< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Þe prologe of Luke.

Lucas of Antyoche of Sirye nacioun, in craft a leche, was a diſciple of þe apoſtlis; aftirward he folowide Poul anon in to his paſſioun, ſeruynge to þe Lord wiþ outen blame; forwhi he noþer hauynge eny tyme wyf, neiþir ſones, of ſeuenty and foure ȝeer age deiede in Betanye, ful of þe Hooly Goſt. Þe which aftir þat þe goſpels weren writun, by Maþeu forſoþe in Jewerie, by Mark ſoþli in Ytalie, ſtirynge þe Hooly Goſt, þis goſpel he wroot in þe cuntrees of Achaye; alſo ſignyfiynge him ſilf, þat oþere goſpelis of Maþeu and Mark weren writen bifore. To whom wiþ oute þe ilke þingis, þe whiche þe ordre of þe diſpoſinge of þe goſpel axiþ, þe mooſte nede of traueil was, þat firſt to þe bileuyd men of Grees bi alle profeciynge þe manheed of Criſt comynge in to fleiſch ſchulde be maad opyn, leſt þei, holde wiþ Jewis fablis, in þe oonly deſyr of þe olde lawe ſchulde be holde, and þat he ſchulde trauele, leſt þei, diſceyued wiþ eretikis fablis and foly biſyneſſis, ſchulde falle fro þe treuþe; and aftir þat, in þe bigynnynge of his goſpel, þe natiuyte of Jon take bifore, ſchulde ſchewe, to whom he wroot þe goſpel, and in whom he choſe ſchulde wryte, makynge opyn him in him ſilf to be fulfillid, þat weren of oþir bigunne. To whom þerfore after þe baptym of Goddis ſone fro þe perfeccioun of generacioun fulfillid in Criſt, and fro þe bigynnynge of natyuyte of man to be reherſid, power was grauntid, þat to men ſechinge he ſchulde ſchewe, in whom he was apprehendinge bi þe entringe of þe generacioun of vndepartable God, rennynge aȝen in to God by Naþan, þe ſone of Dauiþ, admittid, prechinge to men his Criſt, ſchulde make by þe ſone þe work of a perfit man turne aȝen in to him ſilf, þe which Luk by Dauiþ þe fadir to men comynge to God ȝaf a wey in Criſt. To þe which Luk power in ſeruyſe of þe apoſtlis dedis to be write was ȝoue, þat God ful ſchewide in to God, oþer to be God þat was in þe aſſencioun, and þe ſone of treſoun, þat was Judas, acquenchid, þe preier of þe apoſtlis maad, þorw þe lot of Goddis choys, þe noumbre ſchulde be fulfild. So Poul fulfillinge ſchulde ȝyue to þe dedis of þe apoſtlis, whom longe to aȝens God, þat was Goddis wille, kikynge þe Lord hadde choſe. Þat þouȝ boþe to men redinge and ſechinge God by alle þingis it were profitable to be ſpedde of vs, neþeles we, knowinge þat þe traueilinge erþe tilier it bihoueþ to ete of his frutis, hauiþ auoyded opyn curiouſte, leſte we ſchulde be ſeid not to ſchewe God as wel to men willinge, as to profite to men alooþinge.

Here endiþ þe prolog, and bigynneþ þe goſpel.

Capitulum I.

Forſoþe for manye men enforceden to ordeyne þe tellyng of þingis, whiche ben fillid in vs, as þei þat ſeyn atte þe bigynnyng, and weren miniſtris of þe word, bitaken, it is ſeen alſo to me, hauynge alle þingis diligentli bi ordre, to write to þee, þou beſt Theofile, þat þou knowe þe treuþe of þo wordis, of whiche þou art lerned. Þer was ſum preſt, Zacharie by name, in þe dayes of Eroude, kyng of Judee, of þe ſort of Abia, and his wyf of þe douȝtris of Aaron, and hir name Elizabeþ. Soþli þei boþe weren iuſte bifore God, goynge in alle þe maundementis and iuſtifyingis of þe Lord, wiþ outen pleynte. And a ſone was not to hem, for þat Elizabeþ was bareyne, and boþe hadden gon forþ fer in her dayes. Soþli it was don, whanne Sacharie was ſet in preſþod, in þe ordre of his ſort bifore God, vp þe cuſtom of preſþod, by ſort he wente forþ, þat he entrid in to þe temple of þe Lord, ſchulde putte enſence. And alle þe multitude of þe peple was wiþouteforþ, preiynge in þe our of encence. Soþli an aungel of þe Lord apperide to him, ſtondinge on þe riȝþalf of þe auter of enſence. And Sacharie ſeynge was diſturblid, and drede felde doun on him. Forſoþ þe aungel ſeiþ to hym, Zacharie, drede þou not; for þi preier is herd, and Elizabeþ, þi wyf, ſchal bere to þee a ſone, and his name ſchal be clepid John. And ioye and gladinge ſchal be to þee; and manye ſchulen enioye in his natyuite. Soþli he ſchal be greet bifore þe Lord, and he ſchal not drynke wyn and ſydir, and he ſchal be fulfillid of þe Hooly Goſt ȝit of his modir wombe. And he ſchal conuerte manye of þe ſones of Iſrael to þe Lord God of hem; and he ſchal go bifore him in þe ſpirit and vertu of Helye; and he ſchal turne þe hertis of fadris in to ſones, and men out of bileue to þe prudence of iuſte men, for to make redy a parfyt peple to þe Lord. And Zachari ſeide to þe aungel, Wherof ſchal I wite þis? for I am old, and my wyf haþ gon fer in hir dayes. And þe aungel anſweringe ſeide to him, Forſoþ I am Gabriel, þat ſtonde nyȝ bifore God; and I am ſent to þee for to ſpeke, and to euangeliſe, or telle, to þee þes þingis. And loo! þou ſhalt be ſtille, or doumbe, and þou ſchalt not mowe ſpeke til in to þe day, in which þes þingis ſchulen be don; for þat þou haſt not bileuyd to my wordis, whiche ſchulen be fillid in her tyme. And þe peple was abidinge Zacharie, and þei wondriden, for he tariede in þe temple. Forſoþ he gon out myȝte not ſpeke to hem, and þei knewen þat he hadde ſeyn a vicioun in þe temple. And he was bekenynge to hem, and dwellide doumb. And it was maad, as þe dayes of his office weren fulfillid, he wente in to his hous. Forſoþ after dayes Elizabeþ, his wyf, conſeyuede, and hidde hir fyue moneþis, ſeyinge, For ſo þe Lord dide to me in þe dayes, in þe whiche he bihelde, for to take a wey my ſchenſchip a mong men. Soþely in þe ſixte moneþe þe aungel Gabriel was ſent fro God in to a citee of Galilee, to which þe name Nazareþ, to a mayden, weddid to a man, to whom þe name was Joſeph, of þe houſe of Dauiþ; and þe name of þe mayden Marie. And þe aungel gon yn to hir ſeide, Heil, ful of grace; þe Lord be wiþ þee; bleſſid be þou among wymmen. Which, whanne ſhe had herd, was troublid in his word, and þouȝte what maner ſalutacioun þis was. And þe aungel ſeide to hir, Ne drede þou, Marie, ſoþli þou haſt founden grace anemptis God. Loo! þou ſchalt conſeyue in þe wombe, and ſchalt bere a ſone, and þou ſchalt clepe his name Jheſu. Þis ſchal be greet, and he ſchal be clepid þe ſone of þe Hiȝeſte; and þe Lord God ſchal ȝyue to him þe ſeete of Dauiþ, his fadir, and he ſchal regne in þe hous of Jacob wiþ outen ende, and of his rewme ſchal be non ende. Forſoþ Marie ſeiþ to þe aungel, On what manere ſchal þis þing be don, for I knowe not man? And þe aungel anſweringe ſeide to hir, Þe Hooly Goſt ſchal come fro aboue in to þee, and þe vertu of þe Hiȝeſte ſchal ſchadewe vnto þee; þerfore and þat hooly þing þat ſchal be born of þee, ſchal be clepid þe ſone of God. And loo! Elizabeþ, þi coſyneſſ, and ſche haþ conceyued a ſone in hir elde, and þis moneþe is þe ſixte to hir þat is clepid bareyne; for euery word ſchal not be inpoſſible anemptis God. Forſoþ Marie ſeide, Loo! þe hand mayden of þe Lord; be it don to me aftir þi word. And þe aungel departide fro hir. Soþli Marie riſinge vp in þo dayes, wente wiþ haſte in to þe hilly placis, in to a citee of Judee. And ſche entride yn to þe hows of Zacharie, and grette Elizabeþ. And it was don, as Elizabeþ herde þe ſalutacioun of Marie, þe ȝonge child in hir wombe gladide. And Elizabeþ was fillid wiþ þe Hooly Goſt, and criede wiþ grete voys, and ſeide, Bleſſid be þou a mong wymmen, and bleſſid be þe fruyt of þi wombe. And wherof þis þing to me, þat þe modir of my Lord come to me? Loo! forſoþe as þe vois of þi ſalutacioun was maad in myn eeris, þe ȝonge child gladide wiþ ioye in my wombe. And bleſſid þou ert, þat haſt bileuyd, for þo þingis þat ben ſeid to þee fro þe Lord, ſchulen be parfytli don. And Marie ſeide, My ſoule magnyfieþ þe Lord, and my ſpirit haþ gladid in God, myn heelþe. For he haþ biholden þe mekeneſſe of his hand mayde. Loo! forſoþ of þis alle generaciouns ſchulen ſeie me bleſſid. For he þat is myȝti haþ don grete þingis to me, and his name is hooly. And his mercy is fro kynredis in to kynredis, to men dredinge him. He made myȝte in his arme, he ſcateride proude men wiþ mynde of his herte. He puttide doun myȝty men fro ſeete, and enhaunſide meke. He haþ fillid hungry men wiþ goode þingis, and he haþ left ryche men voyde. He, hauynge mynde of his mercy, took vp Iſrael, his child; as he haþ ſpoken to oure fadris, to Abraham and to his ſeed, in to worldis. Forſoþ Marye dwellide wiþ hir as þree moneþis, and turnyde aȝen in to hir hous. Soþly þe tyme of beringe child was fillid to Elizabeþ, and ſche childide a ſone. And þe neiȝeboris and coſyns of hir herden, for þe Lord hadde magnyfied his mercy wiþ hir; and þei þankiden him. And it was don, in þe eiȝteþe day, þei camen for to circumſide þe child; and þei clepiden him Sacharie, by name of his fadir. And his modir anſweringe ſeide, Nay, but he ſchal be clepid John. And þei ſeiden to hir, For no man is in þi kyn, þat is clepid bi þis name. Soþli þei maden a ſyngne to his fadir, whom he wolde him for to be clepid. And he axinge a poyntel, wroot, ſeyinge, John is his name. And alle men wondriden. Forſoþ his mouþ was openyd anon, and his tunge, and he ſpak, bleſſinge God. And drede was maad on alle her neiȝeboris, and þes wordis weren puppliſchid on alle þe hilly placis of Judee. And alle men þat herden puttedyn in her herte, ſeyinge, Who, geſſiſt þou, þis child ſchal be? And ſoþli þe hond of þe Lord was wiþ him. And Zacharie, his fadir, was fillid wiþ þe Hooli Goſt, and propheſiede, ſeyinge, Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Iſrael, for he haþ viſitid, and maad redempcioun of his peple. And he haþ rerid to vs an horn of helþe in þe hous of Dauiþ, his child. As he ſpak by þe mouþe of hooly prophetis, þat ben fro þe world. Helþe fro oure enemyes, and fro þe hond of alle men þat hatiden vs. To do mercy wiþ oure fadris, and to haue mynde of his hooly teſtament. Þe ooþ þat he ſwor to Abraham, oure fadir, to ȝyue him ſilf to vs. Þat we wiþoute drede deliuerid fro þe hond of oure enemyes, ſerue to him, in hoolyneſſe and riȝtfulneſſe bifore him in alle oure dayes. And þou, child, ſchalt be clepid þe prophete of þe Hiȝeſte; for þou ſchalt go bifore þe face of þe Lord, to make redy his weyes. For to ȝyue þe ſcience of helþe to his peple, in to remiſcioun of her ſynnes; bi þe entraylis of mercy of oure God, in whiche he ſpryngynge vp fro an hiȝ haþ viſytid vs. For to ȝyue liȝt to hem þat ſitten in derkneſſis, and in ſchadewe of deþ; for to dreſſe oure feet in to þe wey of pees. Soþli þe child waxide, and was comfortid in ſpirit, and was in deſert til to þe day of his ſchewinge to Iſrael.

Capitulum II.

Forſoþe it was don in þo dayes, a maundement went out fro Ceſar Auguſt, or noble, þat al þe world ſchulde be diſcryued. Þis firſte diſcryuyng was maad of Cyryne, iuſtice of Cirye. And alle men wenten, þat þei ſchulde make profeſcioun, or knowleching, ech by him ſelf in to his cite. Soþly and Joſep ſtiȝede vp fro Galilee, of þe cite of Nazareþ, in to Jude, in to a cite of Dauiþ, þat is clepid Bedleem, for þat he was of þe hous and meyne of Dauiþ, þat he ſchulde knowleche wiþ Marie, wiþ child ſpouſid wyf to him. Soþli it was don, whanne þei weren þere, þe dayes weren fulfillid, þat ſhe ſchulde bere child. And ſche childide her firſte born ſone, and wlappide him in cloþis, and puttide him in a cracche, for þer was not place to hym in þe comyn ſtable. And ſchepherdis weren in þe ſame cuntre, wakinge and kepinge þe watchis of þe nyȝt on her flok. And loo! þe aungel of þe Lord ſtood by ſydis hem, and þe clereneſſe of God ſchynede aboute hem; and þei dredden wiþ greet drede. And þe aungel ſeide to hem, Nyle ȝe drede; lo! ſoþli I euangeliſe to ȝou a grete ioye, þat ſchal be to al peple. For a ſauyour is borun to day to vs, þat is Criſt þe Lord, in þe cite of Dauiþ. And þis a tokene to ȝou; ȝe ſchulen fynde a ȝong child wlappid in cloþis, and put in a cracche. And ſudenly þer is maad wiþ þe aungel a multitude of heuenly knyȝþod, heriynge God, and ſeyinge, Glorie be in þe hiȝeſte þingis to God, and in erþe pees be to men of good wille. And it was don, þat whanne þe aungelis paſſiden a wey fro hem in to heuene, þe ſchepherdis ſpaken to gidere, ſeiynge, Paſſe we ouer til to Bedleem, and ſe we þis word þat is maad, þe whiche þe Lorde maad, and ſchewid to vs. And þei hyȝinge camen, and founden Marie and Joſeph, and a ȝong child put in a cracche. Soþli þei ſeinge, knewen of þe word þat was ſeid to hem of þis child. And alle men þat hadden herd wondriden, and of þes þingis þat weren ſeide to hem of þe ſchepherdis. Forſoþ Marie kepte alle þes wordis, beringe to gidere in hir herte. And þe ſchepherdis turneden aȝen, glorifiynge and heriynge God in alle þingis þat þei hadden herd and ſeyn, as it is ſeyd to hem. And aftir þat eiȝte dayes weren endid, þat þe child ſchulde be circumſidid, his name was clepid Jheſus, which was clepid of þe aungel, bifore he was conſeyued in wombe. And aftir þat þe dayes of purgacioun of Marie weren fulfild, vp Moyſes lawe, þei token him in to Jeruſalem, þat þei ſchulden offre him to þe Lord, as it is writun in þe lawe of þe Lord, For ech male kynde openynge þe wombe to go out, ſchal be clepid hooly to þe Lord; and þat þei ſchulen ȝyue an offrynge, vp þat it is ſeid in þe lawe of þe Lord, A peyre of turtris, or twey culuere briddis. And lo! a man was in Jeruſalem, to whom þe name Symeon; and þis man was iuſt and dredful, abidinge þe comfort of Iſrael; and þe Hooly Goſt was in him. And he hadde taken anſwere of þe Hooly Goſt, þat he ſchal not ſe deeþ, no but he ſaiȝ firſt þe Criſt of þe Lord. And he cam in ſpirit in to þe temple. And whenne his fadir and modir ledden in þe child Jheſu, þat þei ſchulden do vp þe cuſtom of lawe for him, and he took him in to his armes, and he bleſſide God, and ſeide, Lord, now þou leeuyſt þi ſeruaunt vp þi word in pees; for myn yȝen han ſeyn þin helþe, þe which þou haſt maad redy bifore þe face of alle peplis; liȝt to þe ſchewing of heþene, and glorie of þi peple of Iſrael. And his fadir and his modir weren wondringe on þes þingis, þat weren ſeid of him. And Symeon bleſſide hem, and ſeide to Marie, his modir, Lo! þis is put in to þe fallinge and in to þe ryſinge aȝen of many men in Iſrael, and in to a tokene, to whom it ſchal be aȝeinſeid. And a ſwerd ſchal paſſe þorw þin owne ſoule, þat þouȝtis be ſchewid of manye hertis. And Anna was a prophetiſſe, þe douȝtir of Fanuel, of þe lynage of Aſer. And ſche hadde gon forþ in many dayes, and hadde lyued wiþ hir hoſebonde ſeuen ȝeer fro hir maydenhed. And þis was a widowe til to foure ſcore ȝeer and foure; which departide not fro þe temple, ſeruynge nyȝt and day to faſtingis and biſechingis. And þis in þilke our aboue comynge, knowlechide to þe Lord, and ſpak of him to alle þat abiden þe redempcioun of Iſrael. And as þei hadden perfytli doon alle þingis, by þe lawe of þe Lord, þei turnyden aȝen in to Galilee, in to her citee Nazareþ. Soþli þe child wax, and was coumfortid, ful of wyſdom; and þe grace of God was in him. And his fadir and modir wenten by alle ȝeeris in to Jeruſalem, in þe ſolempne day of paſke. And whanne Jheſus was maad of twelue ȝeeris, hem ſtiȝynge vp in to Jeruſalem, by cuſtom of þe feeſte day, and þe dayes endid, whanne þei turneden aȝen, þe child dwelte in Jeruſalem, and his fadir and modir knewen not. Forſoþe þei geſſinge him to be in þe felowſchipe, camen þe wey of a day, and ſouȝten him a mong his coſyns and knowen. And þei not fyndinge, wenten aȝen in to Jeruſalem, ſekynge him. And it was don, aftir þe þridde day þei founden him in þe temple, ſittinge in þe myddil of doctours, heeringe hem and axinge hem. Soþli alle men þat herden him, wondriden on þe prudence and anſweris of him. And þei ſeynge wondriden. And his modir ſeide to him, Sone, what haſt þou don to vs þus? Lo! þi fadir and I ſorwynge han ſouȝt þee. And he ſeiþ to hem, What is it þat ȝe ſouȝten me? wiſten ȝe not, for in þo þingis þat ben of my fadir, it bihoueþ me to be? And þei vndirſtoden not þe word, which he ſpak to hem. And he cam doun wiþ hem, and cam to Nazareþ, and was ſuget to hem. And his modir kepte to gidere alle þes wordis, beringe to gidere in hir herte. And Jheſu profitide in wyſdom, age, and grace, anemptis God and men.

Capitulum III.

