< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Þe prologe in Þe booc of Eccleſiaſtici

Heer gynneþ þe prologe in þe booc of Eccleſiaſtici.

Off manye and grete bi þe lawe, and profetes, and oþere, þat foleweden hem, wiſdam to vs is ſhewed. In þe whiche it behoueþ to preiſen Irael, bi cauſe of doctrine and of wiſdam; for not onli hem ſpekende, nedful it is to be wis, but alſo ſtraungeres to moun, and ſeiende and writende, to be mad moſt wis. Myn elde-fader Jheſus, aftir þat hymſelf he ȝaf more to beſyneſſe of leſſoun of lawe, and of profetes, and of oþere bokis, þat to vs of oure fadris ben taken, and he wolde write ſum what of þeſe, þat to wiſdam and doctrine pertenen, þat men deſirende to lernen, and to be mad wiſe men, of hem more and more þei taken heed in inwit, and ben confermed to þe lawful lif. Alſo I moneſte ȝou to comen wiþ wel willingneſſe, and wiþ mor biſy ſtudi to do leſſoun, and to han forȝyueneſſe in þo þingus, in whiche wee ben ſeen folewende þe ymage of wiſdam, and to defauten in þe making togidere of wrdys. For Ebru wrdis failen, whan þei weren tranſlatid to an oþer tunge. Forſoþe not oneli þis, but and þat lawe, and profetes, and oþire þingis of bokes, han not a litil difference, whan betwen hemſelf þei ben ſeid. For in þe eiȝte and þrettiþe ȝer, in þe tymes of king Pþolome Euergeet, aftir þat I cam in to Egipt, and whan myche of tyme I hadde ben þere, I fond þere bokes laft, not of litil doctrine, ne to ben diſpiſid. And ſoo good and neceſſarie trowede and I myſelf to adden ſum diligence and trauaile of remenyng þis bok, and wiþ myche waking I leide to beſyneſſe of doctrine, in ſpace of tyme to ȝyue þis boc to þo þingus þat leden to an ende, and to þem þat wiln þe inwit biſiyn, and lernen, hou it behoueþ to enformen maneres, þat after þe lawe of þe Lord purpoſen lif to leden.

Capitulum I.

Alle wiſdam of þe Lord God is, and wiþ hym was euermor, and is biforn aungelis during. Þe grauel of þe ſe, and þe dropis of reyn, and þe daȝes of þe world, who diſtinctli haþ noumbrede? Þe heiȝte of heuene, and þe brede of erþe, and þe depþe of þe ſe, who diſtinctli meſurede? Þe wiſdam of God goende beforn alle þingus, who enſerchede? Firſt of alle formed is wiſdam, and þe vnderſtonding of prudence, fro þe during of aungelis. Þe welle of wiſdam þe wrd of God in heiȝtes; and þe ingoyng of it euere laſtende maundemens. Þe roote of wiſdam to whom is it ſhewyd? and þe ſutil wittis of it who kneȝ? Þe diſcyplyne of wiſdam, to whom is it ſhewid, and opened? and þe multepliyng of þe incomyng of it who vnderſtod? Oon is þe heiȝeſt makere of noȝt of alle þingus, al myȝti, and a myȝti king, and wrþi to be drad ful myche, ſittende vp on þe trone of hym, and Godd lordſhipende. He formede it in þe Hoeli Goeſt, and ſaȝ, and diſtinctli noumbrede, and meſurede; and helde out it vpon alle his werkes, and vp on alle fleſh aftir his ȝifte; he ȝyueþ it to men loouende itſelf. Þe drede of þe Lord glorie, and ioȝyng, and gladneſſe, and coroun of outward ioȝyng. Þe drede of þe Lord ſhal delyten þe herte; and ſhal ȝyue gladneſſe and ioȝe in to þe lengþe of daȝes. To þe dredende God, wel ſhal be in þe laſte endys; and in þe dai of his diyng he ſhal be bliſſid. To whom forſoþe it ſhal aperen in ſiȝt, þei loouen it in ſeeyng, and in þe knowing of his grete þingus. Þe loouyng of God wrſhepeful wiſdam. Þe bigynnyng of wiſdam drede of þe Lord; and wiþ feiþful men in þe wombe he is togidere formed, and wiþ choſen wymmen he goþ, and wiþ riȝtwis and feiþful men he is knowen. Þe drede of þe Lord religioſite of kunnyng. Religioſite ſhal kepen, and iuſtefien þe herte; ful myrþe and ioȝe it ſhal ȝyue. To þe dredende God wel ſhal be; and in þe daȝes of endynge of hym he ſhal be bleſſid. Plente of wiſdam to dreden God; and plente of þe frutes of it. Eche hous of hym it ſhal fulfille fro ieneraciouns, and þe reſceyuyng places fro þe treſores of hym. Þe croune of wiſdam drede of þe Lord, fulfillende pes, and þe frut of helþe. And it ſaȝ, and diſtinctli noumbrede it; boþe forſoþe ben þe ȝiftis of God. Kunnyng and vnderſtonding of prudence wiſdam ſhal wiþ departen; and þe glorie of men holdende itſelf it enhaunceþ. Þe roote of wiſdam is to dreden God; þe braunches forſoþe of it long lyuyng. In þe treſores of wiſdam vnderſtonding, and religioſite of kunnyng; kurſyng forſoþe to ſynneres wiſdam. Þe drede of þe Lord putteþ awei ſynne, for who wiþoute drede is, ſhal not moun be iuſtefied; wraþefulneſſe forſoþe of wilfulneſſe or hardyneſſe of hym is his turnyng vp ſo doun. Vn to tyme þe pacient ſhal ſuffre; and aftirward is ȝeldynge aȝeen of ful myrþe. Good wit vnto time ſhal hide his wrdis; and þe lippis of manye ſhuln tellen out þe wit of hym. In þe treſores of wiſdam is tocnyng of diſcyplyne; curſing forſoþe to þe ſynnere is þe heriyng of God. Sone, coueitende wiſdam, kep riȝtwyſneſſe, and God ſhal ȝyue it to þee. Wiſdam forſoþe and diſciplyne þe drede of þe Lord, and þat weel pleſid is to hym, feiþ and debonerneſſe; and it ſhal fulfille þe treſores of hym. Be þou not rebel, and mys leeful to þe dred of þe Lord; and ne neȝhe þou to hym wiþ double herte. Ne be þou an ipocrite in þe ſiȝte of men; and be þou not ſclaundred in þi lippes. Tac heed in þo þingus, leſt parauenture þou falle, and bringe to þi ſoule vnwrſheping; and God openeþ in hid þingus, and in þe myddel of þe ſynagoge he hurtle þee; for þou neȝhediſt maliciouſly to þe Lord, and þin herte is ful of treccherie and deſceyt.

Capitulum II.

Sone, neȝhende to þe ſeruage of God, ſtond in riȝtwiſneſſe, and drede; and greiþe þou þi ſoule to tempting. Ber doun þin herte, and ſuffre, and bowe in þyn ere, and vndertac þe wrdis of vndirſtonding, and heeȝe þou not in tyme of opreſſing. Suſtene þe ſuſtenyngus of God; be þou wiþ ioyned to God, and ſuffre, þat þi lif waxe in þe laſte. Alle þat to þee ſhul ben leid to, tac, and in ſorewe ſuſtene, and in þi mecneſſe haue pacience. For in fyr is preued gold and ſiluer; men forſoþe reſceyuable in þe chymne of mecneſſe. Ȝif feiþ to God, and he ſhal rekure þee; and dreſſe þi weye, and hope in to hym. Kep þe drede of hym, and in hym wax old. Ȝee dredende þe Lord, ſuſteeneþ þe mercy of hym, and bowiþ not doun fro hym, leſt ȝee falle. Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, ȝyueþ feiþ to hym, and þere ſhal not be voidid awei ȝoure meede. Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, hopeþ in to hym, and in to liking ſhal come to ȝou mercy. Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, looueþ hym, and ȝoure hertes ſhul be liȝtned. Beholdeþ, ȝee ſonus, þe naciouns of men, and witeþ, for no man hopide in þe Lord, and is ſhent; abod ſtille in his heſtes, and is forſaken; or who inwardli clepede hym, and he diſpiſede hym? For piteuous, and mercyful is God, and he ſhal forȝyue in þe day of tribulacioun ſynnes; and defendere he is to alle men, ful out ſechende hym in treuþe. Wo to þe double in herte, and to þe lippis of þe hidouſly giltende, and to þe hondes euele doende; and to þe ſynnere goende in to þe erþe two weies. Wo to þe diſſolut or vnſtable in herte, þat ȝyuen not feiþ to God; and þerfore þei ſchul not ben defendid of hym. Wo to þem þat han loſt ſuffring, and þat han forſake riȝt weies, and han turned aſide in to ſhreude weies. And what ſhul þei do, whan þe Lord ſhal begynne to inwardli looken? Who dreden þe Lord, ſhul not ben of mysfeiþ to þe wrd of hym; and who loouen hym, ſhuln holli kepe þe weie of hym. Who dreden þe Lord, ſhuln inwardli ſechen, þat ben wel pleſid þingus to hym; and þat loouen hym, ſhul be fulfild wiþ þe lawe of hym. Who dreden þe Lord, ſhul greiþe þer hertes, and in þe ſiȝte of hym þei ſhul halewen þer ſoules. Who dreden þe Lord, ſhul kepen þe heſtis of hym, and pacience ſhuln han vnto þe inwardly looking of hym; ſeiende, If penaunce wee ſhul not do, wee ſhul falle in to þe hondus of þe Lord, and not into þe hondis of men. Forſoþe aftir þe mykilneſſe of hym, ſo and his mercy is wiþ hym.

Capitulum III.

The ſonus of wiſdam þe chirche of riȝtwis men, and þe nacioun of hem obeiſaunce and loouyng. Þe dom of þe fader hereþ, ȝee looued ſones; and ſo doþ, þat ȝee be ſaf. God forſoþe wrſhepede þe fader in ſonus, and þe dom of þe moder ful out ſechende he faſtnede in to þe ſonus. Who looueþ God, ſhal full out preȝen for ſynnes, and ſhal wiþholden hym fro þem, and in þe oriſoun of daȝes he ſhal be ful out herd. And as he þat treſoreþ, ſo and he þat wrſhepiþ his moder. Who wrſhepiþ his fader, ſhal be mad merie in ſones, and in þe dai of his oriſoun he ſhal be full out herd. Who wrſhipiþ his fader, wiþ lengere lif ſhal lyue; and who obeſheþ to þe fadir, ſhal refreſhe þe moder. Who dredeþ þe Lord, wrſhepiþ fader and moder; and as to lordis he ſhal ſerue to þem þat geeten hym, in werc, and wrd, and in alle pacience. Wrſhipe þou þi fader, þat þer come vpon to þee bliſſing fro God; and þe bleſſing of hym in þe laſte dwelleþ. Þe bliſſing of þe fadir faſtneþ þe houſes of ſones; þe curſing forſoþe of þe moder drawiþ out foundemens bi þe roote. Ne glorie þou in þe wrong of þi fader; forſoþe it is not to þee glorie, but ſhenſhepe. Þe glorie forſoþe of a man, of þe wrſhepe of his fadir; and þe vylenye of þe ſone, þe fader wiþoute wrſhepe. Sone, mekeli tac þe laſte age of þi fader, and ne ſorewe þou hym in his lif; and if he faile in wit, ȝif forȝyueneſſe, and diſpyſe þou not hym in þi vertue; forſoþe þe almeſſe deede of þe fader ſhal not be in forȝetyng. For whi for þe ſynne of þe moder ſhal be reſtored to þee good, and in riȝtwiſneſſe it ſhal ben bild vp to þee; and in þe dai of tribulacioun it ſhal be remembrid of þee, and as iys in cleer, þi ſynnes ſhul ben looſed. Of hou euel loos is he, þat forſakeþ þe fader; and he is curſid of God, þat terreþ to wraþe þe moder. Sone, in debonerneſſe þi werkes parforme, and ouer þe glorie of men þou ſhalt be looued. Hou myche þou art gret, meeke þee in alle þyngus, and byforn God þou ſhalt fynde grace; for gret myȝt is of God alone, and of meeke men he is wrſhipid. Heȝere þyngus þan þiſelf ſeche þou not, and ſtrengere þingus þan þiſelf ne ſerche þou; but þe þingus þat God comaundide to þee, þenk hem euermor; and in manye werkes of hym ne be þou kurious. Forſoþe it is not nedeful to þee, þo þingus þat ben hid, to ſeen wiþ þin eȝen. In oueruoide þingus wile þou not enſerchen manyefold; and in manye werkes of hym þou ſhalt not be curious; manye forſoþe þyngus ouer þe wit of men ben ſhewid to þee. Manye forſoþe ſupplauntede þe ſuſpiſioun of hem, and in vanytee heeld doun þe wittis of hem. Þe harde herte ſhal han euel in þe laſte; and þat looueþ perile, in it ſhal perſhen. Þe herte goende in to two weies, ſhal not han welſum chaunces; and þe ſhrewde herte in þem ſhal be ſclaundred. A wicke herte ſhal ben greeued in ſorewes; and þe ſynnere ſhal lei to to ſynnen. To þe ſynagoge of proude men ſhal not be helþe; forſoþe þe þicke buſh of ſynne in hem ſhal ben taken vp bi þe roote, and it ſhal not be vnderſtonde. Þe herte of þe wiſe man is vnderſtonde in wiſdam, and þe goode ere ſhal heren wiþ alle coueitende wiſdam. Þe wis herte and vnderſtandable ſhal abſtenen hymſelf from ſynnes, and in werkes of riȝtwiſneſſe welſum aftercomyngus ſhal han. Brennende fyr water ſhal quenche, and almes deede aȝenſtandeþ to ſynnes. And God is þe forlookere of hym þat ȝeldeþ grace; he haþ mynde in to afterward, and in time of his falling he ſhal finde faſtnyng.

Capitulum IIII.

