Here bigynneþ þe firſte book of Machabeorum.
Capitulum I.
And it is don, after þat Aliſaundre of Philip, kyng of Macedo, which regnede firſt in Grece, ſmote, he gon out of þe lond of Seþym, ſmote Darius, kyng of Perſis and Medis, and ordeynyde many bateilis, and gate ſtrengþes of alle; and he ſlewȝe kyngus of erþe, and paſſide forþ vnto eendis of erþe, and toke ſpuylis of multitude of folkis; and þe erþe was ſtille in þe ſiȝt of hym. And he gadride vertu, and ful ſtronge ooſt, and þe herte of hym is enhaunſid and lift up. And he gate cuntrees of folkis, and tyrauntis, or ſtronge men; and þei ben maad to hym in to tribut. And after þeſe þingus he felle in to bed, and knewe þat he ſhulde die. And he clepide his noble childre, þat weren nuriſhid wiþ hym fro her ȝouþe, and departide to hem his kyngdam, whanne ȝit he leuede. And Aliſaundre regnyde twelue ȝeer, and is dead. And his children weldiden þe rewme, eche in his place, and alle puttiden to hem dyademes after his deþ, and ſonys of hem after hem, many ȝeeris; and yuelis ben multipled in erþe. And þere wente out of hem a root of ſynne, Antiochus þe noble, þe ſone of Antiochi kyng, þat was at Rome in ſeegyng, or plegge, and regnede in þe hundrid and ſeuen and þretti ȝeer of þe rewme of Greekis. In þo days wickid ſonys of Yrael wenten out, and counſeiliden many, ſayinge, Go we, and ordeyne we a teſtament wiþ heiþen men, þat ben aboute us; for ſiþen we departiden fro hem, many yuels founden us. And þe word is ſeen good in þe eeȝen of hem. And ſumme of þe peple ſenten, and wenten awey to þe kyng; and he ȝaue power to hem for to do riȝtwiſneſſe of heiþen men. And þei beeldiden a ſcole in Jeruſalem, vp þe lawis of naciouns; and þei maden to hem prepucyes, or heþen cuſtomes, and wenten awey fro þe holy teſtament, and weren ioyned to naciouns, and weren ſolde for to do yuel. And þe rewme hadde proſperite in þe ſiȝt of Antiochus, and he byganne for to regne in þe lond of Egypt, for to regne on two rewmes. And he entride into Egipt in a greuous multitude, in chaaris, and olifauntis, and horſmen, and a plenteuous multitude of ſchippis, and he ordeynede bateil aȝens Tholome, kyng of Egipt; and Pþolome dredde of his face, and fleiȝ; and manye woundid fellen doun. And he toke þe ſtronge citees in þe lond of Egypt, and he toke prayes of þe lond of Egypt. And Antiochus turnede, after þat he ſmote Egypt, in þe hundrid and þree and fourtiþe ȝeer, and ſtyede vp to Yrael. And he ſtiede vp to Jeruſalem in a greuouſe multitude, and entride in to þe halewyng wiþ pride; and he toke þe golden auter, and þe candilſtike of liȝt, and alle veſſels þerof, and þe bord of propoſicioun, and veſſels of fleetynge ſacrifices, and cruetis, and golden morters, and veil, and crownys, and golden ournement þat was in face of þe temple; and he brake alle. And he toke gold and ſyluer, and alle deſireable veſſels, and he toke þe priuy treſours, whiche he fonde; and alle taken up, he wente in to his lond. And he made ſlawȝter of men, and ſpake in grete pride. And grete weiling is maad in Yrael, and in eche place of hem; and princis ſorewiden inwardly, and elder men, and meydenys, and ȝung men, ben maad ſeeke, and fairneſſe of wymen is chaungid. Eche huſbond toke weilyng, and þei þat ſaten in þe huſbondis bed, mourneden. And þe lond is moued to gidre on men dwellynge þerynne, and al þe hous of Jacob cloþide confuſioun. And after two ȝeeris of days, þe kyng ſente a prince of tributis in to þe citees of Juda, and he cam to Jeruſalem wiþ grete cumpaignye. And he ſpake to hem peſible wordis in gyle, and þei bileeuyden to hym. And ſodenly he felle yn on þe citee, and ſmote it wiþ grete wounde, and loſt miche peple of Yrael. And he toke prayes of þe citee, and brente it wiþ fijr, and diſtruyede houſis þerof, and wallis þerof in cumpas. And þei ledden wymmen caityf, and children, and weldiden beeſtis. And þei beeldiden þe cytee of Dauid wiþ grete wall and ſad, and ſad toures; and it is maad to hem in to ſtrengþe. And þei puttiden þere a folk of ſynners, wickid men, and þei weren ſtronge in it; and þei puttiden armers, and metis, and gadirden prays of Jeruſalem; and puttiden vp þere, and ben maad into a grete gnare. And þis þing is maad to aſpyingus in yuel of halewyng, and in to yuel gyle in Yrael euermore. And þei ſhedden out innocent blood, bi cumpas of þe halewyng, and defouliden þe halewyng. And dwellers of Jeruſalem fledden for hem, and is maad habitacioun of ſtraungers, and is maad ſtrange, or alien, to his ſeed, and þe ſonnys þerof forſoken it. Þe halewyng þerof is deſolat as wildreneſſe; þe feeſtdays þerof ben turned in to mournyng, þe ſaboþis þerof in to ſhenſhip, þe honouris þerof into nouȝt. Vp þe glorie þerof þe yuel fame þerof is multiplied, and heiȝneſſe þerof is tourned into mournyng. And kyng Antiochus wrot to al his reume, þat al þe peple weren oon. And þei forſoken eche man his lawe; and alle folkis conſentiden vp þe word of kyng Antiochus, and manye of Yrael conſentiden to hym, and ſacrifieden to ydolis, and defouliden ſaboþ. And kyng Antiochus ſente bokis bi þe hond of meſſangers in to Jeruſalem, and in to alle citees of Judee, þat þei ſhulden ſue þe lawis of folkis of erþe, and þei ſhulden forbede burnt ſacrifices, and ſacrifices, and pleſyngis for to be don in þe temple of God, and ſhulden forbede þe ſaboþ for to be halewid, and ſolempne days, and holy þingus for to be defoulid, and þe holy peple of Yrael. And he comaundide auters for to be beeldid, and templis, and ydolis; and ſwyne fleſhe for to be ſacrifiſid, and commoun, or unclene, beeſtus; and for to leue her ſonys vncircumcidid, and þe ſoulis of hem for to be defoulid in alle vnclenneſſis and abominaciouns, ſo þat þei ſhulden forȝete þe lawe, and ſhulden chaunge alle þe iuſtifiyngis of God. And who euer diden not þe word of Antiochus, ſhulden dye. After alle þeſe wordis he wrote to al his rewme, and bifore ſette princis to þe peple, whiche ſhulden conſtreyne þeſe þingis for to be don. And þei comaundiden to citees of Juda for to ſacrifice. And many of þe peple ben gadrid to hem, whiche forſoken lawe of þe Lord, and diden yuels on erþe; and dryuen out þe peple of Yrael of priue places, and in hid places of fugityues, or fleeynge men. In þe fyftenþe day of þe moneþ Caſleu, in þe hundrid and fyue and fourtiþe ȝeere, kyng Antiochus beeldide þe abominable ydol of deſolacioun, or diſcomfort, on þe auter of God; and bi alle þe citees of Jude þei beeldiden auters. And bifore ȝatis of houſis and in ſtreetis þei brenten encenſis, and ſacrifieden; and brenten by fijr bokis of þe lawe of God, keruynge hem. And anentis whom euer bokis of þe teſtament of þe Lord weren founden, and who euer kepte þe lawe of þe Lord, vp maundement of þe kyng þei ſlewen hym. In her vertu, or power, þei diden þeſe þingus to þe peple of Yrael, þat was founden in eche moneþ in citees. And in þe fyue and twentiþe day of þe moneþ, þei ſacrifiſiden on þe auter, þat was aȝeinus þe auter. And wymmen, þat circumcididen her ſonys, weren ſtrangled, vp comaundement of kyng Antiochus; and þei hangiden children of þe haterels, or hyndre part of þe nek, by alle houſis of hem, and ſtrangliden þat circumcididen hem. And many of þe peple of Yrael determyden, or fully demyden, anentis hem, þat þei ſhulden not ete vnclene þingis, and cheſiden more for to dye, þan for to be defoulid wiþ vnclene metis. And þei wolden not breke þe holy lawe of God, and þei weren ſlayn; and grete wraþ is maad on þe peple ful myche.
Capitulum II
In þo days Maþatias rooſe, þe ſone of Joon, ſone of Symeon, he a preſt of þe ſones of Joazin, of Jeruſalem, and ſate in þe hil Modyn. And he hadde fyue ſones; Joon, þat was named Gaddis; and Symount, þat was namyd Thaſi; and Judas, þat was clepid Machabeus; and Eleazarus, þat was namyd Abaron; and Jonaþas, þat was named Apphus. Þeſe ſawen þe yuelis þat weren don in þe peple of Juda and Jeruſalem. And Maþatias ſaide, Woo to me! wherto am I born, for to ſe contricioun, or diſtruying, of my peple, and contricioun of þe holy citee, and for to ſitte þere, whan it is ȝouen in hondis of enmyes? Holy þingus ben maad in þe hond of ſtrangers; þe temple þerof as a man vnnoble; veſſels of glorie þerof ben ladde awey caytif. Olde men þerof ben ſlayn in ſtreetis þerof, and ȝunge men þerof fellen doun in ſwerd of enmyes. What folk enheritide not þe kyngdam þerof, and weeldede not prayes þerof? Al makyng to gidre, or ournyng, þerof is born awey; ſhe þat was free, is maad hond mayden. And loo! oure holy, and oure fairneſſe, and oure cleerte, is deſolate, and heiþen men defouliden it. What þerfore ȝit to vs for to lyue? And Maþatias kitte, and his ſonys, her cloþis, and hilliden hem wiþ hayris, and weiliden gretely. And þei þat weren ſente of kyng Antiochus, camen þidre, for to conſtreyne hem þat fledden to gydre in to þe citee Modyn, for to offre and brenne encenſis, and for to departe fro þe lawe of God. And many of þe peple of Yrael conſentynge camen to hem; bot Maþatias and his ſonys ſtoden ſtidfaſtly. And þei anſweryng, þat weren ſente of Antiochus, ſaiden to Maþatias, Þou art prince, and moſt cleer, and grete in þis citee, and ourned wiþ ſonys and breþeren. Þerfore go to former, and do þe maundement of þe kyng, as alle folkis han don, and men of Juda, and þei þat laften in Jeruſalem. And þou ſhalt be, and þy ſonnys, among freendis of þe kyng, and made large in ſiluer and gold, and in many ȝiftis. And Maþatias anſweride, and ſaide wiþ grete voice, And if alle folkis obeien to þe kyng Antiochus, þat þei go awey eche man fro ſeruice of þe lawe of his fadris, and conſente to his maundementis, Y, and my ſonnys, and my breþeren ſhuln obeie to þe lawe of oure fadris. God be helpful to us; it is not prophitable to us for to forſake þe lawe and riȝtwiſneſſis of God. We ſchulen not heeren þe wordis of kyng Antiochus, neþer ſhuln ſacrifice, brekynge þe maundementis of oure lawe, þat we go anoþer way. And as he ceeſide for to ſpeke þeſe wordis, ſum Jew wente to in eeȝen of alle men, for to ſacrifice to ydolis on þe auter, in þe cytee Modyn, vp comaundement of þe kyng. And Maþatias ſauȝ, and ſorewide, and his reyns trembliden togidre, and his wodneſſe is kyndled after dom of þe lawe; and he lippynge ynne, ſlewȝ hym on þe auter. Bot and he ſlewȝ in þat tyme þe man whom kyng Antiochus ſente, whiche compellide for to be offrid, and diſtruyide þe auter. And he louede feruently þe lawe, as Fynees dide to Zambri, ſone of Salomy. And Maþatias criede in grete voice in þe cytee, ſayinge, Eche man þat haþ feruent loue of þe lawe, ordeynynge teſtament, go out after me. And he fleiȝ, and his ſonnys, in to mounteyns, and leften what euer þingus þei hadden in þe citee. Þanne manye wente doun, ſeekynge domes and riȝtwiſneſſe, in to deſert, þat þei ſaten þere, þei, and ſonys of hem, and wymmen of hem, and beeſtis of hem, for yuels weren hard on hem. And it is tolde aȝein to men of þe kyng, and to þe ooſt, þat weren in Jeruſalem, in þe cytee of Dauid, for ſum men wente awey, þat diſtruyeden maundement of þe kyng, in to priuy placis of deſert; and many hadden gon after hem. And anoon þei wenten to hem, and ordeyniden aȝeins hem bateile, in þe day of ſaboþis; and ſaiden to hem, Aȝeinſtonde ȝe and now ȝit? go ȝe out, and do ȝe vp þe word of kyng Antiochus, and ȝe ſhuln lyue. And þei ſaiden, We ſhuln not go out, neþir we ſhuln do þe word of þe kyng, þat we defoule þe day of ſaboþis. And þei ſteriden bateile aȝeinus hem. And þei anſwerden not to hem, neþer ſente ſtoon to hem, neþer ſtoppiden preuy places, ſayinge, Dye we alle in oure ſympleneſſe, and heuen and erþe ſhuln be witneſſis on vs, þat vniuſtly ȝe leeſen us. And þei baren yn to hem bateil in ſaboþis, and þei ben deade, and þe wyues of hem, and ſonnys of hem, and beeſtis of hem, vnto a þouſand ſoules of men. And Maþatias knewe, and his freendis; and þei hadden mournyng on hem gretely. And a man ſaide to his neiȝbore, Ȝif we alle ſhuln do as oure breþeren diden, and ſhuln not fiȝte aȝeinus heiþen men, for oure ſoulis, and oure iuſtifiyngis, ſunner þei ſhuln diſtruye vs of erþe. And þei þouȝten in þat day, ſayinge, Eche man who euer ſhal cum to vs in bateile, in day of ſaboþis, fiȝte we aȝeinus hym, and dye we not alle, as oure breþeren ben dead in priuy places. Þan þe ſynagoge of Jewis, ſtronge in miȝtis of Yrael, is gadrid to hem, euery wilful man in lawe; and alle þat fledden fro yuels, ben addid, or put, to hem. And þei ben maad to hem to ſtedfaſtneſſe, and gedryden an ooſt, and ſmyten ſynners in her wraþ, and wickid men in her indignacioun; and þe toþer fledden to naciouns, for to aſcape. And Maþatias enuyrounede, and his freendis, and diſtruyeden auters, and circumcididen children vncircumcidid, hou manye euer þei founden in cooſtis of Yrael, in ſtrengþe. And þei purſueden ſonys of pride, and þe werk hadde proſperite in her hondis. And þei weeldiden þe lawe of hondis of heiþen men, and of hondis of kyngus, and ȝauen not horn, or ſtrengþe, to þe ſynner. And þe days of Maþatias of dying neiȝeden, and he ſaide to his ſonys, Now pride is counfortid, and chaſtiſyng, and tyme of diſtruccioun, and þe wraþ of indignacioun. Now þerfore, ſonys, be ȝe ſuers, or louers, of þe lawe, and ȝeue ȝe ȝoure lyues for þe teſtament of fadris. And biþenke ȝe of þe werkis of fadris, þat þei diden in her generaciouns, and ȝe ſhuln reſceyue grete glorie, and euerlaſtynge name. Wher Abraham in temptation was not founden feiþful, and it is rettid to hym to riȝtwiſneſſe? Joſeph in tyme of his anguyſhe kepte þe comaundement, and was maad lord of Egypt. Fynees, oure fadir, feruently louynge þe feruent loue of God, toke teſtament of euerlaſtynge preſþode. Jheſus, or Joſue, whijle he fulfilled þe word, is maad duyk in Yrael. Caleph, whijl he witneſſiþ in þe chirche, toke heritage. Dauid in his mercy gate þe ſeete of kyngdam, in to worldis. Helye, whijl he feruently loueþ þe feruent loue of þe lawe, is reſceyued in to heuen. Ananias, Azarias, Myſael, by leeuynge ben delyuered of flawme. Danyel in his ſympleneſſe is delyuerd of mouþ of lyouns. And þus biþenke ȝe bi generacioun and generacioun, for alle þat hopen in to hym ben not maad vnſtedfaſt. And of wordis of þe ſynner ȝe ſhuln not drede, for þe glorie of hym is torde and worme; to day he is enhaunſid, and to morrew he ſhal not be founden, for he is turned in to his erþe, and his þouȝte ſhal periſhe. Þerfore, ſonys, be ȝe confortid, and do ȝe manly in þe lawe; for whan ȝe ſhuln do whiche þingus ben bedun to ȝou in þe lawe of þe Lord ȝour God, in it ȝe ſhuln be glorious. And loo! Symount, ȝour broþere; I wote, for he is a man of counſeile, heere ȝe hym euermore, and he ſhal be fadir to ȝou. And Judas Machabeus, ſtronge in miȝtis fro his ȝouþ, be he to ȝou a prince of kniȝþode, and he ſhal do bateil of þe peple. And ȝe ſhuln brynge to ȝou alle doars of þe lawe, and venge ȝe þe veniaunce of ȝoure peple. Ȝelde ȝe ȝeeldynge to heiþen men, and take ȝe tent in to þe heeſt of lawe. And he bleſſide hem, and is putt to his faders. And he is dead in þe hundrid and ſixe and fourtie ȝeere, and is biryed of his ſonnys in to þe ſepulcre of his fadris in Modyn; and alle Yrael weiliden hym wiþ greet weylyng.
