Capitulum I.
The woordis of Neemye, ſone of Elchie. And it is do in þe moniþ of December, þe twentiþe ȝer, and I was in þe burȝ toun of Suſis; and þer cam to me Annam, oon of my breþern, he and þe men of Juda; and I aſkide hem of Jewis, þat abiden ſtille, and laften ouer of þe caitifte, and of Jeruſalem. And þei ſeiden to me, Þei þat abiden ſtille, and ben laft of þe caitifte þere in þe prouynce, ben in gret affliccioun, and in repref; and þe wal of Jeruſalem is ſcatered, and his ȝatis ben brend wiþ fijr. And whan I hadde herd ſuch maner woordis, I ſat and wepte, and weilide manye daȝes, and faſtide, and preȝede befor þe face of God of heuene; and ſeide, I beſeche, Lord God of heuene, ſtrong, gret, and ferful, þat kepiſt couenaunt and merci wiþ hem, þat loouen þee, and kepen þi maundemens; be þi ere maad herknende, and þi eȝen opened, þat þou here þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt, in þe whiche I preyȝe befor þee to dai, nyȝt and dai, for þe ſonys of Irael, þi ſeruauns, and I knowleche for þe ſynnes of þe ſones of Irael, in þe whiche þei ſynneden to þee; and I and þe hous of my fader han ſynned; bi vanyte wee ben born doun, and wee han not kept þe heſte, and cerimoines, and domus, þat þou comaundedeſt to Moiſes, þi ſeruaunt. Haue mynde of þe woord, þat þou comaundedeſt to þi ſeruaunt, ſeiende, Whan ȝee han treſpaſid, I ſhal ſcatere ȝou in to puplis; and if ȝee be turned aȝeen to me, þat ȝee kepe myn heſtus, and don hem, alſo if ȝee weren lad awei to þe endis of heuene, þennus I ſhal gadere ȝou togidere, and leden in to þe place, þat I ches, þat my name dwelle þere. And wee þi ſeruauns, and þi puple, whom þou haſt boȝt in þi grete ſtrengþe, and in þi ſtronge hond. I beſeche, Lord, be þin ere takende heede to þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt, and to þe oriſoun of þi ſeruauns, þat wiln dreden þi name; and dreſſe þi ſeruaunt to dai, and ȝif to hym merci befor þis man. I forſoþe was þe booteler of þe king.
Capitulum II.
It is do forſoþe in þe moniþ of Aprill, þe twentiþe ȝer of Artaxerſes, þe king, and win was befor hym, and I heuede vp þe win, and ȝaf to þe king, and I was aſtoneid beforn his face. And þe king ſeide to me, Whi is þi chere dreri, ſiþen I ſee þee not ſijk? Þat is not in vein; but I wot not þe euel þat is in þin herte. And I dradde ful myche; and I ſeide to þe king, King, wiþ outen ende liue; whi ſhulde not my chere ſorewin priueli? for þe cite of þe hous of þe ſepulcris of my fader is deſert, and his ȝatus ben brent wiþ fir. And þe king ſeiþ to me, For what þing aſkiſt þou? And I preȝede þe God of heuene, and ſeide to þe king, If it is ſeen good to þe king, and if it pleſe to þi ſeruauns befor þi face, þat þou ſende me in to Jude, I beſeche, to þe cite of þe ſepulcre of my fader, and I ſhal bilden it. And þe king ſeide to me, and þe quen þat ſat biſide hym, Vnto what time ſhal be þi wei, and whanne ſhalt þou come aȝeen? And I pleſide befor þe chere of þe king, and he ſente me, and I ſette hym a time; and ſeide to þe king, If to þe king it is ſeen good, lettris ȝiue he to me to þe dukis of þe regioun beȝonde þe flod, þat þei lede me ouer, to þe time I come in to Jude; and a lettre to Aſaf, kepere of þe wilde wode of þe king, þat he ȝiue to me trees, þat I mowe couere þe ȝatis of þe tour of þe hous, and of þe wal of þe cite, and þe hous þat I ſhal come in. And þe king ȝaf to me, after þe goode hond of my God wiþ me. And I cam to þe dukis of þe regioun beȝunde þe flod, and I ȝaf to hym þe epiſtolis of þe king. Forſoþe þe king hadde ſent wiþ me prinſis of kniȝtus, and horſemen. And Sanaballaþ Oronyte, and Tobie, ſeruaunt Amonyte, herden, and ben euele paȝid bi gret ſorewe, þat a man was come, þat ſhulde ſeche þe proſperite of þe ſonus of Irael. And I cam in to Jeruſalem, and I was þere þre daȝes. And I ros þe nyȝt, and fewe men wiþ me, and I ſhewide to no man, what God hadde ȝiuen in myn herte, þat I ſhulde do in Jeruſalem; and þere was noon helpely beeſte to me, but þe beeſte þat I ſat on. And I wente out bi þe ȝate of þe valei þe nyȝt, and beforn þe welle of þe dragoun, and at þe drit ȝate; and I beheeld þe wal of Jeruſalem ſcaterid, and his ȝatis waſtid wiþ fijr. And I paſſide ouer to þe ȝate of þe welle, and to þe watir cundict of þe king, and þer was no place to þe beeſte, þat I ſat on þat he myȝte paſſen ouer; and I ſteȝide vp bi þe ſtrem þe nyȝt, and I beheeld þe wal, and turned aȝeen I cam to þe ȝate of þe valei, and am comen aȝeen. Þe maiſter iuges forſoþe wiſten not, whider I was go, or what I wolde do; but and to þe Jewis, and to þe preſtus, and to þe moſt worſhipeful men, and to þe maiſter iuges, and to þe toþere þat maden þe werc, vnto þat of þe placis no þing I hadde ſhewid. And I ſeide to hem, Ȝee han knowen þe affliccioun, in whiche we ben, for Jeruſalem is deſert, and his ȝatis ben waſtid wiþ fijr; comeþ, and bilde we vp þe wallis of Jeruſalem, and be we no more repref. And I ſhewide to hem þe hond of my God, þat it was good wiþ me, and þe woordis of þe king, þat he ſpac to me; and I ſey, Riſe we, and bilde we; and þe hondis of hem ben coumfortid in goode. Forſoþe Sanballaþ Oronyte, and Tobias, ſeruaunt Amonyte, and Goſem Arabs, herden, and ſcorneden vs, and deſpiſeden; and ſeiden, What is þis þing þat ȝee don? wheþer aȝen þe king ȝee rebellen? And I ȝeld to þem a woord, and ſeide to þem, God of heuene, he helpiþ vs, and wee his ſeruauns ben; riſe wee, and bilde wee; to ȝou forſoþe is no part and riȝtwiſneſſe and mynde in Jeruſalem.
Capitulum III.
