< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Þe Prolouge on MaÞew

Here begynneþ þe prolouge on Maþew.

Maþew of Jewerye born, as he is putt firſt in ordre, ſo firſt he wrote þe goſpel in Jewes langage, whas cleepyng to God was from peplicanis dedis; he takynge bifore þe bygynnyng is of twey, Abraham and Dauid, in þe generacioun of Criſt, of oon, þat is, Abraham, of þe whiche þe firſt circumciſioun was in fleſhe, of an oþer, Dauiþ, whas eleccioun was efter herte. Of boþe fadris forſoþe Criſt was bore. And ſo þe noumbre of fourtene þries putte, he ſtrecchynge forþ þe bygynnyng fro feyþ of bileuynge, þat was in Abraham, in to þe tyme of cheſynge, þat was in Dauiþ, and dreſſynge fro þe cheſyng anoon in to þe day of tranſmygracioun, and diffynynge fro þe day of tranſmygracioun anoon in to Criſt, he ſhewiþ þe generacioun of þe cummynge of Criſt fulfillid, oþer paſſynge in renninge, þat he, maakynge good boþe to þe noumbre and to þe tyme, boþe ſhulde ſhewe hym ſilf whiche he were, and, in hym ſilf mynyſtrynge þe work of God, alſo in hem, whas kynred he putte, ſhulde not denye þe witneſſe of Criſt workynge fro þe bygynnyng. Of alle whoche þingis þe tyme, þe ordre, þe noumbre, þe diſpoſicioun, oþer þe reſoun, þat Criſt is God, þat is neceſſarie to þe feiþ, þe whiche was maad of a womman, maad vnder lawe, bore of a mayde, ſuffride in fleſhe, al þing ficchide in þe cros, þat he ouercommynge þilke þingis in hym ſilfe, ryſynge in body, boþe þe name of þe fadir in fadris to þe ſone, and ſones name to þe fadir reſtoringe in ſones, wiþ outen bygynnyng, wiþ oute eendynge, ſhewynge þe fadir to be oon wiþ hym, for he is oon. In þe whiche goſpel it is profitable to men deſyrynge God, ſo to knowe þe firſt, þe mydmeſte, oþer þe laſt, þat þei, redynge bi alle þingis, vndirſtonde boþe þe clepynge of þe apoſtil, and þe work of þe goſpel, and þe loue of God kennynge in fleſhe, and þei biknowe in hym, in þe whiche þei beþ knowe, and deſijryþ to knowe. To vs forſoþe it was to ſtodye of preuynge, boþe to take þe feiþ of þing do, and not to be ſtille to men ſechynge biſiliche þe ordynance of God worchynge to be vndirſtonde.

Here endiþ þe prolog, and bigynniþ þe goſpel.

Capitulum I.

The boke of þe generacioun of Jheſu Criſt, þe ſone of Dauyd, þe ſone of Abraham. Abraham gendride Yſaac. Yſaac forſoþe bigate Jacob. Jacob forſoþe bigate Judas and his breþeren. Judas forſoþe bigate Phares and Zaram, of Thamar. Phares forſoþe bigate Eſrom. Eſrom forſoþe bigate Aram. Aram forſoþe bigate Amynadab. Amynadab forſoþe bigate Naſon. Naſon forſoþe bigate Salmon. Salmon forſoþe bigate Booz, of Raab. Booz forſoþe bigate Obeþ, of Ruþ. Obeþ forſoþe bigate Geſſe. Jeſſe forſoþe bigate Dauiþ þe kyng. Dauiþ forſoþe kyng bigate Salomon, of þat womman þat was Uries wyf. Salomon forſoþe bigate Roboam. Roboam forſoþe bigat Abias. Abias forſoþe bigate Aſa. Aſa forſoþe bigate Joſophat. Joſophat forſoþe bigate Joram. Joram forſoþe bigate Oſias. Oſias forſoþe bigate Joaþan. Joaþan forſoþe bigate Achaz. Achaz forſoþe bigate Ezechie. Ezechie forſoþe bigate Manaſſes. Manaſſes forſoþe bigate Amon. Amon forſoþe bigate Joſias. Joſias forſoþe bigate Jechonyas and his breþeren, in to tranſmigracyoun of Babiloyne. And after þe tranſmygracyoun of Babiloyne, Jechonias bigate Salatiel. Salatiel forſoþe bigate Zorobabel. Zorobabel forſoþe begate Abyut. Abyut forſoþe bygate Eliachim. Eliachym forſoþe bigate Aſor. Aſor forſoþe bigate Sadoc. Sadoc forſoþe bygate Achym. Achym forſoþe bygate Elyut. Elyut forſoþe bygate Eleaſar. Eleaſar forſoþe bigate Maþan. Maþan forſoþe bigate Jacob. Jacob forſoþe bigate Joſeph, þe huſbond of Marie, of whiche Marie Jeſus is born, þat is clepid Criſt. And ſo alle generaciouns from Abraham til to Dauiþ ben fourtene generaciouns, and fro Dauiþ vnto tranſmygracioun of Babiloyne ben fourtene generaciouns, and from þe tranſmygracioun of Babiloyne vnto Criſt ben fourtene generaciouns. Forſoþ þe generacioun of Criſt was þus. Whane Marie, his modir, was ſpouſid to Joſeph, bifore þat þei ſhulden come to gidre, ſhe is foundun hauynge in þe wombe of þe Holy Goſt. Joſeph forſoþe, hir huſbond, when he was iuſt man, or riȝtful, and wolde not pupliche hir, or lede hir ferþer, wolde priuyly forſake hire. Soþely hym þenkynge þeſe þingus, lo! þe angel of þe Lord aperide in ſleepe, or ſweuen, to hym, ſayinge, Joſeph, þe ſone of Dauyd, nyl þou drede to take Marie, þi wyf; forſoþe þat þing þat is born in hire is of þe Holy Gooſt. Soþely ſhe ſhal bere a ſone, and þou ſhalt clepe his name Jeſus; for he ſhal make his peple ſaif fro her ſynnes. Forſoþe al þis þing was don, þat it ſhulde be fulfillid, þat þing þat was ſeid by a prophete, ſeiynge, Loo! a virgyne ſhal haue in wombe, and ſhe ſhal bere a ſone, and his name ſhal be clepid Emanuel, þat is interpretid, or expounid, God wiþ us. Soþely Joſeph ryſynge vp fro ſleep, did as þe angel of þe Lord comaundide hym, and toke his wijf; and he knewe hir nat, til ſhe had boren hir firſt bygoten ſone, and clepide his name Jheſus.

Capitulum II.

Therfore when Jheſus was born in Beþlem of Juda, in þe days of kyng Herode, loo! kyngis, or wijs men, camen fro þe eeſt to Jeruſalem, ſayinge, Wher is he, þat is borun kyng of Jewis? forſoþe we han ſeyn his ſterre in þe eſte, and we comen for to wirſhipe hym. Soþely kyng Herode herynge is trublid, and al Jeruſalem wiþ him. And he, gedrynge to gidre alle þe princis of preſtis, and ſcribis of þe peple, enquiride of hem, wher Criſt ſhulde be borun. And þei ſeiden to hym, In Beþlem of Juda; for ſo it is writen bi a prophete, And þou, Beþlem, þe lond of Juda, þou art nat þe leſte in þe princis of Juda; for of þee a duk ſhal gon out, þat ſhal gouerne my peple of Yrael. Þan Herode, priuyli þe kyngis clepid to hym, biſily lernyde of hem þe tyme of þe ſterre þat apperide to hem. And he, ſendynge hem in to Beþlem, ſaide, Go ȝee, and axe ȝee biſily of þe chyld, and whan ȝee han founden, telle aȝein to me, þat and Y cummynge wirſhipe hym. Þe whiche, when þei hadden herde þe kyng, wenten awey. And loo! þe ſterre, þe whiche þei ſayen in eſte, wente bifore hem, til þat it cummynge ſtood aboue, wher þe child was. Forſoþe þei, ſeeynge þe ſterre, ioyeden wiþ a ful grete ioye. And þei, entrynge þe hous, founden þe child wiþ Marie, his modir; and þei fallynge doun worſhipiden hym. And her treſours opnyd, þei offreden to hym ȝiftis, gold, encenſe, and merre. And anſwer taken in ſleep, þat þei ſhulden not turne aȝein to Herode, þei ben turned by an oþer wey in to her cuntree. And when þei hadden gon awey, loo! þe aungel of þe Lord apperide in ſleep to Joſeph, ſayynge, Ryſe vp, and take þe child and his modir, and flee in to Egipt, and be þou þere, til þat I ſeye to þee; ſoþely it is to cume, þat Herode ſeeke þe child, for to leſe hym. Þe whiche Joſeph, ryſynge vp, toke þe chijld and his modir by nyȝte, and wente into Egipt, and was þere til to þe deþ of Erode; þat it ſhuld be fulfillid, þat þing þat was ſaid of þe Lord by þe prophete, ſayinge, Fro Egypt Y haue clepide my ſone. Þanne Erode ſeeynge þat he was ſcorned, or diſceyued, of þe kyngis, was gretely wroþ; and he ſendynge ſlewȝ alle þe children, þat weren in Beþlem, and in alle þe eendis of it, fro two ȝeer age and wiþ ynne, after þe tyme þat he hadde ſouȝt out of þe kyngis. Þan it was fulfillide, þat þing þat was ſaid by Jeremye, þe prophete, ſayinge, A voice is herd an heeȝe, weepynge and myche weilynge, Rachel weepynge hir ſonys, and ſhe wolde not be comfortid, for þei ben not. Soþely Erode dead, loo! þe angel of þe Lord apeeride in ſleep to Joſeph in Egipt, ſayinge, Ryſe vp, and take þe childe and his modir, and go in to þe lond of Yrael; for þei þat ſouȝten þe lijf of þe chyld ben dead. Þe whiche Joſeph, ryſynge vp, toke þe child and his modir, and cam in to þe lond of Yrael. Forſoþe he heerynge þat Archelaus regnede in Jude for Eroude, his fadir, dred for to go þidir. And he, moneſtid in ſleep, wente in to þe parties of Galilee; and he cummynge dwelte in a citee, þat is clepid Nazareþ, þat it ſhulde be fulfillid, þat þing þat is ſaid by prophetis, For whi he ſhal be clepid of Nazareþ.

Capitulum III.

In þilke days came Joon Baptiſt, prechynge in þe deſert of Jude, ſayinge, Do ȝe penaunce, for þe kyngdom of heuens ſhal neiȝ, or cume niȝe. Forſoþe þis is he, of whom it is ſaid by Yſaye, þe prophete, A voice of a cryinge in deſert, Make ȝe redy þe wayes of þe Lord; make ȝe riȝtful þe paþes of hym. Forſoþe þat ilk Joon hadde cloþ of þe heeris of cameylis, and a girdil of ſkyn aboute his leendis; ſoþely his mete weren locuſtis, and hony of þe wode. Þanne Jeruſalem wente out to hym, and al Jude, and al þe cuntre aboute Jordan; and þei weren criſtenyd of hym in Jordan, knowlechynge þere ſynnes. Soþely he ſeeynge many of Phariſees and of Saduceſe commynge to his bapteme, ſaide to hem, Generaciouns of eddris, who ſhewide to ȝou for to flee fro wraþ to cumme? Þerfore do ȝee worþi fruytis of penaunce, and nyl ȝe ſay wiþ ynne ȝou, We han þe fadir Abraham; ſoþely Y ſaye to ȝou, for whi God is miȝti to reyſe vp of þeſe ſtonys þe ſonys of Abraham. For now þe axe is putt to þe rote of þe tree; ſoþely euery tree þat makiþ nat good fruyt, ſhal be kitt doun, and ſhal be ſent in to fijr. Forſoþe Y criſtene ȝou in water, in to penaunce; forſoþe he þat is to cumme after me is ſtrenger þan Y, whos ſhon Y am not worþi to bere; he ſhal baptiſe, or criſten, ȝow in þe Holy Gooſt and fijr. Whos wynwing cloþ, or fan, in his hond, and he ſhal fully clenſe his corne floore, and ſhal gedre his corne in to his berne; but chaffis he ſhal brenne wiþ fyr unquenchable, or þat neuer ſhal be quenchid. Þanne Jheſus came fro Galilee in to Jordan to Joon, for to be criſtned of hym. Sooþly Joon forbeed hym, ſayinge, I owe for to be criſtned of þee, and þou commeſt to me? Forſoþe Jheſus anſweringe ſaide to hym, Suffre now, for ſo it becummeþ vs for to fulfille all riȝtwiſneſſe. Þan Joon leete hym, or left hym. Forſoþe Jheſus criſtened ſteiȝ vp anoon fro þe water; and loo! heuens ben opened to hym, and he ſay þe Spirit of God cummynge doun as a culuer, and cummynge vpon hym; and loo! a voice fro heuenes, ſayinge, Þis is my byloued ſone, in þe whiche Y haue pleſid to me.

Capitulum IIII.

Thanne Jheſus was led in to deſert of a ſpirit, þat he ſhulde be temptid of þe deuel. And whanne he hadde faſtid fourty days and fourety niȝtis, afterward he hungride. And þe tempter cummynge niȝ, ſaide to hym, Ȝif þou be Goddis ſone, ſay þat þeſe ſtoons be maad looues. Þe whiche anſwerynge ſaid to hym, It is wryten, A man lyueþ not in breed aloon, bot in euery word þat comeþ forþ fro þe mouþe of God. Þanne þe deuyl toke hym in to an hooly citee, and ſette hym on þe pynacle of þe temple, and ſaide to hym, Ȝif þou be Goddis ſone, ſende þee doun; ſoþely it is wryten, For to his aungels he comaundide of þee, and þei ſhulden take þee in hoondis, leſt perauenture þou hurte þi fote at a ſtoon. Eftſone Jheſus ſaiþ to hym, It is writen, Þou ſhalt not tempte þe Lord þi God. Eftſone þe deuel toke hym in to a ful heeȝ hill, and ſhewide to hym alle þe rewmys of þe world, and þe glorie of hem; and ſaide to hym, Alle þeſe þingis Y ſhal ȝeue to þee, ȝif þou fallynge doun ſhalt worſhipe me. Þan Jheſus ſaide to hym, Go, Saþanas; forſoþe it is wrytin, Þou ſhalt worſhipe þe Lord þi God, and to hym alone þou ſhalt ſerue. Þan þe deuel lafte hym; and loo! aungelis camen niȝe, and ſerueden to hym. Soþely whanne Jheſus hadde herde þat Joon was taken, he wente into Galilee. And þe cite of Nazaret laft, he came, and dwelte in þe citee of Caphernaum, beſide þe ſee, in þe eendis of Zabulon and Neptalym, þat it ſhulde be fulfillid, þat þing þat was ſaid by Yſay, þe prophete, Þe lond of Zabulon and þe lond of Neptalym, þe weye of þe ſee ouer Jordan, of Galilee of heþene men, þe peple þat dwelte in derkneſſis ſay grete liȝt, and men ſittynge in þe cuntree of ſhadew of deþ, liȝt is ſprunge to hem. Fro þennus Jheſus bygan for to preche, and ſay, Do ȝe penaunce, forſoþe þe kyngdom of heuens ſhal cume niȝe. Soþely Jheſus, walkynge biſidis þe ſee of Galilee, ſay two breþeren, Symon, þat is clepid Petre, and Andrew, his broþer, ſendynge nett in to þe ſee; forſoþe þei weren fiſheris. And he ſaide to hem, Come ȝe after me, and I ſhal make ȝou to be maad fiſheris of men. And anon her nettis forſakyn, Þey ſueden hym. And he goynge forÞ fro Þat place, ſay tweyn oÞer breÞeren, Jamys of Zebedee, and Joon, his broÞer, in Þe ſhip wiÞ Zebedee, her fadir, makynge aȝein, or beetynge, her nettis, and he clepide hem. SoÞely anoon Þe nettis forſaken and Þe fadir, Þei ſueden hym. And Jheſus enuyraunyde al Galilee, techynge in Þe ſynagogis of hem, and prechynge Þe goſpel of kyngdam, and helynge al ſorow, or ache, and al ſekeneſſe in Þe peple. And his opynyoun, or fame, wente in to al Syrie; and Þei offriden to hym alle men hauynge yuele, takyn wiÞ dyuers ſorowis and tourmentis, and hem Þat hadden deuelis, and lunatijk men, and men in palſie, and he helide hem. And Þere ſueden hym many cumpanyes of Galilee, and of Decapoly, and of Jeruſalem, and of Judee, and of beȝonde Jordan.

Capitulum V.