Sone, þe almeſſe deede of þe pore man ne begile þou, and ouerturne þou not þin eȝen fro þe pore. Þe hungrende ſoule ne diſpiſe þou, and terre þou not out to wraþe þe pore in his myſeiſe. Þe herte of þe helpeles ne tormente þou, and drawe þou not a long ȝifte to þe man put in ſtreit. Þe preȝing of þe troblid ne caſte þou awei, and turne þou not awei þi face fro þe nedi. Fro þe helpeles ne turne þou awei eȝen for wraþe, and leeue þou not, or ȝif þou not cauſe, to men ſechende to curſe bihynde to þee. Forſoþe of þe man curſende to þee in bitterneſſe of ſoule, ful out herd ſhal be þe preȝeere of hym; forſoþe he ſhall here hym, þat made hym. To þe congregacioun of pore men mac þou þee homli to ſpeken, and to þe preſt meeke þou þi ſoule, and to þe mad gret meeke þou þin hed. Bowe doun to þe pore þin ere wiþoute dreryneſſe, and ȝeld þi dette, and anſwere peſibli in debonerneſſe. Delyuere hym þat wrong ſuffreþ fro þe hond of þe proude man, and egreli, or heuyly, bere þou not in þi ſoule. In demende be þou to þe fadirles childer merciful as a fadir, and for a man, or huſbonde, to þe moder of hem; and þou ſhal be as an obeiſaunt ſone of þe heiȝeſt, and he ſhal han merci of þee more þan a moder. Wiſdam to his ſonus inbreþede lif, and receyueþ þe men out ſechende him, and he ſhal go beforn in þe weie of riȝtwiſneſſe; and he þat looueþ it, looueþ lif, and þat waken to it, ſhul clippe togidere þe gladneſſe, or peſibleneſſe, of it. Who holden it, ſhuln eritagen lif; and whider it ſhal gon in, God ſhal bliſſen. Who ſeruen to it, obeſhende ſhul ben to þe hoeli man; and hem þat loouen it, God looueþ. Who hereþ it, demeþ folkis of kinde; and who biholdeþ it, ſhal abide ſtille troſtende. If he ſchal ȝyue feiþ to it, he ſhal abide ſtille, and eritagen it; and þe creatures of hem ſhul be in faſtnyng togidere. For in temptacioun it goþ wiþ hym, and in þe firſt þyngus it chees hym. Drede, and ferd, and prouyng it ſhal bringe in vp on hym, and ſchal tormenten hym in tribulacioun of his techyng, to þe tyme þat it tempte hym in his þoȝtis, and he leeue to his ſoule. And it ſhal faſtne hym, and a riȝt euene weie bringe to hym, and gladen hym; and nakenen his hidde þingus to hym, and treſoren vp on hym kunnyng, and vnderſtonding of riȝtwiſneſſe. If forſoþe he ſchal ful erre, it ſhal forſaken hym, and it ſhall taken hym in þe hond of his enemy. Sone, waite tyme, and ſhone awei fro euel. For þi ſoule, or liyf, be þou not confoundid to ſeyn ſoþ; þer is forſoþe confuſioun bringende to ſynne, and þer is confuſioun bringende to glorie and grace. Ne take þou to face aȝen þi face, ne aȝen þi ſoule leſing. Ne ſhame þou þi neȝhebore in his falling, ne aȝeen holde þou a woord in time of helþe. Hide þou not þi wiſdam in þe fairnes of hit; in þe tunge forſoþe wiſdam is knowen, and wit, and kunnyng, and techyng, in þe wrd of þe weel feelende; and faſtnynge in þe werkis of riȝtwiſneſſe. Aȝenſey þou not to þe wrd of treuþe any maner; and of leſing of þi myſlernyng be þou confoundid. Be þou not confoundid to knoulechen þi ſynnes; and ne ſochete þou þee to eche man for ſynne. Wile þou not wiþſtonde aȝen þe face of þe myȝti, ne enforce þou aȝen þe ſtroc of þe flood. For riȝtwiſneſſe fiȝt for þi ſoule, and vnto deþ ſtrif for riȝtwiſneſſe; and God ſhal outfiȝten, or ouer come, for þee þin enemys. Wile þou not be ſwift in þi tunge, and vnprofitable and ſloȝ in þi werkis. Wile þou not ben as a leoun in þin hous, turnende awei þin homli men, and opreſſende to men ſoget to þee. Be not þin hond put forþ to taken, and to ȝyuen drawen togidere.

Capitulum V.

Wile þou not taken heed to wickide poſſeſſiouns, and ne ſeye þou, Þer is to me ſuffiſaunt lif; no þing forſoþe it ſhal profiten in þe tyme of veniaunce, and of opreſſing, or deþ. Ne folewe þou in þi ſtrengþe þe coueiting of þin herte, and ne ſey þou, What maner myȝte I, or who me ſhal ſubiecten for my deedis? God forſoþe veniende ſhal venien. Ne ſey þou, I ſynnede, and what to me falleþ ſorewy? Forſoþe þe heiȝeſte is a pacient ȝeldere. Of þe forȝyueneſſe of ſynnes, wile þou not be wiþoute drede, ne ley þou to ſynne vp on ſynne. And ſey þou not, Þe merci of God is gret; of þe multitude of my ſynnes he ſhal han mercy. Mercy forſoþe and wraþe fro hym ſoone neȝheþ, and in to ſynneres beholdeþ þe wraþe of hym. Ne tarie þou to be conuertid to þe Lord, and ne putte þou it of fro dai in to day. Sodeynli forſoþe ſhal come þe wraþe of hym, and in time of veniaunce he ſhal diſtroȝe þee. Wile þou not ben anguyſht in vnriȝt richeſſes; forſoþe þei ſhul not profiten in þe dai of deþ and of veniaunces. Ne þrowe þou þee out in to eche wynd, and go þou not in to eche wei; ſo forſoþe a ſynnere is proued in double tunge. Be þou ſtedefaſt in þe weie of þe Lord, and in þe treuþe of þi wit and kunnyng; and parfitli folewe þee þe wrd of pes and of riȝtwiſneſſe. Be þou debonere to here þe wrd of God, þat þou vnderſtonde, and wiþ wyſdam þou ſchalt bringe forþ a ſoþ anſwere. If þer is to þee vnderſtonding, anſwere to þi neȝhebore; elles forſoþe þin hond be vp on þi mouþ, leſt þou be take in an vndiſciplined wrd, and þou be confoundid. Wrſhipe and glorie in þe wrd of þe weel felende; þe tunge forſoþe of þe vnprudent is þe turnyng vp ſo doun of hym. Be þou not clepid a twiſil tunge, or a priue bacbiter, in þi lif, and be þou not take in þi tunge, and confoundid. Forſoþe vp on a þeef is confuſioun, and peyne taking, and werſt repref vp on þe twiſel tunge. To þe priue grucchere forſoþe hate, and enemyte, and ſtrif. Iuſtefie þou lic maner þe litle and þe grete.

Capitulum VI.

Wile þou not be mad for a frend enemy to þi neȝhebore; repref forſoþe and ſtrif þe euel man ſhal eritagen, and eche ſynnere enuyous and twiſil tungid. Ne enhaunce þou þee in þe þenking of þi ſoule, as a boole; leſt perauenture be hurtlid awei þi ſtrengþe bi folie, and þi lefes it ete, and þi frutes it leeſe, and þou be laft as a drie tree in wilderneſſe. A ſhreude forſoþe ſoule ſhal deſtroȝen hym þat haþ it, and in to ioȝe of his enemy it ȝyueþ hym, and ſhal bringe doun in to þe lot of vnpitous men. A ſweete wrd multeplieþ frendis, and ſwagiþ enemys; and a gracious tunge in a good man ſhal abounde. Manye peſible ben to þee, and counſeilour be to þee oon of a þouſend. If þou weldiſt a frend, in temptacioun weld hym, and ne liȝtli opene, or trowe, þou þiſelf to hym. Þer is forſoþe a frend aftir his tyme, and ſchal not abide ſtille in þe dai of tribulacioun. And þer is a frend þat is turned to enemyte; and þer is a frend, þat hate, and ſtrif, and reprefes ſhal diſcoueren. Þer is forſoþe a frend, felawe of þe bord, and abidiþ not ſtille in þe dai of nede. A frend if he abide ſtille ſtablid, he ſhal be to þee as euene wiþ, and in þin homli þingus troſtli he ſhal do. If he ſhal meeken hymſelf aȝen þee, and hiden hymſelf fro þi face, þou ſhalt han good frenſhepe of o wil. Fro þin enemys be þou ſeuered, and of þi frendis tac heed. A feiþful frend a ſtrong proteccioun; who forſoþe fyndeþ hym, fyndiþ treſor. To a feiþful frend is no compariſoun; þer is not wrþi peiſing of gold and of ſiluer aȝen þe goodneſſe of þe feiþ of hym. A feiþful frend leching of lif, and of vndeadlyneſſe; and who dreden þe Lord, ſhul finden hym. Who dredeþ þe Lord, euenly ſhal han good frenſhipe; for after hym ſhal ben his frend. Sone, fro þi ȝouþe tac doctrine, and vn to hoore heris þou ſhalt finde wiſdam. As he þat ereþ, and þat ſowiþ, neȝhe þou to it, and ſuſtene þe goode frutes of it. In þe werk forſoþe of it a litil þou ſhal trauailen, and ſoone þou ſhalt ete of þe getingus of it. Hou ſharp ful myche is wiſdam to vnwiſe men, and þer ſhal not abide ſtille in it þe herteles. As þe vertue of a ſton, prouyng ſhal be in þem; and þei ſhul not abide to þrowe it afer. Þe wiſdam forſoþe of doctrine is after þe name of it, and not to manye it is opened; to whom forſoþe it is knowen, it abit ſtille, vnto þe ſiȝte of God. Here, ſone, and tac counſeil of vnderſtondyng, and caſte þou not awei my counſeil. Þroȝ in þi feet in to þe gyues of it, and in to þe coleris of it þi necke. Vnderlei þi ſhulder, and ber it, and ne bere þou heuyſumli in þe bondis of it. In al þin inwit neȝhe to it, and in al þi vertue kep þe weies of it. Enſerche it, and it ſhal be mad open to þee; and þou mad wiþholding, ne forſake þou it. In þe laſte þingus forſoþe þou ſhalt finde reſte in it, and it ſhal be turned to þee in to liking. And þe gyues of it ſhul be to þee in to proteccioun of ſtrengþe, and þe feet of vertue, and þe coleris of it in a ſtoele of glorie. Þe fairneſſe forſoþe of lif is in it, and þe bondis of it holſum binding. Stoele off glorie þou ſhalt cloþen it, and a crowne of þanking þou ſhalt putte aboue to þee. Sone, if þou ſchalt take heed to me, þou ſhalt lerne it; and if þou leneſt to, or dreſſiſt, þin inwit, þou ſhalt be wis. If þou boweſt in þin ere, þou ſhalt take doctrine; and if þou looue to heren, þou ſhalt be wis. In þe multitude of prudent preſtis ſtond þou, and to þe wiſdam of hem of herte be þou ioyned; þat al þe telling of God þou mowe heren, and þe prouerbis of preiſyng aſcape not fro þee. And if þou ſee þe wel felende man, wake out to hym, and þi foot ofte trede þe grees of þe dores of hym. Þenking haue þou in þe heſtes of God, and in þe maundemens of hym moſt biſi be þou; and he ſhal ȝyue to þee an herte, and coueytinge of wiſdam ſhal ben ȝoue to þee.

Capitulum VII.

Wile þou not don eueles, and þei ſhul not cacche þee. Go awei fro þe wicke, and þer ſhul failen eueles fro þee. Sowe þou not eueles in foorewes of vnriȝtwiſneſſe, and þou ſhalt not repen þem in to þe ſeueþe fold. Wile þou not ſechen of a man þe dignete of a ledere, ne of a king þe chaȝer of wrſhepe. Iuſtefie þou not þee bifor God, for he ys knowere of þe herte; and anent þe king wile þou not wilne to ben ſeen wys. Wile þou not ſechen to be mad a domes man, but if þou mowe bi vertue breken wickidneſſes; leſt parauenture þou out drede þe face of þe myȝti, and putte ſclaunder in þin hider and þider deliuerneſſe. Synne þou not in þe multitude of þe cite, ne poote þee in to þe puple; ne bynde þou to double ſynnes, ne forſoþe þou ſhalt be in oon gilteles. Wile þou not ben a couward in þi ſoule, to preȝen; and to don almeſſe deede, ne diſpiſe þou. Ne ſei þou, In þe multitude of my ȝiftus God ſhal beholde; and me offrende to þe heȝeſt God, my ȝiftis he ſhal take. Scorne þou not a man in þe bitterneſſe of ſoule; God forſoþe þe lokere aboute is, þat enhaunceþ and mekeþ. Wile þou not looue leſing aȝen þi broþer; and in to a frend lic maner do þou not. Wile þou not wilne to lien eche leſing; þe beſyneſſe forſoþe of hem is not good. Wile þou not be ful of wrdis in þe multitude of preſtus; and reherſe þou not a wrd in þin oriſoun. Hate þou not trauailous werkes, and cherliſh doing foormed of þe heiȝeſt. Ne acounte þou þee in þe multitude of men wiþoute diſcipline. Haue mynde of wraþe, for it ſhall not tarie. Meeke gretli þi ſpirit, for veniaunce of þe fleſh of þe vnpitous, fyr and werm. Wile þou not treſpaſen in to þi frend delaȝende monie; ne diſpiſe þou þi derwrþe broþer for gold. Wile þou not gon awei fro a wel felende womman, and a good, whom þou haſt goten in þe drede of þe Lord; forſoþe þe grace of þe ſhamefaſtneſſe of hir ouer gold. Hurte þou not a ſeruaunt in treuþe werchende, ne an hired man ȝyuende his lif. A wel felende ſeruaunt be to þee looued as þi ſoule; bygile þou not hym fro fredam, ne forſake þou hym helpeles. Beeſtis to þee ben? tac heed to þem; and if þei ben profitable, abide þei ſtille anent þee. Sonus ben to þee? tech hem, and bowe hem fro þe childhed of hem. Doȝtris ben to þee? keep þe body of hem, and ſhewe þou not þi face glad to þem. Bytac a doȝtir, and a gret werk þou ſhalt do; and to a wel felende man ȝif hyr. A womman if ſhe is to þee aftir þi ſoule, þroȝ hir not awei; and to an hateful tac þou not þee in al þin herte. Honoure þi fader; and þe weilingus of þi moder forȝete þou not. Haue mynde for but bi þem þou haddeſt not ben, and ȝeeld to þem what maner and þei to þee. In al þi ſoule dred God, and þe preſtes of hym halewe. In al þi vertue looue hym þat made þee; and þe ſeruauns of hym forſac þou not. Wrſhepe þou God of al þi ſoule; and wrſhipe preſtus, and purge þee forþ wiþ armes. Ȝif to þem part, as and maundement is to þee, of firſt frutes, and of purging; and of þi necgligence purge þee wiþ fewe. Þe ȝifte of þin armes, and þe ſacrifiſe of halewing, þou ſhalt offre to þe Lord, þe bigynyngus of hoeli þingus. And to þe pore put forþ þin hond, þat pleſing be parformed, and þi bleſſyng. Grace of ȝifte in þe ſiȝte of alle lyuyng; and to þe deade forfende þou not grace. Fayle þou not to wepende men to ben in coumforting; and wiþ weilende men go þou. Noȝe it not þee to viſiten þe ſike; of þeſe þingus forſoþe in louyng þou ſhalt be faſtned. In alle þi werkes haue in mynde þi laſte þyngus; and wiþoute ende þou ſhalt not ſynne.

Capitulum VIII.

Stryue þou not wiþ a myȝti man, leſt parauenture þou falle in þe hondys of hym. Striue þou not wiþ a riche man, leſt parauenture aȝenward he ſette ſtrif to þee. Manye men forſoþe gold and ſiluer haþ loſt; and vnto þe herte of kingus it ſtreccheþ, and turneþ. Striue þou not wiþ a tungy man, and ne greiþe þou in to þe fir of hym wode. Comune þou not to a man vntaȝt, leſt he ſpeke euele of þi progenye. Diſpiſe þou not a man turnende awei hymſelf fro ſynne, ne putte þou repref to hym; haue mynde, for alle in corupcioun wee ben. Ne diſpiſe þou a man in his elde; forſoþe of vs þei waxen olde. Wile þou not of þin enemy dead ioȝen, witende for alle wee dien, and in to ioȝe wee wiln come. Dyſpiſe þou not þe telling of wiſe preſtis, and in þe prouerbis of hem togidere dwelle þou; of hem forſoþe þou ſhalt lerne wiſdam, and doctrine of vndirſtonding, and fructuouſli vſe grete men wiþoute pleynt. Paſſe not biſide þee þe telling of elderes; þei forſoþe lerneden of þer fadris. For of hem þou ſhalt lerne vnderſtonding; and in tyme of nede þou ſhalt ȝyue an anſwere. Teende þou not colis of ſynneres, vndirnymende hem; and leſt þou be tend wiþ þe flaume of þe fyr of þe ſynnes of hem. Stonde þou not aȝen þe face of þe ſtrifful; leſt he ſitte as a ſpiere to þi mouþ. Wile þou not leenen to a man ſtrengere þan þiſelf; þat if þou leeneſt, haue it as loſt. Behote þou not ouer þi vertue; þat if þou behote, as ȝelding beþenk. Deme þou not aȝen þe iuge; for after þat ys riȝtwis, he demeþ. Wiþ a fool hardy man go þou not in þe weie, leſt par auenture he gregge his eueles in þee; he forſoþe aftir his wil goþ, and togidere wiþ þe folie of hym þou ſhalt perſhen. Wiþ þe wraþeful man make þou not ianglyng, and wiþ þe fool hardy go þou not in to deſert; for as noȝt is anent hym blod, and where is not helpe, he ſhal hurtle þee doun. Wiþ fooles haue þou not counſeil; forſoþe þey ſhul not moun loouen, but þo þingus þat pleſen to þem. Beforn a ſtraunger make þou not counſeil; forſoþe þou woſt not, what he bere out. To alle men þin herte opene þou not; leſt par auenture it bringe in to þee fals grace, and yt poote reproof to þee.

