< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Þe prolog of Joon

Þis is Joon euangeliſt, oon of þe diſciplis of God, þe which a mayde of God was choſun, whom fro þe ſpoſailis willinge be weddid, God clepide; to whom double witneſſe of maydenhod in þe goſpel is ȝeue; in þat, þat boþe bifore he is ſeid louyd of God, and to him God hangynge in þe croſſ bitook his modir, þat a mayden ſchulde kepe a mayde. Forſoþe he openynge in þe goſpel what he was, bigynnynge þe work of an vncoruptible word, oþer Goddis ſone, he aloone witneſſiþ Goddis ſone to be maad man, and þe liȝt, þat is, Criſt, to haue be not comprehendid of derkneſſis, þat beþ ſynneris; puttinge þe firſte ſygne, þat God made in ſpoſailis, þat he ſchewinge what he was, ſchulde ſchewe to men redinge, þat where þe Lord was preied to mete, ouȝt fayle þe wyn of ſpoſailis, and þat oolde þingis chaungid, alle newe þingis þat ben ordeyned of Criſt ſchulde appere. Þis goſpel forſoþe he wrot in Aſye, aftir þat in þe yle of Paþmos he hadde write þe Apocalips; þat to whom þat in þe principal of canoun incoruptible principle is fornootid, to him alſo incoruptible ende by a mayde in þe apocalips ſchulde be ȝolde; ſeiynge Criſt, I am alpha and o, þat is, bigynnynge and wiþ outen ende. And þis is John, þe which knowinge þe day of his paſſinge to haue be come ouer, his diſciplis clepid to gidere in Epheſie, by many preuyngis of tokenes ſchewinge Criſt, deſſendid in to a dolue place of his graue; and, preier maad, he was put to his fadris, as ſtraunge fro ſorwe of deeþ, as he is founde alien fro corupcioun of fleiſch. Neuerþeles aftir alle he wroot þe goſpel, and þat was dewe to a mayde. Of þe whiche þingis neuerþeles oþir þe depoſiſcioun of þe tyme of writingis, or þe ordynaunce of bookis; þerfore by alle þingis by vs is not expowned, þat to þe kunnynge deſyr y-ſett, boþe to men ſechinge, fruyt of traueyl, and to God þe doctryne of mayſtrie, be kept.

Here endiþ þe prolog, and bigynneþ þe goſpel.

Capitulum I.

In þe bigynnynge was þe word, þat is, Goddis ſone, and þe word was at God, and God was þe word. Þis was in þe bigynnynge at God. Alle þingis ben maad by hym, and wiþ outen him is maad noȝt, þat þing þat is maad. Was lyf in him, and þe lyf was þe liȝt of men; and þe liȝt ſchyneþ in derkneſſis, and derkneſſis tooken not it. A man was ſent fro God, to whom þe name was Joon. Þis man cam in to witneſſinge, þat he ſchulde bere witneſſinge of þe liȝt, þat alle men ſchulden bileue bi him. He was not þe liȝt, but þat he ſchulde bere witneſſing of þe liȝt. It was verri liȝt, which liȝtneþ ech man comynge into þis world. He was in þe world, and þe world was maad bi him, and þe world knew him not. He cam in to his owne þingis, and hiſe receyueden not him. Forſoþe hou manye euere receyueden him, he ȝaf to hem power for to be maad þe ſones of God, to hem þat bileuen in his name; whiche not of blodis, neþer of þe will of fleiſch, neþer of þe will of man, but ben born of God. And þe word, þat is, Goddis ſone, is maad fleiſch, or man, and haþ dwellid in vs, and we han ſeyn þe glorie of him, þe glorie as of þe oon bigetun of þe fadir, þe ſone ful of grace, and of treuþe. John beriþ witneſſing of him, and cryeþ, ſeyinge, Þis it was, whom I ſeide, He þat comeþ aftir me, is maad bifore me, for he was þe formere þan I; and of þe plente of him we alle han takun, and grace for grace. For þe lawe is ȝouun by Moyſes; forſoþ grace and treuþe is maad by Jheſu Criſt. No man euere ſyȝ God, no but þe oon bigetun ſone, þat is in þe boſum of þe fadir, he haþ told out. And þis is þe witneſſing of John, whanne Jewis ſenten fro Jeruſalem preſtis and dekenys to hym, þat þei ſchulden axe him, Who art þou? And he knowelechide, and denyede not, and he knowlechide, For I am not Criſt. And þei axiden him, What þerfore? art þou Elye? And he ſeide, I am not. Art þou a prophete? And he anſweride, Nay. Þerfore þei ſeyden to him, Who art þou? þat we ȝyue anſwere to þes þat ſente vs. What ſeiſt þou of þi ſilf? He ſeiþ, I a vois of þe crying in deſert, Dreſſe ȝe þe wey of þe Lord, as Yſaye, þe prophete, ſeyde. And þei þat weren ſente, weren of þe Phariſees. And þei axiden him, and ſeiden to him, What þerfore baptyſiſt þou, if þou art not Criſt, neþir Elye, neþer prophete? John anſweride to hem, ſeyinge, I baptiſe in watir, ſoþli þe myddil man of ȝou ſtood, whom ȝe knowen not; he it is, þat comeþ aftir me, þat is maad bifore me, of whom I am not worþi, þat I vnbynde þe þwong of his ſchoo. Þes þingis ben don in Beþany ouer Jordan, wher John was baptiſinge. Anoþer day John ſyȝ Jheſu comynge to him, and he ſeiþ, Lo! þe lomb of God; lo! þat doiþ a wey þe ſynnes of þe world. Þis is, of whom I ſeide, Aftir me comeþ a man, þat is maad bifore me; for he was þe formere þan I. And I knewe not him, but þat he be ſchewid in Iſrael, þerfore I cam baptiſinge in watir. And John bar witneſſing, ſeyinge, For I ſiȝ þe ſpirit comynge doun, as a culuere fro heuene, and dwellinge on him. And I knew not him; but he þat ſente me for to baptiſe in watir, ſeyde to me, On whom þou ſchalt ſe þe Spirit comynge doun, and dwellinge on him, þis it is, þat baptiſiþ in þe Hooly Goſt. And I ſyȝ, and bar witneſſing, for þis is þe ſone of God. Anoþer day John ſtood, and tweyne of his diſciplis; and he biholdinge Jheſu walkynge, ſeiþ, Lo! þe lomb of God. And tweye diſciplis herden him ſpekynge, and folwiden Jheſu. Soþli Jheſu conuertid, and ſeynge hem ſuwynge him, ſeiþ to hem, What ſeken ȝe? Whiche ſeiden to him, Raby, þat is interpretid, Maiſtir, where dwelliſt þou? He ſeiþ to hem, Come ȝe, and ſe ȝe. Þei camen, and ſyȝen where he dwelte; and þei dwelten at him in þat day. Soþli þe our was as þe tenþe. Forſoþe Andrew, broþer of Symount Petre, was oon of þe tweyne, þat herden of John, and hadde ſued him. Þis fond firſt his broþer Symount, and he ſeiþ to him, We han founde Meſſias, þat is interpretid Criſt; and he ledde him to Jheſu. Soþli Jheſu biholdinge him, ſeide, Þou ert Symount, þe ſone of Johanna; þou ſchalt be clepid Cephas, þat is interpretid Petre. Forſoþe on þe morwe he wolde go out in to Galilee, and he fond Philip; and Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Sue þou me. Philip was of Beþſayda, þe citee of Andreu and Petre. Philip fond Naþanael, and he ſeiþ to him, We han founden Jheſu, þe ſone of Joſeph, of Nazareþ, whom Moyſes wroot in þe lawe and prophetis. And Naþanael ſeide to him, Of Nazareþ may ſum good þing be? Philip ſeiþ to him, Come, and ſe. Jheſu ſyȝ Naþanael comynge to him, and he ſeiþ of him, Lo! verily a man of Iſrael, in which is no gile. Naþanael ſeiþ to him, Wherof haſt þou knowe me? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeiþ to him, Bifore þat Philip clepide þee, whanne þou were vndir þe fyge tree, I ſyȝ þee. Naþanael anſweride to him, and ſeiþ, Rabi, þou ert þe ſone of God, þou ert kyng of Iſrael. And Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to him, For I ſeyde to þee, I ſyȝ þee vndir þe fige tree, þou bileueſt; þou ſchalt ſe more þan þeſe þingis. And he ſeide to hem, Treuli I ſeie to ȝou, ȝe ſchulen ſe heuene openyd, and þe aungels of God ſtiȝynge vp and comynge doun on mannis ſone.

Capitulum II.

And þe þridde day weddingis ben maad in þe Cane, or town, of Galilee; and þe modir of Jheſu was þere. Soþli Jheſu is clepid, and his diſciplis, to þe weddingis. And wyn faylinge, þe modir of Jheſu ſeide to him, Þei han not wyn. And Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, What to me and to þee, þou womman? myn our cam not ȝit. Þe modir of him ſeiþ to þe mynyſtris, What euere þing he ſchal ſeie to ȝou, do ȝe. Forſoþe þer weren put ſixe ſtoonun pottis, aftir þe clenſinge of Jewis, takinge ech tweyne or þre meſuris. Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Fille ȝe þe pottis wiþ water. And þei filliden hem, til to þe hiȝeſte part. And Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Drawe ȝe now, and bere ȝe to architriclyn, þat is, prince in þe hous of þre ſtagis. And þei token. And as architriclyn taſtide þe watir maad wyn, and he wiſte not wherof it was, ſoþli þe mynyſtris wiſten, þat drowen watir, architriclyn clepiþ þe ſpouſe, and ſeiþ to him, Ech man puttiþ firſt good wyn, and whanne men ſchulen be fillid, þanne þat þat is worſe; ſoþli þou haſt kept good wyn til to now. Jheſu dide þis þe bigynnynge of ſignes in þe Cane of Galilee, and ſchewide his glorie; and his diſciplis bileueden in to him. Aftir þes þingis he cam doun to Capharnaum, and his modir, and his briþeren, and his diſciplis; and þei dwelten þere not many dayes. And þe paſke of Jewis was nyȝ, and Jheſu wente vp to Jeruſalem. And he fond in þe temple men ſellinge ſcheep, and oxen, and culueris, and chaungeris ſittinge. And whanne he hadde maad as a ſcourge of ſmale coordis, he caſtide out alle of þe temple, and oxen, and ſcheep; and he ſchedde out þe moneye of chaungeris, and turnede vpſodoun þe bordis. And he ſeide to hem þat ſelden culueris, Take a wey fro hennis þes þingis, and nyle ȝe make þe hous of my fadir an hous of marchaundiſe. Forſoþe his diſciplis hadden mynde, for it is writun, Þe feruour of loue of þin hous haþ etun me. Þerfore þe Jewis anſweriden, and ſeyden to him, What ſyngne, or tokene, ſchewiſt þou to vs, for þou doiſt þes þingis? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeyde to hem, Vndo ȝe þis temple, and in þre dayes I ſchal reyſe it. Þerfore þe Jewis ſeyden to him, In fourty and ſixe ȝeeris þis temple is byldid, and þou in þre dayes ſchalt reyſe it? Forſoþe he ſeide of þe temple of his body. Þerfore whanne he hadde ryſun fro deed men, his diſciplis hadden mynde, for he ſeyde þis þing; and þei bileueden to þe ſcripture, and to þe word þat Jheſu ſeide. Forſoþe whanne Jheſu was at Jeruſalem in paſk, in þe feeſte day, manye bileuyden in his name, ſeynge þe ſyngnes of him þat he dide. Soþli Jheſu him ſilf bileuede not hym ſilf to hem, for þat he knew alle men; and for it was not nede to hym, þat eny man ſchulde bere witneſſing of man, ſoþli he wiſte what was in man.

Capitulum III.

Forſoþe þer was a man of Phariſees, Nicodeme bi name, a prince of Jewis. He cam to Jheſu in þe nyȝte, and ſeide to him, Raby, we witen, for of God þou haſt come a maiſtir; ſoþli no man may do þes ſignes þat þou doſt, no but God were wiþ him. Jheſu anſweride, and ſeyde to him, Treuli, treuli, I ſeye to þee, no but a man ſchal be born aȝen, he may not ſe þe kyngdom of God. Nycodeme ſeide to him, How may a man be born, whanne he is olde? wher he may entre aȝen in to his modris wombe, and be born aȝein? Jheſus anſweride, Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to þee, no but a man ſchal be born aȝen of watir, and of þe Hooly Goſt, he may not entre in to þe kyngdom of God. Þat þat is born of fleiſch, is fleiſch; and þat þat is born of ſpirit, is ſpirit. Wondre þou not, for I ſeye to þee, It bihoueþ ȝou for to be born aȝein. Þe ſpirit breþiþ wher it wole, and þou heeriſt his vois, but þou woſt not, fro whennis he comeþ, or whidir he goþ; ſo is ech man þat is borun of þe ſpirit. Nycodeme anſweride, and ſeide to him, Hou mown þes þingis be don? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeyde to him, Art þou a maiſtir in Iſrael, and knowiſt not þes þingis? Treuli, treuli, I ſeye to þee, for þat þat we witen, we ſpeken, and þat þat we han ſeyn, we witneſſen, and ȝe taken not oure witneſſing. If I haue ſeid to ȝou erþeli þingis, and ȝe bileuen not, how if I ſchal ſeie to ȝou heuenli þingis, ſchulen ȝe bileue? And no man ſtyeþ in to heuene, no but he þat cam doun fro heuene, mannis ſone þat is in heuene. And as Moyſes reride vp a ſerpent in deſert, ſo it bihoueþ mannus ſone for to be areyſid vp, þat ech man þat bileueþ in to him, periſche not, but haue euerelaſtinge lyf. Forſoþe God ſo louede þe world, þat he ȝaf his oon bigetun ſone, þat ech man þat bileueþ in to him periſche not, but haue euere laſting lyf. Soþli God ſente not his ſone in to þe world, þat he iuge þe world, but þat þe world be ſauyd by hym. He þat bileueþ in to him, is not demyd, or dampnyd; forſoþe he þat bileueþ not, is now demed, for he bileueþ not in þe name of þe oon bigetun ſone of God. Soþli þis is þe dom, for liȝt cam in to þe world, and men louede more derkneſſis þan liȝt; forſoþ her workis weren yuele. Soþli ech man þat doþ yuele, hatiþ liȝt; and he comeþ not to þe liȝt, þat his workis be not reproued, or vndirnomun. Soþli he þat doþ treuþe, comeþ to þe liȝt, þat his workis be ſchewid, for þei ben don in God. Aftir þes þingis Jheſu cam, and his diſciplis, in to þe lond of Judee, and þere he dwellide wiþ hem, and baptiſide, or criſtenede. Soþli John was baptiſynge in Ennon, biſydis Salym, for many watris were þere; and þei camen, and weren baptiſid. Soþli John was not ȝit ſent in to priſoun. Soþli a queſtioun, or axyng, is maad of Johnis diſciplis wiþ þe Jewis, of þe purificacioun, or clenſing. And þei camen to John, and ſeyde to him, Rabi, or maiſtir, he þat was wiþ þee ouer Jordan, to whom þou haſt born witneſſinge, lo! he baptyſeþ, and alle men comen to him. John anſweride, and ſeyde, A man may not take ony þing, no but it be ȝouun to him fro heuene. Ȝe ȝou ſilf beren witneſſing to me, þat I ſeyde, I am not Criſt, but for I am ſent bifore him. He þat haþ a ſpouſeſſe, or wyf, is þe ſpouſe, or hoſebonde; forſoþe a frend of þe ſpouſe, þat ſtondiþ, and heeriþ him, ioyeþ in ioye, for þe vois of þe ſpouſe. Þerfore in þis þing my ioye is fillid. It bihoueþ him for to wexe, forſoþ me to be menuſid, or maad leſſe. He þat cam fro aboue, is aboue alle; he þat is of þe erþe, ſpekiþ of þe erþe; he þat comiþ fro heuene, is aboue alle. And þis þing þat he ſyȝ, and herde, he witneſſiþ, and no man takiþ his witneſſing. Forſoþ he þat haþ takun his witneſſing, haþ markid þat God is ſoþfaſt. Forſoþ he whom God ſente, ſpekiþ þe wordis of God; forſoþe not to meſure God ȝyueþ þe ſpirit. Þe fadir loueþ þe ſone, and he haþ ȝouun alle þingis in his hond. He þat bileueþ in to þe ſone, haþ euere laſtinge lyf; forſoþe he þat is vnbileueful to þe ſone, ſchal not ſe euerelaſting lyf, but þe wraþþe of God dwelliþ on hym.