Jheſus forſoÞe, ſeynge cumpanyes, wente vp in to an hill; and when he hadde ſete, his diſciplis camen niȝe to hym. And he, openynge his mouÞe, tauȝte to hem, ſayinge, Bleſſid be þe pore in ſpirit, for þe kingdam in heuenes is heren. Bleſſid be mylde men, for þei ſhuln welde þe eerþe. Bleſſid be þei þat mournen, for þei ſhuln be comfortid. Bleſſid be þei þat hungren and þriſten riȝtwiſneſſe, for þei ſhuln ben fulfillid. Bleſſid be mercyful men, for þei ſhuln gete mercye. Bleſſid be þei þat ben of clene herte, for þei ſhuln ſee God. Bleſſid be peſible men, for þei ſhuln be clepid þe ſonys of God. Bleſſid be þei þat ſuffren perſecucioun for riȝtwiſneſſe, for þe kyngdam of heuenes is herun. Ȝee ſhulen be bleſſid, when men ſhulen curſe ȝou, and ſhulen purſue ȝou, and ſhulen ſay al yuel aȝeins ȝou leeȝing, for me. Ioye ȝee wiþ yn forþ, and glade ȝee wiþ out forþ, for ȝoure meede is plenteuouſe in heuenes; forſoþe ſo þei han purſued and prophetis þat weren before ȝou. Ȝee ben ſalt of þe erþe; þat ȝif þe ſalt ſhal vanyſhe awey, wherynne ſhal it be ſaltid? To no þing it is worþ ouer, no bot þat it be ſent out, and defoulid of men. Ȝe ben liȝt of þe world; a citee putt on an hill may nat be hid; neþer men tendyn a lanterne, and putten it vndir a buſſhel, but on a candilſtike, þat it ȝeue liȝt to alle þat ben in þe hous. So ſhyyne ȝoure liȝt before men, þat þei ſee ȝoure good werkis, and glorifie ȝoure fadir þat is in heuens. Nyle ȝe geſſe, or deme, þat Y came to vndo, or diſtruye, þe lawe, or þe prophetis; I came not to vndo þe lawe, but to fulfille. Forſoþe I ſay to ȝou trewþe, til heuen and erþe paſſe, oon i, þat is leſte lettre, or titil, ſhal nat paſſe fro þe lawe, til alle þingis be don. Þerfore he þat vndoþ, or brekeþ, oon of þeſe leſte maundementis, and techiþ þus men, ſhal be clepid þe leſte in þe rewme of heuenes; forſoþe þis þat doþ, and techiþ, ſhal be clepid grete in þe kyngdame of heuenes. Forſoþe Y ſay to ȝou, no but ȝif ȝoure riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal be more plenteuouſe þan of ſcribis and Phariſees, ȝee ſhulen not entre in to kyngdam of heuenes. Ȝee han herde þat it is ſaid to olde men, Þou ſhal nat ſlea; forſoþe he þat ſleeþ, ſhal be gylty of dome. But I ſay to ȝou, þat euereche þat is wroþe to his broþer, ſhal be gylty of dome; forſoþe he þat ſhal ſay to his broþer, Racha, þat is, a word of ſcorn, ſhal be gylty of counſeile; ſoþly he þat ſhal ſay, Fool, þat is, a word of diſpiſynge, ſhal be gylti of þe fijr of helle. Þerfore ȝif þou offriſt þi ȝift at þe auter, and þere ſhalt byþenke, þat þi broþer haþ ſum what aȝeins þee, leeue þere þi ȝift before þe auter, and go firſt for to be recounſeilid, or acordid, to þi broþer, and þanne þou cummynge ſhalt offre þi ȝifte. Be þou conſentynge to þin aduerſarie ſoon, þe whijle þou art in þe way wiþ hym, leſt perauenture þin aduerſarie take þee to þe domeſman, and þe domeſman take þee to þe mynyſtre, and þou be ſente in to priſoun. Trewely I ſay to þee, Þou ſhalt not go þennes, til þou ȝelde þe laſt ferþing. Ȝe han herd for it was ſaid to olde men, Þou ſhalt nat do lecherye. Forſoþe Y ſay to ȝou, for why euery man þat ſeeþ a womman for to coueite hire, now he haþ do lecherie by hire in his herte. Þat ȝif þi riȝt eiȝe ſclaundre þee, pulle it out, and caſt it fro þee; for it ſpeediþ to þee, þat oon of þi membris periſhe, þan al þi body go in to helle. And ȝif þi riȝt hond ſclaundre þee, kitt it awey, and caſt it fro þee; for it ſpediþ to þee, þat oon of þi membris periſhe, þan þat al þi body go in to helle. Forſoþe it is ſaid, Who euere ſhal leeue his wyf, ȝeue he to hir a libel, þat is, a litil boke of forſakyng. Soþely Y ſay to ȝou, þat euery man þat ſhal leeue his wyf, outaken cauſe of fornicacioun, he makiþ hire do lecherie, and he þat weddiþ þe forſaken wijf, doþ auoutrie. Efte ſoonys ȝee han herd, þat it was ſaid to olde men, Þou ſhalt not forſwere, ſoþely to þe Lord þou ſhalt ȝeeld þin oeþis. Forſoþe Y ſay to ȝou, to nat ſwere on al manere; neiþer by heuene, for it is þe trone of God; neþer by þe erþe, for it is þe ſtole of his feet; neiþer by Jeruſalem, for it is þe citee of a greet kyng; neiþer þou ſhalt ſwere by þin heued, for þou maiſt not make oon heer whyt, or blak; but be ȝoure word Ȝea, ȝea; Nay, nay; forſoþe þat þat is more þan þis, is of yuel. Ȝee han herde þat it is ſaid, Eiȝe for eiȝe, toþ for toþ. But Y ſay to ȝou, to nat aȝein ſtonde yuel; but ȝif any ſhal ſmyte þee in þe riȝt cheeke, ȝeue to hym and þe toþer; and to hym þat wole ſtryue wiþ þee in dome, and take awey þi coote, leeue þou to hym and þin ouer cloþe; and who euere conſtrayneþ þee a þouſand pacis, go þou wiþ hym oþer tweyne. Forſoþe ȝif to hym þat axiþ of þee, and turne þou nat awey fro hym þat wol borwe of þee. Ȝee han herd þat it is ſaid, Þou ſhalt loue þin neiȝbore, and hate þin enmy. But Y ſay to ȝou, loue ȝee ȝoure enmyes, do ȝee wel to hem þat haten ȝou, and preye ȝee for men purſuynge, and falſly chalengynge ȝou; þat ȝee be þe ſonys of ȝoure fadir þat is in heuenes, þat makiþ his ſune to ſpringe vp vpon good and yuel men, and rayneþ vpon iuſte men and vniuſte men. For ȝif ȝe louen hem þat louen ȝou, what meed ſhul ȝee haue? wheþer and puplicans don nat þis þing? And ȝif ȝee greten, or ſaluten, ȝoure breþeren oonly, what more ouer ſhul ȝee don? wheþer and paynymmys don nat þis þing? Þerfore be ȝee parfit, as and ȝoure heuenly fadir is parfit.

Capitulum VI.

Take ȝee hede, leſt ȝe don ȝour riȝtwiſneſſe before men, þat ȝee be ſeen of hem, ellis ȝe ſhule nat han meed at ȝoure fadir þat is in heuenes. Þerfore when þou doſt almeſſe, nyle þou ſynge byfore þee in a trumpe, as ypocritis don in ſynagogis and ſtreetis, þat þei ben maad worſhipful of men; forſoþe Y ſaye to ȝou, þei han reſceyued her meede. But þee doynge almeſſe, knowe nat þe left hond what þi riȝt hond doþ, þat þi almes be in hidlis, and þi fadir þat ſeeþ in hidlis, ſhal ȝelde to þee. And when ȝe ſhuln preye, ȝee ſhuln nat be as ypocritis, þe whiche ſtondynge louen to preye in ſynagogis and corners of ſtreetis, þat þei be ſeen of men; trewly Y ſay to ȝou, þei han reſſeyued her meede. But whan þou ſhalt preye, entre in to þi couche, and þe dore ſchet, preye þi fadir in hidlis, and þi fadir þat ſeeþ in hidlis, ſhal ȝeelde to þee. Soþely preyinge nyle ȝee ſpeke moche, as heþen men don, for þei geſſen þat þei ben herd in þeire moche ſpeche. Þerfore nyl ȝe be maad liche to hem, for ȝoure fadir woot what is need to ȝou, before þat ȝe axen hym. Forſoþe þus ȝe ſhulen preyen, Oure fadir þat art in heuenes, halwid be þi name; þi kyngdom cumme to; be þi wille don as in heuen and in erþe; ȝif to vs þis day oure breed ouer oþer ſubſtaunce; and forȝeue to vs oure dettis, as we forȝeue to oure dettours; and leede vs nat in to temptacioun, but delyuere vs fro yuel. Amen, þat is, ſo be it. Forſoþe ȝif ȝee ſhulen forȝeue to men her ſynnys, and ȝoure heuenly fadir ſhal forȝeue to ȝou ȝoure treſpaſſis. Soþely ȝif ȝee ſhulen forȝeue not to men, neiþer ȝoure fadir ſhal forȝeue to ȝou ȝoure ſynnes. But when ȝee faſten, nyl ȝe be maad as ypocritis ſorweful, for þei putten her facis out of kyndly termys, þat þei ſeme faſtynge to men; trewly Y ſay to ȝou, þei han reſſeyued her meede. But whan þou faſtiſt, anoynte þin hede, and waſhe þi face, þat þou be nat ſeen faſtynge to men, but to þi fadir þat is in hidlis, and þi fadir þat ſeeþ in hidlis, ſhal ȝeelde to þee. Nyle ȝe treſoure to ȝou treſours in erþe, wher ruſt and mouȝþe diſtruyeþ, and wher þeeues deluen out and ſtelen; but treſoure ȝee to ȝou treſouris in heuene, wher neiþer ruſt ne mouȝþe diſtruyeþ, and wher þeues deluen nat out, or undirmyne nat, ne ſtelen. Forſoþe wher þi treſour is, þere and þin herte is. Þe lanterne of þi body is þin eȝe; ȝif þin eiȝe be ſymple, al þi body ſhal be liȝtful; bot ȝif þyn eiȝe be weyward, al þi body ſhal be derkful. Þerfore ȝif þe liȝt þat is in þee be derkneſſis, how grete ſhulen þilk derkneſſis be? No man may ſerue to two lordis, forſoþe eþir he ſhal haat þe toon, and loue þe toþer; oþer he ſhal ſuſteyn þe toon, and diſpiſe þe toþir. Ȝe mown nat ſerue to God and richeſſis. Þerfore Y ſay to ȝou, þat ȝe ben nat beſie to ȝoure lijf, what ȝe ſhulen ete; oþir to ȝoure body, wiþ what ȝe ſhuln be cloþid. Wher ȝoure lijf is nat more þan mete, and þe body more þan cloþe? Beholde ȝe þe fleeȝinge foulis of þe eir, for þei ſowen nat, ne repyn, neiþer gadren in to bernys; and ȝoure fadir of heuen fediþ hem. Wher ȝe ben nat more worþi þan þei? Soþely who of ȝou þenkinge may putte to to his ſtature oo cubite? And of cloþing what ben ȝe beſye? Beholde ȝe þe lilies of þe feelde, how þei wexen. Þei traueilen nat, neþer ſpynnen; trewly I ſay to ȝou, for whi neiþer Salamon in al his glorie was keuerid as oon of þes. For ȝif God cloþiþ þus þe heye of þe feeld, þat to day is, and to morwe is ſente in to þe fourneyſe, how moche more ȝou of litil feiþ? Þerfore nyl ȝe be biſie, ſayinge, What ſhulen we ete? or, What ſhulen we drynke? or, Wiþ what þing ſhulen we be keuered? Forſoþe heiþen men ſechen alle þeſe þingis; trewly ȝoure fadir wote þat ȝe han need to alle þeſe þingis. Þerfore ſeke ȝee firſt þe kyngdam of God and his riȝtwiſneſſe, and alle þeſe þingis ſhulen be caſt to ȝou. Þerfore nyle ȝe be beſie in to þe morwe, for þe morew day ſhal be beſie to it ſelf; ſoþely it ſufficiþ to þe day his malice.

Capitulum VII.

Nyle ȝe deme, þat ȝe be nat demyd; for in what dome ȝe demen, ȝe ſhulen ben demyd, and in what meſure ȝe meten, it ſhal be meten to ȝou. But what ſeeſt þou a feſtu, or a litil mote, in þe eiȝe of þi broþer, and þou ſeeſt nat a beme in þin owne eiȝe? Or what maner ſaiſt þou to þi broþer, Broþer, ſuffre þat I caſte out a feſtu fro þin eiȝe, and loo! a beme is in þin owne eiȝe? Ypocrite, caſt out firſt a beme of þin eiȝe, and þan þou ſhalt ſee for to caſt out a feſtu of þe eiȝe of þi broþer. Nyl ȝe ȝeue holy þing to houndis, neþer ſende ȝe ȝour margaritis, or preciouſe ſtoonys, before ſwyne, leſt perauenture þei defoulen hem wiþ þeire feet, and leſt houndis turned to gidre al to-breke ȝou. Axe ȝe, and it ſhal be ȝouen to ȝou; ſeke ȝe, and ȝe ſhulen fynde; knocke ȝe, and it ſhal be opnyd to ȝou. For eche þat axiþ, takiþ; and he þat ſechiþ, fyndiþ; and it ſhal be opnyde to a man knokynge. Oþer who of ȝou is a man, whom ȝif his ſone axe breed, wher he ſhal dreſſe to hym a ſtoon? Oþer ȝif he ſhal axe a fiſhe, wher he ſhal dreſſe to hym a ſerpent? Þerfore ȝif ȝe, when ȝe ben yuel men, han knowen for to ȝeue good þingus ȝouen to ȝoure ſonys, hou myche more ȝoure fadir þat is in heuenes ſhal ȝeue good þingis to men axinge hym? Þerfore alle þingis, what euer þingis ȝee wolen þat men don to ȝou, and ȝe do to hem, forſoþe þeſe þingis ben þe lawe and prophetis. Entre ȝe bi þe ſtreyt ȝate; for þe gate þat lediþ to perdicioun, or dampnacioun, is brode, and þe weye large, and þer ben many þat entren bi it. How ſtreit is þe ȝate, and narewe þe weye, þat lediþ to lijf, and þere ben fewe þat fynden it. Perceyue ȝe, and flee fro fals prophetis, þe whiche cummen to ȝou in cloþingis of ſheepis, bot wyþynne þei ben rauyſhynge wolues; of her fruytis ȝe ſhulen knowe hem. Wheþer men gaderen grapis of þornys, or fijgis of breeris? So euery good tree makiþ good fruytis; ſoþely an yuel tree makiþ yuel fruytis. A good tree may nat make yuel fruytis, neþer an yuel tree make good fruytis. Euery tree þat makiþ nat good fruyt, ſhal be kitte doun, and ſhal be ſent in to þe fire. Þerfore of her fruytis ȝee ſhulen knowe hem. Nat eche man þat ſaiþ to me, Lord, Lord, ſhal entre in to þe kyngdam of heuenes; but he þat doþ þe wille of my fadir þat is in heuenes, he ſhal entre in to þe kyngdam of heuenes. Many ſhul ſay to me in þat day, Lord, Lord, wheþer we han nat prophecied in þi name, and han caſt out deuelis in þi name, and han don many vertues in þi name? And þan Y ſhal knowliche to hem, For I knewe ȝou neuer; departe awey fro me, ȝe þat worchen wickidneſſe. Þerfore eche man þat heriþ þeſe my wordis, and doþ hem, ſhal be maad liche to a wijſe man, þat haþ bildid his hous vpon a ſtoon. And rayn came doun, and flodis camen, and wyndis blewen, and ruſheden in to þat hous; and it felle nat doun, for it was foundid on a ſtoon. And euery man þat heriþ þeſe my wordis, and doþ hem nat, is liche to a man fool, þat haþ bildid his hous on grauel, or ſoond. And rayn came doun, and floodis camen, and wyndis blewen, and þei hurliden in to þat hous; and it felle doun, and þe fallyng doun þerof was grete. And it is maad, when Jheſus hadde eendid þeſe wordis, þe cumpanyes wondreden on his techyng; ſoþely he was techynge hem, as a man hauynge power, and nat as þe ſcribis of hem, and Phariſees.

Capitulum VIII.

Forſoþe when Jheſus hadde comen doun fro þe hil, many cumpanyes folewiden hym. And loo! a leprouſe man cummynge worſhipide hym, ſayinge, Lord, ȝif þou wolt, þou maiſt make me clene. And Jheſus, holdynge forþe þe hond, touchide hym, ſayinge, I wole, be þou maad clene. And anoon þe lepre of hym was clenſid. And Jheſus ſaiþ to hym, See, ſay þou to no man; but go, ſhewe þee to preſtis, and offre þat ȝifte þat Moyſes comaundide, in to witneſſing to hem. Soþely when he hadde entride in to Capharnaum, centurio neiȝide to hym, preyinge hym, and ſaide, Lord, my child lyeþ in þe hous ſike on þe palſie, and is yuel tourmentid. And Jheſus ſaiþ to hym, I ſhal cume, and ſhal hele hym. And centurio anſwerynge ſaiþ to hym, Lord, I am not worþi, þat þou entre vndir my roof; but oonly ſay bi word, and my child ſhal be helid. For whi and I am a man ordeynd vnder power, hauynge vndir me kniȝtis; and I ſay to þis, Go, and he goþ; and to an oþer, Come þou, and he comeþ; and to my ſeruaunt, Do þou þis þing, and he doþ. Soþely Jheſus, heerynge þeſe þingis, wondride, and ſaide to men ſuynge hym, Trewly I ſaye to ȝou, I fonde nat ſo grete feiþ in Yrael. Soþely Y ſay to ȝou, þat manye ſhulen come fro þe eſt and weſt, and ſhulen reſt wiþ Abraham and Yſaac and Jacob in þe kyngdam of heuenes; forſoþe þe ſonys of þe rewme ſhulen be caſt out in to vttremeſt derkneſſis; þere ſhal be weepynge, and beetynge togidre of teeþ. And Jheſus ſaide to centurio, Go, and as þou haſt bileeued, be it don to þee. And þe child was helid fro þat houre. And when Jheſus hadde comen in to þe hous of Symond Petre, he ſay his wyues moder liggynge, and ſhakun wiþ feueris. And he touchide hir hond, and þe feuer lefte hir; and ſhe rooſe, and ſeruyde hem. Soþely whan þe euenyng was maad, þei brouȝte to hym many hauynge deuelys, and he caſtide out ſpiritis by word, and helide alle hauynge yuel; þat it ſhulde be fulfillid, þat þing þat was ſaid by Yſaie, þe prophete, ſayinge, He toke oure infirmytees, and bere oure ſykeneſſis. Soþely Jheſus ſeeynge many cumpanyes about hym, bad his diſciplis go ouer þe water. And oo ſcribe, or a man of lawe, commynge to, ſaide to hym, Maiſtre, I ſhal ſue þee, whidir euer þou ſhalt go. And Jheſus ſaid to hym, Foxis han dichis, or borowis, and briddis of þe eir han neſtis, but mannes ſone haþ nat wher he reſte his heued. Soþeli an oþer of his diſciplis ſaide to hym, Lord, ſuffre me go firſt, and birye my fadir. Forſoþe Jheſus ſaide to hym, Sue þou me, and late dede men birye her dead men. And Jheſu ſteyinge vp in to a litel ſhip, his diſciplis ſueden hym. And loo! a grete ſteryng was maad in þe ſee, ſo þat þe litil ſhip was hilid wiþ wawis; but he ſlepte. And his diſciplis camen niȝ to hym, and rayſiden hym, ſayinge, Lord, ſaue vs; we periſhen. And Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, What ben ȝee of litil feiþ agaſt? Þanne he ryſynge comaundide to þe wyndis and þe ſee, and a grete peſibleneſſe is maad. Forſoþe men wondreden, ſayinge, What manere man is he þis, for þe wyndis and þe ſee obeiſhen to hym? And whan Jheſus hadde comen ouer þe water in to þe cuntre of men of Genazereþ, twey men hauynge deuelis runnen to hym, goynge out fro birielis, ful feerſe, or wickid, ſo þat no man miȝte paſſe by þat wey. And loo! þei crieden, ſayinge, What to vs and to þee, Jheſu, þe ſone of God? haſt þou comen hidir before þe tyme for to tourmente vs? Soþely a floc, or droue, of many hoggis leſewynge was nat fer from hem. But þe deuelis preyeden him, ſeyinge, Ȝif þou caſtiſt out vs hennes, ſende vs in to þe droue of hoggis. And he ſaiþ to hem, Go ȝee. And þei goynge out wente in to þe hoggis; and loo! in a greet bire al þe droue wente heedlynge in to þe ſee, and þei ben dead in watris. Forſoþe þe hirdes fledden awey, and cummynge in to þe citee, tolden alle þeſe þingis, and of hem þat hadden þe fendis. And loo! al þe citee wente aȝeinis Jheſu, metynge hym; and hym ſeen, þei preiden hym, þat he ſhulde paſſe fro her cooſtis.

Capitulum IX.