Forſoþe in þe fyftenþe ȝeer of þe empyre of Tiberie, emperour, Pilat of Pounce kepinge Judee, ſoþli Eroude, prince of Galilee, Philip forſoþ, his broþer, prince of Ituree, and of þe cuntre of Tracon, and Liſany, prince of Abilyn, vndir þe princis of preſtis Annas and Cayfas, þe word of þe Lord is maad on John, þe ſone of Zacharie, in deſert. And he cam in to al þe cuntre of Jordan, prechinge baptym of penaunce in to remyſcioun of ſynnes. As it is writun in þe book of wordis of Yſaye, þe prophete, Þe voys of oon criynge in deſert, Make ȝe redy þe weye of þe Lord, make ȝe his paþis riȝt. Ech valey ſchal be fulfillid, and ech mountayn and litil hil ſchal be maad louȝ; and ſchrewide þingis ſchulen be in to dreſſid þingis, and ſcharpe þingis in to playne weyes; and ech fleiſch, or man, ſchal ſe þe helþe of God. Þerfore he ſeide to þe cumpanyes, þe whiche wenten out, þat þei ſchulden be baptyſid of him, Kyndlis of eddris, who ſchewide to ȝou to flee fro wraþþe to comynge? Þerfore do ȝe worþi fruytis of penaunce, and bigynne ȝe not to ſeye, We han a fadir Abraham; ſoþli I ſeie to ȝou, God is myȝti to reiſe of þes ſtoones þe ſones of Abraham. Forſoþe now an ax is put to þe roote of þe tree; ſoþli ech tree not makynge good fruyt, ſchal be kitt doun, and ſchal be ſent in to þe fier. And þe cumpanyes axden him, ſeiynge, What þerfore ſchulen we do? Soþli he anſweringe ſeide to hem, He þat haþ twey cootis, ȝyue to him þat haþ non; and he þat haþ metis, do on lyk manere. Soþli and pupplicans camen for to be baptiſed; and þei ſeiden to him, Maiſtir, what ſchulen we don? And he ſeide to hem, Do ȝe no þing more, þan þat þat is ordeyned to ȝou. Forſoþe and knyȝtis axiden him, ſeiynge, What ſchulen alſo we do? And he ſeiþ to hem, Smyte ȝe wrongfulli no man, neþer make ȝe fals chalenge, and be ȝe apaid wiþ ȝoure ſoudis. Forſoþ al þe peple geſſinge, and alle men þenkinge in her hertis of John, leſt perauenture he were Criſt, John anſweride, ſeyinge to alle men, Soþli I baptiſe ȝou in watir; forſoþe a ſtrengere þan I ſchal come aftir me, of which I am not worþi for to vnbynde þe þwong of his ſchoon; he ſchal baptyſe ȝou in þe Hooly Goſt and fyer. Whos wynewyng tool in his hond, and he ſchal purge his corn floor, and ſchal gedere þe whete in to his berne; ſoþli þe chaffis he ſchal brenne in fier vnquenchable. Forſoþ and he moneſtinge manye oþere þingis, euangeliſide to þe peple. Soþli Eroude, þe forþe prince, whanne he was blamyd of John for Herodias, wyf of his broþer, and of alle euels þat Eroud dide, addide þis ouer alle, and cloſide John in priſoun. Forſoþ it was don, whanne al þe peple was baptiſid, and Jheſu criſtenyd, and preiynge, heuene was openyd. And þe Hooly Goſt cam doun in bodily lickneſſe, as a culuere in to him; and a voys was maad fro heuene, Þou ert my dereworþe ſone, in þee it haþ pleſid to me. And Jheſu him ſilf was bygynnynge as of þritti ȝeer, þat he was geſſid þe ſone of Joſeph, which was of Hely, which was of Maþaþ, which was of Leuy, wich was of Melchy, which was of Jamne, þat was of Joſeph, þat was of Mataty, þat was of Amos, þat was of Naum, þat was of Hely, þat was of Nagge, þat was of Maþaþ, þat was of Maþatye, þat was of Semy, þat was of Joſeph, þat was of Juda, þat was of Johanna, þat was of Reſa, þat was of Zorobabel, þat was of Salatiel, þat was of Nery, þat was of Melchy, þat was of Addy, þat was of Coſan, þat was of Elmadan, þat was of Her, þat was of Jeſu, þat was of Eleaſar, þat was of Jorym, þat was of Maþaþ, þat was of Leuy, þat was of Symeon, þat was of Juda, þat was of Joſeph, þat was of Jona, þat was of Elyachim, þat was of Melca, þat was of Menna, þat was of Maþaþa, þat was of Naþan, þat was of Dauiþ, þat was of Jeſſe, þat was of Obeþ, þat was of Booz, þat was of Salmon, þat was of Naſon, þat was of Amynadab, þat was of Aram, þat was of Eſrom, þat was of Phares, þat was of Judas, þat was of Jacob, þat was of Yſaac, þat was of Abraham, þat was of Tare, þat was of Nacor, þat was of Seruch, þat was of Ragau, þat was of Phaleþ, þat was of Heber, þat was of Sale, þat was of Caynan, þat was of Arfaxat, þat was of Sem, þat was of Noe, þat was of Lameþ, þat was of Matuſale, þat was of Enok, þat was of Jareþ, þat was of Malaliel, þat was of Caynan, þat was of Enos, þat was of Seþ, þat was of Adam, þat was of God.

Capitulum IIII.

Forſoþe Jheſu ful of þe Hooly Goſt turnede aȝen fro Jordan, and was led by þe ſpirit in to deſert fourty dayes, and was temptid of þe deuyl, and eet no þing in þo dayes; and þo dayes endid, he hungride. Forſoþe þe deuel ſeide to him, If þou ert Goddis ſone, ſeye to þis ſtoon, þat it be maad bred. And Jheſus anſweride to him, It is writun, For a man lyueþ not in breed aloone, but in euery word of God. And þe deuyl ladde hym in to an hiȝ hil, and ſchewide to him alle þe rewmes of þe roundneſſe of erþe in a moment of a tyme; and ſeiþ to him, I ſchal ȝyue to þee al þis power, and þe glorie of hem, for to me þei ben ȝouun, and to whom I wole I ȝyue hem; þerfore if þou fallinge doun ſchalt worſchipe bifore me, alle þingis ſchulen be þine. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeide to him, It is writen, Þou ſchalt worſchipe þe Lord þi God, and to hym aloone þou ſchalt ſerue. And he ledde him in to Jeruſalem, and ſettide on þe pynacle of þe temple, and ſeide to him, If þou art Goddis ſone, ſende þi ſelf fro hennis down; for it is writen, For he haþ comaundid to his aungels of þee, þat þei kepe þee in alle þi weyes, and for þei ſchulen in hondis take þee, leſt perauenture þou hirte þi foot at a ſtoon. And Jheſus anſweringe ſeiþ to him, It is ſeid, Þou ſchalt not tempte þe Lord þi God. And euery temptacioun endid, þe deuyl wente away fro him til to a tyme. And Jheſu turnyde aȝen in þe vertu of þe ſpirit in to Galilee, and þe fame wente forþ of him þurȝ al þe cuntre. And he tauȝte in þe ſynagogis of hem, and was magnyfied of alle men. And he cam to Nazareþ, where he was noriſchid, and he entride by cuſtom in þe day of ſaboþ in to þe ſynagoge, and roos for to rede. And þe book of Yſaie, þe prophete, was takun to him; and as he turnyde þe book, he fond a place where it is writun, Þe Spirit of þe Lord on me, for which þing he anoyntide me; he ſente me for to euaungeliſe to pore men, for to heele contrite men in herte, and for to preche remyſcioun to caytifs, and ſiȝt to blynde men; and for to delyuere brokun men in to remiſcioun; for to preche þe ȝeer of þe Lord pleſaunt, and þe day of ȝeldynge. And whanne he hadde cloſid þe book, he ȝaf aȝein to þe mynyſtre, and ſat; and þe yȝen of alle men in þe ſynagoge weren biholdinge in to him. Soþli he bigan for to ſeie to hem, For in þis day þis ſcripture is fulfillid in ȝoure eeris. And alle men ȝauen witneſſinge to him, and wondriden in þe wordis of grace, þat camen forþ of his mouþ. And þei ſeiden, Wher þis is not þe ſone of Joſeph? And he ſeide to hem, Soþli ȝe ſchulen ſeie to me þis likneſſe, Leeche, heele þi ſilf. Þei ſayden, Hou grete þingis han we herd don in Capharnaum, make þou and here in þi cuntre. Soþli he ſeiþ, Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, for no man prophete is receyued in his owne cuntre. In treuþe I ſeie to ȝou, for manye widewis weren in þe dayes of Elye, þe prophete, in Iſrael, whanne heuene was cloſid þre ȝeer and ſixe moneþis, whanne greet hungir was maad in euery lond; and to non of hem was Elye ſent, no but to Sarepta of Sydon, to a womman widowe. And manye meſelis weren in Iſrael, vndir Elyſe, þe prophete, and non of hem was clenſid, no but Naman of Sirie. And alle in þe ſynagoge heeringe þes þingis, weren fulfillid wiþ wraþþe. And þei riſen vp, and caſtiden out him wiþ oute þe citee, and ledde him to þe cop of þe hil on which þe cite of hem is foundid, þat þei ſchulden caſte him doun. Soþly Jheſus paſſynge wente þorw þe myddil of hem; and he cam doun in to Cafarnaum, a citee of Galilee, and þere he tauȝte hem in þe ſaboþis. And þei weren aſtonyed in his teching, for his word was in power. And in þe ſynagoge was a man hauynge an vnclene fend, and he criede wiþ greet vois, ſeyinge, Suffre, what to vs and to þee, Jheſus of Nazareþ? haſt þou comen for to leeſe vs? I knowe þee, þat þou art þe hooly of God. And Jheſu blamyde him, ſeyinge, Waxe doumbe, and go out fro him. And whanne þe fend hadde caſt him forþ in to þe myddel, he wente a wey fro him, and ȝit noyede hym no þing. And drede is maad in alle men, and þei ſpaken to gidere, ſeyinge, What is þis word, for in power and vertu he comaundiþ to vnclene ſpiritis, and þei gon out? And þe fame was puppliſchid of hym in to ech place of þe cuntre. Forſoþe Jheſu riſynge of þe ſynagoge, entride in to þe hous of Symount; ſoþli þe modir of Symondis wyf was holden wiþ grete feueris, and þei preieden him for hir. And Jheſu ſtondinge on hir, comaundide to þe feuir, and it lefte hir; and anon ſche riſynge mynyſtride to hem. Forſoþ whanne þe ſunne wente doun, alle þat hadden ſike men wiþ dyuerſe langwiſchingis, ledden hem to hym; and he, puttinge hondis to ech by him ſilf, heelide hem. Soþli fendis wenten out fro manye, criynge, and ſeyinge, For þou ert þe ſone of God. And he blamynge ſuffride not hem for to ſpeke, for þei wiſten him to be Criſt. Soþli, þe day maad, he gon out, wente in to deſert place; and þe cumpenyes of peple ſouȝten him, and þei camen til to him, and þei helden him, þat he ſchulde not go awey fro hem. To whiche he ſeyde, For and to oþere citees it bihoueþ me for to euaungeliſe þe kyngdom of God, for þerfore I am ſente. And he was prechinge in þe ſynagogis of Galilee.

Capitulum V.

Soþeli it was don, whanne cumpanyes of peple felden in to Jheſu, or camen faſte, þat þei ſchulden heere þe word of God, and he ſtood biſydis þe ſtondinge watir of Genaſereþ, and ſyȝ twey bootis ſtondinge biſydis þe ſtonding watir; ſoþli þe fiſcheris hadden gon doun, and waiſchide nettis. Soþli he ſtiȝynge in to a boot, þat was Symoundis, preiede him to lede aȝen a litil fro þe lond; and he ſittinge tauȝte þe cumpanyes fro þe boot. Soþli as he ceeſſide to ſpeke, he ſeide to Symound, Lede þou in to hiȝ, and ſlake ȝe ȝoure nettis in to þe takinge. And Symount anſweringe ſeide to him, Comaundour, we trauelinge by al þe nyȝt token no þing, but in þi word I ſchal leye out þe nett. And whanne þei hadden don þis þing, þei cloſiden to gidere a plenteuous multitude of fyſches; forſoþ her nett was broken. And þei bekenyden to felowis, þat weren in an oþir boot, þat þei ſchulden come, and helpe hem. And þei camen, and filliden boþe litle bootis, ſo þat þei weren al mooſt drenchid. Which þing whanne Symound Petre ſyȝ, he felde doun to þe knees of Jheſu, ſeyinge, Lord, go fro me, for I am a man ſynnere. Soþli greet wondir hadde bigon aboute him, and alle þat weren wiþ him, in þe takinge of fiſches whiche þei tooken. Soþli in lyk manere James and John, þe ſones of Zebede, whiche weren felowis of Symount Petre. And Jheſu ſeiþ to Symound, Nyle þou drede; now fro þis tyme þou ſchalt be takynge men. And þe bootis led vp to þe lond, alle þingis left, þei ſueden him. And it was don, whanne he was in oon of þe citees, and lo! a man ful of leper; and ſeynge Jheſu, and fallinge doun in to his face, preiede him, ſeyinge, Lord, if þou wolt, þou maiſt make me clene. And Jheſu holdinge forþ þe hond, touchide him, ſeyinge, I wole, be þou maad clene. And anon þe lepre paſſide awey fro hym. And Jheſu comaundide to him, þat he ſchulde ſeie to no man; But go þou, ſchewe þou þee to a preſt, and offre þou for þi clenſinge, as Moyſes bad, in to witneſſinge to hem. Soþli þe word walkide aboute þe more of him; and manye cumpanyes camen to gidre, þat þei ſchulden heere, and be heelid of her ſykneſſis. Forſoþe he wente in to deſert, and preiede. And it was don in oon of dayes, and he ſittinge tauȝte; and þere were Phariſees ſittinge, and doctours of þe lawe, þat camen of ech caſtel of Galilee, and of Judee, and of Jeruſalem; and þe vertu of þe Lord was for to heele ſyke men. And loo! men beringe in a bed a man þat was ſyk in palaſye, and þei ſouȝten for to bere in hym, and to putte bifore him. And þei not fyndinge in what part þei ſchulde bere him yn, for þe cumpenye of peple, ſtiȝeden vp on þe rof, and by þe ſclattis þei ſenten him doun wiþ þe bed in to þe myddil, byfore Jheſu. Þe feiþ of whiche as Jheſu ſyȝ, he ſeide, Man, þi ſynnes ben forȝouun to þee. And ſcribis and Phariſees bigunnen for to þenke, ſeyinge, Who is þis, þat ſpekiþ blaſphemyes? who may forȝyue ſynnes, no but God aloone? Forſoþ as Jheſu knew þe þouȝtis of hem, he anſweringe ſeide to hem, What þenken ȝe yuele þingis in ȝoure hertis? What is liȝtere to ſeye, Synnes ben forȝouun to þee, eþir to ſeie, Ryſe vp, and walke? Soþli þat ȝe wite, for mannis ſone haþ power in erþe to forȝyue ſynnes, he ſeiþ to þe ſyke man in palaſy, To þee I ſeie, ryſe vp, take þi bed, and go in to þin hous. And anon he riſinge vp bifore hem, took þe bed in which he lay, and wente in to his hous, magnyfyinge God. And greet wondir took alle men, and þei magnyfieden God; and þei weren fulfillid wiþ greet drede, ſeyinge, For we han ſeyn merueilouſe þingis to day. And aftir þes þingis Jheſu wente out, and ſyȝ a pupplican, Leeuy by name, ſittinge at þe tolboþe. And he ſeiþ to him, Sue þou me; and alle þingis forſaken, he riſynge ſuede him. And Leuy made to him a greet feeſte in his hous; and þere was a greet cumpanye of pupplicans, and of oþere þat weren wiþ hem, ſittinge at þe mete. And Fariſees and þe ſcribis of hem grucchiden, ſeyinge to his diſciplis, Whi eten ȝe and drynken wiþ pupplicans and ſynful men? And Jheſu anſweringe ſeiþ to hem, Þei þat ben hoole han no nede to a leche, but þei þat han yuele; ſoþli I cam not to clepe iuſt men, but ſynful men to penaunce. And þei ſeiden to him, Whi diſciplis of John faſten oft, and maken biſechingis, alſo and of Phariſees, but þi diſciplis eten and drynken. To whiche he ſeiþ, Wher ȝe mown make þe ſones of þe ſpouſe for to faſte, þe while þe ſpouſe is wiþ hem? Soþli dayes ſchulen come, whanne þe ſpouſe ſchal be taken awey fro hem, þanne þei ſchulen faſte in þo dayes. Forſoþ he ſeide to hem alſo a likneſſe; For no man ſendiþ a medling of newe cloþ in to an old cloþ; ellis and he brekiþ þe newe, and þe medling of þe newe acordiþ not to þe oolde. And no man ſendiþ newe wyn in to olde wyn veſſelis; ellis þe newe wyn ſchal breke þe wyn veſſelis, and þe wyn ſchal be ſched out, and þe wyn veſſelis ſchulen periſche. But newe wyn is to be ſent in to newe wyn veſſelis, and boþe ben kept. And no man drynkinge old, wole anon newe; ſoþli he ſeiþ, Þe olde is þe betere.

Capitulum VI.

Forſoþe it is don in þe ſecunde firſte ſaboþ, whanne he paſſide by cornes, his diſciplis pluckeden eeris; and þei frotinge wiþ her hondis, eeten. Soþli ſumme of þe Phariſees ſeiden to hem, What don ȝe þis, þat is not leefful in ſabotis? And Jheſu anſweringe ſeide to hem, Neiþir ȝe han rad þis, þat Dauiþ dide, whanne he hungride, and þei þat weren wiþ him; hou he entride in to þe hous of God, and took looues of propoſicioun, and eet, and ȝaf to hem þat weren wiþ him; whiche looues it was not leefful to ete, no but to preeſtis aloone. And he ſeide to hem, For mannis ſone is lord, ȝe, of þe ſaboþ. Soþli it was don and in an oþer ſaboþ, þat he entride in to a ſynagoge, and tauȝte. And a man was þere, and his riȝþond was drye. Forſoþe ſcribis and Phariſees aſpieden him, if he ſchulde heele him in þe ſaboþ, þat þei ſchulden fynde cauſe, wherof þei ſchulden accuſe him. Soþli he wiſte þe þouȝtis of hem, and he ſeiþ to þe man þat hadde a drye hond, Riſe vp, and ſtond in to þe myddel. And he riſinge ſtood. Soþli Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, I axe ȝou, if it is leefful to do wel in þe ſabot, eþer yuele? for to make a ſoule ſaf, eþer for to leeſe? And, alle men lookide aboute, he ſeide to þe man, Hold forþ þin hond. And he held forþ, and his hond was reſtorid to helþe. Soþli þei weren fulfilld wiþ vnwyſdom, and ſpaken to gidere, what þei ſchulden do of Jheſu. Forſoþe it is don in þo dayes, he wente out in to an hil for to preye; and he was al nyȝt dwellinge in þe preier of God. And whanne þe day was maad, he clepide his diſciplis, and chees twelue of hem, whiche he clepide alſo apoſtlis; Symound, whom he clepide Petre, and Andrew, his broþer, James and Jon, Philip and Bartolmew, Maþeu and Thomas, James Alphei, and Symound, þat is clepid Zelotis, Judas of James, and Judas Scariot, þat was traitour. And Jheſu comynge doun fro þe hil wiþ hem, ſtood in a feeld place; and þe cumpenye of his diſciplis, and a plenteuous multitude of pore peple, of al Judee, and of Jeruſalem, and of þe ſe cooſtis, and of Tire, and of Sydon, whiche camen, þat þei ſchulde heere hym, and þat þei ſchulden be heelid of her langwiſchingis; and þei þat weren trauelid wiþ vnclene ſpiritis, weren heelid. And ech cumpeny of þe peple ſouȝten for to touche him, for vertu wente out of him, and heelide alle. And, his yȝen reyſid vp in to his diſciplis, he ſeide, Bleſſid be ȝe, pore men, for þe kyngdom of God is ȝoure. Bleſſid be ȝe, þat hungren now, for ȝe ſchulen be fillid. Bleſſid be ȝe, þat wepen now, for ȝe ſchulen leyȝe. Ȝe ſchulen be bleſſid, whanne men ſchulen hate ȝou, and ſchulen departe ȝou awey, and ſchulen putte ſchenſchip on ȝou, and ſchulen caſte out ȝoure name as yuel, for mannis ſone. Joye ȝe in herte in þat day, and glade ȝe wiþ oute forþ; loo! ſoþli ȝoure mede is moche in heuene; forſoþe vp þes þingis þe fadris of hem diden to prophetis. Neþeles woo to ȝou, riche men, þat han ȝoure comfort. Woo to ȝou þat ben fulfillid, for ȝe ſchulen hungre. Woo to ȝou þat lauȝhen now, for ȝe ſchal morne, and wepe. Woo, whanne alle men ſchulen bleſſe ȝou; aftir þes þingis þe fadris of hem diden to prophetis. But I ſeie to ȝou þat heeren, loue ȝe ȝoure enemyes, do ȝe wel to hem þat haten ȝou; bleſſe ȝe to men curſinge ȝou, preie ȝe for men falſly chalengynge ȝou. And to him þat ſchal ſmyte þee on o cheke, ȝyue alſo þe toþer; and fro him þat takiþ awey fro þee a cloþ, ȝhe, nyle þou forbede þe coote. Soþly ȝyue to ech axinge þee, and who takiþ away þo þingis þat ben þyne, axe þou not aȝeyn. And as ȝe wolen þat men do to ȝou, and do ȝe to hem in lyk manere. And if ȝe louen hem þat louen ȝou, what grace, eþir þank, is to ȝou? for whi and ſynful men louen men louynge hem. And if ȝe don wel to hem þat don wel to ȝou, what grace is to ȝow? ſoþly and ſynful men don þis þing. And if ȝe ȝyuen borwynge to hem, of whiche ȝe hopen to take aȝen, what grace is to ȝou? for whi and ſynful men leenen to ſynful men, þat þei taken aȝeyn euene þingis. Neþeles loue ȝe ȝoure enemyes, and do ȝe wel, and ȝyue ȝe borwyng, hopinge no þing þerof, and ȝoure mede ſchal be moche, and ȝe ſchulen be þe ſones of þe Hiȝeſte, for he is benyngne on vnkynde men and yuele men. Þerfore be ȝe mercyful, as and ȝoure fadir is mercyful. Nyle ȝe deme, and ȝe ſchulen not be demyd. Nyle ȝe condempne, and ȝe ſchulen not be condempned; forȝyue ȝe, and it ſchal be forȝouun to ȝou. Ȝyue ȝe, and it ſchal be ȝouun to ȝou. Þei ſchulen ȝyue in to ȝoure boſum a good meſure, and wel fillid, and ſhakun to gidere, and ouerflowynge; forſoþe by þe ſame meſure, by which ȝe ſchulen mete, it ſchal be meten to ȝou. Soþli he ſeide to hem and a likneſſe, Wheþir a blynd man may leede þe blynde? wheþir þei falle not boþe in to þe dyche? A diſciple is not aboue þe maiſtir; ſoþli ech ſchal be perfyt, if he is as his maiſtir. Soþli what ſeeſt þou in þi broþeris yȝe a feſtu, oþir a mot, but þou biholdiſt not a beem, which is in þi owne yȝe? Oþir hou maiſt þou ſeye to þi broþer, Broþer, ſuffre, I ſchal caſte out a feſtu of þin yȝe? þou biholdiſt not a beem in þin owne yȝe? Ypocrite, firſt tak out þe beem of þyn yȝe, and þanne þou ſchalt biholde, þat þou lede out a feſtu of þi broþeris yȝe. Forſoþe it is not a good tree, þat makiþ yuele frutis, noþer an yuele tree, þat makiþ goode fruytis; ſoþli euery tree is knowun of his fruyt. Soþli neiþer men gederyn fygis of þornes, neiþer men gederyn a grape of a boyſch of breris. A good man of þe goode treſour of his herte bryngeþ forþ good þing, and an yuel man of yuel treſour, bryngiþ forþ yuel þing; ſoþli of þe plente of þe herte þe mouþ ſpekiþ. Forſoþe what clepen ȝe me, Lord, Lord, and don not þo þingis þat I ſeye. Ech þat comeþ to me, and heeriþ my wordis, and doþ hem, I ſchal ſchewe to ȝou, to whom he is lyk. He is lyk to a man bildinge an hous, þat diggide deepe, and puttide þe foundement on a ſtoon. Soþli greet flowing maad, flood was hurtlid to þat hous, and it myȝte not moue it, for it was foundid on a ſad ſtoon. Soþli he þat heeriþ, and doþ not, is lyk to a man bildinge his hous on erþe wiþ oute foundement; in to which þe flood was hurlid, and a non it felde doun; and þe fallinge doun of þat hous is maad greet.

