Þe fourþe of Kyngus.
Capitulum I.
Moab forſoþe treſpaſſide in Yrael, aftir þat Acab was deed. And Ochoſias felle þoruȝ þe wyndowes of his ſoupynge place, þat he hade in Samarye, and he wexe ſeeke; and he ſente meſſangers, ſeiynge to hem, Gooþ, and counſeliþ Belzabub, þe god of Accharon, wheþer I may lyue fro þis myn infirmyte. Þe aungel forſoþe of þe Lord ſpak to Helias Theſbytes, ſeyinge, Riys, and go doun in to þe aȝein commynge of þe meſſagers of þe kynge of Samarie; and þou ſchalt ſeye to hem, Wheþer God is not in Yrael, þat ȝe goon to counſeylen Belzabub, þe god of Accharon? Wherfore þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Fro þe bed, upon þe whiche þou ſteyȝidiſt up, þou ſchalt not goo doun, bot bi deþ þou ſchalt dyen. And Helias went. And þe meſſagers ben turned aȝeyn to Ochoſias. Þe whiche ſeyde to hem, Why ben ȝe turned aȝeyn? And þei anſwerden to hym, A man aȝein came to us, and ſeyde to us, Gooþ, and turneþ aȝein to þe kynge, þat ſente ȝou; and ȝe ſchuln to hym ſeyn, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Wheþer for þere was not God in Yrael, þou ſentiſt, þat Belzabub be counſeyled, þe god of Aacharon? Þerfore fro þe bed upon þe whiche þou ſteiȝediſt up, þou ſchalt not goo doun, bot by deþ þou ſchalt dye. Þe whiche ſeyde to hem, Of what fygure and habyte is þat man, þat aȝeyn came to ȝou, and ſpake to ȝou þeſe wordis? And þei ſeyden, A rowȝ man, and wiþ an hery gyrdyl gyrd to þe reenys. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Helyas Theſbytes it is. And he ſente to hym þe prince of fyftye, and þe fyfty men þat wiþ hym weren. Þe whiche ſteiȝiden up to hym, and to hym ſyttynge in þe cop of þe hill ſeiþ, Man of God, þe kynge comaundid, þat þou come doun. And Helyas anſwerynge ſeiþ to þe quynquagenarye, Ȝif þe man of God I am, come doun fijr fro heuen, and deuoure þee and þi fyfty men. Þan fijr came doun fro heuen, and deuouride hym, and þe fyfty þat weren wiþ hym. Eft he ſente to hym anoþer prynce of fyfty, and fyfty wiþ hym, þe whiche ſpac to hym, Man of God, þeſe þinges ſeþ þe kynge, Hyȝe, come doun. Anſwerynge Helyas ſeiþ, Ȝif þe man of God I am, come doun fijr fro heuen, and deuoure þee and þi fyfty. Þan þe fijr of God came doun fro heuen, and deuouride hym and his fyfty. Eft ſoonys he ſente þe þridd prynce of fyfty, and þe fyfty þat weren wiþ hym. Þe whiche whan was commen, bowed þe kneeȝis aȝeins Hely, and preyede him, and ſeiþ, Man of God, wylle þou not diſpijſe my lijf, and þe lijues of þi ſeruauntis þat ben wiþ me. Loo! fijre came doun fro heuen, and deuourede þe two firſt princis of fyfty, and þe fyftees þat weren wiþ hem; and now, I beſeche, þat þou haue mercye to my lijf. Þe aungel forſoþe of þe Lord ſpak to Helyas Theſbytes, ſeyinge, Comme doun wiþ hym; ne drede þou. Þanne he rooſe and came doun wiþ hym to þe kynge; and ſpac to hym, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, For þou ſentiſt meſſagers to counſeylen Belzabub, god of Accharon, as þer were not God in Yrael, of þe whiche þou miȝtiſt not aſken a worde; þerfore fro þi bed, upon þe whiche þou ſteyȝidiſt up, þou ſchalt not goo doun, bot by deþ þou ſchalt dye. Þanne he is deed aftir þe word of þe Lord, þat Helye ſpac; and Joram, his broþir, regnede for hym, þe ſeconde ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of Joſaphaþ, kyng of Jude; forſoþe he hade not a ſone. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ochoſie, þe whiche he wrouȝt, wheþir þei ben not writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael?
Capitulum II.
Done it is forſoþ, whan þe Lord wolde reren Helyas by a whyrlwynd in to heuen, Helyas and Helyſe wenten fro Galgalis. And Helyas to Helyſe ſeide, Sytt here, for þe Lord haþ ſent me vnto Beþel. To whom ſeiþ Heleſe, þe Lord liueþ and þi ſoule liueþ, for I ſchal not forſake þee. And whanne þei weren goo doun fro Beþel, þe ſonys of prophetis, þat weren in Beþel, wenten out to Helyſee, and ſeyden to hym, Wheþer þou haſt knowe, for þe Lord to day ſchal taken þi lord fro þee? Þe whiche anſwerde, And I haue knowen; beeþ ſtylle. Helyas forſoþe ſeide to Heliſe, Sytt heere, for þe Lord haþ ſente me into Jericho. And he ſeiþ, Þe Lord liueþ and þy ſoule liueþ, for I ſchal not forſake þee. And when þei weren commen to Jericho, þe ſonys of prophetis, þat weren in Jericho, neyȝiden to Helyſe, and ſeyden to hym, Wheþer þou haſt knowen, þat þe Lord ſchal taken to day þi lord fro þee? And he ſeiþ, I haue knowen; beeþ ſtyll. Helyas forſoþe ſeyde to hym, Sytt here, for þe Lord haþ ſente me vnto Jordan. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Þe Lord liueþ and þi ſoule lyueþ, for I ſchal not forſake þee. Þanne boþ þei wenten to gydre; and fyfty men of þe ſonys of prophetis foloweden, þe whiche and ſtoden forn aȝeynſt aferre; þei forſoþe ſtoden boþ upon Jordane. And Helyas tooke his mantyll, and inwrappyde it, and ſmote þe watirs; þe whiche ben deuydid in to eiþir partye, and þei wenten boþ þorȝ þe drye. And whanne þei weren goon ouer, Helyas ſeyde to Heliſe, Aſke þat þou wilt, þat I doo to þee, er I be taken awey fro þee. And Heliſe ſeyde, I beſeche, þat þer be doo þi ſpirite double in me. Þe whiche anſwerde, An hard þing þou haſt aſkede; neuer þe later ȝif þou ſeeſt me, whanne I ſchal be taken fro þee, it ſchal be þat þou haſt aſkyde; ȝif forſoþe þou ſeeſt not, it ſchal not be. And whanne þei wenten, and goynge ſpeke wordis, loo! þe fijren chaare and þe fijren hors deuyden euer eiþer; and Helyas ſteyȝide up by þe whirlwynde in to heuen. Heliſe forſoþe ſawe, and criede, Fader myn! fader myn! þe chaar of Yrael, and charieter of it. And he ſawȝ hym no more. And he toke his cloþis, and kutt hem in to two partyes. And he rerede þe mantyll of Helye, þat hadde fallen to hym; and, turned aȝein, ſtode upon þe brynke of Jordan. And wiþ þe mantyll of Helye, þat hadde fallen to hym, he ſmote þe waters, and þei ben not deuydid. And he ſeide, Where is þe God of Helye alſo nowe? And he ſmote þe watirs, and þei ben dyuydid hidre and þidre; and Heliſee paſſede ouer. Forſoþe þe ſonys of þe prophetis þat weren in Jericho, ſeeinge, aȝeinward ſeyden, Þe ſpirite of Helye haþ reſtyde upon Heliſee. And þei commynge in to aȝein commynge of hym, honoureden hym redye in to þe erþ. And þei ſeyden to hym, Loo! wiþ þi ſeruauntis ben fyfty ſtronge men, þat mown goon, and ſeechen þi lord, leſt perauenture þe Spirite of þe Lord haue taken hym, and þrowen hym in oon of þe hillis, or in oon of þe valeys. Þe whiche ſeiþe, Wylle ȝe not ſenden. And þey conſtreyniden hym, to tyme þat he aſſentide to hem, and ſeyde, Sendiþ. And þei ſenten fyfty men; whiche whanne hadden ſouȝt þree days, founden not. And þei turneden aȝeyn to hym; and he dwellyde in Jericho. And he ſeyde to hem, Wheþer I ſeyde not to ȝou, Williþ not ſenden? Þan þe men of þe cytee ſeyden to Helyſe, Lo! þe dwellynge of þis cytee is beſt, as þou þi ſilf, lord, byholdiſt; bot and þe watirs ben werſt, and þe erþ bareyn. And he ſeiþ, Bringiþ to me a newe veſſel, and puttiþ in it ſalt. Þe whiche whan þey hadden brouȝte, goon oute to þe welle of watirs, he putte in to it ſalt, and ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, I haue heelide þeſe watirs, and þere ſchal be no more in hem deþ, ne bareynte. Þanne þe watirs ben helyde into þis day, aftir þe word of Heliſe, þat he ſpac. Forſoþe Heliſe ſteyȝide up þens in to Beþel; and whanne he ſchulde ſtey up by þe weye, lytyl children wenten out fro þe cyte, and ſcorneden to hym ſeyinge, Stey up, ballard! ſtey up, ballard! Þe whiche whan he byheld, ſawȝe hem, and curſed to hem in name of þe Lord. And two beris wente oute fro þe wyild wode, and totereden of hem two and fourty chyldren. Forſoþe he wente þens in to þe hill of Carmele, and þens turnede aȝein in to Samarye.
Capitulum III.
Joram forſoþ, þe ſone of Acab, regnede upon Yrael, in Samarie, þe eiȝteenþ ȝeer of Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda. And he regnyde twelue ȝeer, and dyde yuel bifore þe Lord, bot not as his fadir and modir; forſoþe he toke aweye þe ymagis of Baal, þat his fadir hadde maade, neuer þe latir he cleeuyde in þe ſynnys of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat made Yrael to ſynnen; and he wente not aweye fro hem. Forſoþe Meſa, þe kyng of Moab, nuryſchede many beeſtis, and payed to þe kyng of Yrael an hundreþ þouſand of lombis, and an hundreþ þouſand of weþeris, wiþ þeir fleeſes. And whann Acab was deed, he brake þe bonde of peſe þat he hade wiþ þe kyng of Yrael. Þann kyng Joram wente out in þat day fro Samarie, and noumbrede alle Yrael. And he ſente to Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda, ſeyinge, Kynge Moab is goon aweye fro me; comme wiþ me aȝeynſt hym to batayl. Þe whiche anſwerde, I ſchal ſteyen up; he þat is myn, is þyne; my puple þi puple, and myn hors þin hors. And he ſeyde, By what weye ſchuln we ſteyȝen up? And he anſwerde, By þe deſert of Ydume. Þann þe kyng of Yrael, and þe kyng of Juda, and þe kyng of Edom, wenten, and ȝeeden aboute by þe weye of ſeuene days; and þer was not watir to þe hooſt, and to þe beeſtis, þat foleweden hem. And þe kyng of Yrael ſeide, Allas! allas! allas! þe Lord haþ gaderd us þree kyngis, þat he take in þe hond of Moab. And Joſaphaþ ſeiþ, Is þere not a prophete of þe Lord, þat we preyen þe Lord by hym? And oon anſwerde of þe ſeruauntis of þe kynge of Yrael, Þere is here Heliſee, þe ſone of Saphaþ, þat heelde watir vpon þe hondis of Helye. And Joſaphaþ ſeiþ, Is þer anentis hym þe worde of þe Lord? And þe kyng of Yrael came doun to hym, and Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda, and þe kyng of Edom. Forſoþe Heliſee ſeyde to þe kyng of Yrael, What is to me and to þee? Goo to þe prophetis of þi fadir and þi modir. And þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ to hym, Why þe Lord haþ gaderde þeſe þree kyngis, þat he take hem in to þe hondis of Moab? And Helyſe ſeyde to hym, Þe Lord of hooſtis liueþ, in whoſe ſiȝt I ſtonde, þat ȝif not þe cheer of Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda, I ſchamyde, forſoþ I ſchulde not haue taken hede to þee, ne haue byholden. Now forſoþe bryngiþ to me an ſawtrer. And whanne þe ſawtrer ſonge, þe honde of þe Lord is don upon hym, and he ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Makiþ þe wombe of þis ſtreme dychis and dychis. Forſoþe þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝe ſchuln not ſeen wynde, ne reyn, and þis wombe ſchal ben fulfilled wiþ watirs, and drynke ſchuln ȝe, and ȝoure meyne, and ȝoure beeſtis. Lytyll is þis in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. Ferþermore alſo he ſchal taken Moab in to ȝoure hondis; and ȝe ſchul ſmyten alle ſtreyngþid cytee, and alle choſen cyte, and ȝe ſchuln hewen doun eche tree berynge fruyt, and alle þe wellis of watirs ȝe ſchuln ſtoppen, and alle noble feeld ȝe ſchuln coueren wiþ ſtonys. It is doo þan erly, whann ſacrifice is wont to be offerd, and, loo! watirs camen by þe weye of Edom; and þe erþ is fulfillid wiþ watirs. Alle forſoþe Moabitis herynge, þat kyngis hadden ſteyȝiden up, þat þei fiȝten aȝeynus hem, þei clepiden to gydre alle þat weren gird abowen wiþ knyȝtis gyrdill, and þei ſtoden in þe termys. And firſt erly rijſynge, and nowe þe ſunne ſprungen forn aȝeinſt of þe watirs, Moabitis ſeen aȝenward rede watirs as blode. And þei ſeiden, Blood of ſwerde it is; þe kyngis han fouȝten aȝeynſt hem ſeluen, and þei ben ſlayn to gidre; nowe, Moab, goo to þe praye. And þei wenten in to þe tentis of Yrael; forſoþe Yrael ryiſynge ſmote Moab, and þei flowen byfore hem. Þanne camen þei þat ouercomen, and ſmyten Moab, and diſtruyden þe cytees; and alle þe beſt feelde þei fulfilliden, eche ſeendynge ſtoonys; and alle þe wellis of watirs þei ſtoppyden, and alle þe treeſe berynge fruyt þei heweden doun, ſo þat oonly þe wallis made wiþ erþe laften; and þe cyte is enuyround of ſlyngers, and of grete partye ſmyten. And whanne kyng Moab hadde ſeen, þat is, þe enemyes to han þe ouerhond, he tooke wiþ him ſeuen hundreþ men drawynge oute ſwerdis, þat þei breken oute to king Edom; and þei myȝten not. And takynge his firſt goten ſone, þat was to regnen for hym, he offerd brent ſacrifice upon þe wall; and greet indignacioun is made in Yrael; and anoon þei wenten aweye fro hym, and turneden aȝeyn into þeir lond.
Capitulum IIII.