And Jheſus, goyng vp in to a boot, paſſide ouer þe water, and came in to his citee. And loo! þei offreden to hym a man ſyke in palſie, liggynge in a bed. Forſoþe Jheſus, ſeeynge þe feiþ of hem, ſaide to þe man ſike in palſie, Sone, haue þou truſt; þi ſynnes ben forȝeuen to þee. And lo! ſum of þe ſcribis ſaid wiþ ynne hem ſelf, Þis blasfemeþ. And when Jheſus hadde ſeen her þouȝtis, he ſaid, Wherto þenken ȝe yuel þingis in ȝour hertis? What is liȝter to ſaye, Þi ſynnes ben forȝeuen to þee, oþer to ſaye, Ryſe þou, and walke? Forſoþe þat ȝe wite, þat mannes ſone haþ power to forȝeue ſynnes in erþe, þanne he ſaide to þilke man in palſie, Ryſe vp; take þi bed, and go in to þin houſe. And he rooſe, and wente in to his houſe. Soþely þe companyes ſeeynge dredden, and glorifieden God, þat ȝaue ſiche power to men. And when Jheſus paſſide þennis, he ſeiȝ a man ſittynge in a tolboþe, Maþeu by name. And he ſaide to hym, Sue þou me. And he, ryſynge, folowide hym. And it is don, hym ſittynge at þe mete in þe houſe, loo! many puplicanys and ſynneful men cummynge ſaten at þe mete wiþ Jheſu and his diſciplis. And Phariſees ſeeynge ſaiden to his diſciplis, Whi etiþ ȝoure maiſter wiþ puplicanys and ſynful men? And Jheſus herynge ſaide, A leche is nat nede to men þat faren wel, but to men hauynge yuel. Soþely ȝee goynge lerne what it is, Y wole mercye, and nat ſacrifice; forſoþe Y came, nat to clepe riȝtful men, bot ſynful men. Þanne þe diſciplis of Joon camen niȝe to hym, ſayinge, Whi we and Phariſees faſten ofte, but þi diſciplis faſten nat? And Jheſus ſaide to hem, Wheþer þe ſonys of þe ſpouſe, or huſbonde, mow weilen, or mourne, how longe þe ſpouſe is wiþ hem? Soþely days ſhulen come, when þe ſpouſe ſhal be taken awey fro hem, and þanne þei ſhulen faſte. Soþely no man ſendiþ ynne a medlynge of rudee, or newe, cloþe in to an olde cloþe; ſoþely he takiþ awey þe plente of it fro þe cloþe, and a wors kittyng is maad. Neþer men ſenden newe wijne in to olde botelis, or wijn veſſelis, ellis þe wijn veſſels ben broken, and þe wijn is ſhed out, and þe wijn veſſellis periſhen. But men ſenden newe wijn in to newe wijn veſſellis, and boþe ben kept. Jheſu ſpekynge þeſe þingis to hem, loo! oo prince came to, and worſhipid hym, ſayinge, Lord, my douȝtir is now dead; but cume þou, and put þin hond vpon hire, and ſhe ſhal lyue. And Jheſus ryſynge ſuede hym, and his diſciplis. And loo! a womman þat ſuffride þe flix, or rennynge, of blood twelue ȝeer, cam to byhynde, and touchide þe hemme of his cloþe. Soþely ſhe ſaide wiþ ynne hir ſelf, Ȝif I touche oonly þe cloþis of hym, I ſhal be ſaaf. And Jheſus turnyde, and ſeeynge hir, ſaide, Douȝter, haue þou truſt; þi faiþ haþ made þee ſaaf. And þe womman was maad ſaaf fro þat houre. And when Jheſus came in to þe hous of þe prince, and ſeeȝ mynſtrelis, and þe companye makynge noyſe, he ſaide, Go ȝe awey, for þe wenche is nat dead, but ſlepiþ. And þei ſcornyden hym. And when þe cumpanye was caſt out, he entride in, and held hir honde; and þe wenche rooſe vp. And þis fame wente out in to al þe londe. And Jheſu paſſynge þennes, twey blynde men ſueden hym, cryinge, and ſayinge, Þou ſone of Dauiþ, haue mercy of vs. Soþely when þei came home, þe blynde men camen niȝ to hym; and Jheſus ſaiþ to hem, What wole ȝe, þat I do to ȝou? And þei ſeiden, Lord, þat oure eeȝen ben opnyd. And Jheſus ſaide, Bileeue ȝe, þat I may do þis þing to ȝou? And þei ſayn, Soþely, or ȝea, Lord. Þan he touchide her eeȝen, ſayinge, Vp ȝour feiþ be it don to ȝou. And þe eeȝen of boþe ben opnyde. And Jheſus þretynyde to hem, ſayinge, See ȝee, þat no man wite. But þei goynge out, defameden hym þorwȝ al þat lond. Soþely þei gon out, loo! þei offriden to hym a man doumb, hauynge a deuel. And whan þe deuel was caſt out, þe doumbe man ſpac. And þe cumpanyes wondreden, ſayinge, It aperede neuere ſo in Yrael. But þe Phariſees ſaiden, In þe prince of deuelis he caſtiþ out deuelis. And Jheſus compaſide aboute alle citees and caſtels, techynge in ſynagogis of hem, and prechynge þe goſpel of kyngdam, and helynge al languyſhynge, or ache, and al ſikneſſe. Forſoþe Jheſus, ſiynge cumpanyes, hadde rewþe of hem; for þei weren traueilid, and liggynge as ſheep nat hauynge a ſheperde. Þanne he ſaide to his diſciplis, Soþely þere is moche rype corne, but fewe werkmen. Þerfore preye ȝe þe lord of þe rijpe corn, þat he ſende workmen into his rijp corn.

Capitulum X.

And þe twelue diſciplis clepid to gidre, he ȝaue to hem power of vnclene ſpiritis, þat þei ſhulde caſten hem out, and þat þei ſhulden heele al ache, and al ſikneſſe. Þeſe ben þe names of twelue apoſtelis; þe firſt, Symoun, þat is clepid Petre, and Andrew, his broþer; Philip, and Bartilmew; Jamys of Zebedee, and Joon, his broþer; Thomas, and Maþeu puplican; and James Alphei, and Thadee; Symount Canane, and Judas Scarioþ, þe whiche betraiede Criſt. Jheſus ſente þeſe twelue, comaundynge to hem, and ſayinge, Goþ ȝe nat into þe wey of heiþen men, and entre ȝe nat in to þe citees of Samarietanys; but raþer goþ to þe ſheep of þe hous of Yrael, þat periſhiden. Soþely ȝee goynge preche, ſayinge, for þe kyngdam of heuenes ſhal neiȝe; hele ȝe ſeke men, vpreyſe ȝee dead men, clenſe ȝe meſelis, caſt ȝe out deuelis; frely ȝe han taken, frely ȝeue ȝe. Nyl ȝe welden gold, neþer ſyluer, ne money in ȝoure girdlis, not a ſcripe in þe weye, neþer two cootis, neþer ſhoon, neþer ȝeerd; for a workman is worþi his mete. In to whateuer citee, or caſtel, ȝe ſhulen entre, axeþ who þerinne is worþi, and þere dwelle ȝe, til þat ȝe gon out. Forſoþe ȝe entrynge in to an houſe, grete ȝe, or ſalute ȝee, it, ſayinge, Pees to þis hous. And ſoþely ȝif þat ilk hous be worþi, ȝoure pees ſhal cume on it; forſoþe ȝif þat houſe be nat worþy, ȝoure pees ſhall turne aȝein to ȝou. And who euere ſhall nat reſceyue ȝou, neþer heer ȝoure wordis, ȝee goynge forþ fro þat hous, or citee, ſmytiþ awey þe duſt fro ȝoure feet. Trewly I ſay to ȝou, it ſhall be more ſuffreable to þe lond of men of Sodom and Gomor in þe day of iugement, þan to þat citee. Loo! I ſende ȝou as ſheep in to þe mydil of wolues; þerfore be ȝe war, or wijſe before, as ſerpentis, and ſymple as dowues. Forſoþe be ȝe war of men, for þei ſhuln taken ȝou in counſeilis, and þei ſhuln bete ȝou in þere ſynagogis; and to preſidentis, or meyris, and to kyngis ȝe ſhulen be led for me, in to witneſſynge to hem, and heþen men. But whenne þei ſhulen take, or bitraie, ȝou, nyl ȝe þenke, how or what þing ȝee ſpeeken, forſoþe it ſhal be ȝouen to ȝou in þat hour, what ȝe ſhuln ſpeke; for it ben nat ȝe þat ſpeken, but þe ſpirit of ȝoure fadir, þat ſpekiþ in ȝou. Soþely þe broþer ſhal take þe broþer in to deþ, and þe fadir þe ſone, and þe ſonys ſhulen ryſe aȝeins fadir and modir, and ſhulen tourmente hem bi deþ. And ȝe ſhulen be in hate to alle men, for my name; forſoþe he þat ſhall dwelle ſtille in to þe eende, þis ſhal be ſaaf. Soþely whenne þei ſhulen purſue ȝou in þis citee, flee ȝe in to an oþer. Trewly I ſaye to ȝou, ȝe ſhulen nat eende þe citees of Yrael, til þat mannes ſone cume. Þe diſciple is nat aboue þe maiſtre, ne þe ſeruaunt aboue his lord; it is ynow to þe diſciple, þat he be as his maiſtre, and to þe ſeruaunt as his lord. Ȝif þei han clepid þe huſbonde man, or þe fadir of meynee, Belzebub, hou myche more his houſholde meynee? Þerfore drede ȝe nat hem; for no þing is couerid, or hid, þat ſhal nat be ſhewid; and no þing is preuy, þat ſhal nat be wiſt. Þat þing þat Y ſay to ȝou in dercneſſis, ſaye ȝee in þe liȝt; and preche ȝe vpon houſis, þat þing þat ȝee heere in ere. And nyl ȝe dreede hem þat ſleen þe body; trewly þei mowen nat ſlea þe ſoule; bot raþer dreede ȝe hym, þat may leſe ſoule and body in to helle. Wheþer twey ſparwis ben not ſold for an halpeny? and oon of hem ſhal nat falle on þe erþe wiþouten ȝoure fadir. Forſoþe alle þe heeris of ȝoure heued be noumbrid. Þerfore nyle ȝe drede; ȝe ben better þan many ſparwis. Þerfore euery man þat ſhal knowleche me before men, and I ſhal knowleche hym byfore my fadir þat is in heuenes. Soþely he þat ſhal denye me bifore men, and I ſhall deniȝe hym before my fadir whiche is in heuenes. Nyl ȝee deme, þat I cam to ſende pees in to erþe; I cam not to ſende pees in to erþe, but ſwerd. Soþely Y cam to departe a man aȝeins his fadir, and þe douȝter aȝeinys hire modir, and þe ſonys wyf aȝeins þe wyues, or huſbondis, modir; and þe enmyes of a man ben his homly meynee. He þat loueþ fadir or modir more þan me, is nat worþi of me. And he þat loueþ ſone or douȝter ouer me, is nat worþi of me. And he þat takiþ nat his croſſe, and ſueþ me, is not worþi of me. He þat fyndiþ his ſoule, þat is, temporal lyf, ſhal leeſe it; and he þat leſiþ his ſoule, þat is, lif, for me, ſhal fynde it. He þat reſſeyueþ ȝou, reſceyueþ me; and he þat reſceyueþ me, reſceyueþ hym þat ſente me. And he þat reſceyueþ a prophete in þe name of a prophete, ſhal take þe mede of a prophete. And he þat reſceyueþ a iuſt man in þe name of a iuſt man, ſhal take þe meede of a iuſt man. And who euer ȝiueþ drynke to oon of þeſe leſte a cuppe of cold water oonly in þe name of a diſciple, trewly I ſaye to ȝou, he ſhal nat leeſe his mede.

Capitulum XI.

And it is don, when Jheſus hadde eendid, he, comaundynge to his twelue diſciplis, paſſide fro þennes for to preche and teche in þe citees of hem. Forſoþe when Joon in boondis hadde herd þe werkis of Criſt, he, ſendynge two or þree of his diſciplis, ſeide to hym, Art þou he þat art to cummynge, or we abiden an oþer? And Jheſus anſwerynge, ſeide to hem, Ȝee goynge telle aȝein to Joon þe þingis þat ȝe han herde and ſeen. Blynde men ſeen, crokid men wandren, meſels ben maad clene, deef men heeren, dead men riſen aȝein, pore men ben taken to prechynge of þe goſpel, or ben maad keepers of þe goſpel. And he is bleſſid, þat ſhal nat be ſclaundrid in me. Soþely hem goynge awey, Jheſus biganne for to ſeye of Joon to þe cumpanyes, What þing wenten ȝe out for to ſee in deſert? wheþer a reede wawid wiþ wynd? But what þing wente ȝe out for to ſeen? wheþer a man cloþid wiþ ſoft þingis? Loo! þei þat ben cloþid wiþ ſofte þingis ben in houſis of kyngis. But what þing wenten ȝe out for to ſe? wheþer a prophete? Ȝe, I ſeie to ȝou, and more þan a prophete. For þis is he, of whom it is writyn, Loo! I ſende myne aungel before þi face, þat ſhal make redy þi wey bifore þee. Trewly I ſay to ȝou, þer rooſe noon more þan Joon Baptiſt amonge children of wommen; forſoþe he þat is leſſe in þe kyngdam of heuenes, is more þan he. Soþely fro þe days of Joon Baptiſt til now þe kyngdam of heuenes ſuffreþ ſtrengþe, or violence, and violent men rauyſhen it. For alle prophetis and þe lawe til Joon Baptiſt prophecieden; and ȝif ȝe wolen reſſeyuen, he is Ely þat is to cume. He þat haþ eeris of heerynge, heere he. But to whom ſhal I geſſe þis generacioun lichy? It is lichi to children ſittynge in cheepynge, þe whiche, cryinge to her peeris, ſeien, We han ſungen to ȝou, and ȝe han nat lippid; we han mourned to ȝou, and ȝe han nat weilid. Soþely Joon cam neiþer etyinge ne drynkynge, and þei ſeien, He haþ a deuel. Þe ſone of man came etynge and drynkynge, and þei ſeyen, Loo! a man deuourer, or glotoun, and drynker of wyn, and frend of puplicanys and ſynful men. And wijſdam is iuſtified of her ſonys. Þanne Jheſus began for to ſeie repreue to citees, in whiche ful manye vertues of hym ben don, for þei diden nat penaunce. Woo to þee! Corozaym, woo to þee! Beþſaida; for ȝif þo vertues þat ben don in ȝou hadden ben don in Tyre and Sydon, ſum tyme þei hadden don penaunce in haire and aſch. Neþeles I ſay, it ſhal be ſofter, or leſſe peyne, to Tyre and Sydon þan to ȝou, in þe day of dome. And þou, Caphernaum, wheþer til in to heuen þou ſhalt be rerid vp? Þou ſhalt go doun til into helle. For ȝif þe vertues þat ben don in þee, hadden be don in Sodom, perauenture þei ſhulden han dwellid til vn to þis day. Neþeles Y ſaye to ȝou, for to þe lond of Sodom it ſhal be ſofter, or leſſe peyne, in þe day of dome, þan to þee. In þe ilk tyme Jheſus anſwerynge ſaide, I knowleche to þee, fadir, lord of heuen and erþe, for þou haſt hid þeſe þingis fro wijſe men and ware, or ſleeȝ men, and haſt ſhewid hem to litil men; ſo, fadir, for whi ſo it was pleſynge tofore þee. Alle þingis ben taken to me of my fadir; and no man knewe þe ſone, no but þe fadir, neiþer eny man knewe þe fadir, no but þe ſone, and to whom þe ſone wolde ſhewe. Alle ȝe þat traueilen, and ben chargid, come to me, and I ſhal refreſhe, or fulfille, ȝou. Take ȝe my ȝoc vpon ȝou, and lerne ȝe of me, for I am mylde and meeke in herte; and ȝe ſhulen fynde reſte in ȝoure ſoulis. For my ȝoc is ſwete, or ſofte, and my charge liȝt, or eiſy.

Capitulum XII.

In þat tyme Jheſus wente by cornys on þe ſabot day; forſoþe his diſciplis, hungrynge, bigunnen to pluc eris of corn, and to ete. Soþely Phariſees ſeeynge, ſeiden to hym, Loo! þi diſciplis don þat þing þat is nat leeful to hem to do in ſaboþis. And he ſeide to hem, Wheþer ȝe han nat rad, what Dauiþ didde, when he hungride, and þei þat weren wiþ hym? hou he entride in to þe hous of God, and ete loouis of propoſicioun, or puttynge forþ, þe whiche loouis was nat leeful to hym to eet, neþer to hem þat weren wiþ hym, no but to preſtis only? Or wheþer ȝe han nat rad in þe lawe, for in ſaboþis preſtis in þe temple defoulen þe ſaboþis, and þei ben wiþ outen grete ſynne? Soþely Y ſaye to ȝou, for þis is more þan þe temple. Forſoþe ȝif ȝe wiſten, what it is, I wole mercy, and nat ſacrifice, ȝe ſhulden neuer han condempnyd innocentis. Trewly mannys ſone is, ȝhe, lord of þe ſabot. And whenne he paſſide þennus, he came in to þe ſynagoge of hem. And loo! a man hauynge a drye hond. And þei axiden hym, ſayinge, Ȝif it is leeful to heele in þe ſabot? þat þei ſhulden acuſe hym. Soþely he ſeide to hem, Who ſhal be a man of ȝou, þat haþ oo ſheep, and ȝif it ſhal falle doun in to a dike in þe ſabotis, wheþer he ſhal nat holde, and lift it vp? Hou moche more is a man betre þan a ſheep? And ſo it is leeful to do good in þe ſabot. Þanne he ſeide to þe man, Strecche forþ þin hond. And he ſtreiȝte forþ; and it is reſtorid to helþe as þe toþer. Forſoþe Phariſees goynge out, maden a counſel aȝeins hym, hou þei ſhulden leeſe hym. Soþely Jheſus witynge, wente awey þennes; and many ſueden hym, and he helide hem alle. And he comaundide to hem, þat þei ſhulden nat make hym opyn, or knowen; þat þat þing ſhulde be fulfilled, þat was ſaid by Yſay, þe prophete, ſeyinge, Loo! my choſen child, whom I haue choſen, my derlyng, in whom it haþ wel pleſid to my ſoule; I ſhal putte my ſpirit on hym, and he ſhal telle dome to heiþen men. He ſhal nat ſtryue, ne crye, neþer eny man ſhal here his voice in ſtretis. He ſhal nat breke to gidre a ſchaken reed, and he ſhal nat quenche ſmokynge flax, til þat he caſt out dome to victorie; and heþen men ſhulen hope in his name. Þanne a blynd man and doumb, hauynge a deuel, was offrid vp to hym; and he helide hym, ſo þat he ſpac, and ſay. And alle þe cumpanyes wondreden, and ſaiden, Wher þis be þe ſone of Dauiþ? But þe Phariſees, herynge, ſeiden, He þis caſtiþ not out feendis, no but in Belzabub, prince of fendis. Soþely Jheſus, witynge her þouȝtis, ſeide to hem, Eche kyngdam departid aȝeins hym ſelf, ſhal be deſolat, or diſcounfortid, and eche citee, or hous, departid aȝeins it ſelf, ſhal nat ſtonde. And ȝif Saþanas caſtiþ out Saþanas, he is departid aȝeins hym ſelf; þerfore hou ſhal his kyngdam ſtonde? And ȝif I in Belzabub caſt out deuelis, in whom, or whos miȝt, ȝoure ſonys caſten out? Þerfore þei ſhulen ben ȝoure domys men. Forſoþe ȝif I in þe Spirit of God caſte out fendis, þerfore þe kyngdam of God is cummen in to ȝou, or amonge ȝou. Eþer hou may eny man entre in to þe hous of a ſtronge man, and take awey his veſſelis, no but firſt he ſhal bynde þe ſtronge man, and þan he ſhal rauyſhe his hous? He þat is nat wiþ me, is aȝeinus me; and he þat gadriþ nat to gidre wiþ me, ſcatriþ abrood. Þerfore Y ſeye to ȝou, al ſynne and blasfemye ſhal be forȝouen to men, but þe ſpirit of blasfemye ſhal nat be forȝouen. And who euere ſhal ſeie a word aȝeins mannys ſone, it ſhal be forȝouen to hym; forſoþe he þat ſhall ſeye a word aȝeins þe Holy Gooſt, it ſhal nat be forȝouen to hym, neþer in þis world, ne in þe toþer. Eþer make ȝe þe tree good, and his fruyt good; eþer make ȝe þe tree yuel, and his fruyt euyl; forſoþe a tree is knowen of þe fruyt. Ȝe generacioun of eddris, howe mowe ȝe ſpeke good þingis, when ȝe ben yuel? Soþely þe mouþ ſpekiþ of þe grete plente of þe herte. A good man brengiþ forþ good þingis of good treſoure, and an yuel man bryngiþ forþ yuel þingis of yuel treſour. Forſoþe Y ſeie to ȝou, for whi of euery ydel word þat men ſpeken, þei ſhul ȝelde reſoun þerof in þe day of dome; for of þi wordis þou ſhalt be iuſtified, and of þi wordis þou ſhalt be dampnyd. Þanne ſume of þe ſcribes and Phariſees anſwereden to hym, ſeyinge, Maiſtre, we wolden ſe a tokne of þee. Þe whiche anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, An iuel generacioun and auoutrere ſekiþ a tokne, and tokne ſhal nat be ȝouen to it, no but þe tokne of Jonas, þe prophete. For as Jonas was in þe womb of a whall þree days and þree niȝtis, ſo mannus ſone ſhal be in þe herte of þe erþe þree days and þree niȝtis. Men of Nynyue ſhal ryſe in dome wiþ þis generacioun, and ſhulen condempne it; for þei diden penaunce in þe prechynge of Jonas, and loo! here is more þan Jonas. Þe queen of þe ſouþ ſhal ryſe in dome wiþ þis generation, and ſhal condempne it; for ſhe came fro þe eendis of þe erþe, for to here þe wiſdam of Salomon, and loo! heere is more þan Salomon. Forſoþe whan an vnclene ſpirit ſhal go out fro a man, he goþ by drye places, ſeekynge reſte, and he fyndyþ nat. Þanne he ſaiþ, I ſhal turne aȝein in to my hous, fro whennys Y came out. And he cummynge fyndiþ it voide, clenſid wiþ biſmes, and maad faire. Þanne he goþ, and takiþ ſeuen oþer ſpiritis wiþ hym, worſe þan hym ſelf; and þei entrynge yn dwellen þere. And þe laſt þingis of þat man ben maad worſe þan þe former. So it ſhal be and to þis worſt generacioun. Ȝit hym ſpekynge to þe cumpanyes of peple, loo! his modir and his breþeren ſtoden wiþ outeforþ, ſeekyng for to ſpeke to hym. Soþely ſum man ſaide to hym, Loo! þi modir and þi breþren ſtonden wiþ outforþ, ſeekynge þee. And he, anſwerynge to þe man ſeiynge to hym, ſeiþ, Who is my modir? and who ben my breþren? And he holdynge forþ his hond in to his diſciples, ſeide, Loo! my modir and my breþeren; treuly whoeuer doþ þe wil of my fadir þat is in heuenes, he is my broþer, ſuſter, and modir.

