Þe prologe of Marke
Mark, þe euangeliſt, of God choſun, and Petris ſone in baptyme, and in Goddis word diſciple, preſþod in Iſrael ledynge, aftir fleiſch a dekene, he, turnyd to þe feiþ of Criſt, wroot þe goſpel in Ytayle; ſchewinge þeron boþe what he owide to his kynrede and to Criſt. For whi þe bigynnyng of his principle he ordeynynge in þe vois of a prophetis exclamacioun, ſchewiþ þe ordre of dekenis eleccioun, þat he, prechinge þe for-ordenede John, Zakaries ſone, ſent out in vois of an aungel tellynge, not oonly Goddis ſone maad man, but þe body of þe Lord, þat is, þe churche, in to alle þingis by þe word of Goddis vois quykid, ſchulde ſchewe in þe bigynnynge of his prechinge of þe goſpel; þat þe which þis redinge ſchulde knowe, to whom þe bigynnyng of fleiſch in þe Lord, and Jheſu comynge to þe habitacle, þe fleiſch ſchulde knowe, and in hym ſilf þe word, þat is, Criſt, of þe vois John Baptiſt, þat in conſonantis, þat is, in forme fadris, he hadde loſt, ſchulde fynde. Forſoþ boþe he, þe work of þe fulfillid goſpel entringe, and fro þe baptym of þe Lord bigynnynge to preche God, ne trauelide not to ſeie þe natiuyte of fleiſch, þe which he hadde ſeene in oþere bifore, but he expreſſinge þe expoſicioun of al þe deſert, haþ ſchewid out þe faſtinge of noumbre, oþer þe noumbre of faſtinge, þe temptacioun of þe fend, þe congregacioun of beeſtis, and þe ſeruyſe of aungels, þat he ordeynynge vs to vndirſtonde, alle þingis in ſchort peyntynge to gidere, noþer þe autorite of þing do ſchulde do awey, and in parformynge ſchulde not denye fulneſſe to þe werk. Forſoþe he is ſeid to haue kit awey his þoumbe, þat he myȝte be hadd as vnworþi to preſþod. But ſo moche myȝte eleccioun bifore ordeyned, acordynge to þe feiþ, þat noþir ſo in þe werk of þe word he ſchulde leeſe, þat raþire he hadde deſeruyd in kynde. For of Alexandre he was biſchop; of whom bi alle þingis werk, oþir intencioun, was to kunne, boþe to diſpoſe þe ſeiyngis of þe goſpel in him ſilf, and þe diſciplyne of þe lawe to knowe in him ſilf, and þe nature of God to knowe in þe fleiſch, oþer in þe manhood of þe Lord. Þe whiche þingis in vs ſilf firſt it behoueþ to be requyrid; aftirward we wolliþ þingis ſouȝt to be knowe, hauynge þe mede of exortacioun; for he þat plontiþ, and he þat moiſtiþ, beþ þe ſame; but he þat ȝyueþ þe encrees, is God.
Here bygynneþ þe goſpel of Mark.
Capitulum I.
The bigynnynge of þe goſpel of Jheſu Criſt, þe ſone of God. As it is writun in Yſaie, þe prophete, Lo! I ſende myn angel bifore þi face, þat ſchal make þi weye redy bifore þee. Þe voice of oon cryinge in deſert, Make ȝe redy þe weye of þe Lord, make ȝe his paþis riȝtful. Jhon was in deſert baptiſynge, and prechinge þe baptym of penaunce, in to remiſcioun of ſynnes. And alle men of Jeruſalem wenten out to him, and al þe cuntre of Judee; and weren baptiſid of him in þe flood of Jordan, knowlechinge her ſynnes. And John was cloþid wiþ heeris of camelis, and a girdil of ſkyn abowte his leendis; and he eet locuſtus, and hony of þe wode, and prechide, ſeyinge, A ſtrengere þan I ſchal come aftir me, of whom I knelinge am not worþi for to vndo, or vnbynde, þe þwong of his ſchoon. I haue baptiſid ȝou in water; forſoþe he ſhal baptiſe ȝou in þe Holy Gooſt. And it is don in þoo dayes, Jheſus came fro Nazareþ of Galilee, and was baptiſid of Joon in Jordan. And anoon he ſtyinge vp of þe water, ſayȝ heuenes openyd, and þe Holy Gooſt cummynge doun as a culuere, and dwellynge in hym. And a voys is maad fro heuenes, Þou art my ſone loued, in þee I haue pleſid. And anon þe Spirit puttide hym in to deſert. And he was in deſert fourty dayes and fourty niȝtis, and was temptid of Saþanas, and was wiþ beeſtis, and angelis mynyſtriden to hym. Forſoþe after þat Joon was taken, Jheſus came in to Galilee, prechinge þe goſpel of þe kyngdam of God, and ſeiynge, For tyme is fulfillid, and þe kyngdam of God ſhal come niȝ; forþinke ȝee, or do ȝee penaunce, and bileue ȝee to þe goſpel. And he paſſynge biſidis þe ſee of Galilee, ſay Symont, and Andrew, his broþer, ſendynge nettis in to þe ſee; ſoþely þei weren fiſhers. And Jheſus ſeide to hem, Come ȝee after me; I ſhal make ȝou to be maad fiſhers of men. And anoon þe nettis forſaken, þei ſueden hym. And he gon forþ þennes a litil, ſay James of Zebede, and Joon, his broþer, and hem in þe boot makynge nettis. And anoon he clepide hem; and Zebede, her fadir, left in þe boot wiþ hirid ſeruauntis, þei ſueden hym. And þei wenten forþ in to Cafarnaum, and anoon in þe ſabotis he gon yn into þe ſynagoge, tauȝte hem. And þei wondreden on his techynge; ſoþely he was techynge hem, as hauynge power, and not as ſcribis. And in þe ſynagoge of hem was a man in an vnclene ſpirit, and he criede, ſeyinge, What to vs and to þee, þou Jheſu of Nazareþ? haſte þou cummen bifore þe tyme for to deſtroie vs? Y woot þat þou art þe holy of God. And Jheſus þretenyde to hym, ſeyinge, Wexe dowmb, and go out of þe man. And þe vnclene gooſt debrekynge hym, and cryinge wiþ grete vois, wente awey fro hym. And alle men wondriden, ſo þat þei ſouȝten togidre amonge hem, ſeyinge, What is þis þinge? what is þis newe techyng? for in power he comaundiþ to vnclene ſpiritis, and þei obeyen to hym. And þe tale, or tyþing, of hym wente forþ anoon in to al þe cuntree of Galilee. And anoon þei goynge out of þe ſynagoge camen in to þe hous of Symont and Andrew, wiþ James and Joon. Soþely and þe modir of Symontis wif ſik in feueris reſtide, or lay; and anoon þei ſeien to hym of hir. And he cummynge to, reride hir vp, þe hond of hir taken, and anoon þe feuere left hire, and ſhe mynyſtride to hem. Forſoþe þe euenynge maad, whenne þe ſone wente doun, þei brouȝten to hym alle hauynge yuel, and hauynge deuelis. And al þe cite was gaderid at þe ȝate. And he helide many þat weren traueilide wiþ dyuers ſoris, and he caſtide out many deuelis, and he ſuffride hem nat for to ſpeke, for þei knewen hym. And in þe morewynge ful erly he ryſynge, gon out, wente in to deſert place, and preiede þere. And Symont ſuede hym, and þei þat weren wiþ hym. And whanne þei hadden founden hym, þei ſeiden to hym, For alle men ſeeken þee. And he ſeiþ to hem, Go we in to þe nexte townes and citees, þat and þere I preche, for to þis þing I came. And he was prechynge in þe ſynagogis of hem, and in alle Galilee, and caſtynge out fendis. And a leprous man cam to hym, biſechynge hym, and, þe knee folden, ſeide, Ȝif þou wolt, þou maiſt clenſe me. Forſoþe Jheſus, hauynge mercy on hym, ſtreiȝt out his hond, and, touchynge hym, ſeiþ to hym, I wole, be þou maad clene. And whanne he hadde ſeide, anoon þe lepre partide awey fro hym, and he is clenſid. And he þretenyde to hym, and anoon he putte hym out, and ſeiþ to hym, Se þou, ſeie to no man; but go, ſhewe þee to þe princis of preſtis, and offre for þi clenſynge þo þingis þat Moyſes badde, in to witneſſynge to hem. And he, gon out, biganne to preche, and diffame, or pupliſhe, þe word, ſo þat nowe he miȝte nat opynly go in to þe citee, but be wiþ out forþ in deſerte placis; and þei camen to gidre to hym on alle ſydis.
Capitulum II.
And eft he entride in to Capharnaum, after eiȝte days. And it is herd, þat he was in an hous, and many camen togidre, ſo þat it tok nat, neþer at þe ȝate. And he ſpac to hem a word. And þere camen to hym men bryngynge a man ſike in paleſie, þe whiche was borun of foure. And whanne þei miȝte nat offre hym to hym for þe campanye of peple, þei maden þe roof nakid, wher he was; and makynge opyn, þei ſenten doun þe bedd, in whiche þe ſike man in palaſie lay. Soþely whanne Jheſus ſay þe feiþ of hem, he ſeiþ vnto þe ſike man in palaſie, Sone, þi ſynnes ben forȝouen to þee. Forſoþe þere weren ſumme of þe ſcribis ſittynge, and þenkynge in her hertis, What ſpekiþ he þus? He blasfemeþ; who may forȝeue ſynnes, no but God alone? Þe whiche þing anoon knowen by þe Holy Gooſt, for þei þouȝten ſo wiþ inne hem ſelf, Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, What þenken ȝee þeſe þingis in ȝoure hertis? What is liȝtere for to ſeie to þe ſike man in palaſie, Synnes ben forȝouen to þee, or for to ſeie, Ryſe, take þi bed, and walke? Soþely þat ȝee wite þat mannes ſone haþ powere in erþe to forȝeue ſynnes, he ſeiþ to þe ſike man in palaſie, I ſeie to þee, ryſe vp, take þi bed, and go in to þin hous. And anoon he roos vp, and, þe bed taken vp, he wente bifore alle men, ſo þat alle men wondriden, and honouriden God, ſeyinge, For we ſayen neuer ſo. And he wente out eftſone to þe ſee, and al þe cumpanye of peple cam to hym; and he tauȝte hem. And whenne he paſſide, he ſay Leui Alfey ſittynge at þe tolboþe, and he ſeiþ to hym, Sue þou me. And he ryſynge ſuede hym. And it is don, whenne he ſat at þe mete in his hous, many puplicanys and ſynful men ſaten togidre at þe mete wiþ Jheſu and his diſciplis; ſoþely þere weren manye þat foleweden hym. And ſcribis and Phariſees ſeeyinge, for he eet wiþ puplicanys and ſynful men, ſeiden to his diſciplis, Whi ȝoure maiſter etiþ and drinkiþ wiþ puplicanys and ſynners? Þis þing herd, Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Hoole men han no nede to a leche, but þei þat han yuele; forſoþe I cam not for to clepe iuſte men, but ſynners. And diſciplis of Joon and þe Phariſees weren faſtynge; and þei camen, and ſeien to hym, Whi diſciplis of Joon and of Phariſees faſten, but þi diſciplis faſten nat? And Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Wheþer þe ſonnys of weddyngis mown faſte, as long as þe ſpouſe is wiþ hem? Hou longe tyme þei han þe ſpouſe wiþ hem, þei mowe nat faſte. Forſoþe dayes ſhulen come, whenne þe ſpouſe ſhal be taken awey from hem, and þanne þei ſhulen faſte in þoo days. No man ſeweþ a pacche of rude, or newe, cloþe to an old cloþe, ellis he takiþ awey þe newe ſupplement, or pacche, and a more brekynge is maad. And no man ſendiþ newe wyn in to oold botelis, or wyne veſſelis, ellis þe wyn ſhal berſte þe wyn veſſelis, and þe wyn ſhal be held out, and þe wyne veſſelis ſhulen periſhe. But newe wyn ſhal be ſent in to newe wyn veſſelis. And it is don eftſoone, whanne þe Lord walkide in þe ſaboþis by þe cornes, and his diſciplis bigunnyn to paſſe forþ, and plucke eris. Soþly þe Pharyſees ſeiden, Loo! what don þi diſciplis in ſabotis, þat is nat leeueful. And he ſeiþ to hem, Radde ȝee neuere what Dauyþ dide, whanne he hadde neede, and he hungride, and þei þat weren wiþ hym? Hou he wente in into þe hous of God, vndir Abiaþar, prince of preſtis, and eete loouys of propoſicioun, þe whiche it was nat leeful to ete, no but to preſtis alone, and he ȝaue to hem þat weren wiþ hym. And he ſeide to hem, Þe ſabote is maad for man, and nat a man for þe ſabote; and ſo mannys ſone is lord alſo of þe ſaboþ.