Forſoþe a maner womman of þe wiyuys of prophetis cryede to Heliſe, ſeyinge, Þy ſeruaunt, my man, is deed, and þou haſt knowen for þy ſeruaunt was dreedynge God; and loo! a creaunſure came, þat he take my two ſonys to ſeruen to hym. To whom ſeyde Heliſee, What wilt þou þat I doo to þee? ſey to me, what haſt þou in þin hous? And ſche anſwerde, I þi ſeruaunt haue not eny þinge in my hous, bot a lytill of oyle, by þe whiche I be anoyntid. To whome he ſeiþ, Goo, and aſke by borwynge of alle þi neyȝbours voyd veſſellis not fewe. And goo in, and cloſe þi dore, whanne þou and þi ſonys weren wiþ inne forþ; and putte þerof in to alle þeſe veſſellis; and whanne þei weren ful, þou ſchalt take. And ſo þe woman wente, and cloſede þe dore vpon hir ſilf and vpon hir children, þei offerden veſſelis, and ſche heelde in. And whanne þe veſſelis weren fulle, ſche ſeyde to hire ſone, Brynge to me ȝit a veſſel. And he anſwerde, I haue not. And þe oyle ſtode. Sche forſoþe came, and ſchewide to þe man of God; and he, Goo, he ſeiþ, ſylle þe oyle, and ȝeelde to þi creaunſer; þou forſoþe and þi ſonys liuiþ of þe remnaunt. Forſoþe a maner day is done, and Heliſee paſſed þorȝ Suna cyte; forſoþe þer was þere a grete womman, þat heelde hym, þat he ete brede. And whann oft ſiþes he paſſede þens, he turnede aſyde to hyre, þat he ete brede. Þe whiche ſeyde to hyre man, I perceyue þat þis is an holy man, þat oft ſiþis paſſiþ bi us; þanne make we to hym a litill ſoupynge place, and putte we in it to hym a lityll bed, and a borde, and a lytyll ſeete, and a candilſtyke; þat whanne he comiþ to us, he dwelle þer. Þann a maner day is done, and commynge he turnede aſyde in to þe ſoupynge place, and reſtyde þere. And he ſeide to Gyazi, his child, Clepe þis Sunamyte. Þe whiche whanne hade clepyd hyre, and ſche hadde ſtonden beforn hym, he ſeide to his childe, Speke to hire, Lo! biſily in alle þingis þou haſt ſerued to us; what wilt þou þat I do to þee? Wheþir haſt þou a nede, and wilt þat I ſpeke to þe kyng, or to þe prince of chyualrye? Þe whiche anſwerd, In þe mydil of my peple I dwelle. And he ſeiþ, What þanne ſche wille þat I do to hyre? And Giazi ſeide to hym, Ne aſke þou, forſoþe ſche haþ no ſone, and hyre man is olde. And ſo he comaundid, þat he clepe hyre. Þe whiche whanne was clepid, and hade ſtonden byfore þe doore, he ſeyde to hyre, In þis tyme and in þis ſame houre, ȝif þe liyf were leder, þou ſchalt haue a ſone in þy wombe. And ſche anſwerde, Wylle þou not, I beſeche, my lord, man of God, wylle þou not lyȝen to þin hond womman. And þe womman conceyuede, and bare a chijlde in tyme, and in þe ſame houre, þat Heliſe hadde ſeyde. Forſoþe þe child wexe; and whan þer was a maner day, and he was gon oute to his fadir, and to þe repers, he ſeiþ to his fadir, Myn heued I aake, my heued I aake. And he ſeyde to a childe, Take, and leed hym to his modir. Þe whiche whanne he hadde taken, and lade to his modir, ſche putte hym upon hir knees vnto þe mydday, and he is deed. Forſoþe ſche ſteiȝede up, and leyde hym vpon þe bed of þe man of God, and cloſede þe dore. And ſche gon oute, clepyde hyre man, and ſeiþ, Sende wiþ me, I biſech, oon of þe childre, and a ſche aſſe, and I ſchal rennen oute vnto þe man of God, and turnen aȝein. Þe whiche ſeiþ to hyre, For what cauſe goſt þou to him? to day ben not kalendis, ne ſabot. Þe whiche anſwerde, I ſchal goon. And ſche greyþede þe ſche aſſe, and comaundid to þe chijlde, Driyf, and go forþ; ne make þou to me abijdynge in goynge, and þat doo þat I comaunde to þee. Þan ſche wente forþe, and came to þe man of God, in to þe hill of Carmele. And whan þe man of God hade ſeen hyre forn aȝeynſt, he ſeiþ to Giazi, his chijld, Lo! þat Sunamyte; go þan in to aȝein commynge of hyre, and ſeye to hyre, Wheþir riȝt it is don aboute þee, and þi man, and þi chylde? Þe whiche anſwerde, Riȝt. And whann ſche was commen to þe man of God, in to þe hyll, ſche cauȝte his feete; and Giazi wente niȝ, for to meuen hyre aweye. And þe man of God ſeiþ, Lete hyr; forſoþe þe liyf of hyre is in bytterneſſe, and þe Lord haþ hillid fro me, and haþ not ſchewed to me. Þe whiche ſeyde to hym, Wheþir I aſkide my ſone of my lord? Wheþir I ſeyde not to þee, Ne begijle þou me? And he ſeiþ to Giazy, Gyrde þi reenys, and take my ſtaf in þin hond, and goo; ȝif eny man aȝein comme to þee, ne ſalute þou hym; and ȝif eny man ſalutiþ þee, anſwere þou not to hym; and putte my ſtaf vpon þe face of þe chylde. Bot þe moder of þe chyld ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ and þi ſoule lyueþ, I ſchal not leue þee. Þanne he roos, and folowed hyre. Giazi forſoþe wente before hem, and putt þe ſtaf upon þe face of þe chyld; and þer was not voice, ne witte. And he turned aȝein in to aȝein commynge of hym; and he tolde to hym, ſeyinge, Þe child haþ not ryſen. Þan Heliſee wente in to þe hous, and lo! þe child laye deed in þe bed of hym. And goon in he cloſede þe dore vpon hym, and vpon þe chyld; and he preyed þe Lord. And he ſteiȝide up, and laye vpon þe chyld; and he putte his mouþ vpon þe mouþ of hym, and his eeȝen vpon þe eeȝen of hym, and his hondis vpon þe hondis of hym. And he bowede hym ſilf vpon hym; and made hoote is þe fleſche of þe chyld. And he eft turnede aȝein in þe hous oonys hydre and þidre; and he ſteiȝide vp, and laye vpon hym, and þe chyld breþed ſeuen ſiþes, and opnede þe eeȝen. And he clepide Giazi, and ſeyde to hym, Clepe þis Sunamyte. Þe whiche clepid wente in to hym. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Take þi ſone. Sche came, and felle at hys feet, and honourede vpon þe erþe; and ſche toke hyre ſone, and wente oute. And Heliſee turnede aȝein in to Galgala. Forſoþe þer was hunger in þe lond, and þe ſonys of prophetis dwelliden before hym. And Heliſee ſeyde to oon of his childre, Sete a grete potte, and ſeeþe potage to þe ſonis of prophetes. And oon wente oute in to þe feelde, þat he gedre wijld herbis; and he foond as a wijld vyne, and he gederde of it wijld gourdis of þe feeld. And he fulfillide his mantylle, and turnede aȝein, and hewede to gydre in to þe pott of potage; he wyſt not forſoþe what it was. Þanne þey helden in to felawis, þat þei myȝten eten; and whanne þei haden taſtyden of þe ſeeþinge, þei crieden oute, ſeyinge, Deþ in þe pott! deþ in þe pott! man of God. And þei myȝten not eeten. And he, Bryngiþ to, he ſeiþ, mele. And whanne þei haden brouȝt, he putt in to þe pott, and ſeiþ, Heeldiþ in to þe puple, þat þei eten; and þere was no more eny þing of bytterneſſe in þe pott. Forſoþe a maner man came fro Balſaliſa, bryngynge to þe man of God loouys of firſt fruytes, and tenne barly loouys, and newe whete, in his bagge. And he ſeide, Ȝeue to þe puple, þat it ete. And his ſeruaunt anſwerde to hym, Howe myche is þis, þat I putt before an hundreþ men? Eft he ſeiþ, Ȝeue to þe puple, þat it ete; þeſe þingis forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord, Þei ſchul eten, and þer ſchal leuen ouer. And ſo he ſette before hem, þe whiche eeten; and þer laft ouer, aftir þe worde of þe Lorde.
Capitulum V.
Naaman, þe prince of chyualrye of þe kyng of Cyrye, was a grete man anentis his lord, and a wirſchipide; by hym forſoþe þe Lord ȝaue helþ to Cyrye; forſoþe he was a ſtronge man and riche, but meſell. Forſoþe fro Cyrye wenten out lytyll þeeues, and þei haden brouȝt fro þe lond of Yrael a lytill chyld womman caytife, þat was in þe ſeruyce of þe wiyf of Naaman. Þe whiche ſeiþ to hir lady, Wolde God, my lord were at a prophete þat is in Samarye; forſoþe he ſchulde han helyde hym fro þe lepre þat he haþ. And ſo Naaman wente in to his lord, and tolde to hym, ſeyinge, Þus and þus ſpake þe chyld womman of þe lond of Yrael. And ſo þe kyng of Cyrye ſeyde to hym, Go, and I ſchal ſende letters to þe kyng of Yrael. Þe whiche whann was gon, and hade take wiþ hym tenn talentis of ſyluer, and ſexe þouſand platis of gold, and tenn chaungynge maner of cloþis, he tooke to þe kyng of Yrael lettris in to þeſe wordis; Whanne þou takiſt þis lettre, wyte þou, þat I haue ſente to þee Naaman my ſeruaunt, þat þou hele hym fro his lepre. And whanne þe kyng of Yrael hade red þe letters, he kutte his cloþis, and ſeiþ, Wheþir a god I am, þat I mow ſlen and quycken, for he haþ ſente to me, þat I hele a man fro his lepre? Takiþ heed and ſeeþ, þat occaſiouns he ſechiþ aȝeyns me. Þe whiche whanne Heliſee, þe man of God, hadde herde, þat is, þe kyng of Yrael to han kutte his cloþis, he ſente to hym, ſeyinge, Why haſt þou kutte þy cloþis? come he to me, and wyte a prophete to be in Yrael. Þanne Naaman came wiþ hors and chaaris, and ſtood at þe dore of þe hous of Heliſee. And Heliſee ſente to hym a meſſanger, ſeyinge, Goo, and be waſchen ſeuen ſiþis in Jordan; and þi fleſche ſchal receyuen helþ, and þou ſchalt be clenſed. Naaman wroþ wente aweye, ſeyinge, I wende þat he ſchulde goon oute to me, and ſtondynge ſchulde inwardly clepen þe name of his God, and touche wiþ his hond þe place of þe lepre, and helen me. Wheþir not beter ben Abana and Pharphar, þe floodis of Damaſk, þanne alle þe waters of Yrael, þat I be waſchen in hem, and be clenſede? Whann þann he hadde turnyde hymſilf, and goon aweye endeynynge, wenten to hym his ſeruauntis, and ſpeken to hym, Fader, and ȝif a grete þinge þe prophete hadde ſeide to þee, certis þou owediſt to done; myche more for nowe he ſeyde to þee, Be waſched, and þou ſchalt be clanſede. He wente doun, and waſche in Jordane ſeuen ſiþis, aftir þe worde of þe man of God; and þe fleſche of hym is reſtorid as þe fleſche of a litil chyld, and he is clenſed. And turned aȝein to þe man of God wiþ alle his felawſchip came, and ſtood before hym; and ſeiþ, Vereyly I woot, þat þer is noon oþer God in all erþ, bot oonly þe God of Yrael; alſo, I beſeche, þat þou take a bliſſynge of þi ſeruaunt. And he anſwerde, Þe Lord lyueþ before whom I ſtonde, for I ſchal not taken. And whanne forſynge he made, vtturly he aſſentyde not. And ſo Naaman ſeide, As þou wilt; bot, I beſeche, graunte to me, þi ſeruaunt, þat I take two burdowns charge fro þe lond; forſoþe þi ſeruaunt ſchal no more make brent ſacrifice, or ſlayn ſacrifice, to alyen goddis, bot to þe Lord. þis forſoþe oonly is, of þe whiche þou preye þe Lord for þi ſeruaunt, whanne my lord goþ in to þe temple of Remmon, þat he honoure, and hym lenynge vpon myn hond, ȝif I honoure in þe temple of Remmon, he honouryng in þe ſame place, þat þe Lord forȝeue to me, þi ſeruaunt, for þis þing. Þe whiche ſeide to hym, Goo in peſe. Þann he ȝeede fro hym þe choſen tyme of þe lond. And Giazi, þe childe of þe man of God, ſeide, My lord haþ ſparede to þis Naaman Cyro, þat he take not of hym þat he brouȝte; þe Lord liueþ, for I ſchal rennen aftir hym, and I ſchal taken of hym ſumwhate. And Giazi folowede aftir þe bac of Naaman; whom whan he hade ſeen rennynge to hym, he leep doun of þe chaar in to aȝein commynge of hym; and ſeiþ, Wheþer riȝt ben alle þingis? And he ſeiþ, Riȝt; my lord ſente me to þee, ſeyinge, Nowe ben commen to me two yonge men fro þe hyll of Effraym, of þe ſonys of prophetes; ȝeue to hem a talent of ſyluer, and double chaungynge cloþis. And Naaman ſeyde, Beter it is þat þou take two talentis. And he conſtreyned hym; and he boond two talentis of ſyluer in two baggis, and double cloþis, and putte to his two chylder, þe whiche and bern before hym. And whanne he was commyn nowe at euen, he tooke fro þe hond of hem, and leyde up in þe houſe; and he laft þe men, and þey wenten aweye. He forſoþe goon in ſtode bifore his lord. And Heliſee ſeyde, Whenns comyſt þou, Giezi? Þe whiche anſwerde, Þi ſeruaunt ȝeede not o whydre. And he ſeiþ, Wheþer myn hert was not in preſent, whanne þe man turnede aȝein fro his chaar in to aȝein commynge of þee? Nowe þanne þou haſt taken ſyluer, and taken cloþes, þat þou bye olyuis, and vinis, and ſcheep, and oxen, and ſeruauntis, and hond wymmen; bot and þe leepre of Naaman ſchal cleue to þee, and to þi ſeede in to euermore. And he wente out from hym meſell as ſnowe.
Capitulum VI.
Seyden forſoþe þe ſonys of prophetis to Heliſee, Loo! þe place in þe whiche we dwellen before þee, is ſtreyt to us; goo we vnto Jordan, and taken eche fro þe wood ſundrye matteers, þat we beelden to us þere a place to dwellen. Þe whiche ſeide, Gooþ. And oon of hem ſeiþ, Comme þanne and þou wiþ þi ſeruauntis. He anſwerde, I ſchal commen. And he wente wiþ hem. And whanne þei weren commen to Jordan, þey hewen treeſe. It fell forſoþe, þat whanne oon had hewen a mateer, felle þe yren of þe axe in to þe watir; and he criede oute, and ſeiþ, Allas! allas! allas! my lord, and þat ſame I tooke of borowynge. Forſoþe þe man of God ſeyde, Where felle it? And he ſchewyde to hym þe place. Þanne he hewede of a tree, and putte þidir; and þe yren ſwam. And he ſaiþ, Take. Þe whiche ſtrauȝt out þe hoond, and took it. Þe kyng forſoþe of Cyrye fauȝte aȝeynſt Yrael; and wente in counſeil wiþ his ſeruauntis, ſeiynge, In þis place and þat ſette we buſchementis. And ſo þe man of God ſente to þe kynge of Yrael, ſeyinge, Be war, leſt þou paſſe to þat place, for þer ben Cyris in buſchementis. And ſo þe kyng of Yrael ſente to þat place, þe whiche þe man of God hade ſpoken to hym, and he before occupiede it, and he weytyde hym þere not oonys, ne twyes. And þe herte of þe kyng of Cyrye is diſtourbled for þis þing; and, þe ſeruauntis clepid to gydre, ſeiþ, Whi han ȝe not ſchewed to me, who be my traitour anentis þe kyng of Yrael? And oon of þe ſeruauntis of hym ſeyde, Nay, my lord kyng, bot Heliſee, þe prophete, þat is in Yrael, ſchewiþ to þe kyng alle wordis, whateuer þou haſt ſpoken in þy priue chaumbre. And he ſeyde to hym, Gooþ, and ſeeþ, wher he be, þat I ſende, and take hym. And þei tolden to hym, ſeyinge, Loo! in Dotaym he dwelliþ. And he ſente þidre hors, and chaaris, and þe ſtrengþe of þe ooſt; þe whiche, when þei weren commen at nyȝt, þey enuyrounden þe cyte. Þe ſeruaunt forſoþe of þe man of God ryſynge erly wente oute, and he ſawe þe hooſt in enuyroun of þe cyte, and hors, and chaaris. And he tolde to hym, ſeyinge, Allas! allas! allas! my lord, what ſchal we done? And he anſwerde, Wylle þou not dreede; forſoþe mo ben wiþ us þan wiþ hem. And whanne Heliſe hade preyede, he ſeiþ, Lord, opyn þe eeȝen of þis chylde, þat he ſee. And þe Lord opnede þe eeȝen of þe chijld, and he ſawȝ. And loo! an hyll ful of hors, and of fyren chaaris, in enuyroun of Heliſee. Forſoþe þe enmyes camen doun to hym; bot Heliſee preyede to þe Lord, ſeyinge, Smyit, I beſeche, þis folc wiþ blyndneſſe. And þe Lord ſmoot hem, leſt þei ſeeȝen, after þe worde of Heliſee. Forſoþe Heliſee ſeyde to hem, þis is not þe weye, ne þis is not þe cyte; folowiþ me, and I ſchal ſchewe to ȝou þe man, whom ȝe ſeeken. And he ladde hem in to Samarye. And whan þei weren commen in to Samarie, Heliſee ſeyde, Lord, opne þe eeȝen of þeſe, þat þei ſeen. And þe Lord opnede þe eeȝen of hem, and þei ſeen hem ſelfen to ben in þe mydill of Samarye. And þe kynge of Yrael ſeide to Heliſee, whanne he hadde ſeen hem, Wheþer I ſchal ſmyten hem, fader myne? And he ſeiþ, Þou ſchalt not ſmyten hem, ne forſoþ þou haſt taken hem wiþ ſwerde, and wiþ þi bowe, þat þou ſmyte; bot putte brede and watir before hem, þat þei eten and drynken, and goon to þeir lord. And þere is putte to hem grete greiþinge of metis; and þei eeten, and drunken. And he laft hem, and þei wenten to þeir lord; and no more camen þe þeeuis of Cyrye in to þe lond of Yrael. It is done forſoþe aftir þeſe þingis, Benadab, kyng of Cyrye, gaderde alle his hooſt, and ſteyȝede vp, and beſeegyde Samarye. And þere is maad grete hungre in Samarye; and ſo long it is beſeegide, to þe tyme þat þe heued of an aſſe were ſold for foure ſcoor platis of ſyluer, and þe ferþ parte of a meſure of þe dryt of culuers for fyue platis of ſyluer. And whanne þe kyng of Yrael paſſed by þe wall, a maner womman criede to hym, ſeiynge, Saue me, my lord kyng. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Nay, ſaue þee þe Lord; wherof may I ſaue þee? of þe corn flore, or of þe preſſe? And þe kyng ſeide to hire, What wylt þou to þee? Þe whiche anſwerde, Þys womman ſeide to me, Ȝeue þi ſone, þat we eten hym to day; and my ſone we ſchal eten to morwe. Þanne we ſeeþeden my ſone, and eeten. And I ſeide to hire þe toþer day, Ȝeue þi ſone, þat we eten hym; þe which hyde hyre ſone. Þe which þing whanne þe kyng hade herde, he kutt his cloþis, and paſſede by þe wall; and alle þe puple ſawe an hayre, wiþ whiche þe kyng was cloþid at þe fleſch wiþ in forþe. And þe kynge ſeiþ, Þes þingis do to me God, and þes þingis adde, ȝif þe heued of Heliſee, þe ſone of Saphaþ, ſchulde ſtonden vpon hym to day. Heliſee forſoþe ſatt in his hous, and olde men ſeeten wiþ hym; and ſo he ſente beforn a man, and er þe meſſager came, he ſeide to þe old men, Wheþer ȝe knowen, þat þe ſone of a man ſleere haþ ſente hiþir, þat myn heued be gyrd off? Seeȝiþ þan, whanne þe meſſager commiþ, cloſeþ þe dore, and ſuffreþ hym not to commen in; lo! forſoþe þe ſoun of þe feet of his lord is bihynde hym. And ȝit hym ſpekynge to hem, apeeride þe meſſager, þat came to hym; and ſeiþ, Loo! ſo myche yuel of þe Lord is; what more ſchal I abyden of þe Lord?
Capitulum VII.