Capitulum XIII.

In þat day Jheſus goynge out of þe hous, ſat beſidis þe ſee. And manye cumpanyes of peple ben gedrid to hym, ſo þat he ſteyinge vp in to a boot ſat; and al þe cumpanye ſtode in þe brynke. And he ſpak to hem many þingis in parablis, ſeiynge, Loo! he þat ſowiþ, goþ out to ſowe his ſeed. And þe while he ſoweþ, ſum felden byſide þe weye, and briddis of þe eyre camen, and eeten hem. Soþely oþer ſeedis felden into ſtoony placis, wher þei hadden nat moche erþe; and anoon þei ben ſprungen vp, for þei hadde nat depneſſe of erþe. Soþely þe ſunne ſprung vp, þei ſwaliden, or brenden for hete, and for þei hadden nat roote, þei drieden vp. Forſoþe oþer ſeedis felden amonge þornis; and þe þornis wexen vp, and ſtrangliden hem. But oþer ſeedis felden in to good lond, and ȝauen fruyt; ſume an hundred fold, anoþer ſexti fold, anoþer þritti fold. He þat haþ eris of heerynge, heere he. And diſciplis cummynge to ſeiden to hym, Whi ſpekiſt þou in parablis to hem? Þe whiche anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, For to ȝou it is ȝouen for to knowe þe myſterie, or priuyte, of þe kyngdam of heuenes; but it is nat ȝouen to hem. For it ſhal be ȝouen to hym þat haþ, and he ſhal haue plentee; trewly who þat haþ nat, þat þing þat he is ſeen to haue ſhal be taken awey fro hym. Þerfore I ſpeke to hem in parablis, for þei ſeeynge ſee nat, and þei heerynge heeren nat, neþer vndirſtonden; þat þe prophecie of Yſay ſeiynge be fulfillid in hem, Wiþ heerynge ȝe ſhulen heere, and ȝee ſhulen nat vnderſtonde; and ȝee ſeeynge ſhulen ſee, and ȝee ſhulen nat ſee; for þe herte of þis peple is enfattid, and þei herden greuouſly wiþ eris, and þei han cloſid her eeȝen, þat ſum tyme þei ſee wiþ eeȝen, and wiþ eris heeren, and vndirſtonden in herte, and þei ben to gidre turned, and I heele hem. Forſoþe ȝoure eeȝen þat ſeen ben bleſſid, and ȝoure eris þat heeren. Forſoþe I ſaye trewþe to ȝou, for many prophetis and iuſte men coueitiden to ſee þoo þingus þat ȝee ſeen, and þei ſaien nat, and to heeren þoo þingis þat ȝee heeren, and þei herden nat. Þerfore heere ȝe þe parable of þe ſowynge man. Eche þat heeriþ þe word of rewme, and vndirſtondiþ nat, þe yuel ſpirit comeþ, and rauyſchiþ þat þat is ſowyn in his herte; þis is þat is ſowen beſidis þe weye. Soþely he þat is ſowen on þe ſtoon, þis it is, þat heeriþ þe word of God, and anoon wiþ ioye takiþ it. Forſoþe he haþ nat roote in hym ſelf, but it is temporal; þat is, it laſtiþ bot a litil tyme. Forſoþe tribulacioun and perſecucioune maad for þe word, anoon he is ſclaundrid. Bot he þat is ſowen in þornys, is þis þat heriþ þe word, and þe byſyneſſe of þis world, and þe falſneſſis of ritcheſſis ſtrangliþ þe word, and it is maad wiþ outen fruyt. Bot he þat is ſowen in to good lond, is þis þat heriþ þe word, and vndirſtondiþ, and bryngþe forþ fruyt. And ſoþely ſume makiþ an hundrefold, treuly anoþer ſixtyfold, forſoþe anoþer þrittifold. Anoþer parable Jheſus putte forþ to hem, ſeyinge, Þe kyngdam of heuenes is maad liche to a man, þat ſew good ſeed in his feeld. But, when men ſlepten, his enmye came, and ſew aboue dernel, or cokil, in þe midil of whete, and wente awey. Soþely when þe herbe hadde growid, and maad fruyt, þanne þe dernel, or cokil, apperiden. Forſoþe þe ſeruauntis of þe huſbondeman comynge niȝ, ſeiden to hym, Lord, wher þou haſt nat ſowen good ſeed in þi feeld? wher of þan haþ it dernel, or cokil? And he ſeiþ to hem, Þe man enmye haþ don þis þing. Trewly þe ſeruauntis ſeiden to him, Wolt þou we go, and gedren hem? And he ſaiþ, Nay, leſt perauenture ȝe gedrynge dernels, or coclis, draw vp by þe roote togidre wiþ hem and þe whete. Suffre ȝe hem boþe wexe til to rype corne; and in tyme of rype corn I ſhal ſeie to reperis, Firſt gedre ȝee to gedre dernels, or cockilis, and byndeþ hem to gidre in knytchis, or ſmale bundelis, for to be brent, but gedere ȝe whete in to my berne. An oþer parable Jheſus putte forþ to hem, ſeiynge, Þe kyngdam of heuenes is like to a corn of ſeneuey, þe whiche a man takynge ſewe in his feeld. Þe whiche trewly is leeſt of alle ſeedis, but when it haþ wexen, it is moſt of alle wortis, and is maad a tree; ſo þat briddis of þe eyre cummen, and dwellen in bowis, or braunchis, þerof. An oþer parable Jheſus ſpac to hem, Þe kyngdam of heuenes is lic to ſoure dowȝ, þe whiche taken, a womman hidde in þree meſuris of meele, til it were al ſowrdowid. Jheſus ſpac alle þeſe þingis in parablis to þe cumpanyes of peple, and he ſpac nat to hem wiþ outen parablis, þat it ſhulde be fulfillid, þat þing þat is ſeid by þe prophete, ſeyinge, I ſhal opyn my mouþ in parablis; I ſhal bolke out, or telle oute, hid þingus fro makyng of þe world. Þanne þe cumpanyes laft, he came into an hous; and his diſciplis camen niȝ to hym, ſeiynge, Expoune to vs þe parable of dernelis, or cokelis, of þe feeld. Þe whiche anſwerynge ſaiþ, He þat ſowiþ good ſeed is mannes ſone; ſoþely þe feld is þe world; bot þe good ſeed, þeſe ben ſonys of þe kyngdam, dernels, or cocklis, forſoþe þeſe ben yuel ſonys; but þe enmye þat ſoweþ hem is þe feend; but þe ripe corn is þe eendyng of þe world, ſoþely þe repers ben angelis. Þerfore as dernels ben gedrid to gidre, and brent in fijr, ſo it ſhal be in þe eendyng of þe world. Mannes ſone ſhal ſende his angels, and þei ſhulden gedre of his rewme alle ſclaundris, and hem þat don wickidneſſe; and þei ſhulen ſende hem into þe chymney of fijr, þere ſhal be weepynge and betynge togidre of teeþ. Þanne iuſt men ſhulen ſhyine as þe ſunne, in þe rewme of her fadir. He þat haþ eris of heerynge, heere he. Þe kyngdame of heuenes is lijk to treſour hid in a feeld, þe whiche a man þat fyndiþ, hidiþ; and for ioye of it he goþ, and ſelliþ alle þingis þat he haþ, and bieþ þe ilk feeld. Eftſones þe kyngdam of heuenes is lic to a man marchaunt, ſeekyng good margarytis; ſoþely oo preciouſe margarite founden, he wente, and ſolde alle þingis þat he hadde, and bouȝte it. Eft þe kingdam of heuenes is lic to a nette ſent in to þe ſee, and of alle kynd of fiſhis gedrynge; þe whiche whan it was fulfillid, men ledynge out, and ſittynge byſidis þe brynke, cheeſiden þe good into her veſſels, but þei ſenten out þe yuel. So it ſhal be in þe eending of þe world. Angelis ſhulen gon out, and ſhulen departe yuel men fro þe mydil of iuſte men. And þei ſhulen ſende hem into þe chymney of fijr; þere ſhal be weepynge and betynge togidre of teeþ. Han ȝee vnderſtonden alle þeſe þingis? Þei ſeien to hym, Ȝhe. He ſeiþ to hem, Þerfore euery wryter tauȝt in þe kyngdam of heuenes, is lic to an huſbonde man, þat bryngiþ forþ of his treſour newe þingis and olde. And it is don, whanne Jheſus hadde eendid þeſe parables, he paſſide fro þennis. And he, cummynge in to his cuntree, tauȝt hem in her ſynagogis, ſo þat þei wondriden, and ſeiden, Wherof to hym þis wiſdam and vertues? Wher is nat þis þe ſone of a ſmyþ, or carpenter? Wher his modir be nat ſeid Marie? and his breþren, Jamys, and Joſeph, and Symount, and Judas? and his ſiſtris, wher þei alle ben nat at vs? Þerfore wherof to hym alle þeſe þingis? And ſo þei weren ſclaundrid in hym. Forſoþe Jheſus ſeide to hem, A prophete is nat wiþ outen wirſhipe, no but in his owne cuntree, and in his owne hous. And he dide nat þere manye vertues, for þe vnbyleue of hem.

Capitulum XIIII.

In þat tyme Eroude tetrarcha, þat is, prince of þe fourþe part, herde þe fame of Jheſu; and ſeide to his children, Þis is Jon Baptiſt, he haþ riſen fro dead, and þerfore vertues worchen in hym. Forſoþe Eroude helde Joon, and bounde hym, and putte him in to priſoun for Erodias, þe wif of his broþer. For Joon ſaide to hym, It is nat leful to þee for to haue hir. And he willynge to ſlea hym, drede þe peple; for þei hadden hym as a prophete. Forſoþe in þe day of Eroudis birþe, þe douȝter of Erodias leepte in þe mydil, and pleſide to Eroude. Wherfore wiþ an ooþ he byhiȝte for to ȝeue to hir, what euer þinge ſhe hadde axid of hym. And ſhe bifore moneſtid, or warnyd, of hir modir, ſeiþ, Ȝeue þou to me hidir þe hed of Joon Baptiſt in a diſche. And þe kyng was ſorowful, but for þe ooþ, and for hem þat ſeeten to gidre at þe mete, he comaundide to be ȝouen. And he ſente, and bihedide Joon in þe priſoun. And his heed is brouȝt to in a diſche, and it is ȝouen to þe whenche, and ſhe bare it to hir modir. And his diſciplis cummynge to token his body, and biryeden it; and þei cummynge tolden to Jheſu. Þe whiche þing when Jheſus hadde herd, he went fro þennus in to a boot, in to deſert place beſidis. And whenne þe cumpanyes of peple hadden herd, þei folowiden hym and on þe feet fro citees. And Jheſus, goynge out, ſaw a greet multitude of peple, and hadde rewþe of hem, and heelide þe ſike men of hem. Soþely þe euenynge maad, his diſciplis camen niȝ to him, ſeiynge, Þe place is deſert, and þe hour haþ now paſſid; leeue þou þe cumpanyes of peple, þat þei, goynge in to caſtels, bigge meetis to hem. Forſoþe Jheſus ſeide to hem, Þei han nat neede to go; ȝeue ȝe to hem for to ete. Þei anſweriden, We han nat here, no but fiue looues and two fiſhis. Þe whiche ſeiþ to hem, Brynge ȝee hem hidir to me. And when he hadde comaundid þe cumpanye for to ſitte to mete on hay, fyue looues and two fiſhis taken, he byholdynge in to heuen, bleſſide, and brak, and ȝaue to his diſciplis; ſoþely þe diſciplis ȝauen to þe cumpanyes. And alle eeten, and weren fulfillid. And þei token þe relifis of broken gobetis, twelue cofyns ful. Forſoþe þe noumbre of men etynge was fyue þouſand of men, out taken wemmen and litel children. And anon Jheſus compellide, or comaundide, þe diſciplis for to go vp in to a boot, and go bifore hym ouer þe ſee, til þat he lefte þe cumpanyes. And þe cumpanyes left, he ſteiȝide vp in to an hill aloone for to preye. Soþely þe euenyng maad, he was þere aloone. Soþely þe boot in þe mydil ſee was þrowen wiþ wawis, forſoþe þe wynd was contrarie. But in þe fourþe wakyng of þe niȝt, he came to hem walkynge aboue þe ſee. And þei, ſeeynge hym walkynge aboue þe ſee, weren diſtourblid, ſeyinge, For it is a fantum; and for drede þei cryeden. And anoon Jheſus ſpac to hem, ſayinge, Haue ȝe truſt, I am; nyl ȝe dreede. Soþely Petre anſwerynge ſeide, Lord, ȝif þou art, comaunde me to cume to þee vpon þe watris. And he ſeiþ, Cume þou. And Petre goynge doun fro þe bote, walkide on þe wateris for to cume to Jheſu. Trewly he, ſeeynge a ſtrong wynde, was aferde; and whan he bygan for to be drenchid, he cryede, ſeyinge, Lord, make me ſaaf. And anoon Jheſus, holdynge forþ þe hond, cauȝte hym, and ſeiþ to hym, Þou of litil feiþ, whi haſt þou doutid? And whenne he hadde ſtied vp in to þe boot, þe wynde ceſſide. Soþely þei, þat weren in þe boot, camen, and worſhipiden hym, ſeyinge, Veryly, þou art Goddis ſone. And whenne he had paſſide ouer þe ſee, þei camen in to þe lond of Geneſar. And whenne men of þat place hadden knowen hym, þei ſenten into al þat cuntree; and þei offriden to hym al hauynge yuel. And þei preyiden hym, þat þei ſhulden touche eþer þe hem of þe cloþing of hym; and who euer touchiden ben maad ſaaf.

Capitulum XV.

Thanne ſcribis and Phariſees camen niȝ to hym fro Jeruſalem, ſeyinge, Whi þi diſciplis ouerpaſſen, or breken, þe tradiciouns, or ſtatutis, of elder men? for þei waſhen nat hondis, whenne þei eten breed. Soþely he anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, And whi and ȝe breken þe maundement of God for ȝoure tradicioun? For whi God ſeide, Honoure þi fadir and þi modir, and he þat curſiþ fadir or modir, dye he by deþ. But ȝe ſeyn, Who euere ſhal ſaye to fadir or modir, What euere ȝifte is of me, it ſhal profite to þee; and he haþ not worſhipid his fadir or modir; and ȝe han made þe maundement of God voide, or idyl, for ȝoure tradicioun. Ipocritis, Yſay, þe prophete, propheciede wel of ȝou, ſeyinge, Þis peple honoureþ me wiþ lippis, forſoþe her herte is fer fro me; trewly þei worſhipen me wiþ outen cauſe, techynge þe doctrines and maundements of men. And þe cumpanyes of peple clepid to gidre to hym, he ſeide to hem, Heere ȝe, and vnderſtonde. Nat þat þing þat entriþ in to þe mouþ, defouliþ a man; but þat þing þat cummeþ forþ fro þe mouþ, defouliþ a man. Þanne his diſciplis cummynge niȝ ſeiden to hym, Woſt þou, þat, þis word herd, Phariſees ben ſclaundrid? And he anſwerynge ſeiþ, Euery plantynge, þe whiche my fadir of heuen haþ nat plantid, ſhal be drawen vp by þe roote. Suffre ȝe hem; þei ben blynde, and lederis of blynde men. Soþely ȝif a blynd man ȝeue ledynge to a blynd man, boþe fallen doun in to þe diche. Forſoþe Petre anſwerynge ſaide to hym, Expoun to vs þis parable. And he ſeide, Ȝit and ȝe ben wiþout vnderſtondyng? Wher ȝe vnderſtonde nat, þat al þing þat entriþ in to þe mouþ, goþ in to þe wombe, and is ſent out in to þe goyng awey? But þo þingis þat cummen forþ fro þe mouþ, gon out of þe herte, and þo þingus defoulen a man. For of þe herte gon out yuel þouȝtis, manſleayngis, auoutries, fornicaciouns, þeftis, fals witneſſis, blasfemyes. Þeſe þingis it ben þat defoulen a man; ſoþely for to ete wiþ hondis vnwaſhen, defouleþ not a man. And Jheſus gon out fro þennys, wente into parties of Tyre and Sidon. And loo! a womman of Canane gon out of þe coſtis, cryede, ſeyinge to hym, Lord, þe ſon of Dauid, haue mercye on me; my douȝter is yuel traueilid of a deuyl. Þe whiche anſwerid nat to hir o word. And his diſciplis cummynge to preyeden hym, ſeyinge, Leeue þou hire, for ſhe crieþ after vs. Forſoþe he anſwerynge ſeiþ, I am nat ſent, no but to þe ſheep of þe hous of Yrael þat periſhiden. Bot ſhe came, and wirſhipide hym, ſeyinge, Lord, help me. Þe whiche anſwerynge ſeiþ, It is nat good for to take þe breed of ſonys, and ſende to houndis. And ſhe ſeide, Ȝhe, Lord; forwhi and þe litel whelpis eten of þe crummys, þat fallen doun fro þe bord of her lordis. Þanne Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ to hir, O! þou womman, þi feiþ is grete; be it don to þee, as þou wolt. And hir douȝter was heelid fro þat hour. And whenne Jheſus hadde paſſide þennes, he came biſidis þe ſee of Galilee. And he ſteiynge in to an hyl, ſat þere. And many cumpanyes camen niȝ to hym, hauynge wiþ hem doumbe men and crokid, feble and blynde, and many oþir; and caſtiden hem doun at his feet. And he helide hem, ſo þat þe cumpanyes wondriden, ſeeynge doumbe men ſpekynge, and crokid goynge, blynd men ſeeynge; and þei magnyfieden God of Yrael. Soþely Jheſus, his diſciplis gedered to gider, ſeide, I haue rewþe of þe cumpany of peple, for now þe þridde day þei dwellen ſtill wiþ me, and þei han not þing whiche þei ſhulen ete; and Y wole nat leeue hem faſtynge, leſt þei failen in þe weye. And þe diſciplis ſeyen to hym, Þerfore wherof ſo many loouys to vs in deſert, þat we fulfille ſo grete a cumpanye of peple? And Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Hou many loouys han ȝee? And þei ſeiden, Seuene, and a few ſmalle fiſhis. And he comaundide to þe cumpany, þat þei ſhulde ſitt to þe mete vpon þe erþe. And he takynge ſeuen looues, and fiſhis, and doynge þonkyngis, brak, and ȝaue to his diſciplis; and diſciplis ȝauen to þe peple. And alle eten, and weren fulfillid, and þei token þat þat was ouer of relyues, ſeuene lepis fulle. Forſoþe þei þat eten weren foure þouſand of men, wiþ outen litil children and wemmen. And, þe cumpanye of peple laft, he ſtyede vp in to a boot, and cam into þe cooſtis of Magedan.

