunteres. Þe grene is to-broſid; and wee be deliuered. Oure helpe in þe name of þe Lord; þat made heuene and erþe.
Þe ſong of grees.
That troſten in þe Lord as þe mount of Sion; he ſhal not be moued in to wiþoute ende, þat dwelliþ in Jeruſalem. Þe mounteynes in his cumpas; and þe Lord in þe cumpas of his puple, fro þis now and vnto þe world. For þe Lord ſhal not lefe þe ȝerd of ſynneres vp on þe lot of riȝtwis men; þat þe riȝtwis men ſtrecche not out to wickidneſſe þer hondis. Wel do þou, Lord; to goode men, and riȝt in herte. Þe boowende doun forſoþe in to obliſhingis þe Lord ſhal bring to wiþ werkende wickidneſſe; pes vp on Irael.
Salm CXXV.
Þe ſong of grees.
Lord, in turnende þe caitifte of Sion; wee ben maad as coumfortid. Þanne fild is our mouþ wiþ ioȝe; and oure tunge in ful out ioȝing. Þanne þei ſhul ſeye among Jentilis; Þe Lord haþ magnefied to don wiþ hem. Þe Lord haþ magnefied to do wiþ vs; wee ben maad gladende. Lord, al turne oure caitifte; as a ſtrem in þe ſouþ. Þat ſowen in teris; in ful out ioȝing ſhul repe. Goende þei ȝiden, and wepten; ſendende þer ſedis. Comende forſoþe þei ſhul come; berende wiþ ful out ioȝing þer handfullis.
Þe ſong of grees.
But þe Lord ſhulde bild þe hous; in to veyn trauaileden þat bilden it. But þe Lord ſhul kepe þe cite; in vein wakeþ þat kepeþ it. Veyn it is to ȝou befor liȝt to riſen; riſeþ aftir þat ȝee ſeten, þat eten þe bred of ſorewe. Whan he ſhal ȝiuen to his loouede a ſlep; lo! þe eritage of þe Lord þe ſones, þe mede þe frut of þe wombe. As arewes in þe hond of þe myȝty; ſo þe ſones off þe out ſhaken. Blisful þe man þat fulfilde his deſir of hem; he ſhal not be confoundid, whan he ſhal ſpeke to his enemys in þe ȝate.
Þe ſong of grees.
Blisful alle þat dreden þe Lord; þat gon in his weies. Þe trauailis of þin hondis for þou ſhalt ete; blisful þou art, and wel ſhal be to þee. Þi wif as a vine aboundende; in þe ſydes of þin hous. Þy ſones as þe newe braunchis of oliues; in þe cumpas of þi bord. Lo! þus ſhal be bliſſid þe man; þat dredeþ þe Lord. Bliſſe to þee þe Lord fro Sion; and ſee þou þe goodis of Jeruſalem alle þe daȝes of þi lif. And ſee þou þe ſones of þi ſones; þe pes vp on Irael.
Þe ſong of grees.
Ofte þei han out foȝte me, fro my ȝouþe; ſeye now Irael. Ofte þei han out foȝte me fro my ȝouþe; forſoþe þei myȝte not to me. Vpon my bac forgeden ſynneres; þei longeden aferr þer wickidneſſis. Þe Lord riȝtwys ſhal to-hewe þe nollis of ſynneres; be þei confoundid, and al turned bacward, þat hateden Sion. Be þei maad as hei of rooues; þat beforn it be pullid out, ful out driede. Of þe whiche he þat repeþ, ſhal not fulfille his hond; and hys boſum, þat ſhal gedere handfullis. And þey ſeiden not þat wenten biſide, Þe bliſſing of þe Lord vp on ȝou; wee han bliſſid to ȝou in þe name of þe Lord.
Þe ſong of grees.