And Eliaſif, þe grete preſt, ros, and his breþern, and preſtus, and þei bilden vp þe ȝatis of þe floc; þei halewiden it, and ſetten þe ȝate leuys of it, and vn to þe tour of an hundrid cubitus þei halewiden it, vn to þe tour of Ananehel. And beſide hym þe men of Jericho bilden; and biſide hem bilde Zaccur, þe ſone of Amri. Þe ȝate forſoþe of fiſſhis bilden vp þe ſonus of Azanaa; þei couereden it, and ſetten his ȝate leues, and lokis, and heengis. And biſide hem bilde Marimuþ, þe ſone of Vri, ſone of Accus. And biſide hym bilde Moſolla, þe ſone of Barachie, ſone of Meſezebeel. And biſide hym bilde Sadoc, þe ſone of Baana. And biſide hym bilden Thecuenus; forſoþe þe more wirſhipeful men of hem vnder putten not þer neckis in þe werc of þe Lord þer God. And þe olde ȝate bilden vp Joiada, þe ſone of Faſia, and Moſollam, þe ſone of Beſoida; and þei couereden it, and ſetten his ȝate leuis, and lokis, and heengis. And biſide hem bilden Melchia Gabonite, and Jaddon Meþonoþite, men of Gabaon and Masfa, for þe duk þat was in þe regioun beȝonde þe flod. And biſide hym bilde Eziel, þe ſone of Aria, goldſmiþ; and biſide hym bilde Annany, þe ſone of a piment makere; and þei laften Jeruſalem vnto þe wal of þe braddere ſtrete. And biſide hym bilde Rafaia, þe ſone of Hahul, prince of a toun of Jeruſalem. And biſide hym bilde Jeieda, þe ſone of Ramaþ, aȝen his hous; and biſide hym bilde Accus, þe ſone of Azebonie. Þe myddel forſoþe part of þe toun bilde Melchias, þe ſone of Herem, and Aſub, þe ſone of Feþ Moab; and þe tour of ouenus. Biſide hym bilde Sellum, þe ſone of Aloes, prince of þe myddel part of a toun of Jeruſalem, and he and his ſonus. And þe ȝate of þe valei bilde Annun, and þe dwelleris of Sanoe; þei bilden it, and ſetten his ȝate leuis, and lokis, and henglis, and a þouſend cubitus in þe wal vnto þe ȝate of þe dunge hil. And þe ȝate of þe dunge hil bilde Melchias, þe ſone of Recab, prince of þe toun of Beþacharem; he bilde it, and ſette his ȝate leues, and lokis, and henglis. And þe ȝate of þe welle bilde Sellum, þe ſone of Coloſai, prince of þe toun of Masfa; he bilde it, and couerede, and ſette his ȝate leuis, and lockis, and heengis; and þe wallis of þe fiſh pond of Siloe in to þe ȝerd of þe king, and vn to þe grees of þe king, þat comen doun fro þe cite of Dauid. After hym bilde Neemyas, þe ſone of Aſboc, þe prince of þe half part of þe toun of Beþſuri, vnto aȝen þe ſepulcre of Dauid, and vnto þe fiſh pond, þat bi gret werc is maad, and vnto þe hous of ſtronge men. After hym bilden Leuitus; and after hem Reum, þe ſone of Benny. After hym bilde Azebias, prince of þe half part of þe toun of Cheile, in his toun. After hym bilden þe breþern of hem, Beþin, þe ſone of Enadad, prince of þe half part of Cheila. And Aſer, þe ſonn of Joſue, prince of Masfa, bilde beſide hym þe ſecunde meſure aȝen þe ſteȝing vp of þe moſt faſt corner. After hym in þe hil bilde Baruch, þe ſone of Sachaie, þe ſecunde meſure fro þe corner vnto þe ȝate of þe hous of Eliazif, grete preſt. After hym bilde Marimuþ, þe ſone of Vrie, ſone of Accur, þe ſecunde meſure fro þe ȝate of þe hous of Eliaſif, to þe time þat þe hous of Eliaſif were ſtraȝt out. And aftir hym bildeden þe preſtus, men of þe wilde feldis of Jordan. After hym bilden Beniamyn and Aſub aȝen þer hous; and after hym bilde Aſarias, þe ſone of Mooſie, ſone of Ananye, aȝen his hous. Aftir hym bilde Benni, þe ſone of Senadad, þe ſecunde meſure fro þe hous of Azarie vnto þe bowing and vnto þe corner. Falel, þe ſone of Oſi, aȝen þe bowing, and þe tour þat ſtant aboue, fro þe heȝe hous of þe king, þat is in þe porche of þe priſoun; and after hym Fadaia, þe ſone of Feros. Gabonites, water bereris forſoþe dwelten in Ofel aȝen þe ȝate of watris at þe eſt, and þe tour þat aboue ſemede. After hym bilden Thecuynes þe ſecunde meſure forn aȝen, fro þe grete tour and ſtondende aboue vnto þe wal of þe temple. Aboue forſoþe at þe horſe ȝate bildeden þe preſtus, eche aȝen his hous. Aftir hem bilde Seddo, þe ſone of Enner, aȝen his hous. After hym bilde Semeia, þe ſone of Sechenye, kepere of þe eſt ȝate. After hym bilde Ananye, þe ſone of Selemye, and Anon, þe ſone of Selon, þe ſixte, þe ſecunde meſure. After hym bilde Moſollam, þe ſone of Barachie, aȝen his treſorie. After hym bilde Melchias, þe ſone of a goldſmiþ, vnto þe hous of ſodeknys, and of þe men ſellende ſheldis aȝen þe judicial ȝate, and vnto þe ſupping place of þe corner. And wiþinne þe ſupping place of þe corner in to þe ȝate of þe king bilden craftuſmen and marchandus.
Capitulum IIII.
It is do forſoþe, whan Sanaballaþ hadde herd, þat we ſchulden bilde þe wal, he wraþide gretli, and, moued ful myche, ſcornede þe Jewis. And he ſeide beforn his breþern, and þe court of Samaritanys, What do þe Jewis ful feble? Wheþer ſhuln leuen hem þe Jentilis? Wheþer ſhul þei ſacrifien and fulfillen in o dai? Wheþer þei ſhuln moun bilden vp ſtonis of þe hillokis of pouder, þat ben brent? But and Tobias Amonite ſeiþ to his neȝhebores, Bilde þei; if þer ſteȝe vp a fox, he ſhal lepe ouer þer ſton wal. And Neemie ſeide, Here þou, oure God, for we ben maad deſpit; turne þe repref vp on þe hed of hem, and ȝif hem in to deſpiſing in þe lond of caitifte; ne couere þou þe wickeneſſe of hem, and þe ſynnus of hem befor þi face be not don awei; for þei ſcorneden þe bilders. And ſo we bilden þe wal, and al we ioyneden togidere vnto þe half part, and þe herte of þe puple is ſtirid to werken. It is do forſoþe, whan Sanaballaþ hadde herd, and Tobias, and Arabes, and Amanytes, and Azozie, þat þe gap of þe wal of Jeruſalem was maad al hol, and þat þe chinys or crauaſis begunnen to be cloſid, þei ben ful myche wroþ. And alle þei ben gedered togidere, þat þei comen and fiȝte aȝen Jeruſalem, and caſten buſſhemens. And we preȝeden þe Lord oure God, and we ſetten keperis vp on þe wal dai and nyȝt aȝen hem. Forſoþe Judas ſeide, Þe ſtrengþe of þe berere is feblid, and þere is to miche erþe, and we ſhul not moun bilden vp þe wal. And oure enemis ſeiden, Wite þei not, and vnknowe þei, to þe time þat we comen in to þe middel of hem, and ſlen hem, and make þe werc to ceſen. It is do forſoþe, þe Jewis comende, þat dwelten biſides hem, and ſeiende to vs ten ſiþis, of alle þe placis fro whiche þei weren come to vs, I ſette in a place behinde þe wal bi enuyroun a puple in order, wiþ þer ſwerdis, and ſperis, and bowis. I beheeld, and ros, and ſeide to þe more wrſhipeful men, and maiſter iugis, and to þe toþer part of þe comun, Wiliþ not dreden fro þe face of hem; of þe grete Lord and ferful haþ mynde, and fiȝteþ for ȝour breþern, and ȝour ſonus, and ȝour doȝtris, ȝour wiues, and houſis. It is do forſoþe, whan oure enemys hadden herd to be told to vs, God ſcaterede þe conſeil of hem; and alle wee ben turned aȝeen to þe wallis, eche to his werk. And it is do fro þat dai, þe half part of þe ȝunge men maden þe werk, and þe half part was redi to bataile; and ſperis, and ſheeldis, and bowis, and haberiones, and princis bihinde þem, in al þe hous of Juda, of bilders in þe wal, and of bereris berþenus, and of leieris on; wiþ þer oon hond þei maden þe werc, and wiþ þe toþer þei heelden ſwerd. Forſoþe of þe bilders eche was gird aboute þe hipis wiþ a ſwerd; and þei bilden, and crieden wiþ trumpe biſyde me. And I ſeide to þe moſt wrſhipeful men, and to þe maiſter iugis, and to þe toþer part of þe comun, A gret werc it is, and brod, and we ben ſeuered in þe wal aferr, an oþer fro an oþer; in what euere place ȝee ſhul here þe criyng of þe trumpe, þider renneþ togidere to vs; forſoþe oure God ſhal fiȝte for vs. And we vſſelf ſhul make þe werk, and þe half part of vs holde ſperis, fro þe ſteȝing vp of þe morutid to þe time þat þe ſterris gon out. Alſo þat time I ſeide to þe puple, Eche wiþ his child dwelle in þe middel of Jeruſalem, and be þer to ȝou whilis by nyȝt and dai to werken. I forſoþe, and my breþern, and þe keperis, and my childer, þat weren bihinde me, diden not of oure cloþis; eche onli was nakid to baptem.
Capitulum V.