Capitulum XVI.

And Phariſees and Saduceis temptynge him camen niȝ to hym, and preiden hym for to ſhewe to hem a tokene fro heuene. And he anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, Þe eeuenynge maad, ȝe ſeien, It ſhal be cleer, for þe heuene is lijk to reed; and þe morwe, To day tempeſt, for heuen ſhyneþ heuy, or ſorwful. Þerfore ȝe han knowe to deme wiſely þe face of heuen, but ȝe mowen not wite þe tokenys of tymes. Þe yuel generacioun and avowtrer ſekiþ a tokne; and a tokene ſhal nat be ȝouen to it, no but þe tokne of Jonas, þe prophete. And, hem forſaken, he wente awey. And whenne his diſciplis camen ouer þe ſee, þei forȝaten for to take loouys. Þe whiche ſeide to hem, Beholde ȝe, and beþ war of þe ſourdowȝ of Phariſees and Saducees. And þei þouȝten amonge hem, ſeiynge, For we han nat taken loouys. Forſoþe Jheſus witynge ſeide to hem, What þenken ȝe amonge ȝou of litil feiþ, for ȝe han nat loouys? Ȝit ȝe vndirſtonden nat, neþer han mynde of fyue loouys in to fyue þouſand of men, and hou many cofyns ȝe token? trewly neþer of ſeuen loouys in to four þouſand of men, and hou many lepis ȝee token? Whi vndirſtonden ȝe nat, for I ſeide nat to ȝou of breed, Be ȝe war of ſourdowȝ of Phariſees and of Saducees? Þanne þei vnderſtoden, þat he ſeide nat to be war of ſourdowȝ of loouys, bote of þe techynge of Phariſees and Saducees. Soþely Jheſus came in to þe parties of Ceſarie of Philip, and axide his diſciplis, ſeyinge, Whom ſeyn men to ben mannes ſone? And þei ſeiden, Summe Joon Baptiſt; oþer forſoþe Hely; but oþer Jeremye, or oon of þe prophetis. Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Soþely whom ſeien ȝe me to be? Symon Petre anſwerynge ſeide, Þou art Criſt, þe ſone of God lyuynge. Forſoþe Jheſus anſwerynge ſeide to hym, Bleſſid art þou, Symon Bariona, þat is, þe ſone of culuer; for fleſh and blood ſhewide nat to þee, but my fadir þat is in heuenes. And Y ſeye to þee, for þou art Petre, and vpon þis ſtoon I ſhal bilde my churche, and þe ȝatis of helle ſhulen nat han miȝt, or ſtrengþe, aȝeins it. And to þee I ſhal ȝeue þe keies of þe kyngdam of heuenes; and what euer þou ſhalt bynde vpon erþe, ſhal be bounden and in heuenes; and what euer þou ſhalt vnbynde vpon erþe, ſhal be vnbounden and in heuenes. Þanne he comaundide to his diſciplis, þat þei ſhulden ſeie to no man, þat he was Criſt. Fro þat tyme Jheſus bygan for to ſhewe to his diſciplis, þat it byhouiþ hym to go to Jeruſalem, and ſuffre many þingus of þe eldris, and ſcribis, and princis of preſtis; and be ſleyn, and þe þridde day ryſe vp aȝein. And Petre, takynge hym to, began for to blame hym, ſeyinge, Fer be it fro þee, Lord; þis þing ſhal not be to þee. Þe whiche, turnyd, ſeide to Petre, Saþanas, go after me; þou art ſclaundre to me; for þou ſaueriſt nat, or vndirſtondiſt nat, þo þingis þat ben of God, but þo þingis þat ben of men. Þanne Jheſus ſeide to his diſciplis, Ȝif eny man wole cume after me, denye he hym ſelf, and take his croſſe, and ſue me; for he þat wole make his ſoule ſaaf, þat is, his lyf, ſhal leſe it; forſoþe he þat ſhal leſe his ſoule, þat is, his lyf, for me, ſhal fynde it. Soþely what profitiþ it to a man, ȝif he wynne al þe world, trewly he ſuffre peyrynge of his ſoule? or what chaungynge ſhal a man ȝeue for his ſoule? For mannes ſone is to come in glorie of his fadir, wiþ his angelis, and þanne he ſhal ȝelde to euery man aftir his workis. Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, þere ben ſumme of men ſtondynge heer, þe whiche ſhul nat taaſte deþ, til þei ſeen mannys ſone cummynge in his kyngdom.

Capitulum XVII.

And after ſexe dayes Jheſus toke Petre, and Jamys, and Joon, his broþer, and ledde hem aſydis in to an hiȝ hill, and was transfigured, or turnyd into an oþer lickeneſſe, bifore hem. And his face ſchoon as þe ſunne; forſoþe his cloþis were maad white as ſnow. And lo! Moyſes and Helye apperiden to hem, ſpekynge wiþ hym. Soþely Petre anſwerynge ſeid to Jheſu, Lord, it is good vs to be here. Ȝif þou wolt, make we here þree tabernaclis; to þee oon, to Moyſes oon, and oon to Helie. Ȝit hym ſpekynge, loo! a liȝty cloude ſhadewid hem; and loo! a vois of þe cloude, ſeyinge, Þis is my derworþ ſone, in whom I haue wel pleſide to me; heere ȝe hym. And þe diſciplis, heerynge, fellen doun in to her facis, and dredden gretely. And Jheſus came niȝ, and touchide hem, and ſeide to hem, Ris vp, nyl ȝe dreede. Forſoþe þei, ryſynge vp her eiȝen, ſawen no man, no but Jheſus aloon. And, hem cummynge doun fro þe mounteyn, Jheſus comaundide hem, ſeyinge, Saie ȝe to no man þe viſioun, til mannes ſone ryſe aȝein fro dead. And his diſciplis axiden hym, ſeyinge, What þerfore ſeyn ſcribis, þat it behoueþ Hely firſt come? And he anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, Forſoþe Hely is to come, and he ſhal reſtore alle þingis. Treuly Y ſeye to ȝou, þat Hely is now comen, and þei knewen hym nat, but þei diden in hym, what euere þingis þei wolden; ſo and mannys ſone is to ſuffre of hem. Þanne diſciplis vndirſtoden, þat of Joon Baptiſt he hadde ſeid to hem. And whanne he cam to þe cumpanye of peple, a man cam to hym, foldid on knees byfore hym, ſeyinge, Lord, haue mercy on my ſone; for he is lunatyke, and ſuffriþ yuel, for why oft tymys he falliþ in to þe fijr, and oft tymys in to water. And I offride hym to þi diſciplis, and þei myȝten nat hele hym. Jheſus anſwerynge ſeiþ, A! þou generacioun vnbyleeful, or out of þe feiþ, and weiward; hou longe ſhal I be wiþ ȝou? hou longe ſhal I ſuffre ȝou? Brynge ȝee hym hidir to me. And Jheſus blamyde hym, and þe deuel wente out fro hym; and þe child is helid fro þat houre. Þanne diſciplis camen niȝ to Jheſu priuyly, and ſeiden to hym, Whi miȝte nat we caſten hym out? Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, For ȝoure vnbyleue. Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, ȝif ȝe ſhulen haue feiþ, as a corn of ſeneuey, ȝe ſhulen ſeie to þis hill, Paſſe þou hennus, and it ſhal paſſe; and no þing ſhal be impoſſible to ȝou; forſoþe þis kynde is nat caſt out, no but by preyinge and faſtynge. Treuly, hem lyuynge togidre in Galilee, Jheſus ſeide to hem, Mannes ſone is to be bitraied in to þe hondis of men; and þei ſhulen ſlea hym, and þe þridde day he ſhal ryſe aȝein. And þei ben maad ful ſory. And whanne he came to Capharnaum, þei þat token tribut, camen to Petre, and ſeiden to hym, Ȝoure maiſter payeþ nat tribute? And he ſeiþ, Ȝhe. And whenne he had entrid in to an houſe, Jheſus came bifore hym, ſeyinge, Symount, what ſemeþ to þee? Of whiche taken þe kyngis of erþe tribut, or rent? of her owne ſonys, eþer of alyenys, or oþer mennys ſones? And he ſeide, Of oþer mennus ſonys. Jheſus ſeide to hym, Þerfore ſonys ben free. Forſoþe þat we ſclaundre nat hem, go þou to þe ſee, and ſende an hoke, and take þe ilke fiſhe þat firſt cummeþ vp; and, his mouþ openyd, þou ſhalt fynde ſtater, þat is, a certeyn of moneye; þou takyng it, ȝeue to hem for me and for þee.

Capitulum XVIII.

In þat hour þe diſciplis camen niȝ to Jheſus, ſeiynge, Who, geſſiſt þou, is more in þe kyngdam of heuenes? And Jheſus, clepynge to a litil child, putte hym in þe mydil of hem; and ſeide, I ſeie trewþe to ȝou, no but ȝif ȝe ſhulen be turnyd, and maad as litil children, ȝe ſhulen nat entren in to þe kyngdam of heuenes. Þerfore who euere ſhal meeke hym as þis litil child, he is more in þe kyngdam of heuenes. And he þat reſceyueþ oon ſiche litil in my name, reſceyueþ me. Forſoþe who ſhal ſclaundre oon of þeſe ſmale leſte, þat byleeuen in me, it ſpediþ to hym þat a myln ſtoon of aſſis be hanged in his neeke, and be drenchid in to þe depneſſe of þe ſee. Woo to þe world, for ſclaundris; treuly it is neede, þat ſclaundris come; neþeles woo to þe ilk man by whom a ſclaundre comeþ. Forſoþe ȝif þin hond or þi foot ſclaundre þee, kitt it of, and kaſt awey fro þee. It is good to þee to entre in to lyf feble, oþer croked, þan hauynge two hondis or two feet to be ſent in to euerlaſtynge fijr. And ȝif þin eiȝe ſclaundre þee, pulle it out, and caſt awey fro þee. It is good to þee wiþ oon eiȝe to entre in to lyf, þan hauynge two eiȝen to be ſente in to fijr of helle. Se ȝe, þat ȝe diſpiſe nat oon of þeſe litile. Trewly I ſeie to ȝou, þat þe angelis of hem in heuenes ſeen euermore þe face of my fadir þat is in heuenes. Forſoþe mannys ſone came for to ſaue þat þing þat periſhide. What ſemeþ to ȝou? Ȝif þer weren to ſumman an hundrid ſheep, and oon of hem ſhall erre, wher he ſhal nat leeue nynty and nyne in deſert, and ſhal go for to ſeeke þat þat erride? And if it befalle þat he fynde it, trewly I ſeie to ȝou, for he ſhal ioye þeron more þan of nynty and nyne þat erriden nat. So it is nat will before youre fadir þat is in heuenes, þat oon of þeſe litil periſhe. Forſoþ ȝif þi broþer ſhal ſynne in þee, go þou, and reproue hym, or ſnybbe, bitwixe þee and hym aloone; ȝif he ſhal heere þee, þou haſt wonnen þi broþer. Trewly ȝif he ſhal nat heere þee, take wiþ þee oon or two, þat euery word ſtonde in þe mouþe of two or þree witneſſis. Þat ȝif he ſhal nat heere hem, ſeie þou to þe chirche. Forſoþe ȝif he ſhal not heere þe chirche, be hee to þee as an heþen and a puplicane. I ſeie to ȝou trewli, what euere þingis ȝee ſhulen bynde vpon erþe, þo ſhulen be bounden and in heuenes; and what euere þingis ȝee ſhulen vnbynde vpon erþe, þo ſhulen be vnbounden and in heuenes. Eftſoone I ſeie to ȝou, þat ȝif two of ȝou ſhulen conſente on þe erþe, of euery þinge whateuer þei ſhulen axe, it ſhal be don to hem of my fadir þat is in heuenes. For where two or þree ſhulen be gedrid in my name, þer I am in þe midil of hem. Þanne Petre, cummynge niȝ to hym, ſeide, Lord, hou ofte ſhal my broþer ſynne in me, and I ſhal forȝeue hym? Wheþer to ſeuen tymes? Jheſus ſeiþ to hym, I ſeie nat to þee, til ſeuen ſiþis; but to ſeuenty ſyþis ſeuene ſiþis. Þerfore þe kingdom of heuenes is lickened to a man kyng, þat wolde putte reſoun wiþ his ſeruauntis. And whanne he began for to putte reſoun, oon was offrid to hym, þat owȝte to hym ten þouſand talentis. Trewly whanne he hadde nat wherof to ȝelde, his lord comaundide hym to be ſold, and his wif, and ſonys, and alle þingis þat he hadde, and to be payed. Forſoþe þe ilk ſeruaunt, fallynge doun, preide hym, ſeyinge, Haue pacience in me, and alle þingis I ſhal ȝeelde to þee. Soþely þe lord of þat ſeruaunt hauynge mercy, leete hym, or ſuffride hym, and forȝaue to hym þe dette. Trewly þilk ſeruaunt gon out, fonde oon of his euen ſeruauntis, þat ouȝte hym an hundrid pens; and he, holdynge hym, ſtranglide hym, ſeyinge, Ȝeld þat þou owiſt. And his euen ſeruaunt preiede hym, ſeyinge, Haue pacience in me, and alle þingis I ſhal quyte to þee. Forſoþe he wolde nat; but wente, and ſent hym in to pryſon, til þat he paide al þe dette. Soþely his euen ſeruauntis, ſeeynge þe þingis þat weren don, gretely hadden ſorowe. And þei camen, and tolden to her lord alle þe þingis þat weren don. Þanne his lord clepide hym, and ſeide to hym, Weyward ſeruaunt, I forȝaf to þee al þe dette, for þou preidiſt me. Þerfore wher it behouede nat and þee to haue mercy on þi euen ſeruaunt, as I hadde mercy of þee? And his lord wroþ, tok hym to tourmenturs, til þat he paiede al þe dette. So and my fadir of heuen ſhal do to ȝou, ȝif ȝe forȝeue nat euery man to his broþer, of ȝoure hertis.

Capitulum XIX.

And it is don, whenne Jheſus hadde eendide þeſe wordis, he paſſide fro Galilee, and came in to þe eendis of Judee ouer Jordan. And manye cumpanyes of men ſueden hym, and he helide hem þere. And Phariſees camen niȝ to hym, temptynge hym, and ſeyinge, Wher it be leeful for a man for to leeue, or forſake, his wijf, of what euer cauſe? Þe whiche anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, Han nat ȝee rad, for he þat made men at þe bygynnynge, male and female he made hem? And he ſeide, For þis þing a man ſhal leeue fadir and modir, and he ſhal cleue, or drawe, to his wif; and þei ſhulen be two in oo fleſh. And ſo þei ben nat now two, bot oo fleſh. Þerfore a man departe nat þat þing þat God enioynyde, or knytte to gidre. Þei ſeyen to hym, What þanne comaundide Moyſes, to ȝeue a litil boke of forſakynge, and to leeue off? And he ſeiþ to hem, For Moyſes, at þe hardneſſe of ȝoure herte, ſuffride ȝou forſake ȝoure wyues; forſoþe at þe begynnyng it was nat ſo. Trewly I ſeie to ȝou, þat who euer leeueþ his wif, no but for fornicacioun, and weddiþ an oþer, doþ a vowtrie; and he þat weddiþ þe forſaken wife, doþ a vowtrie. His diſciplis ſeien to hym, Ȝif þe cauſe of a man wiþ a wijf is ſo, it ſpeediþ nat to wedde. Þe whiche ſeiþ to hem, Nat alle men taken þis word; but to which it is ȝouen. Soþely þere ben geldyngis, þe whiche ben þus born of þe modris wombe; and þere ben geldyngis, þat ben maad of men, and þere ben geldyngis, þat han geldid hem ſelf, for þe kyngdam of heuenes. He þat may take, take he. Þanne litil children weren offrid vp to hym, þat he ſhulde putte hondis to hem, and preie. Soþely his diſciplis blameden hem. But Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Suffre ȝe litil childre cume to me, and nyl ȝe forbede hem for to come to me; for of ſiche is þe kyngdam of heuenes. And whenne he hadde putte to hem hondis, he wente þennus. And loo! oon, cummynge to, ſeiþ to hym, Good maiſter, what of good þing ſhal I do, þat I haue euerlaſtynge lyf? Þe which ſeiþ to hym, What axiſt þou me of good þing? Þere is oo good God. For ȝif þou wolt entre in to lif, kepe þe comaundementis. He ſeiþ to hym, Whiche? Trewly Jheſus ſeide, Þou ſhalt nat do man ſleaynge, þou ſhalt nat do avowtrie, þou ſhalt nat do þefte, þou ſhalt nat ſeye fals witneſſinge; worſhipe þi fadir and þi modir, and þou ſhalt looue þi neiȝbore as þi ſelf. Þe ȝung man ſeiþ to hym, I haue kepte alle þeſe þingis fro my ȝouþe, what ȝit failiþ to me? Jheſus ſeiþ to hym, Ȝif þou wolt be perfit, go, and ſelle alle þingus þat þou haſt, and ȝeue to pore men, and þou ſhalt haue treſour in heuene; and cum, ſue þou me. Forſoþe whenne þe ȝung man hadde herde þeſe wordis, he wente awey ſorwful, for he was hauynge many poſſeſſiouns. Forſoþe Jheſus ſeide to his diſciplis, I ſeie to ȝou trewþe, for a riche man of hard ſhal entre in to þe kyngdam of heuenes. And eftſone I ſeie to ȝou, it is liȝter, or eyſier, a camel for to paſſe þorwȝ a nedelis eiȝe, þan a riche man to entre into þe kyngdam of heuenes. Treuly þeſe wordis herd, þe diſciplis wondriden gretely, ſeyinge, Who þerfore may be ſaaf? Forſoþe Jheſus beholdynge ſeide to hem, Anentis men þis þing is impoſſible; but anentis God alle þingis ben poſſible. Þanne Petre anſwerynge ſeide to hym, Loo! we han forſaken alle þingis, and we han ſued þee; what þerfore ſhal be to us? Jheſus forſoþe ſeide to hem, Trewly Y ſeye to ȝou, þat ȝe þat han forſaken alle þingis, and ſued me, in regeneracioun, or gendrynge aȝein, whenne mannes ſone ſhall ſitte in þe ſete of his mageſte, and ȝe ſhulen ſitt on twelue ſetis, or ſeegis, demynge þe twelue kynredis of Yrael. And euery man þat ſhal forſake hous, or breþeren, or ſiſtren, or fadir, or modir, or wif, or ſonys, or feeldis, for my name, he ſhal take an hundrid fold, and ſhal welde euere laſtynge lyf. Forſoþe many ſhulen be, þe firſte þe laſte, and þe laſte þe firſte.

Capitulum XX.