Capitulum VII.

Forſoþe whanne he hadde fulfillid alle his wordis in to þe eeris of þe peple, he entride in to Capharnaum. Soþli a ſeruaunt of ſum man centurio, þat hadde an hundrid men vndir him, hauynge yuel, was to deyinge, which was precious to him. And whanne he hadde herd of Jheſu, he ſente to him þe eldere men of Jewis, preiynge him, þat he come, and heele his ſeruaunt. And, whanne þei camen to Jheſu, þei preieden biſyli, ſeyinge to him, For he is worþi, þat þou ȝyue to him þis þing; for he loueþ oure folk, and he bildide to vs a ſynagoge. Soþly Jheſu wente wiþ hem. And whanne now he was not fer fro þe hous, centurio ſente to him frendis, ſeyinge, Lord, nyle þou be trauelid, for I am not worþi, þat þou entre vndir my roof; for which þing and I demyde not my ſilf worþi, þat I ſchulde come to þee; but ſeye þou by word, and my child ſchal be heelid. For whi and I am a man ordeyned vndir power, hauynge knyȝtis vndir me; and I ſeie to þis, Go þou, and he goþ, and to anoþir, Come þou, and he comeþ, and to my ſeruaunt, Do þou þis þing, and he doþ. Þe which þing herd, Jheſu wondride; and he turnyd, ſeide to þe cumpanyes ſuynge him, Treuli I ſeye to ȝou, neþir in Iſrael I fond ſo moche feiþ. And þei þat weren ſent, turnyd aȝen hom, founden þe ſeruaunt hool, which was ſyk. And it was don aftirward Jheſu wente in to a cite, þat is clepid Naym, and his diſciplis; and ful greet cumpanye of peple wente wiþ him. Soþly whanne he cam nyȝ to þe ȝate of þe citee, loo! an oonlypi ſone of his modir was born out deed; and þis was a widowe; and moche cumpany of þe citee was wiþ hir. Whom whanne þe Lord Jheſu hadde ſeyn, he meuyd by mercy on hir, ſeide to hir, Nyle þou wepe. And he neiȝede, and touchide þe bere; and þei þat baren ſtooden. And he ſeiþ, Ȝong man, I ſeie to þee, ryſe vp. And he þat was deed ſat vp, and bigan to ſpeke; and he ȝaf him to his modir. Soþli drede took alle men, and þei magnyfieden God, ſeyinge, For a greet prophete haþ riſun among vs, and, For God haþ viſitid his peple. And þis word wente out of him in to al Judee, and in to al þe cuntre aboute. And diſciplis of John tolden him of alle þes þingis. And John clepide to gidere tweyne of his diſciplis, and ſente to Jheſu, ſeyinge, Art þou þat art to comynge, oþer we abiden anoþer? Soþli whanne þe men hadden come to him, þei ſeiden, John Baptiſt ſente vs to þee, ſeyinge, Art þou þat art to comynge, oþer we abiden anoþer? Forſoþe in þat our he heelide many men of her ſykeneſſis, and woundis, and yuele ſpiritis; and he ȝaf ſiȝt to manye blynde men. And Jheſu anſweringe ſeide to hem, Ȝe goynge telle aȝen to John þo þingis þat ȝe han herd and ſeyn; for blynde men ſeen, crokide men gon, meſelis ben maad clene, deef men heeren, deede men ryſen aȝen, pore men ben takun to prechinge of þe goſpel, eþer ben maad keperis of þe goſpel. And he þat ſchal not be ſclaundrid in me, is bleſſid. And whanne þe meſſangers of John hadden gon away, he bigan to ſeye of John to þe cumpanyes, What wenten ȝe out in to deſert for to ſe? a reed wawid wiþ þe wynd? But what wente ȝe out for to ſe? a man cloþid wiþ ſofte cloþis? Lo! þei þat ben in a precious cloþ and in delices, ben in houſis of kyngis. But what þing wente ȝe out for to ſe? a prophete? Soþli I ſeie to ȝou, and more þan a prophete. Þis it is, of whom it is writen, Lo! I ſende myn aungel byfore þi face, þe which ſchal make þi weye redy bifore þee. Soþly I ſeye to ȝou, among þe childeren of wymmen, no man is more þan John Baptiſt, prophete; ſoþli he þat is leſſe in þe kyngdom of heuenes, is more þan he. And al þe peple heeringe, and pupplicans, baptiſid wiþ baptym of John, iuſtifieden God; forſoþ Phariſees and wyſe men of þe lawe, not baptiſid of him, diſpiſeden þe conſeil of God in hem ſilf. Soþli þe Lord ſeyde, Þerfore to whom ſchal I ſeye men of þis generacioun lyk, and to whom ben þei lyk? Þei ben lyk to children ſittinge in chepinge, and ſpekynge to gidere, and ſeyinge, We han ſongun to ȝou wiþ pipis, and ȝe han not daunſid; we han maad lamentacioun, and ȝe han not wept. Forſoþ John Baptiſt cam, neþir etinge breed, neþer drynkynge wyn, and ȝe ſeyn, He haþ a fend. Mannis ſone cam etinge and drynkinge, and ȝe ſeyn, Lo! a man deuourere, eþer glotoun, and drynkinge wyn, frend of pupplicans and of ſynful men. And wyſdom is juſtified of alle her ſones. Forſoþ ſum Phariſe preiede Jheſu, þat he ſchulde ete wiþ him. And he entringe in to þe hous of þe Phariſe, ſat at þe mete. And lo! a womman ſynnereſſe,h þat was in þe citee, as ſche knew, þat Jheſu hadde ſete at þe mete in þe hous of þe Phariſee, brouȝte an alabaſtre box of oynement; and ſche ſtondinge byhynde biſydis his feet, bigan to moiſte his feet wiþ teeris, and wypide wiþ heeris of hir heed, and kiſte his feet, and anoyntide wiþ oynement. Soþli þe Phariſe ſeynge, þat clepide him, ſeiþ wiþ ynne him ſilf, ſeiynge, If þis were a prophete, ſoþli he ſchulde wite, who and what maner womman it were þat touchiþ him, for ſhe is a ſynnereſſe. And Jheſu anſweringe ſeide to him, Symound, I haue ſum þing for to ſeye to þee. And he ſeiþ, Maiſtir, ſeie þou. And he anſweride, Tweye dettours were to ſum leenere, eþir vſurer; oon ouȝte fyue hundrid pens, and an oþer fyfty. Soþli hem not hauynge wherof þei ſchulden ȝelde, he ȝaf frely to euer eyþir. Who þerfore loueþ him more? Symound anſweringe ſeide, I geſſe, for he to whom he frely ȝaf more. And he anſweride to him, Þou haſt demyd riȝtly. And he, turnyd to þe womman, ſeide to Symound, Seeſt þou þis womman? I entride in to þi hous, þou haſt not ȝouun watir to my feet; forſoþ þis womman haþ moiſtid my feet wiþ teeris, and haþ wypt wiþ hir heeris. Þou haſt not ȝouun to me a coſſe; forſoþ þis womman, ſiþen ſche entride, ceeſſide not to kiſſe my feet. Þou haſt not anoyntid myn heed wiþ oyle; forſoþe þis oyntide my feet wiþ oynement. For which þing I ſeie to þee, manye ſynnes ben forȝouun to hire, for ſche haþ loued myche; ſoþli he to whom is leſſe forȝouun, loueþ leſſe. Soþli Jheſu ſeide to hir, Synnes ben forȝouun to þee. And þei þat ſaten to gidere at þe mete, bigunne to ſeie wiþ ynne hem ſilf, Who is þis þat alſo forȝyueþ ſynnes? Forſoþe he ſeide to þe womman, Þi feiþ haþ maad þee ſaf; go þou in pees.

Capitulum VIII.

And it was don aftirward, and Jheſu made iorney by citees and caſtelis, prechinge and euangelyſinge þe rewme of God, and twelue wiþ him; and ſumme wymmen þat weren heelid of wickide ſpiritis and ſykneſſis, Marie, þat is clepid Mawdeleyn, of whom ſeuene deuelis wenten out, and Jone, þe wyf of Chuſe, procuratour of Eroude, and Suſanne, and manye oþere, whiche mynyſtriden to him of her riches. Forſoþ whanne ful moche cumpanye cam to gidere, and fro citees haſtiden to him, he ſeide by a likneſſe, He þat ſowiþ, ȝede out for to ſowe his ſeed. And þe while he ſowiþ, ſum felde by ſydis þe weye, and was defoulid, and briddis of þe eyr eeten it. And anoþer felde doun on a ſtoon, and it ſprungen vp dryede, for it hadde not moiſture. And anoþir felde doun among þornes, and þe þornes ſprungen vp to gidere ſtrangliden it. And anoþer felde doun in to good erþe, and it ſprungun vp made an hundrid foold fruit. He ſeyinge þes þingis criede, He þat haþ eeris of heeringe, heere he. Soþli his diſciplis axiden him, what þis parable was. To whiche he ſeyde, To ȝou it is ȝouun to knowe þe myſterie of þe kyngdom of God; forſoþe to oþere men in parablis, þat þei ſeynge ſe not, and þei heeringe vndirſtonde not. Soþli þis is þe parable. Þe ſeed is Goddis word; ſoþli þei þat ben biſydis þe weye, ben þes þat heeren; aftirward þe fend comeþ, and takiþ awey þe word fro her herte, leſt þei bileuynge be maad ſaaf. Forwhi þei þat felden doun on a ſtoon, ben þeſe men whiche whenne þei han herd, receyuen þe word wiþ ioye. And þes han not roote; for at a tyme þei bileuen, and in tyme of temptacioun þei gon awey. Forſoþe þes þat felden doun in þornes, ben þes þat herden, and of byſineſſis, and richeſſis, and luſtis of lyf þei goynge ben ſtranglid, and bryngen not aȝein fruyt. Forſoþ þis þat felde doun in to good erþe, ben þes men whiche, in good herte and beſt, heeringe þe word holdun, and bryngen forþ fruyt in pacience. Forſoþ no man liȝtinge a lanterne hiliþ it wiþ a veſſel, eþir puttiþ vndir a bed, but on a candilſticke, þat men entringe ſe liȝt. Forſoþ no þing is priuey, which ſchal not be openyd, neiþer hid, which ſchal not be knowun, and come into apert. Þerfore ſe ȝe, hou ȝe heeren; forſoþe it ſchal be ȝouun to him þat haþ, and who euere haþ not, alſo þis he geſſiþ him ſilf to haue, ſchal be takun awey fro him. Forſoþ his modir and briþeren camen to him; and þei myȝten not go fully to him for þe cumpany of peple. And it is told to him, Þi modir and þi briþeren ſtonden wiþ oute forþ, willinge to ſe þee. Which anſweringe ſeide to hem, My moder and my briþeren ben þes, whiche heeren þe word of God, and don. Forſoþ it was don in oon of dayes, and he ſtiȝede in to a boot and his diſciplis. And he ſeiþ to hem, Paſſe we ouer þe ſtondinge watir. And þei ſtiȝeden vp. Soþli, hem rowynge, he ſlepte. And a tempeſt of wynd cam doun in to þe watir, and þei weren driuen hidur and þidur wiþ wawis, and weren in perel. Forſoþe þei comynge nyȝ reyſiden him, ſeyinge, Comaundour, we periſchen. And he riſynge blamyde þe wynd, and þe tempeſt of watir; and it ceeſſide, and peſyblete was maad. Forſoþ he ſeyde to hem, Where is ȝoure feiþ? Whiche dredinge wondriden, ſeyinge to gidere, Who, geſſiſt þou, is þis? for he comaundiþ to wyndis and to þe ſee, and þei obeyen to him. And þei rowiden to þe cuntree of Geraſenus, which is aȝens Galilee. And whanne he wente out to þe lond, ſum man ran to him, which hadde a deuyl now longe tymes, and was not cloþid wiþ cloþ, neiþer dwellide in hous, but in ſepulcris. Þis as he ſyȝ Jheſu, felde doun bifore him, and criynge wiþ greet voys ſeide, What to me and to þee, Jheſu, þe ſone of God þe hiȝeſte? I beſeche þee, þat þou turmente not me. Soþli he comaundide to þe vnclene ſpirit, þat he ſchulde go out fro þe man. Forſoþe he took him longe tymes, and he kept in ſtockis was bounden wiþ chaynes, and, þe boondis broken, he was led of fendis in deſert. Soþli Jheſu axide him, ſeyinge, What name is to þee? And he ſeyde, A legioun; for manye fendis hadde entrid in to him. And þei preiden him, þat he ſchulde not comaunde hem, þat þei ſchulden go in to þe depneſſe. Forſoþe a flok of manye hoggis was þere leſewynge in an hil, and þei preieden him, þat he ſchulde ſuffre hem to entre in to hem. And he ſuffride hem. Þerfore fendis wenten out fro þe man, and entride in to hoggis; and wiþ bire þe floc wente hedlinge in to þe lake of watir, and was ſtranglid. Which þing, as þei þat leſewiden ſyȝen don, þei fledden, and tolden in to þe citee, and in townes. Soþli þei ȝeden out to ſe þat þing þat was don. And þei founden þe man ſittinge cloþid, fro whom þe fendis wenten out, and in hool mynde at his feet; and þei dredden. Soþli and þei þat ſyȝen tolden to hem, how he was maad hool of þe legioun. And al þe multitude of þe cuntree of Geraſenus preieden him, þat he ſchulde go fro hem, for þei weren holde wiþ greet drede. Soþli he ſtiȝynge in to a boot turned aȝein. And þe man of whom þe fendis wente out, preied him, þat he ſchulde be wiþ him. Soþli Jheſu lefte him, ſeyinge, Go aȝeyn in to þin hous, and telle hou grete þingis God haþ don to þee. And he wente þorw al þe citee, prechinge, hou grete þingis Jheſu hadde don to him. Forſoþe it was don, whanne Jheſu hadde gon aȝeyn, þe cumpanye of peple receyuede him; forſoþe alle weren abidinge him. And loo! a man, to whom þe name was Jayrus, and he was a prince of a ſynagoge; and he fel doun to þe feet of Jheſu, preiynge him, þat he ſchulde entre in to his hous, for olypi douȝtir was to him almooſt of twelue ȝeer, and þis deiede. And it bifel, þe while he wente, he was þrongun of þe cumpeny. And ſum womman was in flix of blood fro twelue ȝeer, which hadde ſpendid al hir catel in to lechis, neþer myȝte be curid of ony, cam nyȝ bihynde, and touchide þe hem of his clooþ, and a non þe flix of hir blood ſtood. And Jheſu ſeiþ, Who is it þat touchide me? Soþli alle men denyinge, Petre ſeide, and þei þat weren wiþ him, Comaundour, cumpanyes þringen, and turmentyn þee, and þou ſeiſt, Who touchide me? And Jheſus ſeide, Sum man touchide me, forwhi and I haue knowe vertu to haue gon out of me. Soþly þe womman ſeynge, for it was not priuey, ſche tremblinge cam, and felde doun bifore his feet, and for what cauſe ſche hadde touchid him ſche ſchewide byfore al þe peple, and hou a non ſche was heelid. And he ſeide to hir, Douȝtir, þi feiþ haþ maad þee ſaaf; go þou in pees. Ȝit him ſpekinge, ſum man cam to þe prince of þe ſynagoge, ſeyinge to him, For þi douȝtir is deed, nyle þou trauaile þe mayſtir. Soþli þis word herd, Jheſu anſweride to þe fadir of þe damyſele, Nyle þou drede, but oonly bileue þou, and ſche ſhal be ſaaf. And whanne he had come to þe hous, he ſuffride not ony man for to entre wiþ him, no but Petre and John and James, and þe fadir and þe modir of þe damyſele. Soþli alle wepten, and biwayleden hir. And he ſeide, Nyle ȝe wepe, ſoþli þe damyſele is not deed, but ſlepiþ. And þei ſcorniden him, witinge for ſche was deed. Forſoþe he holdinge hir hond criede, ſeyinge, Damyſel, ryſe vp. And hir ſpirit turnyde aȝeyn, and ſche roos anon. And he comaundide to ȝiue to hir for to ete. And hir fadir and modir wondriden gretly; to whiche he comaundide, þat þei ſchulden not ſeye to ony man þe þing þat was don.

Capitulum IX.

