< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Þe Prologe in Þe Secounde Paralipomenon

Here bigynneþ þe Prologe in þe ſecounde Paralipomenon.

Euſebius, Jerome ſenden gretynge to þeirs in Criſt Jheſu, Domynyon and Rogacian. What maner wijſe þei beter vndirſtonden þe ſtories of Grekis, þe whiche han ſeen Aþenas; and þe þrid boke of Virgilie, þe whiche han ſeiled fro Troye bi Lewchaten, and fro Acroceranya to Cicilie, and þennys to þe doris of Tibre; ſo hooly Scripture he ſchal more clerly beholden, þat Jude haþ ſeen wiþ eeȝen, and þe myndis of olde cytees, and placis knowiþ names, or þe ſame, or chaungid. Wherfore and to us it was fors wiþ þe moſt tauȝte men of Ebruys þis traueil to vndirgone, þat we gon aboute þe prouynce, þat alle þe chirchis of Criſt ſownen. Forſoþe, my Domynyon and Rogacian, moſt dere, I knowleche me neuer in Goddis volymes to han ȝeuen feiþ to my propre ſtrengþis, ne to han had myne opynyoun a mayſter, bot alſo þo þingis of þe whiche I demede me to kunnen, me wont to han aſked; myche more of þo þingis, vpon þe whiche I was a fowler. Forſoþe whanne of me ȝe hadden aſked ſumtyme bi lettris, þat to ȝou I ſchulde tranſlatyn Paralipomenon in Latyn ſermoun, I toke of Tiberyades ſumtyme autour of lawe, þe whiche anentis þe Ebrewis was had in wondryngis, and I diſputed wiþ hym fro þe top, as þei ſeyn, vnto þe laſte nayl; and ſo confermyd, I am hardy to don þat ȝe comaundiden. Forſoþe frely to ȝou I ſpeke; ſo in Greek and in Latyn bokis, þis boke of namys is vicious, þat not oonly Ebrue namys, but ſtraunge ſum and addid caſt to gider it be to demyn. Ne þat to þe ſeuenty remenours, þe whiche ful of þe Hooly Gooſt þo þinges þat weren ſoþe tranſlatiden, bot to þe blame of wrijters it is to wijten, while of þe vnamendid þei wrijten vnamendide þingis; and oft ſiþes þre namys, ſilables wiþ drawen fro þe mydil, þei drijuen in to oon name; or aȝeinward, for þe brede, þei deuyden in two or in þre namys. Bot and þilk nemenyngis, not men, as many eymen, bot cytees, and regiouns, and wodis, and prouynces ſownen; and aſide, vndur þe remenynge and þe figure of hem, ſum ſtories ben told, of þe whiche in þe boke of Kyngis it is ſeyde, Loo! wheþer not þes ben writen in þe bokis of þe wordis of þe days of kyngis of Juda; þe whiche forſoþe in oure bokis ben not had. Þis firſt is to wyten, þat anentis þe Ebruys Paralipomenon be a boke, and anentis hem be clepid Dabregemyn, þat is, þe wordis of days; þe whiche for mychilneſſe anentis us is deuydid. Þe whiche þing ſum men alſo in þe Brute, dialog of Ciþeron, don, þat it in þre parties þei deuyden, whanne oon of his autour it be maad. Þer aftir alſo þat þei taken heede, þat oft ſiþes names ſownen not names of men, bot, as I haue ſeide, betokenyngis of þingis. At þe laſt, þat al lernynge of ſcripturis in þis boke is conteenyd; and þe ſtories oþer þat ben laft in þeir placis, oþer liȝtly touched, here by ſum maner ſchort ſentencis of wordis ben opned. And ſo I, holpen wiþ help of ȝoure preyers, haue ſente þe boke to pleſen to wele willid men; neuer þe later I doute not, it to ben to diſpleſen to enuyous men. Forſoþe, as ſeiþ Plynye, ſum men han leuere alle beſt þingis ſeen to diſpiſen, þanne to lernen. Ȝif eny man in þis remenyng wille eny þing repreuen, aſke he þe Ebrues, remembre he his conſcience, ſee he þe order and þe text of þe word; and þanne, ȝif he may, putte he blame to oure traueil. Þan wher euer ȝe ſeen aſterichos, þat is, ſterres, to ſchynen in þis volume, þere wijte ȝe of Ebrue added, þat in Latyne bokis is not had; wher forſoþe obelus ouerturned, þat is, a ȝerde, is ſette before, þere is betokened what þe ſeuenty remenours addeden, or for grace of feyrneſſe, or for autorite of þe Hooly Gooſt; and in Ebrue volumes it is not rad.

Here eendiþ þe prologe in þe ij. Paralipomenon, and bigynneþ þe bok in þe ij. Paralipomenon.

Capitulum I.

Salomon þanne, þe ſone of Dauid, is coumfortid in his rewme, and þe Lord was wiþ hym, and magnyfiede hym in to an heeȝ. And Salomon comaundyde to al Yrael, to leders of þouſandis, and mayſtirs of hundreþis, and to domyſmen, and to þe duykis of al Yrael, and to princis of meynes; and wente wiþ al þe multitude in to þe heiȝt of Gabaon, where was þe tabernacle of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord, þat Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of God, made in wyldirneſſe. Dauid forſoþe hadde lad þe arke of God fro Cariaþiarym in to þe place þat he hadde made redi to it, and wher he hadde piȝt to it a tabernacle, þat is, in Jeruſalem. Alſo a braſen auter, þe whiche Beſeleel, þe ſone of Vri, ſone of Ur, hadde forgid, þere was beforn þe tabernacle of þe Lord; þe whiche and Salomon ſouȝt and al þe chirche. And Salomon ſteiȝede up to þe braſen auter, before þe tabernacle of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord, and offride in it a þouſand hooſtis. Lo! forſoþe in þat nyȝt God apeerid to hym, ſeyinge, Aſk þat þou wylt, þat I ȝeue to þee. And Salomon ſeide to God, Þou didiſt wiþ Dauiþ, my fadir, grete mercy, and ſettiſt me kyng for hym. Nowe þanne, Lord God, þi word be fulfild, þat þou bihiȝtiſt to Dauid, my fadir; þou forſoþe haſt made me kyng vpon þi grete puple, þe whiche is as vnnoumbreable as þe poudre of þe erþ. Ȝeue to me wyſdam and vndirſtondynge, þat I go in and go out beforn þi puple; who forſoþe may þis þi puple, þat is ſo greet, worþily deemyn? God forſoþe ſeide to Salomon, For þis more pleſide to þin herte, and aſkidiſt not rycheſſes, and ſubſtaunce, and glorie, ne þe lijues of hem þat hatiden þee, ne many days of lijf; but forſoþe þou aſkidiſt wiſdam and kunnynge, þat þou myȝtiſt deme puple, vpon þe whiche I haue ſett þee kyng, wiſdom and kunnynge ben ȝeuen to þee; ritcheſſes forſoþe, and ſubſtaunces, and glorie I ſchal ȝeuen to þee, ſo þat no man in kyngis, ne before þee ne aftir þee, were lijc þee. Þan Salomon came fro þe heiȝt of Gabaon in to Jeruſalem, beforn þe tabernacle of þe peſe couenaunt, and regned vpon Yrael. And he gadirde to hym charis and hors men, and þer ben maad to hym a þouſand and foure hundriþ chaaris, and twelue þouſand of horſe men; and he maad hem to ben in þe citees of plowes of foure hors, and wiþ þe kyng in Jeruſalem. And þe kyng ȝaue in to Jeruſalem ſyluer and gold as ſtonys, and cedres as long mulberies, þat growen in wijld feeldis in myche multitude. Forſoþe þer weren brouȝt to hym hors fro Egipt, and fro Ohoa, of þe marchaundis of þe kyng, þat wenten and boȝten bi prijs, a plowȝ of hors for ſixe hundriþ platis of ſyluer, and an hors for an hundriþ and fyfty. Lijc maner of alle þe rewmes of Ceþeys, and of þe kyngis of Cirie, þe bying was ſolemply don.

Capitulum II.

Forſoþe Salomon demed to bilden up an hous to þe name of þe Lord, and a paleys to hym ſilf. And he noumbrede ſeuenty þouſand of men berynge in ſchulderis, and eiȝti þouſand þat ſchulden hewen ſtones in hillis; and þe prouoſtes of hem þre þouſand and ſixe hundriþ. Alſo he ſente to Yram, kyng of Tiry, ſeyinge, As þou haſt don wiþ my fadir Dauid, and haſt ſente to hym cedre trees, þat he bilde to hym an hous, in þe whiche and he dwellide; ſo do wiþ me, þat I bilde an hous to þe name of þe Lord my God, and þat I ſacre it, to brennen encenſe beforn hym, and to ſwote þingis to ben out ſmokid, and to þe euermore propocicioun of looues, and to þe brent ſacrifices erly and at euen, alſo to þe ſabotis, and to þe newe mones, and ſolempnytes of þe Lord oure God in to euermore, þat ben comaundid to Yrael. Þe hous forſoþe, þat I coueite to bilden up, is greet; forſoþe þe Lord oure God is grete vpon alle goddis. Who þan ſchal mowen ben myȝty, þat he bilde up to hym an worþi hous? Ȝif forſoþe heuen and heuens of heuens mown not taken hym, how myche am I, þat I may to hym bilden up an hous, bot to þes þingis al oonly, þat encenſe be brent beforn hym? Sende þann to me an tauȝt man, þat kann wirchen in gold, and ſiluer, braſſe, and yren, purpur, cocco, and iacynte; and þat kanne grauen in craft of grauyng wiþ þeſe craftiſe men, þe whiche I haue wiþ me in Jewrie and Jeruſalem, þe whiche Dauid, my fadir, made redy before. Bot and cedre trees ſenden to me, and tyne trees, and pyne trees of Lyban; I knowe forſoþe, þat þi ſeruauntis kunnen hewen trees of þe wode; and my ſeruauntis ſchuln ben wiþ þi ſeruauntis, þat þer ben made redy to me many trees; þe hous forſoþe þat I coueite to bilden up is ful myche grete, and ful glorious. Forþermore to werk men, þat ben to hewen trees, to þi ſeruauntis, I ſchal ȝeuen in to metis choris of whete twenty þouſand, and choris of barly as fele, and of oyle twenty þouſand meſures, as of twelue galouns. Forſoþe Iram, kyng of Tyry, ſeide bi þe lettres þat he ſente to Salomon, For þe Lord haþ louede his puple, þerfore þee he maad regnen vpon it. And he addid, ſeyinge, Bleſſid þe Lord God of Yrael, þat made heuen and erþ, þat ȝaue to kyng Dauid a wijs ſone, and tauȝt, and witty, and ſleeȝ, þat he bilde up an hous to þe Lord, and a paleis to hym ſilf. Þerfore I haue ſente to þee a ſleeiȝ man and moſt kunnyng, Yram, my fadir, ſone of a womman of þe lynage of Dan, whos fadir was Tyrus; þe whiche kouþe wirchen in gold, and in ſiluer, braſſe, and yren, and marbil, and trees, in purpur alſo, and iacynct, and bijſe, and cocko; and þat kanne grauen al grauynge, and fynde ſleeȝly what euer þing is nedeful in werk wiþ þi craftiſe men, and wiþ þe craftiſe men of my lord Dauid, þi fadir. Þanne þe whete, and þe barly, and þe oyle, and þe wijne, þe whiche, my lord, þou haſt behoten, ſende to þi ſeruauntis. We forſoþe hewen þe trees from þe wode, as fele as þou ſchalt han need; and we ſchulen applyen hem in names bi þe ſe in to Joppe; þin forſoþe ſchal ben to leeden hem ouer in to Jeruſalem. Þan Salomon noumbride alle þe men comlyngis, þat weren in þe lond of Yrael, aftir þe noumbrynge þat Dauid, his fadir, noumbred; and þer ben founden an hundriþ and fyfty þouſand and þre þouſand and ſixe hundriþ. And he maad of hem ſeuenty þouſand, þat ſchulde beren birþens wiþ ſchuldirs, and eiȝty þouſand, þat ſtoonys in hillis ſchulden hewen; þre forſoþe þouſand and ſex hundriþ prouoſtis of þe werkis of þe puple.

Capitulum III.

And Salomon beganne to bilden up an hous of þe Lord in Jeruſalem, in þe hill of Moria, þe whiche was ſchewed to Dauid, his fader, in þe place þat Dauid hadde maad redy in þe corne flor of Ornam Jebuſei. He beganne forſoþe to bilden up þe ſecounde moneþ, in þe ferþ ȝeer of his regne. And þes ben þe foundementis, þe whiche Salomon leide, þat he bilde up þe hous of God; of lengþe cubitis in þe firſt meſure ſexty, of brede cubitis twenty. Þe ȝate hous forſoþe beforne þe frount, þe whiche was ſtrauȝt out in to leyngþe aftir meſure of brede of þe hous, of cubitis twenty, bot þe heiȝte was of an hundriþ and twenty cubitis; and he gildide it wiþ in forþ wiþ moſt cleen gold. Alſo þe more hous he couerede wiþ firre tablis, and he fitchide platis of briȝt gold þoruȝ out; and he graued in it hondis, and as cheynes catchynge hem ſilf to gydre. And he couerde þe pawment of þe temple wiþ moſt preciouſe marble, in myche feyrneſſe. Forſoþe þe gold was moſt fyne, of whos platis he couerde þe hous, and his bemys, and poſtis, and wallis, and dores; and he graued cherubyn in þe wallis. Alſo he maad an hous to þe holies of halowes, in leyngþe aftir þe brede of þe hous, of cubitis twenty, and þe breed lijc maner of cubitis twenty; and wiþ golden platis couerde it, as wiþ ſixe hundriþ talentis. Bot and golden naylis he maad, ſo þat eche naylis peyſeden fyfty ounces; alſo þe ſoupynge place he couerde wiþ gold. And he maad in þe hous of holies of halowis two cherubyn in ymage werke, and couerde hem wiþ gold. Þe weengis of cherubyn in twenty cubitis weren ſtrauȝt out, ſo þat oo wenge hadde cubitis fyue, and ſchulde touchen þe wall of þe hous; and þe toþer wenge hauynge fyue cubitis touche þe wenge of þe toþer cherub. Lijc maner of þe toþer cherub þe wenge hadde fyue cubitis, and touchid þe wall, and his oþere weeng of fyue cubitis touched þe weeng of þe toþer cherub. Þanne þe weengis of eiþer cherub weren ſprad and ſtrauȝt out bi cubitis twenty; þei forſoþe ſtoden riȝt up þe feet, and þe faces of hem weren turned to þe vttirmore hous. And he maad a veyl of iacinct, and purpur, and cocko, and bijs; and þei weueden to it cherubyn. Before þe ȝatis alſo of þe temple two pylers, þe whiche þritty and fyue cubitis hadden of heiȝt; forſoþe þe heuedis of hem of fyue cubitis. Alſo and as litil cheynes in Goddis anſwerynge place, and he putte hem vpon þe heuedes of þe pilers; alſo an hundriþ powngarnettis, þe whiche he putte among to þe litil cheynes. And þilk pilers he putte in þe veſtiarye of þe temple, oon fro þe riȝt, an oþer fro þe left; it þat was fro þe riȝt he clepide Jachym, and þat to þe lift he clepid Booz.

Capitulum IIII.

And he maad a braſen auter of twenty cubitis of lengþe, and of twenty cubitis of breed, and of tenn cubitis of heiȝte; alſo a ȝoten ſe of tenn cubitis fro brynke vnto brynk, round bi enuyroun; fyue cubitis he hadde of heiȝte; and a litil coord of þritty cubitis enuyrounde þe compas of it. And licneſſe of oxen was vndur it, and in þe ten cubitis maner grauyngis wiþ oute forþ as wiþ two vers wente aboute þe brynke of þe ſe; þe oxen forſoþe weren ȝoten. And þat ſe was put upon þe twelue oxen, of þe whiche þre biheelden to þe norþ, and oþer þre to þe weſt, bot þe þre oþer þe ſouþ, and þe þre þat weren laft þe eſte, hauynge þe ſe put aboue; þe hyndirmore forſoþe of þe oxen weren wiþ in forþ vndur þe ſe. Bot þe þicneſſe of it hadde þe meſure of a ſpanne, and þe lippe of it was as þe lippe of a chalice, or as of a lilie aȝein crokid, and it toke of meſure þre þouſand potels. Alſo he maad tenn watir veſſels, and he putte fyue fro þe riȝt, and fyue fro þe lift, þat þey ſchulden waſchen in hem alle þingis þat in brent ſacrifices þei weren to offren; bot in þe ſe þe preſtis weren waſchen. Forſoþe he maad tenn golden chaundelers aftir þe fourme þe whiche he hadde comaundide to be maad, and he put hem in þe temple, fyue fro þe riȝt and fyue fro þe left; alſo and tenn boordes, and putte hem in þe temple, fyue fro þe riȝt and fyue fro þe left; and golden violis an hundriþ. And he made þe porche of preſtis, and a greet hous, and þe dores in þe hous, þe whiche he couerde wiþ braſſe. But þe ſe he putte in þe riȝt ſijde aȝeinus þe eſte at þe ſouþ. Alſo Yram made caudrowns, and fleſchhokis, and violis, and he fulfilde al þe werk of þe kyng in þe hous of God, þat is, two pilers, and heued coueryngis, and heuedes, and as maner nettis, þe whiche þe heuedis ſchulden coueryn vpon þe heued coueryngis; alſo powngarnetis fourty, and two callis, ſo þat two ordris of poungarnetis to alle þe callis ſchulden ben ioyned, þe whiche ſchulden coueren þe heued coueryngis, and þe heuedis of þe pilers. Alſo feet he maad, and water veſſels, þe whiche he putte vpon þe feet; oon ſe, and oxen twelue vndir þe ſe, and cawdrouns, and fleſchhookis, and viols. Yram, his fadir, made alle þe veſſelis to Salomon, in þe hous of þe Lord, of moſt clene braſſe. In þe regioun of Jordan þe kyng ȝeetide hem, in þe cley lond bitween Socoþ and Saradaþa. Forſoþe þer was a multitude of veſſels vnnoumbreable, ſo þat þe weiȝte of braſſe was vnknowen. And Salomon maad alle þe veſſels of þe hous of God, þe golden auter, and boordis, and vpon hem þe looues of propoſicioun; and candilſtikis wiþ þeir lanternes, þat þei ȝeuen liȝt before Goddis anſweryng place aftir þe rijt, of moſt pure gold; and ſum floures, and lanterns, and golden ſnytters; alle of moſt clene gold ben maad; alſo þe maad encenſe veſſels, and cenſeres, and violis, and morters, of moſt pure gold. And he graued þe doris of þe innermore temple, þat is, in þe hoolyes of halowes, and þe doris of þe temple wiþout forþ golden; and ſo is fulfild al þe werk þat Salomon made in þe hous of þe Lord.

Capitulum V.

Salomon þanne brouȝte in alle þingis, þat Dauid, his fadir, hadde vowed; ſyluer, and gold, and al þe veſſels, he putte in þe treſores of þe hous of þe Lord. After þe whiche þingis he gadride þe more þoruȝ birþe of Irael, and al þe princis of lynagis, and þe heuedis of meynes, of þe ſonys of Yrael, in to Jeruſalem, þat þei bryngin þe ark of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord fro þe cyte of Dauid, þat is Syon. And ſo camen to þe kyng alle þe men of Yrael, in þe ſolempne day of þe ſeuenþ moneþ. And whanne weren commen alle of þe elder of Yrael, þe Leuytes beren þe arke, and brouȝten it in, and al þe aray of þe tabernacle. Bot þe veſſels of þe ſeyntuarye, þat weren in þe tabernacle, þe preſtis beeren wiþ þe Leuytis. Kyng Salomon forſoþe, and al þe companye of Irael, and alle þat weren gadered beforn þe arke, offreden weþers and oxen wiþ oute eny noumbre; ſo myche forſoþe was þe multitude of ſlayn offryngus. And þe preſtis brouȝten in þe arke of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord in to his place, þat is, to Goddis anſwerynge place of þe temple, in to þe holies of halowes, vndre þe weengis of cherubyn; ſo þat cherubyn ſpreden out þeir weengis vpon þe place, in þe whiche þe ark was ſett, and þat arke þei ſchulden coueren wiþ þeir beryng ſtaues. Of þe berynge ſtaues forſoþe, wiþ þe whiche þe ark was born, for a litil wiȝt lengere þei weren, þe heuedis weren opene beforn Goddis anſwerynge place; ȝif forſoþe eny a litil wiȝt were wiþ out forþ, hem he myȝte not ſeen. And ſo þe arke was þere vnto þe preſent day; and noon oþer þing was in þe ark, bot þe two tablis þat Moyſes hadde putte in Oreb, whanne he ȝaue þe lawe to þe ſonis of Yrael goyng out fro Egipt. Forſoþe þe preſtis goon out fro þe ſeyntuarye, alle forſoþe preſtis, þat þere myȝt ben founden, ben halowed, ne ȝit in þat tyme þe whijlis, and þe order of ſeruyſes betwene hem ſeluen was deuydid; boþe Leuytis and ſyngers, þat is, and þat vndur Aſaph weren, and þat vndur Eman, and þat vndir Idyþum, ſonis and breþeren of hem, cloþed wiþ ſurples, in cymbalis and ſawtres and harpis ſungyn, ſtondynge at þe eeſt cooſt of þe auter, and wiþ hem preſtis an hundriþ and twenty, ſyngynge wiþ trumpis. Þanne alle to gyder, in trumpis, and voice, and cymbalis, and orgnys, and of dyuerſe kynde of muſikis, ſownynge to gydre, and þe voice berynge vp an heeiȝ, afer þe ſown was hard, ſo þat whanne þe Lord þei hadden begunnen to preyſen, and ſeyn, Knowlecheþ to þe Lord, for he is good, for in to þe world þe mercy of hym; þe hous of God was fulfillid wiþ a clowde, and þe preſtis myȝten not ſtonden and mynyſtren for þe derkneſſis; forſoþe þe glorie of þe Lord hadde fulfild þe hous of God.