Capitulum III
And Judas rooſe, þat was cleepid Machabeus, his ſone, for him. And alle his breþeren helpiden hym, and alle þat ioyneden hem to his fadir, and þei fouȝten þe bateil of Yrael wiþ gladneſſe. And he alargide glorie to his peple, and cloþide hym a hawberioun as a ieaunt, and girde hym his armeres of bateile in bateilis, and defendide caſtellis wiþ his ſwerde. He is maad lijc to a lyoun in his werkis, and as whelp of lyoun rorynge in his huntyng. And he purſuede wickid men, ſeekynge hem; and he brente hem in flawmes, þat to gydre diſtourbliden his peple. And his enmyes ben putt aȝein for dreed of hym, and alle wirchers of wickidneſſe ben trublid to gidre; and helþe is dreſſid in his hond. And he wraþþide many kyngus, and gladide Yrael in his werkis, and in to world his mynde in bleſſyng. And he wente þoru þe citees of Juda, and loſt vnpitous men of hem, and turnyde awey wraþ fro Yrael. And he is named vn to þe vttermoſt of erþe, and he gadride þe periſhynge. And Appolonius gadride folkis, and fro Samarie miche vertue, and grete, for to fiȝt aȝeinus Yrael. And Judas knewe, and wente out aȝeinus hym, and ſmote, and ſlewȝ hym. And many woundid fellen doun, and þe oþer fledden; and he toke prayes of hem. And Judas toke awey þe ſwerd of Appolonie, and was fiȝtyng þerynne in alle days. And Seron, prince of þe ooſt of Syrie, herde, þat Judas gadride a gaderyng, and þe chirche of feiþful men wiþ hym. And he ſaiþ, Y ſhal make to me a name, and Y ſhal be glorified in rewme, and Y ſhal ouercumme Judas, and hem þat ben wiþ hym, whiche diſpiſiden þe kyngus word. And he made hym redy; and þe caſtels of vnpitous men, ſtrong helpers, ſtieden vp wiþ hym, for to do veniaunce in to þe ſonys of Yrael. And þei neiȝiden vn to Beþeron; and Judas wente out aȝeinus hem, wiþ fewe men. Forſoþe as þei ſawen þe ooſt cummynge to hem in meetyng, þei ſaiden to Judas, How mown we fewe fiȝte aȝeinus ſo grete multitude, ſo ſtronge; and we ben maad wery by faſtyng þis day? And Judas ſaiþ, It is liȝt, or eiſy, many for to be cloſid to gydre in hond of fewe; and difference is not in þe ſiȝt of God of heuen, for to delyuere in many or in fewe; for not in multitude of ooſt þe victorie of bateil, bot of heuen is ſtrengþe. Þei cummen to us in rebelle multitude, and prid, for to diſtruye vs, and oure wyues, and oure ſonys, and for to robbe us. Forſoþe we ſhuln fiȝte for oure ſoulis, and oure lawis, and he þe Lord ſhal breke hem to gydre byfore oure face; forſoþe dreede ȝe not hem. Soþely as he ceeſide for to ſpeke, he hurlide in in to hem ſoodeynly; and Seron is broken to gidre, and his ooſt, in ſiȝt of hym. And he purſuede hym in þe goyng doun of Beþeron, til in to þe feeld; and eiȝte hundrid men of hem fellen doun, þe oþer forſoþe fledden in to þe lond of Philiſtyim. And dreed of Judas, and of his breþeren, and inward ferdneſſe, felle on alle heiþen men in cumpas of hem; and þe name of hym came to þe kyng, and of þe batels of Judas alle folkis telden. Soþely as kyng Antiochus herde þeſe wordis, he was wroþe in inwitt; and he ſente, and gadride þe ooſt of al his rewme, ful ſtronge caſtels. And he opnyde his treſorie, and ȝaue ſoudis to þe ooſt, in to oo ȝeer, and comaundide hem, þat þei weren redy to alle þingus. And he ſawȝ, þat monee failide of his treſours, and tributis of þe cuntre litil, for diſcencioun and veniaunce þat he dide in to þe lond, for to do awey þe lawful þingis þat weren of þe firſt days. And he dredde, þat he ſhulde not haue and oonys and twies in to coſtis and ȝiftis, whiche he hadde ȝouen byfore wiþ large hond; and he aboundide ouer kyngus þat weren bifore hym. And he was aſtonyed in ynwitt gretly, and þouȝte for to go in to Perſis, and to take tributis of cuntrees, and for to gadre myche ſyluer. And he laft Lyſias, a noble man of þe kyngis kynne, on þe kyngus needis, fro þe flood Eufrates vn to þe flood of Egipt; and þat he ſhulde nuriche Antiochus, his ſone, til he cam aȝein. And he toke to hym þe mydil ooſt, and olifauntis, and comaundide to hym of alle þingus þat he wolde, and of men enhabitynge Jude and Jeruſalem; and þat he ſhulde ſende to hem an ooſt, for to breke to gidre, and to diſtruye vtterly þe vertue of Yrael, and relikis of Jeruſalem, and for to do awey þe mynde of hem of place; and for to ordeyne aliens ſonys dwellers in alle þe cooſtis of hem, and bi lot for to departe þe lond of hem. And þe kyng toke to a part of þe reſidue ooſt, and wente out of Antioche, þe citee of his rewme, in þe hundrid and ſeuen and fourtye ȝeer; and paſſide ouer þe flood Eufrates, and wente þoru þe heeȝer cuntrees. And Liſias cheſe Pþolome, ſone of Dorim, and Nychanore, and Gorgie, miȝty men of þe kyngus freendus. And he ſente wiþ hem fourti þouſand of men, and ſeuen þouſand of horſmen, or knyȝtis; and þat þei ſhulden cum in to þe lond of Juda, and diſtruy it, vp word of þe kyng. And þei wenten forþ, for to go wiþ al her vertue; and þei camen, and applieden, or fellen to, at Ammaum, in þe feeldy lond. And marchauntis of cuntrees herden þe name of hem, and token ſyluer and gold ful myche, and children, and camen in to caſtels, for to take þe ſonys of Yrael in to ſeruauntis; and þe ooſtis of Sirie ben added to hem, and londis of aliens. And Judas ſeeȝ, and his breþeren, for yuels ben multiplied, and þe ooſt appliede, or londide, at þe cooſtis of hem; and þei knewen wordus of þe kyng, whiche he comaundide þe peple for to do, in to periſhyng and eendyng. And þei ſaiden, eche man to his neiȝbore, Reiſe we þe caſting doun of oure peple, and fiȝte we for oure peple, and oure holy þingus. And cummyng to gidre of ooſt is gadrid, for to be redy in to bateile, and for to preye, and axe mercy, and mercy doyngus. And Jeruſalem was not enhabitid, bot was as deſert; þer was not þat entride and wente oute, of þe children þerof; and þe holy þing was defoulid, and ſonys of aliens weren in þe heeȝ rocke, or toure, þere was þe dwellyng of heiþen men; and volupte, or luſt, of Jacob is don awey, and pipe and harpe failide þere. And þei weren gadrid, and came in to Maſphaþ aȝeinus Jeruſalem; for place of preyer was in Maſphaþ, bifore þan in Jeruſalem. And þei faſtiden in þat day, and cloþiden hem wiþ heiris, and puttiden aſhe in her hed, and renten her cloþis. And þei ſpradden abrood bokis of þe lawe, of whiche heiþen men ſouȝten likneſſe of her ſymulacris; and þei brouȝten to ournementis of preſtis, and premyſſis, and tiþis; and þei reiſiden Nazareis, þat hadden fulfilliden days. And þei crieden wiþ grete voice in to heuen, ſayinge, What ſhuln we do to þeſe, and whidir ſhuln we leede hem? And þin holy þingus ben to-troden, and defoulid, and þi preſtis ben maad in to mournyng, and in to meekeneſſe, or diſpite. And lo! naciouns camen togidre aȝeinus vs, for to diſtruye vs; þou wooſt what þingus þei þenken in to vs. Hou ſhuln we mown wiþ ſtonde byfore þe face of hem, no bot þou, God, help us? And þei crieden in trumpis, wiþ grete voice. And after þeſe þingus Judas ordeynyde duykis of þe peple, tribunys, þat oon ledde a þouſand, and centoriouns, or ledinge an hundrid, and pentacontarkes, leders of fyfty, and decuriouns, leders of ten. And he ſaide to þeſe þat bildiden houſis, and weddiden wyues, and plantiden vyne ȝerdis, and to dreedful men, þat þei turnyden aȝein, eche man in to his hous, vp þe lawe. And þei moueden caſtels, or ooſtis of armed men, and þei ſettiden to gidre at þe ſouþ of Ammaum. And Judas ſaiþ, Be ȝe gird, and be ȝe miȝti ſonys, and be ȝe redy in þe morewyng, and þat ȝe fiȝte aȝeinus þeſe naciouns, þat camen to gidre for to diſtruye vs, and oure holy þingus. For better is vs for to dye in bateile, þan for to ſee yuel of oure folk and holy þingus. Forſoþe as wille ſhal be in heuen, ſo be it don.
Capitulum IIII
And Gorgias toke to fyue þouſand of men, and a þouſand choſen horſmen; and þei moueden tentis by nyȝt, for to applie to þe tentis of Jewis, and for to ſmyte hem ſodeynly; and þe ſonys þat weren on þe heeȝ rocke, weren leeders to hem. And Judas herde, and he rooſe, and miȝty men, for to ſmyte þe vertue of ooſtis of þe kyng, þat was in Ammaum; ȝit ſoþely þe ooſt was ſcaterid fro tentis. And Gorgias came in to þe tentis of Judas bi niȝt, and fonde no man; and þei ſouȝten hem in hillis, for he ſaide, Þeſe fleen fro vs. And whan day was maad, Judas apperide in þe feelde wiþ þree þouſandis of men oonly, whiche hadden not hilingis and ſwerdis. And þei ſawen þe tentis of heiþen men ſtronge, and men hauberiounyd, and ridingis in cumpas of hem, and þeſe tauȝt to bateile. And Judas ſaiþ to men, þat ſueden, Dreede ȝe not þe multitude of hem, and dreede ȝe not inwardli þe feerſneſſe of hem. And byþenke ȝe, hou oure fadris ben maad ſaaf in þe Rede Se, whan Pharao ſuede hem wiþ miche ooſt. And nowe crie we in to heuen, and þe Lord ſhal haue mercy of vs, and ſhal be myndeful of þe teſtament of oure fadris, and ſhal breke to gidre þis ooſt bifore oure face to day. And alle folkis ſhuln wite, for God is, þat ſhal aȝein bye, and delyuere Yrael. And aliens reiſiden her eeȝen, and ſawen hem cummynge of þe contrarie part, or euen aȝein, and wenten out of tentis in to bateile. And þei þat weren wiþ Judas, ſongen in trumpe. And þei wenten to gidre, and heiþen men ben broken to gidre, and fledden in to þe feelde; forſoþe þe laſt fellen doun in ſwerd. And þei purſueden hem vn to Gaſeron, and til in to þe feeldis of Ydume, and Aȝotus, and Jamny; and þer fellen doun of hem vn to þree þouſandus of men. And Judas turnyde aȝein, and his ooſt ſuynge hym. And he ſaide to þe peple, Coueyte ȝe not prayes, for bateil is aȝeinus vs, and Gorgias and his ooſt in þe hil niȝ vs; bot ſtonde ȝe nowe aȝeinus ȝoure enmyes, and ouercumme ȝe hem, and after þeſe þingus ȝe ſikir ſhuln take prayes. And ȝit Judas ſpekynge þeſe þingus, loo! ſum part apperide, biholdynge forþ of þe hill. And Gorgias ſawȝ, þat his ben to gidre turnyd in to fliȝt, and tentis ben brent; forſoþe þe ſmoke þat was ſeen, declaride þat þat was don. Whiche þingus biholden, þei dredden greteli, biholdinge to gidre and Judas and þe ooſt in þe feeld, redi to bateile. And þei fledden alle in þe feeld of aliens, and Judas turnyde aȝein to preyes of þe tentis; and þei token myche gold, and ſyluer, and iacintt, and purpre of þe ſe, and grete ritcheſſis. And þei conuertid ſungen an ympne, or herying, and bleſſiden God in to heuen; for he is good, for in to þe world þe mercy of hym. And grete helþe is maad in Yrael in þat day. Forſoþe who euer of aliens fledden, camen, and teelden to Liſias alle þingus þat bifellen. Whiche herd, he, aſtonyed in ynwitt, failide; for not what maner þingus he wolde, ſiche bifellen in Yrael, and what manere þingus þe kyng comaundide. And þe ȝeer ſuynge, Liſias gadride of choſen men ſixti þouſandis, and of horſmen fyue þouſand, for to ouercumme hem. And þei camen in to Judee, and ſetten tentis in Beþeron; and Judas ran to hem wiþ ten þouſand of men. And þei ſawen a ſtronge ooſt, and he preyede, and ſeide, Bleſſid art þou, ſaueour of Yrael, þat haſt broken to gidre þe firſneſſe of þe miȝti in þe hond of þi ſeruaunt Dauid, and bitokiſt þe caſtels, or tentis, of aliens in to þe hondis of Jonaþas, ſone of Saul, and of his ſquyer. Cloſe þou to gydre and þis ooſt in þe hond of þi peple Yrael, and be þei confoundid in her ooſt, and horſmen. Ȝeue þou to hem inward dreed, and make þe hardineſſe of her vertue to faile, and be þei moued to gidre in her brekyng to gidre. Caſte hem doun in þe ſwerd of men louynge þee, and to gidre preyſe þee alle þat knewen þi name, in ympnys. And þei ſente, or ioyneden, to gidere bateile, and fyue þouſand of men fellen doun of þe ooſt of Liſias. Liſias forſoþe ſeeynge þe fliȝt of hyſe, and þe hardyneſſe of Jewis, and þat þei ben redy eþer for to lyue, eþer for to dye ſtrongly, wente to Antioche, and cheeſe kniȝtis, þat þei multiplied eftſone ſhulden cume in to Judee. Forſoþe Judas ſaide, and his breþeren, Loo! oure enmyes ben broken togidre; ſtye we nowe, for to clenſe holy þingis, and renewle, or make newe. And al þe ooſt is gadrid, and ſtyeden in to þe hill of Syon. And þei ſawen þe halewyng deſert, and þe auter vnhalewid, and þe ȝatis brent, and in þe porchis tendre trees ſprungen, as in wijlde wode or mounteyns, and þe litil cellis diſtruyed. And þei renten her cloþingus, and weiliden wiþ grete weilynge; and puttiden aſhe on her hede, and fellen in to face on þe erþe, and crieden in trumpis of ſignys, and crieden in to heuen. Þanne Judas ordeynyde, for to fiȝte aȝeinus hem þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke, til þei clenſiden holi þingus. And he cheſe preſtis wiþ outen wemme, hauynge wille in þe lawe of God; and þei clenſiden holy þingus, and token awey ſtoons of defoulyng in to an vnclene place. And he þouȝte of þe auter of brent ſacrifices, þat was vnhalewid, what he ſhulde do þerof. And a good counſeile felle yn to hym, for to diſtruye it, leſt it were to hem in to ſhenſhip, for heiþen men defouliden it. And þei deſtruyeden it, and puttiden aȝein, or kepten, ſtoons in þe hill of þe hous, in couenable place, til þat a prophete came, and anſwerde of hem. And þei token hool ſtoons, after þe lawe, and beeldiden a newe auter, vp þat þat was byfore. And þei beeldiden holy þingus, and þo þingus þat weren wiþynne þe hous wiþynnforþ; and þei halewiden þe hous and þe porchis. And þei maden newe holy veſſels, and brouȝten yn a candilſtike, and þe auter of encenſis, and a bord in to þe temple. And þei puttiden encenſe on þe auter, and tenden lanternys, þat weren on þe candilſtike, and ȝauen liȝt in þe temple. And þei puttiden looues on þe borde, and hangiden veyles, and eendiden al þe werkis þat þei maden. And bifore morewtid þei riſen, in þe fifþe and twenti day of þe nynþ moneþe, þis is þe moneþ Caſleu, of þe hundrid and eiȝte and fourtiþe ȝeer. And þei offeriden ſacrifice after þe lawe, on þe newe auter of brent ſacrifices, whiche þei maden after tyme. And after þe day in whiche heiþen men defouliden it, in þat it was renulid, in ſongis, and harpis, and cynaris, þat ben inſtrumentis of muſike, and cymbalis. And alle þe peple felle in to þe face, and wirſhipiden, and bleſſiden in to heuen hym þat dide proſperite in hem. And þei maden halewing of þe auter in eiȝte days, and offreden brent ſacrifices wiþ gladneſſe, and helpful þingis of heryingis. And þei ourneden þe face of þe temple wiþ golden crownys, and ſmale ſheeldis; and halewiden þe ȝatis, and porchis, or ſmale cellis, and puttiden to hem ȝatis. And ful grete gladneſſe is maad in þe peple, and þe ſhenſhip of heiþen men is turned awey. And Judas ordeynide, and his breþeren, and al þe chirche of Yrael, þat þe day of halewyng of þe auter be don in his tymes, fro ȝeer in to ȝeer, bi eiȝte days, fro þe fifþe and twenty day of þe moneþ of Caſleu, wiþ gladneſſe and ioye. And þei beeldiden in þat tyme þe hill of Syon, and bi cumpas heeȝ wallis, and ſadde toures, leſt eny tyme heiþen men camen, and defouliden it, as þei diden byfore. And he ſette þere a cumpanye, for to keepe it; and he wardide it, for to kepe Beþſura, þat þe peple ſhulde haue wardyng, or ſtrengþeing, aȝein þe face of Ydume.
