Þe Prolog in Þe Book of Yſaye
Here begynneþ þe prolog in þe book of Yſaye, þe prophete.
No man, whan þe profetes he ſhal ſeen wiþ verſis to ben diſcriued, in metre eyme he hem anent þe Ebrues to ben bounden, and any þing lic to han of Salmes, or of þe werkus of Salomon; but þat in Demoſtene and Tullio it is wont to ben do, þat bi dyuyſeouns, and vnder diſtincciouns þei ben writen, þe whiche forſoþe in proſe, and not in vers wryten. Wee forſoþe, to þe profit of rederes purueyende, þe newe remenyng wiþ a newe maner of writing han diſtinctly write. And firſt, of Iſaie it is to write, þat in his ſermoun he is wys; forſoþe as a noble man, and of curteis fair ſpeche, ne any þing is mengd of cherlhed in his faire ſpeche. Wherfore it falleþ, þat þe tranſlacioun ſhal not moun kepe þe flour of his ſermoun, biforn oþere. Þeraftir alſo þis is to be leid to, þat not more he is to be ſeyd a profete, þan euaungeliſt. So forſoþe alle þe myſteries of Criſt and þe chirche to cleer, or cleerli, he purſuede, þat not hym þou weene of þyng to come to profecien, but of þe þingis paſſid ſtorie to weue. Wherfore I eyme þe Seuenty Remenoures þat tyme not to han wold þe ſacramens of þer beleeue to ſhewe ful clerly to þe heþene, leſt hoeli to dogges, and margarites to ſwyn þei ȝeeue. Þe whiche whan þis making ȝee ſhul rede, of hem ȝee ſhul taken heed, or perceyue, hid þing. Ne I vnknowe of hou myche trauaile it be þe profetes to vnderſtonden, ne liȝtly any man to moun demen of þe remenyng, but if he ſchal vnderſtonden byfore he ſchal reden; wee alſo to ben opene to þe bitingus of manye men, þe whiche bi enuye ſtyrende, þat þat þei moun not han, þei diſpiſeden. Þanne I witende and ſleeȝ, in to þe flaume putte þe hond; and nerþelatere þis of noȝeſum rederes I preȝe, þat as Grekes after þe Seuenty tranſlatoures, Aquylam, and Symachum, and Theodocian þei reden, or for ſtudie of þer doctrine, or þat þe Seuenty more þey vnderſtonde of þe togidere leiynge of hem, ſo and þeſe namely oon remenour aftir þe raþere vouche þei ſaf to han. Rede þei raþere, and aftirward diſpiſe þey; leſt þei ben ſeen not of dom, but of preſumpcioun of hate vnknowen þyngus to dampnen. Forſoþe Iſaie profeciede in Jeruſalem and in Jewerie, not ȝit þe ten lynages led in to caitifte; and off euer eiþer rewme, now togidere, now ſeuerendely, he ordeynede þe profecie. And þoȝ oþer while he bihold to þe preſent ſtorie, and aftir þe caitifte of Babiloyne he betokneþ þe aȝeencomyng of þe puple in to Jewerie, nerþelatere al his biſyneſſe is of þe cleping of Jentiles, and of þe comyng of Criſt, whom hou myche more ȝee loouen, o Paule and Euſtoche, ſo myche more of hym aſkeþ, þat for þe preſent bacbityng by which me enemys vnceſendely to-tern, he to me ȝelde meede in tyme to come, þat wot me for þat þing to han ſwat in þe lernyng of a ſtraunge tunge, leſt þe Jewis lengere ſhulden put repreue to þe chirchis of hym, of þe falſhed of ſcriptures.
Here endiþ þe prolog, and now begynneþ þe book of Yſaie, þe prophete.
Capitulum I.
The viſeoun of Iſaie, ſone of Amos, þat he ſaȝ vp on Judam and Jeruſalem, in þe daȝes of Oſie, Joaþan, Achaȝ, Eſechie, kingus of Juda. Hereþ, ȝee heuenus, and wiþ eres parceyue, þou erþe, for þe Lord ſpac. Sonus I nurſhede out and enhauncede; þei forſoþe diſpiſeden me. Þe oxe kneȝ his weldere, and þe aſſe þe cracche of his lord; Irael forſoþe me kneȝ not, and my puple vnderſtod not. Wo to ſynful folc, to þe puple heuy wiþ wickidneſſe, to þe ſhreude ſed, to þe ſonus ful of hidous giltes; þei forſoken þe Lord, þei blasfemeden þe hoeli of Irael, þei ben aliened awei bacward. Vp on what þing I ſhal ſmyte ȝou, ferþermor addende lawe breche, or treſpaſſing aȝeyns þe lawe? Eche hed ful of langour, and eche herte ful of mornyng. Fro þe plante of þe foot vnto þe top, þer is not in hym helþe; wounde, and wanneſſe, and ſikneſſe ſwellende is not bounden aboute, ne curid wiþ leching, ne nurſhid wiþ oile. Ȝoure lond is deſert, ȝoure cites ben brend vp wiþ fyr; ȝoure regioun deuouren biforn ȝou alienus, and it ſhal be deſolat as in enemyful waſtete. And þe doȝter of Sion ſhal ben forſaken as a ſhadewy place in a vyneȝerd, and as an hylet in a place of goordes, and as a cite þat is waſtid. But ȝif þe Lord of oſtes hadde laft to vs ſed, as Sodom wee hadden ben, and as Gomorra lijc wee ſhulden ben. Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee princes of Sodom; and parceyueþ wiþ eres þe lawe of ȝoure God, ȝee puple of Gomorre. What to me þe multitude of ȝoure ſlayn ſacrifiſe? ſeiþ þe Lord. Ful I am; þe brent ſacrefiſes of weþeres, and þe talȝ of fatte beſtus, and þe blod of calues, and of lombes, and off goet, I wolde not. Whan ȝee ſhulden come biforn my ſiȝte, who ſoȝte þeſe þingus of ȝoure hondis, þat ȝee ſhulden go in my porches? Ne bringe ȝee to more ſacrifiſes in veyn; encens abhominacioun is to me; þe newe moone, and ſabot, and oþere feſtus I ſhal not bern. Wicke ben ȝoure cumpanyes; ȝoure kalendis and ȝoure ſolempnetees hatede my ſoule; þei ben mad to me greuous, I trauailede ſuffrende. And whan ȝee ſhul ſtrecche out ȝoure hondis, I ſhal turne awei myn eȝen fro ȝou; and whan ȝee ſhul multeplien oriſoun, I ſhal not heren; forſoþe ȝoure hondis ben ful of blod. Be ȝee waſhen, beþ clene; takeþ awei þe euel of ȝoure þoȝtes fro myn eȝen; reſteþ to do ſhreudely, lerneþ to do wel. Secheþ dom, helpeþ to þe opreſſid, demeþ to þe faderles child, defendeþ þe widewe. And comeþ, and vndernemeþ mee, ſeiþ þe Lord. If ȝoure ſynnes weren as flaume red ſilc, as ſnoȝ þei ſhuln ben mad white; and if þei weren rede as blod red ſilc, as whit wlle þei ſhul be. If ȝee wiln, and ſhuln heren me, þe goodis of þe erþe ȝee ſhuln ete. Þat if ȝee wiln not, and me to wraþe ȝee ſhulden terren, ſwerd ſhal deuoure ȝou; for þe mouþ of þe Lord ſpac. What maner is mad a ſtrumpet þe feiþful cite ful of dom? riȝtwiſneſſe dwellede in it; now forſoþe manſleeres. Þi ſyluer is turned in to dros; þi wyn is mengd wiþ water. Þi princes vnfeiþfull, felawes of þeues; alle þei loouen ȝiftus, folewen ȝeldyngus; to þe faderles child þei demen not, þe cauſe of þe widewe goþ not in to þem. For þat, ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes, ſtrong of Irael, Allas! I ſhal be coumfortid vp on my ſtraunge enemys, and I ſhal be vengid vp on myn enemys, þat ſhulden be frendis. And I ſhal turne myn hond to þee, and I ſhal ſeþen out to þe pure þi dros, and I ſhal taken awei al þi tyn. And I ſhal reſtoren þi domeſmen, as þey weren biforn, and þi counſeileris, as bi old tyme. Aftir þeſe þingus þou ſhalt ben clepid þe cite of þe riȝtwis, þe cheef citee of þe feiþful. Syon in dom ſhal ben aȝen boȝt, and þei ſhul bringe it aȝeen in to riȝtwiſneſſe; and he ſhal to-trede þe hydous gilteres and þe ſynneres togidere, and þatt forſoken þe Lord, ſhul ben diſtroȝid. Þei ſhul ben confoundid forſoþe of þe maumetes, to þe whiche þei ſacrifieden; and ȝee ſhuln ben ſhamed vp on þe gardynes, þat ȝee hadden choſen. Whan ȝee ſhul ben as an oek, þe leues fallende doun, and as a gardyn wiþ oute water. And ȝoure ſtrengþe ſhal ben as a deed ſparke of a flax top, and ȝoure werk as a ſparcle; and eiþir ſhal be brend vp togidere, and þer ſhal not ben þat quenche.
Capitulum II
The wrd þat ſaȝ Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos, vp on Judam and Jeruſalem. And þer ſhal be in þe laſte daȝes beforn mad redi þe mount of þe hous of þe Lord in þe cop of mounteynes, and it ſhal be rered out vp on hillys. And þer ſhul flowe to it alle Jentilis; and þer ſhul go many puples, and ſeyn, Comeþ, ſteȝe wee vp to þe mount of þe Lord, and to þe hous of God of Jacob; and he ſhal teche vs his weyes, and wee ſhul go in his ſties, or paþes. For fro Sion ſhall go out þe lawe, and þe wrd of þe Lord fro Jeruſalem. And he ſhal deme Jentiles, and vndernymen many puples; and þei ſhul bete togidere þeir ſwerdes in to ſhares, and þer ſperes in to ſiþes; þer ſhal not reren folc aȝen folc a ſwerd, ne þei ſhul ben enhauntid more to bataile. Ȝee hous of Jacob, comeþ, and go wee in þe liȝt of þe Lord oure God. Forſoþe þou haſt þrowen afer þi puple, þe hous of Jacob, for þei ben fulfild as ſum tyme; and deuynoures þei hadden, as Filiſteis, and to alien childre þei cleueden. Fulfild is þe erþe of ſiluer and gold, and þer is noon ende of þe treſores of it; and fulfild is his lond wiþ hors, and vnnoumbreable þe foure horſid carres of it. And fulfild is his lond wiþ maumetes, þe werk of þer hondis þei honoureden, þat þer fingris maden; and a man bowede hymſelf, and meekid is þe ſtronge man. Þanne ne forȝyue þou to þem. Go in to þe ſton, be þou hid in a dich wiþ erþe, fro þe face of þe dreede of þe Lord, and fro þe glorie of his mageſte. Þe eȝen of þe heȝe man ben meekid, and þer ſhal ben inwardly crookid þe heiȝte of ſtronge men; forſoþe þe Lord alone ſhal ben enhauncid in þat dai. For þe dai of þe Lord of oſtes vp on eche proud man and heeȝ, and vp on eche enhauncende hymſelf, and he ſhal be mekid; and vp on alle þe cedres of Liban heȝe and vpriȝt, and vp on alle þe oekis of Baſan, and vp on alle þe heȝe mounteynes, and vp on alle þe rered vp hilles; and vp on eche heȝ tour, and vp on eche ſtrengþyd wal; and vp on alle þe ſhipis of Thars, and vp on alle þing þat is fair in ſiȝt. And þer ſhal be inwardly bowid al þe heiȝneſſe of men, and þer ſhal be meekid þe heiȝte of ſtronge men; and þer ſhal be rered vp þe Lord alone in þat day, and þe maumetes hoelly ſhul be to-broſid. And þei ſhul go in to dennes of ſtones, and in to ſwolewes of þe erþe, fro þe face of þe drede of þe Lord, and fro þe glorie of his mageſte, whan he ſhal riſe to ſmyten þe erþe. In þat day ſhal a man þrowe awey þe maumetes of his ſiluer, and þe ſymulacris of his gold, þat he hadde mad to hym, þat he ſhulde honoure moldewerpes and reremees. And he ſhal go in to þe chynes, or creueſſis, of ſtones, and in to þe dennes of huge ſtones, fro þe face of þe drede of þe Lord, and fro þe glorie of his mageſte, whan he ſhal riſen to ſmyte þe erþe. Reſteþ þanne fro a man, whos ſpirit is in his noſe þerles, for heiȝ holden is he.
Capitulum III
Loo! forſoþe þe lordſhepere, Lord of oeſtes, ſhal do awei fro Jeruſalem and fro Juda þe ſtalwrþe, and þe ſtronge, and al þe ſtrengþe of bred, and al þe ſtrengþe of water; þe ſtronge, and þe man fiȝtere, and domeſman, and profete, and deuynour, and þe olde prince vp on fifty, and þe wrſhepeful in cheere, and counſeilor, and wis man of cheef crafty þingus, and þe prudent of priue ſpeche. And I ſhal ȝyue childer þe princes of hem, and þe mad wommanyſh men ſhuln lordſhipen to þem. And þe puple ſhal falle, man to man, eche to his neȝhebore; þer ſhal ſtriue þe child aȝen þe old man, and þe vnnoble aȝen þe noble. A man forſoþe ſhal take his broþer, þe homli man of his fadir, and ſeyn, Cloþing is to þee, oure prince be þou; þis forſoþe falling vnder þin hond. And he ſhal anſwern in þat day, ſeiende, I am not a leche, and in myn hous is not bred, ne cloþing; wileþ not ſette me prince of þe puple. Þer fel doun forſoþe Jeruſalem, and Juda fel wiþ; for þe tunge of þem, and þe findingus of hem aȝen þe Lord, þat þei ſhulden terre þe eȝen of his mageſte. Þe knowing of þer chere ſhal anſwere to þem; and þer ſynne as Sodom þei precheden, and hidden not. Wo to þe ſoule of hem, for ȝolden ben to þem eueles. Seiþ to þe riȝtwis, for weel; for þe frute of hys fyndyngus he ſhal ete. Wo to þe vnpytous man in to euel; ȝelding forſoþe of his hondis ſhal be do to hym. My puple his pleteres, or wrong axers, ſpoileden, and wymmen lordſhipeden of it. My puple, þat blisful þee ſeyn, þee þei diſceyuen, and þe weie of þi goyngus ſcateren. Þe Lord ſtant to deme, and he ſtant to þe puples to be demed; þe Lord to þe dom ſhal come, wiþ þe elderes of his puple, and wiþ his princes. Ȝee forſoþe han diſtroȝed my vyneȝerd; and þe raueyn of þe pore in ȝoure hous. Whi to-broſe ȝee my puple, and þe faces of pore men ȝee confounden? ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes. And þe Lord God ſeide, For þi þat arered ben þe doȝtris of Sion, and þei wenten wiþ ſtraȝt out necke, and in beckes of eȝen ȝiden, and flappeden wiþ hondis for ioȝe, and ȝiden, and wiþ þer feet in curious goyng ȝiden, þe Lord ſhal fully maken ballid þe top of þe doȝtris of Syon, and þe Lord þe her of hem ſhal nakenen; and for ournement ſhal be ſhenſhipe. In þat dai þe Lord ſhal don awei þe ournement of ſhon, and boces, and beȝes, and brooches, and armcercles, and mytris, and combys, and ribanes, and reuerſes at þe hemmis, and oynement boxes, and ere ringus, and ryngus, and iemmes in þe frount hangende, and chaunging cloþis, and litil palles, and ſhetes, and pynnes, and ſheweres, and necke couercheues, and filetes, and roketes. And þer ſhal be for ſwote ſmel ſtync, and for girdil a litil corde; and for criſp her ballidneſſe, and for þe breſt bond an heire. Alſo þi moſt faire men wiþ ſwerd ſhuln falle, and þi ſtronge men in bataile. And þei ſhuln ſorewen, and weilen ſhuln hir ȝates; and deſolat in þe erþe ſhe ſhal ſitten.
Capitulum IIII
And ſeuen wymmen ſhul taken o man in þat dai, ſeiende, Oure bred we ſhul ete, and wiþ oure cloþis wee ſhul be couered; onli be inwardly clepid þi name vp on vs, do awei oure repref. In þat dai ſhal be þe buriounyng of þe Lord in gret doyng and glorie; and frut of þe erþe heeȝ, and ful out ioȝing to þem þat ſhul be ſaf of Irael. And it ſhal be, eche þat ſhal be laft in Sion, and reſidue in Jeruſalem, hoeli ſhal be clepid; eche þat is writen in lif in Jeruſalem. For þe Lord ſhal waſhen awey þe filþes of þe doȝtris of Sion, and þe blod of Jeruſalem ſhal waſſhen fro þe myddes of it, in ſpirit of dom, and ſpirit of brennende looue. And þe Lord broȝte forþ vp on eche place of þe mount of Sion, and wher he is inwardli clepid, a cloude bi dai, and ſmoke, and ſhynyng of fyr flaumende in nyȝt; vp al forſoþe þe glorie ouercoueryng. And a tabernacle ſhal ben in to a ſhadewe hilet of þe dai, fro brennyng, and in to ſikirneſſe and hiding, from whirlewynd and from reyn.
Capitulum V
I ſhal ſynge to my looued a ſong off myn emes ſone, of his vyneȝerd. Þe vyneȝerd is mad to my looued, in þe horn to þe ſone of oile. And he heggede it, and ſtones he ches of it, and plauntede a choſen vyneȝerd; and he bilde vp a tour in þe myddel of it, and a preſſe he rerede vp in it; and he abod, þat it ſhulde bringe forþ grapes, and it broȝte forþ wilde vynes. Now þanne, ȝee dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and men of Juda, demeþ betwe me and my vyneȝerd. What is þat I awȝte mor to do to my vyneȝerd, and dide not to it? wheþer þat I abod, þat yt ſhulde bringe forþ grapes, and broȝte forþ wilde vynes? And now I ſhal ſhewen to ȝou, what I ſhal do to my vyneȝerd. I ſhal do awei his heg, and it ſhal be in to deſtruccioun; I ſhal breke doun his wal, and it ſhal ben in to to-tredyng; and I ſhal ſetten it deſert. It ſhal not be kut, and it ſhal nott be doluen, and þer ſhul ſteȝe vp vp on it breres and þornes; and to þe cloudis I ſhal comaunde, þat þei reyne not vp on it weder. Forſoþe þe vyneȝerd of þe Lord of hoſtes is þe hous of Irael, and þe men of Juda his delytable buriounyng. I abod, þat it ſhulde do dom, and lo! wickidneſſe; and riȝtwiſneſſe, and lo! cry. Wo þat ioynen hous to hous, and feeld to feeld coupleþ, vn to þe terme of a place. Wheþer dwellen ȝee ſhuln alone in þe myddel of þe erþe? In myn eres ben þeſe þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes; but ȝif manye houſes grete and faire ſhul be deſert, and wiþoute dwellere. Forſoþe ten acris of vyneȝerdis ſhul maken o potell wyn, and þretti buſſheles of ſed ſhul make þre buſſheles. Wo þat riſen erly to drunkenhed to be folewid, and to drinken vn to euen, þat wiþ wyn ȝee brenne. Harpe, and ſyngende inſtrument, and tymbre, and trumpe, and wyn in ȝoure feſtes; and þe werk of þe Lord ȝee biholden not, ne þe werkes of his hondis ȝee waiten. Þerfor lad caitif is my puple, þat hadde not kunnyng; and his noble men dieden þurȝ hunger, and his multitude þurȝ þirſt al out driede. Þerfore helle ſpredde abrod his ſoule, and openede his mouþ wiþ oute any terme; and þer ſhul falle doun his ſtronge men, and his puple, and heeȝe, and his gloriouſe to it. And þer ſhal be ful crookid a man, and meekid a ſtrong man; and þe eȝen of heȝe men ſhul be þreſt doun. And þer ſhal be enhauncid þe Lord of oſtes in dom, and þe hoeli God ſhal be halewid in riȝtwiſneſſe. And lombis ſhul be fed aftir þer order, and deſertes in to plente turned comelingus ſhul ete. Wo þat drawen wickidneſſe in þe litle cordes of vanyte, and as þe bond of a wayn ſynne; þat ſeyn, Heeȝe, or haaſte, he, and ſoone come his werk, þat wee ſee; and neȝhe, and come þe counſeil of þe hoeli of Irael, and wee ſhul witen it. Wo þat ſeyn euel good, and good euel; puttende derkneſſes liȝt, and liȝt derkneſſes; puttende bitter in to ſwete, and ſweete in to bitter. Wo þat wiſe ben in ȝoure eȝen, and bifor ȝouſelf ſleeȝe. Wo þat myȝty ben to drinke wyn, and ſtronge men to be mengd drunkynhed; þat iuſtefien þe vnpitous for ȝiftes, and þe riȝtwiſneſſe of þe riȝtwyſe ȝee taken awey fro hym. For þat, as deuoureþ þe tunge of fyr ſtobil, and þe hete of flaumme brenneþ out, ſo þe roote of hem as a gnaſt ſhal be, and þe buriownyng of hem as pouder ſhal ſteȝe vp; forſoþe þei caſten awei þe lawe of þe Lord of oſtes, and þe ſpeche of þe hoeli of Irael þei blasfemeden. Þerfor wraþede þe wodneſſe of þe Lord in his puple, and ſtraȝte out his hond vp on it, and ſmot it; and þe mounteynes ben diſturbid, and mad ben þe deed carens of hem as drit in þe myddel of ſtretes. In alle þeſe þingus is not turned awei his wodneſſe, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out. And he ſhal rere vp a ſigne in naciouns aferr, and he ſhall whiſtle to hym fro þe coeſtes of þe erþe; and lo! haſtid he ſhal come ſwiftli. Þer is not failing ne trauailyng in hym; he ſhal not nappen, ne ſlepen, ne ſhal ben looſid þe girdil of his renes, ne ſhal be to-broke þe þowng of his ſhoȝyng. His arwis ſharpe, and alle his bowes bent; þe cles of þe horſes of hym as flynt, and his wheles as þe byre of tempeſt. His roring as off a leoun; he ſhal roren as þe whelpis of leouns; he ſhal gnaſten, and holden þe prei, and biclippen, and þer ſhal not be, þat delyuere out. And þer ſhal ſowne vp on hym in þat day, as þe ſoun of þe ſe; wee ſhul biholde in to þe erþe, and lo! derkneſſes of tribulacioun, and liȝt al to-derked is in þe derknyng of hym.
Capitulum VI
In þe ȝer in which diede king Oſias, I ſaȝ þe Lord ſittende vp on an heiȝ ſete, and rered vp; and ful was þe hous of his mageſte, and þo þingus þat vnder hym weren, fulfilden þe temple. Serafyn ſtoden vp on it, ſixe wenges to þe oon, and ſixe to þe oþer; wiþ two þey couereden þe face of hym, and wiþ two þei couereden þe feet of hym, and wiþ two þei flown. And þei crieden þe toþer to þe toþer, and ſeiden, Hoeli, hoely, hoeli, Lord God of oſtes; ful is al þe erþe of þe glorie of hym. And to-moued ben þe þreſholdes of þe heenglis fro þe vois of þe criende, and þe hous fullfild is wiþ ſmoke. And I ſeide, Wo to me, for I heeld my pes; for a man defoulid in lippis I am, and in þe myddel of þe puple defoulid lippes hauende I dwelle, and þe king Lord of oſtes I ſaȝ wiþ myn eȝen. And þer fleiȝ to me oon of þe ſerafyn, and in his hond a cole, þat wiþ þe toenge he toc fro þe auter. And he touchede my mouþ, and ſeide, Lo! I haue touchid wiþ þis þi lippes, and þer ſhal be don awei þi wickydneſſe, and þi ſynne ſhal be clenſid. And I herde þe vois of þe Lord, ſeiende, Whom ſhal I ſende, and who ſhal go to ȝou? And I ſeide, Lo! I am; ſend me. And he ſeide, Go, and þou ſhalt ſey to þis puple, Hereþ herende, and wileþ not vnderſtonde; and ſeeþ a viſeoun, and wileþ not knowen. Blynde out þe herte of þis puple, and his eres agregge, and his eȝen cloſe; leſt par auenture he ſee wiþ his eȝen, and wiþ his eres here, and wiþ his herte vndyrſtonde, and be conuertid, and I hele hym. And I ſeyde, Hou longe, Lord? And he ſeide, To þe tyme þat ben deſolat þe citees wiþ oute dwellere, and houſes wiþ oute man. And þe lond ſhal be laft deſert, and aferr ſhal make þe Lord men. And þer ſhal be multeplied þat was laft in þe myddel of þe erþe, and ȝit in it tiþing; and it ſhal be conuertid, and it ſhal be in to ſhewyng as a terebynt, and as an oek, þat ſpredeþ out his braunches; hoely ſed it ſhal ben, þat þat ſhal ſtonden in it.
Capitulum VII
And it is don in þe daȝes of Achaz, ſone of Joaþan, ſone of Oſie, king of Juda, þer ſteȝede vp Raſyn, king of Cyrie, and Faſcee, þe ſone of Romelie, king of Irael, in to Jeruſalem, to fiȝte aȝen hym; and þei myȝte not ouercome it. And þei tolden to þe hous of Dauid, ſeiende, Siria reſtede vp on Effraym, and to-moued is his herte and þe herte of his puple, as ben moued þe trees of wodis fro þe face of þe wynd. And þe Lord ſeide to Iſaie, Go out in to aȝencomyng of Achaz, þou, and þat is laft, Jaſub, þi ſone, to þe ende of þe water condute of þe ouere pond, in þe weie of þe feeld of þe fullere. And þou ſhalt ſey to hym, See, þat þou holde þi pes; wile þou not dreden, and þin herte be not ferd of þe two tailes of þeſe ſmokende fyr brondis in to þe wraþe of þe wodneſſe, of Raſyn, king of Sirie, and ſone of Romelie. For þi þat euel counſeil he wente in aȝen þee, Ciria, and Effraym, and þe ſone of Romelye, ſeiende, Steȝe wee vp to Judam, and rere wee hym, and pulle wee hym vp to vs; and putte wee a king in his myddel, þe ſone of Thabel. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þis ſhal not be, and ſhal not ſtonde; but þe hed of Sirie Damaſch, and þe hed of Damaſch Raſyn; and ȝit ſixti and fyue ȝer, and Effraym ſhal ceſe to ben a puple; and þe hed of Effraym Samarie, and þe hed of Samarie, þe ſone of Romelie. If ȝee ſhul not leeuen, ȝee ſhul not abide ſtylle. And þe Lord leide to to ſpeke to Achaz, ſeyende, Aſke to þee a tokne fro þe Lord þi God, in to þe depþe of helle, or in to heiȝte aboue. And Achaz ſeide, I ſhal not aſke, and I ſhal not tempte þe Lord. And he ſeyde, Hereþ þanne, ȝee þe hous of Dauid; wheþer litil to ȝou is to ben greuous to men, for ȝee ben greuous and to my God? For þat he þe Lord ſhal ȝyue to ȝou a tocne. Lo! a mayde ſhal conceyue, and bern a ſone; and þou ſhalt clepe his name Emanuel. Butter and hony he ſhal ete, þat he kunne repreuen euel, and cheſen good. For er þe child kunne repreuen euel, and cheſen good, þe lond ſhal be forſaken, þe whiche þou haſt abhominacioun of, fro þe face of þer two kingus. Þe Lord ſhal bringe to vp on þee, and vp on þi puple, and vp on þe hous of þi fader, daȝes þat camen not fro þe daȝes of þe ſeueryng of Effraym fro Juda, wiþ þe king of Aſſiries. And it ſhal be, in þat day þe Lord ſhal whiſtle to þe fleȝe, þat is in þe vtmoſtes of þe flodus of Egipt; and to þe bee, þat is in þe lond of Aſſur; and þei alle ſhuln come, and reſten in þe ſtremes of valeys, and caues of ſtones, and in alle buſſhi places, and in alle holis. In þat dai þe Lord ſhal ſhauen in a ſharp raſour in hem, þat beȝunde þe flood ben, in þe king of Aſſiries, hed, and þe heres of feet, and eche berd. And it ſhal be, in þat day a man ſhal nurſhen a cow of oxen, and two ſhep, and for plente of mylc he ſhal eten butter; butter and hony ſhal ete eche man, þat ſhal be laft in þe myddel of þe lond. And it ſhal be, in þat day eche place wher ſhul be a þouſend vynes for a þouſend ſyluer penys, and in to þornes and in to breres þey ſhul be, wiþ arwes and bowe þei ſhul go in þider; forſoþe breres and þornes ſhul be in al þe lond. And alle hilles þat in a wode bil ſhul be purgid, or kytt off, þer ſhal not come þider ferd of þornes and of breres; and it ſhal be in to oxe leſwe, and in treding of feld beſte.
