< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Þe prolog to GalaÞies

Galaþies ben Greekis. Þes þe word of treuþe firſt tooken of þe apoſtle; but aftir his departyng, þei weren temptid of falſe apoſtlis, þat þei ſchulden be turned into þe olde lawe and circumciſioun. Þes reuokeþ þe apoſtle to þe feiþ of treuþe, writinge to hem fro Epheſye.

Here endiþ þe prolog, and bigynneþ þe epiſtle.

Capitulum I.

Poul apoſtle, not of men, neiþer by man, but bi Jheſu Criſt, and God þe fadir, þat reyſide him fro deede men, and alle þe briþeren þat ben wiþ me, to þe chirchis of Galaþie, grace to ȝou, and pees of God þe fadir, and of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, þe which ȝaf him ſilf for oure ſynnes, þat he ſchulde delyuere vs of þis preſent weyward world, vp þe wil of God and oure fadir, to whom is honour and glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen; ſo be it. I wondre, þat þus ſo ſoone ȝe ben born ouer fro him þat clepide ȝou into þe grace of Criſt, into an oþer goſpel; þe which is not oþer, no but þer ben ſumme þat diſturblen ȝou, and wolen myſturne þe euangelie of Criſt. But þouȝ we, or an aungel of heuene, euangeliſe to ȝou, biſydis þat þat we han euangeliſid to ȝou, curſid be he. As I bifore ſeide, and now eftſoone I ſeye, if ony ſchal euangeliſe out taken þat þat ȝe han takun, curſid be he. I counceile now to men, or to God? or I ſeke for to pleſe to men? If I ȝit pleſide to men, I were not þe ſeruaunt of Criſt. Soþeli, briþeren, I make þe goſpel knowun to ȝou, þe which is euangeliſid, or prechid, of me, for it is not vp man; ſoþli neþer I took it of man, neþer lernyde, but by þe reuelacioun of Jheſu Criſt. Forſoþe ȝe herden my lyuynge ſum tyme in þe Juwerie, for ouer manere I purſuwide þe chirche of God, and fauȝte aȝens it. And I profitide in Jurye aboue many myn euene eeldis in my kyn, beynge more haboundantly louere, or folower, of my fadryn tradiciouns. Forſoþ whanne it pleſide to him, þat departide me fro þe wombe of my modir, and clepid by his grace, þat he ſchulde ſchewe in me his ſone, þat I ſchulde preche hym in heþene men, anoon I acordide not to fleiſch and blood; neþer I cam to Jeruſalem to my bifore goeris apoſtlis, but I wente forþ into Arabye, and eftſoone I turnede aȝen to Damaſk. Aftirward aftir þre ȝeeris I cam to Jeruſalem, for to ſe Petre, and dwellide anentis him fifteene dayes; forſoþe I ſayȝ non oþer man of apoſtlis, no but James, þe broþir of þe Lord. Forſoþ what þingis I wryte to ȝou, loo! bifore God for I lye not, or gabbe not. Aftirward I cam into þe parties of Sirye and Cilicie. Forſoþ I was vnknowyn bi face to þe chirchis of Judee, þat weren in Criſt; oonly forſoþ þei hadden heeringe, for he þat purſuwede vs ſumtyme, now euangeliſiþ þe feiþ, aȝens which he fauȝte ſumtyme; and in me þei clarifieden God.

Capitulum II.