Capitulum V
And it is don, as heiþen men herden in cumpas, for þe auter is beeldid, and þe ſayntuarie as bifore, þei weren wroþ greteli. And þei þouȝten for to do awey þe kynrede of Jacob, þat was among hem; and þei bygunne for to ſlea of þe peple, and purſue. And Judas ouercam þe ſonys of Eſau in Ydume, and hem þat weren in Arabaþane, for þei ſaten aboute men of Yrael; and he ſmote hem wiþ a grete wound. And he þouȝte of þe malice of ſonis of Bean, þat weren to þe peple in to gnare, and in to ſclaundre, aſpyinge it in þe waye. And þei ben cloſid to gidre fro hym in toures; and he appliede to hem, and curſide hem, and brente wiþ fijr þe toures of hem, wiþ alle men þat weren in hem. And he paſſide to þe ſonys of Amon, and fonde ſtronge hond, and plenteuouſe peple, and Tymoþe, þe duyk of hem. And he ſmote many batels wiþ hem, and þei ben broken to gidre in ſiȝt of hem. And he ſmote hem, and he toke þe cite Jazar, and þe ſonys þerof; and he turnyde aȝein in to Judee. And heþen men þat ben in Galaad, ben gadrid aȝeinus Iſraelitis, þat weren in þe coſtis of hem, for to do hem awey; and þei fledden into Daþinan ſtrengþinge. And þei ſenten lettris to Judas, and his breþeren, ſayinge, Heiþen men ben gadrid aȝeinus vs bi cumpas, þat þei do vs awei; and þei maken redi for to cumme, and occupie þe ſtrengþing, in to whom we fledden; and Tymoþe is duyk of þe ooſt of hem. Now þerfore cum þou, and delyuere vs fro her hondis, for þe multitude of vs felle doun; and alle oure breþeren þat weren in þe placis of Tubyn, euery wher ben ſlayne; and þei ledden caityf þe wyues of hem, and children, and token ſpuylis, and killiden þere almeſt a þouſand men. And ȝit piſtles weren rad, and nowe oþer meſſangers camen of Galilee, wiþ cootis torent, tellynge after þeſe wordus, ſayinge, for to haue cummen to gidre aȝeins hem fro Pþolomaida, and Tyre, and Sydon, and al Galilee is fulfillid wiþ aliens, for to diſtruye vs. Soþeli as Judas herde, and þe peple, þeſe wordis, a grete chirche came to gidre, for to þenke what þei ſhulden do to her breþeren, þat weren in tribulacioun, and weren ouercummen of hem. And Judas ſaide to Symount, his broþer, Cheſe to þee men, and go, and deliuere þi breþeren in Galilee; I forſoþe and my broþer Jonaþas ſhuln go in to Galatiþym. And he lafte Joſephus, ſone of Zacharie, and Azarie, duykis of þe peple, wiþ þe reſidue ooſt in Jude to keepynge. And he comaundide hem, ſayinge, Bifore be ȝe to þis peple, and nyl ȝe ſmyte bateil aȝeinus heiþen men, til we turnen aȝein. And þree þouſand men ben ȝouen to Symont, for to go in to Galilee; to Judas ſoþely eȝte þouſand, in to Galadiþym. And Symont wente in to Galilee, and ioynyde many bateils wiþ heiþen men. And heþen men ben broken to gydre fro his face, and he purſuede hem vn to þe ȝate of Pþolomaida. And þere fellen doun of heþen men almeſt þree þouſand of men; and he toke þe ſpuilys of hem. And he toke to hem þat weren in Galilee, and in Arbaþis, wiþ wyues, and children, and alle þingus þat weren to hem; and he ledde to in to Jude wiþ grete gladneſſe. And Judas Machabeus, and Jonaþas, and his breþeren paſſiden Jordan, and wenten forþ þe waye of þree days in to deſert. And Nabuþeis camen aȝeinus hem, and reſceyueden hem peſibely, and teelden alle þingus þat bifellen to her breþeren in Galadiþym; and for many of hem ben cauȝt in Baraſa, and Bozor, and Malymys, and Caſphor, and Maþet, and Carnaym; alle þeſe ſtronge citees and greete. Bot and in oþer citees of Galadiþis þei ben holden cauȝt. And on þe morewe þei ordeyneden for to moue þe ooſt to þo citees, and for to cacche, and take hem awey in oo day. And Judas turnyde, and his ooſt, þe waye in to deſert of Bozor ſoodeynly. And he occupiede þe citee, and ſlewȝ eche male in mouþ of ſwerd, and toke alle þe ſpuylis þerof, and brente it wiþ fijr. And þei rijſen þennus in niȝt, and wenten vn to þe ſtrengþinge. And it is maad in ſpryng of þe day, whanne þei reyſiden her eeȝen, and loo! myche peple, of whom was no noumbre, beryng laddris and engynes, for to take þe ſtrengþyng, and ouer cumme hem. And Judas ſeeȝ, for bateil byganne, and crye of bateile ſtyede in to heuen, as a trumpe, and grete cry of a citee. And he ſaide to his ooſt, Fiȝte ȝe to day for ȝour breþeren. And he cam in þree ordris after hem, and þei crieden wiþ trumpis, and crieden in preyer. And þe tentis of Tymoþe knewen, for it is Machabeus, and fledden fro his face. And þei han ſmyten hem wiþ grete wounde; and þere fellen doun of hem in þat day almeſt eiȝt þouſand of men. And Judas turnyde awey in to Maſphaþ; and he ouercame and toke it, and ſlewȝ eche male þerof, and toke ſpuylis of it, and brente it in fijr. Fro þennus he wente, and toke Caſbon, and Mageþ, and Bozor, and oþer citees of Galadiþe. Soþeli after þeſe wordis Thymoþe gadride an oþer ooſt, and puttide tentis aȝeinus Raphon, ouer þe ſtrem of rayn. And Judas ſente for to biholde þe ooſt, and þei tolden aȝein to hym, ſayinge, For alle heiþen men þat ben in oure cumpas camen to gidre to hym, and a ful myche ooſt. And þei hijriden Arabians in to help to hym, and þei han ſette tentis ouer þe ſtreme of reyn, redy for to cume to þee in to bateile. And Judas wente aȝeinus hem. And Tymoþee ſaide to princis of his ooſt, Whanne Judas ſhal neiȝ, and his ooſt, to þe ſtreme of reyn water, ȝif he ſhal paſſe former to vs, we ſhuln not mowen ſuſteynen hym, for he miȝti ſhal mowe aȝeinus vs. Soþely ȝif he ſhal dreede for to paſſe, and ſhal ſette tentis biſidis, or wiþ ynne, þe flood, paſſe we ouer to hem, and we ſhuln mown aȝeinus hym. Forſoþe as Judas neiȝide to þe ſtreme of watir, he ordeynide ſcribis of þe peple by ſidis þe ſtreme, and comaundide to hem, ſayinge, Leue ȝe noon of men, bot cumme ȝe alle in to bateile. And he þe former paſſide ouer to hem, and alle þe peple after hym. And alle þeſe heiþen men ben broken to gidre fro þe face of hem, and þei caſtiden awey her armours; and þei fledden to þe temple, þat was at Carnaym. And he occupiede þilk citee, and brente þe temple wiþ fijr, wiþ alle þat weren in it; and Carnaym is oppreſid, and miȝte not ſuſteyn aȝeinus þe face of Judas. And Judas gadride alle Yſraelitis þat weren in Galadiþes, fro þe leſte vn to þe moſt, and þe wijues of hem, and children, and a ful grete ooſt, þat þei ſhulden cume in to þe lond of Judee. And þei camen til to Ephron, and þis grete citee putt ful ſtronge in þe entree; and þer was not for to bowe awei fro it, in þe riȝt half or left, bot by þe mydil þe waye was. And þei þat weren in þe citee cloſiden hem yn, and ſtoppiden þe ȝatis wiþ ſtoonys. And Judas ſente to hem wiþ peſible wordis, ſayinge, Paſſe we by ȝoure lond, for to go into oure lond, and no man ſchal anoye ȝou, oonly on feet we ſchulen go. And þei wolde not opne to hem. And Judas comaundide for to preche in tentis, or ooſt, þat eche man ſhulde applie, in what place he was. And men of vertu applieden hem, and he fauȝte aȝeinus þat citee al day and al niȝt, and þe citee is bitaken in his hond. And þei ſlewen eche male in mouþ of ſwerd, and drewȝ it vp by þe rootis, and toke þe ſpuylis þerof, and paſſide by al þe citee on þe ſlayn men. And þei paſſiden ouer Jordan, in þe grete feeld aȝeinus þe face of Beþſan. And Judas was gadrynge þe laſt, and moneſtide þe peple bi alle þe waye, til þei camen in to þe lond of Juda. And þei ſtyeden in to þe hill of Syon wiþ gladneſſe and ioye, and offriden brent ſacrifices, þat no man of hem felle doun, or was dead, til þei turnyden aȝein in peſe. And in þe days in whiche Judas was, and Jonaþas, in þe lond of Galaad, and Symont, his broþer, in Galilee, aȝeinus þe face of Pþolomaida, Joſephus, ſone of Zacharie, herde, and Azarias, prince of vertu, þe þingis wel done, and bateilis þat ben maad. And he ſaide, Make and we oure ſelf a name to vs, and go we for to fiȝte aȝeinus heiþen men, þat ben in oure cumpas. And he comaundide to þeſe þat weren in his ooſt, and þei wenten forþ nowe þe waye. And Gorgias wente out of þe citee, and his men, aȝeinus hem, in to fiȝt. And Joſephus and Azarias ben dryuen til into þe eendis of Judee; and þer felle doun in þat day of þe peple of Yrael, men two þouſandis. And a grete wound is maad in þe peple; for þei herden not Judas and his breþeren, geſſynge hem to doynge ſtrongly. Forſoþe þei weren not of þe ſeed of þo men, by whiche helþe is maad in Yrael. And men of Juda ben magnyfied greteli in ſiȝt of al Yrael, and of alle heiþen men, wher þe name of hem was herd. And þei cammen to gidre, cryinge to hem proſperite, or bleſſid þingus. And Judas wente oute, and his breþeren, and ouer camen þe ſonnys of Eſau, in þe lond þat is at þe ſouþ; and he ſmote Chebron, and þe douȝters þerof, and wallis þerof, and þe touris þerof brente in fijr in cumpas. And he mouede tentis, for to go in to lond of aliens; and he wente þoru Samarie. In þat day preſtis fellen doun in bateile, whijl þei wolen do ſtrongly, whijl wiþ outen counſeil þei wenten out in to bateil. And Judas bowide aweye in to Azotus, in þe lond of aliens, and diſtruyide þe auters of hem, and ſpuylis of her goddis brente in fijr, and toke prayes of citees; and turnyde aȝein in to þe lond of Juda.
Capitulum VI
And kyng Antiochus walkide þoru þe heeȝer cuntrees, and he herde a citee for to be, Elymaides, in Perſis, þe nobliſt and plenteuous in ſyluer and gold; and a temple in it ful riche, and þere golden veylis, and hauberiouns, and ſheeldis, whiche Aliſaundre of Philip, kyng of Macedo, left, þat regnyde firſt in Grece. And he came, and ſouȝte for to take þe citee, and robbe it; and he miȝte not, for þe word was knowen to hem þat weren in þe citee. And þei riſen vp in to bateil, and he fleiȝ þennus, and wente awey wiþ grete heuyneſſe, and turnyde aȝein to Babiloyne. And þer came, þat teelde to hym in Perſis, for þe ooſtis þat weren in þe lond of Juda ben dryuen, and for Liſias wente wiþ ſtronge vertu in þe firſt, or beſt men, and he is dryuen fro þe face of Jewis, and þei wexiden ſtronge in armers, and ſtrengþis, and many prayes, whiche þei token of tentis, or ooſtis, whiche þei ſlewen; and for þei diſtruyeden þe abominacioun, whiche he beeldide on þe auter þat was in Jeruſalem, and þei enuyrounyden wiþ heeȝ wallis þe halewyng, as byfore, bot and Beþſura, his citee. And it is don, as þe kyng herde þeſe wordis, he dredde, and was mouyd to gidre gretely, and felle doun in to a bed, and felle in to a langour for heuyneſſe, for it is not don as he þouȝte. And he was þere many dais, for grete heuyneſſe is renulid in hym, and he deemyde hym ſelf for to dye. And he clepide alle his freendis, and ſaide to hem, Sleep paſſide awey fro myn eeȝen, and Y departide, and felle doun in herte for byſyneſſe; and ſaide in my herte, In to hou grete tribulacioun came Y, and in to what wawis of heuyneſſe in whiche Y am nowe, þat was myri, and biloued in my power? Now forſoþe Y biþenke of þe yuelis þat Y dide to Jeruſalem, fro whennus and Y toke alle golden ſpuylis, and ſylueren, þat weren þeryne; and Y ſente wiþ outen cauſe, men dwellynge in Judee for to be don awey. Þerfore Y knewe for þeſe yuelis han founden me; þerfore and loo! I periſhe bi grete heuyneſſe in an alien lond. And he clepide Philip, oon of his freendis, and bifore puttide hym on al his rewme; and he ȝaue to hym þe dyademe, and his ſtoole, and ringe, for to leede to Antiochus, his ſone, and to nuryſhe hym, and for to regne. And kyng Antiochus dyede þere, in þe hundrid and nyne and fourty ȝeer. And Liſias knewe, for þe kyng is dead, and he ordeynyde Antiochus, þe ſone of hym, for to regne, whom he nuriſhide ȝunge; and he clepide his name Eupator. And þei þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke, cloſiden to gydre Yrael in cumpas of holy þingis, and ſouȝten to hem yuels euer more, to ſtrengþing of heþen men. And Judas þouȝte for to diſtruye hem, and he clepide togidre alle þe peple, for to biſeege hem. And þei camen to gidre, and biſeegiden hem, in þe hundrid and fiftyþe ȝeer; and þei maden baliſtis, an inſtrument for to caſt ſhaftis and ſtoonys, and engynes. And ſumme of hem þat weren biſeegid, wenten out; and ſum of þe vnpitous men of Yrael ioyneden hem to hem, and wenten to þe kyng, and ſaiden, Hou long doſt þou not dom, and vengeſt oure breþeren? And wee deemyden for to ſerue þi fadir, and for to walke in his heeſtis, and obeiſhe to his comaundementis. And þe ſonys of oure peple for þis þing alieneden hem fro vs; and whiche euer were founden of vs, weren ſlayn, and oure eritagis weren rauyſhid awei. And not oonly to vs þei ſtrecchiden out þe hond, bot and in to alle oure cooſtis. And loo! þei applieden to day to þe heeȝ rocke in Jeruſalem, for to occupie it, and þei ſtrengþide a ſtrengþing in Beþſura. And ȝif þou ſhalt not byfore cume hem more ſwyftly, þei ſhuln do gretter þingus þan þeſe, and þou ſhalt not mowe weelde hem. And þe kyng was wroþe, as he herde þis þing, and cleepide to gidre alle his freendis, and princis of his ooſt, and hem þat weren on horſmen; bot and of oþer rewmys, and ylis, and of þe ſee cooſtis camen to hym an hijrid ooſt. And þe noumbre of his ooſt was an hundred þouſand of fote men, and twenti þouſand of horſmen, and two and þritty olyfauntis tauȝte to bateile. And þei camen by Ydume, and þei applieden to Beþſura, and fouȝten many days; and þei maden engynys, and þei wenten out, and brenten hem in fijre, and fouȝten manly. And Judas wente fro þe heeȝ rocke, and mouede tentis to Beþſacharam, aȝeinus tentis of þe kyng. And þe kyng rooſe bifore þe liȝt, and ſtiride þe ooſt in to feerſneſſe, aȝeinus þe waye of Beþſacharam; and þe ooſtis maden hem to gidre redy in to bateile, and ſungen in trumpis. And to olifantis þei ſhewiden blood of grape, and morus, or mulberie trees, for to whette hem in to bateil. And þei departiden þe beeſtis bi legiouns; and to eche olifaunt a þouſand men ſtoden niȝ in mailid to gidre hauberiownes, and braſen helmys in her hedis, and fyue hundred choſen horſmen weren ordeynyd to eche beeſt. Þeſe bifore þe tyme, wher euer þe beeſt was, weren þere; and whider euer it wente, þei wenten, and departiden not þerfro. Bot and ſad toures of tree on hem, defendynge by alle þe beeſtis, and on hem engynes, and on eche bi hem ſelf men of vertu two and þritti, whiche fouȝten fro aboue, and wiþ ynne þe maiſter of þe beeſt. And he ordeynide þe reſidue rijdynge on þis half and þat half, in to two parties, for to moue to gidre þe ooſt wiþ trumpis, and for to conſtreyne þe armyd men in his legiouns. And as þe ſunne ſhynyde aȝein in to golden ſheeldis, and braſen, þe hillis ſhynyden aȝein of hem, as laumpis of fyre. And a part of þe kyngus ooſt is departid bi heeȝ hillis, and oþer by lowe places; and þei wenten warly, and ordynatly. And alle men dwellynge in þe lond weren moued to gidre of þe voice of multitude of hem, and in goinge of þe compaignye, and hurtlyng of armeris; forſoþe þe ooſt was ful grete and ſtronge. And Judas and his ooſt neiȝiden yn to bateil; and þere fellen doun of þe kyngus ooſt ſixe hundrid men. And Eleaſar, ſone of Saura, ſeeȝ oon of þe beeſtus hauberiownyd wiþ hawberiouns of þe kyng, and it was heeȝ ſtondynge ouere oþer beeſtis. And it is ſeen to hym, þat þe kyng was in it; and he ȝaue hym ſelf for to delyuere hys peple, and for to gete to hym a name euerlaſtynge. And he ran þerto hardili, in to mydil of þe legioun, ſleaynge on riȝþalf and left; and þei fellen doun fro hym hidir and þidir. And he wente vndir þe feet of þe olyfaunt, and vndirputtide hym ſelf þerto, and ſlewȝ hym; and it felle doun in to þe erþe on hym, and he is dead þere. And þei ſeeynge þe vertue of þe kyng, and ferſneſſe of his ooſt, turnyden awey hem ſelf fro hem. Forſoþe tentis of þe kyng ſtyede vp aȝeinus hem, in to Jeruſalem; and tentis of þe kyng applieden to Judee, and to þe hill of Syon; and he made pees wiþ þeſe þat weren in Beþſura. And þei wenten out of þe citee, for foodis weren not to hem cloſid to gidre þere, for ſaboþis of þe erþe weren. And þe kyng toke Beþſura, and ordeinyde þere keepyng, for to keepe it. And he turnyde þe tentis to þe place of halewyng many days; and ordeynyde þere baliſtis, and engynes, and dartis, or caſtyngis, of fijr, and tourmentis for to caſt ſtoons and dartis, and ſcorpiouns for to ſende arowis, and ſlyngis. Forſoþe and þei maden engynes aȝeinus þe engynes of hem, and þei fouȝten many days. Forſoþe metis weren not in þe citee, for þat it was þe ſeuenþe ȝeer; and þei þat leften of heiþen men in Judee, hadden waſtid þe relikis of hem þat weren kept. And fewe men leften in holy þingus, for hungre hadde taken hem; and þei ben ſcaterid, eche man in to his place. And Liſias herde, þat Philipp, whom kyng Antiochus ordeynyde, whan ȝit he leuyde, þat he ſhulde nuriche Antiochus, his ſon, þat he regnide, turnyde aȝein fro Perſe and Mede, and þe ooſt þat wenten wiþ hym; and for he ſeekiþ for to take þe cauſis of þe rewme, he haſtide for to go, and ſaye to þe kyng, and to duykis of þe ooſt, We failen eche day, and litil mete is to vs, and þe place whom we biſeegen, is ſtronge, and it falliþ to vs for to ordeyne of þe rewme. And ſo nowe ȝeue we riȝþondis to þeſe men, and make we pees wiþ hem, and wiþ alle þe folk of hem; and ordeyne we to hem, þat þei go in lawful þingis as byfore; ſoþely for þe lawful þingus of hem þei ben wroþe, and han don alle þeſe þingus. And þe word pleſide in ſiȝt of þe kyng, and princis; and he ſente to hem for to make pees, and þei reſceyuyden it. And þe kyng ſwore to hem, and princis; and þei wenten out of þe ſtrengþing. And þe kyng entride þe mount Syon, and he ſeeȝ þe ſtrengþyng of þe place; and he brake fulſone þe ooþ þat he ſwore, and comaundide for to diſtruye þat wall in cumpas. And he departide awey haſtili, and turnyde aȝein to Antioche, and fonde Philip lordſhipynge to þe citee; and he fauȝte aȝeinus hym, and occupiede þe citee bi ſtrengþe.