Capitulum VIII
And þe Lord ſeide to me, Tac to þee a gret boc, and writ in it wiþ þe poyntel of a man, Swiftli ſpoiles tac awey, ſoone refe. And I toc to me feiþful witneſſes, Vrie, þe preſt, and Sacharie, þe ſone of Barachie. And I wente to a propheteſſe; and ſhe conceyuede, and bar a ſone. And þe Lord ſeide to me, Clep his name Haſte þou ſpoiles to tac awey, heeȝe þou to refen. For er þe child kunne clepe his fader and his moder, ſhal be taken awei þe ſtrengþe of Damaſch, and þe ſpoiles of Samarie, bifor þe king of Aſſiries. And þe Lord leide to to ſpeke to me, ſeiende, For þi þat þis puple haþ caſt awey þe watris of Siloe, þat gon wiþ cilence, and more toc to Raſyne, and þe ſone of Romelie, for þat lo! þe Lord ſhal bringe to vp on hem watres of þe flod ſtronge and manye, þe king of Aſſiries, and al þe glorie of him; and he ſhal ſteȝen vp vp on alle his ryueres, and flowen vp on alle his ſtremes. And he ſhal gon þurȝ Judam flowende, and paſſende vn to þe necke he ſhal come; and þer ſhal be þe ſpredyng out of his wenges, fulfillende þe breede of þi lond, O! Emanuel. Beþ gedered, ȝee puples, and beþ bounde togidere; and hereþ, alle ȝee londis aferr. Beþ coumfortid, and be ȝee ouercomen; girdeþ ȝou, and beþ ouercomen; goþ in counſeil, and it ſhal be ſcatered; ſpekeþ a wrd, and it ſhal not be do, for wiþ vs is God. Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord to me, as in a ſtrong hond he taȝte me, leſt I ſhulde go in to þe weie of þis puple, ſeiende, Seiþ not, Coniuracioun, alle þingis forſoþe þat ſpekeþ þis puple is coniuracioun; and his drede ne drede ȝee, ne takiþ ferd. Þe Lord of hoſtes him halewiþ, and he ȝoure inward drede, and he ȝoure outward drede; and he ſhal be to ȝou in to halewing; in to a ſton forſoþe of offencioun, and in to a ſton of ſclaunder, to þe two houſes of Irael; and in to a grene, and in to falling, to men dwellende Jeruſalem. And manye of hem ſhul offenden, and fallen, and ben to-broſid, and grened, and ben taken. Bind þe witneſſing, marke þe lawe in my diſciples. I ſhal abide þe Lord, þat hidde his face fro þe hous of Jacob, and I ſhal ſechen hym. Lo! I and my childer, whom ȝaf to me þe Lord in to tocne, and in to wunder to Irael, fro þe Lord of oſtes þat dwelleþ in þe hil of Sion. And whan þei ſhul ſey to ȝou, Secheþ of deuel cleperes, and of deuynoures, þat ſounen ſtrongli in þeir chauntingus, wheþir not a puple of his God ſhal ſeche a viſeoun for þe quyke and þe deade? To þe lawe more and to þi witneſſing, þat if þei ſchul not ſei aftir þis wrd, ſhal not be to þem morutid liȝt. And he ſhal paſſe þurȝ it, and it ſhal falle, and hungre. And when it ſhal hongre, it ſhal wraþen, and curſen to his kyng and to his God, and it ſhal beholden vp. And to þe lond it ſhal loken, and lo! tribulacioun, and dercneſſes, and vnbyndyng, and anguyſh, and derk myſt purſuende; and it ſhal not moun flee awei fro his anguyſh.
Capitulum IX
The firſte tyme is aleggid, or maad liȝt, þe lond of Zabulon and þe lond of Neptalym; and þe laſte tyme agreggid is þe weie of þe ſe beȝunde Jordan of Galilee of Jentiles. Þe puple þat wente in derkneſſes ſaȝ a gret liȝt; to þe men dwellende in þe regioun of þe ſhadewe of deþ, liȝt ſprungen is to þem. Þou haſt multeplyed þe folc of kinde, not magnefiediſt gladneſſe; þei ſhul glade bifor þee, as þei þat gladen in rip, as ful out ioȝen ouercomeres, þe prey taken, whan þei deuyden ſpoiles. Þe ȝoc forſoþe of his charge, and þe ȝerde of his ſhulder, and þe kingus power of his wrong aſker þou ouercame, as in þe dai of Madian. For eche violent reuyng wiþ noiſe, and cloþing mengd wiþ blod ſhal be in to brennyng, and mete of fyr. A litil child forſoþe is born to vs, and a ſone is ȝoue to vs, and mad is princehed vp on his ſhulder; and his name ſhal be clepid Merueilous, Counſeiler, God, Strong, Fadir of þe world to come, Prince of pes. His empire ſhal be multeplied, and of pes þer ſhal not ben ende; vp on þe ſee of Dauid, and vpon his regne he ſhal ſitte, þat he conferme it, and ſtrengþe in dom and riȝtwyſſneſſe, fro now and unto wiþoute ende. Þe huge looue of þe Lord of oſtes ſhal don þis. A wrd þe Lord ſente in to Jacob, and it fel in Irael. And al þe puple of Effraym ſhal wite, and þe men dwellende Samarie, in pride and gretneſſe of herte ſeiende, Sclattes fellen, but wiþ ſquare ſtones wee ſhul bilden vp; ſicomore trees þei hewen doun, but ceder trees wee ſhul newen, or chaungen. And þe Lord ſhal reren enemys Raſyn vpon hym, and his enemys in to noiſe he ſhal turne, Cirie fro þe eſt, and Filiſteyn fro þe weſt; and þei ſhul deuoure Irael wiþ al þe mouþ. In alle þes þingus is not turned awei þe wodneſſe of hym, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out; and þe puple is not turned aȝeen to þe ſmytende hym, and þe Lord of oſtes þei inwardlyche ſoȝten not. And þe Lord ſhal ſcatere fro Irael þe hed and þe tail, þe inbowende and þe ſhrewende, in o day. Þe longe lyuende and þe wrſhepefull, he is þe hed, and þe profete techende leſyng, he is þe tail. And þei ſhul be, þat maken blisful þis puple, bigilende; and þat ben mad blisful, þrowe doun. For þat vp on þe ȝunge waxen men of hym þe Lord ſhal not deliten, and of his faderles childer and widewis he ſhal not han mercy; for eche ipocrite is and a ſhrewe, and eche mouþ ſpac folie. In alle þes þingus is not turned awei his wodneſſe, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out. and þe puple is not turned aȝeen to þe ſmytende hym. Tend vp is forſoþe as fyr vnpitouſneſſe; þoo breres and þe þorne it ſhal deuoure, and it ſhal be brend vp in þe þickenes of þe wilde wode, and it ſhal be al towrappid in þe pride of þe ſmoke. In þe wraþe of þe Lord of oſtes al diſturbid ſhal be þe lond, and þe puple ſhal be as þe mete of fyr; a man to his broþer ſhal not ſpare. And he ſhal bowe doun to þe riȝt, and hungren, and he ſhal ete at þe lift, and not be fulfild; eche þe fleſh of his arm ſhal deuoure. Manaſſes Effraym, and Effraym Manaſſes, and togidere þei aȝen Judam. In alle þeſe þyngus is not turned awei his wodneſſe, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out.
Capitulum X
Wo þat maken ſhreude lawes, and wrytende vnriȝtwiſneſſe writen, þat þei oppreſſeden in dom pore men, and violence diden to þe cauſe of meke men of my puple; þat widewes were þe prei of hem, and faderles childer þei deſtroȝeden. What ſhul ȝee do in þe day off viſiting, and of wrecchidneſſe fro a ferr comende? To whos helpe ſhul ȝee flee? and wher ſhul ȝee lefe ȝoure glorie, leſt ȝee bowid vnder bond, and wiþ ſlayn men falleþ? Vp on alle þeſe þingus is not turned awei his wodneſſe, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out. Wo to Aſſur, þe ȝerde of my wodneſſe, and a ſtaf he is; in þe hond of hem, myn indignacioun. To a folc gileſum I ſhal ſenden hym, and aȝen þe puple of my wodneſſe I ſhal bidde to hym; þat he take awei ſpoiles, and deuyde prey, and poote it in to tredyng, as þe cley of ſtretes. He forſoþe not ſo ſhal demen, and his herte not ſo ſhal eymen, but to to-treden ſhal ben his herte, and to ſleyng of folc not fewe. Forſoþe he ſhal ſey, Wheþer not my princes togidere kingis ben? Wheþir not as Karchamys, ſo Chalanno; and as Arfaþ, ſo Emaþ? wheþir not as Damaſch, ſo Samarie? What maner myn hond fond þe reumes of mawmet, ſo and þe ſymulacris of hem of Jeruſalem and of Samarie. Wheþir not as I dide to Samarie, and his maumetes, ſo I ſhal do to Jeruſalem, and his ſymulacris? And it ſhal be, whan þe Lord ſhall fulfelle alle his werkis in þe mount of Sion and in Jeruſalem, I ſhal viſite vp on þe fruyt of þe gret doende herte of þe king of Aſſur, and vp on þe glorie of þe heiȝte of his eȝen. Forſoþe he ſeide, In þe ſtrengþe of myn hond I dide, and in my wiſdam I vnderſtod; and I toc awei þe termes of puples, and þe princes of þem I robbede, and I droȝ awey as myȝti þe ſittende men in heeȝ. And myn hond fond as a neſt þe ſtrengþe of puples, and as ben gedered eren þat ben laft, ſo al þe lond I gederede; and þer was not þat mouede a federe, and openede mouþ, and berkyd. Wheþir ſhal glorien þe ax aȝen hym þat hewiþ in it? or ſhal ben enhauncid þe ſawe aȝen hym of whom it is drawen? what maner wiſe if be rered a ȝerde aȝen þe rerende it, and be hauncyd a ſtaf, þat forſoþe is a tree. For þat ſhal ſende þe lordſhepere, Lord of oſtes, in his fatte þyngus þynneſſe, and vnder his glorie brend ſhal brenne as brennyng of fyr. And þer ſhal be þe liȝt of Irael in fyr, and his hoeli in flaume; and ſhal be brend out and deuoured his þorn and breres in o day. And þe glorie of his wilde wode and of his Carmel, fro þe ſoule vn to þe fleſh he ſhall be waſtid; and he ſhal be for ferd ferr fleende. And þe releef of þe wode of þe wilde wode for feweneſſe ſhul be noumbred, and a child ſhal write þem. And it ſhal be in þat dai, ſhal not ley to þe remnaunt of Irael, and þeſe þat ſhul flee fro þe hous of Jacob, to leuen vp on hym þat ſmytiþ hem; but it ſhal leue vp on þe Lord, hoeli of Irael, in treuþe. Þe remnaunt ſhul be conuertid, þe remnaunt forſoþe of Jacob, to þe ſtronge Lord. If forſoþe ſhul ben þi puple, Irael, as þe grauel of þe ſe, þe remnaunt ſhul be conuertyd of it; ending abreggid ſhal flowe riȝtwiſneſſe. Ending forſoþe and abreggyng þe Lord God of oſtes ſhal make in þe myddel of al erþe. For þat þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes, Wile þou not drede, my puple, dwellere of Sion, of Aſſur, in a ȝerde forſoþe he ſhal ſmyte þee, and his ſtaf he ſhal reren vp on þee in þe weie of Egipt. Ȝit forſoþe a litil while, and a litil, and ſhal be ful endid myn indignacioun and myn wodneſſe vp on þe hidous gilte of hem. And þe Lord of oſtes ſhal reren vp on it a ſcourge aftir þe veniaunce of Madyan in þe ſton of Oreb, and his ȝerde vp on þe ſe; and he ſhal reren it þe weie of Egipt. And it ſhal be in þat dai, ſhal be don awey his berþene fro þi ſhulder, and his ȝoc fro þi necke; and þe ȝoc ſhal waxen al roten fro þe face of oile. It ſhal come in Ayot, it ſhal paſſe in Magron, anent Magmas it ſhal commende his veſſeles. Þei wenten a cours, Gaba oure ſeete, Rama was ſtonyed, Gaba of Saul fleiȝ. Neȝe wiþ þi vois, þou doȝter of Galyn; tac heed, Laiſa, þou porelet Anaþot. Wente forþ Medemena; ȝee dwelleris of Jebyn, takeþ coumfort. Ȝit dai is, þat in Nobe me ſtonde; he ſhal ſhake his hond vpon þe mount of þe doȝter of Sion, hil of Jeruſalem. Lo! þe lordſhepere, Lord of oſtes, ſhal tobreke þe litil wyn veſſel in ferd, and þe heeȝe men in ſtature ſhul ben hewe doun. And þe ful heeȝe ſhul be lowed, and þe þicke þingus of þe wilde wode ſhul ben turned vpſodoun wiþ iren; and Liban wiþ heeȝe þing ſhall falle.
Capitulum XI
And þer ſhal gon out a ȝerde fro þe roote of Jeſſe, and a flour of his roote ſhal ſteȝen vp. And þer ſhal reſten vp on hym þe Spirit of þe Lord, ſpirit of wiſdam and of vnderſtondyng, ſpirit of counſeil and of ſtrengþe, ſpirit of kunnyng and of pite; and ſhal fulfille hym þe ſpirit of drede of þe Lord. Not aftir þe ſeyng of eȝen he ſhal deme, ne after þe heering of eres he ſhal vndernyme; but he ſhal deme in riȝtwiſneſſe pore men, and vndernymen in equyte, for þe debonere of þe erþe. And he ſhal ſmyte þe erþe wiþ þe ȝerde of his mouþ, and wiþ þe ſpirit of his mouþ he ſhal ſle þe vnpitous. And þer ſhal be riȝtwiſneſſe þe litil girdil of his lendes, and feiþ þe girdil of his reenes. Þer ſhal dwelle þe wlf wiþ þe lome, and þe parde wiþ þe kide ſhal leyn; þe calf, and þe leoun, and þe ſhep togidere ſhul dwelle, and a lytil child ſhal dryue þem. Þe calf and þe bere ſhul be fed togidere; þer ſhul reſten þe whelpus of hem, and a leoun as an oxe ſhal ete chaf. And þe faunt, or a ſoukande childe, ſhal deliten of þe tete vp on þe hole of þe eddere, and in þe caue of þe kokatrice þat ſhal be taken awei fro ſok, or wenyd, he ſhal putte his hond. Þei ſhuln not noȝen, and þei ſhuln not ſleyn in al myn hoeli mounteyn; for fulfild is þe erþe of þe kunnyng of þe Lord, as þe watir of þe ſe couerende. In þat dai þe roote of Jeſſe, þat ſtant in to tocne of puples; hym Jentiles ſhuln louli preȝen, and ſhal be þe ſepulcre of hym glorious. And it ſhal be in þat dai, þe Lord þe ſecunde tyme ſhal ley to his hond to welde þe reſidue of his puple þat ſhal be lafte, of þe Aſſiries, and of Egipt, and of Fecros, and of Eþeope, and of Elan, and of Sennar, and of Emaþ, and of þe iſlis of þe ſe. And he ſhal reren a tocne in to naciouns, and gedere togidere þe ferr floun of Irael; and þe to-ſcatered of Juda he ſhal gedere fro þe foure coeſtes of þe erþe. And þer ſhal be taken awey þe enuye of Effraym, and þe enemys of Juda ſhul perſhe; Effraym ſhal not enuyen Judam, and Juda ſhal not fiȝte aȝen Effraym. And þei ſhul flee in to þe ſhuldres of Filiſteys, bi þe ſe togidere þei ſhul robbe þe ſonus of þe eſt; Ydume and Moab þe heſte of þe hond of hem, and þe ſonus of Amon obeiſaunt ſhul be. And þe Lord ſhal make deſolat þe tunge of þe ſe of Egipt, and he ſhal rere his hond vpon þe flod in þe ſtrengþe of his ſpirit; and he ſhal ſmyte hym in ſeuene ryueres, ſo þat þei paſſe þurȝ hym ſhod men. And þer ſhal be a weye to my reſidue puple þat ſhal be lafte, of þe Aſſiries, as was to Irael, in þe dai þat he ſteȝede vp from þe lond of Egipt.
Capitulum XII
And þou ſhalt ſei in þat day, I ſhal knouleche to þee, Lord, for wroþ þou art to me; turned is þi wodneſſe, and þou coumfortedeſt mee. Loo! God my ſaueour, feiþfulli I ſhal do, and not drede. For my ſtrengþe and my preiſing þe Lord, and he is mad to me in to helþe. Ȝee ſhul drawe watris in ioȝe of þe welles of þe ſaueour. And ȝee ſhul ſeyn in þat dai, Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, and inwardly clepiþ his name; knowen make ȝee in puples þe findingus of hym; haþ mynde, for heeȝ is his name. Syngeþ to þe Lord, for gret doendely he dide; telleþ out þis in al þe erþe. Ful out ioȝe, and preiſe, þou dwelling of Sion; for gret in þe myddel of þee þe hoeli of Irael.
Capitulum XIII
The charge of Babilon, þat ſaȝ Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos. Vp on a myſti mounteyn rereþ vp a tokne, and enhaunceþ out þe vois; rereþ þe hond, and gon in to þe ȝates þe dukes. I comaundide to myn halewid men, and I clepede my ſtronge men in my wraþe, ful out ioȝende in my glorie. Þe vois of þe multitude in mounteynes, as of beſy puples; þe vois of þe ſoun of kingus, and of Jentilis gedered to gidere. Þe Lord of oſtes comaundide to þe knyȝþod of þe bataile, to þe men comende fro þe lond aferr. Fro þe ouermoſt of heuene þe Lord, and þe veſſeles of his wodneſſe, þat he ſcatere al þe erþe. Ȝelleþ, for neeȝ is þe dai of þe Lord; as waſtite fro þe Lord ſhal come. For þat alle hondis ſhul be vnlooſid, and eche herte of a man ſhal wane, or faylen, and ben to-broſid. Tormentingus and ſorewes þei ſhul holde; as wymmen trauailende of child, þei ſhul ſorewen. Eche to his neȝhebore ſhall ſtoneȝe; brent faces þe cheeres of hem. Loo! þe day of þe Lord ſhal come, cruel, and of indignacioun ful, and of wraþe, and of wodneſſe; to be put þe erþe in to wilderneſſe, and his ſynneres to ben al tobroſid of it. For þe ſterres of heuene and þe ſhynyng of hem ſhul not ſpreden out þer liȝt; al to-derkned is þe ſunne in his riſing, and þe moone ſhal not ſhyne in his lyȝt. I ſhal viſiten vp on þe eueles of worlde, and aȝen þe vnpitouſe þe wickidneſſes of þem; and to reſten I ſhal maken þe pride of þe vnfeiþful men, and þe proude hauncyng of ſtronge men I ſhal meeken. More precious a ful man ſhal be þan gold, and a man þan clene moſt ſhynende gold. Vp on þis heuene I ſhal diſturben, and ſhal be moued þe erþe fro his place; for þe indignacioun of þe Lord of oſtes, and for þe dai of þe wraþe of his wodneſſe. And he ſhal ben as a foun fleende, and as a ſheep, and þer ſhal not be þat gedere; eche to his puple ſhal be turned, and a rowe to þer lond þei ſhul flee. Eche þat were founde, ſhal be ſlayn; and eche þat ouer ſhal come, ſhal falle in ſwerd. Þe fauntes of hem ſhul ben hurtlid doun in þer eȝen; to-broke doun ſhul be þe houſes of hem, and þe wyues of þem ſhul be defoulyd. Loo! I ſhal reren vp on hem Medos, þat ſiluer ſechen not, ne gold wiln; but wiþ arwis þe litle childer þei ſhul ſlen, and to þe wombis ȝyuende ſouke þei ſhul not han mercy, and vp on þe ſones ſhal not ſpare þe eȝe of hem. And þat cite, Babilon, ſhal be glorious in rewmes, noble in pride of Chaldeis, turned, as God turned vp ſo doun Sodom and Gomorr. It ſhal not be dwellid vn to þe ende, and ſhal not be foundid vnto þe ieneracioun and ieneracioun; ne ſhal ſette þere tente a man of Arab, ne ſhepperdes ſhul reſte þere. But ſhul reſte þere beſtes, and ſhul be fulfild þe houſes of þem wiþ dragownes; and þer ſhul dwelle þere oſtriches, and wodewoſes ſhul lepe þere. And þer ſhul anſwern þere ȝellende foules in þe houſes of it, and wengid edderes in waſſhing maumet templis of foul delit.
Capitulum XIIII
Neeȝ is þat come þe tyme of hym, and his daȝes ſhul not be longid; ſhal han rewþe forſoþe þe Lord of Jacob, and cheeſe ȝit of Irael, and to reſten hem he ſhal make vp on þer erþe; ſhal be ioyned to a comeling to þem, and cleue to þe hous of Jacob. And ſhuln holden hem puples, and bringe þem in to þer place. And ſhal welden hem þe hous of Irael vp on þe lond of þe Lord in to þralles and þralleſſes; and þei ſhul be takende hem þat hem hadden taken, and ſugeten þer caſteres out. And þer ſhal be in þat dai, whan reſte ſhal ȝyue to þee God fro þi trauaile, and fro þin hurting, and fro þin harde ſeruage, þat þou beforn ſeruediſt, þou ſhalt take þis parable aȝen þe king of Babiloyne, and ſeyn, What manere ceſede þe wronge aſker, reſtede þe tribute? Þe Lord to-broſede þe ſtaf of vnpitous men, þe ȝerde of lordſhipende men, betende puples in indignacioun, wiþ an vnheleable plage, þe ſogetende in wodnes þe folkes of kynde, and þe purſuende cruelly. Togidere reſtede, and was ſtille al erþe; ioȝede, and ful out gladede. Fyrre trees alſo gladeden vp on þee, and þe cedris of Liban; ſiþen þou ſlepteſt, þer ſteȝede not vp þat heewe vs doun. Helle vndere þee is diſturbid in to þe aȝen comyng of þi comyng; it ſhal rere to þee ieauntes; alle þe princes of þe erþe þer riſen fro þer ſetes, alle þe princes of naciouns. Alle ſhuln anſwern, and ſeyn to þee, And þou art woundid as and wee, lic vs þou art mad. Drawe doun is to helle þi pride, he to-hewȝ þi careyn; vnder þee ſtrouwed ſhal be a moȝte, and þi coueryng ſhal be wermes. Hou felle þou, Lucyfer, fro heuene, þe whiche erli ſprunge; þou felle in to þe erþe, þat woundedeſt þe folkes of kynde. Þat ſeideſt in þin herte, In to heuene I ſhal ſteȝen vp, vp on þe ſterres of heuene I ſhal enhaunce my ſee; I ſhal ſitte in þe hil of teſtament, in þe ſides of þe norþ. I ſhal ſteȝen vp vp on þe heiȝte of cloudis; lic I ſhal be to þe heȝeſt. Nerþelatere to helle þou ſhalt be drawe doun, in to þe depþe of þe lake. Þat þee ſhul ſee, to þee ſhul be bowid, and þee ſhuln aferr bihold. Wheþer þis is þe man, þat diſturbide þe erþe, þat ſmot togidere rewmes? þat putte þe world deſert, and his grete cites diſtroȝede, to his gyuede openede not þe priſoun? Alle þe kingus of Jentilis, eche ſlepten in glorie, eche in his hous. Þou forſoþe art caſt aferr fro þi ſepulcre, as a ſtoc vnprofitable, as wiþ quyture defoulid; and aboute wrappid wiþ hem þat ben ſlayn wiþ ſwerd, and wenten doun to þe foundement of þe lake. As a ſtynkende careyn, þou ſhalt not han felaſhepe, ne wiþ hem in biriyng þou ſhalt be, þou forſoþe þi lond diſtroȝediſt, þou þe puple ſloow; eþer ſhal not be clepid into wiþoute ende þe ſed of þe werſte men. Greiþe ȝe his ſones to ſlaȝter, for þe wickidneſſe of þer fadris; þei ſhul not togidere riſe, ne eritagen þe erþe, ne fulfille þe face of þe roundneſſe of þe cite. And I ſhal wiþ riſe vp on hem, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes, and I ſhal deſtroȝe Babyloynes name, and relikes, and progenye, and buriounyng, ſeiþ þe Lord. I ſhal putte it in to þe poſſeſſioun of an irchoun, and in to myres of watres; and I ſhal ſweepen it in a beſme, treding, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes. Þe Lord of oſtus ſwoor, ſeiende, If not as I wende, ſo ſhal be, and hou in mynde I tretede, ſo ſhal come? Þat I al to-broſe Aſſirie in my lond, in my mounteynes to-trede it; and þer ſhal be take awey fro hem his ȝok, and his berþene fro þe ſhulder of þem ſhal be don awey. Þis þe counſeyl þat I þoȝte vpon al erþe, and þis is þe hond ſtraȝt out vpon alle Jentiles. Þe Lord forſoþe of oſtes demede, and who ſhal moun vnfaſtnen? and his hond ſtraȝt out, and who ſhal turne awey it? Þe charge of Filiſteym. In þe ȝer þat diede king Achaz, don is þis charge. Ne glade þou, al Filiſtee, for to-mynuſht is þe ȝerde of þi ſmytere; of þe roote forſoþe of þe ſhadewe eddere ſhal gon out a kocatrice, and his ſed ſoupende awei a foul. And þer ſhul be fed þe firſt goten of pore men, and pore men troſtly ſhul reſten; and to dien I ſhal make in hunger þi roote, and þi relikes I ſhal ſlen. Ȝelle, þou ȝate; crie, þou cite; þrowe doun is eche Filiſte; fro þe norþ forſoþe ſmoke ſhal come, and þer is not þat flee out of his kumpanye. And what ſhal ben anſwerd to þe meſſageres of þe folc of kinde? for þe Lord foundede Sion, and in hym ſhuln hopen þe pore men of his puple.
Capitulum XV
The charge of Moab. For in nyȝt waſtid is Ar, Moab heeld his pes; for in þe nyȝt waſtid is þe wal, Moab heeld his pes. Þer ſteȝede vp þe hous, and Debon to heeȝe þingus, in to weiling; vpon Nabo, and vp on Medaba Moab ſhal ȝellen. In alle his hedys ballidneſſe, and eche berd ſhal be ſhaue. In his þre weied places þei ben gird wiþ a ſac, vp on his rooues and in his ſtretes al weiling; he ſhal go doun in to wepyng. Þer ſhal crie Eſebon and Eleale, vn to Jaſa herd is þe vois of hem; vpon þis þe redi men of Moab ſhul ȝelle, his ſoule ſhal ȝelle to itſelf. Myn herte to Moab ſhal crien, his bareres vnto Segor, a ſhe calf al þrowende doun. Bi þe ſteȝing vp forſoþe of Luyþ wepende he ſhal ſteȝen vp, and in þe weie of Oronaym þe cri of contricioun þei ſhul rere. Þe watris forſoþe of Nemrym ſhul ben deſert; for driede þe erbe, failede þe buriounyng, eche greneneſſe diede. Aftir þe mykilneſſe of werk, and þe viſiting of hem, to þe ſtreme of wiþies þei ſhul leden hem. For cri cumpaſide þe terme of Moab; vnto Galym his ȝelling, and vnto þe pit of Elym his cry. For þe watris of Dibon ben fulfild wiþ blod; forſoþe I ſhal putte vpon Dibon ecchingus, to þem þat ſhul fleen of Moab a leoun, and to þe relikis of þe lond.
Capitulum XVI
Send out, Lord, þe lomb, lordſhipere of þe erþe, fro þe ſton of deſert to þe mount of þe doȝter of Sion. And he ſhal ben as a brid fleende, and ȝunge briddes fro þe neſt fleende to, ſo ſhul be þe doȝtris of Moab in þe ouerſteȝyng of Arnon. Go in counſeil, conſtreyne counſeil; put as nyȝt þi ſhadewe in mydday, hide þou þe men fleende, and þe vagaunt ne betraȝe þou. Þer ſhul dwelle anent þee my ferr fugityues. Moab, be þou þe lurkyng place of hem fro þe face of þe waſtere. Endid is forſoþe þe pouder, ful endid is þe wrecche; failide þat to-trad þe lond. And þer ſhal be befor mad redy in mercy þe ſee, and he ſhal ſitte vpon it in treuþe, in þe tabernacle of Dauid, demende, and ſechende dom, and ſwiftli ȝeldende þat is riȝtwis. Wee han herd þe pride of Moab, proud he is gretli; his pride, and þe proude enhauncing of hym, and alſo his indignacioun more þan his ſtrengþe. Þerfore ſhall ȝelle Moab to Moab, al ſhal ȝelle to hem þat gladen vp on þe walles of anelid tyil; ſpekeþ þer veniaunces. For þe ſuburbes of Eſebon ben deſert, and þe vyneȝerd of Sabama. Þe lordis of Jentiles hewen doun his ſcourges; vnto Jaſer þei ful camen, þei errede in deſert. His railing braunches ben forſaken, þei paſſeden þe ſe. Vp on þis I ſhal weepen in wepyng Jaſer, and þe vyneȝerd of Sabama. I ſhal drunkne þee wiþ my tere, Eſebon and Eleale, for vp on þi vyntage, and vp on þi rep þe vois of men tredende fel on. And þer ſhal be don awey gladneſſe and ful out ioȝing fro Carmel; and in vyneȝerdis he ſhal not ful out ioȝen, ne inwardli ioȝen. Wyn in þe preſſe he ſhal not trede, þat to treden was wont; þe vois of þe trederes I toc awey. Vp on þis my wombe to Moab as an harpe ſhal ſounen, and my boweles to þe wal of þe anelid tyl. And it ſhal be, whan he ſhal apere, þat trauailede Moab vp on his heeȝe þingus, he ſhal go in to his hoeli places, þat he inwardly beſeche, and he ſhal not moun. Þis þe wrd þat þe Lord ſpac to Moab fro þennys. And now ſpac þe Lord, ſeiende, In þre ȝer as þe ȝeres of an hirid man, ſhal be don awei þe glorie of Moab vpon eche myche puple; and þer ſhal be lafte in it as a litil branch of a cluſter of grapes, and fewe, not fele.