The kyngdam of heuenes is lic to an huſbond man, þat wente out firſt erly, or by þe morwe, to hyre workemen in to his vyne ȝerd. Forſoþe þe couenaunt maad wiþ workmen, of a peny for þe day, he ſente hem in to his vyne ȝerd. And he, gon out about þe þridde hour, ſay oþer ſtondynge ydil in þe chepyng. And he ſeide to hem, Go and ȝee in to my vyne ȝerd, and þat þat ſhal be riȝtful, I ſhal ȝeue to ȝou. Soþeli þei wenten forþ. Forſoþe eftſoone he wente out aboute þe ſixte hour, and þe nyneþe, and dide on liche manere. But aboute þe elleuenþe houre he wente out, and foond oþer ſtondynge; and he ſeide to hem, What ſtonden ȝe her ydil al day? Þei ſeien to hym, For no man haþ hirid us. He ſeiþ to hem, Go and ȝe in to my vyne ȝerd. Forſoþe whenne euenynge was maad, þe lord of þe vyne ȝerd ſeiþ to his procuratour, Clepe þe workmen, and ȝelde to hem her hijre, bygynnynge at þe laſte til to þe firſte. Þerfore whenne þei weren commen, þat camen about þe elleuenþ hour, and þei token ſynguler pens, þat is, euery man oo peny. Trewly and þe firſte cummynge demeden, þat þei weren to take more, trewly and þei token echon by hym ſilf a peny. And þei takynge grutcheden aȝeins þe huſbond man, ſeyinge, Þeſe laſte diden worche oon our, and þou haſt maad hem euen to vs, þat han born þe charge of þe day and hete? And he anſwerynge to oon of hem, ſeide, Frend, I do þee no wronge; wheþer þou haſt nat accordid wiþ me for a peny? Take þat þat is þine, and go; forſoþe Y wole ȝeue and to þis þe laſte man, as and to þee. Wher it is nat leful to me for to do þat þat I wole? Wher þin eiȝe is wickid, for I am good? So þere ſhulen be þe laſt men þe firſte, and þe firſte men þe laſte; for many ben clepid, bot few choſun. And Jheſus, ſteyinge vp to Jeruſalem, toke his twelue diſciplis in priuytee, and ſeiþ to hem, Loo! we gon vp to Jeruſalem, and mannes ſone ſhal be taken to princis of preſtis, and ſcribis; and þei ſhulen condempne hym by deþ. And þei ſhulen bitake hym to heþen men, for to be ſcornyd, and ſcourgid, and crucified; and þe þridde day he ſhal ryſe aȝein. Þanne þe modir of þe ſonis of Zebede came niȝ to hym wiþ hire ſonys, honourynge, and axinge ſume þing of hym. Þe whiche ſeide to hir, What wolt þou? She ſeiþ to hym, Seie þat þeſe two my ſonys ſitten, oon at þi riȝþalf, and oon at þi lefþalf, in þi kyngdam. Forſoþe Jheſus anſwerynge ſeide, Ȝe wyten nat what ȝe axen, or ſhulen axe. Mowen ȝe drynke þe cuppe þat I am to drynke? Þei ſeien to hym, We mowen. He ſeiþ to hem, Forſoþe ȝe ſhal drynke my cuppe; but to ſitte at þe riȝþalf or at lefþalf, it is nat myn to ȝeue to ȝou; but to whiche it is made redy of my fadir. And þe ten herynge hadden indignacioun of þe two breþeren. Soþely Jheſus clepide hem to hym, and ſeiþ, Ȝe witen, for princis of heiþen men ben lordis of hem, and þei þat ben more, hawnten power in to hem. It ſhal nat be ſo among ȝou; bot who euere wole be maad more among ȝou, be he ȝoure mynyſtre; and who euere amonge ȝou wole be firſte, he ſhal be ȝoure ſeruaunt. As mannes ſone came nat for to be ſerued, but for to ſerue, and for to ȝeue his ſoule, or lif, redempcioun for many. And hem goynge out of Jerico, manye cumpanyes of peple ſueden hym. And loo! two blynd men ſittynge beſidis þe weye, herden þat Jheſus paſſide; and þei crieden, ſeyinge, Lord, þe ſone of Dauyþ, haue mercy on vs. Forſoþe þe cumpanye blamyde hem, for to be ſtille; and þei crieden more and more, ſeiynge, Lord, þe ſone of Dauyþ, haue mercy on vs. And Jheſus ſtood, and clepide hem, and ſeiþ, What wole ȝe, þat I do to ȝou? Þei ſeien to hym, Lord, þat oure eiȝen be openyd. Forſoþe Jheſus, hauynge mercy on hem, touchide her eiȝen; and anoon þei ſayen, and ſueden hym.

Capitulum XXI.

And whanne Jheſus came niȝ to Jeruſalem, and cam to Beþfage, in þe mount of Olyfeet, þanne Jheſus ſente his two diſciplis, ſeyinge to hem, Go ȝe in to þe caſtel þat is aȝeinus ȝou, and anon ȝe ſhal fynde a ſhe aſſe tyed, and a colt wiþ hir; vnbynde ȝe, and bryng to me. And ȝif eny man ſhal ſeie to ȝou eny þinge, ſeie ȝe, þat þe Lord haþ need to hem; and anoon he ſhal leeue hem. Trewly al þis was don, þat þat þing þat was ſeid by þe prophete ſhulde be fulfillid, ſeyinge, Seie ȝe to þe douȝter of Syon, Loo! þi kyng comeþ to þee, homly, or meke, ſittynge on an aſſe, and a fole, þe ſone of a beeſt vndir ȝook. Forſoþe diſciplis, goynge, diden as Jheſus comaundide hem. And þei brouȝten to a ſhe aſſe, and þe fole, and puttiden her cloþis on hem, and maden hym ſitte aboue. Forſoþe ful muche cumpanye ſtrewiden her cloþis in þe wey; ſoþely oþer kittiden braunchis of trees, and ſtrowiden in þe weye. But þe cumpanyes þat wenten before, and þat ſueden, crieden, ſeyinge, Oſanna, þat is, I preie, ſaue, to þe ſone of Dauiþ; bleſſid is he þat cummeþ in þe name of þe Lord; Oſanna in þe heeȝiſt þingis. And when he had entrid in to Jeruſalem, al þe cite was ſtirid, ſeyinge, Who is þis? Treuly þe peplis ſeiden, Þis is Jheſus, þe prophete, of Nazareþ of Galilee. And Jheſus entride in to þe temple of God, and keſt out of þe temple alle ſellynge and byinge; and he turnyde vpſadoun þe bordis of chaungeris, and þe chaiers of men ſellynge culueris. And he ſeiþ to hem, It is writen, My hous ſhal be clepid an hous of preiere; forſoþe ȝe han made it a denne of þefes. And blynde and crokid camen niȝ to hym in þe temple, and he helide hem. Forſoþe þe princis of preſtis and ſcribis, ſeeynge þe marueilouſe þingis þat he dide, and children cryinge in þe temple, and ſeiynge, Oſanna to þe ſone of Dauiþ, dedeyneden, and ſeiden to hym, Heeriſt þou what þeſe ſeyen? Soþely Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Ȝhe; wher ȝe han nat rad, For of þe mouþ of children, þat kunnen nat ſpeke, and of ſoukynge mylk, þou haſt made parfite heryinge? And, hem forſaken, he wente forþ out of þe citee, in to Betanye; and þere he dwelte, and tauȝte hem of þe kyngdam of God. Forſoþe on þe morw, he, turnynge aȝein in to þe citee, hungride. And he, ſeeynge a fige tree byſidis þe weye, came to it, and fonde no þing þer on no but leeuys oonly; and he ſeiþ to it, Neuer be fruyt born of þee, in to wiþ outen eende. And anoon þe fijge tree was dried vp. And diſciplis ſeeynge, wondreden, ſeyinge, Hou anon it driede. Soþely Jheſus anſwerynge, ſeiþ to hem, Trewly I ſeye to ȝou, ȝif ȝe ſhulen han feiþ, as a corn of ſeneuey, and douten nat, nat oonly ȝe ſhulen do of þis fijge tree, bot and ȝif ȝe ſeien to þis hill, Take þee, and caſte þee in to þe ſee, and ſo it ſhal be don. And alle þingis what euer ȝe ſhulen axe in preier byleuynge, ȝee ſhulen take. And whenne he came in to þe temple, þe princis of preſtis and eldre men of þe peple camen niȝ to hym techynge, ſeyinge, In what power doſt þou þeſe þingis? and who ȝaf to þee þis power? Jheſus anſwerynge ſeide to hem, And I ſhal axe ȝou o word, þe whiche ȝif ȝe ſhulen ſeie to me, and I ſhal ſeie to ȝou, in what power I do þeſe þingis. Of whennes was þe baptem of Joon; of heuene, or of men? And þei þouȝten wiþ inne hem ſelf, ſeyinge, Ȝif we ſhulen ſeie of heuene, he ſhal ſeie to vs, Whi þerfore beleuen ȝe nat to hym? Soþely ȝif we ſhulen ſeie of men, we dreden þe cumpanye of peple, for alle hadde Joon as a prophete. And þei anſwerynge to Jheſu ſeiden, We witen nat. And he ſeiþ to hem, Neþer I ſeie to ȝou, in what power I do þeſe þingis. Forſoþe what ſemeþ to ȝou? Sum man hadde two ſonys; and he cummynge niȝ to þe firſte ſeide, Sone, go for to worche þis day in to myn vyneȝerd. Soþely he anſwerynge ſeiþ, I nyle; forſoþe afterward he ſtirid by penaunce, or forþenkynge, wente. Forſoþe he, cummynge to þe toþer, ſeide lic maner. And he anſwerynge ſeiþ, Lord, I go; and he wente nat. Who of þe two dide þe fadris will? Þei ſeien to hym, Þe firſte. Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Trewly I ſeie to ȝou, for puplicanys and hooris ſhulen go before ȝou in to þe kyngdam of God. Forſoþe Joon cam to ȝou in þe weye of riȝtwiſneſſe, and ȝe bileeueden nat to hym; but puplicanys and hooris beleueden to hym. Soþely ȝee ſeeynge neþer hadde don penaunce afterward, þat ȝe bileeuyden to hym. Heere ȝe an oþer parable. Þer was an huſbondman, þat plantide a vyne ȝerd, and ȝaue an hegge aboute, and dalue a preſſour þerynne, and bildide a toure, and hiride, or ſette it to ferme, to erþe tiliers, and wente ferre in pilgrimage. Forſoþe whenne þe tyme of fruytis neiȝide, he ſente his ſeruauntis to þe erþe tiliers, þat þei token fruytis of it. And, his ſeruauntis taken, þe erþe tiliers beeten þe toon an oþer þei ſlewen, but anoþer þei ſtoonyden to deþ. Eftſones he ſente oþer ſeruauntis, mo þan þe firſte, and liche maner þei diden to hem. Forſoþe at þe laſte he ſent his ſone to hem, ſeyinge, Þei ſhulen ſhame, or drede, my ſone. Soþely þe erþe tiliers, ſeeynge þe ſone, ſeiden wiþ ynne hem ſelf, Þis is þe eire; cume ȝe, ſlea we hym, and we ſhulen haue his eritage. And, hym taken, þei keſten out of þe vynȝerd, and ſlewen. Þerfore whenne þe lord of þe vyneȝerd ſhal cume, what ſhal he do to þe ilk erþe tiliers? Þei ſeien to hym, He ſhal leſe yuele þe yuel men, and ſette to hire his vyneȝerd to oþer erþe tiliers, þe whiche ſhulen ȝelde to hym fruytis in her tymes. Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Redden ȝe neuer in ſcripturis, Þe ſtoon þe whiche beldynge men reproueden, þis is maad in to þe heued of þe corner? Of þe Lord þis þing is maad, and it is merueilous in oure eiȝen. Þerfore I ſeie to ȝou, for þe kyngdam of God ſhal be taken fro ȝou, and ſhal be ȝouen to a folk doinge fruytis of it. And he þat ſhal falle on þis ſtoon, ſhal be broken togidre; forſoþe vpon whom it ſhal falle, it ſhal togidre poune hym. And when þe princis of preſtis and Phariſees hadden herde his parablis, þei knewen þat he ſeide of hem. And þei, ſeekynge to holde hym, dreden þe cumpanyes of peple, for þei hadden hym as a prophete.

Capitulum XXII.

And Jheſus anſwerynge ſeide eftſone in parablis to hem, ſeiynge, Þe kyngdam of heuenes is maad lic to a man kyng þat made weddingus to his ſone. And he ſente his ſeruauntis for to clepe men beden to þe weddyngis, and þei wolden nat cume. Eftſoone he ſente oþer ſeruauntis, ſeiynge, Seie ȝee to þe men beden to þe feeſte, Loo! I haue made redy my mete, my boles and volatilis ben ſlayn, and alle þingis redy; cumme ȝe to þe weddyngus. Soþely þei diſpiſiden, or recken nat, and þei wenten awey, oon in to his vyneȝerd, forſoþe an oþer to his marchaundiſe. But þe oþer helden his ſeruauntis, and ſlowen hem, poniſhed wiþ contek. Forſoþe þe kyng, whenne he hadde herde, was wroþ; and, his hooſtis ſente, he loſte, or diſtruyde, þe man quellers, and brente her citee. Þanne he ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis, Soþely þe weddyngis ben redy, but þei þat weren clepid to þe feeſte, weren nat worþi. Þerfore go ȝee to þe outgoyngis of weyes, and whom euere ȝe ſhulen fynde, clepe to þe weddyngis. And his ſeruauntis, gon out in to þe weyes, gedreden togidre alle þat þei founden, good and yuel; and þe weddyngis of men ſittynge at mete ben fulfillid. Forſoþe þe kyng entride, þat he ſhulde ſee men ſittynge at mete; and he ſeeȝ þere a man nat cloþid wiþ brijd cloþis. And he ſeiþ to hym, Frend, hou entridiſt þou hidir, nat hauynge brijd cloþe? And he was doumbe. Þanne þe kyng ſeide to þe mynyſtris, His hondis and feet bounden, ſende ȝee hym into vttermore derkneſſis; þere ſhal be weepyng and betyng to gidre of teeþ. Forſoþe many ben clepid, but fewe choſen. Þanne Phariſees, goynge awey, token a counſeile, þat þei ſhulden take Jheſus in word. And þei ſenden to hym her diſciplis, wiþ Erodyanys, þat ben men of Eroudis, ſeiynge, Maiſter, we witen, þat þou art ſoþfaſt, and þou techiſt in trewþe þe weye of God, and þere is no cure, or charge, to þee of eny man, for þou beholdiſt nat þe perſoone of men. Þerfore ſeie to vs, what it ſemeþ to þee. Is it leful to ȝeue to Ceſar, or emperour, rente, or tribut? Forſoþe, þe wickedneſſe of hem knowen, Jheſus ſeiþ, Ypocritis, what tempten ȝee me? Shewe ȝee to me þe prynte of þe moneye. And þei offriden to hym a peny. And Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Whos is þis ymage, and þe wrytyng aboue? Þei ſeyen to hym, Of Ceſar. Þanne he ſeiþ to hem, Þerfore ȝelde ȝee to Ceſar þo þingis þat ben Ceſaris, and to God þo þingis þat ben of God. And þei heerynge wondreden; and, hym laft, þei wenten awey. In þat day Saducees, þat ſeyen þere is no ryſyng aȝein, camen niȝ to hym, and axiden hym, ſeyinge, Maiſter, Moyſes ſeide, ȝif eny man be dead, nat hauynge a ſone, þat his broþer wedde his wyf, and reyſe ſeed to his broþer. Forſoþe ſeuen breþeren weren at vs; and þe firſt, a wijf weddid, is dead. And he nat hauynge ſeed, left his wijf to his broþer; alſo þe ſecounde, and þe þridde, til to þe ſeuenþe. Forſoþe þe laſte of alle, and þe womman is dead. Þerefore in þe ryſynge aȝein, whos wijf of þe ſeuene ſhal ſhe be? for alle hadden hir. Soþely Jheſus anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, Ȝee erren, neþer knowynge þe ſcripturis, neþer þe vertu of God. Forſoþe in þe ryſyng aȝeyn, neiþer þei wedden, neþer ben weddid; but þei ben as þe aungelis of God in heuene. Soþely of þe ryſynge aȝein of dead men, ȝee han nat rad, þat it is ſeid of þe Lord, ſeyinge to ȝou, I am God of Abraham, and God of Yſaac, and God of Jacob? he is nat God of deed men, but of lyuynge men. And þe cumpanyes of peple heerynge, wondreden in his techynge. Forſoþe Phariſees, heerynge þat he hadde put ſilence to Saducees, camen to gidre in to oon. And oon of hem, a techer of þe lawe, axede Jheſus, temptynge hym, Maiſtre, whiche is a greet maundement in þe lawe? Jheſus ſeide to hym, Þou ſhalt loue þe Lord þi God, of al þin herte, and in al þi ſoule, and in al þi mynde. Þis is þe firſte and þe moſt maundement. Forſoþe þe ſecounde is lic to þis; Þou ſhalt loue þi neiȝbore as þi ſelf. In þeſe two maundementis hangiþ al þe lawe and prophetis. Soþely þe Phariſees gedrid to gidre, Jheſus axide hem, ſeyinge, What ſemeþ to ȝou of Criſt, whos ſone is he? Þei ſeyen to hym, Of Dauiþ. He ſeiþ to hem, Þerfore hou Dauiþ in ſpirit clepiþ hym Lord, ſeyinge, Þe Lord ſeide to my Lord, Sitte on my riȝþalf, til þat I put þin enmyes a ſtole of þi feet? Þerfore ȝif Dauyd clepiþ him Lord, hou is he his ſone? And no man miȝt anſwere a word to hym, neþer eny man was hardy fro þat day, for to axe hym more.

Capitulum XXIII.