Forſoþe twelue apoſtlis clepid to gidere, Jheſu ȝaf to hem vertu and power on alle deuelis, and þat þei ſchulde heele ſykeneſſis. And he ſente hem for to preche þe kyngdom of God, and for to heele ſyke men. fAnd he ſeiþ to hem, Take ȝe no þing in þe weye, neþir ȝerd, neþir ſcrippe, neþir breed, neþir money, and neþir haue ȝe twey cootis. And in to what euere hous ȝe ſchulen entre, dwelle ȝe þere, and go ȝe not out þennis. And who euere ſchulen not receyue ȝow, ȝe goynge out of þat citee ſchake of alſo þe poudir of ȝoure feete in to witneſſinge on hem. Soþli þei gon out, cumpaſſiden bi caſtels, euangeliſinge and heelinge euerewhere. Forſoþ Eroude, þe fourþe prince, herde alle þe þingis þat weren don of him, and he doutide, for þat it was ſeid of ſum men, for Joon roos aȝen fro deede men; forſoþ of ſum men, for Elye apperide; ſoþli of oþere men, for oon of þe olde prophetis roos. And Eroude ſeiþ, I haue bihedid Joon; ſoþli who is þis, of whom I heere þes þingis? And he ſouȝte for to ſe him. And apoſtlis turnynge aȝeyn toolden to him, what euere þingis þei diden. And hem takun to, he wente on anoþere half in to deſert place, which is Beþſayda. Which þing whanne þe cumpanyes hadden knowen, þei folowiden him. And he receyuyde hem, and ſpak to hem of þe kingdom of God; and heelide hem þat hadden nede of cure. Soþli þe day bigan for to bowe doun, and þe twelue comynge nyȝ ſeiden to him, Leeue þe cumpanyes, þat þei goynge turne in to caſtels and townes, þat ben aboute, þat þei fynde metis, for we ben here in a deſert place. Forſoþe he ſeiþ to hem, Ȝyue ȝe to hem to ete. And þei ſeiden, Þer ben not to vs more þan fyue loouys and tweye fiſchis, no but perauenture and we go, and byen metis in to al þe cumpany. Soþli þe men weren almooſt fyue þouſynde. Forſoþe he ſeiþ to his diſciplis, Make hem to ſitte to mete by feeſtis, fyftyes. And þei diden ſo, and þei maden alle men ſitte to þe mete. Forſoþe fyue looues and tweye fyſches takun, he byheld in to heuene, and bleſſide hem, and brak, and delide to his diſciplis, þat þei ſchulden putte bifore þe cumpanyes. And alle men eeten, and weren fillid; and þis þat lefte to hem of broken metis was taken, twelue coffyns. And it was don, whanne he was aloone preiynge, and his diſciplis weren wiþ him, and he axide hem, ſeiynge, Whom ſeyn þe cumpanyes me to be? And þei anſweriden, and ſeiden, John Baptiſt, forſoþe oþere ſeyen Elye, but oþere ſeyen, for o prophete of þe formere haþ riſun. Soþli he ſeide to hem, But whom ſeye ȝe me to be? Symound Petre anſweringe ſeide, Þe Criſt of God. And he blamynge hem comaundide hem þat þei ſchulden ſeie to no man, and ſeiþ þes þingis, For it bihoueþ mannis ſone to ſuffre manye þingis, and to be repreued of þe eldere men, and of princes of preſtis, and of ſcribis, and for to be ſlayn, and in þe þridde day to ryſe aȝen. Forſoþe he ſeide to alle men, If ony man wole come aftir me, denye he him ſilf, and take he his croſſ euery day, and ſue he me. Soþli he þat ſchal wilne to make his lyf ſaaf, ſchal leeſe it; forwhi he þat ſchal leeſe his lyf for me, ſchal make it ſaaf. Forſoþe what profitiþ it to a man, if he wynne al þe world, ſoþli leeſe him ſilf, and do peyringe of him ſilf? Forwhi who þat ſchal ſchame me and my wordis, and mannis ſone ſchal ſchame him, whanne he ſchal come in his mageſte, and of þe fadir, and of þe hooly aungels. Forſoþ I ſeye to ȝou, verily þer ben ſumme ſtondinge here, whiche ſchulen not taſte deeþ, til þei ſeen þe rewme of God. Soþli it was don aftir þes wordis almooſt eiȝte dayes, and he took Petre and James and John, and he ſtiȝede in to an hil, þat he ſchulde preie. And þe while he preiede, þe likneſſe of his cheere was maad oþir maner, and his cloþing whit ſchynynge. And loo! tweye men ſpaken wiþ him, forſoþe Moyſes and Elye weren ſeyn in mageſte; and þei ſeyden his goynge out, which he was to fillinge in Jeruſalem. Forſoþe Petre, and þei þat weren wiþ him, weren greuyd wiþ ſleep, and þei wakinge ſyȝen his mageſte, and tweye men þat ſtooden wiþ him. And it was don, whanne þei departiden fro him, Petre ſeiþ to Jheſu, Comandour, it is good to vs for to be here, and make we here þre tabernaclis, oon to þee, and oon to Moyſes, and oon to Elye; not witinge what he ſchulde ſeye. Soþli him ſpekinge þes þingis, a cloude was maad, and ſchadewide hem; and þei dredden, hem entringe in to þe clowde. And a voys was maad fro þe clowde, ſeyinge, Þis is my dereworþe ſone, heere ȝe him. And þe while þe vois was maad, Jheſu was founden aloone. And þei helden pees, and ſeide to no man in þo dayes ouȝt of þo þingis, whiche þei hadden herd. Forſoþe it was don in þe day ſuynge, hem comynge doun of þe hil, myche cumpanye of peple renneþ to hem. And loo! a man of þe cumpanye criede, ſeyinge, Maiſtir, I biſeche þee, byhold in to my ſone, for he is oon aloone to me; and lo! a ſpirit takiþ him, and ſudenly he crieþ, and hurtliþ down, and todrawiþ him wiþ froþ, and vnneþe he goþ awey to-drawinge him. And I preiede þi diſciplis, þat þei ſchulde caſte him out, and þei myȝten not. Soþli Jheſu anſweringe ſeide to hem, A! vnfeiþful generacioun and weyward, hou longe ſchal I be anentis ȝou, and ſchal ſuffre ȝou? leed hidur þi ſone. And whanne he cam nyȝ, þe fend hurlide him doun, and to-brayd. And Jheſu blamede þe vnclene ſpirit, and heelide þe child, and ȝeld him to his fadir. Soþli alle men wondriden greetly in þe greetneſſe of God. And alle men wondringe in alle þingis whiche he dide, he ſeide to his diſciplis, Putte ȝe þes wordis in ȝoure hertis, for it is to comynge, þat mannis ſone be bitrayed in to þe hondis of men. And þei knewen not þis word, and it was hid bifore hem, þat þei feeliden it not; and þei dreden to axe him of þis word. Forſoþe a þouȝt entride in to hem, who of hem ſchulde be more. And Jheſu ſeynge þe þouȝtis of þe herte of hem, takynge a child, ſettide him biſydis him ſilf; and ſeiþ to hem, Who euere ſchal receyue þis child in my name, receyueþ me; and who euere ſchal receyue me, receyueþ hym þat ſente me; for whi he þat is leſſe among ȝou alle, is þe more. Forſoþ John anſweringe ſeide, Comaundour, we ſyȝen ſum man caſtinge out fendis in þi name, and we han forbodyn him, for he ſueþ not þee wiþ vs. And Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Nyle ȝe forbede, forſoþe he þat is not aȝens ȝou, is for ȝou. Soþli it was don, whanne þe dayes of his takynge vp weren fillid, and he ſettide faſte his face, þat he ſchulde go in to Jeruſalem; and he ſente meſſangeris bifore his ſiȝt. And þei goynge entriden in to a citee of Samaritans, þat þei ſchulden make redy to him. And þei receyueden not him, for þe face was of him goynge in to Jeruſalem. Forſoþe whanne James and John, his diſciplis, hadden ſeyn, þei ſeiden, Lord, wolt þou we ſeye, þat fier come doun fro heuene, and waaſte hem, as Helye did? And he turned blamyde hem, ſeyinge, Ȝe witen not, whos ſpiritis ȝe ben; forſoþe mannis ſone cam not for to leeſe ſoulis, but for to ſaue. And þei wenten in to anoþer caſtel. Forſoþ it was don, hem walkynge in þe weye, ſum man ſeide to him, I ſchal ſue þee, whidur euere þou ſchalt go. And Jheſu ſeide to him, Foxis han dennys, and briddis of þe eyr han neſtis, but mannis ſone haþ not where he ſchal reſte his heed. Forſoþe he ſeide to anoþer, Sue þou me. Soþli he ſeide, Lord, ſuffre me firſt to go, and to burie my fadir. And Jheſu ſeide to him, Suffre þat deede men burie her deede; but go þou, and telle þe kyngdom of God. And anoþir ſeide, Lord, I ſchal ſue þee, but firſt ſuffre me to telle aȝen to hem þat ben at home. Forſoþe Jheſu ſeiþ to him, No man ſendynge his hond to þe plouȝ, and biholdinge aȝen, is able to þe rewme of God.

Capitulum X.

Forſoþe aftir þes þingis þe Lord Jheſu ordeynede and oþere ſeuenty and tweyne, and ſente hem by tweyne and tweyne bifore his face in to euery citee and place, whidir he was to comynge. And he ſeide to hem, Soþli myche ripe corn is, but fewe workmen; þerfore preie ȝe þe lord of þe ripe corn, þat he ſende workmen in to his rype corn. Go ȝe, lo! I ſende ȝou as lambren a mong wolues. Nyle ȝe bere a ſachel, neþer ſcrip, neþer ſchoon, and greete ȝe no man by þe weye. And in to what euere hous ȝe ſchulen entre, firſt ſeye ȝe, Pees to þis hous. And if a ſone of pees ſchal be þere, ȝoure pees ſchal reſte on him; if non, it ſchal turne aȝen to ȝou. Forſoþe dwelle ȝe in þe ſame hous, etynge and drynkinge þo þingis þat ben at hem; forſoþe a workman is worþi his hyre. Nyle ȝe paſſe fro hous in to hous. And in to what euere citee ȝe ſchulen entre, and þei ſchulen receyue ȝou, ete ȝe þo þingis þat ben put to ȝou; and heele ȝe þe ſyke men þat ben þer ynne. And ſeye ȝe to hem, Þe kyngdom of God ſchal neiȝe in to ȝou. In to what euer citee ȝe ſchulen entre, and þei ſchulen not receyue ȝou, ȝe goynge out in to þe ſtreetis þereof, ſeie, Alſo we wypen of in to ȝou þe poudere þat cleuyde to vs of ȝoure citee; neþelees wite ȝe þis þing, for þe rewme of God ſchal come nyȝ. Forſoþ I ſeie to ȝou, for to Sodom it ſchal be eſyere, oþer laſſe peyne, þan to þat citee in þilke day. Woo to þee, Coroſaym; woo to þee, Beþſayda; for if in Tyre and Sydon þe vertues hadden ben don, whiche ben don in þee, ſum tyme þei ſittinge in heer and aiſche, ſchulden haue don penaunce. Neþeles to Tyre and Sydon it ſchal be eſyer in þe dom þan to ȝou. And þou, Cafarnaum, ert enhaunſid til to heuene; þou ſchalt be drenchid til in to helle. He þat heeriþ ȝou, heeriþ me; and he þat diſpiſiþ ȝou, diſpiſiþ me; forſoþe he þat diſpiſiþ me, diſpiſiþ him þat ſente me. Forſoþ two and ſeuenty diſciplis turnedyn aȝein wiþ ioye, ſeyinge, Lord, alſo fendis ben ſujet to vs in þi name. And he ſeiþ to hem, I ſyȝ Saþanas fallinge doun fro heuene, as leit. And loo! I haue ȝouun to ȝou power of defoulinge, oþir tredinge, on ſerpents, and ſcorpiouns, and on al þe vertu of þe enemy, and no þing ſchal anoye ȝou. Neþeles nyle ȝe haue ioye in þis þing, for fendis ben ſujet to ȝou; but ioye ȝee, þat ȝoure names ben writun in heuenes. In þilke our he gladide in þe Hooly Gooſt, and ſeide, I knowleche to þee, fadir, Lord of heuene and erþe, which haſt hid þes þingis fro wyſe men and prudent, and haſt ſchewid hem to litle. Ȝhe, fadir, for ſo it pleſide bifore þee. Alle þingis ben ȝouun to me of my fadir, and no man woot, who is þe ſone, no but þe fadir; and who is þe fadir, no but þe ſone, and to whom þe ſone wolde ſchewe. And he turned to his diſciplis, ſeide, Bleſſid ben þe yȝen, whiche ſeen þo þingis þat ȝe ſeen. Soþli I ſeie to ȝou, for many prophetis and kyngis wolden ſe þo þingis, whiche ȝe ſeen, and þei ſyȝen not; and heere þo þingis, þat ȝe heere, and þei herden not. And lo! a wyſe man of þe lawe roos, temptinge him, and ſeyinge, Maiſtir, what þing doynge ſchal I welde euerlaſtinge lyf? And he ſeide to him, What is writun in þe lawe? hou rediſt þou? He anſweringe ſeide, Þou ſchalt loue þe Lord þi God of al þyn herte, and of al þi ſoule, or lyf, and of alle þi myȝtis, and of al þi mynde; and þi neiȝebore as þi ſilf. Jheſu ſeide to him, Þou haſt anſwerid riȝtly; do þou þis þing, and þou ſchalt lyue. Forſoþe he willinge to iuſtifye him ſilf, ſeide to Jheſu, And who is my neiȝebore? Soþli Jheſu biholdinge, ſeide, Sum man cam doun fro Jeruſalem in to Jerico, and felde among þeuues, whiche alſo robbiden him, and, woundis putt in, wenten awey, þe man lefte half quyk. Forſoþe it byfel, þat ſum preſt cam doun in þe ſame weye, and, him ſeyn, paſſide forþ. Alſo forſoþ and a dekene, whanne he was biſydis þe place, and ſyȝ him, paſſide forþ. Forſoþ ſum man Samaritan, makynge iourney, cam biſydis þe weye; and he ſeynge him, was ſtirid by mercy. And he comynge nyȝ, bond to gidere his woundis, heeldynge yn oyle and wyn. And he puttinge on his hors, ledde in to a ſtable, and dide þe cure of him. And anoþer day he brouȝte forþ twey pens, and ȝaf to þe kepere of þe ſtable, and ſeide, Haue þou þe cure of him; and what euere þing þou ſchalt ȝyue ouer, I ſchal ȝelde to þee, whanne I ſchal come aȝen. Who of þes þre ſemeþ to þee to haue be neiȝebore to him, þat felde a mong þe þeues? And he ſeide, He þat dide mercy on him. And Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Go þou, and do þou in lyk manere. Forſoþ it was don, while þei wenten, and he entride in to ſum caſtel; and ſum womman, Marþa bi name, receyuede him in to hir hous. And to þis Marþa was a ſiſter, Marie bi name, which alſo ſittinge by ſydis þe feet of þe Lord, herde þe word of him. Forſoþe Marþa biſyede aboute moche ſeruyce. Which ſtood, and ſeide, Lord, is it not of charge to þee, þat my ſiſtir lefte me aloone, for to mynyſtre? þerfore ſeye to hir, þat ſhe helpe me. And þe Lord anſweringe ſeide to hir, Marþa, Marþa, þou ert byſi, and art troublid anentis ful manye þingis; forſoþ o þing is neceſſarie. Marie haþ choſe þe beſte part, which ſchal not be take a wey fro hir.

Capitulum XI.

And it was don, whanne he was preiynge in ſum place, as he ceeſſide, oon of his diſciplis ſeide to him, Lord, teche vs to preye, as and John tauȝte his diſciplis. And he ſeide to hem, Whanne ȝe preyen, ſeye ȝe, Fadir, halewid be þi name. Þi kyngdom come to. Ȝyue to vs to day oure eche dayes breed. And forȝyue to vs oure ſynnes, as and we forȝyuen to ech owynge to vs. And leed not vs in to temptacioun. And he ſeiþ to hem, Who of ȝou ſchal haue a frend, and ſchal go to him at mydnyȝt, and ſchal ſeie to him, Frend, leene to me þre loouys; for my frend comeþ to me of þe weye, and I haue not what I ſchal ſette bifore him. And he wiþynne forþ anſweringe ſeye, Nyle þou be noyful to me; þe dore is now ſchit, and my children beþ wiþ me in þe cowche; I may noȝt ryſe, and ȝyue to þee. And if he ſchal contynue knockynge, I ſeye to ȝou, þouȝ he ſchal not ȝyue to hym, for he is a frend, neþeles for his vnreſtefulneſſe he ſchal riſe, and ȝyue to hym, how manye he haþ nedeful. And I ſeie to ȝou, axe ȝe, and it ſchal be ȝouun to ȝou; ſeke ȝe, and ȝe ſchulen fynde; knocke ȝe, and it ſchal be openyd to ȝou. Forſoþ ech man þat axiþ, takiþ; and he þat ſekiþ, fyndiþ; and to a man knockynge, it ſchal be openyd. Þerfore who of ȝou axiþ þe fadir breed, wher he ſchal ȝyue to him a ſtoon? eþer if he axiþ fyſch, wher he ſchal ȝyue to him a ſerpent for þe fyſch? eþir if he ſchal axe an ey, wheþir he ſchal dreſſe to him a ſcorpioun? Þerfore if ȝe, whanne ȝe ben yuele, kunne ȝyue to ȝoure children goode þingis ȝouun, hou moche more ȝoure fadir of heuene ſchal ȝyue a good ſpirit to men axynge him. And Jheſu was caſtinge out a fend, and he was doumbe. And whanne he hadde caſt out þe fend, þe doumb man ſpak; and þe cumpanyes wondriden. Forſoþ ſumme of hem ſeiden, In Belſebub, prince of deuelis, he caſtiþ out deuelis. And oþere temptinge axiden of him a tokene fro heuene. Forſoþ he, as he ſyȝ þe þouȝtis of hem, ſeide to hem, Euery rewme departide aȝens it ſilf, ſchal be deſolat, and an hous ſchal falle on an hous. Forſoþ and if Saþanas is departid aȝens him ſilf, how ſchal his rewme ſtonde? For ȝe ſeyn, þat I caſte out fendis in Belſebub. Forſoþ if I in Belſebub caſte out fendis, in whom ȝoure ſones caſten out? Þerfore þei ſchulen be ȝoure domeſmen. Forſoþ if I caſte out fendis in þe fyngir, eþer ſpirit, of God, ſoþli þe rewme of God is comen in to ȝou. Whanne a ſtrong armed man kepiþ his hows, alle þingis þat he weldiþ ben in pees. Soþli if a ſtrongere comynge aboue ouercome him, he ſchal take a wey alle his armeris, in whiche he triſtide, and ſchal dele abrood his ſpuylis. He þat is not wiþ me, is aȝens me; and he þat gedriþ not to gidere wiþ me, ſcateriþ a brood. Whanne an vnclene ſpirit haþ gon out of a man, he wandriþ by drye placis, ſekinge reſte; and he fyndynge not, ſeiþ, I ſchal turne aȝen in to myn hous, wher of I cam out. And whanne he ſchal come, he fyndiþ it clenſid wiþ beeſmes, and ourned. Þanne he goþ, and takiþ wiþ him ſeuene oþere ſpiritis werſe þan him ſilf, and þei gon yn, dwellen þere. And þe laſte þingis of þat man ben maad worſe þan þe formere. Forſoþ it was don, whanne he ſeide þes þingis, ſum womman of þe cumpany reyſinge hir vois, ſeide, Bleſſid be þe wombe þat bar þee, and bleſſid be þe teetis whiche þou haſt ſokun. And he ſeide, Raþere bleſſid ben þei, þat heeren Goddis word, and kepen it. Forſoþe þe cumpanye comynge to gidere, he bigan to ſeye, Þis generacioun is a weyward generacioun; it ſekiþ a tokene, and a tokene ſchal not be ȝouun to it, no but þe tokene of Joonas, þe prophete. For whi as Joonas was a tokene to men of Nynyue, ſo mannis ſone ſchal be to þis generacioun. Þe queene of þe ſouþ ſchal ryſe in dom wiþ men of þis generacioun, and ſchal condempne hem; for ſche cam fro þe endis of þe erþe, to heere þe wyſdom of Salomon, and lo! here is more þan Salomon. Men of Nynyue ſchulen ryſe in dom wiþ þis generacioun, and ſchulen condempne it; for þei diden penaunce at þe prechinge of Joonas, and lo! here is more þan Joonas. No man liȝtneþ a lanterne, and puttiþ in hidlis, oþer vndir a boyſchel, but on a candel ſticke, þat þei þat gon yn, ſe liȝt. Þe lanterne of þi body is þin yȝe; if þin yȝe ſchal be ſymple, al þi body ſchal be liȝtful; forſoþ if it ſchal be weyward, alſo þi body ſchal be derkful. Þerfore ſe þou, leſt þe liȝt which is in þee, be derkneſſis. Þerfore if al þi body ſchal be liȝtful, not hauynge ony part of derkneſſis, it ſchal be al liȝtful, and as a lanterne of briȝtneſſe it ſchal ȝyue liȝt to þee. And whanne he ſpak, ſum Phariſee praiede, þat he ſchulde ete at hym. And he gon yn, ſaat to þe mete. Soþli þe Phariſee bigan to ſeie, geſſynge wiþ ynne him ſilf, whi he was not waiſchun byfore þe mete. And þe Lord ſeiþ to him, Now ȝe Fariſees clenſen þat þing þat is wiþ outenforþ of þe kuppe and plater; but þat þing of ȝou þat is wiþ ynne, is ful of raueyn and wickidneſſe. Foolis, wher he þat made þat þing þat is wiþ oute forþ, made not alſo þat þing þat is wiþ ynne? Neþeles þat þing þat is ouer, eþer ſuperflu, ȝyue ȝe almes, and lo! alle þingis ben clene to ȝou. But woo to ȝou, Phariſees, þat tyþen mynte, and ruwe, and al wort, eþer herbe, and paſſen dom and þe charite of God. Forſoþ it bihofte to do þes þingis, and not for to leeue hem. Woo to ȝou, Phariſees, þat louen þe firſte chaieris in ſynagogis, and ſalutaciouns in cheping. Woo to ȝou, þat ben as ſepulcris, whiche apperyn not, and men walkynge aboue witen not. Forſoþ oon of þe wyſe men of lawe anſweringe, ſeide to him, Maiſtir, þou ſeyinge þes þingis, doiſt diſpit alſo to vs. He ſeide, And woo to ȝou, wyſe men of lawe, for ȝe chargen men wiþ birþins whiche þei moun not bere, and ȝe ȝou ſilf wiþ ȝoure o fynger touchen not þe heuyneſſis. Woo to ȝou, þat bilden birielis of prophetis; forſoþ ȝoure fadris ſlowen hem. Treuly ȝe witneſſen, þat ȝe conſenten to þe werkis of ȝoure fadris; for ſoþli þei ſlowen hem, but ȝe bilden her ſepulcris. Þerfore and þe wyſdom of God ſeide, I ſchal ſende to hem prophetis, and apoſtlis, and of hem þei ſchulen ſlee and purſue, þat þe blood of alle prophetis, þat was ſched out fro þe makyng of þe world, be ſouȝt of þis generacioun; fro þe blood of Abel til to þe blood of Zacharie, which periſchide bytwix þe auter and þe hous. So I ſeie to ȝou, it ſchal be ſouȝt of þis generacioun. Woo to ȝou, wyſe men of lawe, for ȝe han take awey þe keye of kunnynge; ȝe ȝou ſilf entriden not, and ȝe han forboden hem þat entriden. Soþli whanne he ſpak þes þingis to hem, Phariſees and wyſe men of lawe bigunnen greuouſly to aȝenſtonden, and oppreſſe his mouþ of many þingis, aſpiynge him, and ſekinge to take ſum þing of his mouþ, þat þei ſchulden accuſe him.