Capitulum VI.

Thanne Salomon ſeiþ, Þe Lord behiȝte, þat he ſchulde dwellen in þe dirkeneſſe; I forſoþe haue bilde up an hous to þe name of hym, þat he ſchulde dwellen þere in to wiþ oute eende. And þe kyng turnede his face, and bleſſide to al þe multitude of Iſrael; for why al þe puple ſtood, inwardly takynge heede; and he ſeiþ, Bleſſed þe Lord God of Yrael, for þat he ſpake to Dauid, my fadir, in deede he haþ fulfillide, ſeyinge, Fro þe day þat I ladde my puple fro þe lond of Egipt, I chees not a cytee of alle þe lynagis of Yrael, þat þere ſchulde be bilde up in it an hous to my name, ne eny oþere man I chees, þat he were duyke vpon my puple Yrael; bot I chees Jeruſalem, þat my name be in it, and I chees Dauid, þat I ordeyn hym vpon my puple Yrael. And whanne it was of þe wille of Dauid, my fadir, þat he bilde an hous to þe name of þe Lord God of Yrael, þe Lord ſeid to hym, For þis was þi wille, þat þou ſchuldiſt bylden an hous to my name, forſoþe þou didyſt wele, hauynge ſuch a maner wille, bot þou ſchalt not bylden vp an hous to me; neuerþelater þe ſone, þat gooþ out of þi reynes, he ſchal bylden up an hous to my name. Þanne þe Lord fulfillide his word, þat he hadde ſpoken; and I roos for Dauid, my fadir, and ſat vpon þe trone of Yſrael, as þe Lord ſpac, and bilde up an hous to þe name of þe Lord God of Yrael; and putte in it þe arke, in þe whiche is þe couenaunt of þe Lord, þat he couenauntide wiþ þe ſonis of Yrael. Þanne he ſtode before þe auter of þe Lord forn aȝeynſt of al þe multitude of Yrael, and ſtrauȝt out his hondis. Forſoþe Salomon hadde maad þe braſyn ſtondynge, and hadde putte it in þe mydil of þe grete hous, hauynge fyue cubitis of lengþe, and fyue of brede, and þre cubitis of heiȝt, and he ſtode vpon it; and þeraftir þe knees bowed aȝeinus al þe multitude of Yrael, and þe hondis in to heuen rered, ſeiþ, Lord God of Yrael, þer is not lijc þee, God in heuen and in erþ, þe whiche kepiſt couenaunt and mercy wiþ þi ſeruauntis, þat goon before þee in al þeir herte; þe whiche haſt ȝeuen to Dauid þi ſeruaunt, my fadir, whateuer þingis þou haddiſt ſpoken to hym, and þat wiþ mouþe þou byheetiſt, in deed þou haſt fulfylde, as and þe preſent tyme preueþ. Now þanne, Lord God of Yrael, fulfille to þi ſeruaunt my fadir Dauid, whateuer þingis þou haſt ſpoken, ſeyinge, Þer ſchal not faylen of þee a man beforn me, þat ſytt vpon þe trone of Yrael; ſo neuer þe later ȝif þi ſonis kepen my weies, and goon in my lawe, as and þou wentiſt before me. And nowe, Lord God of Yrael, be faſtned þi word, þat þou ſpeke to þi ſeruaunt Dauid. Þanne wheþir leeuable it be, þat þe Lord dwelle wiþ men vpon erþ? Ȝif heuen and heuens of heuens þee taken not, how myche more þis hous, þat I haue bylde? Bot to þis oonly it is maad, þat þou beholde þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt, and his biſechynge, Lord my God, and þou here þe preyers, þat þi ſeruaunt heldiþ out before þee; þat þou opene þi eeȝen vpon þis hows dais and nyȝtis, vpon þe place in þe whiche þou haſt behoten, þat þy name ſchulde be inwardly clepid, and þou ſchuldiſt heeren þe oriſoun, þat þi ſeruaunt preieþ in it. Heere þou þe preyers of þi ſeruaunt, and of þi puple Yrael; who ſo euer preye in þis place, here fro þi dwellynge place, þat is fro heuens, and be þou maad pleſed. Ȝif eny man ſynne in to his neiȝbour, and redi comme to ſweren aȝeinus hym, and by curſe bynde hym before þe auter in þis hous, þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, and þou ſchalt do dome of þi ſeruauntis; ſo þat þou ȝelde to þe wickide his weie in to his owne heued, and venge þe riȝtwijs, and ȝeldynge to hym aftir his riȝtwiſneſſe. Ȝif þi puple Yrael were ouercomen of enmyes, forſoþe þei ſchul ſynnen to þee, and turned done penaunce, and beſechen þi name, and preyen in þis place, þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, and haue þou mercy to þe ſynne of þi puple Yrael, and brynge hem aȝein in to þe lond, þat þou ȝeue to hem, and to þeir fadirs. Ȝif, heuen cloſed, reyn flowe not for ſynne of þi puple, and þei preyen þee in þis place, and knowlechen to þi name, and turned fro þeir ſynnes, whanne hem þou tormentiſt, here, Lord, fro heuen, and forȝeue þe ſynnes to þi ſeruauntis, and to þi puple Yrael, and teche hem a good wei, by þe whiche þei goon in, and ȝeue reyn to þe erþ, þat þou haſt ȝeuen to þi puple to weelden. Ȝif hunger were ſprungyn in þe lond, and peſtilence, and ruſt, and weder rootynge tilþ, and locuſt, and werm, and enmyes, þe regyouns waſted, beſeegen þe ȝatis of þe cytee, and alle veniaunce and infirmyte þriſt doun; ȝif any of þi puple Irael preye, knowynge þe veniaunce, and his infirmyte, ſtretche out his hondis in þis hous, þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, þat is, fro þin heeȝ dwellynge place, and be þou pleſed, and ȝeeld to eche man aftir his weies, þe whiche þou haſt knowen hym to han in his hert; þou forſoþe aloone haſt knowen þe hertis of þe ſonis of men; þat þei dreeden þee, and goon in þi weies alle days, þe whiche þei lyuen vpon þe face of þe erþ, þat þou haſt ȝeuen to oure fadirs. A ſtraunger alſo þat is not of þy puple Yrael, ȝif he come fro a ferre lond for þi grete name, and for þi ſtrong hond, and for þi ſtrauȝt out arme, and honour in þis place, þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, þi moſt faſt place; and þou ſchalt don alle þingis, for þe whiche þat pilgryme inwardly clepiþ þee, þat alle puplis of erþ knowen þi name, and dreeden þee, as þi puple Yrael; and knowen þei, for þi name is inwardly clepide vpon þis hous, þat I haue bilde to þi name. Ȝif þi puple weren goon out to bataile aȝeinus þer aduerſaries, by þe weye in to þe whiche þou ſentiſt hem, þei ſchuln honouren þee aȝeinus þe weye in þe whiche is þe cytee þat þou haſt choſen, and þe hous þat I haue bylde to þi name, þat þou here fro heuen þe preyers of hem and þe beſechynge, and þou do veniaunce. Ȝif forſoþe þei ſynnen to þee, and forſoþe þer is no man þat ſynneþ not, and þou were wroþ to hem, and takiſt hem to þe enmyes; and caytijf þei leeden hem in to a ferre lond, or certis þat is niȝ; and turned in al þeir herte in þe lond, to þe whiche þei weren ladde caytijf, done penaunce, and preyen þee in þe lond of þeir caytijfte, ſeyinge, We han ſynned, wickidly we han wrouȝt, vnriȝtwiſely we han done; and weren torned to þee in al þeir herte, and in al þeir ſoule, in þe lond of þeir caytyfte, to þe whiche þei ben lad, þei ſchuln honouren þee aȝeinus þe weie of þeir lond, þat þou haſt ȝeuen to þeir fadirs, and of þe cytee þat þou haſt choſen, and of þe hous þat I haue bilde to þi name; þat þou heere fro heuen, þat is, fro þi faſt dwellynge place, þe preyers of hem, and do dome, and forȝyue to þi puple, þof ſynful; þou ert forſoþe my God; I biſeche, þin eeȝen ben opened, and þin eeris ben takynge heed to þe oriſoun þat is don in þis place. Nowe þanne, Lord God, arijs in to þi reſt, þou and þe ark of þi ſtrengþ; þi preſtis, Lord God, ben cloþed helþ, and þin halowes glaaden þei in goodes. Lord God, ne turne þou awey þe face of þi criſt; haue mynde of þe mercyes of Dauid þi ſeruaunt.

Capitulum VII.

And whanne Salomon hadde fulfilde heeldynge out preyers, fijr came doun fro heuen, and deuoured þe brent ſacrifices, and þe ſlayn offrynges; and þe mageſte of þe Lord fulfilde þe hous. And þe preſtis myȝten not goon in to þe temple of þe Lord; forþi þat þe mageſte of þe Lord hadde fulfilde þe temple of þe Lord. Bot and alle þe ſonis of Yſrael ſawen fijr goyng doun, and þe glorie of þe Lord vpon þe hous, and fallynge doun bowed in to þe erþ vpon þe pament paued wiþ ſtoon, honourden, and preyſeden þe Lord, For he is good, for in to þe world þe mercy of hym. Þe kyng forſoþe, and al þe puple offreden ſlayn offryngis beforn þe Lord. Kyng Salomon þanne ſlowȝ hooſtis of oxen two and twenty þouſand, of weþers an hundreþ and twenty þouſand; and þe kyng bilde up þe hous of God, and al þe puple. Þe preſtis forſoþe ſtooden in þeir offices, and þe Leuytes in orgnys of dytees of þe Lord, þe whiche kyng Dauid maad to preyſen þe Lord, For in to world þe mercy of hym, ſyngynge þe ympnes of Dauid bi þeir hondis; bot þe preſtis ſungyn in trumpis beforne hem, and al þe puple of Yrael ſtood. And Salomon halowed þe myddil of þe porche beforn þe temple of þe Lord; forſoþe he hadde offrede þere brent ſacrifices, and talwes of peyſible þingis, for þe braſen auter þat he hadde maad myȝte not ſuſteynen þe brent ſacrifices, and ſacrifices, and talwes of peyſible þingus. Þanne Salamon made ſolempnyte in þat tyme ſeuen days, and al Yrael wiþ hym, a ful grete chirche, fro þe entre of Emaþ vnto þe ſtreme of Egipt. And þe eyȝþe day he maad a collect, for þi þat he halowed þe auter ſeuen dais, and hadde halowede þe ſolempnyte ſeuen days. Þanne in þe þre and twentiþe day of þe ſeuenþ moneþ he laft þe puplis to þeir tabernaclis, ioyinge and gladynge vpon þe good þat God hadde don to Dauid, and to Salomon, and to his puple Iſrael. And Salomon ful eendid þe hous of þe Lord, and þe hous of þe kyng, and alle þingus þat he hadde diſpoſed in his hert, þat he do in þe hous of þe Lord and in his owne hous; and he is maad welſum. Forſoþe þe Lord aperde to hym þe nyȝt, and ſeiþ, I haue herde þi preier, and choſen þis place to me in to an hous of ſacrifice. Ȝif I ſchal cloſen heuen, and reyn flowe not, and ſchul ſenden, and comaunden to þe locuſt, þat he deuoure þe lond, and ſchul ſende peſtilence in to my puple; forſoþe my puple turned, vpon whom inwardly clepid is my name, me han preyed, and ſouȝt my face, and done penaunce fro þeir werſt weyes, I ſchal heere fro heuen, and ben mercyable to þe ſynnes of hem, and helyn þeir lond. Alſo myn eeȝen ſchul ben opened, and my eeris rerid up to þe horiſoun of hym, þat in þis place ſchal preie; forſoþe I haue choſen, and halowed þis place, þat my name be þere in to euermore, and my eeȝen and myn herte abiden ſtille þere alle days. Þou alſo, ȝif þou go before me, as ȝeede Dauid þi fadir, and doſt aftir alle þingus þat I haue comaundide to þee, and my riȝtwiſneſſe and domes kepiſt, I ſchal areren þe trone of þi rewme, as I behiȝte to Dauid þi fadir, ſeyinge, Þere ſchal not ben don awei fro þi lynage a man, þat be prince in Yſrael. Ȝif forſoþe ȝe weren turned aweiward, and forſaken myn riȝtwiſneſſes and myn heſtis þat I haue purpoſed to ȝou, and goynge awey ȝe ſeruen to alyen goddis, and honouren hem, I ſchal pullen ȝou vp fro my lond, þat I haue ȝeuen to ȝou, and þis hous þat I haue bilde to my name I ſchal þrowen awey fro my face, and taken it in to a parable, and in to exſaumple to alle puplis. And þis hous ſchal ben in to a prouerbe to alle weye goeris; and þei ſchuln ſeyn, wondrynge, Why þus dide þe Lord to þis lond, and to þis hous? And þei ſchuln anſweryn, For þei forſoken þe Lord God of þeir faders, þe whiche lad hem out fro þe lond of Egipt, and han taken alyen goddis, and honoureden hem, and heryeden; þerfor camen vpon þem alle þes euels.

Capitulum VIII.

Fulfild forſoþe twenty ȝeer, aftir þe whiche Salomon hadde bilde up þe hous of þe Lord, and his own hous, and þe citees, þe whiche Yram ȝaue to Salomon, he bylde up, and made þe ſonys of Yrael to dwellen þere. Alſo he wente in to Emaþ Sobba, and weeldide it. And he bilde up Palmyram in deſert, and oþere citees moſt ſtrengþid he bilde up in Emaþ. And he maad up þe oouer Beþeron and þe neþer Beþeron, citees moſt ſtrengþed, hauynge ȝatis and lockis and barres; Balaaþ alſo, and al þe moſt faſt cytees þat weren of Salamon, and alle þe cytees of plowes, and þe cytees of horſmen; alle whateuer þingus he wolde, maad kyng Salamon, and diſpoſede he bilde in Jeruſalem, and in Lyban, and in alle þe lond of his power. Al þe puple þat was laft of Eþeis, and Amorreis, and Phereſeis, and Eueis, and Jebuſeis, þat weren not of þe ſtoc of Yrael, and of þeir ſonis, and of þer after comers, þe whiche þe ſonis of Yrael hadde not ſlayn, Salamon vndirȝokede into tributarijs vnto þis day. Bot of þe ſonis of Yrael he vndirputte not, þat þei ſchulden ſeruen to þe werkis of þe kyng; þei forſoþe weren men fiȝters, and þe firſt leders, and princis of plowes, and of þe horſe men of hym; alle forſoþe princes of þe hooſt of kyng Salamon weren two hundriþ and fyfty, þat tauȝten þe puple. Þe douȝter forſoþe of Pharao he tranſlatide fro þe cite of Dauid in to þe hous, þat he hadde bilde to hyre; forſoþe þe kyng ſeide, My wijf ſchal not dwelle in þe hous of Dauid, kyng of Yrael, forþi þat it is halowed, for þe ark of þe Lord wente in to it. Þan Salamon offride brent ſacrifices to þe Lord vpon þe auter of þe Lord, þat he hadde maad up beforn þe ȝate hous, þat by eche days wer offrid in it, aftir þe heeſt of Moiſes, in ſabotis, and in kalendis, and in feſte dais, þries bi þe ȝer, þat is, in þe ſolempnyte of þerfe looues, and in þe ſolempnyte of wijkis, and in þe ſolempnyte of tabernaclis. And he ſette aftir þe diſpoſicioun of Dauid, his fadir, officis of preſtis in þeir ſeruyſes, and Leuytis in þeir ordre, þat þei preiſen and mynyſtren beforn þe preſtis aftir þe rijt of eche day, and þe porters in þeir dyuiſiouns by ȝate and ȝate. Þus forſoþe Dauid, þe man of God, hadde comaundide; ne þei wenten beſide fro þe maundementis of þe kyng, boþe preſtis and Leuytis, of alle þingus þat he hadde comaundide. And in þe wardis of þe treſoures alle þe expenſis maad redy hadde Salomon, fro þat day þat he foundide þe hous of þe Lord vnto þat day þat he perfourmede it. Þanne wente Salomon in to Aſyongober, and in to Hailaþ, to þe mouþ of þe rede ſe, þat is in þe lond of Edom. Þanne Yram ſente to hym, by þe hondis of his ſeruauntis, ſchippis, and wijs ſchipmen of þe ſee, and þei wenten wiþ þe ſeruauntis of Salomon in to Oofer, and þei token þennis foure hundriþe and fyfty talentis of gold, and brouȝten to kyng Salamon.

Capitulum IX.

And þe quen of Saba, whanne ſche hadde herde þe loos of Salamon, ſche cam, þat ſche tempte hym in dotous queſtiouns in Jeruſalem, wiþ grete rycheſſis, and camels þat beren ſwote ſpices, and myche of gold, and precious gemmes. And whanne ſche was commen to Salamon, ſche ſpak to hym whateuer þingis weren in hyre herte. And Salamon expownede to hyre alle þingus þat ſche purpoſede, ne eny þing was, þat cleer he maad not to hyre. Þe whiche aftir þat ſche ſawȝ, þe wiſdam, þat is, of Salamon, and þe hous þat he hadde made, alſo and þe meetis of his boord, and þe dwellyng place of his ſeruauntis, and þe office of his mynyſtris, and þe cloþingis of hem, alſo þe botelers, and þeir cloþis, and þe ſlayn ſacrifices þat he offride in þe hous of þe Lord, þer was no more in hyre ſpyrite for ſtoneynge. And ſche ſeide to þe kyng, Soþe is þe ſermoun, þat I haue herde in my lond, of vertues and of þi wijſdam; and I trowed not to þe tellers, to þe tyme þat I my ſilf were comen, and myn eeȝen hadden ſeen, and I hadde preued vnneþ þe half of þi wijſdam to han ben told to me; þou haſt ouerpaſſed þe los in þi vertues. Bleſſed þi men, and bleſſed þi ſeruauntis, and þei þat ſtonden neeȝ beforn þee in al tyme, and heeren þi wiſdam. Þe Lord þi God be bleſſid, þe whiche wolde ordeynen þee vpon his trone kyng of þe puple of þe Lord þi God; forſoþe for God loueþ Yrael, and wille ſauyn it in to wiþ outen eend, þerfor he putte þee kyng vpon it, þat þou do domes and riȝtwiſneſſe. Forſoþe ſche ȝaue to þe kyng an hundriþ and twenty talentis of gold, and many ſwote ſpices ful myche, and moſt precyous gemmes; and þer weren not ſiche ſwote ſpices, as þes þat qween Saba ȝaue to kyng Salamon. Bot and þe ſeruauntis of Yram wiþ þe ſeruauntis of Salamon brouȝten gold fro Oofer, and tyne trees, and gemmes moſt precious; of þe whiche þe kyng made, þat is, of tyne trees, grees in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe hous of þe kyng, alſo harpis, and ſawtrees to ſyngers; neuer ben ſeen in þe lond of Juda ſiche trees. Kyng forſoþe Salamon ȝaue to þe qween of Saba alle þingus þat ſche wolde, and þat ſche aſked, many mo þan ſche brouȝte to hym. Þe whiche turnede aȝein wente into hyre lond wiþ hyre ſeruauntis. Forſoþe þe weiȝt of gold, þat was offerd to Salamon by ech ȝeer, was ſixe hundriþ and ſixe and ſixty talentis of gold, outaken þat ſoum þat legatis of dyuerſe gentylis, and merchauntis weren wont to bryngen to, and alle þe kyngis of Arabie, and ſatrapis of londis, þat brouȝten gold and ſyluer to Salamon. Þanne kyng Salamon maad two hundriþ golden ſperis of þe ſoum of ſixe hundriþ golde platis, þe whiche in alle þe ſperis weren ſpred abrod; alſo þre hundriþ golden ſcheldis of þre hundriþ gold platis, wiþ þe whiche alle þe ſcheldis weren couerd; and þe kyng putte hem in þe armerie place, þat was ſett in þe wode. Alſo kyng Salomon made a grete yuere ſete, and cloþed it wiþ moſt clene gold; and ſixe grees, in þe whiche men ſteyȝede up to þe ſete, and a golden ſtole, and two lytyll armys, eiþer aȝeinus oþer, and two lyouns ſtondynge beſides þe litil aarmes, bot and oþer twelue litil lyouns ſtondynge vpon þe ſixe grees on eiþer party. Þere was not ſiche a kyngis ſee in alle rewmes. And alle þe veſſels of þe kyngis feſte weren golden, and þe veſſels of þe hous of ſaltus Liban of moſt pure gold; ſyluer forſoþe in þo days for nouȝt was countid. Forſoþe and þe ſchippis of þe kyng wenten in Tharſis wiþ þe ſeruauntis of Yram oones in þre ȝeer, and þei brouȝten þennus gold, and ſyluer, and yuer, and apis, and poos. Þanne Salamon is magnified vpon alle þe kyngis of erþ for rycheſſe and glorie. And alle þe kyngis of londis deſireden to ſeen þe face of Salamon, þat þei heeren þe wijſdam þat God hadde ȝeuen in þe herte of hym; and þei brouȝten to hym ȝiftes, ſylueren veſſels and golden, cloþes and armes, and ſpices, hors and mulis, by alle ȝeeris. And Salamon hadde fourty þouſand of hors in his ſtallis, and of charis and of horſmen twelue þouſand; and he ſette hem in þe cytees of foure horſid carris, and where þe kyng was in Jeruſalem. Forſoþe he enhauntide power vpon alle þe kyngis, fro þe flode of Eufrate vnto þe lond of Philiſteis, and vnto þe termes of Egipt. And ſo myche plente of ſyluer he ȝaue in Jeruſalem, as of ſtoones, and of cedres ſo myche multitude, as of wijlde mulberye trees þat ben ſprungyn in wijld feeldis. Forſoþe þer weren brouȝt hors fro Egipt, and of alle regyouns. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe raþer werkis of Salamon and of þe laſt ben wrijten in þe wordis of Naþan, þe prophete, and in þe wordis of Achie Sylonyte, and in þe viſioun of Addo, ſear, aȝeins Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ. Salamon forſoþe regnede in Jeruſalem vpon al Yrael fourety ȝere, and he ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and þei birieden hym in þe cytee of Dauid, and Roboam, his ſone, regned for hym.

