< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Here begynneþ þe bok of Leuiticus.

Capitulum I.

The Lord forſoþe clepide Moyſes, and ſpak to hym from þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þe man þat offreþ of ȝow an ooſt to God of þe beeſtis þat is, of oxen, and of ſheep, offrynge ſlawn ſacrifices, if al brent ſacrifice were þe offryng of hym, and of þe droue, a maal wiþ outen wemme he ſhal offre at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, to pleſe to hym þe Lord. And he ſhall putte þe hondes vpon þe heed of þe ooſt, and it ſhal be acceptable, and profytynge into þe clenſyng of hym. And he ſhal offre a calf before þe Lord, and þe ſones of Aaron, þe preeſt, ſhulen offre þe blood of it, ſhedynge bi enuyroun of þe auter, þat is before þe dore of þe tabernacle. And þe ſkyn of þe ooſt drawun of, þe greet lemes þei ſhulen kit in gobetis; and þei ſchulen leye fier in þe auter maad bifore þe heep of wodde; and þe lemes þat ben kyt a boue ordeynynge, þe heed, þat is, and alle þat cleuen to þe mawe, þe entrails and þe feet waſſhe wiþ watir; and þe preeſt ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter in to al brent ſacrifice, and ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. Þat if of þe beeſtis is þe offeryng, þe al brent ſacrifice of ſheep, or of geyt, he ſhal offre a loombe of o ȝeer wiþ outen wemme, and he ſhal offre at þe ſide of þe auter þat biholdiþ to þe norþ, bifore þe Lord. Þe blood forſoþe of it þe ſones of Aaron ſhulen heelde vpon þe auter bi enuyroun, and þei ſhulen dyuyde þe lemes, þe heed, and alle þat cleuen to þe mawe, and leie vpon þe wodde, to þe which fier is to be vnder putte; þe entrayls forſoþe, and þe feet þei ſhulen waſſhe wiþ water; and þe preeſt ſhal brenne alle þingis offred vpon þe auter into brent ſacrifice, and mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. If forſoþe of þe briddis þe offryng of brent ſacrifice were to þe Lord, of turturs, or culuer briddis, þe preeſt ſhal offre it at þe auter; and þe heed crokid aȝen to þe necke, and þe place of a wounde broke, he ſhal make þe blood renne down vpon þe brenke of þe auter. Þe litil bleedre forſoþe of þe þroot, and þe feþeres, he ſhal caſt out biſide þe auter, at þe eeſt cooſt, in þe place where aſkis ben wonte to be caſtnot kyt, ne wiþ yrun dyuyde it; and he ſhal brenne it vpon þe auter, fier vnder put to þe wodde; al brent ſacrifice it is and offryng of mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. out; and he ſhal breke þe wynges of it, and not kyt, ne wiþ yrun dyuyde it; and he ſhal brenne it vpon þe auter, fier vnder put to þe wodde; al brent ſacrifice it is and offryng of mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord.

Capitulum II.

Whanne a lijf offreþ offryng of ſacrifyce to þe Lord, tryed flour ſhal be þe offryng of him. And he ſhal heelde vpon it oyle, and putte cenſe, and brynge to þe ſones of Aaron, þe preeſt, of whom oon ſhal take an handful of tried flour, and of oyle, and al þe cenſe; and putte þe memorial vpon þe auter, into mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. Þat forſoþe þat leeueþ of þe ſacrifice ſhal be of Aaron and of his ſones, holi of halowes of offrynges to þe Lord. Whanne forſoþe he ſhal offre baake ſacrifice of tried flour in þe ouen, þat is, looues wiþ outen ſourdowȝ, ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and þe þerf kaakis medlid wiþ oyle; if þin offryng ſhal be fro þe friynge panne, of tryed flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle and wiþ outen ſour dowȝ, þow ſhalt dyuyde it in litil parties, and heelde vpon it oyle. If forſoþe fro þe gridil ſacrifice, euen maner þe tried flour ſhal be ſpreynt wiþ oile; þe which offrynge to þe Lord þou ſhalt take in þe hondis of þe preeſt. Þe which whanne he ſhal offre it, he ſhal take a memorial fro þe ſacrifice, and make brenne vpon þe auter into ſmel of ſwetnes to þe Lord. What euer forſoþe leeueþ, ſhal be of Aaron and his ſones, holi of halewis of offringis to þe Lord. Al offryng þat is offred to þe Lord, ſhal be maad wiþ outen ſour dowȝ, ne eny þing of ſour dowȝ, and of hony, ſhal be brent in þe ſacrifice of þe Lord. Þe cheefe fruytys oonly ȝe ſhulen offre of hem, and ȝiftis; vpon þe auter forſoþe ſhal not þei be leyde, into ſmel of ſwetnes. What euer þow ſhalt offre of ſacrifice, þow ſhal anoynte it wiþ ſalt, ne þow ſhalt not take a wey ſalt of þe boond of pees of þe Lord þi God fro þi ſacrifice; in al offring þow ſhalt offre ſalt. If forſoþe þow ſhalt offre a ȝyfte of þe cheef þingis of þi fruytis to þe Lord, of eerys ȝit green, þow ſhal parche it wiþ fier, and breke in maner of bryſid corn; ſo þow ſhalt offre þi cheefe fruytis to þe Lord, heeldynge vpon hem oyle, and encenſe puttynge yn, for þe offryng of þe Lord it is. Of þe whiche þe preeſt ſhal make brynne, into mynde of þe ȝifte, a part of þe briſde corn, and of þe oyle, and al þe cenſe.

Capitulum III.

And if þe ooſt of peſible þingis were þe offryng of hym, and of þe oxen he wole offre, a maal, or a femaal, wiþ outen wemme he ſhal offre before þe Lord. And he ſhal putte þe hoonde vpon þe heed of his ſlawe ſacrifice, þe which ſhal be offred in þe entryng of þe tabernacle; and þe ſones of Aaron, þe preeſt, ſhulen heelde þe blood bi enuyroun of þe auter. And þei ſhulen offre of þe ooſt of peſible þingis into offryng to þe Lord, þe talwȝ þat couereþ þe entrailes, and what euer of fatnes is wiþ ynforþ; þe two reyns, wiþ þe talwȝ wiþ þe which ben couerd þe reyn guttis, and þe calle of þe mawe wiþ þe ſmale reyns. And þei ſhulen brenne hem vpon þe auter, in to al brent ſacrifice, þe fier vnder put to þe wodde, into offryng of mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. If forſoþe of ſheep were þe offeryng of hym, and ooſt of peſible þingis, wheþer maal or femaal he ſhal offre, þei ſhulen be wiþ outen wemme. If he ſhal offre a loombe before þe Lord, he ſhal putte his hoond vpon þe heed of his ſlawn ſacrifice, þe whych ſhal be offerd in þe veſtiarye of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and þe ſones of Aaron ſhulen heelde þe blood of it bi enuyroun of þe auter. And þei ſhulen offre of þe ooſt of peſible þingis a ſacrifice to þe Lord, talwȝ, and al þe tail wiþ þe reynes, and þe fatnes þat couereþ þe wombe, and alle þe entrayls, and eiþer litil reyne, wiþ þe talwȝ þat ys biſide þe reyne guttes, and þe calle of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes. And þe preeſt ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter, into foode of þe fier, and of þe offryng to þe Lord. If a ſhe goet were þe offryng of hym, and he ſhulde offre it to þe Lord, he ſhal putte his hoond vpon þe heed of it, and he ſhal offre it in þe entre of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and þe ſones of Aaron ſhulen ſhede þe blood of it bi enuyroun of þe auter. And þei ſhulen take of it, into foode of þe Lordis fier, talwȝ þat couereþ þe wombe, and þat heliþ alle þe entrayles, two litil reyns wiþ þe calle þat is on hem biſide þe reyne guttes, and þe fatt of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes. And þe preeſt ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter, into foode of þe fier, and of mooſt ſwete ſmel; al þe talwȝ ſhal be of þe Lord, þurȝ perpetuel riȝt, in kynredes and alle ȝoure dwellyng places, and blood, and fat algatis ſhulen ȝe not ete.

Capitulum IIII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Iſrael, Whanne a lijf ſynneþ bi ignoraunce, and of alle þe heeſtis of þe Lord, þe whiche he haþ comaundide þat þei ſhulden not be do, eny þing doþ; if þe preeſt þat is anoyntid, ſynne, makynge þe puple to treſpaſſe, he ſhal offre for his ſynne a calf wiþ outen wemme to þe Lord; and ſhal lede it to þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng before þe Lord, and he ſhal putte þe hoond vpon his heed, and he ſhal offre it to þe Lord. And he ſhal take of þe blood of þe calf, berynge it in to þe tabernacle of witneſſyng. And whanne he haþ wette þe fyngre in þe blood, he ſhal ſprenge it ſeuene ſiþes before þe Lord, aȝens þe veyle of þe ſeyntuarye. And he ſhal putte of þe ſame blood vpon þe hornes of þe auter of mooſt kyndli encenſe to þe Lord, þat is in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; al forſoþe þe laft blood he ſhal helde into þe foot of þe auter of brent ſacrifice in þe entre of þe tabernacle. And þe talwȝ of þe calf he ſhal offre for ſynne, as wel it þat coueriþ þe entreyles, as alle þat ben wiþ ynforþ, two lytil reynes, and þe calle þat is aboue hem biſide þe reyne guttes, and þe talwȝ of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes, as it is doon awey fro þe calf of þe ooſt of peſible þingis; and he ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter of brent ſacrifice. Þe ſkynne forſoþe, and al þe fleſh wiþ þe heed, and feet, and þe entreyles, and þe dryt, and þe laft body he ſhal bere out of þe tentis into a clene place, where þe aſken ben wont to be held out; and he ſhal tende hem vpon þe hepe of wode, þe which in þe place of heeld out aſken ſhulen be brent. And if al þe companye of þe ſones of Yrael bi vnknowyng and bi vnwiſdam do þat þat is aȝens þe comaundement of þe Lord, and afterward vnderſtonde his ſynne, he ſhal offre for þe ſynne a calf, and he ſhal lede it to þe dore of þe tabernacle. And þe eldre of þe puple ſhal putte hoondes vpon þe heed of it before þe Lord; and þe calf offred in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, þe preeſt þat is anoyntid ſhal bere yn of þe blood of it into þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, wiþ þe weet fyngre ſprengynge ſeuen ſiþes aȝens þe veyle. And he ſhal putte of þe ſame blood in þe hornes of þe auter, þat is before þe Lord in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; þe lafte forſoþe blood he ſhal helde biſide þe foot of þe auter of brent ſacrifices, þat is in þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng. And al þe talwȝ of it he ſhal take, and he ſhal brenne vpon þe auter; and ſo doynge of þis calf, as he dide before, and þe preeſt preyinge for hem þe Lord ſhal haue mercy. Þat forſoþe calf he ſhal bere out of þe tentis, and he ſhal brenne as þe oþer calf, for it is for þe ſynne of þe multitude. If a prynce ſynne, and doo oon of manye bi ignoraunce, þat is defendid in þe lawe of þe Lord, and afterwarde vnderſtonde his ſynne, he ſhal offre an ooſt before þe Lord, an hee geit of þe geetis, wiþ outen wemme, and he ſhal putte his hoond vpon þe heed of it. And whanne he ſhal offre it in þe place, where is wont to be ſlawe þe brent ſacrifice before þe Lord, for it is for ſynne; þe preeſt ſhal wete þe fyngre in þe blood of þe ooſt for ſynne, towchynge þe hornes of þe auter of brent ſacrifice, and þe relif heldynge at þe foot of it. Þe talwȝ forſoþe he ſhal brenne a boue, as in ſlawn ſacrifices of peſible þingis is wont to be doon, and he ſhal prey for hym, and for his ſynne, and it ſhal be forȝeuen to hym. Þat ȝif a lijf of þe puple of þe loond ſynne bi ignoraunce, þat he doo eny þing of þes þinges þat ben defendid in þe lawe of þe Lord, and treſpaſſiþ, and knowlechiþ his ſynne, offre he an hee geyt wiþ outen wemme, and he ſhal putte þe hoond vpon þe heed of þe ooſt þat is for þe ſynne, and he ſhal offre it in þe place of þe brent ſacrifice. And þe preeſt ſhal take of þe blood in his fyngre, and towchynge þe hornes of þe auter of brent ſacrifice, þe relif he ſhal helde at þe foot of it. Al forſoþe þe talwȝ takynge a wey, as yt is wont to be takun fro þe ſlawn ſacrifices of peſible þinges, he ſhal brenne vpon þe auter into ſmel of ſwetnes to þe Lord; and he ſhal preye for hym, and it ſhal be forȝeue hym. If forſoþe of þe beeſtis he ſhall offre ſlawn ſacrifice for ſynne, þat is, a ſheep wiþ outen wemme, he ſhal putte þe hoond vpon þe heed of it, and he ſhal offre it in þe place where ben wonte to ben ſlawun þe ooſtis of brent ſacrifices. And þe preeſt ſhal take of þe blood of it wiþ his fyngre, and towchynge þe hornes of þe auter of brent ſacrifice, he ſhal heelde þe relif at þe foot of it. And al þe talwȝ takynge a wey, as þe talwȝ of a weþer is wonte to be takun a wey þat is offrid for ſynnes, and he ſhal brenne vpon þe auter þe encenſe of þe Lord; and he ſhal preye for hym, and for his ſynne, and it ſhal be forȝouun hym.

Capitulum V.

If a lijf ſynne, and here þe voyce of a ſwerer, and were witnes, þat oþer he ſeeþ, or to hym ſilf is knowun gilti, but if he ſhewe, he ſhal bere his wickidnes. Þe lijf þat towchiþ eny vnclene þing, oþer þat is ſlawe of a beeſt, oþer bi hym ſilf deed, or eny oþer crepynge beeſt, and he were forgeten of his vnclennes, he is gilti, and haþ treſpaſſid. And if he towche eny þing of þe vnclennes of man, after al vnclennes wiþ þe which he is wont to be defowlid, and forȝeten afterward knowe, he ſhal vnderlye to þe treſpas. Þe lijf þat ſweriþ, and ſpekiþ wiþ his lippes, þat or eny þing yuel ſhal do, or wel, and doþ not, and þe ſame þing wiþ ooþ or word ſtableþ, and forȝeten afterward vndirſtonde his treſpas, do he penaunce for þe ſynne, and offre he of þe flockis an ſhee lombe, or a ſhee geyt; and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hym, and for his ſynne. If forſoþe he may not offre a beeſte, offre he two turturs, or two culuer bryddis to þe Lord, oon for þe ſynne, and anoþer into brent ſacrifice. And he ſhal ȝyue hem to þe preeſt, þe which, þe firſt offrynge for þe ſynne, ſhal bowe aȝen þe heed of it to þe feþers, ſo þat it cleue to þe nek, and not fullich it be broke. And he ſhal ſprenge of þe blood of it þe wal of þe auter; what euer forſoþe were lefte he ſhal make to drop at þe foundement of it, for it is for ſynne. Þe toþer forſoþe he ſhal brenne in to brent ſacrifice, as it is wont to be doo, and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hym and for his ſynne, and it ſhal be forȝeuen hym. And if his hoond mowe not offre two turturs, or two culuer briddes, offre he for his ſynne of tried flowre þe tenþe part of ephi; he ſhal not putte into it oyle, ne leye yn eny þing of encenſe, for it is for ſynne. And he ſhal take it to þe preeſt, þe which takynge of it a ful hoondful, ſhal brenne vpon þe auter, into þe mynde of hym þat offrede, preiynge for hym, and purgynge; þat oþer forſoþe part he ſhal haue in ȝifte. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, If a lijf ſynne, forfetynge þe cerymonyes bi errour, in þes þingis þat ben halowed to þe Lord, offre he for his treſpas a weþer wiþ out wemme of þe flockis, þe which may be bouȝt wiþ two ſicles, after þe weiȝte of þe ſeyntuary. And þat þat he haþ doo of harm he ſhal reſtore, and þe fifþe part he ſhal putte aboue, takynge to þe preeſt, þe which ſhal preye for hym, offrynge a weþer, and it ſhal be forȝouen hym. Þe lijf þat ſynneþ bi ignoraunce, and dooþ oon of þes þingis þat ben defendid bi lawe of þe Lord, and gilti of þe ſynne vnderſtonde his wickidnes, he ſhall offre a weþer wiþ outen wemme of þe flockis to þe preeſt, after þe meſure and eymyng of þe ſynne; þe which ſhal preye for hym, for vnknowynge he dide, and it ſhal be forȝeue to hym, for bi errour he treſpaſſide in þe Lord.