Fro depþis I criede to þee, Lord; Lord, full out here þou my vois. Be maad þin eris vnderſtondende; in to þe vois of my lowe preȝing. If wickidneſſis þou ſhalt al aboute kepe, Lord; Lord, who ſhal ſuſtene. For anent þee is mercy doyng; and for þi lawe I ſuſtenede þee, Lord. My ſoule ſuſtenede in þe woord of hym; my ſoule hopide in þe Lord. Fro þe morutyd warde vnto þe nyȝt; hope Irael in þe Lord. For anent þe Lord mercy; and plenteous anentis hym aȝeen biyng. And he ſhal aȝeen bie Irael; fro alle þe wickidneſſis of hym.
Salm CXXX.
Þe ſong of grees.
Lord, myn herte is not enhaunſid; ne rerid vp ben myn eȝen. Ne I wente in grete þingis; ne in merueilis ouer me. If not mekely I felede; but I enhaunced my ſoule. As þe wened vpon his moder; ſo ȝelding in my ſoule. Hope Irael in þe Lord; fro þis now and vn to þe world.
Þe ſong of grees.
Haue mynde, Lord, of Dauid; and of al þe debonerneſſe of hym. As he ſwor to þe Lord; a vow he vouwide to þe God of Jacob. I ſhal not entre in to þe tabernacle of myn hous; I ſhal not ſteȝen vp in to þe bed of my bedding. I ſhal not ȝiue ſlep to myn eȝen; and to my eȝe lidis napping. And reſte to my times, to þe time I finde a place to þe Lord; a tabernacle to þe God of Jacob. Lo! wee han herd it in Effrata; wee han founden it in þe feldis of þe wode. Wee ſhul entre in to þe tabernacle of hym; wee ſhuln honouren in þe place, where ſtoden his feet. Ris, Lord, in to þi reſting; þou and þe arke of þin halewing. Þi preſtis be þei clad riȝtwiſneſſe; and þin halewis ful out ioȝe þey. For Dauid, þi ſeruaunt; turne þou not awei þe face of þi criſt. Þe Lord ſwor to Dauid treuþe, and he ſhal not maken hym in vein; of þe frute of þi wombe I ſhal putte vp on þi ſeete. If þi ſones ſhul kepe my teſtament; and my witneſſingis, þeſe þat I ſhal teche þem. And þe ſones of hem vn to þe world; ſhul ſitte vp on þi ſete. For þe Lord ches Sion; he ches it in to dwelling to hym. Þis my reſte in to þe world of world; heer I ſhal dwelle, for I ches it. His widewe bleſſende I ſhal bliſſe; his pore I ſhal fulfille wiþ loues. Hiſe preſtis I ſhal cloþe wiþ helþe ȝiuere; and his halewis wiþ ful out ioȝing ſhuln ful out ioȝen. Þider I ſhal bringe forþ þe horn of Dauid; I haue maad redi a lanterne to my criſt. His enemys I ſhal cloþe wiþ ſhenſhipe; vp on hym forſoþe ſhal flouren out myn halewing.
Þe ſong of grees.
Lo! hou good, and how ioȝeful; breþern to dwellen in to oon. As an oynement in þe hed; þat goþ doun in to þe berd, þe berd of Aaron. Þat goþ doun in to þe hemme of his cloþing; as deu of Ermon, þat goþ doun in to þe hil of Syon. For þider ſente þe Lord bleſſing; and lif vn to þe world.
Þe ſong of grees.
Lo! now bliſſeþ þe Lord; alle ȝee ſeruauns of þe Lord. Þat ſtonden in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe porchis of þe hous of oure God. In nyȝtes heueþ vp ȝoure hondis in to holi þingis; and bliſſeþ to þe Lord. Bliſſe þee þe Lord fro Sion; þat made heuene and erþe.