Capitulum X.

Roboam forſoþe wente in to Sychem; þidre forſoþe al Yrael was comen to gydre þat þei ſetten hym kyng. Þe whiche þing whan Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þat was in Egypt, hadde herd; forſoþe he hadde flowen þidre beforn Salomon; anoon he is turned aȝeyn. And þei clepiden hym, and he came wiþ al Yſrael, and þei ſpeeken to Roboam, ſeiynge, Þi fadir wiþ moſt harde ȝok oppreſſed us; þou comaunde liȝter þan þi fadir, þe whiche putte to us a grete ſeruage; and a litil wiȝt of þe charge put off, þat we ſeruen to þee. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Aftir þre days turneþ aȝein to me. And whan þe puple was gone aweie, he wente in counſeil wiþ þe olde men, þat ſtoden beforn his fadir Salamon, while ȝit he lyuede, ſeyinge, What ȝeue ȝe of counſeil, þat I anſwer to þe puple? Þe whiche ſeyden to hym, Ȝif þou pleſe to þis puple, and ſoften hem wiþ mercyable wordis, þei ſchulen ſeruen to þee al tyme. And he laft þe counceil of olde men, and wiþ ȝonge men beganne to treeten, þat wiþ hym were nuriſchid, and weren in þe felawſchip of hym. And he ſeide to hem, What to ȝou ſemeþ? or what ſchal I anſweren to þis puple, þat ſeide to me, Heue of þe ȝok, þat þi fader putte vnto us? And þei anſwerden, as ȝonge men and nurſchid wiþ hym in delices, and ſeiden, Þus þou ſchalt anſweren to þe puple þat ſeide to þee, Þi fadir aggregide oure ȝok, þou putte off; þus þou ſchalt anſweren to hem, My leſt fynger is gretter þan þe reynes of my fadir; my fadir putte to ȝou a grete ȝok, and I ſchal putten to a more weiȝte; my fader beet ȝou wiþ ſcourgis, I forſoþe ſchal beten ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns. Þanne Jeroboam came and al þe puple þe þidde day to Roboam, as he hadde comaundide to hem. And þe kyng anſwerde hard þingus, þe counſeil laft of þe eldre, ſpokyn aftir þe will of ȝong men; My fadir putte an heuy ȝok to ȝou, and I ſchal maken heuyar; my fadir beet ȝou wiþ ſcourgis, I forſoþe ſchal beeten ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns. And he aſſentide not to þe preyers of þe puple; forſoþe þe wille of God was, þat his word ſchuld ben fulfild, þat he hadde ſpoken by þe hond of Achie Sylonyte to Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ. Al þe puple forſoþe, þe kyng ſeyinge harder þingus, þus ſpak to hym, Þere is not to us part in Dauid, ne heritage in þe ſone of Yſay; turne aȝein in to þi tabernaclis, Yrael, þou forſoþe feed þin hous, Dauiþ. And Yrael wente in to þeir tabernaclis. Vpon forſoþe þe ſonis of Yrael, þat dwelleden in þe cytees of Juda, regnede Roboam. And kyng Roboam ſente Aduram, þat ſtode vpon þe tributis; and þe ſones of Yrael ſtooneden hym, and he is deed. Bot kyng Roboam heeȝede to ſteyȝen up þe chaar, and fleiȝ in to Jeruſalem. And Yrael wente awey fro þe hous of Dauid vnto þis day. It is done forſoþe, whanne al Yrael hadde herd, þat Jeroboam was turned aȝein, þei ſenten, and clepeden hym, þe companye gederd, and ſetten kyng vpon al Yrael; ne any man folowed þe hous of Dauid, ſaue þe lynage of Juda and Beniamyn allon.

Capitulum XI.

Roboam forſoþe came into Jeruſalem, and clepide al þe hous of Juda and of Beniamyn, vnto an hundriþ and eiȝty þouſand of choſen fiȝtynge men, þat he fiȝte aȝeynus Yſrael, and turne to hym his rewme. And þe word of þe Lord is maad to Semyam, þe man of God, ſeyinge, Speke to Roboam, þe ſone of Salamon, kyng of Juda, and to al Yrael, þat is in Juda and Beniamyn; Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝe ſchul not ſteyȝen up, ne fiȝten aȝeyn ȝoure breþeren; turne aȝein ech oon in to his hous, for þis is doon by my wille. Þe whiche whan hadden herd þe word of þe Lord, ben torned aȝein, ne þei wenten aȝeinus kyng Jeroboam. Roboam forſoþe dwellide in Jeruſalem, and he bilde up wallid cytees in Juda; and he maad out Beþleem, and Eþan, and Thecue, and Beþſur; alſo and Sochot, and Odollam; alſo and Jeþ, and Mareza, and Ciph; but and Huram, and Lachis, and Arecha; Saraa alſo, and Haylon, and Ebron, þat weren in Juda and Beniamyn, cytees moſt ſtrengþed. And whanne he hadde cloſed hem wiþ wallis, he putte in hem princes of metis, and bernes, þat is, of oyle and of wijne. Bot and to alle þe cytees he maad armour places of ſcheeldis, and of ſperis, and he faſtnede hem wiþ moſt diligence, and comaundide vpon Judam, and vpon Benjamin. Þe preſtis forſoþe and Leuytis, þat weren in al Yſrael, camen to hym fro al þeir ſeetis, forſakyng ſuburbis and þeir poſſeſſiouns, and goynge ouer to Juda and to Jeruſalem; forþi þat Jeroboam hadde caſt hem awey, and his aftir comers, þat þei vſen not þe preſþood of þe Lord; þe whiche ordeynede to hym ſilf preſtis of heeȝe þingis, and of deuyls, and of calues, þe whiche he hadde made. Bot and of al þe lynagis of Yrael, whiche euer hadde ȝeuen þeir herte þat þei ſechen þe Lord God of Yrael, came to Jeruſalem to offryn þeir ſlayn ſacrificis before þe Lord God of þeir faders. And þei ſtrengþeden þe kyngdam of Juda, and to giþer ſtrengþeden Roboam, þe ſone of Salamon bi þre ȝeer; forſoþe þei wenten in þe weies of Dauid, and of Salomon, al oonly þre ȝeer. Forſoþe Roboam weddide a wijf Malaoþ, þe douȝter of Jerymuþ, ſone of Dauid, and Abiail, þe douȝter of Heliab, ſone of Yſaye; þe whiche bare to hym ſonis, Jeus, and Somoriam, and Jereum. And aftir þis he toke Maacham, þe douȝtir of Abſalon, þat bare to hym Abia, and Thai, and Siſa, and Salomyþ. Forſoþe Roboam louede Maacham, þe douȝter of Abſalon, ouer alle his wijues and ſecundaries. Forſoþe eiȝtene wijues he weddide, ſecundarie wijues forſoþe ſixty; and he gate eiȝte and twenty ſonis, and ſixty douȝters. Forſoþe he ſette in þe heued Abiam, þe ſone of Maacha, duke ouer alle his breþeren; he þouȝte forſoþe to makyn hym kyng, for wijſer and myȝtyer ouer alle his ſonis, and in alle þe cooſtis of Juda and of Beniamyn, and in alle þe walled cytees; and he ȝaue to hem many metis, and he hadde many wijues.

Capitulum XII.

And whanne þe rewme of Roboam was ſtrengþed and confermed, he forſoke þe lawe of þe Lord, and al Yrael wiþ hym. Þe fyfþe ȝeer forſoþe of þe regne of Roboam ſteyȝede up Seſach, þe kyng of Egypt, in to Jeruſalem, for þei hadden ſynned to þe Lord; wiþ a þouſand and two hundriþ chaaris, and ſixty þouſand horſmen, and þer was no noumbre of þe comoun, þat came wiþ hym fro Egipt, Libies, þat is, and Erogodite, and Eþiopes. And he tok þe moſt ſtrengþed cytees in Juda, and came vnto Jeruſalem. Semeias forſoþe, þe prophete, wente in to Roboam, and þe princes of Juda, þat weren gadered in to Jeruſalem, fleeȝyng Seſach. And he ſeide to hem, Þes þinges ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝe han forſaken me, and I haue forſaken ȝou in þe hond of Seſach. And þe princis of Yrael and þe kyng aferd ſeyden, Riȝtwijs is þe Lord. And whanne þe Lord hadde ſeen þat þei weren meked, þe word of þe Lord is doon to Semeiam, ſeyinge, For þei ben meekid, I ſchal not leeſen hem, and I ſchal ȝeuen to hem a lytyll of help, and my woodneſſe ſchal not droppen upon Jeruſalem by þe hond of Seſach. Neuer þe later þei ſchul ſerue to hym, þat þei knowen þe diſtaunce of my ſeruyce and of þe ſeruyſe of þe rewme of londis. And ſo Seſach, kyng of Egipt, wente awei fro Jeruſalem, þe treſoures taken awei of þe hous of þe Lord, and of þe hous of þe kyng; and alle þingis he toke wiþ hym, and þe golden tergetis þe whiche Salamon hadde maad, for þe whiche þe kyng made braſen, and toke hem to þe princis of þe tergeteris, þe whiche kepten þe veſtiarie of þe paleis. And whanne þe kyng ſchulde goone in to þe houſe of þe Lord, þe tergeters camen, and token hem, and eft beeren hem aȝein to his armorie place. Neuer þe later for þei ben meekid, þe wraþ of þe Lord is torned awey fro hem, and þei ben not don awei al oute; forſoþe and in Juda ben founden good werkis. Þanne Roboam is coumfortid in Jeruſalem, and regnede. Forſoþe of oon and fourty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to regnen, and eiȝtene ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem, þe citee þat þe Lord chees þat he conferme his name þere, of alle þe lynagis of Yrael. Þe name forſoþe of his moder Naama Amanyte. And he dide euyl, and he greiþede not his herte for to ſechen God. Þe werkis forſoþe of Roboam, þe firſt and þe laſt, ben writen in þe bokis of Semei þe prophete, and of Abdo ſear, and beſily expownede. And Roboam and Jeroboam fouȝten aȝeinus hem ſeluen alle days. And Roboam ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biried in þe cyte of Dauid; and Abia, his ſone, regnede for hym.

Capitulum XIII.

The eiȝtene ȝeer of kyng Jeroboam regnede Abia vpon Judam; þre ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; and name of his modir Machaia, þe douȝter of Vriel of Gabaa. And þer was bataile betwene Abiam and Jeroboam. And whanne Abia hadde gon in ſtrijf, and hadde moſt beſt fiȝtynge men, and of choſen foure hundriþ þouſand, Jeroboam ordeynde aȝeinward ſcheltrun of eiȝt hundriþ þouſand of men, þe whiche and þei weren choſen and to batails moſt ſtronge. Þann Abia ſtood vpon þe hil of Semeron, þat was in Effram, and ſeiþ, Heere, Jeroboam and al Yrael; wheþer ȝe knowe not, þat þe Lord God of Yrael ȝaue þe rewme to Dauid vpon Yrael in to euermore, to hym and to his ſonis into couenaunt of ſalte? And Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabaþ, þe ſeruaunt of Salamon, ſone of Dauiþ, ros, and rebellide aȝeinus his lord. And þer ben gaderd to hym moſt vein men and þe ſonis of Belial, and þei hadden þe ouer hond aȝeinus Roboam, þe ſone of Salamon. Bot Roboam was rude, and wiþ ferde herte, and myȝt not aȝeinſtonden to hem. Now þann ȝe ſayn, þat ȝe ſchul mown wiþſtonde to þe rewme of þe Lord, þat he weldiþ by þe ſonis of Dauid; and ȝe han a gret multitude of puple, and golden calues, þe whiche Jeroboam haþ made to ȝou in to goddis. And ȝe han þrowen awei þe preſtis of þe Lord, þe ſonys of Aaron, and Leuytis, and han maad to ȝou preſtes, as alle þe puplis of londis; whoſoeuer commiþ and ſacriþ his hond in bool, in oxen and in ſeuen weþers, anoon he is maad þe preſte of hem þat ben not goddis. Our forſoþe Lord is God, whom we han not forſaken; and þe preſtis myniſtriden to þe Lord of þe ſonis of Aaron, and Leuytis ben in þeir ordre; alſo brent ſacrifices þei offren to þe Lord by ech days, erly and at euen, and þe encenſe maad aftir þe heſtis of þe lawe; and þere ben leid forþ looues in þe moſt clene borde; and þere is anentis us a golden chaundeler, and þe lantern of it, þat it be tend euermore at euen; we forſoþe kepen þe heſtis of oure God, whom ȝe han forſaken. Þanne duke in oure hooſt is God, and þe preſtis of hym, þat crien in trumpis and ſownen aȝeins ȝou; ȝe ſonis of Yrael, williþ not fiȝten aȝeinus þe Lord God of oure fadirs, for it ſpediþ not to ȝou. Þes þingis hym ſpekyng, Jeroboam bihynde kaſte buſchementis; and whanne he ſchulde ſtonden forn aȝeinus of þe hooſtis, he enuyrounde wiþ his hooſt Judam vnknowynge. And Juda biholdynge ſawȝ to ſtonden in bataile forn aȝeinſt, and bihynde þe bac; and he criede to þe Lord, and þe preſtis wiþ trumpis begunnen to ſyngen. And alle þe men of Juda crieden out, and loo! hem criynge out, God ferid Jeroboam and al Yſrael, þat ſtood forn aȝeynſt Juda and Abia. And þe men of Yrael flowen Judam, and þe Lord tok hem in to þe hondis of hem. Þan ſmote hem Abia and his puple in a grete veniaunce, and þer fellen of hem woundid fyue hundriþ þouſand of ſtronge men. And þe ſonis of Yrael ben mekid in þat tyme, and þe ſonis of Juda moſt hugely coumfortid, forþi þat þei hadden hopide in þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. Forſoþe Abia purſued Jeroboam fleeȝinge, and toke citees of him, Beþel and þe douȝtirs of it, and Jeſana wiþ his douȝtirs, Efron alſo and þe douȝtirs of it; and miȝt no more wiþſtonde Jeroboam in þe days of Abia, whome þe Lord ſmote, and is deed. Þan Abia, comfortid his empyre, toke fouretene wijues and gat two and twenty ſonis, and ſixtene douȝters. And þe remnaunt of þe wordis of Abia and of þe weies and of his werkis, ben writen moſt biſily in þe boke of Abdo, prophete.

Capitulum XIIII.

Forſoþe Abia ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei birieden hym in þe cytee of Dauiþ; and Aza, his ſone, regnede for hym. In whos days reſtide þe londe tenn ȝeer. And Aza dide þat good and pleſaunt was in þe ſiȝte of his God, and he turned vpſadoun þe auters of ſtraunge heryinge, and þe heeȝ þingis, and tobrac þe ymagis, and þe mawmet woodis hewȝ doun; and he comaundide to Jude, þat he ſchulde ſechen þe Lord God of þeir fadirs, and done þe lawe, and alle þe maundementis. And he toke awei fro alle þe cytees of Juda auters and mawmet templis, and regned in peſe. Alſo he bylde up ſtrengþed cytees in Juda; for quyete he was, and noon in his tyme batails riſen, þe Lord grauntynge peſe. Forſoþe he ſeide to Jude, Bilde we up þes cytees, and enuyrown we wiþ wallis, and ſtrengþe we wiþ touris and ȝatis and lockis, þe whilis fro batails alle þingis ben quyete; forþi þat we han ſouȝt þe Lord God of oure fadirs, and he haþ ȝeuen to us peſe by enuyrown. Þanne þei beelden up, and no lettynge was in þe out makynge. Aza forſoþe hadde in his enuyrown of bereris ſcheeldis and ſperis of Juda þre hundriþ þouſand, of Beniamyn forſoþe of ſcheld berers and archers two hundriþ and ſeuenty þouſand; alle þes moſt ſtronge men. Forſoþe aȝeinus hem went out Zara Eþiope wiþ his hooſt tenn hundriþ þouſand, and wiþ chaaris þre hundriþ, and he came vnto Mazara. Forſoþe Aza wente to mete wiþ hym, and maad a ſcheltrun to bataile in þe valei of Sophata, þat is beſide Mazera. And he inwardly clepide þe Lord God, and ſeiþ, Lord, þer is not anentis þee eny diſtaunce, wheþer in fewe þou helpiſt, or in many; help us, Lord oure God, in þee forſoþe and in þi name hauynge truſt we ben comen aȝeinus þis multitude; Lord, oure God þou ert, haue not þe ouerhand aȝeins þee a man. And ſo þe Lord fered Eþiopis beforn Aſa and Juda, and Eþiopis flowen; and Aſa purſued hem, and þe peple þat was wiþ hym, vnto Jerare. And Eþiopis fellyn vnto deþ, for þe Lord ſmijtynge þei ben to-hewen, and wiþ þe hooſt of hym fyȝtyng. Þanne þei token many ſpoylis, and ſmijten alle þe cytees by enuyrown of Jerare; forſoþe a grete fere aſſaylede alle. And þei to-broſten cytees, and beren aweie mych preye; bot and þe foldis of ſcheep diſtruynge token of beeſtis a multitude wiþoute eende, and of camels, and ben torned aȝein in to Jeruſalem.

Capitulum XV.

Azarias forſoþe, þe ſone of Obed, þe ſpirite of God maad in hym, wente out in to aȝein comynge of Aza; and ſeide to hym, Heere ȝe me, Aza and al Juda and Beniamyn; þe Lord wiþ ȝou, for ȝe weren wiþ hym; ȝif ȝe ſechen hym, ȝe ſchul fynden; ȝif forſoþe ȝe forſaken hym, he ſchal forſaken ȝou. Forſoþe þer ſchul paſſen many days in Yrael wiþ oute verre God, and wiþ oute preſt, and wiþ out doctour, and wiþ oute lawe. And whanne þei weren turned aȝein in þeir anguyſch, and ſchul crien to þe Lord God of Yrael, and ſechen hym, þei ſchul fynden hym. In þat tyme þer ſchal not ben peſe of goyng out and commynge in, bot feris on al ſijde in alle dwellers of londis. Forſoþe folc ſchal fiȝten aȝeinus folc, and cyte aȝeinus cytee, for þe Lord ſchal diſtourblen hem in al anguyſch; ȝe forſoþe takiþ comfort, and ȝoure hondis ben not febled; forſoþe meed ſchal ben to ȝoure werk. Þe whiche þing whann Aza hadde herd, þat is, þe wordis and þe prophecie of Azarie, ſone of Obed, prophete, is comfortid, and toke aweie alle þe mawmetis of al þe lond of Juda and of Beniamyn, and of þe cytees þat he hadd taken of þe hill of Effraym. And he halowede an auter of þe Lord, þat was before þe ȝate hous of þe hous of þe Lord. And he gadride al Juda and Beniamyn, and þe comlyngis wiþ hem of Effraym, and of Manaſſe, and of Symeon; forſoþe many hadde flowen to hym of Yſrael, ſeeynge þat þe Lord God of hym was wiþ hym. And whanne þei weren commen in to Jeruſalem, þe þrid moneþ, þe fiftenþe ȝeer of þe regne of Aza, þei offreden to þe Lord in þat day, and of þe hondis and pray, þat þei hadden brouȝt, oxen ſeuen hundriþ, and weþers ſeuen þouſand. And he wente in of maner to ſtrengþen þe peſe couenaunt, þat þei ſchulden ſeche þe Lord God of þeir fadirs in al herte, and in al þeir ſoule. Ȝif any forſoþe ſechiþ not, he ſeiþ, þe Lord God of Yrael, be he deed, fro þe leſte vnto þe moſt, fro man vnto womman. And þei ſworen to þe Lord wiþ a grete voice, in ioye, and in crie of trumpe, and in ſown of clariowns, alle þat weren in Jewrye, wiþ execracioun; in alle forſoþe þeir herte þei ſworen, and in alle wil þei ſouȝten hym, and founden; and þe Lord ȝaue to hem reſte by enuyroun. Bot and Maacha, þe modir of kyng Aza, he put doun of hyre anguyſchynge empyre, forþi þat ſche had maad a ſymulacre of a mans ȝeerde in þe mawmet wode; þe whiche al he diſtroyede, and in to gobetis munyſchynge, he brent in to þe ſtreem of Cedron. Forſoþe þe heeȝe þingis ben laft ſtylle in Yrael; neuer þe later þe herte of Aza was perfijt alle þe days of hym. Þo þingis þat his fadir hadde avowed and he brouȝt in to þe hous of þe Lord, ſyluer and gold, and of veſſels dyuerſe purtenauncis; bataile forſoþe was not vnto þe þrittiþe ȝeer of þe regne of Aza.