And þer is maad a cri of þe puple and of þer wiues, a gret, aȝen Jewis, þer breþern. And þer weren þat ſeiden, Oure ſonus and oure doȝtris ben ful manye; take we for þe pris of hem whete, and ete we, and liue wee. And þer weren þat ſeiden, Oure feldis, and vines, and oure houſis lei wee to, and take wee whete in hunger. And oþere ſeiden, Borewe wee monei in to þe tributus of þe king, and ȝiue wee oure feldis, and oure vines. And now as þe fleſh of oure breþern, ſo oure fleſh ben; and as þe ſonys of hem, ſo and oure ſonus; lo! we han vnder ȝokid our ſonus and oure doȝtris in to ſeruage, and of oure doȝtris ben þrallis, and we han not, wherof þei moun be boȝt; and our feldus, and oure vines oþer men welden. And I wraþide ful myche, whan I hadde herd þe cri of hem after þeſe woordys. And myn herte þoȝte wiþ me, and I blamede þe moſt wrſhipeful men and maiſter iugis; and ſeide to hem, Echone aſke ȝee not vſuris of ȝoure breþern. And I gederede aȝen hem a gret conuocacioun, and ſeide to þem, Wee, as ȝee witen, han forboȝt oure breþern Jewis, þat weren ſold to þe Jentilis, after oure power; and ȝee þanne ſellen ȝoure breþern, and wee ſhul bien hem aȝeen. And þei heelden þer pes, ne founden not what þei ſhulden anſwern. And I ſeide to hem, Þis is no good þing, þat ȝee don; whi in þe drede of oure God ȝee gon not, leſt it be repreuid to vs of þe Jentilis, oure enemys? And I and my breþern, and my childer, lenten to manye men monei and whete, ne wee aſkeden not aȝen þis in to comun; and oþer þing þat is aȝt to vs graunte wee. Ȝeldeþ to þem to dai þer feldis, and þer vines, þeir oliues, and þer houſis; but more and þe hundrid part of monee of whete, and of win, and oile, þat ȝee weren wont to aſken of hem, ȝiueþ for hem. And þei ſeiden, Wee ſhal ȝelden, and of hem noþing we ſechen; and þus wee ſhul do as þou ſpekiſt. And I clepide þe preſtis, and adiurede hem, þat þei ſhulde do aftir þat I hadde ſeid. Ferþermor I ſhakide out my boſum, and ſeide, Þus God ſhake out eche man, þat fulfilliþ not þis woord of his hous, and of his trauailis; and be he ſhaken out, and maad voide. And al þe multitude ſeide, Amen; and preiſeden God. Þanne dide þe puple, as it was ſeid. Forſoþe fro þat dai þat þe king hadde comaunded to me, þat I were duke in þe lond of Juda, fro þe twentiþe ȝer vn to þe two and þrettiþe ȝer of king Artaxerſes, bi twelue ȝer, I and my breþern þe ȝeris frutus, þat weren due to dukis, wee eeten not. Forſoþe þe firſte dukis þat weren befor me greueden þe puple, and token of hem in bred, and win, and in mone, eche dai fourti ouncis; but and þe ſeruauns of hem preſſeden doun þe puple. I forſoþe dide not ſo, for þe drede of God; but raþere in þe werk of þe wal bildede, and feeld I boȝte not, and alle my childer gedered weren to þe werc. Alſo Jewis and þe maiſter iugis of hem weren an hundrid men and fifti; and þoo þat camen to vs of þe Jentilis, þat ben in oure enuyroun, weren in my bord. Forſoþ þere was greiþid to me bi alle daȝis an oxe, ſixe choſen weþeris, out take volatilis, and betwe ten daȝes diuerſe wines; and oþere manye þingus I ȝaf; ferþermor and þe ȝeris frutis of my duchie I ſoȝte not; forſoþe þe puple gretli was pouereſht. My God, haue mynde of me in to goode, after alle þingis þat I haue do to þis puple.
Capitulum VI.
It is do forſoþe, whan Sanaballaþ hadde herd, and Thobias, and Goſem Arabs, and oure oþere enemys, þat I hadde bild þe wal, and þer was not in it laft broſure among; forſoþe vnto þat time I hadde not put ȝate leues in þe ȝate; Sanaballaþ, and Thobias, and Goſem Arabs ſenten to me, ſeiende, Cum, and ſmite wee pes couenaunt togidere in litle tounus, in a feeld; þei forſoþe þoȝten, þat þei do to me euel. Þanne I ſente to hem meſſageris, ſeiende, A gret werc I do, and I mai not come doun, leſt parauenture it be laft, whan I ſhulde comen, and deſcende to ȝou. Forſoþe þei ſenten to me after þis woord bi foure ſiþes, and I anſwerde to hem after þe raþere woord. And Sanaballaþ ſente to me after þe raþere woord þe fifte ſiþe his child; and he hadde a lettre in his hond writen in þis maner; In Gentilis it is herd, and Goſem ſeide, for þou and þe Jewis þenken to rebellen, and þerfore ȝee bilden, and þou wilt rere þee vp on hem king; for what cauſe and profetus þou haſt ſett, þat prechen of þee in Jeruſalem, ſeiende, A king in Jeruſalem is; þe king is to here þeſe woordis; þerfore cum now, þat wee go in counſeil togidere. And I ſente to hem, ſeiende, It is not don after þeſe woordis þat þou ſpekiſt; forſoþe of þin herte þou makiſt þeſe þingus. Alle þeſe fereden vs, þenkende þat our hondis ſhulden ceſen fro werkis, and reſten aȝeen; for what cauſe more I confortid myn hond. And I wente in to þe hous of Samaie, ſone of Dalie, ſone of Meþabehel, priuyli, þe whiche ſeiþ, Trete wee wiþ vs in þe hous of God, in þe middel of þe temple, and cloſe we þe ȝatus of þe hous; for þer ben to come þat þei ſle þee, and þe nyȝt þei ben to come þat þei ſle þee. And I ſeide, Wheþir any man lic me fleeþ, and who as I ſhal go in to þe temple, and liuen? I ſhal not gon in. And I vnderſtod þat God hadde not ſent hym, but as profeciende he hadde ſpoke to me; and Thobias and Sanaballaþ bi mede hadden hirid hym. Forſoþe he hadde take pris, þat aferd I ſhulde don, and ſynnen; and þei myȝte han euel, þat þei repreue to me. Haue mynde of me, Lord, for Tobias and Sanaballaþ, after ſuche werkus of hem; but and of Nadie, profete, and of oþere profetus, þat fereden me. Forſoþe þe wal is fulfild þe fiue and twentiþe dai of þe ſixte moneþ, in two and fifti daȝes. It is do þanne, whan alle oure enemys hadden herd, þat alle þe Jentilis þat weren in oure enuyroun dredden, and fellen togidere wiþ inne þemſelf, and knewen, þat of þe Lord was do þis werc. But and in þo daȝes manye epiſtolis of þe moſte wrþi men of Jewis weren ſent to Tobie, and fro Tobie camen to þem. Manye forſoþe weren in Jude, hauende his oþ; for he was þe ſone in lawe of Sechenye, ſone of Jorel; and Johannan, his ſone, hadde taken þe doȝter of Moſollam, ſone of Barachie. But and þei preſeden hym befor me, and my woordis þei tolden to hym; and Thobias ſente lettris, þat he ſhulde fere me.
Capitulum VII.