Preiſe ȝee þe name of þe Lord; preiſe ȝee, ſeruauns, þe Lord. Þat ſtonden in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe porchis of þe hous of oure God. Preiſe ȝee þe Lord, for good is þe Lord; doþ ſalm to his name, for it ys ſweete. For þe Lord ches to hym Jacob; and Irael in to poſſeſſioun to hym. For I knew, þat gret is þe Lord; and oure God beforn alle godys. Alle þingis what euere þe Lord wolde, he dide in heuene and in erþe; in þe ſe, and in alle depneſſis. Bringende out cloudis fro þe vtmoſtis of þe erþe; leitis in to reyn he made. Þat bringeþ forþ windis fro his treſores; þat ſmot þe firſt goten of Egipt, fro man vn to beſte. And he ſente tocnes and wndris in þe myddel of þee, Egipt; in to Farao and in to alle his ſeruauns. Þat ſmot manye Jentilis; and ſloȝ ſtronge kingis. Seon, þe king of Amorreis; and Og þe king of Baſan, and alle þe reumys of Chanaan. And he ȝaf þe lond of hem eritage; eritage to Irael, his puple. Lord, þi name in to wiþ oute ende; Lord, þi memorial in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun. For þe Lord ſhal demen his puple; and in his ſeruauns he ſhal be louly preȝid. Þe maumetis of Jentilis ſiluer and gold; þe werkis of þe hondys of men. Mouþ þei han, and þei ſhul not ſpeke; eȝen þei han, and þei ſhuln not ſee. Eris þei han, and þei ſhul not here; ne forſoþe ſpirit is in þe mouþ of hem. Lyc to þem be þei maad, þat don þo þingis; and alle þat troſten in hem. Hous of Irael, bleſſe ȝee to þe Lord; hous of Aron, bliſſe ȝee to þe Lord. Hous of Leuy, bliſſe ȝee to þe Lord; ȝee þat drede þe Lord, bliſſeþ to þe Lord. Bliſſid be þe Lord fro Sion; þat dwelliþ in Jeruſalem.
Knouleche ȝee to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe world þe merci of hym. Knoulecheþ to þe God of godis. Knoulecheþ to þe Lord of lordis. Þat makeþ grete merueilis alone. Þat made heuenes in vnderſtonding. Þat faſtnede þe erþe vp on watris. Þat made grete liȝt ȝiueres. Þe ſunne in to þe power of þe dai. Þe mone and þe ſterris in to þe power of þe nyȝt. Þat ſmot Egipt wiþ þe firſt goten of hem. Þat broȝte oute Irael fro þe myddel of hem. In myghty hond; and in heiȝ arm. Þat deuydede þe rede ſe in to deuyſeouns. And broȝte out Irael þurȝ þe myddel of it. And ſhoc out Farao and his vertue in þe rede ſe. Þat ladde ouer his puple þurȝ þe deſert. Þat ſmot grete kingis. And ſloȝ ſtronge kingis. Seon, þe king of Amoreis. And Og, þe king of Baſan. And he ȝaf þe lond of hem eritage. Eritage to Irael, his ſeruaunt. For in oure mecneſſe myndefull he was of vs. And he aȝeen boȝte vs fro oure enemys. Þat ȝiueþ mete to alle fleſh. Knoulecheþ to God of heuene. Knoulecheþ to þe Lord of lordis; for in to wiþoute ende þe mercy of hym.
Þe ſalm of Dauid, for Jeremye.
Vp on þe flodis of Babiloyne þere wee ſeten, and wepten; whil wee recordeden of Sion. In wiþies in þe myddes of it; wee heengen vp oure inſtrumens. For þere aſkeden vs þat caityues broȝten vs; þe woordis of ſongis of deſpit. And þei þat ledden aweie vs; An ympne ſingeþ to vs of þe ſongis of Sion. Hou ſhul wee ſinge þe ſong of þe Lord; in an heþen lond? If I ſhule forȝeten of þee, Jeruſalem; to forȝeting be ȝiue my riȝþond. Cleue my tunge to myn chekis; if I ſhul not han mynde of þee. If I ſhul not purpoſen þee, Jeruſalem; in þe begynnyng of my gladneſſe. Myndeful be þou, Lord, of þe ſones of Edom; in to þe dai of Jeruſalem. Þat ſeyn, Ful out waſteþ, ful out waſteþ; vnto þe foundement in it. Þe doȝtir of Babilon wrecchid, blisful þat ſhal ȝelde to þee þi ȝelding; þat þou haſt ȝolde to vs. Blisful þat ſhal holden; and hurtlen his litle childer to þe ſton.