Heliſee forſoþe ſeide, Here ȝe þe word of þe Lord; þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, In þis tyme to morwe a buſchell of tryid floure ſchal be at half an ounce of monee, and two buſchels of barly for half an ounce of monee, in þe ȝate of Samarye. Anſwerynge forſoþe oon of þe duykis, vpon whoſe hond þe kyng lenyde, to þe man of God, ſeide, Ȝif þe Lord make alſo þe goters in heuen to be opnyde, wheþer it ſchal mow ben þat þou ſpekiſt? Þe whiche ſeiþ, Þou ſchalt ſeen wiþ þin eeȝen, and þerof þou ſchalt not eten. Þan foure leprouſe men weren byſide þe entree of þe ȝate, þe whiche ſeyden to gydre, What wil we be here, to þe tyme þat we dyen? Wheþer we wyln goon in to þe cyte, by hungre we ſchul dyen; wheþir we ſchuln dwellen here, to dyen it is to us. Commiþ þann, and fleeȝe we ouer to þe tentis of Cyrie; ȝif þei ſparen to us, we ſchul lyuen; ȝif forſoþe þei wiln ſlen, neuer þe later we ſchul dyen. Þanne þey ryſen at euen, þat þei comen to þe tentis of Cirie; and whanne þei weren commen to þe bigynnynge of þe tentis of Cyrye, no man þere þei founden. Forſoþe þe Lord hadde made to heren a ſoun in þe tentis of Cyrye of charis, and of hors, and of a mych hooſt; and þei ſeyden to gydre, Loo! by meede þe kyng of Yrael haþ hyred aȝeynſt us þe kyngis of Eþeis and of Egipciens; and þei ben commen vpon us. Þanne þei riſen, and flowen in dercneſſis, and laften þeir tentis, and hors, and mulis, and aſſes, in þe tentis; and þei flowen, þeir lyuis oonly coueitynge to ſauen. Þann whanne þoo meſels weren commen to þe bigynnynge of þe tentis, þei wenten in to oon tabernacle, and eten, and drunken; and token þenns ſyluer, and gold, and cloþis; and þei wenten aweye, and hydden; and eft þei ben turned aȝeyn to anoþer tabernacle, and þenns lyc maner beerynge aweye, hydden. And þey ſeyden to gidir, We do not riȝt, þis is forſoþe a day of good meſſage; ȝif we holden oure peſe, and wyln not tellen vnto þe morowe, we ſchul be vndernummen of hydous gylt; commiþ, and goo we, and tellen in þe halle of þe kyng. And whanne þei weren commen to þe ȝate of þe cytee, þei tolden to hem, ſeyinge, We wenten to þe tentis of Syrie, and no man þer we founden, bot hors and aſſis bounden, and þe piȝt tentis. Þanne þe porteris ȝeden, and tolden in þe paleys of þe kyng wiþinne forþ. Þe whiche roſe at nyȝt, and ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis, I ſey to ȝou, what to us Cyryes han done; þei wyten, for wiþ hungre we traueylen, and þerfore þey ben goon oute of þe tentis, and lurken in þe feeldis, ſeyinge, Whanne þei weren goon oute of þe cyte, we ſchuln taken hem on lyue, and þann we ſchuln mowe goon in to þe cytee. Forſoþ oon of his ſeruauntis anſwerde, Take we þe fyue hors, þat ben laft in þe cytee; for þei oonly ben in alle þe multitude of Yrael, þe toþer forſoþe ben waſtyde; and ſeendynge we ſchuln mowe aſpyen. Þanne þei brouȝten forþe two hors; and þe kyng ſente in to þe tentis of Cyries, ſeyinge, Goþ, and ſeeþ. Þe whiche wenten aftre hem vnto Jordan; and, lo! al þe wey was ful of cloþis, and of veſſelis, þat þe Cyryes hadden þrowen aweye, whanne þei weren diſtourblid. And þe meſſagers turnede aȝeyn, ſcheweden to þe kyng. And þe puple goon oute, tobraſt þe tentis of Cyrye; and a buſchel of floure is maad at half an ounce of monee, and two buſchels of barly for half an ounce of monee, aftir þe word of þe Lord. Forſoþe þe kynge þat duyk, in whoſe hond he hade lenyd, he ſett at þe ȝate; whom þe puple altotrade in þe entre of þe ȝate, and is deed, aftir þat, þat þe man of God hadde ſpoken, whanne þe kyng came doun to hym. And it is done aftir þe word of þe man of God, þe whiche he hade ſeide to þe kyng, whanne he ſeiþ, Two buſchels of barly ſchuln ben at one half ounce of monee, and oon buſchell of flour for oon half ounce of monee, þis ſame tyme to morwe in þe ȝate of Samarie; whanne þe duyk hadde anſwerde to þe man of God, and hadde ſeyde, Alſo ȝif þe Lord make þe goters in heuen to be opnede, wheþer it ſchal mow be done þat þou ſpekiſt? and he ſeid, Þou ſchalt ſeen wiþ þin eeȝen, and þerof þou ſchalt not eten. Þanne it felle to hym, as it was ſeyde beforn; and þe puple to-trade him in þe ȝate, and he is deed.
Capitulum VIII.
Heliſee forſoþe ſpac to þe womman, whoſe ſone he made to lyue, ſeyinge, Rijs, goo, and þou and þin hous, in pilgrymage, whereuer þou ſchalt fynde; þe Lord forſoþe ſchal clepen hungre, and it ſchal commen vpon þe lond ſeuen ȝeer. Þe whiche roſe, and dyde aftir þe word of þe man of God; and gooynge wiþ hyre hous pylgrymagid in þe lond of Phyliſteis many dayes. And whanne ſeuen ȝeer weren fynyſchid, þe womman is turnede aȝein fro þe lond of Philiſteis; and ſche wente oute, þat ſche preye þe kyng for hyre hous, and for hir feeldis. Þe kynge forſoþe ſpak wiþ Giezi, þe chijld of þe man of God, ſeyinge, Telle to me alle þe grete þingis þat Heliſee dide. And whanne he tolde to þe kynge, what maner wijſe he hade rered þe deed, þe womman apeeride, whoſe ſone he hade quyckenede, criynge to þe kyng for hyre hous, and for hyre feeldis. And Giezi ſeide, My lord kyng, þis is þe womman, and þis is þe ſone of hyre, þat Heliſee rerede. And þe kynge aſkyde þe womman, þe whiche tolde to hym þo þingis to be ſoþ. And þe kyng ȝaue to hyre an geldynge, ſeiynge, Reſtore to hyre alle þingis þat ben hyres, and alle þe rentes of feeldis, fro þe day þat ſche laft þe lond vnto þe tyme þat is nowe. Forſoþe Heliſee cam to Damaſk, and Benadab, kyng of Cyrye, wexe ſeeke; and þei tolden to hym, ſeyinge, Þe man of God is commen hydre. And þe kyng ſeiþ to Aſael, Take wiþ þee ȝiftis, and goo in to aȝein commynge of þe man of God, and counſeyle by hym þe Lord, ſeyinge, Ȝif I ſchal mow aſcapen of þis myn enfirmyte? Þan Aſael wente in to aȝein commynge of hym, hauynge wiþ hym ȝiftis, and alle þe goodis of Damaſke, fourty chamel chaargis. And whanne he hade ſtonden before hym, ſeiþ, Þi ſone, Benadab, kyng of Syrie, ſente me to þee, ſeyinge, Ȝif I ſchal mowe be heelid of þis myn enfirmyte? And Heliſee ſeide, Goo, ſeye to hym, Þou ſchalt ben hoole; bot þe Lord haþ ſchewide to me for by deþ he ſchal dye. And he ſtode wiþ hym, and is diſtourbled, vnto þe ſchedynge doun of þe cheere; and þe man of God wepte. To whom Aſael ſeiþ, Why my lord weepiþ? And he anſwerde, For I wote what þou be to doo to þe ſonis of Yrael euyls; þe ſtrengþide cytees of hem þou ſchalt brenne up wiþ fijr, and þe ȝonge men of hem þou ſchalt ſlee wiþ ſwerde, and þe lytyll chyldre of hem þou ſchalt hurtlyn, and þe wymmen wiþ chijlde þou ſchalt deuyde. And Aſael ſeyde, What forſoþe am I, þi ſeruaunt, an hound, þat I doo þis grete þinge? And Heliſee ſeiþ, Þe Lord haþ ſchewide to me þee to be kyng of Cyrye. Þe which whanne hade goon aweye fro Heliſee, came to his lord; þe which ſeiþ to hym, What ſeide Heliſee to þee? And he anſwerde, He ſeide to me, Þou ſchalt reſſeyue helþ. And whanne þe toþer day was commen, he toke an couerlyte, and helte in wiþ watir, and ſpradde vpon his face; þe whiche deed, Aſael regnede for hym. Þe fyft ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of Acab, kyng of Yrael, regnede Joram, þe ſone of Joſaphaþ, king of Juda. Of two and þritty ȝeer he was whanne he beganne to regnen, and eiȝte ȝere he regnyde in Jeruſalem. And he wente in þe weyes of þe kyngis of Yrael, as wente þe hous of Acab; þe douȝter forſoþe of Acab was his wiyf; and he dydde þat, þat is yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. And þe Lord wolde not ſcateren Juda, for Dauid, his ſeruaunt, as he hadde behoten to hym, þat he ſchulde ȝeue to hym a lanterne, and to his ſones alle days. In þo days wente aweye Edom, þat þei weren not vndur Juda; and he ſette to hym a kyng. And Joram came to Seyr, and alle þe charis wiþ hym; and he rooſe þe nyȝt, and ſmote Ydumes, þat hym hadden enuyround, and þe princis of þe chaaris; þe puple forſoþe fleeyȝ in to þeir tabernaclis. Þan went Edom, þat he were not vndur Juda vnto þis day; þanne wente aweye Lobna and in þat tyme. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joram, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þeſe ben writen in þe booke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? And Joram ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is byryed wiþ hem in þe cytee of Dauid; and Ochoſias, his ſone, regnede for hym. Þe twelfiþ ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of kyng Achab, regnede Ochoſias, þe ſone of kyng Joram, of Jude. Of two and twenty ȝeer was Ochoſias, þe ſone of Joram, whanne he beganne to regnen, and oon ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir Aþalia, þe douȝter of Amry, kyng of Yrael. And he wente in þe weyes of þe hous of Achab, and dydde þat, þat is yuel before þe Lord, as þe hous of Acab; forſoþe þe ſone in lawe in lawe of þe hous of Acab he was. Forſoþe he wente wiþ Joram, þe ſone of Acab, to fiȝten aȝeyn Azael, kyng of Cyrie, in to Ramoþ Galaad; and Cyries woundeden Joram. Þe whiche is turned aȝeyn, þat he were helyd in Jezrael; for Cyries woundeden hym in Ramoþ, fiȝtynge aȝeynſt Azael, kynge of Cyrie. Forſoþe Ochozias, þe ſone of Joram, kyng of Juda, came doun to viſyten Joram, þe ſone of Achab, in Jezrael, þe whiche ſeekened þere.
Capitulum IX.
Forſoþe Heliſee, þe prophete, clepide oon of þe ſonys of prophetis, and ſeiþ to hym, Gyrde þi reenys, and take þis oynment veſſel of oyle in þin hond, and goo in to Ramoþ Galaad. And whanne þou commyſt þidre, þou ſchalt ſeen Hieu, þe ſone of Joſaphaþ, þe ſone of Nampſy; and goon in þou ſchalt reren hym fro þe mydill of his breþeren, and þou ſchalt bryngen hym wiþ inforþ in to þe inner more bed place. And holdinge an oynment veſſel of oyle þou ſchalt heelden vpon his heued, and ſeye, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, I haue anoyntyde þee in to kynge vpon Yrael; and þou ſchalt opne þe dore, and fleeȝen, and þere þou ſchalt not abyden. Þanne ȝeede a ȝonge waxen child of þe profete in to Ramoþ Galaad, and wente in þidir. Lo! forſoþe þe princis of þe hooſtis ſeeten; and he ſeiþ, A worde to me anentis þee, O! prince. And Hieu ſeide, To whom of us alle? And he ſeide, To þee, O! prince. And he roos, and wente in to þe bede place. And he helde oyle vpon his heuede, and ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yſrael, I haue anoyntyde þee in to kyng vpon þe puple of þe Lord of Yrael; and þou ſchalt ſmyten þe hous of Achab, þi lord, þat I venge þe blode of my ſeruauntis prophetis, and þe blode of alle þe ſeruauntis of þe Lord, fro þe hond of Jezabel. And I ſchal diſtruy alle þe hous of Achab, and ſlen fro þe hous of Achab a pyſſer to þe walle, and cloſed, and þe laſt in Yrael. And I ſchal ȝeue þe hous of Achab as þe hous of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, and as þe hous of Baſaa, þe ſone of Ahia. Jezabel forſoþe houndis ſchulen eten in þe feelde of Jezrael; and þere ſchal not ben þat byrye hyre. And he opnede þe dore, and fleyȝ. Hieu forſoþe wente oute to þe ſeruauntis of his lord, þe whiche ſeyden to hym, Wheþer riȝt ben alle þingis? What came þis wood man to þee? Þe whiche ſeiþ to hem, Ȝe han knowen þe man, and what he haþ ſpoken. And þei anſwerden, It is fals; but more telle þou to us. Þe whiche ſeiþ to hem, Þeſe þingis and þeſe þingis he ſpac to me, and ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, I haue anoyntide þee kynge vpon Yſrael. And ſo þei hyȝeden, and echone, takynge his mantylle, putten vndur his feet in lyckneſſe of a kyngis chayer. And þey ſungen wiþ trumpe, and ſeyden, Hieu ſchal regnen. Þanne Hieu, þe ſone of Joſaphaþ, þe ſone of Nampſy, coniured aȝeynſt Joram. Forſoþe Joram hadde byſeegyd Ramoþ Galaad, he and alle Yrael, aȝeynſt Azael, kyng of Cyrye. And he was turned aȝeyn, þat he were helyd in Jezrael for þe woundis; for Cyries hadden ſmyten hym fiȝtynge aȝeynſt Azael, kyng of Cyrie. And Hieu ſeide, Ȝif it pleſe to ȝou, no man goo oute fugytyue fro þe cyte, leſt he go, and tell in Jezrael. And he ſteyȝide vp, and wente forþ into Jezrael; Joram forſoþe laye ſeeke þere, and Ochoſias, kyng of Juda, hadde goon doun to vyſyte Joram. Þanne þe wayte, þat ſtode vpon þe toure of Jezrael, ſee þe glub of Hieu commynge, and ſeiþ, I ſee a glub. And Joram ſeide, Take þe chare, and ſende in to aȝeyn commynge of hem; and þe gooer ſey, Wheþer riȝt ben alle þingis? Þanne ȝeede, þat ſteyȝide up þe chaare, in to aȝeyn commynge of hym, and ſeiþ, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Apayid ben alle þingis? And Hieu ſeyde to hym, What to þee and to peſe? Go, and folow me. Þe weyt forſoþe tolde, ſeyinge, Þe meſſager cam to hem, and he is not turned aȝeyn. Alſo he ſent þe ſecounde chaar of hors, and he came to hem, and ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Where is þere peſe? And Hieu ſeiþ, What to þee and to peſe? Paſſe, and folowe me. Forſoþe þe weyt tolde, ſeyinge, He came vnto hem, and he turniþ not aȝein; forſoþe þe goynge is as þe goynge of Hieu, þe ſone of Nampſy; ful ſwyftlyche forſoþe he goþ. And Joram ſeiþ, Ioyniþ þe chaar. And þey ioyneden his chaar. And Joram, þe kyng of Yrael, wente oute, and Ochoſias, kyng of Juda, ech in þeir chaaris; and þei wenten oute into aȝeyncommynge of Hieu, and þei founden hym in þe feeld of Nabaþ Jezraelyte. And whanne Joram hadde ſeen Hieu, he ſeide, Peſe is þere, Hieu? And he anſwerde, What peſe? Ȝit þe fornycaciouns of Jezabel, þi modir, and hyr many venymyngis þrijuen. Forſoþe Joram turnede his hond, and fleeȝinge ſeiþ to Ochoſie, Buſſchementis! buſſchementis! Ochoſie. Bot Hieu bente þe bowe wiþ þe honde, and ſmote Joram bytwene þe ſchulders, and þe arewe is ſent out þoruȝ his hert; and anoon he felle in his chaare. And Hieu ſeiþ to duyke Badachar, Take, þrowe hym in þe feelde of Naboþ Jezraelite; I haue mynde forſoþe, when I and þow ſyttynge in þe chaar foloweden Achab, his fadir, for þe Lord hadde rerede out þis charge upon hym, ſeyinge, Wheþer not for þe blode of Naboþ, and for þe blode of þe ſonys of hym, þe whiche I ſawe ȝiſterday, ſeiþ þe Lord, I ſchal ȝelden to þee in þis feeld, ſeiþ þe Lord. Nowe þanne take hym, and þrowe hym in þe feeld, aftir þe word of þe Lord. Ochoſias forſoþe, kyng of Juda, ſeeinge þis, fleeȝ by þe weye of þe hous of þe gardyn; and Hieu folewede hym, and ſeiþ, Alſo þis ſmytiþ in his chare. And þei ſmyten hym in þe ſteyinge up of Gaber, þat is beſyde Jeblaam; þe whiche fleyȝ in to Magedo, and is deed þere. And his ſeruauntis putten hym vpon his chaar, and token in to Jeruſalem; and biriden hym in þe ſepulcre wiþ his fadirs, in þe cytee of Dauiþ. Þe elleuenþ ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of Achab, þe kyng of Yrael, regnede Ochoſias vpon Judam. And Hieu came in to Jezrael. Forſoþe Jezabel, his entree herde, peyntyde hyre eeȝen wiþ ſtrumpettis oynment, and ſche anournede hyre heued; and ſche byhelde þoruȝ þe wyndowe Hieu commynge in by þe ȝate, and ſeiþ, Wheþer peſe may be to Zamry, þat haþ ſlayn his lord? And Hieu rerede up his face to þe wyndowe, and ſeiþ, What is ſche þis? And þere boweden hem to hym two or þre geldingis, and ſeyden to hym, þis is ſche, þat Jezabel. And he ſeyde to hem, Tumbliþ hyre doun. And þei tumbliden hyre; and þe wall is ſprengid wiþ þe blod, and þe hors houes, þat treden hyre. And when he was goon in, þat he ete and drynke, he ſeiþ, Gooþ, and ſeeþ þat curſed, and burieþ hyre, for þe douȝter of a kyng ſche is. And when þei weren gon, þat þey biryen hyre, þei founden not, no bot þe ſcul, and þe feet, and gobitis of þe hond; and þey turned aȝein, tolden to hym. And Hieu ſeiþ, Þe word of þe Lord it is, þe whiche he ſpak by his ſeruaunt Helye Theſbyten, ſeyinge, In þe feeld of Jezrael houndis ſchulen eten þe fleſche of Jezabel; and þe fleſche of Jezabel ſchul be as drytt vpon þe face of þe erþe in þe feeld of Jezrael, ſo þat men paſſynge byſydis ſeyn, Wheþer ſche þis is not þat Jezabel?