Capitulum XVII
The charge of Damaſch. Lo! Damaſch ſhal ceſen to ben a cite, and it ſhal be as an hypil of ſtones in falling. Þe forſaken citees of Aroer to flockes ſhul be; and þei ſhul reſten þere, and þer ſhal not be þat afere awey. And þer ſhal ceſen helpe fro Effraym, and rewme fro Damaſch; and þe relikes of Cirie as þe glorie of þe ſonus of Irael ſhul be, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus. And it ſhal be, in þat day ſhal be maad þynne þe glorie of Jacob, and þe fatnes of his fleſh ſhal become welewid awey. And he ſhal be as þe gederere in rip þat is laft, and his arm eres ſhal gedere, and he ſhal be as ſechende eres in þe valey of Rafaym. And þer ſhal ben laft in it as þe braunche of a cluſter, and as þe ſhaking out of þe oile berie, as of two or of þre olyues in þe cop of þe braunch, or of foure or of fyue; in þe coppis of it his frutes, ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael. In þat dai ſhal ben bowid a man to his makere, and his eȝen to þe hoeli of Irael ſhul beholden. And he ſhal not be bowid to þe auteres, þat his hondis maden, and þat his fyngris ywrouȝten; he ſhal not biholden maumet wodes, and þe waſſhing templis. In þat dai þe citees of his ſtrengþe ſhul be forſaken as plowes, and þe tilþis þat ben laft fro þe face of þe ſonus of Irael; and þou ſhalt ben deſert. For þou forȝete of þe God, þi ſaueour, and of þe ſtronge, þin helpere, þou art not recordid; þerfor þou ſhalt plaunten a feiþful plaunting, and alien buriounyng þou ſhalt ſowen. In þe dai of þi plaunting bareyne vynes, and erli þi ſed ſhal flouren; don awei is þe rip in þe dai of eritage, and he ſhal weilen greuouſly. Wo to þe multitude of many puples, as þe multitude of þe ſe ſoundende, and þe nois of cumpanyes as þe ſoun of manye watris. Puplis ſchulen ſownen as þe ſown of flowyng watris, and he ſhal blame it; and aferr it ſhal flee, and it ſhal be raueſhid as þe pouder of mounteynes fro þe face of þe wynd, and as a whirlewynd bifor þe tempeſt. In tyme of euen, and lo! diſturbing; in þe morutid, and he ſhal not ſtonde ſtille. Þis is þe part of hem þat waſteden vs, and þe lot of men tobrekende vs.
Capitulum XVIII
Wo to þe lond, cymbal of weengus, þat is beȝunde þe flod of Eþeope; þat ſendeþ in þe ſe meſſageres, and in reſſhi veſſeles vp on watris. Goþ, ȝee ſwift aungeles, to þe folc al to-pullid and torn; to a ferful puple, after whyche is not an oþer; folc abidende and totroden, whos flodes raueſheden awei his lond; to þe mount of þe name of þe Lord of oſtus, mount of Sion. Alle ȝee dwelleris of þe world, þat dwellen in erþe, whan ſhal ben rered vp a tokne in mounteynes, ȝee ſhuln ſeen, and þe noiſe of þe trumpe ȝee ſhul heren. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, I ſhal reſten, and beholden in my place, as þe mydday liȝt is cleer, and as þe cloude of dew in þe day of rip. Bifor rip forſoþe al flourede out, and vnriyp perfeccioun buriownede; and þer ſhul ben hewe doun þe litle braunches of it wiþ ſiþis, and þat weren laft, ſhul be kut awey. Þei ſhul ben ſhaken out, and forſaken togidere to þe briddes of mounteynes, and to þe beſtes of erþe; and in euerelaſtende ſomer ſhul ben vp on hym foules, and alle þe beſtes of erþe vp on hym ſhul dwelle al wynter. In þat tyme ſhal be broȝt ȝifte to þe Lord of oſtes, fro þe puple to-pullid and to-torn; fro þe ferful puple, after whom was not an oþer; fro þe folc abidende and to-troden, whos flodus raueſheden awei his lond; to þe place of þe name of þe Lord of oſtus, mount of Sion.
Capitulum XIX
The charge of Egipt. Lo! þe Lord ſhal ſteȝe vp vp on a liȝt cloude, and gon in to Egipt; and þer ſhul be moued þe ſymulacris of Egipt fro þe face of hym, and þe herte of Egipt ſhal wane in þe myddel of hym. And to meete togidere I ſhal make Egipcienus aȝen Egipcienus, and fiȝte ſhal a man aȝen his broþer, and a man aȝen his frend, cite aȝen cite, and reume aȝen reume. And to-broken ſhal be þe ſpirit of Egipt in his boweles, and his counſeil I ſhall ſtumble doun; and þei ſhul aſke þer ſymulacris, and þer deuynoures, and þer deuel cleperes, and þer deuel ſacrifieres. And I ſhal take Egipt in to þe hond of cruel lordis, and a ſtrong king ſhal lordſhipen of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes. And þe water ſhal waxe drie fro þe ſe, and þe flod ſhal be deſolat, and dried. And faile ſhul þe flodes, and þynned and dried ſhul be þe ryueres of water hepes; þe reed and þe reſſhe ſhal welewen. Nakened ſhal be þe flod wombe, and þe ryueres fro þer welle; and of eche ſowende þe watri place ſhal be dried, and welewen, and it ſhal not be. And mowrne ſhul þe fiſſheres, and weilen alle into þe flod puttende þe angil hoc; and ſpredende out þe net vpon þe face of watris, ſhul waxe feble. And confoundid ſhul ben, þat wroȝten flax, plattende and weuende ſotile þingus. And þer ſhul ben his watri placis driende; alle þat maden pondis to be caȝt fiſſhes. Fooles þe princes of Thaneos, wiſe counſeileres of Farao ȝeeuen vnwys counſeil; what maner ſhul ȝee ſeyn to Farao, I þe ſone of wiſe men, þe ſone of olde kingys? Where now ben þi wiſe men? Telle þei to þee, and ſhewe, what þoȝte þe Lord of oſtus vp on Egipt. Fooles ben mad þe princes of Thaneos; gretli languyſſheden þe princes of Memfeos; begileden Egipt, þe corner of his puples. Þe Lord mengde in his myddel þe ſpirit of turnegidy; and to erren þei maden Egipt in al his werk, as erreþ a drunke man and a vomende. And þer ſhal not be to Egipt werke, þat it make hed and tail in boowing and refreynyng. In þat dai Egipt ſhal be as wymmen, and þei ſhul ſtoneȝen, and dreden fro þe face of þe ſtering togidere of þe hond of þe Lord of oſtes, þat he mouede vp on it. And ſhal be þe lond of Juda to Egipt in to inward ferd; eche þat of it recordede, ſhal inwardly dreden fro þe face of þe counſeil of þe Lord of oſtes, þat he þoȝte vp on it. In þat dai ſhul be fyue citees in þe lond of Egipt, ſpekende Canane tunge, and ſwerende bi þe Lord of oſtes; þe cyte of þe ſunne ſhal ben clepid oon. In þat day ſhal ben þe auter of þe Lord in þe myddel of þe lond off Egipt, and þe title of þe Lord biſide his terme; and þei ſhul be in to tocne and to witneſſing to þe Lord of oſtes, in þe lond of Egipt. Þey ſhul crien to þe Lord fro þe face of þe trublere, and he ſhal ſende to þem a ſaueour, and a forfiȝtere, þat delyuere þem. And þe Lord ſhal ben knowen of Egipt, and knowen ſhuln þe Egipcienus þe Lord in þat day; and þei ſhul herien hym in oſtes and ȝiftes, and þei ſhul vouwe vouwes to þe Lord, and ȝeelde. And ſmyte ſhal þe Lord Egipt wiþ a veniaunce, and helen it; and turnen aȝeen ſhuln þe Egipcienus to þe Lord, and he ſhal be pleſid to þem, and helen hem. In þat day ſhal ben a weie fro Egipt in to Aſſiries, and ſeruen ſhul þe Egipcienus to Aſſur; and entren ſhal Aſſirie Egipt, and Egipt in to Aſſiries. In þat day ſhal ben Irael þe þridde to Egipt and to Aſſirie, bleſſing in þe middel of þe erþe; to whom bliſſede þe Lord of oſtus, ſeiende, Bliſſid my puple of Egipt, and þe werk of myn hondis to Aſſirie; be forſoþe myn eritage Iſrael.
Capitulum XX
In þe ȝer þat Tharþan wente into Aſſote, whan hadde ſent hym Sargon, king of Aſſiries, and hadde fooȝte aȝen Aſote, and hadde taken it; in þat tyme ſpac þe Lord in þe hond of Iſaie, ſone of Amos, ſeiende, Go, and looſne þe ſac fro þi leendis, and þe ſhon tak fro þi feet. And he dide ſo, goende nakid and vnſhod. And þe Lord ſeide, As wente my ſeruaunt Iſaie nakid and vnſhod, of þre ȝeer tocne and wnder ſhal ben vp on Egipt, and vp on Eþiope; ſo dryuen ſhal þe king off Aſſiries þe caitifte of Egipt, and þe tranſmygracioun of Eþeope, ȝung and old, nakid womman and vnſhod, diſcouered þe erſis, to þe ſhenſhepe of Egipt. And þei ſhul drede, and ben confoundid of Eþeope, þer hope, and of Egipt, þer glorie. And þe dwellere of þat yle ſhal ſeyn in þat day, Wheþer þis was oure hope, to whom wee floun in to helpe, þat þei ſhulden delyueren vs fro þe face of þe king of Aſſiries; and what maner ſhul we moun ſcapen?
Capitulum XXI
The charge of þe deſert ſe. As whirlewyndus fro Affrich comen, fro þe deſert cam, fro þe orrible lond. An hard viſeoun told is to me; þat vnleeuende is, vnfeiþfully doþ; and he þat is diſtroȝere, waſteþ. Steeȝh vp, Elam, and biſege, Medeba; al his weilyng I made to ceſen. Þerfore ben fulfild my lendys wiþ ſorewe; anguyſh weldide me, as anguyſh of þe trauailende wiþ child; I fel doun, whan I herde; I am diſturbid, whan I ſaȝ. Myche languyſſhede myn herte, dercneſſes ſtoneid maden me; Babilon, my looued, put is to me in to myracle. Sett þe bord, bihold in a tooþil; etende and drinkende riſeþ, ȝee princes, takeþ to þe terget. Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeide þe Lord to me, Go, and put a tootere; and what euere þing he ſhal ſee, telle he. And he ſaȝ a char of two horſe men, a ſteȝere of an aſſe, and a ſteȝere vp of a camayle; and he beheeld biſily by myche looking, and he criede as a leoun, Vp on þe tooþil of þe Lord I am ſtondende contynuelly bi day, and vp on my warde I am ſtondende alle nyȝtus. Lo! þis cam, a man ſteȝere of þe carte of horſe men. And he anſwerde, and ſeide, Is falle, is falle Babilon; and alle grauen þingus of hys godus ben to-broſid in to þe erþe. My þreſſing, and þe doȝter of my cornflor, þe þingus þat I herde of þe Lord of oſtes, God of Irael, I tolde to ȝou. Þe charge of Duma. To me he crieþ fro Seir, O! kepere, what of þe nyȝt? O! kepere, what of þe nyȝt? Þe kepere ſeide, Þer comeþ morutid, and nyȝt; if ȝee ſechen, ſecheþ, and beþ conuertid, and comeþ. Þe charge in Araby. In þe wilde wode at euen ȝee ſhul ſlepen, in þe ſties of Dodanym. Aȝencomende to þe þriſti berþ water, þat dwellen þe lond of þe ſouþ; wiþ loeues aȝencomeþ to þe fleende. Fro þe face forſoþe of ſwerdes þei fledden, fro þe face of þe ſwerd ſtondende on, fro þe face of þe bowe bend, fro þe face of þe greuous bataile. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, Ȝit in o ȝer, as in þe ȝer of an hirid man, and þer ſhal ben take awey al þe glorie of Cedar. And þe relikis of þe noumbre of þe ſtronge archeres fro þe ſonus of Cedar ſhul be mynuſht; þe Lord forſoþe, God of Iſrael, ſpac.
Capitulum XXII
The charge of þe valey of viſeoun. What forſoþe and to þee is, for þou ſteȝediſt vp, and þou al in to þe rooues, ful of cry, myche vſid cite, cite ful out ioȝende? þi ſlayne not ſlayn wiþ ſwerd, ne þi deade deade in batayle. Alle þi princes floun togidere, and harde ben bounde; alle þat ben founde, ben bounde togidere, aferr floun. Þerfore I ſeide, Goþ awei fro me, bitterli I ſhal weepe; wileþ not ben biſy, þat ȝee coumforte me vp on þe waſtite of þe doȝter of my puple. Dai forſoþe of ſlaȝter, and of to-treding, and of wepingus, fro þe Lord God of oſtes, in þe valey of viſeoun; ſerching þe wal, and þe gret doyng vp on þe mounteyn. And Elam toc an arewe caas, and þe char of an hors man; and þe target naknide þe wal. And choſen ſhul be þi valeis ful of foure horſid carres; and knyȝtes ſhul ſette þer ſetes in þe ȝate. And diſcoueryd ſhal be þe coueryng of Jude; and þou ſhalt ſeen in þat dai þe armourie place of þe houſe of þe wilde wode; and þe cliftus of þe cite of Dauid ȝee ſhul ſee, for þei ben multeplied. And ȝee han gedered þe watris of þe neþere pond, or ſiſterne, and þe houſes of Jeruſalem ȝee han noumbred, and ȝee han diſtroȝed þe houſis, to ſtrengþe þe wal; and a lake ȝee han mad betwe two walles, and þe watyr of þe olde fiſhpond, or ſyſterne; and ȝee beheelden not to hym, þat hadde mad it, and his werkere fro aferre ȝee ſeȝen not. And þe Lord God of oſtus clepede in þat dai to weping, and to weiling, and to ballidneſſe, and to girding of a ſac; and lo! ioȝe and gladneſſe to ſlen calues, to kutte weþeres þrotes, to ete fleſh, and to drinke wyn; ete wee, and drinke wee, to moru forſoþe wee ſhul dien. And opened is in myn eres þe vois of þe Lord of oſtes, Þer ſhal not be forȝyue þis wickidneſſe to ȝou, to þe tyme þat ȝee die, ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtus. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtus, Go, and weend in to hym þat dwelleþ in þe tabernacle, to Sobnam, prouoſt of þe temple; and þou ſhalt ſey to hym, What þou heer, or as who heer? for þou heewe out to þee heer a ſepulcre, þou heewe in an heeȝ, a memorial biſily in a ſton a tabernacle to þee. Lo! þe Lord ſhal make þee to ben born awei, as is born awei a capoun, and as an amyſe, ſo he ſhal vnder reren þee. Crounende he ſhal crowne þee wiþ tribulacioun; as a bal he ſhal ſende þee in to a brod lond and ſpacious; þere þou ſhalt dien, and þere ſhal be þe char of þi glorie, and þe ſhenſhipe of þe hous of þi Lord. And I ſhal putte þee out fro þi ſtonding, and fro þi ſeruyſe I ſhal depoſe þee. And it ſhal be, in þat dai I ſhal clepe my ſeruaunt Eleachym, þe ſone of Elchie; and cloþin hym wiþ þi coete, and wiþ þi girdil I ſhal coumforten hym, and þi power I ſhal ȝyue in to his hondus; and he ſhal ben as a fader to men dwellende Jeruſalem, and to þe hous of Juda. And I ſhal ȝyue þe keȝe of þe hous of Dauid vp on his ſhulder; and he ſhal openen, and þer ſhal not be þat cloſe; and he ſhal cloſen, and þer ſhal not be þat opene. And I ſhal ficchen hym as a ſtake in þe feiþful place, and he ſhal be in to þe ſee of glorie of þe hous of his fader. And I ſhal hangen vp on hym al þe glorie of þe hous of his fader, off veſſeles dyuers kindis, eche litil veſſel, fro þe veſſeles of wyn chalices vnto alle veſſel of muſikes. In þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes, þer ſhal ben taken awey þe ſtake þat was ficchid in a feiþful place, and be tobroken, and fallen; and perſhe ſhal þat þat he hadde hangyd in it, for þe Lord ſpac.
Capitulum XXIII
The charge of Tyry. Ȝelleþ, ȝee ſhippes of þe ſe, for waſtid is þe hous, whennus to comen þei weren wont; fro þe lond of Seþym it is opened to þem. Beþ ſtylle, ȝee þat dwellen in þe ile, þe chaffaring of Sidon; þe men ſeilende ouer þe ſe fulfilden þee wiþ manye watris; þe ſed of Nyli, þe rip of þe flod his frutes, and mad is þe chaffare of Jentiles. Aſhame þou, Sidon, ſeiþ þe ſe, þe ſtrengþe of þe ſe, ſeiende, I trauailide not wiþ child, and bar not, and nurſhede not out ȝung childer, ne to ful waxing broȝte forþ maidenes. Whan herd it ſhal be in Egipt, þei ſhuln ſorewen, whan þei ſhuln heren of Tiro. Paſſeþ þe ſes; ȝelleþ, þat dwellen in þe ile. Wheþer not þis ȝoure is, þat gloriede fro þe raþere daȝes in his eelde? leden ſhuln it aferr hir feet to pilgrymagen. Who þoȝte þis vp on Tirun ſum tyme crouned, whos nededoeres princes, his marchaundus noble men of þe erþe? Þe Lord of oſtes þoȝte þis, þat he drawe doun þe pride of alle glorie, and to ſhenſhipe bringe doun alle þe noble men of erþe. Paſſe ouer þi lond as þe flod, þou doȝter of þe ſe; þer is no more girdil to þee. His hond ouer þe ſe he ſtrecchide, and diſturbede reumes. Þe Lord ſente aȝen Canaan, þat he totrede his ſtronge men; and ſeide, Þou ſhalt no mor leyn to, þat þou glorie, chalengis ſuſtenende, þou maden doȝter of Sidon. In Sichym riſende ouerſeile þou; þere forſoþe ſhal not ben reſte to þee. Lo! þe lond of Caldeis ſuch a puple was not; Aſſur foundide it; in to caitifte þei ouerladden þe ſtalwrþe men of it; þei vnderdoluen his houſes, þei putten it in to falling. Ȝelleþ, ȝee ſhipes of þe ſe, for doun waſtid is ȝoure ſtrengþe. And it ſhal be, in þat dai in forȝeting þou ſhalt be, O! Tire, ſeuenti ȝer, as þe daȝes of o king; after ſeuenti ȝer forſoþe to Tiro ſhal be as a ſong of a ſtrumpet. Tac harpe, go aboute þe cite, þou ſtrumpet, to forȝeting taken; weel ſyng, ofte vſe ſong, þat mynde of þee be. And it ſhal be, after ſeuenti ȝer, þe Lord ſhal viſite Tirum, and bringen it aȝeen to his meedes; and eft it ſhal ben, whan it ſhal do fornycacioun wiþ alle þe reumes of þe erþe, vp on þe face of þe erþe. And his nede doyngus and his meedus ſhuln ben halewid to þe Lord; þei ſhuln not ben hid, ne leid vp; for to þem þat dwellede bifor þe Lord ſhal be his nede doyng, þat þei ete into fulneſſe, and be clad vn to oldneſſe.
Capitulum XXIIII
Loo! þe Lord ſhal nakenen þe erþe, and ſcateren it, and tormenten his face, and diſtroȝen his dwelleris. And þer ſhal be, as þe puple, ſo þe preſt; and as þe ſeruaunt, ſo his lord; as þe hand woman, ſo hir lady; as þe biere, ſo he þat ſilliþ; as þe vſurer, ſo he þat takeþ borewing; as he þat aȝeen aſkeþ, ſo he þat owiþ. Bi ſcateryng ſhal be ſcatered þe lond, and bi robbing ſhal be robbid; þe Lord forſoþe ſpac þis wrd. Weilede and doun flowede þe erþe, and it is feblid; flowede doun þe world, feblid is þe heiȝte of þe puple of þe lond, and þe lond is ſlayn of his dwelleris. For þei ouerpaſſeden þe lawes, chaungeden þe riȝt, ſcatereden þe euere durende bond. For þat curſing ſhal deuoure þe lond, and ſynnen ſhuln his dwelleris; and þerfore waxen woode ſhul his tilieres, and þer ſhul be lafte fewe men. Weilede þe vyndage, feblid is þe vyne; inwardli weileden alle þat gladeden in herte. Ceſede þe ioȝe of tymbris, reſtide þe ſoun of men gladende; al ſtille was þe ſwetneſſe of þe harpe. Wiþ ſong þei ſhul not drinke wyn; bitter ſhal be þe drinke to men drinkende it. Al defouled is þe cite of vanyte; cloſid is eche hous, no man entrende. Cry ſhal ben vp on þe wyn in þe ſtretes, deſert is alle gladneſſe, tranſlatid is þe ioȝe of þe lond. Laft is in þe huge cite wilderneſſe, and wrecchidneſſe ſhal opreſſen þe ȝates. For þeſe þingus ſhul be in þe myddel of þe lond, in þe myddel of puples, what maner if fewe oile beries þat lefen ben ſhaken out of þe olyue tree, and cluſter braunches, whan were endid þe vyndage. Þeſe ſhul reren vp þer vois, and preiſen, whan ſhal be glorified þe Lord; þei ſhul neȝen fro þe ſe. For þat in techingus glorifieþ þe Lord; in iles of þe ſe, þe name of þe Lord God of Irael. Fro þe endes of þe erþe preiſingus wee han herd, þe glorie of þe riȝtwis. And I ſeide, My priue þing to me, my priue þing to me. Wo to me, þe lawe breking þei breeken, and in lawe breking of þe ouer don þingus þei breeken þe lawe. Ferd, and dich, and grene vp on þee, þat dwellere art of þe erþe. And it ſhal be, he þat ſhal flee fro þe face of drede, ſhal falle in to þe dich; and he þat takeþ hymſelf out of þe dich, ſhal be holden wiþ þe grene; for þe gooteres fro heȝe þyngus ben opened, and ſmyte togidere ſhul ben þe foundemens of þe erþe. Wiþ tobreking ſhal ben to-broken þe erþe, wiþ to-broſing ſhal be to-broſid þe lond, wiþ to-ſtering ſhal be to-ſtired þe erþe, wiþ ſhaking ſhal be to-ſhaken þe erþe, as a drunken man. And it ſhal be don awey, as þe tabernacle of o nyȝt, and greuen it ſhal his wickidneſſe; and it ſhal falle, and it ſhal not leyn to, þat it riſe aȝeen. And it ſhal be, in þat dai viſite ſhal þe Lord vp on þe knyȝþod of heuene in heȝ, and vp on þe kingus of þe lond, þat ben vp on erþe. And þei ſhul ben gedered togidere in þe gederyng togidere of a bundel in to þe lake, and þei ſhul ben cloſid þere in priſoun; and aftir many daȝes þei ſhul be viſitid. And þe moone ſhal ſhamen, and confoundid ſhal be þe ſunne, whan ſhal regne þe Lord of oſtes in þe hil of Sion, and in Jeruſalem; and in þe ſiȝt of þer olde men he ſhal ben glorified.
Capitulum XXV
Lord, my God þou art, I ſhal enhaunce þee, and I ſhal knouleche to þi name; for þou haſt do merueilous þingus, olde feiþful þoȝtus. Amen. For þou haſt ſet þe cite in to noyſe, þe huge ſtronge cite in to falling, þe hous of alienes, þat it be not cite, and in to euermor it ſhal not ben bild vp. Vp on þis ſhal preiſe þee a ſtrong puple, þe cite of ſtalwrþ folc of kinde ſhal drede þee. For þou art mad ſtrengþe to þe pore, ſtrengþe to þe helpeles in his tribulacioun, hope fro þe whirlewynd, a ſhadewe hilet fro hete; þe ſpirit forſoþe of ſtalwrþe men as a whirlewind puttende doun a wal. As wiþ hete in þriſt, þe noiſe of alienes þou ſhalt meken; and as wiþ hete vnder þe cloude feerly brennende, þe braunches of ſtronge men þou ſhalt make to welewyn. And þe Lord of oſtes ſhal make to alle puples in þis hil a feſte of fatte beſtes, a feſte of vyndage of merewi fatte þingus, of vyndage moſt pure. And he ſhal ſtumble doun in þis hil þe face of þe bond, bounde togidere vp on alle puples, and þe web þat he haþ weuede vp on alle nacyouns. He ſhal ſtumble doun deþ in to euere laſting, and don awei ſhal þe Lord God eche tere fro alle face; and þe repref of his puple he ſhal don awey fro al erþe; for þe Lord ſpac. And þey ſhul ſey in þat day, Lo! þe Lord oure God þis; wee han abiden hym, and he ſhal ſauen vs; þis þe Lord; wee han ſuffryd hym, and wee ſhul ful out ioȝen, and gladen in his helþe ȝyuere. For þe hond of þe Lord ſhal reſte in þis hil, and þreſchid ſhal ben Moab vnder hym, as ben to-treden ſtrawes in a wayn. And he ſhal ſtrecchen out his hondis vnder hym, as a ſwymmere ſtreccheþ out to ſwymmen; and he ſhal meeken his glorie wiþ þe hurling to of his hondis. And þe forſemens, or ſtrengþis, of þin heȝe walles ſhul togidere falle, and be lowid, and drawen doun to þe erþe, vnto poudere.
Capitulum XXVI
In þat day ſhal ben ſungen þis ſong in þe lond of Juda. Þe huge cite of oure ſtrengþe Sion; a ſaueour ſhal be ſet in it, þe wal and þe bifor walling. Openeþ þe ȝates, and þer ſhal go in a riȝtwis folc, kepende treuþe. Þe olde errour ȝide awei; þou ſhalt kepe pes, pes, for in þee, Lord, wee han hopid. Ȝee han hopid in þe Lord, fro þe euere laſtende worldus, in þe Lord God, ſtrong in to wiþoute ende. For he ſhal inbowe þe dwelleris in heiȝte, þe heȝe cite he ſhal meeken; he ſhal meke it vn to þe erþe, drawen it doun in to pouder. To-trede it ſhal þe foote of þe pore, þe goyngus of helpeles men. Þe ſty of þe riȝtwis is euene, euene þe paþ of þe riȝtwis to gon. And in þe ſty of þi domes, Lord, wee han ſuſtened þee; þi name, and þi mynde, in deſyr of ſoule. My ſoule ſhal deſire þee in nyȝt, but and wiþ my ſpirit in myn herte inward þingus; fro erly I ſhal wake to þee. Whan þou ſhalt don þi domes in þe erþe, riȝtwiſneſſe ſhul lernen alle þe dwelleris of þe world. Haue wee mercy to þe vnpitouſe, and he ſhal not lerne to do riȝtwiſneſſe; in þe lond of halewis wicke þingus he dide, and he ſhal not ſee þe glorie of þe Lord. Lord, be enhauncid þin hond, þat þei ſee not; ſee and be confoundid þe enuyende puples, and fyr þin enemys deuoure. Lord, þou ſhalt ȝyuen pes to vs, alle forſoþe oure werkes þou wroȝtiſt in vs. Lord oure God, lordis weldeden vs, wiþ oute þee; only in þee recorde wee of þi name. Diende lyue þei not, and ieauntis ryſe þei not aȝeen. Þerfore þou haſt viſityd, and to-broſedeſt hem, and loſt al þe mynde of þem; and þou haſt forȝyue to þe fol of kinde, Lord, þou haſt forȝoue to þe folc of kynde. Wheþer glorified þou art? þou haſt drawen along alle þe termes of þe erþe. Lord, in anguyſh þei ſoȝten þee; in tribulacioun of grucching þi lore to þem. As ſhe þat conceyuede, whan ſhe ſhulde neȝhe to þe trauailing of child, ſorewende crieþ in hir ſorewes, ſo wee ben maad fro þi face, Lord. Wee han conceyued, and as wee han born, and broȝte forþ þe ſpirit of helþe; riȝtwiſneſſe wee han not don in erþe, þerfore fellen not þe dwelleris of þe erþe. Lyuen ſhul þi deade, my ſlayne men ſhuln aȝeen riſe. Beþ wakid, and preiſeþ, ȝee þat dwellen in pouder; for þe dew of liȝt þi dew, and þe lond of ieauntus þou ſhalt drawe doun in to falling. Go, my puple, entre in to þi bed places, cloſe þi dores vp on þee, be hid a litil while, to þe tyme þat paſſe myn indignacioun. Lo! forſoþe þe Lord ſhal go out fro his hoely place, þat he viſite þe wickidneſſe of þe dwellere of þe erþe aȝen hym; and þe erþe ſhal opene his blod, and ſhal no more koueren his ſlayn men.