Þe ſalm to hym Dauid.
I ſhal knoulechen to þee, Lord, in al myn herte; for þou haſt herd þe woordis of my mouþ. In þe ſiȝte of aungelis I ſhal don ſalm to þee, my God; I ſhal honoure at þin holy temple, and knouleche to þi name. Vp on þi mercy and þi treuþe; for þou haſt magnefied þi ſeynt ouer alle name. In what euere day I ſhal inwardli clepe þee, ful out here me; þou ſhalt multeplie in my ſoule vertue. Knouleche to þee, Lord, alle þe kingis of erþe; for þei han herd alle þe woordys of þi mouþ. And ſinge þei in þe weyes of þe Lord; for gret is þe glorie of þe Lord. For heiȝ þe Lord, and meke þingis he beholdeþ; and heȝe þingis fro a ferr he knowiþ. If I ſhul go in þe myddel of tribulacioun, þou ſhalt quikene me; and vp on þe wraþe of myn enemys þou haſt ſtraȝt out þin hond, and ſaf made me þi ryȝt hond. Þe Lord ſhal ȝelde for me, Lord, þi mercy in to þe world; þe werkis of þin hondis ne deſpiſe þou.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Lord, þou haſt proued me, and knowen me; þou haſt knowe my ſitting, and myn aȝeen riſing. Þou vnderſtode my þoȝtis fro aferr; my paþ and my litle corde þou enſerchediſt. And alle my weies þou beforn ſeȝe; for þer is not woord in my tunge. Lo! Lord, þou haſt knowen alle þingis, neweſt and olde; þou haſt formed me, and put vp on me þin hond. Merueilous is maad þy kunnyng of me; it is coumfortid, and I ſhal not moun to it. Whidir ſhal I go fro þi ſpirit; and whidur fro þi face ſhal I flee? If I ſhul ſteȝen vp in to heuene, þou art þere; if I ſhul go doun in to helle, þou art at. If I ſhul take my pennys in þe morutid; and ſhul dwelle in þe vtmoſtis of þe ſe. Forſoþe þider þin hond ſhal bringe me; and ſhal holde me þi riȝt hond. And I ſeide, Parauenture dercneſſis ſhul totrede me; and nyȝt my liȝting in my delicis. For dercneſſes ſhul not ben derkid fro þee, and nyȝt as day ſhal ben liȝtid; as his dercneſſis, ſo and þe liȝt of it. For þou weldedeſt my reenes; þou haſt vndertake me fro þe wombe of my moder. I ſhal knouleche to þee, for ferfulli þou art magnefied; merueilous þi werkis; and my ſoule ſhal knouleche ful myche. My mouþ is not hid fro þee, þe whiche þou madeſt in priue; and my ſubſtaunce is in þe neþermoris of þe erþe. Myn vnparfit þing ſeȝen þin eȝen, and in þi boc alle ſhul be writen; daȝes ſhul be formed, and no man in hem. To me forſoþe ful myche ben maad wrſhipeful þi frendis, God; ful myche is counfortid þe princehed of hem. I ſhal noumbre þem atwynne, and vpon grauel þei ſhul be multeplied; I haue riſen out, and ȝit I am wiþ þee. God, for þou ſhalt ſle ſynneres; ȝee men of blodis, bowiþ doun fro me. For ȝee ſeyn in þoȝt; Take þei in vanyte þer citees. Wheþir not þoo þat hateden þee, Lord, I hatede; and vp on þin enemys I dwynede? Wiþ parfyt hate I hatede hem; enemys þei ben maad to me. Proue me, God, and wite þou myn herte; aſke þou me, and knowe þou my paþis. And ſee, if þe weie of wickidneſſe is in me; and bring me þennes in þe euere laſtende weie.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