Aftirward aftir fourtene ȝeer, eftſoone I ſtiȝede to Jeruſalem wiþ Barnabas, and Tyte takyn to. Forſoþ I ſtiȝede vp reuelacioun, and to gidere ſeyde, or diſputide, wiþ hem þe goſpel, þe which I preche among heþene men; forſoþ a ſydis hond, or by hem ſilf, to hem þat weren ſeyn for to be ſumwhat, leſt perauenture I ſchulde renne in veyn, or hadde runne. But neþer Tyte, þat was wiþ me, whanne he was heþene, was compellid for to be circumſidid; but for falſe briþeren vndirbrouȝt yn, þe whiche priuely entriden for to aſpie oure liberte, þat we han in Criſt Jheſu, þat þei ſchulden dryue vs into ſeruage. To whiche neþer at oon hour we ȝauen ſtede to ſubieccioun, þat þe treuþe of þe goſpel dwelle at ȝou. Forſoþe of hem þat weren ſeyen for to be ſumwhat; what maner men þei weren ſum tyme, it perteyneþ no þing to me, forſoþe God takiþ not þe perſoone of man; forſoþ þei þat weren ſeen for to be ſumwhat, no þing to me ȝauen to gidere. But aȝenward, whanne þei hadden ſeyn, þat þe goſpel of prepucie, or heþene men, is bitakun to me, as of circumciſioun to Petre; for he þat wrouȝte to Petre into apoſtelhed of circumciſioun, wrouȝte and to me among heþene men; and whanne þei hadden knowe þe grace of God, þat is ȝouun to me, James, and Cephas, or Petre, and John, þe whiche weren ſeyn for to be pileris, ȝauen to me and Barnabas þe riȝt hondis of felowſchip, þat we among heþene men, þei forſoþ into circumciſioun; oonly þat we ſchulde be myndeful of pore men, þat alſo I was biſy for to do þe ſame þing. Forſoþe whanne Cephas, or Petre, cam to Antioche, I ſtood aȝens hym in to þe face, for he was reprehenſyble, or worþi for to be reprouyd. Forſoþ bifore þat ſumme camen fro James, he eet wiþ heþen men; forſoþ whanne þei camen, he wiþdrowȝ, and departide hym, dredynge hem þat weren of circumciſioun. And oþere conſcentiden to his feynynge, ſo þat Barnabas was ledd of hem into þat feynynge. But whanne I hadde ſeyn, þat þei walkiden not riȝtly to þe treuþe of þe goſpel, I ſeide to Cephas, or Petre, bifore alle men, If þou, ſiþen þou ert a Jew, lyueſt heþenli, and not Jewly, hou conſtreyneſt þou heþene men for to bicome Jewis? We ben Jewis of kynde, and not ſynners of heþene men; forſoþ witynge for a man is not iuſtified of þe workis of lawe, no but by þe feiþ of Jheſu Criſt, and we in Criſt Jheſu bileuen, þat we be iuſtyfied of þe feiþ of Criſt, and not of þe workis of lawe. Wherfore of þe workis of lawe ech fleiſch, or man, ſchal not be iuſtified. Þat if we ſekynge for to be iuſtified in Criſt, and we vs ſilf be founden ſynners, wher Criſt is myniſtre of ſynne? Fer be it. Soþli if I bilde aȝen þo þingis þat I diſtroyede, I make me for to be a treſpaſſour. Forſoþ by þe lawe I am deed to þe lawe, þat I lyue to God; wiþ Criſt I am ficchid to þe croſſ. Forſoþ I lyue now, not I, but Criſt lyueþ in me. Forſoþ þat I lyue now in fleiſch, I lyue in þe feiþ of Goddis ſone, þe which louyde me, and bitook him ſilf for me. I caſte not awey þe grace of God; forſoþ if riȝtwyſneſſe is by þe lawe, Criſt deiede wiþ oute cauſe.

Capitulum III.