Capitulum IIII.

Therfore as Jheſu knew, þat Phariſees herden, þat Jheſu makiþ mo diſciplis and baptyſiþ, þan John, þouȝ Jheſu baptiſide not, but his diſciplis, he lefte Judee, and wente aȝen in to Galilee. Soþli it bihofte him to paſſe bi Samarie. Þerfore Jheſu cam in to a citee of Samarie, þat is ſeyde Sycar, biſydis þe manere, or feeld, þat Jacob ȝaf to Joſeph, his ſone. Forſoþ þe welle of Jacob was þere; ſoþli Jheſu maad wery, or feynt, of þe iurney, ſat þus on þe welle. Soþli þe our was, as þe ſixte, or vndurn. A womman cam of Samarie, for to drawe watir. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Ȝyue to me for to drynke. Forſoþ his diſciplis hadden gon in to þe citee, þat þei ſchulden bye metis. Þerfore þe ilke womman of Samarie ſeiþ to him, How þou, whanne þou ert a Jew, axiſt of me for to drynke, which am a womman of Samarie? forſoþe Jewis vſen not wiþ Samaritans. Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to hir, If þou wiſtiſt þe ȝifte of God, and who it is, þat ſeiþ to þee, Ȝyue to me for to drynke, þou perauenture ſchuldeſt haue axid of him, and he ſchulde haue ȝouun to þee quyk watir. Þe womman ſeiþ to him, Sire, neþer þou haſt in what þing þou ſchalt drawe, and þe pitt is deep; þerfore wherof haſt þou quyk watir? Wher þou art more þan oure fadir Jacob, þat ȝaue to vs þis pitt? and he drank þerof, and his ſones, and his beeſtis. Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to hir, Ech man þat drynkiþ of þis watir, ſchal þirſte eftſoone; forſoþe he þat ſchal drynke of þe watir þat I ſchal ȝyue to him, ſchal not þirſte in to wiþ outen ende; but þe watir þat I ſchal ȝyue to him, ſchal be maad in him a welle of watir, ſpryngynge vp in to euerelaſtinge lyf. Þe womman ſeiþ to him, Sire, ȝyue to me þis watir, þat I þirſte not, neþer come hidir for to drawe. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Go, clepe þin hoſebonde, and come hidur. Þe womman anſweride, and ſeide, I haue not an hoſebonde. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Þou ſeidiſt wel, For I haue not an hoſebonde; forſoþ þou haſt had fyue hoſebondis, and he whom þou haſt, is not þin hoſebonde. Þis þing þou ſeidiſt ſoþli. Þe womman ſeiþ to him, Lord, I ſe, for þou art a prophete. Oure fadris worſchipiden in þis hil, and ȝe ſeyn, for at Jeruſalem is a place, wher it bihoueþ for to worſchipe. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Womman, bileue to me, for þe our ſchal come, whanne neþer in þis hil, neþer in Jeruſalem, ȝe ſchulen preye, or worſchipe, þe fadir. Ȝe worſchipen þat þat ȝe witen not; we worſchipen þat þat we witen; for heelþe is of Jewis. But þe our comeþ, and now it is, whanne trewe worſchiperis ſchulen worſchipe þe fader in ſpirit and treuþe; forwhi and þe fadir ſekiþ ſuche, þat ſchulen worſchipe him. God is a ſpirit, and it bihoueþ hem þat worſchipen him, for to worſchipe in ſpirit and treuþ. Þe womman ſeiþ to him, I woot for Meſſias is comen, þat is ſeid Criſt; þerfore whanne he ſchal come, he ſchal telle to vs alle þingis. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, I am, þat ſpeke wiþ þee. And anon his diſciplis camen, and wondriden, for he ſpak wiþ a womman; neþeles no man ſeide, What ſekiſt þou, or, What ſpekiſt þou wiþ hir? Þerfore þe womman lefte þe watir pott, and wente in to þe citee, and ſeiþ to þo men, Come ȝe, and ſe ȝe þe man, þat ſeide to me alle þingis what euere þingis I haue don; wher he is Criſt? And þei wenten out of þe citee, and þei camen to hym. In þe mene while his diſciplis preieden him, ſeyinge, Raby, or maiſtir, ete. Soþli he ſeide to hem, I haue mete for to ete, þat ȝe witen not. Þerfore þe diſciplis ſeiden to gidere, Wher ony man brouȝte to him for to ete? Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, My mete is, þat I do þe will of him þat ſente me, and þat I performe þe work of him. Wher ȝe ſeyn not, for ȝit foure moneþis ben, and rype corn comeþ? Lo! I ſeie to ȝou, lift vp ȝoure yȝen, and ſe ȝe þe regiouns, or cuntrees, for now þei ben white to ripe corn. And he þat repiþ takiþ hyre, or mede, and he þat gederiþ, fruit in to euerelaſting lyf; þat and he þat ſowiþ haue ioye to gidere, and he þat repiþ. In þis þing ſoþli þe word is trewe, for anoþer is þat ſowiþ, and anoþer þat repiþ. I ſente ȝou for to repe, þat þat ȝe traueliden not; oþere men traueliden, and ȝe entriden in to her trauelis. Forſoþ of þe citee many Samaritans bileueden in to him, for þe word of þe womman beringe witneſſing, For he ſeide to me alle þingis, what euere þingis I dide. Þerfore whanne Samaritans camen to him, þei preieden him, þat he ſchulde dwelle þere; and he dwelte þere twey dayes. And many mo bileueden for his word, and ſeyden to þe womman, For now not for þi ſpeche we bileuen; forſoþ we han herd, and we witen, for þis is verily þe ſauyour of þe world. Forſoþ aftir twei dayes he wente þennis, and wente in to Galilee. Soþli Jheſu bar witneſſing, for a prophete in his owne cuntree haþ not honour, or worſchip. Þerfore whanne he cam in to Galilee, men of Galilee receyueden him, whanne þei hadden ſeyn alle þingis þat he hadde don in Jeruſalem, in þe feeſte day, or haliday; and ſoþli þei hadden come to þe feeſte day. Þerfore he cam eftſoone in to Cana of Galilee, where he made þe watir wyn. And ſum litil king was, whos ſone was ſyk at Capharnaum. Whanne þis hadde herd, for Jheſu ſchulde come fro Judee in to Galilee, he wente to him, and preiede him, þat he ſchulde come doun, and heele his ſone; forſoþ he bigan to deye. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to him, No but ȝe ſchulen ſe tokenes and grete wondris, ȝe bileuen not. Þe litil kyng ſeiþ to him, Lord, come doun, bifore my ſone deye. Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Go, þi ſone lyueþ. Þe man bileuede to þe word, þat Jheſu ſeide to hym, and he wente. Soþli now him comynge doun, þe ſeruauntis camen aȝens him, and telden to him, ſeyinge, For his ſone lyuede. Þerfore he axide of hem þe our, in whiche he hadde betere. And þei ſeiden to him, For ȝiſtirday in þe ſeuenþe our þe feuere lefte him. Þerfore þe fadir knew, þat þe ilke our it was, in which Jheſu ſeide to him, Þi ſone lyueþ; and he bileuede, and al his hous. Jheſu dide eft þis ſecunde tokene, whanne he cam fro Judee in to Galilee.

Capitulum V.

Aftir þes þingis was a feeſte day of Jewis, and Jheſu wente vp to Jeruſalem. Forſoþ in Jeruſalem is a ſtonding watir of beeſtis, þat in Ebrew is named Beþſayda, hauynge fiue litle ȝatis. In þes lay a greet multitude of langwiſchinge men, blynde, krokid, drye, abidinge þe ſtiring of þe watir. Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord aftir tyme cam doun in to þe ſtonding watir, and þe watir was moued; and he þat firſt cam doun in to þe ſiſterne, aftir þe mouyng of þe watir, was maad hool of what euere ſikneſſe he was holdun. Forſoþe ſum man was þere, hauynge eiȝte and þritti ȝeeris in his ſykneſſe. Whanne Jheſu hadde ſeyn him liggynge, and hadde knowe, for now he hadde moche tyme, he ſeiþ to him, Wolt þou be maad hool? Þe ſyke man anſweride to him, Lord, I haue not a man þat whanne þe water ſchal be troublid, he ſende me in to þe ſiſterne; forſoþ þe while I com, anoþer goþ down bifore me. Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Ryſe vp, taak þi bed, and wandre. And a non þe man is maad hool, and took vp his bed, and wandride. And ſaboþ was in þat day. Þerfore þe Jewis ſeyden to him þat was maad hool, It is ſaboþ, it is not leefful to þee, for to take þi bed. He anſweride to hem, He þat maade me hool, ſeide to me, Taak þi bed, and wandre. Þerfore þei axiden him, Who is þat man, þat ſeide to þee, Taak þi bed, and wandre? Soþli he þat was maad hool, wiſte not who it was. Forſoþe Jheſu bowide him fro þe cumpany ordeyned, or ſett, in þe place. Aftirward Jheſu fond him in þe temple, and ſeide to him, Lo! þou ert maad hool; now nyle þou do ſynne, leſte ony þing worſe bifalle to þee. Þe ilke man wente, and telde to þe Jewis, for it was Jheſu þat maad him hool. Þerfore þe Jewis purſueden Jheſu, for he dide þis þing in þe ſaboþ. Forſoþ Jheſu anſweride to hem, My fadir worchiþ til now, and I worche. Þerfore þanne þe Jewis ſouȝten more for to ſlee hym, for not oonly he brak þe ſaboþ, but and he ſeide his fadir God, makinge him euene to God. And ſo Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to hem, Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, þe ſone may not of him ſilf do ony þing, no but þat þing þat he ſchal ſe þe fadir doynge; what euere þingis ſoþli he doiþ, þes þingis and þe ſone alſo doiþ. Forſoþe þe fadir loueþ þe ſone, and ſchewiþ to him alle þingis þat he doiþ; and he ſchal ſchewe to him more workis þan þes, þat ȝe wondre. Forſoþe as þe fadir reyſiþ deede men, and quykeneþ, ſo and þe ſone quykeneþ whiche he wole. Soþli neiþer þe fader iugeþ ony man, but haþ ȝouun al þe dom to þe ſone, þat alle men honoure þe ſone, as þei honouren þe fadir. He þat honoureþ not þe ſone, honoureþ not þe fadir þat ſente him. Treuli, treuli, I ſeye to ȝou, for he þat heeriþ my word, and bileueþ to him þat ſente me, haþ euere laſting lyf, and comeþ not in to dom, but paſſiþ fro deeþ in to lyf. Treuli, treuli, I ſeye to ȝou, for þe our comeþ, and now it is, whanne deede men ſchulen heere þe vois of Goddis ſone, and þei þat ſchulen heere, ſchulen lyue. Soþli as þe fader haþ lyf in him ſilf, ſo he ȝaf and to þe ſone for to haue lyf in him ſilf; and he ȝaf to him power for to make dom, for he is mannis ſone. Nyle ȝe wondre þis þing, for þe our comeþ, in which alle men þat ben in buriels, ſchulen heere þe vois of Goddis ſone. And þei þat han do goode þingis, ſchulen come forþ in to ryſinge aȝen of lyf; forſoþe þei þat han don yuele þingis, in to ryſinge aȝen of dom. I may not of myſilf do ony þing, but as I heere, I iuge, and my dom is iuſt, for I ſeke not my wille, but þe will of þe fadir þat ſente me. If I bere witneſſing of my ſilf, my witneſſing is not trewe; anoþer is þat beriþ witneſſing of me, and I woot for his witneſſing is trewe, þat he beriþ of me. Ȝe ſenten to John, and he bar witneſſing to þe treuþe. Soþly I take not witneſſing of man; but I ſeie þes þingis, þat ȝe be ſaf. Soþli he was a lanterne brennynge and ſchynynge, or ȝyuynge liȝt; forſoþe ȝe wolden glade at oon our in his liȝt. Soþli I haue more witneſſing þan John, forſoþ þe workis þat my fadir ȝaf to me þat I performe hem, þe ilke workis þat I do beren witneſſyng of me, þat þe fadir ſente me. And þe fadir þat ſente me, he bar witneſſing of me. Neþir ȝe herden euere his vois, neþir ſayȝen his licneſſe, or foorme. And ȝe han not his word dwellinge in ȝou; for ȝe bileuen not to him, whom he ſente. Seke ȝe ſcripturis, in whiche ȝe geſſen to haue euerlaſtinge lyf; and þo it ben, þat beren witneſſing of me. And ȝe wolen not come to me, þat ȝe haue lyf. I take not clerneſſe of men; but I haue knowen ȝou, for ȝe han not þe loue of God in ȝou. I cam in þe name of my fadir, and ȝe token not me. If anoþer ſchal come in his owne name, ȝe ſchulen receyue him. How mown ȝe bileue, þat receyuen glorie ech of oþer, and ȝe ſeken not þe glorie þat is of God aloone? Nyle ȝe geſſe, þat I am to accuſinge ȝou anemptis þe fadir; it is Moyſes þat accuſiþ ȝou, in whom ȝe hopen. Forſoþ if ȝe bileueden to Moyſes, perauenture ȝe ſchulden bileue and to me; ſoþli he wroot of me. Soþli if ȝe beleuen not to his lettris, how ſchulen ȝe bileue to my wordis?

Capitulum VI.