Tac me awei, Lord, fro an euel man; and fro a wicke man tac me awei. Þat þoȝten wickidneſſis in þe herte; al dai ſetteden batailis. Þei ſharpeden þer tungis as ſerpentis; þe venym of edderes vnder þe lippis of hem. Kep þou me fro þe hond of þe ſynnere; and fro wicke men tac me awei. Þat þoȝten to ſupplaunten my goingis; proude men hidden a grene to me. And cordis þei ſtraȝten out in to a grene; by ſide þe weie ſclaunder þei putten to me. I ſeide to þe Lord, My God þou art; ful out here þou, Lord, þe vois of my lowe preȝing. Lord, Lord, þe vertue of myn helþe; þou al aboute ſhadewedeſt on myn hed in þe dai of bataile. Ne take þou me, Lord, fro my deſir to þe ſynnere; þey þoȝten aȝen me, ne forſake þou me, leſt parauenture þei ben enhauncid. Þe hed of þe cumpas of hem; þe trauayle of þe lippis of hem ſhal coueren hem. Colis ſhul fallen vp on hem, in to fir þou ſhalt kaſte þem doun; in wrecchidneſſis þei ſhul not ſtonde. A ianglende man ſhal not be riȝtforþ reulid in þe erþe; an vnriȝtwis man euelis ſhul take in deþ. I knewȝ, for þe Lord ſhal do dom of þe helpeles; and veniaunce of þe pore. Neuerþelatere riȝtwis ſhuln knoulechen to þi name; and þe riȝte ſhul wone wiþ þi chere.
Salm CXL.
Þe ſalm of Dauid.
Lord I criede to þee, ful out here þou me; tac heede to my vois, whil I ſhal crie to þee. Be forþ riȝt reulid myn oriſoun as encens in þi ſiȝt; þe rering vp of myn hondis euentid ſacrifiſe. Put, Lord, warde to my mouþ; and a dore of circumſtaunce to my lippis. Bowe þou not doun my herte in to þe woordis of malice; to ben excuſid excuſaciouns in ſynnes. Wiþ men wirkende wickidneſſe; and I ſhal not comune wiþ þe choſen of hem. Þe riȝtwis man ſhal chaſtiſe me in mercy, and blamen me; þe oile forſoþe of þe ſynnere ſhal not wiþinne fatten myn hed. For ȝit and myn oriſoun in þe wel pleſid þingus of hem; þe domes men of hem ioyned to þe ſton ben ſopen awey. Þei ſhuln here my woordis, for þei myȝten; as þe fatneſſe of erþe is rerid vp vp on þe erþe. Oure bones ben ſcaterid beſide helle, for to þee Lord, Lord, myn eȝen; in þee I hopide, do not awei my ſoule. Kep me fro þe grene þat þei ſetteden to me; and fro ſclaundris of men wirkende wickidneſſe. Synneres ſhuln falle in þe net of hym; ſyngulerli I am to þe time I paſſe.
Salm CXLI.
Þe vnderſtonding of Dauid, whan he was in þe ſpelunke.
Wiþ my vois to þe Lord I criede; wiþ my vois to þe Lord I louly preȝede. I ſhede out in his ſiȝt myn oriſoun; and my trybulacioun beforn hym I openli telle. In failinge of me my ſpirit; and þou haſt knowe my ſties. In þis weie þat I ȝide; proude men hidden a grene to me. I beheeld at þe riȝt hond, and I ſaȝ; and þer was not þat kneuȝ me. Fliȝt perſhede fro me; and þer was not þat aȝeen ſoȝte my ſoule. I criede to þee, Lord, I ſeide, Þou art myn hope; my porcioun in þe lond of lyueres. Tac heede to my lowe preȝing; for I am mekid ful myche. Deliuere me fro þe purſuende me; for þei ben coumfortid vpon me. Led out fro warde my ſoule to knowleche to þi name; me abijden þe riȝtwiſe, to þe time þat þou ȝelde to me.
Þe oriſoun of Dauid, whan purſuede hym Abſolon, his ſone.