A! ȝe witlees men of Galaþie, who diſceyuede ȝou for to not bileue to þe treuþe? bifore whos yȝen Jheſu Criſt is dampnyd, or excilid, and in ȝou crucifyed. Þis þing oonli wole I lerne of ȝou, han ȝe take þe ſpirit of þe workis of þe lawe, wherof þe heeringe of bileue? So ȝe ben foolis, þat whanne ȝe bigunne by ſpirit, now ȝe ben endid by fleiſch. Ȝe han ſuffrid ſo many þingis wiþoute cauſe, neþelees if wiþ oute cauſe. Þerfore he þat ȝyueþ to ȝou þe ſpirit, and worchiþ vertues in ȝou, wheþir of þe worchis of lawe, or of heeringe of feiþ? As it is writun, Abraham bileuyde to God, and it is rettid to him to riȝtwyſneſſe. Þerfore knowe ȝe, þat þei þat ben of þe feiþ, þei ben ſones of Abraham. Forſoþe þe ſcripture purueyinge, for God iuſtifieþ of feiþ heþen men, toold bifore to Abraham, For in þee alle folkis, or heþene men, ſchulen be bleſſid. Þerfore þei þat ben of þe feiþ, ſchulen be bleſſid wiþ feiþful Abraham. Forſoþ who euere ben of þe workis of lawe, ben vndir curs; for it is writun, Curſid ech man, þat ſchal not dwelle in alle þingis þat ben writun in þe booke of lawe, þat he do hem. Forſoþ for no man is iuſtified in þe lawe anentis God, it is knowen, for a riȝtful man lyueþ of feiþ. Forſoþ þe lawe is not of bileue, but he þat ſchal do þo þingis, ſchal lyuen in hem. Criſt deliuerede vs fro þe curs of þe lawe, maad for vs curs, þat is, ſacrifice for curs; for it is writun, Curſid is ech þat hangiþ in þe tree; þat bleſſinge of Abraham in heþen men ſchulde be maad in Criſt Jheſu, þat we take þe biheeſte of ſpirit by feiþ. Briþeren, I ſeye vp man, neþelees no man diſpiſiþ þe teſtament of a man, or ordeyneþ aboue. Biheeſtis ben ſeid to Abraham and to his ſeed; he ſeiþ not, In ſeedis, as in manye, but as in oon, And in þi ſeed, þat is, Criſt. Forſoþ I ſeie þis, a teſtament confermyd of God, þe which aftir foure hundrid ȝeeris and þritti is maad lawe, makiþ not voyde for to avoyde þe biheeſte. Forwhy if of lawe þe heritage, now not of biheeſte. Forſoþ God ȝaf to Abraham bi aȝenbiheeſte. What þerfore lawe? For treſpaſſynge it is putt, til þe ſeed cam, to whom God bihiȝte þingis ordeyned by aungelis, in þe hond of a medyatour. Forſoþ a mediatour is not of o þing. Forſoþ God is oon. Þerfore þe lawe anentis, or contrarie to, þe heeſtis of God? Fer be it. Soþli if þer were a lawe ȝouun, þe which myȝte quykene, vereily riȝtwyſneſſe were of lawe. But þe ſcripture encloſyde alle þingis vndir ſynne, þat biheeſte ſchulde be ȝouun of þe feiþ of Jheſu Criſt to men bileuynge. Forſoþe bifore þat þe feiþ cam, we weren kept vndir þe lawe, ſchette to gidere in to þat faiþ þat was to be ſchewid. And ſo þe lawe was oure litil maiſtir in Criſt, þat we be iuſtified of þe feiþ. But where þe feiþ cam, now we ben not vndir þe litil maiſtir. Forſoþ alle ȝe ben þe ſones of God by feiþ in Criſt Jheſu. Forſoþe who euere ȝe ben baptyſid in Criſt, ȝe han cloþid Criſt. Þer is not Jew, neiþer Greek; þer is not ſeruaunt, neþir fre man; þer is not male, neþer female; ſoþeli alle ȝe ben oon in Criſt Jheſu. Forſoþ if ȝe ben of Criſt, þerfore ȝe ben ſeed of Abraham, vp biheeſte eyris.

Capitulum IIII.