Capitulum IX.

Be þou not gelouſe to þe womman of þi boſum; leſt ſhe ſhewe vp on þee þe malice of ſhreude doctrine. Ȝyue þou not to a womman power of þi ſoule; leſt ſhe go in to þi vertue, and þou be confoundid. Behold not a womman myche wilnende; leſt par auenture þou falle in to þe ſnares of hir. Wiþ a lepereſſe, or tumbler, be þou not beſy, ne here hir; leſt par auenture þou perſhe in þe delyuere doyng of hir. A maiden beholde þou not; leſt par auenture þou be ſclandred in þe fairneſſe of hir. Ȝyue þou not to lecchoures þi ſoule in any þing; leſt þou leeſe þee, and þi ſoule, and þin eritage. Wile þou not beholden aboute in þe weies of þe cite; ne erre þou aboute in þe ſtretis of it. Turne awei þi face fro a gai womman; and beholde þou not aboute ſtraunge fairneſſe. For þe fairneſſe of a womman manye men perſheden; and of it luſt as fyr brenneþ out. Eche womman þat is leccherous, as a þoſt in þe weie ſhal ben to-treden. Þe fairneſſe of an alien womman many men wndrid ben mad repreuable; forſoþe þe togidere ſpeche of hir as fyr brenneþ out. Wiþ an alien womman outerli ſitte þou not, ne ly þou wiþ hir vp on þe arm; and ſtriue þou not wiþ hir in wyn, leſt par auenture ſhe bowe doun þin herte in to hir, and bi þi blod þou ſlyde in to perdicioun. Forſake þou not an old frend; forſoþe þe newe ſhal not be lic to hym. Newe wyn a newe frend; it ſhal waxen old, and wiþ ſwetneſſe þou ſhalt drinke it. Looue þou not þe glorie and þe richeſſis of þe ſynnere; forſoþe þou woſt not, what be to come þe turnyng vp ſo doun of hym. Pleſe not to þee þe wrong of vnriȝtwis men, witende for vnto helle þe vnpitous ſhal not pleſen. Aferr be þou awei fro a man hauende power of ſleyng, and not of rering, and þou ſhalt not ouertrowen þe dred of deþ; and if þou neȝheſt to hym, wile þou not any þing don amys, leſt par auenture he take awei þi lif. Þe comunyoun of deþ wite þou; for in þe myddil of grenes þou ſhalt gon in, and vp on þe armes of men ſorewende þou ſhalt gon. Aftir þi vertue war þee fro þi nexte, or neyȝbore; and wiþ wiſe men and prudent men trete þou. Riȝtwis men be þei to þee metefelawes; and in þe drede of God be to þee gloriyng. And in þe wit be to þee þenking of God; and al þi telling out in þe heſtes of þe heȝeſt. In þe hond of craftis men werkes ſhul ben preiſid, and þe prince of a puple in wiſdam off his ſermoun; in þe wit forſoþe of elderes a wrd. Ferful is in his cite a tungy man; and þe fool hardy in hys woord hateful ſhal ben.

Capitulum X.

A wis domeſman ſhal demen his puple; and þe princehod of þe wel felende, or witti, ſhal ben ſtable. Aftir þe domeſman of þe puple, ſo and þe ſeruauntis of hym; and whiche maner is þe gouernour of þe cyte, ſuche and þe dwelleris in it. An vnwis king ſhal leeſen his puple; and cites ſhul ben enhabitid bi þe wit of prudent men. In þe hond of God þe power of þe erþe, and abhominable alle wickidneſſes of þe Jentiles; and a profitable gouernour in tyme he ſhal reren vp on it. In þe hond of God is þe power of man; and vp on þe face of þe ſcribe, or man of lawe, he ſhal putte vp on his wrſhipe. Of alle þe wrong of þi neȝhebore haue þou not mynde; and no þing do þou in þe werkes of wrong. Hateful biforn God and men is pride; and cursful alle wickidneſſis of Jentiles. Rewme fro folc in to folc is born ouer, for vnriȝtwiſneſſes, and wrongus, and ſtriues, and dyuers treccheries. Forſoþe þan þe auerous man no þing is more ful of hydous gilte. What pridiſt þou, erþe and aſken? No þing is more wicke, þan to loouen moone; þis forſoþe haþ his ſoule ſillable, or able to be ſold, for in his lif he þreȝ awei his inward þingus. Of eche myȝtihed ſhort lif; lengere infyrmyte greeueþ þe leche. Short ſickneſſe þe leche kutteþ of; ſo and a king to dai is, and to moru ſhal die. Whan forſoþe a man ſhal dien, he ſhal eritagen ſerpentes, and beſtes, and wermes. Þe bygynnyng of þe pride of man to go bacward fro God; for fro hym þat made hym his herte wente awey. For þe bygynnyng of alle ſynne is pride; who ſchal holde it, ſhal be fulfild wiþ curſis, and it ſhal turne hym vp ſo doun in to þe ende. Þerfore þe Lord diſpiſid þe couentis of euele men, and deſtroȝede þem in to þe ende. Þe ſetes of proude dukes God diſtroȝede; and made mylde men to ſitte for hem. Þe rootis of proude folkis God driede; and plauntide meke men of þo folkis. Þe londis of Jentiles þe Lord turnede awei; and deſtroȝede þem vn to þe foundement. He made drie of þem, and ſcaterede þem; and made to ceſen þe mynde of hem fro þe erþe. God loſt þe mynde of proude men; and lafte þe mynde of meke men in wit. Þere is not ſhapen to men pride; ne wraþefulneſſe to þe nacioun of wymmen. Þe ſed of men ſhal be wrſhipid, þat þat dredeþ God; þat ſed forſoþe ſhall ben put out of wrſhipe, þat paſſeþ þe maundemens of þe Lord. In þe myddel off breþern þe gouernour of þem in wrſhipe; and þat dreden God, ſhul ben in þe eȝen of hym. Þe glorie of wrſhepid riche men and of pore is þe drede of God. Wile þou not diſpiſen þe riȝtwis pore man; and not magnefien þe riche ſynful man. Gret is a iuge, and þe myȝti is in wrſhipe; and he is not more þan he þat dredeþ God. To þe ſeruaunt wel felende ſhul ſeruen fre men; and a man prudent and lerned ſhal not grucchen chaſtiſid, and þe vnkunnende ſhal not be wrſhipid. Wile þou not enhaunce þee in þi werk to be do; and wile þou not diſpeire in þe time of anguyſh. Betere is þat wercheþ, and aboundeþ in alle þingis, þan þat glorieþ, and nedeþ bred. Sone, in debonerneſſe kep þi ſoule; and ȝif to it wrſhepe, aftir his diſſert. Þe ſynnende in to his ſoule, who ſhal iuſtifien? and who ſhal worſchip þe puttere his ſoule out of wrſhipe? Þe pore glorieþ bi diſciplyne and his drede; and þer is a man þat is wrſhipid for his ſubſtaunce. Who forſoþe glorieþ in poreneſſe, hou myche more in ſubſtaunce? and who glorie in ſubſtaunce, poreneſſe ſhame he.

Capitulum XI.

The wiſdam of þe mekid ſhal enhauncen þe hed of hym; and in þe myddel of grete men to ſitten ſhal maken hym. Preiſe þou not a man in his fairneſſe; ne diſpiſe þou a man in his ſiȝt. Short in foules is a bee; and þe bigynnyng of ſwetneſſe þe frut of hym haþ. In cloþing glorie þou neuermor, ne in þe dai of þi wrſhipe be þou enhauncid; for merueilous þe werkes of þe heȝeſt alone, and glorious, and hid, and vnſeen þe werkes of hym. Manye tirauntis ſeten in trone; and þe vntrouable, or of whom was no ſuſpicioun, bar þe diademe. Manye myȝti ben opreſſid gretly; and þe glorious ben taken in to þe hondis of oþere men. Beforn þat þou aſke, ne blame þou any man; and whan þou ſhalt aſken, chaſtyſe þou riȝtly. Beforn þat þou here, ne anſwere þou a wrd; and in þe myddel of eldere men ne ley þou to to ſpeken. Of þat þing þat greeueþ not þee, ſtriue þou not; and in þe myddel of ſynneres ne abide þou. Sone, be not in manye þingis þi deedus; and if þou were riche, þou ſhalt not ben gilteles fro treſpas. If forſoþe þou ſhalt folewe, þou ſhalt not ouertaken; and if þou ſhul renne biforn, þou ſhalt not ſcapen. Þer is a man trauailende, and heȝende, and ſorewende vnpitous; and ſo myche more he ſhal not abounde. Þer is a man welewid, nedende rekuring, more failende in vertue, and abundende in poreneſſe; and þe eȝe of God beheeld hym in goode, and rerede hym fro his lowneſſe, and enhauncide his hed; and manye merueileden in hym, and wrſhepiden God. Goodis and eueles, lif and deþ, poreneſſe and honeſte, ben of God. Wiſdam, and diſciplyne, and kunnyng of þe lawe anent þe Lord; loouyng and þe weies of goode men anent hym. Errour and dercneſſes to ſynneres ben foormed; who forſoþe ful out ioȝen in to euell, waxen old togidere in to euelis. Þe ȝyuyng of God abidiþ ſtille to riȝtwis men; and þe profitus of it welſum aftircomyngus ſhuln han in to wiþoute ende. Þer is þat is mad riche ſcarſly doende, and þis þe part of þe meede of hym, in þat þat he ſeiþ, I fond reſte to me, and now I ſhal eten of my goodis alone. And he wot not þat tyme paſſe biſide hym, and deþ neȝheþ, and he forſakeþ alle þingus to oþere men, and die. Stond in þi teſtament, and in it ſpec togidere; and in þe werk of þin heſtis wax old. Abide þou not in þe werkes of ſynneres; troſte forſoþe in God, and dwel in þi place. Liȝt is forſoþe in þe eȝen of God, ſodeynly to honeſten þe pore. Þe bliſſing of God in to þe meede of þe riȝtwiſe heeȝeþ; and in ſwift wrſhipe þe forþ goyng of hym makeþ fruyt. Ne ſey þou, What to me is nede? and what godis ſchulen be to me her aftir? Ne ſey þou, I am ſuffiſaunt, and what of þis I ſhall be mad werſe? In þe day of goodis be þou not vnmyndeful of eueles, and in þe dai of eueles be þou not vnmyndeful of goodis; for liȝt is bifor God in þe day of deþ to ȝelden to eche aftir his weies. Þe malice of oon hour makeþ forȝetynge of moſt leccherie; and in þe ende of a man ful nakenyng of þe werkis of hym. Bifor deþ preiſe þou not any man; for in his ſonus is knowen a man. Not eche man bringe þou in to þin hous; manye forſoþe ben þe ſpies of þe treccherous. As forſoþe þe entrailes of ſtinkende þingus bolken out, and as þe partrich is broȝt in to þe pit falle, and as a capret in to þe grene, ſo and þe herte of proude men; and as þe forlookere ſeende þe falling of his neȝhebore. Forſooþe goode þingus in to euel turnyng he aſpieþ, and in choſen men he leiþ vp a wem. Of oo ſparcle fyr is eechid, and of oon treccherous blood is encreſid; a man forſoþe ſynnere waiteþ to blood. Tac heed to þee fro þe deþ berere, forſoþe he forgeþ eueles; leſt perauenture he bringe vp on þee ſcornyng in to wiþ oute ende. Reſceyue to þee an alien womman, and ſhe ſhal turne þee vp ſo doun in a whirlewynd, and alienen þee fro þi propre weies.

Capitulum XII.

Iff þou ſhul wel do, wite þou to whom þou ſhalt wel do; and þer ſhal be myche grace in þi goodys. Wel do to þe riȝtwis, and þou ſhalt finde gret ȝelding; and if not of hym, certes of þe Lord. It is not weel to hym þat is beſi in eueles, and to þe not ȝyuende almes deede; for and þe heiȝeſt to hate haþ ſyneres, and haþ merci to penaunce doeres. Ȝif to þe merciful, and vndertake or reſſeyue þou not þe ſynnere; and to vnpitouſe and ſynneres he ſhal ȝelde veniaunce, kepende þem in þe day of veniaunce. Ȝif to þe goode, and reſceyue þou not þe ſynnere. Weel do to þe meeke, and ȝyue þou not to þe vnpitous; forfende to ȝyuen to hym loeues, leſt in hem he be myȝtiere þan þou. For double eueles þou ſhalt fynde in alle goodus, what euere þou ſhalt do to hym; for and þe heiȝeſte to hate haþ ſynneres, and to þe vnpitous he ſhal ȝelde veniaunce. A frend ſhal not be knowen in goodis, and an enemy ſhal not ben hid in eueles. In þe goodes of a man þe enemys of hym; and in þe ſorewe and in þe malice of hym þe frend is knowen. Ne trowe þou to þin enemy vnto wiþoute ende; forſoþe as bras ruſteþ out þe ſhreudeneſſe of hym. And if meekid he go crookid, þroȝ awei þi wil, and keep þee fro hym. Set not hym biſide þee, and ſitte he not at þi riȝt half, leſt turned he ſtonde in þi place; leſt perauenture turned in to þi place he inwardli ſeche þi chaiȝer, and in þe laſte þou knowe my wrdes, and in mi wrdis þou be prickid. Who ſhal lechen to þe enchauntere ſmyten of þe eddere, and to alle þat neȝhen to beſtes, and þat folewiþ wiþ þe wicke man, and is aboute wrappid in his ſynnes? Oon hour wiþ þee he ſhal abide ſtille; if forſoþe þou bowe doun, he ſhal not vnderbern. In his lippis þe enemy putteþ in ſwetneſſes, and in his herte he ſpieþ, þat he turne þee vp ſo doun in to þe dich. In þin eȝen þe enemy wepiþ; and if he ſhul fynde tyme, he ſhal not be fulfild wiþ blod. If þer ſhul falle to þee eueles, þou ſhalt finde hym þere raþere, or former. In þin eȝen þe enemy ſhal wepen, and as helpende he ſhal vnderdelue þi plantes. His hed he ſhal moue, and flappe for ioȝe wiþ þe hond; and many þingus grucchendeli whiſtrende ſhal wiþ chaunge his chere.

Capitulum XIII.