Capitulum VII
In þe hundrid ȝeer and oon and fifty Demetrie, ſone of Seleuci, wente out fro Rome citee, and ſtiede wiþ fewe men in to a citee niȝ þe ſee, and regnyde þere. And it is don, as he entride in to hous of þe rewme of his fadris, þe ooſt cauȝte Antiochus, and Liſias, for to brenge hem to hym. And þe þyng was knowen to hym, and he ſaiþ, Nyl ȝe ſhewe to me þe face of hem. And þe ooſt ſlewȝ hem. And Demetrie ſate vpon þe ſete of his rewme; and wickid men and vnpitous of Yrael camen to hym, and Alchymus, duyke of hem, þat wolde be maad preſt. And þei accuſiden þe peple anentus þe kyng, ſayinge, Judas and his breþeren han loſte þi freendus, and ſcateride vs fro oure lond. Now þerfore ſende þou a man, to whom þou byleeuyſt, þat he go, and ſee all þe diſtruying þat he haþ don to vs, and to cuntrees of þe kyng; and he punyſhiþ alle his frendis, and þe helpers of hem. And þe kyng cheſe of his freendis Bachides, þat was lord ouer þe grete flood in þe rewme, and trewe to þe kyng, and he ſente hym, for to ſee þe diſtruying þat Judas dide; and he ordeynyde vnpytous Alchymus in to preſþode, and badde hym do veniaunce in to þe ſonys of Yrael. And þei ryſen, and camen wiþ greete ooſt in to þe lond of Juda; and þei ſenten meſſangers, and ſpaken to Judas and his breþeren, wiþ peſible wordis in gyle. And þei ȝauen not tente to her wordis; ſoþely þei ſawen, for þei camen wiþ greet ooſt. And þe congregacioun of ſcribes camen to gydre to Alchymus and Bachides, for to axe what þingus be iuſt; and þe firſt Aſſideys, þat weren in þe ſonys of Yrael, and þei axiden of hem pees. Soþely þei ſaiden, A man, preſt of þe ſeed of Aaron, cummeþ, he ſhal not diſceyue vs. And he ſpac wiþ hem peſible wordis, and ſwore to hem, ſayinge, We ſhuln not ȝeue to ȝou yuels, neþer to ȝoure frendus. And þei bileeuyden to hym. And he cauȝte of hem ſixti men, and ſlewȝ hem in oo day, after þe word þat is wryten, Þei ſhedden out fleſhis of þi ſayntis, and blood of hem in cumpas of Jeruſalem, and þere was not þat biryede. And dreed and tremblyng lay, or felle, in to al þe peple, for þei ſaiden, Þer is not trewþe and dom to hym; ſoþely þei han broken þe ſtatute, and þe ooþ þat þei ſworen. And Bachides mouede tentis fro Jeruſalem, and appliede in to Beþſecha; and ſente, and cauȝte many of hem þat fledden fro hym; and he killide ſum of þe peple, and caſtide in to a grete pitt. And he bitoke þe regioun to Alchimus, and left wiþ hym help, in to helpyng of hym. And Bachides wente to þe kyng, and Alchymus dide ynewȝ, for þe princehod of his preſþod. And alle camen to gidre to hym, whiche diſtourbliden her peple, and weldiden þe lond of Juda; and þei diden grete veniaunce in Yrael. And Judas ſeeȝ alle þe yuels, þat Alchymus dide, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, to þe ſonnys of Yrael, myche more þan heiþen men. And he wente out in to alle cooſtis of Judee in cumpas, and dide veniaunce in to men forſakers, and þei ceſiden for to go out ferþer in to þe cuntree. Forſoþe Alchymus ſeeȝ, for Judas hadde victorie, and þei þat weren wiþ hym; and he knewȝ for he may not ſuſteyne hem, and he wente aȝein to þe kyng, and accuſide hem in many ſynnys. And þe kyng ſent Nychanor, oon of his nobler princis, þat was hauntynge enmytees aȝeinus Yrael; and he comaundide him for to diſtruye þe peple. And Nychanor came in to Jeruſalem, wiþ grete ooſt, and he ſente to Judas and his breþeren wiþ gyle, by peſible wordis, ſayinge, Fiȝt be not bitwixe me and ȝou; I ſhal cume wiþ fewe men, for to ſee ȝoure faces wiþ pees. And he cam to Judas, and þei gretten hem to gidre peſibli; and enmyes weren redy for to rauyſhe Judas. And þe word was knowen to Judas, for wiþ gyle he came to hym; and he is broken togidre of hym, and he wolde namore ſee his face. And Nychanor knewe, þat his conceile is knowen, and he wente out aȝeinus Judas in to fiȝt, biſidis Capharſalma. And þere fellen doun of Nychanoris ooſt almeſt fyue þouſand men, and þei fledden in to þe citee of Dauyd. And after þeſe wordis Nychanore ſtiede in to þe hille of Syon, and þere wenten out of preſtis of þe peple, for to greete hym in pees, and for to ſhewe to hym brent ſacrifices, þat þei offriden for þe kyng. And he ſcornynge diſpiſide hem, and defoulide, and ſpake proudly, and ſwore wiþ wraþ, ſayinge, Ȝif Judas ſhal not be taken, and his ooſt, in myn hoondis, anoon whanne Y ſhal turne aȝein in pees, Y ſhal brenne þis hous. And he wente out wiþ grete wraþ. And þe preſtis entriden, and ſtoden bifore face of þe autir and of þe temple, and weepynge ſaiden, Þou, Lord, haſt choſen þis hous, for to inclepe þi name in it, þat it were an hous of preyer and biſechyng to þi peple; do venieaunce in þis man, and his ooſt, and falle þei in ſwerd; haue mynde of þe blasfemyes of hem, and ȝeue not hem þat þei abide. And Nychanor wente out fro Jeruſalem, and appliede tentis to Beþeron; and þe ooſt of Syrie cam to hym. And Judas appliede in Adarſa, wiþ þree þouſand men. And Judas preyide, and ſaide, Lord, an aungel wente out, and ſmote an hundrid foureſcore and fyue þouſandis of hem, þat weren ſent fro kyng Senacherib, for þei blasfemyden þee; ſo breke þou togidre þis ooſt in oure ſiȝt to day, and wite oþer men, for yuel he ſpak on þin holy þingus, and deme þou hym vp þe malice of hym. And þe ooſtis ioynyden bateil, in þe þrittenþe day of þe moneþ Adar; and þe tentis of Nychanor ben broken to gidre, and he felle doun þe firſt in bateil. Soþely as his ooſt ſeeȝ, for Nychanor felle doun, þei caſtiden awey her armers, and fledden. And þei purſueden hem þe way of oo day, fro Adaſor vnto me come in to Gazera; and þei ſungen in trumpis after hem wiþ ſignyfiyngus. And þei wenten out of alle þe caſtellis of Judee in cumpas, and wynnewiden hem wiþ hornys, and eftſoone weren conuertid to hem; and þei fellen alle in ſwerd, and þer is not left of hem neþer oon. And þei token þe ſpuylis of hem in to pray; and þei kittiden of þe hed of Nychanor, and his riȝþond whiche he ſtrechide proudly, and þei brouȝten to, and hangiden aȝeinis Jeruſalem. And þe peple gladide gretely, and diden þat day in grete gladneſſe; and ordeynyde þis day for to be don in alle ȝeeris, in þe þrittynþ day of þe moneþ Adar. And þe lond of Juda was ſtille a fewe dayes.
Capitulum VIII
And Judas herde þe name of Romeynys, for þei ben miȝty in ſtrengþis, and acorden to alle þingis þat ben axid of hem; and who euer wente to hem, þei ordeynyden wiþ hem frendſhipus; and for þei ben miȝty in ſtrengþis. And þei herden bateyls of hem, and good vertues, þat þei don in Galacie, for þei weldiden hem, and ledden vndir tribute; and hou many þingus þei diden in þe cuntree of Spayne, and þat in to power þei dryuen metalis of ſyluer and gold þat ben þere; and weldiden eche place wiþ her conſeile, and pacient places þat weren ful fer fro hem; and kyngus þat camen aboue to hem fro þe vttemeſt places of erþe, þei braken to gydre, and ſmyten hem wiþ grete plage; forſoþe oþer ȝyuen to hem tribute alle ȝeeris. And þei braken to gidre in bateil Philip, and Perſen, kyng of Ceþeis, and oþer þat baren armers aȝeinus hem, and þei weldiden hem; and Antiochus, þe grete kyng of Aſye, þat ȝaue bateil to hem, hauynge an hundred and twenti olifauntis, and rydyng, and charys, and ful greet ooſt, broken togidre of hem; and for þei token hym quyk, and ordeynyden to hym, þat he ſhulde ȝeue grete tribute, and þei þat regnyden after hym; and ſhulden ȝeue pleggis and ordenaunce, and þe cuntree of Yndis, and men of Mede, and of Lidde, of þe beſt cuntrees of hem, and þei ȝauen hem taken of hem to kyng Eumenij; and for þei þat weren anentis Elada, wolden go, and take hem; and þe word was knowen to þeſe, and þei ſenten to hem oo duyk, and þei fouȝten aȝeinus hem; and many of hem fellen, and þei ledden her wijues caitifs, and ſonys, and robbiden hem; and weldiden þe lond of hem, and diſtruyeden þe wallis of hem, and dryuen hem in to ſeruage, til in to þis day. And þei diſtruyeden oþer rewmys and ylis, þat ſumtyme aȝein ſtoden hem, and dryuen hem in to power. Forſoþe wiþ her freendis, and þat hadden reſt in hem, þei kepten frenſhip, and þei weldiden rewmys þat weren next, and þat weren fer; for who euer herden þe name of hem, dredden hem. For þei regnyden, to whom þei wolden be in help for to regne; and whom þei wolden, fro rewme þei diſtourbliden; and þei ben gretely enhaunſid. And in alle þeſe no man bare diademe, neþer was cloþid in purpre, for to be magnyfied þerynne. And for þei maden to hem a courte, and eche day þei counſeiliden þree hundrid and twenti, doynge counſeile euermore of multitude, þat þei do what þingus ben worþi. And þei bitakun to oo man her maiſtrie, or cheef gouernaunce, bi eche ȝeeris, for to be lord to al her lond; and alle obeiſhen to oon, and enuye is not, neþer wraþ among hem. And Judas cheſe Eupolemus, ſone of Joon, ſone of Jacob, and Jaſon, ſone of Eleazarus, and he ſente hem to Rome, for to ordeyne wiþ hem frendſhip and felawſhip; and þat þei ſhulde take awey fro hem þe ȝoc of Greekis, for þei ſawen þat þei oppreſiden þe rewme of Yrael in to ſeruage. And þei wenten to Rome, a ful grete way, and þei entriden þe courte, and ſaiden, Judas Machabeus, and his breþeren, and þe peple of Jewis ſenten vs to ȝou, for to ordeyne wiþ ȝou felawſhip and pees, and for togidre write vs ȝoure felawis and freendis. And þe word pleſide in ſiȝt of hem. And þis aȝein wrytyng is, whiche þei aȝein wryten in braſen tablis, and ſenten in to Jeruſalem, þat it were þere a memorial, or a þing of mynde, of pees and felawſhip. Be it wel to Romayns, and to folk of Jewis, in ſee and lond, in to wiþ outen eende; and ſwerd and enmye be fer fro hem. Þat ȝif bateil ſhal aȝein ſtonde Romayns former, or to alle felowis of hem in al þe lordſhip of hem, þe folc of Jewis ſhal bere help, as tyme ſhal axe, wiþ ful herte; and þei ſhuln not ȝeue, neþer priuyli mynyſtre to þe fiȝtyng, whete, armers, monee, ſhippus, as it pleſide to Romayns; and þei ſhuln keepe þe maundementis of hem, no þing takynge of hem. Alſo forſoþe and ȝif bateil ſhal falle bifore to þe folk of Jewis, Romayns ſhuln helpe of ynwitt, or good herte, as tyme ſhal ſuffre hem; and to hem helpynge whete ſhal not be ȝouen, armers, money, ſhippus, as it pleſide to Romayns; and þei ſhuln keep þe maundementis of hem wiþ outen gyle. After þeſe wordis Romaynes ordeynyden to þe peple of Jewis, Þat ȝif after þeſe wordis, þeſe or þei ſhuln woln for to putte eny þing to, or do awey, þei ſhuln do of her purpoſyng; and what euere þingus þei ſhuln putte to, or do awey, þei ſhuln be ſtedfaſt. Bot and of yuels whiche kyng Demetrie haþ don in to hem, we han writen to hym, ſayinge, Whi haſt þou greeuyd þi ȝock vpon oure freendis and felawis, þe Jewis? Þerfore ȝif eft ſoone þei ſhuln cumme to vs aȝeinus þee, we ſhuln do dom to hem, and we ſhuln fiȝte wiþ þee by lond and ſee.