Thanne Jheſus ſpac to þe cumpanyes of peple, and to his diſciplis, ſeiynge, Vpon þe chaier of Moyſes, ſcribis and Phariſees ſeeten. Þerfore kepe ȝee, and do ȝee alle þingis, what euere þingis þei ſhulen ſeie to ȝou. But nyl ȝee do after her werkis; ſoþely þei ſeien, and don nat. Soþely þei bynden to greuouſe chargis, and vnportable, or þat mown nat be born, and putten in to ſhuldres of men; but wiþ her fyngir þei wolen nat moue hem. Þerfore þei don alle her werkis, þat þei be ſeen of men; forſoþe þei alargen her filateries, þat ben ſmale ſcrowis, and magnyfie hemmys. Soþely þei louen þe firſt ſittyng placis in ſopers, and þe firſt chaiers in ſynagogis; and ſalutaciouns in þe chepyng, and to ben clepid of men maiſtirs. Soþely nyl ȝee ben clepid maiſtir; for oon is ȝoure maiſtir, forſoþe alle ȝe ben breþren. And nyl ȝe clepe to ȝou a fadir on erþe, for oon is ȝoure fadir, þat is in heuenes. Neþer be ȝe clepid maiſtirs, for oon is ȝour maiſtre, Criſt. He þat is more of ȝou, ſhal be ȝoure mynyſtre. Forſoþe he þat ſhal hie hym ſelf, ſhal be mekid; and he þat ſhal meeke hym ſelf, ſhal ben enhaunſid. Soþely woo to ȝou, ſcribis and Phariſees, ypocritis, for ȝe cloſen þe kyngdam of heuenes before men; ſoþely ȝe entren nat, ne ſuffre men entrynge for to entre. Woo to ȝou, ſcribis and Phariſees, ypocritis, þat eten þe houſis of widues, in longe preier preyinge; for þis þing ȝe ſhulen take þe more dom. Woo to ȝou, ſcribis and Phariſees, ypocritis, þat cumpaſen þe ſe and þe lond, þat ȝee maken o proſelite, þat is, a conuertid to ȝoure ordre; and whanne he ſhal be maad, ȝe maken hym a ſone of helle, double more þan ȝou. Woo to ȝou, blynde lederis, þat ſeien, Who euere ſhal ſwere by þe temple of God, no þing is; ſoþely he þat ſhal ſwere in þe gold of þe temple, owiþ, or is detour. Ȝee folis and blynde, forſoþe what is more, þe gold, or þe temple þat halowiþ þe gold? And who euer ſhal ſwere in þe auter, no þing is; but he þat ſhal ſwere in þe ȝifte þat is on þe auter, owiþ. Blynde men, forſoþe what is more, þe ȝift, or þe auter þat halowiþ þe ȝifte? Forſoþe he þat ſweriþ in þe auter, ſweriþ in it, and alle þingis þat ben þeron. And he þat ſweriþ in þe temple, ſweriþ in it, and in hym þat dwelliþ in þe temple. And he þat ſweriþ in heuene, ſweriþ in þe trone of God, and in hym þat ſittiþ þeron. Woo to ȝou, ſcribis and Phariſees, ypocritis, þat tiþen mente, anete, and comyn, and han lefte þo þingis þat ben greuouſer, or of more charge, of þe lawe, dom, and mercy, and feiþ. And þeſe þingis it behofte, or nedide, for to do, and not to leeue hem. Blynde leders, clenſynge a gnatte, but ſwolowynge a camel. Woo to ȝou, ſcribis and Phariſees, ipocritis, þat maken clene þat þing of þe cuppe and plater, þat is wiþ outforþ; forſoþe wiþ ynne ȝe ben ful of raueyne and vnclenneſſe. Þou blynd Phariſee, clenſe firſt þat þing of þe cuppe and plater þat is wiþ ynneforþ, þat and þat þing þat is wiþ outenforþ be maad clene. Woo to ȝou, ſcribis and Phariſees, ipocritis, þat ben lic to ſepulcris maad whijt, þe whiche wiþ outen forþ ſemen faire to men; ſoþely wiþ ynne þei ben ful of boonys of dead men, and al filþe. So and ȝee forſoþe wiþ outen forþ aperen iuſte to men; but wiþ ynne ȝee ben ful of ypocriſie and wickidneſſe. Woo to ȝou, ſcribis and Phariſees, ipocritis, þat belden ſepulcris of prophetis, and maken faire þe birielis of iuſte men, and ſeien, Ȝif we hadden ben in þe dayes of our fadris, we ſhulden nat han be here felowis in þe blood of prophetis. And ſo ȝe ben in witneſſyng to ȝou ſelf, for ȝe ben þe ſonys of hem þat ſlowen þe prophetis. And ȝe fulfillen þe meſure of ȝoure fadris. Ȝee ſarpentis, fruytis, or buriownyngus, of eddris, þat ſleen her modris, hou ſhulen ȝee flee fro þe dom of helle? Þerfore loo! I ſende to ȝou prophetis, and wiſe men, and ſcribis, or writeris; and of hem ȝee ſhulen ſlee, and crucifie, and of hem ȝe ſhulen bete in ȝour ſynagogis, and ſhulen purſue fro citee in to citee; þat al þe iuſte blode come vpon ȝou, þat was ſhed on þe erþe, fro þe blood of iuſt Abel til þe blood of Zacharie, þe ſone of Barachie, whom ȝee ſlowen bitwixe þe temple and þe auter. Trewli I ſeie to ȝou, alle þeſe þingis ſhulen come vpon þis generacioun. Jeruſalem, Jeruſalem, þat ſleeſt prophetis, and ſtonyſt hem þat ben ſent to þee, hou oft wold I gedre to gidre þi ſonys, as an henne gedreþ togidre hir chikenys vndir hir wengis, and þou woldiſt nat. Loo! ȝoure hous ſhal be lefte to ȝou deſert, or forſaken. Forſoþe I ſeie to ȝou, ȝee ſhulen nat ſee me fro hennys forþ, til þat ȝee ſeien, Bleſſid is he, þat cumeþ in þe name of þe Lord.

Capitulum XXIIII.

And Jheſus, gon out of þe temple, wente; and his diſciplis camen niȝ to hym, þat þei ſhulden ſhewe to hym þe bildyngis of þe temple. Forſoþe he anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, Seen ȝee alle þeſe þingis? Trewly I ſeie to ȝou, a ſtoon ſhal nat be lefte here on a ſtoon, þe whiche ſhal nat be diſtruyed. Soþely hym ſittynge on þe hil of Olyuete, diſciplis camen niȝ to him priuely, ſeiynge, Seie to vs, whanne þes þingis ſchulen be, and what tokene of þi comynge, and of ending of þe world. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeide to hem, Se ȝe, þat no man diſceyue ȝou. Many ſchulen come in my name, ſeyynge, I am Criſt; and þei ſchulen diſceyue manye. Soþly ȝe ben to heere bateyls, and opynyouns of bateyls; ſe ȝe, þat ȝe ben not diſtroblid; forſoþ it bihoueþ þes þingis to be don, but not ȝit is þe ende. Folk ſchal ryſe to gidere aȝen folk, and rewme in to rewme, and peſtilencis, and hungris, and erþemouyngis ſchulen be by placis; forſoþe alle þes þingis ben bigynnyngis of ſorwis. Þenne þei ſchulen bitake ȝou in to tribulacioun, and þei ſchulen ſlee ȝou, and ȝe ſchulen be in hate to alle folkis for my name. And þanne manye ſchulen be ſclaundrid, and to gidere bitraye, or ech oþer, and in hate haue to gidere. And many falſe prophetis ſchulen ryſe, and diſceyue many. And for wickidneſſe ſchal be plenteous, þe charite of manye ſchal wexe coold; forſoþe he þat ſchal dwelle ſtable vnto þe ende, he þis ſchal be ſaaf. And þis goſpel of kyngdom ſchal be prechid in al þe world, in to witneſſinge to alle folkis; and þanne þe ende ſchal come. Þerfore whenne ȝe ſchulen ſe þe abhomynacioun of diſcomfort, þat is ſeid of Danyel, þe prophete, ſtondynge in þe hooly place; he þat rediþ, vndirſtonde; þanne þei þat ben in Judee, fle to mounteyns; and he þat is in þe hous roof, come not down to take ony þing of his hous; and he þat is in þe feeld, turne not aȝen to take his coote. Forſoþ wo to wymmen wiþ childe and noryſchinge in þo dayes. Soþly preie ȝe, þat ȝoure fleynge be not maad in wyntir, or ſaboþ. Forſoþe þanne ſchal be greet tribulacioun, what maner was not fro þe bigynnyng of þe world to now, neþir ſchal be maad. And no but þo dayes hadden be breggid, al fleiſch, þat is, mankynde, ſchulde not be maad ſaaf; but þo dayes ſchulen be maad ſchort, for þe choſun men. Þanne if ony man ſchal ſeie to ȝou, Lo! here is Criſt, or þere, nyle ȝe bileue. Forſoþe falſe Criſtis and falſe prophetis ſchulen ryſe, and þei ſchulen ȝyue grete tokenes and wondris; ſo þat alſo þe choſyne be ledd in to errour, if it may be don. Lo! I haue bifore ſeid to ȝou. Þerfore if þei ſchulen ſeie to ȝou, Loo! he is in deſert, nyle ȝe go out; loo! in pryuey chambris, or placis, nyle ȝe bileue. Soþli as leyt goþ out fro þe eeſt, and apperiþ til in to þe weſt, ſo ſchal be and þe comynge of mannus ſone. Where euere þe body ſchal be, and þe eeglis ſchulen be gederid þidur. Forſoþe anoon aftir þe tribulacioun of þo dayes, þe ſunne ſchal be maad derk, and þe mone ſchal not ȝyue hir liȝt, and ſterris ſchulen falle down fro heuene, and þe vertues of heuenes ſchulen be mouyd. And þanne þe tokene of mannus ſone ſchal appere in heuene, and þanne alle kynredis, or lynagis, of erþe ſchulen weyle; and þei ſchulen ſe mannus ſone comynge in þe clowdis of heuene, wiþ moche vertu and mageſte. And he ſchal ſende his angelis wiþ a trumpe, and greet voice; and þei ſchulen gedere his choſyne fro foure wyndis of heuene, fro þe hiȝeſte þingis of heuenes til teermes, or endes, of hem. Lerne ȝe þe parable of a fyge tree. Whenne his bouȝ, or braunche, is now tendre, and leeuys ſprungen, ȝee witen, þat ſomer is niȝ; ſo and ȝee whenne ȝee ſhulen ſe alle þeſe þingis, witiþ þat it is niȝ, and in þe ȝatis. Trewly I ſeie to ȝow, for þis generacioun ſhal nat paſſe, til þat alle þingis be don; heuene and erþe ſhulen paſſe, but my wordis ſhulen nat paſſe. Forſoþe of þilk day and hour no man woot, neþer angelis of heuenes, no but þe fadir alone. Forſoþe as it was in þe dayes of Noye, ſo ſhal be and þe comyng of mannes ſone. For as in þe days bifore þe grete flood, þei weren etynge and drinkynge, weddynge and takynge to weddynge, til in to þat day, in þe whiche Noe entride in to þe ſhip; and þei knewen nat, til þat þe grete flood came, and toke alle men, ſo ſhal be þe cummyng of mannes ſone. Þanne two ſhulen be in a feeld, oon ſhal be taken to, and an oþer left, or forſaken; two wymmen ſhulen be gryndynge in oo querne, oon ſhal be taken to, and þe oþer forſaken; two in oo bed, þe toon ſhal be taken to, and þe toþer forſaken. Þerfore wake ȝee, for ȝee witen nat in what houre ȝoure Lord is to cumme. Soþely þat þing wite ȝee, for ȝif þe houſbonde man wiſte in what houre þe þeef were to cumme, trewly he ſhulde wake, and ſuffre nat his hous to be vndirmynyd. And þerfore and ȝee be redy, for in what hour ȝee geſſen nat, mannes ſone is to cumme. Who geſſiſt þou is a trew ſeruaunt and prudent, or war, whom his lord ordeynyde on his meynee, þat he ȝeue to hem mete in tyme? Bliſſid is þat ſeruaunt, whom his lord, whenne he ſhal cumme, ſhal fynde doynge ſo. Trewly I ſeie to ȝou, for vpon alle his goodis he ſhal ordeyne hym. Forſoþe ȝif þilk yuel ſeruaunt ſhal ſeie in his herte, My lord makiþ dwellynge, or taryinge, to cum, and bigynne to ſmyte his euen ſeruauntis, ſoþely ȝif he ete and drynke wiþ drunkenlewe men; þe lord of þilk ſeruaunt ſhal cume in þe day in whiche he hopiþ nat, and in hour þat he knowiþ nat, and ſhal departe hym, and put his part wiþ ypocritis; þere ſhal be weepynge, and betynge togidre of teeþ.

Capitulum XXV.

Thanne þe kyngdam of heuenes ſhal be lic to ten virgynys, þe whiche, takynge her laumpis, wente out meetynge þe ſpouſe, or huſbonde, and þe ſpouſeſſe, or wijf; forſoþe fyue of hem weren foolis, and fyue prudent. But þe fyue foolis, her laumpis taken, token nat oyle wiþ hem; forſoþe þe prudent token oyle in her veſſels wiþ laumpis. Forſoþe þe ſpouſe, or houſbonde, makynge dwellynge, alle nappiden and ſlepten. Soþely at myd niȝt a cry was maad, Loo! þe ſpouſe cummeþ, go ȝee out metynge to hym. Þanne alle þe virgynys ryſen vp, and anourneden her laumpis. Soþely þe foolis ſeiden to þe wiſe, Ȝeue ȝee to vs of ȝoure oile, for oure laumpis ben qwenchid. Þe prudent anſwereden, ſeyinge, Leſt perauenture it ſuffiſe nat to us and to ȝou, go ȝee raþer to men ſellynge, and bye to ȝou. Forſoþe þe while þei wenten for to bye, þe ſpouſe came; and þo þat weren redy, entriden in wiþ hym to þe weddyngis; and þe ȝate is ſhit. Soþely at þe laſt and þe oþer virgynys camen, ſeyinge, Lord, lord, opene to vs. And he anſwerynge ſeiþ, Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, I knowe nat ȝou. And ſo wake ȝee, and preye, for ȝee witen nat þe day ne þe hour. Soþely as a man goynge fer in pilgrimage, clepide his ſeruauntis, and bitoke to hem his goodis; and to oon he ȝaue fyue talentis, or beſauntis, forſoþe to an oþer two, but to an oþer oon, to eche after his owne vertu; and wente forþ anoon. Forſoþe and he þat hadde take fyue talentis, wente forþ, and wrouȝte in hem, and wan oþer fyue. Alſo and he þat hadde taken two, wan oþer two. Soþely he þat hadde taken oon, goynge forþ, dalf in to þe erþe, and hidde þe mone of his lord. Bot after muche tyme, þe lord of þo ſeruauntis came, and puttide reſoun wiþ hem. And he þat hadde taken fyue talentis, cummynge to, offride oþer fyue, ſeyinge, Lord, þou bitokiſt me fyue talentis, or beſauntis, loo! I haue geten ouer oþer fyue. His lord ſeiþ to hym, Wel be þou, good ſeruaunt and feiþful, or trewe; for vpon fewe þingis þou haſt ben trewe, I ſhal ordeyne þee vpon many þingis; entre þou in to þe ioye of þi lord. Forſoþe and he þat hadde taken two talentis, came to, and ſeiþ, Lord, þou bitokiſt to me two talentis; loo! I haue geten ouer oþer two. His lord ſeiþ to him, Wel be þou, good ſeruaunt and trewe; for vpon fewe þingis þou haſt ben trewe, I ſhal ordeyne þee vpon many þingis; entre þou in to þe ioye of þi lord. Forſoþe and he þat hadde taken oo talent, cummynge to, ſeiþ, Lord, I wote þat þou art an hard man; þou repiſt wher þou haſt nat ſewen, and þou gederiſt to gidre wher þou haſt nat ſpreedde abrood; and I dredynge wente, and hidde þi talent in þe erþe; loo! þou haſt þat þat is þin. Soþely his lord anſwerynge, ſeide to hym, Yuel ſeruaunt and ſlowe, wiſtiſt þou þat I repe wher I ſewe nat, and gedere to gidre wher I ſpradde nat abrood? Þerfore it bihouyde þee to ſende, or betaken, my monee to chaungers, þat and I cummynge ſhulde haue reſceyued forſoþe þat þat is myn wiþ vſuris. And ſo take ȝe awey fro hym þe talent, and ȝeue ȝe it to hym þat haþ ten talentis. For to euery man hauynge it ſhal be ȝouen, and he ſhal haue plente; and to hym þat haþ nat, and þat þat he ſemeþ to haue, ſhal be taken fro hym. And caſte ȝee out þe vnprofitable ſeruaunt, and ſend ȝee hym in to vttermore derkneſſis; þere ſhal be weepynge, and betyng to gidre of teeþ. Forſoþe whanne mannes ſone ſhal cume in his mageſte, and alle his angelis wiþ hym, þanne he ſhal ſitte on þe ſege of his mageſtee; and alle folkis ſhulen be gederid before hym, and he ſchal departe hem atwynne, as a ſheperde departiþ ſcheep fro kidis; and ſoþli he ſchal ſeette þe ſcheep on his riȝþalf, þe kidis forſoþe on þe lefþalf. Þanne þe kyng ſchal ſeie to hem, þat ſhulen be on his riȝþalf, Come ȝee, þe bleſſid of my fadir, welde ȝee, or take ȝee in poſſeſſioun, þe kyngdam maad redy to ȝou fro þe bygynnynge, or makynge, of þe world. Forſoþe I was hungry, and ȝe ȝauen to me for to ete; I þriſtide, and ȝee ȝeuen to me for to drynke; I was herberleſſe, and ȝee gederiden, or herberden, me; nakid, and ȝee heliden me; ſeik, and ȝee viſitiden me; I was in priſoun, and ȝe camen to me. Þanne iuſt men ſhulen anſwere to hym, ſeyinge, Lord, whenne ſyȝen we þee hungry, and we fedd þee; þriſty, and we ȝeuen to þee drynke? whenne forſoþe ſeien we þee herberleſſe, and we gedriden þee; or nakid, and we heliden þee? or whenne ſeien we þee ſeek, or in priſoun, and we camen to þee? And he anſwerynge ſhal ſeie to hem, Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, as long as ȝee diden to oon of þeſe my leſte breþren, ȝee diden to me. Þanne þe kyng ſhal ſeie and to hem, þat ſhulen be on his left half, Depart fro me, ȝee curſid, in to euerlaſtynge fijr, þe whiche is maad redy to þe deuyl and his angelis. Soþely I hungeryde, and ȝe ȝauen nat to me for to ete; I þriſtide, and ȝee ȝauen nat to me for to drynke; I was herberleſſe, and ȝee gedriden nat me; nakid, and ȝee couereden nat me; ſeik, and in priſoun, and ȝee viſitiden nat me. Þanne and þei ſhulen anſwere to hym, ſeyinge, Lord, whanne ſeien we þee hungrynge, or þriſtynge, or herberleſſe, or nakid, or ſeik, or in priſoun, and we ſeruyden nat to þee? Þanne he ſhal anſwere to hem, ſeiynge, Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, hou longe ȝee diden nat to oon of þeſe leſte, neþere ȝee diden to me. And þeſe ſhulen go in to euerlaſtynge tourment; forſoþe þe iuſt men in to euere laſtinge lyf.

Capitulum XXVI.