Capitulum X.
Of Achab forſoþ weren ſeuenty ſonis in Samary. Þan Hieu wrote lettris, and ſente in to Samarye to þe beſt of þe cytee, and to þe more þoruȝ birþ, and to þe nuriſchis of Achab, ſeyinge, Anoon as ȝe taken þes lettres, ȝe þat haue þe ſonis of ȝoure lord, and chaaris, and hors, and ſtronge cytees, and aarmys, cheſiþ þe beter, and hym þat to ȝou ſchal pleſen of þe ſonis of ȝour lord, and puttiþ hym vpon þe ſee of his fadir, and fiȝtiþ for þe hous of ȝoure lord. And þei dredden hugelye, and ſeyden, Loo! two kyngis myȝten not ſtonden beforn hym, and what maner wijſe ſchuln we mowen to wiþſtonden hym? Þanne þe prouoſtis of þe hous ſenten, and þe prefect of þe cyte, and þe more þoruȝ birþe, and þe nuriſchis to Hieu, ſeyinge, Þi ſeruauntis we ben; what euer þingis þou ſchalt comaunde, we ſchul done, and we ſchul not ordeyne to us a kynge; what euer þinge to þee pleſiþ, do. Forſoþe he wrote aȝein lettris to hem þe ſecounde tyme, ſeyinge, Ȝif myn ȝe ben, and obeſchen to me, takiþ þe heuedis of þe ſonis of ȝoure lord, and commiþ to me þis ſame houre to morowe in to Jezrael. Forſoþe þe ſonis of þe kyng, ſeuenty men, anentis þe beſt of þe cytee weren nuriſchide. And when lettris weren commen to hem, þei token þe ſonis of þe kyng, and ſlewen þe ſeuenty men, and putten þe heuedis of hem in cofynes; and ſenten to hym in to Jezrael. Forſoþe a meſſagere came to hym, and ſchewede to hym, ſeyinge, Þei han brouȝt þe heuedis of þe ſonys of þe kyng. Þe whiche anſwerde, Puttiþ hem at þe two ſtone hepis, beſydis þe entre of þe ȝate, vnto to morowe. And when þe day hadde liȝted, he wente out, and ſtondynge ſeide to alle þe puple, Riȝtwyſe ȝe ben; ȝif I haue coniured aȝeynus my lord, and ſlayn hym; who ſmoot alle þeſe? Seeþ þann nowe, for þere haþ not fallen of þe wordis of þe Lord in þe erþe, þe whiche þe Lord ſpac vpon þe hous of Achab; and þe Lord dydde þat he ſpak in þe hond of Helye, his ſeruaunt. Þanne Hieu ſmoot alle þat weren laft of þe hous of Achab in Jezrael, and alle þe beſt of hym, and knowen, and preſtis, to þe tyme þat þer laft not of hym relykys. And he roos, and came in to Samerye; and when þei weren commen to þe chaumbre of ſcheperdis in þe weye, he fonde þe breþeren of Ochoſie, kyng of Juda; and he ſeide to hem, Who forſoþe ben ȝe? And þei anſwerden, Þe breþeren of Ochoſie we ben, and we ben commen doun to ſaluten þe ſonis of þe kyng and þe ſonys of þe qween. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Takiþ hem on lyue. Whom when þei hadden taken alyue, þei þrotyden hem in þe cyſtern, beſyde þe chaumbre, two and fourty men; and he laft not of hem eny man. And when he was goon þens, he foond Jonadab, þe ſone of Reechab, in to aȝein commynge to hym, and bleſſede to hym. And Hieu ſeiþ to hym, Wheþer is þin hert riȝt wiþ myne herte, as myn hert wiþ þin hert? And Jonadab ſeiþ, It is. Ȝif it is, he ſeiþ, ȝeue me þin honde. Þe whiche ȝaue to hym his hond; and he rerede hym to hym in to þe chaar. And he ſeyde to hym, Comme wiþ me, and ſee my loue for þe Lord. And hym ſett in his chaar, he ladde in to Samarye. And he ſmote alle þat weren laft of Achab in Samarye vnto oon, after þe word of þe Lord, þat he ſpac by Helye. Þan Hieu gaderd alle þe puple, and ſeide to hem, Achab heryide Baal a lytyl, I forſoþe ſchal herye hym more. Nowe þan alle þe prophetis of Baal, and alle his ſeruauntis, and alle þe preſtis of hem clepiþ to me; noon be þat cumme not, forſoþe grete ſacrifice is to me to Baal; who ſo euer be aweye, he ſchal not lyuen. Forſoþe Hieu dydde þis aſpyingly, þat he diſtruye alle þe heryeris of Baal. And he ſeyde, Halowiþ a ſolempne day to Baal. And he clepid, and ſente in to al þe termes of Yrael; and þer camen alle þe ſeruauntis of Baal, and þer was not lafte not oone forſoþe þat came not. And þei wenten in to þe temple of Baal; and þe hous of Baal is fulfillid, from þe heeȝiſt to þe heeȝiſt. And he ſeide to hem þat haden maiſtrye vpon þe cloþes, Bryngiþ forþ þe veſtymentis to alle þe ſeruauntis of Baal; and þei brouȝtyn to hym þe cloþis. And Hieu wente in, and Jonadab, þe ſone of Reechab, in to þe temple of Baal. And he ſeiþ to þe herieris of Baal, Enſerchiþ, and ſeeþ, leſt eny man perauenture be wiþ ȝou of þe ſeruauntis of þe Lord; bot þat aloon ben þe ſeruauntis of Baal. Þanne þei wenten in, þat þei done ſlayne offryngis, and brent ſacrifices. Hieu made redy forſoþe wiþ oute forþe foure ſcore men, and hadde ſeyde to hem, Who ſo euer fleeȝiþ of alle þeſe, þe whiche I ſchal brynge in to ȝoure hondis, his lijf ſchal ben for þe lijf of hym. It is do forſoþe, when þe brent ſacrifice was fulfillid, Hieu comaundide to þe knyȝtis and to his duykis, Gooþ in, and ſmytiþ hem, þat noon aſcaape. And þe knyȝtis and þe duykis ſmyten hem in þe mouþe of þe ſwerd, and þrewen aweye. And þei wenten in to þe cyte of þe temple of Baal, and þei brouȝten forþe þe ymage fro þe temple of Baal, and þei brenden, and diſtruyden it. Forſoþe þei diſtroyeden þe hous of Baal, and þei maaden for it waardropis vnto þis day. And ſo Hieu dyde aweye Baal from Yrael; neuerþelatre fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Naboþ, þat maad Yrael to ſynne, he ȝeede not aweye, ne dyde aweye þe golden caluis, þat weren in Beþel and in Dan. Þe Lord forſoþe ſeyde to Hieu, For wyſely þou haſt done þat þat was riȝt, and it pleſide in myn eeȝen, and alle þingis þat weren in myne herte þou dyddiſt aȝeynſt þe hous of Achab, þi ſonys vnto þe ferþ generacioun ſchuln ſytten vpon þe trone of Yrael. Bot Hieu kepte not, þat he wente in þe lawe of þe Lord God of Yrael in al his herte; forſoþe he wente not fro þe ſynnes of Jerobaham, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen. In þo days þe Lord beganne to noyȝen vpon Yrael; and Azael ſmote hem in alle þe cooſtis of Yrael, fro Jordane aȝeyns þe eſte cooſt, alle þe lond of Galaad, and Gad, and Ruben, and Manaſſe, fro Aroer þat is vpon þe ſtreme of Arnon, and Galaad, and Baſan. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Hieu, and alle þingis þat he dide, and his ſtrengþe, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? And Hieu ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and þei birieden hym in Samarie; and Joacaþ, his ſone, regnede for hym. Þe days forſoþe, þe whiche Hieu regned vpon Yrael in Samarye, ben eiȝt and twenty ȝeer.
Capitulum XI.
Aþalia forſoþe, þe modir of Ochoſie, ſeeȝinge hyre ſone deed, roos, and ſlewȝ alle þe kyngis ſeede. Forſoþe Jozaba, þe douȝtir of kyng Joram, þe ſiſter of Ochoſie, takynge Joas, þe ſone of Ochoſie, ſtaal hym fro þe myddis of þe ſonis of þe kyng, þat weren ſlayn; and his nuriſche fro þe chaumbre of þree beddis; and ſche hydde hym fro þe face of Aþalie, þat he were not ſlayne. And he was wiþ hyre in þe hous of þe Lord priuely ſex ȝeer. Forſoþe Aþalie regnede vpon þe lond ſex ȝeer. Þe ſeuenþ forſoþe ȝeer Joiada ſente, and takynge rewlers of hundreþis, and knyȝtis, and brouȝte in to hym in to þe temple of þe Lord; and he couenauntyde wiþ hem a couenaunt of peſe, and, adiurynge hem in þe temple of þe Lord, ſchewide to hem þe ſone of þe kynge. And he comaundide to hem, ſeyinge, þis is þe word, þe whiche ȝe owe to done; þe þrydde partye of ȝou go in þe ſaboþ, and keep he wele þe watchis of þe hous of þe kyng; þe þrydde forſoþe party be at þe ȝate of Seir; and þe þridde party be at þe ȝate þat is bihynde þe dwellynge place of þe ſcheld bereris; and ȝe ſchulen kepen þe watchis of þe hous of Meſſa. Two forſoþe partyes of ȝou alle goynge oute þe ſaboþ, keepen þei þe watchis of þe hous of þe Lord aboute þe kynge. And ȝee ſchul ſetten hym aboute, hauynge aarmys in ȝoure hondis; and ȝif eny man comme wiþ in þe purſeynt of þe temple, be he ſlayn; and ȝe ſchul ben wiþ þe kynge commynge in and goynge out. And þe keepers of hundreþis dyden aftir alle þingis þat Joiada, þe preſt, hadde comaundide to hem; and ech takynge þeir men þat wenten in to þe ſaboþ, wiþ hem þat wenten out fro þe ſaboþ, camen to Joiada, þe preſt. Þe whiche ȝaue to hem þe ſperis, and þe armys of kyng Dauid, þat weren in þe hous of þe Lord. And eche ſtoden hauynge aarmys in þeir hond, fro þe riȝt partye of þe temple vnto þe left paartye of þe auter and of þe hous, aboute þe kynge. And he brouȝt forþe þe ſone of þe kyng, and putte vpon hym a dyademe, and witneſſynge; and þei maden him king, and anoynteden; and, ioyinge wiþ þe hondis, ſeyden, Lyue þe kyng! Forſoþe Aþalia herde þe voice of þe puple rennynge, and goon in to þe peplis in to þe temple of þe Lord, ſche ſawȝ þe kyng ſtondinge vpon þe chayer aftir þe maner, and ſyngers, and companyes beſidis hym, and alle þe puple of þe lond glaadinge, and ſyngynge wiþ trompis. And ſche kytt hyre cloþis, and cryede, Coniuracioun! coniuracioun! Forſoþe Joiada comaundide to þe rewlers of hundreþis, þat weren vpon þe hooſt, and ſeiþ to hem, Leediþ hyre out of þe purſeyntis of þe temple; and who ſo euer folewiþ hyre, be he ſmyten wiþ a ſwerde. Forſoþe þe preſt hadde ſeyde, Be ſche not ſlayn in þe temple of þe Lord. And þei putten to hyre hondis, and ſtykeden hyre by þe weye of þe entree of þe hors beſyde þe paleys; and ſche is ſlayn þere. Þan Joiada couenauntyde couenaunt of peſe bytwen þe Lord and þe kyng, and bytwene þe puple, þat þer were a puple of þe Lord; bytwene þe king and þe puple. And alle þe puple of þe lond wente in to þe temple of Baal; and þei diſtruyden his auters, and þe ymagis brooſiden to gydris miȝtily; Maþan forſoþe, þe preſt of Baal, þei ſlewen before þe auter. And þe preſt ſette waardis in þe hous of þe Lord; and toke þe rewlers of hundreþis, and þe legiouns of Cereþey and Fereþey, and alle þe puple of þe lond. And þei brouȝten þe kyng fro þe hous of þe Lord; and þei camen by þe weye of þe ȝaat of þe ſcheeld bereris in to þe paleys; and he ſate vpon þe trone of kyngis. And alle þe puple of þe lond glaadid, and alle þe cytee reſtide in oon. Aþalia forſoþe is ſlayn wiþ ſwerde in þe hous of þe kyng. And of ſeuen ȝeer was Joas, when he beganne to regne.
Capitulum XII.
The ſeuenþ ȝeer of Hieu regnede Joas; fourty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir Sebia of Berſabe. And Joas dyde riȝt beforn þe Lord alle days, þe whiche tauȝte hym Joiada, þe preſt. Neuerþelater heeȝe þingis he dide not aweye; ȝit forſoþe þe puple offride, and brente encenſe in heiȝtis. And Joias ſeide to þe preſtis, Al þe monee of ſeyntis, þe whiche were brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord of men paſſynge, þe whiche is offred for þe ſynne of þe ſoule, and þe whiche þei bryngen in wilfully, and by dome of þeir herte, in to þe temple of þe Lord, þe preſtis taken þei it aftir þeir ordre. And enſtoore þei þe coueryngis of þe hous, ȝif eny þinge þei ſeen neceſſarye in þe reſtorynge. Þanne vnto þe þree and twentiþe ȝeer of kyng Joas, þe preſtis reſtooreden not þe coueryngis of þe temple. And kyng Joas clepide Joiada, þe biſchop, and þe preſtis, ſeyinge to hem, Why þe coueryngis ȝe reſtoren not of þe temple? Wille ȝe þan not no more taken þe monee aftir ȝoure ordre, bot to þe reſtooringe of þe temple ȝeldiþ it. And þe preſtis ben forfendid to eny more takyn monee of þe puple, and to reſtoren þe coueryngis of þe hous. And Joiada, þe biſchop, toke oon treſoringe place, and he opnede an hoole þer aboue, and putte it biſyde þe auter, at þe riȝt ſyde of men commynge in to þe houſe of þe Lord; and þe preſtis, þat kepten þe doris, putten in it al þe monee þat was brouȝt to þe temple of þe Lord. And when he ſauȝ to myche monee to be in þe treſorye, a ſcribe of þe kyngis ſteyȝide up, and a byſchop, and þei heelden out, and noumbreden þe monee þat was foundun in þe hous of þe Lord. And þei ȝeuen it aftir þe noumbre and meſure in þe hond of hem, þat weren before to þe maſouns of þe hous of þe Lord, þe whiche ȝeuen it in carpentaris, and in þes maſouns, þat wrouȝten in þe hous of þe Lord, and þe coueryngis maaden; and in hem þat hewyden ſtonys; and þat ſchulden byen treeſe and ſtonys, þe whiche weren hewen out; ſo þat þe enſtorynge of þe hous of þe Lord were fulfillid in alle þingis, þe whiche nededen expenſis to þe hous to be warnyſchid. Neuerþelatre þer weren not maad of þe ſame monee þe ſtenys of þe temple of þe Lord, and þe fleſchookis, and þe cenſeris, and þe trompis, and all golden veſſel and ſilueren, of þe monee þat was brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord. To þes forſoþe þat maden werk was ȝeuen, þat þe temple of þe Lord were enſtooride. And no reknynge was maad to þo men þat token þe monee, þat þei delen it to þe craftyſe men; bot in feiþ þei tretiden it. Þe monee forſoþe for treſpaſſe, and þe monee for ſynnes, þei brouȝten not in to þe temple of þe Lord, for it was of preſtis. Þan Azael, kyng of Cyrye, ſteyȝide up, and fauȝt aȝeynus Geþ; and he took it, and he dreſſide his face, þat he ſteyȝe up in to Jeruſalem. For what þing Joas, king of Juda, took alle þe halowed þingis, þe whiche Joſaphaþ, and Joram, and Ochoſias, hiſe faders, kyngis of Juda, hadden ſacred, and þe whiche he hadde offred, and al þe ſyluer and gold, þat myȝt be founden in þe treſouries of þe temple of þe Lord, and in paleys of þe kyng. And he ſente to Azael, þe kyng of Cyrye, and wente aweye fro Jeruſalem. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joas, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe book of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? Forſoþe his ſeruauntis ryſen, and coniureden bytwene hemſeluen; and þei ſmyten Joas in þe hous of Mello, in þe goynge doun of Sela. Joſafaþ forſoþe, þe ſone of Semaþ, and Joiadaþ, þe ſone of Somer, his ſeruauntis, ſmyten hym, and he is deed; and þei birieden hym wiþ his faders in þe cytee of Dauiþ; and Amazias, his ſone, regnede for hym.
Capitulum XIII.