Who ſhal touche pich, ſhal be defoulid of it; and who ſhal comunen to þe proude man, ſhal cloþin pride. Berþen vp on hym he takeþ, þat comuneþ to þe honeſtere þan hymſelf; and to þe richere þan þou, þou ſhalt not ben felawe. What ſhal comune þe caudron to þe pot? whan forſoþe þei ſhuln hurtle þemſelf, it ſhal ben to-broken. Þe riche man vnriȝtwiſly dide, and ſhal gnaſte; þe pore man forſoþe hurt ſhal holde his pes. If þou ſhul ȝyue, he ſhal take þee; and if þou haue not, he ſhal forſake þee. If þou haue, he ſhal lyue wiþ þee, and auoide þee out; and he ſhal not ſorewen vpon þee. If þou were neceſſarie to hym, he ſhal bigile þee; and vnder laȝhende hope he ſhal ȝyue, tellende to þee alle goodes; and ſhal ſeyn, What nede is to þee? And he ſhal confounde þee in his metes, to þe tyme he neentiſhe þee twies or þries, and in þe laſte he ſhal ſcorne þee; aftirward ſeende he ſhal forſake þee, and hys hed moue to þee. Be þou mekid to God, and abid his hondis. Tac heed, leſt deſceyued in folie þou be mekid. Wile þou not be meeke in þi wiſdam, and leſt lowid in to folie þou be lad aſide. Clepid to of þe myȝtyere, go awey; of þat forſoþe more he ſhal clepe þee to. Be þou not to gredi, leſt þou be put aȝeen; and be þou not fer fro hym, leſt þou go in to forȝeting. Ne wiþholde þou of euene to ſpeken wiþ hym, and trowe þou not to þe manye wrdis of hym; forſoþe of myche ſpeche he ſhal tempte þee, and vnder laȝhende þe vnmylde inwit of hym ſhal aſke þee of þin hid þingus. And he ſhal to gedir kepe þi wrdis, and not ſparen fro malice, and fro bondis. War to þee, and tac heed biſili to þin heering; for wiþ þy turnyng vpſodoun þou goſt. Heerende forſoþe þo þingus, as in ſweuenes ſee, and þou ſhalt waken. In al þi lif looue God, and inwardli clep hym in þin helþe. Eche beſte looueþ lic to hym; ſo and eche man þe nexte to hym. Eche fleſh to his lijch ſhal be ioyned, and eche man to his lic ſhal be felaſhepid. As a wlf ſhal comune to a lomb oþerwhile, ſo a ſynnere to a riȝtwis. What comunycacioun to an hoeli man at a dogge? or what good parti to a riche man at a pore? Hunting of a leoun an aſſe in wilderneſſe; ſo pore men ben þe leſwe of riche men. And as abhominacioun to a proud man is mekneſſe, ſo and curſing of þe riche is þe pore. Þe riche man ſtirid is confermed of his frendis; þe meeke forſoþe, whan he ſhal falle, ſhal be put out alſo fro knowen. To þe riche deſceyued manye ben rekureres; he ſpac proudli, and þei iuſtefieden hym. Þe meeke is deſceyued, ferþermor and vndirnomyn; he ſpac felendely, or wiſely, weel, and þer is not ȝoue to hym a place. Þe riche ſpac, and alle heelden þer pes; and þe wrd of hym vnto þe cloudys þei ſhul bern. Þe pore ſpac, and þei ſeyn, Who is þis? and if he ſchal offende, þei ſhul turne hym vp ſo doun. Good is ſubſtaunce, to whom is not ſynne in concience; and moſt wicke is porenes in þe mouþ of þe vnpitous. Þe herte of a man chaungeþ þe face of hym, or in good or in euel. Þe ſtep of a good herte, and a good face, hard þou ſhalt fynde, and wiþ trauaile.

Capitulum XIIII.

Blisful þe man, þat is not ſliden in wrd fro his mouþ, and is not prickid in ſorewi ſlouþe of gilte. Sely, or bleſſid, þat hadde not ſorewi ſlouþe of his inwit, and falleþ not awei fro his hope. To þe coueitous man, and hard, wiþoute reſoun is ſubſtaunce; and to an enuyous man, wherto gold? Who hepiþ of his inwit vnriȝtwiſly, to oþere men gedereþ; and in þe goodis of hym an oþer ſhal don leccherie. Who to hymſelf is ſhreude, to what oþer ſhal he ben good? and he ſhal not ben merie in his goodus. No þing is wers, þan he þat enuyeþ to hymſelf; and þat is þe ȝelding of his malice. And if he ſhul weel don, vnwitendely, and not wilnende he doþ; and in þe laſte he ſhewiþ his malice. Shreude is þe eȝe of þe pale, and turnende awei face, and diſpiſende his ſoule. Vnfillable þe eȝe of þe coueitous; in to þe part of wickidneſſe he ſhal not be fild, to þe tyme þat he fulli ende vnriȝtwiſneſſe, makende drie his ſoule. Þe euele eȝe to eueles, and nedy ſhal not ben fild wiþ bred; and in ſorewi ſlouþe he ſhal be vp on his bord. Sone, if þou haſt, wel do wiþ þee, and offre to God wrþi offringis. Be þou myndeful for deþ ſhal not tarien, and þe teſtament of helle, þat is ſhewid to þee; þe teſtament forſoþe of þis world bi deþ ſhal dien. Biforn deþ wel do to þi frend, and aftir þi ſtrengþis puttende out ȝif to þe pore. Be þou not bigilid fro þe good day, and þe parcel of þe goode day paſſe þee not. Wheþer not to oþere þou ſhalt lefe þi ſorewis, and þi trauailes? In departing of lot ȝif, and tac; and iuſtefie þi ſoule. Bifor þi deþ werch riȝtwiſneſſe; for to finde mete is not anent helle. Eche fleſh as heiȝ ſhal waxe old, and as a lef beryng frut in a grene tree. Oþere ben iendred, and oþere fallen doun; ſo ieneracioun of fleſh and of blod, an oþer is endid, and an oþer is born. Eche coruptible werc in þe ende ſhal faile; and he þat wercheþ it, ſhal go wiþ it. And eche choſen werc ſhal be iuſtefied; and he þat wercheþ it, ſhal be wrſhipid in it. Blisful þe man, þat ſhal dwelle in wiſdam, and þat in riȝtwiſneſſe ſweteli ſhal þenke, and in wit ſhal þenke þe looking aboute of God. Who þenkeþ out þe weies of hym in his herte, and in hid þingus of it vnderſtonding ſhal be; goende aftir it as enſerchere, and in þe weies of it beende ſtille. Who byholdeþ bi þe wyndowes of it, and in þe ȝatis of it is herende; who reſteþ biſide þe hous of it, and in þe walles of it piccheþ a pale. He ſhal ordeyne his litle hous at þe hondis of it, and þer ſhuln reſte in þe litle houſes of it goodis, bi aungelis during; he ſhal ſetten his ſonus vnder þe roof of it, and vnder þe braunchis of it he ſhal wone; he ſhal be defendid vnder þe roof of it fro brennende hete, and in þe glorie of it he ſhal reſte.

Capitulum XV.

Who dredeþ God, ſhal do goode þingus; and who wiþholding is of riȝtwiſneſſe, ſhal taken it. And it ſhal meete to hym as a moder wrſhipid, and as a womman fro maidynhed it ſhal vndirtake hym. It ſhal feede hym wiþ þe bred of lif, and of vnderſtonding; and wiþ þe water of holſum wiſdam it ſhal ȝyue drinke to hym; and it ſhal be faſtned in hym, and not ben bowed. And it ſhal wiþholden hym, and he ſhal not be confoundid; and it ſhal enhaunce hym anent his neȝhebores. And in þe myddel of þe chirche it ſhal opene his mouþ, and ſhal fulfille hym wiþ ſpirit of wiſdam, and of vnderſtonding; and wiþ ſtoele of glorie it ſhall cloþin hym. Myrþe and ful out ioȝing it ſhal treſoren vp on hym; and in euerlaſtende name it ſhal eritagen hym. Men foolis ſhul not take it, and men wel feelende ſhul meete to it. Men foolis ſhul not ſeen it; ferr forſoþe it is, ferre awei fro pride, and fro treccherie. Men lieres ſhul not be myndeful of it, and ſoþfaſt men ben founden in it; and welſum aftir comyng þei ſhul han vnto þe looking in of God. Feir preiſing is not in þe mouþ of þe ſynnere, for he is not ſent of þe Lord. For gon forþ is wiſdam of God; forſoþe to þe wiſdam of God preiſing ſhal ſtonden at, and in þe feiþful mouþ ſhal abounde, and þe lordſhipere ſhal ȝyuen it to hym. Þou ſhalt not ſeyn, Bi God it is awey; þo þingis forſoþe þat it hateþ, þou ſhalt not do. Ne ſey þou, He me diſceyuede; forſoþe vnpitous men ben not nedeful to hym. Þe Lord hateþ al curſing of errour, and it ſhal not ben looueful to men dredende hym. God fro þe bygynnyng ordeynede man, and lafte hym in þe hond of his counſeil. He leide to maundemens, and his heſtes; if þou wilt þe maundemens kepen, þei ſhul kepe þee, and to kepen pleſid feiþ in to wiþoute ende. He putte to þee watir and fyr; to what þou wilt, put forþ þin hond. Bifor man is lif and deþ, good and euel; þat pleſiþ to hym, ſhal be ȝoue to hym. For myche is þe wiſdam of God, and ſtrong in myȝt, and ſeende alle men wiþoute ceſing. Þe eȝen of þe Lord to þe dredende hym; and he knowiþ al þe beſyneſſe of man. To no man he comaundide vnpitouſly to do; and to no man he ȝaf ſpace of ſynnyng. Forſoþe he coueiteþ not þe multitude of vnfeiþful ſonus and vnprofitable.

Capitulum XVI.

Mac þou not myrie in vnpitous ſonus, if þei ben multeplied; ne delite þou vp on hem, if þer is not þe drede of God in hem. Ne ȝyue þou feiþ to þe lif of hem, and ne biholde þou in to þe trauailes of hem. Betere ys forſoþe oon dredende God, þan a þouſend vnpitous ſonus. And profitable it is to die wiþoute ſonus, þan to lefen vnpitous ſones. Of oon weel felende man ſhal ben enhabitid þe cuntre; and of þre vnpitous it ſhal be forſaken. Manye oþere þingis myn eȝe ſaȝ, and þe ſtrengere þingus of þeſe myn ere herde. In þe ſynagoge of ſynnende men fyr ſhal out brenne, and in þe vnbileeueful folc of kinde wraþe ſhal waxe ful out tend. Olde ieauntis þat ben deſtroȝid, troſtende to þer vertue, fulli preȝeden not for þer ſynnes; and he ſparede not to þe pilgrimaging of hem, but ſmot hem, and wariede hem, for þe pride of þe word of hem. He dide not mercy to þem, deſtroȝende al þe folc of kinde and enhauncende itſelf in his ſynnes. And as ſixe hundrid þouſend of footmen, þat ben gadered in þe hardneſſe of þer herte; and if oon were rered vp þe nol, wnder if he hadde ben harmles. Mercy forſoþe and wraþe is wiþ hym; myȝty is þe ful out oriſoun, and heeldende out wraþe. After his mercy, ſo þe chaſtiſing of hym; he demeþ a man aftir his werkes. Þe ſynnere ſhal not ſcapen out in to raueyn; and þe ſuffryng of þe doynge mercy ſchal not tary by hynde. Eche mercy ſhal make place to echon, aftir þe deſert of his werkis, and after þe vnderſtonding of þe pilgrimaging of hym. Sey þou not, Fro God I ſhal ben hid; and fro þe heiȝeſt, who of me ſhal han mynde? In a gret puple I ſhal not be knowen; what forſoþe is my ſoule in ſo gret a creature wiþ oute meſure? Loo! heuene, and heuenus of heuenus, þe ſe, or depneſſe, and al erþe, and þat in hem ben, in þe ſiȝte of hym ſhul be moued togidere; mounteynes togidere, and hilles, and þe foundemens of þe erþe; and whan God ſhal biholde þem, bi trembling þei ſhul be ſmyte togidere. And in alle þeſe þingus mys felende, or vnwittie, is þe herte, and eche herte is vnderſtonden of hym. And þe weyes of hym who vnderſtondiþ? and þe tempeſt, þat nouþer þe eȝe ſaȝ of man? For whi manye werkis of hym ben in hid þingus, but þe werkis of þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym who ſhal tellen out, or who ſhal ſuffren? Fer forſoþe is þe teſtament fro ſumme; and þe aſking of men is in þe ful ending. Who is laſſid in herte, þenkeþ idil þingus; and þe vnprudent man and errende þenkeþ folies. Heere me, ſone, and lerne diſciplyne of wit, and in my wrdis tac heed in þin herte; and I ſhal ſeyn in equite diſcyplyne, and enſerchen to tellen out wiſdam. And in my wrdis tac heed in þin herte; and I ſey in equyte of ſpirit vertues, þat God putte in to his werkes fro þe bigynnyng, and in treuþe I telle out þe kunnyng of hym. In þe dom of God his werkis fro þe bigynnyng; and fro þe ordeynyng of þo men he ſeuerede þe partes of þem, and þe bigynnyngus of þem in þer folkis of kinde. He enournede in to wiþoute ende þe werkis of hem; and þei hungreden not, ne trauaileden, and lefeden not of fro þer werkis. Eche þe neȝhebore to hym ſhal not anguyſſhen, vnto þe ſpirituel world or aungelus duryng. Be þou not vnleeuable to þe wrd of hym. Aftir þeſe þingus God biheeld in to þe erþe, and fulfilde it wiþ his goodis. Eche forſoþe ſoule ful of lif told of bifor þe face of hym; and it eft þe turnyng aȝeen of hem.

Capitulum XVII.

God wiþ þe riȝt hond foormede man; and after his ymage made hym. And eft turnede hym in to it; and after hymſelf cloþide hym wiþ vertue. Noumbre of daȝes and time he ȝaf to hym; and ȝaf to hym power of þem þat ben vpon erþe. He putte þe drede of hym vpon alle fleſh, and lordſhipide of beſtes and of foules. He foormede of hym helpe lic to hymſelf; counſeil, and tunge, and eȝen, and eren, and herte, he ȝaf to þem, of þenking out; and þe diſcyplyne of vnderſtonding fulfilde þem. He foormede to þem kunnyng of þe ſpirit, bi wit he fulfilde þe herte of hem; and eueles and goodis he ſhewide to þem. He putte þe eȝe of hem vpon þe hertes of hem, to ſhewen to þem þe grete þingus of his werkis, þat þe name of his halewing þei preiſe togidere; and to glorien in þe merueilous þingus of hym, þat þei telle out þe grete þyngus of his werkis. He addede to þem diſciplyne; and þe lawe of lif he eritagede þem. Euerlaſtende teſtament he ſette wiþ þem; and riȝtwiſneſſe and his domes he ſhewide to þem. And þe grete þingus of his wrſhipe þe eȝe of hem ſaȝ, and þe wrſhipe of vois herden þe eres of hem; and he ſeide to þem, Takeþ heed fro alle wicke þing. And he comaundide to þem, to eche of his neȝhebore. Þe weies of hem biforn hym ben euermor; and þei ben not hid fro þe eȝen of hym. In to eche folc of kinde he beforn ſette a gouernour; and Irael þe part of God is mad open. And alle þe werkes of hem as þe ſunne in þe ſiȝte of God; and þe eȝen of hym wiþ oute ceſing biholdende in þe weies of hem. Þe teſtamentis ben not hid for þe wickidneſſe of hem; and al þe wickidneſſe of hem in þe ſiȝt of God. Þe almes deede of a man as a litil ſac wiþ hym, and þe grace of man as þe eȝe appil it ſhal kepen; and aftirward it ſhal riſe aȝeen, and ȝelde to þem ȝelding, to eche in to þe hed of hem; and turnen in to þe lowere partus of erþe. To men doende penaunce forſoþe he ȝaf þe weie of riȝtwiſneſſe, and confermede men failende to ſuffren, and ordeynede to þem þe lot of treuþe. Turne þou to þe Lord, and lef þi ſynnes; preȝe þou bifor þe face of þe Lord, and make laſſe þe occaſiouns of giltis. Turne aȝeen to þe Lord, and turne awei fro þin vnriȝtwiſneſſe, and myche hate þou curſing. And knowe þou riȝtwiſneſſes, and þe domes of God; and ſtond in þe lot of putting forþ, and of oriſoun of þe heiȝeſt God. In to þe partes go of þe hoeli world, wiþ men on lyue, and ȝyuyng knouleching to God. Ne faſt abide þou in þe errour of vnpitous men. Bifor deþ kuouleche; fro þe deade as noȝt perſheþ confeſſioun. Þou ſhalt knoulechen lyuende, lyuende and hoel þou ſhalt knouleche, and preiſen God; and glorien in þe mercy doyngus of hym. Hou gret þe merci of God, and þe mytigacioun, or helpe, of hym to men conuertende to hym. Ne forſoþe alle þingus mown ben in men; for þe ſone of man is not vndeadly, and in to vanyte of malice þei pleſeden. What more cleer þan þe ſunne? and þis ſhall faile; or what wers þan þat fleſh þoȝte out, and blod? and þat ſhal ben vndernomen. Þe vertue of þe heiȝneſſe of heuene he biholdiþ; and alle men erþe and aſken.