Capitulum XII.

Soþeli manye cumpanyes ſtondinge aboute, ſo þat þei troden ech oþir, he bigan to ſeie to his diſciplis, Be ȝe war of þe ſourdowȝ of Phariſees, which is ypocriſye. Forſoþ no þing is hilid, which ſchal not be ſchewid; neþer hid, þat ſchal not be wiſt. Forwhi þo þingis þat ȝe han ſeyd in derkneſſis, ſchulen be ſeid in liȝt; and þis þat ȝe han ſpoken in eere in þe cowchis, ſchal be prechid in rooues. Forſoþe I ſeie to ȝou, my frendis, be ȝe not a feerd of hem þat ſlen þe body, and aftir þes þingis han no more what þei ſchulen don. Soþli I ſchal ſchewe to ȝou, whom ȝe ſchulen drede; drede ȝe him, which aftir þat he haþ ſlayn, haþ power to ſende in to helle. So I ſeie to ȝou, drede ȝe hym. Wher fiue ſparrowis ben not ſeeld for tweyne halpens; and oon of hem is not in forȝeting bifore God? But and alle þe heeris of ȝoure heed ben noumbrid. Þerfore nyle ȝe drede; ȝe ben of more priys þan many ſparowis. Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, ech man which euer ſchal knowleche me byfore men, and mannis ſone ſchal knowleche him bifore þe aungelis of God. Forſoþ he þat ſchal denye me bifor men, ſchal be denyed bifore þe aungelis of God. And ech man þat ſeiþ a word aȝens þe ſone of man, it ſchal be forȝouun to him; ſoþli it ſchal not be forȝouun to him, þat blasfemeþ aȝens þe Hooly Goſt. Forſoþ whanne þei ſchulen leede ȝou in to ſynagogis, and to mageſtatis, and to poteſtatis, nyle ȝe be biſy, how eþer what ȝe ſchulen anſwere, eþer what ȝe ſchulen ſeye. Forſoþ þe Hooly Goſt ſchal teche ȝou in þat our, what it bihoueþ ȝou to ſeye. Forſoþ ſum man of þe cumpany ſeiþ to him, Maiſtir, ſeie to my broþer, þat he departe wiþ me þe eritage. And he ſeyde to him, A! man, who ordeynede me domeſman, eþer departer, on ȝou? And he ſeyde to hem, Se ȝe, and be ȝe war of al auarice; for þe lyf of a man is not in þe haboundanſe of þo þingis whiche he weldiþ. Soþli he ſeide to hem a likneſſe, ſeiynge, Þe feeld of ſum riche man brouȝte forþ plenteuous fruytis. And he þouȝte wiþ ynne him ſilf, ſeyinge, What ſchal I do, for I haue not whidir I ſchal gedere my fruytis? And he ſeiþ, I ſchal do þis þing; I ſchal diſtrye my bernis, and I ſchal make grettere, and þidir I ſchal gedere alle þingis þat growen to me, and alle my goodis. And I ſchal ſeye to my ſoule, Soule, þou haſt many goodis kept in to ful manye ȝeeris; reſte þou, ete, drynke, and ete þou plenteuouſly. Soþli God ſeide to him, Fool, in þis nyȝt þei ſchulen axe of þee þi ſoule. Forſoþe whos ſchulen þo þingis be, whiche þou haſt maad redy? So is he þat treſouriþ to him ſilf, and is not ryche in God. And he ſeide to his diſciplis, Þerfore I ſeie to ȝou, nyle ȝe be biſy to ȝoure lyf, what ȝe ſchulen ete, neþir to ȝoure body, wiþ what ȝe ſchulen be cloþid. Þe lyf is more þan mete, and þe body more þan cloþing. Biholde ȝe crowis, for þei ſowen not, neþer repen, to whiche is no celer, neþer beerne, and God fediþ hem. How myche more ȝe ben of more prys þan þei. Forſoþe who of ȝou byþenkynge may adde o cubite to his ſtature? Þerfore if ȝe mown not þis þat is þe leeſte, what ben ȝe biſy of oþere þingis? Biholde ȝe lilies of þe feeld, how þei wexen; þei trauelen not, neiþer ſpynnen. Soþly I ſeye to ȝou, for neþer Salomon in al his glorie was cloþid as oon of þeſe. Forſoþe if God cloþiþ þus þe hey, which to day is in þe feeld, and to morwe is ſent in to a furneys; how moche more ȝou of litel feiþ? And nyle ȝe ſeke, what ȝe ſchulen ete, eþir what ȝe ſchulen drynke; and nyle ȝe be reyſid in to an hiȝ. Forſoþ folkis of þe world ſeken alle þes þingis; ſoþli ȝoure fadir woot, for ȝe neden þes þingis. Neþelees ſeke ȝe firſt þe kyngdom of God, and alle þes þingis ſchulen be caſt to ȝou. Nyle ȝe, litil floc, drede, for it pleſide to ȝoure fadir to ȝyue to ȝou a kyngdom. Sille ȝe þo þingis þat ȝe welden, and ȝyue ȝe almes. Make ȝe to ȝou ſachels þat wexen not olde, treſour not failinge in heuenes, whidur a þeef neyȝeþ not, neyþer mowȝte diſtryeþ. Forſoþe where þi treſour is, þere alſo þin herte ſchal be. Be ȝoure leendes gird by fore, and lanternes brennynge in ȝoure hondis; and be ȝe lyk to men abydinge her lord, whanne he ſchal turne aȝen fro weddingis, þat whanne he ſchal come, and knocke, anoon þei opene to him. Bleſſid ben þo ſeruauntis, whiche whanne þe Lord ſchal come, he ſchal fynde wakynge. Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, þat he ſchal bifore girde him, and he ſchal make hem to ſitte at þe mete, and he paſſinge ſchal mynyſtre to hem. And if he ſchal come in þe ſecunde wakyng, and yf he ſchal come in þe þridde wakynge, and ſchal fynde ſo, þo ſeruauntis ben bleſſid. Forſoþ wite ȝe þis þing, for if an hoſebonde man wiſte, in what our þe þeef wolde come, ſoþli he ſchulde wake, and not ſuffre his hous to be mynyd. And be ȝe redy, for in what our ȝe geſſen not, mannis ſone ſchal come. Forſoþe Petre ſeiþ to him, Lord, ſeiſt þou þis parable to vs, eþer to alle? Soþli þe Lord ſeide, Who, geſſiſt þou, is a feiþful diſpender, and prudent, whom þe lord ordeynede on his meyne, þat he ȝyue to hem in tyme a meſure of whete? Bleſſid is þat ſeruaunt, whom whanne þe lord ſchal come, he ſchal fynde doynge ſo. Verili I ſeie to ȝou, for on alle þingis which he weldiþ, he ſchal ordeyne him. Þat if þilke ſeruaunt ſchal ſeye in his herte, My lord makiþ tariynge to come; and bigynne to ſmyte children, and handmaydens, and ete, and drynke, and be fillid ouer meſure, þe lord of þat ſeruaunt ſchal come, in þe day þat he hopiþ not, and our þat he wot not; and ſchal departe him, and ſchal putte his part wiþ vnfeiþful men. Forſoþe þilke ſeruaunt þat knew þe wille of his lord, and made not him redy, and dide not vp his wille, ſchal be betun wiþ many woundis. Soþli he þat knew not, and dide worþi þingis of woundis, ſchal be beten wiþ fewe. Forſoþ to ech man to whom moche is ȝouun, moche ſchal be axid of hym; and þei ſchulen axe more of him, to whom þei bitoken moche. I cam to ſende fier in to erþe, and what wole I, no but þat it be kyndelid? Soþli I haue to be baptiſid wiþ baptym, and hou am I conſtreyned, til it be perfytli don? Geſſen ȝe, for I cam to ȝyue pees in to erþe? Nay, I ſeye to ȝou, but departynge. Forſoþ fro þis tyme þer ſchulen be fyue departid in oon hous; þre ſchulen be departid aȝens tweyne, and tweyne ſchulen be departid aȝens þre; þe fadir aȝens þe ſone, and þe ſone aȝens his fadir; þe modir aȝens þe douȝtir, and þe douȝtir aȝens þe modir; þe hoſebondis modir aȝens þe ſones wyf, and þe ſones wyf aȝens hir hoſebondis modir. Forſoþ he ſeid and to þe cumpanyes, Whanne ȝe ſchulen ſe a cloude ryſinge fro þe ſunne goynge doun, anon ȝe ſeyn, Reyn comeþ; and ſo it is don. And whanne ȝe ſeen þe ſouþ blowynge, ȝe ſeyen, For heete ſchal be; and ſo it is don. Ypocritis, ȝe han knowe to proue þe face of heuene and of erþe, but hou prouen ȝe not þis tyme? Forſoþe whi and of ȝou ſilf deme ȝe not þis þing þat is iuſt? Forſoþe whanne þou goiſt wiþ þin aduerſarie to þe prince in þe weye, ȝyue þou biſyneſſe to be delyuered fro him; leſt perauenture he drawe þee to þe domeſman, and þe domeſman bitake þee to þe wrongful axere, and þe wrongful axere ſende þee in to priſoun. I ſeie to þee, Þou ſchalt not go þennis, til þou ȝelde alſo þe laſt ferþing.

Capitulum XIII.

Forſoþe ſum men neiȝeden in þat tyme, tellinge to him of Galilees, whos blood Pilat myngede wiþ þe ſacrificis of hem. And he anſweringe ſeide to hem, Wenen ȝe, þat þes men of Galilee weren ſynneris byfore alle Galileis, for þei ſuffriden ſuche þingis? Nay, I ſeye to ȝou; but alle ȝe ſchulen periſche in lyk manere, no but ȝe ſchulen haue penaunce. And as þo ten and eiȝte, on which þe tour of Siloa felde doun, and ſlouȝ hem, geſſen ȝe, for and þei weren dettours more þan alle men dwellinge in Jeruſalem? Nay, I ſei to ȝou; but alſo ȝe alle ſchulen periſche, if ȝe ſchulen not do penaunce. Forſoþe he ſeide þis lykneſſe. Sum man hadde a fyge tree plauntid in his vyner, and he cam ſekynge fruyt in it, and fond not. Soþli he ſeide to þe tilier of þe vyner, Loo! þre ȝeeris ben, ſiþen I come ſekinge fruyt in þis fyge tree, and I fond not; þerfore kitt it doun, wherto occupieþ it, ȝhe, þe erþe? And he anſweringe ſeide to him, Lord, ſuffre alſo þis ȝeer, til þe while I delue aboute it, and ſende toordis; and if it ſchal make fruyt, ellis in tyme to comynge þou ſchalt kitte it doun. Forſoþe he was techinge in þe ſynagoge of hem in ſabotis. And loo! a womman þat hadde a ſpirit of ſykeneſſe ten and eiȝte ȝeeris, and was bowid doun, neþer in ony manere myȝte looke vpward. Whom whanne Jheſu hadde ſeyn, he clepide to hym, and ſeide to hir, Womman, þou ert left of þi ſykeneſſe. And he puttide to hir þe hoondis, and a non ſhe was reyſid, and glorifiede God. Soþli þe prince of ſynagoge anſweringe, hauynge dedeyn for Jheſu hadde heelid in þe ſaboþ, ſeide to þe cumpany, Sixe dayes ben, in whiche it bihoueþ to wirche; þerfore come in þes, and be ȝe heelid, and not in þe dayes of ſaboþ. Forſoþe þe Lord anſweringe to him ſeide, Ypocrite, wher ech of ȝou vntyeþ not in þe ſaboþ his oxe, eþir aſſe, fro þe ſtable, and lediþ for to watre? Bihofte it not þis douȝtre of Abraham, whom Saþanas haþ bounden, loo! ten and eiȝte ȝeeris, to be vnbounden of þis bond in þe day of ſaboþ? And whanne he ſeide þes þingis, alle his aduerſaries weren aſchamyd. And al þe peple ioyede in al þingis, þat weren don gloriouſly of him. Þerfore he ſeide, To what þing is þe rewme of God lyk? and to what þing ſchal I geſſe it to be lyk? It is lyk to a corn of ſeneuey, which takun, a man ſente in to his ȝerd; and it wax, and was maad in to a greet tree, and fowelis of þe eyr reſtiden in þe braunchis þerof. And eftſone he ſayd, To what þing ſchal I geſſe þe kyngdom of God lyk? It is lyk to ſourdowȝ, which takun, a womman hidiþ in þre meſuris of mele, til al were ſourdowid. And he wente by citees and caſtels, techinge and makinge iurney in to Jeruſalem. Soþli ſum man ſeide to him, Lord, if þere ben fewe, þat ben ſauyd? Soþli he ſeide to hem, Stryue ȝe for to entre by þe ſtreit ȝate; for I ſeye to ȝou, many men ſeken for to entre, and þei ſchulen not mowe. Forſoþe whanne þe hoſebonde man haþ entrid, and cloſid þe dore, ȝe ſchulen bigynne to ſtonde wiþ oute forþ, and knocke þe dore, ſeyinge, Lord, opyne to vs. And he anſweringe ſchal ſeye to ȝou, I knowe not ȝou, of whennis ȝe ben. Þanne ȝe ſchulen bigynne to ſeye, We han ete and drunke bifore þee, and in oure ſtreetis þou haſt tauȝt. And he ſchal ſeye to ȝou, I knowe not ȝou, of whennis ȝe ben; go ȝe awey fro me, alle worcheris of wickidneſſe. Þer ſchal be wepinge and betinge to gidere of teeþ, whanne ȝe ſchulen ſe Abraham, and Yſaac, and Jacob, and alle prophetis in þe kyngdom of God; ſoþli ȝou to be put out. And þei ſchulen come fro þe eeſt and weſt, and fro þe norþ and ſouþ, and ſitte at þe mete in þe rewme of God. And loo! þei þat weren firſte, ben þe laſte; and þei þat weren þe laſt, ben þe firſte. In þat day ſumme of Phariſees camen nyȝ, ſeyinge to him, Go out, and go hennis, for Eroude wole ſlee þee. And he ſeiþ to hem, Go ȝe, and ſeye ȝe to þat fox, Loo! I caſte out fendis, and I make perfitly heelþis, to day and to morwe, and þe þridde day I am endid. Neþeles it bihoueþ me to day, and to morwe, and þe day ſuynge, to walke; for it falliþ not a prophete to periſche out of Jeruſalem. Jeruſalem, Jeruſalem, þat ſleeſt prophetis, and ſtooneſt hem þat ben ſent to þee, hou ofte wolde I gedere to gidere þi ſones, as a brid his neſt vnder pennes, and þou noldiſt. Loo! ȝoure hous ſchal be left to ȝou deſert. Soþli I ſeie to ȝou, for ȝe ſchulen not ſe me, til it come, whanne ȝe ſchulen ſeye, Bleſſid is he, þat comeþ in þe name of þe Lord.

Capitulum XIIII.

And it was don, whanne he had entrid in to þe hous of ſum prince of Phariſees, in þe ſaboþ, to ete breed, and þei aſpieden him. And loo! ſum man ſyk in ydropeſie was bifore him. And Jheſu anſweringe ſeide to þe wyſe men of lawe, and to Pharyſees, ſeiyinge, Where it is leeful for to heele in þe ſabotis? And þei heelden pees. Forſoþe Jheſu heelide him takun to, and lefte. And he anſweringe to hem, ſeyde, Whos aſſe eþer oxe of ȝoure ſchal falle in to a pitt, and not a non he ſchal drawe out him on þe day of ſabot? And þei myȝten not anſwere to him to þes þingis. Forſoþe he ſeyde alſo a parable to men bodun to a feeſte, biholdinge how þei cheſiden þe firſte ſeetis, ſeyinge to hem, Whanne þou ſchalt be bedun to weddingis, ſitte þou not at þe mete in þe firſte place; leſt perauenture a worſchipfullere þan þou be bedun of him, and he comynge þat clepide þee and him, ſeye to þee, Ȝyue place to þis, and þanne þou ſchalt bigynne wiþ ſchame to holde þe laſte place. But whanne þou ſchalt be bedun to feeſte, go, and ſitte doun in þe laſte place, þat whanne he ſchal come, þat bad þee to feeſte, he ſeye to þee, Frend, ſtiȝe hiȝere. Þanne glorie ſchal be to þee bifore men ſyttinge to gidere at þe mete. For ech þat enhaunſiþ him ſilf, ſchal be maad lowȝ; and he þat mekiþ him ſilf, ſchal be hiȝed. Forſoþ he ſeide alſo to him, þat hadde bedun him to þe feeſte, Whanne þou makiſt a mete, eþer ſouper, nyle þou clepe þi frendis, neþer þi briþeren, neþir coſyns, neþir neiȝeboris, neþer riche men; leſt perauenture and þei bidde þee aȝen to feeſte, and ȝeldinge aȝen be maad to þee. But whanne þou makiſt a feeſte, clepe pore men, feble men, crokid, and blynde, and þou ſchalt be bleſſid; for þei han not, wher of to ȝelde to þee, forſoþ it ſchal be ȝoldun to þee in þe riſyng aȝen of iuſte men. Whanne ſum man of ſittinge at þe mete had herd þes þingis, he ſeide to hym, Bleſſid is he, þat ſchal ete breed in þe rewme of God. And he ſeide to him, Sum man maade a greet ſouper, and clepide manye. And he ſente his ſeruaunt in þe our of ſouper, to ſeye to men bedun to feeſte, þat þei ſchulden come, for now alle þingis ben redy. And alle bigunnen to gidere to excuſe. Þe firſte ſeide, I haue bouȝt a toun, and I haue nede to go out, and to ſe it; I preie þee, haue me excuſid. And þe toþir ſeide, I haue bouȝt fyue ȝokis of oxen, and I go to proue hem; I preie þee, haue me excuſid. And an oþir ſeide, I haue weddid a wyf; and þerfore I may not come. And þe ſeruaunt turnyd aȝen, toolde þes þingis to þe lord. Þanne þe hoſebonde man wroþ, ſeide to his ſeruaunt, Go out ſoone in to grete ſtretis and ſmale ſtreetis of þe citee, and brynge in hidur pore men, and feble, and blynde, and crokid. And þe ſeruaunt ſeiþ, Lord, it is don, as þou haſt comaundid, and ȝit place is. And þe lord ſeiþ to þe ſeruaunt, Go þou into weyes and heggis, and conſtreyne for to entre, þat myn hous be fillid. Forſoþe I ſeie to ȝou, for noone of þo men þat ben clepid, ſchal taaſte my ſouper. Soþli many cumpanyes wenten wiþ him; and he turned, ſeide to hem, If ony comeþ to me, and hatiþ not his fadir, and modir, and wyf, ſones, and briþeren, and douȝtris, ȝit forſoþ and his lyf, he may not be my diſciple. And he þat beriþ not his croſſ, and comeþ aftir me, may not be my diſciple. Forſoþ who of ȝou willinge to bylde a tour, wher he ſittinge countiþ not firſt þe ſpenſis þat ben nedful, if he haue to performe? Leſt aftir he haþ ſett þe foundement, and myȝte not performe, alle þat ſeen, bigynne to ſcorne him, ſeyinge, For þis man bigan to bilde, and myȝte not ende. Eþer what kyng to goynge to make batel aȝens anoþer kyng, wher he ſittinge byþenkiþ not firſt, if he may wiþ ten þouſynd go aȝens him þat comeþ to him wiþ twenty þouſynd? Ellis him ȝit doinge a fer, he ſendinge a meſſanger, preieþ þo þingis þat ben of pees. So þerfore ech of ȝou, þat renounciþ not alle þingis whiche he weeldiþ, may not be my diſciple. Salt is good þing; forſoþ if ſalt ſchal vanyſche, in what þing ſchal it be ſauerid? Neþer in erþe, neþer in þe dunghil it is profitable, but it ſchal be ſent out. He þat haþ eeris of heeringe, heere.