Aftir forſoþe þat þe wal is maad vp, and I ſette þe ȝate leuys, and noumbride þe porteres, and þe ſingeris, and þe Leuitis, I comaundede to Aneny, my broþer, and to Ananye, prince of þe hous of Jeruſalem; he forſoþe as a ſoþfaſt man, and dredende God more þan oþere was ſeen; and I ſeide to hem, Þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem be þei not opened vnto þe hete of þe ſunne; and whan ȝit I ſtod neeȝh, þe ȝatis ben cloſid and ſtoppid. And I ſette keperis of þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, eche bi þer whilis, and eche aȝen his hous. Forſoþe þe cite was myche brod and gret, and þe puple litil in þe middel of it, and þer weren not houſis bild. God forſoþe ȝaf in myn herte, and I gaderede togidere þe moſt wrſhipeful men, and þe maiſter iugis, and þe comun, þat I noumbre hem; and I fond þe boc of þe noumbring of hem, þat hadden ſteȝid vp firſt. And it is founde writen in it, Þeſe þe ſones of þe prouince, þat ſteȝeden vp fro þe caitifte of tranſmigracioun, þe whiche Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloine, hadde tranſlatid; and þei ben turned aȝeen in to Jeruſalem and in to Jude, eche in to his cite, þat camen wiþ Sorobabel; Joſue, Neemias, Azarias, Raamias, Naanum, Mardocheus, Beþſar, Mesfaraþ, Beggai, Naum, Banaa. Þe noumbre of þe men of þe puple of Irael; þe ſones of Faros, two þouſend and hundrid and two and ſeuenti; þe ſonus of Safaie, þre hundrid foure ſcore and two; þe ſonus of Area, ſixe hundrid two and fifti; þe ſonus of Faeþ Moab, of þe ſonus of Joſue and of Joab, two þouſend eiȝte hundrid and eiȝtetene; þe ſonus of Elam, a þouſend eiȝte hundrid and foure and fifti; þe ſonus of Zechua, eiȝte hundrid and fiue and fourti; þe ſonus of Zachai, ſeuene hundrid and ſixty; þe ſonus of Bennui, ſixe hundrid and eiȝte and fourti; þe ſonus of Ebai, ſixe hundrid and eiȝte and twenti; þe ſonus of Aſgad, two þouſend þre hundrid and two and twenti; þe ſonus of Aſonycham, ſixe hundrid and ſeuene and ſixti; þe ſonus of Bagoamy, two þouſend and ſeuene and ſixti; þe ſonus of Adin, ſixe hundrid and fiue and fifti; þe ſonus of Aſer, ſone of Ezechie, eiȝte and twenti; þe ſonus of Aſem, þre hundrid and eiȝte and twenti; þe ſonus of Beþſai, þre hundrid and foure and twenti; þe ſonus of Aref, an hundrid and ſeuene and twenti; þe ſonus of Salaon, fiue and nynti; þe men of Beþlem and of Neþufa, an hundrid foure ſcore and eiȝte; men of Anatot, an hundrid and eiȝte and twenti; men of Beþſamoþ, two and fourti; men of Cariaþiarim, Sefira, and Beroþ, ſeuene hundrid and þre and fourti; men of Ramaa and of Gabaa, ſixe hundrid and oon and twenti; men of Machinas, two hundrid and two and twenti; men of Beþel and of Hai, an hundrid and þre and twenti; men of þe toþer Nebo, two and fifti; men of þe toþer Elam, a þouſend two hundrid and foure and fifti; þe ſonus of Arem, þre hundrid and twenti; þe ſonus of Jericho, þre hundrid and fiue and fourti; þe ſonus of Joiadid and of Anon, ſeuene hundrid and oon and twenti; þe ſonus of Senaa, þre þouſend nyne hundrid and þretti; preſtus, þe ſonus of Joiada, in þe hous of Joſue, nyne hundrid and foure and ſeuenti; þe ſonys of Emmer, a þouſend and two and fifti; þe ſonus of Faſſur, a þouſend two hundrid ſeuene and fourti; þe ſones of Arem, a þouſend and ſeuentene; Leuitus, ſonus of Joſue and of Gadimel, ſonus of Odina, ſeuenti and foure; ſingeres, ſonus of Aſaf, an hundrid and ſeuene and fourti; porteres, ſonus of Sellum, ſonus of Aþer, ſonus of Thelmon, ſonus of Accub, ſonus of Accita, ſonus of Sobai, an hundrid and eiȝte and þretti; ſodeknes, ſonus of Soa, ſonus of Asfa, ſonus of Thebaoþ, ſonus of Cheros, ſonus of Sicca, ſonus of Fado, ſonus of Lebana, ſonus of Agaba, ſonus of Selmon, ſonus of Anon, ſonus of Jeddel, ſonys of Gair, ſonus of Raaia, ſonus of Raſym, ſonus of Nechoda, ſonus of Jeſem, ſonus of Aſa, ſonus of Faſcha, ſonus of Beſai, ſonus of Minum, ſonus of Nefuſym, ſonis of Bechue, ſonus of Acufa, ſonus of Aſſur, ſonus of Belloþ, ſonus of Meida, ſonus of Arſa, ſonus of Berchos, ſonus of Cizara, ſonus of Thema, ſonus of Nezia, ſonus of Aþifa, ſonus of þe ſeruauns of Salomon, ſonus of Soþai, ſonus of Soforeþ, ſonus of Ferida, ſonus of Jachala, ſonus of Dalchon, ſonns of Jeddel, ſonus of Safacia, ſonus of Atchil, ſonus of Focereþ, þat was born of Abaim, ſone of Amon; alle þe ſodeknes, and þe ſonus of þe þrallis of Salamon, þre hundrid and two and twenti. Þeſe ben þat ſteȝeden vp of Themelaþ, Thelarſa, Cherub, Addo, and Emmer, and þei myȝten not ſhewe þe hous of þer fadirs, and þer ſed, wheþer of Iſrael þei weren; ſonus of Dalaia, ſonus of Thobia, ſonus of Neþoda, ſixe hundrid and two and fourti; and of þe preſtis, ſonus of Abia, ſonus of Achos, ſonus of Berſellai, þat toc a wif of þe doȝtris of Berſellai Galadite, and is clepid bi þe name of hem; þeſe ſoȝten þe ſcripture of þer genelogie, and founde not, and ben caſt out fro preſþod. And Aþerſaþa ſeide to þem, þat þei ſhulden not eten of þe holi þingus of halewis, to þe time þat þer rijſe a taȝt and lerned preſt. Al þe multitude as o man, two and fourti þouſend þre hundrid and ſixti, wiþ oute þe ſeruauns and þe hand wymmen of hem, þat weren ſeuen þouſend þre hundrid and ſeuene and þretti; and among hem ſingeres and ſingreſſis two hundrid and fiue and fourti. Þe hors of hem, ſeuene hundrid and þre and þretti; þe camailis of hem, foure hundrid and fiue and þretti; þe aſſis of hem, ſixe þouſend ſeuene hundred and þretti; þe mulis of hem, two hundrid and fiue and fourti. Summe forſoþe of þe princis of þe meynes ȝeuen expenſis in to þe werc of God; Aþerſaþa ȝaf in to þe treſorie, of gold, dragmys a þouſend, fifty violis, preſtus cotus fiue hundrid and þretti. And of þe princis of þe meines þer ȝeuen in to þe treſorie of þe werk, of gold, dragmis twenti þouſend, and of ſiluer, two þouſend beſauntus and two hundrid. And þat þat ȝaf þe toþer puple, of gold, dragmis twenti þouſend, and of ſiluer, beſauntus two þouſend, and preſtus cotus ſixti and ſeuenn. Forſoþe þe preſtus, and Leuitus, and þe porteris, and ſingeris, and þe toþer comun, and þe ſodeknys, and al Irael dwelten in þer cites. And þe ſeuenþe moneþe of þe feſte of tabernaclis was comen vnder Eſdra and Neemie; þe ſonus forſoþe of Irael weren in þer cites.
Capitulum VIII.