Capitulum XVIII.

He þat lyueþ in to wiþoute ende, made of noȝt alle þingus togidere; God alone ſhall be iuſtefied, and dwelleþ vnuenkuſhid king wiþoute ende. Who ſhal ſuffiſe to telle out þe werkis of hym? who ſhal enſerche þe grete wrþi þingis of hym? Þe vertue forſoþe of his gretneſſe who ſhal telle out? or who ſhal leyn to to tellen out þe merci of hym? Þere is not to laſſen, ne to echen; ne þer is to fynde þe grete wrþi þingus of God. Whan a man haþ ful endid, þanne he bigynneþ; and whan he haþ reſtid, he ſhal werchen. What is a man, and what is þe glorie of hym? and what is good, or what þe wicke þing of hym? Þe noumbre of þe daȝes of men, as myche an hundrid ȝer, as dropis to þe watir of þe ſe þei ben ordeyned; and as a litil ſton of grauel, ſo fewe ȝeres in þe dai of þe ſpirituel world. For þat pacient is God in þem, and he ſchal heelde out vpon hem his mercy. He ſaȝ þe preſumpcioun, or pride, of þe herte of hem, for it ys euel; and he kneȝ þe turnyng vp ſo doun of hem, for it is ſhreude. Þerfore he fulfilde hys mercy in hem, and ſhewede to þem þe weie of equyte. Þe mercy doyng of man aboute his neȝhebore; þe merci forſoþe of þe Lord vp on alle fleſh. He þat haþ mercy, and lerneþ, and techeþ as a ſhepperde his floc, haue he mercy, takende out doctrine of mercy doyng; and þat hieȝen in þe domes of hym. Sone, in goode þingus ȝyue þou not pleynt, and in alle ȝifte ȝyue þou not ſorewi ſlouþe, or heuyneſſe, of an euel wrd. Wheþer not brennende hete þe dew ſhal aȝeen keelen? ſo and a wrd betere þan a ȝifte. Lo! wheþer not a wrd ouer a good ȝifte? but eiþer wiþ a iuſtefied man. Þe fool ſharpli ſhal ȝyue repref; and þe ȝifte of þe vndiſciplyned makeþ eȝen to waxe failende. Bifor dom greiþe riȝtwiſneſſes to þee; and er þat þou ſpeke, lerne. Bifor ſicneſſe tac medicyne; and bifor dom aſke þou þiſelf, and in þe ſiȝte of God þou ſhalt finde mercy. Bifor ſikneſſe meeke þee, and in tyme of infirmyte ſhew þou þi conuerſacioun, or lyuyng. Be þou not lettid to preȝen euermor, and drede þou not vnto þe dead to be iuſtefied; for þe meede of God dwelliþ in to wiþoute ende. Biforn oriſoun greiþe þou þi ſoule; and wile þou not be as a man þat tempteþ God. Haue mynde of wraþe in þe day of endyng; and tyme of ȝelding in conuerſacioun þou ſhalt make. Haue mynde of pouert in tyme of plente; and þe nede of pouert in þe dai of richeſſes. Fro erli vnto euen þe tyme ſhal ben chaungid; and alle þeſe þingus haſtid in þe eȝen of God. A wys man in alle þingis dredeþ; and in þe daȝes of giltes ſhal taken heed fro ſlouþe. Eche witti knowiþ wiſdam; and to hym þat fyndeþ it, it ſhal ȝyue knoulechyng. Þe wel felende in wrdus and þei wiſly diden, and vnderſtoden treuþe, and riȝtwiſneſſe; and biſoȝten prouerbes and domes. After þi luſtis go þou not; and fro þi wil turne þee awei. If þou ȝyue to þi ſoule his luſtis, it ſhal make þee in to ioȝe to þin enemys. Ne delite þou in cumpanyes, ne in ſmale þyngus; ſoþeli þe treſpaſing of hem is contynuel. Ne be þou mene in ſtrif for monee, and þer is not to þee no þing in þe world; forſoþe þou ſhalt be enuyous to þy ſoule.

Capitulum XIX.

The drunkelew wercman ſhal not be mad riche; and who diſpiſiþ lytle þingis, litil mele doun falleþ. Wyn and wymmen maken alſo wiſe men to go bacward; and ſhuln vndernyme weel felende men. And who hymſelf ioyneþ to lecchoures, ſhal be wicked; rotenneſſe and wormes ſhuln eritagen hym, and his ſoule ſhal be taken awei fro þe noumbre. Who leeueþ ſoone, is liȝt in herte, and ſhal be leſſid; and who treſpaſeþ in to his ſoule, ferþermor ſhal ben had. Who ioȝeþ in wickidneſſe, ſhal ben vndernomen; and who hateþ correccioun, ſhal be laſſid in lif; and who hateþ myche ſpeche, quenchiþ malice. And who ſynneþ in to his ſoule, ſhal not do penaunce; and who is merie in malice, ſhal be repreued. Reherce þou not an hard wrd, and a ſhreude; and þou ſhalt not be laſſid. To frend and enemy wile þou not telle þi wit; and if þer is to þee gilte, wile þou not nakenen. Forſoþe he ſhal heren þee, and kepe þee, and as defendende ſynne he ſhal hate þee; and ſo he ſhal be neeȝh to þee. Euermor haſt þou herd a wrd aȝen þi neȝhebore; abide it ſtille in þee, troſtende for it ſhal not to-breke þee. Fro þe face of þe wrd berþ out þe fool, as þe weiling of þe birþe of a child. An arewe ficchid in to þe hipe of an hound, ſo a wrd in þe herte of a fool. Chaſtiſe a frend, leſt par auenture he vnderſtond not, and ſeye, I dide not; or if he haue do, leſt eftſoone he adde to do. Chaſtiſe a neȝhebore, leſt par auenture he ſhal not ſeyn; and if he ſeide, leſt par auenture he reherſe. Chaſtiſe a frend, ofte forſoþe is don treſpas; and not to eche wrd leeue þou. Þer is þat ſlideþ in his tunge, but not of inwit. Who is forſoþe, þat gilteþ not in his tunge? Chaſtiſe a neȝhebore, er þat þou þrete; and ȝif place to þe drede of þe heiȝeſt. For eche wiſdam þe drede of God, and in it to dreden God; and in alle wiſdam þe diſpoſing of þe lawe. And wiſdam is not þe diſciplyne of ſhreudeneſſe; and good þenking is not þe prudence of ſynnes. Þer is ſhreudeneſſe of prudence, and in it curſing; and þer is an vnwis man, þat is laſſid in wiſdam. Betere is a man þat is laſſid in wiſdam, and failende wit in þe drede of God, þan þat aboundiþ in wit, and ouerpaſſiþ þe lawe of þe heiȝeſt. Þer is certeyn ſleeyneſſe, and it is wicke. And þer is, þat ſendeþ out a certeyn wrd, tellende out þe treuþe. Þer is, þat ſhreudely mekeþ hymſelf; and þe entrailes of hym ben ful of treccherie. And þer is a riȝtwis, þat myche vnderputtiþ hymſelf of myche mekneſſe; and þer is a riȝtwis, þat bowiþ in þe face, and feyneþ hym not to ſeen þat is vnknowen. And if of infirmyte of ſtrengþis he is forbeden to ſynnen; if he ſhal fynde tyme of euel doyng, he ſhal euele do. Of þe ſiȝte is knowen a man; and of þe aȝeen comyng of þe face is knowen þe weel felende. Þe cloþing of þe body, and þe laȝhing of teþ, and þe goyng in of a man, tellen out of hym. Þer is liyng correccioun in wraþe of þe wrongful; and þer is dom þat is not preued to ben good; and þer is a beere ſtille, and he is prudent.

Capitulum XX.

Hou good is to vndernymyn, þan to wraþen, and to not forbeden þe knoulechere in oriſoun. Þe luſt of þe gelding deflourede þe ȝunge womman, or birefte hir meydenhed, ſo he þat doþ bi fors wicke dom. Hou good is, þe chaſtiſid to ſchewe penaunce; ſo forſoþe þou ſhalt fleen awei wilful ſynne. Þer is a ſtille man, þat is found wis; and þer is an hateful, þat is gredy to ſpeken. Þer is forſoþe a ſtille man, not hauende wit of ſpeche; and þer is a ſtille man, witende tyme of couenable tyme. A wys man ſhal be ſtille vnto tyme; þe reccheles forſoþe and þe vnprudent ſhul not kepe time. Who vſeþ manye wrdis, hurteþ his ſoule; and who takeþ to hym power wrongfulli, ſhal ben hatid. Þer is goyng forþ in euelis to a man vndiſciplyned; and þer is finding in to harm. Þer is ȝouen þing, þat is not profitable; and þer is ȝoue þing, whos ȝelding is double. Þer is laſſing for glorie; and þer is, þat fro mecneſſe ſhal rere þe hed. Þere is, þat manye þingis aȝeen bie for litil pris, and reſtorende þem in to ſeuen fold. A wys man in wrdis makeþ hym ſelf loouable; þe graces forſoþe of foolis ſhul ben held out. Þe ȝifte of þe vnwiſe ſhall not be profitable to þee; þe eȝen forſoþe of hym ben ſeuennfold. Fewe þingus he ſhal ȝyue, and many þingus he ſhal vpbreiden; and þe openyng of þe mouþ of hym is enflaumyng. To day leeneþ a man, and to moru he aſkeþ it bi ple; and hateful is ſuch a maner man. To a fool ſhal not ben a frend, and þer ſhal not be grace to þe goodis of hym. Who forſoþe eten þe bred of hym, ben of fals tunge; hou ofte ſiþes and hou fele ſhul þei ſcorne hym? Ne forſoþe þat were to ben had, wiþ euene riȝt wit he delede; lic maner and þat, þat were not to ben had. Þe ſlidyng of þe falſe tunge as he þat is falling in þe pament; ſo þe fallingus of euele men haſtili ſhal come. An vnkinde man as a veyn fable; and it ſhal be ofte in þe mouþ of þe vndiſciplyned. Of þe mouþ of þe fool ſhal ben repreued a parable; forſoþe he ſeiþ it not in his tyme. Þer is, þat is forbedun for myſeiſete to ſynnen; and in his reſte ſhal be prickid. And þer is, þat ſhal leeſe hys ſoule for confuſioun; and of vnprudence of perſone he ſhal leeſen it. Forſoþe bi excepcioun of perſone he ſhal leeſe hymſelf. Þer is, þat for confuſioun bihotiþ to a frend; and haþ woonnen hym an enemy wilfully. Wicke repref in a man a leſyng; and in þe mouþ of þe vndiſciplyned it ſhal be beſily. Betere is a þef þan þe beſyneſſe of a man liere; forſoþe boþe ſhuln eritagen perdicioun. Maneres of men lieres wiþoute wrſhipe; and þe confuſioun of hem wiþ þem wiþoute ceſing. A wys man in wrdis ſhal bringe forþ hymſelf; and a prudent man ſhal pleſen to grete men. Who wercheþ his lond, ſhal myche heȝen þe hep of frutes; and who wercheþ riȝtwiſneſſe, he ſhal myche ben enhauncid. Who forſoþe pleſeþ to grete men, ſhal fleen awei, or aſcape, wickidneſſe. Preſentes and ȝiftes ful out blenden þe eȝen of domyſmen; and as a doumb in þe mouþ he turneþ awei þe chaſtiſingus of hem. Hid wiſdam, and treſor vnſeen, what profit in eiþir? Betere is, þat hiliþ his vnwiſdam, þan a man þat hidiþ his wiſdam.

Capitulum XXI.

Sone, haſt þou ſynned? ne adde þou to eftſoone; but of þi raþere louly preye, þat to þee þei be forȝyuen. As fro þe face of a ſhadewe eddere flee ſynnes; and if þou ſchalt neȝhe to þem, þei ſhul take þee. Þe teeþ of a leoun þe teþ of it, ſleende þe ſoules of men. As a ſwerd two bitende eche wickidneſſe; of þe wounde of it is no helþe. Aȝeen chiding and wrongis to noȝt ſhul bringe ſubſtaunce; and þe hous þat ful myche is riche, ſhal be broȝt to noȝt bi pride; ſo þe ſubſtaunce of þe proude ſhal be taken vp bi þe roote. Þe lowe preȝyng of þe pore fro þe mouþ vnto þe ere ſhal come; and dom haſtili ſhal com to hym. Who hateþ chaſtiſing, þe ſtep is of a ſynnere; and who dredeþ God, ſhal ben conuertid to his herte. Knowen fro aferr is þe myȝty in fool hardy tunge; and þe weel felende woot hym to ſlyde fro hym. Who bildiþ his hous wiþ oþer mennes coſtes, as þat gedereþ his ſtonus in wynter. A flax top gedered togidere þe ſynagoge of ſynneres; and þe ful ending of þem flawme of fyr. Þe weie of ſynneres togidere plauntid wiþ ſtones; and in to þe ende of þem helle, and peynes, and derkneſſes. Who ſhal kepe riȝtwiſneſſe, ſhal wiþholde þe wyt of hym. Ful ending of þe drede of God wiſdam and wit. He ſhal not be lerned, þat is not wis in goode. Þer is forſoþe vnwiſdam, þat abundeþ in euel; and þere is not wit, where is bitterneſſe. Þe kunnyng of þe wiſe man as flowing ſhal abunde; and þe counſeil of hym as a welle of lif abit ſtille. Þe herte of þe fool as a veſſel to-broken; and alle wiſdam ſhal not holden. A wis wrd what euer he ſhal heren, þe kunnyng ſhal preiſen, and echen. Þe leccherous herde, and it ſhal diſpleſen hym; and he ſhal þrowe it bihinde his bac. Þe telling of a fool as berþen in þe weie; for in þe lippes of þe wel felende ſhal be founde grace. Þe mouþ of þe prudent is ſoȝte in þe chirche; and þe wrdis of hym þei ſhul þenke in þer hertes. As an hous ſet out of termes, ſo a wiſdam to a fool; and þe kunnyng of þe mys felende vntellable wrdis. Gyues in feet doctrine to a fool; and as bondis of hondis vpon þe riȝt hond. Þe fool in laȝhing enhaunceþ his vois; forſoþe a wis man vnneþe ſtilleli ſhal laȝhen. A goldene ournement doctrine to þe prudent; and as an armcercle in þe riȝt arm. Þe foot of þe fool liȝt in to þe hous of þe neȝhebore; and a wis man ſhal be confoundid of þe perſone of þe myȝty. Þe fool fro þe wyndowe biholdiþ in to þe hous; þe lered man forſoþe wiþoute ſhal ſtonde. Þe folie of a man to herknen þurȝ þe dores; and þe prudent ſhal be greued wiþ ſtrif. Þe lippes of vnprudent men folies ſhul tellen; þe wrdis forſoþe of prudent men in a balaunce ſhul ben peiſid. In þe mouþ of foolis þe herte of hem; and in þe herte of wiſe men þe mouþ of hem. Whan þe vnpitouſe curſeþ þe deuel, he curſeþ his owne ſoule. Þe rownende grucchere ſhal defoule his ſoule, and in alle þingus he ſhal ben hatyd, and þat abideþ, ſhal ben hatid; þe ſtille and þe wel felende ſhal ben wrſhipid.