Capitulum XXVII
In þat dai viſeten ſhal þe Lord in his harde ſwerd, and gret, and ſtrong, vp on leuyaþan, an eddere, a leuour, and vp on leuyaþan, a crookid wounde ſerpent; and he ſhal ſle þe whal, þat is in þe ſe. In þat day þe vyneȝerd of good cleer wyn ſhal ſynge to hym. I þe Lord þat kepe it, feerli ſhal heelden out to it, leſt par auenture it be viſitid aȝen it; nyȝt and dai I kepe it, indignacioun is not to me. Who ſhal ȝyue me a þorne, and a brere? In bataile I ſhal go vp on it, I ſhal brennen it togidere. Or more I ſhal holde my ſtrengþe? He ſhal do pes to me, pes he ſhal don to me. Who ſhal go out wiþ bure fro Jacob? Flouren and burioune ſhal Irael, and þey ſhul fulfille þe face of þe world wiþ ſed. Wheþer after þe plage of þe ſmytende hymſelf he ſmot hym? or as he ſlooȝ þe ſlayne men of hym, ſo he is ſlayn? In meſure aȝen meſure, whan leid to it ſhal be, he ſhal deme it; he biþoȝte in his harde ſpirit, by þe day of hete. Þerfor vp on þis ſhal ben forȝouen wickidneſſe to þe hous of Jacob, and þis al þe frute, þat be don awei his ſynne, whan he ſhal leyn alle þe ſtones of þe auter as þe hurtlid ſtones of aſkes. Stonde ſhul not þe maumet wodes, and þe maumet waſſhing temples. Forſoþe þe ſtrengþid cite ſhal be deſolat, þe faire ſhal ben forſake, and lafte as deſert; þere ſhal be fed þe calf, and þere ſhal he lyn, and waſte þe ouermoſtes of it. In þe droȝte of his rip to-treden ſhul ben wymmen, comende and techende it. Forſoþe þer is not þe puple wys, þerfore ſhal not han mercy of it, þat made it; and þat foormede it, ſhal not ſpare to it. And it ſhal be, in þat dai ſhal þe Lord ſmyte, fro þe wombe of þe flod vnto þe ſtrem of Egipt; and ȝee ſhul be gedered togidere oon and oon, ȝee ſonus of Irael. And it ſhal be, in þat dai ſhal be trumpid in a gret trumpe, and þer ſhul comen þat weren loſt, fro þe lond of Aſſiries, and þat weren caſt awei, fro þe lond of Egipt; and þei ſhul honouren þe Lord, in þe hoeli hil in Jeruſalem.
Capitulum XXVIII
Wo to þe crowne of pride, to þe drunke men of Effraym, and to þe flour fallende doun of þe glorie of his ful out ioȝyng, þat weren in þe cop of þe valei moſt fat, errende of wyn. Lo! þe ſtalwrþe and þe ſtronge Lord, as þe bure of hail, þe tempeſt al brekende, as þe bure of manye flowende watris, and ſent out vp on þe ſpaciouſe erþe. Wiþ feet ſhal be to-trede þe croune of pride of þe drunke men of Effraym, and þe flour ſhal be doun fallende of þe glorie of his ful out ioȝing, þat is vp on þe cop of þe valei of fatte þingus, as þe biforn rijp frute bifor þe rijpneſſe of herueſt; þe whiche þing whan ſhal beholde þe ſeere, anoon as wiþ hond he ſhal holden, he ſhal deuoure it. In þat dai ſhal be þe Lord of oſtes þe croune of glorie, and þe garlond of ful out ioȝing, to þe reſidue of his puple; and þe ſpirit of dom to þe ſittere vp on þe trone, and ſtrengþe to þer men turnende aȝeen fro þe bataile to þe ȝate. Þeſe alſo for wyn knewen not treuþe, and for drunkeneſſe þei erreden; preeſt and profete knewen not for drunkeneſſe; þei ben ſopen awei of wyn, þei erreden in drunkeneſſe; þei knewe not þe ſeere, þei vnknewe dom. Alle forſoþe boordis ben fulfild wiþ þe vome and filþis, ſo þat þer were no more place. Whom ſhal he teche kunnyng, and whom to vnderſtonde ſhal he make þe heryng? Þe wened from mylc, þe put awei fro tetes. For ſend, eft ſend; ſend, eft ſend; abyd, eft byde; abijd, eft bijd; litil þere, litil þere. In þe ſpeche forſoþe of þe lippe, and in an oþir tunge ſhal ben ſpoke to þis puple, to whom he ſeide, Þis is my reſte; releeueþ þe wery, and þat is my refreſhing; and þei wolden not heren. And þer ſhal be to þem þe wrd of þe Lord, Send, eft ſend; ſend, eft ſend; abijd, eft bijd; abijd, eft bijd; litil þere, litil þere; þat þei go, and falle bacward, and be to-broſid, and gnared, and taken. For þat hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee men gileris, þat lordſhipen vp on my puple þat is in Jeruſalem. Ȝee ſeiden forſoþe, Wee han ſmyte pes bond wiþ deþ, and wiþ helle wee han maad couenaunt; ſcourge flowend whan ſhal paſſe, ſhal not come vp on vs, for wee han ſet leſyng oure hope, and wiþ leſyng we ben couered. Þerfor þeſe þyngus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! I ſhal ſenden in þe foundemens of Sion a corner ſton precious, proued, in þe foundement foundid; who ſhal beleeuen, heeȝe he not. And I ſhal putte in peis dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe in meſure; and þe hail ſhal to-turne vpſodoun þe hope of leſyng, and þe proteccioun watris ſhul flowe. And don awey ſhal be ȝoure pes bond wiþ deþ, and ȝoure couenaunt wiþ helle ſhal not ſtonde; ſcourge flowende whan ſhal paſſe, ȝee ſhul be to it in to treding. Whan euere it ſhal paſſe, it ſhal take ȝou awey; for erly þe morutid it ſhal paſſe, in day and nyȝt; and al onli þe alone greuous birþene vnderſtonding ſhal ȝyue to þe herende. Al to ſtreit forſoþe is þe beddyng, ſo þat an oþer falle doun; and þe ſhorte mantil eiþer mai not couere. As forſoþe in þe hil of deuyſeouns ſhal ſtonde þe Lord, ſo in þe valei, þat is in Gabaon, he ſhal wraþe, þat he do his werk; alyen is þe werk of hym, þat he werke his werk; ſtraunge is his werk fro hym. And now wileþ not bigilen, leſt par auenture be ſtreitid ȝoure bondis; ful ending forſoþe and abregging I haue herd of þe Lord God of oſtus, vp on al erþe. Wiþ eres parceyueþ, and hereþ my vois; takeþ heed, and hereþ my fayre ſpeche. Wheþer al day ſhal ere þe erere, þat he ſowe, and forþ kutten, and purge his erþe? Wheþer not, whan he ſhal euenen þerto his face, he ſhal ſowe þe ſed giþ, and þe comyn ſprengen, and ſette þe whete bi order, and barly, and myle, and ficche in þer coeſtes? And ſhal teche hym his God, in dom ſhal leren hym. Forſoþe not in ſawes ſhal be þroſſhe giþ, ne þe wheel of a wayn vp on þe comyn ſhal gon aboute; but in ȝerde ſhal ben ſhaken out giþ, and þe comyn in a ſtaf. Bred forſoþe ſhal be to-mynuſht, but not in to euermor þe þreſſhere ſhal þreſſhen it, ne ſhal trauaile it þe wheel of þe wayn, ne wiþ his cles ſhal to-mynuſhe it. And þat fro þe Lord God of oſtes wente out, þat merueilous ſhulde make counſeil, and magnefyen þe riȝtwyſneſſe.
Capitulum XXIX
Wo! Ariel, Ariel, þat is, Jeruſalem, and auter, cite þat Dauid ouercam; added is ȝer to ȝer, ſolempnetees ben ouerturned. And I ſhal beſette aboute Ariel, and it ſhal be dreri and ſorewy; and it ſhal be to me as Aryel. And I ſhal cumpaſſe as a bal in þi cumpas, and I ſhal kaſte aȝen þee an hep, and þe ſtrengþis I ſhal ſette in to þi ſeging. Þou ſhalt be meekid, of þe erþe þou ſhalt ſpeke, and of þe loewe erþe ſhal ben herd þi ſpeche; and ſhal be as of a deuel clepere fro þe erþe þi vois, and fro þe loewe erþe ſhal groyne þi ſpeche. And ſhal be as þynne pouder þe multitude of men wynewende þee; and as a gnaſt þurȝ paſſende, þe multitude of hem þat aȝen þee hadden maiſtri. And it ſhal be feerly, or ſudenly, anoon fro þe Lord of oſtus it ſhal be viſitid, in þunder, and quauyng of erþe, and gret vois of whirlewind, and of tempeſt, and of flaume of fijr deuourende. And ſhal be as a drem of a nyȝt viſeoun þe multitude of alle Jentiles þat foȝten aȝen Ariel; and alle þat aȝen riden, and biſegeden, and hadden þe maiſtri aȝen it. And as ſweueneþ þe hungrende, and eteþ, whan forſoþe he were wakid, voide is his ſoule; and as ſweueneþ þe þriſtende, and drinkeþ, and aftir þat he were waken, weri ȝit he þriſteþ, and his ſoule is voide, ſo ſhal be þe multitude of alle Jentiles, þat foȝten aȝen þe hil of Sion. Bicomeþ alle ſtoneid, and wndreþ; flotereþ, and wagereþ; be ȝe drunken inwardli, and not of wyn; ȝee be moued, and not wiþ drunkeneſſe. For mengd haþ þe Lord to ȝou þe ſpirit of ſlep; he ſhal cloſen ȝoure eȝen, þe profetes, and ȝoure princes þat ſeen viſeouns, he ſhal couere. And þer ſhal be to ȝou þe viſeoun of alle as þe wrdis of þe boc ſealid; whom whan þei ſhul ȝyue to þe kunnende lettris, þei ſhul ſey, Reed þis; and he ſhal anſwern, I mai not, forſoþe it is ſealid. And þe boc ſhal be ȝyue to þe not kunnende lettris, and it ſhal be ſeid to hym, Reed; and he ſhal anſwern, I kan not lettris. And þe Lord ſeide, For þi þat þis puple neȝheþ wiþ his mouþ, and wiþ his lippes glorifieþ me, his herte forſoþe fer is fro me; and þei dradden me in maundement of men and doctrines, þerfore loo! I ſhal adde, þat gret wondring I do to þis puple, wiþ gret myracle and hidous; forſoþe perſhe ſhal wiſdam fro his wiſe men, and þe vnderſtonding of his prudent men ſhal be hid. Wo, ȝee þat deep ben in herte, þat fro þe Lord ȝee hide counſeil; of whom þe werkes ben in dercneſſes, and ſeyn, Who ſeeþ vs, and who kneȝ vs? Shreude is þis ȝoure þenking, as if þe cley aȝens þe crockere þenke, and þe werk ſey to his makere, Þou haſt not mad me; and þe making ſey to his makere, Þou vnderſtondiſt not. Wheþer not ȝit in litil and in ſhort ſhal be turned Liban in to Chermel, and Chermel in to a wilde wode ſhal ben holde? And heren ſhul in þat day deue men þe wrdis of þe boc, and fro dercneſſes and myſtyneſſes þe eȝen of blynde men ſhul ſeen; and mylde men ſhuln adde in þe Lord gladneſſe, and pore men in þe hoeli Irael ful out ſhul ioȝen. For he haþ failid, þat hadde þe maiſtri, ful endid is þe gilere, and hewen doun ben alle þat wakeden vp on wickidneſſe; þat to ſynnen maden men in wrd, and þe vndernymere in þe ȝate þei ſupplaunteden, and boweden doun in veyn fro þe riȝtwis. For þat þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to þe hous of Jacob, þat aȝen bouȝt Abraham, Not now ſhal be confoundid Jacob, ne now his chere ſhal ſhame; but whan he ſhal ſeen his ſones, þe werkys of myn hondis, in his myddel halewende my name. And þei ſhul halewen þe hoeli of Jacob, and þe hoeli God of Irael þei ſhul prechen; and knowen ſhul þe errende in ſpirit vnderſtonding, and þe muſures ſhul lerne þe lawe.
Capitulum XXX
Wo! ȝee ſonus forſakeres, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝee ſchulden do counſeil, and not of me; and wefen a web, and not bi my ſpirit, þat ȝee adde ſynne vp on ſynne. Þe whiche gon, þat ȝee deſcende in to Egipt, and my mouþ ȝee han not aſkid; hopende helpe in þe ſtrengþe of Farao, and hauende troſt in þe ſhadewe of Egipt. And ſhal be to ȝou þe ſtrengþe of Farao in to confuſioun, and þe troſt of þe vmbre of Egipt in to ſhenſhepe. Wenten forſoþe in Thampnys þi princes, and þi meſſageres vnto Anes cite ful camen. Alle þei ben confoundid vp on þe puple, þat to hem myȝte no þan profited; þei weren not in to helpe, and in to any profit, but in to confuſioun and repref. Þe charge of þe beſtes of þe ſouþ. In þe lond of tribulacioun and of anguyſh, a leouneſſe, and a leoun, of hem a violent eddere, and a kokatrice fleende; berende vp on þe ſhuldris of beſtes þer richeſſes, and vp on þe bocche of camailes þer treſores, to þe puple þat to þem myȝte not han profited. Egipt forſoþe waſtli, and in veyn ſhal helpen. Þerfore I criede vp on þis, Pride onli it is; reſte þou. Now þanne gon in, wryt to it vp on a box table, and in a boc biſili graue it; and it ſhal be in þe laſte day in to witneſſyng, vn to euermore. Þe puple forſoþe to wraþe ys terrende, and ſones lieres, ſones not willende to heren þe lawe of God. Þat ſeyn to men ſeende, Wileþ not ſee; and to men biholdende, Wileþ not biholde to vs þo þingus þat ben riȝte; ſpekeþ to vs pleſaunt þingus, ſeeþ to vs erroures. Doþ awei fro me þe weie, bowiþ doun fro me þe ſty; ceſe fro oure face þe hoeli Irael. Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe hoeli of Irael, For þi þat ȝee han repreued þis wrd, and han hopid in to wronge chaleng, and in to noiſe, and han lened vp on it, þerfore ſhal be to ȝou þis wickidneſſe as betwe broſure fallende, and aȝeen ſoȝt in an heeȝ wal; for ſodeynly whil me hopeþ not, ſhal come þe to-broſing of it. And ſhal be tomynuſht, as is to-broſid þe galoun of þe crockere wiþ ful ſtrong to-broſyng; and þer ſhal not be founde of his broſingus a ſhord, in whiche be born a litil fyr fro þe brennyng, or be drawe a litil of water fro þe dich. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, hoeli of Irael, If ȝee turnen aȝeen, and reſten, ȝee ſhul be ſaaf; in ſcilence and in hope ſhal be ȝoure ſtrengþe. And ȝee wolden not. And ȝee ſeiden, Nai, but to hors we ſhul flee; þerfor ȝee ſhul flee. And vp on ſwift wee ſhul ſteȝen vp; þerfor more ſwift ſhul be, þat ſhul purſue ȝou. A þouſend men fro þe face of þe ferd of oon; and fro þe ferd of þe face of fyue ȝee ſhul fleen, to þe tyme þat ȝee be laft as þe maſt of a ſhip in þe cop of a mounteyn, and as tocne vp on an hil. Þerfor abideþ þe Lord, þat he haue mercy of ȝou, and þerfore ſhal ben enhauncid þe ſparende to ȝou; for God of dom þe Lord, blisful alle þat abijden hym. Þe puple forſoþe of Sion ſhal dwelle in Jeruſalem; wepende þou ſhalt not wepe, rewende, or doyng mercy, he ſhal han mercy of þee; at þe vois of þi cry, anoen as he hereþ, he ſhal anſwern to þee. And þe Lord ſhal ȝyue to þee ſtreit bred, and ſhort water, and he ſhal not make to fleen awey fro þee more þi techere; and þin eȝen ſhul be ſeende þi comaundere, and þin eres ſhuln heren þe wrd bihinde þe bac of þe moneſtere; Þis þe weie, goþ in it, nouþer to þe riȝt ne to þe lyft. And þou ſhalt al to-foule þe plates of þe grauen þing of þi ſiluer, and þe cloþing of þi ȝoten gold; and þou ſhalt diſtroȝe þem, as þe vnclenneſſe of þe blod flux of wymmen; Go out, and þou ſhalt ſey to it. And þer ſhal be ȝoue reyn to þi ſed, wher euere þou ſhalt ſowe in þe erþe, and þe bred of þe frutus of þe erþe ſhal be moſt plenteuous and fatt; þer ſhul be fed in þi poſſeſſioun in þat day þe lomb ſpaciouſly, or largly. And þi bolis and þin aſſe coltes, þat werken þe erþe, mengd barly þei ſhul ete, as in þe cornflor it is wynewid. And þer ſhul be vp on alle heeȝ mounteyn, and vp on alle rered hil, ryueres of rennende watris, and in þe dai of ſlaȝtir of manye, whan ſhul falle toures. And þe liȝt of þe moone ſhal be as þe liȝt of þe ſunne, and þe liȝt of þe ſunne ſhal be ſeuene fold, as þe liȝt of ſeuene daȝes, in þe dai þat þe Lord ſhal bynde þe wounde of his puple, and þe ſmyting of his wounde ſhal helen. Lo! þe name of þe Lord cam fro afer; his wodneſſe brennende and heuy to bern; his lippis ben fulfild wiþ indignacioun, and his tunge as fyr deuourende. His ſpirit as a ſwift ſtrem, flowende vnto þe myddel of þe hyl, to be loſt Jentiles in to noȝt, and þe bridil of errour, þat was in þe chekes of puples. A ſong ſhal be to ȝou, as þe vois of þe halewid ſolempnete; and þe gladneſſe of herte, as he þat goþ wiþ a trumpe, þat he entre in to þe hil of þe Lord, to þe ſtronge of Irael. And herd þe Lord ſhal make þe glorie of his vois, and þe ferd of his arm he ſhal ſhewe in þreting of wodneſſe, and in flaume of fyr deuourende; he ſhal hurtle in whirlewind, and in þe ſton of hail. Fro þe vois forſoþe of þe Lord ſhal dreden Aſſur ſmyte wiþ a ȝerde; and þe paſſing of þe ȝerde ſhal be founded, þat þe Lord ſhal make to reſten vp on hym. In tymbris, and harpis, and in cheef batailis he ſhal ouercome þem. Greiþid is forſoþe fro ȝiſtai Tofeþ, fro þe kyng greiþid; his nurſhemens deep and ſpred, fyr and myche wode; þe blaſt of þe Lord as a ſtrem of brunſton vp brennende it.
Capitulum XXXI
Wo! þat gon doun in to Egipt to helpe, in hors hopende, and hauende troſt vpon foure horſid carres, for þei ben manye, and vp on hors men, for bifor ſtalwrþe þei ben ful myche; and þei han not troſted vp on þe hoely of Irael, and þe Lord þei han not out ſoȝt. He forſoþe wijs, broȝte to euel, and his wrdis he toc not awey; and he ſhal riſe aȝen þe hous of þe werſte men, and aȝen þe helpe of men wirkende wickidneſſe. Egipt a man, and not God; and his hors fleſh, and not ſpirit; and þe Lord ſhal boowen his hond, and togidere falle ſhal þe helpere, and falle ſhal he, to whom men ȝyueþ helpe, and alle togidere ſhul be waſtid. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, What maner if a leoun rore, and þe whelp of a leoun vp on his prey, whan aȝen comeþ to hym þe multitude of ſhepperdus, fro þe vois of hem he ſhal not drede, and of þe multitude of hem he ſhal not inwardly ben aferd; ſo ſhal come doun þe Lord of oſtus, þat he fiȝte vp on þe mount of Sion, and vp on his hilles. As briddes fleende, ſo defende ſhal þe Lord of oſtus Jeruſalem; defendende and delyuerende, paſſende and ſauende. Beþ conuertid, as in to depþe wenten awei, ȝee ſonus of Irael. In þat dai forſoþe caſten awey ſhal a man þe maumetes of hys ſiluer, and þe maumetes of his gold, þat maden to ȝou ȝoure hondus in to ſynne. And falle ſhal Aſſur in ſwerd, not of a man, and þe ſwerd, not of a man, ſhal deuoure hym; and he ſhal flee, not fro þe face of þe ſwerd, and his ȝunge men ſhul be tributaries; and his ſtrengþe of þe ferd ſhal paſſe, and inwardly dreden ſhul his princes fleende. Þe Lord ſeide, whos fyr is in Syon, and hys chymne in Jeruſalem.
Capitulum XXXII
Lo! in riȝtwiſneſſe regne ſhal a king, and princes in dom ſhul beforn ben. And a man ſhal be, as þat is hid fro þe wynd, and coouereþ hymſelf fro tempeſt; as ryueres of watris in þriſt, and ſhadewe of þe ſton ouerſtondende in þe deſert lond. Daſwen ſhul not þe eȝen of men ſeende, and þe eres of men herende biſily ſhul herknen; and þe herte of fooles ſhal vnderſtonde kunnyng, and þe tunge of bufferes ſwiftli ſhal ſpeke, and pleynly. Þer ſhal no more be clepid he þat is vnwis a prince, ne þe gylere ſhal be clepid a meyr. Þe fool forſoþe fool þingus ſhal ſpeke, and his herte ſhal do wickidneſſe, þat he fulfille feynyng, and ſpeke to þe Lord gilendely; and voide he ſhal make þe ſoule of þe hungrere, and drinc to þe þriſtere he ſhal don awei. Of þe gilere werſt veſſeles ben; he forſoþe þoȝtus dide, to be loſt mylde men in wrd of leſing, whan þe pore ſhulde ſpeke dom. A prince forſoþe þoe þingus þat ben wrþi a prince ſhal þenke, and he vp on dukes ſhal ſtonde. Ȝee plenteuous wymmen, riſeþ, and hereþ my voys; ȝee troſtende doȝtris, parceyueþ wiþ eres my ſpeche. Aftir daȝes forſoþe and a ȝer, and ȝee ſhul be diſturbid troſtende; full endid is forſoþe þe vyndage, gedering togidere no more ſhal come. Stoneȝeþ, ȝee plenteuous wymmen, and beþ diſturbid, ȝee troſtende; vncloþe ȝou, and beþ confoundid; girdeþ ȝoure leendus; vp on þe tetes weileþ, vp on þe deſirable regioun, vp on þe plenteuous vyneȝerd. Vpon þe loewe erþe of my puple þornes and brieres ſchul ſteȝen vp; hou myche more vp on alle þe houſes of ioȝe of þe cite ful out ioȝende? Þe hous forſoþe is left, þe multitude of þe huge cite is forſake; dercneſſes and groping ben mad vp on þe dennes, vnto wiþ oute ende. Þe ioȝe of feeld aſſes, þe leſwe of flockes; to þe tyme þat be held out vp on us þe ſpirit fro an heiȝ, and þer ſhal be deſert in Chermel, and Chermel in to wilde wod ſhal ben holde. And þer ſhal dwelle in wilderneſſe dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe in Chermel ſhal ſitte; and þer ſhal be þe werk of riȝtwiſneſſe pes, and þe heriyng of riȝtwiſneſſe ſcilence and ſikirneſſe, vnto euermore. And ſitte ſhal my puple in fayrnes of pes, and in tabernacles of troſt, and in reſte plenteuous. Hail forſoþe in þe goyng doun of þe wilde wode, and bi mekneſſe ſhal be mekid þe cite. Blisful ȝee, þat ſowen vp on alle watris, puttende in þe foot of þe oxe and of þe aſſe.
Capitulum XXXIII
Wo! þou þat robbeſt; wheþer and þi ſelf ſhalt not be robbid? and þou þat diſpiſiſt, wheþir and þiſelf ſhalt not be diſpiſed? Whan þou ſhalt han ful endid robbing, þou ſhalt be robbid; whan weeried þou lefeſt to diſpiſe, þou ſhalt be diſpiſid. Lord, haue merci of vs, þee forſoþe wee han abide; be þou oure arm in erly, and oure helþe in tyme of tribulacioun. Fro þe vois of þe aungil floun puples; of þin enhauncing ſcatered ben Jentiles. And gederede togidere ſhul be ȝoure ſpoiles, as is gedered bruſh, as whan þe diches fulle ſhul be of it. Magnefied is þe Lord, for he dwelte in heiȝ, he fulfild Sion wiþ dom and riȝtwiſneſſe. And feiþ ſhal ben in þi tymes; richeſſes of helþe, wiſdam and kunnyng; þe drede of þe Lord, it þe treſor of hym. Lo! þe ſeeres ſhul crien wiþouteforþ, þe aungeles of pes bitterli ſhul wepe. Scatered ben þe weies, ceſide þe paſſid bi þe ſty; voyde mad is þe couenaunt, he caſte awei þe cites, he heeld of no pris not men. Weilede, and languyſſhede þe lond; confoundid is Liban, and becam doumb; and mad is Saron as deſert, and ſmyte togidere is Baſan, and Carmel. Now I ſhal riſe, ſeiþ þe Lord, now I ſhal ben enhauncid, now I ſhal ben vp rered. Ȝee ſhul conſeyue brennyng, ȝee ſhul bern ſtobil; ȝoure ſpirit as fyr ſhal deuoure ȝou. And ben ſhul puples as of þe brennyng aſkes; þornes gedered togidere in fyr ſhul be brent. Hereþ, ȝee þat ben aferr, what I haue do; and knowiþ, ȝee neȝhebores, my ſtrengþe. Al to-broſid ben in Sion ſynneres, tremblyng weldede ipocrites; who ſhal moun dwelle of ȝou wiþ fyr deuourende? who ſhal dwelle of ȝou wiþ euere durende brennyngus? Þat goþ in riȝtwiſneſſes, and ſpekeþ treuþe; þat þrowiþ awei coueitiſe of wrong chaleng, and ſhakeþ out his hondis fro alle ȝifte; þat ſtoppiþ his eres, leſt he here blod, and cloſiþ his eȝen, leſt he ſee euel. Þis in heiȝtus ſhal dwelle, þe ſtrengþys of huge ſtones his heȝte; bred to hym is ȝoue, his watris ben feiþful. Þe king in his fairneſſe ſeen ſhuln his eȝen; biholden ſchul þe lond fro afer. Þin herte ſweteli ſhal þenke drede; wher is þe lettrid? Wher is þe wrdus of þe lawe chargende? wher is þe doctour of litil childer? Vnprudent puple he ſhal not ſee, puple of heiȝ ſermoun, ſo þat þou mowe not vnderſtonde þe ſleeyneſſe of his tunge, in whiche is no wiſdam. Bihold Sion, þe cite of oure ſolempnete; þin eȝen ſhul ſee Jeruſalem, a plenteuous cite, a tabernacle þat ſhal not moun ben ouerborn, ne his nailis ſhul ben take awei in to euermor; and alle his litil cordes ſhul not be to-broken. For onli þere þe grete doyng, Lord oure God; þe place of flodes ryueres moſt brod and opene; þer entride not bi it þe ſhip of roweres, ne þe grete ſhip of þre ſtagis ſhal not ouergon it. Þe Lord forſoþe oure domes man, þe Lord oure lawe ȝyuere, þe Lord oure king; he ſhal come, and ſauen us. Slakid ben þi litil cordes, but þei ſhul not han þe maiſtri; ſo ſhal be þi maſt, þat þou mow not ſprede abrod a tocne. Þanne ſhul be deuydid ſpoiles of many preyes, halte men ſhul take awey raueyn. Ne þe neȝhebore ſhal ſey, I languyſhede; þe puple þat dwellede in it, þer ſhal be don awei fro hym wickeneſſe.