And al þe puple is gedered as oo man, at þe ſtrete þat is befor þe ȝate of watris. And þei ſeiden to Eſdra, ſcribe, þat he ſhulde bringe forþ þe boc of þe lawe of Moiſes, þat þe Lord hadde comaundid to Irael. Þanne Eſdras, þe preſt, broȝte forþ þe lawe, befor þe multitude of men and wymmen, and to alle þat myȝten vnderſtonde, in þe firſte dai of þe ſeuenþe monyþ. And he radde in it apertli in þe ſtrete þat was befor þe ȝate of watris, fro þe morutid vnto þe middai, in þe ſiȝte of men and wymmen and of wiſe men; and þe eris of al þe puple weren riȝt to þe boc. Forſoþe Eſdras ſcribe ſtod vpon a treene gree, þe whiche he hadde maad to ſpeken in; and þer ſtoden beſide hym, Maþaþias, and Semma, and Anania, and Vria, and Elchia, and Maaſia, at his riȝt ſide; and at his left, Fadaia, Miſael, and Melchia, Aſſum, and Aſef, Dana, and Acharia, and Moſollam. And Eſdras openede þe boc beforn al þe puple; vp on al þe puple forſoþe he ſtod ouer; and whan he hadde opened it, al þe puple ſtod. And Eſdras bleſſide to þe Lord God wiþ a gret vois; and al þe puple anſwerde, Amen, Amen, rerend vp þer hondus. And þei ben ful bowid, and bowid in to þe erþe þei honoureden God. But Joſue, and Baani, and Serebia, Jamyn, Accub, Sefai, Odia, Maaſia, Celiþa, Azarias, Joſabeþ, Anan, Fallaia, Leuitus, maden ſilence in þe puple to þe lawe to ben herd. Þe puple forſoþe ſtod in his gree. And þei radden in þe boc of þe lawe diſtinctli and apertli to vnderſtonde; and þei vnderſtoden, whan it ſchulde be rad. Forſoþe Neemias, he is Aþerſata, ſeide, and Eſdras, preſt and ſcribe, and þe Leuitus, remenyng to al þe puple, A dai is halewid to þe Lord oure God; wileþ not weilen, and wileþ not wepen. Forſoþe al þe puple wepte, whan he herde þe woordis of þe lawe. And he ſeide to þem, Goþ, and eteþ fatte þingis, and drinkeþ meþ, and ſendeþ for hem, þat han not maad redi to þem ſelf, for it is þe holi dai of þe Lord; wileþ not be dreri, forſoþe þe ioȝe of þe Lord is ȝoure ſtrengþe. Alſo Leuitus maden ſilence in al þe puple, ſeiende, Holdeþ ȝour pes, for it is halidai, and wileþ not ſorewen. And ſo al þe puple wente to ete, and drinken, and to ſende partis, and to make gret gladneſſe; for þei vnderſtoden þe woordis, þat he hadde taȝt hem. In þe ſecunde dai ben gedered þe princis of meynes, and al þe puple, preſtus, and Leuitus, to Eſdra, ſcribe, þat he remene to þem þe woordis of þe lawe. And þei founde writen in þe lawe, þe Lord to han comaundid in þe hond of Moiſes, þat þe ſonus of Irael dwelle in tabernaclis in þe ſolempne dai, þe ſeuenþe moneþ; and þat þei prechen, and puppliſhen vois in alle þer cites, and in Jeruſalem; ſeiende, Goþ out in to þe hil, and bringeþ braunchis of oliues, and braunchis of þe moſt fair tree, and þe braunchis of myrt tree, and bowis of palmys, and braunchis of a wodi tree, þat þer be made tabernaclis, as it is write. And al þe puple wente out, and broȝten, and maden tabernaclis to þem, eche in his hous, and in þer porchis, and in þe porchis of þe hous of God, and in þe ſtrete of þe ȝate of Effraym. Þanne al þe chirche of hem, þat ben turned aȝeen fro þe caitifte, made tabernaclis, and þei dwelten in tabernaclis. Forſoþe þe ſonus of Irael hadden nott maad ſuche þingis fro þe dai of Joſue, ſone of Nun, vnto þat dai; and þer was a gret gladneſſe riȝt miche. Forſoþe he radde in þe boc of þe lawe bi eche daȝes, fro þe firſte dai vn to þe laſte dai; and þei maden ſolempnete ſeuene daȝes, and in þe eiȝþe a colect, after þe cuſtum.
Capitulum IX.
In þe foure and twentiþe dai forſoþe of þis moniþ, þe ſonus of Irael camen togidere in faſting, and in ſackis, and erþe vpon hem. And þe ſed of þe ſonus of Irael is ſeuered fro eche alien ſone. And þei ſtoden befor þe Lord, and þei knoulecheden þer ſynnes, and þe wickedneſſes of þer fadris. And þei riſen togidere to ſtonden, and þei radden in þe volum of þe lawe of þe Lord þer God foure ſiþes in þe dai, and foure ſiþes in þe nyȝt; þei knoulecheden, and preiſeden þe Lord þer God. Forſoþe þer riſen vp on þe gree, of Leuitus Jeſue, and Baani, and Cediniel, Remni, Abany, Sarabias, Baani. And þe Leuitus crieden wiþ a gret vois to þe Lord þer God. And Jeſue and Sedeniel, Bonni, Aſſebia, Serebia, Arabia, Odaia, Sebua, Fachaia, ſeiden, Riſeþ, and bleſſeþ to þe Lord oure God fro wiþouten ende and vn to wiþ oute ende; and bleſſe þei to þe heȝe name of þi glorie in alle bleſſing and preiſing. And Eſdras ſeide, Þou þi ſelf, Lord, alone; þou madiſt heuene of heuenus, and al þe oſt of hem, þe erþe and alle þingus þat in it ben, ſes and alle þingus þat in hem ben, and þou quikeneſt alle þeſe þingis; and þe oſt of heuene honoureþ þee. Þou þi ſelf Lord God, þat cheſedeſt Abraham, and laddeſt hym out fro þe fijr of Caldeis, and ſettiſt his name Abraham; and foundiſt his herte trewe befor þee, and ſmite wiþ hym pes couuenaunt, þat þou ȝeue to hym þe lond of Cananee, Eþei, and Euei, and Amorrei, and Fereſei, and Jebuſei, and Jergeſei, þat þou ȝeue to his ſed; and þou haſt fulfild þi woordis, for þou art riȝtwis. And þou haſt ſeen þe affliccioun of oure fadris in Egipt, and þe cri of hem þou haſt herd vpon þe rede ſe. And þou ȝeue tocnes and wndris in Farao, and in alle his ſeruauns, and in al þe puple of þat lond; forſoþe þou haſt knowen, for proudli þei diden aȝen hem; and þou madeſt to þee a name as in þis dai. And þe ſee þou deuidedeſt beforn hem, and þei paſſeden ouer þurȝ þe middel of þe ſe in drie; þe purſueris forſoþe of hem þou þrewe aferr in to þe depneſſe, as a ſton in ſtronge watris. And in a pileer of a cloude ledere of hem þou were bi dai, and in a piler of fijr bi nyȝt, þat þe weie aperede to þem, bi whiche þei wenten in. Alſo to þe hil of Sinai þou came doun, and ſpeke to hem fro heuene, and ȝeue to þem riȝte domus, and þe lawe of treuþe, cerimoines, and gode heſtus. And halewid ſabot þou ſhewedeſt to þem; and maundemens, and cerimoines, and lawe, þou comaundediſt to þem, in þe hond of Moiſes, þi ſeruaunt. Bred alſo fro heuene þou ȝeue to þem in þer hunger; and water of a ſton þou broȝtiſt out to hem þreſtende; and þou ſeideſt to þem, þat þei ſhulden gon in, and welde þe lond, vp on þe whiche þou rerediſt þin hond, þat þou take it to hem. Þei forſoþe and þer fadris proudli diden, and inwardli hardeden þer nollis, and þei herden not þi maundemens. And þei wolden not heren; and þei recordeden not of þi merueilis, þat þou haddeſt do to þem; and þei inwardli hardeden þer nollis; and þei ȝeuen hed, þat þei were turned togidere to þer þraldam; þou forſoþe God merciful, and noble, and benigne, longe abidende, and of myche mercy, and þou forſoke not hem; and forſoþe whan þei hadden maad to þem a calf, as bi ſtrif ȝoten, and ſeiden, Þis is þi God þat ladde þee out fro Egipt, and þei diden grete blasfemys. Þou forſoþe in þi manie mercies lafttiſt þem not in deſert; a piler of a cloude wente not awei fro hem bi dai, þat it lede hem in to þe weie; and a piler of fijr bi nyȝt, þat he ſhewe to þem þe weie, bi whiche þei ſhulden gon in. And þi goode Spirit þou ȝeue to hem, þat ſhulde teche þem; and þi aungelis mete þou forfendedeſt not fro þe mouþ of hem, and watir