Capitulum XXII.

In a cleȝy ſton ſhal ben ſtoned þe ſlowe; and alle ſhuln ſpeke of þe grete diſpiſing of hym. Of þe drit of oxen ſtoned is þe ſlowe; and eche þat toucheþ hym, ſhal ſhaken out hondes. Þe confuſioun of þe fader is of þe vndiſciplyned ſone; forſoþe a fool doȝtir in gret mynuſhing ſhal be. A prudent doȝtir eritage to hir huſbonde; for ſhe þat confoundiþ, in repref is mad of þe getere. Þe fader and man ſhe fool hardi confoundeþ, and of þe vnpitous man ſhe ſhal not be laſſid; of eiþer forſoþe ſhe ſhal be vnwrſhipid. Melodie in weiling vnkouenable telling; ſcourges and doctrine in alle tyme wiſdam. Who techeþ a fool, as þat glueþ togidere a ſherd. He þat telleþ a wrd to þe not herende, as þat rereþ a ſlepende man fro an heuy ſlep. Wiþ þe ſlepende he ſpekeþ, þat telleþ to þe fool wiſdam; and in þe ende of þe telling he ſhal ſey, Who is þis? Ouer þe deade weepe þou, forſoþe þe liȝt of hym failede; and ouer þe fool weepe þou, forſoþe he failede wit. A litil weep vp on þe deade, for he reſtede. Forſoþe of þe moſt wicke moſt wicke lif, on þe deþ of a fool. Þe weiling of þe deade ſeuene daȝes; of þe fooll forſoþe and of þe vnpitous alle þe daȝes of þe lif of hem. Wiþ a fool ne ſpeke þou myche, and wiþ a mys felende go þou not awey. Kep þee fro hym, þat þou haue not greef; and þou ſhalt not ben defoulid in þe ſynne of hym. Boowe awei fro hym, and þou ſhalt finde reſte; and þou ſhalt not be maad ſorewi ſloȝ in þe folie of hym. Ouer leed what ſhal ben heuy? and what oþir name to hym þan a fool? Liȝtere is to bern grauel, and ſalt, and a gobet of iren, þan an inprudent man, and a fool, and vnpitous. As ioynyng of tres, bounde togidere to þe foundement of þe bilding, ſhal not ben vnlooſid, ſo and þe herte faſtned togidere in þe þenking of counſeil. Þe þenking of þe wel felende in alle tyme, or drede, ſhal not be beſhrewid. As chaf in heȝe þingus, and morter wiþoute due coſt, ſett aȝen þe face of þe wynd, ſhul not abide; ſo and þe dredeful herte in þe þenking of a fool aȝen þe bure of drede aȝen ſtont not. As grauely enournyng in a briȝt wal, ſo and þe tremblende herte in þe þenking of a fool, alle time he ſhal not dreden; ſo and þat in þe heſtis of God abit ſtille euermor. Þe prickende þe eȝe leteþ out teres; and þat prickeþ þe herte, bringeþ forþ wit. Þrowende a ſton in to foules, ſchal þrowe hem doun; ſo and þat putteþ reprof to a frend, looſeþ frenſhipe. To þe frend and if þou bringe forþ a ſwerd, þou ſhalt not diſpeiren; þer is forſoþe aȝeengoyng to a frend. If he ſhul opene a drery mouþ, ne drede þou; þer is forſoþe acording, out take putting to of vice, and diſpit, and pride, and openyng of priuyte, and treccherous veniaunce; in alle þeſe þingus ſhal flee awei a frend. Feiþ welde þou wiþ a frend in þe poreneſſe of hym, þat and in þe goodis of hym þou glade. In tyme of tribulacioun of hym abid ſtille to hym feiþful, þat and in þe eritage of hym þou be togidere eir. Biforn fir of þe chymnee, moiſte iſſue, and þe ſmoke of fyr, is enhauncid; ſo and befor blod curſis, and wrongis, and þretes. A frend to ſaluten I ſhal not be confoundid, and fro þe face of hym I ſhal not hiden me; and if eueles ſchulen comen to me bi hym, I ſhal ſuffre. Eche þat ſhal heren, ſhal ſhonen hymſelf fro hym. Who ſhal ȝyue to my mouþ warde, and vpon my lippis a certeyn marke, þat I falle not fro þem, and my tunge leeſe me?

Capitulum XXIII.

Lord, fader, and lordſhipere of my lif, ne forſake þou me in þe þenking and þe counſeil of þem; and ſuffre þou me not to fallen in þat reprouyng. Who puttiþ vp on in my þenking ſcourgis, and in myn herte doctrine of wiſdam, þat to þe vnknowyngus of þem he ſpare not to me, and apere not þe giltis of þem? Leſt waxen to myne vnkunnyngneſſes, and ben multeplied my giltis, and my ſynnes abunden; and I falle in þe ſiȝte off myn aduerſaries, and myn enemy ioȝe. Lord, fader, and God of my lif, ne forſake þou me in þe þenking of hem. Þe enhauncyng of myn eȝen ne ȝyue þou to me; and al deſyr turne awei fro me. Do awei fro me luſtis of þe wombe, and þe liggyngus of luſt ne take þei me; and to vnreuerent inwit and vndiſcreet ne take þou me. Þe doctrine of þe mouþ here ȝee, ſonis; and þat ſhal kepen it, ſhal not perſhen in his lippis, ne ſhal be ſclaundrid in þe werſte werkes. In his vanyte is caȝt þe ſynnere and þe proude man; and þe curſid ſhal be ſclaundred in hem. To ſwering vſe not þi mouþ; manye forſoþe fallingus in it. Þe nemnyng forſoþe of God be not contynuel in þi mouþ, and to þe names of ſeyntus be þou not mengd; for þou ſhalt not ben harmles of hem. As forſoþe a ſeruaunt aſkid biſily, fro wanneſſe, or enuye, is not mynuſht; ſo eche ſwerere and nemnyng, in al fro ſynne ſhal not be purgid. A man myche ſwerende ſhal be fulfild wiþ wickidneſſe; and þer ſhal not gon awei fro þe hous of hym veniaunce. And if he ſhul bigile þe broþer, þe gilte of hym vpon hym ſhal be; and if he ſhul feyne, he ſhal treſpaſen double. And if in veyn he ſhul ſwern, he ſhal not be iuſtefied; forſoþe wiþ werſt ȝelding ſhal be fulfild þe hous of hym. Þer is and an oþer ſpeche aȝeenward in to deþ; be it not founde in þe eritage of Jacob. Forſoþe of mercyful men alle þeſe þingus ſhul be don awey; and in giltis þei ſhul not often turne. To þe vndiſciplynous ſpeche vſe not þi mouþ; forſoþe þer is in it þe wrd of ſynne. Haue mynde of fader and þi moder; in þe myddel forſoþe of grete men þou ſtondiſt. Leſt parauenture God forȝete þee in þe ſiȝte of hem; and þurȝ þi biſyneſſe gretli maad foul, repref þou ſuffre, and haddeſt leuere not to be born, and þe dai of þi birþe þou curſe. A man vſid in wrdys of repref, in alle his daȝes ſhal not be lered. Two kindis abundyn in ſynnes, and þe þridde bringeþ to wraþe and perdicioun. A fel ſoule as fyr brennende ſhal not be quenchid, to þe tyme ſum what he ſwolewe; and a ſhreude man in þe mouþe of his fleſh ſhal not leuen, to þe time he teende fyr. To a leccherous man eche bred ſweete; he ſhal not be weri, treſpaſende vnto þe ende. Eche man þat ouergoþ his bed, diſpiſende in to his ſoule, and ſeiende, Who ſeeþ me? Dercneſſes cumpaſſen me, and þe walles coueren me aboute, and no man aboute biholdeþ me. Whom drede I? Of my giltis þe heiȝeſt ſhal not han mynde. And he vndirſtont not, for alle þingus þe eȝe of hym ſeeþ, for he putte awei fro hym þe drede of God; of ſuch a maner man is drede, and þe eȝen of men dredende hym. And he kneȝ not, for þe eȝen of þe Lord ben myche more liȝtere ouer þe ſunne, biholdende aboute alle þe weies of men, and þe depþe of þe ſe, and þe hertes of men biholdende in to þe hidde partis. To þe Lord God forſoþe, er þei weren foormed, alle þingis ben knowen; ſo and aftir þe parformed he biholdiþ alle þingus. Þis in þe ſtretes of þe cite ſhal be vengid; as an horſe colt he ſhal be dryue, and wher he hopeþ not, he ſhal be caȝt. And he ſhal ben vileny to alle; forþi þat he vnderſtod not þe drede of þe Lord. So and eche womman forſakende hir man, ſhal ſynnen, and ſettende eritage of an aliene matrimoyne. Firſt in þe lawe of þe heȝeſt ſhe was vnleeueful, and þe ſecunde hir man ſhe forſok; þe þridde in auoutrie ſhe dide leccherie, and of an oþir man ſonus ſhe ſette to hirſelf. Þis in to þe chirche ſhal be broȝt, and in to þe ſonus of hir ſhall ben lookid. Þe ſonus of hir ſhul not taken rootis, and þe braunches of hir ſhul not ȝyuen fruyt. Þei ſhul leuen in to curs þe mynde of hir, and þe vilenye of hir ſhal not be don awei. And þei ſhul knowe, for þei ben forſaken; for no þing betere þan þe dred of God, and no þing ſwetere þan to biholden in þe maundemens of þe Lord. Gret glorie is to folewe þe Lord; lengþe forſoþe of daȝes ſhal ben taken to of hym.

Capitulum XXIIII.

Wiſdam ſhal preiſen his ſoule, and in þe Lord he ſhal ben wrſhepid; and in þe myddel of his puple he ſhal glorien. And in þe chirches of þe heȝeſt he ſhal opene his mouþ; and in þe ſiȝte of þe vertue of hym he ſhal glorien. And in þe myddel of his puple he ſhal ben enhauncid; and in hoeli plente he ſhal myche wndren. And in þe multitude of choſen men he ſhal han preiſing; and among bliſſid men he ſhal ben bleſſid, ſeiende, I of þe mouþ of þe heȝeſt cam forþ, firſt goten biforn eche creature. I made in heuenus, þat vnfailende liȝt ſhulde ſpringe, and as a litil cloude I coueryd eche fleſh. I in þe heȝeſt þingus dwellede, and my trone in a piler of a cloude. Þe cercle of heuene I cumpaſſide alone, and þe depþe of þe ſe I þirlede; and in þe flodis of þe ſe I wente, and in al erþe I ſtod. And in alle puple, and in alle folc of kinde þe firſþed I hadde; and of alle heȝe and lowe þe hertes bi vertue I trad; and in alle þeſe þingus reſte I ſoȝte, and in þe eritage of hym I ſhal wone. Þanne comaundide, and ſeide to me, þe foormere of alle þingus; and he þat foormede me, reſtede in my tabernacle; and ſeide to me, In Jacob dwelle þou, and in Irael eritage þou, and in my choſene put rootes. Fro þe bigynnyng and bifor worldis I am foormed, and vnto þe world to come I ſhal not ceſen to ben; and in hoeli wonyng beforn hym I ſeruede. And ſo in Sion I am faſtned, and in an halewid cite lic maner I reſtede, and in Jeruſalem my power. And I rootede in a puple wrſhipid; and in to þe parties of my God þe eritage of hym, and in plente of halewes my wiþholding. As a cedre I am enhauncid in Liban, and as a cipreſſe in þe hil of Sion. And as a palm I am enhauncid in Cades, and as þe plaunting of a roſe in Jericho. As a fair olyue in feeldis; and as a platan I am enhauncid biſide þe water in ſtretes. As canel and balſam ſmellende, I ȝaf ſmel; and as choſe myrre I ȝaf ſwotneſſe of ſmel. And as torax, and galban, and vngula, and gutta, and as Liban not kut, I ſmekede my dwelling; and as balſame not mengd is my ſmel. I as terebynt ſtreiȝte out my braunchis; and my braunchis of wrſhipe, and of grace. I as a vyne frutede ſwotneſſe of ſmel; and my floures frutes of honour, and of honeſte. I modir of fair loouyng, and of drede, and of knowing, and of hoeli hope. In me alle grace of weie, and of treuþe; in me alle hope of lif and of vertue. Paſſeþ to me, alle þat coueiten me; and of my ieneraciouns be ȝee fulfild. My ſpirit forſoþe ouer hony ſweete; and myn eritage ouer hony, and hony comb. My mynde in þe ieneracioun of worldis. Þei þat eten me, ȝit ſhul hungrin; and þat drinken me, ȝit ſhuln þriſten. Who hereþ me, ſhal not be confoundid; and who werchen in me, ſhul not ſynnen; and who declaren me, euere laſtende lif ſhuln han. Alle þeſe þingus þe boc of lif, and þe teſtament of þe heȝeſt, and þe knouleching of treuþe. Moiſes comaundide þe lawe in þe heſtus of riȝtwiſneſſes, and þe eritage to þe hous of Jacob, and þe beheſtus to Irael. He ſette to Dauid, his child, to reren vp a king of hym moſt ſtrong, and in þe trone of wrſhipe ſittende in to euer mor. Þe which fulfilliþ, as Fiſon, wiſdam; and as Tigris in þe daȝes of newes. Þat fulfilleþ, as Eufrates, wit; þat multeplieþ, as Jordan in þe tyme of rip. Þat ſendeþ diſciplyne as liȝt; and ſtondynge to, as Jyon in þe dai of vyndage. Þat parformeþ firſt to knowen it; and þe feblere ſhal not enſerchen it. Fro þe ſe forſoþe ſhal abunde þe þenking of hym; and þe counſeil of hym in þe grete depneſſe. I wiſdam heelde out floodis; I as an ouerþwert weie of watir wiþ oute meſure fro þe flood. I as þe flood Dorex, and as watir kundute wente out fro paradis. I ſeide, I ſhal watrin þe gardyn of my plauntingus; and I ſhal make drunke þe frut of my birþe. And lo! he is mad to me a plenteuous paþ; and my flood neȝhede to þe ſe. For doctrine as morutid liȝt I liȝte to alle; and I ſhal tellen out it vnto aferr. I ſhal perſen alle þe neþere partis of þe erþe, and I ſhal biholde alle ſlepende; and I ſhal liȝtnen alle hopende in þe Lord. Ȝit doctrine as profecie I ſhal heelden out, and I ſhal leuen it to men ſechende wiſdam; and I ſhal not ceſen in to þe progenyes of þem, vnto þe hoeli ſpirituel world. Seeþ, for not to me alone I trauailede, but to alle ſechende out þe treuþe.

Capitulum XXV.