The þree and twentiþe ȝeer of Joas, þe ſone of Ochaſie, kyng of Juda, regnede Joachas, þe ſone of Hieu, vpon Yrael, in Samarie ſeuentene ȝeer. And he dyde yuel before þe Lord, and he folowide þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat maad Yrael to ſynne; and he bowide not aweye fro hem. And þe woodneſſe of þe Lord is wroþ aȝeynſt Yrael, and he toke hem in to þe hondis of Azael, kynge of Cyrye, and in þe hond of Benadab, þe ſone of Azael, all days. Forſoþe Joachaz preyide þe face of þe Lord, and þe Lord herde hym; he ſawe forſoþe þe angwyſche of Yrael, for þe kyng of Cyrye hadde to troden hem. And þe Lord ȝaue a ſaueour to Yrael, and he is delyuerd fro þe hond of þe kyng of Cyrie; and þe ſonys of Yrael dwelliden in þeir tabernaclis, as ȝiſtirday and þe þrid day henns. Neuerþelatre þei wenten not aweye fro þe ſynnes of þe hous of Jeroboam, þat made Yrael to ſynnen, and in hem þei ȝeden; forſoþe and þe mawmett wode abood ſtylle in Samarye. And þer ben not laft to Joachas of þe puple, bot fyue hundreþ hors men, and ten chaaris, and ten þouſandis of fote men; forſoþe þe kyng of Cyrye hadde ſlayn hem, and hadde brouȝte hem doun as powdre in þe þreſchynge of þe corn flore. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joachaz, and alle þingis þat he dyde, bot and his ſtrengþe, wheþer not þeſe þingis ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? And Joachaz ſlepte wiþ his faders, and þei byryeden hym in Samarye; and Joas, his ſone, regned for hym. Þe ſeuenþ and þrittiþe ȝeer of Joas, kyng of Juda, regnede Joas, þe ſone of Joachaz, vpon Yrael in Samarye ſextene ȝeer. And he dyde þat, þat is euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; forſoþe he bowide not doun fro alle þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þe whiche maad Yrael to ſynne; in hem he wente. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joas, and alle þingis þat he dyde, bot and þe ſtrengþ of hym, what maner wijſe he fauȝte aȝeynſt Amaziam, kyng of Juda, wheþer not þeſe ben wryten in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? And Joas ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; Jeroboam forſoþe, his ſone, ſate vpon his ſee. Bot Joas is byryed in Samarye wiþ þe kyngis of Yrael. Heliſe forſoþe ſijkide in ſijkneſſe, by þe whiche and he is deed; and Joas, þe kynge of Yrael, came doun to hym, and wepte beforn hym, and ſeyde, Fader myne! fadir myne! þe chaar of Yrael, and þe charieter of it! And Heliſe ſeiþ to hym, Brynge forþe a bowe and arowis. And whanne he hadde brouȝt to hym a bowe and arowis, he ſeide to þe kyng of Yrael, Putte þin hond vpon þe bowe. And whann he hadde putte his hond, Heliſee putte aboue his hondis to þe hondis of þe kyng, and ſeiþ, Opyn þe eeſte wyndowe. And whanne he hade opnede, Heliſe ſeyde, Kaſt an arowe; and he keſt. And Heliſe ſeiþ, Þe arowe of þe help of þe Lord, and þe arowe of helþe aȝeyns Cyrye; and þou ſchalt ſmyten Cyrye in to Affeþ, to þe tyme þat þou waaſt it. And he ſeiþ, Taak þe arowis. Þe whiche whanne he hadde taaken, eft he ſeyde to hym, Smyte wiþ a dart þe erþ. And whanne he hadde ſmyten þre ſiþis, and hadde ſtonden, þe man of God wraþþede aȝeyns hym, and ſeiþ, Ȝif þou haddiſt ſmyten fyue ſiþis, or ſexe ſiþis, or ſeuen ſiþis, þou haddiſt ſmyten Cyrye vnto þe hool waaſtynge; nowe forſoþe þou ſchalt ſmyten it þree ſiþis. Þanne Heliſe dyȝede, and þei birieden hym. Forſoþe þe lityl þeeuis of Moab camen in to þe lond in þat ȝeer. Summe forſoþe byryinge a man, ſeeȝen þe lytyl þeeuis, and kaſten þe careyn in þe ſepulcre of Heliſe; þe whiche whanne hadde touchid þe boonis of Heliſee, þe man quyckened aȝeyn, and ſtode vpon his feet. Þanne Azael, kyng of Cyrie, tourmentyde Yrael alle þe days of Joachaz. And þe Lord hadde reuþe of hem, and he turnede aȝeyn to hem for his couenaunt, þat he hadde wiþ Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob; and he wolde not ſcatren hem, ne fully þrowen aweye, into þe preſent tyme. Forſoþe Azael, þe kyng of Cyrye, diede; and Benadab, his ſone, regnede for hym. Bot Joas, þe ſone of Joachaz, toke þe cytees fro þe hond of Benadab, þe ſone of Azael, þe whiche he hadde taken fro þe hond of Joachas, his fadir, þorȝ riȝt of bateyl; þre ſiþis Joas ſmoot hym, and he ȝeeldide þe cytees to Yrael.
Capitulum XIIII.
In þe ſecounde ȝeer of Joas, þe ſone of Joachas, kyng of Yrael, regnede Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of Juda. Of fyue and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to regnen; twenty forſoþe and nyne ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Joaden of Jeruſalem. And he dyde riȝt before þe Lord, neuerþelatre not as Dauid, his fadir; aftir alle þingis þat Joas, his fadir, dyde he dide, bot þat oonly, þat heeȝe þingis he dydde not aweye; ȝit forſoþe þe puple offrede, and brende encenſe in heiȝtis. And whan he hadde weldyde þe rewme, he ſmoote his ſeruauntis, þat hadden ſlayn þe kyng, his fadre; þe ſonys forſoþe of hem þat hadden ſlayn, he ſlewȝ not; after þat þat is writen in þe boke of þe lawe of Moyſes, as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes, ſeyinge, Þe fadirs ſchuln not dyȝen for þe ſonys, ne þe ſonys for þe fadirs, bot echone ſchal dyen in his ſynne. He ſmote Edom in þe valey of placis of ſalt, tenn þouſandis; and he cauȝte þe place, þat hatte Petra, in bateyl; and he clepide his name Jezechel, vnto þe day þat is nowe. Þanne Amazias ſente meſſagers to Joas, þe ſone of Joachas, þe ſone of Hieu, kyng of Yrael, ſeyinge, Comme, and ſee we us. And Joas, kyng of Yrael, ſente aȝeyn to Amazias, kyng of Juda, ſeyinge, Þe þiſtill of Lybane ſente to þe cedre, þat is in Libane, ſeyinge, Ȝeue þi douȝtir to my ſone wijf; and þe beeſtis of þe wijlde wode, þat ben in Lybane, wenten, and treden þe þiſtill. And ſmytynge þou haddiſt þe ouerhond vpon Edom, and þin herte arered þee; be þou apayid wiþ þi glorie, and ſytt in þi hous; why ſtiriſt þou euyl, þat þou falle, and Juda wiþ þee? And Amazias aſſentyde not; and Joas, þe kyng of Yrael, ſteyȝide up, and þei ſeeȝen hem ſilf, he and Amazias, þe kyng of Juda, in Beþſames, þe bourȝtoun of Jude. And Juda is ſmyten beforn Yrael; and þei flowen echone in to þeir tabernaclis. Joas, þe kyng of Yrael, forſoþe toke Amazie, þe kynge of Juda, þe ſone of Joas, þe ſone of Ochoſie, in Beþſames, and brouȝte hym in to Jeruſalem; and he to-braſt þe walle of Jeruſalem, fro þe ȝaat of Effraym vnto þe ȝaat of þe cornere, in foure hundreþ cubitis. And he toke al þe gold and ſyluer, and alle þe veſſels, þat ben foundun in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe treſories of þe kyng, and priſoners, and is turnede aȝeyn in to Samarye. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joas, þe whiche he dyde, and his ſtrengþe, in þe whiche he fauȝte aȝeynſt Amazie, kyng of Juda, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? And Joas ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biryed in Samarye wiþ þe kyngis of Yrael; and Jeroboam, his ſone, regnede for hym. Forſoþe Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, lyuede kyng of Juda, aftir þat Joas, þe ſone of Joachas, kyng of Yrael, dyȝide, fyue and twenty ȝeer. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Amazie, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? And þere is maad aȝeyn hym coniuracyoun in Jeruſalem, and he fleeiȝ in to Lachis; and þei ſenten aftir hym in to Lachis, and þei ſlewen hym þere. And brouȝten hym þennus in hors, and he is biryide in Jeruſalem wiþ his fadirs, in þe cytee of Dauid. Forſoþe alle þe puple of Jude toke Azaria, ȝeeris born ſixteene; and þei ordeynde hym kyng for his fadir Amazie. And he bylde Ahilam, and reſtoorride it to Jude, aftir þat þe kyng hadde ſlepte wiþ his fadirs. Þe fyftenþ ȝeer of Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of Juda, regned Jeroboam, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of Yrael, in Samarye oon and fourty ȝeer; and dydde þat, þat is euyl before þe Lord; and he wente not aweye fro alle þe ſynnys of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat maad Yrael to ſynne. And he reſtooride þe termys of Yrael, fro þe entree of Emaþ vnto þe ſe of wyldreneſſe, aftir þe word of þe Lord God of Yrael, þat he ſpak by his ſeruaunt Jonas, þe ſone of Amaþie, prophete, þat was of Geþ, þat is in Oofer. Forſoþe þe Lord ſawe þe tourmentynge of Yrael to myche bittir, and þat þei weren waaſtid vnto þe cloſed of þe priſone, and vttirmoſtis, and þer was not þe whiche myȝt helpen Yrael. And þe Lord ſpac not, þat he ſchulde done aweye þe name of Yrael fro vndir heuen, bot he ſauede hem in þe hond of Jeroboham, þe ſone of Joas. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Jeroboam, and alle þingis þat he dyde, and his ſtrengþe, in þe whiche he fauȝte, and howe he reſtoride Damaſk, and Emaþ of Jude, in Yrael, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? And Jeroboam ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, þe kyngis of Yrael; and Azarias, his ſone, regnede for hym.
Capitulum XV.
The ſeuen and twentiþe ȝeer of Jeroboam, kyng of Yrael, regned Azarie, þe ſone of Amazie, kyng of Juda; of ſextene ȝeer he was, whanne he begane to regnen, and two and fyfty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Jecelia of Jeruſalem. And he dyde þat, þat was pleſaunt beforn þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat Amazias, his fadir, hadde done; neuer þe latre þe heeȝe þingis he diſtruyde not; ȝit þe puple ſacrifiſide, and brent encenſe in heiȝtis. Þe Lord forſoþe ſmoote þe kyng, and he was meſſel vnto þe day of his deþ; and he dwellede in þe hous freely aſyde. Joaþas forſoþ, þe kyngis ſone, gouernde þe paleys, and he demyde þe puple of þe lond. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Azarie, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of kyngis of Juda? And Azarie ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and þey birieden hym wiþ his moris in þe cytee of Dauiþ; and Joaþas, his ſone, regnede for hym. Þe eiȝt and þrittiþe ȝeer of Azaria, kyng of Juda, regnede Zacharie, þe ſone of Jeroboam, vpon Yrael in Samarie ſexe moneþis. And he dyde þat, þat was euyl beforn þe Lord, as his fadirs dyden; he wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen. Forſoþe Sellum, þe ſone of Jabes, in Samarye coniurede aȝenus hym; and he ſmoot hym opynly, and ſlewȝ, and regnede for hym. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Zacharie, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? þis is þe word of þe Lord, þat he ſpake to Hieu, ſeyinge, Þi ſonys vnto þe ferþ generacioun ſchul ſytten of þee vpon þe trone of Yſrael; and it is done ſo. Sellum, þe ſone of Jabes, regnede þe nyne and þrittiþe ȝeere of Azarie, kyng of Juda; he regnede forſoþe oon moneþe in Samarye. And Manaheu, þe ſone of Gaddy, ſteyȝide up fro Tharſa, and came in to Samarie; and ſmoot Sellum, þe ſone of Jabes, in Samarye, and ſlewȝ hym, and regnede for hym. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Sellum, and his coniuracyoun, by þe whiche he bente buſchementis, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? Þan Manaheu ſmoot Therſam, and alle þat weren in it, and his termys fro Therſa; forſoþe þey wolden not openen to hym; and he ſlewȝ alle þe wymmen of it wiþ childe, and kutte hem. Þe nyne and þrittiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, regnede Manaheu, þe ſone of Gaddi, vpon Yrael tenn ȝeer in Samarie. And he dydde þat, þat was euyl beforn þe Lord; and he wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen. Alle þe days of hym came Phul, þe kyng of Aſſiries, in Therſa. And Manaheu gaue to Phul a þouſand talentis of ſyluer, þat he were to hym in to help, and þat he faſten his rewme; and Manaheu comaundid ſyluer vpon Yrael to alle þe myȝty and to þe ryche, þat he ſchulde ȝeue to þe kyng of Aſſiries; fyfty ciclis of ſyluer, þoruȝ oute alle ȝeeris; and þe king of Aſſiries is turned aȝein, and dwellide not in Therſe. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Manaheu, and alle þingis þat he dide, wheþer not þeſe ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? And Manaheu ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and Phaſaya, his ſone, regnede for hym. Þe fyftyþe ȝeer of Azaria, kyng of Juda, regnede Phaſaye, þe ſone of Manaheu, vpon Yrael in Samarye two ȝeer. And he dyde þat, þat was euyl before þe Lord; and he wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen. Forſoþe Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, duyk of his hooſt, coniurede aȝeyn hym, and ſmoote hym in Samarye, in þe toure of þe kyngis hous, biſydis Argob, and biſidis Arib, and wiþ hym fyfty men of þe ſonis of Galaditis; and he ſlewȝ hym, and regnede for hym. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Phaſaye, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? Þe two and fyftiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Jude, regnede Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, vpon Yrael in Samarye twenty ȝeer. And dydde þat, þat was euyl beforn þe Lord; and he wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen. In þe days of Phacee, kyng of Yrael, came Theglaþ Falaſar, þe kyng of Aſſur, and toke Ayon, and Aybel, þe hous of Maacha, and Janoe, and Cedes, and Aſor, and Galaad, and Galilee, and al þe lond of Neptalym; and tranſlatyde hem in to Aſſiries. Forſoþe Oſee, þe ſone of Hela, coniurede, and bende buſſchementis aȝeyns Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, and ſmoote hym and ſlewȝ; and for hym regned, þe twentiþe ȝeer of Jonaþan, þe ſone of Oſee. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Phacee, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? Þe ſecounde ȝeer of Phacee, þe ſone of Romelye, kyng of Yrael, regnede Joaþan, þe ſone of Oſee, kyng of Juda; of fyue and twenti ȝeer he was, whanne he byganne to regnen, and ſixtene ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; name of his modir Ceruſa, þe douȝtir of Sadoch. And he dyde þat, þat was pleſaunt beforn þe Lord; aftir alle þingis þat hadde done Oſeas, his fadir, he wrouȝt; neuerþelatre þe heiȝtis he dyde not aweye; ȝitt þe puple offred, and brent encenſe in heiȝtis; he bylde up þe alþerheeȝiſt ȝaat of þe hous of þe Lord. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joaþan, and alle þe þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? In þo days byganne þe Lord to ſenden into Judam Raſym, þe kyng of Cyrye; and Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie. And Joaþan ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biryed wiþ hem in þe cytee of Dauid, his fadir; and Achaz, his ſone, regnede for hym.
Capitulum XVI.
The ſeuentenþe ȝeer of Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, regned Achaz, þe ſone of Joaþan, kyng of Juda. Of twenty ȝeer was Achaz, whan he began to regnen, and ſexteen ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; he dyde not þat was pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord his God, as Dauiþ, his fadir, bot ȝeede in þe weye of þe kyngis of Yrael. Forþermore and his ſone he ſacrid, ouer berynge þoruȝ fyre, aftir þe mawmettis of heiþen men, þe whiche þe Lord ſcatered beforn þe ſonys of Yrael. Forſoþe he offred ſlayn ſacrifices, and brende encenſe in heiȝtis, and in hillis, and vnder ech tree ful of braunchis. Þan Raſyn, kyng of Cyrye, ſteyȝide up, and Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, kyng of Yrael, in to Jeruſalem to fiȝten; and whanne þei byſegiden Achaz, þey myȝten not ouercomme hym. In þat tyme Raſyn, kyng of Cyrye, reſtoride Ahilam to Cyrye, and keſt out þe Jewis fro Ahyla; and Ydumeis and Cyries camen in to Ahilam, and dwelten þere vnto þis day. Forſoþe Achaz ſente meſſagers to Teglaþ Falaſar, kyng of Aſſurye, ſeyinge, Þi ſeruaunt and þi ſone I am; ſteyȝe up, and make me ſafe fro þe hond of þe kyng of Cyrye, and fro þe hond of þe kyng of Yrael, þat han ryſen to gyþer aȝeynus me. And whan Achaz hadde gedrede to gydre ſyluer and gold, þat myȝt ben foundun in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe treſuries of þe kyng, and ſente to þe kyng of Aſſuries ȝiftis; þe whiche and aſſentide to þe wylle of hym. Þe kyng forſoþe of Aſſuries ſteyȝide up in to Damaſc, and waaſtyde it, and brouȝt ouer þe dwellers of it to Cyrynen; Raſyn forſoþe he ſlewȝ. And kyng Achas wente in to aȝein commyng to Teglaþ Phalaſar, kyng of Aſſirie, in to Damaſk; and whanne he hadde ſeen þe auter of Damaſc, kyng Achaz ſente to Vrias, þe preſt, þe exſaumpler of it, and þe licneſſe, aftir al þe werk of it. And Vrias, þe preſt, maad vp þe auter aftir alle þingis þat king Achas hadde comaundide of Damaſc, ſo dyde þe preſt Vrias, to þe tyme þat kyng Achaz came from Damaſk. And whanne þe kyng ſchuld commen fro Damaſk, he ſawȝ þe auter, and wirſchipide it; and he ſteiȝid up, and offred brent ſacrificis, and his ſacrifice; and he offrede ſacrificis of licours, and held þe blode of peſyble þingis, þe whiche he hadde offred vpon þe auter. Forſoþe þe braſen auter, þat was beforn þe Lord, he bare ouer fro þe face of þe temple, and fro þe place of þe auter, and fro þe place of þe temple of þe Lord; and putte it on ſyde of þe auter at þe norþ. King forſoþe Achaz comaundide to Vrie, þe preſt, ſeyinge, Vpon þe more auter offre þe morowtyde brent ſacrifice, and þe euentyde ſacrifice, and þe brent ſacrifice of þe kyng, and his ſacrifice, and þe brent ſacrificis of al þe puple of þe lond, and þe ſacrificis of hem, and þe ſacrificis of þe licours of hem; and al þe blode of þe brent ſacrifice, and al þe blood of þe ſlayn ſacrifyce, vpon it þou ſchalt heelden; forſoþe þe braſen auter ſchal be maad redye at my wylle. Þan Vrias, þe preſt, dyde aftir alle þingis þat kyng Achaz hadde comaundyde to hym. Forſoþe kyng Achaz toke grauen feete, and þe watir veſſel, þat was þere aboue, and þe ſe he putte doun of þe braſen oxen, þat ſuſteyneden it, and he putte vpon þe pament greiþid wiþ ſtoon. Forſoþe þe place where þe kingis offrynge was leyd of þe ſaboþ, þat he hadde bylde in þe temple, and þe commynge in of þe kyng wiþouten forþ, he turnede in to þe temple of þe Lord for þe kyng of Aſſiries. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Achaz, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? And Achaz ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biried wiþ hem in þe cytee of Dauid; and Ezechias, his ſone, regned for hym.
Capitulum XVII.