Capitulum XVI.

The ſixe and þrittiþe ȝeer forſoþe of his regne Baza, kyng of Yrael, ſteiȝide up in to Judam, and wiþ a wal he enuyrounde Rama, þat no man ſikirly myȝte gon oute or comme in fro þe rewme of Aza. Forſoþe Aza brouȝt forþ gold and ſyluer fro þe treſories of þe hous of þe Lord, and fro þe kyngis treſories; and ſente to Benadab, kyng of Cyrie, þat dwellid in Damaſch, ſeyinge, Couenaunt of peſe is betwene me and þee, forſoþe my fadir and þi fader hadden acord; for what þing I haue ſente to þee ſyluer and gold, þat þe peſe couenaunt broken, þat þou haſt wiþ Baza, kyng of Yrael, þou make hym gon awey fro me. Þe whiche þing founden, Benadab ſente þe princis of his hooſtis to þe cytees of Yrael, þe whiche ſmyten Achyon, and Dan, and Abelmaym, and alle þe walled cytees of Neptalym. Þe whiche þing whanne Baaza hadde herd, he ceſede to bylden up Rama, and he laft of his werk. Bot kyng Aza toke al Judam, and þei token þe ſtoones of Rama, and þe trees, þat Baaza had maad redy to bildyng; and he bilde up of hem Gaba, and Maſpha. In þat tyme came Ananye, þe prophete, to Aza, kyng of Juda, and ſeide to hym, For þou haddiſt truſt in þe kyng of Cyrye, and not in þe Lord þi God, þerfore þe hooſt of þe kyng of Cyrie is ſcapid fro þin hond. Wheþer Eþiopes and Libies weren not many mo wiþ carris of foure hors, and þe horſmen, and þe ful grete multitude; þe whiche whanne þou haddiſt trowed to þe Lord, he toke in to þin hondis? Þe eeȝen forſoþe of þe Lord beholden al þe erþ, and ȝeuen ſtrengþe to hem, þat in perfijte herte bileeuen in to hym. Folily þanne þou didiſt, and for þat alſo in þe preſent tyme aȝeins þee batailes ſchul rijſen. And Aza is wroþ aȝeinus þe ſear, and comaundide hym to be putt in þe ſtockis. Forſoþe myche vpon þat was þe Lord ſtered to indignacioun, and he ſlewȝ of þe puple in þat tyme manye. Þe werkis forſoþe of Aza, þe firſt and þe laſt, ben writen in þe boke of þe kyngis of Juda and of Yrael. Forſoþe Aza was ſeeke þe nyne and þrittiþe ȝeer of his regne, moſt hidouſly in ſorowe of feet; and neþer in þe infirmyte he ſouȝte þe Lord, bot more in þe craft of lechis he truſtide. And Aza ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is deed þe oon and fouretiþe ȝeer of his regne. And þei birieden hym in his ſepulcre, þat he hadde maad to hym in þe cytee of Dauiþ; and þei putten hym vpon his bed ful of ſwote ſpices and ſtrumpetis oynementis, þat weren maad by þe craft of pyment makers, and þei brenden vpon hym in a ful myche mouynge to luſt.

Capitulum XVII.

Joſaphaþ forſoþe, his ſone, regnede for hym; and he wexe ſtronge aȝeinus Yrael. And he ſette noumbris of knyȝtis in alle þe cytees of Juda, þat weren enuyrounde wiþ wallis, and he diſpoſede ſtrengþes in þe lond of Juda, and in þe cytees of Effraym, þat Aza, his fadir, hadde taken. And þe Lord was wiþ Joſaphaþ, þe whiche wente in þe weies of Dauiþ, his fadir, in þe firſt; he hoopide not in Baalym, bot in þe Lord God of Dauid, his fadir, and he wente in þe heeſtis of hym, and not aftir þe ſynnes of Yrael. And þe Lord confermede þe rewme in his hond, and al Juda ȝaue ȝiftis to Joſaphaþ, and wiþ oute noumber rycheſſis ben maad to hym, and myche glorie. And whanne his herte hadde taken hardyneſſe for þe weies of þe Lord, alſo heeȝ þingis and mawmete wodus he toke awei fro Juda. Þe þrid forſoþe ȝeer of his regne he ſente of his princis Banayl, and Abdyam, and Zachyam, and Naþanael, and Mychiam, þat þei ſchulden techen in þe cytees of Juda; and wiþ hem Leuytis, Semeyam, and Naþanyam, and Zabadyam, Azahil alſo, and Semyramoþ, and Jonaþan, and Adonyam, and Tobiam, and Abadonyam, Leuytis; and wiþ hem Elizama and Joram, preſtis; and þey tauȝten þe puple in Juda, hauynge þe boke of þe lawe of þe Lord; and þei enuyrouneden alle þe cytees of Juda, and tauȝten al þe puple. And ſo þe ferd of þe Lord is maad vpon alle rewmes of londis, þat weren by enuyroun of Juda; and þei weren not hardy to fiȝten aȝein Joſaphaþ. Bot and þe Philiſteis brouȝten ȝiftis to Joſaphaþ, and tribute of ſyluer; alſo Arabes brouȝten beeſtis, of weþers ſeuen þouſand and ſeuen hundriþ, and geet as feele. Þan Joſaphaþ wexe, and is magnyfied vnto in heiȝte, and bilde up in Juda houſes at licneſſe of touris, and ſtrengþed cytees; and many werkis made redy in þe cytees of Juda. And men fiȝters and ſtrong weren in Jeruſalem; of whome þis is þe noumbre, by houſes and meynes of echone. In Juda prince of þe hooſt, duyk Eduas, and wiþ hym moſt ſtronge men þre hundriþ þouſand. After þis Johannan prynce, and wiþ hym two hundriþ and eiȝtye þouſand. Aftir hym alſo Amazias, þe ſone of Zechri, ſacrid to þe Lord, and wiþ hym two hundriþ þouſand of ſtronge men. Þis folowede a ſtronge man to batails, Eliada, and wiþ hym of holdynge bowe and terget two hundriþ þouſand. Aftir hym alſo Joſabaþ, and wiþ hym an hundriþ and eiȝtye þouſand of al redy knyȝtis. Alle þes weren at þe hond of þe kyng, outake oþere, þe whiche he hadde ſette forþ in wallid citees and in al Juda.

Capitulum XVIII.

Joſaphaþ þanne was ryche and myche glorious, and in affynite ioyned is to Achab. And he wente doun aftir ȝeeris to hym in to Samarie; at whos commynge Achab ſlewȝ weþers and many oxen, and made to hym a feeſte, and to þe puple þat was commen wiþ hym; and he mouede to hym þat he ſchulde ſteiȝe up in to Ramoþ-galaad. And Achab, kyng of Yrael, ſeid to Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda, Comme wiþ me in to Ramoþ-galaad. To whome he anſwerde, As I, and þou; as þi puple, ſo and my puple; and wiþ þee we ſchul ben in bataile. And Joſaphaþ ſeide to þe kyng of Yrael, Counſeile, I beſeche, now þe word of þe Lord. Þan þe kyng of Yrael gadrede of prophetis four hundriþ men, and ſeide to hem, In Ramoþ-galaad to fiȝten ſchul we gon, or ceſen? And þei, Steiȝiþ up, þei ſeyn, and God ſchal take hem in þe hond of þe kyng. And Joſaphaþ ſeide, Wheþer is þer not heere a prophete of þe Lord, þat of hym alſo we aſken? And þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ to Joſaphaþ, Þer is oon man, of þe which we mown aſken þe wille of þe Lord, bot and I hatide hym, for he prophecieþ not to me good, bot euyl al tyme; he is forſoþe Mychias, þe ſone of Jemla. And Joſaphaþ ſeide to hym, Ne ſpeke þou, kyng, þis maner. Þanne þe kyng of Yrael clepide oon of his geldyngis, and ſeide to hym, Clepe anoon Mychyam, þe ſone of Jemla. Bot þe kyng of Yrael and Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda, eiþer ſeeten in þeir ſee, cloþed wiþ kyngis honournyng; forſoþe þei ſeeten in þe corn flore byſidis þe ȝate of Samarye; and alle þe prophetis prophecieden beforn hem. Sedechias forſoþe, þe ſone of Chanane, made to hym yren hornes, and ſeiþ, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Wiþ þes þou ſchalt wynewen Cyrie, to þe tyme þat þou to-trede it. And alle þe prophetis prophecieden lijc maner, and ſeiden, Steiȝe up in to Ramoþ-galaad, and þou ſchalt welſumly done; and þe Lord ſchal take hem in to þe hondis of þe kyng. Þe meſſager forſoþe, þat wente to clepen Mychie, ſeiþ to hym, Lo! þe wordis of alle þe prophetis wiþ oon mouþe good þingus tellen to þe kyng; þanne, I beſeche þee, þat þi word fro hem diſſente not, and ſpeke þou welſum þingis. To whome anſwerd Mychias, Þe Lord liuiþ, for what euer þingis my Lord ſchal ſeyn, þes I ſchal ſpeken. Þanne he came to þe kyng. To whom þe king ſeiþ, Mychie, ſchul we gon into Ramoþgalaad to fiȝten, or reſten? To whom he anſwerde, Steiȝiþ up, alle þingus forſoþe welſum ſchul fallen, and þe enmyes ſchul ben taken into ȝoure hondis. And þe kyng ſeide, Eft and eft I adiure þee, þat þou ſpeke not to me bot þat is ſoþe in þe name of þe Lord. And he ſeiþ, I ſawe al Yrael ſcatered in hyllis, as ſcheep wiþ oute ſchepherde. And þe Lord ſeid, Þes han not lordis; be turned aȝein ech man in to his houſe in pees. Þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ to Joſaphaþ, Wheþer I ſeide not to þee, þat þis ſchulde not prophecien to me eny þing of good, bot þo þingis þat ben euyl? And he þerfore ſeiþ, Heriþ þe word of þe Lord. I ſawȝ þe Lord ſyttynge in his ſeete, and al þe hooſt of heuen ſtondynge neeȝ to hym fro þe riȝt and fro þe left. And þe Lord ſeide, Who ſchal deceyuen Achab, kyng of Yrael, þat he ſteiȝe up, and falle in Ramoþ-galaad? And whanne oon ſeide in þis maner, and anoþer in anoþer, a ſpirite went forþ, and ſtood before þe Lord, and ſeiþ, I ſchal deceyuen hym. To whome þe Lord, In what þanne, he ſeiþ, þou ſchalt deceyuen? And he anſwerd, I ſchal goon out, and I ſchal ben a ſpirite lier in þe mouþ of alle þe prophetis of hym. And þe Lord ſeide, Þou ſchalt deceyuen, and han þe oouer hond; go out, and do ſo. Nowe þanne, lo! þe Lord ȝaue a ſpirite of leſynge in þe mouþe of alle þi prophetis, and þe Lord ſpac of þee euyl þingis. Forſoþe Sedechias, þe ſone of Chanane, wente to, and ſmote þe cheek boon of Mychie, and ſeiþ, Bi what weie paſſede ouer þe Spirite of þe Lord fro me, þat he ſchulde ſpeke to þee? And Mychias ſeide, Þou þi ſilf ſchal ſeen in þat day, whanne þou ſchalt gon in þe bed fro þe bed, þat þou be hid. Forſoþe þe kyng of Yrael comaundide, ſeyinge, Takiþ Myche, and lediþ hym to Amon, þe prince of þe cyte, and to Joas, þe ſone of Amalech; and ȝe ſchul ſeyn, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Puttiþ þis in to priſone, and ȝeuiþ to hym a litill of brede, and a lityll of water, to þe tyme þat I be turned aȝeyn in peſe. And Mychias ſeide, Ȝif þou ſchal be torned aȝein in peeſe, þe Lord haþ not ſpoken in me. And he ſeiþ, Heriþ, alle puplis. Þanne ſteiȝeden up þe kyng of Yrael, and Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda, in to Ramoþgalaad. And þe kyng of Yrael ſeide to Joſaphaþ, I ſchal chaungen habite, and ſo I ſchal gone to fiȝten; þou forſoþe be cloþed wiþ þi cloþes. And, þe habite chaungid, þe kyng of Yrael came to bataile. Þe kyng forſoþe of Cyrie hadde comaundid to þe dukis of his chyualrye, ſeyinge, Fiȝtiþ not aȝeyn þe leſt, or aȝein þe moſte; bot aȝeins aloone þe kyng of Yrael. And ſo whanne þe princes of þe chyualrye hadden ſeen Joſaphaþ, þei ſeiden, Kyng of Yrael is þis; and þei enuyrouneden hym, fiȝtynge. And he cried to þe Lord; and he helpide to hym, and he torned hem awei fro hym. And whanne þe duykis of þe chyualrye hadden herd, þat it was not þe kyng of Yrael, þei laften hym. It felle forſoþe, þat oon of þe puple in to vncerteyn kaſt an arowe, and ſmote þe kyng of Yrael betwen þe hatreel and þe ſchulders. And he to his chariotere ſeiþ, Turne þin hond, and leede out me fro þe ſcheltrun; for I am woundid. And þe fiȝt is eendid in þat day. Bot þe kyng of Yrael ſtode in his chaar aȝeinus Cyries vnto euen, and is deed, þe ſone goynge doun.

Capitulum XIX.

Joſaphaþ, þe kyng of Juda, is turned aȝein peſibly in to his houſe in to Jeruſalem. To whome Hieu, þe ſone of Ananye, ſear, aȝein came, and ſeiþ to hym, To þe vnpiteuous man þou ȝeuiſt helpe, and to hem þat haten þe Lord by frenſchip þou ert ioyned; and þerfore þe wraþ forſoþe of þe Lord þou haddiſt deſerued; bot good werkis ben founden in þee, for þi þat þou toke awey þe mawmete wodis fro þe lond of Juda, and haddiſt maad redy þin hert, þat þou ſeche aȝein þe Lord God of þi fadirs. Þan Joſaphaþ dwellide in Jeruſalem; and eft he wente out to þe puple fro Berſabee vnto þe hill of Effraym, and he clepide hem aȝein to þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. And he ſette domeſmen of þe lond in alle þe ſtrengþed citees of Juda, by alle placis. And comaundyng to þe iugis, Seeiþ, he ſeiþ, what ȝe done; forſoþe ȝe enhaunten not dome of man, bot of þe Lord; and what euer ȝe ſchul demyn, in to ȝou it ſchal redoundyn; be þe drede of þe Lord wiþ ȝou, and wiþ diligence alle þingus doiþ; forſoþe þer is not anentis þe Lord oure God wyckidneſſe, ne acceptynge of perſones, ne couetiſe of ȝiftis. And Joſaphaþ in Jeruſalem ſette Leuytis, and preſtis, and princes of þe meynees of Yrael, þat dome and þe cauſe of þe Lord þei ſchulden deemyn to þe dwellers of it. And he comaundide to hem, ſeyinge, Þus ȝe ſchul doon in drede of þe Lord, feiþfully and in perfijte herte. Al cauſe þat comiþ to ȝou of ȝoure breþeren, þat dwellen in þeir cytees, bitwen kynrede and kynrede, wher euer queſtioun is of þe lawe, of þe maundement, of cerymonyes, of juſtyfyingis, ſcheweþ to hem, þat þei ſynnen not in to þe Lord, and wraþ come not vpon ȝou and on ȝoure faders. So þanne doynge ȝe ſchul not ſynnen. Amarias forſoþe, preſte and ȝoure biſchop, in þes þingis þat to God pertenen, ſchal ſytten vpon. Bot Zabadias, þe ſone of Yſmael, þe whiche is duyk in þe hous of Juda, ſchal ben vpon þo werkis þat pertenen to þe office of þe kyng; and ȝe han maiſtris and Leuytis before ȝou; takiþ coumfort, and doiþ diligently, and þe Lord ſchal ben wiþ ȝou in goodis.

Capitulum XX.

Aftir þeſe þinges ben gedered þe ſonis of Moab, and þe ſonis of Amon, and wiþ hem of þe Ydumes, to Joſaphaþ, þat þei fiȝten aȝeinus hym. And meſſagers camen, and ſcheweden to Joſaphaþ, ſeying, Þer is comen aȝeins þee a grete multitude fro þes places þat ben beȝonde þe ſee, and of Cyrie; and, lo! þei ben in Azozonþamar, þat is of Engaddi. Joſaphaþ forſoþe, for drede agaſt, al ȝaf hym ſelf to preyen þe Lord, and prechide faſtyng to al Juda. And Juda is gadered to preye þe Lord, bot and alle of þeir cytees camen to beſechen hym. And whanne Joſaphaþ hadde ſtonden in þe mydil company of Jude and Jeruſalem, in þe hous of þe Lord, before þe newe porche, and ſeiþ, Lord God of oure fadirs, þou art God in heuen, and þou lordſchipiſt to alle rewmes of gentilis; in þin hond is ſtrengþe and myȝt, ne eny man may to þee aȝeyn ſtonden. Wheþer not þou, oure God, haſt ſlayn alle þe dwellers of þis lond before þi puple Irael, and haſt ȝeuen it to þe ſeed of Abraham, þi frende, in to euermore? And þei dwelliden in it, and maden out in it a ſeyntuarie to þi name, ſeyinge, Ȝif euyls commen vpon us, ſwerde of dome, of peſtilence, and hungur, we ſchul ſtonden before þis hous in to euermore in þi ſiȝte, in þe whiche is inwardly clepid þi name, and we ſchul crien to þee in oure tribulaciouns; and þou ſchalt heeren us, and maken us ſaaf. Nowe þanne ſee, ſonus of Amon and of Moab and þe hil of Seyr, by whome þou grauntidiſt not to þe ſonus of Irael þat þei ſchulden paſſe, whann þey wenten out fro Egipt, bot þei boweden aſide fro hem, and þei ſlowen hem not, aȝeinward þei don, and enforſen to kaſten us out fro þe poſſeſſyoun, þat þou, oure God, haſt taken to us; þanne ſchalt þou not demen hem? In us forſoþe is not ſo myche ſtrengþe, þat we mown to þis multitude wiþ ſtonden, þat falliþ vpon us; bot whanne we vnknowen what we owen to don, þat oonly we han of reſidue, þat oure eeȝen we dreſſen up to þee. Al forſoþe Juda ſtood before þe Lord, wiþ litil childre and wijues and þeir free childre. Forſoþe þere was Yaziel, þe ſone of Sacharie, ſone of Ananye, ſone of Hieyel, ſone of Machanye, Leuyte, and of þe ſonus of Aſaph, vpon whome is maad þe Spirit of þe Lord in mydil of þe puple, and ſeiþ, Takiþ heede, al Juda, and þat dwellen in Jeruſalem, and þou, kyng Joſaphaþ, þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to ȝou, Williþ not dreeden þis multitude, ne taken ferd, it is not forſoþe ȝour fiȝt, bot of God. To morowe ȝe ſchul ſteyȝen up aȝeinus hem; forſoþe þei ben to ſteiȝen up bi þe pich hil, Cis by name, and ȝe ſchul fynden hem in þe ouermeſt of þe ſtreme, þat is aȝeinus þe wilderneſſe of Jheruel. Forſoþe ȝe ſchul not ben, þe whiche ſchul fiȝten; bot onely triſtely ſtondiþ, and ȝe ſchul ſeen þe help of þe Lord vpon ȝou. O Juda and Jeruſalem, williþ not dreeden, ne takiþ ferd; to morowe ȝe ſchul goon out aȝeynus hem, and þe Lord ſchal ben wiþ ȝou. Joſaphaþ þanne, and Juda, and alle þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, fellen bowed in to þe erþ before þe Lord, and honoureden hym. Bot þe Leuytis of þe ſonus of Caaþ, and of þe ſonus of Chore, preyſeden þe Lord God of Yrael wiþ a grete voice in to heiȝt. And whann erly þei hadden riſen, þey wenten out by þe deſert of Thecue; and, hem goon forþ, Joſaphaþ ſtonding in þe mydil of hem, ſeide, Heeriþ me, Juda and alle þe dwellers of Jeruſalem; beleeuiþ in þe Lord ȝoure God, and ȝe ſchul ben ſyker; leeuiþ to þe prophetis of hym, and alle þingus ſchul commen welſum. And he ȝaf counſeil to þe puple, and he ſette þe ſyngers of þe Lord, þat þey ſchulden preyſen hym in þeir companyes, and þat þei ſchulden gon before þe hooſt, and wiþ cordaunt voice þei ſchulden ſeyn, Knowlecheþ to þe Lord for good; for in to þe world þe mercy of hym. And whanne þei hadden begunne preyſyngis to ſyngyn, þe Lord turned þe buſchementis of hem in to hem ſilf, of þe ſonus, þat is, of Amon and Moab and of þe hil of Seyr, þe whiche wenten out to fiȝten aȝeinus Judam, and ben ſmyten. Forſoþe þe ſonus of Amon and of Moab ryſen to gydre aȝeinus þe dwellers of þe hyl of Seyr, þat þey ſchulden ſlen, and done awey hem; and whanne þat in dede þei hadden fulfild, alſo in to hem ſelue turned þei ſmyten to gider in woundes eiþer in oþer. Bot whanne Juda was commen to þe denn, þat beholdiþ wilderneſſe, he ſawȝ aferre al þe regyoun abrood ful of careyns, ne to ben ouer laft eny man, þe whiche hadde mouȝt to ſcapen þe deþ. Þanne Joſaphaþ came, and al þe puple wiþ hym, to þe ſpoylis of þe deed to ben drawen awey, and þei founden betwene þe careynes dyuerſe neceſſarie, and cloþes, and veſſels moſt precious; and þei breeken on two, ſo þat alle þey miȝten not beren, ne bi þre days þe ſpoyles taken awey, for þe mychilneſſe of þe preye. Þe ferþ forſoþe day þei ben gadered in þe valey of Bleſſynge; forſoþe for þer þei bliſſiden to þe Lord, þei clepiden þat place þe valey of Bleſſynge in to þe preſent day. And eche man of Juda is turned aȝein, and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, and Joſaphaþ beforn hem, in to Jeruſalem wiþ grete ioye; forþi þat þe Lord hadde ȝeuen to hem ioye of þeir enmyes. And þei wenten in to Jeruſalem wiþ ſawtrees, and harpis, and trumpis, in to þe hous of þe Lord. Forſoþe inward ferd of þe Lord fel vpon alle þe rewmes of londis, whanne þei hadden herd, þat þe Lord hadde fouȝten aȝeinus þe enmyes of Irael. And þe rewme of Joſaphaþ hadde reſte; and þe Lord ȝaue to hym peſe by enuyroun. Þanne Joſaphaþ regnede vpon Judam; and he was of fyue and þritty ȝeer, whanne he beganne to regnen; forſoþe twenty and fyue ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; and name of his modir Azuba, þe douȝter of Selaþy. And he wente in þe wey of his fadir Aza, and he bowide not fro it, doynge what euer þingus weren pleſaunt before þe Lord. Neuer þe later þe heeȝe þingus he dide not awey; ȝit þe puple hadden not dreſſid þeir hert to þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe deedis of Joſaphaþ, of þe raþer and of þe laſt, ben writen in þe bokis of Hieu, þe ſone of Anany, þe whiche he diſcriued in þe boke of þe kyngis of Yrael. After þes þingus Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda, wente in frenſchippes wiþ Ochoſie, þe king of Yrael, whos werkes weren werſt, and parcener was þat þei ſchulden maken ſchippis, þat ſchulden gon in to Tharſis; and þei maden a nauee in Aziongaber. Forſoþe Heliezer, þe ſone of Doden, of Mareza, prophecyede to Joſaphaþ, ſeyinge, For þou haddiſt couenaunt of peſe wiþ Ochoſia, þe Lord ſmote þi werkes; and þe ſchippes ben to-broken, and þey myȝten not gon in to Tharſis.