þou ȝeue to hem in þriſt. Fourti ȝer þou feddiſt hem in deſert, and no þing to hem failede; þe cloþis of hem eeldeden not, and þe feet of hem ben not ouertroden. And þou ȝeue to hem reumys, and puplis; and partidiſt to þem lotis, and þei weldiden þe lond of Seon, and þe lond of þe king of Eſebon, and þe lond of Og, king of Baſan. And þe ſonus of hem þou multepliedeſt, as þe ſterris of heuene; and broȝtiſt hem to þe lond, of þe whiche þou haddeſt ſeid to þer fadris, þat þei ſhulden gon in, and welden it. And þe ſonus of Irael camen, and weldeden þe lond; and þou mekedeſt beforn hem þe Cananees, dwelleris of þe lond; and þou ȝeue hem in to þer hondis, and þe kingus of hem, and þe puplis of þe lond, þat þei do to hem as it pleſide to þem. And þei token ſtrengþid cites, and fat erþe; and weldeden houſis ful of alle goodis, ciſternes of oþer men forgid, vines, and oliues, and manie appil trees. And þei eeten, and ben fulfild, and ben maad fatte; and þei aboundeden in richeſſis in þi grete goodneſſe. Þei terreden forſoþe þee to wraþe, and wenten awei fro þee, and þrewen awei þi lawe bihinde þer backes; and þi profetus ſlowen, þat witneſſeden to þem, þat þei ſhulden turne aȝeen to þee; and þei diden grete blasfemys. And þou ȝeue þem into þe hond of þer enemis; and þei tormenteden hem; and in time of þer tribulacioun þei crieden to þee; and þou fro heuene herdeſt hem, and aftir þi manie deedis of mercy þou ȝeue to hem ſaueoures, þat ſhulden ſauen hem fro þe hond of þer enemis. And whan þei hadden reſtid, þei ben turned aȝen þat þei do euel in þi ſiȝte; and þou forſoke hem in þe hond of þer enemys, and þei weldeden hem; and þei ben conuertyd, and þei crieden to þee; þou forſoþe fro heuene herdiſt, and deliueredeſt hem in þi mercies manie times. And þou witneſſedeſt to þem, þat þei ſhulden turnen aȝeen to þi lawe; þei forſoþe proudli diden, and þei herden not þi maundementus, and in þi domys þei ſynneden, þe whiche what man doþ ſhal liuen in hem; and þei ȝeuen a going awey ſhulder, and þer nol þei inwardli hardeden. And þou drowe afer vpon hem manie ȝeris, and þou witneſſediſt hem in þi Spirit bi þe hond of þi profetus; and þei herden not; and þou toke þem in to þe hond of þe puplis of londis. Forſoþe in þi manie mercies þou madiſt not hem in to waſting, ne forſoke þem; for God of myſeraciouns, and benigne þou art. And ſo now, Lord oure God, grete God, ſtrong, and ferful, kepende couenaunt and merci, ne turne þou awei þi face in al þe trauaile þat haþ founden vs, oure kingis, and oure princis, and oure fadris, and oure preſtis, and oure profetis, and al þi puple, fro þe daȝis of king Aſſur vnto þis dai. And þou art riȝtwis in alle þingus, þat camen vpon vs; for treuþe þou didiſt to vs; wee forſoþe vnpitouſli diden. Oure kingus, and oure princis, oure preſtis, and oure fadris, diden not þi lawe, and tentiden not to þin heſtis, and þy witneſſis þat þou witneſſediſt in hem. And þei in þeir goode reumis, and in þi miche goodneſſe þat þou haddeſt ȝiue to hem, and in þe moſt large lond and fat, þat þou haddeſt taken in þe ſiȝte of hem, þei ſerueden not to þee, ne ben turned aȝeen fro þer werſte ſtudies. Lo! wee vſſelf to dai ben þrallis; and þe lond þat þou ȝeue to oure fadris, þat þei ſhulden ete þe bred of it, and þo þingus þat ben goode of it; and we vſſelf ben þrallis in it. And þe frutus of hem ben multiplied to kingis, þat þou haſt put vp on vs for oure ſynnes; and þei lordſhipen to oure bodies, and to oure beſtis, aftir þer wil, and in gret tribulacioun we ben. Þanne vp on alle þeſe þingus wee vſſelf ſmijten pes couenaunt, and wrijten, and oure princis, oure Leuitis, oure preſtis ſette marke.
Capitulum X.
Selers forſoþe weren Neemias, Aþerſata, ſone of Achelai, and Sedechias, Saraias, Azarias, Jeremias, Faſur, Amaria, Melchia, Accus, Sebenia, Mellucharem, Nerimuþ, Oddias, Daniel, Jenþon, Baruch, Moſollam, Abia, Mianymy, Mazia, Belga, Semeia; þeſe preeſtis. But þe Leuitus; Jeſue, ſone of Azarie, Bennuy, of þe ſonus of Ennadab, Cediniel, and þe breþer of hem, Sechenia, Odomia, Theliþa, Falaia, Anam, Micha, Roob, Azabia, Zaccur, Zerebias, Zabanya, Odias, Bani, Hanyim. Þe hedis of þe puple, Feþos, Moab, Elam, Zecu, Banni, Bonni, Aſgad, Bebai, Donai, Bagoai, Adin, Aþer, Azoþia, Aſin, Adonia, Aſuyn, Beſſaia, Ares, Anaþoþ, Nebay, Meþpia, Moſollam, Azir, Meiſabel, Sadoc, Reddua, Felþia, Anania, Ozee, Anania, Azub, Aloes, Faleam, Sobeþ, Reu, Azebina, Maþſia, Eþaia, Anam, Mellucharem, Baana; and oþere of þe puple, preſtus, Leuitus, porteres, and ſingeres, ſodeknes, and alle þat ſeuereden hemſelf fro þe puplis of londis to þe lawe of God, þer wiues, and þer ſonus, and þer doȝtris; alle þat myȝten ſauouren, behotende for þer breþern, þer moſt wrſhipeful men, and þei þat camen to behoten, and ſwern, þat þei ſhulden gon in þe lawe of þe Lord, þat he hadde ȝiue in þe hond of Moiſes, his ſeruaunt, þat þei ſhulde don and kepe alle þe maundemens of þe Lord þer God, and his domys, his cerymonies; and þat wee ſhulden not ȝiuen oure doȝtris to þe puple of þe lond, and þere doȝtris wee ſhulde not take to oure ſones. Þe puplis forſoþe of þe lond, þat bringen in chaffaris, and alle þingus to vſen bi þe dai of ſabot, þat þei ſelle, wee ſhul not taken of hem in þe ſabot, and in þe halewid dai; and wee ſhuln forȝiue þe ſeuenþe ȝer, and exaccioun of alle hond. And we ſhul ſetten vp on vs heſtus, þat we ȝiue þe þridde part of an ounce bi þe ȝer to þe werc of þe Lord oure God, to þe loues of propoſicioun, and to þe ſacrifiſe euermor durende, and in to brent ſacryfiſe euermor laſtende, in ſabatis, in calendis, in ſolempnetees, in halewid daȝis, and for ſynne, þat it be preȝed for Irael, and in to alle vſe of þe hous of oure God. Þanne we leiden lotis vp on þe offring of trees, betwe preſtis and Leuitis and þe puple, þat þei ſhulden bringen in to þe hous of oure God, bi þe houſis of oure fadris bi times, fro times of þeȝer vn to a ȝer, þat þei ſhulden brennen vp on þe auter of þe Lord oure God, as it is writen in þe lawe of Moiſes; and þat we bringe forþ oure firſte goten of oure lond, and þe firſte of alle frut of eche tree, fro ȝer in to ȝer, in to þe hous of þe Lord, and þe firſte of oure childer, and of oure beſtus, as it is writen in þe lawe, and þe firſte of oure oxen, and of oure ſhep, þat þei be offrid in þe hous of oure God, to preſtis þat ſeruen in þe hous of oure God; and þe firſte of oure metus, and of oure ſacrifiſes of likouris, and appilis of eche tree, alſo of vindage, and of oile, bringe wee to preſtis, to þe treſorie of þe Lord, and þe tenþe part of oure lond to Leuitus; þoo Leuitis ſhul take dimes of alle þe cites of oure werkis. Forſoþe þe ſone of Aron, preſt, ſhal be wiþ þe Leuitus in þe dimes of Leuitis; and Leuitus ſhuln offre þe tenþe part of þer dime in þe hous of oure God, to þe treſorie, in þe hous of þe treſor. To þe treſorie forſoþe ſhul bern þe ſonus of Irael and þe ſonus of Leui þe firſte of whete, and of win, and of oile; and þere ſhul ben þe halewid veſſelis and preſtus, and ſingeris, and porteris, and ſeruauns; and we ſhul not leue þe hous of oure God.
Capitulum XI.