I ſeye forſoþe, how moche tyme þe eyr is litil, he dyuerſiþ no þing fro a ſeruaunt, whanne he is lord of alle; but he is vndir tutouris and actouris, til to þe tyme determyned of þe fadir. So and we, whanne we weren litile, weren ſeruynge vndir þe elementis of þe world. But where þe plente of tyme cam, God ſente his ſone, maad of a womman, maad vndir þe lawe, þat he ſchulde aȝenbye hem þat weren vndir þe lawe, þat we ſchulde reſceyue þe adopcioun of ſones. Forſoþ for ȝe ben þe ſones of God, God ſente þe ſpirit of his ſone into ȝoure hertis, criynge, Abba, þat is, fadir. And ſo now þer is not ſeruaunt, but ſone; þat if ſone, þanne and eyr bi God. But þanne ſoþli ȝe vnknowynge God, ſeruyden to hem þat weren not goddis, in kynde. Now forſoþ whanne ȝe han knowen God, ȝhe, raþere ȝe ben knowen of God, hou ben ȝe turned to gidere eftſoone to ſyke, or freel, and nedy elementis, to whiche ȝe wolen ſerue eftſoone? Ȝe kepen dayes, and moneþis, and tymes, and ȝeeris. Forſoþ I drede ȝou, leſt perauenture I haue trauelid in ȝou wiþoute cauſe. Be ȝe as I, for and I as ȝe. Briþeren, I biſeche ȝou, ȝe han no þing hirt me. Soþli ȝe witen, for by infirmyte of fleiſch I haue euangeliſid to ȝou now bifore; and ȝoure temptacioun in my fleiſch ȝe diſpiſeden not, neiþer forſoken, but ȝe reſceyueden me as an aungel of God, as Criſt Jheſu. Þerfore wher is ȝoure bleſſinge? Soþli I bere witneſſinge to ȝou, for if it myȝte be don, ȝe ſchulden haue put out ȝoure yȝen, and haue ȝouun to me. Þerfore am I maad enemy to ȝou, ſeiynge trewe þing to ȝou? Forſoþe þei louen ȝou not wel, but þei wolen exclude ȝou, þat ȝe ſue hem. Forſoþe ſue ȝe good euermore in good, and not oonly whanne I am preſent anentis ȝou. My litle ſones, whom I childe, or brynge forþ by traueyl, eftſoone, til Criſt be fourmyd in ȝou, forſoþe I wolde now be at ȝou, and chaunge my vois, for I am confoundid, or ſchamed, in ȝou. Seie ȝe to me, þat wolen be vndir lawe, han ȝe not radd þe lawe? Soþli it is writun, for Abraham hadde twey ſones, oon of þe hand mayden, and oon of þe fre wyf. Forſoþ he þat of þe hand mayden, vp þe fleiſch was borun; but he þat of þe fre wyf, by aȝenbiheeſte. Þe whiche þingis ben ſeid by allegorie, or gooſtly vndirſtondinge. Soþli þes þingis ben twey teſtamentis; ſoþli þat oon in þe mount of Syna, gendringe in to ſeruage, þat is Agar. Forſoþ Syna is an hil in Arabie, þe which is ioyned to it þat now is Jeruſalem, and ſeruiþ wiþ her ſones. Forſoþe þat Jeruſalem þat is aboue, is free, þe which is oure modir. Forſoþ it is writun, Be glad, þou bareyne, þat childiſt not, or bryngiſt not forþ child; brek out and crie, þou þat childiſt not; for manye ſones of þe deſert, or left womman, more þan of hir þat haþ an houſbonde. Forſoþe, briþeren, we ben vp Iſaac þe ſones of biheeſte; but how þanne he þat was borun vp þe fleiſch purſuwide him þat vp þe ſpirit, ſo and now. But what ſeiþ þe ſcripture? Caſt out þe hand mayden and hir ſone, forſoþ þe ſone of þe hand mayden ſchal not be eyr wiþ þe ſone of þe free wyf. And ſo, briþeren, we ben not ſones of þe hand mayden, but of þe free wyf, by which liberte Criſt haþ maad vs free.

Capitulum V.

Therfore ſtonde ȝe, and eftſoone nyle ȝe be to gidere holdun in ȝok of ſeruage. Loo! I Poul ſeie to ȝou, for if ȝe ben circumcidid, Criſt ſchal profite to ȝou noþing. Soþli I bere witneſſinge eftſoone to euery man circumſiding him ſilf, for he is dettour of al þe lawe for to be don. Ȝe ben auoydid fro Criſt, ȝe þat ben iuſtified in þe lawe han fallen awey fro grace. Forſoþ we by ſpirit of feiþ abiden þe hope of riȝtwyſneſſe. Forwhi in Criſt Jheſu neþir circumciſioun is ony þing worþ, neþer prepucie, þat is, maner of heþen men, but feiþ þat worchiþ by charite. Ȝe runnen wel; who lettide ȝou for to not obeiſche to treuþe? To no man conſente ȝe; forſoþ þis perſuacioun, or ſofte mouynge, is not of hym þat clepide ȝou. A litil ſourdowȝ corumpiþ al þe gobet. I truſte of ȝou in þe Lord, þat ȝe ſchulen vndirſtonde noon oþir þing. Forſoþe he þat diſturbliþ ȝou, ſchal bere dom, who euere he is. Forſoþe, briþeren, if I preche ȝit circumciſioun, what ȝit ſuffre I perſecucioun? þerfore þe ſclaundre of þe croſſ is avoydid. I wolde and þei þat diſturblen ȝou, be kitt of. Forſoþ, briþeren, ȝe ben clepid into liberte oonly; ȝyue ȝe not liberte in to occaſioun of fleiſch, but by charite of ſpirit ſerue ȝe to gidere. Forſoþ al þe lawe is fulfillid in o word, Þou ſchalt loue þi neiȝbore as þi ſilf. For if ȝe biten to gidere, and eten, ſe ȝe, leſt ȝe be waaſtid fro a twynne, or ech fro oþir. Forſoþ I ſeie in Criſt, wandre ȝe in ſpirit, and ȝe ſchulen not perfoorme þe deſyris of fleiſch. For þe fleiſch coueitiþ aȝen þe ſpirit, ſoþli þe ſpirit aȝens þe fleiſch; forſoþe þes ben aduerſaries to hem ſilf to gidere, þat ȝe do not þo þingis, what euere þingis ȝe wolen. For if ȝe ben led by þe ſpirit, ȝe ben not vndir þe lawe. Forſoþe þe workis of þe fleiſch ben opyn, þe whiche ben fornycacioun, vnclenneſſe, vnchaſtite, leccherie, ſeruynge of ydols, or falſe goddis, doyngis of venym, enemytees, ſtryues, enuyes, or folowyngis in yuel, wraþþis, chidingis, diſſenciouns, ſectis, or hereſyes, enuyes, manſleyngis, drunkeneſſis, glotenyes, and lyche þingis to þes, þe whiche I preche to ȝou, as I bifore ſeide, for þei þat don ſuche þingis, ſchulen not haue þe kingdom of God. Forſoþe þe fruyt of þe ſpirit is charite, ioye, pees, pacience, benygnyte, or good will, goodneſſe, long abydynge, myldeneſſe, feiþ, temperaunce, contynence, chaſtite; aȝens ſuch þingis þe lawe is not. Forſoþ þei þat ben of Criſt, han crucified her fleiſch wiþ vices and concupiſcencis, or coueitiſis. If we lyuen by ſpirit, by ſpirit and walke we; be we not maad coueitous of veyn glorie, to gidere ſtiringe to wraþþe, hauynge enuye to gidere.