Capitulum XXI.

Joſaphaþ forſoþe ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biryed wiþ hem in þe cite of Dauid; and Joram, his ſone, regned for hym. Þe whiche hadde breþeren, ſonus of Joſaphaþ, Azaryam, Jahiel, and Zacharie, and Azarie, and Mychael, and Saphaciam; alle þes þe ſonis of Joſaphaþ, kyng of Juda. And his fadir ȝaue to hem many ȝiftis of gold and of ſyluer, and penſyouns, wiþ þe moſt ſtrengþed citees in Juda; þe rewme forſoþe he toke to Joram, for þi þat he was þe firſt goten. Joram forſoþe roos vpon þe rewme of his fadir; and whanne he hadde confermede him ſelue, he ſlewȝ alle his breþeren wiþ ſwerde, and ſum of þe princis of Juda. Of two and þritty ȝeer Joram was, whanne he beganne to regnen; and eiȝt ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem. And he wente in þe weyes of þe kyngis of Irael, as þe hous of Achab hadde don, þe douȝter forſoþe of Achab was his wijf; and he dide euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. Forſoþe þe Lord wolde not diſtruyen þe hous of Dauid, for þe couenaunt þat he hadde gon in wiþ hym, and for he hadde behoten þat he ſchulde ȝeuen to hym a lantern, and to his ſonus in al tyme. In þo days Edom rebellide, þat he were not ſuget to Jude, and he ſette to hym a kyng. And whanne Joram was paſſed wiþ his princis, and wiþ al þe chyualrie, þat was wiþ hym, he ros þe niȝt, and ſmote Edom, þe whiche hadde enuyrounde hym, and alle þe duykis of his chyualrye. Neuer þe later Edom rebellide, þat he were not vnder þe comaundinge of Juda vnto þis day. Þat tyme and Lobna wente awey, þat he were not vnder þe hond of hym; forſoþe he hadde forſaken þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. Forþermore he forgide heeȝe þingus in þe cytees of Juda, and he maad þe dwellers of Jeruſalem to do fornycacioun, and Juda to breken þe lawe. Forſoþe þer ben brouȝt to hym lettris fro Helia, þe prophete, in þe whiche was writen, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Dauid, þi fadir, For þou wentiſt not in þe weies of Joſaphaþ, þi fadir, and in þe wei of Aza, kyng of Juda, bot and þou wentiſt bi þe wey of þe kyngis of Irael, and þou madiſt Judam and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem to don fornycacioun, folewynge þe fornycacioun of þe hous of Achab; ferþermore and þi breþeren and þe hous of þi fadir, beter þanne þi ſilf, þou haſt ſleyn; loo! þe Lord ſchal ſmyten þee wiþ a grete veniaunce, wiþ þi puple, and ſonus, and þi wyues, and wiþ al þi ſubſtaunce; þou forſoþe ſchalt waxen ſeek þe moſt warſt langour of wombe, to þe tyme þat þi guttis gon out lityl melum by ſundre days. Þanne þe Lord rerede aȝeinus Joram þe ſpirite of Philiſteis, and of Arabes, þe which ben neeȝ cooſtis to Eþiopes; and þei ſteyȝeden up in to þe lond of Juda, and þei waſtiden it, and þei diſtruyeden al þe ſubſtaunce, þat is founden in þe hous of þe kyng; ferþermore and þe ſonus of hym, and þe wijues; and þer laft not to hym a ſone bot Joacha, þat was leſte þoruȝ birþ. And vpon alle þes þingus þe Lord ſmote hym wiþ vncurable ſorowe of wombe. And whanne to þe day ſchulde folowen day, and þe ſpacis of tymes weren turned ouer, of two ȝeer þe cercle is fulfild; and ſo wiþ longe langour he is waſtid, ſo þat he ſchot out alſo his guttis, and ſo he wantide þe langour to gydre and lijf, and he is deed in warſt infirmyte. And þe puple dide not to hym þe deedis office after þe maner of brennynge, as it hadde done to þe more of hym. Of two and þritty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to regnen, and eiȝt ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem, and he wente not riȝt; and þei biryeden hym in þe cyte of Dauid, neuer þe later not in þe ſepulcre of kyngis.

Capitulum XXII.

The dwellers forſoþe of Jeruſalem ſetten Ochoſiam, his leſte ſone, kyng for hym; alle forſoþe þe more þoruȝ birþe, þat beforn hym weren, þeeues of Arabes hadden ſlayn, þe whiche hadden fallyn in to þe tentis. And regnede Ochoſias, þe ſone of Joram, kyng of Juda. Of two and fourty ȝeer was Ochoſias, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and oon ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Aþalia, douȝter of Amry. And he wente in by þe weye of þe hous of Achab; forſoþe his modir putte hym in, þat he vnpitouſly ſchulde done. Þanne he dyde yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as þe hous of Achab; þei forſoþe weren to hym counſeilers after þe deþ of his fadir, in to his own deþ; and he wente in þe counſeyle of hem. And he wente wiþ Joram, ſone of Achab, king of Yrael, in to bataile aȝeinus Aſael, kyng of Cyrie, in Ramoþ-galaad. And Cyres woundiden Joram; þe whiche is turned aȝein, þat he were helid in Jezrael; forſoþe many woundis he hadde taken in þe forſeid ſtrijf. Þanne Ochoſias, king of Juda, þe ſone of Joram, came doun for to viſiten Joram, þe ſone of Achab, ſeeke in Jezrael; þe wille forſoþe of God was aȝeinus Ochoſiam, þat he were commyn to Joram. And whanne he were commen, þat he ſchulde gon in wiþ hym aȝeinus Hieu, þe ſone of Nampſy, whome God anoyntide, þat he ſchulde don awey þe hous of Achab. Þanne whanne Hieu ſchulde ouerturnen þe hous of Achab, he fonde þe princis of Juda, and þe ſonus of þe breþeren of Ochoſie, þat mynyſtreden to hym; and he ſlewȝ hem. And hym Ochoſie ſechynge, he toke lurkyng in Samarie, and brouȝt forþ to hym he ſlewȝ; and þei birieden hym, forþi þat he was þe ſone of Joſaphaþ, þe whiche hadde ſouȝte God in al his herte. And þer was no more eny hope, þat eny ſchulde regnen of þe ſtoc of Ochoſie. Forſoþe Aþalia, his modir, ſeeynge þat hire ſone was deed, ros, and ſlewȝ al þe kingus ſtoc of þe hous of Joram. Bot Joſabeþ, þe douȝter of þe kyng, toke Joas, þe ſone of Ochoſie, and ſche ſtaale hym fro þe myddis of þe ſonus of þe kyng, whanne þei ſchulde ben ſlayn; and ſche hidde hym wiþ his nurſche in þe bed place of lityl beddis. Joſabeþ forſoþe, þat hadde hydde hym, was þe douȝter of kyng Joram, wijf of Joiade, biſchop, ſiſter of Ochoſie; and þerfore Aþalie ſlewȝ hym not. Þanne he was wiþ hem in þe hous of God hid ſexe ȝeer, in þe whiche Aþalie regnede vpon þe lond.

Capitulum XXIII.

Joiada forſoþe þe ſeuenþ ȝeer comfortide, toke þe maiſters of hundriþes, Azariam, þat is, þe ſone of Jeroboam, and Iſmael, þe ſone of Johannan, alſo Azariam, þe ſone of Obed, and Maaziam, þe ſone of Adaye, and Eliſaphaþ, þe ſone of Yſecry; and he wente in wiþ hem counſeyl and peſe couenaunt. Þe whiche enuyrounynge Judam, gaderden Leuytis of alle þe cytees of Juda, and þe princis of þe meynes of Irael, and camen in to Jeruſalem. Þanne wente in couenaunt al þe multitude in þe hous of þe Lord wiþ þe kyng. And Joiada ſeide to hem, Loo! þe ſone of þe kyng ſchal regnen, as þe Lord ſpake vpon þe ſonus of Dauid. Þis is þanne þe word þat ȝe ſchul done. Þe þridde part of ȝou þat ben commen to þe ſaboþ, of preſtis, and of Leuytis, and of porters, ſchal ben in þe ȝaatis; þe þrid forſoþe part at þe hous of þe kyng; and þe þrid part at þe ȝaate, þat is clepid of þe foundement. Al forſoþe þe toþer comoun be in þe porches of þe hous of þe Lord; ne eny oþer man comme in to þe hous of þe Lord, bot þe preſtis, and þat mynyſtren of Leuytis; þei aloonly commen in, þat ben halowed, and alle þe toþer comoun keepe wele þe wardis of þe Lord. Þe Leuytis forſoþe enuyroun þei þe kyng, eche hauynge þeir armes; ȝif eny oþer ſchal commyn in to þe temple, be he ſlayn; and be þei wiþ þe kyng commynge in and goinge out. Þanne þe Leuytis diden, and al Juda, after alle þingis þat Joiada, þe biſchop, hadde comaundide; and alle þei token þe men, þat weren vndir hem, and þei camen by ordre of þe ſaboþ wiþ hem, þat nowe hadden fulfild þe ſaboþ, and weren gon out. Forſoþe Joiade, þe biſchop, hadde not leetyn þe cumpanyes to gon awey, þe whiche weren wont by ſundre weekis to comme after to hem ſelue. And Joiada, þe preſt, ȝaf to þe leders of hundriþis ſperes, and tergetis, and bokelers of kyng Dauid, þe whiche he hadde ſacride in to þe hous of þe Lord. And he ſette al þe puple, of holdyng daggers, fro þe riȝt partie of þe temple vnto þe left part of þe temple, before þe auter and þe temple, by enuyroun of þe kyng. And þei ladden out þe kingus ſone, and putten on to hym a dyademe; and ȝeuen to hym in his hond þe lawe to ben holden, and þei ſetten hym kyng. And Joiada, þe byſchop, enoyntide hym, and his ſonus; and þei inwardly preyden, and ſeyden, Lyue þe kyng! Þat whanne Aþalia hadde herde, þat is, þe voice of men rennyng and preyſyng þe kyng, ſche wente in to þe puple, into þe temple of þe Lord. And whanne ſche had ſeen þe kyng ſtondynge upon þe gree in þe entre, and princis and companyes abouten hym, and al þe puple of þe lond ioyinge, and criynge in trumpis, and orgnys of dyuerſe maner, ſyngynge to gydir, and þe voice of men preyſynge, ſche kutte hir cloþis, and ſeiþ, Aſpyes! aſpyes! Forſoþe Joiada, þe biſchop, gon out to þe leeders of hundriþes, and princis of þe hooſt, ſeide to hem, Lediþ hir out of þe purſeyntis of þe temple, and be ſche ſlayn wiþ out forþ wiþ ſwerd; and þe preſt comaundid, þat ſche ſhuld not be ſlayn in þe hous of þe Lord. And he putte on hondis to þe nollis of hyre; and whanne ſche had gon in þe ȝate of þe hors, of þe hous of þe king, þei ſlewen hir þere. Forſoþe Joiada couenauntide couenaunt of peſe betwene hym and al þe puple and þe kyng, þat þer were a puple of þe Lord. And ſo al þe puple wente in to þe hous of Baal, and þei diſtroyeden it; and auters, and mawmetis of it þei to-breeken; Maþan alſo, þe preſte of Baal, þei ſlewen before þe auters. Forſoþe Joiada ſette prouoſtis in þe hous of þe Lord, þat vndir þe hondis of preſtis, and Leuytis, þe whiche Dauid delide in þe hous of þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden offeren brent ſacrifices to þe Lord, as it is writen in þe boke of Moyſy, in ioye and ſongus, after þe diſpoſicyoun of Dauid. Alſo he ſette porters in þe ȝatis of þe hous of þe Lord, þat þer ſchulde not gon in to it vnclene in eny þing. And he toke leeders of hundriþes, and moſt ſtronge men, and princis of þe puple, and al þe comoun of þe lond. And þei maden þe kyng to comme doun fro þe hous of þe Lord, and gon in by þe mydil of þe ouerȝate in to þe hous of þe kyng; and þei ſetten hym in þe kyngus ſee. And al þe puple of þe lond gladide, and þe cytee reſtyde; bot Aþalia is ſlayn wiþ ſwerde.

Capitulum XXIIII.

Of ſeuen ȝeer was Joas, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and fourtye ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir Sebia of Berſabe. And he dyde þat was good before þe Lord, alle þe days of Joiada, þe preſte. Forſoþe and Joas took two wijues, of þe whiche he gat ſones and douȝters. After whiche þingus it pleſide to Joas, þat he ſchulde enſtore þe hous of þe Lord. And he gadirde þe preſtis and Leuytis, and ſeyde to hem, Goþ out to þe cytees of Juda, and gadereþ of al Irael monee, to þe reparaciouns of þe temple of þe Lord oure God, by alle ȝeers; and ſwijþ doþ it. Bot þe Leuytis diden it more necgligently. And þe kyng clepide Joiada, prince, and ſeyde to hym, Why was not to þee biſyneſſe, þat þou conſtreyn Leuytis to brengyn in fro Juda and Jeruſalem monee, þe whiche is ordeynd of Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, þat al þe multitude of Irael ſchulde bryngyn it in to þe tabernacle of wytneſſynge? Aþalia forſoþe moſt vnpitous, and hir ſonus, diſtruyeden þe hous of God; and of alle þingus, þat weren halowed to þe temple of þe Lord, ſche enournede þe temple of Baalym. Þann þe kyng comaundide, and þei maaden þe ark, and putten it beſide þe ȝate of þe Lord wiþ outeforþ. And it is prechid in Juda and in Jeruſalem, þat alle ſchulden bere pris to þe Lord, þat Moyſes ordeynde to þe ſeruauntis of God vpon al Irael, in deſerte. And alle þe princis and alle þe puple gladedyn, and goon in, þei ȝeuen in to þe ark of þe Lord, and putten, ſo þat it was ful. And whanne tyme was, þat þei ſchulden bern þe arke bifore þe kyng bi þe hondis of Leuytis, forſoþe þei ſeen myche monee; and þer wente in a ſcribe of lawe, whom þe firſte preſte hadde ordeyned, and þei heelden oute þe monee, þat was in þe arke; forſoþe þe arke þei bern aȝein to his place. And ſo þei diden bi ſundre days, and þer is gadird monee wiþ oute noumbre; þe whiche þe kyng and Joiada ȝeuen to hem þat ſtoden vpon þe werkis of þe hous of þe Lord. And þei hireden of it hewers of ſtoones, and craftiſe men of alle werkis, þat þei reſtoren þe hous of þe Lord; alſo forgers of yren, and of braſſe, þat þat, þat hadde begunne to fallen, were ſuſteyned. And þes þat wrouȝten diden wijſly, and þe gap of þe wallis was hillid bi þe hondis of hem; and þei rereden þe hous of þe Lord in to þe raþer ſtate, and þei maaden it to ſtonden faſt. And whanne þei hadden fulfild alle þe werkis, þei brouȝten before þe kyng and Joiada þe toþer part of þe monee, of þe whiche ben maad þe veſſels of þe temple in to þe ſeruyſe, and to brent ſacrifices; alſo violis, and oþer golden veſſels and ſylueren. And þer weren offrid brent ſacrifices in þe hous of þe Lord contynuly, alle þe days of Joiade. Forſoþe Joiada eeldide ful of days, and dyed, whanne he was of an hundriþ and þritti ȝeer; and þei birieden hym in þe cytee of Dauid wiþ kingus; forþi þat he hadde done good wiþ Irael, and wiþ his hous. Forſoþe after þat Joiada died, þe princis of Jude wenten in, and honoureden þe kyng, þe whiche pleſide by þe ſeruyſes of hem, aſſentide to hem. And þei forſoken þe temple of þe Lord God of þeir fadirs, and þei ſerueden to mawmette woodis, and grauen þingus; and þer is don þe wraþ of þe Lord aȝeynus Judam and Jeruſalem for þis ſynne. And he ſente to hem prophetis, þat þei ſchulden turnen aȝein to þe Lord; whom beforen witneſſynge þei wolden not heeren. And ſo þe Spirite of þe Lord cloþed Zacharie, þe ſone of Joiade, preſte; and he ſtode in þe ſiȝte of þe puple, and ſeyde, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Why ouerpaſſe ȝe þe heeſte of þe Lord, þat ſchal not profiten to ȝou, and ȝe han forſaken þe Lord, þat he forſake ȝou? Þe whiche gadered aȝeynus hym, ſenten ſtoones, after þe heſte of þe kyng, in þe hall of þe hous of þe Lord. And king Joas is not recordid of þe mercy þat Joiada, þe fadir of hym, hadde done wiþ hym; bot he ſlewȝ his ſone. Þe whiche, whanne he ſchulde dyen, ſeiþ, Þe Lord ſee, and requyre. And whanne þe ȝeer was ouerturned, þe hooſt of Cirie ſteiȝede up aȝeinus hym, and came in to Judam and Jeruſalem, and ſlewȝ alle þe princis of þe puple; and al þe pray þei ſenten to þe king, to Damaſc. And certis whanne þer was commen a litil noumbre of Ciries, þe Lord toke in þe hondis of hem vnnoumbreable multitude, forþy þat þei hadde forſaken þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. In to Joas alſo þei enhauntiden ſchenſchipful domys; and goynge awey þei laften hym in grete langours. Forſoþe his ſeruauntis ariſen aȝeinus hym, in to vengyng of þe blode of þe ſone of Joiade, preſt; and þei ſlewen hym in his bed, and he is deed. And þei birieden hym in þe cytee of Dauid, bot not in þe ſepulcris of kingis. Forſoþe þer aweytiden to hym Zabaþ, þe ſone of Semaþ Amanytidis, and Joſabeþ, þe ſone of Semariþ, Moabitidis. Bot þe ſonus of hym, and þe ſoume of monee þat was leyd to gydre vndir hym, and þe enſtorynge of þe hous of God, ben writen more diligently in þe boke of Kyngis.