The twelfþe ȝeer of Achaz, kyng of Juda, regnede Oſee, þe ſone of Hela, in Samarie vpon Yrael nyne ȝeer. And he dyde euyl before þe Lord, bot not as þe kyngis of Yrael, þat weren beforn hym. Aȝeynus þis ſteyȝide up Salmanaſer, kyng of Aſſiries, and Oſee is maad to hym ſeruaunt, and ȝeeldide to hym tributis. And whanne þe kyng of Aſſiries hadde perceyued, þat Oſee enforcede to rebellen, and þat he hadde ſente meſſagers to Sua, kyng of Egipt, leſt he ſchulde ȝeuen tributis to þe kyng of Aſſiries, as eche ȝeer he was wont, he byſegyde hym, and bounden he putte in to pryſoun. And he wente þoruȝ out al þe lond, and ſteyȝynge to Samarie he byſegide it þre ȝeer. Þe nyneþe ȝeer forſoþ of Oſee, þe kyng of Aſſiries toke Samarie, and tranſlatyde Yſrael into Aſſiries; and he ſett hem in Hela, and in Thabor, beſyde þe flode of Gozam, in þe cytees of Medis. It is done forſoþe, whanne þe ſonys of Yrael hadden ſynned beforn þe Lord þeir God, þat ladde hem out fro þe lond of Egipt, fro þe hond of Pharao, kyng of Egipte, þei heryeden alyen goddis; and wenten aftir þe cuſtom of heiþene, whom þe Lord hadde waaſtyde in þe ſiȝt of þe ſonys of Yrael, and of þe kyngis of Yrael, for lijk maner þei hadden done. And þe ſonys of Yrael offendiden wiþ wordis not riȝt þe Lord þeir God, and þei bildiden to hem heeȝe þingis in alle þeir cytees, fro þe toure of kepers vnto þe ſtrengþid cytee. And þei maden to hem ymagis, and mawmett wodis, in all heeȝe hill, and vndir al braunchy tree; and þey brenden þere encenſe vpon þe auters in maner of heiþen, whom þe Lord hade tranſlatide fro þe face of hem. And þei diden þe warſt wordis, terryng þe Lord; and þey heryeden þe vnclenneſſe, of þe whiche þe Lord comaundide to hem, þat þei ſchulden not done þat worde. And þe Lord witneſſide in Yrael and in Juda, by þe hond of alle prophetis, and þe ſeeȝers, ſeyinge, Turniþ aȝeyn fro ȝoure warſt weyes, and kepiþ myn heſtis, and my cerymonyes, aftir al þe lawe þe whiche I haue comaundide to ȝoure fadirs, and as I ſente to ȝou in þe hond of my ſeruauntis prophetis. Þe whiche herden not, bot hardeneden þeir noll aftir þe noll of þeir fadirs, þat wolden not obeyſchen to þe Lord þeir God. And þei kaſten aweye þe lawful þingis of hym, and þe couenaunt þat he couenauntyde wiþ þe fadirs of hem, and þe witneſſingis by þe whiche he wytneſſede hem; and þei foloweden vanytes, and vaynly þei diden; and þei foloweden heiþen folc, þat weren by þe enuyroun of hem; vpon þe whiche þe Lord had comaundyde to hem, þat þei ſchulden not done as and þei dyden. And þei forſoken alle þe heſtis of þe Lord þeir God, and þei maaden to hem two ȝoten calues, and mawmette wodis; and þei honoureden alle þe knyȝþode of heuen; and þei ſerueden to Baal, and þei ſacreden to it þeir ſonys and þeir douȝtris þoruȝ fyer, and to dyuynynge þei inwardly ſerueden, and to dyuynynge in chiterynge of briddis; and þei bitauȝten hem ſeluen þat þei done euyl byforn þe Lord, and þei terreden hym. And þe Lord is wroþe hydouſly to Yrael; and he toke hem aweye fro his ſiȝt, and þer laft not bot þe lynage of Juda aloon. Bot and not he, Juda, kepte þe heſtis of þe Lord his God, neuer þe later he errid, and went in þe errours of Yrael, þe whiche he hadde wrouȝt. And þe Lord þrewe aweye al þe ſeed of Yrael, and tourmentyde hem, and he toke hem in þe hond of diſtriers; to þe tyme þat he caſt hem aweye fro his face, fro þat nowe tyme fro þe whiche Yrael was kutt of fro þe hous of Dauid, and þei ordeyneden to hem a kyng, Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ. Forſoþe Jeroboam ſeuerede Yrael fro þe Lord, and made hem to ſynnen a grete ſynne. And þe ſonys of Yrael wenten in alle þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe whiche he hadde done; and þei wenten not aweye fro hem, for to þe Lord dyde Yrael awey fro his face, as he hadde ſpoken in þe hond of alle his ſeruauntis prophetis; and Yrael is tranſlatyd fro his lond in to Aſſiries vnto þis day. Forſoþe þe kyng of Aſſiries brouȝt þe puple fro Babiloyne, and fro Cuþa, and fro Haylaþ, and fro Emaþ, and fro Sepharuaym, and he ſette hem in þe cytees of Samarye for þe ſonys of Yrael; þe whiche weeldiden Samarie, and dwelliden in þe cytees of it. And whanne þere þei hadden begunne to dwellen, þei dredden not þe Lord; and þe Lord ſente to hem lyouns, þat ſlewen hem. And it is told to þe kyng of Aſſiries, and ſeide, Þe folc þat þou haſt tranſlatyde, and maad to dwellen in þe cytees of Samarye, knowen not þe lawful þingis of þe God of þe lond; and þe Lord ſente in to hem lyouns, and loo! þei ſchuln ſlen hem; for þy þat þei knowen not þe cuſtum of þe God of þe lond. Þe kyng forſoþe of Aſſiries comaundyde, ſeyinge, Bringiþ hidre oon of þe preſtis, þe whiche in to caytyfte ȝe han brouȝt, þat he goo, and dwelle wiþ hem, and teche hem þe lawful þingis of God of þe lond. Þanne whanne oon of þes preſtis, þat weren ladde caytyfe fro Samarie, was commen, he dwellide in Beþel, and tauȝte hem, in what maner wyſe þei ſchulden herie þe Lord. And ech folc forgid his god, and putten hem in heeȝe templis, þe whiche Samaritis maden, folc and folc in þeir cytees, in þe whiche þei dwelliden. Forſoþe Babyloynes men maden Socoþ Benoþ; forſoþe Cuþeny men maaden Vergel; and þe men of Emaþ maaden Aſma; bot Euey maaden Nabaaþ and Tharcha; þes forſoþe þat weren of Sepharuaym brenden þeir ſonys wiþ fyre to Adramalech and Aramalech, goddis of Sepharuaym. And neuer þe latere þei herieden þe Lord; þei maaden forſoþe to hem preſtis of þe moſt newe þingis of heeȝe þingis, and þei putten hem in heeȝe heiþen templis. And whanne þei ſchulden heryen God, forſoþe to þeir goddis þei ſerueden, aftir þe vſage of heiþen men, fro þe whiche þei were tranſlatyde to Samarye; vnto þe day þat is nowe þei foloweden þe old maner; þey dredden not þe Lord, ne keepen his cerymonyes, and domys, and lawe, and maundement, þat þe Lord hadde comaundide to þe ſonys of Jacob, whome he clepide Yrael; and hadde ſmyten wiþ hem couenaunt, and hadde comaundide to hem, ſeyinge, Wylle ȝe not dreeden alyen goddis, and honouriþ not hem, ne herieþ hem, and offre ȝe not to hem; bot þe Lord ȝoure God, þat ladde ȝou out fro þe lond of Egipt in grete ſtrengþe, and in aarme ſtrauȝte out, hym dreediþ, and hym honouriþ, and to him offriþ. Þe cerymonyes forſoþe, and þe domys, and þe lawe, and þe maundement þat he wroote to ȝou, keepiþ, þat ȝe done alle days; and dreed ȝe not alyen goddis. And þe couenaunt þat he ſmoote wiþ ȝou, williþ not forȝeten, ne herie ȝee alyen goddis; bot þe Lord ȝoure God dreediþ, and he ſchal delyuere ȝou fro þe hond of alle ȝoure enmyes. Þei forſoþe herden not, bot aftir þeir vſage beforn hadde þei diden euyl. Þanne þes gentylis forſoþe weren dreedynge God; bot neuer þe later and to þeir mawmettis ſeruynge, for and þe ſonys of hem and þe ſonys ſonys ſo done, as dyden þeir fadirs, vnto þe preſent day.
Capitulum XVIII.
The þrid ȝeer of Oſee, þe ſone of Hela, kyng of Yrael, regned Ezechias, þe ſone of Achaz, kyng of Juda. Of fyue and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to regnen, and twenty and nyne ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Abiſa, douȝtir of Zacharie. And he dyde þat, þat was good beforn þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat Dauiþ, his fadir, hadde done. And he ſcatered þe heeȝe þingis, and to-bruſede þe ymagis, and hewȝ doun þe mawmett wodis, and he to-braſte þe braſen addere, þat Moyſes hadde maad; forſoþe vnto þat tyme þe ſonys of Yrael brenden to it encenſe; and he clepide þe name of it Noeſtam. And in þe Lord God of Yrael he hoopide; alſo aftir hym was not lijk to hym of alle þe kyngis of Juda, bot nouþer in hem þat weren beforn hym. And he cleeuede to þe Lord, and he wente not aweye fro þe ſteppis of hym, and he dyde his heeſtis, þe whiche þe Lord hadde comaundide to Moyſes; wherfore and þe Lord was wiþ hym, and in alle þingis to þe whiche he went forþ, wyſely he had hym ſilf. Forſoþe he rebellide aȝeynus þe king of Aſſiries, and þerfore he ſerued not to hym; and he ſmoote þe Philiſteis vnto Gaſam, and alle þe termys of hem, fro þe toure of keepers vnto þe ſtrengþid cytee. Þe ferþ ȝeer of kyng Ezechie, þe whiche was þe ſeuenþe ȝeer of Oſee, þe ſone of Hela, kyng of Yrael, Salmanazer, kyng of Aſſirie, ſteyȝide vp to Samarie, and ouercame it, and toke. For aftir þree ȝeer, þe ſext ȝeer of Ezechie, þat is nynþe ȝeer of Oſee, kyng of Yrael, taken is Samarie; and þe kyng of Aſſiries tranſlatyde Yrael in to Aſſiries, and ſette hem in Haila, and in Habor, flodis of Goſam, in þe cytees of Medis; for þei herden not þe voice of þe Lord þeir God, bot wenten beſyde þe couenaunt of hym; alle þingis þat Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, hadde comaundide, þei herden not, ne dyden. Þe fourtenþe ȝeer of kyng Ezekie, ſteyȝide up Senacherub, kyng of Aſſiries, to alle þe ſtrengþid cytees of Juda, and toke hem. Þan Ezechias, kyng of Juda, ſente meſſagers to þe kyng of Aſſiries in Lachis, ſeyinge, I haue ſynned; go aweye fro me, and al þat þou puttiſt on to me, I ſchale beren. And ſo þe kyng of Aſſiries comaundide to Ezechie, kyng of Juda, þre hundreþ talentis of ſyluer, and þritty talentis of gold. And Ezechias ȝaue alle þe ſyluer, þat was founden in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe kingis treſouries. In þat tyme Ezechias brake þe doris of þe temple of þe Lord, and þe platis of gold, þe whiche he hadde affitchide, and he ȝaue hem to þe kyng of Aſſiries. Forſoþe þe kyng of Aſſiries ſente Thercam and Rapſacem fro Lachis to kyng Ezechie, wiþ ſtronge hond to Jeruſalem; þe whiche whanne hadden ſteyȝide up, þei camen to Jeruſalem, and ſtoden byſydis þe kundyte of watir of þe ouer fyſch poond, þat is in þe weye of þe fullers feeld. And þei clepide þe kyng; forſoþe Eliachym, þe ſone of Elchie, prouoſt of þe hous, wente out to hem, and Sobna, ſcribe, and Joache, þe ſone of Azaf, chauncelere. And Rapſaces ſeide to hem, Spekiþ to Ezechie, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe grete kyng, kyng of Aſſiries, What is þis truſt, in þe whiche þou leuiſt? Perauenture þou haſt goon in counſeil, þat þou greiþe þee to batayl. In what triſtiſt þou, þat þou be hardy to rebellen? Wheþer hopiſt þou in þe reeden ſtaf and broken, Egipt, vpon whiche ȝif a man lene, to-broken it ſchal goon in to his hond, and þrillen it? So is Pharao, þe kyng of Egipt, to alle þat truſten in hym. And ȝif þou ſeiſt to me, In þe Lord oure God we han truſt; wheþer not he is, of whome Ezechie toke aweye þe heeȝe þingis and þe auters, and comaundide to Jude and to Jeruſalem, Beforn þis auter ȝe ſchuln honouren in Jeruſalem? Nowe þanne gooþ to my lord, king of Aſſiries, and I ſchal ȝeue to ȝou two þouſand of hors, and ſeeȝiþ, wheþer ȝe mown han ſteyȝers vpon hem? And what maner wijſe mowen ȝe wiþ ſtonden beforn oon prince of þe leſt ſeruauntis of my lord? Wheþer haſt þou truſt in Egipt, for þe chaaris and hors men? Wheþer wiþ oute þe wille of God I haue ſteyȝide up to þis place, þat I diſtruye it? Þe Lord ſeide to me, Steyȝe ȝe up to þis lond, and diſtruye it. Forſoþe Eliachym, þe ſone of Elchie, and Sobna, and Joache, ſeyden to Rapſace, We preyen, þat þou ſpeke to us, þi ſeruauntis, Ciriely; forſoþe we vndirſtonden þat tong; and ſpeke þou not to us Jewly, heerynge þe puple, þat is vpon þe walle. And Rapſaces anſwerde to hym, ſeyinge, Wheþer to þi lord and to þee ſente me my lord, þat I ſchulde ſpeken þes wordis, and not more to þe men þat ſytten vpon þe wall, þat þei eten þeir dritt, and drynken þeir vryne wiþ ȝou? And ſo Rapſaces ſtode, and cryede out wiþ a grete voyce Jewly, and ſeiþ, Heeriþ þe wordis of þe grete kyng, kyng of Aſſiries. Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Diſceyue not ȝou Ezechie; forſoþe he ſchal not mowen delyuer ȝou fro myn hond; ne ȝyue he truſt to ȝou vpon þe Lord, ſeying, Delyuerynge ſchal delyueren us þe Lord, and þis cyte ſchal not be taken in þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries; wille ȝe not heeren Ezechias. Þes þingis forſoþe ſeiþ þe kyng of Aſſiries, Dooþ wiþ me þat to ȝou is profytable, and comiþ out to me; and ete ech oon of his vijne, and of his fijge tree, and ȝe ſchuln drynke watirs of ȝoure ciſternys, to þe tyme þat I come, and tranſlate ȝou in to þe lond þat is lijc to ȝour lond, in to þe lond berynge fruyt, and plenteuows of wijne, þe lond of brede, and of vynys, þe lond of olyues, and of oyle, and of hony; and ȝe ſchulen lyuen, and not dyȝen. Wylle ȝe not heeren Ezechie, þat ȝou diſceyueþ, ſeyinge, Þe Lord ſchal delyueren us. Wheþer delyuerden þe goddis of Gentylis þeir lond fro þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries? Where is þe god of Emaþ, and Arfaþ? Where is þe god of Sapharuaym, Ana, and Aua? Wheþer þei delyuerden Samarie fro myn hond? Who forſoþe ben þes in alle þe goddis of londis, þe whiche delyuerden þeir regyoun fro my hond, þat þe Lord may delyueren Jeruſalem fro myn hond? And ſo þe puple was ſtyll, and anſwerde not to hym eny þinge; forſoþe maundement of þe kyng þei hadde taken, þat þei ſchulden not anſweren to hym. And Eliachym, þe ſone of Elchie, þe prouoſt of þe hous, came, and Sobna, ſcribe, and Joache, þe ſone of Azaf, chauncelere, to Ezechie, þe cloþis kutt; and þei tolden to hym þe wordis of Rapſaces.
Capitulum XIX.