Capitulum IX
In þe mene tyme, wher Demetrie herde þat Nychanor felle, and his ooſt, in bateil, he puttide to eftſoone for to ſende Bachides and Alchymus in to Judee, and þe riȝt horn wiþ hem. And þei wenten þe weye þat lediþ in to Galgala, and þei ſettiden tentis in Maſoloþ, þat is in Arbellis; and þei occupieden it, and ſlewen manye lyues of men. In þe firſt moneþ of an hundrid and two and fifti ȝeer, þei applieden þe ooſt to Jeruſalem. And twenti þouſand of men, and two þouſand of horſmen, han riſen, and wente in to Berea. And Judas ſette tentys in Layſa, and þree þouſand choſen men wiþ hym. And þei ſawen þe multitude of ooſt, for þei ben many, and þei dredden gretely; and manye wiþdrewen hem fro tentis, and þere leften not of hem no bot eiȝte hundrid men. And Judas ſawȝ for his ooſt flette awey, and bateil conſtreynyde hym, he is broken to gydre in herte, for he hadde not tyme of gadryng hem, and he is diſſoluyd, or diſcounfortid. And he ſaide to þeſe þat weren reſidue, Ryſe we, and go we to oure aduerſaries, ȝif we ſhuln mowe fiȝt aȝeinus hem. And þei turnyden hem awey, ſayinge, We ſhuln not mown, bot delyuere we nowe oure lyues, and turne we aȝein to oure breþeren, and þanne we ſhuln fiȝte aȝeins hem; forſoþe we ben fewe. And Judas ſeiþ, Fer be it for to do þis þing, þat we flee fro hem; and ȝif oure tyme haþ neiȝid, dye we in vertu of oure breþeren, and ȝeue we not cryme to oure glorie. And þe ooſt moued of tentis, and þei ſtoden aȝeinus hem. And horſmen ben departid in two parties, and ſlyngers and archers wenten bifore þe ooſt, and þe firſt of þe bateil al þe miȝty. Forſoþe Bachides was in þe riȝt horn, or cornere. And þe legioun of two partis came niȝ, and crieden wiþ trumpis. Forſoþe and þeſe þat weren of þe part of Judas, crieden alſo þei, and þe erþe is moued to gidre of þe voice of ooſtis, and bateil is ioyned fro morewe vn to euen. And Judas ſeeȝ, þat þe part of Bachides ooſt is ſadder in þe riȝt half, and alle ſtedfaſt in herte camen to gidre wiþ hym. And þe riȝt part is broken togydre of hem; and he purſuede hem vn to þe hill of Azotus. And þei þat weren in þe left horn, ſawen, þat þe riȝt horn is broken to gidre, and þei ſueden after Judas, and hem þat weren wiþ hym at þe bac. And þe bateil is maad greuouſe, and þere fellen manye woundid of þeſe and of hem. And Judas felle, and þe oþer fledden. And Jonaþas and Symont token her broþer Judas, and birieden hym in þe ſepulcre of his fadris, in þe citee Modyn. And al Yrael wepten hym wiþ grete weylyng, and þei mourneden manye days, and ſaiden, Hou felle þe miȝty, þat maad Yrael ſaaf? And oþer wordis of bateilis of Judas, and of vertues þat he dide, and his greteneſſis, ben not writen; forſoþe þei weren ful manye. And it is don, after þe deþ of Judas, alle wickid men in alle cooſtis of Yrael ryſen out, and alle þat wrouȝten wickidneſſe ben born out ſprungen. In þo days ful grete hungre is maad, and all þe cuntre of hem bitoke hem ſelf to Bachides wiþ hem. And Bachides cheſe vnpytous men, and ordeynyde hem lordis of þe cuntree. And þei axiden out, and ſouȝten þe freendis of Judas, and brouȝten hem to Bachides; and he vengide in to hem, and ſcornyde. And grete tribulacioun is maad in Yrael, what manere was not fro þe day in whiche a prophete is not ſeen in Yrael. And alle þe frendis of Judas ben gadrid, and ſaiden to Jonaþas, Siþen þi broþer Judas is dead, þer is no man lijc to hym, þat ſhal go out aȝeinus enmyes, Bachides and hem þat ben enmyes of oure folc. And ſo now we cheſe þee to day for to be prince to vs and duyk for hym, for to fiȝte oure bateil. And Jonaþas reſceyuyde in þat tyme þe princehod, and roſe in þe place of Judas, his broþer. And Bachides knewe, and ſouȝte for to ſlea hym. And Jonaþas knewe, and Symont, his broþer, and alle þat weren wiþ hym, and þei fledden in to deſert Techue, and ſaten to gidre at þe water of þe lake Aphar. And Bachides knewe, and in day of ſaboþis he came, and alle his ooſt, ouer Jordan. And he ſente his broþer duyk of þe peple, and preyede Nabuþeis, his frendis, þat he ſhulde bitake to hem his appareil, þat was plenteuous. And þe ſonys of Sambri wenten out of Madaba, and cauȝten Joon, and alle þingus þat he hadde, and wenten awey, hauynge hem. After þeſe wordis it is tolde aȝein to Jonaþas, and Symont, his broþer, for þe ſonys of Sambry maken grete weddingus, and wedden a wijf of Madaba, þe douȝtre of oon of þe grete princis of Canaan, wiþ grete pride. And þei biþouȝten of þe blood of Joon, his broþer, and ſtieden vp, and hidden hem ſelf vndir keueryng of þe hill. And þei reiſiden her eeȝen, and ſawen, and loo! noys, and grete appareyl; and a ſpouſe, or huſbond, cam forþ, and his frendis, and his breþeren aȝeinus hem, wiþ tympans, and muſykis, and many armers. And þei riſen to hem of aſpies, and ſlewen hem, and many woundid fellen doun, and þe reſidues fledden in to þe hill, and þei token alle þe ſpuylis of hem; and þe weddingus ben conuertid in to mournyng, and þe voice of her muſikis in to weyling. And þei vengiden þe veniaunce of her broþers blood, and þei turnyden aȝein to þe ryuer of Jordan. And Bachides herde, and came in þe day of ſaboþis vn to þe vttermoſt part of Jordan, in grete vertu. And Jonaþas ſaide to hiſe, Ryſe we, and fiȝte aȝeinus oure enmyes; forſoþe it is not to day as ȝiſterday and þe þrid day gon. Loo! ſoþeli bateil euen aȝeinus; ſoþeli water of Jordan on þis half and on þat half, and ryuers, and mareys, and wijld woodis, and þere is not place of turnyng awey. Now þerfore crie ȝe in to heuen, þat ȝe be delyuered fro hond of ȝour enmyes. And bateil is ioyned. And Jonaþas ſtrauȝte out his hond, for to ſmyte Bachides, and he turnyde awey fro hym byhynde. And Jonaþas lippide out, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, in to Jordan, and ſwame ouer Jordan to hem. And þere fellen of Bachides part in þat day a þouſand men, and þei turnyden aȝein in to Jeruſalem. And þei beeldiden ſtronge citees in Judee, þe ſtrengþe þat was in Jerico, and in Ammaum, and in Beþeron, and Beþel, and Thamaþan, and Phara, and Copho, wiþ heeȝ wallis, and ȝatis, and lockis. And he ſette keepynge in hem, þat þei ſhulden haunte ennemitees in Irael; and he ſtrengþide þe citee Beþſura, and Gazaram, and þe heeȝ rocke; and he puttide in hem helpis, and appareil of metis. And he toke ſonys of princis of þe cuntree in oſtage, or plegis, and he putte hem in þe heeȝ rocke in Jeruſalem, in keepyng. And in þe hundreþ ȝeere and þree and fiftiþe, in þe ſecounde moneþ, Alchymus comaundide þe wallis of þe holy ynner hous for to be diſtruyed, and þe werkis of prophetus for to be diſtruyed, and he byganne for to diſtruye. In þat tyme Alchymus is ſmyten, and þe werkis of hym ben lettid. And his mouþ is cloſid, and he is diſſolued by palaſie, neþer he miȝte ſpek ouere a word, and comaunde of his hous. And Alchymus is dead in þat tyme, wiþ grete tourment. And Bachides ſeeȝ þat Alchymus is dead, and he turnyde aȝein to þe kyng, and þe lond was ſtille two ȝeer. And alle wickid men þouȝten, ſaiynge, Loo! Jonaþas, and þei þat ben wiþ hym, dwellen in ſilence, triſtyng; now þerfore brenge we Bachides, and he ſhal cacche hem al in oo niȝt. And þei wenten forþ, and ȝauen counſeil to hym. And he roſe, for to cume wiþ miche ooſt. And he ſente epiſtilis priuely to his felawis, þat weren in Judee, þat þei ſhulden cacche Jonaþas, and hem þat weren wiþ hym; bot þei miȝten not, for her counſeil was knowen to hem. And he cauȝte of men of þe cuntree, þat weren princis of kniȝþode, fifty men, and ſlewȝ hem. And Jonaþas and Symont wente, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, in to Beþbeſſe, þat is in deſert, and beeldiden þe diſtruyed þingus þerof, and maden it ſtronge. And Bachides knewe, and gadride al his multitude, and denounſide to hem þat weren of Judee. And he came, and ſette tentis aboue Beþbeſſe, and fauȝte aȝeinus it manye days, and made engynes. And Jonaþas lafte Symont, his broþer, in þe citee, and wente oute in to cuntree, and came wiþ noumbre; and ſmote Odaren, and his breþeren, and þe ſonys of Phaſeron, in þe tabernaclis of hem, and he bigan for to ſmyte, and waxe in vertues. Simont ſoþely, and þey þat weren wiþ hym, wenten oute of þe citee, and brenten engynes. And þei fouȝten aȝeinus Bachides, and he is to gidre broken of hem; and þei tourmentiden hym gretely for his counſeil, and his goyng to togidre was void. And he wroþe aȝeinus þe wickid men, þat ȝauen counſeile to hym for to cumme in to her cuntree, ſlewȝ many of hem; forſoþe he þouȝte wiþ oþer for to go in to his cuntree. And Jonaþas knewe, and he ſente legatis to hym, for to make pees wiþ hym, and ȝeelde to hym caitiftee. And wilfully he toke, and dide after his wordis, and ſwore hym to doyng to hym no þing of yuel alle days of his lyf. And he ȝeeldide to hym caitiftee, whiche he toke by praye bifore of þe lond of Juda. And he turnyd aȝein wente into his lond, and puttide namore for to cume in to his cooſtis. And ſwerd ceeſide of Yrael. And Jonaþas dwellide in Machinas, and þere Jonaþas bigane for to deme þe peple, and diſtruye vnpitous men of Yrael.
Capitulum X
And in þe hundrid and ſixtiþe ȝeer Aliſaundre, ſone of Antiochus, þat is named noble, ſtiede vp, and occupiede Pþolomaida; and þei reſceyuyden hym, and he regnyde þere. And kyng Demetrie herde, and gadride an ooſt ful copiouſe, and wente out aȝeinus hym in to bateil. And Demetrie ſente an epiſtle to Jonaþas wiþ peſible wordis, for to magnyfye hym. Soþely he ſaide, Bifore take we for to make pees wiþ hym, bifore þat he make wiþ Aliſaundre aȝeinus vs; ſoþely he ſhal haue mynde of alle yuels, þat we han don into him, and in to his broþer, and in to his folc. And he ȝaue hym power of gadryng ooſt, and for to make armeris, and hym for to be his felawe. And he comaundide ooſtagis, þat were in þe heeȝ rocke, for to be ȝouen to hym. And Jonaþas came in to Jeruſalem, and radde þe piſtlis, in heerynge of al þe peple, and of hem þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke. And þei dredden wiþ grete dreed, for þei herden, þat þe kyng ȝaue to hym power of gadryng an ooſt. And þe ooſtagis ben bitaken to Jonaþas; and he ȝeeldide hem to her fadris and moders. And Jonaþas dwellide in Jeruſalem, and bygan for to beelde and to renule þe citee. And he ſaide to men doynge werkis, þat þei ſhulden make vp þe wallis, and þe hill of Syon in cumpas, wiþ ſquare ſtoones to ſtrengþing; and ſo þei diden. And aliens fledden, þat weren in þe ſtrengþus, whom Bachides hadde bildide; and eche man lafte his place, and wente in to his lond. Oonly in Beþſura dwelten ſumme of hem, þat forſoken þe lawe and þe heeſtis of God; ſoþeli þis was to hem to refute. And kyng Aliſaundre herde þe biheeſtis, þat kyng Demetrie bihiȝte to Jonaþas, and þei teelden to him bateilis and vertues whiche he dide, and his breþeren, and þe traueils whiche þei traueiliden; and ſaiþ, Wher we ſhuln fynde eny ſiche man? Alſo nowe make we hym frend, and oure felawe. And he wrote an epiſtle, and ſente vp þeſe wordis, ſayinge, Kyng Aliſaundre to Jonaþas, broþer, helþe. We han herde of þee, þat þou art a miȝti man in ſtrengþis, and art able þat þou be oure freend. And nowe ordeyne we þee to day heeȝiſt preſt of þi folk, and þat þou be clepid freend of þe kyng. And he ſente to hym purpre, and a golden crowne, þat þou feele wiþ vs what þingus oure ben, and kepe frenſhipis to vs. And Jonaþas cloþide hym wiþ þe holy ſtoole, in þe ſeuenþe moneþe, in þe hundrid and ſixtiþe ȝere, in þe ſolempne day of Senophegie. And he gadride an ooſt, and made copiouſe armers. And Demetrie herde þeſe wordis, and is maad ful ſorewful, and ſaiþ, What han we do þis þing, þat Aliſaundre bifore ocupiede vs, for to cacche þe frenſhipe of Jewis to his ſtrengþing? And Y ſhal wryte to hym preying wordis, and of dignitee, and ȝiftis, þat he be wiþ me in help. And he wrote to hym in þeſe wordis, Kyng Demetrie to þe folk of Jewis, helþe. For ȝe kepten to vs couenaunt, and dwelten in oure frenſhip, and wenten not to oure enmyes, we herden, and ioyeden. And nowe laſte ȝe ȝit for to kepe to vs feiþ; and we ſhuln quyte to ȝou good þingus, for þeſe þingus þat ȝe diden wiþ vs, and we ſhuln forȝeue to ȝou many ȝeuyngus of rentis, and we ſhuln ȝeue ȝiftis to ȝou. And nowe Y aſſoile ȝou, and alle Jewis, of tributis, and I forȝeue to ȝou þe pricis of ſalt, and forȝeue crownys, and þe þriddis of ſeed; and þe half part of fruyt of tree, þat is of my porcioun, I leue to ȝou fro þis day, and wiþ ynne forþ, þat it be not taken of þe lond of Juda, and of þree citees þat ben addid þerto, of Samarie and Galile, fro þis day in to al tyme. And Jeruſalem be holy, and free, wiþ his cooſtis; and tiþis and tributis be of it. Alſo Y forȝeue þe power of þe heeȝ rocke, þat is in Jeruſalem; and Y ȝeue it to þe heeiſt preſt, þat he ordeyne þerynne men, whom euere he ſhal cheeſe, þat ſhuln kepe it. And eche ſoule of Jewis, þat is caitif of þe lond of Juda, in al my rewme, Y leue wilfully wiþ out money; þat alle be ſoiled of her tributis, ȝea, of her beeſtus. And alle ſolempne days, and ſaboþis, and neomenyes, and alle days ordeyned, and þree days before þe ſolempne day, and þree dais after þe ſolempne day, be alle dais of ynmunite, or fraunchiſe, and of remiſſioun, to alle Jewis þat ben in my rewme. And no man ſhal haue power for to do eny þing, and moue needis, or cauſis, aȝeinus eny of hem in al cauſe. And þat þere be writen to of Jewis in þe kyngus ooſt, to þritti þouſandis of men; and plentees ſhuln be ȝouen to hem, as it byhoueþ to alle ooſtis of þe kyng. And of hem ſhuln be ordeynyde, þat ben in þe grete ſtrengþis of þe kyng; of hem ſhuln be ordeyned ouer needis of þe rewme, þat ben don of feiþ, and princis be of hem; and walke þei in her lawis, as þe kyng comaundide in þe lond of Juda. And þree citees, þat ben addid to Judee of þe cuntre of Samarie, be rettid, or demyd, wiþ Judee; þat þei be vnder oon, and obeye not to oþer power, no bot to þe heeȝeſt preſt; Pþolomayda, and cooſtis þerof, whiche Y haue ȝouen a ȝift to þe holy þat ben in Jeruſalem, to needful coſtis of ſayntis. And I ſhal ȝeue in eche ȝeris fiftene þouſandis of ſiclis of ſyluer, of þe kyngis reyſons, þat perteynen to me; and al þat ſhal be reſidue, whiche þei þat weren ouer needis ȝeelden not in former ȝeeris, fro þis tyme þei ſhuln ȝeue in to werkis of þe hous. And ouer þis fyue þouſand ſiclis of ſyluer, whiche þei token of reſoun of holy þingus by eche ȝeeris; and þeſe þingus ſhuln perteyne to preſtis, þat ben ſett in miniſterie. And who euer ſhuln flee to þe temple þat is in Jeruſalem, and in alle cooſtus þerof, gylty to þe kyng, in eche cauſe be diſmittid, or releſid; and alle þingis þat ben to hem in my rewme, be hadde free. And to bilde, or reſtore, werkis of holy þingus, expenſis ſhuln be ȝouen of þe kyngus reſoun, and for to bilde out þe wallis of Jeruſalem; and for to make ſtronge in cumpas, ſpenſis ſhuln be ȝouen of þe kyngus reſoun, for to make out wallis in Judee. As Jonaþas and þe peple herde þeſe wordis, þei bileeuyden not to hem, neþer reſceyuyden; for þei hadden mynde of þe grete malice þat he hadde don in Yrael, and trubliden hem gretely. And it pleſide to gidre to hem in to Alyſaundre, for he was to hem prince of wordis of pees, and to hym þei baren help in alle days. And kyng