Capitulum VI.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Þe lijf þat ſynneþ, and, þe Lord deſpiſide, denye to his neiȝbore þe laft þing þat to his feiþ was takun, or wiþ fors eny þing takiþ, or doþ wrong chalenge, or fynde loſt þing, and denyynge ouermore forſweriþ, and eny oþer of manye doo in þe whiche men ben wonte to ſynne, he ateynt of þe treſpas ſhal ȝelde alle þingis hool þat þurȝ frawde he wolde wiþ hoolde, and ferþermore þe fifþe part to þe lord, to whom he dide þe harm. For his ſynne forſoþe he ſhal offre a weþer wiþouten wemme of þe flok, and he ſhal ȝyue it to þe preeſt, after þe eymyng and meſure of þe treſpas; þe which ſhal preye for hym before þe Lord, and it ſhal be forȝeue to hym, for al þat in doynge he ſynnede. And þe Lord ſpake to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Comaunde to Aaron and his ſones, Þis is þe lawe of þe brent ſacrifice; it ſhal be brent in þe auter al nyȝt vnto þe morwen; fyer it ſhal be of þe ſame auter. Þe preeſt ſhal be cloþid wiþ a coote, and wiþ lynnen breches; and he ſhal take þe aſken, þe whiche þe fier vowrynge brent out, and puttynge biſyde þe auter he ſhal be ſpoylid þe raþer cloþes, and cloþid wiþ oþer he ſhal offre hem out of þe tentes, and in mooſt clene place vnto a litil ſparcle he ſhal make to be waſtid. Þe fier forſoþe in þe auter euermore ſhal brenne, þe which þe preeſt ſhal noriſhe, vnder puttynge wode eerly bi eche dayes; and putte yn aboue þe brent ſacrifice, he ſhal brenne þe talwȝ of þe peſible þingis. Þis fier is perpetuel þat ſhal neuer fayle in þe auter. Þis is þe lawe of ſacrifice and of ſacrified licours, þe whiche þe ſones of Aaron ſhulen offre before þe Lord, and before þe auter. Þe preeſt ſhal take an handful of tryed flour, þe which ys ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and al þe encenſe þat is putte vp on þe tryed flour, he ſhal brenne it in þe auter, in to mynde of mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. Þe laft forſoþe part of þe tryed flour Aaron wiþ his ſones ſhal ete, wiþ outen ſour dowȝ; and he ſhal ete in þe holi place of þe porche of þe tabernacle. Þerfore forſoþe it ſhal not be ſouryd, for þe part of it is offred into þe encenſe of þe Lord; holi of halowes it ſhal be, as for þe ſynne and for þe treſpas. Þe maalis oonlich of þe lynage of Aaron ſhulen ete it; lawful and euerlaſtynge it is in ȝoure kynredes, of þe ſacrifices of þe Lord; eche þat touchiþ þo þinges ſhal be halowid. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Þis is þe offryng of Aaron, and of þe ſones of him, þat þei ſhulen offre to þe Lord in þe day of her anoyntyng; þe tenþe part of ephi þei ſhulen offre of þe tried flour, in euerlaſtynge ſacrifice, þe half of it eerli, and þe half of it at euen; þe which in a panne ſpreynt wiþ oyle ſhal be fryed. And þe preeſt þat to þe fader þurȝ ryȝt comeþ after, ſhal offre it hoote, into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord; and al ſhal be brent in þe auter. Al forſoþe ſacrifice of preeſtis wiþ fier ſhal be conſumyd, ne eny ſhal eete of it. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to Aaron and his ſones, Þis is þe lawe of ooſt for ſynne; in þe place where is offred brent ſacrifice, ſhal it be offerd before þe Lord; holi of halowis it is. Þe preeſt þat offreþ it, ſhal eete it in holi place, in þe porche of þe tabernacle. What euer ſhal towche þe fleiſhe of it, ſhal be halowid; if a clooþ be ſpreynt of þe blood of yt, it ſhal be waſhe in an holy place. Þe bretil veſſel forſoþe in þe which it is ſoþen, ſhal be broken; þat if it were a braſun veſſel, it ſhal be rubbid, and waſhe wiþ water. Eche maal of þe preeſtis kynrede ſhal eete of þe fleſhe of it; for holi of halowis it is. An ooſt forſoþe þat is ſlawe for ſynne, whos blood is born into þe tabernacle of witneſſyng to clenſe in þe ſeyntuarie, ſhal not be eete, but brent wiþ fier.

Capitulum VII.

And þis lawe of ooſt for treſpas is holy of halowis. Þerfore where þe brent ſacrifice is offred, and þe ſacrifice for þe treſpas ſhal be ſlawe; þe blood of it bi enuyroun of þe auter ſhal be heelde. Þei ſhulen offre of it þe tayl, and þe talwȝ þat couereþ þe entrayls, þe two litel reynes, and þe fatnes þat is biſide þe reyne guttes, and þe calle of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes. And þe preeſt ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter; þe encenſe it is of þe Lord for þe treſpas. Eche maal of þe preeſtes kynrede in holi place ſhal ete þis fleſh, for holi of halowis it is. As for a ſynne is offred an ooſt, ſo and for a treſpas, of eiþer hooſt ſhal be o lawe; to þe preeſt þat it ſhal offre it ſhal perteyne. Þe preeſt þat offreþ þe ſlawn offryng of brent ſacrifice, ſhal haue þe ſkynne of it. And alle þe ſacrifice of tried floure, þat is bake in þe ouen, and what euer þing in þe gredyrne, or in friynge panne is greiþid, of þat preeſt it ſhal be, of whom it is offred, wheþer þei ben ſpreynt wiþ oyle, or drye. To alle þe ſones of Aaron euen meſure bi echon ſhal be dyuydid. Þis is þe lawe of þe ooſt of peſible þinges, þat is offerd to þe Lord. If for doynge of þankyngis were þe offryng, þei ſchulen offre looues wiþ outen ſour dowȝ ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and þinne þerf cakis anoynt wiþ oyle, and bakun tryed floure, and litil rownd looues ſpreynt wiþ mengyng of oyle; and looues maad wiþ ſour dowȝ, wiþ þe ooſt of þankynges þat is offerd for þe peſible þinges; of þe whiche oon for þe chefe fruytis ſhal be offerd to þe Lord, and it ſhal be of þe preeſt þat ſhal heelde þe blood of þe ooſt, whos fleſhe þat ſame day ſhal be etun, ne þere ſhal leeue of it eny þing vnto þe morwe. If þurȝ a vow, or wylfully, eny man offreþ an ooſt, þe ſame day alſo it ſhal be eten; but if eny þing leeue to þe morwe, it is leful to eete; what euer forſoþe þe þridde day fynde, þe fier ſhal conſume. If eny man eete þe þridde day of þe fleſh of þe ooſt of peſible þinges, his offrynge ſhall be ſett at noȝt, ne it ſhal profyte to þe offrer; but raþer ech lijf þat defowliþ hym ſilf wiþ ſyche meete, ſhal be gilti of treſpaſſyng. Þe fleſh þat eny vnclene þing touchiþ, ſhal not be etun, but brent wiþ fier; he þat is clene, ſhal eete it. A lijf defowlid, þat etiþ of þe fleſh of þe ooſt of peſible þingis, þat is offred to þe Lord, ſhal periſhe fro his puplis. And he þat towchiþ þe vnclennes of man, or of beeſte, or of eny þing þat may defowle, and etiþ of ſiche maner fleſh, ſhal ſpille fro his puples. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Irael, Þe talwȝ of ſheep, and of oxe, and of geyt, ȝe ſhulen not eete; þe talwȝ of deed careyn, and of þat beeſte þat is takun of a wilde beeſte, ȝe ſhulen haue into dyuerſe vſes. If eny man eete þe talwȝ, þat ſhulde be offred into þe encenſe of þe Lord, he ſhal periſhe fro his puple. And þe blood of eche beeſte ȝe ſhulen not take in meete, as wel of bryddes, as of beeſtis; eche lijf þat etiþ blood ſhal periſhe fro his puplis. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiyng, Speke to þe ſones of Yrael, He þat offreþ ſlawn offryng of peſible þinges to þe Lord, offre he þerwiþ and ſacrifice, þat is, his offrynges of licours. He ſhal holde wiþ hondes þe talwȝ of þe ooſt, and þe litil breſt; and whanne boþe, offred to þe Lord, he haþ ſacred, he ſhal take to þe preeſt, þe which ſhal brenne þe talwȝ vpon þe auter; þe litil breſt forſoþe ſhal be of Aaron and his ſones; and þe riȝt ſhuldre of þe ooſtis of peſible þingis ſhal falle into chefe fruytis of þe preeſt. He þat offreþ þe blood, and þe talwȝ, of þe ſones of Aaron, ſhal haue and þe riȝt ſhuldre in his porcioun. Þe litil breſt forſoþe of areryng, and þe ſhuldre of ſeueryng, Y haue take fro þe ſones of Yrael of þe peſible hooſtes of hem, and haue ȝyue to Aaron þe preeſt and his ſones, þurȝ perpetuel lawe, fro al þe puple of Yrael. Þis is þe anoyntyng of Aaron and his ſones, in þe cerymonyes of þe Lord, þe day þat Moyſes offred hem þat þei ſhulden vſe preeſþod, and þe þinges þat þe Lord comaundide to be ȝeue to hem of þe ſones of Yrael, þurȝ perpetuel relygioun in her generaciouns. Þis is þe lawe of þe brent ſacrifice, and of ſacrifice for ſynne, and for treſpas, and for þe ſacryng, and for ſlawn offrynges of peſible þinges, þat þe Lord ordeyned to Moyſes in þe mownt Synay, whanne he comaundide to þe ſones of Yrael þat þei ſhulden offre her offrynges to þe Lord, in þe deſert of Synay.

Capitulum VIII.

The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Tak Aaron wiþ his ſones, þe cloþes of hem, and þe oyle of þe anoyntyng, a calf for ſynne, two weþers, a leepe wiþ þerf loues; and þow ſhalt gedere togidere al þe companye at þe dore of þe tabernacle. Moyſes dyde as þe Lord comaundide; and al þe puple gadered before þe ȝates of þe tabernacle, he ſeiþ, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord comaundide to be do. And anoon he offred Aaron and his ſones; and whanne he hadde waſhe hem, he cloþide þe biſhop wiþ a lynnen ſherte, girdynge hym wiþ a gyrdle and cloþing hym wiþ a blewe coote, and putte aboue þe coope, þe which ſtreynynge wiþ a lace ioyned it to þe breſt broche, in þe which was loore and ſoþenes. And he couerde þe heed wiþ a mytre, and vpon it, aboute þe frownt, he putte a goldun plate, ſacrid in halowyng, as þe Lord comaundide to him. And he took þe oyle of anoyntyng, wiþ þe which he anoyntide þe tabernacle wiþ alle his ournementis; and whanne halowynge he hadde ſpreynt þe auter ſeuen ſiþes, he anoyntide it; and alle þe veſſels of it, and þe lauatorye wiþ his foot he halowide wiþ oyle. Þe which heeldynge vpon þe heed of Aaron, he anoyntide hym, and ſacrede, and his ſones offrede he ſacride, and cloþid wiþ lynnen cootys, and girde wiþ girdles, and putte on hem mytrys, as þe Lord comaundide. And he offrede a calf for ſynne; and whanne Aaron and his ſones hadden putte her hondes vpon þe heed of it, he offrede it, takynge þe blood; and þe fyngre wett, he towchede þe hornes of þe auter bi enuyroun, þe which clenſid and halowid, he heelde þe laft blood at þe foundementis of it. Þe talwȝ forſoþe þat was vpon þe entrayles, and þe calle of þe mawe, and þe two litil reynes wiþ her grece he brent vpon þe auter; þe calf wiþ þe ſkynne, fleſh, and dryt, brennynge out of þe tentes, as þe Lord comaundide. And he offred a weþer into brent ſacrifice; vpon whos heed whanne Aaron and his ſones hadden putte her hondes, he offred it, and heelde þe blood of it bi enuyroun of þe auter. And þilk weþer cuttynge in gobetis, þe heed of it, and þe lemes, and þe talwȝ he brente wiþ fier, waſhed before þe entraylis and þe feete; and al þe weþer he tende to gidere vpon þe auter, forþi þat it was brent ſacrifice of mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord, as he comaundide to hym. And he offrede þe ſecounde weþer, into þe ſacringe of preeſtis; and Aaron and his ſones puttiden her hondes vpon þe heed of it. Þe which whanne Moyſes hadde offride, takynge of þe blood towchid þe ende of þe riȝt eere of Aaron, and þe þowmbe of his riȝt hoond, alſo and of þe foote. And he offred þe ſones of Aaron. And whanne of þe blood of þe offred weþer he hadde towchid þe eende of þe riȝt eere of echon, and þe þoumbe of þe hoond, and of þe riȝt foote, þe relif he heelde vpon þe auter bi enuyroun. Þe talwȝ forſoþe, and þe tayle, and al þe fatnes þat couereþ þe entrayles, and þe calle of þe mawe, and þe two reynes wiþ her talwȝes, and þe ryȝt ſhuldre he ſeuerede. Takynge forſoþe of þe leepe of þerf looues, þat was before þe Lord, looues wiþ outen ſour dowȝ, and a litil rownd loof ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and a þinne caake, he putte vpon þe talwȝes, and þe riȝt ſhuldre, takynge alle togidere to Aaron and hys ſones. Þe which whanne þei hadden rerede hem beforn þe Lord, eftſones takynge of þe hondes of hem, he brente vpon þe auter of brent ſacrifice, forþi þat it was þe offring of conſecracioun, into ſmel of ſwetnes of ſacrifice to þe Lord. And he took þe litil breeſt, rerynge it before þe Lord, of þe weþer of conſecracioun into his part, as þe Lord haþ comaundide hym. And takynge þe oynement, and þe blood þat weren in þe auter, he ſpreynde vpon Aaron, and his veſtementes, and upon his ſones, and her cloþis. And whanne he hadde halowide hem in her cloþinge, he comaundide hem, ſeiynge, Seeþe ȝe þe fleſh before þe ȝatis of þe tabernacle, and þer etiþ it; and þe looues of conſecracioun etiþ, þat ben putte in þe leepe, as God haþ comaundide to me, ſeiynge, Aaron and his ſones ſchulen eete hem; what euer forſoþe were laft of þe fleſh and of þe looues, þe fier ſhal conſume. Fro þe dore forſoþe of þe tabernacle ȝe ſhulen not goo out ſeuen daies, vnto þe day in þe which þe tyme of ȝoure conſecracioun ſhal be fulfillid; ſeuen forſoþe daies is endid þe conſecracioun, as now it is doon, þat þe ryte of þe ſacrifice be fulfild. Day and nyȝt ȝe ſhulen dwelle in þe tabernacle, al about kepynge þe wardes of þe Lord, leſt ȝe dien; ſo forſoþe it is comaundide to me. And Aaron and his ſones diden alle þingis, þat þe Lord ſpak bi þe hoond of Moyſes.

Capitulum IX.