Capitulum III.
And he entride eftſoone in to þe ſynagoge, and þer was a man hauynge a drye hond. And þei aſpieden hym, ȝif he helide in ſaboþis, for to accuſe hym. And he ſeiþ to þe man hauynge a drye hond, Ryſe in to þe mydil. And he ſeiþ to hem, Is it leeueful to do wel in þe ſaboþis, or yuele? for to make a ſoule ſaaf, wheþer to leſe? And þei weren ſtille. And he biholdynge hem aboute wiþ wraþe, hauynge ſorwe vpon þe blyndneſſe of her herte, ſeiþ to þe man, Holde forþ þin honde. And he helde forþ, and þe honde is reſtorid to hym. Soþely Phariſees goynge out anoon, maden a counſeil wiþ Herodyans aȝeins hym, hou þei ſhulden leſe hym. Forſoþe Jheſus wiþ his diſciplis wente to þe ſee; and myche cumpanye from Galilee and Judee ſuede hym, and fro Jeruſalem, and fro Ydume, and biȝendis Jordan, and þei þat aboute Tyre and Sydon, a grete multitude, heerynge þe þingis þat he dide, camen to hym. And Jheſus ſeiþ to his diſciplis, þat þe litil boot ſhulde ſerue hym, for þe cumpanye of peple, leſt þei oppreſſiden hym; ſoþely he helide many, ſo þat þei felden faſt to hym, þat þei ſhulden touche hym. Forſoþe hou many euere hadden ſoris, or woundis, and vnclene ſpiritis, whenne þei ſeien hym, felden down to hym, and crieden, ſeyinge, Þou art þe ſone of God. And gretely he manaſſide hem, þat þei ſhulden nat make hym opyn, or knowen. And he ſtyinge in to an hil, clepide to hym whom he wolde; and þei camen to hym. And he made, þat þere weren twelue wiþ hym, and þat he ſhulde ſende hem for to preche. And he ȝaue to hem power of heelynge ſikneſſis, and of caſtynge out fendis. And to Symount he putte name Petre, and James of Zebede and Joon, þe broþer of James, and he putte to hem names Boonerges, þat is, þe ſones of þondrynge; and Andrew and Philip, and Barþolomewe and Maþew, and Thomas and James Alfey, and Thadee and Symount Cananee, and Judas Scarioþ, þat bitraide hym. And þei comen to an hous, and þe cumpanye of peple came togidre eftſoone, ſo þat þei miȝte not neþer ete breed. And whanne his kynneſmen hadden herdde, þei wenten out for to holde hym; ſoþely þei ſeiden, for he is turnyd in to wodeneſſe. And þe ſcribis þat camen doun fro Jeruſalem, ſeiden, For he haþ Belſebub, and for in þe prince of deuels he caſtiþ out fendis. And, hem gadrid togidre, he ſeide to hem in parablis, Hou may Saþanas caſte out Saþanas? And if a rewme be departide in itſelf, þe ilke rewme may not ſtonde. And if an hous be diſparpoilid on it ſelf, þilke hous may not ſtonde. And if Saþanas haþ riſen aȝeins hym ſelf, he is diſparpoilid, and he ſhal not mowe ſtonde, but haþ an ende. No man, gon in to a ſtronge mannes hous, may take awey his veſſels, no but he bynde firſte þe ſtronge man, and þanne he ſhal diuerſly rauyſhe his hous. Trewly I ſeie to ȝou, for alle ſynnes and blaſphemyes, by whiche þei han blasfemed, ſhulen be forȝouen to þe ſones of men. Soþely he þat ſhal blasfeme aȝeins þe Holy Goſt, ſhal not haue remiſſioun in to wiþ outen eend, but he ſhal be gilty of euerlaſtynge treſpas. For þei ſeiden, He haþ an unclene ſpirit. And his modir and breþeren comen, and þei ſtondynge wiþ oute forþ, ſenten to hym, clepynge hym. And a cumpany ſat aboute hym; and þei ſeien to hym, Lo! þi modir, and þei breþeren wiþ outen forþ ſeken þee. And he anſwerynge to hem ſeiþ, Who is my modir and my breþeren? And biholdynge hem aboute, þat ſaten in þe cumpas of hym, he ſeiþ, Lo! my modir and my breþeren. Forſoþ who þat doþ þe will of God, he is my broþer, and my ſiſter, and modir.
Capitulum IIII.
And eft Jheſus bigan for to teche at þe ſee; and myche cumpany of peple is gedrid to hym, ſo þat he ſtyinge in to a boot, ſat in þe ſee, and al þe cumpany of peple was aboute þe ſee, on þe lond. And he tauȝte hem in parablis many þingis. And he ſeide to hem in his techynge, Heere ȝee. Loo! a man ſowynge goþ out for to ſowe. And þe while he ſowiþ, an oþer ſeed felde aboute þe wey, and briddis of heuene, or of þe eire, camen, and eeten it. Forſoþe an oþer felde doun on ſtony placis, wher it had nat myche erþe; and anoon it ſprong vp, for it hadde nat depneſſe of erþe. And whenne þe ſunne roſe vp, it welwide for heete, and it dried vp, for it hadde not roote. And an oþer felde doun into þornes, and þornes ſtieden vp, and ſtrangliden it, and it ȝaue not fruyt. And an oþer felde doun in to good lond, and ȝaue fruyt, ſtyinge vp, and wexinge; and oon brouȝte þritty fold, and oon ſixtyfold, and oon an hundridfold. And he ſeide, He þat haþ eris of heeryng, heere. And whenne he was ſinguler, or by hym ſilf, þe twelue þat weren wiþ hym axiden hym for to expowne þe parable. And he ſeide to hem, To ȝou it is ȝouen for to knowe þe myſterie, or pryuite, of þe kyngdam of God. Soþely to hem þat ben wiþ oute forþ, alle þingis ben maad in parablis, þat þei ſeynge ſe, and ſe nat, and þei heerynge heere, and vnderſtonde not; þat ſum tyme þei be conuertid, and ſynnes be forȝouen to hem. And he ſeiþ to hem, Witen not ȝee þis parable? and howe ȝee ſhulden knowe alle parablis? He þat ſowiþ, ſowiþ a word. Þeſe ſoþly ben þat aboute þe weye, where þe word is ſowun; and whenne þei han herd, anoon comeþ Saþanas, and takiþ awey þe word þat is ſowun in her hertis. And alſo þeſe ben þat ben ſown on a ſtoon, þe whiche whanne þei han herd þe word, anoon taken it wiþ ioye; and þei han nat roote in hem ſilf, but þei ben temporal, þat is, laſten a lityl tyme; afterward tribulacioun ſprongen vp, and perſecucioun for þe word, anoon þei ben ſclaundrid. And þere ben oþer þat ben ſowun in þornis; þeſe it ben, þat heeren þe word, and myſeiſte of þe world, and diſſeit of richeſſis, and oþer charge of coueitiſe entrynge ynne, ſtrangulen þe word, and it is maad wiþ outen fruyt. And þeſe it ben þat ben ſowun on good lond, þe whiche heren þe word, and taken, and maken fruyt, oon þritti fold, oon ſixti fold, and oon an hundrid. And he ſeide to hem, Wher a lanterne come, þat it be put vndir a buſhel? wher not, þat it be put vpon a candil ſtike? Forſoþe þer is no þing hid, þat ſhal not be maad opyn; neþer ony þing is preuy, þe whiche ſhal not come in to apert. If ony man haue eeris of heryng, heere he. And he ſeide to hem, Se ȝee what ȝee heeren. In what meſure ȝee meten, it ſhal be meten to ȝou, and be kaſt to ȝou. Soþely it ſhal be ȝouen to hym þat haþ, and it ſhal be taken awey from hym þat haþ not, alſo þat þat he haþ. And he ſeide, So þe kingdom of God is, as if a man caſte ſeed in to þe erþe, and it ſlepe, and ryſe vp in niȝt and day, and brynge forþ ſeed, and wexe faſte, þe while he wote not. Forſoþe þe erþe by his owne worchynge makiþ fruyt, firſt an erbe, or grene corn, afterward an eere, afterward ful fruyt in þe ere. And whanne of it ſilf it haþ brouȝt forþ fruyt, anoon he ſendiþ a ſikil, or hook, for rype corn comeþ. And he ſeide, To what þing ſhulden we likene þe kyngdom of God? or to what parable ſhulen we compariſoune it? As a corn of ſeneueye, þe which whann it is ſowun in þe erþe, is leſſe þan alle ſeedis þat ben in erþe; and whanne it is bredd, or quykened, it ſtyȝeþ vp in to a tree, and is maad more þan alle wortis, or erbis; and it ſhal make grete braunchis, ſo þat briddis of heuene mowe dwelle vndir þe ſhadewe þer of. And in many ſiche parablis he ſpac to hem a word, as þei miȝten heer; ſoþely he ſpak not to hem wiþ outen parable. Forſoþe he expounyde to his diſciplis alle þingis on ſidis hond, or by hem ſelf. And he ſeiþ to hem, in þat day, whenne euenyng was maad, Paſſe we aȝeinward. And þei leeuynge þe cumpanye of peple, taken hym, ſo þat he was in þe boot; and oþer bootis weren wiþ hym. And a greet ſtorme of wynd is maad, and ſente wawis in to þe boot, ſo þat þe boot was ful. And he was in þe hyndir part of þe boot, ſlepynge on a pilewe. And þei reyſen hym, and ſeien to hym, Maiſtre, perteneþ it nat to þee, þat we periſhen? And he ryſynge vp, manaſſide to þe wynd, and ſeide to þe ſee, Be ſtille, wexe doumb. And þe wynd ceeſide, and greet peſibleneſſe is maad. And he ſeiþ to hem, What dreden ȝee? Nat ȝit han ȝee feiþ? And þei dredden wiþ greete dreed, and ſeiden to eche oþer, Who, geſſiſt þou, is þis? for þe wynd and þe ſee obeyſhen to hym.
Capitulum V.