Aliſaundre gadride a grete ooſt, and mouyde tentis aȝeinus Demetrie. And þe kyngis ioynyde bateil, and þe ooſt of Demetrie fledde; and Aliſaundre purſuede hym, and lay vpon hym; and þe bateil was ful ſtronge, til þe ſunne wente doun, and Demetrie fledde in þat day. And Aliſaundre ſente to Pþolome, kyng of Egypt, legatis after þeſe wordis, ſayinge, For Y am gon aȝein in to my rewme, and ſatte in ſeete of my faders; and Y haue weldide princehode, and haue broken togidre Demetrie, and haue weldide oure cuntree; and haue ioynyde wiþ hym fiȝt, and he is broken to gidre and his tentis of vs, and we ſaten in ſete of his rewme. And nowe ordeyne we to gidre frenſhip, and ȝeue to me þi douȝter wijf, and Y ſhal be þi douȝter hoſbond; and Y ſhal ȝeue to þee ȝiftis, and to hir dignitee. And kyng Ptolome anſwerde, ſaiynge, Bleſſid þe day in whiche þou turnediſt aȝein to þe lond of þi fadris, and haſt ſitten in ſete of þe rewme of hem. And nowe Y ſhal do to þee whiche þingus þou haſt writen; bot come þou aȝeinus me to Pþolomayda, þat we ſee vs togidre, and Y biheete þee, as þou ſaidiſt. And Pþolome wente out of Egypt, he, and Cleopatra, his douȝter; and he came to Pþolomaida, in þe hundrid and two and ſixti ȝeer. And kyng Aliſaundre came to hym; and he ȝaue to hym Cleopatra, his douȝter, and made his weddyngus at Ptolomaida, as kyngus in grete glorie. And kyng Aliſaundre wrote to Jonaþas, þat he ſhulde come aȝeinus hym. And he wente wiþ glorie to Pþolomaida, and came þere to two kyngis, and ȝaue to hem miche ſyluer, and gold, and ȝiftis; and he fonde grace in ſiȝt of hem. And men of Yrael, ful of venym, camen togidre aȝeinus hym, wickid men, axinge aȝeinus hym, and þe kyng toke no tente to hem; and comaundide Jonaþas for to be maad nakid of his cloþis, and hym for to be cloþid in purpre; and ſo þei diden. And þe kyng ſette hym for to ſitte wiþ hym, and ſaide to his princis, Go ȝe out wiþ hym in to mydil of þe citee, and preche, þat no man axe aȝeinus hym of eny need, or cauſe, neþer eny man be heuy to hym of eny reſoun. And it is don, þat þei þat axiden, or apeliden hym, ſawen his glorie þat was prechid, and hym keuerd wiþ purpre, fledden alle. And þe kyng magnyfiede hym, and wrote hym amonge þe firſt freendis, and he putte him duyk, and parcener, or felawe, of princehode. And Jonaþas turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem, wiþ pees and gladneſſe. In þe hundrid ȝeer and fyue and ſixtiþe, Demetrie, ſone of Demetrie, came fro Crete in to þe lond of his fadris. And kyng Aliſaundre herde, and is maad ful ſorewful, and turnide aȝein in to Antioche. And Demetrie ordeynide Appolonye duyk, þat was ſouereyn to Seleſerie; and gadride his grete ooſt, and came to Jamnyam; and he ſente to Jonaþas, heeȝiſt preſt, ſayinge, Þou aloone aȝeinſtodiſt vs? Y am maad in to ſcoorn and ſhenſhip, þerfore for þou hauntiſt power in hillis aȝeinus vs. Nowe þerfore ȝif þou triſteſt in þi vertues, come doun to vs in to þe feeld; and þere comparyſoun we to gidre, for wiþ me is vertu of bateilis. Axe þou, and lerne who Y am, and oþer þat ben in help to me, and whiche ſayn, for ȝour fote may not ſtonde aȝeinus oure face, for þi faders ben conuertid in to fliȝt twyis in to her lond. And now hou ſhalt þou mowe ſuſteyne rydyng, and ſo grete ooſt in þe feeld, where is no ſtoon, ne rocke, neþer place of fleeȝynge? Soþely as Jonaþas herde þe wordis of Appolonye, he was moued in ynwitt; and he chees ten þouſand of men, and wente out fro Jeruſalem, and Symont, his broþer, came to hym in to helpe. And þei applieden tentis in Joppen, and he ſhitte hym out fro þe citee, for Joppen was þe keepyng of Appolonye; and he fauȝte aȝeinus it. And þei agaſt, þat weren wiþ ynne þe citee, opnyden to hym; and Jonaþas weeldide Joppen. And Appolonye herde, and mouede to þree þouſand of horſmen, and myche ooſt; and he wente to Azotum, as makynge þe waye. And anoon he wente out in to þe feelde, for þat he had multitude of horſmen, and he triſtnyde in hem; and Jonaþas ſuede hym in to Azotum, and þei ioyniden bateil. And Appolonye lefte in þe tentis a þouſand horſmen after hem priuyly. And Jonatas knewe for aſpies ben after hym, and þei enuyrounden his tentis, and caſtiden dartes in to þe peple, fro morew vn to euyn. Forſoþe þe peple ſtode, as Jonaþas comaundide, and þe horſis of hem traueiliden out. And Symount caſtide out his ooſt, and ioynide aȝeinus þe legioun; forſoþe þe horſmen weren maad wery, and ben togidre broken of hym, and fledden. And þei ben ſcaterd in to þe feeld, and fledden in to Azotum; and þei entriden in to Beþdagon, her ydol, þat þer þei ſhulden delyuere hem ſelf. And Jonaþas brent Azotum, and citees þat weren in cumpas þerof, and toke þe ſpuylis of hem; and he brente in fijr þe temple of Dagon, and hem þat fledden in to it. And þer weren þat fellen by ſwerd wiþ hem þat ben brent, almeſt eiȝt þouſande of men. And fro þennus Jonaþas mouede tentis, and applieden hem to Aſcalon; and þei wenten out of þe citee aȝeinus hym in grete glorie. And Jonaþas turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem wiþ his, hauynge many ſpuylis. And it is don, as kyng Aliſaundre herde þeſe wordes, he putte to ȝit for to glorifie Jonaþas. And he ſente to hym a golden laſe, or nouche, as cuſtume is for to be ȝouen to coſyns of kyngus; and he ȝaue to hym Accaron, and alle cooſtis þerof in to poſſeſſioun.
Capitulum XI
And þe kyng of Egypt gadride an ooſt, as grauel þat is about brynk of þe ſe, and many ſhippus; and ſouȝte for to weelde þe rewme of Aliſaundre in gyle, and adde it to his rewme. And he wente out in to Syrie wiþ peſible wordis, and þei opnyden to hym citees, and camen to hym; for kyng Aliſaundre comaundide for to go out aȝeinus hym, for he was fader of þe kyngus wijf. Soþeli whan Ptolome entride a citee, he putte keepyngus of kniȝtis in eche citees. And as he neiȝide to Azotus, þei ſhewiden to hym þe temple of Dagon brente in fijre, and Azotus, and oþer þingus þerof diſtruyed, and bodies caſt forþ, and þe biryels of hem þat weren ſlayn in bateil, whiche þei maden biſidis þe wey. And þei teelden to þe kyng, for Jonaþas dide þeſe þingus, for to make enuye to hym; and þe kyng was ſtille. And Jonaþas came to þe kyng wiþ glorie in Joppen, and þei gretten hem to gidre; and þei ſlepten þere. And Jonaþas wente wiþ þe kyng vn to þe flood þat is clepid Eleuþerus, and turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem. Soþeli kyng Pþolome weeldide þe lordſhip of citees vn to Sileuce, by þe ſee cooſt, and þouȝte to Aliſaundre yuel counſeils; and ſente legatis to Demetrie, ſayinge, Cumme þou, make we bitwix vs couenaunt, and Y ſhal ȝeue to þee my douȝter, whom Aliſaundre haþ, and þou ſhalt regne in rewme of þi fadir. Forſoþe it rewiþ me, for Y ȝaue to hym my douȝter; ſoþeli he ſouȝte for to ſlea me. And he diſpiſide hym þerfore, for he coueitide þe rewme of hym. And he toke awey his douȝter, and ȝaue hir to Demetrie, and alienede hym fro Aliſaundre; and his enmytees ben maad knowen. And Pþolome entride Antioche, and ynputtide two dyademes to his hed, of Egipt and Aſie. Forſoþe Aliſaundre was in Cilice in þo tymes, for þei rebelliden, þat weren in þo placis. And Aliſaundre herde, and came to hym in to bateil; and Pþolome, kyng, brouȝt forþ þe ooſt, and came to hym in ſtrong hond, and drofe hym. And Aliſaundre fleiȝ in to Araby, for to be defendid þere; ſoþely kyng Pþolome is enhaunſid. And Gadiel of Araby toke awey Aliſaundre hed, and ſente to Pþolome. And kyng Pþolome is dead in þe þrid day; and þei þat weren in ſtrengþis periſhiden, of hem þat weren wiþ ynne þe caſtels. And Demetrie regnyde in þe hundrid ȝeer and ſeuen and ſixtiþe. In þo days Jonaþas gadride hem þat weren in Judee, for to ouercume þe heeȝ rocke, þat is in Jeruſalem; and þei maden aȝeinus it many engynes. And ſumme wickid men, þat hatiden her folc, wente to kyng Demetrie, and tolden to hym, þat Jonaþas biſegide þe heeȝ rocke. And as he herd, he is wroþe, and anoon he came to Pþolomaida, and wrote to Jonaþas, þat he biſegide not þe heeȝ rocke, but he ſhulde cume to hym in haſt, to ſpeke to gidre. Soþeli as Jonaþas herde, he comaundide for to biſeege; and he cheeſe of þe elder men of Yrael, and of preſtis, and ȝaue hym to perel. And he toke gold, and ſyluer, and cloþ, and many oþer preſentis; and wente to þe kyng, to Pþolomaida, and fonde grace in ſiȝt of hym. And ſume wickid men of his folc axiden aȝeinus hym; and þe kyng dide to hym, as þei þat weren bifore hym, diden to hym; and he enhaunſide hym in ſiȝt of alle his frendis, and ordeynide to hym princehod of preſþod, and what euer preciouſe þingus he hadde before; and made hym prince of frendis. And Jonaþas axide of þe kyng, þat he make Judee free, and þree princehodis of þree placis, and Samarie, and niȝ cooſtis þerof; and he bihiȝte to hym þre hundrid talentis. And þe kyng conſentide, and wrote to Jonaþas epiſtlis of all þeſe þingus, conteynyng þis manere. Kyng Demetrie to Jonaþas, broþer, helþe, and to folk of Jewis. Þe enſaumple of þe epiſtle whiche we han wryten to Laſcheny, oure fadre, of ȝou, we ſenten to ȝou, þat ȝe ſhulde wite. Kyng Demetrie to Laſcheny, fader, helþe. To þe peple of Jewis, oure frendis, and kepynge whiche þingus ben iuſt anentis vs, we demyden for to wele do, for þe benignytee of hem þat þei han anentus vs. Þerfore we ordeynen to hem, alle þe cooſtis of Judee, and þree citees, Lidea, and Ramaþa, þat ben addid to Judee, and Samarie, and alle þe niȝ cooſtis of hem, for to be ſequeſtrid, or departid, to alle doynge ſacrifice in Jeruſalem, for þeſe þingus þat þe kyng toke byfore of hem by alle ȝeeris, and for fruytis of erþe, and of applis. And oþer þingus þat perteyneden to vs, of tiþis, and tributis, fro þis tyme we forȝeuen to hem; and þe playn places of ſalt makyng, and þe crownes þat weren born to vs, alle þingus we graunten to þe peplis; and no þing of þeſe ſhal be voide, fro þis and in to al tyme. Nowe þerfore biſie ȝe for to make enſaumple of þeſe þingus, and be it ȝouen to Jonaþas, and be putt in þe holy mount, and in þe holy place. And kyng Demetrie ſeynge, þat þe lond was ſtille in his ſiȝt, and noþing aȝein ſtondeþ hym, left alle his ooſt, eche man in to his place, out taken þe ſtrange ooſt, þat he drewȝ fro ylis of heiþen men; and enmyes to it, al þe ooſt of his fadris. Forſoþe ſum Trifon was of þe partis of Aliſaundre bifore, and he ſeeȝ for al þe ooſt grucchide aȝeinus Demetrie; and he wente to Emacuel Arabyam, þat nuriſhide Antiochus, ſone of Aliſaundre. And he ſate niȝ to hym, þat he ſhulde bitake hym to hym, for to regne in ſtede of his fadir; and tolde out to hym, hou grete þingus Demetrie hadde don, and enmytees of his ooſtis aȝeinus hym; and he dwelte þere many days. And Jonaþas ſente to kyng Demetrie, þat he ſhulde caſte hem out, þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke in Jeruſalem, and whiche weren in helpis, or ſtrengþis, for þei inpungneden Yrael. And Demetrie ſente to Jonaþas, ſayinge, Not oonli þis Y ſhal do to þee and to þi folc, bot Y ſhal make þee noble by glorie, and þi folk, whan it ſhal be couenable. Nowe þerfore riȝtly þou ſhalt do, ȝif þou ſhalt ſende men in to helpe of me, for al myn ooſt wente awey. And Jonaþas ſente to hym þree þouſand of ſtrong men, to Antioche; and þei camen to þe kyng, and þe kyng delitide in þe cummyng of hem. And þere camen to gidre þat weren of þe citee an hundrid and twenti þouſand of men, and wolden ſlea þe kyng. And þe kyng fledde in to þe halle. And þei þat weren of þe citee ocupieden þe wayes of þe citee, and bigunne for to fiȝte. And þe kyng clepide Jewis in to help, and alle camen togidre to hym; and alle ben ſcatered by þe citee, and ſlewen in þat day an hundrid þouſand of men. And þei brenten þe citee, and token many ſpuylis in þat day, and delyuerden þe kyng. And þei ſawen, þat weren of þe citee, þat Jewis hadden taken þe citee as þei wolden; and ben maad vnſtedefaſt in her ſoule, and crieden to þe kyng wiþ preyers, ſayinge, Ȝeue þou to vs riȝt hondis, and ceeſe þe Jewis for to fiȝte aȝeinus vs and þe citee. And þei caſtiden awey her armers, and maden pees. And Jewis ben glorified in ſiȝt of þe kyng, and in ſiȝt of alle men þat weren in his rewme, and ben named in þe rewme. And þei wenten aȝein in to Jeruſalem, hauynge many ſpuylis. And kyng Demetrie ſittiþ in ſete of his rewme, and þe lond was ſtille in his ſiȝt. And he leeȝide alle þingus, what euere he ſaide, and alyenyde hym fro Jonaþas, and he ȝeeldide not to hym vp benyficis, þat he hadde ȝouen to hym, and traueilide hym gretely. After þeſe þingus Trifon turnyde aȝein, and Antiochus wiþ hym, a ȝunge chijld; and regnide, and puttide on to hym a diademe. And alle ooſtis ben gadrid to hym, whiche kyng Demetrie ſcatride; and þei fouȝten aȝeinus hym, and he fleiȝ, and turnyde backis. And Trifon toke beeſtis and weeldide Antioche. And Antiochus þe ȝunge wrote to Jonaþas, ſayinge, I ordeyne to þee preſþod, and I ordeyne þee on foure citees, þat þou be of þe kyngis frendis. And he ſente to hym golden veſſels, in to mynyſterie, and ȝaue to hym power of drinkyng in gold, and for to be in to purpre, and for to haue a golden nouche. And he ordeynyde Symont, his broþere, duyke fro termes of Tire vn to þe eendis of Egypt. And Jonaþas wente out, and walkide ouere þe flood bi citees; and al þe ooſt of Syrie is gadrid to hym in to help. And he came to Aſcalon, and þei of þe citee camen aȝeins hym wirſhipfully. And fro þennus he wente to Gaza, and þei þat weren at Gaza cloſiden hem to gidre, and he biſeegide it. And he brente what þingis weren in cumpas of þe citee, and ſpuylide it by praye. And men of Gaza preyeden Jonaþas, and he ȝaue to hem riȝt hond, or pees. And he toke þe ſonys of hem pleggis, or in oſtage, and he ſente hem in to Jeruſalem; and he walkide þorou þe cuntree vn to Damaſk. And Jonaþas herde, for princis of Demetrie treſpaſſiden in Cades, þat is in Galilee, wiþ miche ooſt, willynge for to remoue hym fro need of þe rewme; and he came aȝeinus hem. Forſoþe he lefte Symont, his broþer, biſidis þe prouynce. And Symont appliede to Beþſura, and fauȝte aȝeinus it many days, and cloſide hem togidre. And þei axiden of hym for to take riȝþondis, and he ȝaue to hem. And he caſtide hem out fro þennus, and toke þe citee, and puttide þerinne help, or ſtrengþe. And Jonaþas and his tentis, or ooſt, applieden to þe water of Genaſar, and bifore þe liȝt þei walkiden in þe feeld of Aſor. And loo! þe tentis, or ooſtis, of alyens camen aȝeinus in þe feeld, and benten, or ſetten, to hym aſpies, or diſceytis, in þe hillis. Soþeli he came aȝeinus of þe contrarie part. Soþeli þe aſpies, or buſhementis, riſen vp of her places, and ioyneden bateil. And alle þat weren of Jonaþas part fledden, and no man of hem is left, no bot Maþatias, ſone of Abſalomy, and Judas, ſone of Calphi, prince of þe kniȝþod and ooſt. And Jonaþas kittide his cloþis, and puttide erþe in his hed, and preyede. And Jonaþas turnyde aȝein to hem in to bateil, and to gidre turnyde hem in to fliȝt, and fouȝten. And þei ſawen þat fledden of his part, and þei turneden aȝein to hym, and purſueden wiþ hym in to Cades, to her tentis, and fully þei camen vn to þider. And þere felle doun in þat day of aliens þree þouſand of men, and Jonaþas turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem.
