Prolog to Þe piſtle to Filomon
To Filomon he makiþ homly lettris for Honeſyme his ſeruaunt; he writiþ ſoþli to him fro Rome cite.
Here endiþ þe prolog, and bigynneþ þe epiſtle to Filomon.
Poul, þe boundun of Criſt Jheſu, and Tymoþe, broþir, to Filomon, bilouyd, and oure helper, and to Apya, mooſt dere ſiſtir, and to Archip, oure euene knyȝt, and to þe chirch þat is in þin hous, grace to ȝou, and pees of God oure fadir, and of þe Lord Jheſu Criſt. I do þankyngis to my God, euer more makynge mynde of þee in my preieris, heeringe þi charite and feiþ, þat þou haſt in þe Lord Jheſu, and in to alle hooly men, þat þe comunynge of þi feiþ be maad opyn, in knowynge of al good þing in Criſt Jheſu. Forſoþ I hadde greet ioye and comfort in þi charite, for þe entraylis of hooly men reſtiden by þee, broþir. For which þing I hauynge moche truſt in Criſt Jheſu, for to comaunde to þee þat þat perteyneþ to þing, or profiteþ; for charite I beſeche more, ſiþen þou art ſuch as Poul old, now forſoþ and þe boundyn of Jheſu Criſt. I biſeche þee for my ſone Oneſyme, whom I in bondis bigat, þe which ſum tyme was to þee vnprofitable, forſoþe now profitable and to þee and to me; whom I ſente aȝen to þee. Forſoþ reſceyue þou him as myn entraylis; whom I wolde wiþholde wiþ me, þat he ſchulde ſerue for þee to me in bondis of þe goſpel; forſoþ wiþoute þi counceil I wolde not do, þat þi good ſchulde not be as of nede, but willeful. Forſoþ perauenture þerfore he departide fro þee at oon our, þat þou ſchuldiſt reſceyue hym into wiþouten ende; now not as a ſeruaunt, but for a ſeruaunt a mooſt dere broþer, mooſt to me; forſoþ how moche more to þee, and in fleiſch and in þe Lord? Þerfore if þou haſt me a felowe, reſceyue him as me; forſoþ if he haþ ony þing anoyed þee, or owiþ, rette þou þis þing to me. I Poul wroot wiþ myn hond, I ſchal ȝelde; þat I ſeye not to þee, þat and þou owiſt to me þi ſilf. So, broþer, I ſchal vſe þee in þe Lord; fulfille myn entraylis in Criſt. I triſtnynge of þin obedyence wroot to þee, witynge for þou ſchalt do and ouer þat þat I ſeye. Alſo forſoþ and make redy to me an ooſte, or hous for to dwelle inne; forwhi I hope by ȝoure preieris me for to be ȝouun to ȝou. Epefras, myn euene caytif, or priſoner to gidere, in Criſt Jheſu, greetiþ þee wel, and Mark, Ariſtark, Demas, Lucas, myn helpers. Þe grace of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt wiþ ȝoure ſpirit. Amen.
Here endiþ þe epiſtle to Filomon, and bigynneþ þe prolog to þe piſtle to Ebrews.