And þei camen ouer þe wawe of þe ſee into þe cuntree of Genazareþ. And anoon a man in vnclene ſpirit ran out of a biryel, to hym goynge out of þe boot. Þe whiche man hadde an hous in graues, or biriels, and neþer wiþ chaynis now miȝte eny man bynde hym. For oft tymes he bounden in ſtockis and chaynes, hadde broken þe chaynes, and hadde brokun þe ſtockis to ſmale gobetis, and no man miȝte daunte, or make tame, hym. And euer more, niȝt and day, in biriels and hillis, he was cryinge, and betynge hym ſilf wiþ ſtoones. Soþely he ſeynge Jheſus afer, ran, and worſhipide hym. And he cryinge wiþ greet voice, ſeide, What to me and to þee, þou Jheſu, þe ſone of God hieſte? I conioure þee bi God, þat þou tourmente not me. Forſoþe Jheſus ſeide to hym, Þou vnclene ſpirit, go out fro þe man. And Jheſus axide hym, What name is to þee? And he ſeiþ to hym, A legioun is name to me; for we ben manye. And he preide hym myche, þat he ſhulde nat put hym out of þe cuntreie. Forſoþe þere was þere aboute þe hill a flock of hoggis leſewynge in feeldis. And þe ſpiritis preieden Jheſu, ſeyinge, Sende vs into hoggis, þat we entre into hem. And anoon Jheſus grauntide to hem. And þe vnclene ſpiritis entriden in to þe hoggis, and wiþ greet bire, or haſte, þe floc was caſt doun in to þe ſee, to tweyne þouſynde, and þei ben ſtrangelid in þe ſee. Soþely þei þat fedden hem, fledden, and tolden in to þe citee, and in to þe feeldis; and þei wenten out, for to ſee what was don. And þei camen to Jheſu, and þei ſeen hym þat was traueilid of þe fend, ſittynge cloþid, and of hoole mynde; and þei dreden. And þei tolden to hem, þat ſayen, hou it was don to hym þat hadde a fend, and of þe hoggis. And þei bygunnen for to preie hym, þat he ſhulde go awey fro her cooſtis. And when he ſtiede in to a boot, he þat was traueilid of þe deuel, bygan to preye hym, þat he ſhulde be wiþ hym. Soþly Jheſus reſceyued hym nat, but ſeiþ to hym, Go þou in to þin hous to þine, and telle to hem, hou many þingis þe Lord haþ don to þee, and hadde mercy of þee. And he wente forþ, and bigan for to preche in Decapoly, þat is, a cuntree of ten citees, hou manye þingis Jheſus hadde don to hym; and alle men wondriden. And whanne Jheſus hadde ſtiede in to þe boot eftſoone ouer þe ſee, myche cumpanye of peple cam togidre to hym, and was aboute þe ſee. And oon of þe princis of ſynagogis, by name Jayrus, cam, and ſeyinge hym, fel doun at his feet, and preiede hym myche, ſeyinge, For whi my douȝter is in þe laſte þingis; come þou, putte þin hond on hire, þat ſhe be ſaaf, and lyue. And he wente forþ wiþ hym, and myche cumpanye of peple ſuede hym, and oppreſſide hym. And a womman þat was in þe flux of blood twelue ȝere, and hadde ſuffride many þingis of ful many lechis, and ſpendid alle hir þingis, and no þing prophitide, but more hadde worſe, whanne ſhe hadde herd of Jheſu, ſhe cam in þe cumpanye byhynde, and touchide his cloþ. Soþly ſhe ſeide, For if I ſhal touche or his cloþ, I ſhal be ſaaf. And anoon þe welle of blood is dried vp, and ſhe felide in body þat ſhe was helid of þe wound, or ſikeneſſe. And anoon Jheſus knowynge in hym ſilf þe vertu þat was gon out of hym, he, turned to þe cumpenye, ſeiþ, Who touchede my cloþis? And his diſciplis ſeiden to hym, Þou ſeeſt þe cumpenye preſſinge þee, and ſeiſt þou, Who touchide me? And Jheſus lokide aboute, for to ſee hir þat hadde don þis þing. Forſoþe þe womman dredinge and quakynge, witynge þat it was don in hir, cam, and fel down bifore him, and ſeide to hym al treuþe. Forſoþe Jheſus ſeide to hir, Douȝtir, þi feiþ haþ maad þee ſaf; go in pees, and be ſaf fro þi ſykenes. Ȝit him ſpekynge, meſſageris camen to þe prince of a ſynagoge, ſeyinge, For þi douȝtir is deed; what traueiliſt þou þe maiſtir ferþere? Forſoþe þe word herd þat was ſeide, Jheſus ſeiþ to þe prince of þe ſynagoge, Nyle þou drede, oonly byleue þou. And he reſceyuede not ony man to ſue him, no but Petre, and James, and John, þe broþer of James. And þei camen in to þe hous of þe prince of þe ſynagoge. And he ſiȝ noyſe, and men wepinge and weilinge moche. And he gon yn, ſeiþ to hem, What ben ȝee troublid, and wepyn? Þe wenche is not deed, but ſlepiþ. And þei ſcorneden him. Forſoþe alle kaſt out, he takiþ þe fadir and modir of þe wenche, and hem þat weren wiþ him, and þei entren yn, where þe wenche lay. And he holdinge þe hond of þe wenche, ſeiþ to hir, Tabita, cumy, þat is interpretid, or expownid, Wenche, to þee I ſeie, riſe þou. And anon þe wenche roos, and walkide; ſoþly ſhe was of twelue ȝeer. And þei weren abaiſcht wiþ greet ſtoneyinge. And he comaundide to hem greetly, þat no man ſchulde wite it. And he comaundide to ȝiue to hir for to ete.
Capitulum VI.
And Jheſus gon out þennis, wente in to his owne cuntree; and his diſciplis folwiden him. And þe ſaboþ maad, Jheſus bigan for to teche in a ſynagoge. And manye heeringe wondriden in his techinge, ſeyinge, Of whennis to þis alle þeſe þingis? and what is þe wyſdom þat is ȝouun to him, and ſuche vertues þe whiche ben maad by his hond? Wher þis is not a ſmyþ, or carpenter, þe ſone of Marie, þe broþer of James and Joſeph and Judas and Symound? wher and his ſiſtris ben nat here wiþ vs? And þei weren ſclaundrid in him. And Jheſus ſeide to hem, For a prophete is not wiþ outen honour, no but in his owne cuntree, and in his hows, and in his kyn. And he myȝte not make þere ony vertu, no but heelide a fewe ſike men, þe hondis put to. And he wondride for þe vnbileue of hem. And he wente aboute caſtelis in enuyrown, techinge. And he clepide twelue, and bigan for to ſende hem bi tweyne; and ȝaf to hem power of vnclene ſpiritis, and comaundide hem, þat þei ſchulde not take ony þing in þe weye, no but a ȝerd oonly, not a ſcrippe, not bred, neiþer money in þe girdil, but ſchoon wiþ ſandalies, þat ben opyn aboue, and þat þei weren not cloþid wiþ tweie cootis. And he ſeide to hem, Whidir euere ȝee ſchulen entre in to an hous, dwelle ȝe þere, till ȝe gon out þennis. And who euere ſchulen not reſſeyue, ne heere ȝou, ȝe goynge out fro þennes ſhake awey þe powdre fro ȝoure feet, in to witneſſinge to hem. And þei goynge out, prechiden, þat men ſchulden do penaunce. And þei caſtiden out many fendis, and anoyntiden wiþ oyle manye ſyke men, and þei weren heelid. And kyng Eroude herde, forſoþe his name was maad opyn, and he ſeide, For Johne Baptiſt haþ riſun aȝen fro deed men, and þerfore vertues worchen in hym. Soþely oþere ſeiden, For it is Ely; but oþere ſeiden, For it is a prophete, as oon of prophetis. Þe whiche þing herd, Eroude ſeiþ, Whom I haue bihedid, John, þis haþ riſun fro deed men. Forſoþe þe ilke Eroude ſente, and held Joon, and bond him in to priſoun, for Erodias, þe wyf of Philip, his broþer; for he hadde weddid hir. Soþly Johne ſeide to Eroude, It is not leefful to þee, for to haue þe wyf of þi broþer. Erodias forſoþe leide aſpies to him, and wolde ſle him, and miȝte not. Soþly Eroude drede John, witinge him a iuſt man and hooly, and kepte him. And him herd, he dide many þingis, and gladly herde hym. And whanne a couenable day hadde fallun, Eroude in his birþe day made a ſoupere to þe princis, and tribunys, and to þe firſte, or gretteſte, of Galilee. And whanne þe douȝter of þilke Erodias hadde entrid yn, and lepte, and pleſide to Eroude, and alſo to men reſtynge, þe kyng ſeide to þe wenche, Axe þou of me what þou wolt, and I ſchal ȝyue to þee. And he ſwoor to hir, For what euere þou ſchalt axe, I ſchal ȝyue to þee, þouȝ þe half of my kyngdom. Þe whiche, whanne ſche hadde gon out, ſeide to hir modir, What ſchal I axe? And ſhe ſeide, Þe heed of John Baptiſt. And whanne ſhe hadde entrid anon wiþ haſte to þe kyng, ſhe axide, ſeyinge, I wole þat anoon þou ȝyue to me in a diſche þe heed of John Baptiſt. And þe kyng was ſory for þe ooþ, and for men ſittinge to gidere at mete he wolde not hir be maad ſory; but a manquellere ſent, he comaundide þe heed of John Baptiſt for to be brouȝt. And he bihedide him in þe priſon, and brouȝte his heed in a diſche, and ȝaf it to þe wenche, and þe wench ȝaf to hir modir. Þe which þing herd, his diſciplis camen, and token his body, and puttiden it in a buriel. And apoſtlis comynge to gidere to Jheſu, tolden to hym alle þingis, þat þei hadden don, and tauȝt. And he ſeiþ to hem, Come ȝe by ȝou ſelue in to a deſert place; reſte ȝe a litel. Forſoþ þere weren manye þat camen, and wenten aȝen, and þei hadden not ſpace for to ete. And þei ſtiȝynge in to boot, wenten in to a deſert place by hem ſelue. And þei ſyȝen hem goynge awey, and manye knewen, and goynge on feet fro alle citees, þei runnen to gidere þidir, and came bifore hem. And Jheſus goynge out ſyȝ moche cumpanye, and hadde mercy on hem, for þei weren as ſcheepe not hauynge a ſhepherde. And he bigan for to teche hem manye þingis. And whanne moche our was maad now, his diſciplis camen nyȝ, ſeyinge, Þis place is deſert, and now þe our haþ paſſid; leeue hem, þat þei goynge in to þe nexte townes or vilagis, bye to hem metis whiche þei ſchulen ete. And he anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, Ȝyue ȝe to hem for to ete. And þei ſeiden to hym, Goynge bye we loues wiþ two hundrid pens, and we ſchulen ȝyue to hem for to ete. And he ſeiþ to hem, Hou many loues han ȝe? Go ȝe, and ſe. And whanne þei hadden knowun, þei ſeien, Fyue, and two fyſchis. And he comaundide to hem, þat þei ſchulden make alle men ſitte to mete aftir cumpenyes, vpon greene hey. And þei ſaten down by parties, by hundridis, and fyfties. And þe fyue looues taken, and two fyſchis, he biholdynge in to heuene, bleſſide, and brak loouis, and ȝaf to his diſciplis, þat þei ſchulden putte bifore hem. And he departide two fyſchis to alle; and alle eeten, and weren fillid. And þei token þe relyues of broken mete, twelue coffyns full, and of þe fyſchis. Soþli þei þat eeten, were fyue þouſynd of men. And anon he conſtreynede his diſciplis for to ſtiȝe vp in to a boot, þat þei ſchulden paſſe bifore him ouer þe ſee to Beþſayda, þe while he lefte þe peple. And whanne he hadde left hem, he wente in to an hil, for to preie. And whanne euenyng was, þe boot was in þe myddil ſee, and he aloone in þe lond; and he ſyȝ hem trauelinge in rowynge; ſoþli þe wynd was contrarie to hem. And aboute þe fourþe waking of þe nyȝt, he wandrynge on þe ſee cam to hem, and wolde paſſe hem. And þei, as þei ſyȝen him wandrynge on þe ſee, geſſiden for to be a fantum, and crieden; forſoþ alle ſyȝen hym, and þei weren diſturblid. And anon he ſpak wiþ hem, and ſeide to hem, Triſte ȝe, I am; nyle ȝe drede. And he cam vp to hem in to þe boot, and þe wynd ceeſſide. And þei more wondriden wiþ ynne hem; for þei vndirſtoden not of þe looues; ſoþli her herte was blyndid. And whanne þei hadden paſſid ouer þe ſee, þei camen in to þe lond of Genazareþ, and ſetten to londe. And whanne þei hadden gon out of þe boot, anon þei knewen him. And þei rennynge þurȝ al þat cuntree, bigunnen to bere aboute in beddis hem þat hadden hem yuele, where þei herden him be. And whidur euere he entride yn to vilagis and townes, or in to citees, þei puttiden ſyke men in ſtretis, and preieden him, þat þei ſchulden touche eiþer þe hem of his cloþ; and how manye euere touchiden him, weren maad ſaf.
Capitulum VII.