The eiȝt day forſoþe doon, Moyſes clepide Aaron, and his ſones, and þe greet men þurȝ birþe of Yrael; and he ſeide to Aaron, Tak fro þe droue a calf for ſynne, and a weþer into brent ſacrifice, eiþir wiþ out wemme, and offre hem before þe Lord. And þow ſhalt ſpeke to þe ſones of Yrael, Take ȝe a geyt for ſynne, and a calf, and a lombe of o ȝeer and wiþout wemme, into brent ſacrifice, an oxe and a weþer for peſible þingis; and offre ȝe hem before þe Lord, in þe ſacrifice of echon offrynge tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle; to day forſoþe þe Lord ſhal apere to ȝow. Þanne þei token alle þingis, þat Moyſes hadde comaundide, at þe dore of þe tabernacle, where, whanne al þe multitude ſtoode, Moyſes ſeiþ, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord comaundide, do ȝe, and þe glorie of hym ſhal apere to ȝow. And he ſeide to Aaron, Come nyȝ to þe auter, and offre for þi ſynne; offre brent ſacrifice, and prey for þee, and þe puple; and whanne þou ſleeſt þe hooſt of þe puple, prey for hem, as þe Lord haþ comaundide. And anoon Aaron goynge to þe auter offred a calf for his ſynne; whos blood his ſones offreden to hym, in þe which wetynge þe fyngre he towchide þe hornes of þe auter, and heelde þe relyf at þe foot of it; and þe talwȝ, and þe litil reynes and þe calle of þe mawe þat ben for ſynne, he brent vpon þe auter, as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes. Þe fleſh forſoþe, and þe ſkynne of it wiþ out þe tentis he brent wiþ fier. And he offrede þe ſlawn offryng of þe brent ſacrifice, and his ſones offreden þe blood of it to hym, þe which he heelde bi enuyroun of þe auter; þat alſo ooſt cutt in to gobetis, wiþ þe heed, and alle þe lymes þei offriden; þe whiche alle vpon þe auter he brente wiþ fier, before waſche wiþ water þe entrayles, and þe feet. And offrynge for þe ſynne of þe puple he ſlewe a goote, and þe auter clenſid he made brent ſacrifice, echynge into þe ſacrifyce offrynges of licours þat ben offryd togidere, and brennynge hem vpon þe auter, wiþ out þe cerymonyes of þe morutide brent ſacryfice. And he offrede an oxe, and a weþer, þe peſible ooſtes of þe puple; and his ſones offreden þe blood to hym, þe which he heelde vpon þe auter in enuiroun. Þe talwȝ forſoþe of þe oxe, and þe tayl of þe weþer, and þe litil reynes wiþ her talwȝes, and þe calle of þe mawe, þei putten vpon þe breeſtes. And whanne þe talwȝes weren brent in þe auter, þe breeſtis of hem, and þe riȝt ſhuldres Aaron arerynge before þe Lord ſeuerde, as Moyſes comaundide. And ſtrecchynge out hondes to þe puple he bleſſide hem; and ſo fulfillid þe ooſtes for ſynne, and þe brent ſacrifices, and þe peſible þinges, he deſcendide. Moyſes forſoþe and Aaron goon into þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and þerafter goon out bliſſiden to þe puple; and þe glorie of þe Lord aperyde to al þe multitude. And loo! fier goon out fro þe Lord deuowrede þe brent ſacrifice, and þe talwȝes, þat weren vpon þe auter; þe which whanne þe puple hadde ſeen, þei preiſeden þe Lord, fallynge doun in to her faces.

Capitulum X.

And Nadab and Abiu, þe ſones of Aaron, cauȝt þe cenſerys, putten fier and encenſe þere aboue, offrynge before þe Lord alien fier, þat to hem was not comaundid. And fier goon out fro þe Lord, deuowrede hem, and þei ben deed before þe Lord. And Moyſes ſeide to Aaron, Þis is þat þe Lord haþ ſpokun, Y ſhal be halowid in hem þat neiȝen to me, and in þe ſiȝt of al þe puple Y ſhal be glorified; þe which þing herynge, Aaron helde his pees. Moyſes forſoþe, Myſael, and Elizaphan, þe ſones of Oſyel, þe vncle of Aaron, clepid, ſeiþ to hem, Goþe, and takiþ ȝoure briþeren fro þe ſiȝt of þe ſeyntuarie, and beriþ out of þe tentis. And anoon goynge þei token hem, as þei lien cloþid wiþ her lynnen cloþes, and þei keſten hem out, as it was comaundid to hem. And Moyſes ſpak to Aaron, and to Eliazar and to Ytamar, his ſones, Wole ȝe not make ȝoure heedes nakid, and wole ȝe not kutte ȝoure cloþes, leſt perauenture ȝe dien, and vpon al þe cumpanie ſprenge indignacioun; ȝoure breþeren and al þe hous of Yrael weilen þei þe brennyng þat þe Lord haþ reryde. Ȝe forſoþe ſhulen not goon out þe ȝates of þe tabernacle, ellis ȝe ſhulen peryſhe; þe oyle forſoþe of þe holi anoyntyng is vpon ȝow. Þe whiche diden alle þinges after þe heeſte of Moyſes. And þe Lord ſeide to Aaron, Wyn, and alle þat may make dronke, þow and þi ſones ſhulen not drynke, whanne ȝe ſhulen goo into þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, leſt ȝe dien; for þe euerlaſtynge heeſte it is into ȝoure generaciouns; and þat ȝe han kunnyng of demyng bitwix holy and curſid, bitwix defowlid and clene; and þat ȝe techen þe ſones of Yrael alle my lawful þinges, þat þe Lord haþ ſpokun to hem bi þe hoond of Moyſes. And Moyſes ſpak to Aaron, and to Eliazar and to Ytamar, his ſones, þat weren laft, Tak ȝe þe ſacrifice þat was laft of þe offryng of þe Lord, and etiþ it wiþ outen ſourdowȝ, biſide þe auter, for holy of halowis yt is. Ȝe ſhulen eete forſoþe in holy place þat þat is ȝeuen to þee and to þi ſones, of þe offrynges of þe Lord, as it is comaundid to me. And þe litil breeſt þat is offered, and þe ſhuldre þat is ſeuered, ȝe ſhulen eete in þe mooſt cleene place, þow, and þi ſones, and þi douȝtren wiþ þee; to þee forſoþe and to þi free children ben put vp, of þe hoolſum ooſtis of þe ſones of Yrael; forþi þat þe ſhuldre, and þe breeſt, and þe talwȝes þat ben brent in þe auter, þei han arerede before þe Lord; and perteynen to þee, and to þi ſones, þurȝ perpetual lawe, as þe Lord haþ comaundide. Among þes þingis þe goot þat was offred for ſynne whanne Moyſes ſouȝte, he foonde ful brent, and wrooþ aȝens Eliazar and Ytamar, þe ſones of Aaron þat laften, ſeiþ, Whi han ȝe not eetun in hooli place þe ooſt for ſynne, þat is holy of halowes, and ȝyue to ȝow, þat ȝe bere þe wickidnes of þe multitude, and preye for it in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; nameliche ſiþ of þe blood of it is not brouȝt wiþ ynne þe halowes, and ȝe ſhulen eete it in þe ſeyntuarie, as þe Lord haþ comaundide to me? And Aaron anſwerde, To day is offred þe ſlawn offryng for ſynne, and brent ſacrifice before þe Lord; to me forſoþe is faln þat þou ſeeſt; what manere myȝte I eete it, and plees to þe Lord in cerymonyes wiþ weilynge mynde? Þe which þing whanne Moyſes hadde herde, he reſſeyuede ſatysfaccioun.

Capitulum XI.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge, Sey ȝe to þe ſones of Yrael, Kepe ȝe alle þingis þat Y haue writun to ȝow, þat I be ȝoure God. Þes ben þe beeſtis þat ȝe ſhulen eete, of alle þat beren lijf on erþe; alle þat han þe clee dyuydid, and chewiþ kude, in beeſtis ȝe mowen eete; what euer forſoþe chewiþ kude, and haþ clee, but dyuydiþ it not, as camel and oþere, ȝe ſhulen not eete it, and among vnclenne þinges ȝe ſhulen holde it. An vrchon, þat chewiþ kude, and dyuideþ not þe clee, is vnclene; an haar forſoþe, for and he chewiþ kude, but þe clee he dyuidiþ not; and a ſowe, þat al be it þat ſche dyuidiþ þe clee, ſhe chewiþ not kude. Of þe fleſh of þes eete ȝe not, ne towche ȝe þe careyns, for þei ben vnclene to ȝow. Þes ben alſo þat ben getun in watris, and it is leeful to eete; alle þat han fynnes and ſcaales, as wel in þe ſee, as in þe floodes and ſtondynge watris, ȝe ſhulen eete; what euer forſoþe haþ no fynnes and ſcaales, of hem þat in watris ben meued and lyuen, ſhulen be abhomynable to ȝou, and as curſid; ȝe ſhulen not eete þe fleſh of hem, and þe faln to deeþ ȝe ſhulen ſhonne. Alle þat han not fynnes and ſcaales in watris, ſhulen be polute. Þes ben þat ȝe ſhulen not eete of bryddes, and ben to be ſhoned of ȝow; an egle, and a griffyn, and a merlyoun; and kijt, and a grijp after his kynde; and alle of crowe kynde into his liknes; an oſtriche, and a nyȝt crowe, and a coote, and an hawke after his kynde; an owle, and a deuedep, and þe vnclene watir foule, þat wiþ his bille puttynge water into his ars, purgiþ hym ſilf; a ſwan, a cormaraunt, and a pellicane; and a gerfawcoun, and a iay after his kynde; and a lapwynk, and a reremous. Alle of foules þat goþ on foure feete, ſhal be abhomynable to ȝow; what euer forſoþe goþ on foure feete, but haþ lenger þeis bihynde, bi þe whiche he lepiþ vpon þe erþe, ȝe ſhulen eete; as is bruk in his kynde, þat is þe kynde of locuſt er it haue wenges, and attachus, þat is þe kynde of locuſt, whanne it bigynneþ to flee, and opymachus, þat is a foule enemy to ſerpentes, and a locuſt, eche after his kynde. What euer forſoþe of foules þat oonli haþ foure feete, ſhal be to ȝow as curſid þing; and who ſo euer towchiþ þe faln to deeþ of hem, ſhal be polutid and vnclene vnto þe euentyde; and if it were nede þat he bere eny of hem deed, he ſhal waſhe his cloþes, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto þe goyng doun of þe ſunne. Eche forſoþe beeſte þat haþ a clee, but dyuideþ not it, ne chewiþ kude, ſhal be vnclene; and what euer touchiþ it, ſhal be defoulid. Þat þat goþ vpon hondes, of al þat beriþ lijf þat goon on foure feete, ſhal be vnclene; who ſo touchiþ þe faln to deþ of hem, ſhal be polutid vnto euen; and who ſo beriþ ſiche maner careyns, ſhal waſſhe his cloþis, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen; for alle þes ben vnclennes to ȝou. Þes forſoþe among polutid þinges ſhulen be holde, of hem þat ben meued in erþe; a weſil, and a mouſe, and a cokedril, eche after his kynde; þat is a beeſt of foure feete, hauynge þe neþer cheke lap vnmeuable, and meuynge þe ouere; a mygal, þat is a beeſte born trecherows to bigile, and mooſt gloterous, a camelion, þat is a beeſte varyed in to diuerſe colours, after diuerſe lokingis, and a ſtellioun, þat is a werme depeyntid as wiþ ſterris, and a lacert, þat is a ſerpent þat is clepid a liſerd, and a moldwerp. Alle þes ben vnclene; who toucheþ þe faln to deþ of hem, ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen; and vpon what þing fal eny þing of þe faln to deþ of hem, ſhal be polut, as wel þe treen veſſel and cloþing, as ſkynnes and heren ſhertes; and in what þing is werk maad, it ſhal be wett wiþ water, and þei ſhulen be polut vnto þe euen, and ſo afterward þei ſhulen be clenſid. A britel veſſel forſoþe, in þe which eny of þes falliþ wiþ ynne, ſhal be polut, and þerfor it is to be broke. Al þe meete þat ȝe ſhulen eete, if water were ſhed vpon it, ſhal be vnclene; al meltynge þing, þat ſhal be dronke of eny veſſel, ſhal be vnclene; and what þing of ſiche þing faln to deeþ falle vpon it, ſhal be vnclene, oþer forneyſes, or ketels, ſhulen be deſtruyed, and ſhulen be vnclene. Þe welles forſoþe and ſiſterns, and al þe gederyng togidere of watris, ſhulen be clene. He þat touchiþ þe faln to deþ of hem, ſhal be polutid. If it falle vpon þe ſeede, it ſhal not polute it; if forſoþe eny man wiþ water helde vpon þe ſeede, and afterward wiþ þe faln to deþ were touchid, anone it ſhal be polutid. If þe beeſte þat is leeful to ȝow to eete were deed, he þat touchiþ þe careyn of it ſhal be vnclene vnto euen; and he þat etiþ of it eny þing, or beriþ, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto euen. Al þat crepiþ vpon erþe ſhal be abhomynable, ne ſhal be take vnto meet. What þing of foure feete goþ vpon þe breeſt, and haþ many feete, or bi þe erþe is drawun, ȝe ſhulen not eete, for it is abhomynable. Nyl ȝe defoule ȝoure ſoules, ne touche eny þing of hem, leſt ȝe ben vnclene; Y forſoþe am þe Lord ȝoure God; be ȝe holy, for Y am hooli. Ne defoule ȝe ȝoure ſoules in eny crepynge þing þat is meuyd vpon erþe; Y forſoþe am þe Lord, þat haþ ladde ȝow fro þe loond of Egipte, þat Y ſhulde be to ȝow into God; ȝe ſhulen be holy, for Y am holy. Þis is þe lawe of þe berynge lijf, and of foules, and of al lyuynge ſoule þat is meuyd in water, and crepiþ in erþe; þat ȝe mowen knowe þe differences of clene and of vnclene, and þat ȝe witen what ȝe owen to eete, and what to forſake.

Capitulum XII.

The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, A womman, if þurȝ reſſeyued ſeed ſhe bare a maal, ſhe ſhal be vnclene ſeuen dayes after þe daies of þe ſeueryng of þe flux of rotun blood; and þe eiȝt day þe fawnt ſhal be circumcidid. She forſoþe þre and þretti daies ſhal dwelle in þe blood of hir purifiyng; al holi þing ſhe ſhal not touche, ne goo in to þe ſeyntuarie, to þe tyme þat þe daies of hir purifiyng ben fulfillid. If forſoþe ſhe bere a maydyn child, ſhe ſhal be vnclene twey wekes, after þe ryte of þe flux of þe rotun blood, and ſix and ſixty dayes ſhe ſhal dwelle in þe blood of hir puryfiyng. And whanne þe daies of hir purifiyng weren fulfillid, oþer for ſone, or for douȝter, ſhe ſhal bere a lomb of o ȝeer in to brent ſacrifice, and a culuer brid, or a turtil, for ſynne, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and ſhe ſhal take to þe preeſt, þe which ſhal offre it before þe Lord, and ſhal preye for hir, and ſo ſhe ſhal be maad clene fro þe flux of hyr blood. Þis is þe lawe of þe berynge maal and femaal. And if þe hoond of hir fynde not, ne may offre a lombe, ſhe ſhal take two turturs, or two culuer bryddes, þe oon into brent ſacrifice, and þat oþir for ſynne; and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hir, and ſo ſhe ſhal be maad clene.

Capitulum XIII.

The Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge, A man in whos ſkynne and fleſh were ſprongun dyuerſe colour, or bleyne, oþer eny þing liȝtyng, þat is to ſeie, a plaage of lepre, he ſhal be brouȝt forþ to Aaron, þe preeſt, or to oon of eny of his ſones; þe which whanne he ſeeþ þe lepre in þe ſkynne, and þe heeris chaungid into whijt colour, and þilk ſpice of lepre lower þan þe ſkynne and þat oþer fleſh, a plaage of lepre it is, and at þe dom of hym he ſhal be ſeuered. If forſoþe liȝtynge whitneſſe were in þe ſkynne, and no more lowe þan þat oþer fleſh, and þe heeris of before hadden colour, þe preeſt ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen daies; and he ſhal beholden þe ſeuenþe day, and if forſoþe þe lepre be no forþermore runne, ne paſſe in þe ſkynne þe former termes, eftſones he ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen oþer dayes; and þe ſeuenþe day he ſhal loke, if more derker were þe lepre, and not waxed in þe ſkynne, he ſhal clenſe hym, for it is a ſcab; and þe man ſhal waſſhe his cloþis, and he ſhal be clene. Þat if afterward þat he is ſeen of þe preeſt, and ȝoldun to clenneſſe, eftſone þe lepre wexiþ, he ſhal be brouȝte to hym, and of vnclennes he ſhal be condempnyd. Þe plaage of lepre if it were in a man, he ſhal be brouȝt to þe preeſt, and he ſhal ſe hym; and whanne whijt colour were in þe ſkynne, and of þe heeres chaungiþ þe ſiȝt, þilke forſoþe quyk fleſh apeeriþ, þe mooſt olde lepre it ſhal be demyd, and fulle rootid to þe ſkynne; and ſo þe preeſt ſhal defoule hym, and not recluſe, for it is of vnclenneſſe ful open. If forſoþe out flowe þe rennynge lepre in þe ſkynne, and couer al þe fleſh, fro þe heed vnto þe feet, what þing vndir þe ſiȝt of þe eyen falliþ; þe preeſt ſhal beholde hym, and deme it to be holdun mooſt clene lepre, for þi þat al be turned into whitnes, and þerfor þe man ſhal be clene. Whanne forſoþe quyk fleſh aperyde in hym, þanne þurȝ þe dome of þe preeſt he ſhal be polut, and among vnclene he ſhal holdun; if þe quyk fleſh is ſpreynt wiþ lepre, it is vnclene. Þat if eftſones it were turned into whitneſſe, and couereþ al þe man, þe preeſt ſhal behoolde hym, and deme to be clene. Þe fleſh and þe ſkynne, in þe whiche a bocche is growun, and helid, and in þe place of þe bocche aperiþ a fel wounde, whijt, or derk reed, þe man ſhal be brouȝt to þe preeſt; þe which whanne he haþ ſeen þe place of þe lepre lower þan þat oþer fleſh, and þe heeris turned into whitnes, he ſhal defoule hym; a plaage forſoþe of lepre is ſprongun in þe bocche. Þat if þe heere is of þe raþer colour, and þe fel wounde vnder derk, and þanne þe nyȝ fleſh is not lower, he ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen dayes; and if forſoþe it wax, he ſhal deme hym of þe lepre; if forſoþe it ſtoonde in his place, it is þe fel wounde of þe bocche, and þe man ſhal be clene. Þe fleſh and þe ſkynne, þat þe fyer brekiþ out, and, heelid, haue a whijt or a reed fel wounde, þe preeſt ſhal biholde it, and loo! if it is turned into whijtnes, and þe place of it is lower þan þat oþer ſkynne, he ſhal defoule hym, for þe plaage of þe lepre is ſprongun in þe fel wounde. Þat if þe colour of þe heeres were not fulle chaungid, ne þe plaage lower þan þat oþer flehs, and þilke ſpice of lepre were vnder derk, he ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen daies; and þe ſeuenþe day he ſhal loke; and if þe lepre wax in þe ſkynne, he ſhal defoule hym; if forſoþe in his place ſtonde whijtnes not cleer ynowȝ, a plaage of brennyng it is, and þerfor it ſhal be clenſid, for a fel wounde of brennyng it is. Man or womman, in whos heed or beerde boriouneþ a lepre, þe preeſt ſhal loke hem; and if forſoþe þe place were lower þan þat oþer fleſh, and þe heer ȝalow, and ſotiler þan it is wont, he ſhal defoule him, for lepre of þe heed it is, and of þe beerde. If forſoþe he ſe þe place of þe wemme euen to þe nyȝ fleſh, and þe heer blak, he ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen daies, and þe ſeuenþe day loke; and if þe wemme growe not, and þe heer is of his colour, and þe place of þe plage to þat oþer fleſh euen, þe man ſhal be ſhauen, out-take þe place of þe wemme, and he ſhal be recluſyd ſeuen oþer daies. If þe ſeuenþe day þe plaage were ſeen to haue ſtoonde in his place, ne lower þan þat oþer fleſh, he ſhal clenſe hym, and his cloþes waſſhid he ſhal be clene. If forſoþe after þe clenſyng eftſones growe a wemm in þe ſkynne, he ſhal na more ſeche, wher þe heer be chaungid in to ȝalow colour, for apertly he is vnclene. Forſoþe if þe wemme ſtoonde, and þe heeris weren blak, know he þat þe man is hool, and truſtili pronounce he hym clene. A man or a womman, in whos ſkynne whijtnes aperiþ, þe preeſt ſhal loke hem; if he perceyue vnder derk whijtnes to ſhyne in þe ſkynne, know he þat it is no lepre, but a wemme of whijt colour, and þat þe man is clene. A man of whos heed þe heeres fallen, he is ballid, and clene; and if fro þe frount fallen þe heeres, he is bihynde ballid, and clene; if forſoþe in þe ballidnes, or in þe bihynde ballidnes, whijt or reed colour were ſprongun out, and þat þe preeſt ſeeyȝ, he ſhal condempne hym, not of dowtows lepre it is, þat is ſprongun in þe ballidnes. Whoſo euer were þanne defoulid wiþ lepre, and ſeuered at þe dome of a preeſt, he ſhal haue his cloþis vnſewyd, þe heed nakid, þe mouþ couered wiþ þe clooþe, and he ſhal crye hym wemmed, and foule; al tyme þat he is leprows and vncleene, alone he ſhal dwelle out of þe tentes. A wullun clooþ, or lynnen, þat haþ a lepre in þe oof, or in þe werpe, oþer of a certeyn ſkynne, or ouȝt þat is maad of ſkynne, if it were infect wiþ whijt or reed wemme, it ſhal be holdun a lepre, and ſhal be ſhewid to þe preeſt; þe which, it lokid, ſhal recluſe ſeuen daies. And þe ſeuenþe day eftſones biholdynge, if he perſeyue þat it haþ wox, it ſhal be a ſtedfaſt lepre; he ſhal deme þe clooþ polut, and al þing in þe which it were founde; and þerfor it ſhal be brent wiþ flawmes of fier. Þat if he ſe þat it haþ not waxen, he ſhal comaunde, and þei ſhal waſſhe it in þe which is þe lepre, and he ſhal recluſe it ſeuen oþer daies; and whanne he ſeeþ forſoþe þe raþer face not turned aȝen, and neuerþelater þe lepre not to haue woxe, he ſhal deme vnclene, and wiþ fier he ſhal brenne, forþi þat it is ſpred in þe vttermoſt of þe clooþ, oþer al þurȝ. A lepre, if forſoþe þe place of þe lepre were derker, after þat þe clooþ is waſſhun, he ſhal breke it, and fro þe hoole dyuyde. Þat if forþermore apere in þat places, þe whiche weren before vndefoulid, þe lepre fleynge and vagaunt, ſhal be brent wiþ fier; and if it ceeſe, he ſhal waſſhe ſecoundlich þo þinges þat ben pure, and þei ſhal be clene. Þis is þe lawe of þe lepre of wullen clooþ, and lynnen, of oof and of warpe, and of al leþerin purtenaunce, how þei ſhal be clenſid, or be defoulid.

Capitulum XIIII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Þis is þe rijt of þe leprows, whanne he is to be maad clene. He ſhal be brouȝt to þe preeſt, þe which goon out of þe tentis, whanne he fyndiþ þat þe lepre is clenſid, he ſhal comaunde to hym þat is purified, þat he offre for hym ſilf two quyk ſparowes, whom it is leeful to eet, and cedre tree, and flawm reed ſilk, and yſope. And oon of þe ſparows he ſhal comaunde to be offred in a britil veſſel, vpon quyk watris; þat oþer forſoþe quyk, wiþ cedre tree, and reed ſilk, and yſope, he ſhal weete in þe blood of þe ſparowe þat is offred, wiþ þe which he ſhal ſprenge hym þat is to be clenſid ſeuene ſiþes, þat þurȝ riȝt he be purgid; and he ſhal late goo þe quyk ſparowe, þat ſhe flee awei into þe feelde. And whanne þe man haþ waſſhide his cloþes, he ſhal ſhaue alle þe heeres of þe bodi, and he ſhal be waſſhe wiþ water, and purified he ſhal goo into þe tentis; ſo oonli þat he dwelle out of his tabernacle ſeuen daies; and þe ſeuenþe day þat he ſhaue þe heeris of þe heed, and beerde, and browes, and þe heeres of al þe body. And eftſones þe cloþes and þe body waſſhid, þe eiȝt day he ſhal take two lombes wiþ outen wemme, and a ſheep of o ȝeer wiþ outen wemme, and þre dymes of tried floure, into ſacrifice, þat be ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and biſides a ſextarie of oyle. And whanne þe preeſt, puryfiynge þe man, ordeyneþ hym and alle þes þingis before þe Lord, in þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and he ſhal take a lombe, and offre it for treſpas, and a ſextarye of oyle; and alle þingis offred before þe Lord, he ſhal offre a lombe, where is wont to be offred þe ooſt for ſynne and þe brent ſacrifice, þat is, in holy place; forſoþe as for ſynne ſo for treſpas to þe preeſt perteyneþ þe ooſt; holi of halowes it is. And þe preeſt takynge of þe blood of þe ooſt þat is offrid for treſpas, he ſhal putte vpon þe ende of his riȝt ere þat is clenſid, and vpon þe þoumbes of þe riȝt hoond and foot. And of þe ſextarie of oyle he ſhall putte in his left hoond, and he ſhal wete þe riȝt fyngre in it, and he ſhal ſprenge before þe Lord ſeuen ſiþes. Þat forſoþe of þe oile þat is laft in þe left hoond, he ſhal heelde vpon þe eende of his riȝt eere þat is clanſid, and vpon þe þoumbes of hoonde and of riȝt foot, and vpon þe blood þat is ſhed for treſpas, and vpon his heed. And he ſhal preye for hym before þe Lord, and he ſhal doo ſacrifice for ſynne; þanne he ſhal offre brent ſacrifice, and putte it in þe auter wiþ his offryng of licours, and þe man lawfullich ſhal be clenſid. Þat if he is a pore man, and his hoonde may not fynde þat ben ſeyde, he ſhal take for þe treſpas a lombe to þe offryng, þat þe preeſt preye for hym, and þe tenþe part of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into ſacrifice, and a ſextarie of oyle, and two turturs, and two culuer bryddis, of whom þe oon be for ſynne, and þe oþer into brent ſacrifice; and he ſhal offre hem þe eiȝt day of his purifiyng to þe preeſt, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, before þe Lord. Þe which takynge a lombe for treſpas, and a ſextarie of oile, ſhal rere togidris; and þe lombe offryd, of þe blood of it he ſhal putte vpon þe eende of þe riȝt eere of hym þat is clenſid, and vpon þe þoumbes of his hoonde and of þe ryȝt foote. Of þe oyle forſoþe a part putte he into his left hoonde, in þe which wetynge þe fyngre of þe riȝt hoonde, ſprenge he ſeuen ſiþes aȝens þe Lord; and weet he þe eende of þe ryȝt eere of hym þat is clenſid, and þe þoumbes of þe hoonde, and of þe riȝt foot, in þe place of þe blood þat is ſhed out for treſpas. Þe laft forſoþe part of þe oyle þat is in þe lefte hoonde, putte he vpon þe heed of þe purified, þat he pleſe þe Lord for hym. And a turtre, or a culuer bryd, he ſhal offre, oon for treſpas, and anoþer into brent ſacrifice, wiþ her offrid licours. Þat is þe ſacrifice of þe leprows, þat may not haue alle þingis in þe clenſyng of hym. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge, Whanne ȝe weren goon into þe loonde of Chanaan, þat Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝow into poſſeſſyoun, if þere were a plaage of lepre in howſis, whos is þe hows ſhal goon tellynge to þe preeſt, and ſeie, As a plage of lepre it is ſeen to me to be in myn hows. And he ſhal comaunde, þat alle þingis be born out of þe hows or he goo into it, and be ſeen wheþer it be a lepre, leſt alle þinges þat ben in þe hows ben maad vnclene; and afterward he ſhal goon yn, þat he behoolde þe lepre of þe hows. And whanne he ſeeþ in þe walles of it as litil valeys defourmed wiþ paalnes, or wiþ reednes, and lower þan þat oþer vttermore partie, he ſhal goo out of þe dore of þe hows, and anoon he ſhal cloſe it ſeuen dayes. And þe ſeuenþe day turned aȝen he ſhal beholde it; and if he fynde þat þe lepre haþ waxen, he ſhal comaunde þe ſtonus, in þe whiche is þe lepre, to be drawe out, and hem to be þrowe a ferre out of þe cyte, in an vnclene place; þat forſoþe hows to be parid wiþ ynforþ bi enuyroun, and þe powdre of þe paryng to be ſpreynt out of þe citee, in an vnclene place, and oþer ſtonus to be put aȝens for hem þat were takun awey, and wiþ oþer cley þe hows to be dawbid. If forſoþe after þat þe ſtonus ben drawen out, and þe powdre born out, and wiþ oþer erþe dawbid, and þe preeſt goon yn ſe þe lepre turned aȝen, and þe walles aȝen ſpreynt wiþ ſpottis, it is a ſtedfaſt lepre, and þe hows vnclene; þe whiche anoon þei ſchulen diſtruy; and þe ſtonus of it, and trees, and al þe powdre þei ſhulen þrowe afer out of þe wallid town, in an vnclene place. Who goþ into þe hows, whanne it is cloſid, ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen, and who ſlepiþ in it, and etiþ eny þing, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes. Þat if þe preeſt goynge in ſe þat þe lepre haþ not waxen in þe hows, after þat it is newe dawbid, he ſhal purifie it, helþe ȝoldun aȝen. In þe purifiynge of it he ſhal take two ſparows, and þe cedre tree, and fier reed ſilk, and yſop. And þat oon ſparow offred in a britil veſſel, vpon quik watris, he ſhal take þe cedre tree, and yſop, and fier reed ſilk, and a quyk ſparow, and he ſhal weete alle þingis in þe blood of þe offrid ſparow, and in quyk watres; and he ſhal ſprenge þe hows ſeuen ſiþes; and he ſhal purifie it, as wel in þe blood of a ſparow as in quyk watrys, and in þe quyk ſparow, and in þe cedre tree, and yſop, and fier reed ſilk. And whanne he haþ late þe ſparow freliche flee awey in þe feelde, he ſhal preye for þe hows, and þurȝ ryȝt it ſhal be maad clene. Þis is þe lawe of al lepre, and hurtynge, and of lepre of cloþes, and howſis, and of fel wounde, and of bleynes brekynge out, and of wemme liȝtynge, and in dyuerſe ſpices þe colours chaungid, þat it may be knowe what tyme eny þing be clene, or vnclene.

Capitulum XV.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeynge, Speke ye to þe ſones of Yrael, and ſeiþ to hem, Þe man þat ſuffreþ þe flux of ſeede, ſhal be vnclene; and þanne he ſhal be demyd to vndur ligge to þis vice, whanne bi eche momentis it cleueþ to þe fleſh of hym, and to gidere groweþ þe foule humour. Al þe bed þat he ſleepiþ yn ſhal be vnclene, and where euer he ſitteþ. Who ſo euer of men towchiþ hys bed, he ſhal waſhe his cloþes, and he waſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. And if he ſitte where he ſatt, he ſhal waſſh his cloþes, and waſſhid wiþ water ſhal ben vnclene vnto þe euen. He þat towchiþ þe fleſhe of hym, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene to þe euen. And if ſiche a man caſte out ſpotil vpon hym þat is clene, he ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. Þe ſadel vpon þe which he ſhall ſytt, ſhal be vnclene; and what euer were vnder hym þat ſuffreþ flux of ſeede, ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. He þat beriþ eny þing of þes, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. Eche whom he þat is ſuchon towchiþ wiþ not waſſhun hondes before, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. Þe britil veſſel þat he towchiþ, ſhal be tobrokun; þe treen veſſel forſoþe ſhal be waſſhid wiþ water. If he were helid, þat ſuffreþ ſiche a maner paſſioun, he ſhal noumbre ſeuen daies after his clenſyng, and þe cloþes waſſhid, and al þe bodi in qwik watris, he ſhal be clene. Þe eiȝt day forſoþe he ſhal take two turturs, oþer two culuer briddes, and he ſhal come in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and he ſhal ȝyue hem to þe preeſt; þe which ſhal doon oon for ſynne, and þat oþer into brent ſacrifice; he ſhal preye for him bifor þe Lord, þat he be clene fro þe flux of his ſeede. Þe man of whom goþ out þe ſeede of goyng togidris, ſhal waſſhe wiþ water al his body, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. Clooþ and ſkynne þat he haþ, he ſhal waſſhe wiþ water, and it ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. Þe womman wiþ whom he goþ togider wiþ, ſhal be waſſhe wiþ water, and ſhe ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. Þe womman þat, turnynge aȝen þe moneþ, ſuffreþ þe flux of blood, ſeuen daies ſhal be ſeuerd; eche þat towchiþ hir ſhal be vnclene vnto euen, and þe place in which ſhe ſleepiþ or ſittiþ þe daies of her ſeueryng, ſhal be polut. He þat towchiþ her bed, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. Eche veſſel vpon which ſhe ſittiþ who ſo euer towchiþ, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be polut vnto þe euen. If man goþ togidere wiþ hir in þe tyme of hir blood flowynge bi moneþes, he ſhal be vnclene ſeuen daies, and al þe bed in which he ſlepiþ ſhal be polut. Þe woman þat ſuffriþ manye daies þe flux of blood, not in tyme of þe flux bi þe moneþ, oþer þat aftir þe flux of blood bi þe moneþ ceſiþ not to flowe blood, as longe as ſhe ſhal vnderligge to þis paſſioun ſhe ſhal be vnclene, as it be in tyme of þe flux of blood bi þe moneþ. Al þe bed in which ſhe ſlepiþ, and þe veſſel in which ſhe ſittiþ, ſhal be polut. Who ſo towchiþ hir, ſhal waſſhe hys cloþis, and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. If þe blood ſtoonde, and ceeſe to flowe, ſhe ſhal noumbre ſeuen daies of hir purifiyng, and þe eiȝtiþ day ſhe ſhal offre for hir ſilf to þe preeſt two turturs, or two culuer briddis, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; þe which ſhal do oon for þe ſynne, and þat oþer into brent ſacrifice; and he ſhal preye for hir before þe Lord, and for þe flux of þe vnclennes of hir. Ȝe ſhulen teche þerfore þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei ſhonnen vnclennes, and die not in her fluxes, whanne þei defoulen my tabernacle þat is among hem. Þis is þe lawe of hym þat ſuffreþ flux of ſeede, and þat is polutid þurȝ goynge togidris, and of hyr þat þurȝ moneþ tymes of flowing of blood is ſeuerd, and þat flowiþ ful oft blood, and of þe man þat ſlepiþ wiþ hir.