The whiche þingis whanne kyng Ezechie hadde herde, he cutte his cloþis, and is couerde wiþ a ſac; and he wente in to þe hous of þe Lord. And he ſente Eliachym, þe prouoſt of þe hous, and Sobna, ſcribe, and þe olde men of þe preſtis, couerd wiþ ſackis, to Yſay, þe prophete, þe ſone of Amos. Þe whiche ſeyden, Þes þingis ſeiþ Ezechias, Days of tribulacyoun, and of blamynge, and of blasfemye þes days; þer ben commyn ſonys to þe birþe, and ſtrengþis haþ not þe childe berere. Ȝif perauenture heere þe Lord þi God alle þe wordis of Rapſaces, whom ſente þe kynge of Aſſiries, his lord, þat he repreue þe Lord lyuynge, and vndernym wiþ wordis, þe whiche herde þe Lord þi God; and make oryſoun for þes relikis, þat ben founden. Þanne þe ſeruauntis of kyng Ezechie camen to Yſay; and Yſay ſeiþ to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ to ȝoure lord, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Wille ȝe not dreeden fro þe face of þe wordis þat ȝe han herde, wiþ þe whiche þe children of þe kyng of Aſſiries han blasfemyden me. Loo! I ſchal ſenden in to hym a ſpirit, and he ſchal here a meſſager, and he ſchal be turned aȝeyn in to his lond; and I ſchal þrowen hym doun by ſwerd in his owne lond. Þanne Rapſaces is turned aȝeyn, and foond þe kyng of Aſſiries ouercommynge Lobnam; forſoþe he hade herde, þat he was goon aweye fro Lachis. And whanne he hade herd of kyng Thearacha of Eþeope, meſſager ſeyinge, Lo! he is goon out, þat he fiȝt aȝeynus þee; þat he goo aȝeynus hym, he ſente meſſagers to Ezechie, ſeyinge, Þes þingis ſeyiþ to Ezekie, kyng of Juda, Leede þee not aſyde þe Lord þi God, in þe whiche þou haſt truſt, ne ſey þou, Jeruſalem ſchal not be taken in to þe hondis of þe kyng of Aſſiries; þou forſoþe þi ſilf haſt herd what þingis þe kyngis of Aſſiries han done in alle londis, what maner þei han waaſtiden hem; wheþer þan aloon þou ſchalt mowen ben delyuered? Wheþer þe goddis of Gentylis delyuerden alle whom my faders waaſtyden, Gozam, þat is, and Aran, and Reſeph, and þe ſonys of Eden, þat weren in Thelaſſar? Wher is þe kyng of Emaþ, and þe kyng of Arfaþ? and þe kyng of þe cytee of Cepharuaym, Ana, and Aua? And ſo whanne Ezechias hade taken þe lettres fro þe hond of þe meſſagers, and hadde rad hem, he ſteyȝide up in to þe hous of þe Lord, and he ſpradde hym out beforn þe Lord; and preyide in his ſiȝt, ſeyinge, Lord God of Yrael, þat ſyttyſt vpon cherubyn, þou ert aloon God of alle kyngis of þe erþ; þou maadiſt heuen and erþe. Bowe doun þin ere, and here; opyn þin eeȝen, Lord, and ſee; and here þou alle þe wordis of Senacherub, þat ſente, þat he repreue to us þe lyuynge God. Forſoþe, Lord, þe kyngis of Aſſiries ſcatirden þe Gentylis, and þe londis of alle, and ſenten þe goddis of hem in to fyre; forſoþe þey weren not goddis, bot þe wercis of þe hondis of men, of tree and ſtoon; and þei diſtruyeden hem. Now þan, Lord oure God, maake vs ſaaf fro þe hond of hem, þat alle rewmys of þe erþ knowen for þou ert Lord God aloon. Forſoþe Yſayas, þe ſone of Amos, ſente to Ezechie, ſeyinge, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, What þingis þou preyediſt me vpon Senacherub, kyng of Aſſiries, I haue herde. þis is þe word, þat þe Lord haþ ſpoken of hym; He haþ diſpiſide þee, and ſcorned þee, þou meyden douȝtir of Syon; aftir þi bac þe heued he meuede, þou douȝtir of Jeruſalem. To whom haſt þou repreued, and whom haſt þou blasfemede? Aȝeynus whome haſt þou enhauncid þi voice, and haſt reride in to heeiȝ þin eeȝen? Aȝenus þe hooly of Yrael. By þe hond of þi ſeruauntes þou haſt putte reprofe to þe Lord, and ſeidiſt, In þe multitude of my chaaris I ſteiȝide up þe heiȝtis of hillis, in þe ouermoſt of Lybane, and I hewȝ doun þe heeȝe cedris of it, and þe choſen firris of it; and I wente in vnto þe termys of it, and þe wijlde wode of þe Carmele of it I haue hewen doun; and I haue dronken alyen watirs, and haue dryed wiþ þe ſteppis of my feet alle þe cloſed watirs. Wheþer haſt þou not herde, what I haue done fro þe bigynnynge? Fro þe olde days I haue fourmyd it, and nowe I haue brouȝt to; and þe ſtreyngþid cytees ſchuln ben in to fallynge of þe fiȝtynge hyllis. And þilk þat ſytten in hem meeke in hond, han tremblyd to gydre, and ben confoundyd; þei ben maad as hey of þe feeld, and as greene herbe of rofys, þe whiche is maad drye, er it myȝt comme to rijpneſſe. And þi dwellynge place, and þi goynge oute, and þi commynge in, and þi weye I knewe beforn, and þi woodneſſe aȝeynus me. Þou wexe wood in me, and þi pride ſteyȝide up in to my eris; and ſo I ſchal putten a cercle in þyn noos þrillis, and a bernacle in þi lippis, and I ſchal brynge þee aȝeyn by þe weye þat þou came. To þee forſoþe, Ezechie, þis ſchal ben a tokne; ete þis ȝere þat þou fyndiſt; in þe ſecounde forſoþe ȝere þat freely growen; bot in þe þrid ȝeer ſowiþ, and repiþ, and plauntiþ vynes, and etiþ þe fruyt of hem. And what euer were laft of þe hous of Juda, it ſchal putten þe rote beneþe, and maken fruyt abouen. Fro Jeruſalem forſoþ ſchuln goon out relykis, and þat ſchal ben ſaued of þe hyll of Syon; þe zeel of þe Lord of hooſtis ſchal done þat. For what þing þes þinges ſeiþ þe Lord of þe kyng of Aſſiries, He ſchal not commen in to þis cytee, ne ſenden arowe in to it, and targett ſchal not ocupien it, and warnyſchynge ſchal not enuyroun it. By þe weye þat he came he ſchal be turned aȝeyn, and þis cytee he ſchal not comme in, ſeiþ þe Lord; and I ſchal defenden þis cytee, and ſauen it for me, and for Dauid, my ſeruaunt. It is done þanne, þe aungel of þe Lord came in þat nyȝt, and ſmoote in þe tentis of Aſſiries an hundreþ foureſcoore and fyue þouſandis. And whanne erly he hade ryſen, he ſawȝ alle þe bodies of þe deed; and aȝeyn gooynge wente aweye. And Senacherub, þe kyng of Aſſiries, is turned aȝeyn, and dwellide in Nynyue. And whanne he ſchulde honouren in þe temple of Neſaraþ, his god, Toramelech and Ciraſar, þe ſonys of hym, ſmyten hym wiþ ſwerd; and þei flowen in to þe lond of Armeneys; and Aſſeraddon, his ſone, regnede for hym.
Capitulum XX.
In þo dayes ſijknede Ezechias vnto þe deeþ; and þere cam to hym Yſayas, þe ſone of Amos, prophete, and ſeyde to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Comaunde to þin hous, forſoþe þou ſchalt dyen, and not lyuen. Þe whiche turned his face to þe wall, and honourede þe Lord, ſeyinge, I beſeche, Lord, haue mynde, how I haue goon before þee in treuþe, and in perfyte herte, and þat is pleſaunt before þee haue done. And ſo Ezechias wepte wiþ grete weepynge. And ere Yſay were gon out þe half partye of þe porche, þe word of þe Lord is done to hym, ſeyinge, Turne aȝeyn, and ſey to Ezechie, þe duke of my puple, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord of Dauid, þi fadre, I haue herd þi preyer, and ſeen þi tere, and, loo! I haue helid þee. Þe þrid day þou ſchalt ſteyȝen up to þe temple of þe Lord, and I ſchal adden to þy days fyueteen ȝeer; bot and fro þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries I ſchal delyueren þee, and þis cytee, and I ſchal defenden þis cyte for me, and for Dauid, my ſeruaunt. And Yſay ſeyde, Bryngiþ to me a maſſe of fijgis. Þe whiche whan þei hadden brouȝt to, and putte vpon his botche, he is heelid. Ezechie forſoþe ſeide to Yſay, What ſchal ben þe tokne, for þe Lord ſchal helyn me, and for þe þrid day I am to ſteyȝen up þe temple of þe Lord? To whom ſeiþ Yſay, þis ſchal ben þe tokne fro þe Lord, þat þe Lord be to do þe word þat he ſpac; wylt þou, þat vmbre ſteyȝe up tenn lynys, or þat it be turned aȝeyn as fele grees? And Ezechie ſeiþ, It is liȝt vmbre to creſen tenn lynis, ne þis I wylle þat be done, bot þat it be turned aȝeyn bacward tenn degrees. And ſo Yſay, þe prophete, inwardly clepyde þe Lord, and brouȝt aȝeyn þe vmbre by þe lynys, wiþ þe whiche nowe it hadde goon doun in þe orloge of Achaz, bacward tenn degrees. In þat tyme ſente Berodachaladam, þe ſone of Baladam, kyng of Babyloyne, lettris and ȝiftis to Ezechie; forſoþe he hadde herd, þat Ezechie was ſijk, and hadde couerde. And Ezechias gladide in þe commynge of hem, and ſchewide to hem þe hous of ſwote ſpycis, and gold, and ſiluer, and dyuerſe pymentis, and oynementis, and þe hous of his veſſels, and alle þingis þat he myȝt han in his treſouries; þer was not a word, þat Ezechie ſchewide not to hem in his hous, and in alle his power. Forſoþe Yſay, þe prophete, came to kynge Ezechie, and ſeide to hym, What ſeyden þes men, or whenns camen þei to þee? To whome ſeiþ Ezechie, Fro a ferre lond þei camen to me, fro Babyloyne. And he anſwerde, What ſeeȝen þei in þin hous? Ezechie ſeiþ, Alle þingis, what euer ben in myn hous, þei ſeeȝen; no þing is þat I haue not ſchewide to hem in my treſuries. And ſo Yſay ſeyde to Ezechie, Heere þou þe word of þe Lord. Lo! days commen, and alle þingis þat ben in þi hous ſchuln be taken aweye, and þe whiche þi fadirs hydden vnto þis day, in to Babyloyne; þer ſchal not leuen eny þinge, ſeiþ þe Lord. Bot and of þi ſonys, þat ſchul goon out of þee, þe whiche þou ſchalt geten ſchul ben taken aweye, and þei ſchul ben geldyngis in þe paleys of þe kyng of Babyloyne. Ezechie ſeide to Yſay, Good is þe word of þe Lord, þat he ſpac; be oonly pees and treuþe in my days. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ezechie, and alle his ſtreyngþe, and howe he maad þe fiſche poond, and þe watre cundite, and brouȝten in watirs in to þe cytee, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordys of þe days of kyngis of Juda? And Ezechie ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and Manaſſes, his ſone, regnede for hym.
Capitulum XXI.
Of twelue ȝeer was Manaſſes, whanne he beganne to regnen, and fyue and fourty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir, Aſiba. And he dide euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, after þe mawmettis of Gentils, þe whiche þe Lord dide aweye fro þe face of þe ſonys of Yrael. And he is turned, and bylde up heeȝe þingis, þe whiche Ezechie, his fadir, ſcatirde; and he rerede up þe auters of Baal, and maad mawmett woddis, as dyde Achab, kyng of Yrael; and he honourede al þe knyȝþod of heuen, and heryede it. And he maad up autirs in þe hous of þe Lord, of þe whiche þe Lord ſeide, In Jeruſalem I ſchal putten my name. And he maad up autirs of alle þe knyȝþode of heuen in two poorchis of þe temple of þe Lord; and he ouerladde his ſone þorȝ fijr; and he dyuynede, and he weytide þe dyuynynge of chiterynge of briddis; and maad enchaunteris, and clepers of deuyls he multiplied, þat he dide euyl beforn þe Lord, and terrede hym. And he putte þe mawmett of þe mawmett wodde, þat he hadde maad, in to þe temple of þe Lord, vpon þe whiche þe Lord ſpac to Dauid, and to Salomon, his ſone, In þis temple, and in Jeruſalem þat I haue choſen of alle þe lynagis of Yrael, I ſchal putte my name vnto euermore. And I ſchal make no more to be ſtyred þe fote of Yrael fro þe lond þat I ȝaue to þe fadirs of hem; ſo neuer þe later ȝif þei kepen in dede alle þingis þat I bad hem, and al þe lawe þat Moyſes, my ſeruaunt, comaundyde to hem. Þei forſoþe herden not, bot ben bouȝt doun of Manaſſe, þat þei don euyl ouer þe Gentilis, þe whiche þe Lord to-trade fro þe face of þe ſonys of Yrael. And þe Lord ſpac in þe hond of his ſeruauntis prophetis, ſeyinge, For Manaſſes, king of Juda, dyde alle þes abomynacyouns moſt euyl ouer alle þingis þe whiche dyden Amorreis beforn hym, and alſo he maad Juda to ſynnen in his vnclenneſſis; þerfore þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, Lo! I ſchal bryngen in euyls vpon Jeruſalem and Judam, þat who ſo euer heeriþ, boþe þe eris of hym ſchal tynclyn; and I ſchal ſtretchen out vpon Jeruſalem þe lytyl coord of Samarye, and þe birþen of þe hous of Achab, and I ſchal don aweye Jeruſalem, as tablis ben wont to ben don aweye; doynge aweye I ſchal turnen, and bryngyn ofter þe poyntel vpon his face. Forſoþe I ſchal leuen þe relikis of myn herytage, and ſchal taken hem in to þe hond of his enmyes; and þei ſchul ben in waaſtite, and in rauyne to alle þeir aduerſaries; for þi þat þei dyden euyl beforn me, and dwelliden ſtedfaſt terrynge me, fro þe day þat þeir fadirs wenten out of Egipt vnto þis day. Ferþermore and Manaſſes ſchad myche gyltleſſe blode ouer gretely, to þe tyme þat Jeruſalem wer fulfyld vp to þe mouþe, wiþ oute his ſynnes in whiche he maad Judam to ſynnen, þat he do yuel beforn þe Lord. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Manaſſe, and alle þingis þat he dyde, and his ſynne þat he ſynned, wheþer þes ben not wryten in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of kyngis of Juda? And Manaſſes ſlept wiþ his fadirs, and is byryed in þe gardyne of his hous, in þe gardyn of Azam; and Amon, his ſone, regned for hym. Of two and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to regnen; two forſoþe ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Meſſalomeþ, douȝtir of Arus of Jeþaba. And he dyde euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as dydde Manaſſes, his fadir. And he wente in al þe weye, by þe whiche his fadir wente, and he ſeruede in þe vnclenneſſis in whiche ſerued his fadir, and honourede hem; and forſoke þe Lord God of his fadirs, and wente not in þe weye of þe Lord. And his ſeruauntis benten to hym buſchementis, and ſlewen þe kyng in his hous. Þe puple forſoþe of þe lond ſmoote alle, þat coniureden aȝeinus king Amon, and þei ſetten to hem king, Joſiam, his ſone, for him. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Amon, þat he dide, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordes of þe days of kyngis of Juda? And þei birieden him in his ſepulcre in þe gardyn of Aza; and Joſias, his ſone, regnede for hym.
Capitulum XXII.
Of eyȝt ȝeere was Joſias, whann he byganne to regnen, and oon and þrytty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Ydida, þe douȝtir of Fadaya of Beſocaþ. And he dyde þat, þat was pleſaunt beforn þe Lord, and he wente by alle þe wayes of Dauid, his fadir, and bowede not, neiþer to þe riȝt, ne to þe left. Forſoþe þe eyȝtenþe ȝeer of kyng Joſie, ſente þe kyng Safan, þe ſone of Aſua, þe ſone of Meſulam, þe ſcribe of þe temple of þe Lord, ſeyinge to hym, Goo to Elchiam, þe grete preeſt, þat þe monee, þat is brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord, be blowen to gydre, þe whiche þe porteris of þe temple gaderden of þe puple; and be it ȝeuen to wriȝtis by þe prouoſtis of þe hous of þe Lord; þe whiche and delen it to hem þat wirchen in þe temple of þe Lord, to þe coueryngis of þe temple of þe Lord to ben enſtorid, þat is, to þe mayſter carpenters, and maſouns, and to hem þat maken to gydre þe bytwene broken, and þat þere be bouȝt trees and ſtonys of þe quarrees, to þe enſtorynge of þe temple of þe Lord; neuer þe later þe ſyluer be not tolde to hem, þat þei taken, bot in power haue þei, and in feiþ. Forſoþe Elchias, þe biſchop, ſeide to Sapham, ſcribe, Þe boke of þe lawe I haue founden in þe hous of þe Lord. And Elchias ȝaue þe volym to Sapham, ſcribe, þe whiche and radde it. Forſoþe Sapham, ſcribe, came to þe kyng, and told to hym what þingis he hade comaundide, and ſeiþ, Þi ſeruauntis blewen to gydre þe monee, þat is founden in þe hous of þe Lord, and han ȝeuen, þat it be delid to þe wriȝtis of þe prefectis of þe werkis of þe temple of þe Lord. Forſoþe Sapham, ſcribe, tolde to þe kyng, ſeyinge, Elchias, þe preſt of God, ȝaue to me a boke; þe whiche whanne Sapham hade radde before þe kyng, and þe king had herd þe wordis of þe boke of þe lawe of þe Lord, he kutte his cloþis. And he comaundyde to Elchie, þe preſt, and to Aychan, þe ſone of Saphan, and to Achabor, þe ſone of Mycha, and to Sapham, ſcribe, and to Achie, ſeruaunt of þe kyng, ſeyinge, Gooþ, and counſeiliþ þe Lord vpon me, and vpon þe puple, and vpon al Juda, of þe wordis of þis volyme, þat is founden; grete forſoþe wraþe of þe Lord is tende up aȝeynus us, for oure fadirs herden not þe wordis of þis boke, þat þei ſchulde done al þat is writen to us. And ſo Elchias, þe preſt, and Aycham, and Achabor, and Saphan, and Aſia, wenten to Oldam, prophetiſſe, wyf of Sellum, ſone of Thechue, ſone of Aras, keper of þe cloþes, þe whiche dwellede in Jeruſalem, in þe ſecounde wallynge; and þei ſpeken to hire. And ſche anſwerd to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, Seiþ to þe man, þat ſente ȝou to me, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yſrael, Loo! I ſchal brynge forþ euyls vpon þis place, and vpon þe dwellers of it, alle þe wordis of þe lawe, þe whiche þe kyng of Juda radde; for þei forſoken me, and ſacrifiden to alyen goddis, terrynge me in alle þe werkis of þeir hondis; and myn indignacioun ſchal be tend up in þis place, and ſchal not ben qweynt. To þe kyng forſoþe of Juda þat ſente ȝou, þat ȝe counſeylen þe Lord, þus ſeiþ, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, For þy þat þou herdyſt þe wordis of þe volyme, and þi herte is gaaſtyde, and þou ert meeked beforn þe Lord, þe werdis herd aȝeyn þis place and þe dwellers of it, þat is, þat ſchulden ben maad in to ſtoneynge, and into curſidhed, and þou kuttiſt þy cloþis, and þou weptiſt beforn me, and I herde, ſeiþ þe Lord; þerfore I ſchal gedere þee to þi fadirs, and þou ſchalt be gadred to þy ſepulcre in peſe; þat þin eeȝen ſeen not alle þe euylis, þe whiche I am to brynge in vpon þis place.
Capitulum XXIII.