And Phariſees and ſumme of ſcribis comynge fro Jeruſalem, camen to gidere to him. And whanne þei hadden ſeyn ſumme of his diſciplis ete breed wiþ comune hondis, þat is, not waiſchun, þei blamyden. Forſoþ Phariſees and alle Jewis eten not, no but þei waiſſchen ofte her hondis, holdinge þe tradiciouns, or ſtatutis, of eldere men. And þei turnynge aȝen fro chepynge, eten not, no but þei ben waiſchun; and manye oþere þingis ben, þat ben takun to hem for to kepe, waiſchingis of cuppis, and cruetis, and of veſſels of bras, and of beddis. And Phariſees and ſcribis axiden him, ſeyinge, Whi gon not þi diſciplis aftir þe tradicioun of eldere men, but wiþ comyne hondis þei eten bred? And he anſweringe ſeide to hem, Yſaie propheciede wel of ȝou, ypocritis, as it is writun, Þis peple worſchipiþ me wiþ lippis, forſoþe her herte is fer fro me; in veyn trewli þei worſchipen me, techinge doctrinys and preceptis of men. Forſoþ ȝe forſakinge þe maundement of God, holden þe tradiciouns of men, waiſchingis of cruetis, and cuppis; and manye oþere þingis lyke to þes ȝe don. And he ſeide to hem, Wel ȝe han maad þe maundement of God voyde, þat ȝe kepe ȝoure tradicioun. Forſoþ Moyſes ſeide, Worſchipe þi fadir and þi modir; and he þat ſchal curſe fadir or modir, by deeþ deie he. Soþli ȝe ſeyen, If a man ſchal ſeye to fadir or to modir, Corban, þat is, What euere ȝifte of me, ſchal profite to þee; and ouer ȝe ſuffren not him do ony þing to fadir or modir, brekynge þe word of God by ȝoure tradicioun, þat ȝe han ȝouun; and ȝe don manye oþere ſuche þingis. And he eftſoone clepinge to þe cumpanye of peple, ſeide to hem, Ȝe alle heere me, and vndirſtonden. No þing wiþ outen man is entringe in to him, þat may defoule him; but þo þingis þat comen forþ of man, þo it ben þat defoulen a man. Forſoþ if ony man haue eeris of heeringe, heere he. And whanne he hadde entrid in to an hous, fro þe cumpany of peple, his diſciplis axiden him þe parable. And he ſeiþ to hem, So and ȝe ben vnprudent, or vnwyſe. Vndirſtonden ȝe not, for al þing wiþoute forþ entringe in to a man, may not defoule him? for it haþ not entrid into his herte, but in to þe wombe, and byneþe it goþ out, purgynge alle metis. Soþli he ſeide, For þe þingis þat gon out of a man, þo defoulen a man. Forſoþ fro wiþynne, of þe herte of men comen forþ yuele þouȝtis, auoutries, fornicaciouns, manſleyngis, þeftis, couetiſes, or ouer hard kepynge of goodis, wickidneſſes, gyle, vnchaſtite, yuel yȝe, blaſphemyes, pride, folye. Alle þes yuelis fro wiþynne comen forþ, and defoulen a man. And Jheſus riſynge þennis, wente in to þe endes of Tyre and Sidon. And he gon in to an hows, wolde no man wite; and he miȝte not dare, or be priuy. Soþli a womman, anon as ſche herde of him, which wommanis douȝtir hadde an vnclene ſpirit, entride, and fel doun at his feet. Soþli þe womman was heþene, of þe generacioun of Sirefen And ſhe preide him, þat he wolde caſte out a deuel fro hir douȝtir. Þe which ſeide to hir, Suffre þou þe ſones be fulfild firſt; it is not good to take þe bred of ſones, and ſende to houndis. And ſhe anſweride, and ſeide to him, Forſoþe, Lord; for whi and litle welpis eten vndir þe bord, of þe crummes of children. And Jheſus ſeiþ to hir, For þis word go, þe fend is went out of þi douȝtir. And whanne ſhe hadde gon hom, ſhe fond þe wenche ſittinge on þe bedd, and þe deuel gon out fro hir. And eftſoone Jheſus goynge out fro þe endis, or cooſtis, of Tire, cam þurȝ Sidon to þe ſee of Galilee, þat is bitwixe þe myddil endis of Decapoleos. And þei leeden to him a deef man and doumb, and preieden him, þat he putte to him þe hond. And he takynge him aſydis fro þe cumpanye, ſente his fyngris in to his litle eeris; and ſpetinge towchide his tunge. And he biholdynge in to heuene, ſorwide wiþynne, and ſeiþ, Effeta, þat is, Be þou openyd, And anon his eeris weren openyd, and þe bond of his tunge is unbounden, and he ſpak riȝtly. And he comaundide to hem, þat þei ſchulden ſeye to no man; forſoþ how moche he comaundide to hem, ſo moche more þei prechiden more, and by þat þe more þei wondriden, ſeyinge, He dide wel alle þingis, and deef men he made to heere, and doumbe for to ſpeke.
Capitulum VIII.
In þo dayes, whanne moche cumpenye of peple was wiþ Jheſu, and hadde not what þei ſchulden ete, his diſciplis gaderid to gidere, he ſeiþ to hem, I haue rewþe on þe cumpanye of peple, for loo! now þe þridde day þei ſuſteynen, or abyden me, and han not what þei ſchulen ete; and if I leeue hem faſtinge in to her hous, þei ſchulen faile in þe weye; forſoþe ſumme of hem camen fro fer. And diſciplis anſweriden to him, Wherof a man ſchal mowe fille hem wiþ looues here in wildirneſſe? And he axide hem, How manye looues han ȝe? Þe whiche ſeiden, Seuene. And he comaundide þe cumpanye to ſitt doun on þe erþe. And he takynge ſeuene looues, and doynge þankynges, brak, and ȝaf to his diſciplis, þat þei ſchulden putte forþ. And þei ſetten forþ to þe cumpany. And þei hadden a fewe ſmale fiſchis; and he bleſſide hem, and comaundide for to be put forþ. And þei eeten, and ben fulfild; and þei token vp þat lefte of relyf, or ſmale gobatis, ſeuene leepis. Forſoþ þei þat eeten, weren as foure þouſand of men; and he lefte hem. And anon he wente vp in to a boot, wiþ his diſciplis, and cam in to þe partis of Dalmamyþa. And Phariſees wenten out, and bigunnen to ſeke, or axe, wiþ him, axynge a tokene of hym fro heuene, temptinge hym. And he ſorwynge wiþynne in ſpirit, ſeiþ, What ſekiþ þis generacioun a tokene? Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, if a tokene ſchal be ȝouun to þis generacioun. And he leeuynge hem, wente vp eftſoone in to a boot, and wente ouer þe ſee. And þei forȝaten to take breed, and þei hadden not wiþ hem no but o loof in þe boot. And he comaundide to hem, ſeyinge, Se ȝe, and be ȝe war of þe ſourdowȝ of Phariſees, and ſourdowȝ of Eroude. And þei þouȝten oon to anoþer, ſeiynge, For we han not breed. Þe which þing knowun, Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, What þenke ȝe, for ȝe han not breed? Ȝit ȝe knowen not, ne vndirſtonden; ȝit ȝe han ȝoure herte blyndid. Ȝe hauynge yȝen, ſeen not, and ȝe hauynge eeris, heeren not; neþer ȝe han mynde, whanne I brak fyue looues in to fiue þouſande, and hou manye coffyns ful of brokene mete ȝe token vp? Þei ſeyn to him, Twelue. Whanne and ſeuene looues in to four þouſande of men, how many leepis of brokene mete ȝe token vp? And þei ſeyen, Seuene. And he ſeide to hem, How vndirſtonden ȝe not ȝit? And þei comen to Beþſayda, and þei bryngen to him a blynd man, and preieden hym, þat he ſchulde touche him. And þe hond of þe blynd man takun, he ledde him out of þe ſtreete, and ſpetynge in to his yȝen, his hondis put to, he axide him, if he ſyȝ ony þing. And he biholdinge, ſeiþ, I ſe men as trees walkynge. Aftirward eftſoones he puttide hondis on his yȝen, and he bigan for to ſe, and he is reſtorid, ſo þat he ſyȝ clerely alle þingis. And he ſente him in to his hous, ſeyinge, Go in to þi hous; and if þou ſchalt go in to þe ſtreete, ſeye to no man. And Jheſus entride yn and his diſciplis in to þe caſtels of Sezarie of Philip. And in þe weye he axide his diſciplis, ſeiynge to hem, Whom ſeyn men me for to be? Þe whiche anſweriden to hym, ſeiynge, Summe, John Baptiſt; oþere ſeyn, Helye; but oþere ſeyn, as oon of þe prophetis. Þanne he ſeiþ to hem, But whom ſeye ȝe me for to be? Petre anſweringe, ſeiþ to him, Þou ert Criſt. And he þretenyde hem, þat þei ſchulden nat ſeie to ony man of him. And he bigan for to teche hem, for it bihoueþ mannis ſone ſuffre manye þingis, and to be reproued of þe hiȝeſte preſtis, and of eldere men, and ſcribis, and to be ſlayn, and aftir þre dayes, for to riſe aȝen. And he ſpak playnli þe word. And Petre takynge him, bygan for to blame him. Þe which turnyd, ſeynge his diſciplis, manaſide Petre, ſeiynge, Go aftir me, Saþanas; for þou ſaueriſt not þo þingis þat ben of God, but þo þingis þat ben of men. And þe cumpanye of peple gederid, wiþ his diſciplis, he ſeide to hem, If ony man wole ſue me, denye he him ſelf, and take he his cros, and ſue he me. Soþly who ſo wole make his ſoule, þat is, his lyf, ſaf, he ſchal leeſe it; forſoþe he þat ſchal leeſe his ſoule, þat is, his lyf, for me and þe goſpel, ſchal make it ſaf. Soþli what profiteþ it a man, if he wynne al þe world, and do peyringe to his ſoule? or what chaungyng ſchal a man ȝyue for his ſoule? Forſoþ who þat ſchal knoleche me, and my wordis in þis generacioun auoutreſſe, and mannis ſone ſchal knowleche him, whanne he ſchal come in þe glory of his fadir, wiþ his aungels.
Capitulum IX.