Capitulum XVI.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, after þe deeþ of þe two ſones of Aaron, whanne þei offrynge alien fier were ſlawn, and comaundide to hym, ſeiynge, Spek to Aaron, þi broþer, leſt alle tymes he goo into þe ſeyntuarye, þat is wiþ ynne þe veile before þe propiciatory, wiþ þe which þe arke is couerd, þat he dye not; for in a clowde Y ſhal apeere vpon þe heuenli anſwerynge place; but if þes þinges he do before. He ſhal offre a calf for ſynne, and a weþer in to brent ſacrifice; wiþ a lynnen coote he ſhal be cloþid, and wiþ lynnen breches he ſhal hile þe ſhame worþi membres; he ſhal be gyrd wiþ a lynnen gyrdil, and a lynnen mytre he ſhal putte to þe heed; þes forſoþe ben þe holy cloþes, wiþ þe whiche al he ſhal be cloþed, whanne he were waſſhid. And he ſhal take of al þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael two gootes for ſynne, and a weþir into brent ſacrifice; and whanne he offreþ a calf, and preieþ for hym ſilf, and for his hows, two gootes he ſhal make ſtoonde before þe Lord, in þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; puttynge vpon eiþer loot, oon to þe Lord, and anoþer to þe goot þat ſhal be ſent out. Whos loot goþ out to þe Lord, ſhal offre þilke for ſynne; whos forſoþe into þe goot þat ſhal be ſent out, ſhal ordeyne him quik before þe Lord, þat he heelde preiers vpon hym, and ſende hym out into wildernes. Þes þingis lawfully ſolempnyſid, he ſhal offre a calf, and preiynge for hym ſilf, and for his hows, ſhal offre it. And þe cenſure taken to, þe whiche he haþ fulfillide of þe coolis of þe auter, and takynge wiþ hoond þe maad enſence of dyuers ſpices into enſenſyng, he ſhal goo yn biȝonde þe veile, in to þe hooli þingis; þat þe ſwete ſmellynge ſpices putt vp on þe fier, þe clowde of hem and þe breeþ couer Goddis anſweryng place, þat is vpon þe witneſſynge, and die not. And he ſhal take of þe blood of þe calf, and he ſhal ſprenge wiþ þe fyngre ſeuen ſiþes aȝens þe propiciatorye, at þe eeſt. And whanne he haþ ſlawe þe goot, for þe ſynne of þe puple, he ſhal bere ynne his blood wiþ ynne þe veile, as it is comaundid of þe blood of þe calf, þat he ſpreynge forn aȝen Goddis anſweryng place, and purge þe ſeyntuarye fro þe vnclennes of þe ſones of Yrael, and fro þe treſpaſſynges of hem, and fro alle ſynnes. After þis rijt he ſhal doo in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, þat is ficchid betwix hem, in þe myddil of þe ſortes of dwellyng of hem. No man be in þe tabernacle, whanne þe biſhop ſhal goo into þe ſeyntuarye, þat he preye for hym ſilf, and for his hows, and for al þe companye of Yrael, to þe tyme þat he goo out of þe tabernacle. And whanne he goþ out to þe auter þat is before þe Lord, prey he for hym ſilf, and þe taken blood of þe calf, and of þe goot, heelde he vpon þe hornes of it, bi enuyroun; and ſprenge wiþ þe fyngre ſeuen ſiþes, purge he, and halowe it fro þe vnclennes of þe ſones of Yrael. After þat he haþ clenſide þe ſeyntuarye, and þe tabernacle, and þe auter, þanne offre he a quyk goot; and eiþer hoond put on his heed, knowleche he al þe wickidnes of þe ſones of Yrael, and alle þe giltis, and alle þe ſynnes of hem, þe which inwardly preiynge to his heed, he ſhal ſende it out bi a man al redy into deſert. And whanne þe goot haþ born al þe wickidnes of hem into ſolitarye loonde, and were left in deſert, Aaron ſhal turne aȝen into þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and þe cloþes doon of, wiþ þe whiche he was cloþed before, whanne he entride þe ſeyntuarye of God, and hem laft þere, he ſhal waſſhe his fleſh in an holi place, and ſhal be cloþid wiþ his owne cloþes, and afterward þat he, goon out, haþ offred his and þe puples brent ſacrifice, he ſhal preye as wel for hym ſilf, as for þe puple; and þe talwȝ þat is offred for ſynne he ſhal brenne vpon þe auter. He forſoþe þat letiþ goo þe ſent out goot, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes and his bodi wiþ water, and ſo he ſhal goo into þe tentis. Þe calf forſoþe and þe goot, þat weren offred for ſynne, and whos blood is brouȝt in ſeyntuarye, þat þe clenſyng were fulfillid, þei ſhulen bere out of þe tentis; and þei ſhulen brenne wiþ fier, as wel þe ſkynnes, as þe fleſh of hem and þe drit. And who ſo euer brenne hem, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes and þe fleſh wiþ water, and ſo he ſhal go into þe tentes. And þis ſhal be to ȝow lawful euerlaſtyng; þe ſeuenþ moneþ, þe tenþe day of þe moneþ, ȝe ſhulen traueyle ȝoure ſoules, and no werke ȝe ſhulen do, wheþer wiþ ynne bore or comlyng þat pilgrimagen among ȝow. In þis day ſhal be þe purgyng of ȝow, and clenſyng fro alle ȝoure ſynnes, before þe Lord ȝe ſhulen be maad clene; þe holiday forſoþe of reſtyng it is, and ȝe ſhulen traueil ȝoure ſoules þurȝ perpetuel religioun. Þe preeſt forſoþe, þat were anoynt, ſhal purgen out, and whos hondes ben ſacrid, þat he bere þe office of preeſþod for his fader; and he ſhal be cloþid wiþ a lynnen ſtoole, and wiþ holy cloþes, and he ſhal purge þe ſeyntuarie, and þe tabernacle of witneſſing, and þe auter, and þe preeſtis, and alle þe puples. And þis ſhal be lawful to ȝow euermore, þat ȝe preyen for þe ſones of Yrael, and for alle þe ſynnes of hem, ones in þe ȝeer. He dide þanne, as þe Lord hadde comaundide to Moyſes.

Capitulum XVII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to Aaron and his ſones, and to alle þe ſones of Yrael, ſeiynge to hem, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord haþ comaundide, ſeiynge, Eche man of þe hows of Yrael, if he ſlee an oxe, or a ſheep, or a ſhe goot in þe tentes, or out of þe tentes, and offreþ not at þe dore of þe tabernacle offrynge to þe Lord, he ſhal be gilti of blood; as he hadde ſhedde blood, ſo he ſhal periſhe fro þe myddil of his puple. Þerfor þe ſones of Yrael ſhulen offre to þe preeſt her ooſtes, þat þei ſlewen in þe feelde, þat þei ben halowid to þe Lord, before þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and offre þei þe ooſtes peſible to þe Lord. And þe preeſt ſhal heelde þe blood vpon þe auter of þe Lord, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and he ſhal brenne þe talwȝ into ſmel of ſwetnes to þe Lord. And þei ſhulen no more offre her ooſtes to feendes, wiþ þe whiche þei han do fornycacioun; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal be to hem, and to þe after comers of hem. And to hem þow ſhalt ſeye, A man of þe hows of Yrael, and of þe comlinges þat pilgrimagen anentis ȝow, þat offriþ brent ſacrifice, oþer ſlayn offryng, and to þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng bryngiþ it not, þat it be offred to þe Lord, he ſhal ſpille fro his puple. Eche man of þe hows of Yrael, and of comlyngis þat pilgrimagen among ȝow, if he eete blood, Y ſhal aȝen faſtne my face aȝens þe ſoule of hym, and Y ſhal leſe hym fro his puple; for þe ſoule of fleſh is in blood, and I haue ȝouun it to ȝow, þat ȝe purgen myn auter for ȝoure ſoules, and blood be fore þe hidows gilt of ſoule. And þerfor Y ſeide to þe ſones of Yrael, Eche lijf of ȝow ete no blood, ne of þe comlyngis þat pilgrymagen among ȝow. Eche man of þe ſones of Yrael, and of þe comelyngis þat pilgrymagen anentis ȝow, wheþer wiþ huntyng or wiþ foulyng, take wilde beeſte, or bridd, þe which it is leeful to eete, ſheed he his blood, and couer it þe erþe; þe ſoule forſoþe of al fleſh is in blood. Wherfor Y ſeide to þe ſones of Yrael, Þe blood of al fleſh ȝe ſhulen not eete, for þe ſoule of fleſh is in blood, and who ſo euer etiþ it, ſhal dye. Þe lijf þat etiþ faln to deþ, oþer þe takun of a beeſte, as wel of wiþ ynne getun, as of comlyngis, ſhal waſhe his cloþis and hym ſilf wiþ water, and he ſhal be defowlid vnto þe euen, and bi þis ordre he ſhal be maad clene; þat if he waſſhe not his cloþes, or body, he ſhal bere his wickidnes.

Capitulum XVIII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Speke to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Y am þe Lord ȝoure God; after þe cuſtome of þe loond of Egipte, in þe which ȝe han dwellid, ȝe ſhulen not doo; after þe maner of þe regioun of Chanaan, to þe whiche Y am to bryng ȝow yn, ȝe ſhulen not don, ne in þe lawful þingis of hem ȝe ſhulen goo. Ȝe ſhulen doo my domes, and þe heeſtis ȝe ſhulen kepe, and ȝe ſhulen goo in hem; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. Kepiþ my lawes and domes, þe whiche doynge, a man ſhal lyue in hem; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. Eche man to þe nexte woman of his blood ſhal not goo to, þat he opne þe filþed of hir; Y Lord. Þe filþheed of þi fader and þe filþheed of þi moder þow ſhalt not diſcouer; þi moder ſhe is, þow ſhalt not opne þe filþeheed of hir. Þe filþheed of þe wijf of þi fader þow ſhalt not diſcouer; þe filþheed forſoþe of þi fader it is. Þe filþheed of þi ſiſter, of fader or of moder, þat at home or wiþ outen is gotun, þow ſhalt not opne. Þe filþheed of þe dowȝter of þi ſone, or of þi douȝter douȝter, þow ſhalt not opne, for þi filþheed it is. Þe filþheed of þe douȝter of þe wijf of þi fader, þat ſhe haþ bore to þi fadir, and is þi ſiſter, þow ſhalt not opne. Þe filþ of þe ſiſter of þi fader þow ſhalt not diſcouer; þe fleſh ſhe is of þi fader. Þe filþhed of þe ſiſter of þi moder þow ſhalt not opne, for þi þat ſhe is fleſh of þi moder. Þe filþheed of þe broþer of þi fadir þow ſhalt not opne, ne þow ſhalt goo to þe wijf of hym, þe which is ioyned to þee þurȝ affynyte. Þe filþheed of þe wijf of þi ſone þow ſhalt not opne, for þe wijf of þi ſone ſhe is, ne þow ſhalt dyſcouer þe ſhenſhyp of hir; and no man take þe wijf of his broþer. Þe filþheed of þe wijf of þi broþer þow ſhalt not opne, for þe filþhed of þi broþer it is. Þe filþheed of þi wijf, and of þe douȝter of hir, þow ſhalt not opne; þe douȝter of þe ſone of hir, and þe douȝter of þe douȝter of hir þou ſhalt not take, þat þow opne hir ſhenſhip, for þe fleſh of hir þei ben, and ſiche a goyng togidere is inceſt. Þe ſiſter of þi wijf into liggyn bi hir þow ſhalt not take, ne opne þe filþhede of hir, ȝit ſhe lyuyng. To þe womman þat ſuffreþ flux of blood þow ſhalt not goo, ne opne þe ſtynkyngnes of hir. Wiþ þe wijf of þi neiȝbore þow ſhalt not goo togidir, ne wiþ mengyng togidere of ſeede þow ſhalt be defoulid. Of þi ſeede þow ſhalt not ȝyue, þat it be ſacryd to þe mawmet of Moloch, ne þow ſhalt defowle þe name of þi God; Y a Lord. Wiþ a maal þow ſhalt not be mengid, bi maner of goyng to gidere wiþ womman, for abhomynacioun it is. Wiþ alle beeſtis þow ſhalt not goo to gidere, ne þow ſhalt be defoulid wiþ it. A womman ſhal not vnder ligge to a beeſte, ne ſhal be mengid to it, for hidows ſynne it is. Ne be ȝe polut in alle þes þinges, wiþ þe whiche alle gentilis ben defoulid, þat Y ſhal þrowe out before ȝoure ſiȝt, of whom þe erþe is polut, whos hidows ſynnes Y ſhal viſite, þat it caſte out his dwellers. Kepe ȝe my lawes and my domes, þat ȝe do not of alle þes abomynaciouns, as wel þe wiþ ynne gotun as þe dwellers þat pilgrymagen anentis ȝow. Alle forſoþe þes curſidneſſis diden þe tiliers of þe erþe þat weren bifore ȝow, and polutide it. Shoneþ þerfor, leſt and alſo ȝow it caſte out, whanne þe ſame þinges ȝe doon, as it keſte out folk þat was before ȝow. Eche lijf þat doþ of þes abomynaciouns eny þing, ſhal periſch fro þe myddil of his puple. Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and wole ȝe not doo þingis þat diden þes þat weren before ȝow, leſt ȝe ben polut in hem; Y þe Lord ȝoure God.

Capitulum XIX.