Capitulum XV.

Forſoþe pupplicans and ſynful men weren neiȝinge to him, þat þei ſchulden heere him. And Fariſees and ſcribis grucchiden, ſeyinge, For þis man receyueþ ſynful men, and etiþ wiþ hem. And he ſeiþ to hem þis parable, ſeiynge, What man of ȝou þat haþ an hundrid ſcheep, and if he haþ loſt oon of hem, wher he leeuiþ not nynty and nyne in deſert, and goþ to it þat periſchide, til he fynde it? And whanne he haþ founden it, he ioyinge puttiþ on his ſhuldris; and he comynge hoom clepiþ to gidere his frendis and neiȝebors, ſeyinge to hem, Þanke ȝe me, for I haue founden my ſcheep, which hadde periſchid. Soþly I ſeye to ȝou, ſo ioye ſchal be in heuene on o ſynful man doynge penaunce, þan of nynti and nyne iuſte, þat han no nede of penaunce. Eþer what womman hauynge ten dragmes, eþer beſauntis, and if ſche haþ loſt o dragme, wher ſhe liȝteþ not a lanterne, and turneþ vpſodoun þe hous, and ſekiþ diligently, til ſche fynde? And whanne ſche haþ founden, ſche clepiþ to gidere frendis and neiȝeboris, ſeyinge, Þanke ȝe me, for I haue founden þe dragme, which I hadde loſt. So I ſeie to ȝou, ioye ſchal be to þe aungels of God on o ſynful man doynge penaunce. Forſoþe he ſeiþ, Sum man hadde tweye ſones; and þe ȝongere ſeide to þe fadir, Fadir, ȝyue to me þe porcioun of ſubſtaunce, eþir catel, þat byfalliþ to me. And þe fadir departide to him þe ſubſtaunce. And not aftir manye dayes, alle þingis gederid to gidre, þe ȝongere ſone wente in pilgrymage in to a fer cuntree; and þere he waſtide his ſubſtaunce in lyuynge leccherouſly. And aftir þat he hadde endid alle þingis, a ſtrong hungir was maad in þat cuntree, and he bigan to haue nede. And he wente, and cleuyde to oon of þe citeſeyns of þat cuntree. And he ſente him in to his toun, þat he ſchulde feede hoggis. And he coueitide to fille his wombe of þe coddis whiche þe hoggis eeten, and no man ȝaf to him. Soþli he turned aȝen in to him ſilf, ſeyde, Hou many hirid men in my fadir hous, han plente of looues; forſoþe I periſche here þurȝ hungir. I ſchal ryſe, and I ſchal go to my fadir, and I ſchal ſeie to him, Fadir, I haue ſynned aȝens heuene, and bifore þee; now I am not worþi to be clepid þi ſone, make me as oon of þi hyrid men. And he ryſinge cam to his fadir. Soþli whanne he was ȝit fer, his fadir ſyȝ him, and he was ſtirid by mercy. And he rennynge to, felde on his necke, and kiſte him. And þe ſone ſeyde to him, Fadir, I haue ſynned aȝens heuene, and bifore þee; and now I am not worþi to be clepid þi ſone. Forſoþ þe fadir ſeyde to his ſeruauntis, Soone bringe ȝe forþ þe firſte ſtoole, and cloþe ȝe him, and ȝyue ȝe a ring in his hond, and ſchoon in to þe feet; and brynge ȝe a calf maad fat, and ſle ȝe, and ete we, and plenteuouſly ete we. For þis my ſone was deed, and haþ lyued aȝen; he periſchide, and is founden. And alle bigunnen to eat plenteuouſly. Forſoþ his eldere ſone was in þe feeld; and whanne he cam, and neiȝede to þe hous, he herde a ſymphonye and a crowde. And he clepide oon of þe ſeruauntis, and axide, what þingis þes weren. And he ſeide to him, Þi brodir is comen, and þi fadir haþ ſlayn a fat calf, for he receyuede him ſaf. Forſoþ he was wroþ, and wolde not entre. Þerfore his fadir gon out, bigan to preie him. And he anſweringe to his fadir, ſeide, Lo! ſo manye ȝeeris I ſerue to þee, and I brak neuere þi comaundement; þou haſt neuere ȝouun a kyde to me, þat I ſchulde ete largely wiþ my frendis. But aftir þat þis þi ſone, which deuouride his ſubſtaunce wiþ hooris, cam, þou haſt ſlayn to him a fat calf. And he ſeide to him, Sone, þou ert euere wiþ me, and alle myne þingis ben þyne. Forſoþe it bihofte to ete plenteuouſly, and for to ioye; for þis þi broþer was deed, and lyuede aȝeyn; he peryſchide, and he is founden.

Capitulum XVI.

Forſoþe he ſeide alſo to his diſciplis, Þer was ſum riche man, þat hadde a fermour, eþir a baily; and þis was defamyd anentis him, as he hadde waſtid his goodis. And he clepide him, and ſeide to him, What heere I þis þing of þee? ȝeld reſoun of þi ferme, for now þou ſchalt not mowe holde þi ferme. Forſoþ þe fermour ſeide wiþ ynne him ſilf, What ſchal I do, for my lord takiþ awey fro me þe ferme? I may not delue, I am aſchamyd to begge. I woot what I ſchal do, þat whanne I ſchal be remouyd fro þe ferme, þei receyue me in to her houſis. And alle þe dettours of þe lord clepid to gidere, he ſeide to þe firſte, Hou moche owiſt þou to my lord? And he ſeide to him, An hundrid barelis of oyle. And he ſeide to him, Taak þin obligacioun, and ſitte ſoon, and wryt fyfti. Aftirward he ſeyde to anoþer, Soþli hou moche owiſt þou? Which ſeide, An hundrid meſuris of whete. And he ſeide to him, Tak þi lettris, and wryt foure ſcore. And þe lord preiſide þe fermour of wickidneſſe, for he hadde don prudently; for þe ſones of þis world ben more prudent in her generacioun þan þe ſones of liȝt. And I ſeie to ȝou, make to ȝou frendes of þe richeſſe of wickidneſſe, þat whan ȝe ſhulen fayle, þei receyue ȝou in to euerlaſtynge tabernaclis. He þat is feiþful in þe leeſte þing, is feiþful alſo in more; and he þat is wickid in a litil þing, is wickid alſo in þe more. Þerfore if ȝe weren not trewe in wicked riches, who ſchal bitake to ȝou þis þat is verri? And if ȝe weren not trewe in alien þing, who ſchal ȝyue to ȝou þis þat is ȝoure? No man ſeruaunt may ſerue twey lordis; forſoþe eþer he ſchal hate oon, and loue þe toþir; eþer he ſchal cleue to oon, and diſpiſe þe tohir. Ȝe mown not ſerue to God and to riches. Forſoþ Fariſees, þat weren coueytouſe, herden alle þes þingis, and þei ſcornyden him. And he ſeide to hem, Ȝe it ben, þat iuſtifyen ȝou bifore men; ſoþli God knowiþ ȝoure hertis, for þat þing þat is hiȝ to men, is abominacioun anemptis God. Þe lawe and prophetis til to John; fro þat tyme þe rewme of God is prechid, and ech man makiþ violence in to it. Forſoþe it is liȝter heuene and erþe to paſſe ouer, þan o titil falle fro þe lawe. Ech man þat forſakiþ his wyf, and weddiþ anoþer, doiþ auoutrie; and he þat weddiþ þe wyf forſakun of þe hoſebonde, doiþ auoutrie. Sum man was rich, and was cloþid in purpur, and biys, eþer whit ſilk, and he eet ech day ſchynyngli. And þer was ſum beggere, Lazarus by name, þat lay ful of bylis at his ȝate, coueytinge to be fillid of þe crummes, þat felden doun fro þe riche mannis boord, and no man ȝaf to him; but and houndis camen, and lickiden his bylis. Forſoþe it was don, þat þe beggere deiede, and was borun of aungels in to Abrahams boſum. Forſoþe and þe riche man is deed, and is biried. In helle, forſoþe he reyſinge his yȝen, whanne he was in turmentis, ſyȝ Abraham afer, and Lazarus in his boſum. And he criynge ſeyde, Fadir Abraham, haue mercy on me, and ſend Lazarus, þat he dippe þe laſte part of his fyngur in watir, and kele my tunge; for I am turmentid in þis flawme. And Abraham ſeide to him, Sone, haue mynde, for þou haſt receyued good þingis in þi lyf, and Lazarus alſo yuele þingis; ſoþli he is now comfortid, but þou art turmentid. And in alle þes þingis a greet derk place, eþer depþe, is ſtabliſchid by twixe vs and ȝou; þat þei þat wolen fro hennis paſſe to ȝou, mown not, neþer fro þennis paſſe ouer hidur. And he ſeide, Þerfore I preye þee, fadir Abraham, þat þou ſende him in to þe hous of my fadir. For I haue fyue breþeren, þat he witneſſe to hem, leſt alſo þei come in to þis place of turmentis. And Abraham ſeide to him, Þei han Moyſes and þe prophetis; heere þei hem. And he ſeide, Nay, fadir Abraham, but if ony of deede men ſchal go to hem, þei ſchulen do penaunce. Forſoþe he ſeyde to him, If þei heere not Moyſes and þe prophetis, neiþer if ony of deede men ſchal ryſe aȝen, þei ſchulen bileue to him.

Capitulum XVII.

And he ſeide to his diſciplis, It is inpoſſible þat ſclaundris come not; but woo to him, by whom þei comen. It is more profitable to him, if a mylne ſtoon be put aboute his necke, and he be caſt in to þe ſee, þan þat he ſclaundre oon of þes litle. Take ȝe heede to ȝou ſilf; if þi broþer haþ ſynned aȝens þee, blame him; and if he ſchal do penaunce, forȝyue to him. And if ſeuene ſiþis in þe day he ſchal ſynne aȝens þee, and ſeuene ſiþis in þe day he ſchal be conuertid to þee, ſeyinge, It forþenkiþ me, forȝyue to him. And þe poſtlis ſeiden to þe Lord, Encreeſſe feiþ to vs. Forſoþ þe Lord ſeyde, If ȝe ſchulen haue feiþ as þe corn of ſyneuey, ȝe ſchulen ſeye to þis more tree, Be þou drawun vp by þe roote, and be plauntid ouer in to þe ſee, and it ſchal obeye to ȝou. Forſoþe who of ȝou hauynge a ſeruaunt eringe, oþer leſewynge oxun, which ſeiþ to him, turnyd aȝen fro þe feeld, Anoon go, and ſitte to mete; and ſeiþ not to him, Make þou redy, þat I ſoupe, and girde þee, and mynyſtre to me, til I ete and drynke, and aftir þes þingis þou ſchalt ete and drynke; wher he haþ grace to þat ſeruaunt, for he dide þis þat he comaundide to him? Nay, I geſſe. So alſo ȝe whanne ȝe han don alle þingis þat ben comaundid to ȝou, ſeie ȝe, We ben vnprofitable ſeruauntis, we han don þis þat we ouȝte to do. And it was done, þe while Jheſu wente in to Jeruſalem, he paſſide þorw þe myddel of Samarie, and of Galilee. And whanne he entride in to ſum caſtel, ten leprouſe men camen aȝens him, whiche ſtoode afer, and reyſide þe vois, ſeiynge, Jheſu, comaundour, haue mercy on vs. Whiche as he ſyȝ, he ſeide, Go ȝe, ſchewe ȝe ȝou to preſtis. And it was don, þe while þei wenten, þei weren clenſid. Forſoþe oon of hem, as he ſyȝ for he was clenſid, wente aȝen, magnyfiynge God wiþ greet vois. And he felde doun in to þe face bifore his feet, doynge þankingis; and þis was a Samaritan. Forſoþe Jheſu anſweringe ſeide, Wher ten ben not clenſid, and where ben þe nyne? Noon is foundun, þat turnyde aȝen, and ȝaf glorie to God, no but þis alien. And he ſeiþ to him, Ryſe þou, go þou; for þi feiþ haþ maad þee ſaaf. Forſoþe he axid of Phariſees, whanne þe rewme of God comeþ, anſweride to hem, and ſeide, Þe rewme of God comeþ not wiþ aſpying, neþir þei ſchulen ſeye, Lo! here, eþer lo! þere; forſoþe lo! þe rewme of God is wiþ ynne ȝou. And he ſeide to his diſciplis, Dayes ſchulen come, whanne ȝe ſchulen deſyre to ſe o day of mannis ſone, and ȝe ſchulen not ſe. And þei ſchulen ſeye to ȝou, Lo! here, and lo! þere. Nyle ȝe go, neþer ſue ȝe; for as leit ſchynynge fro vndir heuene ſchyneþ on þoo þingis þat ben vndir heuene, ſo mannis ſone ſchal be in his day. Forſoþe firſt it bihoueþ him to ſuffre many þingis, and to be reproued of þis generacioun. And as it was don in þe dayes of Noe, ſo it ſchal be in þe dayes of mannis ſone. Þei eeten and drunken, and weddiden wyues, and weren ȝouun to weddingis, til in to þe day in which Noe entride in to his ſchip; and þe greet flood cam, and loſte alle. Alſo as it was don in þe dayes of Loþ, þei eeten and drunken, bouȝten and ſeelden, plantiden and byldeden; ſoþli in what day Loþ wente out of Sodom, þe Lord reynede fier and brymſtoon fro heuene, and loſte alle. Vp þis þing it ſchal be, in what day mannis ſone ſchal be ſchewid. In þat our he þat ſchal be in þe roof, and his veſels in þe hous, come he not doun to take hem awei; and he þat ſchal be in þe feeld, alſo turne not aȝen bihynde. Be ȝe myndeful of þe wyf of Loþ. Who euere ſchal ſeke to make his lyf ſaf, ſchal leeſe it; and who euere ſchal leeſe it, ſchal quykene it. I ſeye to ȝou, in þat niȝt tweyne ſchulen be in o bed, oon ſchal be receyued, and þe toþer ſchal be forſakun; tweye wymmen ſchulen be gryndinge to gidere, oon ſchal be receyued, and þe toþer ſchal be forſakun; tweyne in a feeld, oon ſchal be receyued, þe toþer ſchal be forſakun. Þei anſweringe ſeyden to him, Where, Lord? Which ſeide to hem, Where euere þe body ſchal be, alſo þe eglis ſchulen be gederid to gidere þidur.

Capitulum XVIII.

Forſoþe he ſeide alſo a parable to hem, for it bihoueþ to preie euere, and to fayle not; ſeyinge, Sum iuge was in ſum citee, which dredde not God, neþer ſchamede of men. Forſoþe ſum widowe was in þat citee, and ſche cam to him, ſeyinge, Venge me of myn aduerſarie; and he wolde not by myche tyme. Soþli aftir þes þingis he ſeide wiþ ynne him ſilf, Þouȝ I drede not God, and ſchame not of man, neþeles for þis widowe is heuy, or diſeſeful, to me, I ſchal venge hir; leſt at þe laſte ſche comynge ſtrangle me. Soþli þe Lord ſeide, Heere ȝe, what þe domeſman of wickidneſſe ſeiþ; forſoþ wher God ſchal not do þe veniaunce of his choſene, criynge to him nyȝt and day, and ſchal haue pacience in hem? Soþli I ſeie to ȝou, for ſoone he ſchal do þe veniaunce of hem. Neþeles geſſiſt þou, mannis ſone comynge ſchal fynde feiþ in erþe? Forſoþ he ſeide alſo to ſum men, þat triſtiden in hem ſilf, as riȝtful, and diſpiſeden oþere, þis parable, ſeyinge, Tweye men ſtiȝeden in to þe temple for to preie; oon a Phariſe, and þe toþir a pupplican. Forſoþe þe Fariſe ſtondinge, praiede anentis him ſilf þes þingis, ſeyinge, God, I do þankingis to þee, for I am not as oþere men, raueynouris, vniuſt, auouters, as alſo þis pupplican; I faſte twyes in þe woke, I ȝyue tyþis of alle þingis whiche I haue in poſſeſſioun. And þe pupplican ſtondinge a fer nolde neþir reyſe þe yȝen to heuene, but ſmoot his breſt, ſeyinge, God be mercyful to me, ſynnere. Treuli I ſeye to ȝou, þis cam doun in to his hous iuſtified of him. For ech þat enhaunſiþ him ſilf ſchal be maad louȝ, and he þat mekiþ him ſilf, ſchal be enhaunſid. Forſoþe þei brouȝten to him ȝonge children, þat he ſchulde touch hem; which þing whanne diſciplis ſyȝen, þei blamyden hem. Soþli Jheſu clepinge to gidere hem, ſeide, Suffre ȝe children to come to me, and nyle ȝe forbede hem, for of ſiche is þe rewme of heuenes. Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, who euere ſchal not take þe kyngdom of God as a child, he ſchal not entre in to it. And ſum prince axide him, ſeyinge, Good maiſtir, what þing doynge ſchal I welde euerlaſtyng lyf? Soþli Jheſu ſeyde to him, What ſeiſt þou me good? No man is good, no but God aloone. Þou knowiſt þe comaundementis, Þou ſchalt not ſle, Þou ſchalt not do leccherie, Þou ſchalt not do þefte, Þou ſchal not ſeye fals witneſſyng, Worſchipe fadir and modir. Which ſeide, I haue kept alle þes þingis fro my ȝouþe. Which þing herd, Jheſu ſeide to him, Ȝit o þing fayliþ to þee; ſille þou alle, what euere þingis þou haſt, and ȝyue to pore men, and þou ſchalt haue treſour in heuene; and come, and ſue me. Þes þingis herd, he was ſorwful, for he was ful riche. Soþli Jheſu ſeinge him maad ſorwful ſeide, How hard þei þat han richeſſis ſchulen entre in to þe rewme of God; forſoþ it is eſyer a camel to paſſe þurȝ a nedlis yȝe, þan a riche man for to entre in to þe kingdom of God. And þei þat herden þes þingis ſeiden, And who may be maad ſaf? And he ſeide to hem, Þo þingis þat ben vnpoſſible anemptis men, ben poſſible anemptis God. Forſoþ Petre ſeide, Loo! we han forſake alle þingis, and han ſued þee. Which ſeyde to hem, Treuly I ſeye to ȝou, no man is, þat ſchal forſake hous, eþer fadir, eþir modir, eþir briþeren, eþer wyf, eþer ſones, eþer feeldis, for þe rewme of God, and ſchal not receyue myche mo þingis in þis tyme, and in þe world to comynge euerelaſting lyf. Forſoþe Jheſu took twelue diſciplis, and ſeide to hem, Lo! we ſtiȝen to Jeruſalem, and alle þingis ſchulen be endid, þat ben writun by þe prophetis of mannis ſone. Forſoþ he ſchal be bitrayed to heþen men, and he ſchal be ſcorned, and ſcourgid, and biſpet; and aftir þat þei han ſcourgid, þei ſchulen ſle him, and þe þridde day he ſchal ryſe aȝein. And þei vnderſtoden no þing of þeſe; and þis word was hid fro hem, and þei vndirſtoden not þo þingis þat weren ſeid. Forſoþe it was don, whanne Jheſu cam nyȝ to Jerico, ſum blynd man ſaat biſydis þe weye beggynge. And whanne he herde þe cumpany paſſynge, he axide, what þis þing was. Soþli þei ſeiden to him, þat Jheſu of Nazareþ paſſide. And he cryede, ſeyinge, Jheſu, þe ſone of Dauiþ, haue mercy on me. And þei þat wenten bifore blamyden him, þat he ſchulde be ſtille; ſoþli he cryede myche more, Þou ſone of Dauiþ, haue mercy on me. Forſoþe Jheſu ſtondinge comaundide him to be brouȝt forþ to him. And whanne he cam nyȝ, he axide him, ſeyinge, What wolt þou I ſchal do to þee? And he ſeide, Lord, þat I ſe. And Jheſu ſeide to him, Bihold þou; þi feiþ haþ maad þee ſaaf. And anon he ſyȝ, and ſuede him, magnyfiynge God. And al þe peple, as it ſyȝ, ȝaf heriynge to God.