In þre þingus pleſid is to my ſpirit, þat ben proued bifor God and man; þe acord of breþern, and þe looue of neȝhebores, and man and womman wel to þemſelf conſentende. Þre ſpices hatede my ſoule, and I am greued gretli to þe ſoule of þem; a pore man proud, and a riche man a liere, and an old man a fool and dotid. What þingis in þi ȝouþe þou haſt not gedered, hou ſhalt þou finde in þin eelde? How fair þe dom in hoorneſſe, and to preſtis to knowe kounſeil. How fair to olde men wiſdam, and glorious vnderſtonding, and counſeil. Þe coroun of olde men myche wiſdam; and þe glorie of þem dred of God. Nyne vnouertrowable þingus of þe herte I magnefiede; and þe tenþe I ſhal telle in tunge to men. A man þat is ioȝid in ſones lyuende, and ſeende þe turnyng vpſodoun of his enemys. Blisful þat dwelliþ wiþ a womman weel felende, and þat in his tunge is not ſlyden, and þat ſeruede not to þe vnwrþi hymſelf. Blisful þat findiþ a verre frend, and þat telleþ out riȝtwiſneſſe to þe herende ere. Hou gret þat findiþ wiſdam and kunnyng; but not ouer þe dredende God. Þe drede of God ouer alle þingus hymſelf ſett aboue. Blisful þe man to whom it is ȝoue to han þe drede of God; who holdiþ it, to whom ſhal he be licned? Þe dred of God þe bigynnyng of his looue; þe bygynnyng forſoþe of feiþ is to be ioyned to hym. Alle veniaunce is þe drery ſlowþe of herte; and eche malice þe wickidneſſe of a womman. And eche wounde, and not wounde ſhe ſhal ſeen of herte; and al ſhreudeneſſe, and not ſhreudeneſſe of a womman; and al hid þing, and not hid þing of hatende men; and al veniaunce, and not veniaunce of enemys. Þere is not an hed wickidere ouer þe hed of a ſhadewe eddere; and þere is not wraþe ouer þe wraþe of a womman. To dwelle wiþ a leoun and a dragoun more ſhal pleſen, þan to wone wiþ a ſhreude womman. Þe ſhreudeneſſes of a womman chaungeþ hir face; and ſhe aȝeen blendide hir cheere as a bere, and as a ſac ſhe ſhal ſhewen in þe myddel of neȝhebores. Þe houſebond of hir gretli weilede; and herende, ſiȝhede a litil. Short alle malice ouer þe malice of a womman; þe lot of ſynnes falle vpon hir. As a graueli ſteeȝing vp in þe feet of an old man, ſo a tungy womman to a quyete man. Ne beholde þou þe fairneſſe of a womman, and coueite þou not a womman in fairneſſe. Þe wraþe of a womman and þe myſreuerence, gret ſhenſhipe. A womman if ſhe haue maiſtrie, ſhe is contrarie to hir houſebond. A loeȝ herte, and a dreri face, and a wounde of deþ, a ſhreude womman. Feble hondis and vnlooſid knees, a womman þat makeþ not blisful hir houſebond. Of a womman is mad þe bigynnyng of ſynne; and bi hir alle wee die. Ȝyue þou not to þi watir iſſue, ne a litil; ne to a ſhreude womman forȝyueneſſe, or leeue, or fredam, of goyng out. If ſhe ſchal not go to þin hond, ſhe ſhal confounde þee in þe ſiȝte of enemys. Fro þi fleſh kut hir awei, leſt euermore ſche myſuſe þee.

Capitulum XXVI.

Bliſſid is þe man of a good womman; þe noumbre forſoþe of þe ȝeres of hym double. A ſtrong womman delytiþ hir man; and þe ȝeres of þe liyf of hym ſhe ſhal fulfille in pes. A good part a good womman; in good part of men dredende God, ſhe ſhal be ȝoue to a man for goode deedis. Of riche forſoþe and pore þe goode herte; in alle tyme þe chere of þem gladſum. Of þre þingus dradde myn herte, and in þe ferþe my face was aferd. Þe dyuyſeoun of þe cite, and þe gederyng togidere of þe puple, and leſing chaleng; vp on deþ alle þingus heuye. Sorewe of herte, and weiling, a ielous womman. In a ielous womman ſcourge of tunge, to alle comunende. As a ȝok of oxen þat is moued, ſo and a ſhreude womman; who holdiþ hir, as he caȝte a ſcorpioun. A drunkelew womman gret wraþe and ſtrif; and þe filþeed of hir ſhal not be couered. Þe fornycacioun of a womman in þe hauncing out of eȝen; and in þe eȝelidis of hir ſhe ſhal be knowen. In a doȝtir not turnende awey hirſelf faſtne warde; leſt, ocaſioun founde, ſhe myſuſe hirſelf. Fro alle irreuerence of þe eȝen of hir waar; and ne wndre þou, if ſhe diſpiſe þee. As a weie goere at a welle þreſtende þe mouþ ſhal opene, and of alle next water ſhal drinke; and aȝen eche pale ſhal ſitte, and aȝen alle arewe ſhal opene quyuere, to þe tyme þat ſhe faile. Þe grace of a biſi womman ſhal deliten hir man; and þe boenes of hym ſhe ſhal fatten. Þe diſcipline of hir is þe ȝifte of God. A wel felende womman and a ſtille is not þe chaunging of þe taȝt ſoule. Grace vpon grace an hoeli womman, and a ſhamefaſt. Eche forſoþe peiſing is not wrþi a contenent ſoule. As þe ſunne riſende in þe world in þe heȝeſt þingus of God, ſo þe fairneſſe of a good womman in to þe enournyng of hir hous. A ſhynende lanterne vpon an hoeli candilſticke, and þe fairneſſe of þe face vpon þe ſtable age. Goldene pileris vpon ſilueren feet, and faſt feet upon þe plauntes, or ſoulis, of a ſtable womman. Euere laſtende foundemens vp on a ſad ſton, and þe maundemens of God in þe herte of an hoeli womman. In two þingus myn herte is maad ſorewful, and in þe þridde wraþing to me cam. A man fiȝtere failende bi myſeiſe, and a man wel felende diſpiſid. And þat ouergoþ fro riȝtwiſneſſe to ſynne, God greiþede hym to a two bitende ſwerd. Two ſpices harde and perilous to me ſemeden; hard is delyuered þe chaffarere fro his necgligence, and þe tauerner ſhal not be iuſtified fro ſynnes of lippis.

Capitulum XXVII.

For myſeiſte manye treſpaſeden; and he þat ſecheþ to be maad riche, turneþ awei his eȝe. As in þe myddel of a ioynyng of ſtones a paele, or a ſtake, ficchid is, ſo bitwen þe myddel of biyng and ſilling he ſhall ben anguyſht wiþ ſynnes. He ſhal ben to-treden wiþ giltende gilte. If not in þe drede of þe Lord þou ſhul holde þee biſili, anoon ſhal ben turned vpſodoun þin hous. As in þe ſmyting of a cyue ſhal abide ſtille pouder, ſo þe poreneſſe of a man in þe þenking of hym. Þe veſſelis of þe krockere preueþ þe furneis; and riȝtwis men temptacioun of tribulacioun. As þe erþe werching of a tree ſhewiþ þe frute of hym, ſo a wrd of þenking þe herte of a man. Biforn a wrd ne preiſe þou a man; þat forſoþe tempting is of men. If þou folewe riȝtwiſneſſe, þou ſhalt taken it; and þou ſhalt cloþen it as an aube of wrſhipe, and þou ſhalt dwelle wiþ it, and it ſhal defende þee in to euer mor, and in þe dai of knouleching þou ſhalt finde faſtnyng. Foules to þe lic to þem comen togidere; and treuþe to þem þat werchen it ſhal turne aȝeen. A leoun to hunting waitiþ euermor; ſo ſynnes to men werchende wickidneſſe. An hoeli man in wiſdam woneþ, as þe ſunne; for þe fool as þe moone is chaungid. In þe myddel of mys felende men kep a wrd to tyme; in þe myddel forſoþe of men þenkende þe lawe of God be þou beſi. Þe telling of ſynneres hateſum; and þe laȝhing of þem in þe giltis of ſynne. Þe myche ſwering ſpeche ſhal ſette ſtonding of heer, for fer, to þe hed; and þe irreuerence of it is ſtopping of eres. Sheding out of blod in iangling of proude men; and þe curſing of þem greuous heering. Who nakeneþ priuytes, leeſeþ þe feiþ of a frend; and he findeþ not a frend to his inwit. Looue a neȝhebore, and be þou ioyned in feiþ wiþ hym. Þat if þou ſhul nakene þe hidde þingus of hym, þou ſchalt not purſue aftir hym. As a man forſoþe þat leeſeþ his frend, ſo þat leeſeþ þe frenſhipe of his neȝhebore. And as he þat leteþ a brid out of his hond, ſo þou þat haſt forſake þi neȝhebore, and þou ſhalt not taken hym. Þou ſhalt not folewe hym, for ferr he is awei; forſoþe he fleyȝ out as a capret fro þe grene, for woundid is þe ſoule of hym. Þou ſhalt not moun mor ouer hym binde togidere; but of þe curſid is acording togidere. To nakenen forſoþe þe priuytes of a frend, is þe diſpeiring of þe vnfeiþful ſoule. Þe twynclere wiþ þe eȝe forgeþ wicke þingus; and no man hym ſhal caſten awei. In þe ſiȝte of þin eȝen he ſhal defoule þi mouþ, and vp on þi wrdus he ſhal wndre; at þe laſte he ſhal peruerte his mouþ, and in þi wrdis he ſhal ȝyue ſclaundre. Manye þingus I haue herd, and I haue not euened to hym; and þe Lord ſhal hate hym. Who in to heiȝ ſendeþ a ſton, vp his hed it ſhal falle; and þe wounde of þe treccherous ſhal deuyde woundis. And þat delueþ a dich, ſhal falle in to it; and þat ſetteþ a ſton to a neȝhebore, ſhal ſtumble in it; and þat ſetteþ a grene to anoþer, ſhal perſhe in it. To þe doynge moſt wicke counſeil, vpon hym it ſhal be turned aȝeen; and he ſhal not knowe whennes it ſhal come to hym. Illuſioun, or ſcorne, and repref of proude men and veniaunce as a leoun ſchal aſpie to hym. In a grene þei ſhul perſhen, þat deliten þe falling of riȝtwis men; ſorewe forſoþe ſhal waſte þem, er þei dien. Wraþe and wodneſſe, eiþer ben wariable; and þe man ſynnere, wiþholdere ſhal be of þem.

Capitulum XXVIII.

Who wile taken veniaunce, of þe Lord ſhal finde veniaunce; and þe ſynnes of hym kepende he ſhal kepe. Forȝif to þi neȝhebore noȝende to þee, and þanne to þee lowli preȝende ſynnes ſhul ben forȝoue. A man to a man kepiþ wraþe; and of God he ſechiþ leching. In to a man lic to hymſelf he haþ not mercy; and of his ſynnes he ſhal preȝen. He whil he is fleſh, reſerueþ ire, and mercy aſkeþ of God; who ſhal preȝe for þe giltis of hym? Haue mynde of þi laſte þingus, and lef to ben enemy. Roteneſe forſoþe and deþ ſtonden on in þe heſtes of hym. Remembre þe drede of þe Lord, and þou ſhalt not wraþe to þe neȝhebore. Remembre þe teſtament of þe heȝeſt, and diſpiſe þe ignoraunce of þi neȝhebore. Abſtene þee fro ſtrif, and þou ſhalt laſſen ſynnes. A man forſoþe wraþeful teendiþ ſtrif; and a man ſynnere ſhal diſturbe frendis, and in þe myddel of men hauende pes he ſendiþ in enemyte. Aftir forſoþe þe trees of þe wode, ſo þe fier brenneþ; and aftir þe vertue of a man, ſo þe wraþe of hym ſhal be, and aftir his ſubſtaunce he ſhal enhaunce his wraþe. An haſtid ſtrif ſhal teende fyr, and haſtende chidyng ſhal ſheden out blod; and a tunge witneſſende ſhal bringe to deþ. If it ſhul blowen, as fyr it ſhal brenne; and if þou ſhul ſpitten vpon it, it ſhal ben queynt; eiþer fro þe mouþ gon forþ. Þe whiſtrende grucchere, and þe twiſil tunge curſid; forſoþe manye hauende pes diſturbide. Þe þridde tunge manye men ſtirede, and ſcaterede þem fro folc in to folc. Wallid cites of riche men it ſtroȝede, and þe houſis of grete men it mynede out. Þe vertues of puples it to-heewȝ, and ſtronge folkys of kinde it vnknytte. Þe þridde tunge ſtronge, or weddid, wymmen caſte out, and ſhal bynyme þem þer trauailes. Who biholdiþ it, ſhal not han reſte; ne ſhal han a frend, in which he reſt. Þe wounde of a ſcourge makeþ wanneſſe; þe wounde forſoþe of a tunge ſhal to-brooſen boenes. Manye fellen in þe mouþ of ſwerd; but not as þei dieden by þer tunge. Blisful þat is couered fro a ſhreude tunge; þe which in þe wraþe of it paſſide not, and þe which droȝ not at þe ȝoc of it, and in þe bondis of it is not bounde. Þe ȝoc forſoþe of it is an irene ȝoc, and þe bond of it is a braſene bond. Þe deþ of it þe werſte deþ; and profitable helle more þan it. Þe ſtedefaſtneſſe of it ſhal not abide ſtille, but ſhal holde þe weies of vnriȝtwis men; in his flaume he ſhal not brenne riȝtwis men. Þei þat forſaken God, ſhul falle in to it; and it ſhal brenne out in þem, and it ſhal not be queynt; and it ſhal be ſent in to þem as a leoun, and as a parde it ſhal hurte þem. Hegge þin eres wiþ þornes, and wile þou not heren þe ſhreude tunge; and to þi mouþ mac þou dores, and lokes to þin eres. Þi gold and þi ſeluer melt togidere; and to þi wrdis mac þou a balaunce, and riȝt bridelis to þi mouþ. And tac heed, leſt parauenture þou ſlyde in þe tunge, and þou falle in þe ſiȝte of þe enemys, waitende to þee, and þi fallyng be vnheleable in to þe deþ.

Capitulum XXIX.

Who doþ mercy, leeneþ to his neȝhebore; and he þat is more wrþ in hond, kepeþ þe heſtis. Leene to þi neȝhebore in tyme of his neede; and eft ȝeld to a neȝhebore in his tyme. Conferme a wrd, and feiþfulli do wiþ it; and in alle tyme þou ſhalt finde þat is needful to þee. Manye as finding eymeden vſure, and ȝeeuen gref to þem þat helpeden to þem. To þe time þat þei taken, þei kiſſen þe hondis of þe ȝyuere; and in beheſtis þei meken þer voys. And in tyme of ȝelding he ſhal aſke delaȝing, and he ſhal ſpeke wrdis of noyȝe, and of grucchingus, and þe tyme he ſhal pleten. If forſoþe he ſhul moun ȝeelde, he ſhal be enemy; vnneþe of þe hoele he ſhal ȝelde þe half, and he ſhal counte it as finding. Ellys forſoþe he ſhal bigile hym his monee, and ſhal han hym enemy wilfully. And repreues and curſis he ſhal ȝelde to hym; and for wrſhipe and benefet he ſhal ȝelde to hym wrong. Manye, not bicauſe of ſhreudeneſſe, lenten not, but to be bigilid wilfulli, þei dradden. Neuer þe latere ouer þe meke in inwit be þou ſtrengere; and for almes deede drawe þou not hym. For þe heſte tac to þe pore; and for þe myſeiſe of hym ne lefe þou hym voide. Lees monee for broþir and frend, and hide þou not it vnder a ſton, in to perdicioun. Put þi treſor in þe heſtes of þe heȝeſte; and it ſhal profite to þee more þan gold. Cloſe almes deede in þe boſum of þe pore; and þat for þee ſhal ful out preȝen fro alle euel. Þe almes deede of a man as a litil ſac wiþ hym; and þe grace of a man as þe eȝe appil it ſhal kepen. And afterward it ſhal aȝeen riſen, and ȝelde to þem ȝelding, to eche in to þe hed of hem. Ouer þe ſheld of þe myȝti, and ouer ſpere aȝen þin enemy it ſhal fiȝte. A good man makeþ feiþ to his neȝhebore; and he þat haþ loſt, confuſioun ſhal leue to hym. Þe grace of þe borȝ ne forgete þou; forſoþe he ȝaf for þee his ſoule. Þe ſynnere and þe vnclene þe aȝeen bihotere fleeþ. Goode wrdis of þe aȝeen bihotere þe ſynnere wijteþ to hym; and þe vnkinde in þe wit forſakeþ þe delyuerende hym. A man aȝeen bihoteþ of his neȝhebore; and whan he haþ loſt reuerence, he ſhal be forſaken of hym. Moſt ſhreude aȝeen bihoting ſpilde manye loouende men, and togidere ſterede þem as þe flodis of þe ſe. Cumpaſende it made myȝti men to gon out; and wandreden in aliene folkis. Þe ſynnere ouer paſſende þe maundement of þe Lord ſhal fallen into ſhreude biheſte; and he þat forſeþ manye þingus to do, ſhall fallen in to dom. Recouere þi neȝhebore after þi vertue; and tac heed to þee, þat þou infalle not. Þe bigynnyng of þe lif of man watir, and bred, and cloþing, and hous defendende filþehed. Betere is þe liflode of þe pore vnder þe roof of ſtoodes, þan plenteuous ſhynende metes in pilgrymaging wiþoute hous. Þe leſte þing for grete pleſe to þee; þe repref of pilgrimaging þou ſhalt not heren. A ſhreude lif, of herberewing fro hous in to hous; and wher he ſhal ben herberewid, he ſhal not feiþfulli don, ne openen þe mouþ. He ſhal herberewen, and feeden, and ȝyue drinke þe vnkinde; and to þeſe bittere þingus he ſhal heren. Go, geſt, and enourne þe bord; and þo þingis þat in þin hond þou haſt, feed oþer. Go out fro þe face of wrſhipe of my frendis, for nede of myn hous; to herberewe to me, broþir þou art maad. Greuous þeſe þingus to a man hauende wit; vndernymyng of þe hous, and repref of þe leenere.