And he ſeide to hem, Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, for þer ben ſumme of men ſtondinge here, þe whiche ſchulen not taſte deeþ, til þei ſen þe rewme of God comynge in vertu. And aftir ſixe dayes Jheſus took Petre, and James, and John, and lediþ hem by hem ſelue aloone in to an hiȝ hil; and he is transfigurid byfore hem. And his cloþis ben maad ſchynynge and white ful moche as ſnow, and which maner cloþis a fullere, or walkere of cloþ, may not make white on erþe. And Helye wiþ Moyſes apperide to hem, and þei weren ſpekynge wiþ Jheſu. And Petre anſweringe ſeiþ to Jheſu, Maiſtir, it is good vs for to be here; make we here þre tabernaclis, oon to þee, oon to Moyſes, and oon to Helye. Soþli he wiſte not what he ſchulde ſeie; forſoþe þei weren agaſt by drede. And þer is maad a cloude ſchadewinge hem; and a voys cam of þe cloude, ſeyinge, Þis is my mooſte deereworþe ſone, heere ȝe him. And anon þei biholdinge aboute, ſyȝe no more any man, no but Jheſus oonly wiþ hem. And hem comynge down fro þe hil, he comaundide hem, þat þei ſchulde not telle to any man þo þingis þat þei hadde ſeyn, no but whanne mannis ſone haþ riſun fro deede ſpiritis. And þei heelden þe word at hem ſilf, ſekynge what ſchulde be, whanne he haþ riſun fro deede. And þei axiden him, ſeyinge, What þerfore ſeyn Phariſees and ſcribis, for it bihoueþ Helye for to come firſt. Þe which anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, Whanne Helye ſchal come firſt, he ſchal reſtore alle þingis; and hou it is writun in to mannis ſone, þat he ſuffre many þingis, and be deſpiſid. But I ſeie to ȝou, for and Helye is comun, and þei diden to him what euere þingis þei wolden, as it is writun of him. And he comynge to his diſciplis, ſyȝ a greet cumpany aboute hem, and ſcribis axynge wiþ hem. And anon al þe cumpanye ſeynge Jheſu, was aſtoneyed, and þei dreden; and þei rennynge to, greeten him. And he axide hem, What ſeken ȝe among ȝou? And oon of þe cumpany anſweringe ſeide, Maiſtir, I haue brouȝt to þee my ſone hauynge an vnclene ſpirit; þe which wher euere he ſchal take hym, hirtiþ him, and he froþiþ, or vomeþ, and betiþ to gidere wiþ teeþ, and wexiþ drye. And I ſeide to þi diſciplis, þat þei ſchulden caſte hym out, and þei myȝten not. Þe which anſweringe to hem ſeide, A! þou ſchrewid generacioun and out of bileue, hou longe ſchal I be at ȝou, hou longe ſchal I ſuffre ȝou? Brynge ȝe hym to me. And þei brouȝten hym to. And whanne he hadde ſeyn him, anon þe ſpirit troublide him; and he caſt doun in to þe erþe, was walewid froþinge. And he axide his fadir, Hou moche of tyme it is, ſiþen þis þing fel to him? And he ſeiþ, Fro childhod; and ofte he haþ ſent him and in to fier and in to watir, þat he ſchulde leeſe him; but and if þou maiſt ony þing, help vs, hauynge mercy on vs. Soþli Jheſus ſeiþ to him, If þou maiſt bileue, alle þingis ben poſſible to a man bileuynge. And anon þe fadir of þe child criynge wiþ teeris ſeide, Lord, I bileue; help þou myn vnbileuefulneſſe. And whanne Jheſus hadde ſeyn þe company of peple rennynge to gidere, he manaſide to þe vnclene ſpirit, ſeyinge to him, Þou deef and doumb ſpirit, I comaund þee, go out fro him, and entre not more in to him. And he criynge, and moche to-breidynge him, wente out fro him; and he is maad as deed, ſo þat manye ſeiden, þat he was deed. Forſoþ Jheſus holdynge his hond, lifte vp him; and he roos. And whanne he hadde entrid in to an hous, his diſciplis axiden him priuely, Whi myȝten not we caſte hym out? And he ſeyde to hem, Þis kynde in no þing may go out, no but in preier and faſtinge. And þei gon fro þennis, wenten forþ in to Galile; and he wolde no man wite. He tauȝte his diſciplis, and ſeide to hem, For mannus ſone ſchal be bitrayed in to þe hondis of men, and þei ſchulen ſle him, and he ſlayn, on þe þridde day ſchal riſe aȝen. And þei knewen not þe word, and dredden for to axe him. And þei camen to Cafarnaum. Which whenne he was in þe hous, axide hem, What tretiden ȝe in þe weie? And þei weren ſtille; ſoþli þei diſputiden among hem in þe weie, who of hem ſchulde be more. And he ſittinge clepide þe twelue, and ſeiþ to hem, If any man wole be þe firſt among ȝou, he ſchal be þe laſte, and mynyſtre of alle. And he takinge a childe, ordeynede him in þe myddil of hem; whom whanne he hadde byclippid, he ſeiþ to hem, Who euere ſchal receyue oon of ſuche children in my name, he receyueþ me; and who euere receyueþ me, he receyueþ not me aloone, but him þat ſente me. John anſweride to him, ſeyinge, Maiſtir, we ſyȝen ſum oon for to caſte out fendis in þi name, þe which ſueþ not vs, and we han forbedun him. Soþli Jheſus ſeiþ to him, Nyle ȝe forbede him; þer is no man þat doþ vertu in my name, and may ſoone ſpeke yuele of me. Forſoþe he þat is not aȝens vs, is for vs. Soþli who euere ſchal ȝyue drynke to ȝou a cuppe of cold watir in my name, for ȝe ben of Criſt, treuly I ſeie to ȝou, he ſchal not leeſe his mede. And who euere ſchal ſclaundre oon of þes litle bileuynge in me, it is good to him þat a mylne ſtoon of aſſis were don aboute his necke, and were ſent in to þe ſee. And if þin hond ſclaundre þee, kitt it awey; it is good to þee feble to entre in to lyf, þan hauynge twey hondis go in to helle, in to fier þat neuere ſchal be quenchid, where þe worm of hem deieþ not, and þe fier is not quenchid. And if þi foot ſclaundre þee, kitt it of; it is good to þee for to entre crokid in to euerlaſting lyf, þan hauynge twey feet to be ſent in to helle of fier, þat neuer ſchal be quenchid, where þe worm of hem deieþ not, and þe fier is not quenchid. Þat if þin yȝe ſclaundre þee, caſt it out; it is good to þee for to entre gogil yȝed in to rewme of God, þan hauynge twey yȝen for to be ſent in to helle of fier, where þe worm of hem deieþ not, and þe fier is not quenchid. Forſoþ euery man ſchal be ſaltid, or maad ſauori, wiþ fier, and euery ſlayn ſacrifice ſchal be ſauorid wiþ ſalt. Salt is good þing; þat if ſalt be vnſauori, in what þing ſchulen ȝe make it ſauori? Haue ȝe ſalt in ȝou, and haue ȝe pees among ȝou.
Capitulum X.
And Jheſus riſynge vp fro þennis, cam in to þe endis of Jude ouer Jordan; and eftſoones þe cumpanyes of peple camen to gidere to him, and as he was wont, eftſoone he tauȝte hem. And Phariſees comynge nyȝ, axiden him, If it be leefful to a man for to leeue, or forſake, his wyf? temptinge him. And he anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, What comaundide Moyſes to ȝou? Þe whiche ſeiden, Moyſes ſuffride to write a libel of forſakinge, and to forſake. To whom Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ, To þe hardneſſe of ȝoure herte Moyſes wroot to ȝou þis precept. Forſoþe fro þe bigynnyng of creature God made hem male and female; and he ſeide, For þis þing a man ſchal leeue fadir and modir, and ſchal clefe to his wif, and þei ſchulen be tweyne in o fleiſch. And ſo now þei ben not tweyne, but o fleiſch. Þerfore þat þing þat God ioynede to gidere, no man departe. And eftſoone in þe hows his diſciplis axiden him of þe ſame þing. And he ſeiþ to hem, Who euere ſchal leeue his wyf, and wedde anoþer, he doþ auoutrie vpon hir. And if þe wyf ſchal leeue hir hoſebonde, and be weddid to anoþer, ſhe doþ auoutrie. And þei offriden to him litle children, þat he ſchulde touche hem; ſoþeli diſciplis þretenyden to men offringe. Whom whanne Jheſus hadde ſeyn, he baar heuye, or vnworþili, and ſeiþ to hem, Suffre ȝe litle children for to come to me, and forbede ȝe hem not, forſoþ of ſuche is þe kyngdom of God. Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, who euere ſchal not receyue þe kyngdom of God as þis litle child, he ſchal not entre in to it. And he biclippinge hem, and puttinge hondis vpon hem, bleſſide hem. And whanne Jheſus was gon out in þe weye, o man rennynge bifore, þe kne bowid, preiede him, ſeiynge, Goode maiſtir, what ſchal I do, þat I receyue euerlaſtinge lyf? Forſoþe Jheſus ſeide to him, What ſeiſt þou me good? No man good, no but God aloone. Þou haſt knowen þe comaundementis, do þou non auoutrie, ſle not, ſtele not, ſeie not fals witneſſinge, do no fraude, worſchipe þi fadir and modir. And he anſweringe ſeiþ to him, Maiſtir, I haue kept alle þeſe þingis fro my ȝouþe. Soþli Jheſus biheld him, and louyde hym; and he ſeide to him, O þing failiþ to þee; go þou, ſelle þou what euere þingis þou haſt, and ȝyue to pore men, and þou ſchalt haue treſour in heuene; and come, ſue þou me. Þe which maad ſorwful in þe word, wente awey mornynge, forſoþ he was hauynge many poſſeſciouns. And Jheſus biholdinge aboute, ſeiþ to his diſciplis, How hard þei þat han money ſchulen entre in to þe kyngdom of God. Forſoþe þe diſciplis weren ſtoneyed in his wordis. And Jheſus eftſoone anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, Ȝe litle ſones, how hard þing it is, men triſtynge in richeſſis for to entre in to þe kyngdom of God. It is liȝter, or eſyer, a camel for to paſſe þorw a nedlis yȝe, þan a riche man for to entre in to þe kyngdom of God. Whiche wondriden more, ſeyinge at hem ſelue, And who may be maad ſaf? And Jheſus biholdinge hem, ſeiþ to hem, Anentis men it is impoſſible, but not anemptis God; for alle þingis ben poſſible anemptis God. And aftirward Petre bigan for to ſeye to him, Loo! we han left alle þingis, and han ſued þee. Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ, Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, þer is no man þat ſchal leeue hous, or breþeren, or ſiſtris, or fadir, or modir, or ſones, or feeldis for me and for þe goſpel, þe which ſchal not taken an hundridfold ſo moche now in þis tyme, houſis, and breþeren, and ſiſtris, and modris, and ſones, and feldis, wiþ perſecuciouns, and in þe world to comynge euerlaſting lyf. Forſoþ many ſchulen be, þe firſte þe laſte, and þe laſte þe firſte. Forſoþe þei weren in þe weye ſtiȝynge to Jeruſalem; and Jheſus wente bifore hem, and þei wondriden, and folowinge dredden. And eftſoone Jheſus takinge to twelue, bygan to ſeye to hem, what þingis weren to come to him. For lo! we ſtiȝen to Jeruſalem, and mannus ſone ſchal be bitrayed to þe princes of preſtis, and to ſcribis, and to eldere men; and þei ſchulen dampne him by deeþ, and þei ſchulen bytake him to heþene men. And þei ſchulen ſcorne him, and byſpeete him, and beete him; and þei ſchulen ſle him, and in þe þridde day he ſchal ryſe aȝen. And James and Jon, Zebedees ſones, camen nyȝ to him, ſeyinge, Maiſtir, we wolen, þat what euere we ſchulen axe, þou do to vs. And he ſeide to hem, What wolen ȝe þat I do to ȝou? And þei ſeiden, Ȝyue to vs, þat we ſitten þat oon at þi riȝþalf, and þe toþir at þe left, in þi glorie. Forſoþe Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Ȝe witen not what ȝe ſchulen axe; mown ȝe drynke þe cuppe, þe which I am to drynke, or be waiſchun wiþ þe baptym, in which I am baptiſid? And þei ſeiden to him, We mown. Soþli Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Treuli ȝe ſchulen drynke þe cuppe þat I drynke, and ȝe ſchulen be waiſchun wiþ þe baptym, in which I am baptiſid; ſoþli for to ſitte at my riȝþalf or lefþalf is not myn to ȝyue to ȝou, but to which it is ordeyned. And þe ten heeringe hadden endignacioun of James and John. Soþli Jheſus clepinge hem, ſeiþ to hem, Ȝe witen, þat þei þat ſemen, or ben ſeyn, to haue princehed on folkis, lordſchipen, or ben lordis, of hem, and þe princes of hem han power of hem. Forſoþ it is not ſo in ȝou, but who euere ſchal wolle be maad more, ſchal be ȝoure mynyſtre, and who euere ſchal wolle be þe firſte in ȝou, ſchal be ſeruaunt of alle. Forwhi and mannis ſone cam not, þat it ſchulde be mynyſtrid to him, but þat he ſchulde mynyſtre, and ȝyue his ſoule, or lyf, redempcioun, or aȝen biyng, for manye. And þei camen to Jerico; and him goynge forþ fro Jerico, and his diſciplis, and a ful moche cumpany of peple, þe ſone of Tymey, Barþymeus, blynd, ſaat biſydis þe weye beggynge. Þe which whanne he hadde herd, for it is Jheſus of Nazareþ, bigan to crie, and ſeye, Jheſu, þe ſone of Dauiþ, haue mercy on me. And manye þretnyden hym, þat he ſchulde be ſtille; and he criede moche more, Jheſu, þe ſone of Dauiþ, haue mercy on me. And Jheſu ſtondinge comaundide hym for to be clepid; and þei clepiden þe blynde man, ſeiynge to him, Be þou of betere herte, ryſe vp, he clepiþ þee. Þe which, his cloþ caſt away, ſturtinge cam to him. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeide to him, What wolt þou I ſchal do to þee? Þe blynde man ſeide to him, Maiſtir, þat I ſe. Soþli Jheſus ſeide to him, Go þou, þi feiþ haþ maad þee ſaaf. And anon he ſyȝ, and ſuede him in þe weye.