Forſoþe þe princis of þe puple dwelten in Jeruſalem; þe moſt. wrſhipeful men wiþ oute lot in þe middel of þe puple dwelten; þe toþer forſoþe puple leide lot, þat it take o part of ten, þat weren to dwellen in Jeruſalem, in þe holi cite; þe tenþe part of þe puple is rerid, þat it dwelle in Jeruſalem, for þe cite was voide; nyne forſoþe partis in cites. Forſoþe þe puple bleſſide to alle men, þat hadden offrid hemſelf wilfulli, þat þei dwelle in Jeruſalem. And ſo þeſe ben þe princis of þe prouince, þat dwelten in Jeruſalem, and in þe cites of Juda; forſoþe eche dwelte in his poſſeſſioun, in þer cites, Irael, preſtis, Leuitis, ſodeknis, and þe ſonus of þe þrallis of Salomon. And in Jeruſalem dwelten of þe ſonus of Juda, and of þe ſonus of Beniamyn; of þe ſonus of Juda, Aþaias, þe ſone of Azian, þe ſonus of Zacharie, þe ſonus of Amarie, þe ſonus of Safaie, þe ſonus of Malalele; of þe ſonus of Fares, Amaſia, þe ſone of Baruch, þe ſone of Choloſai, þe ſone of Aſia, þe ſone of Adaia, þe ſone of Joſarib, þe ſone of Zacharie, þe ſone of Salonites; alle þe ſonus of Fares, þat dwelten in Jeruſalem, foure hundrid ſixti and eiȝte, ſtronge men. Þeſe ben forſoþe þe ſonus of Beniamyn; Sellum, þe ſone of Moſollam, þe ſone of Joadi, þe ſone of Sadaia, þe ſone of Cholaia, þe ſone of Maiſia, þe ſone of Eþel, þe ſone of Saia; and aftir hym Gabai, Sellai, nyne hundrid and eiȝte and twenti; and Joel, þe ſone of Secry, þe prouoſt of hem, and Judas, þe ſone of Sennua, vpon þe cite þe ſecunde. And of þe preſtis; Idaia, þe ſone of Joarib, Jachim, Saraia, þe ſone of Elchie, þe ſone of Moſollam, þe ſone of Sadoch, þe ſone of Meraioþ, þe ſone of Achitob, princis of þe hous of God, and þe breþern of hem, doende þe werkis of þe temple; eiȝte hundrid and two and twenti. And Adaia, þe ſone of Jeroam, þe ſone of Feler, þe ſone of Ampſi, þe ſone of Zacharie, þe ſone of Feſſur, þe ſone of Melchie, and þe breþern of hem, princis of fadris; two hundrid and two and fourty. And Amazie, þe ſone of Azriel, þe ſone of Azi, þe ſone of Moſollamoþ, þe ſone of Seminer, and þe breþer of hem, ful miȝti, an hundrid and eiȝte and twenti; and þe prouoſt of hem, Zebdiel, þe ſone of miȝti men. And of þe Leuitus; Zechenia, þe ſone of Azab, þe ſone of Azarie, þe ſone of Azabie, þe ſone of Boni, and of Sabaþai, and Joſabel; and vp on alle þe werkis þat weren wiþ oute forþ in þe hous of God, fro þe princis of Leuitus. And Maþania, þe ſone of Micha, þe ſone of Sebdai, þe ſone of Aſaf, prince, to preiſen, and to knoulechen in oriſoun; and Beþechias þe ſecunde of his breþern, and Abdia, þe ſone of Sammia, þe ſone of Galai, þe ſone of Iditum. Alle þe Leuitus in þe holi cite, two hundrid foure ſcore and foure. And þe porteris; Accub, Thelmon, and þe breþern of hem, þat kepten þe doris; an hundrid ſeuenti and two. And þe toþere of Irael, preſtis, and Leuitus, in alle þe cites of Juda, eche in his poſſeſſioun. And þe ſodeknis, þat dwelten in Ofel, and Ciacha, and Gaffa, of þe ſodekins. And biſſhopis of Leuitus in Jeruſalem; Aazi, þe ſone of Bani, þe ſone of Azabie, þe ſone of Maþanie, þe ſone of Miche. Of þe ſonus of Aſaf, ſingeres in þe ſeruiſe of þe hous of God. Forſoþe þe heſte of þe king was vpon hem, and ordre in þe ſingeris bi alle daȝis; and Afataia, þe ſone of Moſeſehel, of þe ſonus of Zara, ſone of Juda, in þe hond of þe king, aftir al þe woord of þe puple; and in þe houſis bi alle þe regiouns of hem. Of þe ſonis of Juda dwelten in Cariaþarbe, and in þe doȝtris of it, and in Dibon, and in þe doȝtris of it, and in Capceel, and in þe litle tounus of it; and in Jeſue, and in Molada, and in Beþfeleþ, and in Aſerſual, and in Berſabe, and in þe doȝtris of it; and in Sichelech, and in Mochone, and in þe doȝtris of it; and in Remon, and in Sara, and in Jerimuþ, Sonocha, Odollam, and in þe litle tounus of hem; in Lachis, in þe regiouns of it; Azecha, and in þe doȝtris of it; and þei dwelten in Berſabe vn to þe valei of Ennon. Þe ſonus forſoþe of Beniamyn; Areba, Mechinas, and Aia, and Beþel, and in þe doȝtris of it; Anatot, Nob, Anania, Nazor, Rama, Jeþeem, Adid, Zoboim, Nebollaloþ, and Onam, in þe valei of craftis men. And of Leuitus, þe porceouns of Jude and of Beniamyn.
Capitulum XII.
Theſe forſoþe ben þe preſtus and þe Leuitis, þat ſteȝeden vp wiþ Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Joſue; Saraia, Jeremia, Eſdras, Amaria, Melluch, Accus, Sechenia, Reum, Merimuþ, Addo, Jeþom, Miomin, Abia, Meldaa, Belga, Semeia, and Joarib, Adaia, Sellum, Amoe, Elceia, Idaia; þeſe þe princis of preſtys, and þe breþern of hem, in þe daȝes of Joſue. But Leuitus; Jeſua, Bennui, Cediniel, Serabia, Juda, Maþanias, vp on þe ympnes, þei and þe breþer of hem, in þe daȝis of Joſue; and Beſechia, and Ezamiþ, and þe breþern of hem, eche in his offis. Joſue forſoþe gat Joachim, and Joachim gat Eliazub, and Eliazub gat Joiada, and Joiada gat Jonaþan, and Jonaþan gat Jedaia. In þe daȝis forſoþe of Joachim weren preſtus, and þe princis of meines, Saraie, Amarie, Jeremie, Ananie, Eſdre, Moſollam, Amarie, Johannan, Milicho, Jonaþan, Sebenie, Joſef, Aram, Edua, Maraioþ, Elchi, Adaie, Zacharie, Jenþon, Moſollam, Abie, Zecarie, Miamin, and Moadie, Felþi, Belge, Sannia, Semeie, Jonaþan, Joarib, Maþania, Jodaie, Aſi, Sellaie, Celaie, Mochebor, Elchie, Azebias, Idaie, Naþaneel. Leuitus in þe daȝes of Eliazub, and of Joiada, and Jonan, and Jeddoa, writen princis of meines, and preſtis in þe regne of Darie of Perſis. Þe ſonus of Leui, princis of meines, writen in þe boc of þe woordis of daȝes, and vn to þe daȝes of Jonaþan, ſone of Eliazub. And þe princis of Leuitys; Azebia, Zerebia, and Jeſue, ſone of Cediniel; and þe breþern of hem bi þer whilis, þat þei ſhulden preiſen and knoulechen, aftir þe heſte of king Dauid, man of God, and waiten aboute euene bi ordre. Maþania, Belþbecia, and Obedia, Moſollam, Thelmon, Accub, keperis of ȝatis, and of veſtiaries befor þe ȝatus. Þeſe in þe daȝes of Joachim, ſone of Joſue, ſone of Joſedech, and in þe daȝes of Neemie, duke, and Eſdre, preſt and ſcribe. In þe dedicacioun forſoþe of þe wal of Jeruſalem þei ſoȝten Leuites fro alle þer placis, þat þei bringen þem in to Jeruſalem, and do þe dedicacioun in gladneſſe, and in doing of gracis, and in ſong, and in cimbalis, and in ſautrees, and in harpis. Forſoþe þe ſonus of ſingeris ben gadered and of þe wilde feldis aboute Jeruſalem, and of þe tounus of Neþofati, and of þe hous of Galgal, and of þe regiouns of Jebes, and of Amanech; for tounes þe ſingeris bilden to hemſelf in þe enuiroun of Jeruſalem. And þe preſtus and Leuitus ben clenſid, and þei clenſeden þe puple, and þe ȝatus of þe wal. Forſoþe I made þe princis of Juda to ſteȝen vp vpon þe wal, and I ſette two grete querus of preiſeris; and þei wenten at þe riȝt ſide vpon þe wal, at þe ȝate of þe dunghil. And þer wenten after hem Oſias, and þe half part of princis of Juda, and Azaria, Eſdras, and Moſollam, Juda, and Beniamyn, and Semeia, and Jeremia. And of þe ſonus of preſtis, in trumpis; Zacharias, þe ſone of Jonaþan, þe ſone of Semeie, þe ſone of Maþanie, þe