Capitulum XXXIIII
Neȝheþ, ȝee Jentiles, and hereþ; takeþ heed, ȝee puples; here þe lond, and his fulneſſe, þe world, and al his buriownyng. For þe indignacioun of þe Lord vp on alle Jentiles, and wodneſſe vp on al þe chyualrie of hem; he ſloȝ hem, and ȝaf þem in to ſlaȝter. Þe ſlayne of hem ſhul be þrowe afer, and of þe careynes of hem ſhal ſteȝen vp ſtinc; whlaten ſhul mounteynes of þe blod of hem. And wlate ſhal al þe knyȝþed of heuenes, and heuenes ſhulen be foldid togidere as a boc, and al þe knyȝþed of hem ſhal fade, as fadeþ awey a lef of þe vyne and of þe fige tree. For inwardli drunken is in heuene my ſwerd; lo! vp on Ydume it ſhal come doun, and vp on þe puple of my ſleyng, to dom. Þe ſwerd of þe Lord fulfild is of blod, innerly fattid it is wiþ talȝ of blod of lombis and of get, of þe blod of merewi weþeres; forſoþe victorie ſacrifiſes of þe Lord in Boſra, and gret ſlaȝter in þe lond of Edom. And doun ſhul come vnycornes wiþ hem, and booles wiþ þe myȝty; inwardli drunken ſhal be þe lond of hem wiþ blod, and þe loewe erþe of hem wiþ talȝ of fatte þingis; for þe dai of þe veniaunce of þe Lord, ȝer of ȝeelding of þe dom of Sion. And turned ſhuln ben his ſtremes in to pich, and his loewȝ erþe in to brunſton; and his erþe ſhal be in to brennende pich, nyȝt and day. It ſhal not be queynt in to euermor, his ſmoke ſhal ſteȝen vp fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun, and deſolat ſhal be in to worldus of worldis; þer ſhal not ben a paſſere þurȝ it. And welden ſhul it þe foul in face lic an aſſe, and þe irchoun; and þe ſnyte, and þe crowe dwelle ſhul in it; and ſtraȝt out vp on it ſhal ben a meſure, þat it be broȝt to noȝt, and a lyne euene doun piȝt in to deſolacioun. His noble men ſhul not be þere; þe king more þei ſhul inwardly clepen, and ben ſhuln alle his princes in to noȝt. And þer ſhul ſpringe in his houſes þornes and netles, and taſil in þe ſtrengþis of it; and it ſhal be þe bed place of dragownes, and þe leſwe of oſtriches. And aȝen come ſhul deueles, þe beſte party an aſſe and a party a man, and þe wodewoſe; þe toþir ſhal crie to þe toþer. Þere ſhal lyn lamya, þat is, a þirs, or a beſte hauende þe bodi lic a womman and horſe feet; and he fyndeþ to himſelf reſte; þere hadde diches þe yrchoun, and nurſhede out litle chittes, and aboute dalf, and nurſhede in his ſhadewe; þere ben gedered kites, þe toþer to þe toþer. Secheþ beſily in þe boc of þe Lord, and redeþ; oon of hem failyde not, þe toþer at þe toþer ſoȝte not; for þat of my mouþ ȝide forþ, he comaundide, and his ſpirit he gederede þo þingus. And he ſente to þem lot, and his hond deuydede it to þem in to meſure; vnto euermore þei ſhul welden it, in ieneracioun and ieneracioun þei ſhul dwellen it.
Capitulum XXXV
Gladen ſhal deſert, and þe wiþ oute weie, and ful out ſhal ioȝen þe wilderneſſe, and flouren as a lilie. Buriownynge it ſhal burioune, and ful out ioȝen, ioȝeful and preiſing. Þe glorie of Liban is ȝoue to it, þe fairneſſe of Carmel and of Saron; þei ſhul ſee þe glorie of þe Lord, and þe fairneſſe of oure God. Coumforteþ þe hondes looſid atwynne, and þe feble knees ſtrengþeþ. Seiþ, Ȝee of litil corage, takeþ coumfort, and wileþ not dreden; lo! oure God veniaunce of ȝelding ſhal bringe, God he ſhal come, and ſauen vs. Þanne ſhul ben opened þe eȝen of blynde men, and eres of deue men ſhul ben opened. Þanne ſhal lepe as an hert þe halte, and opened ſhal be þe tunge of doumbe men; for kut ben in deſert watris, and ſtremes in wilderneſſe. And þat was drie in to a pond, and þe þriſtende in to welles of watris. In þe couches, in þe whiche biforn dwelten dragounes, ſhal ſpringe þe greneneſſe of þe reed, and of þe reſſhe. And it ſhal be þere in þe ſty, and in þe weie, and an hoely weie it ſhal be clepid, paſſe ſhal not bi it a defoulid; and þis ſhal be to you a ſtraȝt riȝt weie, ſo þat foolys erre not by it. Þer ſhal not be þere a leoun, and euel beſte ſhal not ſteȝen vp bi it, ne be founden þere. And gon ſhul þei þat ſhul ben delyuered; and þe boȝt of þe Lord ſhul be conuertid, and comen in to Sion wiþ preiſing; and euere durende gladneſſe vp on þe hed of hem; ioȝe and gladneſſe þei ſhul welde, and flee ſhal ſorewe and weiling.
Capitulum XXXVI
And don it is in þe fourtenþe ȝer of king Ezechie, ſteȝede vp Senacherib, king of Aſſiries, vp on alle þe ſtrengþid cites of Juda, and toc hem. And þe king of Aſſiries ſente Rapſacen fro Laches in to Jeruſalem, to king Ezechie, in an heuy hond; and ſtod in þe water kundute of þe ouere pond, in þe weie of þe fulleris feeld. And wente oute to hym Elyachym, ſone of Elchie, þat was vpon þe hous, and Sobna, ſcribe, and Joae, þe ſone of Aſaf, chaunceler. And Rapſaces ſeide to þem, Seiþ to Ezechie, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe grete king, king of Aſſiries, What is þis triſt, þat þou troſteſt? or of counſeil or ſtrengþe to rebellen þou diſpoſiſt? vp on whom haſt þou troſt, for þou haſt gon awei fro me? Lo! þou troſtiſt vp on þis ſtaf of reed to-broken, vp on Egipt, to whom if a man ſhul lene, it ſhal go in to his hond, and þerlen it; ſo Farao, king of Egipt, to alle men þat troſten in hym. Þat if þou anſwere to me, In þe Lord oure God wee troſten; wheþer not he is, whos heȝe þyngus and auteres toc awei Ezechie, and ſeyde to Jude and to Jeruſalem, Beforn þis auter ȝee ſhul honoure? And now tac þee to my lord, þe king of Aſſiries, and I ſhal ȝyue to þee two þouſend hors, and þou ſhalt not moun ȝyuen of þee ſteȝeres vp of hem. And what maner ſuſtene ſhal þe face of a domes man of o place of þe laſſe ſeruauns of my lord? Þat if þou troſte in Egipt, and in þe foure horſid carre, and in þe horſe men; and now wheþer wiþoute þe Lord I ſteȝede vp to þis lond, þat I ſhulde deſtroȝe it? Þe Lord ſeide to me, Steȝe vp vp on þis lond, and deſtroȝe it. And Eleachym ſeide, and Sobna, and Joae, to Rapſacen, Spec to þi ſeruauntis in Sirie tunge, wee vnderſtonden forſoþe; ne ſpeke þou to vs Jewly, in þe eres of þe puple, þat is vp on þe wal. And ſeide to þem Rapſaces, Wheþer to þi lord and to þee ſente me my lord, þat I ſchuld ſpeke alle þeſe wrdys, and not more to þe men þat ſytten in þe wal, þat þei ete þer toordes, and drinke þer vryne of þeir feet wiþ ȝou? And Rapſaces ſtod, and criede wiþ a gret vois Jeuly, and ſeide, Hereþ þe wrdes of þe grete king, king of Aſſiries. Þeſe þyngus ſeiþ þe king, Bigile not ȝou Eſechie, for he ſhal not moun delyueren ȝou out; and not to ȝou troſt ȝyue Ezechie vp on þe Lord, ſeiende, Delyuerende þe Lord ſhal delyueren vs; ſhal not be ȝoue þis cite in þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries. Wileþ not heren Ezechie. Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe king of Aſſiries, Doþ wiþ me bleſſyng, and goþ out to me; and eteþ eche his vyne, and eche his fige tree, and drinkeþ eche þe water of his ciſterne, to þe tyme þat I come, and take ȝou awei to þe lond þat is as ȝoure lond; lond of whete and of wyn, lond of loefes and of vynes. Ne diſturbe ȝou Ezechie, ſeiende, Þe Lord ſhal delyuere vs. Wheþer delyuereden þe godes of Jentiles eche his lond fro þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries? Wher is þe god of Emaþ, and of Arfaþ? Wher is þe god of Sefaruaym? Wheþer þei deliuereden Samarie fro myn hond? Who is of alle þe godes of þeſe londis þat delyuerede his lond fro myn hond, þat þe Lord delyuere Jeruſalem fro myn hond? And þei heelden þer pes, and anſwerden not to hym a wrd. Forſoþe þe king hadde comaundid to þem, ſeiende, Ne anſwere ȝee to hym. And wente in Elyachym, þe ſone of Elchie, þat was vp on þe hous, and Sobna, ſcribe, and Joae, ſone of Aſaf, chaunceler, to Eſechie, kut þe cloþis, and tolden to hym þe wrdes of Rapſaes.
Capitulum XXXVII
And it is do, whan hadde herd king Ezechie, he kutte his cloþis, and wrappid is wiþ a ſac, and wente in to þe hous of þe Lord. And he ſente Eleachym, þat was vp on þe hous, and Sobnam, ſcribe, and þe elderes of þe preeſtus, coouered wiþ ſackus, to Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos, profete. And þei ſeiden to hym, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ Ezechie, Þe dai of tribulacioun, and of anguyſh, and of correccioun, and of blasfemye, þis day; for þer camen ſones to þe berþe, and vertue was not of bering. If any maner here þe Lord þi God þe wrdus of Rapſaces, whom ſente þe king of Aſſiries, his lord, to blasfemen þe God lyuende, and to repreue wiþ wrdis, whiche herde þe Lord þi God, rere vp þanne oriſoun for þe relikes þat ben founde. And þer camen ſeruauns of king Eſechie to Iſaie; and Iſaie ſeide to þem, Þeſe þingus ȝee ſhul ſeyn to ȝoure lord, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Ne drede þou of þe face of þe wrdus þat þou haſt herd, wiþ whiche blasfemeden þe childer of þe king of Aſſiries me. Lo! I ſhal ȝyue to hym a ſpirit, and he ſhal heren a meſſager; and he ſhal be turned aȝeen to his lond, and to fallen I ſhal maken hym wiþ ſwerd in his lond. Rapſaces forſoþe is turned aȝeen, and he fond þe king of Aſſiries fiȝtende aȝen Lobnam; forſoþe he hadde herd, for he was go fro Lachis. And he herde of Theracha, king of Eþiope, ſeiende, He wente out, þat he fiȝte aȝen þee. Þe whiche þing whan he hadde herd, he ſente meſſageres to Eſechie, ſeiende, Þeſe þingus ȝee ſhul ſey to Eſechie, king of Jude, ſpekende, Not þee diſceyue þi God, in whiche þou troſteſt, ſeiende, Jeruſalem ſhal not be ȝyue in þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries. Lo! þou haſt herd what dide alle þe kingus of Aſſiries to alle londes þat þei turneden vpſo doun; and ſhalt þou moun be delyuered? Wheþer delyuereden hem þe godis of Jentiles, whom turneden vpſo doun my fadris; Goſam, and Aran, and Reſef, and þe ſones Eden, þat weren in Thalaſar? Wher is þe king of Emaþ, and þe king of Arfaþ, and þe king of þe huge cite Cefaruaym, and Ana, and Aua? And Eſechie toc þe bokes of þe hond of þe meſſager, and radde þem; and he ſteȝede vp in to þe hous of þe Lord, and ſpredde out hem bifor þe Lord; and preȝede þe Lord, ſeiende, Lord of oſtes, God of Irael, þat ſittiſt vp on cherubyn, þou art God alone of alle þe reumes of erþe; þou madiſt heuene and erþe. Boowe doun, Lord, þin ere, and here; opene þin eȝen, Lord, and ſee; and here alle þe wrdus of Senacherub, þat he ſente to blasfemen God lyuende. Verely forſoþe, Lord, deſert maden þe kingis of Aſſiries londus, and þe regiouns of þem, and ȝeuen þe goddis of hem to fyr; forſoþe þei weren not goddus, but werc of þe hondus of men, tree and ſtonus; and þei to-mynuſhten hem. And now, Lord oure God, ſaue vs fro þe hond of hym; and knowen alle þe reumes of erþe, for þou art Lord God alone. And Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos, ſente to Eſechie, ſeiende, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, For þe whiche þou preȝedeſt me of Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, þis is þe wrd þat þe Lord ſpac vp on hym, He diſpiſide þee, he vndermouwede þee, þou maiden doȝtir of Sion; aftir þee þe hed he mouede, þou maide doȝter of Jeruſalem. To whom haſt þou repreued, and whom haſt þou blasfemed? and vp on whom haſt þou rered þi vois, and haſt rered þe heiȝte of þin eȝen? To þe hoeli of Irael. In þe hond of þi ſeruauns þou haſt repreued to þe Lord, and ſeidiſt, In þe multitude of my foure horſed carres I ſteȝede vp þe heiȝtus of mounteynes, ȝokes of Liban; and I ſhal tohewen þe heȝe þingus of his cedris, and þe choſene firres of it; and I ſhal go in to þe heiȝte of his cop, þe wilde wode of þe Carmel of it. I dalf, and drank þe water of it; and I driede wiþ þe ſtep of my foot alle þe ryueres of þe waterhepes. Wheþer þou haſt not herd what þingus ſum tyme I dide to hym? Of olde daȝes I foormede it, and now I haue broȝt to; and it is do in to þe drawing out bi þe roote of hilles togidere fiȝtende, and of ſtrengþid cites. Þe dwelleris of þem wiþ an hond ſhortid togidere trembleden, and ben confoundid; þei ben mad as hei of þe feld, and corn of þe leſwe, and erbe of rooues, þat out driede er it wex ryp. Þi dwelling, and þin entre, and þi going out Y knew, and þi wodneſſe aȝen me. Whan þou were wod aȝen me, þi pride ſteȝede vp in to myn eres; I ſhal putte þanne a cercle in þi noſe þirles, and a bridil in þi lippis; and I ſhal bringe aȝeen þee in to þe weie, bi þe whiche þou came. To þee forſoþe þis ſhall ben a tocne; et þis ȝer þat freeli ben ſprunge, and in þe ſecunde ȝer et appelis; in þe þridde forſoþe ȝer ſoweþ, and repiþ, and plaunteþ vynes, and eteþ þe frut of hem. And he ſhall putte it, þat were ſaued of þe hous of Juda, and þat is laft ſetten þe roote beneþe, and ſhal make frute aboue; for fro Jeruſalem ſhul gon out relikes, and ſaluacioun fro þe mount of Sion; þe inward loue of þe Lord of oſtes ſhal do þis. Þerfore þeſe þinges ſeiþ þe Lord, of þe king of Aſſiries, He ſhal not go in to þis cite, and he ſhal not þrowe þere an arwe; and þer ſhal not ocupie it a ſheld, and he ſhal not putte in his enuyroun an hep of erþe. In þe weie þat he cam, bi it he ſhal be turned aȝeen; and þis cite he ſhal not gon in, ſeiþ þe Lord. And I ſhal defende þis cite, þat I ſaue it, for me, and for Dauid, my ſeruaunt. Wente out forſoþe þe aungil of þe Lord, and ſmot in þe tentus of Aſſiries an hundrid and fyue and eiȝteti þouſend; and þei riſen erli, and lo! alle þe careynes of þe deade men. And he wente out, and ȝide awei. And turned aȝeen is Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, and dwelte in Nynyue. And don is, whan he ſhulde honoure in þe temple of Meſrach, his god, Aramalech and Sarazer, his ſones, ſmyten hym wiþ ſwerd, and floun in to þe lond of Araraþ; and regnede for hym Aſaradon, his ſone.
Capitulum XXXVIII
In þo daȝes ſicnede Ezechie vnto þe deþ; and wente in to hym Iſaie, þe ſoun of Amos, þe profete, and ſeide to hym, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Diſpoſe to þin houſe, for die ſhalt þou, and not lyuen. And Ezechie turnede his face to þe wal, and honourede þe Lord, and ſeide, I ynwardli preȝe, Lord; haue mynde, I beſeche, what maner I ȝide bifor þee in treuþe, and in parfit herte, and þat is good in þin eȝen, I dide. And Ezechie wepte wiþ gret weping. And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Iſaie, ſeiende, Go, and ſei to Ezechye, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Dauid, þi fader, I haue herd þin oriſoun, and ſeen þi teres. Lo! I ſhal ley to vp on þi daȝes fiftene ȝer; and fro þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries I ſhal delyuere þee and þis cite, and I ſhal defenden it. Þis forſoþe to þee ſhal ben a tocne fro þe Lord, for þe Lord ſhal do þis wrd þat he ſpac. Loo! I ſhal make to turne aȝeen þe ſhadewe of lynes, bi þe whiche it hadde go doun in þe oriloge of Acaþ, in þe ſunne, bacward by ten lynes. And þe ſunne is turned aȝeen bi ten lynes, bi þe grees þat it hadde go doun. Þe ſcripture of Ezechie, king of Juda, whan he hadde be ſyc, and hadde couered of his ſycneſſe. I ſeide, in þe myddel of my daȝes I ſhal go to þe ȝates of helle. I ſoȝte þe reſidue of my ȝeres; I ſeide, I ſhal not ſee þe Lord God in þe lond of lyueres; I ſhal not biholde a man more ouer, and a dwellere of reſte. My ieneracioun is taken awei, and al folden vp fro me, as a tabernacle of ſhepherdes. Kut of is as of a weuere my lif; whil ȝit I weuede, he under kutte me. Fro erli vnto euen þou ſhalt ende me; I hopede vnto þe moru; as a leoun, ſo he to-broſede alle my bones. Fro erli vn to euen þou ſhalt ende me; as þe brid of a ſwalewe, ſo I ſhal crien; ſweteli I ſhal þenke as a culuer. Al to-feblid ben myn eȝen, biholdende vp in heiȝte. Lord, fors I ſuffre, anſwere þou for me; what ſhal I ſey, or what ſhal anſwere to me, whan I myſelf haue do? I ſhal eft þenke to þee alle my ȝeres, in þe bitterneſſe of my ſoule. Lord, if þus it is lyued, and in ſuche þingus þe lif of my ſpirit, þou ſhalt chaſtiſe me, and quykene me; lo! in pes my bitterneſſe moſt bitter. Þou forſoþe haſt deliuered out my ſoule, þat it ſhulde not perſhe; þou haſt þrowe aferr bihinde þi bac alle my ſynnus. For helle ſhal not knouleche to þee, nor deþ ſhal preiſe þee; and þei ſhul not abyden þi treuþe, þat gon doun in to þe lake. Lyuende, lyuende, he ſhal knouleche to þee, as and I to dai; þe fader to þe ſonus knowe ſhal make þi treuþe. Lord, mac me ſaf, and oure ſalmes wee ſhal ſinge alle þe daȝes of oure lif in þe hous of þe Lord. And Iſaie comaundide, þat þei ſhulden taken an hep of fyges, and þei ſhulde make an enplaſtre vp on þe wounde; and he ſhulde ben hoel. And Ezechye ſeide, What ſhal be þe tocne, for I ſhal ſteȝe vp in to þe hous of þe Lord?
Capitulum XXXIX
In þat tyme ſente Marodoch Baladan, þe ſone of Baladan, þe king of Babiloyne, lettris and ȝiftes to Ezechie; forſoþe he hadde herd, þat he hade be ſyc, and was coouered. Forſoþe Ezechie gladede vp on þo þingus, and he ſhewede to þem þe ſelle of ſpices, and of ſiluer, and of gold, and of ſwote þingus, and of þe beſte oynement, and al þe cofres of his neceſſarie þingus, and alle þingus þat ben founde in his treſories; þer was not a wrd, þat Ezechie ſhewede not to þem in his hous, and in al his power. Forſoþe Iſaie, þe profete, wente in to Ezechie, þe king, and ſeide to hym, What ſeiden þeſe men, and whennes camen þei to þee? And Ezechie ſeide, Fro a ferr lond þei camen to me, fro Babyloyne. And he ſeyde, What ſeȝen þei in þin hous? And Ezechie ſeide, Alle þingus þat in myn hous ben, þei ſeȝen; þer was not a þing, þat I ſhewede not to þem in my treſories. And Iſaie ſeide to Eſechie, Here þe wrd of þe Lord of oſtes. Lo! daȝes ſhul come, and alle þingus ſhul be don awei, þat ben in þin hous, and þat þi fadris han treſored vn to þis dai, in to Babiloyne; þer ſhal not be laft any þing, ſeiþ þe Lord. And of þi ſonus, þat ſhul gon out of þee, þe whiche þou ſhalt gete, þei ſhul take awei; and þei ſhul be geldingus in þe paleis of þe king of Babiloyne. And Ezechie ſeide to Iſaie, Good is þe wrd of þe Lord, þat he ſpac. And he ſeide, Be þer do onli pes and treuþe in my daȝes.
Capitulum XL
Beþ coumfortid, beþ coumfortid, ȝee my puple, ſeiþ ȝoure God. Spekeþ to þe herte of Jeruſalem, and clepeþ to it, for ful endid is his malice, forȝyuen is his wickidneſſe; he toc of þe hond of þe Lord double þingus for alle his ſynnus. Þe vois of þe criende in deſert, Makeþ redy þe weie of þe Lord, riȝt makeþ in wilderneſſe þe ſties of oure God. Eche valei ſhal be enhaunced, and eche monteyn and hil ſhal be mekid; and þer ſhul be ſhreude þingus in to euene riȝt þingus, and ſharpe þingus in to pleyne weies. And þer ſhal be opened þe glorie of þe Lord, and ſeen ſhal eche fleſh togidere, þat þe mouþ of þe Lord ſpac. Þe vois of þe Lord, ſeiende, Cry. And I ſeide, What ſhal I crien? Eche fleſh hei, and al his glorie as þe flower of þe feld. Ful out dried is þe hei, and þe flour fel, for þe ſpirit of þe Lord bleȝ in it. Verely þe hei is þe puple; ful out dried is þe hei, and þe flour fel; þe wrd forſoþe of þe Lord dwelleþ in to wiþouten ende. Vp on an hiȝ hil ſteȝ vp, þou þat euangeliſiſt to Sion; enhaunce in ſtrengþe þi vois, þou þat euangeliſiſt to Jeruſalem; enhaunce, and wile þou not drede; ſei to þe cites of Jude, Lo! ȝoure God. Lo! þe Lord God in ſtrengþe ſhal come, and his arm ſhal lordſhipen; lo! his meede wiþ hym, and his werc biforn hym. As a ſhepperde ſhal feede his floc, in his arm he ſhal gedere þe lombis, and in his boſum ſhal reren; þe ſhep ful of frut he ſhal bern. Who meſurede wiþ handful watris, and heuenes wiþ þe paume peiſede? Who heeng vp wiþ þre fingris þe heuyneſſe of þe erþe, and weȝede in peis þe mounteynes, and þe hilles in a ballaunce? Who helpede þe Spirit of þe Lord, or who his counſeiler was, and ſhewede to hym? Wiþ whom wente he in counſeil, and enformede hym, and taȝte hym þe ſtiȝ of riȝtwiſneſſe, and lerede hym wiþ kunnyng, and þe weie of prudence ſhewede to hym? Lo! Jentiles as a drope of a boket, and as moment of a balaunce ben holden; lo! iles as litil pouder, and Liban ſhal not ſuffiſen to brenne, and his beſtus ſhuln not ſuffiſen to brent ſacrifice. Alle Jentiles as þei ben not, ſo þei ben bifor hym; and as noȝt and inwardli voide þei ben holden to hym. To whom þanne lic haſt þou mad God? or what ymage ſhul ȝee putte to hym? Wheþer þe grauen þing ſhal þe ſmiþ ȝeete, or þe craftis man wiþ gold ſhall figure it, and wiþ ſiluerene plates þe ſiluer ſmyþ? Þe ſtronge tree, and þe vnable to roten ches þe wiſe craftes man; he ſecheþ what maner he ſette þe ſymulacre, þat it moue not. Wheþer ȝee ſhul not wite? wheþer ȝee han not herd? wheþer not told to ȝou it is fro þe bigynnyng? wheþer ȝee han not vnderſtonde þe foundemens of þe erþe? Þat ſitteþ vp on þe cumpas of þe erþe, and his dwelleris ben as locuſtes; þat ſtreccheþ out as noȝt heuenus, and ſpredeþ abrod hem as tabernacle to indwelle. Þat ȝyueþ þe ſercheres of priuytees, as þoȝ þei be not, þe domes men of þe erþe as voide he made. And forſoþe ne plauntid, ne ſowen, ne rootid in þe erþe þe ſtoc of hem, feerli he bleȝ in to þem, and þei drieden, and a whirlewind as ſtubil ſhal take þem awei. And to whom han ȝee licned me, and euened han me? ſeiþ þe hoeli. Rereþ vp in to heiȝ ȝoure eȝen, and ſeeþ, who made of noȝt þeſe þingus; þat bringeþ out in noumbre þe knyȝþod of hem, and alle bi name he clepeþ, for multitude of ſtrengþe, and of ſtalwrþeneſſe, and of his vertue; ne oon was laft. Whi ſeiſt þou, Jacob, and ſpekeſt, Irael, Hid is my wey fro þe Lord, and fro my God my dom paſſede? Wheþer woſt þou not, or haſt not herd, God euere durende? Þe Lord þat foormede þe termes of þe erþe, he ſhal not faile, ne trauaile, ne þer is enſerching of his wiſdam. Þat ȝyueþ to þe weri vertue, and to þem þat ben not, ſtrengþe and ſtalwrþeneſſe multeplieþ. Failen ſhul childer, and trauailen, and ȝunge men in þer febleneſſe fallen. Who forſoþe hopen in þe Lord, ſhul chaunge ſtrengþe, take to federes as of an egle; rennen, and not trauailen; gon, and not faylen.
Capitulum XLI
Bee ſtille to me, yles, and Jentyles ſtrengþe chaunge þei; neȝhen, and þanne ſpeke þei; togidere to dom nyȝ come wee. Who rerede fro þe eſt þe riȝtwis, clepede hym, þat he ſhulde folewe hymſelf? He ſhal ȝyue in his ſiȝte Jentyles, and kingus he ſhal welde; he ſhal ȝyue as pouder to his ſwerd, as ſtubil wiþ þe wind raueſhid to his bowe. He ſhal purſue hem, he ſhal paſſe in pes; þe ſty in his feet ſhal not apere. Who þeſe þingus wroȝte and dide? clepende ieneraciouns fro þe bigynnyng. I a Lord; firſt and þe laſt I am. Iles ſeeȝen, and trembleden; þe vtmoſtus of þe erþe becamen ſtoneid, þei neȝheden, and wente to. Eche to his neȝhebore ſhal helpen, and to his broþer ſeyn, Tac coumfort. Coumforten ſhal þe metal ſmyþ ſmytende hym wiþ an hamer þat forgede þat tyme, ſeiende to þe glyu, It is good; and he coumfortide hym wiþ nailes, þat it ſhulde not be moued. And þou, Irael, my ſeruaunt, Jacob, whom I ches, þe ſed of Abraham, my frend, in whom I toc þee fro þe vtmoſtes of þe erþe, and fro his ferre coeſtes I clepede þee, and ſeide to þee, My ſeruaunt þou art; I ches þee, and I caſte not awei þee. Ne drede þou, for I am wiþ þee; ne bowe þou doun, for I þi God. I haue coumfortid þee, and holpen þee; and vndertoc þee þe riȝþond of my riȝtwis. Lo! ſhul be confoundid, and ſhamen alle þat fiȝten aȝen þee; þei ſhul be as þoȝ þei be not, and perſhe ſhul þe men, þat aȝenſeyn to þee. Þou ſhalt ſechen hem, and not finden; þi rebel men þei ſhul ben, as þoȝ þei ben not, and as þe waſting of a man fiȝtende aȝen þee. For I þe Lord þi God, takende þin hond, and ſeiende to þee, Ne drede þou, for I haue holpen þee. Wile þou not drede, þou werm of Jacob, þat dead ȝee ben of Irael. I haue holpen þee, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þin aȝeen biere, þe hoeli of Irael. I haue ſet þee as a newe wayn þreſſhende, hauende pikede poeles ſawende; þou ſhalt þreſſhe mounteynes, and to-mynuſhen, and putten as pouder hillis. Þou ſhalt wynewe þem, and þe wind ſhal take awei, and þe whirlewind ſhal ſcatere þem; and þou ful out ſhalt ioȝen in þe Lord, and in þe hoeli of Irael ſhalt glade. Nedi and pore men ſhul ſeche watris, and þer ben not; þe tunge of þem wiþ þriſt driede. I þe Lord ſhal out heren hem, I God of Irael ſhal not forſake þem. I ſhal opene in heȝe hillis flodys, and in þe myddel of feeldis welles; I ſhall ſette deſert in to pondis of watris, and þe lond wiþoute weie in to riueres of watris. I ſhal ȝyue in wilderneſſe ceder, and þorne, and myrt tree, and oliue tree; I ſhal ſette in deſert fyrr tree, and vlm tree, and box togidere. Þat þei ſee, and wite, and beþenke, and vnderſtonde togidere; for þe hond of þe Lord dide þis, and þe hoeli of Irael foormede it. Nyȝ doþ ȝoure dom, ſeiþ þe Lord; bringeþ to, if any þing parauenture ȝee han, ſeiþ þe king of Jacob. Come þei nyȝ, and telle þei to vs, what euer þingus ben to come; þe raþere þingus þat weren, telliþ, and wee ſhul putte oure herte, and wite; þe laſte þingis of hem, and þat ben to come, ſhewiþ to vs. Telleþ þat ben to come in to tyme to come, and wee ſhul wite, for goddis ȝee ben; well alſo or euele, if ȝee moun, doþ; and ſpeke wee, and ſee wee togidere. Lo! ȝee ben of noȝt, and ȝour werc of þat þyng þat is not; abhominacioun he is, þat ches ȝou. I rerede fro þe norþ, and he ſhal come from þe riſing vp of þe ſunne; clepe he ſhal my name. He ſhal bringe to þe cheef maiſtris as clei, and as a daubere, or a potter, totredende þe lowe erþe. Who tolde fro þe bigynnyng, þat wee witen, and fro þe begynnyng, þat wee ſey, Þou art riȝtwis? þer is not a tellere, ne a biforn ſeiere, ne herere ȝoure wrdis. Þe firſte to Sion ſhal ſei, Lo! I am nyȝ; and to Jeruſalem an euangeliſt I ſhal ȝyue. And I ſaȝ, and þer was not of þeſe any man þat ȝide in counſeil, and aſkid anſwerde a wrd. Lo! alle vnriȝtwiſe, and veyne þe werkes of hem; wynde, and wiþ ynne voide þe ſymulacris of þem.