Aftir þes þingis Jheſu wente ouer þe ſe of Galilee, þat is Tiberiadis. And a greet multitude ſuede him; for þei ſyȝen þe tokenes, þat he dide on hem þat weren ſyke. Þerfore Jheſu wente in to an hil, and þere he ſat wiþ his diſciplis. Forſoþ paſk was ful nyȝ, a feeſte day of Jewis. Þerfore whanne Jheſu hadd lyft vp þe yȝen, and hadde ſeyn, for a greet multitude cam to him, he ſeiþ to Philip, Wherof ſchulen we bie loues, þat þes men ete? Soþli he ſeide þis þing, temptinge him; forſoþ he wiſte what he was to doynge. Philip anſweride to him, Þe looues of two hundrid pens ſuffyſen not to hem, þat ech man take a litle what. Oon of his diſciplis, Andrew, þe broþer of Symount Petre, ſeiþ to him, O child is here, þat haþ fyue barley looues and tweye fyſches; but what ben þes þingis among ſo many men? Þerfore Jheſu ſeiþ, Make ȝe men for to ſitte at þe mete. Forſoþ þere was myche hey in þe place. Þerfore men ſaten at þe mete, in noumbre as fyue þouſandis. Þerfore Jheſu took fyue looues, and whanne he hadde do þankingis, he departide to men ſittinge at mete, alſo and of þe fiſchis, as myche as þei wolden. Forſoþe as þei ben fillid, he ſeide to his diſciplis, Gedere ȝe þe relyfs þat ben left, þat þei periſchen not. Þerfore þei gedriden, and filleden twelue coffyns of relyfs of þe fyue barly looues and tweye fiſchis, þat leften to hem þat haddun etun. Þerfore þo men, whanne þei hadden ſeyn þe tokene, or myracle, þat he hadde don, ſeyden, For þis is verily þe prophete, þat is to comynge in to þe world. Þerfore whanne Jheſu hadde knowun, for þei weren to comynge þat þei ſchulden rauyſche him, and make him kyng, he aloone fledde eft in to an hil. Soþli as euentyd was maad, his diſciplis wenten doun to þe ſee. And whanne þei hadden ſtiȝed vp in to þe boot, þei camen ouer þe ſee in to Capharnaum. And derkneſſis weren now maad, and Jheſu hadde not comen to hem. Forſoþe a greet wynde blowynge, þe ſee roos vp. Þerfore whanne þei hadden rowid as fyue and twenty furlongis or þritty, þei ſeen Jheſu walkinge on þe ſee, and to be maad next to þe boot; and þei dredden. Soþli he ſeyde to hem, I am; nyle ȝe drede. Þerfore þei wolden take him in to þe boot, and anon þe boot was at þe lond in to which þei wenten. On þe toþir day þe cumpanye, þat ſtood ouer þe ſee, ſyȝ, for þere was non oþir boot þere no but oon, and for Jheſu entride not wiþ his diſciplis in to þe boot, but his diſciplis aloone wenten. Forſoþe oþere bootis camen fro Tiberiade biſydis þe place, where þei eeten breed, doynge þankingis to God. Þerfore whanne þe cumpany hadden ſeyn, for Jheſu was not þere, neþere his diſciplis, þei ſtiȝeden in to bootis, and camen to Capharnaum, ſekinge him. And whanne þei hadden founden him ouer þe ſee, þei ſeyden to him, Raby, hou haſt þou com hidur? Jheſu anſweride to hem, and ſeyde, Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, ȝe ſeken me, not for ȝe ſyȝ þe tokenis, or myraclis, but for ȝe eeten of looues, and ben fillid. Worche ȝe not mete þat periſchiþ, but þat dwelliþ in to euerlaſtinge lyf, which mete mannis ſone ſchal ȝyue to ȝou; forſoþe God þe fadir bitokenede, or markede, him. Þerfore þei ſeiden to him, What ſchulen we do, þat we worche þe workis of God? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to hem, Þis is þe work of God, þat ȝe bileue in to him, whom he ſente. Þerefore þei ſeiden to him, Þerfore what tokene doiſt þou, þat we ſe, and bileue to þee? what worchiſt þou? Oure fadris eeten manna in deſert, as it is writun, He ȝaf to hem breed fro heuene for to ete. Þerfore Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, not Moyſes ȝaf to ȝou very breed fro heuene, but my fadir ȝyueþ to ȝou verri breed fro heuene; ſoþli it is verri breed þat comeþ doun fro heuene, and ȝyueþ lyf to þe world. Þerfore þei ſeiden to him, Lord, euere ȝyue to vs þis breed. Soþly Jheſu ſeide to hem, I am breed of lyf; he þat comeþ to me, ſchal not hungre; he þat bileueþ in me, ſchal neuere þirſte. But I ſeide to ȝou, for and ȝe han ſeyn me, and ȝe bileueden not. Al þing, þat þe fadir ȝyueþ to me, ſchal come to me; and I ſchal not caſte out him, þat comeþ to me. For I cam doun fro heuene, not þat I do my wille, but þe wille of him þat ſente me. Forſoþe þis is þe wille of him þat ſente me, þe fadris, þat al þing þat þe fadir ȝaf to me, I leeſe not of it, but aȝen reiſe it in þe laſte day. Soþly þis is þe wille of my fadir þat ſente me, þat ech man þat ſeeþ þe ſone, and bileueþ in to him, haue euerlaſting lyf; and I ſchal aȝen reyſe him in þe laſte day. Þerfore Jewis grucchiden of him, for he hadde ſeyd, I am breed þat cam doun fro heuene. And þei ſeiden, Wher þis is not Jheſu, þe ſone of Joſeph, whos fadir and modir we han knowun? Þerfore hou ſeiþ þis, I cam doun fro heuene? Þerfore Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to hem, Nyle ȝe grucche to gidere. No man may come to me, no but þe fadir þat ſente me, ſchal drawe him; and I ſchal aȝen reyſe him in þe laſte day. It is writun in prophetis, And alle men ſchulen ben able to be tauȝt of God. Ech man þat herde of þe fadir, and lernede, comeþ to me. Not for ony man ſyȝ þe fadir, no but þis þat is of God, þis ſyȝ þe fadir. Soþli, ſoþli, I ſeye to ȝou, he þat bileueþ in me, haþ euerlaſting lyf. I am þe breed of lyf. Ȝoure fadris eeten manna in deſert, and ben deede. Þis is breed comynge doun fro heuene, þat if ony man ſchal ete þerof, he deyeþ not. I am quyk breed, þat cam doun fro heuene. If ony man ſchal ete of þis bred, he ſchal lyue wiþ outen ende. And þe breed þat I ſchal ȝyue, is my fleiſch for lyf of þe world. Þerfore þe Jewis chidden to gidere, ſeyinge, Hou may þis ȝyue to vs his fleiſch for to ete? Þerfore Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Treuly, treuli, I ſeye to ȝou, no but ȝe ſchulen ete þe fleiſch of mannis ſone, and drynke his blood, ȝe ſchulen not haue lyf in ȝou. He þat etiþ my fleiſch, and drynkeþ my blood, haþ euerlaſting lyf, and I ſchal aȝen reyſe him in þe laſte day. Forſoþ my fleiſch is verily mete, and my blood is verily drynke. He þat etiþ my fleiſch, and drynkiþ my blood, dwelliþ in me, and I in him. As my fadir lyuynge ſente me, and I lyue for þe fadir, and he þat etiþ me, ſchal lyue for me. Þis is breed, þat cam doun fro heuene. Not as ȝoure fadris eeten manna, and ben deed; he þat etiþ þis breed, ſchal lyue wiþ outen ende. He ſeide þes þingis in þe ſynagoge, techinge in Capharnaum. Þerfore manye of his diſciplis heeringe, ſeyden, Þis word is hard, who may heere him? Forſoþ Jheſu witynge anemptis him ſilf, for his diſciplis grucchiden of þis þing, ſeide to hem, Þis þing ſclaundriþ ȝou? Þerfore if ȝe ſchulen ſe mannis ſone ſtiȝynge vp, wher he was bifore? It is þe ſpirit þat quykeneþ, þe fleyſch profiteþ noþing; þe wordis þat I haue ſpokun to ȝou, ben ſpirit and lyf. But þer ben ſumme of ȝou þat bileuen not. Soþli Jheſu wiſte at þe bigynnynge, whiche weren bileuynge, and who was to bitrayinge him. And he ſeide, Þerfore I ſeide to ȝou, þat no man may come to me, no but it were ȝouun to him of my fadir. Fro þis tyme manye of his diſciplis wenten abak, and now wenten not wiþ him. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to þe twelue, Where and ȝe wolen go awey? Þerfore Symount Petre anſweride to him, Lord, to whom ſchulen we go? Þou haſt wordis of euerelaſting lyf; and we han bileuyd, and knowun, for þou art Criſt, þe ſone of God. Þerfore Jheſu anſweride to hem, Wher I chees not ȝou twelue, and oon of ȝou is a deuel? Forſoþe he ſeide of Judas of Symount, of Scarioþ, forſoþ þis was to bitraiynge him, whanne he was oon of twelue.

Capitulum VII.

Forſoþe aftir þes þingis Jheſu walkide in to Galilee, for he wolde not walke in to Judee, for þe Jewis ſouȝten for to ſle him. Soþli þer was in þe nexte a feeſte day of Jewis, Scenofegia, þat is, a feeſte of tabernaclis. Forſoþe his breþeren ſeiden to him, Paſſe fro hennis, and go in to Judee, þat and þi diſciplis ſe þi werkis þat þou doiſt; forſoþe no man doþ ony þing in hid place, or priuy, and he ſekiþ to be in to opyn. If þou doſt þes þingis, ſchewe þi ſilf to þe world. Forſoþe neþer his briþeren bileueden in to him. Þerfore Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, My time cam not ȝit, but ȝoure tyme is euermore redy. Þe world may not haue hatid ȝou, ſoþli it hatiþ me; for I bere witneſſing þerof, for þe workis of it ben yuele. Stiȝe ȝe vp at þis feeſte day, but I ſchal not ſtiȝe vp at þis feeſte day, for my tyme is not ȝit fillid. Whanne he hadde ſeid þes þingis, he dwelte in Galilee. Forſoþe as his briþeren ſtiȝeden vp, þanne and he ſtiȝede vp at þe feeſte day, not opynli, but as in pryuei. Þerfore þe Jewis ſouȝten him in þe feeſte day, and ſeiden, Wher is he? And moche grucching was of him in þe cumpany of peple. Forſoþe ſumme ſeiden, For he is good; forſoþ oþere ſeiden, Nay, but he diſceyueþ þe cumpanyes; neþeles no man ſpak opynly of him, for þe drede of Jewis. Forſoþe now þe feeſte day medlinge, or goynge bitwixe, Jheſu wente vp in to þe temple, and tauȝte. And þe Jewis wondriden, ſeyinge, Hou kan þis man lettris, ſiþen he haþ not lernyd? Jheſu anſweride to hem, and ſeide, My doctrine is not myn, but his þat ſente me. If ony man ſchal wilne to do his wille, he ſchal knowe of þe techinge, wher it be of God, wher I ſpeke of my ſilf. He þat ſpekiþ of himſelf, ſekiþ his owne glorie; forſoþ he þat ſekiþ þe glorie of him þat ſente him, þis is ſoþfaſt, and vnriȝtfulneſſe is not in him. Wher Moyſes ȝaf not to ȝou a lawe, and no man of ȝou doþ þe lawe? What ſeken ȝe to ſle me? Þe cumpany anſweride, and ſeide, Þou haſt a deuyl; who ſekiþ for to ſle þee? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to hem, I haue don o work, and alle ȝe wondren. Þerfore Moyſes ȝaf to ȝou circumciſioun; not for it is of Moyſes, but of fadris; and in þe ſaboþ ȝe circumſididen a man. If a man takiþ circumciſioun in þe ſaboþ, þat þe lawe of Moyſes be not brokun, han ȝe indignacioun, or wraþþe, to me, for I made al þe man hool in þe ſabot? Nyle ȝe deme vp þe face, but deme a riȝtful dom. Þerfore ſumme of Jeruſalem ſeiden, Wher þis is not, whom þe Jewis ſeken to ſlee? and lo! he ſpekiþ opynly, and þei ſeyn no þing to him. Wher þe princes knewen verili, for þis is Criſt? But we witen þis man, of whennis he is; forſoþ whanne Criſt ſchal come, no man wot of whennis he is. Þerfore Jheſu criede in þe temple, techinge hem, and ſeyinge, And ȝe witen me, and of whennis I am; and I cam not of my ſilf, but he is trewe þat ſente me, whom ȝe knowen not. I woot him, and if I ſchal ſeie for I woot not him, I ſchal be lyk to ȝou, a lyere; and I woot him, for of him I am, and he ſente me. Þerfore þei ſouȝten for to take him, and no man ſente in to him hondis, for his our cam not ȝit. Soþli many of þe cumpanye bileueden in to him, and ſeiden, Whanne Criſt ſchal come, wher he ſchal do mo tokenes, þan þis doþ? Phariſees herden þe cumpenye of peple grucchinge of him þes þingis; and þe princes of Phariſees ſenten myniſtris, þat þei ſchulden take him. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to hem, Ȝit a litel tyme I am wiþ ȝou, and I go to þe fadir, þat ſente me. Ȝe ſchulen ſeke me, and ȝe ſchulen not fynde; and where I am, ȝe mown not come. Þerfore þe Jewis ſeiden to hem ſilf, Whidur is þis to goynge, for we ſchulen not fynde him? wher he is to goyinge in to ſcateringe, or diſtroyinge, of heþene men, and is to techinge heþene men? What is þis word, which he ſeide, Ȝe ſchulen ſeke me, and ȝe ſchulen not fynde; and where I am, ȝe mown not come? Forſoþ in þe laſte day of þe grete feeſte, Jheſu ſtood, and criede, ſeyinge, If ony man þirſtiþ, come he to me, and drynke he. He þat bileueþ in to me, as þe ſcripture ſeiþ, Flodis of quyke watir ſchulen flowe of his wombe. Soþli he ſeide þis þing of þe Hooly Gooſt, whom men bileuynge in to him weren to takinge; forſoþ þe Spirit was not ȝit ȝouun, for Jheſus was not ȝit glorified. Þerfore of þat cumpanye, whanne þei hadden herde þes wordis of him, þei ſeiden, Þis is verili a prophete. Oþere ſeiden, Þis is Criſt. Forſoþ ſumme ſeiden, Wher Criſt comeþ fro Galilee? Wher þe ſcripture ſeiþ not, þat of þe ſeed of Dauiþ, and of þe caſtel of Beþleem, where Dauiþ was, Criſt comeþ? And ſo diſſencioun is maad in þe cumpany for him. Forſoþe ſumme of hem wolden take him, but no man ſente hondis on him. Þerfore þe myniſtris camen to þe biſchopis and Phariſees, and þei ſeiden to hem, Whi brouȝte ȝe not him? Þe myniſtris anſweriden, Neuere man ſpak ſo, as þis ſpekiþ. Þerfore þe Fariſees anſweriden to hem, Wher and ȝe be diſceyued? wher ony of þe princes bileueden in to him, or of þe Phariſees? But þis cumpany of peple, þat knew not þe lawe, ben curſid. Nycodeme ſeiþ to hem, he þat cam to him in nyȝte, þat was oon of hem, Wher oure lawe demeþ a man, no but firſt it haue herd of him, and knowe what he doþ? Þei anſweriden, and ſeiden to him, Wher and þou ert a man of Galilee? Seke þou ſcripturis, and ſe þou, for a prophete ryſiþ not of Galilee. And þei turnedyn aȝen, ech in to his hows.

Capitulum VIII.