The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to al þe companye of þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Be ȝe holy, for Y am holy, þe Lord ȝoure God. Echon drede his fader and moder. Kepe ȝe myn holy day; I þe Lord ȝoure God. Nyle ȝe be conuertid to mawmetis, ne goddis ȝotun to gidere make ȝe to ȝow; I þe Lord ȝoure God. If ȝe offren an ooſt of peſible þingis to þe Lord, þat he be pleſable, þilk dai þat it were offryd ȝe ſhulen eete it, and þat oþer day; what euer þing forſoþe were laft into þe þridde day, ȝe ſhulen brenne wiþ fier. If eny after two dayes etiþ of it, he ſhal be curſid, and gilti of vnpitowſnes; he ſhal bere his wickednes, for þe holy of þe Lord he haþ polutide, and þat ſoule ſhal periſh fro þe myddil of his puple. Whanne þow repiſt þe tilþes of þi loond, þow ſhalt not kitte vnto þe grounde þe vttermoſt of þe erþe, in þe leeuyng eerys þow ſhalt gedere; ne in þi vyne ȝeerd þe reyſonus and cornes fallynge down þow ſhalt not gedere, but to pore men and pilgrimes to ben leſid þow ſhalt leeue; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. Ȝe ſhulen do no þeft. Ȝe ſhulen not liȝe, ne deſſeyue eny man his neiȝbore. Þou ſhalt not forſwere in my name, ne þou ſhalt polut þe name of þi God; Y a Lord. Þow ſhalt not doo wronge chalenge to þi neiȝbore, ne wiþ force bere hym down. Þer ſhal not bide anentis þee þe werke of þin hyred ſeruant vnto þe morwen. Þou ſhalt not curſe to þe deef, ne before þe blynde þow ſhalt putte þing of offence; but þou ſhalt drede þe Lord þi God, for I am a Lord. Þow ſhalt not do þat is wickid, ne vnryȝtwiſly þow ſhalt deme; þou ſhalt not biholde þe perſone of þe pore, ne þow ſhalt onoure þe chere of þe myȝti; riȝtwiſly deme þow to þi neiȝbore. Þow ſhalt not be a wrongful acuſer of greuous ſynne, ne a pryue yuel ſpeker in peplis; ne þou ſhalt ſtoonde aȝens þe blood of þi neiȝbore; Y a Lord. Haat þow not þi broþer in þin herte, but opynli vndernym hym, leſt þow haue on hym ſynne. Þow ſhalt not ſeche veniaunce, ne þow ſhalt haue mynde of þe wronge of þi citeſeynes; þow ſhalt loue þi frende as þi ſilf; Y a Lord. Kepe ȝe my lawes. Þi beeſtis þow ſhalt not make goo to gidere wiþ beeſtis of anoþer kynde. A feelde þow ſhalt not ſowe wiþ dyuerſe ſeede. A clooþ þat is wouen of two, þow ſhalt not be cloþid. A man if he ſleepe wiþ a womman, bi goyng to gidere of ſeede, þe which is boond womman, alſo noble, and neuerþelater bi prijs not bouȝt, ne þe fredam ȝyuen, boþe ſhulen be ſcourgid, and þei ſhulen not die, for ſhe was not free. For her treſpas forſoþe, he ſhal offre to þe Lord at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, a weþer; and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hym, and for his treſpas, before þe Lord; and he ſhal eft haue mercy to hym, and þe ſynne ſhal be forȝeuen. Whanne ȝe weren gon in to þe loond, and plauntiden in it apple trees, ȝe ſhulen doo awey þe firſt fruytis of hem; þe apples þat buriounen ſhulen be vnclene to ȝow, ne ȝe ſhulen eete of hem. Þe ferþe forſoþe ȝeer al þe fruyt of hem ſhal be halowid and preyſable to þe Lord; þe fift ȝeer forſoþe ȝe ſhulen eete þe fruytis, gedrynge to gidere apples þat þei bringen forþe; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. Ȝe ſhulen not eete fleſh wiþ þe blood. Ȝe ſhulen not dyuyne in bryddis, ne ȝe ſhulen ſette kepynges vpon ſweuenes; ne ȝe ſhulen in rownde dodde heer, ne ſhaue beerde; and vpon þe deed ȝe ſhulen not kitte ȝoure fleſh, ne eny figuris, or pryckyngis, ȝe ſhulen make to ȝow; Y a Lord. Ne putt þow þi douȝter to bordel, and þe loond be defoulid, and it be fulfillid wiþ treſpas vnto deþ. My holi dayes kepe ȝe, and my ſeyntuarie drede ȝe; Y a Lord. Ne declyne þow to dyuynours, ne aſerche eny þing of takers her anſweris of deuels, þat ȝe ben polut bi hem; I þe Lord ȝoure God. Before þe hoor heed aryſe, and onour þe perſone of þe oolde, and drede þe Lord þi God; Y am a Lord. If a comlyng dwelle in ȝoure loond, and were abidynge amonge ȝow, ne myſſey ȝe to hym, but be he among ȝow as a wiþ inne born; and ȝe ſhulen loue hym as ȝoure ſelf; forſoþe and ȝe weren comelyngis in þe loond of Egipte; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. Nyle ȝe do eny wickid þing in dome, in rewle, in weiȝt, in meſure; riȝt balaunce, and euen ben þe weiȝtis, ryȝt buſhel, and euen ſextarye; Y þe Lord ȝoure God, þat haue ladde ȝow out of þe loond of Egipte. Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and alle þe domes, and do ȝe hem; I þe Lord.

Capitulum XX.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Þes þinge ſpek to þe ſones of Yrael, Þe man of þe ſones of Yrael, and of þe comlyngis þat dwellen in Yrael, if eny of his ſeede ȝyue to þe mawmet of Moloch, þurȝ deþ die he; þe puple of þe loond ſhulen ſtonen hym. And Y ſhal putte my face aȝens hym, and Y ſhal kitte hym doun fro þe myddil of my puple, forþi þat he ȝaue of his ſeede to Moloch, and haþ defowlide my ſeyntuarye, and polut myn holy name. Þat if þe puple of þe loond necgligent, and as deſpiſynge myn heeſtes, forȝyue þe man þat haþ ȝouun of his ſeede to Moloch, ne wole ſlee hym, Y ſhal putte my face vpon þat man, and his kynrede, and I ſhal kitte hym down, and alle þat conſenten to hym, þat þei doon fornycacioun wiþ Moloch, fro þe myddil of his puple. Þe lijf þat declyneþ to dyuynours, and herkeners to deuels, and doþ fornycacioun wiþ hem, I ſhal putte my face aȝens hym, and I ſhal ſlee hym fro þe myddel of his puple. Be ȝe maad holy, and beþ holy, for I am holi, þe Lord ȝoure God. Kepe myn heeſtes, and doþ hem, for Y am þe Lord þat halowiþ ȝou. Who ſo curſiþ to his fader, or moder, wiþ deeþ die he; who ſo to his fader or moder curſiþ, his blood be vpon hym. Who ſo doþ leccherie wiþ wijf of anoþer, and haþ wrouȝte auowtrye wiþ þe wijf of his neiȝbore, þurȝ deþ dye boþ þe lecchour and þe auowtres. He þat ſlepiþ wiþ his ſtepdam, and opneþ þe ſhenſhip of his fader, þurȝ deþ dien þei boþe; þe blood of hem be vpon hem. If eny man ſleepe wiþ his ſones wijf, eiþer be deed, for hidows treſpas þei han wrouȝt; þe blood of hem be vpon hem. He þat ſlepiþ wiþ a maal, bi maner of goyng togidere wiþ a womman, eiþer haþ wrouȝt ful vnleeful þing, þurȝ deþ die þei; þe blood of hem be vpon hem. He þat vpon þe wijf takiþ þe douȝter, þe moder of hyre, hidows treſpas haþ wrouȝt; ful myche he ſhal bren wiþ hem, and ſo greet vnleeful þing ſhal not dwelle in þe myddil of ȝow. He þat wiþ hows beeſte or feelde beeſte goþ togider, wiþ deþ die he, and þe beeſte ſlee ȝe. Þe womman þat lieþ to eny beeſte, to gidere be ſhe ſlayn wiþ it; þe blood of hem be vpon hem. He þat takiþ his ſiſtir, þe douȝter of his fader, or þe douȝter of his moder, and ſeeþ þe filþheed of hir, and ſhe bihoolde þe ſhenſhip of þe broþer, a ful vnleeful þing þei han wrouȝt, boþe ſhulen be ſlayn in þe ſiȝt of her puple; forþi þat her filþheed þei opneden to gidere, and þei ſhulen bere her wickidnes. He þat goþ to gidere wiþ a womman in þe flux of þe moneþ blood, and opneþ hir filþehed, and ſhe opneþ þe welle of hir blood, boþe ſhulen be ſlayn fro þe myddel of her puple. Þe filþheed of þi moder ſiſter, and þi fader ſiſter, þow ſhalt not diſcouer; who þat doþ þis, þe ſhenſhip of his fleſh he ſhal nakyn, and boþ ſhal bere her wickidnes. He þat goþ togidere wiþ þe wijf of his fader broþer, or of his vncle, and opneþ þe ſhenſhip of his kynrede, boþe þei ſhulen ber her ſynne, and wiþ out free children þei ſhulen dye. Who ſo weddeþ þe wijf of his broþer, an vnleeful þing doþ; þe filþheed of his broþer he haþ opned, and wiþ out fre children he ſhal be. Kepe ȝe my lawes, and my domes, and doþ hem, leſt and þe loond caſt ȝow out, þat ȝe ben to goynge yn, and to dwellynge. Nyle ȝe goo in þe lawful þingis of naciouns, þe whiche Y am to puttynge out before ȝow; alle forſoþe þes þinges þei han do, and Y haue wlatid hem. To ȝow forſoþe Y ſpeke, Weeldiþ þe loond of hem, þat Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝow in to erytage, þe loond flowynge mylk and hony; Y þe Lord ȝoure God, þat haþ ſeuerde ȝow fro oþer puples. And ȝe þanne ſeuer a clene beeſte from vnclene, and clene bryd fro vnclene, leſt ȝe poluten ȝoure ſoules in beeſtis, and in bryddis, and in alle þat mouen in erþe, and þat to ȝow Y haue ſhewid to be polut. Ȝe ſhulen be holi to me, for Y þe Lord am holy, and haue ſeuerd ȝow fro oþer puples, þat ȝe ben myne. A man or womman, in þe which is a ſpirit of wicchecraft, or of dyuynynge, wiþ deþ die þei, and wiþ ſtonus men ſhulen ouer-falle hem; þe blood of hem be vpon hem.

Capitulum XXI.

And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Spek to þe preeſtis, ſones of Aaron, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, Be not þe preeſt defoulid in þe deed of her cyteſeyns, but oonly in coſyns, and nyȝ, þat is, vpon fader and moder, and ſone and douȝter, and broþer, and ſiſter, mayden, þat is not ſpouſid to man; but and in þe prynce of his puple he ſhal not be defoulid. Þei ſhulen not ſhaue heed, ne beerd, ne in her fleſh þei ſhulen make in kyttynge; holi þei ſhulen be to her God, and þei ſhulen not polute his name; enſence forſoþe of þe Lord, and þe looues of her God þei offren, and þerfor holi þei ſhulen be. A ſtrompet, and foule hordam, ȝe ſhulen not take to wijf, ne hir þat is forſakun of her houſboond, for he is ſacryd to his God, and looues of propoſicioun he offreþ; be þanne he holi, for Y am holi, þe Lord þat halowiþ ȝow. Þe douȝter of þe preeſt, if ſhe were takun in hordam, and defouleþ þe name of hir fader, wiþ fier flawmes ſhe ſhal be brent. Þe biſhop, þat is þe mooſt preeſt amonge his briþeren, vpon whos heed is heelde þe oyle of anoyntyng, and whos hondes in preeſþod ben ſacrid, and is cloþid wiþ holi cloþes, his heed he ſhal not diſcouer, his cloþis he ſhal not kitt, and to al deed he ſhal not goo yn algate; and vpon his fader and moder he ſhal not be defoulid, ne he ſhal goo out fro þe halowes, leſt þe ſeyntuarie of þe Lord be polut, for þe oyle of holi anoyntynge of his God is vpon hym; I þe Lord. A mayden he ſhal take to wijf; a widewe, and a departid, and a defoulid oon, and a ſtrompat, he ſhal not take, but a maydyn child of his puple; ne menge he þe lynage of his kynde to þe comounte of his puple, for Y a Lord, þat halowe hym. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to Aaron, A man of þi ſeed, bi þe meynees, þat haþ a wemme, offre he not breed to his God, ne go he to þe ſeruice of hym; if he were blynde; if halt; if oþer wiþ litil, or wiþ greet, and crokid nooſe; if wiþ brokun foot, or hoond; if crokid rigge, or bleer eyed; if whijt perle hauynge in þe eye; if contynuel ſcab; if a drye ſcab in þe body; or broſten. Eche þat haþ a wemme, of þe ſeed of Aaron þe preeſt, he ſhal not goo to offre ooſtis to þe Lord, ne looues to his God; he ſhal neuerþelater eete looues þat ben offred in þe ſeyntuarye, ſo oonli þat wiþ ynne þe veyle he goo not, ne goo to þe auter, for a wemme he haþ, and he ſhal not defoule my ſeyntuarie; I a Lord þat halewe hem. Þanne Moyſes ſpak to Aaron, and his ſones, and to al Yrael, alle þat weren comaundid to hym.

Capitulum XXII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Speke to Aaron, and his ſones, þat þei ſhunnen fro þes þingis þat ben ſacrid of þe ſones of Yrael, and defoule þei not þe name of halowid þingis to me þat þei offren; Y a Lord. Sey to hem, and to þe aftercomers of hem, Eche man þat goþ to, of ȝoure lynage, to þilk þinges þat ben ſacrid, and þat þe ſones of Yrael offreden to þe Lord, in þe whiche is vnclennes, he ſhal periſhe before þe Lord; Y am a Lord. Þe man of þe ſeed of Aaron þat were leprows, or ſuffrynge flux of ſeed, ſhal not eete of þes þingis þat ben halowid to me, to þe tyme þat he be heelid. He þat towchiþ þe vnclene vpon þe deed, and of whom goþ out þe ſeed as of goynge togidere, and þat ſhal touche crepynge beeſte, and eny vnclene, whos touchynge is hoory, ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen, and he ſhal not eete þes þinges þat ben halowid to me; but whanne he waſſhiþ his fleſh wiþ water, and þe ſunne is goon down, þanne, clenſid, he ſhall eete halowid þinges, for it is þe meete of hym. Þe fallid to deþ, and taken of a beeſte, he ſhal not eete, ne he ſhal be polut in hem; I þe Lord. Þei ſhulen kepe myn heeſtis, þat þei vndur liggen not to ſynne, and dyen in þe ſeyntuarie, whanne þei poluten it; I þe Lord þat halowe ȝow. Eche alyen ſhal not eete of þe halowid þingis; þe alien tilier of þe preeſt, and hyrid ſeruaunt, ſhulen not eete of þilk þinges. Whom forſoþe þe preeſt biggiþ, and he þat were a free man of his hows, þes ſhulen eete of þilk þingis. If þe douȝter of þe preeſt to eny of þe puple were ſpouſid, of þes þinges þat be halowid, and of þe cheef fruytys ſhe ſhal not eete; if forſoþe a widewe, or departyd, and wiþ oute free children weren turned aȝen to þe hows of hir fader, as a child mayden was wont ſhe ſhal be noriſſhid of þe meetis of hir fader; eche alien of etyng of þilk þingis haþ no power. He þat etiþ of þe halowid þinges bi ignoraunce, ſhal adde þe fifþe part wiþ þat he etiþ, and he ſhal ȝyue to preeſt in þe ſeyntuarie, ne þei ſhulen defoule þe halowid þingis of þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei offren to þe Lord, leſt perauenture þei ſuſteynen þe wickidnes of his treſpas, whanne halowid þingis þei eeten; I þe Lord þat halowe hem. Þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to Aaron, and his ſones, and to alle þe ſones of Yrael, and þou ſhalt ſeie to hem, A man of þe hows of Yrael, and of comlynges þat dwellen anentis hem, þat offriþ his offrynge, oþer vowes ȝeeldynge, or wilfuly offrynge, what þing þat he offreþ into brent ſacrifice of þe Lord, þat it be offrid bi ȝow, a maal wiþ outen wemme it ſhal be, of þe oxen, and of þe ſheep, and of þe geet; if it haue a wemme, ȝe ſhulen not offre, ne ſhal be acceptable. Þe man þat offreþ ſlayn ſacrifice of peſible þingis to þe Lord, oþer vowes ȝeeldynge, oþer wilfully offrynge, as wel of oxen as of ſheep, wiþ outen wemme he ſhal offre, þat it be acceptable; al wemme ſhal not be in it. If it were blynde, if broken, if hauynge fel wounde, if litil bleynes, or ſhab, or drye rownd ſhab, ȝe ſhulen not offre hem to þe Lord, ne ȝe ſhulen brenne of hem vpon þe auter of þe Lord. Ox and ſheep, wiþ eer and tayl kit, wilfully may be offred; þe vowe forſoþe of þes þingis may not be quyt. Al beeſte, þat ouþer wiþ al tobrokun, or crippid, or kitt and taken awey þe ballokes is, ȝe ſhulen not offre to þe Lord, and in ȝoure loond þes þinges algatis ȝe ſhulen not do. Of þe hoond of þe alyen ȝe ſhulen not offre looues to ȝoure God, and what euer oþer þing he wole ȝyue, for alle þei ben corrupt and defoulid; ȝe ſhulen not take hem. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Oxe, ſheep, and geet, whanne þei weren geten, ſeuen dayes þei ſhulen be vnder þe teete of her damme; þe eiȝt forſoþe day, and þerafter, þei mowen be offrid to þe Lord, wheþer ſhee oxe, oþer ſhee ſheep; þei ſhulen not be offryd o day wiþ fruytis in her wombe. If ȝe offren an ooſt for doynge of þonkyngis to þe Lord, þat it may be pleſable, þe ſame day þat it is offred ȝe ſhulen eete it; þere ſhal not leeue eny þing vnto þe morwe of þat oþer day; I a Lord. Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and do ȝe hem; Y a Lord. Ne polute ȝe myn holy name, þat Y be halowid in þe myddel of þe ſones of Yrael; Y þe Lord þat halowe ȝow, and haue ladde ȝow out of þe loond of Egipte, þat Y were to ȝow into God; I þe Lord.