And it is don, whenne Jheſus hadde eendid alle þeſe wordis, he ſeide to his diſciplis, Wite ȝee, for after two dayes paſk ſhal be maad, and mannes ſone ſhal be bitaken, þat he be crucified. Þanne þe princis of preſtis and eldre men of þe peple ben gedrid in to þe halle of þe prince of preſtis, þat was ſaid Caiphas, and maden a counſeile, þat þei ſhulden holde Jheſu wiþ gile, and ſlea; ſoþly þei ſeiden, Nat in þe feſte day, leſt per auenture noys were maad in þe peple. Forſoþe whenne Jheſus was in Betanye, in þe houſe of Symount leprous, a womman hauynge a boxe of alabaſtre of preciouſe oynement, came niȝ to hym, and ſhedde out on þe heued of hym reſtinge. Soþely diſciplis ſeeynge hadden dedeyn, ſeyinge, Wherto þis loſſe? forſoþe it miȝte be ſolde for myche, and be ȝouen to pore men. Soþely Jheſus wytinge, ſeiþ to hem, What be ȝe heuy, or ſory, to þis womman? ſoþely a good work ſhe haþ wrouȝt in me. For whi ȝee ſhulen euermore haue pore men wiþ ȝou, but ȝee ſhulen nat algatis haue me. Forſoþe þis womman ſendenge þis oynement in to my body, made for to birye me. Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, wher euer þis goſpel ſhal be prechid in al þe world, it ſhal be ſeide and þat þis womman dide, in to mynde of hym. Þanne oon of þe twelue, þat was ſeide Judas Scarioþ, wente forþ to þe princis of preſtis, and ſeiþ to hem, What wolen ȝee ȝeue to me, and I ſhal bitake hym to ȝou? And þei ordeyneden to hym þritti platis of ſeluer. And fro þat tyme he ſouȝte couenablete, for to bitake hym. Forſoþe in þe firſt day of þe feſt of paſk diſciplis camen to Jheſu, ſeyinge, Wher wolt þou we make redy to þee, for to ete paſke? And Jheſus ſeiþ, Go ȝee in to þe citee to ſum man, and ſeie to hym, Þe maiſter ſeiþ, My tyme is niȝ; at þee I make paſke wiþ my diſciplis. And þe diſciplis diden, as Jheſus comaundide to hem; and þei maden redy paſk. Forſoþe euenyng maad, he ſat at þe mete wiþ his twelue diſciplis. And he ſeide to hem etynge, Treuly I ſeie to ȝou, for oon of ȝou is to betraye me. And þei ful ſory bygunnyn eche to ſeie, Lord, wher I am? And he anſwerynge ſeiþ, He þat wiþ me in puttiþ þe hond in þe plater, þis ſhal bitraye me. Forſoþe mannes ſone goþ, as it is writen of hym; but woo to þat man, bi whom mannys ſone ſhal be bitrayed; it were good to hym, ȝif þat man hadde nat ben boren. Forſoþe Judas þat bitrayed hym, anſweride, ſeyinge, Maiſter, wher I am? He ſeiþ to hym, Þou haſt ſeid. Forſoþe hem ſoupynge, Jheſus toke breed, and bliſſide, and bracke, and ȝaue to his diſciplis, and ſeiþ, Take ȝee, and ete; þis is my body. And he takynge þe cuppe, dede þankyngis, and ȝaue to hem, ſeyinge, Drinke ȝee alle herof; þis is my blood of þe newe teſtament, þe whiche ſhal be ſhed out for many, in to remiſſioun of ſynnys. Forſoþe I ſeie to ȝou, I ſhal nat drinke fro þis tyme, of þis fruyt of þe vyne, til in to þat day whenne I ſhal drinke it newe wiþ ȝou, in þe kyngdam of my fadir. And an ympne, or heriynge, ſeid, þei wenten out in to þe mount of Olyuete. Þanne Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Alle ȝe ſhulen ſuffre ſclaundre in me, in þis niȝt; for it is wrytyn, I ſhal ſmyte þe ſheperde, and þe ſheep of þe floc ſhulen be ſcatered. Forſoþe after þat I ſhal ryſe aȝein, I ſhal go bifore ȝou in to Galilee. Soþely Petre anſwerynge, ſeiþ to him, And ȝif alle ſhulen be ſclaundrid in þee, I ſhal neuere be ſclaundrid. Jheſus ſeiþ to hym, Trewly I ſeie to þee, for in þis niȝt bifore þe cok crowe, þries þou ſhalt denye me. Petre ſeiþ to hym, And ȝif it ſhal behoue me to dye wiþ þee, I ſhal nat denye þee. Alſo and alle diſciplis ſeiden. Þanne Jheſus came wiþ hem in to a toun, þat is ſeid Geſſemanye. And he ſeide to his diſciplis, Sitte ȝee heer, þe while I ſhal go þidir, and preie. And Petre taken to, and two ſonys of Zebedee, he began for to be diſtourblid, or heuy, and ſory in herte. Þanne he ſeiþ to hem, My ſoule is ſorowful til to þe deþ; ſuſteyne ȝee, or abyde ȝee, here, and wake ȝee wiþ me. And he gon forþ a litil, felle doun in to his face, preyinge, and ſeyinge, My fadir, ȝif it is poſſible, paſſe þis cuppe fro me; neþeles nat as I wole, but as þou wolt. And he came to his diſciplis, and foonde hem ſlepynge. And he ſeiþ to Petre, So, wher ȝee miȝte nat oon hour wake wiþ me? Wake ȝee, and preie, þat ȝee entren nat in to temptacioun; forſoþe þe ſpirit is redy, bote þe fleſh ſeik, or vnſtable. Eft þe ſecounde tyme he wente, and preide, ſeyinge, My fadir, ȝif þis cuppe may nat paſſe, no bote I drynke it, þi wille be don. And eftſone he came, and foonde hem ſlepynge; forſoþe her eȝen weren greued. And hem left, he wente eftſone, and preide þe þridde tyme, þe ſame word ſeyinge. Þanne he came to his diſciplis, and ſeiþ to hem, Slepe ȝee nowe, and reſte ȝe; loo! þe hour haþ neiȝed, and mannes ſone ſhal be taken in to þe hondis of ſynners; ryſe ȝee, go wee; loo! he þat ſhal take me, ſhal neiȝe. And ȝit hym ſpekynge, loo! Judas, oon of þe twelue, and wiþ hym came a grete cumpanye, wiþ ſwerdis and battis, ſent of þe princes of preſtis, and of eldre men of þe peple. Forſoþe he þat bitraiede hym, ȝaue to hem a tokne, ſeiynge, Whom euer Y ſhal kiſſe, he it is; holde ȝee hym. And anon he cummynge niȝ to Jheſu, ſeide, Haile, maiſtre; and he kiſſide hym. And Jheſus ſeide to hym, Frend, wherto art þou comen? Þanne þei camen niȝ, and caſtiden hondis in to Jheſu, and helden hym. And loo! oon of hem þat weren wiþ Jheſu, holdynge out þe hond, drowȝ out his ſwerd; and he, ſmytynge þe ſeruaunt of þe prince of preſtis, kitte of his litil ere. Þanne Jheſus ſeiþ to hym, Turne þi ſwerd in to his place; ſoþely alle þat ſhulen take ſwerd, ſhulen periſhe by ſwerd. Wher geſſiſt þou, þat I may nat preie my fadir, and he ſhal ȝeue to me now more þan twelue legions of angelis? Hou þerfore ſhulen þe ſcripturis be fulfillid? for ſo it behoueþ to be don. In þat hour Jheſus ſeide to þe cumpanyes of peple, As to a þeef ȝee han gon out, wiþ ſwerdis and battis, for to cacche me; day by day I ſatte at ȝou, techynge in þe temple, and ȝee helden not me. Forſoþe al þis þing was don, þat þe ſcripturis of prophetis ſhulden be fulfillid. Þanne alle diſciplis fledden, hym forſaken. And þei holdynge Jheſu, ledden hym to Caiphas, prince of preſtis, wher ſcribis and Phariſees, and þe eldre men of þe peple hadden cummen to gidre. Forſoþe Petre ſuede hym afer, til in to þe halle of þe prince of preſtis; and he gon ynne wiþ ynne, ſate wiþ ſeruauntis, þat he ſhulde ſe þe eend. Forſoþe þe princis of preſtis, and alle þe counſeile ſouȝten fals witneſſynge aȝeinus Jheſu, þat þei ſhulden take hym to deþ; and þei founden nat, whenne many fals witneſſis hadden cummen to. Treuly at þe laſte, two fals witneſſis camen, and ſeiden, Þis ſeide, I may diſtruye þe temple of God, and after þe þridde day bilde it aȝein. And þe prince of preſtis ryſynge ſeiþ to hym, Anſweriſt þou no þing to þo þingis, þe whiche þeſe witneſſen aȝeinus þee? Forſoþe Jheſus was ſtille. And þe prince of preſtis ſeiþ to hym, I couniour þee by quycke God, þat þou ſeie to vs, ȝif þou be Criſt, þe ſone of God. Jheſus ſeide to hym, Þou haſt ſeid; neþeles I ſeie to ȝou, an oþer tyme, or fro þis tyme forþ, ȝee ſhulen ſe mannes ſone ſittynge at þe riȝþalf of þe vertue of God, and cummynge in cloudis of heuene. Þanne þe prince of preſtis kitte, or to-rente, his cloþis, ſeyinge, He haþ blasfemed; what ȝit nede han we to witneſſis? loo! now ȝee han herd blasfemye; what ſemeþ to ȝou? And þei anſwerynge ſeiden, He is gilty of deþ. Þanne þei ſpitten in to his face, and ſmyten hym wiþ buffetis; forſoþe oþer ȝouen ſtrokis wiþ þe pawm of hondis in to his face, ſeyinge, Þou Criſt, prophecie to vs, who is he þat ſmote þee? Soþely Petre ſat wiþ outen in þe porche; and an hond mayden came niȝ to hym, ſeyinge, And þou were wiþ Jheſu of Galilee. And he denyede before alle men, ſeyinge, I woot nat what þou ſaiſt. Forſoþe hym goynge out þe ȝate, an oþer hond mayden ſay hym, and ſeiþ to hem þat weren þere, And þis was wiþ Jheſu of Naȝareþ. And eftſone he denyede wiþ an ooþ, for he knewe nat þe man. And after a litil, þei þat ſtoden came niȝ, and ſeiden to Petre, Treuly and þou art of hem; for whi and þi ſpeche makiþ þee opyn. Þanne he began to warye and ſwere, þat he knewe nat þe man. And anon þe cok crew. And Petre biþouȝte on þe word of Jheſu, þat he hadde ſeide, Bifore þe cok crewe, þries þou ſhalt denye me. And he gon out, wepte bittirly.

Capitulum XXVII.

Forſoþe þe morwe maad, alle þe princis of preſtis, and eldre men of þe peple token counſeil aȝeins Jheſu, þat þei ſhulden take hym to deþ. And þei ladden hym bounden, and bitoken hym to Pilat of Pounce, meire, or chef iuſtice. Þanne Judas þat bitrayede hym, ſeynge þat he was dampnyd, he led by penaunce, or forþenkynge, brouȝte aȝein þritti platis of ſeluer to þe princis of preſtis, and to þe eldre men of þe peple, ſeyinge, I haue ſynned, bitrayinge iuſt blood. And þei ſeiden, What to vs? ſe þou. And þe platis of ſeluer caſt awey in þe temple, he wente awey, and goyinge awey he hangide hym wiþ a grane, or a gnare. Forſoþe þe princis of preſtis, taken þe platis of ſeluer, ſeiden, It is nat leueful to ſende hem in to þe treſorie, for it is þe pris of blood. Soþly counceil taken, þei bouȝten wiþ þem þe feeld of a potter, in to byryinge of dead men. For þis þing þe ilk feeld is clepid Acheldemak, þat is, a feeld of blood, til in to þis day. Þanne it is fulfillid, þat þing þat is ſeid by þe prophete Jeremye, ſeyynge, And þei token þritty platis of ſyluer, þe pris of a man preyſid, whom þei preyſiden of þe ſonys of Yrael; and þei ȝauen hem in to þe feeld of a potter, as þe Lord ordeyned to me. Soþely Jheſus ſtood byfore þe meyre, or domyſman; and þe preſedent axide hym, ſeyinge, Art þou kyng of Jewis? Jheſus ſeiþ to hym, Þou ſeiſt. And whenne he was acuſid of þe princes of preſtis, and eldre men of þe peple, he anſweride no þing. Þan Pilat ſeiþ to hym, Heriſt þou nat, hou many witneſſyngis þei ſeien aȝeinus þee? And he anſweride nat to hym to eny word, ſo þat þe preſedent wondride gretely. Forſoþe by a ſolempne day þe preſedent was wont for to delyuere to þe peple oon bounden, whom þei wolden. Forſoþe he hadde a noble man bounden, þat was ſeid Barabas. Þerfore Pilat ſeid to hem gedrid to gidre, Whom wole ȝee, I leeue, or delyuere, to ȝou? wher Barabas, or Jheſu, þat is ſeid Criſt? Soþely he wiſte, þat by enuye þei betraieden hym. Forſoþe hym ſittynge for iuſtiſe, or domyſman, his wyf ſente to hym, ſeyinge, No þing to þee and to þat iuſt man; ſoþely I haue ſuffrid þis day many þingis for hym, by a viſioun, or ſweuen. Forſoþe þe princis of preſtis and þe eldre men tiſiden, or counſeiliden, to þe peplis, þat þei ſhulden axe Barabas, but Jheſu þei ſhulden leſe. Forſoþe þe preſident anſwerynge ſeiþ to hem, Whom of þe two wolen ȝee to be left, or delyuerid, to ȝou? And þei ſeiden, Barabas. Pilat ſeiþ to hem, What þerfore ſhal I do of Jheſu, þat is ſeid Criſt? Alle ſeien, Be he crucified. Þe preſedent ſeiþ to hem, Soþely what of yuel haþ he don? And þei crieden more, ſeyinge, Be he crucified. Forſoþe Pilat ſeynge þat he profitide no þing, but þe more noyſe was maad, water taken, waſhide þe hondis byfore þe peple, ſeyinge, I am innocent, or giltleſſe, fro þe blood of þis iuſt man; ſe ȝee. And al þe peple anſwerynge ſeide, His blood vpon vs, and on oure ſonys. Þanne he lefte to hem Barabas, but he toke to hem Jheſu ſcourgid, þat he ſhulde be crucified. Þanne kniȝtis of þe preſident takynge Jheſu in þe mote halle, gedriden to hym alle þe cumpanye of kniȝtis. And þei vncloþinge hym, diden aboute hym a rede mantel; and þei foldynge a crowne of þornis, puttiden on his heued, and a reed in his riȝt hond; and þe knee bowid, or folden, bifore hym, þei ſcornyden hym, ſeyinge, Hayle, kyng of Jewis. And þei ſpittynge in to hym, token a reed, and ſmyten his heued. And after þat þei hadden ſcorned hym, þei vncloþiden hym of þe mantel, and þei cloþiden hym wiþ his cloþis, and ledden hym for to crucifie. Soþely þei goynge out, founden a man of Syrynen, cummynge fro a toun, Symont by name; þei conſtreyneden hym, þat he ſhulde take his croſſe. And þei camen in to a place þat is clepid Golgaþa, þat is, þe place of Caluarie. And þei ȝauen hym for to drinke wiyn meyngid wiþ galle; and whenne he had taſtid, he wolde nat drinke. Soþely after þat þei hadden crucified hym, þei departiden his cloþis, ſendynge lot, þat it ſhulde be fulfillid, þat is ſeid by þe prophete, ſeyinge, Þei departiden to hem my cloþis, and on my cloþ þei ſenten lot. And þei ſittynge kepten hym; and þei puttiden on his heued þe cauſe of hym wryten, Þis is Jheſus of Nazareþ, kyng of Jewis. Þanne two þeeues ben crucified wiþ him, oon on þe riȝt half, and oon on þe left half. Forſoþe men paſſynge forþ blasfemyden hym, moouynge her heuedis, and ſeyinge, Vaþ, or fie, to þee, þat diſtroyiſt þe temple of God, and in þe þridde day bildiſt it aȝein; ſaue þou þi ſelf; ȝif þou art þe ſone of God, cume doun of þe croſſe. Alſo and princis of preſtis ſcornynge, wiþ ſcribis and eldre men, ſeiden, He made oþer men ſaaf, he may nat make hym ſelf ſaaf; ȝif he is kyng of Yrael, cume he nowe doun fro þe croſſe, and we bileuen to hym; he truſtiþ in God, delyuere he hym nowe, ȝif he wole; forſoþe he ſeide, For I am Goddis ſone. Forſoþe and þe þeeuys, þat weren crucified wiþ hym, puttiden to hym wiþ repreue þe ſame þing. Soþely fro þe ſixte hour dercneſſis ben maad on al þe erþe, til to þe nyneþe hour. And about þe nynþe houre Jheſus criede wiþ grete voice, ſeyinge, Hely, Hely, lamazabatany, þat is, My God, my God, wherto, or whi, haſt þou forſaken mee? Soþly ſummen ſtondynge þere, and heerynge, ſeiden, Þis clepiþ Hely. And anon oon of hem rennynge, fillide a ſpounge taken wiþ aycel, or vynegre, and puttide to a reed, and ȝaue to hym for to drinke. But oþer ſeiden, Suffre þou; ſee we wher Hely cumme, delyuerynge hym. Forſoþe Jheſus eftſones cryynge wiþ grete voice, ſente out þe ſpirit. And loo! þe veile of þe temple is kitt, or rent, in to two parties, fro þe heiȝeſt til doun. And þe erþe is moued, and ſtoonys ben cleft; and biriels ben openyd, and many bodies of ſeintes þat ſlepten, or weren dead, ryſen aȝein. And þei goynge out of her biriels, after his reſureccioun camen in to þe holy citee, and apeeriden to manye. Treuly centurio and þei þat weren wiþ hym kepinge Jheſu, þe moouynge of þe erþe ſeen, and þoo þingis þat weren done, dredden greteli, ſeyinge, Verrely þis was Goddis ſone. Forſoþe þere weren þere many wymmen afer, þat ſueden Jheſu fro Galilee, mynyſtrynge to hym. Amonge whiche was Marie Mawdeleyne, and Marie of Jamys, and þe modir of Joſeph, and þe modir of Zebedees ſones. Forſoþe when þe euenyng was maad, þere came a riche man fro Armaþia, Joſeph by name, þe whiche and he was diſciple of Jheſu. He wente to Pilate, and axide þe body of Jheſu. Þanne Pilate comaundide þe body to be ȝolden. And þe body taken, Joſeph wlappide it in a clene ſendel, or lynnen cloþ, and puttide it in his newe biriel, þat he hadde hewen in a ſtoon; and he walowid to a grete ſtoon at þe dore of þe biriel, and wente awey. Forſoþe Marye Mawdeleyne and an oþere Marye weren þere, ſittynge aȝeins þe ſepulcre. Soþely on þe toþer day, þat is after paſcke euenynge, þe princis of preſtis and Phariſees camen to gidere to Pilate, ſeiynge, Sire, we han mynde, for þe ilke traitour, or diſſeyuour, ſayde ȝit lyuynge, Aftir þre dayes I ſhal ryſe aȝen. Þerfore comaunde þou þe ſepulcre to be kept til in to þe þridde day; leſt perauenture his diſciplis comen, and ſtelen him, and ſeyen to þe peple, He is riſun fro deeþ; and þe laſte errour ſchal be worſe þan þe formere. Pilat ſeiþ to hem, Ȝe han þe kepinge; go ȝe, kepe ȝe as ȝe kunnen. Forſoþ þei goynge forþ, kepten, or wardiden, þe ſepulcre, markinge, or ſeelinge, þe ſtoon, wiþ keperis.

Capitulum XXVIII.

Forſoþe in þe euenyng of þe ſaboþ, or haliday, þat ſchyneþ in þe firſte day of þe woke, Marie Mawdeleyn cam, and anoþer Marie, for to ſe þe ſepulcre. And lo! þer was maad a greet erþe mouyng; forſoþ þe aungel of þe Lord cam doun fro heuene, and comynge to turnide awey þe ſtoon, and ſat þeron. Soþli his lokyng was as leyt, and his cloþis as ſnow; forſoþe for drede of him þe keperis ben afferid, and þei ben maad as deede men. Forſoþe þe aungel anſweringe ſeide to þe wymmen, Nyle ȝe drede, for I woot þat ȝe ſeken Jheſu, þat is crucified; he is not here, ſoþli he roos, as he ſeide; come ȝe, and ſeeþ þe place, where þe Lord was putt. And ȝe goynge ſone, ſeie to his diſciplis and to Petre, for he haþ riſun. And lo! he ſchal go bifore ȝou in to Galilee; þere ȝe ſchulen ſe him. Lo! I haue bifore ſeid to ȝou. And Marie Mawdeleyn, and anoþer Marie wenten out ſoone fro þe buryel, wiþ drede and greet ioye, rennynge for to telle his diſciplis. And lo! Jheſus ran aȝens hem, ſeyinge, Heil ȝe. Forſoþe þei camen to, and heelden his feet, and worſchipiden him. Þanne Jheſus ſeiþ to hem, Nyle ȝe drede; go ȝe, telle ȝe to my briþeren, þat þei go in to Galilee; þere þei ſchulen ſe me. Þe whiche whanne þei hadden gon, loo! ſumme of þe keperis camen in to þe cytee, and tolden to þe princes of preſtis alle þingis þat weren don. And þei gedrid to gidre wiþ þe eldere men, a counceil takun, ȝaue to þe knyȝtis plenteuous money, ſeyinge, Seie ȝe, for his diſciplis camen by niȝte, and han ſtolen him, vs ſlepinge. And if þis be herd of þe preſedent, or iuſtiſe, we ſchulen conceile him, and make ȝou ſikir. And þe money takun, þei diden, as þei weren tauȝt. And þis word is puppliſſid at þe Jewis, til in to þis day. Forſoþe enleuene diſciplis wenten in to Galilee, in to an hil, where Jheſus hadde ordeyned to hem. And þei ſeynge him, worſchipiden; ſoþli ſumme of hem doutiden. And Jheſus comynge to, ſpak to hem, ſeyinge, Al power is ȝouun to me, in heuene and in erþe. Þerfore ȝe goynge teche alle folkis, criſtenynge hem in þe name of þe Fadir, and of þe Sone, and of þe Hooly Goſt; techinge hem for to kepe alle þingis, what euere þingis I haue comaundid to ȝou; and lo! I am wiþ ȝou in alle dayes, til to þe endyng of þe world.

Here endiþ þe goſpel of Maþeu, and bigynneþ þe prolog of Mark.

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