Capitulum XLII
Lo! my ſeruaunt, I ſhal vndertaken hym, my choſen, al pleſede to hym in hym my ſoule. I ȝaf my ſpirit vp on hym, dom to Jentiles he ſhal bringe forþ. He ſhal not crien, ne take perſone, ne ſhal ben herd his voys wiþouteforþ. A reed broſid he ſhal not to-trede, and flax ſmokende he ſhal not quenchen; in treuþe he ſhal bringe out dom. He ſhal not be dreri, ne trublid, to þe tyme he pute in þe erþe dom, and his lawe iles ſhul abiden. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, formende heuenes, and ſtrecchende out hem, faſtnende erþe, and þat buriounen of it, ȝyuende breþ to þe puple, þat is vpon it, and ſpirit to men tredende it. I þe Lord clepede þee in riȝtwiſneſſe, and toc þin hond, and kepte þee, and ȝaf þee in to couenaunt of þe puple, in to liȝt of Jentiles. Þat þou ſhuldiſt opene þe eȝen of blynde men; þat þou ſhuldyſt bringe out fro cloſing þe bounde, fro þe hous of priſoun þe ſitteres in dercneſſe. I a Lord, þis is my name; my glorie to an oþer I ſhall not ȝyue, and my preiſing to grauen þingus. Þat firſt weren, lo! ben comen, newe þingus alſo I telle; er þei ben ſprunge, herd I ſhal maken to ȝou. Syngeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; his preiſing fro þe vtmoſtes of þe erþe; ȝee þat gon doun in to þe ſe, and þe plente of it, iles, and þe dwelleres of hem. Be rered vp þe deſert, and þe cites of it; in his houſes ſhal dwelle Cedar; preiſeþ, ȝee dwelleris of þe ſton; fro þe top of mounteynes þei ſhul crien. Þei ſhul ſette to þe Lord glorie, and his preiſing in iles þei ſhul telle. Þe Lord as ſtrong ſhal gon out, as a man fiȝtere he ſhal reren enuye; he ſhal crien out, and crien; vp on his enemys he ſhal be coumforted. Y heeld my pes, euermor I was ſtille; patient I was, as þe trauailende wiþ child I ſhal ſpeke; I ſhal ſcateren, and ſoupen awei togidere. Deſert I ſhal make hiȝe mounteynes and hillys, and alle þe buriounyng of hem I ſhal out drien; and I ſhal ſette flodis in to iles, and pondis I ſhal make drie. And I ſhal bringe out blynde men in to þe weie, þat þei knowe not, and in þe ſties þat þei vnknowen, hem to gon I ſhal make; I ſhal putte þe derkneſſes of hem beforn hem in to liȝt, and ſhreude þingis in to euene riȝt; þeſe wrdus I dide to þem, and I forſoc not hem. Turned þei ben bacward; be þei confoundid wiþ confuſioun, þat troſten in grauen þing; þat ſeyn to þe ȝoten þing, Ȝee oure goddis. Ȝee deue men, hereþ; and ȝee blinde, biholdeþ to ſeen. Who blinde, but my ſeruaunt? and def, but to whom my meſſageres I ſente? Who blind, but he þat is ſold? who blind, but þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord? Þat ſeeſt many þingus, wheþer þou ſhalt not kepe? Þat opened haſt þe eres, wheþer þou ſhalt not here? And þe Lord wolde, þat he ſhulde halewen hym, and magnefie þe lawe, and enhauncen. He forſoþe a puple drawen awei, and waſted; a grene of ȝunge men alle togidere, and in houſes of priſouns þei ben hid. Þei ben maad in to raueyn, and þer is not þat delyuere; in to taking awei, and þer is not þat ſeie, Ȝeeld. Who is in ȝou, þat here þis, take heed, and herkne þingus to come? Who ȝaf Jacob in to pulling awei, and Irael to waſteres? Wheþer not þe Lord? He is, to whom þei ſynneden; and þei wolden not in his weies gon, þei herden not his lawe. And he helde out vp on it þe indignacioun of his wodneſſe, and ſtrong bataile; and he to-brende it in cumpas, and it kneȝ not; he tende it vp, and it vndirſtod not.
Capitulum XLIII
And now þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, ſhapende þee, Jacob, and foormende þee, Irael, Wile þou not drede, for I haue aȝeenboȝt þee, and I clepede þee bi þi name; my ſeruaunt þou art. Whan þou ſhalt paſſe by watris, wiþ þee I ſhal be, and flodus ſhul not couere þee; whan þou ſhalt go in fyr, þou ſhalt not be brent, and flaume ſhal not brenne in þee. For I þe Lord þi God, hoeli of Irael, þi ſaueour. I ȝaf þin helping Egipt; and Eþeope and Saba for þee. Siþen wrſhepeful þou art mad in myn eȝen, and glorious; I louede þee, and I ſhall ȝyue men for þee, and puples for þi ſoule. Wile þou not drede, for I am wiþ þee; fro þe eſt I ſhal bringe to þi ſed, and fro þe weſt I ſhal togidere gedere þee. I ſhal ſei to þe norþ, Ȝif, and to þe ſouþ, Wile þou not forfende; bring to my ſones fro aferr, and my doȝtris fro þe vtmoſtus of þe erþe. And eche þat inwardli clepeþ my name, in to my glorie I ſhop hym, foormede hym, and maad hym. Bring outforþ þe blinde puple, and þe hauende eȝen; def, and eres ben to hym. Alle Jentilis ben gedered togidere, and gedered ben lynagus. Who in ȝou ſhal telle þis, and þat firſt þingus ben to here ȝou ſhal make? ȝiue þei þe witneſſes of hem, and be þei iuſtefied, and heren, and ſei þei. Vereli ȝee my witneſſes, ſeiþ þe Lord, and my ſeruaunt, whom I ches; þat ȝee wite, and leeuen to me, and vnderſtonde, for I þe ſelue am; biforn me is not foormed God, and aftir me ſhal not be. I am, I am þe Lord, and þer is not wiþoute me a ſaueour. I tolde, and ſauede; herd I made, and þer was not in ȝou an alien. Ȝee my witneſſes, ſeiþ þe Lord; and I God fro þe bigynnyng, I þe ſelue, and þer ys not þat of myn hond delyuere; I ſhal werchen, and who ſhal turnen awei it? Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, ȝoure aȝeenbiere, hoeli of Irael, For ȝou I ſente out in to Babilone, and to-droȝ alle þe barres, and þe Caldeis in þer hondis gloriende. I þe Lord, ȝoure hoeli, ſhapere of Irael, ȝoure king. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝaf in þe ſee a weie, and in watris ſwiftli rennende a ſty; þat broȝte out þe foure horſid carre, and þe hors, þe cumpany, and þe ſtalwrþe; togidere þei aboute ſlepten, and ſhul not riſe; þei ben to-treden as flax, and ben ful out queynt. Ne han ȝee mynde of þe raþere, and olde þingis ne beholde ȝee. Lo! I do newe þingus, and now ſhul ſpringe; alſo ȝee ſhul knowe þem. I ſhal putte in deſert a weie, and in þe wiþoute weye flodus. And glorifien me ſhal þe beſte of þe feeld, dragounus, and oſtricches; for I ȝaf in deſert watris, and flodis in þe wiþoute weie, þat I ȝyue drinc to my puple, my choſene. Þis puple I foormede to me, my preiſing it ſhal telle. Not me þou inwardly clepediſt, Jacob; ne trauailedeſt in me, Irael. Þou offerediſt not to me þe weþer of þi brent ſacrifiſe, and in þi victorie ſacrifiſes þou glorefiedeſt not me. Not þee to ſeruen I made in offring, ne trauaile I ȝaf in cens. Þou boȝteſt not to me wiþ ſiluer a reed, and wiþ þe talȝ of þi victorie ſacrifiſes þou inwardly drunkedeſt not me; nerþelatere to ſerue me þou madeſt in þi ſynnes, þou ȝeue to me trauaile in þi wickidneſſes. I am, I am he, þat do awei þi wickidneſſe for me, and of þi ſynnes I ſhal not recorde. Bring me in to þi mynde, and be wee demed togidere; tel, if any þing þou haſt, þat þou be iuſtefied. Þi firſte fader ſynnede, and þi remenoures breeken þe lawe aȝen me. And I defoulede hoeli princes, I ȝaf to ſlaȝter Jacob, and Iſrael in to blasfemye.
Capitulum XLIIII
And now here þou, Jacob, my ſeruaunt, and Irael, whom I ches. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, makende and foormende þee fro þe woombe, þin helpere, Wile þou not drede, my ſeruaunt Jacob, and þou moſt riȝt, whom I ches. I ſhal heelden out forſoþe watris vp on þe þreſtende, and flowingus vp on þe drie; I ſhall heelden out my ſpirit vp on þi ſed, and my bleſſing vp on þi ſtoc. And buriowne þei ſhuln among erbes, as wiþies, or ſalewis, biſyde þe ſyde flowende watris. Þis ſhal ſeyn, Of þe Lord I am, and he ſhal inwardly clepen in þe name of Jacob; and þis ſhal write wiþ his hond to þe Lord, and in þe name of Irael he ſhal be licned to. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, king of Irael, and his aȝeen biere, Lord of oſtes, I þe firſte and I þe laſte, and wiþ oute me is not God. Who lic of me? clepe he, and telle, and þe ordre expoune to me, ſiþen I ordeynede þe olde puple; þingus to come, and þat ben to come, telle he to þem. Wileþ not dreden, ne beþ diſturbid; fro þennus to heeren þee I made, and tolde; ȝee ben my witneſſes. Wheþer is God wiþoute me, and a foormere, whom I haue not knowe? Þe foormeres of þe mawmet alle noȝt ben, and þe moſt loued þingus of þem ſhul not profiten to þem; þei witneſſes of hem ben, for þei ſeen not, ne vnderſtonde, þat þei be confoundid. Who foormede God, and a grauen þing ȝetede, to no þing profitable? Lo! alle his parceneres ſhul be confoundid; þe forgeres forſoþe ben of men. Þei ſhuln come togidere, alle þei ſhul ſtonde, and inwardli dreden, and ben confoundid togidere. Þe yren ſmyþ wiþ þe file wroȝte; in coles, and in hameres foormede it, and wroȝte in þe arm of his ſtrengþe. He ſhal hungren, and failen; he ſhal not drinke water, and he ſhal waxe weri. Þe crafti man tree werkere ſtraȝte out þe reule, and foormede it in a grauyng iren; he maade it in corneres, and in a cumpas turnede it abouten; and made an ymage of a man, as a fair man wonende in hous. He heeȝ doun þe cedris, and toc þe keſteyn tree, and þe oek, þat hadde ſtonde among þe trees of þe wilde wode; he plauntede þe pyne tree, þat wiþ rein he nurſhede, and made is to men in to fyr. He toc of hem, and is chaufed, and brende vp, and booc loeues; of þe remnaunt forſoþe he wroȝte a god, and honourede, and made grauen þing, and is bowid biforn it. Þe myddel of it he brende wiþ fyr, and of his myddel, fleſh he ſeþede, and eet; he ſeþede potage, and is fild; and is chaufid, and ſeide, Vah, or weel, I am hat; Y ſaȝ þe fyr. Þe remnaunt forſoþe of it a god he made, and a grauen þing to hym; he is bowid biforn it, and honoureþ it, and inwardli beſecheþ, ſeiende, Delyuere me, for my god þou art. Þey knewen not, ne vnderſtoden, forſoþe þei forȝeeten, leſt þer eȝen ſeeȝen, and leſt þei vnderſtoden in þer herte. Þei beþenken not in þer mynde, ne knowen, ne felen, þat þei ſey, Þe myddel of it I brende wiþ fyr, and I book vp on his coles loeues, and ſeþ fleſh, and eet; and of his remnaunt a maumet I ſhal make, biforn þe ſtoc þe tree I ſhal kutte. His part is aſkus; þe vnwiſe herte ſhal honouren it, and yt ſhal not delyuere his ſoule, ne ſeyn, A ſtrong leſyng is in my riȝþond. Haue mynde of þeſe, Jacob and Irael, for my ſeruaunt þou art; I foormede þee, my ſeruaunt þou art, Irael; þou ſhalt not forȝete me. I dide awei as a cloude þi wickedneſſes, and as a litil cloude þi ſynnes; turne aȝeen to me, for I aȝeen boȝte þee. Ȝee heuenus, preiſeþ, for mercy dide þe Lord; inwardli ioȝeþ, ȝee vtmoſtus of þe erþe; aȝenſouneþ, ȝee hillis, preiſing; þe wilde wode, and eche tree of it; for þe Lord aȝeen boȝte Jacob, and Irael ſhal glorien. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þin aȝeenbiere, and þi foormere of þe wombe, I am þe Lord, doende alle þingus, ſtrecchende out heuenus alone, ſtablende þe erþe, and no man wiþ me; voide makende tocnes of deuynoures, and þe deuel ſacrifyeres in to wodneſſe turnende; alturnende wyſe men bacward, þe kunnyng of þem folie makende; rerende þe wrd of his ſeruaunt, and þe counſeil of his meſſageres fulfillende; þat ſey, Jeruſalem, þou ſhalt be dwellid; and to þe cites of Juda, Ȝee ſhul ben bild vp, and his deſertes I ſhal rere; þat ſey to þe depþe, Be þou deſolat, and þi flodys I ſhal make drie; þat ſey to Ciro, My ſhepperde þou art, and al my wil þou ſhalt fulfille; þat ſey to Jeruſalem, Þou ſhalt be bild vp; and to þe temple, Þou ſhalt be foundid.
Capitulum XLV
Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to my criſt, Ciro, whos riȝt hond I toc, þat I ſoogete bifor his face Jentiles, and þe reggus of kingus I turne; and opene biforn hym þe fyrſte entrees, and þe ȝates ſhuln not be cloſid. I byfor þee ſhal go, and þe glorious men of erþe I ſhal meeken; þe braſene ȝates I ſhal tobroſe, and þe irene barres I ſhal tobreke. And I ſhal ȝyuen to þee treſores hid, and þe priue þingus of priuytees, þat þou wite, for I þe Lord, þat clepe þi name, God of Irael, for my ſeruaunt Jacob, and Irael my choſen, and I clepede þee in þi name; I licnede þee, and þou knewe not me. I þe Lord, and þer is not more ouer; out of me is not God. I girde þee to, and þou knewe not me; þat þei wite, þat fro þe riſing of þe ſunne, and þat fro þe weſt ben, for wiþoute me is not a God. I þe Lord, and þer is not an oþir; foormende liȝt, and ſhapende dercneſſes, makende pes, and ſhapende euel; I þe Lord, doende alle þeſe. Deweþ, ȝee heuenus fro aboue, and cloudis reyne þei þe riȝtwis; be opened þe erþe, and burioune it a ſaueour, and riȝtwiſneſſe ſpringe togidere; I þe Lord ſhop hym. Wo þat wiþ ſeiþ to his makere, þe ſhord of þe toȝ clei of erþe. Wheþer ſeiþ þe clei to his crockere, What doſt þou, and þi werc wiþoute hondus is? Wo þat ſeiþ to þe fader, What geteſt þou? and to þe womman, What bereſt þou? Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, hoeli of Irael, his foormere, Þingus to come aſkeþ me vp on my ſonus, and vp þe werkes of myn hondus ſendeþ to me. I made þe erþe, and man vp on it I ſhop; myn hondis ſtraȝten out heuenus, and to al þe knyȝþod of hem I ſente. I rerede hym to riȝtwiſneſſe, and alle his weies I ſhal riȝt reulen; he ſhal bilde vp my cite, and my caitifte he ſhal forȝyue, not in pris, ne in ȝiftes, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þe trauaile of Egipt, and þe nede doing, or marchaundiſe, of Eþiope, and of Sabaym; þe heȝe men to þee ſhul paſſe, and þin ſhul be; after þee þei ſhul go, bounde in manycles þei ſhul wende, and þee þei ſhuln honoure, and þee louli preȝen. Onli in þee is God, and þer is not wiþoute þee a God. Vereli þou art God, an hid God, of Irael þe ſaueour. Þei ben confoundid, and ful out ſhameden; togidere wenten awey in to confuſioun þe forgeres of erroures. Irael is ſaued in þe Lord, in euere laſtende helþe; ȝee ſhul not be confoundid, and not ſhamen, vnto þe world of world. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord ſhapende heuenus; he God foormende erþe, and makende it, he foormere of it; not in veyn he ſhop it, but þat it be dwellid, he foormede it; I þe Lord, and þer is not an oþer. Not in hid place I ſpac, in þe derc place of erþe; I ſeide not to þe ſed of Jacob, In veyn ſecheþ me. I þe Lord ſpekende riȝtwiſneſſe, tellende out riȝt þingus. Beþ gedered, and comeþ, and neȝheþ togidere, for ȝee be ſaued fro þe Jentiles; þei wiſten not, þat rereden vp a tocne of þer grauyng, and preȝen þe god not ſauende. Telleþ out, and comeþ, and counſeiliþ togidere. Who herd made þis fro þe biginnyng? fro þanne I biforn ſeide it. Wheþer not I a Lord, and þer is not more ouer a God wiþoute me? a riȝtwis God and ſauende is not, beſide me? Beþ conuertid to me, and ſaaf ſhul be, alle ȝee coeſtes of erþe; for I þe Lord, and þer is not an oþer. In myſelf I ſwor, þer ſhal gon out of my mouþ þe wrd of riȝtwiſneſſe, and ſhal not be turned aȝeen; for to me ſhal be bowid eche kne, and ſwern ſhal eche tunge. Þerfor in þe Lord þei ſhul ſeyn, Myne ben riȝtwiſneſſes and empire; to hym þei ſhul come, and confoundid ſhul ben alle þat aȝenſtonde to hym. In þe Lord ſhal be iuſtefied and preiſid al þe ſed of Irael.
Capitulum XLVI
To-broken is Bel, to-broſid is Nabo; broke ben þe ſymulacris of þem, wiþ feeld beſtes, and hous beſtes; oure chargis wiþ heuy berþene vnto weryneſſe ſtunken, and to-broſyd ben togidere; þei myȝten not ſauen þe berere, and þe ſoule of þem in to caitifte ſhal go. Hereþ me, þe hous of Jacob, and al þe reſidue of þe hous of Irael, þat ben born of my wombe, þat ofte ben born fro my priue wombe. Vnto þe laſte elde I þe ſelue, and vnto þe hoere heris I ſhall bern; I made, and I ſhal bringe; I ſhal bern, and I ſhal ſaue. To whom licneden ȝee me, and eueneden, and compariſounden me, and maden lic? Ȝe þat togidere bringen gold fro þe bagge, and ſiluer wiþ a balaunce peiſen, hirende þe craftis man, þat he make a god, and þei fallen doun, and honouren; bern it in þe ſhuldris, berende and ſettende in his place; and ſhal ſtonde, and fro his place ſhal not be moued; but and whan þei ſhul crie to it, he ſhal not heren, fro tribulacioun he ſhal not ſaue þem. Remembreþ þis, and beþ foundid; turneþ aȝeen, ȝee lawe brekeres, to þe herte. Recordeþ of þe raþere world, for I am God, and þer is not ouer me a God, ne lic me; tellende out fro þe bigynnyng þe laſte, and fro þe bigynnyng þat not ȝit ben maad, ſeiende, My counſeil ſhal ſtonde, and al my wil ſhal be don; clepende fro þe eſt a brid, and fro þe ferr lond þe man of my wil; and I ſpac, and bringe to ſhal it; I ſhop, and maken I ſhal it. Hereþ me, ȝee wiþ hard herte, þat aferr ben fro riȝtwiſneſſe. Nyȝ I made my riȝtwiſneſſe, and it ſhal not be longed awei, and myn helþe ſhal not be taried; I ſhal ȝyue in to Sion helþe, and in to Jeruſalem my glorie.
Capitulum XLVII
Go doun, ſit in pouder, þou maiden doȝter of Babilon, ſit in þe erþe; þer is not a kingus ſee of þe doȝtir of Caldeis, for no more þou ſhalt be clepid neſſhe and tender. Tac a grind ſton, or queerne ſtoon, and grind me mele; nakene þi filþed, diſcouere þe ſhulder, opene þe þees, paſſe ouer þe flodis. Opened ſhal be þi ſhenſhipe, and ſeen ſhal be þi repreef; a veniaunce I ſhal take, and þer ſhal not wiþſtonde to me a man. Oure aȝeen biere þe Lord of oſtes; þe name of hym þe hoeli of Irael. Syt, be ſtille, and go into dercneſſes, þou doȝter of Caldeis, for þou ſhalt no more be clepid þe ladi of reumes. I am wroþ vp on my puple, I defoulede myn heritage, and I ȝaf hem in þin hond; þou ſetteſt not to þem mercies vp on þe olde; þou agreggediſt þe ȝoc gretli, and ſeidiſt, In to euermor I ſhal ben a ladi; þou puttiſt not þeſe þingus vp on þin herte, ne recordediſt of þi laſte. And now here þou þeſe þingus, þou delicat, and dwellende troſteli, þat ſeiſt in þin herte, I am, and þer is not biſide me more ouer; I ſhal not ſitte a widewe, and I ſhal vnknowe bareynete. Comen ſhul to þee þeſe two ſodeynli in o dai, bareyneſſe, and widewehed; alle þingus camen vp on þee for þe multitude of þi ſorceries, and for þe huge hardneſſe of þi deuel cleperes. And troſt þou haddeſt in þi malice, and ſeidiſt, Þer is not þat ſee me; þi wiſdam, and þis þi kunnyng diſceyuede þee; and þou ſeidiſt in þin herte, I am, and biſide me is not an oþer. Þer ſhal come vp on þee euel, and þou ſhalt not wite his ryſing; and þer ſhal feerli falle vp on þee waſtneſſe, þat þou ſhalt not moun purge; þer ſhal come vp on þee wrecchedneſſe feerli, þat þou woſt not. Stond wiþ þi deuel cleperes, and wiþ þe multytude of þi ſorceries, in whiche þou haſt trauailid fro þi waxende ȝouþe; if par auenture any þing it profite to þee, or if þou mowe be mad ſtrengere. Þou haſt failid in þe multitude of þi counſeilis; ſtonde, and ſaue þee þe deuynoures of heuene, þat biheelde ſterres, and noumbren moneþis, þat of hem þei telle þingus to come to þee. Lo! þei ben mad as ſtobil, fyr to brende þem; þei ſhul not delyuere þer ſoule fro þe hond of flaume; þer ben not coles, wiþ þe whiche þei ben made hot, ne fyr, þat þei ſitte at it. So mad ben to þee in what euere þingus þou haddeſt trauailid; þi marchandes fro þer ȝouþe, eche in þer weie erreden; þer ys not, þat ſaue þee.
Capitulum XLVIII
Hereþ þeſe þingus, þe hous of Jacob, þat ben cleped bi þe name of Irael, and of þe watris of Juda went out, þat ſwern in þe name of þe Lord God of Irael, and recorden not in treuþe ne in riȝtwiſneſſe. Fro þe hoeli cite forſoþe þei ben clepid, and vp on þe God of Irael þei ben ſtablid; þe Lord of oſtes his name. Þe raþere þinges fro þanne I tolde out, and of my mouþ þei wenten out, and herd I made þem; feerli I wroȝte, and þei camen. I kneȝ forſoþe for þou art hard, and an irene ſenewe þin haterel, and þi frount braſene. I befornſeide to þee fro þanne, er þei camen I ſhewede to þee, leſt par auenture þou ſhuldiſt ſey, My maumetes diden þeſe þingus, and my grauen þingus and ȝote ſenten þeſe þingus þat þou haſt herd. See alle þingus, ȝee forſoþe han not told out. Herd I made to þee newe þingus fro þanne, and kept ben þat þou knowiſt not; now þei ben ſhapen, and not fro þanne, and befor day, and þou herdeſt not hem; leſt par auenture þou ſey, Lo! I kneȝ þem. Ne þou haſt herd, ne þou haſt knowe, ne ſiþen opened is þin ere; I wot forſoþe, for lawe breking þou ſhalt lawe breke, and a treſpaſere fro þe wombe I clepede þee. For my name ferr I ſhal make my wodneſſe, and in my preiſing I ſhal bridele þee, leſt þou die. Lo! I haue out bake þee, but not as ſiluer; I ches þee in þe chynne of poreneſſe. For me I ſhal do þat I be not blasfemed, and my glorie to an oþer I ſhal not ȝyue. Here þou me, Jacob, and Irael, whom I clepe, Y þe ſelue; I þe firſte and I þe laſte. Myn hond alſo foundede þe erþe, and my riȝþond meſurede heuenus; I ſhal clepe þem, and þei ſhul ſtonden togidere. Beþ gedered, alle ȝee, and hereþ; who of hem tolde out þeſe þingus? Þe Lord louede hym, and ſhal don his wil in Babilon, and his arm in Caldeis. I, Y ſpac, and clepede hym; broȝte to hym, and riȝt reulid is his weie. Comeþ nyȝ to me, and hereþ þeſe þingus; not fro þe bigynnyng in hid þing I ſpac; of tyme, er þei ſhulden be mad, I was þere, and now þe Lord God ſente me, and his Spirit. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þin aȝeenbiere, þe hoeli of Irael, I þe Lord þi God, techende þee profitable þingus, gouernende þee in þe wei þat þou goſt. Wolde God þou haddeſt taken heed to myn heſtes, mad hadde be as a flod þi pes, and þi riȝtwiſneſſes as þe ſwolewes of þe ſe; and hadde ben as grauel þi ſed, and þe ſtoc of þi wombe, as his litle ſtones; he ſhulde not han died, and ſhulde not han be defoulid his name fro my face. Goþ out fro Babylon, fleeþ fro Caldeis; in vois of ful oute ioȝyng telleþ out; herd makeþ þis, and berþ it vnto þe vtmoſtus of þe erþe; ſeiþ, Aȝeenboȝte þe Lord his ſeruaunt Jacob. Þei þriſteden not in deſert, whan he ſhulde lede þem out; water of a ſton he broȝte forþ to þem, and he kutte þe ſton, and þer floweden watris. Þer is not pes to vnpitous men, ſeiþ þe Lord.