Capitulum XXV.

Amaſias forſoþe, his ſone, regnede for hym; of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Amaſias, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and nyne and twenty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir Joiaden, of Jeruſalem. And he dide good in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord, neuer þe later not in perfijt herte. And whanne he ſawȝ þe empyre ſtrengþed to hym, he kutte þe ſeruauntis þrotis, þat ſlewen his fadir þe kyng; bot þe ſonus of hem he ſlewȝ not; as it is writen in þe boke of þe lawe of Moyſes, where þe Lord comaundide, ſeyinge, Þe fadirs ſchul not ben ſlayn for þe ſonus, ne þe ſonus for þeir fadirs; bot echone in his ſynne ſchal dyen. Þanne Amazias gaderde Judam, and ordeynede hem by meynees leders of þouſandis and mayſtris of hundriþis, in al Juda and Beniamyn; and he tolde fro twentye ȝeer and aboue, and he fonde þritty þouſande of ȝonge men, þat myȝten gon out to fiȝten, and holden ſpere and terget. Alſo by meed he hyred of Irael an hundriþ þouſand of ſtronge men, for an hundriþ talentis of ſyluer, þat þei ſchulden fiȝten aȝeinus þe ſonus of Edom. Þere came forſoþe to hym a man of God, and ſeiþ, O! kyng, go not out wiþ þee þe hooſt of Irael; forſoþe þe Lord is not wiþ Irael and wiþ alle þe ſonus of Effraym; þat ȝif þou weeniſt in ſtrengþe of hooſt batails to ſtonden, þe Lord ſchal maken þee to ben ouercommen of enmyes; of God forſoþe is to helpen, and in to fliȝt to turnen. And Amazias ſeide to þe man of God, What þanne ſchal be done of þe hundriþ talentis, þat I ȝaf to þe knyȝtis of Irael? And þe man of God anſwerde, Þe Lord haþ, wherof he may ȝeue to þee many mo þanne þeſe. And ſo Amazias ſeuered þe hooſt þat came to hym of Effraym, þat he ſchulde turnen aȝeyn in to his place; and þei, aȝeinus Judam hugely wratþed, ben turnede aȝein in to þeir regyoun. Bot Amazias truſtily ladde out his puple, and wente in to þe valeye of ſalt places, and he ſmote þe ſonus of Seyr, tenn þouſand. And oþer tenn þouſand of men token þe ſonus of Juda, and brouȝten to an heeȝe fallynge place of a maner ſtoon; and þei tumbleden hem doun fro þe cop in to þe loweſt; þe whiche al tobroſten. And þat hooſt þat Amazie ſente aȝein, þat it ȝeede not wiþ hym in to batayle, is helde out in þe cytees of Juda fro Samarie and to Beþeron; and, þre þouſand ſleen, he deuydide myche preye. Amazias alſo after þe ſlauȝter of Ydumes, þe brouȝt to goddis of þe ſonis of Seyr, he ſette hem in to goddis to hym, and he honourede hem, and to hem he brende enſence. For what þing þe Lord wroþ aȝeynſt Amazie, he ſente to hym a prophete, þat ſchulde ſey to hym, Why haſt þou honourede goddis þat han not delyuerde þeir puple fro þin hond? And whanne þeſe þingus he ſchulde ſpeken, he anſwerde to hym, Wheþer ert þou þe counſeylere of þe kyng? reſt, leſt perauenture I ſlee þee. And ſo þe prophete goynge aweye, I woote, he ſeiþ, þat þe Lord haþ þouȝte to ſleen þee; for þou haſt don þis yuel, and ferþermore þou haſt not aſſentide to my counſeyle. Þanne Amazias, king of Juda, þe werſt counſeil gon in, ſente to Joas, þe ſone of Joachas, ſone of Hieu, þe king of Irael, ſeyinge, Cum, ſee we us to gyder. And he ſente aȝein meſſagers, ſeyinge, Þe þiſtil þat is in Liban ſente to þe cedre of Liban, ſeyinge, Ȝeue þi douȝter wijf to my ſone; and loo! þe beſtis þat weren in þe wode of Liban wenten and to-treden þe þiſtil. Þou ſeidiſt, I haue ſmyten Edom, and þerfore þin hert is rered in to prid; ſitt in þi hous; why euyl ſtirriſt þou aȝeinus þee, þat þou falle, and Juda wiþ þee? Amazias wolde not heeren, for þi þat þe wille of þe Lord was, þat he ſchulde ben taken in þe hondes of þe enmyes, for þe goddis of Edom. Þanne Joas, kyng of Irael, ſteiȝide up, and þei ȝeuen to hem ſilf beholdingis eiþer to oþer. Amazias forſoþe, kyng of Juda, was in Beþſames of Juda; and Juda felle beforn Irael, and fleiȝ in to his tabernaclis. Forſoþe Joas, kyng of Irael, toke Amaziam, kyng of Juda, ſone of Joas, ſone of Ochoſie, in Beþſames, and brouȝt in to Jeruſalem; and diſtruyde þe wallis of it fro þe ȝate of Effraym vnto þe ȝate of þe corner, in foure hundriþ cubitis. And al þe gold and þe ſyluer, and alle þe veſſels þat he founde in þe hous of þe Lord, and anentis Obededom, in þe treſories and of þe kyngis hous, alſo and þe ſonus of taken to priſoun he brouȝte in to Samarie. Forſoþe Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of Juda, lyuede, after þat Joas, þe ſone of Joachaz, kyng of Irael, is deed, fyfteen ȝeer. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Amazie, þe raþer and þe laſt, ben writen in þe boke of þe kingus of Juda and of Irael. Þe whiche after þat he wente awei fro þe Lord benten to hym buſchmentis in Jeruſalem; and whanne he hadde flowen to Lachis, þei ſenten and ſlewen hym þere; and bryngynge aȝein vpon hors, biryeden hym wiþ his faders in þe citee of Dauid.

Capitulum XXVI.

Forſoþe al þe puple of Juda his ſone, Oſie, of ſexteen ȝeer, ſetten kyng for his fadir Amazie. He bild up Aylaþ, and reſtored it to þe lordſchip of Juda, aftir þat þe kyng ſlepte wiþ his fadirs. Of ſexteen ȝeer Oſias was, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen; and two and fyfty ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; name of his modre, Yechelya, of Jeruſalem. And he dide þat was riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, aftir alle þingus þat Amazias, his fader, hadde done. And he ſouȝte þe Lord in þe days of Zacharie, vndirſtondinge and ſeeing God; and whanne he ſchuld ſechen God, he louede hym in alle þingus. Aftirward he wente out, and fauȝte aȝeinus Philiſteis, and he diſtruyede þe wall of Geþ, and þe wall of Jabnye, and þe wal of Azoty; and he bilde up burȝ towns in Azote of Phyliſteym. And þe Lord halpe hym aȝeynus Philiſteym, and aȝenus Arabas þat dwelliden in Garbahal, and aȝenus Amonytis. And Amonytis ſpendiden þe ȝiftis to Ozie, and his name is pupliſchit vnto þe entre of Egipt for his oft victories. And Ozias bilde up toures in Jeruſalem vpon þe ȝate of þe corner, and vpon þe ȝate of þe valey, and oþer in þe ſame ſide of þe wall; and he faſtnede hem. And he bilde out alſo toures in wildirneſſe, and dalf out many cyſternes; forþi þat he hadde many beeſtis boþe in þe wijlde feeldis and in þe waſtite of deſert. Alſo vynes he hadde and wyne makers in hillis, and in Carmele; forſoþe he was a man ȝeuen to erþ tyllyinge. Þe hooſt forſoþe of þe fyȝtynge men of hym, þat wenten forþ to batayles, was vndir þe hond of Heiel, ſcribe, and Mazie, doctour, and vndir þe hond of Ananye þat was of þe duykis of þe kyng; and al þe noumbre of princis, by þeir meynees, of ſtronge men two þouſand and ſexe hundriþ. And vndir hem al þe hooſt of þre hundriþ and ſeuen þouſand and fyue hundriþ, þat weren able to batail, and for þe king aȝeinus þe enmyes fouȝten. And Ozias maad redy to hem, þat is, to al þe hooſt, tergetis, and ſperes, and helmes, and hauberiouns, and bowes, and ſlyngis to ſtones to ben þrowen. And he maad in Jeruſalem engynes of dyuerſe maner, þe whiche he ſette in toures, and in þe corners of wallis, þat þei ſchulden caſten arewes and grete ſtones; and his name is gon out aferre, for þi þat þe Lord halpe hym, and hadde ſtrengþede hym. Bot whanne he was ſtrengþed, his hert is arered in to his deþ; and he diſpiſede þe Lord his God; and gon in to þe temple of þe Lord, he wolde brenne encenſe vpon þe autir of maad encenſe. And anoon aftir hym wente in Azarias, þe preſte, and wiþ hym preſtis of þe Lord, ſeuenty men moſt worþi; and þei wiþſtoden to þe kyng, and ſeyden, Ozia, it is not of þin office, þat þou brenne encenſe to þe Lord, bot of þe preſtis of þe Lord, þat is, of þe ſonus of Aaron, þat ben ſacrid to ſyche a maner ſeruyſe; go out fro þe ſeyntuarye, ne diſpiſe þou; for it ſchal not ben wijtyd to þee in to glorie of þe Lord God. And Ozias is wroþ, and holdinge in þe hond a cenſere, þat he brenne encenſe, he þratt to þe preſtis; and anoon þer is ſprungen a lepre in his forhede, before þe preſtis in þe hous of þe Lord vpon þe auter of maad encenſe. And whanne Azaria, þe biſchop, hadde beholden hym, and alle þe toþer preſtis ſeen a lepre in his forhede, haſtely þei puttyn hym out; and he aferd hyȝede to gon out; forþi þat he hadde feelid anoon þe veniaunce of þe Lord. Þanne Ozias was meſel vnto þe day of his deþ, and dwellide in an hous ſeuered, ful of lepre; for þe whiche he was þrowen out fro þe hous of þe Lord. Bot Joaþan, his ſone, gouernede þe hous of þe kyng, and demede þe puple of þe lond. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ozie, of þe raþer and of þe laſt, wrote Yſayas, þe ſone of Amos, prophete. And Ozias ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei biryeden hym not in þe feeld of kyngis ſepulcres, forþi þat he was leeprous; and Joaþan, his ſone, regnede for hym.

Capitulum XXVII.

Of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Joaþan, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and ſixteen ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his moder Jeruſa, þe douȝter of Sadoch. And he dide þat was riȝt before þe Lord, aftir alle þingus þat Ozias, his fadir, hadde don; out take þat he wente not in to þe temple of þe Lord, and ȝit þe puple treſpaſſide. He bild up þe heeȝ ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe wal of Ophel many þingus maad; and citees bilde in þe hillis of Juda, and in heeȝ wodis, caſtels, and toures. And he fauȝt aȝeinus þe kyng of þe ſonus of Amon, and ouercame hym; and þe ſonus of Amon ȝeuen to hym in þat tyme an hundriþ talentis of ſyluer, and tenn þouſand choris of barly, and as fele of whete; þes þingus ȝeuen to hym þe ſonus of Amon þe ſecound ȝeer and þe þrid. And Joaþan is ſtrengþed, forþi þat he hadde dreſſide his weys before þe Lord his God. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joaþan, and alle þe fiȝtyngis of hym, and werkes, ben writen in þe boke of kingus of Irael and of Juda. Of fyue and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and ſixtene ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem. And Joaþan ſlepte wiþ his faders, and þei birieden hym in þe citee of Dauid; and Achaz, his ſone, regned for hym.

Capitulum XXVIII.

Of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Achaz, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and ſexteene ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; and he dide not riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as Dauid, his fadir; bot wente in þe weyes of þe kyngis of Irael. Forþermore and he ȝeetyde ymagis to Baalym. He is þat brende encenſe in þe valey of Bennon, and he enuyrounde his ſonus in fijr aftir þe rijt of gentilis, þe whiche þe Lord ſlowȝ in þe commynge of þe ſonus of Irael. Alſo he ſacrified, and brende maad encenſe in heiȝtis, and in hillis, and vnder alle braunchid tree. And þe Lord his God toke hym in þe hond of þe kyng of Cyrie, þe whiche ſmote hym, and a gret prey of his empyre toke, and brouȝt in to Damaſc. And he is taken to þe hondis of þe kyng of Irael, and ſmyten wiþ a grete veniaunce. And Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, ſlewȝ of Juda an hundriþ and twenty þouſand in oo day, and alle men fiȝters; for þi þat þei hadden forſake þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. Þe ſame tyme Jechry, a myȝty man of Effraym, ſlewȝ Maaziam, þe ſone of þe kyng, and Eſricham, duyke of his hous, alſo Elchanan, þe ſecounde fro þe kyng. And þe ſonus of Irael token of þeir breþeren two hundriþ þouſand of wymmen and of knaue childre and of mayde childre, and a pray wiþ out noumbre; and þei brouȝten it in to Samarie. In þat tempeſt was þer a prophete of þe Lord, Obed by name, þe whiche gon out meetyng to þe hooſt commyng to Samarie, ſeide to hem, Lo! þe Lord God of oure fadirs is wrooþ aȝeinus Judam, and toke hem in ȝour hondis; and ȝe han ſleen hem cruely, ſo þat in to heuen ȝoure cruelte ſchulde commen. Forþermore þe ſonis of Juda and of Jeruſalem ȝee wiln ſubjecten to ȝou ſeruauntis and hond wymmen; þat indeede is no nede; ȝe han ſynned vpon þis to þe Lord ȝoure God. Bot heeriþ my counſeil, and bringiþ aȝein þe caytyues, þe whiche ȝe han lad awey of ȝoure breþeren; for grete woodneſſe of þe Lord ſtant ouer to ȝou. And ſo þe men of þe princis of þe ſonus of Effraym ſtodyn, Azarias, þe ſone of Johannan, Barachias, þe ſone of Moſollamoþ, Jezechias, þe ſone of Sellum, and Amazias, þe ſone of Adaly, aȝeyn hem þat camen fro þe bataile; and ſeyden to hem, Ȝe ſchul not bryngen in hydre þe caytifes, leſt we ſynnen to þe Lord; why wille ȝe caſten to vpon ȝoure ſynnes, and hepen olde ſynnes? Grete forſoþe ſynne it is; and þe wraþ of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord ſtant vpon Yrael. And þe fiȝtynge men laften þe pray, and alle þingis þat þei hadden taken, before þe princis and al þe multitude. And þe men, þe whiche aboue we myndedyn, ſtoden, and, takynge þe caityues, cloþedyn of þe ſpoylis alle þat weren nakyd; and whanne þei hadden cloþede hem, and ſchod, and fyld hem wiþ mete and drynk, and anoyntide for þe trauayle, and ȝeuen to hem beſyneſſe; who ſo euer myȝten not gon, and weren wiþ feble body, þei putten hem on beſtis, and ladden to Jericho, þe citee of palmes, to þeir breþeren; and þei ben turned aȝein in to Samarie. Þat tyme kyng Achaz ſente to þe kyng of Aſſiries, aſkynge helpe. And Ydumeis camen, and ſmyten many of Juda, and token grete pray. And þe Philiſteis ben held out by wijld feeldy cytees, and at þe ſouþ of Juda; and þei token Beþſames, and Hailon, and Gaderoþ, Socoþ alſo, and Thannan, and Zamro, wiþ þeir litil touns; and þei dwelliden in hem. Forſoþe þe Lord hadde meekide Judam for Achaz, kyng of Juda; forþi þat he hadde nakyd hym fro helpe, and hadde þe Lord to diſpyte. And þe Lord brouȝt aȝeinus hym Teglat Falaſar, king of Aſſiries, þe whiche tourmentyde hym, and no man wiþſtondinge, waaſtide. Þanne Achaz, þe hous of þe Lord ſpoylide, and þe hous of kingus and princis, ȝaf to þe kyng of Aſſiries ȝiftis, and neuer þe latre it profitide no þing to hym. Forþermore and in tyme of his anguyſch he echide diſpite in to þe Lord; he by hym ſilf kyng Achaz offrede to þe goddis of Damaſc ſlayn ſacrifices, to his ſmyters, and ſeyde, Þe goddis of þe kingus of Cyrie helpen to hem, þe which I ſchal pleſen wiþ hooſtis, and þei ſchul ſtonden to to me; whanne aȝeenward þei weren fallyng to hym, and to al Irael. And ſo Achaz, alle þe veſſels of þe hous of God taken awey, and broken to gydre, cloſede þe ȝatis of þe temple of God, and maad to hym auters in alle þe corners of Jeruſalem. Alſo in alle þe cytees of Juda he maad up auters to brennen encenſe, and he terrede to wraþ þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of his wordis and of alle his werkes, of þe raþer and of þe laſt, ben writen in þe boke of þe kyngis of Juda and of Irael. And Achaz ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei birieden hym in þe cyte of Dauid of Jeruſalem; ne forſoþe þei receyueden hym in þe ſepulcres of þe kingus of Irael; and Ezechias, his ſone, regnede for hym.

Capitulum XXIX.

Ezechias þanne beganne to regnen, whanne he was of fyue and twenty ȝeer, and nyne and twenty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Abia, þe douȝter of Zacharye. And he dide þat was pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, aftir alle þingus þat Dauid, his fadir, hadde done. In þat ȝeer and þe firſt moneþ of his regne he opnede þe ȝate leues of þe hous of þe Lord, and he enſtorede hem; and brouȝte to þe preſtis and þe Leuytis, and gaderede hem in to þe eſte ſtrete, and ſeide to hem, Heeriþ me, Leuytis, and beþ halowed; clenſiþ þe hous of þe Lord God of oure faders, and doþ awey alle vnclenneſſe fro þe ſeyntuarye. Oure fadirs ſynneden, and diden euyl in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord oure God, forſakyng hym; þei turneden awei þeir faces fro þe tabernacle of þe Lord oure God, and ȝeuen bac. Þei cloſeden þe dores þat weren in þe ȝate hous, and quencheden þe lanterns; and encenſe þei brenneden not, and brent ſacrifices þei offreden not in þe ſeyntuarye of God of Irael. And ſo þe woodneſſe of þe Lord is ſterid vpon Judam and Jeruſalem; and he toke hem in to diſtourblynge, and into deþ, and in to whiſtlyng, as ȝe beholden wiþ ȝoure eeȝen. Lo! oure fadirs fellen wiþ ſwerdis; oure ſonus, and oure douȝters, and oure wijues ben lad caityf for þis hidous gilt. Nowe þanne it pleſiþ to me, þat we gon in peſe couenaunt wiþ þe Lord God of Irael, and he do awey fro us þe woodneſſe of his wraþ. My ſonus, williþ not diſpiſen; þe Lord chees ȝou, þat ȝe ſtonden beforn hym, and mynyſtren to hym, and heryen hym, and brennen to hym encenſe. Þanne þe Leuytis ryſen, Maaþ, þe ſone of Amazie, and Joel, þe ſone of Azarie, of þe ſonis of Caaþ; bot of þe ſonus of Merery, Ciz, þe ſone of Abday, and Azarias, þe ſone of Jalalael; of þe ſonus forſoþe of Jerſan, Joha, þe ſone of Zemma, and Hedem, þe ſone of Joha; and forſoþe of þe ſonus of Elizaphan, Zamry, and Jahiel; of þe ſonus alſo of Aſaph, Zacharias, and Maþanyas; alſo of þe ſonus of Heman, Jahiel, and Semei; bot and of þe ſonus of Yditum, Semeyas, and Oziel. And þei gadreden þeir breþeren, and ben halowed, and gon in, after þe maundement of þe kyng, and þe heſte of þe Lord, þat þei clenſen þe hous of þe Lord. And þe preſtis gon in to þe temple of þe Lord, þat þei halowen it, beeren out al þe vnclenneſſe, þat wiþ inne þei hadden foundyn in þe veſtiarie of þe hous of þe Lord; þe whiche token þe Leuytis, and beeren out wiþ out forþ to þe ſtreme of Cedron. And þei begunnen þe firſt day of þe firſt moneþ to clenſen, and in þe eyȝþe day of þe ſame moneþ þei wenten in to þe ȝate hous of þe temple of þe Lord, and þei purgedyn þe temple eiȝte days; and in þe ſixtenþe day of þe ſame moneþ, þat þei hadden begunnen, þei fulfilden. And þei wenten in to Ezechie, þe kyng; and ſeyden to hym, We han halowed al þe hous of þe Lord, and þe auter of brent ſacrifice of hym, and his veſſels, alſo and þe borde of propoſicyoun wiþ alle his veſſels, and alle þe purtenauncis of þe temple, þat kyng Achaz in his rewme hadde polutide, after þat he hadde treſpaſſede; and loo! leid out ben alle þingus before þe auter of þe Lord. And Ezechie, þe kyng, rijſyng erly, gadered in oon alle princis of þe cytee, and he ſteiȝede up in to þe hous of þe Lord; and þei offreden to gyder boolis ſeuen, and weþeris ſeuen, and lombis ſeuen, and geet ſeuen, for þe ſynne, for þe rewme, for þe ſeyntuarye, for Juda. And he ſeide to þe preſtis, ſonis of Aaron, þat þei ſchulden offren vpon þe auter of þe Lord. Þanne þei ſlewen boolis, and þe preſtis token þe blood, and heldyn it vpon þe auter; alſo þei ſlewen weþers, and of hem þe blood þei heldyn vpon þe auter; and þei offreden lombis, and helden vpon þe auter þe blood. And þei applieden þe geet for þe ſynne before þe kyng and al þe multitude, and þei putten þeir hondis vpon hem; and þe preſtis offreden hem, and þei ſprengden þe blood of hem beforn þe auter, for þe ſynne of al Irael. Forſoþe for al Irael þe kyng hadde comaundide, þat þere ſchulde be don brent ſacrifice, and for ſynne. And he ordeynde Leuytis in þe hous of þe Lord, wiþ cymbales, and ſawtrees, and harpis, aftir þe diſpoſicyoun of king Dauid, and of Gad, ſeear, and of Naþan, þe prophete; forſoþe þe heſte of þe Lord it was bi þe hond of his prophetis. And þe Leuytis ſtoden, holdyng þe orgnys of Dauid; and preſtis þe trumpis. And Ezechias comaundide, þat þer ſchulden ben offred brent ſacrifices vpon þe auter; and whanne þei ſchulden offren brent ſacrifices, þei begunnen to ſyngen preyſyngis to þe Lord, and ſown wiþ trumpis, and in dyuerſe orgnys, þat Dauid, king of Irael, hadde maad redy to ſown wiþ. Al þe puple forſoþe honourynge, þe ſyngers and þo þat helden trumpis weren in þeir offices, to þe tyme þat þe brent ſacrifices weren ful eendid. And whanne þe offryng was eendid, þe kyng is ful bowed, and alle þat weren wiþ hym, and þei honoureden. And Ezechias comaundide and þe princis to Leuytis, þat þei ſchulden preyſen þe Lord wiþ þe wordis of Dauid, and of Aſaph, ſeear; þe whiche preyſeden wiþ grete gladneſſe, and þe knee ful bowede, þei honourden. Ezechias forſoþe þes alſo addide, Ȝe han fulfild ȝoure hondis to þe Lord; commiþ neeȝ, and offriþ ſacrifices and preyſingis in þe hous of þe Lord. Þanne al þe multitude offride ooſtis, and preyſingis, and brent ſacrifices, wiþ deuout mynde. Forſoþe þe noumbre of þe brent ſacrifices, þat þe multitude offride, was þis; boolis ſeuenty, weþers an hundriþ, lombis two hundriþ. Alſo þei haloweden to þe Lord oxes ſexe hundriþ, and ſcheep þre þouſand. Þe preſtis forſoþe weren fewe, and myȝten not ſuffice þat þei drawen of þe ſkynnes of þe brent ſacrifices; wherfore and þe Leuitis þeir breþeren helpiden hem, to þe tyme þat þe werc were fulfild, and þe biſchopis weren halowed; þe Leuytis forſoþe wiþ liȝter rijt ben halowed þanne þe preſtis. Þer weren þanne many brent ſacrifices, and talowes of peſible þingus, and liquours offryngis of brent ſacrifices, and þe herying of þe hous of þe Lord is ful eendid. And Ezechie is glad, and al þe puple wiþ hym, forþi þat þe ſeruyce of þe Lord was ful eendid; forſoþe of ſodenly it pleſide þat to ben don.