Capitulum XII
And Jonaþas ſeeȝ for þe tyme helpiþ hym; and he cheeſe men, and ſente hem to Rome, for to ordeyne and renule frenſchip wiþ hem. And to Sparciatis, and to oþer places, he ſente epiſtlis vp þe ſame fourme. And þei wenten to Rome, and entriden in þe courte, and ſaiden, Jonaþas, heeȝeſt preſt, and folc of Jewis, ſenten vs, for to renule frendſhip and felawſhip, after þe former. And þei ȝauen to hem epiſtlis to hem by placis, þat þei ſhulden leede hem forþ in to þe lond of Juda wiþ pees. And þis is þe enſaumple of epiſtlis, whiche Jonaþas wrote to Sparciatis. Jonaþas, þe heiȝiſt preſt, and elder men of þe folc, and preſtis, and oþer peple of Jewis, to Sparciatis, breþeren, helþe. Nowe bifore þe epiſtlis weren ſente to Onye, þe heeiȝeſt preſt, fro Darius, þat regnide anentis ȝou; for ȝe ben oure breþeren as þe reſcrite, or writing, conteneþ, þat is vndirput. And Onye reſceyuyde þe man wiþ honour, þat was ſente, and toke þe epiſtels, in whom was ſignified of felawſhip and frenſhip. Whan we hadden no need of þeſe, hauynge in ſolace, or coumfort, holy bokis, þat ben in oure hondis, hadden leuere for to ſende to ȝou, for to renule breþerhed and frenſhip, leſt perauenture we ben maad aliens fro ȝou; forſoþe many tymes paſſiden, ſiþen ȝe ſenten to vs. We þerfore in al tyme wiþ out ceeſyng, in ſolempne days, and oþer, in whiche it byhoueþ, ben myndeful of ȝou in ſacrifices þat we offren, and in obſeruances, as leeful is, and biſemeþ, for to haue hadde mynde of breþeren. And ſo we ben glad of ȝoure glorie. Forſoþe many tribulaciouns enuyrounden vs, and many bateils; and kyngis, þat ben in oure cumpas, enpugneden, or fouȝten, aȝeinus vs. And þerfore we woln not be greuous to ȝou, neþer to oþer felawis, and oure frendis, in þeſe bateilis. Soþeli we hadden help of heuen, and ben delyuerde, and oure enmyes ben maad lowe. And ſo we han choſen Numenium of Antiochi, and Antipatre, ſone of Jaſoun, and ſente to Romayns, for to renule wiþ hem and frenſhip and former felawſhip. And ſo we comaundiden to hem, þat þei cum alſo to ȝou, and grete ȝou, and ȝeelde to ȝou oure piſtlis of renulyng of oure breþerhed. And now ȝe ſhuln wel do, anſweryng to vs of þeſe þingis. And þis is þe reſcrite, or aȝein wrytyng, of þe epiſtlis, þat Onye, kyng of Sparciatis, ſente. Onye to Jonaþas, þe grete preſt, helþe. It is founden in wrytyng of Sparciatis, and Jewis, for þei ben breþeren, and for þei ben of þe kyn of Abraham. And nowe ſiþen we knewen þeſe þingus, ȝe don wel, wrytynge to vs of oure pees. Bot and we aȝein writen to ȝou. Our beeſtis and oure poſſeſſions ben ȝour, and ȝour oure. And ſo we comaundiden, for to telle þeſe þingis to ȝou. And Jonaþas herde, for þe princis of Demetrie wenten out wiþ miche ooſt, ouer þat byfore, for to fiȝte aȝeinus hym. And he wente out fro Jeruſalem, and ranne aȝeinus hem in þe cuntree of Amaþiþa; ſoþeli he ȝaue not ſpace to hem, for to entre in to his cuntree. And he ſente aſpies in to þe tentus of hem, and þei turnyd aȝein tolden, for þei ordeynyden for to cum ouer þidre in niȝt. Whanne þe ſunne had go doun, Jonaþas baad his waake, and be redy in armeres to bateil al niȝt. And he ſette keepers bi cumpas of þe tentis; and þe aduerſaries herden, for Jonaþas is redy wiþ his in bateil, and þei dredden, and inwardly weren agaſt in her herte, and tenden fijrs in her tentis. Forſoþe Jonaþas, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, knewen not til morewe; forſoþe þei ſawen liȝtis brennynge. And Jonaþas ſuede hem, and cauȝte hem not; forſoþe þei paſſiden þe flood Eleuþerus. And Jonaþas turnyde to Arabas, þat weren clepid Sabadeis; and he ſmote hem, and toke ſpuylis of hem. And he ioynyde, and came to Damaſk, and walkide bi al þat cuntree. Forſoþe Symont wente out, and came til Aſcalon, and to þe next ſtrengþis; and he bowide doun in to Joppen, and occupiede it. Forſoþe he herde, þat þei wolden ȝeue help to þe parties of Demetrie; and he puttide þere keepers, for to keepe it. And Jonaþas turnyde aȝein, and clepide togidre þe eldre men of þe peple, and þouȝte wiþ hem for to beelde ſtrengþis in Judee, and for to beelde wallis in Jeruſalem, and for to reyſe a grete heiȝt, bitwix þe mydil of þe heeȝ rocke and þe citee, for to departe it fro þe citee, þat it were aloon, and neþer þei bye, ne ſelle. And þei camen to gidre, for to beelde þe citee. And þe wal felle togidre, þat was on þe ſtreme of reyne, fro ryſinge of þe ſunne; and he repareilide it, þat is clepid Capheteca. And Symont beeldide Adiada in Sephela, and he ſtrengþide it, and puttide on ȝatis and locks. And whanne Tryfon þouȝte for to regne at Aſie, and take to a diademe, and ſtrecche out hond in to kyng Antiochus, dredinge leſt perauenture Jonaþas ſhulde not ſuffre hym, bot fiȝte aȝeinus hym, he ſouȝte for to cacche hym, and ſlea. And he ryſyng vp wente in to Beþſan. And Jonaþas wente out aȝeinus, wiþ fourty þouſand of choſen men in to bateil, and came to Beþſan. And Trifon ſeeȝ, for Jonaþas came wiþ a myche ooſt, for to ſtrecche out hondis in to hym. And he dredde, and reſceyuede hym wiþ honoure, and comendide him to alle his freendis; and ȝaue to hym ȝiftis, and comaundide to his ooſtis, for to obeye to hym as to hym ſelf. And he ſaide to Jonaþas, Wherto haſt þou traueilide al þe peple, whann bateil is not to vs? And nowe ſende hem aȝein in to her houſis. Soþely cheſe þou to þee a fewe men, þat ben wiþ þee, and cume wiþ me to Pþolomaida, and Y ſhal ȝeue it to þee, and oþer ſtrengþis, and ooſt, and alle prepoſtis, or ſouereyns, of neede; and Y conuertid ſhal go awey. Soþely þerfore Y came. And he byleeuyde to hym, and dide as he ſaid, and lefte þe ooſt; and þei wenten awey in to þe lond of Juda. Forſoþe he wiþheelde wiþ hym þree þouſand of men, of whom he ſente aȝein in to Galilee two þouſand; ſoþeli a þouſand camen wiþ hym. Forſoþe as Jonaþas entride Pþolomaida, men of Pþolomaida ſhitten þe ȝatis, and cauȝten hym; and alle þat entriden wiþ hym þei ſlewen wiþ ſwerd. And Trifon ſente an ooſt and horſmen in to Galilee, and in to þe greet feeld, for to leeſe alle þe felawis of Jonaþas. And þei, whan þei knewen for Jonaþas is taken, and periſhide, and alle þat weren wiþ hym, moneſtiden hem ſelf, and wenten out redy in to bateile. And þei ſeeynge, þat purſueden, for for ſoule, or lijf, þe þing is to hem, turnyden aȝein. Forſoþe þei camen alle wiþ pees in to þe lond of Juda. And þei weiliden Jonaþas gretely, and alle þat weren wiþ hym, and Yrael mournyde wiþ grete mournynge. And alle heiþen men þat weren in þe cumpas of hem, ſouȝten for to breke hem to gidre; forſoþe þei ſaiden, Þei han no prince and helpyng; now þerfore ouer cumme we hem, and take awey of men þe mynde of hem.
Capitulum XIII
And as Symont herde, þat Trifon gadride a grete ooſt, for to cum in to þe lond of Juda, and for to diſtruye it, ſeeynge for þe peple is in tremblyng and dreed, he ſtieȝ vp in to Jeruſalem, and gadride þe peple; and moneſtynge ſaide, Ȝe witen, hou many þingus Y, and my breþeren, and þe hous of my fadir, han don, for lawis and for holy þingus, batels, and what maner anguyſhis we ſawen. For grace, or cauſe, of þeſe þingus alle my breþeren periſhiden for Yrael, and Y aloone am left. And now bifalle it not to me, for to ſpare my ſoule, or lijf, in al tyme of tribulacioun; forſoþe Y am not better þan my breþeren. And ſo Y ſhal venge my folc, and holy þingus, and oure children, and wyues; for alle heiþen men ben gadrid, for to diſtruye vs, bi cauſe of enmytee. And þe ſpirit of þe peple is brent togidre, as it herde þeſe wordis. And þei anſwerden wiþ grete voice, ſayinge, Þou art oure duyk in ſtede of Judas, and Jonaþas, þi broþer; fiȝte þou oure bateil, and alle þingus what euere þou ſhalt ſaye, we ſhuln do. And he gadryng alle men fiȝters haſtide for to eende alle þe wallis of Jeruſalem, and he ſtrengþide it in cumpas. And he ſente Jonaþas, þe ſone of Abſolomy, and wiþ hym a newe ooſt, in to Joppen. And þeſe caſt out þat weren in it, he dwellide þere. And Trifon mouede fro Pþolomaida wiþ myche ooſt, for to cum in to þe lond of Juda, and Jonaþas wiþ hym in keepyng. Forſoþe Symont appliede in Addus, aȝeinus þe face of þe feeld. And as Trifon knewe, for Symont roſe in ſtede of his broþer Jonaþas, and for he was to ioynyng bateil wiþ hym, he ſente to hym legatis, ſayinge, For ſyluer, þat þi broþer Jonaþas ouȝte in reſun of þe kyng, we wiþhelden hym. And nowe ſende þou an hundred talentis of ſyluer, and his two ſonnys pleggis, þat he not diſmitted flee fro vs, and we ſhuln aȝein ſende hym. And Symont knewȝ, þat wiþ gijle he ſpake wiþ hym. Neþeles he comaundide þe ſyluer to be ȝouen, and children, leſt he toke grete enmyte to þe peple of Yrael, ſayinge, For he ſente not to hym þe ſyluer and children, þerfore he periſhide. And he ſente þe children, and an hundred talentis. And he leeȝide, and diſmytted not Jonaþas. And after þeſe þingus Tryfon came wiþ ynne þe cuntre, for to diſtruye it. And þei cumpaſeden by þe waye þat lediþ to Ador; and Symont and his ooſt walkiden in to eche place, whider euere þei wenten. Soþely þei þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke, ſenten legatis to Trifon, for to haſte for to cume by deſert, and ſende to hem fodis. And Trifon made redy al þe rydyng, for to cume in þat niȝt; ſoþeli þer was ful myche ſnowe, and he cam not in to Galadiþym. And whanne he neeȝide to Baſchama, he ſlewȝ Jonaþas and his ſonys þere. And Trifon turnyde, and wente in to his lond. And Symont ſente, and toke þe bonys of Jonaþas, his broþer, and byryede hym in Modyn, citee of his fadris. And al Yrael weiliden hym wiþ grete weylyng, and þei mourneden hym many days. And Symont beeldide on þe ſepulcre of his fadir and breþeren an heeȝe beeldyng, wiþ ſtoon poliſhid byhynd and byfore. And he ordeynyde ſeuen ſmale bildyngus, broode byneþe and ſharp aboue, oon aȝeinus oon, to his fader, and moder, and foure breþeren. And to þeſe he putte aboute grete pilers, and on þe pilers armers, to euerlaſtynge mynd; and byſidis þe armers grauein ſhippis, whiche ſhulden be ſeen of men ſaylynge þe ſee. Þis is þe ſepulcre þat he made in Modyn, til in to þis day. Forſoþe whan Trifon maad waye wiþ Antiochus, þe ȝunge kyng, in gijle he ſlewȝ hym, and regnyde in his ſtede; and he puttide on to hym þe diademe of Aſie, and made grete veniance in þe lond. And Symont bildide þe ſtrengþis of Judee, wardynge hem wiþ heeȝ tours, and grete wallis, and ȝatis, and lockis; and he putte fodis in ſtrengþis. And Symont cheeſe men, and ſente to kyng Demetrie, þat he ſhulde do remiſſioun to þe cuntre, for alle þe dedis of Trifon weren don by rauyſhyng. And to þeſe wordis kyng Demetrie anſwerde to hym, and wrote ſiche epiſtil. Kyng Demetrie to Symont, heeȝiſt preſt, and frend of kyngus, and to elder men, and folc of Jewis, helþe. Þe golden crown, and baheu, whiche ȝe ſenten, we reſceyueden, and ben redy for to make wiþ ȝou grete pees, and for to write to prepoſtus of þe kyng, for to releeſe to ȝou what þingus we forȝauen; forſoþe what euer þingus we ordeyn to ȝou, ben ſtable. Þe ſtrengþis þat ȝe bildiden, be to ȝou; and we forȝeue ignoraunces and ſynnes, til in to þis day, and þe crown þat ȝe ouȝten; and ȝif eny oþer þing was tributarye, or bounden to tribute, in Jeruſalem, nowe be it not tributarie. And ȝif eny of ȝou ben able for to be wryten to gydre amonge oure men, be þei writen togidre, and pees be bitwixe vs. In þe hundrid ȝeer and ſeuentiþe, þe ȝoc of heiþen men is taken away fro Yrael. And þe peple bigan for to write in tablis, and opyn, or comun, doyinges, in þe firſt ȝeer vndre Symont, heeiſt preſt, grete duyk, and prince of Jewis. In þoo days Symont appliede to Gaſan, and enuyrounyde it wiþ tentis, or men of armes, and made engynes, and appliede to þe citee, and ſmote a toure, and toke it. And þei þat braken out, weren bitwixe þe engyne and in þe citee, and grete ſtiryng is maad in þe citee. And þei ſteiȝiden vp, þat weren in þe citee, wiþ her wijues, and ſonys, on þe walle, wiþ her kotis kitt, and crieden wiþ grete voice, axinge of Symont riȝþondis for to be ȝouen to hem, and ſaiden, Ȝeelde þou not to vs after oure malices, bot after þi mercyes, and we ſhuln ſerue to þee. And Symont bowide, or folden, fauȝte not aȝeinus hem, or ouercame not hem; neþeles he caſtide hem out of þe citee, and clenſide out þe houſis in whom weren ſymulacris, and þanne he entride in to it, wiþ ympnus, bleſſynge þe Lord. And alle vnclenneſſe caſt out þerof, he ſette þerynne men, þat ſhulden do þe lawe; and he ſtrengþide it, and made to hym abitacioun. Forſoþe þei þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke of Jeruſalem, weren forboden for to go out and go yn, in to þe cuntree, and to bye, and ſelle; and þei hungriden gretely, and many of hem periſhiden for hungre. And þei crieden to Symont, for to take riȝþondis, and he ȝaue to hem; and he caſt out hem fro þennus, and clenſide þe heeȝ rocke fro defoulyngus. And þei entriden in to it in þe þree and twentiþe day of þe ſecounde moneþe, in þe hundred and oon and ſeuenti ȝeer, wiþ preiſyng, and braunchis of palmes, and inſtrumentis of muſik, and cymbalis, and nablis, and ympnis, and ſongis, for þe grete enmye of Yrael is broken to gidre. And he ordeynede, þat in alle ȝeeris þeſe days ſhulden be don wiþ gladdeneſſe. And he ſtrengþide þe hille of þe temple, þat was biſidis þe heeȝ rocke, and dwelte þere, he, and þei þat weren wiþ hym. And Symont ſeeȝ Joon, his ſone, þat he was a man of bateil, and he putte hym duyk of alle vertues, and he dwelte in Gaſaris.