Capitulum XIX.

And Jheſu goynge yn, walkide þorw Jerico. And lo! a man, Zachee by name, and he was prince of pupplicans, and he was riche. And he ſouȝte to ſee Jheſu, who he was, and he myȝte not, for þe cumpany, for he was litel in ſtature. And he rennynge bifore, ſtiȝede in to a ſycamoure tree, þat he ſchulde ſee Jheſu; for he was to paſſinge þennis. And Jheſu biholdinge vpward, whanne he cam to þe place, ſyȝ him, and ſeyde to him, Zachee, haſtinge cum doun, for to day I moot dwelle in þin hous. And he haſtinge cam doun, and ioyinge reſeyuede him. And whanne alle men ſayen, þei grucchiden, ſeyinge, For he hadde turned to a ſynful man. Forſoþ Zachee ſtondinge ſeide to þe Lord, Lo! Lord, I ȝyue þe half of my goodis to pore men; and if I haue ony þing defraudid ony man, I ȝelde þe fourefold. Jheſu ſeide to him, For in þis day heelþe is maad to þis hous, for and he is þe ſone of Abraham; forſoþe mannis ſone cam to ſeke, and make ſaaf þis þing þat periſchede. Hem heringe þes þingis, he puttinge to, ſeide a parable, for he was nyȝ Jeruſalem, and for þei geſſiden, þat þe kyngdom of God ſchulde be ſchewid a non. Þerfore he ſeide, Sum noble man wente in to a fer cuntree, to take to him a kyngdom, and to turne aȝeyn. Soþli his ten ſeruauntis clepid, he ȝaf to hem ten beſauntis. And he ſeide to hem, Marchaundiſe ȝe, til I come. Forſoþ his citeſeyns hatiden him, and ſente a meſſager aftir him, ſeyinge, We nyle, þat he regne on vs. And it was don, þat þe rewme takun, he turnede aȝen; and he comaundide his ſeruauntis to be clepid, to whiche he ȝaf money, þat he ſchulde wite, hou moche ech hadde wunne by chaffaring. Forſoþ þe firſte cam, ſeyinge, Lord, þi beſaunt haþ wunne ten beſauntis. He ſeide to him, Wel be, þou goode ſeruaunt; for in litil þing þou haſt be trewe, þou ſchalt haue power on ten citees. And anoþer cam, ſeyinge, Lord, þi beſaunt haþ maad fyue beſauntis. And he ſeide to þis, And be þou on fyue citees. And þe þridde cam, ſeyinge, Lord, lo! þi beſaunt, which I hadde, kept in a ſudarie, eþer ſweting cloþ. Forſoþ I dredde þee, for þou art an auſterne man; þou takiſt awey þis þing which þou ſettiſt not, and þou repiſt þis þing which þou haſt not ſowe. He ſeiþ to him, Weyward ſeruaunt, of þi mouþ I deme þee. Wiſtiſt þou, þat I am an hauſterne man, takinge a wey þis þing which I ſettide not, and repinge þis þing which I haue not ſowe? and whi haſt þou not ȝouun my money to þe boord, and I comynge ſchulde haue receyued it ſoþli wiþ vſuris? And he ſeide to hem þat ſtooden nyȝ, Take ȝe awey fro him þe beſaunt, and ȝyue ȝe to him þat haþ ten beſauntis. And þei ſeiden to him, Lord, he haþ ten beſauntis. Soþli I ſeie to ȝou, for to ech hauynge it ſchal be ȝouun, and he ſchal be plenteuous; but fro him þat haþ not, alſo þis þing þat he haþ, ſchal be takun of him. Neþeles brynge ȝe hidir þo myne enemyes, þat nolde me to regne on hem, and ſle ȝe bifore me. And þes þingis ſeyd, he wente bifore, ſtiȝynge to Jeruſalem. And it was don, whanne he cam nyȝ to Beþfage and Betanye, at þe mount, which is clepid of Olyuete, he ſente his tweye diſciplis, ſeyinge, Go ȝe in to þe caſtel, which is aȝens ȝou; in to which ȝe entrynge ſchulen fynde a colt of a ſhe aſſe, on which non of men euere ſaat; vnbynde ȝe him, and brynge ȝe to me. And if ony man ſchal axe, whi ȝe vnbynden, þus ȝe ſchulen ſeye to him, For þe Lord deſyriþ his work. Forſoþe þei þat weren ſent, wenten forþ, and founden as he ſeyde to hem, a colt ſtondinge. Soþli hem vntyynge þe colt, þe lordis of him ſeyde to hem, What vntyen ȝe þe colt? And þei ſeiden, For þe Lord haþ him nedful. And þei ledden him to Jheſu; and þei, caſtinge her cloþis on þe colt, puttedyn Jheſu on him. Forſoþe him goynge, þei vndir ſtrewiden her cloþis in þe weye. And whanne now he cam nyȝ to þe comynge doun of þe hil of Olyuete, alle þe cumpanyes of men comynge doun bigunnen ioyinge to herie God wiþ greet vois on alle þe vertues, whiche þei ſyȝen, ſeyinge, Bleſſid is þe kyng, þat comeþ in þe name of þe Lord; pees in heuene, and glorie in hiȝ þingis. And ſumme of þe Phariſees of þe cumpanyes ſeyden to him, Maiſtir, blame þi diſciplis. To whiche he ſeide, I ſeye to ȝou, for if þes ſchulen be ſtille, ſtoones ſchulen crye. And whanne he neiȝede, he ſeynge þe citee, wepte on it ſeyinge, For if þou haddiſt knowe, and þou, and ſoþeli in þis þi day, which is to pees to þee; but now þei ben hid fro þin yȝen. For daies ſchulen come into þee, and þin enemyes ſchulen enuyroune þee wiþ pale, and ſchulen enuyroune þee, and þei ſchulen make þee ſtreyt on alle ſydis; and þei ſchulen caſte þee doun to erþe, and þi ſones þat ben in þee; and þei ſchulen not leeue in þee a ſtoon on a ſtoon, for þou haſt not knowe þe tyme of þi viſitacioun. And he gon in to þe temple, bigan to caſte out men ſellinge þer ynne and biggynge, ſeyinge to hem, It is writun, For myn hous is an hous of preier, forſoþe ȝe han maad it a den of þeuys. And he was techinge euery day in þe temple. Forſoþ þe princes of preſtis, and ſcribis, and þe princis of þe peple ſouȝten to leeſe him; and þei founden not what þei ſchulden do to him, for al þe peple was al ocupyed, heeringe him.

Capitulum XX.

And it was don in oon of dayes, him techinge þe peple in þe temple, and prechinge þe goſpel, þe princis of preſtis and þe ſcribis camen to gidere wiþ þe eldre men; and ſeiden, ſeyinge to him, Seye to vs, in what power þou doſt þis þing, eþer who ȝaf to þee þis power? Forſoþe Jheſu anſweringe ſeide to hem, And I ſchal axe ȝou a word; anſwere ȝe to me. Was þe baptym of Joon of heuene, eþer of men? And þei þouȝten wiþ ynne hem ſelue, ſeyinge, For if we ſchulen ſeye, Of heuene, he ſchal ſeye, Whi þerfore bileuen ȝe not to him? forſoþ if we ſchulen ſeye, Of men, all þe comyn peple ſchal ſtoone vs; for þei ben certeyn, þat John is a prophete. And þei anſweriden, þat þei witen not, of whennis it was. And Jheſu ſeide to hem, Neiþer I ſeie to ȝou, in what power I do þes þingis. Forſoþe he bigan to ſeye to þe comyn peple þis parable. Sum man plantide a vyner, and ſettide it to ferme to tilieris; and he was in pilgrymage many tymes. And in þe tyme of gedrynge of grapis, he ſente a ſeruaunt to þe tilieris, þat þei ſchulden ȝyue to him of þe fruyt of þe vyner; whiche leften him, betun, voyde. And he addide to ſende anoþer ſeruaunt; forſoþe alſo þei betinge þis, and ponyſchynge wiþ diſpiſingis, leften voyde. And he addide to ſende þe þridde, whiche alſo woundinge him, caſtiden out. Soþli þe lord of þe vyner ſeide, What ſchal I do? I ſchal ſende my dereworþe ſone; perauenture whanne þei ſchulen ſe him, þei ſchulen be aſchamyd. Whom whanne þe tilieris hadden ſeyn, þei þouȝten wiþ ynne hem ſelue, ſeyinge, Þis is þe eyr, ſle we him, þat þe eritage be maad oure. And þei killiden him, caſt out of þe vyner. What þerfore ſchal þe lord of þe vyner do to hem? He ſchal come, and leſe þeſe tilieris, and he ſchal ȝyue þe vyner to oþere. Which þing herd, þei ſeiden to him, Fer be it. Forſoþe he biholdinge hem, ſeide, What þerfore is þis þing þat is writun, Þe ſtoon whom men bildinge reproueden, þis is maad in to þe heed of þe corner? Ech þat ſchal falle on þat ſtoon, ſchal be bryſid; forſoþe on whom it ſchal falle, it ſchal breke him in to ſmale parties. And þe princes of preſtis, and þe ſcribis, ſouȝten to ſette hondis on him in þat our, and þei dredden þe peple; forſoþe þei knewen þat to hem he ſeide þis lykneſſe. And þei aſpyinge ſenten aſpieris, whiche feyneden hem ſelue iuſte, þat þei ſchulden take him in word, and bitake him to þe prince, and to þe power of þe iuſtiſe. And þei axiden him, ſeyinge, Maiſtir, we witen, þat þou ſeiſt and techiſt riȝtly; and þou takiſt not perſoone of man, but þou techiſt in treuþ þe wey of God. Is it leefful to vs to ȝyue tribute to Ceſar, eþer nay? Forſoþe he biholdinge þe diſſeyt of hem, ſeide to hem, What tempte ȝe me? Schewe ȝe to me a peny; whos ymage and writynge aboue haþ it? Þei anſweringe ſeiden to him, Ceſaris. And he ſeide to hem, Þerfore ȝelde ȝe to Ceſar þo þingis þat ben of Ceſar, and þo þingis þat ben of God, to God. And þei myȝten not reproue his word bifore þe pore peple; and þei wondringe in his anſwere, helden pees. Summe of þe Sadducees, þat denyen aȝen ryſinge to be, neiȝeden, and axiden him, ſeyinge, Maiſtir, Moyſes wrot to vs, if þe broþer of ony man hauynge wyf deiede, and he was wiþ oute fre children, þat his broþer take his wyf, and reyſe ſeed to his broþer. Þerfore ſeuene briþeren weren. Þe firſte took a wyf, and is deed, wiþ outen ſones; and þe broþer ſuwinge took hir, and he is deed wiþ oute ſone; and þe þridde took hir; alſo and alle ſeuene, and leften no ſeed, but ben deede; and þe womman þe laſte of alle is deed. Þerfore in þe riſynge aȝein, whos wyf of hem ſchal ſche be? forſoþe ſeuene hadden hir wyf. And Jheſu ſeide to hem, Sones of þis world wedden, and ben ȝouun to weddingis; forſoþe þei þat be worþi to þat world, and ryſing aȝen fro deede men, neiþer ben weddid, neþer wedden wyues, neþer ſchulen mowe deye more; forſoþ þei ben euene wiþ aungels, and ben þe ſones of God, ſiþen þei ben þe ſones of ryſinge aȝen. Forſoþe for deede men ryſen aȝen, alſo Moyſes ſchewide byſyde þe boyſche, as he ſeiþ, Þe Lord God of Abraham, and God of Iſaac, and God of Jacob. Forſoþ God is not of deede men, but of lyuynge men; forſoþ alle men lyuen to hym. Soþli ſumme of þe ſcribis anſweringe ſeide, Maiſtir, þou haſt well ſeide. And þei durſte no more axe him ony þing. Forſoþ he ſeide to hem, How ſeyn men, þat Criſt is þe ſone of Dauiþ, and Dauiþ him ſilf ſeiþ in þe book of Salmes, Þe Lord ſeide to my lord, Sitte þou on my riȝt half, til I putte þin enemyes a ſtool of þi feet. Þerfore Dauiþ clepiþ him lord, and how is he his ſone? Soþli al þe peple heeringe, he ſeyde to his diſciplis, Be ȝe war of ſcribis, þat wolen go in ſtoolis, and louen ſalutaciouns in þe cheping, and þe firſte chayris in ſynagogis, and þe firſte ſitting places in feeſtis; whiche deuouren þe houſis of widowis, feynynge long preier; þes ſchulen take more dampnacioun.

Capitulum XXI.

Forſoþe he biholdinge ſyȝ þo riche men, whiche ſenten her ȝiftis in to þe treſorie; forſoþe he ſyȝ alſo ſum litel pore widowe ſendynge tweie litle moneys, eþir a ferþing. And he ſeyde, Treuli I ſeye to ȝou, for þis pore widowe ſente more þan alle men. Forwhi alle þes ſenten in to ȝiftis of God, of þe þing plenteuouſly to hem; forſoþe þis widowe of þis þing þat fayleþ to hir, ſente al hir lyfloode, þat ſhe hadde. And ſum men ſeyinge of þe temple, þat it was ourned wiþ goode ſtoones and ȝyftis, he ſeyde, Þes þingis þat ȝe ſeen, dayes ſchulen come, in which a ſtoon ſchal not be left on a ſtoon, which ſchal not be diſtroyed. Soþli þei axiden him, ſeyinge, Comaundour, whanne ſchulen þes þingis be? and what tokene, whanne þei ſchulen bigynne to be don? Which ſeide, Se ȝe, þat ȝe be not diſceyued; forſoþe manye ſchulen come in my name, ſeyinge, For I am, and þe tyme ſchal neiȝe; þerfore nyle ȝe go aftir hem. But whanne ȝe ſchulen heere batels and diſſenciouns wiþ ynne, nyle ȝe be aferd; it bihoueþ firſt þes þingis to be don, but not ȝit anoon þe ende. Þanne he ſeide to hem, Folk ſchal ryſe aȝens folk, and rewme aȝens rewme; and grete mouyngis of erþe ſchulen be by places, and peſtilenſis, and hungris, and dredis fro heuene, and grete tokenes ſchulen be. But bifore alle þes þingis þei ſchulen ſette hir hondis on ȝou, and ſchulen purſuwe, bitakinge in to ſynagogis and kepingis, eþer priſouns, drawynge to kingis and iuſtiſis, for my name; forſoþe it ſchal bifalle to ȝou in to witneſſing. Þerfore putte ȝe in ȝoure hertis, not to þenke bifore, how ȝe ſchulen anſwere; for I ſchal ȝyue to ȝou mouþ and wyſdom, to whiche alle ȝoure aduerſaries ſchulen not mowe aȝenſtonde, and aȝenſeye. Soþli ȝe ſchulen be bytrayed of fadir, and modir, and briþeren, and coſyns, and frendis, and by deeþ þei ſchulen turmente ſumme of ȝou; and ȝe ſchulen be hatid of alle men for my name. And an heer of ȝoure heed ſchal not periſche; in ȝoure pacience ȝe ſchulen welde ȝoure ſoulis. Forſoþ whanne ȝe ſchulen ſe Jeruſalem enuyrowned of an ooſt of batel, þanne wite ȝe, þat þe deſolacioun þerof ſchal neiȝe. Þanne þei þat ben in Judee, flee in to hillis; and þei þat ben in þe myddel of it, go awey; and þei þat ben in þe cuntreis, entre not in to it. For þes ben þe dayes of veniaunce, þat alle þingis þat ben writun, be fillid. Forſoþe wo to hem, þat ben wiþ childe, and noriſchen in þo dayes; for a greet tribulacioun ſchal be on erþe, and wraþþe to þis peple. And þei ſchulen falle in þe mouþ of ſwerd, and þei ſchulen be ledd caytif in to alle folkis; and Jeruſalem ſchal be defoulid of heþen men, til þe tymes of naciouns be fillid. And tokenes ſchulen be in þe ſunne, and moone, and ſterris; and in þe erþe ſchal be ouerleying of folkis, for confuſioun of ſown of þe ſee and wawis; men waxinge drye for drede and abidinge þat ſchulen come on al þe world; forwhi vertues of heuene ſchulen be mouyd. And þanne þei ſchulen ſe mannis ſone comynge in a cloude, wiþ greet power and maieſte. Soþli þes þingis bigynnynge to be don, biholde ȝe, and reyſe ȝe ȝoure heedis, for ȝoure aȝen bying neiȝiþ. And he ſeide to hem a licneſſe, Se ȝe þe fige tree, and alle trees, whanne þei bringen forþ of hem fruyt now, ȝe witen for ſomer is niȝ; ſo alſo, whanne ȝe ſchulen ſe þes þingis to be don, wite ȝe, for þe kyngdom of God is nyȝ. Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, for þis generacioun ſchal not paſſe, til alle þingis be don. Heuene and erþe ſchulen paſſe, but my wordis ſchulen not paſſe. Forſoþe take ȝe heede to ȝou ſilf, leſt per auenture ȝoure hertis be greuyd wiþ glotenye, and drunkeneſſe, and biſyneſſis of þis lyf, and þilke day come ſudeyn on ȝou; for as a ſnare it ſchal come on alle men, þat ſitten on þe face of al erþe. And ſo wake ȝe, preiynge in ech tyme, þat ȝe be worþi to fle alle þes þingis þat ſchulen come, and to ſtonde bifore mannis ſone. Forſoþ in dayes he was techinge in þe temple, but he goynge out dwellide in nyȝtis in þe hil, which is clepid of Olyuete. And al þe peple roos erly, to come to him in þe temple, for to heere him.

Capitulum XXII.