And þei tolden to þe kyng þat ſche hadde ſeide; þe whiche ſent, and ben gadred to hym alle þe olde men of Juda, and of Jeruſalem. And þe kyng ſteyȝide up þe temple of þe Lord, and alle þe men of Juda, and alle þat dwelliden in Jeruſalem wiþ hym, preſtis, and prophetis, and alle þe puple, fro lytyl vnto mychil; and he radde, alle men heerynge, alle þe wordis of þe boke of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord, þe whiche is founden in þe hous of þe Lord. And þe kyng ſtood vpon a gree; and he ſmote peſe couenaunt before þe Lord, þat þei goon after þe Lord, and keepen his heeſtis and witneſſyngis and cerymoynes in al herte and in al ſoule, þat þei reren þe wordis of þis peſe couenaunt, þat weren wryten in þat boke; and þe puple aſſentyde to þe couenaunt. And þe kyng comaundyde to Elchie, þe biſchop, and to þe preſtis of þe ſecound ordre, and to þe ȝate kepers, þat þei þrowen forþe fro þe temple of þe Lord alle þe veſſels, þat weren maad to Baal, and in þe mawmett wodde, and to al þe knyȝþod of heuen; and he brende hem wiþ outen forþ Jeruſalem, in þe valey of Cedron, and he toke þe poudre of hem in to Beþel. And he dyde aweye þe deuyl clepers, whome þe kyngis of Juda hadden ſett to ſacrifien in heiȝtis by þe cytees of Juda, and þe enuyroun of Jeruſalem, and hem þat brenden encenſe to Baal, and to þe ſunne, and to þe mone, and to þe twelue ſyngnys, and to alle þe knyȝþode of heuen. And he comaundyde to ben born out þe mawmett wodde fro þe hous of þe Lord wiþ out forþ Jeruſalem in þe valey of Cedron, and brende it þere, and brouȝt it in to poudre, and þrewȝ forþ vpon þe ſepulcris of þe comun. Forſoþe he diſtruyȝide þe lytyl houſis of þe wommannyſch maad men, þat weren in þe hous of þe Lord; for þe whiche wymmen weueden as lytyll houſes of þe mawmett wodde. And he gadrede alle þe preſtis of þe cytees of Juda, and he defoulide þe heyȝtis, where þe preſtis ſacrifieden, fro Gaba vnto Berſabe; and he diſtruyed þe auters of þe ȝatis in þe entree of þe dore of Joſie, prince of þe cytee, þat was at þe left ſyde of þe ȝate of þe cytee. Neuer þe latre þe preſtis of þe heeȝe þingis ſteyȝiden not vp to þe auter of þe Lord in Jeruſalem, bot oonly eten þerfe loouys in þe mydill of þeir breþeren. Forſoþe he defoulide Topheþ, þat is in þe valeye of þe ſone of Ennon, þat no man ſchuld ſacryn his ſone or his douȝtre þorȝ fyr to Moloch. Forſoþe he toke awey þe hors, þe whiche þe kingis of Jude hadden ȝeuen to þe ſunne, in þe entree of þe temple of þe Lord, beſijdis þe chayer of Naþanmylech, geldynge, þat was in Faturym; þe chaare forſoþe of þe ſunne he brende wiþ fijr. And þe auters, þat weren vpon þe rooues of þe ſoupynge place of Achaþ, þe whiche þe kyngis of Juda hadden maad, and þe auters þat Manaſſes hadde maad in þe two poorchis of þe temple of þe Lord, þe kyng deſtruyede; and he ran to Jude, and he ſcatrede þe aſkis of hem in to þe ſtreme of Cedron. Þe heeȝe þingis forſoþe, þat weren in Jeruſalem at þe riȝt partye of þe hyll of þe offencyoun, þe whiche Salomon, kyng of Yrael, hadde bylde, and Aſtaroþ, þe mawmett of Sydonyes, and Camos, of þe offencyoun of Moab, and Melchon, þe abomynacyouns of þe ſonys of Amon, þe kyng defoulide; and brooſede þe ymagis, and hewȝ doun þe mawmett woodis, and fulfillide þe places of hem wiþ þe boonis of deed men. Ferþermore and þe auter þat was in Beþel, and þe heeȝe þinge, þat Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, hadde maad, þe whiche maad Yrael to ſynnen; and þat heeȝ auter he diſtruyede, and brende, and mynuſchede in to poudre, and alſo brende up þe mawmett woode. And Joſias turned, ſauȝ þere ſepulcris þat weren in þe hyll; and he ſente, and toke þe boonys fro þe ſepulcris, and brende hem vpon þe auter, and putte it aftir þe word of þe Lord, þat þe man of God ſpac, þe whiche hadde before ſeide þeſe wordis. And he ſeiþ, Whoſe is þis towmbe þat I ſee? And þe cyteȝeens of þat cyte anſwerden to hym, Þe ſepulcre it is of þe man of God, þat came fro Juda, and before ſeide þes wordis, þe whiche þou haſt done vpon þe auter of Beþel. And he ſeiþ, Lefe hym; no man ſtyrre þe boonys of hym. And vntouchid laften þe boonys of hym wiþ þe boonis of þe prophete, þat came fro Samarye. Ferþermore and alle þe mawmett templis of þe heeȝe þingis, þat weren in þe cytees of Samarye, þe whiche þe kyngis of Yrael hadden maad to terre þe Lord, Joſias toke aweye; and he dyde to hem aftir alle þe werkis þat he hadde done in Beþel. And he ſlewȝ alle þe preſtis of þe heeȝe þingis, þat weren þer vpon þe auteres, and he brende mens boonys vpon þoo; and he turnede aȝeyn to Jeruſalem. And he comaundide to al þe puple, ſeyinge, Makiþ paſk to þe Lord ȝoure God, aftir þat is writen in þe boke of þis peſe of couenaunt. Ne forſoþe þer is maad ſiche a paſk fro þe days of iugis, þat demeden Yrael, and of alle þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael, and of þe kyngis of Juda, as in þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of kyng Joſie þis paſch is maad to þe Lord in Jeruſalem. Bot and þe clepers of deuyls, and deuynours, and þe fyguris of mawmettis, and þe vnclenneſſes, and abomynacyouns, þat weren in þe lond of Juda and of Jeruſalem, Joſias dyde aweye, þat he make ſtable þe wordis of þe lawe, þat ben writen in þe boke, þat Elchias, þe preſt, fonde in þe temple of þe Lord. Lijk hym was not beforn hym a kyng, þat was turned aȝeyn to þe Lord in al his herte, and in alle his ſoule, and in al his vertue, aftir al þe lawe of Moyſes; ne aftir hym roſe lijke to hym. Neuerþelatre þe Lord is not turned aweye fro þe wraþ of his grete woodnes, in þe whiche his wodnes is wroþe aȝeynus Juda, for þe terryngis in þe whiche Manaſſes hadde terred hym. And ſo þe Lord ſeide, Alſo Judam I ſchal taken aweye fro my face, as I toke aweye Yrael; and I ſchal þrowen aweye þis cytee, þat I chees, Jeruſalem, and þe hous of þe whiche I ſeide, My name ſchal ben þere. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joſie, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? In his days ſteyȝide up Pharao Nechao, kyng of Egipt, aȝeynus þe kyng of Aſſiries, at þe flode of Eufraten; and Joſias, kyng of Juda, wente in to aȝein commynge of hym, and is ſlayn in Magedo, whanne he had ſeen hym. And his ſeruauntis beeren hym deed fro Magedo, and brouȝten hym in to Jeruſalem, and byryeden hym in his ſepulcre; and þe puple of þe lond toke Joachas, þe ſone of Joſie, and anoyntyden hym, and ſetten hym kyng for his fadir. Of þree and twenty ȝeer was Joachaz, whanne he hadde begune to regnen, and þre moneþis he regned in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Amychael, douȝter of Jeremye of Lobna. And he dyde euyl beforn þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat þe fadirs of hym hadden done. And Pharao Nechao bond hym in Reblaþa, þat is in þe lond of Emaþ, þat he regne not in Jeruſalem; and he putte vpon a multynge to þe lond, in an hundreþ talentis of ſyluer, and a talent of gold. And Pharao Nechao ordeynde kyng Eliachym, þe ſone of Joſias, for Joſias, his fadir; and he turnede his name Joachym; forſoþe Joachaz he toke, and ladde in to Egipt. Forſoþe Joachym ȝaue to Pharao ſyluer and gold, whanne he hadde comaundide to þe lond by alle ȝeeris, þat it were brouȝt, aftir þe heeſt of Pharao; and echon aftir þeir ſtrengþis he aſkyde boþe ſyluer and gold, of þe puple of þe lond, þat he myȝte ȝeue to Pharao Nechao. Of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir, Zebida, douȝter of Fadaya of Ruma. And he dyde euyl before þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat his fadirs haden done.
Capitulum XXIIII.
In his days of ſteyȝide up Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babyloyne, and Joachym is maad to hym ſeruaunt þree ȝeer; and eft he rebellide aȝeynus hym. And þe Lord ſente in to hym lytyll þeuis of Caldeys, and lytyll þeuis of Cyrye, and lytyl þeuis of Moab, and lytil þeuis of þe ſonys of Amon; and he in ſente hem in to Judam, þat he ſcatere hym, aftir þe word of þe Lord, þat he hadde ſpoken bi his ſeruauntis prophetis. þis forſoþe is done by þe word of þe Lord aȝeyns Judam, þat he do it aweye beforne hym, for þe ſynnes of Manaſſes, and alle þingis þat he dyde, and for þe gyltles blode þat he ſchedde; and he fulfillide Jeruſalem wiþ þe blode of innocentis; and for þis þing þe Lord wolde not be pleſid. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joachym, and alle þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke of þe wordis of days of kyngis of Juda? And Joachym ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and Joachym, his ſone, regned fore hym. And þe kyng of Egipt addide no more, þat he ſchulde goon out fro his lond; forſoþe þe kynge of Babyloyne hadde taken, fro þe ryuer of Egipt vnto þe flode of Eufraten, alle þingis þat weren of þe kyng of Egipt. Of tenn and eiȝt ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he hade begunne to regnen, and þree moneþis he regned in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Naeſſa, douȝter of Elnaþan of Jeruſalem. And he dyde euyl beforn þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat his fadir hadde done. In þat tyme ſteyȝide up þe ſeruauntis of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babyloyne, in to Jeruſalem, and þe cyte is enuyround wiþ ſtreyngþingis. And Nabugodonoſor came, þe kyng of Babiloyne, to þe cyte wiþ his ſeruauntis, þat þey ouercommen it. And Joachym, kyng of Juda, wente out to þe kyng of Babiloyne, he, and his modir, and his ſeruauntis, and his princis, and his geldyngis; and þe kyng of Babyloyne toke hym, þe eiȝtiþe ȝeer of his regne. And he brouȝte þens alle þe treſoures of þe hous of þe Lord, and þe treſoures of þe kingis hous; and he heewȝ to gydre alle þe golden veſſels, þat Salomon, kyng of Yrael, hade maad in þe temple of þe Lord, aftir þe word of þe Lord. And he tranſlatide al Jeruſalem, and alle þe princis, and alle þe ſtronge men of þe hooſt, tenn þouſand, in to caytyfte, and alle craftiſe men, and encloſere; no þinge is laft, out take þe pore puple of þe lond. Joachym forſoþe he tranſlatyde in to Babyloyne, and þe kyngis modir, and þe kyngis wijf, and þe kyngis geldyngis; and þe domyſmen of þe lond he ladde in to caytifte fro Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne; and alle þe ſtronge men, ſeuen þouſand; and craftiſe men and encloſers, a þouſand; alle ſtronge men and fiȝters; and þe kynge of Babiloyne ladde hem caytyfe in to Babyloyne. And he ſette Maþaþiam, his vncle, for hym; and he putte on a name to hym Sedechie. Þe oon and twentiþe ȝeer of age hadde Sedechias, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir was Amychal, douȝtir of Jeremye of Lobna. And he dyde euyl byfore þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat Joachym hadde done. Forſoþe þe Lord wraþede aȝeinus Jeruſalem and Judam, to þe tyme þat he þrewȝ hem aweye fro his face; and Sedechie wente aweye fro þe kyng of Babiloyne.
Capitulum XXV.
It is done forſoþe þe nynþe ȝeer of his regne, þe tenþe moneþe, þe tenþe day of þe moneþe, Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babyloyne, came, he, and al his hooſt, in to Jeruſalem; and þei enuyrounden it, and maden up in his enuyroun ſtreyngþingis. And þe cyte is cloſede, and palid, vnto þe elleuenþe ȝeer of kyng Sedechie, þe nynþe day of þe moneþe; and hungir wexe grete in þe cyte, and þer was not brede to þe puple of þe lond. And þe cyte is to-broken, and alle men fiȝters flowen þe nyȝt by þe weye of þe ȝate, þat is bytwene þe double wall, at þe ſpringynge of þe kyng; forſoþe Caldeis beſegyden in enuyroun þe cyte. And ſo Sedechias fleiȝ by þe weye þat lediþ to þe wijld feeldis of wyldirneſſe; and þe hooſt of Caldeis purſueden þe kyng, and he cauȝte hym in þe pleyn of Jericho; and alle þe fiȝters, þat weren wiþ hym, ben ſcaterd, and forſoken hym. Þanne þey ladden þe taken kyng to þe kyng of Babyloyne, in Reblaþa, þe whiche ſpake wiþ hym dome. Þe ſonys forſoþe of Sedechie he ſlewȝ before hym, and his eeȝen he putte out, and boond hym wiþ cheynys, and brouȝte hym in to Babyloyne. Þe fyfþe moneþ, þe ſeuenþ day of þe moneþ, it is þe nyntenþe ȝeer of þe kyng of Babiloyne, came Nabuſardam, prince of þe hooſt, þe ſeruaunt of þe kyng of Babyloyne, in to Jeruſalem; and brende up þe hous of þe Lord, and þe hous of þe kyng, and þe houſis of Jeruſalem, and eche hous he brende wiþ fijre; and þe wallis of Jeruſalem in enuyroun deſtruyede al þe hooſt of Caldeys, þat was wiþ þe prince of knyȝtis. Þe toþer forſoþe partye of þe puple, þat laft in þe cyte, and þe þorȝ fleers, þat ouerflowen to þe kyng of Babiloyn, and þe laft comoun, Nabuſardan, prince of knyȝþode, tranſlatyde; and of þe pore men of þe lond he laft wyne makers, and erþtiliers. Forſoþe þe braſen pylers, þat weren in þe temple of þe Lord, and þe feet, and þe braſen ſe, þat was in þe hous of þe Lord, Caldeis breeken to gydre; and al þe braſſe þei beeren ouer in to Babiloyne. And braſen pottis, trowels, and fleſchokis, and cuppis, and morters, and alle þe braſen veſſels, in whiche þei mynyſtriden, þei token; alſo and encenſeeris, and violis. Þe whiche forſoþe weren golden, and whiche ſylueren, toke þe prince of þe knyȝþod, þat is, two pylers, oon ſe, and þe feet, þat Salomon hade maad in to þe temple of þe Lord; and þer was not peys of þe braſſe of alle þe veſſels. Tenn and eiȝt cubitis of heiȝt hadde oon pyler, and a braſen heued couerynge vpon hym of heyȝt of þre cubitis, and a calle, and poumgarnetis vpon þe heued couerynge of þe pyler, all braſen; and lijc honourynge hadde þe ſecound pyler. Forſoþe þe prince of þe knyȝþode toke Sarayam, þe firſt preſte, and Sophonyam, þe ſecound preſte, and þe þre porters, and oon geldynge of þe cyte, þat was prefect vpon þe fiȝtynge men, and fyue men of hem þat ſtoden before þe kyng, þe whiche he foond in þe cyte, and Sopher, þe prince of þe hooſt, þat prouede þe newe knyȝtis of þe puple of þe lond, and ſixe men of þe comoun, þat weren founden in þe cyte; þe whiche Nabuſardan, prince of þe knyȝþode, takynge ladde to þe kyng of Babyloyne, in Reblaþa. And þe kyng of Babiloyne ſmote hem, and ſlewȝ hem in Reblaþa, in þe lond of Emaþ; and Juda is tranſlatyd fro his lond. To þe puple forſoþe þat was laft in þe lond of Juda, þe whiche Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babytilieris. loyne, hadde laft, he made rewler Godolyam, þe ſone of Aycham, þe ſone of Safan. Þe whiche þingis whanne alle þe duykis of knyȝtis, þey, and alle þe men þat weren wiþ hem haden herd, þat is, þat þe kyng of Babyloyne hadde ordeynd Godolie, camen to Godolie, in Maſpha, Iſmael, þe ſone of Naþanye, and Johannan, þe ſone of Charee, and Saraye, þe ſone of Tenameþ Neþophaþite, and Jechonias, þe ſone of Mechati, þei, and Machaþ, and þe felawis of hem. And Godolias ſwore to hem, and to þe felawis of hem, ſeyinge, Wylle ȝe not dreden to ſeruen to þe Caldeis; dwelliþ in þe lond, and ſeruiþ to þe kyng of Babiloyne, and wele it ſchal be to ȝou. It is done forſoþe in þe ſeuenþ moneþ, came Iſmael, þe ſone of Naþanye, þe ſone of Eliſama, of þe kyngis ſeed, and ten men wiþ hym, and ſmyten Godolie, þe whiche is deed; bot and þe Jewis and þe Caldeis, þat weren wiþ him in Maſpha. And al þe puple rijſynge to gydre fro litil vnto mychil, and þe princis of knyȝtis, camen in to Egipt, dreedynge þe Caldeis. It is done þanne in þe ſeuen and þrittiþe ȝeer of þe tranſmygracioun of Joachym, kyng of Jude, þe twelfþe moneþe, þe ſeuen and twentiþe day of þe moneþe, Euilmeredoch, kyng of Babiloyne, þe ȝeer þat he beganne to regnen, rerede up þe heued of Joachym, kyng of Juda, fro priſone, and he ſpac to hym benyngly; and he putte his trone vpon þe trone of kyngis, þat weren wiþ hym in Babiloyne. And he chaungide his cloþis, þat he hadde in priſoun; and he eet breed euermore in his ſiȝt, alle days of his lyfe. Ȝeer fruyt forſoþe he ordeynde to hym wiþ oute ceſynge; þe whiche and was ȝouen to hym of þe kyng by eche days, alle þe days of his lijf.
Here eendiþ þe fourþe boke of Kingus, and bigynneþ þe prolog in þe firſt boke of Paralipomenon.