Capitulum XIIII
In þe hundrid and two and ſeuentiþe ȝeer kyng Demetrie gadride his ooſt, and wente to Mede, for to drawe togidre helpis to hym, for to ouercume Trifon. And as Arſaces, kyng of Perſis and Mede, herde for Demetrie entride his niȝ cooſtis, he ſente oon of his princis, for to take hym quyck, and þat he ſhulde brynge hym to hym ſelf. And he wente, and ſmote þe tentis of Demetrie, and toke hym, and ledde hym to Arſaces, and putt hym in to keepyng. And þe lond of Juda was ſtille, or peſible, alle þe days of Symont, and he ſouȝte good þingus of his folk; and his power pleſide to hem, and his glorie, in alle days. And wiþ alle his glorie he toke Joppen in to hauen, and maade entre in þe ylis of þe ſee; and he alargide þe cooſtis of his peple, and weeldede þe cuntre. And he gadride myche caitiftee, and was lord in Gaſara, and Beþſura, and Arcus; and he dide awey þe vnclenneſſe of it, and þere was not þat aȝein ſtode hym. And eche man tilied his own lond wiþ pees, and þe lond of Juda ȝaue his fruytis, and trees of þe feeld her fruyte. Alle elder men ſaten in ſtretis, and tretiden of goodis of þe lond; and ȝunge men cloþiden hem in glorie, and ſtoolis of bateil. And to þe citees he ȝaue foodis, and ordeynyde hem, þat þei weren veſſels of ſtrengþing, til þat name of his glorie was named vnto þe laſt of erþe. He made pees on þe lond, and Yrael gladide wiþ grete gladneſſe; and eche man ſate vnder his vyne, and vnder his fijge tree, neþer þere was þat feride hem. Þe fiȝtynge man aȝeinus hem feilide on erþe; kyngis ben broken togidre in þo days. And he confermyde alle meke men of his peple, and he ſouȝte out þe lawe, and dide awey al yuel and wickid; and glorifiede holy þingus, and multipliede veſſels of holy þingus. And it is herd at Rome, for Jonaþas is dead, and til in to Spartialis, and þei ben ful ſorewful. Forſoþe as þei herden, þat Symont, his broþer, was maad heeiſt preſt in his ſtede, and weldide þe cuntree, and citees in it, þei wryten to hym in braſen tablis, for to renule frenſhip, and felawſhip, þat þei maden wiþ Judas and Jonaþas, his breþeren; and þei ben rad in ſiȝt of þe chirche in Jeruſalem. And þis enſaumple of piſtlis, þat Sparciatis ſenten. Prince and þe citees of Sparciatis to Symound, þe grete preeſt, and to eldre men, and preeſtis, and to oþer peple of Jewis, breþeren, helþe. Legatis þat ben ſente to oure peple, tolden to vs of ȝour glorie, and honoure, and gladneſſe, and we ioyeden in þe entree of hem. And we han writen what þingus weren ſaide of hem in counſeil of peple, þus. Numenius of Antiochus, and Antipatre, ſone of Jaſon, legatis of Jewis, camen to vs, renulyng wiþ vs þe former frendſhip. And it pleſide to þe peple, for to reſceyue þe men gloriouſly, and to putte enſaumple of her wordis in departid bokis of þe peple, þat it be to mynde to þe peple of Sparciatis; forſoþe we han writen enſaumple of þeſe þingus to Symont, þe greete preſt. Forſoþe after þeſe þingus Symont ſente Numenye to Rome, hauynge a greete golden ſheld, weiȝt of a þouſand beſauntis, for to ordeyne frenſhip wiþ hem. Soþeli whan þe peple of Rome herde þeſe wordis, þei ſaiden, What doynge of þankingus ſhuln we ȝeelde to Symont, and his ſonys? Forſoþe he reſtoride his breþeren, and ouer came þe enmyes of Yrael fro hem. And þei ordeynyden to him freedam, and wryten in braſen tablis, and puttiden in tytlis, in to þe mount of Syon. And þis is þe enſaumple of writyng. In þe eiȝtenþe day of þe moneþe Ebul, in þe hundred and two and ſeuentiþe ȝeer, þe þrid ȝeer vnder Symont, þe grete preſt, in Aſaramel, in þe grete cummyng togidre of preſtis, peple, and princis, and folc, and eldre men of þe cuntree, þeſe þingus ben maad knowen; for many tymes bateils ben maad in ȝour cuntree. Forſoþe Symont, þe ſone of Maþatias, of þe ſonys of Joaryb, and his breþeren, ȝauen hem ſelf to perel, and aȝein ſtoden aduerſaries of her folc, þat her holy þingus and lawe ſhulden ſtonde; and bi grete glorie þei glorifieden her folc. And Jonaþas gadride his folc, and is maad to hem a grete preſt, and he is put to his peple. And þe enmyes of hem wolden defoule holy þingus, and diſtruye þe cuntre of hem, and ſtrecche forþ þe hond in to holy þingus of hem. Þanne Symont aȝeinſtode, and fauȝte for his peple, and ȝaue myche moneys, and armyd men of vertu of his folc, and he ȝaue to hem ſowdis; and ſtrengþide þe citees of Juda, and Beþſura, þat was in þe eendis of Judee, wher bifore weren armers of enmyes, and he puttide þere help, or ſtrengþe, men Jewis. And he ſtrengþide Joppe, þat was at þe ſee, and Gaſara, þat was in þe cooſtis of Azotus, in whom enmyes dwelten byfore; and he ſette þere Jewis, and what euere þingus weren able to þe amendyng of hem, he putte in hem. And þe peple ſawȝ þe doyng of Symount, and þe glorie þat he þouȝte for to do to his folc, and þei puttiden hym her duyke, and prince of preſtis, for þat he hadde don alle þes þingis and riȝtwiſneſſe, and feiþ, þat he kepte to his folk; and he ſouȝte out in al maner for to reyſe his peple. And in his days it hadde proſperitee in his hondis, þat heiþen men weren taken awey fro þe cuntree of hem, whiche weren in þe citee of Dauid in Jeruſalem, in þe heeȝ rocke; of whiche þei camen out, and defouliden alle þingus þat weren in þe cumpas of holy þingus, and ȝauen grete wounde to þe citee. And he ſette þerynne men Jewis, to defendyng of þe cuntree and þe citee, and he reyſide þe wallis in Jeruſalem. And kyng Demetrie ordeynede to hym þe heeȝiſt preſþod; vp þis he made hym his frend, and glorifiede hym in grete glorie. Forſoþe he herd, þat Jewis ben cleepid of Romayns frendis, and felawes, and breþeren, and for þei reſceyuyden þe legatis of Symont gloriouſly; and for Jewis and preſtis of hem conſentiden, hym for to be her duyke, and heeȝiſt preſt, in to wiþouten eende, til þere ryſe a feiþful prophete; and þat he be duyk on hem, and cure were to hym for holy þingus; and þat he ſhulde ordeyne prepoſtus, or gouernours, on þe werkis of hem, and on þe cuntree, and on armers, and on ſtrengþus; and cure be to hym of holy þingus; and þat he be herd of men, and alle wrytyngis in þe cuntree be wryten to gidre vnder name of hym; and þat it be not leeful to eny of þe peple, and to preſtis, for to make eny þing of þeſe voide, and aȝein ſaye to þeſe þingus þat ben ſaid of hym, eþer to clepe togidre couent in þe cuntree wiþouten hym; and for to be cloþid in purpre, and for to vſe a golden lace, or nouche. Soþely he þat ſhal do wiþ out þis, or ſhal make voide eny of þeſe, ſhal be gylty. And it pleſide to gidre to alle þe peple, for to ordeyne Symont, and to do after þeſe wordis. And Symont reſceyuede, and it pleſide, þat he were ſett in þe heeiſt preſþod, and were duyk and prince of þe folc of Jewis, and preſtis, and were bifore to alle men. And þei ſaiden hem for to putte þis wrytyng in braſen tablis, and to putte hem in þe walkyng place of holy þingus, in ſolempne place; forſoþe for to putte enſaumple of þeſe in treſorie, þat Symont haue and his ſonys.
Capitulum XV
And þe kyng Antiochus, ſone of Demetrie, ſente epiſtlis fro ijlys of þe ſee, to Symont, preſt, and prince of folc of Jewis, and to al þe folc; and þei weren conteynynge þis manere. Kyng Antiochus to Symont, þe grete preſt, and to folc of Jewis, helþ. For ſoþli men berynge peſtilence weeldiden þe rewme of oure faders, forſoþe Y wole venge þe rewme, and reſtore it, as it was byfore; Y made þe choſen multitude of ooſt, and made ſhippus of werre. Forſoþe Y wole go forþ by cuntrees, þat Y do veniaunce in to hem þat diſtruyede oure cuntree, and þat maden many citees deſolate in my rewme. Now þerfore Y ordeyne to þee alle offringus, þat alle kyngus byfore me forȝauen to þee, and what euer oþer ȝiftis þei forȝauen to þee; and Y ſuffre þee for to make ſmytyng, or printe, of þin own money, in þi regyoun; ſoþely Jeruſalem for to be holy and free, and alle armers þat ben maad, and ſtrengþis, þat þou haſt maad out, and þat þou holdiſt, dwelle to þee; and al dett of þe kyng, and þo þat ben to cummynge of kyngus þingis, fro þis in to al tyme ben forȝouen to þee. Soþely whanne we ſhuln weelde oure rewme, we ſhuln glorifie þee, and þi folc, and temple, wiþ grete glorie, ſo þat ȝoure glorie be ſhewid in al erþe. In þe hundrid ȝeer and foure and ſeuentiþe Antiochus wente out in to þe lond of his fadris, and alle ooſtis camen to gydre to hym, ſo þat fewe weren left wiþ Trifon. And kyng Antiochus purſuede hym, and he came to Doram, fleeȝinge by þe ſe cooſt; forſoþe he wiſt, þat yuels weren gadrid in to hym, and þe ooſt forſoken hym. And Antiochus appliede on Doram, wiþ an hundrid and twenti þouſand of fiȝtyng men, and eiȝte þouſand of horſmen; and he cumpaſide þe citee, and ſhippus fro þe ſe camen to; and þei traueiliden þe cite fro lond and ſe, and ſuffreden no man for to entre, or go out. Forſoþe Numenyus came, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, fro Rome, hauynge epiſtlis wryten to kyngis and cuntrees, in whiche þeſe þingus weren conteyned. Lucius, conſul of Romayns, to kyng Pþolome, helþe. Legatis of Jewis camen to vs, oure freendis, renulynge þe former frenſhip and felawſhip, ſent of Symont, prince of preſtis, and of þe peple of Jewis. Soþeli þei brouȝten to and a golden ſheeld of a þouſand beſauntis. And ſo it pleſide to vs for to wryte to kyngis and cuntrees, þat þei do not yuels to hem, neþer enpungne hem, and her cytees, and her cuntrees, and þat þei bere not help to men fiȝtynge aȝeinus hem. Forſoþe it is ſeen to vs, for to reſceyue of hem þe ſheeld. Þerfore ȝif any men of peſtilence ſhuln flee fro þe cuntree of hem to ȝou, bytake ȝe hem to Symont, prince of preſtis, þat he venge in to hem after his lawe. Þeſe ſame þingus ben wryten to kyng Demetrie, and Attalus, and Araba, and Arſaces, and in to alle cuntrees, and Sampſame, and Spartanyes, and Delo, and Myde, and Synone, and Carie, and Samyum, and Pamphiliam, and Lyſiam, and Alacarnaſum, and Rodum, and Phaſelida, and Reo, and Sydon, and Arado, and Gortynam, and Gnydum, and Cypre, and Cyrenen. Forſoþe enſaumple of þeſe þei han wryten to Symont, prince of preſtis, and to peple of Jewis. Forſoþe Antiochus appliede tentus in Doram þe ſecounde tyme, mouynge to it euermore hondis, and makyng engynes; and he cloſide to gidre Trifon, leſt he wente out. And Symont ſente to hym two þouſand of choſen men, in to help, and ſyluer, and gold, and plenteuouſe veſſels; and he wolde not take. Bot he brake alle þingus þat he couenantide wiþ hym byfore, and alyenyde hym ſelf fro hym. And he ſente to hym Aþenobius, oon of his freendis, for to treete wiþ hym, ſayynge, Ȝe holden Joppen and Gazaram, and þe heeȝ rocke þat is in Jeruſalem, cytees of my rewme; þe cooſtis of hem ȝe han waaſtid, and han don a grete veniaunce in þe lond, and ȝe lordſhipen by many places in my rewme. Nowe þerfore ȝeue ȝe þe citees, whom ȝe occupieden, and tributis of places, to whom ȝe lordſhipen, out of þe eendis of Judee. Or ellis ȝeue ȝe for hem fyfty talentis of ſyluer, and of diſtruyyng þat ȝe han diſtruyed, and of tributis of citees, oþer fifty talentis; or ellis we ſchuln cumme, and ouercumme ȝou. And Aþenobyus, frend of þe kyng, came in to Jeruſalem, and ſeeȝ þe glorye of Symont, and cleerneſſe, in gold, and ſyluer, and plenteuouſe apareil, and was aſtonyed; and he tolde to hym wordis of þe kyng. And Symont anſwerde, and ſeide to hym, Neþer we token alyen londis, neþer wiþ holden oþer mens þingus, bot eritage of oure fadris, þat was weeldid ſum tyme vniuſtly of oure enmyes. Soþely we hauynge tyme chalengen þe heritage of oure fadris. For why of Joppe and Gazara þat þou axiſt, þei diden grete veniaunce in þe peple, and in oure cuntree; of þeſe we ȝeuen an hundrid talentis. And Aþenobyus anſwerde not a word. Soþely he, turned aȝein wiþ wraþ to þe kyng, tolde aȝein to hym þeſe wordis, and þe glorie of Symont, and alle þingus þat he ſeeȝ. And þe kyng was wroþe wiþ grete wraþ. Forſoþe Trifon fleiȝ by ſhip in to Ortoſayda. And þe kyng ordeynyde Cendebeus, duyk of þe ſe cooſt, and ȝaue to hym ooſt of fotmen and horſmen; and comaundide hym for to moue tentis aȝeinus þe face of Judee. And he comaundide hym for to bilde Cedron, and to ſtoppe ȝatis of þe citee, and ouercumme þe peple; forſoþe þe kyng purſuede Trifon. And Cendebeus came to Jamniam, and bigan for to terre þe peple to wraþ, and for to defoule Judee, and to make þe peple caityf, and ſlea, and to beelde Cedron. And he ſette þere horſmen and ooſt, þat þei gon out ſhulden walke by þe waye of Judee, as þe kyng ordeynyde hym.
Capitulum XVI
And Joon ſtyede fro Gazara, and tolde to Symont, his fadir, what þingus Cendebeus dide in þe peple of hem. And Symont clepide his two eldre ſonnys, Judas and Joon, and ſaiþ to hem, Y, and my breþeren, and þe hous of my fadre, han ouercummen þe enmyes of Yrael, fro ȝongþe til in to þis day; and it hadde proſperite in oure hondis, for to delyuere Yrael ſumtymes. Forſoþe nowe I haue oldid, bot be ȝe in my ſtede, and of my broþer, and ȝe gon out, fiȝte for oure folc; forſoþe help of heuen be wiþ ȝou. And he cheeſe of þe cuntree twenti þouſand of fiȝtynge men, and horſmen; and þei wenten out to Cendebeus, and ſlepten in Modyn. And þei ryſen erly, and wenten in to þe feeld, and loo! a copyous ooſt in to metyng to hem, of fotemen and horſmen; and þe flood of reyn water was bitwix þe myddis of hem. And he mouede to þe tentis aȝeinus þe face of hem, he and his peple, and he ſeeȝ þe peple tremblynge to paſſe ouer þe ſtreme of reyn, and he paſſide ouer þe firſt; and men ſeeȝen hym, and paſſiden after hym. And he lefte þe peple and horſmen in mydil of fotemen; forſoþe þe rydyng of aduerſaries was ful plenteuouſe. And þei cryeden an heeȝ wiþ holy trumpis; and Cendebeus is conuertid in to fliȝt, and his ooſt, and many of hem felle woundid; ſoþely þe reſidues fledden in to þe ſtrengþe. Þanne Judas, þe broþer of Joon, is woundid; forſoþe Joon purſuede hem, til he came to Cedrona, whom he beeldide. And þei fledden vnto toures, þat weren in þe feeldis of Azotis, and he brente hem wiþ fijr; and þere fellen of hem two þouſand of men; and he turnyde aȝein in to Judee in pees. And Pþolome, ſone of Aboby, was ordeynyd duyk in þe feeld of Jerico, and he hadde myche ſyluer and gold; forſoþe he weddide þe douȝter of þe heeȝiſt preſt. And þe hert of hym is reyſid, and he wolde weelde þe cuntree; and he þouȝte gyle aȝeinus Symont and his ſonys, for to do awey hem. Forſoþe Symont walkynge by citees þat weren in þe cuntree of Judee, and berynge þe beſyneſſe of hem, came doun in to Jericho, he, and Maþatias, his ſone, and Judas, in þe hundrid ȝeer and ſeuen and ſeuentiþe, in þe elleuenþe moneþe; þis is þe moneþ Sabaþ. And þe ſone of Abobi reſceyuyde hem in to a litil ſtrengþe, þat is clepid Doþ, wiþ gijle, whom he beeldide; and he made to hem a grete feeſt, and hidde men þere. And whan Symont was ful of drinke, and his ſonys, Pþolome rooſe wiþ his, and token her armers, and entriden in to þe feeſt, and ſlewen hym, and his two ſonnys, and ſume children of hym. And he did a grete diſceyte in Yrael, and ȝeeldide yuels for goodis. And Pþolome wrote þeſe þingus, and ſente to þe kyng, for to ſende to hym an ooſt in to help, and he ſhulde bitake to hym þe cuntre and citees of hem, and tributis. And he ſente oþer in to Gazara, for to do awey Joon; and þe tribune ſente epiſtlis, þat þei ſhulden cume to hym, and he ſhulde ȝeue to hem ſyluer, and gold, and ȝiftis. And he ſente oþer, for to ocupie Jeruſalem, and þe mount of þe temple. And ſumman rennynge byfore tolde to Joon in Gazara, for his fader periſhide, and his breþeren, and for he haþ ſente and þee for to be ſlayn. Forſoþe as he herde, he dredde greteli; and he cauȝte þe men þat came for to leeſe hym, and ſlewȝ hem; forſoþe he knewe, for þei ſouȝten for to leeſe hym. And oþer þingus of Joons wordis, and of his bateils, and good vertues, in whiche he dide ſtrongly, and of beeldyng of wallis, whom he fully maade, and of þingus don of hym, loo! þeeſe ben writen in þe boke of days of his preſþod, ſiþen he was maad prince of preſtis aftir his fadir.
Here endiþ þe book of þe firſte Judas Machabeus, and bigynneþ þe book of ſecunde Judas Machabeus.