Forſoþe þe haliday of þerf looues, which is ſeid paſke, neiȝede. And þe princes of preſtis and þe ſcribis ſouȝten, hou þei ſchulden ſlee Jheſu, but þei dredden þe peple. Soþli Saþanas entride in to Judas, þat was clepid Scarioþ, oon of þe twelue. And he wente, and ſpak wiþ þe princes of preſtis, and wiþ þe mageſtratis, how he ſchulde bitraye him to hem. And þei ioyeden, and maden couenaunt to ȝyue money to him. And he bihiȝte, and he ſouȝte couenablete, þat he ſchulde bitraye him, wiþ oute þe cumpanyes. Soþly þe day of þerf looues cam, in which it was nede, þat paſk, þat is, ſacrifice of paſk, be ſlayn. And he ſente Petre and John, ſeyinge, Ȝe goynge make redy paſk to vs, þat we ete. And þei ſeiden, Where wolt þou, þat we make redy? And he ſeide to hem, Lo! ȝou entringe in to þe citee, ſum man beringe a veſſel wiþ watir ſchal come aȝens ȝou; ſue ȝe him in to þe hous, in to which he entriþ. And ȝe ſchulen ſeye to þe hoſebonde man of þe hous, Þe maiſtir ſeiþ to þee, Where is þe herborgerie, where I ſchal ete paſk wiþ my diſciplis? And he ſchal ſchewe to ȝou a greet ſouping place ſtrewid, and þere make ȝe redy. Soþli þei goynge founden as he ſeide to hem, and þere þei maden redy þe paſke. And whanne þe our was maad, he ſat to þe mete, and twelue apoſtlis wiþ him. And he ſeide to hem, Wiþ deſyr I haue deſyrid to ete wiþ ȝou þis paſk, bifore þat I ſuffre; forſoþe I ſeie to ȝou, for fro þis tyme I ſhal not ete it, til it be fillid in þe rewme of God. And þe cuppe takun, he dide þankingis, and ſeide, Take ȝe, and departe ȝe among ȝou; forſoþe I ſeie to ȝou, I ſchal not drynke of þe generacioun of þis vyne, til þe rewme of God come. And þe breed takun, he dide þankingis, and brak, and ȝaf to hem, ſeyinge, Þis is my body, which ſchal be ȝouun for ȝou; do ȝe þis þing in to my commemoracioun. Alſo and þe chalys, aftir þat he hadde ſoupid, ſeyinge, Þis cuppe is þe newe teſtament in my blood, which ſchal be ſched for ȝou. Neþeles lo! þe hond of a man bitrayinge me is wiþ me in þe bord. And ſoþli mannis ſone goþ, vp þat it is determynd; neþeles wo to þat man, bi whom he ſchal be bitrayed. And þei bigynnen to ſeche among hem ſilf, who it was of hem, þat was to doynge þis þing. And ſtryf was maad among hem, which of hem ſchulde be ſeyn to be more. Forſoþ he ſeide to hem, Kyngis of heþen men ben lordis, or lordſchipen, of hem, and þei þat han power on hem ben clepid goode ȝyueris, but ȝe not ſo; but he þat is þe more in ȝou, be maad as þe ȝongere, and he þat is bifore goer, as a ſeruaunt. Forwhi who is þe more, he þat reſtiþ, oþer he þat myniſtriþ? wher not he þat reſtiþ? Forſoþ I am in þe myddis of ȝou, as he þat myniſtriþ. Soþli ȝe it ben, þat han dwelt wiþ me in my temptaciouns; and I diſpoſe to ȝou, as my fadir haþ diſpoſed to me, a rewme, þat ȝe ete and drynke on my bord in my rewme, and ſitte on trones, demynge twelue kynredis of Iſrael. Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Symount, Symount, lo! Saþanas haþ axid ȝou, þat he ſchulde ridele as whete; but I haue preied for þee, þat þi feiþ fayle not; and þou conuertid ſum tyme, conferme þi briþeren. Which ſeide to him, Lord, I am redi to go wiþ þee, and in to priſoun and in to deeþ. And he ſeide, I ſeie to þee, Peter, þe koc ſchal not crowe to day, til þou þries forſake to knowe me. And he ſeide to hem, Whanne I ſente ȝou wiþ oute ſachel, and ſcrip, and ſchoon, wher ony þing failide to ȝou? And þei ſeiden, No þing. Þerfore he ſeide to hem, But now he þat haþ a ſachel, take alſo and a ſcrippe; and he þat haþ not, ſelle his coote, and bye a ſwerd. Soþli I ſeie to ȝou, for ȝit it bihoueþ þis þing þat is writun to be fulfillid in me, And he is demyd wiþ wickide men; forſoþe þo þingis þat ben of me han an ende. And þei ſeiden, Lord, lo! tweye ſwerdis here. And he ſeyde to hem, It is ynowȝ. And he gon out, wente bi cuſtom in to þe hil of Olyues; ſoþli and þe diſciplis ſueden him. And whanne he cam to þe place, he ſeyde to hem, Preie ȝe, leſt ȝe entre in to temptacioun. And he was takun awey fro hem, as myche as is a ſtoones caſt; and þe knees put, he preide, ſeyinge, Fadir, if þou wolt, turn ouer þis cuppe fro me; neþeles not my wille be don, but þin. Forſoþ an aungel apperide to him fro heuene, cumfortinge him. And he maad in agonye, eþer angwiſche, preiede lengere; and his ſwoot was maad as dropis of blood rennynge doun in to þe erþe. And whanne he hadde riſe fro preier, and hadde come to his diſciplis, he fond hem ſlepinge for heuyneſſe. And he ſeide to hem, What ſlepen ȝe? Ryſe ȝe, and preie ȝe, þat ȝe entre not in to temptacioun. Ȝit him ſpekinge, lo! a cumpany, and he þat was clepid Judas, oon of þe twelue, wente bifore hem; and he neiȝede to Jheſu, þat he ſchulde kiſſe him. Soþli Jheſu ſeide to him, Judas, bitrayeſt þou mannis ſone wiþ a coſſ? Forſoþ þei þat weren aboute hym, ſeynge þe þing þat was to comynge, ſeiden to him, Lord, wher we ſmyten by ſwerd? And oon of hem ſmoot þe ſeruaunt of þe prince of þe preſtis, and kittide of his litel riȝt eere. Forſoþe Jheſu anſweringe ſeyde, Suffre ȝe til hidur. And whanne he hadde touchid his litil eere, he heelide him. Forſoþe Jheſu ſeide to hem, þat camen to him, þe princes of preſtis, and mageſtratis, and eldere men, As to a þeef ȝe han gon out wiþ ſwerdis and ſtaues? Whanne I was eche day wiþ ȝou in þe temple, ȝe ſtreiȝten not out þe hondis into me; but þis is ȝoure our, and þe power of derkneſſis. Soþli þei takinge him, ledden to þe hous of þe prince of preſtis; Petre forſoþe ſuede him a fer. Soþli a fyer kyndlid in þe myddel greet hous, and hem ſittinge aboute, Petre was in þe myddel of hem. Whom whanne ſum handmayde hadde ſeyn ſittinge at þe liȝt, and hadde biholde him, ſhe ſeide, And þis was wiþ him. And he denyede him, ſeiynge, Womman, I knowe him not. And aftir a litil a noþir man ſeynge him, ſeide, And þou ert of hem. Petre forſoþe ſeide, A! man, I am not. And a ſpace maad as of oon our, ſoþli anoþir affermyde, ſeyinge, Treuli and þis was wiþ him; forwhi and he is of Galilee. And Petre ſeide, Man, I wot not what þou ſeiſt. And a non ȝit him ſpekinge, a cok crew. And þe Lord turned aȝen, biheeld Petre; and Petre hadde mynde of þe word of Jheſu, as he hadde ſeid, For bifore þat þe koc crew, þries þou ſchalt denye me. And Petre gon forþ, wepte bitturly. And þe men þat heelden him, ſcornyden him betinge. And þei veyliden him, or hidden, and ſmyten his face, and axiden him, ſeyinge, Propheſie þou, who is he þat ſmoot þee. Alſo þei blaſphemynge ſeiden manye oþere þingis aȝens him. And as þe day was maad, þe eldere men of þe peple, and þe princes of preſtis, and þe ſcribis camen to gidere, and ledden him in to her counceil, ſeyinge, If þou art Criſt, ſeie to vs. And he ſeide to hem, If I ſchal ſeye to ȝou, ȝe ſchulen not bileue to me; ſoþli and if I ſhal axe, ȝe ſchulen not anſwere to me, neþer ȝe ſchulen leue. Forſoþ aftir þis tyme mannis ſone ſchal be ſittinge on þe riȝþalf of þe vertu of God. Þerfore alle ſeiden, Þerfore ert þou þe ſone of God? Which ſeide, Ȝe ſeyn for I am. And þei ſeiden, What ȝit deſyren we witneſſing? forſoþ we vs ſelue han herd of his mouþ.

Capitulum XXIII.

And al þe multitude riſinge of hem, ledden him to Pilat. Forſoþ þei bigunnen to accuſe him, ſeyinge, We han founden þis man turnynge vpſodoun oure folk, and forbedinge tributis to be ȝouun to Ceſar, and ſeyinge him ſilf to be Criſt king. Forſoþe Pilat axide him, ſeyinge, Ert þou kyng of Jewis? And he anſweringe ſeide, Þou ſeiſt. Forſoþe Pilat ſeide to þe princes of preſtis, and to þe cumpanyes of peple, I fynde no þing of cauſe in þis man. And þei woxen ſtrengere, ſeyinge, He moueþ to gidere þe peple, techinge þorw al Judee, bigynnynge fro Galilee til hidur. Pilat forſoþ heeringe Galilee axide, if he were a man of Galilee. And as he knew þat he was of þe power of Eroude, he ſente him aȝen to Eroude; which and he was at Jeruſalem in þo dayes. Forſoþe, him ſeyn, Eroude ioyede ful myche; for he was coueitinge of moche tyme to ſe him, for he herde many þingis of hym, and hopide to ſe ſum myracle to be don of him. Soþli he axide him in manye wordis; and he no þing anſweride to him. Forſoþe þe princes of preſtis and þe ſcrybis ſtooden, ſtedfaſtli accuſinge him. Soþli Eroude wiþ his ooſt diſpiſide him, and ſcornyde him cloþid wiþ a whit cloþ, and ſente aȝen to Pilate. And Eroude and Pilate weren maad frendis in þilke day; forwhi biforeto þei weren enemyes to gidere. Soþli þe princes of preſtis and þe mageſtratis of þe peple clepid to gidere, Pilat ſeide to hem, Ȝe han offrid to me þis man, as turnynge awey þe peple, and lo! I axynge byfore ȝou fynde no cauſe in þis man of þes þingis, in whiche ȝe accuſen him; but neþir Eroude, for I aȝein ſente ȝou to him, and lo! no þing worþi of deeþ is don to him. Þerfore I ſchal delyuere him amended. Forſoþe he hadde nede to deliuere to hem oon by þe feeſte day. Soþli al þe cumpanye criede, ſeiynge, Do him a wey, and deliuere Barabas to vs; which was ſent in to priſon for ſum diſſencioun maad in þe citee, and for manſleyng. Forſoþ eft Pilat ſpak to hem, willinge to delyuere Jheſu. And þei vndircryeden, ſeyinge, Crucifie, crucifie him. Soþli þe þridde tyme he ſeide to hem, Soþli what of yuel haþ he don? I fynde no cauſe of deeþ in him; þerfore I ſchal chaſtiſe hym, and I ſchal delyuere. And þei contynueden axinge wiþ greete voices, þat he ſchulde be crucified; and þe voyces of hem woxen ſtronge. And Pilat demyde her axinge to be don. Soþli he deliuerede to hem him, þat for manſleynge and diſſencioun was ſent in to priſoun, whom þei axiden; ſoþli he bitook Jheſu to her wille. And whanne þei ledden him, þei took ſum man, Symount of Sirenen, comynge fro þe toun, and þei puttiden to him a croſſ to bere aftir Jheſu. Soþli þer ſuede him moche cumpanye of peple, and of wymmen þat weileden, and bymoornyden him. Soþli Jheſu turnyd to hem ſeide, Douȝtris of Jeruſalem, nyle ȝe wepe on me, but wepe ȝe on ȝou ſilf, and on ȝoure ſones. For lo! dayes ſchulen come, in whiche it ſchal be ſeid, Bleſſid be bareyn wymmen, and wombis þat han not gendrid, and þe teetis whiche han not ȝouun ſouke. Þanne þei ſchulen bigynne to ſeye to monteyns, Falle ȝe doun on vs, and to litle hillis, Hile ȝe vs. For if þei don þes þingis in a grene tree, what ſchal be don in a drye? Soþli and oþere tweye wickide men weren led wiþ him, þat þei ſchulde be ſlayn. And aftir þat þei camen in to a place, which is clepid of Caluarie, þere þei crucifieden him, and þe þeues, oon on þe riȝþalf, and þe toþer on þe left half. Forſoþe Jheſu ſeide, Fadir, forȝyue to hem, for þei witen not what þei don. Forſoþe þei departinge his cloþis, ſenten lottis. And þe peple ſtood abydinge; and þe princes ſcornyden him wiþ hem, ſeyinge, Oþere men he made ſaf; make he him ſilf ſaf, if he is Criſt, þe choſun of God. Forſoþ and knyȝtis neiȝynge ſcornyden him, and offriden vynegre to him, ſeyinge, If þou ert kyng of Jewis, make þee ſaf. Soþli and þe wrytinge aboue was writun on him wiþ lettris of Greek, of Latyn, and of Ebrew, Þis is þe kyng of Jewis. Forſoþ oon of þo þeues þat hangiden, blaſphemyde him, ſeyinge, If þou ert Criſt, make þi ſilf ſaf and vs. Soþli þe toþir anſweringe, blamyde him, ſeyinge, Neþir þou drediſt God, þat þou art in þe ſame dampnacioun? And treuly we iuſtly, for we han receyued worþi þingis to dedis; ſoþli þis haþ don no yuel. And he ſeide to Jheſu, Lord, haue mynde on me, whanne þou ſchalt come in to þi kingdom. And Jheſu ſeyde to him, Treuli I ſeie to þee, þis day þou ſchalt be wiþ me in paradys. Soþly it was almoſt þe ſixte our, and derkneſſis weren maad in al erþe til to þe nynþe our. And þe ſunne was maad derk, and þe veyl of þe temple was kitt þe myddel. And Jheſu cryinge wiþ greet voys, ſeide, Fadir, in to þi hondis I bitake my ſpirit. And he ſeyinge þes þingis, ſente out þe ſpirit, eþer diede. Forſoþe centurio ſeynge þe þing þat was don, glorifiede God, ſeyinge, Verily þis man was iuſt. And al þe cumpany of hem þat weren þere to gidere at þis ſpectacle, and ſyȝen þo þingis þat weren don, ſmytinge her breſtis turneden aȝeyn. Forſoþ al his knowen ſtooden a fer, and wymmen þat ſueden him fro Galilee, ſeynge þes þingis. And lo! a man, Joſeph bi name, þat was a decurioun, eþer hauynge ten vndir him, a good man and iuſt, of Aramaþie, a citee of Judee, he conſentide not to þe counceil and dedis of hem; which and he abood þe kingdom of God. He cam nyȝ to Pilat, and axide þe body of Jheſu, and wlappide it don doun in a lynnen cloþ, and puttide him in a graue hewun, in which not ȝit ony man was put. And þe day was þe makinge redy of paſk, and þe ſaboþ bygan to ſchyne. Soþli þe wymmen ſuynge, þat camen wiþ him fro Galilee, ſyȝen þe graue, and hou his body was put. And þei turnynge aȝen, maden redy ſwete ſpices, and oynementis; and ſoþli in þe ſaboþ þei reſtiden, vp þe comaundement.

Capitulum XXIIII.

Forſoþe in oon of þe woke ful erly þei camen to þe graue, bryngynge ſwete ſpicis, whiche þei hadden maad redy. And þei founden þe ſtoone turned a wey fro þe graue. And þei gon yn, founden not þe body of Jheſu. And it was don, while þei weren aſtoneyed in þouȝt of þis þing, loo! twey men ſtooden biſydis hem in cloþ ſchynynge. Soþli whenne þei dredden, and bowiden her ſemelant in to erþe þei ſeiden to hem, What ſeke ȝe þe lyuynge wiþ deede men? He is not here, but he haþ riſe. Haue ȝe mynde, how he ſpak to ȝou, whanne ȝit he was in Galilee, ſeyinge, it bihoueþ mannis ſone be bitakun in to hondis of ſynful men, and to be crucified, and þe þridde day to ryſe aȝen. And þei biþouȝten on his wordis. And þei gon aȝen fro þe graue, telden alle þes þingis to þe enleuene, and to alle oþere. Forſoþe Mary Mawdeleyn was, and Joone, and Marye of James, and oþere wymmen þat weren wiþ hem, þat ſeiden þes þingis to apoſtlis. And þes wordis weren ſeyn bifore hem as madneſſe, eþer errour, and þei bileueden not to hem. Forſoþe Petre ryſinge, ran to þe graue; and he bowynge doun, ſyȝ þe lynnen cloþis put aloone. And he wente, wondrynge wiþ him ſilf þis þing þat was don. And lo! tweyne of hem wenten in þat day to a caſtel, þat was fro Jeruſalem in ſpace of ſixty furlongis, by name Emaws. And þei ſpaken to gidere of alle þes þingis þat hadden falle. And it was don, while þei talkiden, and ſouȝten wiþ hem ſilf, and Jheſu him ſilf neiȝynge, wente wiþ hem. Soþli her yȝen weren holdun, leſt þei knewen him. And he ſeide to hem, Whiche ben þes wordis, þat ȝe ſpeken to gidere goynge, and ȝe ben ſorwful? And oon anſweringe, to whom þe name was Cleofas, ſeide to him, Þou aloone ert a pilgrym of Jeruſalem, and haſt þou not knowe, what þingis ben don in it in þes dayes? To which he ſeide, Whiche? And þei ſeyden to him, Of Jheſu of Nazareþ, þat was a man prophete, myȝti in work and word bifore God and al þe peple; and hou þe hiȝeſte preſtis and oure princes bitoken him in to dampnacioun of deeþ, and crucifieden him. Forſoþ we hopiden, for he ſchulde aȝen bye Iſrael. And now in alle þingis þe þridde day is to day, þat þes þingis ben don. But and ſum wymmen of oure maden vs a ferd, whiche bifore þe liȝt weren at þe graue; and his bodi not foundun, þei camen, ſeyinge, þat þei ſyȝen a ſiȝt of aungels, whiche ſeyn, þat he lyueþ. And ſum men of oure wenten to þe graue, and þei founden ſo as þe wymmen ſeiden, but þei founden not him. And he ſeyde to hem, A! foolis, and ſlowe of herte for to bileue in alle þingis whiche þe prophetis han ſpoke. Where it bihofte not Criſt to ſuffre þes þingis, and ſo for to entre in to his glorie? And he bigynnynge at Moyſes and alle prophetis, expownede to hem in alle ſcripturis, whiche weren of him. And þei camen nyȝ to þe caſtel, whidur þei wenten. And he made cuntenaunce him to go ferþere. And þei conſtreyneden him, ſeyinge, Dwel wiþ vs, for it drawiþ to nyȝt, and þe day is now bowid doun. And he entride wiþ hem. And it was don, while he reſtide wiþ hem, he took bred, and bleſſide, and brac, and dreſſide to hem. And þe yȝen of hem weren opened, and þei knewen him; and he vanyſchide fro her yȝen. And þei ſeiden to gidere, Wher oure herte was not brennynge in vs, while he ſpac in þe weye, and openyde ſcripturis to vs? And þei riſinge in þe ſame our, wenten aȝen in to Jeruſalem, and þei founden enleue gederid to gidere, and hem þat weren wiþ hem, ſeyinge, For þe Lord roos verily, and aperide to Symount. And þei telden what þingis weren don in þe weye, and hou þei knewen him in brekynge of breed. Forſoþe while þei ſpaken þes þingis, Jheſus ſtood in þe myddel of hem, and ſeide to hem, Pees to ȝou; I am, nyle ȝe drede. Soþli þei troublid and agaſt, geſſiden hem to ſe a ſpirit. And he ſeide to hem, What ben ȝe troublid, and þouȝtis ſtyȝen vp in to ȝoure hertis? Se ȝe myn hondis and my feet, for I my ſilf am. Feele ȝe, and ſe ȝe; for a ſpirit haþ not fleiſch, and boonys, as ȝe ſeen me for to haue. And whanne he hadde ſeyd þis þing, he ſchewide hondis and feet to hem. Forſoþ ȝit hem not bileuynge, and wondringe for ioye, he ſeyde, Han ȝe ony þing here þat ſchal be etun? And þei offriden to him a part of a fyſch rooſtid, and a coomb of hony. And whanne he hadde etun bifore hem, he takynge þe relyfs, ȝaf to hem. And he ſeyde to hem, Þes ben þe wordis whiche I ſpak to ȝou, whanne I was ȝit wiþ ȝou; for it is nede þat alle þingis be fillid, whiche ben writun in þe lawe of Moyſes, and in prophetis, and in ſalmes, of me. Þanne he openyd witt to hem, þat þei ſchulde vndirſtonde ſcripturis. And he ſeyde to hem, For þus it is writun, and þus it bihofte Criſt to ſuffre, and to ryſe aȝen fro deed men in þe þridde day; and penaunce and remyſſioun of ſynnes to be prechid in his name to alle folkis, men bigynnynge at Jeruſalem. Forſoþe ȝe ben witneſſis of þes þingis. And I ſende þe biheeſte of my fadir in to ȝou; ſoþli ſitte ȝe in þe citee, til þat ȝe be cloþid wiþ vertu fro an hiȝ. Forſoþ he ledde hem forþ in to Beþanye, and, his hondis reyſid, he bleſſide hem. And it was don, while he bleſſide hem, he departide fro hem, and was borun in to heuene. And þei worſhippinge wente aȝen in to Jeruſalem wiþ greet ioye; and weren euere in þe temple, heryinge and bleſſinge God.

Here endiþ Luk, and now bigynneþ Joon.

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