ſone of Machaie, þe ſone of Seecur, þe ſone of Aſaf. And þe breþern of hym; Semeia, and Azarel, Malalai, Galalay, Mai, Naþanael, and Juda, and Amani, in þe veſſelis of þe ſong of Dauid, man of God; and Eſdras, ſcribe, beforn hem, in þe welle ȝate. And aȝen hem ſteȝeden vp in þe gres of þe cite of Dauid, in þe ſteȝing vp of þe wal, vp on þe hous of Dauid, and vn to þe ȝate of watris at þe eſt. And þe ſecunde quer of men tellende gracis wente forn aȝen, and I after it; and þe half part of þe puple vp on þe wal, and vp on þe tour of ouenus, and vn to þe moſt large wal; and vp on þe ȝate of Effraym, and vp on þe olde ȝate, and vp on þe ȝate of fiſſhis, and þe tour of Ananehel, and þe tour of Emaþ, and vn to þe floc ȝate; and þei ſtoden in þe warde ȝate. And two queris of men preiſende ſtoden in þe hous of God, and I and þe half part of maiſter iugis wiþ me. And þe preſtus, Eliachim, Maazia, Myamin, Michia, Elioenai, Zacharia, Anania, in trumpis; and Maazia, and Senea, and Eleazar, and Azi, and Johannan, and Melchia, and Elam, and Ezer; and clerli ſungen þe ſingeris, and Jeſraia, þe prouoſt. And þei offreden in þat dai grete ſlaine ſacrifiſes, and þei gladeden; God forſoþe hadde gladid hem in gret gladneſſe. But and þe wiues of hem and þe fre childer ioȝeden, and þe gladneſſe of Jeruſalem is herd aferre. Alſo þei noumbreden in þat dai men vpon þe treſories of þe treſor, to ſacrifiſe of likour, and to þe firſte frutis, and dimes, þat þe princis of þe cite, in fairneſſe of doing of gracis, ſhulden bringen in to þe preſtis and Leuitus bi hem; for Juda gladede in þe preſtus and Leuitus ſtondende to. And þei kepten þe obſeruacioun of þer God, and þe beſineſſe of clenſing; and ſingeris, and porteris, after þe heſte of Dauid and of Salamon, his ſone; for in þe daȝis of Dauid and of Aſaph from þe beginnyng weren princis ordeined of ſingeris in dite, of men preiſende and knoulechende to God. And al Irael, in þe daȝes of Sorobabel, and in þe daȝes of Neemie, ȝeuen partus to ſingeris and porteris bi alle daȝes; and þei halewiden þe Leuitus, and þe Leuitis halewiden þe ſonys of Aaron.
Capitulum XIII.
In þe dai forſoþe is rad in þe volum of Moiſes, herende þe puple; and þer is founde writen in it, þat Amonites and Moabitis aȝten not to gon in to þe chirche of God vnto wiþoute ende; for þi þat þei aȝen camen not to þe ſonus of Irael wiþ bred and watir, and þei hireden aȝen hem Balam to curſen to hem; and oure God turnede þe curſing in to bleſſing. It is do forſoþe, whan þei hadden herd þe lawe, þei ſeuereden alle alien fro Irael. And vpon þeſe þingus was Eliaſub, þe preſt, þat was prouoſt in þe treſorie of þe hous of oure God, and neȝhebore to Tobie. Þanne he made to hym a gret treſorie; and þere weren beforn hym leiende vp ȝiftis, and encens, and veſſelis, and þe dime of whete, win, and of oile, partis of Leuitis, and of ſingeris, and of porteris, and þe preeſtus firſte frutis. In alle þeſe þingus forſoþe I was not in Jeruſalem; for in þe two and þrettiþe ȝer of Artaxerſes, king of Babiloine, I cam to þe king, and in þe ende of daȝis I preȝide þe king. And I cam into Jeruſalem, and I vnderſtod þe euel, þat Eliazub hadde do to Tobie, þat he make to hym a treſor in þe veſtiaries of þe hous off God; and euel it is ſeen to me gretli. And I þrew out þe veſſelis of þe hous of Tobie fro þe treſorie; and I comaundede, and þei clenſeden þe treſories; and I bar aȝeen þider þe veſſelis of þe hous of God, ſacrifiſe, and encens. And I knewȝ for þe partis of Leuitus weren not ȝiuen, and þat eche was in to his regioun of þe Leuitus, and of þe ſingerys, and of hem þat miniſtreden; and I purſuede þe cauſe aȝen þe maſter iugis, and ſeide, Whi han wee forſake þe hous of God? And I gederede hem, and made to ſtonde in þer ſtaciouns. And al Juda broȝte to þe dime of whete, and of win, and of oile, in to bernes. And wee ſetten vpon þe bernes, Selemiam, preſt, and Sadoch, ſcribe, and Fadaiam, of þe Leuitus, and biſide hem, Anan, þe ſone of Saccur, þe ſone of Maþanie; for feiþful þei ben preued, and to þem ben take to kepe þe partis of þer breþren. My God, haue mynde of me for þis, and do þou not awei my mercies, þat I dide in þe hous of my God, and in his cerimoines. In þoo daȝes I ſaȝ in Juda tredende preſſours in þe ſabot, hipelis berende, and chargende vpon aſſis win, and grapis, and figis, and eche charge, and berende in to Jeruſalem in þe dai of ſabot; and I witneſſede vpon hem, þat in þe dai, in whiche it was not leeful to ſellen, þei ſolden. And Tiris dwelten in it, berende in fiſſhis and alle chaffaris, and þei ſolden in þe ſabatis to þe ſonus of Juda and of Jeruſalem. And I repreuede þe moſt wrſhipeful men of Juda, and ſeide to hem, What is þis euele þing þat ȝee don, and defoulen þe dai of ſabot? Wheþer nott þeſe þingus diden oure fadris, and oure God broȝte vp on vs al þis euel, and vpon þis cite? and ȝee adden wraþe vpon Irael, defoulende þe ſabot. It is do forſoþe, whan þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem hadden reſtid in þe ſabot dai, I ſeide, Cloſeþ þe ȝatis; and þei cloſeden þe ȝatis; and I comaundede, þat þei ſhulden not opene þem vnto after þe ſabot. And of my childer I ordeinede noumbris vp on þe ȝatis, þat no man ſhulde bern in charge vp on þe ſabot dai. And þe marchaundis dwelten, and ſellende al þer chaffaris, wiþoute Jeruſalem ones and twies. And I witneſſede to þem, and ſeide to hem, Whi dwelle ȝee forn aȝen of þe wal? If þe ſecunde þis ȝee do, hond I ſhal lein in ȝou. And ſo fro þat time þei camen not in þe ſabot. Alſo I ſeide to þe Leuitis, þat þei ſhulden be clenſid, and comen to þe ȝatis to be kept, and to halewen þe ſabat dai. And bi þis þanne haue mynde of me, my God, and ſpare to me aftir þe multitude of þi myſeraciouns. But in þoo dayes Y ſaȝ þe Jewis weddinge wiues, Azotitis, Amonitis, and Moabitis. And þe ſonus of hem ſpeeken of þe half part Azotitis maner, and þei couþen not ſpeken Jeuli, and þei ſpeken after þe tunge of puple and of puple. And I repreuede hem, and curſide; and I felde of hem men, and made hem ballid, and made hem ſwern in þe Lord, þat þei ſhulde not ȝiue þer doȝtris to þe ſonus of hem, and þei ſhulden not take of þe doȝtris of hem to þer ſonus and to hemſelf; ſeiende, Wheþer not in ſuch maner þing ſynnede Salamon, þe king of Irael? And certus in manie Jentilis was þer no king of Irael lic hym, and he was derworþe to his God, and hys God ſette hym king vpon al Irael, and hym þanne ladden to ſynne aliene wymmen. Wheþer and wee vnbuxhum ſhul don al þis grete euel, þat wee treſpaſen in þe Lord oure God, and wedden ſtraunge wiues. Of þe ſonus forſoþe of Joiada, ſone of þe grete preſt, Eliazib, ſone in lawe was Sanaballaþ Oronite, whom I drof fro me. Recorde þou, Lord my God, aȝen hem, þat defoulen preſþod, and þe preſtus and Leuitus riȝt. Þanne I clenſede hem fro alle alienes, and ordeinede ordris of preſtis and of Leuitis, eche in his ſeruiſe, and in offring of trees in ordeined times, and in firſte frutis. Haue mynde of me, mi God, in to goode.
Explicit liber ſecundus Eſdre.