Capitulum VI.

Briþeren, and if a man be bifore occupied, or ouercomen, in ony gilt, or treſpas, ȝe þat ben ſpiritual, teche ſiche a maner man in ſpirit of ſoftneſſe, or mekeneſſe, biholdinge þi ſilf, þat and þou be not temptid. Bere ȝe chargis þe toþir of þe toþir, and ſo ȝe ſchulen fulfille þe lawe of Criſt. Forwhi if ony man geſſiþ him ſilf for to be ouȝt, whanne he is noȝt, he diſceyueþ him ſilf. Forſoþ ech man proue his owne werk, and ſo he ſchal haue glorie oonly in hym ſilf, and not in an oþir. Forſoþ ech man ſchal bere his owne charge. Forſoþ he þat is tauȝt by word, comune to him þat techiþ him, in alle good þingis. Nyle ȝe erre, God is not ſcornyd; forſoþe what þingis a man ſchal ſowe, and þes þinges he ſchal repe. For he þat ſowiþ in his fleiſch, and of þe fleiſch he ſchal repe corupcioun; forſoþ he þat ſowiþ in ſpirit, of þe ſpirit ſchal repe euerlaſtyng lyf. Forſoþ we doynge good, fayle not; ſoþli in his tyme we ſchulen repe, not faylinge. Þerfore þe while we han tyme, worche we good to alle men; forſoþ mooſt to þe houſhold meyne of þe feiþ. Se ȝe, wiþ what maner lettris I haue writun to ȝou by myn hond. Soþli who euere wolen pleſe in fleiſch, þes conſtreynen ȝou for to be circumſidid, oonly þat þei ſuffre not þe perſecucioun of Criſtis croſſ. Forſoþ neiþer þei þat ben circumſidid kepen þe lawe; but þei wolen ȝou for to be circumſidid, þat þei glorie in ȝoure fleiſch. Forſoþ be it ferr to me for to glorie, no but in þe croſſ of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, by whom þe world is crucified to me, and I to þe world. Forſoþe in Criſt Jheſu neþir circumciſioun is ouȝt worþ, neþer prepucie, þat is, maner of heþen men, but a newe creature. And who euere ſchulen ſuwe þis rewle, pees vpon hem, and mercy, and vpon Iſrael of God. Fro hennis forþ no man be heuy to me; forſoþ I bere in my body þe tokenis of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt. Þe grace of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt wiþ ȝoure ſpirit, briþeren. Amen.

Heere endiþ þe piſtle to Galaþies, and heere bigynneþ epiſtle to Epheſians.

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