Lord, ful out here myn oriſoun, wiþ eris parceyue myn obſecracioun; in þi treuþe ful out here þou me, in þi riȝtwiſneſſe. And entre þou not into dom wiþ þi ſeruaunt; for þer ſhal not be iuſtified in þi ſiȝte eche lyuende. For þe enemy purſuede my ſoule; mekede in þe erþe my lif. He ſette me in derke þingis, as þe deade of þe world, and my ſpirit is anguyſht vp on me; in me is diſturbid myn herte. Myndeful I was of olde daȝes, I þoȝte ſwetely in alle þi werkis; in þe deedis of þin hondis I ſweteli þoȝte. I ſtraȝte out myn hondis to þee; my ſoule as erþe wiþoute water to þee. Swiftli full out here þou me, Lord; my ſpirit failide. Turne þou not awei þi face fro me; and I ſhal ben lic to þe goende doun in to þe lake. Herd mac þou to me erli þi mercy; for in þee I hopide. Knowen mac þou to me þe weie, in þe whiche go I; for to þee I rerede my ſoule. Tac awei me fro myn enemys, Lord, to þee I fleiȝ, tech me to do þi wil; for my God þou art. Þi goode ſpirit ſhal bringe me þennes in to þe ryȝt lond; for þi name, Lord, þou ſhalt quykene me in þin equite. Þou ſhalt leden out of tribulacioun my ſoule; and in þi merci þou ſhalt deſtroȝen alle myn enemys. And þou ſhalt leeſen alle, þat trublen my ſoule; for I am þi ſeruaunt.
Þe ſalm of Dauid; aȝen Golie.
Bliſſed þe Lord my God, þat techeþ myn hondis to ſtrif; and mi fingeris to bataile. My mercy, and my refut; myn vndertakere, and my delyuerere. My defendere, and in hym I hopide; þat vndirpooteþ my puple vnder me. Lord, what is a man, for þou haſt myche maad knowen to hym; or þe ſone of man, for þou eymeſt hym? A man to vanyte is maad lic; his daȝis as ſhadewe paſſen. Lord, bowe doun þin heuenes, and cum doun; touche þe monteynes, and þei ſhuln ſmoken. Leite þou leitingis, and þou ſhalt ſcateren hem; ſend out þin arewis, and þou ſhalt al diſturbe þem. Send out þin hond fro an heiȝ, tac me out, and deliuere me of many watris; and fro þe hond of alien ſones. Whos mouþ ſpac vanyte; and þe riȝþalf of hem þe riȝþalf of wickidneſſe. God, a newe ſong I ſhal ſinge to þee; in þe ten cordid ſautre I ſhal do ſalm to þee. Þat ȝiueſt helþe to kingis; þat aȝeen boȝtiſt Dauid, þi ſeruaunt, fro þe malice doinge ſwerd tac me awey. And pull me awei fro þe hond of alienes ſones, whos mouþ ſpac vanyte; and þe riȝþalf of hem þe riȝþalf of wickidneſſe. Whos ſones; as newe plauntingis in þer ȝouþe. Þe doȝtris of hem maad ſemely; enhourned aboute as þe licneſſe of þe temple. Þe celeris of hem fulle; bowende out fro þat into it. Þe ſhep of hem ful of frut, aboundende in þer goingis; þe oxen of hem fatte. Þer is not falling of wal, ne paſſing ouer; ne cry in þe ſtretis of hem. Blisful, þei ſeiden, þe puple, to whom þeſe þingis ben; blisful þe puple, of þe whiche þe Lord is his God.
Þe preiſing to hym Dauid.