Capitulum XLIX
Hereþ, ȝee iles, and takeþ heed, ȝee puples fro aferr; þe Lord fro þe conceyuende wombe clepede me, and fro þe wombe of my moder recordede of my name. And he putte my mouþ as a ſharp ſwerd, in þe ſhadewe of his hond he defendede me, and putte me as a choſen arwe; in his arwe cas he hidde me, and ſeide to me, My ſeruaunt þou art, Irael, for in þee I ſhal glorie. I ſeide, In veyn I trauailede wiþoute cauſe, and veynlich my ſtrengþe I waſtede; þerfore my dom wiþ þe Lord, and my werc wiþ my God. And now þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, foormende me fro þe wombe a ſeruaunt to hym, þat I bringe aȝeen Jacob to hym. And Irael ſhal not be gedered togidere; and I am glorefied in þe eȝen of þe Lord, and my God mad is my ſtrengþe. And he ſeide, Litil is, þat þou be to me a ſeruaunt, to be rered þe lynages of Jacob, and þe dreſtus of Irael to be conuerted; I ȝaf þee in to liȝt of Jentiles, þat þou be myn helþe vnto þe vtmoſt of þe erþe. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þe aȝeenbiere of Irael, his hoeli, to þe deſpiſable ſoule, and to þe wlated folc of kinde, to þe ſeruaunt of lordis, Kingus ſhul ſeen, and togidere ſhul riſe princes, and honoure, for þe Lord, for feiþfull he is, and þe hoeli of Irael, þat ches þee. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, In pleſaunt tyme Y ful out herde þee, and in þe dai of helþe I halp þee, and kepte þee, and ȝaf þee in to pes coouenaunt of þe puple, þat þou ſhuldeſt rere þe lond, and welden eritages ſcatered; þat þou ſey to þem þat ben bounde, Goþ out, and to þem þat in dercneſſes, Beþ opened. Vp on weies þei ſhul be fed, and in alle pleynes þe leſwes of hem. Þei ſhul not hungre, ne þriſten more ouer, and ſmyte ſhal not þem gret hete, and þe ſunne; for þe rewere of þem ſhal gouerne þem, and at þe welles of watris ȝyuen hem to drinke. And I ſhal putte my mounteynes in to a weie, and my paþis ſhul ben enhauncid. Lo! þeſe fro aferr ſhul come, and lo! þo fro þe norþ, and þe ſe, and þeſe fro þe ſouþ lond. Preiſe, ȝee heuenes, and ful out ioȝe, þou erþe; inwardli glade, ȝee hillis, preiſing; for coumfortid haþ þe Lord his puple, and of his pore ſhal han mercy. And Sion ſeide, Forſaken haþ me þe Lord, and þe Lord haþ forȝete me. Wheþer forȝeten mai þe womman hir faunt, þat ſhe do not mercy to þe ſone of hir wombe? and if ſhe ſhul forȝeten, I nerþelatere ſhal not forȝete þee. Lo! in myn hondis I haue diſcriued þee; þi wallis bifor myn eȝen euermor. Þi bilderes camen diſtroȝende þee, and ſcaterende fro þee ſhul gon out. Rere vp in cumpas þin eȝen, and ſee; alle þeſe ben gederede togidere, camen to þee. I lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord, for wiþ all þeſe as wiþ an ournement þou ſhalt be clad, and cumpaſen aboute to þee hem as a ſpouſe. For þi deſertes, and þi wilderneſſes, and þe lond of þi falling now ſtreit ſhul ben for þe dwelleris of þe erþe; and aferr ſhul be dryue awei þat ſoupeden awei þee. Ȝit ſhul ſeyn in þin eres ſones of þi bareynte, Streit is to me a place, mac a ſpace to me þat I dwelle. And þou ſhalt ſeyn in þin herte, Who gat to me þeſe? I bareyn, not child berende; tranſlatid and caitif; and þeſe who nurſhede out? I priued, and ſolitarie; and þeſe wher weren? Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! I rere to Jentilis myn hond, and ſhal enhaunce to puples myn tocne; and þei ſhul bringe to þi ſones in armys, and þi doȝtris vp on ſhuldris þei ſhul bern. And kingis ſhul be þi nurſheres, and queenes þi nurſes; þe chere in to þe erþe put doun þei ſhul honoure þee, and þe pouder of þi feet þei ſhul licke; and þou ſhalt wite, for I a Lord, vp on whom ſhuln not be confounded, þat abijden hym. Wheþer ſhal be taken awei fro þe ſtronge a prei? or þat ſhal be take fro þe ſtalwrþe ſhal moun be ſaaf? For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Forſoþe and þe caitifte fro þe ſtronge ſhal ben taken awei, and þat were taken awei fro þe ſtalwrþe ſhal be ſaued. Hem forſoþe þat demeden þee I ſhal deme, and þi ſonis I ſhal ſauen. And I ſhal fede þin enemys wiþ þer fleſh, and as wiþ muſt wiþ þer blod ſhul be drunke; and knowen ſhal eche fleſh, for I þe Lord, ſauende þee, and þin aȝeen biere, þe ſtronge of Jacob.
Capitulum L
Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, What is þis boc of þe forſaking of ȝoure moder, þat I lafte hir? or who is my creauncer, to whom I ſolde ȝou? Lo! forſoþe in ȝoure wickidneſſes ȝee be ſold, and in ȝoure hidous giltes I lafte ȝoure moder. For I cam, and þere was not a ful man; I clepide, and þer was not þat herde. Wheþer abreggid, and ful litil maad is myn hond, þat I mai not aȝeenbien? or is not to me vertue to delyuere? Lo! in my blamyng deſert I ſhal make þe ſe, I ſhal putte flodis in to droȝte; ſtinke ſhul fiſſhes wiþoute watir, and dien in þriſt. I ſhal cloþin heuenes wiþ dercneſſes, and a ſac Y ſhal putte þe coueryng of hem. Þe Lord ȝaf to me a taȝt tunge, þat I kunne hym ſuſteyne, þat is weri in wrd; he rereþ vp þe morutyd, þe morutyd rereþ vp to me an ere, þat I here as a maiſter. Þe Lord God openede to me an ere; I forſoþe aȝenſei not, bacward I ȝide not awei. My bodi I ȝaf to þe ſmyteres, and my chekes to þe pulleris; my face I turnede not awei fro þe blameres, and þe ſpitteres in me. Þe Lord God myn helpere, and þerfore I am not confoundid; þerfore I putte my face as a moſt hard ſton, and I wot for I ſhal not ben confoundid. Nyȝ is, þat iuſtefieþ me; who wiþ ſeiþ to me? ſtonde wee togidere. Who is myn aduerſarie? come he nyȝ to me. Lo! þe Lord God myn helpere; who þanne is þat condempneþ me? Lo! alle as a cloþ ſhul be to-trede, and a moȝte ſhal ete þem. Who of ȝou dredende þe Lord, herende þe vois of his ſeruaunt? Who ȝide in dercneſſes and þer is not liȝt to hym, hope he in þe name of þe Lord, and leene he vp on his God. Lo! ȝee alle teendende vp fyr, and gird wiþ flawmes, goþ in þe liȝt of ȝoure fyr, and in þe flaumes þat ȝee teenden vp to ȝou. Of myn hond don is þis to ȝou, in ſorewis ȝee ſhul ſlepe.
Capitulum LI
Hereþ me, ȝee þat folewen þat is riȝt, and ſechen þe Lord. Takeþ heed to þe ſton, whenus ȝee ben kut out, and to þe kaue of þe lake, of þe whiche ȝee ben kut of. Takeþ heed to Abraham, ȝoure fader, and to Sara, þat bar ȝou; for oon I clepede hym, and bliſſede hym, and multepliede hym. Coumforten ſhal þanne þe Lord Sion, and coumforte he ſhal alle þe fallingus of it; and putten his deſert as delices, and his wilderneſſe as þe gardyn of þe Lord; ioȝe and gladneſſe ſhal be founde in it, gracedoing and vois of preiſing. Takeþ heed to me, my puple, and, my lynage, me hereþ; for lawe fro me ſhal gon out, and my dom in to liȝt of puples ſhal reſten. Nyȝ is my riȝtwis, gon out is my ſaueour, and myn armes puples ſhul demen; me iles ſhuln abide, and myn arm ſuſtenen. Rereþ in to heuene ȝoure eȝen, and ſeeþ vnder erþe beneþe; for heuenes as ſmoke ſhul melte, and þe erþe as a cloþ ſhal be to-trede, and his dwelleris as þeſe ſhul dien; myn helþe forſoþe in to euermor ſhal be, and my riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal not faile. Hereþ me, þat knowen þe riȝtwis, ȝe puple, my lawe in þe herte of hem; wileþ not drede repref of men, and þe blasfemes of þem dredeþ not. As forſoþe cloþing ſo ſhal ete þem a werm, and as wlle ſo ſhal deuoure þem þe moȝte; myn helþe forſoþe in to euermor ſhal be, and my riȝtwiſneſſe in to ieneraciouns of ieneraciouns. Rys, rys, cloþe þou ſtrengþe, þe arm of þe Lord; rys, as in þe olde dayes, in ieneraciouns of worldis. Wheþer not þou ſmyte þe proude, woundedeſt þe dragoun? Wheþer not þou driediſt þe ſe, water of þe huge depþe, þe whiche putteſt þe depþe of þe ſe weie, þat gon ouer ſhulden þe delyuered? And now þat ben aȝeenboȝt of þe Lord, ſhul turnen aȝeen, and comen in to Sion preiſende, and euerlaſtende gladneſſe vp on þe hedis of þem; ioȝe and gladneſſe þei ſhul holden, fleen ſhal ſorewe and weiling. Lo! I þe ſelue ſhal coumforte ȝou; who þou, þat þou drede of a deadly man, and of þe ſone of man, þat as hei ſo ſhal waxe drie; and haſt forȝete þe Lord, þi ſhapere, þat bente heuenes, and foundede þe erþe; and inwardli dreddeſt contynuelli al dai of þe face of his wodneſſe, þat þee trooblede, and hadde mad redi to leeſe? Where is now þe wodneſſe of þe troblere? Soone ſhal come þe goere to openen, and ſhal not ſlen vnto þe weie ſlaȝter, ne failen ſhal his bred. I forſoþe am þe Lord þi God, þat diſturbe þe ſe, and ſwellen his flodis; þe Lord of oſtis my name. I ſette my wrdis in þi mouþ, and in þe ſhadewe of myn hond I defende þee; þat þou plaunte heuenus, and founde erþe, and ſey to Sion, My puple þou art. Be rered, be rered, ris þou, Jeruſalem, þat þou drunke of þe hond of þe Lord þe chalis of his wraþe; vn to þe ground of þe chalis of ſlep þou drunke, and þou drunke it vp vnto þe dreſtes. Þer is not þat ſuſteyne hir, of alle þe ſonus þat ſhe gat; and þer is not þat take hir hond, of alle þe ſonus þat ſhe nurſhede vp. Two þingus ben þat aȝencamen to þee; who ſhal ſorewen vp on þee? waſtite, and to-broſing, and hunger, and ſwerd. Who ſhal coumforten þee? Þi ſones ben aferr caſt, þei ſlepten in þe hed of alle weies, as þe vnclene beſte grened, þat is clepid orix; ful of þe indignacioun of þe Lord, blamyng of þi God. Þerfore here þou þeſe þingus, þou porelet, and drunken, not of wyn. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe lordſhipere, þi Lord, and þi God, þat faȝt for his puple, Lo! I toc of þin hond þe chalis of ſlep, þe ground of þe chalis of myn indignacioun; I ſhal not lei to, þat þou drunke it more. And I ſhal putte it in þe hond of hem þat þee mekeden, and ſeiden to þi ſoule, Be þou bowid in þat wee paſſe; and þou puttiſt as erþe þi bodi, and as a weie to goeres.
Capitulum LII
Rys, ris, be clad, þou Sion, wiþ þi ſtrengþe; be þou clad wiþ þe cloþis of þi glorie, þou Jeruſalem, cite of þe hoeli; for he ſhal not lei to more, þat þer paſſe bi þee an vncircumcidid and vnclene. Be þou ſhaken out of þe pouder; ris, ſit þou, Jeruſalem; looſe þe bondis of þi necke, þou caitif doȝtir of Sion. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Freeli ȝee ben ſold, and wiþoute ſiluer ȝee ſhul be aȝeen boȝt. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, In to Egipt cam doun my puple in þe bigynnyng, as a comeling tiliere he was þere, and Aſſur wiþoute any cauſe chalengede hym. And now what to me is þis? ſeiþ þe Lord; for taken awei is my puple wiþoute cauſe; his lordſhiperes wickidli diden, ſeiþ þe Lord, and biſili al dai my name is blasfemed. For þat wite ſhal my puple my name in þat dai, for I þe ſelue þat ſpac, lo! I am nyȝ. Hou faire vp on mounteynes þe feet of þe tellende, and prechende pes, tellende good, prechende helþe, ſeiende, Sion, regnen ſhal þi God. Þe vois of þi tooteres; þei rereden a vois, togidere þei ſhul preiſen; for wiþ eȝe to eȝe þei ſhul ſee, whan conuerte ſhal þe Lord Sion. Ioȝeþ, and preiſeþ togidere, ȝee deſertes of Jeruſalem; for coumfortid haþ þe Lord his puple, aȝeenboȝt he haþ Jeruſalem. Redi made þe Lord his hoeli arm in þe eȝen of alle Jentiles, and ſeen ſhul alle coeſtes of erþe þe helþe ȝyuere of oure God. Goþ awei, goþ awei, goþ out þennes; þe defoulid þing wileþ not touche, goþ out fro þe myddel of it; be ȝe clenſid, þat bern þe veſſeles of þe Lord. For not in noiſe ȝee ſhul gon out, ne in fliȝt ȝee ſhul gon forþ; forſoþe gon bifor ȝou ſhal þe Lord, and gedere togidere ȝou ſhal þe God of Irael. Lo! vnderſtonde ſhal my ſeruaunt, and ben enhauncid, and rered, and ful heeȝ he ſhal be gretly. As ſtoneȝeden vp on hym manye, ſo vnglorious ſhal ben among men his ſiȝte, and þe foorme of hym among þe ſonus of men. He ſhal ſpringe manye Jentiles; vp on hym togidere holden ſhuln kingis þer mouþ; for to whom is not told of hym, ſhul ſee, and þat herden not, beheelden.
Capitulum LIII
Who leeuede to oure heering? and þe arm of þe Lord to whom is it ſhewyd? And it ſhal ſteȝen vp as a quyk hegge biforn hym, and as a roote fro þe þreſtende erþe. Þer is not ſhap to hym, ne fairneſſe; and wee ſeȝen hym, and he was not of ſiȝte; and wee deſireden hym, diſpiſid, and þe laſte of men, man of ſorewes, and witende infirmyte. And as hid his chere and diſpiſid; wherfore ne wee ſetteden by hym. Vereli oure ſicneſſes he tooc, and oure ſorewes he bar; and wee heelden hym as leprous, and ſmyten of God, and mekid. He forſoþe woundid is for oure wickidneſſes, defoulid is for oure hidous giltes; þe diſcyplyne of oure pes vp on hym, and wiþ his wanneſſe we ben heled. Alle wee as ſhep erreden, eche in to his weie bowede doun, and þe Lord putte in hym þe wickidneſſe of vs alle. He is offred, for he wolde, and he openede not his mouþ; as a ſhep to ſleyng he ſhal be lad, and as a lomb bifor þe clippere itſelf he ſhal become doumb, and he opened not his mouþ. Fro anguyſh and fro dom he is take awei; þe ieneracioun of hym who ſhal tellen out? For kut awei he is fro þe lond of lyueres. For þe hidous gilte of my puple I ſmot hym. And ȝyuen he ſhal vnpitous men for biriyng, and riche men for his deþ; for þi þat wickeneſſe he dide not, ne treccherie was in his mouþ; and þe Lord wolde to-trede hym in infirmytee. If he ſhal putte his ſoule for ſynne he ſhal ſeen ſed of long age, and þe wil of þe Lord in his hond ſhal be riȝt reulid. For þi þat he trauailede, his ſoule ſhal ſeen, and ben fulfyld. In his kunnyng he my riȝtwis ſeruaunt ſhal iuſtefien manye, and þe wickidneſſes of hem he ſhal bern. Þerfore I ſhal dele to hym manye, and of ſtronge men he ſhal deuyde ſpoiles; for þi þat he toc in to deþ his lif, and wiþ hidous gilteres is holden; and he þe ſynne of manye toc, and for treſpaſeres preȝede.
Capitulum LIIII
Preiſe, þou bareyne, þat berſt not; gretli ſing preiſing, and ympne, þat beere not; for manye ſones of þe forſaken more þan of hir þat hadde þe man, ſeiþ þe Lord. Alarge þe place of þi tente, and þe ſkynnes of þi tabernacle ſtrecche out; ne ſpare þou, longe maac þi litle cordis, and þi nailes mac faſt. At þe riȝt forſoþe and at þe lift þou ſhalt perſen; and þi ſed Jentiles ſhal eritagen, and deſert cites wonen in. Wile þou not dreden, for þou ſhalt not be confoundyd, ne ſhamen. Forſoþe it ſhal not ſhamen þee; for of þe confuſioun of þi ȝouþe þou ſhalt forȝete, and of þe repref of þi widewhed þou ſhalt recorde no more. For lordſhipen ſhal of þee þat made þee; þe Lord of oſtes hys name; and þin aȝeen biere, þe holi of Irael, þe God of al erþe ſhal be clepid. For as a womman forſaken and moornende in ſpirit, clepede þee þe Lord, and a wif fro þe ȝouþe caſt awei. Þe Lord þi God ſeide, At a poynt in a litil I forſoc þee, and in grete mercy doinges I ſhal gedere þee. In a moment of indignacioun I hidde my face a litil fro þee, and in euerlaſtende mercy I hadde mercy of þee, ſeide þe Lord, þi forbiere. As in þe daȝes of Noe, þis to me is, to whom I ſwor, þat I ſhulde no mor bringen in þe watris of flod vp on erþe; ſo I ſwor, þat I wraþe not to þee, and blame not þee. Mounteynes forſoþe ſhul be to-ſtered, and hillis ſhul tremblen; my mercy forſoþe ſhal not gon awei fro þee, and þe bond of my pes ſhal not be moued, ſeide þe Lord, þi reewer. Þou porelet, wiþ tempeſt al to-pullid, wiþ oute any coumfort, lo! I ſhal araie bi order þi ſtones, and founde þee in ſafires; and I ſhal ſette iaſp þy pynacles, and þi ȝates in to grauen ſtones, and alle þi termes in to deſirable ſtones. Alle þi ſones taȝt of þe Lord; and multitude of pes to þi ſones, and in riȝtwiſneſſe þou ſhalt be foundid. Go awei aferr fro chalenge, for þou ſhalt not drede; and fro inward ferd, for it ſhal not neȝhe to þee. Lo! an earþ tiliere ſhal come, þat was not wiþ me; þi comeling ſumtyme apaſſid ſhal be ioyned to þee. Lo! I ſhop a ſmyþ blowende in þe fyr coles, and bringende forþ a veſſel in to his werk; and I ſhop þe ſleere, to deſtroȝen. Eche veſſel þat is mad aȝen þee, ſhal not be riȝt reulid; and eche tunge wiþſtondende to þee, in dom þou ſhalt deme. Þis is þe eritage of þe ſeruauns of þe Lord, and þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hem anent me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
Capitulum LV
Alle ȝee þriſtende, comeþ to watris, and ȝee þat han not ſiluer, goþ forþ, bieþ, and eteþ; comeþ, bieþ, wiþoute ſiluer and wiþoute any chaffaring, wyn and mylc. Whi poote ȝee vp ſiluer, not in loeues, and ȝoure trauailing, not in filling? Hereþ ȝee herende me, and eteþ good þing, and delite ſhal in fatneſſe ȝoure ſoule. Bowiþ in ȝoure ere, and comeþ to me; hereþ, and lyuen ſhal ȝoure ſoule; and I ſhal ſmyte wiþ ȝou euere laſtende couenaunt, þe feiþful mercies of Dauid. Lo! witneſſe I ȝaf hym to puples, duke and comaundere to Jentiles. Lo! þe folc of kinde, þat þou knewe not, þou ſhalt clepen; and þe folc of kinde, þat þee kneȝ not, to þee ſhul rennen; for þe Lord þy God, and þe hoeli of Iſrael, for he glorifiede þee. Secheþ þe Lord, whil he mai be founde; inwardli clepeþ hym, whil he is nyȝ. Forſake þe vnpitous his weie, and þe wicke man his þoȝtes; and turne aȝeen to þe Lord, and he ſhal haue mercy of hym, and to oure God, for myche he is to forȝyue. Forſoþe not my þenkingus ȝoure þenkingus, ne my weies ȝoure weies, ſeiþ þe Lord. For as enhauncid ben heuenus fro erþe, ſo enhauncid ben my weies fro ȝoure weyes, and my þoȝtus fro ȝoure þoȝtus. And what maner comeþ doun weder and ſnoȝ fro heuene, and þider no mor is turned aȝeen, but drunkneþ þe erþe, and heeldeþ in to it, and to buriowne makeþ it, and ȝyueþ ſed to þe ſowere, and bred to þe etere, ſo ſhal be my wrd, þat ſhal gon out of my mouþ. It ſhal not be turned aȝeen voide to me, but ſhal do what euere þingus I wolde, and ſhal be welſum in þo þingus to whiche I ſende it; for in gladneſſe ȝee ſhul gon oute, and in pes ȝee ſhul be lad þennus. Mounteynes and hilles ſhul ſinge bifor ȝou preiſing, and alle þe trees of þe regioun ſhal flappe for ioȝe wiþ hond. For þe þorny erbe þat is clepid ſaliunka, ſhal ſteeȝen vp a firr tree, and for þe nettle ſhal growe þe tre þat is clepid myrt; and þe Lord ſhal be nemned in to an euer laſtende tocne, þat ſhal not ben don awei.
Capitulum LVI
Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Kepeþ dom, and doþ riȝtwiſneſſe, for nyȝ is myn helþe, þat it come, and my riȝtwiſneſſe, þat it be opened. Blisful þe man, þat doþ þat, and þe ſone of man, þat ſhal take þis; kepende þe ſabot, leſt he defoule it, kepende his hondis, leſt he do any euel. And ſeye not þe ſone of þe comeling, þat cleueþ to þe Lord, ſeiende, Bi ſeueryng ſhall deuyde me þe Lord fro his puple; and ſey not þe gelding, Lo! I a drie tree. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to geldingus, who kepen my ſabates, and cheſen þat I wolde, and holden my pes couenaunt. I ſhal ȝyue to þem in myn hous and in my wallis a place, and a betere name of ſones and doȝtris; an euere laſtende name I ſhal ȝyue to þem, þat ſhal not perſhen. And þe ſonus of þe comeling, þat cleuen to þe Lord, þat þei herien hym, and loouen his name, þat þei be to hym in to ſeruauns; eche man kepende ſabot, leſt he defoule it, and þe holdende my pes couenaunt; I ſhal bringe þem in to myn hoeli hil, and gladen hem in þe hous of myn oriſoun; þe brent ſacrifiſes of hem and þer victorie ſacrifiſes ſhul pleſen to me vp on myn auter; for myn hous þe hous of oriſoun ſhal be clepid to alle puples, ſeiþ þe Lord God, þat gadereþ þe ſcatered of Irael. Ȝit I ſhal gedere to hym alle his gedered togidere. Alle beſtus of þe feeld, comeþ to deuouren, alle ȝee beſtus of þe wilde wode. His tooteres alle blinde, alle þei vnknewen; doumbe dogges not mowende berken, ſeende veyne þingus, ſlepende, and loouende ſweuenus; and moſt vnſhamefaſt doggus knewen not fulneſſe. Þei ſhepperdes knewe not vnderſtonding; alle in to þer owne weie boweden doun, eche to his auarice, fro þe hieſt vn to þe laſte. Comeþ, take wee wyn, and be wee fulfild wiþ drunkeneſſe; and it ſhal be as to dai, ſo and to moru, and myche more.
Capitulum LVII
The riȝtwis man perſheþ, and þer is not, þat beþenke in his herte; and men of mercy ben gedered, for þer is not þat vnderſtonde; fro þe face forſoþe of malice gedered is þe riȝtwis. Come pes, reſte it in his bed, þat ȝide in his riȝt reuling. Ȝee forſoþe neȝheþ hider, ſonus of a wicche, ſed of auoutereſſe, and of a fornycarie. Vp on whom pleieden ȝee? vp on whom ſpredden ȝee abrod þe mouþ, and ȝee caſteden out þe tunge? Wheþer not ȝee ſonus hidous gilteres, ſed liere? þat ben coumfortid in goddis, vnder eche braunchy tree, offrende litle childer in ſtremes, vnder ſtonus ſtondende ouer. In partes of þe ſtrem þi part, þis is þi lot; and to þem þou heeldedeſt out ſacrifice of lykoures, offrediſt ſacrifice. Wheþer vp on þeſe þingus I ſhal not endeyne? Vp on an hiȝ hil and enhauncid þou putteſt þi bed, and þider þou ſteȝedeſt þat þou offre oſtes; and bihynde þe dore, and bihynde þe poſt þou ſettedeſt þi mynde tocne. For biſide me þou diſcouerediſt, and toke þe auoutrer; þou ſpreddeſt þi bed, and couenauntedeſt wiþ þem a pes couenaunt; þou loouediſt þe beddyng of hem wiþ opened hond, and enournedeſt þee wiþ þe kingus oynement, and multepliedeſt þi pymentus; and ſentiſt þi legates aferr, and mekid þou art vnto helle. In þe multitude of þi weie þou trauailedeſt, and ſeideſt not, I ſhal reſten; þe weie of þin hond þou haſt founde, þerfore þou preȝedeſt not. For þe whiche þou biſi dreddeſt, for þou liedeſt, and of me þou recordedeſt not, ne þoȝteſt in þin herte, for I ſtille, and as not ſeende; and of me þou forȝete. I ſhal tellen out þi riȝtwiſneſſe, and þi werkus ſhul not profiten to þee. Whan þou ſhalt crien, delyuere þee þi gedered; and alle þem ſhal bern awei þe wynd, and ſhal taken awei þe weder; who forſoþe haþ troſt of me, ſhal eritagen þe erþe, and welden myn hoeli mounteyn. And I ſhal ſeyn, Weie makeþ, ȝyueþ goyng, bowiþ doun fro þe paþ, takeþ awei hurtinge þingus fro þe weie of my puple. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe heȝe Lord, and enhauncid, wonende þe euerelaſtingte, and his hoeli name in heȝ, and in hoeli dwelling, and wiþ þe contrit and mekid ſpirit, þat he quykene þe ſpirit of meke men, and quykene þe herte of contrit men. Forſoþe not in to euermor I ſhal ſtriue, ne vnto þe ende I ſhal wraþe; for a ſpirit fro my face ſhal gon out, and blaſtis I ſhal maken. For þe wickedneſſe of his auarice I wraþede, and ſmot hym. I hidde fro þee my face, and endeynede; and he ȝide awei vagaunt in þe weie of his herte. His weies I ſaȝ, and helede hym, and broȝte hym aȝeen; and I ȝeeld coumfortingus to hym, and to his weileris. I ſhop frut of lippis pes, pes to hym þat is aferr, and þat nyȝ, ſeide þe Lord; and I helede hym. Vnpitous men forſoþe as þe boilinge ſe, þat reſten mai not; and redounden his flodis in to to-treding, and cley. Þer is not pes, ſeiþ þe Lord God, to vnpytouſe men.
Capitulum LVIII
Crye, ne ceſe þou; as a trumpe enhaunce þi vois, and tel out to my puple þe hidous giltes of hem, and to þe hous of Jacob þer ſynnes. Me forſoþe fro dai in to dai þei ſechen, and witen my weies þei wiln; as a folc of kynde, þat riȝtwiſneſſe hadde do, and þat þe dom of his God forſoken not; þei preȝen me domes of riȝtwiſneſſe, and neȝhen to God þei wiln. Whi han wee faſtid, and þou haſt not biholden; wee han mekid oure ſoules, and þou haſt not knowen? Lo! in þe dai of ȝoure faſting is founde ȝoure owne wil, and alle ȝoure detoures ȝee pleten. Lo! to ples and to ſtriues ȝee faſten, and ſmyten wiþ þe fiſt vnpitouſly. Wileþ not faſten, as vnto þis dai, þat herd be in heiȝte ȝoure cry. Wheþer ſuch is þe faſting þat I cheſe, bi þe dai a man to tormenten his ſoule? wheþer to binde togidere as a cercle his hed, and ſac and aſken to araȝen? Wheþer þis I clepede faſting, and an acceptable dai to þe Lord? Wheþer not þis is more faſting þat I ches? Vnbind þou þe togidere bindingus of vnpitouſneſſe, looſe þe bundeles doun berende; lete hem þat ben to-broke, free, and eche charge to-brec. Brec to þe hungri þi bred, and þe helpeles and vagaunt bring in to þin hous; whan þou ſhalt ſee þe nakid, couere hym, and þi fleſh þou ſhalt not diſpiſe. Þanne ſhal breken out as morutid þi liȝt, and þin helþe ſunnere ſhal ſpringe; and bifor þi face ſhal go þi riȝtwiſneſſe, and þe glorie of þe Lord ſhal gedere þee. Þanne þou ſhalt inwardly clepen, and þe Lord ſhal heren; þou ſhalt crien, and he ſhal ſey, Lo! I am nyȝ, for merciful I am, þe Lord þi God. If þou take awei fro þi myddel þe cheyne, and ceſe þe fynger to ſtrecchen out, and to ſpeken þat profiteþ not; whan þou ſhalt heelden out to þe hungri þi ſoule, and þe tormentid lijf þou ſhalt fulfillen, ſpringe ſhal in dercneſſes þi liȝt, and þi dercneſſes ſhul ben as myddai. And reſte ȝyue to þee ſhal þe Lord þi God euermor, and fulfillen he ſhal in ſhynynges þi ſoule, and þi bones delyueren; and þou ſhalt ben as a watri gardyn, and as a welle of watris, whos watris ſchul not failen. And bild vp ſhul ben in þee þe deſertes of worldus, þe foundemens of ieneraciouns and of ieneraciouns þou ſhalt reren; þou ſhalt ben clepid a bildere vp of hegges, turnende awei þe paþis of wickidneſſes. If þou ſchalt turne awei fro þe ſabot þi foot, to do þin owne wil in myn hoely dai, and clepiſt a delicat ſabot, and þe hoely of þe Lord, glorious, and glorifieſt hym, whil þou doſt not þi weies, and is not founde þin owne wil, þat þou ſpeke a wrd; þanne þou ſhalt delyten vp on þe Lord, and I ſhal rere þee vp vp on þe heiȝtus of erþe, and ſhal fede þee wiþ þe eritage of Jacob, þi fader; þe mouþ forſoþe of þe Lord ſpac.