Capitulum XI.
And whanne Jheſus cam nyȝ to Jeruſalem and to Betanye, to þe mount of Olyuete, he ſendiþ two of his diſciplis, and ſeiþ to hem, Go ȝe in to þe caſtel þat is aȝens ȝou; and anon ȝe entrynge in þidur ſchulen fynde a colt tyed, on þe which non of men ſat ȝit; vnbynde ȝe, and bryng him. And if ony man ſchal ſeie ony þing to ȝou, ſeie ȝe, þat he is nedeful to þe Lord, and anon he ſchal leeue him hidur. And þei goynge forþ, founden a colt bounden byfore þe ȝate wiþ outeforþ, in þe meeting of tweye weyes; and þei vnbounden him. And ſumme of men ſtondinge þere ſeiden to hem, What don ȝe, vnbyndinge þe colt? And þei ſeiden to hem, as Jheſus comaundide to hem; and þei leften hem. And þei brouȝten þe colt to Jheſu, and þei puttiden to him her cloþis, and Jheſus ſat vpon him. Forſoþe manye ſtrewiden her cloþis in þe weye, ſoþeli oþere men kittiden bowis, or braunchis, fro trees, and ſtrewiden in þe weye. And þei þat wenten bifore, and þat ſueden, cryeden, ſeyinge, Oſanna, bleſſid is he þat comeþ in þe name of þe Lord; bleſſid þe kyngdom þat comeþ of oure fadir Dauiþ; Oſanna in hiȝtees. And he entride in to Jeruſalem, in to þe temple; and alle þingis ſeyn aboute, whanne þe our was now euenyng, he wente in to Betanye, wiþ twelue. And anoþer day, whanne he wente out of Betanye, he hungride. And whanne he hadde ſeyn a fyge tree afer hauynge leeuys, he cam, if happily he ſchulde fynde ony þing þerynne; and whanne he cam to it, he fond no þing, out taken leeuys; for it was no tyme of fygis. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeide to it, Now no more wiþ outen ende ony man ete fruyt of þee. And his diſciples herden; and þei camen to Jeruſalem. And whanne he hadde entrid in to þe temple, he bigan for to caſte out men ſellinge and biggynge in þe temple; and he turnyde vpſodoun þe boordis of chaungeris, and þe chaieris of men ſellinge culueris; and he ſuffride not, þat ony man ſchulde bere a veſſel þurȝ þe temple. And he tauȝte hem, ſeyinge, Wher it is not writun, For myn hous ſchal be clepid þe hous of preiynge to alle folkis? forſoþ ȝe han maad it a den of þeues. Þe which þing herd, þe princes of preſtis and ſcribis ſouȝten hou þei ſchulde leeſe him; forſoþ þei dreden hym, for al þe cumpanye of peple wondride on his teching. And whanne euenyng was maad, he wente out of þe citee. And whanne þei paſſiden eerly, þei ſyȝen þe fige tree maad drye fro þe rootis. And Petre hauynge mynde, ſeide to him, Maiſtir, lo! þe fyge tree, whom þou curſediſt, haþ dryed vp. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ to him, Haue ȝe þe feiþ of God; treuli I ſeie to ȝou, þat who euere ſeiþ to þis hil, Take, and ſende in to þe ſee; and doutiþ not in his herte, but bileueþ, for what euere he ſchal ſeye, be it maad, it ſchal be maad to him. Þerfore I ſeie to ȝou, alle þingis what euere þingis ȝe preiynge ſchulen axe, bileue ȝe þat ȝe ſchulen take, and þei ſchulen come to ȝou. And whanne ȝe ſchulen ſtonde for to preie, forȝyue ȝe, if ȝe han ony þing aȝens ony man, þat and ȝoure fadir þat is in heuenes, forȝyue to ȝou ȝoure ſynnes. Þat if ȝe ſchulen not forȝyue, neiþer ȝoure fadir þat is in heuenes, ſchal forȝyue ȝou ȝoure ſynnes. And eftſoone þei camen to Jeruſalem. And whanne he walkide in to þe temple, þe hiȝeſte preſtis, and ſcribis, and eldere men camen niȝ to him, and ſeien to him, In what power doiſt þou þes þingis? or who ȝaf to þee þis power, þat þou do þes þingis? Forſoþe Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, And I ſchal axe ȝou o word, and anſwere ȝe to me, and I ſchal ſeie to ȝou, in what power I do þes þingis. Wheþer was þe baptym of John of heuene, or of men? anſwere ȝe to me. And þei þouȝten wiþ inne hem ſelue, ſeiynge, If we ſchulen ſeie of heuene, he ſchal ſeie to vs, Whi þerfore bileuen ȝe not to him; if we ſchulen ſeie of men, we dreden þe peple; for alle men hadden John, for he was verily a prophete. And þei anſweringe ſeyen to Jheſu, We witen neuere. And Jheſu anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, Neiþer I ſeie to ȝou, in what power I do þes þingis.
Capitulum XII.
And Jheſus bigan to ſpeke parably, or in parablis. A man plauntide a vyneȝerd, and puttide aboute an hegge, and dalf a lake, and bildide a tour, and hirede it to erþe tilieris, and wente forþ in pilgrymage; and ſente to þe erþe tilieris in tyme a ſeruaunt, þat he ſchulde receyue of þe fruyt of þe vyneȝerd at þe erþe tilieris. Þe whiche beten him takun, and leften him voyde. And eftſoone he ſente to hem a noþer ſeruaunt, and þei woundiden him in þe heed, and ponyſcheden wiþ chidingis, or reprouyngis. And eftſoone he ſente anoþer, and þei ſlowen him, and oþere mo, betynge ſumme, but ſleynge oþere. Þerfore ȝit he hauynge a ſone moſt dereworþ, and to hem he ſente him þe laſte, ſeyinge, For by hap þei ſchulen ſchame my ſone, or drede wiþ reuerence. Forſoþe þe tenauntis ſeyden to hem ſelf, or to gidere, Þis is þe eier; come ȝe, ſle we him, and þe eritage ſchal be oure. And þei takynge him, caſtiden out wiþoute þe vyneȝerd, and ſlowen. Þerfore what ſchal þe lord of þe vyneȝerd do? He ſchal come, and leeſe þe tenauntis, and ȝyue þe vyneȝerd to oþere. Wher ȝe han not rad þis ſcripture, Þe ſtoon þe which men bildinge han diſpiſid, þis is maad in to þe heed of þe corner? Þis þing is maad of þe Lord, and is wondirful in oure yȝen. And þei ſouȝten for to holde him, and þei dreden þe cumpanye of peple; ſoþli þei knewen for to hem he ſeide þis parable; and him left, þei wenten away. And þei ſenden to him ſumme of þe Fariſees and Erodians, for to take hym in word. Þe whiche comynge ſeyn to hym, Maiſtir, we witen for þou ert ſoþfaſt, and reckiſt not of ony man; ſoþly neiþer þou ſeeſt in to face of man, but þou techiſt þe wey of God in treuþe. Is it leefful for to ȝyue tribute to Ceſar, or we ſchulen not ȝyue? Þe which witinge her priuey falſneſſe, ſeiþ to hem, What tempten ȝe me? brynge ȝe to me a peny, þat I ſe. And þei offriden to him. And he ſeiþ to hem, Whos is þis ymage, and þe in wrytinge? Þei ſeien to him, Ceſaris. Forſoþe Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, Þerfore ȝelde ȝe to Ceſar þat ben of Ceſar, and to God þo þingis þat ben of God. And alle wondriden on him. And Saducees, þat ſeyen no reſurecioun to be, camen to him, and axiden him, ſeyinge, Maiſtir, Moyſes wroot to vs, þat if þe broþer of a man were deed, and lefte a wyf, and lefte not ſones, his broþer take his wyf, and reyſe vp ſeed to his broþir. Þerfore ſeuene briþeren weren; and þe firſte took a wyf, and is deed, no ſeed left. And þe ſecunde took hir, and he is deed, and neiþer þis lefte ſeed. And þe þridde alſo. And ſeuene tooken hir, and lefte not ſeed. And þe womman þe laſte of alle is deed. Þanne in þe reſureccioun, whanne þei ſchulen riſe aȝen, whos wyf of þeſe ſchal ſche be? ſoþly ſeuene hadden hir wyf. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, Wher ȝe erren not þerfore, not knowinge þe ſcripturis, noþer þe vertu of God? Forſoþe whanne þei ſchulen riſe aȝen fro deed men, neiþer þei wedden, noþer ben weddid, but þei ſchulen be as aungels of God in heuenes. Soþli of deed men, þat þei ryſen aȝein, han ȝe not rad in þe book of Moyſes, on þe bouſche, hou God ſeide to him, ſeiynge, I am God of Abraham, and God of Yſaac, and God of Jacob? He is not God of deede men, but God of lyuynge men; þerfore ȝe erren moche. And oon of þe ſcribis, þat hadde herd hem ſekynge to gidere, cam niȝ, and ſeyinge þat he hadde wel anſwerid hem, axide hym, which was þe firſte maundement of alle. Jheſus anſweride to him, þat þe firſte of alle comaundementis is, Heere, Iſrael, þe Lord þi God is oon; and þou ſchal loue þe Lord þi God of al þin herte, and of al þi ſoule, and of al þi mynde, and of al þi vertu, or myȝte. Þis is þe firſte maundement. Forſoþe þe ſecunde is lyk to þis, Þou ſchalt loue þi neiȝebore as þi ſilf. Þer is non oþir maundement more þan þeſe. And þe ſcribe ſeiþ to him, Maiſter, in treuþe þou haſt wel ſeid; for o God is, and þer is non, out taken him; and þat he be loued of al herte, and of al þouȝt, or mynde, and of al vndirſtondinge, and of al þe ſoule, and of al ſtrengþe, and to loue þe neiȝebore as him ſilf, is more þan alle brend offringis and ſacrificis. Jheſus forſoþe ſeyinge þat he hadde anſwerid wyſely, ſeide to him, Þou ert not fer fro þe kyngdom of God. And now no man durſte axe him. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeide, techinge in þe temple, Þerfore how ſeyn ſcribis, Criſt for to be þe ſone of Dauiþ? To whom Dauiþ him ſilf ſeide in þe Hooly Goſt, Þe Lord ſeide to my lord, Sitte on my riȝþalf, til I putte þin enemyes þe ſtool of þi feet. Þerfore Dauiþ him ſilf ſeiþ him a lord, and wherof is he his ſone? And moche cumpany gladli herde him. And he ſeide to hem in his teching, Be ȝe war of ſcribis, þat wolen wandre in ſtoolis, and be ſalutid in chepinge, and ſitte in ſynagogis in þe firſte chaires, and þe firſte ſitting places in ſoperis; þe whiche deuouren þe houſis of widewis, vndir colour of long preier; þei taken lenger dom. And Jheſus ſittinge aȝeins þe treſerie, biheld hou þe cumpany of peple caſte money in to þe treſorie; and manye riche caſtiden many þingis. Soþli whanne o pore widowe hadde comen, ſche ſente tweye mynutis, þat is, a ferþing. And his diſciplis clepid to gidere, he ſeiþ to hem, Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, for þis pore widowe ſente more þan alle, þat ſente in to þe treſorie. Soþli alle ſente of þat þing þat was plenteuous to hem; but þis of hir myſeſte ſente alle þingis þat ſhe hadde, al hir lyflode.
Capitulum XIII.