Forſoþe Jheſu wente in to þe mount of Olyuete. And erly eft he cam in to þe temple; and al þe peple cam to him; and he ſittinge tauȝte hem. Soþli ſcribis and Phariſees bryngen a womman take in auowtrie, and ſettiden hir in þe middil, and ſeiden to him, Maiſtir, þis womman is now takun in auoutrie. Forſoþ in þe lawe Moyſes comaundide vs for to ſtoone ſiche; þerfore what ſeiſt þou? Soþli þei ſeiden þis þing temptinge him, þat þei myȝten accuſe him. Forſoþe Jheſu bowinge him ſilf doun, wrot wiþ þe fyngir in þe erþe. Soþly whanne þei laſtiden, or contynuede, axinge him, he reiſide him ſilf, and ſeide to hem, Which of ȝou þat is wiþ oute ſynne, firſt ſende a ſtoon in to hir. And eft he bowinge doun him ſilf, wroot in þe erþe. Soþli þei heeringe þes þingis, wenten awey oon aftir an oþer, þei bigynnynge at þe eldere men; and Jheſu dwelte aloone, and þe womman ſtondinge in þe myddel. Soþli Jheſu reiſynge him ſilf ſeide to hir, Womman, wher ben þei þat accuſiden þee? no man dampnede þee. Þe which ſeyde, No man, Lord. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Neþer I ſchal dampne þee; go þou, and now aftirward nyle þou do ſynne. Þerfore eft Jheſu ſpak to hem, ſeyinge, I am þe liȝt of þe world; he þat ſueþ me, walkiþ not in derkneſſis, but ſchal haue þe liȝt of lyf. Þerfore þe Phariſees ſeiden, Þou beriſt witneſſing of þi ſilf; þi witneſſing is not trewe. Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to hem, And if I bere witneſſing of my ſilf, my witneſſing is trewe; for I woot fro whennis I cam, and whidur I go. Forſoþe ȝe witen not fro whennus I come, or whidur I go. Forſoþ ȝe demen vp þe fleiſch, I deme not ony man; and if I deme, my dom is trewe, for I am not aloone, but I and þe fadir þat ſente me. And in ȝoure lawe it is writun, for þe witneſſing of twei men is trewe. I am, þat bere witneſſing of my ſilf, and þe fadir þat ſente me, beriþ witneſſing of me. Þerfore þei ſeiden to him, Wher is þi fadir? Jheſu anſweride, Neþer ȝe witen, or knowen, me, neþer ȝe witen my fadir; if ȝe wiſten me, perauenture and ȝe ſchulden wite my fader. Jheſu ſpak þes wordis in þe treſerie, techinge in þe temple; and no man took him, for his our cam not ȝit. Þerfore eft Jheſu ſeide to hem, Lo! I go, and ȝe ſchulen ſeche me, and ȝe ſchulen deye in ȝoure ſynne; whidur I go, ȝe mown not come. Þerfore þe Jewis ſeiden, Wher he ſchal ſle him ſilf, for he ſeiþ, Whidur I go, ȝe mown not come? And he ſeide to hem, Ȝe ben of byneþe, I am of aboue; ȝe ben of þis world, I am not of þis world. Þerfore I ſeide to ȝou, For ȝe ſchulen dye in ȝoure ſynnes; forſoþe if ȝe ſchulen not bileue for I am, ȝe ſchulen deye in ȝoure ſynne. Þerfore þei ſeiden to him, Who art þou? Jheſu ſeide to hem, Þe bigynnyng, or þe firſte of al þing, which and ſpeke to ȝou. I haue many þingis for to ſpeke, and deme of ȝou, but he þat ſente me is ſoþfaſt; and I ſpeke in þe world þes þingis, þat I herde of him. And þei knewen not, for he ſeide his fadir God. Þerfore Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Whanne ȝe han reyſid mannis ſone, þanne ȝe ſchulen knowe, for I am, and of my ſilf I do no þing; but as my fadir tauȝte me, I ſpeke þes þingis. And he þat ſente me is wiþ me, and lefte not me aloone; for I do euere þo þingis, þat ben pleſaunt to him. Him ſpekinge þes þingis, many men bileueden in to him. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to þe Jewis, þat bileueden in to him, If ȝe ſchulen dwelle in my word, verili ȝe ſchulen be my diſciplis; and ȝe ſchulen knowe þe treuþe, and þe treuþe ſchal delyuere ȝou. Þerfore þe Jewis anſweriden to him, We ben þe ſeed of Abraham, and to no man we ſeruyden euere; hou ſeiſt þou, Ȝe ſchulen be free? Jheſu anſweride to hem, Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, for ech man þat doþ ſynne, is þe ſeruaunt of ſynne. Soþli þe ſeruaunt dwelliþ not in þe hous, into wiþouten ende, þe ſone dwelliþ into wiþouten ende. Þerfor if þe ſone ſchal delyuere ȝou, verili ȝe ſchulen be free. I woot for ȝe ben Abrahams ſones, but ȝe ſeken for to ſle me, for my word takiþ not in ȝou. And I ſpeke þo þingis, þat I ſyȝ at my fadir; and ȝe don þo þingis, þat ȝe ſyȝen at ȝoure fadir. Þei anſweriden, and ſeiden to him, Abraham is oure fadir. Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, If ȝe ben þe ſones of Abraham, do ȝe þe werkis of Abraham. Soþli now ȝe ſeken to ſle me, a man þat haue ſpoken to ȝou treuþe, þat I herde of God; Abraham dide not þis þing. Ȝe don þe workis of ȝoure fadir. And ſo þei ſeiden to him, We ben not born of fornycacioun; we han o fadir, God. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to hem, If God were ȝoure fadir, ſoþli ȝe ſchulden loue me; forſoþe I procedide, or cam forþ, of God, and cam; neþer ſoþli I cam of my ſilf, but he ſente me. Whi knowen ȝe not my ſpeche? for ȝe mown not heere my word. Ȝe ben of þe fadir, þe deuel, and ȝe wolen do þe deſyris of ȝoure fadir. He was a manſleere fro þe bigynnyng, and in treuþe he ſtood not; for treuþe is not in him. Whanne he ſpekiþ a leſinge, he ſpekiþ of his owne þingis; for he is a lyiere, and fadir of it. Soþeli for I ſeye treuþe, ȝe bileuen not to me. Who of ȝou ſchal reproue me of ſynne? if I ſeie treuþe, whi bileuen ȝe not to me? He þat is of God, heeriþ þe wordis of God; þerfore ȝe heeren not, for ȝe ben not of God. Þerfore þe Jewis anſweriden, and ſeiden, Wher we ſeyn not wel, for þou art a Samaritan, and haſt a deuel? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide, I haue not a deuel, but I honoure my fadir, and ȝe han vnhonourid me. Forſoþe I ſeke not my glorie; þer is, þat ſekiþ, and demeþ. Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, if ony man ſchal kepe my word, he ſchal not ſe, or taaſte, deeþ in to wiþ outen ende. Þerfor þe Jewis ſeiden, Now we han knowen, for þou haſt a deuel. Abraham is deed, and þe prophetis, and þou ſeiſt, If ony man ſchal kepe my word, he ſchal not taaſte deeþ in to wiþ outen ende. Wher þou ert more þan oure fadir Abraham, þat is deed, and þe prophetis ben deede; whom makiſt þou þi ſilf? Jheſu anſweride, If I glorifie my ſilf, my glorie is noȝt; my fadir is, þat glorifieþ me, whom ȝe ſeyn, for he is ȝoure God. And ȝe han not knowen him, forſoþ I haue knowe him; and if I ſchal ſeye for I woot not him, I ſhal be a lyere lyk to ȝou; but I woot him, and I kepe his word. Abraham, ȝoure fader, ful out ioyede, þat he ſchulde ſe my day; and he ſyȝ, and he ioyede. Þerfore þe Jewis ſeyden to him, Þou haſt not ȝit fifty ȝeer, and haſt þou ſeyn Abraham? Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to hem, Treuli, treuli, I ſeye to ȝou, bifore þat Abraham was maad, I am. Þerfore þei token ſtoones, þat þei ſchulden caſte in to him; ſoþli Jheſu hidde him, and wente out of þe temple.

Capitulum IX.

And Jheſu paſſinge, ſyȝ a man blynd fro þe birþe. And his diſciplis axiden him, Raby, þat is, Maiſtir, who ſynnede, þis man, or his fadir and modir, þat he ſchulde be born blynd? Jheſu anſweride, Neþer þis man ſynnede, neiþer his fadir and moder; but þat þe werkis of God be ſchewid in hym. It bihoueþ me for to worche þe werkis of him þat ſente me, þe while þe day is; þe nyȝt ſchal come, whanne no man may worche. Hou longe I am in þe world, I am þe liȝt of þe world. Whanne he hadde ſeid þes þingis, he ſpette in to erþe, and made cley of þe ſpotle, and leyde, or bawmede, þe cley on his yȝen, and ſeide to him, Go, and be þou wayſchen in þe watir, or ciſterne, of Siloe, þat is interpretid, Sent. Þerfore he wente, and waiſchide, and cam ſeynge. And ſo neiȝeboris, and þei þat hadden ſeyn hym byfore, for he was a beggere, ſeiden, Wher þis is not he, þat ſat, and beggide? Oþere men ſeiden, þis it is; oþere men forſoþe, Nay, but it is a lyk of him. Forſoþ he ſeide, For I am. Þerfore þei ſeiden to him, How ben þin yȝen openyd to þee? He anſweride, Þe ilke man, þat is ſeid Jheſu, made cley, and anoyntide myn yȝen, and ſeide to me, Go þou to þe watir, or ciſterne, of Siloe, and waiſche; and I wente, and waiſchide, and ſyȝ. And þei ſeiden to him, Wher is he? He ſeiþ, I woot not. Þei leden him þat was blynd to þe Phariſees. Forſoþ it was ſaboþ, whanne Jheſu made cley, and openyde his yȝen. Eft Phariſees axiden him, how he hadde ſeyn. Soþly he ſeide to hem, He puttide to me cley on þe yȝen; and I waiſchide, and I ſe. Þerfore ſumme of Phariſees ſeiden, Þis man is not of God, for he kepiþ not þe ſaboþ. Oþere men ſeyden, How may a man ſynnere do þes ſyngnys, or myraclis? And dyuyſioun was among hem. Þerfore þei ſeyn eftſoone to þe blynd man, What ſeiſt þou of him, þat openyde þin yȝen? Soþli he ſeide, For he is a prophete. Þerfore Jewis bileueden not of him, for he was blynd, and hadde ſeyn, til þei clepiden his fadir and modir, þat hadde ſeyn. And þei axiden hem, ſeyinge, Is þis ȝoure ſone, whom ȝe ſeyn, for he is born blynd? hou þerfore ſeeþ he now? His fadir and modir anſweriden to hem, and ſeyden, We witen, for þis is oure ſone, and for he is born blynd; ſoþli how he ſeeþ now, we witen not, or who openyde his yȝen, we witen not; axe ȝe him, he haþ age, ſpeke he of him ſilf. His fadir and modir ſeiden þes þingis, for þei dredden Jewis; forſoþ now þe Jewis hadden conſpirid, þat if ony man knowlechide him Criſt, he ſchulde be don out of þe ſynagoge. Þerfore his fadir and modir ſeiden, For he haþ age, axe ȝe him. Þerfore eftſoone þei clepiden þe man, þat was blynd, and ſeyden to him, Ȝyue þou glorie to God; we witen, for þis man is a ſynner. Þerfore he ſeide, If he is a ſynner, I woot not; o þing I woot, for whanne I was blynd, now I ſe. Þerfore þei ſeiden to him, What dide he to þee? how openyde he þin yȝen? He anſweride to hem, I ſeide to ȝou now, and ȝe herden; what wolen ȝe eftſoone heere? wher and ȝe wolen be maad his diſciplis? Þerfore þei wariden, or curſiden, him, and ſeiden, Be þou his diſciple; we ben diſciplis of Moyſes. We witen, for God ſpak to Moyſes; forſoþ we witen noȝt þis, of whennis he is. Þe ilke man anſweride, and ſeide to hem, Forſoþ in þis þing is wonderful, þat ȝe witen not of whennis he is, and he haþ opened myn yȝen. Soþli we witen, for God heeriþ not ſynneris, but if ony man is worſhiper of God, and doþ his wille, hym he heeriþ. Fro þe world it is not herd, þat ony man openyde þe yȝen of a blynd born man; no but þis were of God, he myȝte not do ony þing. Þei anſweriden, and ſeiden to him, Þou art al boren in ſynnes, and techiſt þou vs? And þei caſtiden out him. Jheſu herde, for þei han caſt out him; and whanne he hadde founden him, he ſeide to him, Bileueſt þou in to þe ſone of God? He anſweride, and ſeide, Lord, who is he, þat I bileue in to him? And Jheſu ſeide to him, And þou haſt ſeyn him, and he it is, þat ſpekiþ wiþ þee. And he ſeide, Lord, I bileue. And he fallinge doun, worſhipide him. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to him, I cam in to þis world, in to dom, þat þei þat ſeen not, ſe, and þei þat ſeen, be maad blynde. And ſumme of þe Phariſees herden, þat weren wiþ him, and þei ſeiden to him, Wher and we ben blynde? Jheſu ſeide to hem, If ȝe weren blynde, ȝe ſchulden not haue ſynne; but now ȝe ſeyn, For we ſeen, ȝoure ſynne dwelliþ.

Capitulum X.

Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, he þat comeþ not in by þe dore in to þe fold of þe ſcheep, but ſtiȝeþ vp by anoþer weye, is nyȝt þef and day þef. Forſoþe he þat entriþ by þe dore, is þe ſchepherde of þe ſcheep. To þis þe porter openeþ, and þe ſcheep heeren his vois, and he clepiþ his owne ſcheep by name, and lediþ out hem. And whanne he haþ ſent out his owne ſcheep, he goþ bifore hem, and þe ſcheep ſuwen him; for þei knowen his vois. Soþli þei ſuwen not an alien, but fleen fro him; for þei han not knowen þe voys of alyens. Jheſu ſeide to hem þis prouerbe; forſoþ þei knewen not what he ſpak to hem. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to hem eftſoone, Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, for I am þe dore of þe ſcheep. Alle how manye euere camen, ben nyȝt þeues and day þeues, but þe ſcheep herden not hem. I am þe dore. If ony man ſchal entre by me, he ſchal be ſaued; and he ſchal go yn, and ſchal go out, and he ſchal fynde leſewis. A niȝt þeef comeþ not, no but þat he ſtele, and ſle, and leeſe; I cam, þat þei haue lyf, and haue more plenteuouſly. I am a good ſchepherde; a good ſchepherde ȝyueþ his ſoule, þat is, his lyf, for his ſcheep. Forſoþ a marchaunt, or hyred hyne, and þat is not ſchepherde, whos ben not þe ſcheep his owne, ſeeþ a wolf comynge, and he leeueþ, or forſakeþ, þe ſcheep, and fleeþ; and þe wolf rauyſchiþ, and diſparpliþ, or ſcateriþ, þe ſcheep. Forſoþ þe marchaunt fleeþ, for he is a marchaunt, and it perteyneþ not to him of þe ſcheep. I am a good ſchepherde, and I knowe my ſcheep, and my ſcheep knowen me. As my fadir haþ knowun me, and I knowe þe fadir; and I putte my lyf for my ſcheep. And I haue oþere ſcheep, þat ben not of þis folde, and it bihoueþ me for to leede hem to, and þei ſchulen heere my vois; and it ſchal be maad o fold and o ſchepherde. Þerfore þe fadir loueþ me, for I putte my ſoule, þat eftſoone I take it. No man takiþ it fro me, but I putte it fro my ſilf. I haue power for to putte it, and I haue power for to take it eftſoone. Þis maundement I haue take of my fadir. And ſo diſſencioun was maad among þe Jewis for þes wordis. Forſoþ manye of hem ſeiden, He haþ a deuel, and maddiþ, or wexiþ wood; what heeren ȝe him? Oþere men ſeiden, Þes wordis beþ not of a man hauynge a fend. Wher a deuel may opene þe yȝen of blynde men? Forſoþe newe feeſtis of halwing of þe temple ben maad in Jeruſalem, and it was wyntir. And Jheſu walkide in þe temple, in þe porche of Salomon. Þerfore Jewis enyyrowneden him, and ſeiden to him, Hou longe doſt þou a wey oure ſoule? if þou ert Criſt, ſeie to vs opynly. Jheſu anſweride to hem, I ſpeke to ȝou, and ȝe bileuen not; þe workis þat I do in þe name of my fadir, þes beren witneſſing of me. But and ȝe bileuen not, for ȝe ben not of my ſcheep. My ſcheepe heeren my vois, and I knowe hem, and þei ſuen me. And I ȝyue to hem euerelaſting lyf, and þei ſchulen not periſche in to wiþ outen ende, and ony man ſchal not rauyſche hem of myn hond. Þat þing þat my fadir ȝaf to me, is more þan alle; þerfore no man may rauyſche fro my fadris hond. I and þe fadir ben o þing. Jewis token vp ſtoones, for to ſtoone hym to þe deeþ. Jheſu anſweride to hem, I haue ſchewid to ȝou manye goode werkis of my fadir, for which werk of hem ſtoonen ȝe me? Þe Jewis anſweriden to him, We ſtoonen not þee of good work, but of blaſphemye, and for þou, ſiþen þou art a man, makiſt þi ſilf God. Jheſu anſweride to hem, Wher it is not writun in ȝoure lawe, For I ſeide, Ȝe ben goddis? If he ſeide hem goddis, to whiche þe word of God is maad, and þe ſcripture, which þe fadir halwide, and ſente in to þe world, may not be vndon, and ȝe ſeyn, for I blaſpheme, for I ſeide, I am Goddis ſone? If I do not þe workis of my fadir, nyle ȝe bileue to me; ſoþli if I do, þouȝ ȝe wolen not bileue to me, bileue ȝe to þe workis; þat ȝe knowe and bileue, for þe fadir is in me, and I in þe fadir. Þerfore þei ſouȝten for to take him, and he wente out of her hondis. And he wente eftſoone ouer Jordan, in to þat place where John was firſt baptiſinge, and he dwelte þere. And manye camen to him, and ſeiden, Forſoþ John dide no ſigne, or myracle; forſoþe alle þingis what euere John ſeide of þis, weren ſoþe. And manye bileueden in to him.

Capitulum XI.

Forſoþe þer was ſum ſyk man, Lazarus of Beþanye, of þe caſtel of Mary and Marþa, his ſiſtris. Forſoþ Mary it was, which anoyntide þe Lord wiþ oynement, and wipte his feet wiþ hir heeris, whos broþer Lazarus was ſyk. Þerfore his ſiſtris ſenten to him, ſeyinge, Lord, lo! he whom þou loueſt, is ſyk. Forſoþ Jheſu heeringe ſeide to hem, Þis ſickneſſe is not to þe deeþ, but for þe glorie of God, þat Goddis ſone be glorified bi it. Soþli Jheſu louede Marþa, and hir ſiſtir Marye, and Lazarus. Þerfore as Jheſu herde, for he was ſyk, þanne ſoþli he dwellide in þe ſame place tweye dayes. Þerof aftir þes þingis he ſeide to his diſciplis, Go we eft in to Judee. Diſciplis ſeyen to him, Raby, or maiſtir, now þe Jewis ſouȝten for to ſtoone þee, and eft þou goſt þidur? Jheſu anſweride, Wher þer ben not twelue ouris of þe day? If ony man ſchal wandre in þe day, he hirtiþ not, for he ſeeþ þe liȝt of þis world. Soþli if he ſchal wandre in þe nyȝt, he hirtiþ, for liȝt is not in him. He ſeiþ þes þingis, and aftir þes þingis he ſeiþ to hem, Lazarus, oure frend, ſlepiþ, but I go for to reyſe him fro ſlepe. Þerfore his diſciplis ſeiden, Lord, if he ſlepiþ, he ſchal be ſaf. Forſoþe Jheſu hadde ſeid of his deeþ; but þei geſſiden, þat he ſeide of þe ſlepinge of ſleep. Þanne þerfore Jheſu ſeide to hem opynli, Lazarus is deed; and I enioye for ȝou, þat ȝe beleue, for I was not þere; but go we to him. Þerfore Thomas, þat is ſeid Didymus, ſeide to euen diſciplis, And go we, þat we deye wiþ him. And ſo Jheſu cam, and fond him hauynge now foure dayes in þe graue. Soþli Beþanye was biſydis Jeruſalem, as fiftene furlongis. Forſoþe manye of Jewis camen to Marie and Marþa, for to comforte hem of her broþer. Þerfore as Marþa herde, for Jheſu cam, ſhe renneþ to him; Marie forſoþe ſat at hom. Þerfore Marþa ſeide to Jheſu, Lord, if þou haddiſt be here, my broþer hadde not be deed. But and now I woot, þat what euere þingis þou ſchalt axe of God, God ſchal ȝyue to þee. Jheſus ſeiþ to hir, Þi broþer ſchal ryſe aȝen. Marþa ſeiþ to him, I woot, for he ſchal ryſe aȝen in þe aȝenryſing in þe laſte day. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, I am aȝenriſyng and lyf; he þat bileueþ in me, ȝhe, if he ſchal be deed, ſchal lyue; and ech þat lyueþ, and bileueþ in me, ſchal not deie wiþ outen ende. Bileuyſt þou þis þing? She ſeiþ to him, Forſoþe, or ȝhe, Lord, I haue bileuyd, for þou art Criſt, þe ſone of quyk God, þat haſt come in to þis world. And whanne ſhe hadde ſeide þis þing, ſhe wente, and clepide Marie, hir ſiſtir, in ſilence, or ſtilneſſe, ſeyinge, Þe maiſtir comeþ, and clepiþ þee. She, as ſhe herde, roos anon, and cam to him. Soþli Jheſu cam not ȝit in to þe caſtel, but he was ȝit in þat place, wher Marþa hadde comen aȝens him. Þerfore þe Jewis þat weren wiþ hir in þe hous, and comfortiden hir, whanne þei ſiȝen Marie, for ſoone ſhe roos, and wente out, ſueden hir, ſeyinge, For ſhe goþ to þe graue, for to wepe þere. Forſoþe Marie, whanne ſhe hadde ſeyn wher Jheſu was, ſeynge him felde to his feet, and ſeide to him, Lord, if þou haddiſt be here, my broþer hadde not be deed. Þerfore as Jheſu ſiȝ hir wepynge, and þe Jewis þat weren wiþ hir wepinge, he made noyſe in ſpirit, and troublide him ſilf, and ſeide, Wher han ȝe putt him? Þei ſeyen to him, Lord, come and ſe. And Jheſu wepte. Þerfore þe Jewis ſeiden, Lo! hou he louede him. Forſoþe ſumme of hem ſeiden, Wher þis man þat openyd þe yȝen of þe born blynde, miȝte not make þat and þis deiede not? Þerfore Jheſu eft makynge noyſe in him ſilf, cam to þe graue. Forſoþe þer was a denne, and a ſtoon was put þeron. Jheſu ſeiþ, Take ȝe a wey þe ſtoon. Marþa, þe ſiſtir of him þat was deed, ſeiþ to him, Lord, he ſtynkiþ now, ſoþli he is of foure dayes. Jheſus ſeiþ to hir, Wher I haue not ſeid to þee, for if þou ſchalt bileue, þou ſchalt ſe þe glorie of God? Þerfore þei tooken a wey þe ſtoon. Forſoþe þe yȝen reyſid vpward, Jheſu ſeide, Fadir, I do þankyngis to þee, for þou herdiſt me; forſoþ I wiſte, for þou euere heereſt me, but for þe peple þat ſtondiþ aboute, I ſeide, þat þei bileue, for þou haſt ſent me. Whanne he hadde ſeid þes þingis, he criede wiþ greet vois, Lazarus, come þou out. And anoon he þat was deed, cam forþ, bounden þe hondis and feet wiþ bondis, and his face was boundun wiþ a ſudarie, or ſweting cloþ. Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Vnbynde ȝe him, and ſuffre ȝe go awey. Þerfore manye of þe Jewis þat camen to Marie and Marþa, and ſyȝen what þingis he dide, bileueden in to him. Soþli ſumme of hem wenten to Phariſees, and ſeiden to hem, what þingis he dide. Þerfore þe biſchops and Phariſees gedriden a counceil aȝens Jheſu, and ſeiden, What don we? for þis man doþ many ſignes, or myraclis. If we leeue him þus, alle men ſchulen bileue in to him; and Romayns ſchulen come, and ſchulen take oure place and flok. Forſoþ oon of hem, Cayfas by name, whanne he was biſchop of þat ȝeer, ſeide to hem, Ȝe witen no þing, neþir þenken, for it ſpediþ to ȝou, þat o man deie for þe peple, and þat alle folk periſche not. Forſoþ he ſeide not þis þing of him ſilf, but whanne he was biſchop of þat ȝeer, he propheſiede, for Jheſu was to deyinge for þe folk, and not oonly for þe folk, but þat he ſchulde gedere in to oon þe ſones of God þat weren ſcaterid. Þerfore fro þat day þei þouȝten for to ſle him. Þerfore Jheſu walkide not now opynli at þe Jewis; but he wente in to a cuntree biſydis þe deſert, in to a citee, þat is ſeid Effrem, and þere he dwelte wiþ his diſciplis. Forſoþe þe paſk of Jewis was next, and many of þe cuntree ſtiȝeden vp to Jeruſalem þe day bifore paſk, for to halowe hem ſelue. Þerfore þei ſouȝten Jheſu, and ſpaken to gidere, ſtondinge in þe temple, What geſſen ȝe, for he comeþ not to þe feeſte day? Forſoþe þe biſchopis and Phariſees hadden ȝouun a maundement, þat if ony man knew wher he is, he ſchewe, þat þei taken hym.

Capitulum XII.

Therfore Jheſu bifore ſixe dayes of paſk cam to Beþanye, wher Lazarus was deed, whom Jheſu reyſide. Forſoþ þei maden to him a ſopere þere, and Marþa myniſtride to hym; Lazarus forſoþe was oon of men ſittinge at þe mete wiþ him.Þerfore Marie took a pound of oynement ſpikenard, or trewe narde, precious, and anoyntide þe feet of Jheſu, and wipte his feete wiþ her heeris; and þe hous is fillid of þe ſauour of oygnement. Þerfore Judas Scarioþ, oon of his diſciplis, þat was to bitraynge hym, ſeide, Whi þis oygnement is not ſeeld for þre hundrid pens, and is ȝouun to nedy men? Forſoþ he ſeide þis þing, not for it perteynede to him of nedy men, but for he was a þeef, and he hauynge purſis baar þo þingis þat weren ſent. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide, Suffre ȝe hir, þat in to þe day of my birying ſhe kepe þat; forſoþe ȝe ſchulen euer haue pore men wiþ ȝou, ſoþli ȝe ſchulen not euere haue me. Þerfore myche cumpany of þe Jewis knewe, þat Jheſu was þere; and þei camen, not oonly for Jheſu, but for to ſe Lazarus, whom he reyſede fro deede men. Forſoþe þe princes of preſtis þouȝten for to ſle Lazarus, for manye of þe Jewis for hym wente awei, and beleueden in to Jheſu. Forſoþe on þe morwe a myche cumpany, þat cam togidere at þe feeſte day, whanne þei hadden herd, for Jheſu comeþ to Jeruſalem, tooken braunchis of palmes, and camen forþ aȝens him, and crieden, Oſanna, bleſſid is he, þat comeþ in þe name of þe Lord, king of Iſrael. And Jheſu fond a litil aſſe, and ſat on him, as it is writun, Þe douȝtir of Syon, nyle þou drede; lo! þi king comeþ, ſittinge on þe colt of a ſche aſſe. His diſciplis knewen not firſt þes þingis, but whanne Jheſu is glorified, þanne þei recordiden, or hadden mynde, for þes þingis weren writen of him, and þes þingis þei diden to him. Þerfore þe cumpany baar witneſſing, þat was wiþ him, whanne he clepide Lazarus fro þe graue, and reyſide him fro deede men. Þerfore and þe cumpany cam metinge to him, for þei herden him to haue don þis ſigne. Þerfore þe Phariſees ſeiden to hem ſelue, Ȝe ſeen, for we profiten no þing; lo! al þe world wente aftir him. Forſoþe þer weren ſumme heþen men, of hem þat hadden ſtyȝed vp for to worſchipe in þe feeſte day. Þerfore þes camen to Philip, þat was of Beþſaida of Galilee, and preieden him, ſeyinge, Sire, we wolen ſe Jheſu. Philip comeþ, and ſeiþ to Andrew; eft Andrew and Philip ſeiden to Jheſu. Soþli Jheſu anſweride to hem, ſeyinge, Þe our comeþ, þat mannis ſone be clarified. Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, no but a corn of whete fallinge in to þe erþe ſchal be deed, it dwelliþ aloone; ſoþli if it ſchal be deed, it bringiþ moche fruyt. He þat loueþ his ſoule, þat is, lyf, ſchal leeſe it; and he þat hatiþ his ſoule, þat is, lyf, in þis world, kepiþ it in to euerelaſting lyf. If ony man ſeruiþ to me, ſue he me; and where I am, þere and my mynyſtre, or ſeruant, ſchal be. If ony man ſchal myniſtre to me, my fadir ſchal worſchipe him. Now my ſoule is troublid, and what ſchal I ſeye? Fadir, ſaue me fro þis our; but for þat þing I cam in to þis our; fadir, clarifie þi name. Þerfore a vois cam fro heuene, ſeyinge, And I haue clarified, and eft I ſchal clarifie. Þerfore þe cumpany þat ſtood, and herde, ſeide, þundir to be maad; oþere men ſeiden, an aungel ſpak to him. Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide, Þis vois cam not for me, but for ȝou. Now is dom of þe world, now þe prince of þis world ſchal be caſt out. And if I ſchal be enhaunſid fro þe erþe, I ſchal drawe alle þingis to my ſilf. Soþli he ſeide þis þing, ſignifiynge bi what deeþ he was to deiynge. Þe cumpany anſweride to him, We han herd of þe lawe, for Criſt dwelliþ in to wiþ outen ende; and hou ſeiſt þou, It bihoueþ mannis ſone for to be arerid? Who is þis mannis ſone? Þerfore Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Ȝit a litil liȝt is in ȝou; walke ȝe, þe while ȝe han liȝt, þat derkneſſis catche not ȝou; and he þat wandriþ in derkneſſis, woot nere whidur he goþ. Þe while ȝe han liȝt, byleue ȝe in to liȝt, þat ȝe be þe ſones of liȝt. Jheſu ſpak þes þingis, and wente, and hidde him fro hem. Soþli whanne he hadde don ſo manye ſignes, or myraclis, byfore hem, þei bileueden not in to him; þat þe word of Yſaie, þe prophete, ſchulde be fillid, which he ſeide, Lord, who bileuede to oure heering, and to whom is þe arm of þe Lord ſchewid? Þerfore þei myȝten not bileue, for eft Yſaye ſeide, He haþ blyndid her yȝen, and he haþ endurid, or maad hard, þe herte of hem, þat þei ſe not wiþ yȝen, and vndirſtonde not wiþ herte; and þat þei be conuertid, or al turned, and I heele hem. Yſaie ſeid þes þingis, whanne he ſyȝ þe glorie of hym, and ſpak of him. Neþeles and of þe princes manye bileueden in to him, but for þe Fariſees þei knowlechiden not, þat þei ſchulden not be caſt out of þe ſynagoge; forſoþe þei loueden þe glorie of men, more þan þe glorie of God. Forſoþe Jheſu cryede, and ſeide, He þat bileueþ in to me, bileueþ not in to me, but in to him þat ſente me. He þat ſeeþ me, ſeeþ him þat ſente me. I liȝt cam in to þe world, þat ech man þat bileueþ in to me, dwelle not in derkneſſis. And if ony man ſchal heere my wordis, and ſchal not kepe, I deme not him; forſoþ I cam not, þat I deem þe world, but þat I make þe world ſaf. He þat diſpiſiþ me, and takiþ not my wordis, haþ him þat ſchal iuge him; þe word þat I haue ſpoken, þat ſchal deme him in þe laſte day. For I haue noȝt ſpokun of my ſilf, but þe fadir, þat ſente me, ȝaf to me a maundement, what I ſchal ſeie, and what I ſchal ſpeke. And I woot, for his maundement is euerelaſting lyf; þerfore þo þingis þat I ſpeke, as þe fadir ſeide to me, ſo I ſpeke.