Capitulum LIX
Lo! þer is not abreggid þe hond of þe Lord, þat ſauen he mai not, ne agreggid is his ere, þat he ful out here not; but ȝoure wickidneſſes deuydeden betwe ȝou and ȝoure God, and ȝoure ſynnes hidden his face fro ȝou, þat he ful out here not. Forſoþe ȝoure hondis ben defoulid wiþ blod, and ȝoure fingris wiþ wickidneſſe; ȝoure lippes ſpeeken leſing, and ȝoure tunge wickeneſſe ſpekeþ. Þer is not, þat inwardly clepe riȝtwiſneſſe, ne þer is, þat deme verreli; but þei troſten in þing of noȝt, and ſpeken vanytees; þei conceyueden trauaile, and beeren wickidneſſe. Þe eiren of edderes þei to-breeken, and þe webbis of an attercop þei wouen; who ſhal eten of þe eiren of hem, ſhal dien, and þat is hacchid, ſhal breken out in to a cokatrice. Þe webbis of hem ſhul not ben in to cloþing, ne þei ſhuln ben couered wiþ þer werkis; þe werkus of hem werkus vnprofitable, and þe werc of wickydneſſe in þer hondus. Þe feet of þem to euel rennen, and heeȝen, þat þei ſheden out innocent blod; þe þoȝtus of þem þoȝtus vnprofitable; waſtite and to-treding in þe weies of hem. Þe weie of pes þei knewen not, and þer ys not dom in þe goyngus of hem; þe paþis of þem inbowid ben to þem; eche þat tredeþ in þem, vnknowiþ pes. For þat longid oute is fro vs dom, and ſhal not take vs riȝtwiſneſſe; wee han biden liȝt, and lo! dercneſſis; ſhynyng, and in dercneſſes wee han gon. Wee han gropid as blinde men þe wall, and as wiþoute eȝen wee han felid; wee han ſtumblid in mydday, as in dercneſſes, in myſti þingus, as deade. Wee ſhul roren as beres alle, and as culueres beþenkende wee ſhul weilen; wee han biden dom, and þer is not; helþe, and it is longid awei fro vs. Multeplied ben forſoþe oure wickeneſſes bifor þee, and oure ſynnes anſwerden to vs; for oure hidous giltes wiþ vs, and oure wickeneſſes wee han knowen, to ſynnen, and to lien aȝen þe Lord. And wee ben turned awei, þat wee go not bihynde þe bac of oure God, þat wee ſpeke wrong chalenge, and treſpaſing. Wee conceyueden, and ſpeeken of herte wrdys of leſing; and turned is bacward dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe aferr ſtod; for fallen haþ in þe ſtrete treuþe, and equyte myȝte not gon in. For maad is treuþe in to forȝeting, and he þat wente awei fro euel, to prei was open. And þe Lord ſaȝ, and euel aperede in his eȝen, for þer is not dom. And God ſaȝ, for þer is not a man, and ſorewede, for þer is not þat aȝeen come. And he ſhal ſaue to hym his arm, and his riȝtwiſneſſe it ſhal confermen hym. He is clad wiþ riȝtwiſneſſe as wiþ an habirioun, and þe helm of helþe in his hed; he is clad wiþ þe cloþingus of veniaunce, and couered wiþ þe mantil of ielouſte. So to veniaunce as to ȝeelding of indignacioun to his ferr enemys, and while to his nyȝ enemys, to þe ilis while he ſhal ȝelde. And dreden ſhul þat ben fro þe weſt þe name of þe Lord, and þat fro þe riſing of þe ſunne his glorie; whan he ſhal come as a violent flod, whom þe ſpirit of þe Lord conſtreyneþ. And comen ſhal þe aȝeenbiere of Sion, and to þem þat turnen aȝeen fro wickidneſſe in Jacob, ſeiþ þe Lord. Þis my pes couenaunt wiþ þem, ſeiþ þe Lord; My ſpirit þat is in þee, and my wrdus þat I haue ſet in þi mouþ ſhul not gon awei fro þi mouþ, and fro þe mouþ of þi ſed, ſeiþ þe Lord, fro now and vnto euermore.
Capitulum LX
Rys, be þou liȝtid, Jeruſalem, for comen is þi liȝt, and þe glorie of þe Lord vp on þee is ſprunge. For lo! dercneſſes ſhul coueren þe erþe, and myſtineſſe puples; vp on þee forſoþe ſhal ſpringe þe Lord, and his glorie in þee ſhal be ſeen. And gon ſhul Gentiles in þi liȝt, and kingus in þe ſhynyng of þi riſing. Rere in cumpas þin eȝen, and ſee; alle þeſe ben gedered togidere, camen to þee; þi ſonis fro aferr ſhul come, and þi doȝtris fro a ſyde ſhul riſe. Þanne þou ſhalt ſeen, and haue plente; and merueilen, and ben ſpred abrod ſhal þin herte, whan conuertid ſhal be to þee þe multitude of þe ſe, þe ſtrengþe of Jentiles ſhal come to þee; þe flowyng of camailes ſhal couere þee, dromedaries of Madian and Effa; alle fro Saba ſhul come, gold and encens bringende, and preiſing to þe Lord tellende. Eche beſte of Cedar ſhal be gedered to þee, weþeres of Nabaioþ ſhuln ſerue to þee; þei ſhul ben offrid vpon my pleſable auter, and þe hous of my mageſte I ſhal glorifien. Who ben þeſe, þat as cloudus fleen, and as culueres to þer wyndowes? Me forſoþe abijden iles, and ſhipes of þe ſe in þe bigynnyng; þat I bringe þi ſonus fro aferr, þe ſeluer of þem, and þe gold of hem wiþ þem, to þe name of þe Lord þi God, and to þe hoeli of Irael; for he ſhal glorifien þee. And bilden ſhul ſonus of pilgrimes þi wallis, and þe kingus of hem ſerue ſhul to þee. In myn indignacioun forſoþe I ſmot þee, and in my recounſiling I hadde reuþe of þee. And opened ſhul be þi ȝates contynueli, dai and nyȝt þei ſhul not be cloſid; þat born be to þee þe ſtrengþe of Jentilis, and þe kingus of þem be lad to. Forſoþe þe folc of kinde and reume þat ſhal not ſerue to þee, ſhal perſhe, and Jentiles in wilderneſſe ſhul be waſtid. Þe glorie of Liban to þee ſhal come, þe fyrr tree, and box, and pyne tree togidere, to enourne þe place of myn halewyng; and þe place of my feet I ſhal glorifien. And come ſhul to þee þe ſonus of hem bowid, þat mekeden þee, and honoure ſhul þe ſteppis of þi feet, alle þat bacbiteden to þee; and clepen ſhul þee Þe cite of þe Lord, Sion of þe hoeli of Irael. Forþi þat þou were forſaken, and to hate had, and þer was not þat bi þee ſhulde paſſe, I ſhal putte þee in to þe pride of worldus, ioȝe in ieneracioun and ieneracioun. And þou ſhalt ſouke þe mylc of Jentiles, and wiþ þe tete of kingis þou ſhalt be mylkid; and þou ſhalt wite for I þe Lord, ſauende þee, and þin aȝeen biere, þe ſtrong of Jacob. For metal I ſhal bringe to gold, and for iren I ſhal bringe to ſeluer; and for trees metal, and for ſtones iren; and I ſhal putte þi viſitinge pes, and þi prouoſtes riȝtwiſneſſe. Þer ſhal no mor ben herd wickidneſſe in þi lond, ne waſtite and to-treding in þi termes; and ocupie ſhal helþe þi wallis, and þi ȝates preiſing. Þer ſhal ben no more to þee þe ſunne to liȝten bi dai, ne þe ſhynyng of þe moone liȝten ſhal þee; but ſhal be to þee þe Lord in to euerlaſtende liȝt, and þi God in to þi glorie. Go doun no mor ſhal þy ſunne, and þi moone ſhal not be mynuſht; for þe Lord ſhal be in to euerlaſtende liȝt, and fulfild ſhul be þe daȝes of þi weiling. Þi puple forſoþe alle riȝtwiſe, in to euermor þei ſhul eritagen þe erþe, buriownyng of my plaunting, werc of myn hond to glorien. Þe leſte ſhal be in to a þouſend, and þe litle child in to a folc of kinde moſt ſtrong. I, þe Lord, in his time ſodeynli ſhal do þis.
Capitulum LXI
The ſpirit of þe Lord vp on me, for þat enoyntede me þe Lord; to tellen out to debonere men he ſente me, þat I ſhulde leche þe contrit men in herte, and prechen to caitif men forȝyueneſſe, and to cloſid men openyng; and prechen a ȝer pleſable to þe Lord, and a dai of veniaunce to oure God; þat I ſhulde coumforten alle weilende men; þat I ſhulde putte coumforting to þe weilende men of Sion, and ȝyue to þem a crowne for aſkes, oile of ioȝe for weiling, a mantil of preiſing for þe ſpirit of mornyng. And þer ſhul be clepid in it ſtronge men of riȝtwiſneſſe, plaunting of þe Lord to glorifien. And þei ſhul bilden vp þe deſertus fro þe world, and olde fallingus þei ſhul rere, and þei ſhul reſtore cites forſaken and ſcatered, in to ieneracioun and ieneracioun. And ſtonde ſhul alienus, and fede ȝoure beſtus; and þe ſonus of pilgrimes erþe tilieres and ȝoure vyne wercheres ſhul be. Ȝee forſoþe preſtus of þe Lord ſhul ben clepid; Seruauns of ȝoure God, it ſhal ben ſeid to ȝou. Þe ſtrengþe of Jentiles ȝee ſhuln ete, and in þe glorie of þem ȝee ſhul ben proud. For ȝoure double confuſioun and ſhame preiſe ſhul þei þer part; for þat in þer lond double fold þingus þei ſhul welden, euermor gladneſſe ſhal be to þem. For I þe Lord, louende dom, and to hate hauende raueyn in to brent ſacrifiſe. And I ſhal ȝyue þe werk of hem in treuþe, and pes couenaunt euere durende I ſhal ſmyte wiþ þem. And ſhal be wiſt in Jentilis þe ſed of hem, and þe buriownyng of þem in þe myddel of puples. Alle þat ſhul ſeen hem, ſhul knowe þem, for þeſe ben þe ſed, to whom bliſſide þe Lord. Ioȝende I ſhal ioȝen in þe Lord, and ful out ioȝen ſhal my ſoule in my God. For he cloþide me wiþ þe cloþing of helþe, and wiþ þe cloþing of riȝtwiſneſſe he cumpaſſede me, as an huſbonde wrſhipid wiþ a crowne, and as a wif enourned wiþ hir broches. As forſoþe þe erþe bringeþ forþ his buriownyng, and as a gardyn his ſed buriowneþ, ſo þe Lord God ſhal buriowne riȝtwiſneſſe, and preiſing bifor alle folc of kinde.
Capitulum LXII
For Sion I ſhal not be ſtille, and for Jeruſalem I ſhal not reſten, to þe tyme þat go out as ſhynyng þe riȝtwis of hym, and his ſaueour as a laumpe be tend. And ſeen ſhul Jentiles þi riȝtwis, and alle kingus þi noble; and clepid ſhal be to þee a newe name, þat þe mouþ of þe Lord nemnede. And þou ſhalt be a crowne of glorie in þe hond of þe Lord, and a diademe of þe rewme in þe hond of þi God. Þou ſhalt not more be clepid forſakun, and þi lond ſhal no mor be clepid deſolat; but þou ſhalt be clepid My wil in it, and þi lond ſhal ben enhabitid; for it pleſede to þe Lord in þee, and þi lond ſhal ben enhabited. Dwelle forſoþe ſhal þe ȝunge man wiþ þe maide, and dwelle ſhuln in þee þi ſonus; and ioȝen ſhal þe huſbonde vp on þe wif, and ioȝen vp on þee ſhal þi God. Vp on þi wallis, Jeruſalem, I ſette keperes, al dai and al nyȝt euermor þei ſhul not be ſtille. Ȝee þat remembren þe Lord, ne beþ ſtille, and ne ȝyueþ ſcilence to hym, to þe tyme þat he ſtabliſhe, and to þe tyme þat he ſette Jeruſalem preiſing in þe erþe. Þe Lord ſwor in his riȝþond and in þe arm of his ſtrengþe, I ſhal not ȝyuen þi whete more in to mete to þin enemys, and drinke ſhul not alien ſonus þi wyn, in whiche þou trauailediſt. For þei þat ſhul gederen it, ſhuln ete, and preiſe þe Lord; and þat wiþ bern it, ſhul drinken in myn hoeli porches. Paſſeþ, paſſeþ þurȝ þe ȝates; greiþeþ weie to puple, pleyn makeþ þe goyng; and gedereþ awei þe ſtones, and rereþ vp a tocne to puples. Lo! þe Lord herd made in þe vtmoſtus of erþe. Seiþ to þe doȝter of Sion, Lo! þi ſaueour comeþ; lo! his meede wiþ hym, and his werc biforn hym. And þei ſhul clepen hem an hoeli puple, aȝeenboȝt of þe Lord. Þou forſoþe ſhalt be clepid a ſoȝt cite, and not forſaken.
Capitulum LXIII
Who is þis þat cam fro Edom, wiþ ſteyned cloþis fro Boſra? þis ſhapli in his ſtole, goende in þe multitude of his vertue? I þat ſpeke riȝtwiſneſſe, and a forfyȝtere am to ſauen. Why þanne red is þi cloþing? and þi cloþis as of men tredende in þe preſſe? Þe preſſe I trad alone, and of þe folc of kinde þer is not a man wiþ me; Y trad hem in my wodneſſe, and togedere trad hem in my wraþe; and ſprengd is þe blod of hem vp on my cloþis, and alle my cloþingus I defoulid. Dai forſoþe of veniaunce in myn herte, ȝer of my ȝelding cam. I beheeld aboute, and þer was not an helpere; I ſoȝte, and þer was not þat halp; and myn arm ſauede to me, and myn indignacioun itſelf halp to me. And I al to-trad puples in my wodneſſe; and I drunknede þem in myn indignacioun, and droȝ doun þe vertue of þem into erþe. Of þe mercy doyngus of þe Lord I ſhal recorden, þe preiſing of þe Lord vp on alle þingus þat ȝeeld to vs þe Lord, and vp on þe multitude of þe goodis to þe hous of Irael, þe whiche he largeli ȝaf to þem after his forȝyueneſſe, and aftir þe multitude of his mercies. And he ſeide, Nerþelatere my puple is, ſonus not denyende, and mad is to þem a ſaueour. In alle þe tribulacioun of hem he is not trublid, and þe aungil of his face ſauede hem. In his loue and in his indulgence he aȝeen boȝte þem, and bar hem, and rerede þem alle þe daȝes of þe world. Þei forſoþe to wraþe terreden, and tormenteden þe ſpirit of his hoeli; and turned he is to þem in to enemy, and he faȝt þem doun. And he recordide of þe daȝes of þe world, of Moiſes, and of his puple. Wher is, þat ladde þem out fro þe ſe, wiþ þe ſhepperdis of his floc? Where is, þat ſette in his myddel ſpirit of his hoeli; þe þat ladde oute at þe riȝtſide Moiſen in þe arm of his mageſte? þat kutte watris bifor þem, þat he make to hym a name euere durende; þat ladde out þem bi water depþis, as an hors in deſert not fallende, as a beſte in þe feeld goende doun? Þe Spirit of þe Lord his ledere was; ſo þou broȝtiſt to þi puple, þat þou make to þee a name of glorie. Loke to fro heuene, and ſee fro þin hoely dwelling, and fro þe ſe of þi glorie. Wher is þin inward loue, and þi ſtrengþe, multitude of þi boweles, and of þi mercy doyngus? Vp on me þei wiþheelden hem. Þou forſoþe oure fader, and Abraham kneȝ not vs, and Irael vnkneȝ vs. Þou, Lord, oure fader, and oure aȝeenbiere; fro þe world þi name. Whi to erren vs þou madiſt, Lord, fro þi weies? þou hardediſt oure herte, þat wee dredde not þee? be turned, for þi ſeruauns, lynages of þin eritage. As noȝt þei weldeden þin hoeli puple, and oure enemys al to-treeden þin halewyng. Wee ben maad as in þe bigynnyng, whan þou lordſhipediſt not of vs, ne inwardli was clepid þi name vp on vs.
Capitulum LXIIII
Wolde God þou ſhuldiſt to-breke heuenus, and comen doun, fro þi face hillis ſhulden flowe doun, as out brennyng of fyr þey ſhulden vanſhe awei, watris ſhulden brenne wiþ fyr; þat knowen were maad þi name to þin enemys, fro þi face Jentilis ſhulden ben diſturbid. Whan þou ſhalt do merueiles, wee ſhuln not ſuſtene. Þou deſcendedeſt, and fro þi face mounteynes floweden doun. Fro þe world þei herden not, ne wiþ eres parceyueden; þe eȝe ſaȝ not, þou God, wiþoute þee, what þingus þou haſt mad redi to men abidende þee. Þou aȝen came to þe gladere, and to þe doende riȝtwiſneſſe; in þi weies þei ſhul recorden of þee. Lo! þou wraþediſt, and wee han ſynned; in hem wee weren euermor, and wee ſhul ben ſaaf. And wee ben mad as vnclene, alle wee; as þe cloþ of þe womman roten blod flowende, alle oure riȝtwiſneſſes; and wee fellen as a lef alle, and oure wickidneſſes as wind token awei vs. Þer is not, þat inwardly clepe þi name, þat riſe, and holde þee; þou haſt hid þi face fro vs, and þou haſt hurtlid vs in þe hond of oure wickidneſſe. And now, Lord, oure fader þou art; wee forſoþe clei, and oure makere þou, and þe werkus of þin hondus, alle wee. Ne wraþe þou, Lord, ynouȝ, and no more haue þou mynde of oure wickidneſſe. Lo! Lord, bihold, þi puple alle wee. Þe cite of þin hoeli mad is deſert Sion, deſert mad is Jeruſalem, deſolat is þe hous of oure halewing and of oure glorie, where preiſeden þee oure fadris, mad is in out brennyng of fyr; and alle oure deſirable þingus ben turned in to fallingus. Wheþer vp on þeſe þingus þou ſhalt wiþholden þee, Lord? ſtille ſhalt þou be, and tormenten vs hugeli?
Capitulum LXV
Thei ſoȝten me, þat biforn aſkeden not; þei founden þat ſoȝten not me. I ſeide, Lo! I, lo! Y, to þe Jentilis þat knewe not me, and þat inwardli clepeden not my name. I ſpredde out myn hondis al dai to a puple myſtrouful, þat goþ in a wei not good, after þer þenkingus. Þe puple þat to wraþe terreþ me, bifor my face euermor; þat offren in gardynes, and ſacrifien vp on tyles; þat dwellen in ſepulcris, and in waſſhing temples of mawmetis ſlepen; þat eten ſouwe fleſh, and curſid broþ in þe veſſeles of hem; þat ſeyn, Go awei fro me, neȝhe þou not to me, for þou art vnclene; þeſe ſmoke ſhul ben in my wodneſſe, fyr brennende all dai. Lo! it is write befor me; I ſhal not be ſtille, but I ſhal ȝelde, and quyte in to þe boſum of þem þer wickidneſſes, and þe wickidneſſes of ȝoure fader togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ſacrifieden vp on mounteynes, and vp on hilles repreueden to me; and I ſhal aȝeen meſuren þe werc of hem firſt in þe boſum of hem. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, What maner if þer be founde a corn in þe cluſter, and be ſeid, Ne ſcatere þou it, for bliſſing it is; ſo I ſhal do for my ſeruauns, þat I ſcatere not al. And I ſhal leden out fro Jacob ſed, and of Juda þe weldende myn hoeli mounteynes; and eritagen it ſhul my choſene, and my ſeruauns dwelle þere. And ben ſhul þe wilde feeldis in to foldys of flockis, and þe valei of Achor in to þe couche of droues, to my puple þat aȝeen ſoȝten me. And ȝee þat forſoken þe Lord, þat forȝeeten myn hoely mounteyn, þat putten þe bord of fortune, and offren licoures vp on it, I ſhal noumbre ȝou in ſwerd, and alle in ſlaȝter ȝee ſhul falle; for þi þat I clepede, and ȝee anſwerden not; I ſpac, and ȝee herden not; and ȝee diden euel in myn eȝen, and þat I wolde not, ȝee choſen. For þeſe þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord God, lo! my ſeruauntis ſhuln ete, and ȝee ſhul hungren; lo! my ſeruauns ſhul drinke, and ȝee ſhul þriſten; lo! my ſeruauns ſhul gladen, and ȝee ſhul be confoundid; lo! my ſeruauns ſhul preiſe, for ful out ioȝinge of herte, and ȝee ſhul crien, for ſorewe of herte, and for þe totreding doun of ſpirit ȝee ſhul ȝelle. And ȝee ſhul leue ȝoure name in to oþ to my choſene; and ſle ſhal þee þe Lord God, and his ſeruauns he ſhal clepe bi an oþer name. In whiche who ſo is bliſſid vp on erþe, ſhal ben bliſſid in God amen; and who ſwerþ in erþe, ſhal ſwern in God amen; for to forȝeting ben take þe raþere anguyſhes, and for hid þei ben fro oure eȝen. Lo! forſoþe I ſhape newe heuenus and newe erþe, and ben ſhul not in mynde þe raþere, and ſteȝen ſhul þei not vp vp on herte. But ȝee ſhul ioȝen, and ful out ioȝen vnto euermor, in þeſe þingus þat I ſhape; for lo! I ſhape Jeruſalem ful out glading, and his puple ioȝe. And I ſhal ful out gladen in Jeruſalem, and ioȝen in my puple; and þer ſhal ben herd in it no more vois of weping and vois of cri. And þer ſhal no mor be þe faunt of daȝes, and þe olde þat fulfilliþ not his daȝes; for þe child of an hundrid ȝer ſhal dien, and þe ſynnere of an hundrid ȝer ſhal be curſid. And þei ſhul bilden vp houſes, and dwellen in, and plaunte vyne ȝerdis, and ete þe frute of hem. Þei ſhul not bilden vp houſes, and an oþer dwelle, ne plaunten, and an oþer ete; after þe daȝes forſoþe of þe tree ſhul be þe daȝes of my puple, and þe werkes of þer hondus. My choſen vnto ful eelde ſhal vſe; þei ſhul not trauaile in veyn, ne ben gendrid in diſturbing; for þe ſed of þe bliſſid men of þe Lord it is, and þe coſynes of hem wiþ hem. And it ſhal be, er þei crien, I ſhal ful out heren; ȝit hem ſpekende, I ſhal ful out heren. Þe wlf and þe lomb ſhul be fed togidere, and þe leoun and þe oxe ſhuln ete chaf, and to þe ſerpent pouder his bred; þei ſhul not noȝen, ne ſlen, in al myn hoeli mounteyn, ſeiþ þe Lord.
Capitulum LXVI
Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Heuene my ſete, and erþe þe ſtonding vp place of my feet. What is þis hous, þat ȝee ſhul bilde to me, and what is þis place of my reſte? Alle þeſe þingus myn hond dide, and mad ben alle þeſe þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord; to whom forſoþe ſhall I beholde, but to my porelet and contrit in ſpirit, and tremblende my wrdis? Þat offreþ an oxe, as þat ſle a man; þat ſleþ a beſte, as þat brayne a dogge; þat offreþ offring, as þat ſouwe blod he offre; þat recordeþ of encens, as þat bliſſe to þe mawmet; alle þeſe þei choſen in þer weies, and in þer abominaciouns þe ſoule of þem delitede. Wherfore and I ſhal cheſen þe illuſiouns of hem, and þat þei dredden I ſhal brenge to þem; for I clepede, and þer was not þat ſhulde anſwern; I ſpac, and þei herden not; and þei diden euel in myn eȝen, and þat I wolde not, þei choſen. Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, þat tremblen at his wrd; ȝoure breþern ſeiden hatende ȝou, and caſtende awei for my name, Glorified be þe Lord, and wee ſhul ſee in ȝoure gladneſſe; þei forſoþe ſhul be confoundid. Vois of þe puple fro þe cite, vois fro þe temple, vois of þe Lord ȝeldende ȝelding to his enemys. Er ſche trauelide wiþ peyne as wymmen don, ſche bar wiþoute; er ſhulde come his birþe wyþ peyne, ſche bar a male child. Who herde euere ſuch a þing, and who ſaȝ to þis lic? Wheþer ſhal wiþ ynne bern þe erþe in o dai, or ſhal be born a folc of kinde togidere? For wiþ ynne bar and wiþoute bar Sion his ſones. Wheþer I þat oþere men make to bern child, I my ſelf ſhal not bern? ſeiþ þe Lord. If I þat ieneracioun to oþere men ȝyue, bareyn ſhal be? ſeiþ þe Lord þi God. Gladeþ wiþ Jeruſalem, and ful out ioȝeþ in it, alle þat louen it; ioȝeþ wiþ it wiþ ioȝe, alle þat weilen vp on it; þat and ȝee ſouke, and be fulfild of þe tetes of his coumforting, þat ȝee mylke, and wiþ delices flowen, of alle maner glorie of hym. For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! I ſhal bowe doun vp on it, as þe flod of pes, and as ſtrem flowende þe glorie of Jentilis, þat ȝee ſhul ſouke; to þe tetes ȝee ſhul be born, and vp on þe knes men ſhul daunte ȝou. What maner if to whom a moder daunte, ſo I ſhal coumforte ȝou, and in Jeruſalem ȝee ſhul be coumfortid. Ȝee ſhul ſeen, and ioȝen ſhal ȝoure herte, and ȝoure boenes as an erbe ſhul buriowne. And knowe ſhal ben þe hond of þe Lord in his ſeruauns, and endeyne he ſhal to his enemys. For lo! þe Lord in fyr ſhal come, and as a whirlewynd his foure horſid carres, to ȝelde in to indignacioun his wodneſſe, and his blamyng in a flawme of fyr. For in a fyr þe Lord ſhal be dyuerſly demed, and in his ſwerd to alle fleſh; and multeplied ſhul be þe ſlayne of þe Lord, þat weren halewid, and cleene weeneden þemſelf, in gardynes bihynde þe firſte tree, or þe ȝate, wiþ ynne forþ; þat eeten ſouwe fleſh, and abominacioun, and a mous, togidere ſhuln ben waſtid, ſeiþ þe Lord. I forſoþe þe werkys of hem and þe þoȝtus of hem, come þat I gedere, wiþ alle folkis and tungus; and þei ſhul comen, and ſeen my glorie. And I ſhal putte in þem a tocne, and ſenden of hem þat ſhul be ſaf to þe Jentiles, in to þe ſe, in to Affrich, and in to Liddiam, men holdende an arwe, in to Italie, and Grece, to iles aferr, to hem þat herden not of me, and ſeȝen not my glorie. And þei ſhul tellen out my glorie to Jentilis, and bringen alle ȝoure breþern fro alle Jentilis a free ȝifte to þe Lord, in hors, and in foure horſid carres, and in literes, and in mulys, and in cartus, to myn hoeli mounteyn, Jeruſalem, ſeiþ þe Lord; as if þe ſonus of Irael bringen in a ȝifte in a clene veſſel in to þe hous of þe Lord. And I ſhal taken of þem in to preſtus and Leuytus, ſeiþ þe Lord. For as newe heuenus and newe erþe, whiche I make to ſtonde bifor me, ſeiþ þe Lord, ſo ſtonde ſhal ȝoure ſed, and ȝoure name. And þer ſhal be monyþ of monyþ, and ſabot of ſaboþ; comen ſhal eche fleſh to honoure byfor my face, ſeiþ þe Lord. And gon out ſhuln, and ſeen þe careynes of men, þat treſpaſiden aȝen me; þe werm of þem ſhal not die, and þe fir of hem ſhal not be quenchid; and þei ſhul be in to filling of ſiȝt to alle fleſh.
Here endiþ þe boke of Yſaie, and now begynneþ þe prolog of Jeremye.