And whanne he wente out of þe temple, oon of his diſciples ſeiþ to him, Maiſtir, bihold, what maner ſtoones, and what manere bildingis. And he anſweringe ſeiþ to him, Seeſte þou alle þes greete bildingis? þer ſchal not be left a ſtoon vpon a ſtoon, þe which ſchal not be diſtroyed. And whanne he ſat in þe mount of Olyuete aȝens þe temple, þei axiden hym by hem ſilue, Petre, and James, and John, and Andrew, Seie þou to vs, whanne þes þingis ſchulen be maad, and what tokene, whanne alle þes þingis ſchulen bigynne for to be endid. And Jheſus anſweringe bigan for to ſeie to hem, Se ȝe, þat no man diſceyue ȝou; for many ſchulen come in my name, ſeiynge, For I am; and þei ſchulen diſceyue manye. Soþli whanne ȝe ſchulen heere batels and opyniouns of bateils, drede ȝe not; forſoþe it bihoueþ þeſe þingis for to be don, but not ȝit anon þe ende. For folk ſchal riſe vpon folk, and rewme vpon rewme, and erþe mouyng ſchal be by places and hungur; bigynnyngis of ſorwis þeſe þingis. Soþli ſe ȝe ȝou ſilf, for þei ſchulen take ȝou in counceils, and ȝe ſchulen be beten in ſynagogis; and ȝe ſchulen ſtonde bifore kyngis and domeſmen for me, in to witneſſing to hem. And in to alle folkis it bihoueþ firſt þe goſpel for to be prechid. And whanne þei ſchulen lede ȝou bitrayinge, nyle ȝe þenke what ȝe ſchulen ſpeke, but ſpeke ȝe þat þing þat ſchal be ȝouen to ȝou in þat our; ſoþli ȝe ben not ſpekinge, but þe Hooly Goſt. Forſoþe a broþer ſchal bitraye þe broþer in to deeþ, and þe fadir þe ſone, and ſones ſchulen ryſe to gidre aȝens fadris and modris, and ponyſche hem by deeþ. And ȝe ſchulen be in hate to alle men for my name; but he þat ſchal ſuſteyne in to þe ende, þis ſchal be ſaf. Forſoþe whanne ȝe ſchulen ſe þe abhomynacioun of diſcomfort, ſtondinge wher it owiþ not; vndirſtonde he þat rediþ; þanne þei þat be in Judee, flee in to hillis. And he þat is aboue þe roof, come he not doun in to þe hous, neiþir entre he, þat he take ony þing of his hows; and he þat ſchal be in þe feeld, turne not aȝen byhynde for to take his cloþ. Soþli wo to hem þat ben wiþ childe, and noriſchinge in þo dayes. Þerfore preie ȝe, þat þei ben not don in wyntir. Forſoþ þe ilke dayes of tribulacioun ſchulen be ſuche, whiche manere weren not fro þe bygynnynge of creature, þe which God made, til now, neiþer ſchulen be. And no but þe Lord hadde breiggid þo dayes, al fleiſch, or mankynde, hadde not be ſaf; but for þe choſene whom he chees, þe Lord haþ breiggid dayes, or maad ſchort. And þanne if ony man ſchulde ſeie to ȝou, Lo! here is Criſt, loo! þere, beleue ȝe not. For fals Criſtis and fals prophetis ſchulen ryſe vp, and ſchulen ȝyue tokenes and grete wondris, to diſceyue, if it may be don, ȝhe, þe choſene. Þerfore ſe ȝe; loo! I haue bifore ſeid to ȝou alle þingis. But in þo dayes, aftir þat tribulacioun, þe ſunne ſchal be maad derk, and þe mone ſchal not ȝyue hir ſchynyng, and ſterris of heuenes ſchal be fallinge doun, and vertues þat be in heuenes, ſchulen be mouyd. And þanne þei ſchulen ſe mannis ſone comynge in cloudis of heuene, wiþ greet vertu and glorie. And þanne he ſchal ſende his aungels, and ſchal gedre his choſene fro foure wyndis, fro þe loweſte þing of erþe vnto þe hiȝeſte þing of heuene. Forſoþe of þe fyge tree lerne ȝe þe parable. Whanne now his braunche ſchal be tendre, and leeuys ben ſprongen out, ȝe witen for ſomer is in þe nexte. So and whanne ȝe ſchulen ſe alle þeſe þingis ben maad, wite ȝe, þat it is in þe nexte in þe doris. Treuly I ſeye to ȝou, for þis generacioun ſchal not paſſe awey, til alle þeſe þingis be don. Heuene and erþe ſchal paſſe, forſoþe my wordis ſchulen not paſſe. Treuly of þat day or our no man woot, neþir aungelis in heuene, neþer þe ſone, no but þe fadir. Se ȝe, wake ȝe, and preie ȝe; ſoþli ȝe witen not, whanne tyme is. For as a man þe which gon fer in pilgrimage, lefte his hous, and ȝaf to his ſeruauntis power of euery work, and comaundide to þe porter, þat he ſchulde wake. Þerfore wake ȝe, forſoþe ȝe witen not, whanne þe lord of þe hous comeþ, in þe euentide, or in þe mydnyȝt, or kockis crowynge, or morwynge; leſt whanne he ſchal come ſudenly, he fynde ȝou ſlepinge. Forſoþe þat þat I ſeie to ȝou, I ſeie to alle, Wake ȝe.
Capitulum XIIII.
Forſoþe paſk and þe feeſte of þerf looues wiþouȝten ſourdowȝ was aftir þe ſecunde day. And þe hiȝeſte preſtis and ſcribis ſouȝten, hou þei ſchulden holde him wiþ gile, and ſle. Soþli þei ſeiden, Not in þe feeſte day, leſt perauenture noyſe were maad in þe peple. And whanne he was at Betanye, in þe hous of Symount leprous, and reſtid, a womman comynge, hauynge a box of precious oynement ſpikanard; and þe box brokun, helde out on his heed. Forſoþ þer weren ſumme beringe vnworþily, or heuyli, wiþ ynne hem ſilf, and ſeyinge, Wherto is þis loſſ of oynement maad? For þis oynement myȝte haue be ſold more þan for þre hundrid pens, and be ȝouun to pore men. And þei groyneden in to hir. Soþli Jheſus ſeide, Suffre hir; what be ȝe heuy to hir? ſhe haþ wrouȝt good work in me. For euer more ȝe ſchulen haue pore men wiþ ȝou, and whanne ȝe ſchulen wolle, ȝe mown do wel to hem; forſoþ ȝe ſchulen not euermore haue me. She dide þat þat ſhe hadde; ſche bifore cam for to anoynte my body into buriynge. Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, where euere þis goſpel ſchal be prechid in al þe world, and þat þis womman haþ done, ſchal be told in to mynde of hir. And Judas Scarioþ, oon of þe twelue, wente to þe hiȝeſte preſtis, þat he ſchulde bitray him to hem. Þe whiche heerynge ioyeden, and bihiȝten hem to ȝyue him money. And he ſouȝte how he ſchulde bitraye him couenably. And þe firſte day of þerue loues, whenne paſk was offrid, diſciplis ſeyn to him, Whidir wolt þou we go, and make redy to þee, þat þou ete paſk? And he ſendiþ tweyne of his diſciplis, and ſeiþ to hem, Go ȝe in to þe citee, and a man beringe a galoun of watir ſchal renne to ȝou, or come aȝens ȝou; ſuwe ȝe him. And whidir euere he ſchal entre, ſeye ȝe to þe lord of þe hous, For þe maiſter ſeiþ, Wher is my fulfilling, or etyng place, where I ſchal ete paſk wiþ my diſciplis? And he ſchal ſhewe to ȝou a greet ſouping place ſtrewid, and þere make ȝe redy to vs. And his diſciplis wenten forþ, and camen in to þe citee, and founde as he hadde ſeid to hem; and þei maden redy paſk. Soþli euen maad, he cam wiþ twelue. And hem ſittinge at þe mete, and etinge, Jheſus ſeiþ, Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, for oon of ȝou þat etiþ wiþ me, ſchal bitraye me. And þei bigunnen for to be ſori, and to ſeie, ech by hym ſilf, Wheþer I? Þe which ſeiþ to hem, Oon of twelue þat puttiþ yn þe hond wiþ me in þe plater. And ſoþli mannis ſone goþ, as it is writun of him; forſoþ wo to þat man, bi whom mannis ſone ſchal be bitrayd. It were good to him, if þat ilke man hadde not be borun. And hem etinge, Jheſus took bred, and bleſſinge brak, and ȝaf to hem, and ſeiþ, Take ȝe; þis is my body. And þe cuppe takun, he doynge gracis ȝaf to hem, and alle drunkun þerof. And he ſeiþ to hem, Þis is my blood of þe newe teſtament, þe which ſchal be ſhedd out for manye. Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, for now I ſchal not drynke of þis fruit of vyne, til in to þat daye whanne I ſchal drynke it newe in þe rewme of God. And þe ympne, or heriynge, ſeid, þei wenten out in to þe hil of Olyues. And Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Alle ȝe ſchulen be ſclaundrid in me in þis niȝt; for it is writun, I ſchal ſmyte þe ſchepherde, and þe ſcheep of þe floc ſchulen be diſparplid. But aftir þat I ſchal ryſe aȝen, I ſchal go bifore ȝou in to Galilee. Forſoþ Petre ſeiþ to him, And if alle ſchulen be ſclaundrid, but not I. And Jheſus ſeiþ to him, Treuly I ſeie to þee, for þou to day bifore þe cok in þis nyȝt twyes ȝyue vois, þries þou ert to denye me. And he ſpak more, And if it bihoue me to dye to gidere wiþ þee, I ſchal not denye þee. Soþli and lyk manere alle ſeiden. And þei camen in to a place, to whom þe name Geþſamany. And he ſeiþ to his diſciplis, Sitte ȝe here, þe while I preie. And he takiþ Petre and James and John wiþ him, and bigan for to drede, and to heuye. And he ſeiþ to hem, My ſoule is ſorwful til to þe deeþ; ſuſteyne ȝe, or abide ȝe, here, and preie ȝe wiþ me. And whanne he hadde gon forþ a litel, he felde down on þe erþe, and preiede, þat, if it myȝte be, þe our ſchulde paſſe fro him. And he ſeide, Fadir, alle þingis ben poſſible to þee, turne fro me þis cuppe; but not þat I wole, but þat þat þou. And he cam, and fond hem ſlepynge. And he ſeiþ to Petre, Symount, ſlepiſt þou? myȝtiſt þou not wake wiþ me oon our? Wake ȝe, and preie ȝe, þat ȝe entre not in to temptacioun; forſoþe þe ſpirit is redy, but þe fleiſch ſyk. And eftſoone he goynge preiede, þe ſame word ſeyinge. And he turnyd aȝen eftſoone, fond hem ſlepinge; ſoþli her yȝen were greuyd. And þei knewen not, what þei ſchulden anſwere to him. And he cam þe þridde tyme, and ſeiþ to hem, Slepe ȝe nowe, and reſte ȝe; ſoþli it ſufficiþ. Þe our comeþ; loo! mannis ſone ſchal be bitrayed in to hondis of ſynful men. Ryſe ȝe, go we; loo! he þat ſchal bytraye me is nyȝ. And, ȝit him ſpekinge, Judas Scarioþ, oon of þe twelue, cam, and wiþ him moche cumpeny wiþ ſwerdis and ſtaues, ſent fro þe hiȝeſte preſtis, and ſcribis, and fro þe eldere men. Forſoþe þe traitour hadde ȝouun to hem a tokene, ſeyinge, Whom euere I ſchal kiſſe, he it is; holde ȝe him, and lede ȝe warly, or queyntely. And whanne he cam, anon he cominge to him, ſeiþ, Maiſtir; and he kiſſide him. And þei layden hondis in to him, and heelden him. Soþli oon of men ſtondinge aboute, ledinge out a ſwerd, ſmot þe ſeruaunt of þe hiȝeſte preſt, and kitte of to him an eere. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, As to a þef ȝe han gon out wiþ ſwerdis and ſtaues, for to take me? Forſoþ day by day I was at ȝou, techinge in þe temple, and ȝe heelden not me; but þat þe ſcripturis be fulfillid. Þanne him forſakun, alle his diſciplis fledden. Soþli ſum ȝong man, cloþid wiþ lynnen cloþ on þe bare, ſuede him; and þei heelden him. And þe lynnen cloþ forſakun, he nakid fleiȝ awey fro hem. And þei ledden Jheſu to þe hiȝeſte preſt. And all camen to gidere in to oon, þe preſtis and þe ſcribis and eldere men. Forſoþ Petre ſuede him afer til wiþ ynne in to þe halle of þe hiȝeſte preſt. And he ſat wiþ þe mynyſtris, and warmyde him at þe fier. Forſoþe þe hiȝeſte preſtis, and al þe counceil, ſouȝten witneſſinge aȝens Jheſu, þat þei ſchulen ȝyue him to deeþ; neþer þei founden. Soþli manye ſeiden fals witneſſinge aȝens him, and þe witneſſingis weren not couenable. And ſumme riſynge ſouȝten fals witneſſing aȝens hym, ſeyinge, For we han herd him ſeiynge, I ſchal vndo þis temple maad wiþ hondis, and aftir þe þridde day I ſchal bilde a noþer not maad wiþ hondis. And þe witneſſing of hem was not couenable. Forſoþe þe hiȝeſte preſt ryſinge vp in to þe myddel, axide him, ſeyinge, Anſweriſt þou not ony þing to þo þingis þat ben put to þee of þeſe? Soþli he was ſtille, and no þing anſweride. Eftſoone þe hiȝeſt preſt axide him, and ſeide to him, Ert þou Criſt, þe ſone of bleſſid God? Soþli Jheſus ſeide to him, I am; and ȝe ſchulen ſe mannis ſone ſittinge on þe riȝt half of þe vertu of God, and comynge in cloudis of heuene. Forſoþ þe hiȝeſt preſt, kittinge his cloþis, ſeiþ, What ȝit deſyren we witneſſis? Ȝe han herde blaſphemye. What ſemeþ to ȝou? Þe whiche alle condempneden him for to be gilty of deeþ. And ſumme bigunnen for to biſpitte him, and to hide his yȝen, and ſmyte him wiþ boffatis, and ſeie to him, Prophecie þou. And þe mynyſtris beeten him wiþ ſtrokis, or boffatis. And whanne Petre was in þe halle byneþen, oon of þe hand maydens of þe hiȝeſt preſt cam. And whanne ſche hadde ſeyn Petre warmynge him, ſche biholdinge him ſeiþ, And þou waſt wiþ Jheſu of Nazareþ. And he denyede, ſeyinge, Neþir I woot, neþer I haue knowun, what þou ſeiſt. And he wente forþ bifore þe halle; and anon þe cok ſong. Eftſone forſoþe whanne a noþer hand mayde hadde ſeyn him, ſhe bigan for to ſeie to men ſtondinge aboute, For þis is of hem. And he eftſone denyede. And aftir a litil, eftſoone þei þat ſtooden nyȝ, ſeiden to Petre, Verily þou ert of hem, forwhi and þou ert of Galilee. Soþli he bigan for to curſe and ſwere, For I knowe not þis man, whom ȝe ſeyn. And anon eftſoones þe cok ſong. And Petre biþouȝte on þe werd þat Jheſus hadde ſeid to him, Bifore þe cok ſynge twyes, þries þou ſchalt denye me. And he bigan for to wepe.