Capitulum XIII.

Forſoþe bifore þe feeſte day of paſk Jheſu witinge, for his our comeþ, þat he paſſe of þis world to þe fadir, whanne he hadde loued hiſe þat weren in þe world, in to þe ende he louede hem. And þe ſouper maad, whanne þe deuel hadde ſent now in to þe herte of Judas, þat Judas of Symount Scarioþ ſchulde bitraye him, he witinge for þe fadur ȝaf alle þingis to him in to hondis, and þat he wente out fro God, and goþ to God, riſiþ fro þe ſouper, and puttiþ his cloþis; and whanne he hadde takun a lynnen cloþ, he bifore girde him. Aftirward he ſente water in to a baſyn, and bigan for to waiſche diſciplis feet, and to wype wiþ þe lynnen cloþ, wiþ which he was bifore gird. Þerfore he cam to Symount Petre, and Petre ſeiþ to him, Lord, waiſchiſt þou to me þe feet? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to him, What þingis I do, þou wooſt not now; forſoþe þou ſchalt wite aftirward. Petre ſeiþ to him, Þou ſchalt not waiſche to me þe feet, in to wiþ outen ende. Jheſu anſweride to him, If I ſchal not waiſche þee, þou ſchalt not haue part wiþ me. Symount Petre ſeiþ to him, Lord, not oonly my feet, but and þe hondis and þe heed. Jheſu ſeide to him, He þat is waiſchun, haþ no nede no but þat he waiſche þe feet, but he is clene al; and ȝe ben clene, but not alle. Forſoþe he wiſte, who ſchulde bitraye him; þerfore he ſeide, Ȝe ben not clene alle. Þerfore aftir þat he waiſchide þe feet of hem, he took his cloþis; and whanne he hadde reſtid aȝen, eft he ſeide to hem, Ȝe witen what I haue done to ȝou. Ȝe clepen me maiſtir and lord, and ȝe ſeyn wel; forſoþ I am. Þerfore if I, lord and maiſtir, haue waiſche ȝoure feet, and ȝe owen to waiſche anoþer þe toþeris feet; for I haue ȝouun enſaumple to ȝou, þat as I haue don to ȝou, ſo and ȝe do. Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, þe ſeruaunt is not more þan his lord, neiþer apoſtle is more þan he þat ſente him. If ȝe witen þes þingis, ȝe ſchulen be bleſſid, if ȝe ſchulen do hem. I ſeie not of alle ȝou, I woot whiche I haue choſun; but þat þe ſcripture be fillid, He þat etiþ my breed, ſchal reyſe his heele aȝens me. Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, bifore it be don, þat whanne it ſchal be don, ȝe bileue for I am. Treuli, treuli, I ſeye to ȝou, he þat takeþ whom euere I ſchal ſende, receyueþ me; forſoþe he þat receyueþ me, receyueþ him þat ſente me. Whanne Jheſu hadde ſeid þes þingis, he was troblid in ſpirit, and witneſſide, and ſeide, Treuli, treuli I ſeie to ȝou, oon of ȝou ſchal bitraye me. Þerfore þe diſciplis lokiden to gidere, doutynge of whom he ſeide. Þerfore oon of his diſciplis was reſtinge in þe boſum of Jheſu, whom Jheſu louede. Þerfore Symount Petre bekenyde to him, and ſeiþ to him, Who is it, of which he ſeiþ? And ſo whanne he hadde reſtid aȝen on þe breſt of Jheſu, he ſeiþ to him, Lord, who is it? Jheſu anſweride, He it is, to whom I ſchal dreſſe breed dipped yn. And whanne he had dippid yn breed, he ȝaf to Judas of Symount Scariot. And aftir þe morſel, þanne Saþanas entride in to him. And Jheſu ſeiþ to him, What þing þou doſt, do þou ſunnere. Forſoþ no man ſittinge at þe mete wiſte þis þing, to what þing he ſeide to him. Forſoþe ſumme geſſiden, for Judas hadde purſis, þat Jheſu hadde ſeid to him, Bye þou þo þingis, þat ben nedeful to vs at þe feeſte day, or þat he ſchulde ȝyue ſum þing to nedy men. Þerfore whanne he hadde take þe morſel, he wente out a non; forſoþ it was nyȝt. Þerfore whanne he hadde gon out, Jheſu ſeide, Now mannis ſone is clarified, and God is clarified in him. If God is clarified in him, and God ſchal clarifye him in him ſilf, and a non he ſchal clarifie him. Litil ſones, ȝit a litil I am wiþ ȝou; ȝe ſchulen ſeke me, and, as I ſeide to þe Jewis, Whidur I go, ȝe mown not come; and to ȝou I ſeie now. I ȝyue to ȝou a newe maundement, þat ȝe loue to gidere, as I louede ȝou, þat and ȝe loue to gedere. In þis þing alle men ſchulen knowe, for ȝe ben my diſciplis, if ȝe ſchulen haue loue to gidere. Symount Petre ſeiþ to hym, Lord, whidir goiſt þou? Jheſu anſweride, Whidir I go, þou maiſt not ſue me now, but þou ſchalt ſue aftirward. Petre ſeiþ to him, Whi may I not ſue þee now? I ſchal putte my ſoule, þat is, lyf, for þee. Jheſu anſweride, Þou ſchalt putte þi ſoule, þat is, lyf, for me? Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to þee, þe koc ſchal not crowe, til þou ſchalt denye me þries.

Capitulum XIIII.

And he ſeiþ to his diſciplis, Be not ȝoure herte diſturblid, neþer drede it; ȝe bileuen in to God, and bileue ȝe in to me. In þe hous of my fadir ben many dwellingis; if any þing leſſe, I hadde ſeid to ȝou, for I go for to make redy to ȝou a place. And if I ſchal go, and ſchal make redy to ȝou a place, eftſoone I ſchal come, and I ſchal take ȝou to my ſilf, þat where I am, and ȝe be. And whidur I go, ȝe witen, and ȝe witen þe wey. Thomas ſeiþ to him, Lord, we witen not whidur þou goiſt, and hou mown we wite þe weye? Jheſu ſeiþ to him, I am weye, treuþe, and lyf; no man comeþ to þe fadir, no but by me. If ȝe hadden knowen me, ſoþli ȝe hadden knowen and my fadir; and aftirward ȝe ſchulen knowe him, and ȝe han ſeyn him. Philip ſeiþ to him, Lord, ſchewe to vs þe fadir, and it ſuffiſiþ to vs. Jheſu ſeiþ to him, So moche tyme I am wiþ ȝou, and han ȝe not knowun me? Philip, he þat ſeeþ me, ſeeþ and þe fadir. Hou ſeiſt þou, Schewe to vs þe fadir? Bileueſt not þou, for I am in þe fadir, and þe fadir is in me? I ſpeke not of my ſilf þe wordis þat I ſpeke to ȝou; ſoþli þe fadir dwellinge in me, he doiþ þe workis. Beleue ȝe not, for I am in þe fadir, and þe fadir is in me? Ellis bileue ȝe for þilke workis. Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, he þat bileueþ in to me, and he ſchal do þe workis þat I do; and he ſchal do more workis þan þes, for I go to þe fadir. And what euere þing ȝe ſchulen axe þe fadir in my name, I ſchal do þis þing, þat þe fadir be glorified in þe ſone. If ȝe ſchulen axe ony þing in my name, I ſchal do it. If ȝe louen me, kepe ȝe my comaundementis. And I ſchal preie þe fadir, and he ſchal ȝyue to ȝou anoþer coumfortour, þe ſpirit of treuþe, þat he dwelle wiþ ȝou into wiþ outen ende; which ſpirit þe world may not take, for it ſeeþ not him, neiþer woot him. Forſoþe ȝe ſchulen knowe him, for he ſchal dwelle at ȝou, and he ſchal be in ȝou. I ſchal not leeue ȝou fadirlees, I ſchal come to ȝou. Ȝit a litil, and þe world ſeeþ not me now; forſoþ ȝe ſchulen ſe me, for I lyue, and ȝe ſchulen lyue. In þat day ȝe ſchulen knowe, for I am in my fadir, and ȝee in me, and I in ȝou. He þat haþ my comaundementis, and kepiþ hem, he it is þat loueþ me; ſoþli he þat loueþ me, ſchal be loued of my fadir, and I ſchal loue him, and I ſchal ſchewe to him my ſilf. Judas ſeiþ to him, not he of Scarioþ, Lord, what is don, for þou art to ſchewe to vs þi ſilf, and not to þe world? Jheſus anſweride, and ſeide to him, If ony man loueþ me, he ſchal kepe my word; and my fadir ſchal loue him, and we ſchulen come to him, and we ſchulen make dwellinge at him. He þat loueþ me not, kepiþ not my wordis; and þe word which ȝe han herd, is not myn, but his þat ſente me, þe fadris. Þes þingis I haue ſpokun to ȝou, dwellinge at ȝou; forſoþ þe Hooly Goſt, coumfortour, whom þe fadir ſchal ſende in my name, he ſchal teche ȝou alle þingis, and ſchal ſchewe, or remembre, to ȝou alle þingis, what euer þingis I ſchal ſeye to ȝou. Pees I leeue to ȝou, my pees I ȝyue to ȝou; not as þe world ȝyueþ, I ȝyue to ȝou; be not ȝoure herte diſturblid, neiþer drede it. Ȝe han herd, for I ſeide to ȝou, I go, and come to ȝou. If ȝe louedyn me, forſoþ ȝe ſchulden haue ioye, for I go to þe fadir, for þe fadir is more þan I. And now I haue ſeid to ȝou, bifore it be don, þat whanne it ſchal be don, ȝe bileue. Now I ſchal not ſpeke many þingis to ȝou; forſoþ þe prince of þis world comeþ, and he haþ not ony þing in me. But þat þe world knowe, for I loue þe fadir, and as þe fadir ȝaf comaundement to me, ſo I do. Ryſe ȝe, go we hennis.

Capitulum XV.

I am a verri vyne, and my fadir is an erþe tilier. Ech ſyoun, or braunche, not berynge fruit in me, he ſchal do a wey it; and ech þat beriþ fruit, he ſchal purge it, þat it more bere fruit. Now ȝe ben clene, for þe word þat I haue ſpokun to ȝou. Dwell ȝe in me, and I in ȝou; as a braunche may not make fruit of him ſilf, no but it ſchal dwelle in þe vyne, ſo neþer ȝe, no but ȝe ſchulen dwelle in me. I am a vyne, ȝe ben þe braunchis. He þat dwelliþ in me, and I in him, þis beriþ moche fruit, for wiþ outen me ȝe mown no þing do. If ony man ſchal not dwelle in me, he ſchal be ſent out as a braunche, and ſchal wexe drye; and þei ſchulen gadere him, and þei ſchulen ſende him in to þe fier, and he brenneþ. If ȝe ſchulen dwelle in me, and my wordis ſchulen dwelle in ȝou, what euere þing ȝe ſchulen wilne, ȝe ſchulen axe, and it ſchal be do to ȝou. In þis þing my fadir is clarified, þat ȝe brynge mooſt fruyt, and ȝe be maad my diſciplis. As my fadir louede me, and I louyde ȝou; dwelle ȝe in my loue. If ȝe ſchulen kepe my comaundementis, ȝe ſchulen dwelle in my loue; as and I haue kept þe comaundementis of my fadir, and I dwelle in his loue. Þes þingis I ſpak to ȝou, þat my ioye be in ȝou, and ȝoure ioye be fillid. Þis is my comaundement, þat ȝe loue to gidere, as I louede ȝou. No man haþ more loue þan þis, þat ony man putte his ſoule, þat is, lyf, for his frendis. Ȝe ben my frendis, if ȝe ſchulen do þo þingis, þat I comaunde to ȝou. Now I ſchal not ſeye ȝou ſeruauntis, for þe ſeruaunt woot not, what his lord ſchal do; forſoþe I haue ſeid ȝou frendis, for alle þingis what euere I herde of my fadir, I haue maad knowun to ȝou. Ȝe han not choſun me, but I chees ȝou; and I haue put ȝou, þat ȝe go, and brynge fruit, and ȝoure fruit dwelle; þat what euere þing ȝe ſchulen axe þe fadir in my name, he ȝyue to ȝou. Þes þingis I comaunde to ȝou, þat ȝe loue to gidere. If þe world hatiþ ȝou, wite ȝe, for it hadde me in hate firſt þan ȝou. If ȝe hadden be of þe world, þe world ſchulde loue þat þing þat was his; but for ȝe ben not of þe world, but I chees ȝou fro þe world, þerfore þe world hatiþ ȝou. Haue ȝe mynde of my word, which I ſeide to ȝou, Þe ſeruaunt is not more þan his lord. If þei han purſuwed me, and þei ſchulen purſue ȝou; if þei han kept my word, and þei ſchulen kepe ȝoure. But þei ſchulen do to ȝou alle þes þingis for my name, for þei witen not him þat ſente me. If I hadde not come, and hadde not ſpoke to hem, þei ſchulden not haue ſynne; forſoþ now þei han not excuſacioun of her ſynne. He þat hatiþ me, hatiþ and my fadir. If I hadde not don werkis in hem, whiche non oþir man dide, þei ſchulden not haue ſynne; forſoþ now and þei han ſeyn, and hatid me and my fadir. But þat þe word be fillid, þat is writun in þe lawe of hem, For þei hadden me in hate wiþ outen cauſe, or freely. Forſoþ whanne þe cumfortour ſchal come, which I ſchal ſende to ȝou fro þe fadir, a ſpirit of treuþe, þe whiche procediþ, or comeþ forþ, of þe fadir, he ſchal bere witneſſing of me; and ȝe ſchulen bere witneſſing, for ȝe ben wiþ me fro þe bigynnyng.

Capitulum XVI.