I ſhal enhaunce þee, my God king; and I ſhal bleſſe to þi name in to þe world, and in to þe world of world. Bi alle daȝis I ſhal bliſſen to þee; and I ſhal preyſen þi name in to þe world, and in to þe world of world. Gret þe Lord, and preiſable full myche; and of his mychilneſſe is noon ende. Jeneracioun and ieneracioun ſhal preyſe þi werkis; and þi power þei ſhul telle forþ. Þe grete doing of þe glorie of þin holyneſſe þei ſhuln ſpeke; and þi merueylis þei ſhul telle. And þe vertue of þi ferful þingis þei ſhul ſeyn; and þi mykilneſſe þei ſhuln telle. Þe mynde of þe abundaunce of þi ſwetneſſe þei ſhul bowen out; and in þi riȝtwiſneſſe þei ſhul ful out ioȝen. Mercy doere and mercyful þe Lord; pacient, and myche merciful. Swete þe Lord to alle; and his mercy doingis vp on alle his werkis. Knouleche to þee, Lord, alle þi werkys; and þin halewis bliſſe þei to þee. Þe glorie of þi reume þei ſhul ſeyn; and þi myȝt þei ſhul ſpeken. Þat knowen þei maken to þe ſones of men þi power; and þe glorie of þe grete doing of þi reume. Þi reume reume of alle worldis; and þi lordſhiping in alle ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun. Feiþful þe Lord in alle his woordis; and holy in alle his werkis. Þe Lord helpeþ vp alle þat fallen; and rereþ vp alle þe hurtlid doun. Þe eȝen of alle in þee hopen, Lord; and þou ȝyueſt þe mete of hem in þe behofful tyme. Þou openeſt þin hond; and fulfilliſt eche beſte wiþ bliſſing. Riȝtwis þe Lord in alle his weies; and holi in alle his werkis. Neeȝh is þe Lord to alle inwardli clepende hym; to alle inwardli clepende hym in treuþe. Þe wil of men dredende hym he ſhal do, and þe lowe preȝing of hem he ſhal ful out heren; and ſaf he ſhal make þem. Þe Lord kepeþ alle loouende hym; and alle ſynneres he ſhal deſtroȝen. Þe preyſing of þe Lord my mouþ ſhal ſpeke; and bliſſe alle fleſh to his holi name in to þe world, and in to þe world of world.
Salm CXLV.
Preiſe þou, my ſoule, þe Lord; I ſhal preiſe þe Lord in my lif, I ſhal do ſalm to my God as longe as I ſhal be. Wileþ not troſten in princis; ne in þe ſones of men, in whiche is not helþe. His ſpirit ſhal gon out, and turnen aȝeen in to his lond; in þat dai ſhuln perſhe alle þe þoȝtus of hem. Blisful, of whom þe God of Jacob is his helpere; his hope in þe Lord his God, þat made heuene and erþe, þe ſe, and alle þingis þat ben in hem. Þat kepeþ treuþe in to þe world, doþ dom to þe ſuffrende wrong; ȝyueþ mete to þe hungri. Þe Lord loſneþ þe gyuede; þe Lord liȝtneþ þe blinde. Þe Lord rereþ vp þe hurtlid doun; þe Lord riȝtforþ reuliþ þe riȝtwiſe. Þe Lord kepeþ þe comelingis, þe modirles child, and þe widewe he ſhal vndertake; and þe weies of ſynneres he ſhal deſtroȝen. Þe Lord ſhal regne in to worldis; þi God, Sion, in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun.
Preiſeþ þe Lord, for good is a ſalm; to oure God be preiſing ioȝeful and fair. Þe Lord bildende vp Jeruſalem; þe ſcateringis of Jeruſalem ſhal gadere togidere. Þat heliþ þe contrit in herte; and bindeþ þe contriciouns of hem. Þat noumbreþ þe multitude of ſterris; and to þem alle clepeþ names. Gret oure Lord, and gret þe vertue of hym; and of his wiſdam is not noumbre. Vndertakende debonere men þe Lord; mekende forſoþe ſynneres vn to þe erþe. Singeþ beforn to þe Lord in confeſſioun; doþ ſalm to oure God in harpe. Þat couereþ heuene wiþ cloudis; and greiþeþ to þe erþe reyn. Þat bringeþ forþ in hillis hey; and erbe to þe ſeruiſe of men. Þat ȝyueþ to beſtis þe mete of hem; and to briddis of crowes inwardli clepende hym. He ſhal not han wil in þe ſtrengþe of hors; ne in þe leggis of a man ſhall be wel pleſid to hym. Wel pleſid þing is to þe Lord vpon men dredende hym; and in hem þat hopen on his mercy.