Capitulum XXX.

Ezechie alſo ſente to al Irael and Juda, and he wroote letters to Effraym and Manaſſen, þat þei ſchulden commen in to þe hous of þe Lord in Jeruſalem, and do paſch to þe Lord God of Irael. Þanne gon in þe counſele of þe kyng, and of þe princis, and of al þe companye of Irael, þei deemedyn þat þey ſchulden don paſch þe ſecounde moneþ. Forſoþe þei camen not to gydre to don in his tyme; for þe preſtis þat myȝten ſuffiſen weren not halowed, and þe puple not ȝit was gadered in to Jeruſalem. And þe word pleſide to þe kyng, and to al þe multitude. And þey deemeden for to ſenden meſſagers in to al Irael, fro Berſabe vnto Dan, þat þei ſchulden commen, and don paſch to þe Lord God of Irael in Jeruſalem; manye forſoþe hadden not done, as in þe lawe it is beforn writen. And curours wenten wiþ letters, of þe heſte of þe kyng and of his princis, in to al Irael and Juda, after þe whiche þing þe kyng hadde comaundide prechours, Sonis of Irael, turniþ aȝein to þe Lord God of Abraham, and of Yſaac, and of Irael; and he ſchal be turned aȝein to þe releuys, þat ſcapeden þe hondis of þe kyng of Aſſiries. Williþ not ben maad as ȝoure fadirs and breþeren, þat wenten awey fro þe Lord God of þeir fadirs; and he toke hem in to deþ, as ȝe ſeen. Williþ not ful hardne ȝour nollis, as ȝoure fadirs; takiþ hondis to þe Lord, and commiþ to þe ſeyntuarye of hym, þat he halowed wiþ out eende; ſeruiþ to þe Lord God of ȝour fadirs, and ſchal ben turned awey fro ȝou þe wraþ of his woodneſſe. Ȝif forſoþe ȝe weren turned aȝein to þe Lord, ȝour breþeren and ȝour ſonus ſchul haue mercy, wiþ þeir lordis þat hem laddyn caitijf; and þei ſchul ben turned aȝein into þis lond. Forſoþe pytouſe and mercyable is þe Lord oure God; and he ſchal not turnen awey his face fro ȝou, ȝif ȝe weren turned aȝein to hym. Þanne currours wente ſwiftly fro cyte vnto cite þoruȝ þe lond of Effraym and Manaſſe vnto Zabulon, hem ſcoornynge and vndermowynge hem. Neuerþelater ſum men of Aſer, and of Manaſſe, and of Zabulon, aſſentynge to þe counſeile, camen in to Jeruſalem. In Juda forſoþe is done þe hond of þe Lord, þat he ſchulde ȝeuen to hem oon herte, and þei ſchulden don, after þe heſte of þe kyng and princis, þe word of þe Lord. And þere ben gadered into Jeruſalem many puplis, þat þei don þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues in þe ſecounde moneþ. And rijſyng þei diſtruyden þe auters, þat weren in Jeruſalem; and alle þingus in þe whiche to mawmetis was brend encenſe, turnynge vpſadoun, þei þrewen in to þe ſtreme of Cedron. Þei offriden forſoþe paſch þe fourtenþ day of þe ſecound moneþ; þe preſtis alſo and Leuytis at þe laſt halowed, offreden brent ſacrifice in þe hous of þe Lord. And þei ſtoden in þeir ordre, aftir þe diſpoſicyoun and þe lawe of Moyſes, þe man of God. Þe preſtis forſoþe hadden taken þe blood to ben ſched of þe hondis of Leuytis, forþi þat myche puple was not halowed; and þerfore þe Leuytis ſchulden offren paſch to hem, þat came not to gydre to ben halowed to þe Lord. A grete alſo part of þe puple of Effraym, and Manaſſe, and Yſachar, and Zabulon, þe whiche was not halowed, eetyn paſch not after þat it is writen. And Ezechie preyede for hem, ſeyinge, Þe good Lord ſchal haue mercy to alle, þat in al herte ſechen þe Lord God of þer fadirs; and it ſchal not ben wijtid to hem, þat þei ben not halowed. Whome þe Lord herde, and is pleſid to þe puple. And þe ſonus of Irael, þat ben founden in Jeruſalem, diden þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues ſeuen days in grete ioye, preiſynge þe Lord bi eche dais; þe Leuytis alſo and þe preſtis by orgnys, þat to þeir office fellen. And Ezechias ſpac to þe herte of alle þe Leuytis, þat hadden good vndirſtondynge vpon þe Lord; and þei eeten ſeuen days of þe ſolempnyte, offrynge ſlayn ſacrifice of peſyble þingus, and preyſyng þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. And it pleſide to al þe multitude, þat þei ſchulden alſo halowen oþer ſeuen days; þe whiche and þei diden wiþ ful grete ioy. Ezechias forſoþe, king of Juda, ȝaf to þe multitude a þouſand boolis, and ſeuen þouſand of ſcheep; þe princis forſoþe ȝeuen to þe puple a þouſand boolis, and ſcheep tenn þouſand. Þanne is halowed a more multitude of preſtis; and gladneſſe þoruȝ held al þe puple of Juda, boþ of preſtis and of Leuytis, and of al þe beſy commyng, þat weren commen of Irael, and of þe comlyngis of þe lond of Irael, and of þe dwellers of Juda. And þer is don a grete ſolempnyte in Jeruſalem, whiche maner was not in þe ſame cyte fro þe days of Salomon, ſone of Dauid, kyng of Irael. Forſoþe þe preſtis and Leuytis riſen, bleſſyng to þe puple; and þe voyce of hem is herd, and þe preyer ful came into þe hooly dwellinge place of heuen.

Capitulum XXXI.

And whanne þes þingus weren manerly ful halowed, al Irael wente out, þat was founden in þe citees of Juda; and þei breeken þe mawmetis, and hewen doun mawmete wodis, and þe heeȝe þingus þei waſtiden, and þe auters diſtruyden, not onely of al Juda and Beniamyn, bot and of Effraym alſo and of Manaſſe, to þe tyme þat fully þei weren don awey. And alle þe ſonus of Irael ben torned aȝein in to poſſeſſiouns, and þeir citees. Ezechias forſoþe ſette preſtis companyes and Leuytis bi þeir deuyſiouns, echone in propre office, boþe of preſtis, þat is, and of Leuytis, to brent ſacrifices and peſible, þat þei ſeruen, and knowlechen, and ſyngen in þe ȝatis of þe tentis of þe Lord. A paartye forſoþe of þe kyng was, þat of his propre ſubſtaunce ſchulde ben offrid brent ſacrifice erly and at euen, þe ſaboþis alſo, and kalendis, and oþer ſolempnytes, as it is writen in þe lawe of Moyſes. Alſo he comaundide to þe puple of þe dwellers in Jeruſalem, þat þei ȝeuen partis to preſtis and Leuytis, þat þei mown taken tent to þe lawe of þe Lord. Þe whiche whanne was pupliſcht in þe eris of þe multitude, þe ſonus of Irael offreden manye firſt fruytis of whete, and of wyne, and of oyle, alſo of hony; and of alle þingus þat þe erþ getiþ, þei offreden dymys. Bot and þe ſonus of Irael and of Juda, þat dwelliden in þe cytees of Juda offreden dymes of oxen and ſcheep, and dymes of hooly þingus, þat þei hadden vowed to þe Lord þer God, and, alle þingus beerynge, maaden many heepils. Þe þrid moneþ þei begunne to caſtyn groundis of þe heepils, and þe ſeuenþ moneþ þei eendiden hem. And whanne Ezechias and his princis weren commen in, þei ſeen þe heepils, and þei bleſſeden to þe Lord, and to þe puple of Irael. And Ezechias aſkide þe preſtis and Leuytis, why þe heepils ſchulden ſo lyen. Azazie, þe preſt, firſt of þe ſtoc of Sadoch, anſwerde to hym, ſeyinge, Siþen þe firſt fruytis begunne to ben offrid in þe hous of þe Lord, we eetyn and ben fulfild, and þere ben laft many þingus; forþi þat þe Lord haþ bleſſid to his puple; of þe releuys forſoþe þis is þe plente, þat þou ſeeſt. Þanne Ezechias comaundide, þat þei ſchulden make redy bernes in þe hous of þe Lord; þe whiche þing whan þei hadden don, þei brouȝten in boþe firſt fruytis, and dymes, and what euer þingus þei hadden vowed feiþfully. Forſoþe þe prefect of hem was Chonenyas, Leuyte; and Semeye, his broþer, þe ſecounde; aftir whome Jehiel, and Azarias, and Naaþ, and Azahel, and Jerymoþ, Jozabad alſo, and Helieel, and Jeſmahias, and Maaþ, and Banayas, prouoſtis vndir þe hondis of Chonenye and Semeye, his broþer, of þe maundement of kyng Ezechie, and of Azarie, þe biſchop of þe hous of þe Lord, to whom alle þingus perteyneden. Chore forſoþe, þe ſone of Jemna, Leuyte, and porter of þe eſte ȝate, was prouoſt to þes þat wilfully offreden to þe Lord, and to þe firſt fruytis, and to þe ſacred in to þe holy of halowes; and vndir hir cure Eden, and Beniamyn, Jeſue, and Semeyas, Amarias alſo, and Sechenyas, in þe citees of preſtis, þat feiþfully þei delen to þeir breþeren parties, to þe leſſe and to þe more, out taken þe men fro þre ȝeer and abouen, þes þingus to alle þat wenten in to þe temple of þe Lord, and what euer þing bi eche dais was hired in þe ſeruyſe and keepyngis after þeir deuyſiouns. To preſtis bi meynes, and to Leuytis fro twenty ȝeer and aboue by ordres and þeir companyes, and to al þe multitude, boþe to wijues and to þe fre childre of hem of eiþer kynde, feiþfully of mete of þes þingus þat weren halowed weren ȝeuen. Bot and of þe ſonus of Aaron bi feeldis and ſuburbis of eche cytees þer weren diſpoſid men, þat by partis ſchulden delen to al male kynde of preſtis and Leuytis. Þanne Ezechias dide alle þingus, þat we han ſeide, in al Juda, and wrouȝte riȝt and gode and ſoþ þing before þe Lord his God, in al herying of þe ſeruyſe of þe hous of þe Lord, after þe lawe and cerymonyes, willynge to ſechen þe Lord his God in al his herte; and he dide, and is maad welſum.

Capitulum XXXII.

After þe whiche þingis and ſiche a maner treuþ, came Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, and gon in to Judam, beſeegide ſtrengþed cytees, wilnynge to taken hem. Þe whiche þing whanne Ezechias hadde herd, þat is, Senacherub to han commen, and al þe bure of þe batayl to ben turned aȝeinus Jeruſalem, gon in counſeile wiþ þe princis and moſt ſtronge men, þat þei ſchulden ſtoppyn þe heuedis of wellis, þat weren wiþ oute þe cyte; and, þat deemyng þe ſentence of alle, he gaderede a myche multitude, and þei ſtoppiden alle þe wellis, and þe ryuer, þat flowede in þe myddis of þe lond; ſeyinge, Leſt þere commen kingis of Aſſiries, and fynde aboundaunce of watirs. And doyng tauȝtly he bilde up al þe wal þat was ſcatered, and maad out tours þer vpon, and wiþ oute forþ anoþer wall. And he enſtored Mello in þe cyte of Dauid; and maad armour of al maner, and tergettis. And he ſette princis of fiȝters in þe hooſt; and he togider clepide alle in þe ſtrete of þe ȝate of þe citee, and he ſpac to þe herte of hem, ſeyinge, Doþ manly, and takiþ coumfort; williþ not taken ferd, ne dreeden þe kyng of Aſſiries, and al þe multitude þat is wiþ hym; forſoþe many mo ben wiþ us þanne wiþ hym. Wiþ hym is þe fleſchely arm; wiþ us þe Lord oure God, þe which is oure help and fiȝter for us. And þe puple is comfortide wiþ ſiche maner wordis of Ezechie, kyng of Juda. Þe whiche þingus after þat ben don, Senacherub, þe king of Aſſiries, ſente his ſeruauntis vnto Jeruſalem; he forſoþe wiþ al his hoſt beſegide Lachis; to Ezechie, kyng of Juda, and to al þe puple þat was in þe cytee, ſeying, Þes þingus ſeiþ Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, In whome hauing truſt ȝe ſitten biſegid in Jeruſalem? For why Ezechias deceyuiþ ȝou, þat he take to deþ in hungur and þirſt, affermynge þat þe Lord ȝoure God delyuer ȝou fro þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries? Wheþer þis is Ezechie, þat diſtruyede his heeȝe þingus and auters, and comaundide to Jude and Jeruſalem, ſeyinge, Before oon auter ȝe ſchul honouren, and in it ȝe ſchul brenne encenſe? Wheþer ȝe vnknowen what I haue don, and my fadirs, to alle puplis of londis? Wheþer þe goddis of Gentilis and of alle londis myȝten delyueren þeir regyoun fro my hond? Who is of alle þe goddis of Gentilis, whom my fadirs waaſtiden, þat myȝte delyueren his puple of myn hond, þat alſo ȝoure God myȝte delyueren ȝou of þis hond? Þanne ȝou deceyue not Ezechie, ne by veyn mouynge begile, ne trowe ȝe to hym; ȝif forſoþe no God of alle Gentilis and of regyouns myȝte delyueren his puple of my hond, and of þe hond of my fadirs, folowyngly ne ȝour God ſchal mown delyuer ȝou of þis myn hond. Bot and many oþer þingus his ſeruauntis ſpeeken aȝeinus þe Lord God, and aȝeinus Ezechie, his ſeruaunt. Alſo letters he wroot ful of blasfemy in to þe Lord God of Irael, and he ſpac aȝeinus hym, As þe goddis of Gentilis of oþer londis myȝten not delyueren þeir puple fro myn hond, ſo and þe God of Ezechie ſchal not mowen delyuer his puple fro þis hond. Forþermore and wiþ a grete crie in Jews tunge aȝeinus þe puple, þat ſat in þe wallis of Jeruſalem, he ful out ſounnede, þat he agaſte hem, and take þe cite. And he ſpac aȝein þe God of Irael, as aȝeinus þe goddis of þe puplis of þe erþ, þe werkis of menus hondis. Þanne preyden Ezechias, king, and Iſaias, þe ſone of Amos, prophete, aȝeynus þis blasfemye; and þei cryeden out vnto heuen. And þe Lord ſente his aungel, þat ſmote eche ſtronge man and fiȝter, and þe prince of þe hooſt of þe kyng of Aſſiries; and he is turned aȝeyn wiþ ſchenſchip in to his lond. And whanne he was gon in to þe hous of his god, þe ſonus, þat weren gon out of his wombe, ſlewen hym wiþ ſwerd. And þe Lord ſauede Ezechie, and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, fro þe hond of Senacherub, kyng of Aſſiries, and fro þe hond of alle men; and ȝaue to hem reſte by enuyroun. Many alſo beeren hooſtis and ſacrifices to þe Lord in to Jeruſalem, and ȝiftis to Ezechie, kyng of Juda; þe whiche is enhaunſid after þes þingus before alle folkis of kynde. In þo dais ſiknede Ezechie vnto þe deþ, and he preyde þe Lord; and he herde hym, and ȝaue to hym a ſygne; bot not after þe benefetis þat he hadde taken, he ȝeeldide, for arered is his herte; and þer is don aȝeinus hym wraþ, and aȝeinus Judam, and aȝeinus Jeruſalem. And he is mekide aftirward, forþi þat his herte was arered, boþe he and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem; and þerfore came not vpon hem þe wraþ of þe Lord in þe dais of Ezechie. Forſoþe Ezechias was riche, and ful glorious, and he gaderede to hym many treſoures of ſyluer, of gold, and of precious ſtone, of ſwote ſpices, and of alle maner armour, and of veſſels of grete priſe. And leyinge places of whete, and of wyne, and of oyle, and cratchis of alle beſtis, and foldes to feeld beſtis, and ſixe cytees he bilde. He hadde forſoþe flockis of ſcheep, and of droues vnnoumbreable; forþi þat þe Lord hadde ȝeuen to hym ful mych ſubſtaunce. He is Ezechie, þat ſtoppide þe ouer well of þe waters of Gyon, and he turnede hem awey vndirneþe toward þe weſt of þe citee of Dauid; in alle his werkis he dide welſumly, þat he wolde. Neuerþelater in þe meſſage of þe princis of Babyloyne, þat weren ſente to hym, þat þei ſchulden aſken of þe wonder, þat hadde fallen vpon þe erþ, God forſoke hym, þat he ſchulde be temptid, and alle þingus ſchulden ben maad knowen þat weren in his herte. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ezechie, and of his mercyes, ben writen in þe viſioun of Yſay, þe ſone of Amos, prophete, and in þe boke of kingus of Juda and of Irael. And Ezechie ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei birieden hym vpon þe ſepulcres of þe ſonus of Dauid. And al Juda maad ſolempne his deed offices, and alle þe dwelleres of Jeruſalem; and Manaſſes, his ſone, regnede for hym.

Capitulum XXXIII.