Thes þingis I haue ſpokun to ȝou, þat ȝe ben not ſclaundrid. Þei ſchulen make ȝou wiþ oute ſynagogis, but þe our comeþ, þat ech man þat ſleeþ ȝou, deme him ſilf for to ȝyue ſacrifice to God. And þei ſchulen do to ȝou þes þingis, for þei han not knowe þe fadir, neþir me. But þes þingis I ſpak to ȝou, þat whanne þe our of hem ſchal come, ȝe haue mynde, for I ſeide to ȝou. I ſeide not to ȝou þes þingis fro þe bigynnyng, for I was wiþ ȝou. And now I go to him þat ſente me, and no man of ȝou aſkiþ me, Whidur þou goiſt? but for I haue ſpokyn to ȝou þes þingis, ſorwe, or heuyneſſe, haþ fulfillid ȝoure herte. But I ſeie to ȝou treuþe, it ſpediþ to ȝou, þat I go; ſoþli if I ſchal not go awey, þe coumfortour ſchal not come to ȝou; forſoþ if I ſchal go a wey, I ſchal ſende hym to ȝou. And whanne he ſchal come, he ſchal reproue þe world of ſynne, and of riȝtfulneſſe, and of dom. Forſoþe of ſynne, for þei han not bileuyd in to me; forſoþe of riȝtfulneſſe, for I go to þe fadir, and now ȝe ſchulen not ſe me; forſoþe of dom, for þe prince of þis world is now demyd. Ȝit I haue many þingis for to ſeie to ȝou, but ȝe mown not bere now. Soþeli whanne þe ilke ſpirit of treuþe ſchal come, he ſchal teche ȝou al treuþe; ſoþli he ſchal not ſpeke of him ſelf, but what euere þingis he ſchal heere, he ſchal ſpeke; and he ſchal telle to ȝou þe þingis þat ben to comynge. He ſchal clarifie me, for of myne he ſchal take, and ſchal telle to ȝou. Alle þingis, what euere þingis þe fadir haþ, ben myne; þerfore I ſeide to ȝou, for of myne he ſchal take, and ſchal telle to ȝou. A litil, and now ȝe ſchulen not ſe me; and eft a litil, and ȝe ſchulen ſe me, for I go to þe fadir. Þerfore ſumme of his diſciplis ſeiden to gidere, What is þis þing þat he ſeiþ to vs, A litil, and ȝe ſchulen not ſe me; and eft a litil, and ȝe ſchulen ſe me, for I go to þe fader? Þerfore þei ſeiden, What is þis, þat he ſeiþ to vs, A litel? we witen not what he ſpekiþ. Forſoþe Jheſu knew, for þei wolden axe him, and he ſeide to hem, Of þis þing ȝe ſeken a mong ȝou, for I ſeide, A litil, and ȝe ſchulen not ſe me; and eft a litel, and ȝe ſchulen ſe me. Treuli, treuli, I ſeye to ȝou, for ȝe ſchulen morne and wepe, forſoþe þe world ſchal enioye; forſoþe ȝe ſchulen be ſorwful, but ȝoure ſorwe ſchal turne in to ioye. Soþly a womman whanne ſche beriþ child, haþ ſorwe, for hir our comeþ; forſoþe whanne ſche haþ borun a ſone, now ſche þenkiþ not on þe preſſure, or charge, for ioye, for a man is borun in to þe world. And þerfore ȝe han now ſorwe, ſoþli eft I ſchal ſe ȝou, and ȝoure herte ſchal enioye, and no man ſchal take fro ȝou ȝoure ioye. And in þat day ȝe ſchulen not axe me ony þing; treuli, treuli, I ſeie to ȝou, if ȝe ſchulen axe þe fadir ony þing in my name, he ſchal ȝyue to ȝou. Til now ȝe axiden not ony þing in my name; axe ȝe, and ȝe ſchulen take, þat ȝoure ioye be ful. I haue ſpokun to ȝou þes þingis in prouerbis, or derke ſaumplis; þe our comeþ, whanne now I ſchal not ſpeke to ȝou in prouerbis, but opynly of my fadir I ſchal telle to ȝou. In þat day ȝe ſchulen axe in my name; and I ſeie not to ȝou, for I ſchal preye þe fadir for ȝou; forſoþe he þe fadir loueþ ȝou, for ȝe han loued me, and han bileuyd, for I wente out fro God. I wente out fro þe fadir, and I cam in to þe world; eftſoones I leeue þe world, and I go to þe fadir. His diſciplis ſeyen to him, Lo! now þou ſpekiſt opynli, and þou ſeiſt no prouerbe. Now we witen, for þou woſt alle þingis; and it is no nede to þee, þat ony man axe þee. In þis þing we bileuen, for þou wentiſt out fro God. Jheſu anſweride to hem, Now ȝe bileuen. Lo! þe our comeþ, and now it comeþ, þat ȝe be diſparplid, or ſcaterid, ech in to his owne þingis, and leeue me aloone; and I am not aloone, for þe fadir is wiþ me. Þes þingis I haue ſpokun to ȝou, þat ȝe haue pees in me; in þe world ȝe ſchulen haue preſſing, or ouerleying, but triſte ȝe, I haue ouercome þe world.

Capitulum XVII.

Jheſu ſpak þes þingis, and þe yȝen lift vp in to heuene, he ſeide, Fadir, þe our comeþ, clarifie þi ſone, þat þi ſone clarifie þee. As þou haſt ȝouun to him power of ech fleiſch, or man, þat al þing þat þou haſt ȝouun to hym, he ȝyue to hem euerlaſting lyf. Forſoþe þis is euerlaſting lyf, þat þei knowe þee aloone verry God, and whom þou ſentiſt, Jheſu Criſt. I haue clarifyed þee on erþe, I haue endid þe werk, þat þou haſt ȝouun to me, þat I do. And now, fadir, clarifie þou me at þi ſilf, wiþ clereneſſe þat I hadde at þee, bifore þe world was maad. I haue ſchewid þi name to þe men, whiche þou haſt ȝouun to me of þe world; þei weren þine, and þou haſt ȝouun hem to me, and þei han kept þi word. And now þei han knowun, for alle þingis þat þou haſt ȝouun to me, ben of þee. For þe wordis þat þou haſt ȝouun to me, I ȝaf to hem; and þei han takun, and han knowun verili, for I wente out fro þee; and þei bileuyden, for þou ſentiſt me. I preie for hem, not for þe world, but for hem, þat þou haſt ȝouun to me, for þei ben þine. And alle myne þingis ben þine, and þin þingis ben myne; and I am clarified in hem. And now I am not in þe world, and þes ben in þe world, and I come to þee. Hooli fadir, kepe hem in þy name, whiche þou haſt ȝouun to me, þat þei be oon, as and we. Whanne I was wiþ hem, I kepte hem in þi name; whiche þou haſt ȝouun to me, I kepte, and no man of hem periſchide, no but þe ſone of perdicioun, or dampnacioun, þat þe ſcripture be fillid. Forſoþe now I come to þee, and I ſpeke þes þingis in þe world, þat þei haue my ioye fillid in hem ſilf. I ȝaf to hem þi word, and þe world hadde hem in hate; for þei ben not of þe world, as and I am not of þe world. I preie not, þat þou take a wey hem fro þe world, but þat þou kepe hem fro yuel. Þei ben not of þe world, as and I am not of þe world. Halwe þou hem in treuþe; þi word is treuþe. As þou ſentiſt me in to þe world, and I ſente hem in to þe world. And I halwe my ſilf for hem, þat and þei be halwid in treuþe. Soþeli I preie not oonli for hem, but and for hem þat ben to bileuynge in to me bi þe word of hem; þat alle þei be oon, as þou, fadir, in me, and I in þee, þat and þei in vs be oon; þat þe world bileue, for þou haſt ſent me. And I haue ȝouun to hem þe clereneſſe, þat þou haſt ȝouun to me, þat þei be oon, as and we ben oon; I in hem, and þou in me, þat þei be endid in oon; and þat þe world knowe, þat þou ſentiſt me, and haſt louyd hem, as þou haſt louyd and me. Fadir, I wole þat and þei whiche þou haſt ȝouun to me, be wiþ me where I am, þat þei ſe my cleerneſſe, þat þou haſt ȝouun to me; for þou louediſt me bifor þe makinge of þe world. Riȝtful fadir, þe world knew not þee, forſoþe I knew þee, and þes knowen, for þou ſentiſt me. And I haue maad þi name knowe to hem, and ſchal make knowe; þat þe loue by which þou haſt loued me, be in hem, and I in hem.

Capitulum XVIII.

Whanne Jheſu hadde ſeid þes þingis, he wente out wiþ his diſciplis ouer þe ſtrond of Cedron, where was a ȝerd, or a gardyn, in to which he entride, and his diſciplis. Soþli and Judas, þat bitraiede him, wiſte þe place, for ofte Jheſu cam to gidere þidur wiþ his diſciplis. Þerfore whanne Judas hadde takun a cumpany of kniȝtis, and of þe biſchopis and Phariſees mynyſtris, he cam wiþ lanternis, and brondis, and armys. And ſo Jheſu witinge alle þingis þat weren to comynge on him, wente forþ, and ſeiþ to hem, Whom ſeken ȝe? Þei anſweriden to him, Jheſu of Nazareþ. Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, I am. Forſoþ and Judas þat bitrayede hym, ſtood wiþ hem. Þerfore as he ſeide to hem, I am, þei wenten a bak, and felden doun in to erþe. Eft he axide hem, Whom ſeken ȝe? Forſoþ þei ſeiden, Jheſu Nazaren. He anſweride to hem, I ſeide to ȝou, for I am; þerfore if ȝe ſeken me, ſuffre ȝe þes to go a wey. Þat þe word which he ſeide ſchulde be fillid, For I loſte not ony of hem, whiche þou haſt ȝouun to me. Forſoþe Symount Petre hauynge a ſwerd, drouȝ it out, and ſmot þe ſeruaunt of þe biſchop, and kitte of his litil riȝt eere. Forſoþe þe name of þe ſeruaunt was Malkus. Þerfore Jheſu ſeide to Petre, Sende þou þe ſwerd in to þe ſcheþe; wolt þou not, þat I drynke þilke cuppe, þat my fadir ȝaf to me? Þerfore þe cumpany of knyȝtis, and þe tribune, and þe mynyſtris of Jewis, token Jheſu, and bounden him, and ledden him firſt to Annas; ſoþli he was fadir of Cayphas wyf, þat was biſchop of þat ȝeer. Soþli it was Cayphas, þat ȝaf counceil to þe Jewis, þat it ſpediþ o man for to deie for þe peple. Þerfore Symount Petre ſuede Jheſu, and anoþer diſciple; forſoþ þilke diſciple was knowun to þe biſchop. And he entride yn wiþ Jheſu, in to þe halle of þe biſchop; ſoþly Petre ſtood at þe dore wiþoute forþ. Þerfore þe toþir diſciple, þat was knowun to þe biſchop, wente out, and ſeide to þe womman kepinge þe dore, and ledde yn Petre. Þerfore þe handmayde, kepere of þe dore, ſeide to Petre, Wher and þou art of þe diſciplis of þis man? He ſeide, I am not. Forſoþ þe ſeruauntis and mynyſtris ſtooden at þe colis, for it was coold, and þei warmyden hem; ſoþli and Petre was wiþ hem, ſtondinge and warmynge him. Þerfore þe biſchop axide Jheſu of his diſciplis, and of his teching. Jheſu anſweride to him, I haue ſpokun opynly to þe world; I tauȝte euere in þe ſynagoge, and in þe temple, whidur alle þe Jewis camen to gidere, and in priuy I ſpak no þing. What axiſt þou me? axe hem þat herden, what I haue ſpokun to hem; lo! þei witen, what þingis I haue ſeyd. Whanne he hadde ſeid þes þingis, oon of þe mynyſtris ſtondinge nyȝ, ȝaf a boffat to Jheſu, ſeyinge, Anſweriſt þou ſo to þe byſchop? Jheſu anſweride to him, If I haue ſpokun yuele, bere þou witneſſing of yuel; ſoþli if wel, whi ſmytiſt þou me? And Annas ſente him boundun to Cayfas, þe biſchop. Forſoþe Symount Petre was ſtondynge and warmynge him; þerfore þei ſeiden to him, Wher and þou art his diſciple? He denyede, and ſeyde, I am not. Oon of þe biſchopis ſeruauntis, coſyn of hym, whos litel eere Petre kittide of, ſeyde, Wher I ſyȝ not þee in þe gardyn wiþ hym? Þerfore eft Petre denyede, and anoon þe koc crew. Þerfore þei leden Jheſu to Cayfas, in to þe moot halle; ſoþli it was morwetyde, and þai entriden not in to þe moot halle, þat þei ſchulden not be defoylid, but þat þei ſchulden ete paſke. Þerfore Pilat wente out wiþ oute forþ to hem, and ſeide, What accuſing brynge ȝe aȝens þis man? Þei anſweriden, and ſeiden to hym, If þis were not a myſdoer, we hadden not bitakun hym to þee. Þerfore Pilat ſeiþ to hem, Take ȝe him, and deme ȝe him, vp ȝoure lawe. Þerfore þei ſeyden to him, It is not leefful to vs for to ſlee ony man; þat þe word of Jheſu ſchulde be fillid, which he ſeide, ſignyfiynge bi what deeþ he was to deiynge. Þerfore eft Pilate entride in to þe moot halle, and clepide Jheſu, and ſeide to him, Ert þou king of Jewis? Jheſu anſweride, and ſeide to him, Seiſt þou þis þing of þi ſilf, eþer oþere ſeiden to þee of me? Pilat anſweride, Wher I am a Jew? Þi folk and biſchopis bytokun þee to me; what haſt þou don? Jheſu anſweride, My kyngdom is not of þis world; if my kyngdom were of þis world, ſoþly my mynyſtris ſchulden ſtryue, þat I ſchulde not be takun to þe Jewis; now forſoþe my kyngdom is not of hennis, or of þis place. And ſo Pilat ſeide to him, Þerfore art þou kyng? Jheſu anſweride, Þou ſeidiſt, for I am a kyng. To þis þing I am born, and to þis I cam in to þe world, þat I bere witneſſing to treuþe. Ech þat is of treuþe, heeriþ my voys. Pilat ſeiþ to him, What is treuþe? And whanne he hadde ſeid þis þing, eft he wente out to þe Jewis, and ſeide to hem, I fynde no cauſe in him. Forſoþ it is a cuſtom to ȝou, þat I delyuer oon to ȝou in paſk; þerfore wolen ȝe I ſchal diſmytte to ȝou þe kyng of Jewis? Þerfore þei cryeden eft alle, ſeyinge, Not þis, but Barabas. Forſoþe Barabas was a þeef.

Capitulum XIX.