Capitulum XXIII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Speke to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þes ben þe ceſynge dayes of þe Lord, þe whiche ȝe ſhulen clepe holi. Sixe daies ȝe ſhulen do werk, þe ſeuenþe day, for it is þe reſte of þe weke, it ſhal be clepid holi; al werk ȝe ſhulen not do in it; þe day of þe Lord it is in alle ȝoure dwellynges. Þes ben þe holy ceſyng daies of þe Lord, þe whiche ȝe ſhulen halowe in ȝoure tymes. Þe firſt moneþ, þe fourtenþe day of þe moneþ, at euen, is þe paſk of þe Lord; and þe fiftenþe day of þis moneþ is þe ſolempnyte of þe þerf looues of þe Lord; ſeuen dayes ȝe ſhulen eete þerf looues; þe fyrſt day ſhal be to ȝow mooſt ſolempne and holy; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not doo in it, but ȝe ſhulen offre ſacrifice in fier to þe Lord ſeuen dais; þe ſeuenþe forſoþ dai ſhal be more ſolempne and holier, and no ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen do in it. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Whanne ȝe weren goo into þe loond þat I ſhal ȝyue to ȝow, and han ropun þe tilþe, ȝe ſhulen bere hondfullis of eeris, þe firſt fruytis of ȝoure repyng, to þe preeſt; þe which ſhal rere vp þe litil birþen before þe Lord, þat it be acceptable for ȝow, þat oþir day of þe weke; and he ſhal halowe it; and in þe ſame day þat þe hondful is ſacryd, ſhal be ſlayn a lomb wiþ outen wemme of o ȝeer into brent ſacrifice of þe Lord; and þe offryngis of þe licours ſhal be offred wiþ it, two dymes of tryed flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into þe enſence of þe Lord, and mooſt ſwete ſmel, and offryngis of wyn, þe fourþ part of hyn. Breed, and brokun corn, and potage ȝe ſhulen not ete of þe corn, vnto þe day þat ȝe offren of it to ȝoure God; euerlaſtynge heeſt it is in ȝoure generaciouns, and in ȝoure dwellynge places. Ȝe ſhulen noumbre þanne fro þat oþer day of þe weke, in þe which ȝe han offred þe hoondful of firſt fruytis, ſeuen wekis fulle, vnto þat oþir day of fulfillynge of þe ſeuenþ weke, þat is, fifti daies; and ſo ȝe ſhulen offre a newe ſacrifice to þe Lord of alle ȝoure dwellynge places, two looues of þe firſt fruytes, of þe two dymes of tried flour, ſoured, þe which ȝe ſhal baake into þe firſt fruytis to þe Lord. And ȝe ſhal offre wiþ þe looues ſeuen loombes vnwemmed of o ȝeer, and a calf of þe droue, and two weþers, and þei ſhulen be in brent ſacrifice, wiþ her offryngis of licours, into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. And ȝe ſhulen do a geit for ſynne, and two lombes of o ȝeer, þe ooſt of peſible þingis. And whanne þe preeſt arereþ hem, wiþ þe looues of þe fyrſt fruytes, before þe Lord, þei ſhulen falle into þe vſe of hym. And ȝe ſhulen clepe þis day mooſt ſolempne, and mooſt holi; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not do in it; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal be in alle dwellynge places, and ȝoure generaciouns. And afterward, whanne ȝe repen þe tilþe of ȝoure loond, ȝe ſhulen not kitt it vnto þe ground, ne þe leeuyng eeris ȝe ſhulen gadere, but to pore men and pilgrymes ȝe ſhulen leeue hem; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, Þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe firſt day of þe moneþ, ſhal be to ȝow an holi day memoryale, wiþ ſownynge trompes, and it ſhal be clepyd holi; alle ſeruyle werkes ȝe ſhulen not do in it, and ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Þe tenþe dai of þis ſeuenþe moneþ, a day of purgynge ſhal be mooſt ſolempne, and it ſhal be clepid holy; ȝe ſhulen traueyl ȝoure ſoules to God, and ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord; al werk ȝe ſhulen not doo in tyme of þis day, for a day of hauynge mercy it is, þat þe Lord ȝoure God haue mercy to ȝow. Al ſoule þat were not traueilid þis day, ſhal peryſhe fro his puple, and he þat doþ eny þing of werk, Y ſhal do hym a wey fro his puple; no þing þerfore of werk ȝe ſhal do in it; lawful euerlaſtynge ſhal be to ȝow in alle generaciouns and ȝoure dwellyngis; þe dai of reſtynge it is. Ȝe ſhulen traueyl ȝoure ſoules þe nynþe day of þe moneþ; fro euen to euen ȝe ſhulen halowe ȝoure holi dayes. And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, Fro þe fiftenþe day of þis ſeuenþe moneþ ſhulen be þe ceſynge dayes of þe tabernacles, in ſeuen dayes to þe Lord; þe firſt day ſhal be clepid mooſt ſolempne and mooſt holy, alle ſeruyle werkes ȝe ſhulen not do in it; and ſeuen dayes ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifices to þe Lord, þe eiȝt forſoþe day ſhal be mooſt ſolempne and mooſt holy; and ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, it is forſoþe of companye, and of quelet; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not doon in it. Þes ben þe ceſynge dayes of þe Lord, þe whiche ȝe ſhulen clepe mooſt ſolempne and mooſt holy; and ȝe ſhulen offre in hem offryngis to þe Lord, brent ſacrifices, and ſacrifices of licours, after þe ryte of euery day, out take þe holy dayes of þe Lord, and ȝoure ȝiftis, and þe whiche ȝe ſhulen offre of a vowe, oþere þe whiche wilfullich ȝe han ȝeuen to þe Lord. Þanne fro þe fiftenþe day of þe ſeuenþe moneþ, whanne ȝe ſhulen gadere to gidere alle þe fruytis of ȝoure erþe, ȝe ſhulen halowe þe ceſynge day of þe Lord ſeuen dayes; in þe firſt day and þe eiȝt day ſhal be holy day, þat is, reſt. And ȝe ſhulen take to ȝow þe firſt day fruytis of þe mooſt fayr tree, and þe braunches of palmes, and braunches of a tree of þykke burionyngis, and wiþies of þe rennynge water, and ȝe ſhulen glaad before þe Lord ȝoure God; and ȝe ſhulen halowe þe ſolempte of hym ſeuen dayes, bi þe ȝeer; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal be in ȝoure generaciouns. Þe ſeuenþe moneþ ȝe ſhulen halowe þe feeſte daies, and ȝe ſhulen dwelle ſeuen dayes in ſhadewe places; eche þat is of þe lynage of Yrael, ſhal dwelle in tabernaclis, þat ȝoure aftercomers leernen, þat in tabernaclis Y haue made to dwelle þe ſones of Yrael, whanne Y ladde hem out of þe loond of Egipte; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. And Moyſes ſpak vpon þe ſolempnytees of þe Lord to þe ſones of Yrael.

Capitulum XXIIII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Comaund to þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei bryngen to þee oyle of olyues, mooſt pure, and bryȝt, to þe lanternes to ben tende contynueli wiþ oute þe veyle of witneſſynge, in þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees; and Aaron ſhal ſette hem fro euen vnto morwen before þe Lord, þurȝ heriynge and ryte perpetuel in ȝoure generaciouns; vpon þe mooſt clene candilſtik þei ſhulen be ſett euermore in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. Þow ſhalt take forſoþe tried floure, and þow ſhalt baak of it twelue looues, þe whiche echon ſhal haue two dymes, of whom þou ſhalt ſette ſyx anentis oþer ſix, vpon þe mooſt clene bord before þe Lord; and þow ſhalt putt on hem enſence mooſt briȝt, þat þe breed be into mynde of þe offrynge of þe Lord; bi eche holi day þei ſhulen be chaungid before þe Lord, takne of þe ſones of Yrael þurȝ euerlaſtynge boond of pees; and þei ſhulen be of Aaron and his ſones, þat þei eten hem in holy place, for holy of halowes it is, of þe ſacrifices of þe Lord, þurȝ perpetuel riȝt. Loo! forſoþe a ſone goon out of a womman of Yrael, þat beer of an Egipcyen man, amonge þe ſones of Yrael, haþ ſtreuen in tentis wiþ a man of Yrael, and whanne he hadde blasfemyd þe name of þe Lord, and hadde curſid to hym, is brouȝt forþe to Moyſes; and þe moder of hym was clepid Salumyþ, þe douȝter of Dabry, of þe lynage of Dan; and þei puttiden hym in to priſoun, to þe tyme þat þei knewen what þe Lord comaundide. Þe which ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Leed þow out þe blasfeme out of þe tentis, and putt alle þat herden her hoonden vpon his heed, and al þe puple ſtone hym. And to þe ſones of Yrael þou ſhalt ſpeke, Þe man þat curſiþ to his God, ſhal bere his ſynne, and he þat blasfemeþ þe name of þe Lord, þurȝ deþ die he; al þe multitude of þe puple wiþ ſtonus ſhal þrowe hym down; wheþer he were cyteſeyn or pilgrym þat blasfemeþ þe name of þe Lord, þurȝ deþ dye he. He þat ſmytiþ and ſleeþ a man, þurȝ deþ die he; he þat ſmyteþ a beeſte, ȝeeld he anoþer of þe ſame kynde, þat is, lijf for lijf. He þat wrongfuli ȝyueþ a wemme to eny of his cyteſeyns, as he haþ doon, ſo be it do to hym; bruſur for bruſur, eye for eye, tooþ for tooþ he ſhal ȝeelde; what maner of wemme he wrongfuli ȝyueþ, ſichon be he conſtreyned to ſuffre. He þat ſmytiþ a beeſte, ȝeeld he anoþer; he þat ſmytiþ a man, be he punyſhid. Euen doom be þere among ȝow, wheþer pilgrime or cyteſeyn ſynne, for I am þe Lord ȝoure God. And Moyſes ſpak to þe ſones of Yrael, and þei brouȝten hym forþe þat blaſphemede out of þe tentis, and þei beren hym down wiþ ſtonus. And þe ſones of Yrael diden, as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes.

Capitulum XXV.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes in þe mownt of Synay, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, Whanne ȝe weren in goon into þe loond þat I ſhal ȝyue to ȝow, halowe ȝe þe holiday of þe Lord; ſix ȝeer þow ſhalt ſowe þi feelde, and ſix ȝeer þou ſhalt kytte þi vyn, and geder þe fruytis of it; þe ſeuenþe forſoþe ȝeer of þe loond ſhal be þe ſaboþ of þe reſtynge of þe Lord; feelde þow ſhalt not ſowe, and vyn þow ſhalt not kitte, þingis þat þe erþe frely bryngiþ forþ þow ſhalt not reepe, and grapes of þi firſt fruytis and vyndage þou ſhalt not gedere; þe ȝeer forſoþe it is of þe reſtynge of þe loond; but þei ſhulen be to ȝow into meet, to þee, and to þi ſeruauntis, to þin handmayde, and to þin hyryd man, and to þe comlyng þat pilgrimagiþ anentis þee; to hous beeſtis and þi feelde beeſtes, alle þingis þat growen ſhulen ȝyue meete. And þow ſhalt noumbre to þee ſeuen wekes of ȝeerys, þat is, ſeuen ſiþes ſeuen, þe whiche togidere maken nyn and fourty ȝeer; and þow ſhalt ſowne wiþ trompe þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe tenþe day of þe moneþ, in þe tyme of doyng mercy, in al ȝoure loond. And þow ſhalt halowe þe fyftiþ ȝeer, and clepe it forȝifneſſe to alle þe dwellers of þi loond; he is forſoþe þe iubilee; a man ſhal turne aȝen to his poſſeſſioun, and eche ſhal turne aȝen to his before hadde meyne, for þe iubilee it is, and þe fyfteþe ȝeer. Ȝe ſhulen not ſowe, ne reepe þe free growynge þingis in þe feelde, and þe firſt fruytis of þe vyndage ȝe ſhulen not gedere, for þe halowynge of þe iubile; but anone offryd ȝe ſhulen eete; þe ȝeer of iubilee alle goo þei aȝen to her poſſeſſiouns. Whanne þow ſhalt ſelle eny þing to þi cyteſeyn, oþer bigge of hym, ne peire þow þi broþir, but aftir þe noumbre of þe ȝeeris of iubilee þow ſhalt bigge of hym, and after þe noumbre of fruytis he ſhal ſelle to þee. As myche as mo ȝeeris dwellen after þe iubilee, ſo myche and þe prijs ſhal creeſe, and as myche as laſſe of tyme þow ſhalt nowmbre, ſo myche laſſe and þe biggynge ſhal coſte; þe tyme forſoþe of fruytis he ſhal ſelle to þee. Nyle ȝe wrongfully traueyl ȝoure men of o lynage, but echon drede his God; for Y þe Lord ȝoure God. Do ȝe myn heeſtis and domes, kepiþ and fulfille ȝe hem, þat ȝe mowen dwelle in þe loond wiþ outen eny drede, and þe erþe brynge forþ to ȝow his fruytis, þe whiche ȝe eten vnto fulfillynge, dredynge þe feerſnes of no man. And if ȝe ſeyn, what ſhulen we eete þe ſeuenþe ȝeer, if we ſowen not, ne gadren oure fruytis? Y ſhal ȝyue my bleſſynge to ȝou þe ſixte ȝeer, and it ſhal make þe fruytis of þree ȝeer; and ȝe ſhulen ſowe þe eiȝtþe ȝeer, and ȝe ſhulen eete oolde fruytes vnto þe nynþe ȝeer; to þe tyme þat newe be growen ȝe ſhulen eete oolde. Þe loond forſoþe ſhal not be ſolde in to wiþ outen ende, for myn it is, and ȝe comlingis and myn erþe tyliers ben; wherfor al þe regioun of ȝoure poſſeſſioun vndur condicioun of aȝenbiggyng ſhal be ſolde. If þi broþer maad pore, ſelle his litil poſſeſſioun, and he wole, þe nyȝ kyn of hym may aȝenbigge þat þat he ſolde; if forſoþe he haue noon neiȝbore, and he mowe fynde þe pryſe to aȝenbigge, þe fruytis ſhulen be countid fro þat tyme þat he ſolde, and þat þat is laft ȝeelde he to þe bigger, and ſo he ſhal reſſeyue his poſſeſſyoun. And if his hoond fynde not, þat he ȝeelde þe prijs, þe bigger ſhal haue þat he bouȝte, vnto þe iubilee ȝeer; in þat forſoþe ȝeer al biggyng ſhal turne aȝen to þe lord, and to þe raþer hauer. Who ſelliþ his hows, wiþ ynne þe walles of þe cytee, he ſhal haue leue of biggynge aȝen to þe tyme þat o ȝeer be fulfillid; and if he bigge not aȝen, and þe cercle of þe ȝeer were ouer caſte, þe bigger ſhal welde it, and his aftercomers into wiþ outen ende, and it may not be bouȝt aȝen, alſo in þe iubilee. If forſoþe in a town þat haþ no wallis were þe hows, þurȝ riȝt of þe feeldes it ſhal be ſold; if forſoþe it were not aȝenbouȝt in þe iubilee, it ſhal turne aȝen to his lord. Þe hows of þe Leuytes, þat ben in þe cytees, euermore mowen be aȝenbouȝt; if þei weren not aȝenbouȝt, in þe iubilee þei ſhulen turne aȝen to þe lordes; for þe houſes of cytees of Leuytes ben for þe poſſeſſiouns among þe ſones of Yrael; þe ſuburbes forſoþe of hem þei ſhulen not ſelle, for euerlaſtynge poſſeſſioun it is. If þi broþer were maad pore, and feble in hoond, and þow reſſeyueſt hym as a comlyng and a pilgrym, and lyueþ wiþ þee, ne take þow of hym vſurys, ne more ouer þan þow haſt ȝouun; dreed þi God, þat þi broþer mowe lyue anentis þee. Þi money þow ſhalt not ȝyue to him to vſure, and of þe fruytes ouer aboundaunce þou ſhal not axe; Y þe Lord ȝour God, þat haue ladde ȝou out of þe lond of Egipte, þat I ȝyue ȝow þe loond of Chanaan, and þat Y were ȝoure God. If þurȝ poreneſſe compellid, þi broþer ſelle hym ſilf to þee, þow ſhalt not oppreſſe hym þurȝ þraldom of ſeruauntis, but as an hiryd man and a dweller he ſhal be; vnto þe iubilee ȝeer he ſhal worche anentis þee, and aftirward he ſhal goo out wiþ his free children, and turne aȝen to þe kyn, and to þe poſſeſſioun of his fadres. Forſoþe þei ben my ſeruauntis, and Y haue ladde hem out of þe loond of Egipte; þei ſhulen not be ſold bi condiciouns of þralles; ne ouer traueyle þou him bi þi power, but drede þow þi Lord. Þral and boond womman ben to ȝow of þe naciouns þat ben in ȝoure enuyroun, and of þe comlynges þat pilgrimagen anentis ȝow, oþer þat of hem weren bore in ȝoure loond; þes ȝe ſhulen haue ſeruauntis, and þurȝ riȝt of erytage ȝe ſhulen ouerleeuen hem to þe after comers, and ȝe ſhulen welde hem wiþ outen ende; ȝoure forſoþe briþeren, þe ſones of Yrael, ȝe ſhulen not oppreſſe bi power. If anentis ȝow þe hoond of þe comlyng and of þe pilgrym wax greet, and þi broþer bicome pore, ſelle him ſilf to hym, or to eny of þe lynage of hym, after þe ſelling he may be aȝenbouȝt; who ſo wole of his briþeren, bigge he hym; and þe fadres broþer, and þe fader broþer ſone, and þe coſyn, and þe alye. If forſoþe and he mowe, aȝenbie he hym ſilf, noumbred oonli þe ȝeeris fro þe tyme of his ſillynge vnto þe iubilee ȝeer; and þe money wiþ þe which he was ſoold, after þe noumbre of ȝeeris, and þurȝ reſoun of an hirid man rekened. If þere were many ȝeris þat leeuen vnto þe iubilee, and after þat he ſhal ȝeelde þe prijs; if fewe, he ſhal leye reſoun wiþ hym after þe noumbre of ȝeeres; and he ſhal ȝeelde to þe bigger þat þat is laft of þe ȝeeris, in þe whiche before he ſeruede, þe medis wiþ ynne rekenyd; he ſhal not traueil hym violentlich in þi ſiȝt. And if bi þat he may not be aȝeynbouȝt, þe iubilee ȝeer he ſhall goon out wiþ his free children; myn forſoþe ſeruauntis ben þe ſones of Yrael, þe whiche Y haue ladde out of þe loond of Egipte; I þe Lord ȝoure God.