Of twelue ȝeer was Manaſſes, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and fyue and fyfty ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem. Forſoþe he dide euyl before þe Lord aftir þe abomynacyouns of Gentilis, þe whiche þe Lord turnede vpſadoun before þe ſonus of Irael. And turnede he enſtored þe heeȝe þingus, þe whiche Ezechie, his fadir, hadde diſtruyede. And he ſette up auters of Baalym, and maad mawmete wodus, and honourede al þe knyȝþode of heuen, and heriede it. And he bilde up auters in þe hous of þe Lord, of þe whiche þe Lord hadde ſeyde, In Jeruſalem ſchal ben my name wiþout eend. Forſoþe he bilde up hem to al þe hooſt of heuen in þe two porchis of þe hous of þe Lord. And he made his ſonus to paſſen þoruȝ fijr in þe valey of Hennon; and he weytide ſweuens, and he folowede deuynynge in briddes, and he enſeruede to enchauntyng craftis, and he hadde wiþ hym deuynours and enchaunters, and many euyls wrouȝt before þe Lord, þat he terre hym. Grauen alſo and ȝoten tookne he putte in þe hous of þe Lord, of þe whiche God ſpac to Dauid, and to Salomon, his ſone, ſeyinge, In þis hous and in Jeruſalem, þat I chees of alle þe lynagis of Irael, I ſchal putte my name in to euermore; and I ſchal not maken to meuen þe fote of Irael fro þe lond þat I toke to þe fadirs of hem, ſo oonly ȝif þei kepyn to don þat I comaundide to hem, and al þe lawe, and cerymonyes, and domys, by þe hond of Moyſes. Þanne Manaſſes deceyuede Judam, and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, þat þei diden euyl ouer alle Gentylis, þe whiche þe Lord ouerturnede fro þe face of þe ſonus of Irael. And þe Lord ſpac to hym, and to his puple; and þei wolden not taken heede. Þerfore he ouerladde in to hem princis and hooſtis of þe kyng of Aſſiries; and þei tooken Manaſſen, and bounden wiþ cheynes and wiþ gyues þei brouȝten hym in to Babyloyne. Þe which aftir þat he was to gydre anguyſcht, he preyde þe Lord his God, and dide penaunce gretely before þe God of his fadirs. And he preyede hym, and halſende ententijfly; and he herde þe oriſoun of hym, and he brouȝte hym aȝein in to Jeruſalem in to his kyngdam; and Manaſſes knewȝ, þat þe Lord he is God. After þes þingus he bilde a wal wiþoute þe cytee of Dauid, at þe weſt of Gyon, in þe grete valey, fro þe entre of þe ȝate of fiſchis, bi enuyroun vnto Ofel; and he enhauncide it hugeli; and he ſette princis of þe hooſt in alle þe ſtrengþed cytees of Juda. And he toke awey alien goddis and ſymulacres fro þe hous of þe Lord; þe auters alſo þat he hadde maad in þe hil of þe hous of þe Lord and in Jeruſalem, and al he þrewȝ aferre out of þe cite. Bot he enſtorede þe auter of þe Lord, and offrede vpon it ſlayn ſacrifices, and peſible, and preyſynge; and he comaundede to Jude, þat he ſchulde ſeruen to God of Irael. Neuer þe later ȝit þe puple offrede in heeȝe þingus to þe Lord his God. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe dedis of Manaſſe, and þe obſecracioun of hym to his God, þe wordis alſo of þe ſeearis, þat ſpeeken to hym in þe name of þe Lord God of Irael, ben conteenede in þe wordis of þe kingus of Irael. Þe preyer alſo of hym, and heering, and alle þe ſynnes, and diſpitis, alſo þe places in þe whiche he bilde up heeȝe þingus, and maad mawmete wodis and ymagis, before þat he dide penaunce, ben writen in þe wordis of Ozai. Forſoþe Manaſſes ſlepte wiþ his faders, and þey birieden hym in his hous; and Amon, his ſone, regnede for hym. Of two and twenty ȝeer was Amon, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen; and two ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem. And he dide euyl in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord, as hadde done Manaſſes, his fader; and to alle þe mawmetis, þat Manaſſes hadde forgide, he offride, and ſeruede. And he dradde not þe face of þe Lord, as dradde Manaſſes, his fadir; and manye more þingus treſpaſſide. And whanne his ſeruauntis hadden ſworn to gydre aȝeinus hym, þei ſlowen hym in his hous. But þe toþer multitude of þe puple, hem ſlayn þat hadden ſmyten Amon, þei ſetten Joziam, his ſone, kyng for hym.

Capitulum XXXIIII.

Of eiȝt ȝeer was Jozias, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and oon and þritty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem. And he dide þat was riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; and he wente in þe weies of Dauid, his fadir, and he bowede not to þe riȝt ne to þe left. Þe eiȝþe ȝeer forſoþe of his empyre, whanne ȝit he was a child, he beganne to ſechen þe God of his fadir Dauid; and þe twelfþe ȝeer aftir þat he hadde begunnen, he clenſede Judeam and Jeruſalem fro heeȝe þingus, and mawmete wodis, and ſymulacres, and grauen þingus. And þei diſtruyȝeden before hym þe auters of Baalym, and þe ſymulacres þat weren ſett vpon; þei waaſtiden alſo þe mawmete wodis. And grauen þingus he hewȝ doun, and mynuſcht; and vpon þe toumbis of hem, þat weren wount to offren, he ſcaterede þe releuys. Forþermore þe boones of preſtis he brende in þe auters of mawmetis, and he clenſed Judam and Jeruſalem. Bot and in þe citees of Manaſſe, and of Effraym, and of Semeon, vnto Neptalym, alle þingus he turnede vpſadoun. And whanne þe auters he hadde to-ſcaterede, and þe mawmete wodus and grauen þingus he hadde to-brayȝide in to gobetis, and al þe waſching templis he hadde waaſtide fro al þe lond of Irael, he is turnede aȝein in to Jeruſalem. Þanne þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of his regne, þe lond now clenſede and þe temple of þe Lord, he ſente Saphan, þe ſone of Elchie, and Maazian, prince of þe cytee, and Joa, þe ſone of Joachas, chauncelere, þat þei ſchulden enſtore þe hous of þe Lord þeir God. Þe whiche camyn to Elchyam, þe grete preſte; and monee taken of hym, þat was brouȝt into þe hous of þe Lord, and þat gadereden Leuytis and porters, of Manaſſe, and of Effraym, and of alle þe toþer of Irael, alſo of al Juda and Beniamyn, and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, þei token in þe hondis of hem þat ſtoden vpon to þe werkmen in þe hous of þe Lord, þat þei enſtoren þe temple, and eche feble þingus þei bocchyn. And þei ȝeuen it to þe craftiſe men, and to maſouns, þat þei ſchulden bien hewen ſtones of þe quarers, and trees to þe iunctours of þe bildynge, and to þe ioynynge of þe houſes, þat þe kingus of Irael hadden diſtruyede. Þe whiche feiþfully alle þingus diden. Forſoþe prouoſtis of þe werkmen weren Jabaþ, and Abdias, of þe ſonus of Merery; Zacharias, and Moſollam, of þe ſonis of Caaþ; þat ſtreyneden þe werk; alle Leuytis, cunnynge in orgnys to ſyngyn. Vpon hem forſoþe þat to dyuerſe vſes beeren birþens weren ſcribis, and maiſters, þe porters of þe Leuytis. And whanne þei ſchulden offeren þe monee, þat was brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord, Elchias, þe preſte, fonde a boke of þe lawe of þe Lord by þe hond of Moiſy; and ſeiþ to Saphan, ſcribe, Þe boke of þe lawe I haue founden in þe hous of þe Lord. And he toke to hym, and he brouȝt in þe volume to þe kyng; and tolde to hym, ſeyinge, Alle þingus þat þou haſt ȝeuen in to þe hondis of þi ſeruauntis, loo! þei ben fulfild. Þe ſyluer þat is founden in þe hous of þe Lord þei han ȝotyn; and it is ȝeuen to þe prefectis of craftiſe men, and forgynge dyuerſe werkis; forþermore Elchias, þe preſte, toke to me þis boke. Þe whiche whanne þe kyng preſent, he hadde reherſide, and he hadde herd þe wordis of þe lawe, he kutte his cloþes; and he comaundide to Elchie, and to Aichan, þe ſone of Saphan, and to Abdon, þe ſone of Micha, alſo to Saphan, ſcribe, and to Aſie, þe ſeruaunt of þe kyng, ſeyinge, Goþ, and preyeþ þe Lord for me, and for þe remnaunt of Irael and of Juda, vpon alle þe wordis of þis boke, þat is founden. Forſoþe grete woodneſſe of þe Lord droppide vpon us, forþi þat oure fadirs han not kept þe wordis of þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden don alle þingus þat ben writen in þis volume. Þanne wente Elchias, and þes þat to gider of þe kyng weren ſent, to Oldam, prophetiſſe, wijf of Sellum, ſone of Thecuaþ, ſone of Azia, keper of þe cloþes, þe whiche dwellide in Jeruſalem in þe ſecounde wallynge; and þei ſpeekyn to hyr þe wordis, þat we han aboue told. And ſche anſwerde to hem, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, Seiþ to þe man, þat ſente ȝou to me, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! I ſchal bryngyn in euyls vpon þis place, and vpon þe dwellers of it, and alle þe curſingus þat ben writen in þis boke, þat þei radden beforn þe kyng of Juda. For þei forſoken me, and ſacrifieden to alien goddis, þat me to wraþ þei ſchulden terren in alle þe werkis of þeir hondus; and þerfor my woodneſſe ſchal droppen vpon þis place, and it ſchal not ben queynt. To þe kyng forſoþe of Juda, þat ſente ȝou for þe Lord to ben preyede, þus ſpekiþ, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, For þou haſt herd þe word of þis volume, and þin hert is tempered, and þou ert meekid in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord vpon þes þingus þat ben ſeid aȝein þis place and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, and þou dreediſt reuerently my face, and cuttiſt þi cloþes, and weptiſt before me; I forſoþe haue herd þee, ſeiþ þe Lord. Nowe forſoþe I ſchal gedre þee to þi faders, and þou ſchalt be brout in to þi ſepulcre in peſe; and þin eeȝen ſchul not ſeen al þe euyl, þat I am to bryngyn in vpon þis place, and vpon þe dwellers of it. And ſo þei tolden to þe kyng alle þingus, þat ſche hadde ſeyde. And he, clepide to gidre alle þe more þoruȝ birþe of Juda and of Jeruſalem, ſteiȝede up in to þe hous of þe Lord, and alſo togydre alle þe men of Juda, and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, preſtis, and Leuytis, and al þe puple, fro þe leſte vnto þe moſte; þe whiche heeryng in þe hous of þe Lord, þe kyng radde alle þe wordis of þe volume; and ſtondyng in his chayere ſmote peſe couenaunt before þe Lord, þat he ſchulde gon aftir hym, and keepyn þe heeſtis, and witneſſyngus, and juſtifiyngus, in al his herte and in al his ſoule; and he ſchulde done þat ben writen in þat volume, þat he hadde radde. Alſo he adiurede vpon þis alle, þat ben founden in Jeruſalem and Beniamyn; and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem diden after þe couenaunt of þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. Þanne Jozias dide aweye alle þe abomynaciouns of alle þe regyouns of þe ſonus of Irael; and maad alle, þat weren laft in Jeruſalem, to ſeruen to þe Lord þeir God; alle þe dais of his lijf þei wenten not awey fro þe Lord God of þeir fadirs.

Capitulum XXXV.

Forſoþe Jozias maad in Jeruſalem paſch to þe Lord, þat was offred þe fourtenþe day of þe firſt moneþ; and he ſette preſtis in þeir offices; and he meuede hem louely, þat þei ſchulden mynyſtren in þe hous of þe Lord. Alſo to þe Leuytis, at whos techinge al Irael was halowed to þe Lord, he ſpak, Puttiþ þe ark in þe ſeyntuarie of þe temple, þat Salomon, þe ſone of Dauid, kyng of Irael, bilde up; forſoþe ȝe ſchul bern it namore. Nowe forſoþe mynyſtreþ to þe Lord oure God and to his puple Irael, and makiþ ȝou redy by houſes and ȝoure kynredis in þe deuyſiouns of eche oon, as Dauid, king of Irael, comaundide, and Salomon, his ſone, diſcriuede; and mynyſtreþ in þe ſeyntuarie bi ȝour meynees and Leuytis companyes, and, halowed, offreþ paſch; alſo ȝoure breþeren, þat þei mowen aftir þe wordis þat þe Lord ſpac in þe hond of Moyſes don, makiþ redy before. Forþermore Jozias ȝaue to al þe puple, þat was founden in to þe ſolempnyte of paſch, lombis, and kides of þe flockes, and of oþer feeld beeſtis þritty þouſand, of oxen forſoþe, þre þouſand; þes þingus of al þe ſubſtaunce of þe kyng. Alſo his duykis wilfully þat þei voweden offreden, boþe to þe puple and preſtis and Leuytis. Bot Elchias, and Zacharias, and Jehiel, princis of þe hous of þe Lord, ȝeuen to þe preſtis, to don paſch, feeld beſtis mengyngly, two þouſand and ſexe hundriþ, and oxen þre hundriþ. Choneyas forſoþe, and Semeyas, alſo Naþanael and his breþeren, alſo Azabias, Jahiel, and Joſabas, princis of Leuytis, ȝeuen to oþer Leuytis, to halowen þe paſch, fyue þouſand of feeld beeſtis, and oxen fyue hundriþ. And þe ſeruyſe is maad redy beforn; and þe preſtis ſtoden in þeir office, alſo Leuytis in companyes, after þe kingis comaundement; and offred is paſch. And þe preſtis ſprengeden þeir hondis wiþ blood, and Leuytis drewen of ſkynnes of brent ſacrifices, and ſeuerden hem, þat þei ſchulden ȝeuen by houſes and meynees of echon, and þei ſchulden ben offred to þe Lord, as it is writen in þe boke of Moyſes; and of oxen þei diden lijc maner. And þei rooſteden paſch vpon þe fijr, after þat it is wrijten in þe lawe. Forſoþe peſible hooſtis þei ſeeþeden in poſnettis, and cawdrones, and pottis, and haſtily þei deleden to al þe puple; to hem ſelue forſoþe, and to þe preſtis aftirward þei maden redy; for in þe offrynge of brent ſacrifices and talewis, vnto þe nyȝt þe preſtis weren ocupied. Wherfore þe Leuytis to hem ſilf and to þe preſtis, ſonus of Aaron, greiþeden laſt. Bot þe ſyngers, ſonus of Aſaph, ſtoden in þeir ordre, aftir þe heſte of Dauid, and Aſaph, and Eman, and Ydytym, of þe prophetis of þe kyng; þe porters forſoþe bi alle þe ȝatis keptyn al about, ſo þat in no poynt forſoþe þei wenten fro þe ſeruyſe; wherfore and þe breþeren of hem, Leuytis, greiþeden to hem metis. Þanne al þe heryinge of þe Lord lawfuly is fulfild in þat day, þat þei do paſch, and offren brent ſacrifice vpon þe auter of þe Lord, aftir þe heſte of þe kyng Jozie. And þe ſonus of Irael, þat weren founden, diden þer paſch in þat tyme, and þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues ſeuen days. Þer was not a paſch lijc to þis in Irael, fro þe days of Samuel, prophete; bot ne eny of þe kingus of Irael maad paſch as Jozias, to þe preſtis and Leuytis, and to al Jude and Irael, þat was founden, and to þe dwellers of Jeruſalem. Þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of þe kyngdam of Jozie þis paſch is halewed. After þat Jozias hadde enſtored þe temple, Nechao, kyng of Egipt, ſteiȝede up to fiȝten in Charchamys beſide Eufraten; and Jozias wente forþ in to aȝein commynge of hym. And he, meſſagers ſent to hym, ſeiþ, What to me and to þee, kyng of Juda? To day not aȝeinus þee I comme, bot aȝeinus an oþer hous I fyȝte, to whom God comaundide me haſtely to gon; leue aȝeinus God to don, þat is wiþ me, leſt he ſlee þee. Jozias wolde not ben turned aȝein, bot greiþede aȝein hym bataile; and he aſſentide not to þe wordis of Nechao, of þe mouþ of God, bot wente for to fiȝten in þe feeld of Magedo. And þere woundid of þe ſcheters, ſeide to his childre, Lediþ me out of þe bataile, for gretely I am woundid. Þe whiche beeren hym ouer fro oon chaar to an oþer, þat folowede hym, in kingus maner, and beeren hym awey in to Jeruſalem; and he is deed, and beried in þe coſteuous toumbe of his fadirs. And al Juda and Jeruſalem weileden hym, Jeremyas moſt, whos alle þe ſyngers and ſyngereſſes in to þe preſent day lamentaciouns vpon Jozie replyen; and as lawe it is hadde in Irael, Loo! it is told writen in þe Lamentaciouns. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Jozie, and of his mercyes, þe whiche in þe lawe of þe Lord ben comaundide, alſo þe werkis of hym, þe firſt and þe laſt, ben writen in þe bok of þe kyngus of Irael and of Juda.

Capitulum XXXVI.

Toke þanne þe puple of þe lond Joachaz, þe ſone of Jozie, and ſetten king for his fader in Jeruſalem. Of þre and twenty ȝeer was Joachaz, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and þre moneþis he regnede in Jeruſalem. Forſoþe þe king of Egipt, whanne he was commen to Jeruſalem, remeuede hym, and condempnede þe lond in an hundriþ talentis of ſyluer and a talent of gold. And he ſette king for hym Elyachyn, his broþer, vpon Judam and Jeruſalem; and he turnede his name Joachym. Hym forſoþe Joachaz he toke wiþ hym, and brouȝt in to Egipt. Of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem, and he dide euyl beforn þe Lord his God. Aȝeins þis ſteiȝid up Nabugodonoſor, king of Caldeis, and bounden wiþ cheynes ladde in to Babyloyne. To þe whiche and þe veſſels of þe Lord he tranſlatide, and putte hem in his temple. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joachym, and his abomynaciouns þat he wrouȝte, and þat ben founden in hym, ben contened in þe boke of þe kingus of Irael and of Juda. Þanne Joachym, his ſone, regnede for hym. Of eiȝt ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he hadde begunn to regnen, and þre moneþis and tenn days he regned in Jeruſalem, and he dide euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. And whanne þe cercle of oo ȝeer were turned, king Nabugodonoſor ſente hem, þe whiche and brouȝten hym into Babiloyne, born awey togider þe moſt precious veſſels of þe hous of þe Lord. Forſoþe he ſette Sedechie, his vncle, kyng vpon Judam and Jeruſalem. And of oon and twenty ȝeer was Sedechias, whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem. And he dide euyl in þe eeȝen of þe Lord his God, ne he ſchamyde þe face of Jeremye, þe prophete, ſpekinge to hym of þe mouþ of þe Lord. Alſo fro king Nabugodonoſor he wente awei, þe whiche hadde adiurede hym bi God; and he endurede his nolle and herte, þat he were not turnede aȝein to þe Lord God of Irael. Bot and alle þe princis of preſtis and þe puple treſpaſeden wickidly, after alle þe abomynaciouns of gentilis; and þei defouleden þe hous of þe Lord, þat he halowede to hym in Jeruſalem. Þe Lord forſoþe God of þeir fadirs ſente to hem bi þe hond of his meſſagers, fro nyȝt rijſyng, and eche day togydre moneſtynge; forþi þat he wolde ſparen to þe puple, and to his dwellynge place. And þei vndremoweden þe meſſagers of God, and diſpiſeden his wordis, and ſcorneden to þe prophetis; to þe tyme þat ſchulde ſteiȝ vp þe woodneſſe of þe Lord vpon his puple, and were no medecyne. And he brouȝt vpon hem þe king of Caldeis; and he ſlowȝ þe ȝong men of hem wiþ ſwerd in þe hous of þe ſeyntuarye; and he hadde not reuþ of þe ȝong waxe man, and of þe meyden, and of þe olde man, ne forſoþe of þe ful feble for eeld, bot alle he toke in his hondis. And alle þe veſſels of þe hous of þe Lord, boþe more and laſſe, and þe treſores of þe temple, and of þe kyng, and of þe princis, he bare ouer in to Babiloyne. Enmyes brenden up þe hous of þe Lord, diſtruyeden þe wal of Jeruſalem, alle þe toures brenden, and whateuer was precyous þei waaſtiden. Ȝif eny hadde ſcapid þe ſwerd, lad in to Babyloyne, ſeruede to þe king and his ſonus; to þe tyme þat þe kyng of Perſis hadde empyre, and were fulfild þe word of þe Lord of þe mouþ of Jeremye, and þe lond ſchulde halowen þeir holy days. Forſoþe alle þe days of deſolacioun he dide ſaboþ, vnto þe whijl ſeuenty ȝeer weren fulfild. Forſoþe þe firſt ȝeer of Cirus, kyng of Perſis, to fulfille þe word of þe Lord, þat he hadde ſpoken by þe mouþ of Jeremye, þe Lord ſtired þe ſpirite of Cirus, kyng of Perſis, þat comaundide to ben prechide to al his rewme alſo by ſcripture, ſeyinge, Þes þingus ſeiþ Cirus, kyng of Perſis, Alle þe rewmes of þe erþ ȝaf to me þe Lord God of heuen, and he comaundide to me, þat I ſchulde bilde up to hym an hous in Jeruſalem, þe whiche is in Jude. Who of ȝou is in al þe puple of hym? be þe Lord his God wiþ hym, and ſteiȝe he up.

Here endiþ þe ſecounde book of Paralypomenon

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