Therfore Pilat took þanne Jheſu, and ſcourgide. And knyȝtis foldinge a crowne of þornes, puttiden on his heed, and diden aboute him a cloþ of purpur, and camen to him, and ſeiden, Heyl, kyng of Jewis. And þei ȝauen to hym boffatis. Eft Pilat wente out, and ſeide to hem, Lo! I lede him to ȝou wiþ oute forþ, þat ȝe knowe, for I fynde no cauſe in him. Þerfore Jheſu wente out, beringe a crowne of þornes, and a clooþ of purpur. And he ſeiþ to hem, Loo! þe man. Þerfore whanne þe biſchopis and mynyſtris hadde ſeyn him, þei crieden, ſeyinge, Crucifie, crucifie him. Pilate ſeiþ to hem, Take ȝe him, and crucifie ȝe, ſoþli I fynde no cauſe in him. Þe Jewis anſweriden to him, We han a lawe, and vpon þe lawe he owiþ to deie, for he made him Goddis ſone. Þerfore whanne Pilat hadde herd þis word, he dredde more. And he wente in to þe moot halle eft, and ſeyde to hym, Of whennus art þou? Forſoþe Jheſu ȝaf not anſwere to him. Pilat ſeiþ to him, Spekeſt þou not to me? Woſt þou not, for I haue power for to crucifie þee, and I haue power for to delyuere þee? Jheſu anſweride, Þou ſchuldiſt not haue ony power aȝens me, no but it were ȝouuen to þee fro aboue; þerfore he þat bitook me to þee, haþ þe more ſynne. Þerof, or fro þennus, Pilat ſouȝte for to delyuere Jheſu; forſoþe þe Jewis crieden, ſeyinge, If þou leeuyſt þis man, þou ert not frend of Ceſar; for ech man þat makiþ him ſilf kyng, aȝen ſeiþ Ceſar. Þerfore Pilat, whanne he hadde herd þes wordis, ledde Jheſu forþ, and ſaat for domeſman in a place, þat is ſeide Licoſtratos, in Ebrew forſoþe Golgaþa, in Engliſch, place of Caluarie. Forſoþ it was þe makinge redy, or euyn, of paſk, as þe ſixte our, or mydday. And he ſeiþ to þe Jewis, Loo! ȝoure kyng. Forſoþ þei cryeden, ſeyinge, Do awey, do awey; crucifie hym. Pilat ſeiþ to hem, Schal I crucifie ȝoure kyng? Þe biſchopis anſweriden, We han no kyng no but Ceſar. Þerfore þanne Pilat bitook him to hem, þat he ſchulde be crucifyed. Forſoþe þei token Jheſu, and ledden out. And he berynge to him ſilf a cros wente out in to þat place, þat is ſeid of Caluarie, in Ebrew Golgaþa; where þei crucifieden him, and oþere tweye wiþ him, on þis ſyde and on þat ſyde, forſoþe Jheſu þe myddil. Forſoþe and Pilat wroot a title, and puttide on þe croſſ; ſoþli it was writun, Jheſu Nazaren, kyng of Jewis. Þerfore manye of þe Jewis radden þis title, for þe place where Jheſu was crucifiede, was nyȝ þe citee, and it was writen in Ebrew, Greek, and Latyn. Þerfore þe biſchops of Jewis ſeiden to Pilat, Nyle þou write kyng of Jewis, but for he ſeyde, I am kyng of Jewis. Pilat anſweride, Þat þat I haue writen, I haue writen. Þerfore þe knyȝtis whanne þei hadden crucified him, token his cloþis, and maden foure partis, to ech knyȝt a part, and a coote. Forſoþe þe coote was wiþ out ſeem, and aboue wouun bi al. Þerfore þei ſeiden to gidere, Kitte we not it, but leye we lott, whos it is; þat þe ſcripture be fillid, ſeyinge, Þei partiden my cloþis to hem, and in to my cloþ þei ſenten lott. And ſoþli knyȝtis diden þes þingis. Forſoþe biſydis þe croſſ of Jheſu ſtooden his modir, and Marie Cleaphe, þe ſiſter of his modir, and Marie Maudeleyn. Þerfore whanne Jheſu hadde ſeyn þe modir, and þe diſciple ſtondinge, whom he louede, he ſeiþ to his modir, Womman, lo! þi ſone. Aftirward he ſeiþ to þe diſciple, Lo! þi modir. And fro þat our þe diſciple took hire in to his þingis. Aftirward Jheſu witinge, for now alle þingis ben endid, þat þe ſcripture ſchulde be fillid, he ſeiþ, I þirſte. Soþli a veſſel was putt ful of vynegre. Þei forſoþe puttinge aboue wiþ yſope þe ſpounge ful of vynegre, offriden to his mouþ. Þerfore whanne Jheſu hadde take vynegre, he ſeide, It is endid. And þe heed bowid doun, he bitook þe ſpirit. Þerfore for it was þe makynge redy of paſk, þat þe bodies ſchulde not dwelle in þe croſſ in þe ſaboþ, for þat day of ſaboþ was greet, þe Jewis preieden Pilat, þat þe hupis of hem ſchulden be brokun, and takun awey. Þerfore knyȝtis camen, and ſoþly þei braken þe þiȝes of þe firſte, and of þe toþir, þat was crucified wiþ him. Forſoþe whanne þei hadden come to Jheſu, as þei ſyȝen him deed þanne, þei braken not his þiȝes; but oon of þe knyȝtis openyde his ſyde wiþ a ſper, and a noon bloot and watir wente out. And he þat ſyȝ, bar witneſſing, and his witneſſing is trewe; and he woot for he ſeiþ trewe þingis, þat ȝe bileue. Forſoþe þes þingis ben don, þat þe ſcripture ſchulde be fillid, Ȝe ſchulen not breke, or make leſſe, a boon of him. And eft anoþir ſcripture ſeiþ, Þei ſchulen ſe in to whom þey piȝten þorw. Soþeli aftir þes þingis Joſeph of Armaþi preiede Pilat, þat he ſchulde take awey þe body of Jheſu, for þat he was a diſciple of Jheſu, forſoþe priuey, for þe drede of Jewis. And Pilat ſuffride. Þerfore he cam, and took awey þe body of Jheſu. Soþli and Nycodeme cam, þat hadde come firſt to Jheſu in þe nyȝt, beringe a medlynge of myrre and aloes, as an hundrid pound. Þerfore þei token þe body of Jheſu, and bounden it in lynnen cloþis wiþ oynementis, as it is cuſtom to Jewis for to birye. Soþli in þe place wher he was crucified, was a ȝerd, and in þe ȝerd a newe graue, in which not ȝit ony man was put. Þerfore þere for þe makynge redy of Jewis, for þe graue was nyȝ, þei puttiden Jheſu.

Capitulum XX.

Forſoþe in þe oon of þe ſaboþ, þat is, of þe woke, Mary Mawdeleyn cam erly, whanne derkneſſis weren ȝit, at þe graue. And ſhe ſyȝ þe ſtoon turned aȝen fro þe graue. Þerfore ſhe ran, and cam to Symount Petre, and to anoþir diſciple, whom Jheſu louyde, and ſeiþ to hem, Þei han take þe Lord fro þe graue, and we witen not, where þei han put him. Þerfore Petre wente out, and þilke oþere diſciple, and þei camen to þe graue. Forſoþ þei tweyne runnen to gidere, and þilke oþer diſciple ran bifore ſunner þan Petre, and cam firſt to þe graue. And whanne he hadde ynbowyd him, he ſyȝ þe ſcheetis putt, neþelees he entride not. Þerfore Symount Petre cam ſuynge hym, and he entride in to þe graue, and he ſyȝ þe ſcheetis putt, and þe ſudarie þat was on his heed, not putt wiþ þe ſcheetis, but by it ſilf wlappid in to o place. Þerfore þanne and þilke diſciple þat cam firſt to þe graue, entride, and ſyȝ, and bileuede. Forſoþe þei wiſten not þe ſcripture, for it bihofte him for to ryſe aȝen fro deede men. Þerfore þe diſciplis wenten eft to hem ſelue. Forſoþ Marie ſtood at þe graue wiþoute forþ wepynge. Þerfore while ſhe wepte, ſche bowide hir, and biheld forþ in to þe graue. And ſhe ſyȝ twey angelis ſittynge in whyt, oon at þe heed and oon at þe feet, wher þe body of Jheſu was putt. Þei ſeyn to hir, Womman, what wepiſt þou? She ſeid to hem, For þei han takun a wey my lord, and I woot not, where þei han putt him. Whanne ſhe hadde ſeid þes þingis, ſhe was turnyd a bak, and ſyȝ Jheſu ſtondinge, and wiſte not for it was Jheſu. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Womman, what wepiſt þou? whom ſekiſt þou? She geſſinge for he was a gardener, ſeiþ to him, Sire, if þou haſt takun him vp, ſeye to me, where þou haſt put him, and I ſchal take him a wey. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Marie. She conuertid ſeiþ to him, Rabbony, þat is ſeid, maiſtir. Jheſu ſeiþ to hir, Nyle þou touche me, for I haue not ȝit ſtyȝed to my fadir; forſoþe go to my briþeren, and ſeye to hem, I ſtye to my fadir and ȝoure fadir, to my God and ȝoure God. Mary Mawdeleyn cam, tellinge to diſciplis, For I ſyȝ þe Lord, and þes þingis he ſeide to me. Þerfore whanne euentid was in þat day, oon of þe ſabotis, and þe ȝatis weren ſchitt, where diſciplis weren gederid, for þe drede of Jewis, Jheſu cam, and ſtood in þe myddel of hem, and ſeide to hem, Pees to ȝou. And whanne he hadde ſeid þis þing, he ſchewide to hem hondis and þe ſyde; þerfore þe diſciplis ioyeden, þe Lord ſeyn. Þerfore he ſeiþ to hem eft, Pees to ȝou; as þe fadir ſente me, and I ſende ȝou. Whanne he hadde ſeid þes þingis, he blew ynne, and ſeide, Take ȝe þe Hooly Goſt; whos ſynnes ȝe ſchulen forȝyue, þei ben forȝouun; and whos ſynnes ȝe ſchulen wiþholde, þei ben wiþholdun. Forſoþe Thomas, oon of þe twelue, þat is ſeid Didymus, was not wiþ hem, whanne Jheſu cam. Þerfore oþere diſciplis ſeiden, We han ſeyn þe Lord. Forſoþe he ſeide to hem, No but I ſchal ſe in his hondis þe ficching of naylis, and ſchal ſende my fyngris in to places of naylis, and I ſchal ſende myn honde in to his ſyde, I ſchal not bileue. And aftir eiȝte dayes eft his diſciplis weren wiþ ynne, and Thomas wiþ hem. Jheſu cam, þe ȝatis ſchitt, and ſtood in þe myddel, and ſeide, Pees to ȝou. Aftirward he ſeiþ to Thomas, Bryng yn hidur þi fyngur, and ſe myn hondis, and bryng to þin hond, and ſend in to my ſyde, and nyle þou be vnbileueful, but feiþful. Thomas anſweride, and ſeide to him, My Lord and my God. Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Thomas, for þou haſt ſeyn me, þou bileuediſt; bleſſid ben þei, þat ſyȝen not, and han bileuyd. Forſoþe and Jheſus dide manye oþere ſignes in þe ſyȝt of his diſciplis, whiche ben not writun in þis book. Forſoþe þes ben writun, þat ȝe bileue, for Jheſu is Criſt, þe ſone of God, and þat ȝe bileuynge haue lyf in his name.

Capitulum XXI.

Aftirward Jheſu eft ſchewide him to his diſciplis, at þe ſee of Tyberias. Soþli he ſchewide þus. Þer weren to gidere Symount Petre, and Thomas, þat is ſeid Didymus, and Naþanael, þat was of þe Cane of Galilee, and þe ſones of Zebedee, and tweye oþere of his diſciplis. Symount Petre ſeiþ to hem, I go for to fyſche. Þei ſeyn to him, And we comen wiþ þee. And þei ȝeden out, and ſtiȝeden in to a boot. And in þat niȝt þei token noþing. Forſoþ þe morwe maad, Jheſu ſtood in þe brynke; neþelees þe diſciplis knewen not, for it was Jheſu. Þerfore Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Children, wher ȝe han ony ſoupynge þing? Þei anſweriden, Nay. He ſeide to hem, Send ȝe þe nett in to þe riȝþalf of þe rowyng, and ȝe ſchulen fynde. Þerfore þei ſenten þe nett, and now þei myȝten not drawe it, for multitude of fyſchis. Þerfore þilke diſciple, whom Jheſu louede, ſeide to Petre, It is þe Lord. Symount Petre, whanne he hadde herd for it was þe Lord, girte him wiþ a coote, ſoþli he was nakid, and ſente him in to þe ſee. Soþli oþere diſciplis camen by boot, for þei weren not fer fro þe lond, but as two hundrid cubitis, drawynge þe nett of fiſchis. Þerfore as þei camen doun in to þe lond, þei ſyȝen colis put, and a fyſch put aboue, and breed. Jheſu ſeiþ to hym, Brynge ȝe of þe fiſchis, whiche ȝe han taken now. Symount Petre ſtiȝede vp, and drowȝ þe nett in to þe lond, ful of grete fiſchis, an hundrid fyfti and þre; and whanne þei weren ſo greete, þe nett is not brokun. Jheſu ſeiþ to hem, Come ȝe, ete ȝe. And no man of þe ſittinge at mete durſte axe him, Who art þou, witinge for it is þe Lord. And Jheſu cam, and took breed, and ȝaf to hem, and þe fyſch alſo. Now þis þridde day Jheſu is ſchewid to his diſciplis, whanne he hadde riſe aȝen fro deed men. Þerfore whanne þei hadden etyn, Jheſu ſeiþ to Symount Petre, Symount of John, loueſt þou me more þan þes don? He ſeiþ to hym, Ȝhe, Lord, þou woſt for I loue þee. Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Feede þou my lambren. Eft he ſeiþ to hym, Symount of John, loueſt þou me? And he ſeiþ to him, Ȝhe, Lord, þou woſt for I loue þee. He ſeiþ to him, Feede þou my lambren. He ſeiþ to him þe þridde tyme, Symount of John, loueſt þou me? Petre is ſori, for he ſeiþ to him þe þridde tyme, Loueſt þou me, and he ſeiþ to him, Lord, þou woſt alle þingis; þou woſt for I loue þee. Jheſu ſeiþ to him, Feede þou my ſcheep. Treuli, treuli, I ſeie to þee, whanne þou were ȝongere, þou girdediſt þee, and wandrideſt where þou woldiſt; ſoþli whanne þou ſchalt wexe eldere, þou ſchalt holde forþ þin hondis, and anoþir ſchal girde þee, and leede þee whidir þou wolt not. Soþli he ſeide þis þing, ſignyfyinge by what deeþ he was to glorifiynge God. And whanne he hadde ſeid þes þingis, he ſeiþ to him, Sue þou me. Petre conuertid ſyȝ þilke diſciple, whom Jheſu louede, and which reſtide in þe ſouper on his breſt, and he ſeide to hym, Lord, who is it, þat ſchal bitraye þee? Þerfore whanne Petre hadde ſeyn þis diſciple, he ſeiþ to Jheſu, Lord, what forſoþe þis? Jheſu ſeiþ to him, So I wole him dwelle til I come, what to þee? ſue þou me. Þerfore þis word wente out among briþeren, for þilke diſciple deyeþ not. And Jheſu ſeide not to him, for he deieþ not, but, So I wole him dwelle til I come, what to þee? Þis is þilke diſciple, þat beriþ witneſſing of þes þingis, and wroot þes þingis; and we witen, for his witneſſing is trewe. Forſoþe þere ben and manye oþere ſyngnes, or myraclis, þat Jheſu dide, whiche if þei ben writun by eche by hem ſilue, I deme neiþer þe world him ſilf to mowe take þo bookis, þat ben to be writun.

Here endiþ þe goſpel of John, and now bigynneþ þe prolog of Seint Poul to Romayns.

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