Capitulum XXVI.

Ȝe ſhulen not make to ȝou a mawmett, and grauen þing, ne titlis ȝe ſhulen rere, ne huge ſtoon ȝe ſhulen putte in ȝoure erþe, þat ȝe honouren it; Y forſoþe am þe Lord ȝoure God. Kepe ȝe myn halidaies, and inwardli drede ȝe at my ſeyntuarye; Y a Lord. If ȝe goon in myn heeſtis, and my maundementis kepen, and doon hem, Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝow reynes in her tymes, and þe loond ſhal brynge forþ his burionynge, and wiþ apples þe trees ſhulen be fulfillid; and þe þreſſhynge of repyn tilþes ſhal atake þe vyndage, and þe vyndage ſhal occupie þe ſowynge tyme, and ȝe ſhulen ete ȝoure breed in plente in fulnes, and wiþ outen drede ȝe ſhulen dwelle in ȝoure loond. I ſhal ȝyue pees in ȝoure cooſtis; ȝe ſhulen ſleepe, and þere ſhal not be þat ſhal afeere ȝou; I ſhal take aweie yuel beeſtis, and ſwerd ſhal not þurȝ paſſe ȝoure termes. Ȝe ſhulen purſue ȝoure enemyes, and þei ſhulen falle before ȝow; fyue of ȝow ſhal purſue an hundryd aliens, and an hundred of ȝow ten þouſyndes; ȝoure enemyes ſhulen falle wiþ ſwerd in ȝoure ſiȝt. Y ſhal beholde ȝow, and make growe; ȝe ſhulen ben multiplied, and I ſhal faſtne my couenaunt wiþ ȝow; ȝe ſhulen ete þe mooſt oold þingis of oold, and þe newe vpon comynge, þe oold ȝe ſhulen caſt aweye; and I ſhal ſette my tabernacle in þe myddil of ȝow, and my ſoule ſhal not caſt ȝow aweie; I ſhal goo among ȝow, and I ſhal be ȝoure God, and ȝe ſhulen be to me a puple. I þe Lord ȝoure God, þat haue ladde ȝow out of þe loond of Egipcyens, þat ȝe ſeruen not to hem, and þe whiche haue brokun þe chaynes of ȝoure nolles, þat ȝe myȝten goo vp ryȝt. But if ȝe heren me not, ne doon alle myn heeſtis, and if ȝe ſpurne my lawes, and my domes deſpiſen, þat ȝe doon hem þe whiche ben ordeyned of me, and my couenant ȝe fulli bryngen to nouȝt, I þanne þis þing ſhal do to ȝow; Y ſhal viſyte ȝow ſwiftly in nedynes, and in brennynge, þat make fayl ȝoure eyen, and waſte ȝoure lyues; in veyn ȝe ſhulen ſowe ȝour ſeed, þat of þe enemyes ſhal be deuowryd; I ſhal putte my face aȝens ȝow, and ȝe ſhulen falle before ȝoure enemyes, and ȝe ſhulen be ſuget to hem þat hatiden ȝow; ȝe ſhulen flee, no man purſuynge. If forſoþe and ſo ȝe obeiſhen not to me, I ſhal adde ȝoure correccions ſeuen foold for ȝoure ſynnes; and I ſhal altobreke þe prijd of ȝoure hardnes, and I ſhal ȝyue heuene to ȝow aboue as of yrun, and þe erþe braſun; ȝoure traueyl in veyn ſhal be waſtyd, ne þe erþe ſhal brynge forþ burionyng, ne þe trees ſhulen ȝyue apples. And if ȝe goon ouerþwart to me, ne wolen here me, I ſhal adde ȝoure veniaunces vnto þe ſeuenþ foold for ȝoure ſynnes; and I ſhal ſende out to ȝow beeſtis of þe feeld, þat waſten and ȝow and ȝoure beeſtis, and to ſkarſnes alle þinges þei ſhulen brynge, and þat ȝoure weies be maad deſert. And if ȝe wolen not reſſeyue diſciplyne, but goon ouerþwart to me, I forſoþe contrarius aȝens ȝow ſhal goo, and I ſhal ſmyte ȝow ſeuen ſiþes for ȝoure ſynnes; and I ſhal brynge vpon ȝow a ſwerd, vengeſoure of my boond of pees; and whanne ȝe fleen into ȝoure cytees, I ſhal ſende peſtilence into þe myddil of ȝou, and ȝe ſhulen be take in þe hoondes of ȝoure enemyes, after þat I breke þe ſtaf of ȝoure breed, ſo þat ten wymmen in oon ouen baken looues, and ȝelden hem at weiȝt; and ȝe ſhulen eete, and not be fulfillid. If forſoþe and bi þes þinges ȝe heren not me, but goon aȝens me, and I ſhal go aȝens ȝow in contrarye woodnes, and I ſhal vndernym ȝow wiþ ſeuen veniaunce for ȝoure ſynnes, ſo þat ȝe eten þe fleſh of ȝoure ſones, and of ȝoure douȝtres; and I ſhal deſtruye ȝoure heyȝ þinges, and ȝoure mawmetis Y ſhal breke; ȝe ſhulen falle amonge þe fallynges of ȝoure mawmetis, and my ſoule ſhal wlaate ȝow, in ſo myche þat ȝoure cytees Y ſhal brynge down in to wildernes, and þe deſertis I ſhal make ȝoure ſeyntuaries, ne more ouer Y ſhal reſſeyue þe mooſt ſwete ſmel; and I ſhal ſcater ȝoure loond, and ȝoure enemyes, whanne þei weren dwellers of it, ſhulen wondre vpon it; ȝow forſoþe Y ſhal ſcatre amonge gentiles and I ſhal drawe out a ſwerd after ȝow, and ȝoure loond ſhal be deſert, and ȝoure cytees fallen down. Þanne her holi dayes ſhulen pleeſe to þe erþe, alle þe daies of her wildirnes; whanne ȝe weren in enemyes loond, it ſhal halowe, and reſt in þe ſeuenþe tymes of his wildernes, forþi þat it reſtide not in ȝoure ſeuenþe tymes, whanne ȝe dwelten in it. And whiche of ȝow leeuen, Y ſhal ȝyue drede in þe hertes of hem, in regiouns of þe enemyes; þe ſown of a fleynge leef ſhal fere hem, and ſo þei ſhulen flee it as þe ſwerd; þei ſhulen falle, no man purſuynge, and eche vpon his briþeren ſhal falle togidere, as men fleynge batailes; no man of ȝow ſhal be hardi to wiþſtoonde to enemyes; ȝe ſhulen periſhe among þe gentiles, and þe enemyes loond ſhal waſte ȝow. But and if of hem eny leeuen ſtille, þei ſhulen wax ſtynkynge in her wickidnes, in þe loond of her enemyes, and for þe ſynne of her fadres and her owne þei ſhulen be turmentid, to þe tyme þat þei knowlechen her wickidneſſes, and of her yuels þei recorden, in þe whiche þei han treſpaſſid aȝens me, and han goo ouerþwert to me. Þerfor Y ſhal goo aȝens hem, and I ſhal lede hem into þe enemyes loond, to þe tyme þat þe vncircumſidid þouȝt of hem wax aſhamed; þan þei ſhulen preie for her vnpytowneſſes, and I ſhal recorde of my boond of pees, þat I haue couenauntide wiþ Jacob, Yſaac, and Abraham; of þe loond forſoþe I ſhal haue mynde, þat whanne it were forſakun of hem, it ſhal pleeſe to hym ſilf in his ſeuenþe tymes, ſuffrynge wilderneſſes for hem; þei forſoþe ſhulen preye for her ſynnes, forþi þat þei han caſt aweie my domes, and my lawes deſpiſeden; and neuerþeles alſo whanne þei weren in þe enemyes loond, Y keſte hem not aweie fulli, ne ſo Y deſpiſide, þat þei weren conſumed, and þat I ſhulde make my couenaunt brouȝt to nouȝt wiþ hem; Y forſoþe am þe Lord God of hem. And I ſhal recorde of my raþer boond of pees, whanne I ladde hem out of þe loond of Egipte, in þe ſiȝt of gentils, þat I were þe God of hem; Y þe Lord God. Þes ben þe heeſtis, and domes, and lawes, þat þe Lord ȝaf bitwix hym and betwix þe ſones of Yrael, in þe mownt of Synay, bi þe hoond of Moyſes.

Capitulum XXVII.

And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þe man þat doþ avowe, and bihotiþ to God hijs ſoule, vndir eymyng he ſhal ȝyue þe prijs. And if it were a maal, fro þe twentiþe ȝeer vnto þe ſixtiþe ȝeer, he ſhal ȝyue fifty ſicles of ſiluer, at þe meſure of þe ſeyntuarye, if a womman, þritti; fro þe fifþe forſoþe ȝeer vnto þe twentiþe, a maal ſhal ȝyue twenti cycles, þe womman ten; fro o moneþ vnto þe fifþe ȝeer, for þe maal ſhal be ȝyue fyue cyclis, and for þe femaal þree; of ſixti wynter and more, a maal ſhal ȝyue fiftene ſiclis, þe womman ten. If he were a pore man, and at þe eymynge he ſhal not mowe ȝeelde, he ſhal ſtoonde before þe preeſt, and how myche he eymeþ, and ſeeþ þat he may ȝeelde, ſo myche he ſhal ȝyue. A beeſte forſoþe þat may be offred to þe Lord, if eny auowiþ, holi it ſhal be, and it may not be chaungid, þat is, noþer betere for yuel, ne þe wors for good; but if he ſhal chaunge, and þat þat is chaungid and it for þe which it is chaungid ſhal be ſacryd to þe Lord. Þe vnclene forſoþe beeſte þat may not be offred to ſlauȝtre, whoſo auowiþ, it ſhal be brouȝt before þe preeſt, þe which demynge wheþer it be good or yuel, ſhal ſette þe prijs; and if he þat offreþ wole not ȝyue, he ſhal adde aboue þe eymynge þe fifþe part. A man if he auowe his hows, and halowe it to þe Lord, þe preeſt ſhal behoolde, wheþer it be good or yuel, and after þe prijs, þat of hym were ordeyned, it ſhal be ſoold; if forſoþe he þat auowiþ wole bigge it aȝen, he ſhal ȝyue þe fifþe part of þe eymynge aboue, and he ſhal haue þe hows. And if þe feelde of his poſſeſſioun he auowe, and halowe to þe Lord, after þe meſure of þe ſeed ſhal be eymed þe prijs; if wiþ þritti buſſhels of barly þe feelde is ſowun, for fifti ſiclis of ſiluer it ſhal be ſoold. And if anoon fro þe ȝeer of þe biginnyng iubilee he auowe þe feeld, as myche as it may be worþ, ſo myche ſhal be eymed; if forſoþe a litil of tyme, þe preeſt ſhal noumbre þe money after þe noumbre of ȝeeris þat ben laft vnto þe iubilee, and it ſhal be drawe aweie fro þe prijs. And if he þat auowide wole bigge þe feeld aȝen, he ſhal adde þe fifþe part of þe eymed money, and he ſhal weelde it; if forſoþe he wole not aȝenbigge, but to eny oþer were ſold ouer hym þat auowede, he may not aȝenbigge; for whanne þe day of þe iubilee comeþ, it ſhal be halowid to þe Lord, and þe poſſeſſioun ſacrid perteyneþ to þe ryȝt of preeſtis. If a feelde is bouȝt, and not of þe poſſeſſioun of þe more men, were halowid to þe Lord, þe preeſt ſhal noumbre þe prijs, after þe noumbre of ȝeeres vnto þe iubilee, and he ſhal ȝyue, þe which auowide it to þe Lord; in þe iubilee forſoþe it ſhal turne aȝen to þe raþer lord þat ſolde it, and hadde into þe ſoort of his poſſeſſioun. Al eymynge ſhal be peyſid wiþ þe cycle of þe ſeyntuarye; þe ſicle haþ twenty halpens. Þe firſt getun þat perteyneþ to þe Lord no man may halowe and vowe, wheþer oxe or ſheep it were, of þe Lord þei ben. And if þe beeſte is vnclene, he þat offreþ ſhal aȝenbigge aftir his eymynge, and ſhall adde þe fifþe part of þe prijs; if he wole not aȝenbigge, it ſhal be ſoold to anoþer, how myche euer it were eymed. Al þat to þe Lord is ſacrid, wheþer it were man, or beeſte, or feelde, it ſhal not be ſoold, ne may be aȝenbouȝt; what euer þing ones were ſacrid, holi of halowes it ſhal be to þe Lord, and eche ſacrid þing þat is offryd of man, ſhal not be bouȝt aȝen, but þurȝ deeþ die. Alle þe dymes of þe erþe, wheþer of þe cornes, or of þe apples of trees, ben of þe Lord, and to hym þei ben halowid; if eny man wole bigge aȝen his dymes, adde he þe fifþe part of hem; of alle þe dymes of ſheep, or of oxe, and of geyte, þat vndur þe ȝeerde of þe ſheepherd goon, what euer dyme come, it ſhal be halowid to þe Lord; it ſhal not be choſen, noþir good noþer yuel, ne for anoþer chaungid; if eny man chaunge, and þat, þat is chaungid, and þat, for what it is chaungid, ſhal be halowid to þe Lord, and ſhal not be aȝenbouȝt. Þes ben þe heeſtis þat þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes, and to þe ſones of Yrael, in þe mownt of Synay.

Here endiþ þe book of Leuiticus, and now bigynneþ þe book of Numeri.

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