Capitulum XV.
And anon þe morwe maad, þe hiȝeſte preſtis, makinge counceil wiþ þe eldere men, and ſcribis, and al þe counceil, byndinge Jheſu, ledden, and bitooken to Pilat. And Pilat axide him, Art þou kyng of Jewis? And he anſweringe ſeiþ to him, Þou ſeyſt. And þe hiȝeſte preſtis accuſiden him in manye þingis. Pilat forſoþe eftſoone axide him, ſeyinge, Þou anſweriſt not ony þing? Seeſt þou, in how manye þingis þei accuſen þee? Forſoþe Jheſus more no þing anſweride, ſo þat Pilat ſchulde wondre. Forſoþ by a ſolemne day he was wont to leeue to hem oon bounden, whom euere þei axiden. Forſoþ þere was he þat was ſeid Barabas, þat was boundun wiþ ſleeris of men, and þat hadde don manſlauȝtre in ſeducioun, þat is, debaat in cytee. And whanne þe cumpany hadde ſtiȝe vp, he bigan for to preye, as he euermore dide to hem. Soþely Pilat anſweride to hem, and ſeide, Wolen ȝe I leeue to ȝou þe kyng of Jewis? Soþli he wiſte, þat þe hiȝeſte preſtis hadden taken him by enuye. Forſoþe þe biſchopis ſtireden þe cumpenye of peple, þat more he ſchulde leeue to hem Barabas. Forſoþ eftſoone Pilat anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, What þerfore wolen ȝe I ſchal do to þe kyng of Jewis? And þei eftſoone crieden, Crucifie hym, or put hym on þe cros. Forſoþ Pilat ſeide to hem, Soþli what of yuel haþ he don? And þei crieden more, Crucifie him. Soþli Pilat willinge for to do ynow to þe peple, lefte to hem Barabas, and bitook to hem Jheſu, ſmyten, or betun, wiþ ſcourgis, þat he ſchulde be crucified. Forſoþe knyȝtis ledden him wiþynne, in to þe floor of þe moot halle, and clepiden to gidere al þe cumpenye of knyȝtis, and cloþiden him wiþ purpur. And þei foldinge a corowne of þornes, puttiden to him; and bigunnen for to greet him, ſayinge, Hail, þou kyng of Jewis. And þei ſmyten his heed wiþ a reede, and biſpatten him; and puttinge her knees þei worſhipiden him. And aftir þat þei hadden ſcornyd him, þei vncloþiden him fro purpur, and cloþedyn him wiþ his cloþis, and ledden him, þat þei ſchulde crucifie him. And þei conſtreyneden ſum man paſſynge forþ, Symount of Syrenen, comynge fro þe town, þe fadir of Alyſandre and Rufe, þat he ſchulde take his croſſ. And þei ledden him in to a place Golgoþa, þat is interpretid, or expowned, þe place of Caluarie. And þei ȝauen him for to drynke wyn meddelid wiþ myrre, and he took not. And þei crucifiynge him departiden his cloþis, ſendinge lot, who what ſchulde take. Forſoþ it was þe þridde our, þat men clepen vndrun, and þei crucifieden him. And þe title of his cauſe was writun, Jheſus of Nazareþ, kyng of Jewis. And þei crucifien wiþ him twey þeues, oon at þe riȝþalf, and oon at his lefþalf. And þe prophecie is fulfild þat ſeiþ, And he is geſſide, or ordeyned, wiþ wickide men. And paſſinge forþ þei blasfemyden him, mouynge her heedis, and ſeyinge, Fyȝ! þou þat diſtroyeſt þe temple of God, and in þre dayes aȝen bildeſt it; þou comynge down fro þe cros, make þi ſelf ſaf. Alſo and þe hiȝeſte preſtes ſcornynge him, ech to oþer, wiþ ſcribis, ſeiden, Criſt, kyng of Yrael, maade oþere men ſaf, he maye not ſaue him ſilue. Come he down now fro þe croſſ, þat we ſe, and bileue. And þei þat weren crucified wiþ him, puttedyn wrong, or fals repref, to him. And þe ſixte our, or mydday, maad, derkneſſis ben maad vpon al þe erþe til in to þe nynþe our, þat is, noon. And in þe nynþe our Jheſus criede wiþ greet vois, ſeyynge, Heloy, Heloy, lamazabatany, þe which interpretid is, My God, my God, whi, or wherto, haſt þou forſake me? And ſumme of men ſtondinge aboute heeringe ſeiden, Lo! he clepiþ Hely. Soþli oon rennynge, and fillinge a ſponge wiþ vynegre, and puttinge aboute to a reede, ȝaue him drynke, ſeyinge, Suffre ȝe, ſe we, if Hely come for to do hym down. Forſoþ Jheſus, a greet vois ſent out, deiede, or ſente out þe breþ. And þe veil of þe temple is kitt in to tweyne fro þe hiȝeſte til to down, or byneþe. Forſoþ centurio ſeynge, þe which ſtood euene aȝenſt, for ſo criynge he hadde deied, ſeiþ, Verrili, þis man was Goddis ſone. Soþli þere weren and oþere wymmen biholdinge fro affer, among whiche was Mary Mawdeleyn, and Mari of James þe laſſe, and modir of Joſeph, and Salome. And whanne Jheſus was in Galilee, þei folowiden him, and mynyſtriden to him, and manye oþere wymmen, þat to gidere ſtiȝeden vp wiþ him to Jeruſalem. And whanne euentyd was now maad, for it was þe euentyd bifore þe ſaboþ, Joſeph of Armaþie, þe noble decurioun, þat hadde ten men vndir him, cam, þe which and he was abidinge þe rewme of God; and hardily he entride in to Pilat, and axide þe body of Jheſu. Forſoþe Pilat wondride, if he hadde now deied. And centurio axid to, or brouȝt to, he axide him, if he were now deed; and whanne he hadde knowun of centurio, he ȝaf þe body of Jheſu to Joſeph. Soþli Joſeph byinge him lynnen cloþ, and doynge him doun, wlappede in þe lynen cloþ, and puttide in a newe ſepulcre þat was hewen in a ſtoon, and walewid to a ſtoon at þe mouþ of þe ſepulcre. Marie Mawdeleyn forſoþe, and Marie of Joſeph biheelden, where he was putt.
Capitulum XVI.
And whanne þe ſaboþ hadde paſſid, Marie Mawdeleyn, and Marie of James, and Salome bouȝten oynementis, þat þei comynge ſchulden anoynte Jheſu. And ful eerly in oon of woke dayes, þei camen to þe ſepulcre, þe ſunne now ſprungen vp. And þei ſeiden to gidere, Who ſchal turne aȝen to vs þe ſtoon fro þe dore of þe ſepulcre? And þei biholdinge ſyȝen þe ſtoon walewid awey, forſoþ it was ful greet. And þei goynge yn into þe ſepulcre ſyȝen a ȝong oon, hilid wiþ a whit ſtoole, ſittinge at þe riȝt half; and þei weren abaiſt, or greetli aferd. Þe which ſeiþ to hem, Nyle ȝe drede; ȝe ſeken Jheſu of Nazareþ crucified; he haþ riſun, he is not heere; lo! þe place where þei puttiden him. But go ȝe, ſeye ȝe to his diſciplis, and to Petre, for he ſchal go byfore ȝou in to Galilee; þere ȝe ſchulen ſe him, as he ſeide to ȝou. And þei goynge out fledden fro þe ſepulcre; forſoþe drede and quakynge hadde aſſaylid hem, or gon in to hem, and to no man þei ſeiden ony þing, forſoþ þei dredden. Soþly Jheſus, ryſinge erly in þe firſt day of þe wouke, apperide firſte to Mary Mawdeleyn, of whom he hadde caſt out ſeuene deuelis. She goynge tolde to hem þat weren wiþ him, hem weylinge and wepynge. And þei heeringe þat he lyuede, and was ſeyn of hir, bileueden not. Soþli after þes þingis tweyne of hem wandringe, he is ſchewid in an oþer lykneſſe, or figure, to hem goynge in to a toun. And þei goynge toolden to oþere, neþir þei bileuyden to hem. Forſoþ at þe laſte, hem enleuene reſtinge, Jheſus apperide to hem, and reprouyde þe vnbileue of hem, and þe hardneſſe of herte, for þei bileuyden not to hem, þat hadden ſeyn him to haue riſun fro deede. And he ſeide to hem, Ȝe goynge in to al þe world, preche þe goſpel to ech creature. He þat ſchal bileue, and ſchal be baptiſid, or criſtenyd, ſchal be ſauyd; ſoþli he þat ſchal bileue not, ſchal be dampned. Forſoþ þeſe tokenes ſchulen ſue hem, þat ſchulen bileue. In my name þei ſchulen caſt out fendis; þei ſchulen ſpeke wiþ newe tungis; þei ſchulen do awey ſerpentis; and if þei ſchulen drynke ony venym, or deedli þing, þat bryngiþ deeþ, it ſchal not noye hem. Þei ſchulen putte hir hondis vpon ſike men, and þei ſchulen haue wel. And ſoþli þe Lord Jheſu, aftir þat he hadde ſpoke to hem, is takun vp in to heuene, and ſittiþ on þe riȝþalf of God. Soþli þei gon forþ prechiden euerywhere, þe Lord worchinge wiþ, and conferminge þe word wiþ ſignes folowinge.
Here endiþ Mark, and now bigynneþ Luk.