Alleluia of Agge and Zacharye.
Preiſe þou, Jeruſalem, þe Lord; preiſe þou þi God, Sion. For he coumfortede þe lockis of þi ȝatis; he bliſſede to þi ſones in þee. Þat ſette þi cooſtis pes; and wiþ talȝ of whete filliþ þee. Þat ſendeþ out his ſpeche to erþe; ſwiftli renneþ his word. Þat ȝiueþ ſnouȝ as wlle; þe litle cloude as aſke he ſprengeþ. He ſendeþ his criſtal as muſſelis; befor þe face of his cold who ſhal ſuſteynen? He ſhal ſende out his woord, and melte þem; his ſpirit ſhal blowen, and watris ſhul flowen. Þat telliþ out his woord to Jacob; riȝtwiſneſſes and his domes to Irael. He dide not ſo to eche nacioun; and his domes he openede not to þem.
Alleluia of Aggee and Zacharie.
Preiſe ȝee þe Lord fro heuenes; preiſe ȝee hym in heiȝtis. Preiſe ȝee hym, alle his aungelis; preiſe ȝee hym, alle his vertues. Preiſe ȝee hym, þe ſunne and þe moone; preiſe ȝee hym, alle þe ſterris and liȝt. Preiſe ȝee hym, heuenes of heuenes; and watris þat aboue heuenes ben, preiſe þei þe name of þe Lord. For he ſeide, and þei ben maad; he ſente, and þei ben formed. He ſette þem in to wiþoute ende, and in to þe world of world; an heſte he putte, and he ſhal not beſide paſſe. Preiſe ȝee þe Lord, fro þe erþe; dragonnes, and alle depneſſis. Fyr, hail, ſnouȝ, iys, þe ſpirit of tempeſtis; þat don þe woord of hym. Mounteynes, and alle hillis; frut berende trees, and alle cedris. Beſtis, and alle vſable beſtis; ſerpentis, and feþered foulis. Kyngis of erþe, and alle puplis; princis, and alle domys men of erþe. Ȝung men, and maidenes; olde men wiþ þe ȝungere, preiſe þei þe name of þe Lord; for enhauncid is þe name of hym alone. Þe knouleching of hym vpon heuene and erþe; and he enhauncide þe horn of his puple. Ympne to alle þe ſeyntis of hym; to þe ſones of Irael, to þe puple neȝhende to hym.
Singeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; hys preiſing in þe chirche of halewis. Glade Irael in hym þat made hym; and þe doȝtris of Sion ful out ioȝe þei in þer kyng. Preiſe þei þe name of hym in quer; in timbre and ſautre do þey ſalm to hym. For wel pleſid is to þe Lord in his puple; and he enhauncide þe debonere in to helþe. Halewys ſhul ful out ioȝen in glorie; þei ſhul gladen in þer bed placis. Þe ful out ioȝingus of God in þe þrote of hem; and þe ſwerdis on eiþir ſide ſharp in þe hondis of hem. To be do veniaunce in naciouns; and blamyngis in puplis. To ben bounde þe kingis of hem in fettris; and þe noble men of hem in irene manyclis. Þat þei do in hem dom writen; glorie þis is to alle þe ſeintis of hym.
Salm CL.
Preiſe ȝee þe Lord in his ſeintis; preiſe ȝee hym in þe faſtnyng of his vertue. Preiſe ȝee hym in þe vertues of hym; preiſe ȝee hym aftir þe multitude of þe gretneſſe of hym. Preiſe ȝee hym in þe ſoun of trumpe; preiſeþ hym in ſautre and harpe. Preiſe ȝee hym in timbre and quer; preiſe ȝee hym in cordis and orgne. Preiſe ȝee hym in cymbalis wel ſounende, preiſe ȝee hym in cymbalis of huge ioȝing; eche ſpirit, preiſe þe Lord.
Here endiþ þe Sawter; and now bigynneþ þe preface of Seynt Jerom in þe book of Prouerbes.