Capitulum XXX.

Who looueþ his ſone, biſily ȝeueþ to hym ſcourgis, þat he glade in his laſte, and þat he grope not þe dores of neȝhebores. Who techeþ his ſone, ſhal be preiſid in hym; and in þe myddel of homli men in hym he ſhal glorien. Who techeþ his ſone, in to enuye ſendiþ þe enemy; and in þe myddel of frendus he ſhal glorien in hym. Dead is þe fader of hym, and he is as not dead; lic forſoþe to hym he haþ laft aftir hym. In his lif he ſaȝ, and gladide in hym; and in his deþ he ſorewede not, ne is confoundid bifor þe enemys. Forſoþe he haþ laft þe defendere of þe hous aȝen þe enemys; and to frendus þe ȝelding of grace. For þe ſoulis of þe ſonus he ſhal binde togidere his woundis; and ouer al vois ſhul be diſturbid þe boweles of hym. Þe vntame hors ſhal ſcapen hard, and þe ſlowe ſone ſhal ſcape ſtumbling doun. Flatere þe ſone, and he ſhal make þee dredende; pley wiþ hym, and he ſhall ſorewen þee. Ne wiþ laȝhe þou to hym, ne wiþ ſorewe, and in þe laſte þi teþ ſhal waxe ſtoneyd. Ȝyue þou not to hym power in ȝouþe, and ne diſpiſe þou þe þoȝtus of hym. Crooke þe nol of hym in ȝouþe, and bet þe ſidis of hym, whil he is a faunt; leſt parauenture he inwardly hardne, and leeue not to þee, and he ſhal be to þee ſorewe of ſoule. Tech þi ſone, and werk in hym; leſt in to þe filþehed of hym þou gilte. Betere is a pore man hool, and ſtrong in ſtrengþis, þan a riche man feble, and ſcourgid wiþ malice. Helþe of ſoule in hoelyneſſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and betere is þan alle gold and ſiluer; and a ſtrong body þan monee wiþoute meſure. Þer is not monee ouer þe monee of þe helþe of body; and þer is not liking ouer þe ioȝe of herte. Betere is deþ þan bittere lyf, and euere laſtende reſte þan durende ſickneſſe. Goodis hid in a mouþ cloſid, as leiyngis to of plenteuous metes, ſet aboute wiþ a ſepulcre. What ſhal profiten ſacrifiſe to þe maumet? and forſoþe he ſhal not eten, ne ſauouren. So he þat is dryuen awei fro þe Lord, and berende meedis of ſhreudeneſſe, ſeende wiþ eȝen and weilende, ſo a geldyng clippende a maiden, and ſiȝhende. Sorewi idilneſſe ȝyue þou not to þi ſoule, ne tormente þou þiſelf in þi counſeil. Myrþe of herte, þat is þe lif of man, and treſor wiþoute failing of hoelyneſſe; and ful out ioȝing of a man ys long lyuyng. Haue mercy to þi ſoule, pleſende to God; and wiþhold and gedere togidere þin herte in þe holyneſſe of hym, and ſorewi idilneſſe fer put awei fro þee. Manye forſoþe ſorewy idilneſſe ſleþ; and þer is not profit in it. Enuye and wraþe ſhuln laſſen daȝes; and bifor tyme þenking ſhal bringe to elde. A briȝt herte good in meteſhipes; þe meteſhipis forſoþe of hym diligentli ben made.

Capitulum XXXI.

The waking of honeſte ſhal dwyne þe fleſh; and þe þenking of it ſhal don awei ſlep. Þe þenking of bifor kunnyng turneþ awei wit; and heuy infirmyte ſobre makeþ þe ſoule. Þe riche man trauailede in þe gedering of ſubſtaunce; and in his reſte he ſhal be fulfild wiþ his goodus. Þe pore man trauailede in laſſing of liflode; and in þe ende he is mad helpeles, or pore. Who looueþ gold, ſhal not ben iuſtefied; and who folewiþ waſting, ſhal be fulfild of it. Manye ben ȝyuen in to þe fallingus of gold; and þe los of þem is mad in þe fairneſſe of it. Þe tree of offencioun is gold of men ſacrefiende; wo to þem þat folewen it, and eche vnprudent ſhal perſhe in it. Blisful is þe riche man, þat is founde wiþoute wem; and þat aftir gold ȝide not, ne hopide in monee, and in treſores. Who is þis, and wee ſhul preiſen hym? forſoþe he dyde merueilis in his lif. Who is preued in it, and perfit is founde, and ſhal be to hym euere laſtende glorie? þat myȝte treſpaſen, and treſpaſide not, and don euelis, and dide not. Þerfore ſtablid ben þe goodis of hym in þe Lord; and þe almes deedis of hym ſhal out telle al þe chirche of halewis. Aboue þe grete bord þou haſt ſiten; ne opene þou out þi cheeke raþere. Sei þou not, wheþir manye þingus ben, þat vp on it ben. Haue mynde, for euel is þe ſhreude eȝe. Shreudere þing þan þe eȝe, what is foormed? þerfore fro al his face he ſhal weepe, whan he haþ ſeen. Ne ſtrecche þou out þin hond raþere; and bi enuye defoulid, þou ſhame. Ne be þou þriſt togidere in þe feſte wiþ wyn. Vnderſtond what ben of þi neȝhebore, of þiſelf. Vſe as a temperat man þeſe þingis þat ben leid to þee; and not whan þou etiſt, myche to hate þou be had. Ceſe raþere bicauſe of diſciplyne; and wile þou not be to myche, leſt parauenture þou offende. And if in þe myddel of manye þou ſeete, raþere þan þei ne ſtrecche þou out þin hond; ne raþere aſke þou to drinke. Hou ſuffiſaunt is to a taȝt man a litil wyn; and in ſleping þou ſhalt not trauailen of it, and þou ſhalt not feelen trauaile. Waking, and colere, and anguyſh to an vndiſcreet man. Slep of helþe in a ſcars man; he ſhal ſlepe vnto þe morutid, and þe lif of hym wiþ hym ſhal deliten. And if conſtreyned þou were in etyng to myche, ris from þe myddel, and ſpew; and it ſhal refreſhe þee, and þou ſhalt not bringe to þi body ſikneſſe. Here me, ſone, and diſpiſe þou not me; and in þe laſte þou ſhalt fynde my wrdis. In alle þi werkis be þou ſwift; and alle infirmyte ſhal not meete wiþ þee. Þe ſhynende in loeues þe lippis of manye ſhul bliſſen; and þe witneſſing of þe treuþe of hym feiþful. In þe moſt wycke bred grucchide þe cite; and þe witneſſing of þe wickidneſſe of it is verre. Biſi men in wyn wile þou not ſtiren; forſoþe many men outlawide wyn. Fyr proueþ hard iren; ſo wyn drunken in drunkinhed ſhal vndernyme þe hertes of proude men. Euene lif to men wyn in ſobreneſſe; if þou drinke it meſurably, þou ſhalt ben ſobre. What is þe lif þat is laſſid wiþ wyn? What bigiliþ þe lif? deþ. Wyn in myrþe is foormed, not in drunkenhed, fro þe bigynnyng. Þe ful out ioȝyng of ſoule and of herte, wyn meſurably drunken. Helþe is of ſoule and of body, ſobre drink. Wyn myche drunke terring, and wraþe, and manye fallingus makeþ. Bitterneſſe of ſoule wyn myche drunken. Þe wilſumneſſe of drunkenhed þe offenſioun of þe vnprudent, laſſende vertue, and makende woundis. In þe feſte of wyn vndernyme þou not a neȝhebore; and diſpiſe þou not hym in þe myrþe of it. Wrdis of repref ſey þou not to hym; and bere þou not hym doun in aȝee aſking.

Capitulum XXXII.

A gouernour þee þei han ſett, wile þou not ben enhauncid; be þou in hem as oon of hem. Þe cure of hem haue þou, and ſo bihold; and al þi cure mad out, reſte. Þat þou glade for hem, and þe ournement of grace þou take; coroun, and dignete of þe congregacioun þou gete. Spec þou more þurȝ birþe; forſoþe þer ſemeþ þee ferſt þe wrd of loouende kunnyng; and lette þou not muſik. Where is not heering, heelde þou not out a ſermoun; and vncouenabli wile þou not ben enhauncid in þi wiſdam. A litil iemme of karbuncle in þe ournement of gold; and compariſoun of muſikes in þe feſte of wyn. As in forging of gold ſigne is of a ſmaragd, ſo þe noumbre of muſikis in myrie and temperat wyn. Here þou beende ſtille, and for reuerence ſhal falle to þee good grace. Þou a ȝung ful waxen man, ſpec in þin owne cauſe vnneþe, whan nede ſhul be. If twies þou were aſkid, haue þe hed þin anſwere. In manye þingus be þou as vnkunnende, and here þou beende ſtille togidere and ſechende. To ſpeken in þe myddel of grete men ne bifor take þou; and wher ben olde men, not myche ſpec þou. Biforn hail ſhal go leiting, and biforn ſhamefaſtneſſe ſhal go grace, and for reuerence ſhal fallen to þee good grace. And in þe hour of riſing tyff þou þee not; ren biforn forſoþe firſt in to þin hous, and þere be þou clepid to, and þere pleye. And do þi conceyuyngus, and not in giltis, and in proud wrd. Vp on alle þeſe þingus bliſſe þou þe Lord, þat made þee, and inwardli drunkinge þee of alle his goodis. Who dredeþ God, ſhal take þe doctrine of hym; and who ſhul wake to hym, ſhul finde bleſſing. Who ſecheþ þe lawe, ſhal be fulfild of it; and who aſpiendeli doþ, ſhal be ſclaundrid in it. Who dreden God, ſhul finde riȝtwis dom; and riȝtwiſneſſes as liȝt þei ſhul teende. A man ſynnere ſhal ſchone correccioun; and after his wil he ſhal finde compariſoun. A man of counſeil ſhal not diſtroȝe vnderſtonding; and an alien and a proud ſhal not ful dreden drede. Alſo aftir þat he dide wiþ hym wiþoute counſeil, and in his infolewingis he ſhal ben vndernome. Sone, wiþoute counſeil no þing do þou; and aftir þi deede þou ſhalt not oþynke. In þe weie of falling go þou not, and þou ſhalt not offende aȝen ſtones. Ne betake þou þee to a trauailous wey, ne poote þou to þi ſoule ſclaunder; and of þi ſones be war, and of þi homli men tac heed. In al þi werk leeue of þe feiþ of þi ſoule; þis is forſoþe þe keping of þe heſtes. Who leeueþ to God, takeþ heed to þe heſtes; and who troſteþ in hym, ſhal not be laſſid.

Capitulum XXXIII.

To þe dredende God eueles ſhul not meete; but in tempting God ſhal kepen hym, and delyueren hym fro euelys. Þe wiſe man hateþ not heſtes, and riȝtwiſneſſes; and he ſhal not ben hurtlid, as in þe tempeſt of a ſhip. A weel felende man leeueþ to þe lawe of God, and þe lawe feiþful to hym. Who þe aſking makeþ open, ſhal greiþe a wrd; and ſo louli preȝende he ſhal be ful out herd, and he ſhal kepe diſciplyne, and þanne he ſhal anſwern. Þe entrailes of a fool as þe whel of a carre, and as a turnende ful axtre þe þenkingus of hym. An hors courſer, ſo and a frend priue ſcornere, vnder eche man vpon ſittende neȝeþ. Whi dai þe dai ouercomeþ, and eft liȝt þe liȝt, and ȝer þe ȝer, ſunne þe ſunne? Of þe kunnyng of þe Lord þei ben ſeuered, þe ſunne mad, and kepende þe heſte; bi þe wiſdam of God þei ben deuydid. And he ſhal chaunge þe tymes and þe feſte daȝes of hem, and in hem þe feſte daȝes þei haleweden at þe hour. Of hem God enhauncede and magnefiede; and of þem he putte in to þe noumbre of daȝes and ȝeres; and alle men of þe ſoil, and of þe erþe, wherof Adam was foormed. In þe multitude of þe diſciplyne of þe Lord he ſeuerede þem, and chaungide þe weies of þem. And of þem he bliſſede, and enhauncede; and of hem he halewide, and to hymſelf he preſentede; of hem he curſide, and mekede, and turnede þem to þe ſeueryng of hem. As þe cley of þe crockere in þe hond of hym, to foormen and to diſpoſen it, alle þe weies of it aftir his diſpoſicioun; ſo a man in his hond þat made hym; and he ſhal ȝeelde to þem aftir his dom. Aȝen euel is good, and aȝen lif deþ; ſo and aȝen þe riȝtwis man þe ſynnere. And ſo bihold in to alle þe werkis of þe heȝeſt; two aȝen two, oon aȝen oon. And I þe laſte wakide, and as þat gedereþ cluſtris, aftir þe grape kutteres. In þe bleſſing of God and I myſelf hopede; and as he þat grapes kutteþ, I fulfilde preſſe. Beholdeþ, for not to me alone I trauailede, but to alle men ſechende out diſciplyne. Hereþ me, ȝee grete men, and alle puples; and ȝee gouernoures of þe chirche, wiþ eres parceyueþ. To ſone, and wif, broþer, and frend, ȝif þou not power vp on þee in þi lif; and ȝyue þou not to an oþer þi poſſeſſioun, leſt it oþinke þee, and þou louli preȝe for hem. Whil ȝit þou art aboue, or lyueſt, and breþeſt, ſhal not chaungen þee alle fleſh. Betere is forſoþe, þat þi ſonus þee preȝen, þan þee to beholden in to þe hondus of þi ſonus. In alle þi werkes beforn paſſende be þou; ne ȝyue þou a wem in to þi glorie. In þe dai of þe ful endyng of þe daȝes of þi lif, and in tyme of þi deþ dele þin eritage. Metes, and ȝerde, and berþene to an aſſe; bred, and diſciplyne, and werk to a ſeruaunt. He werkeþ in diſciplyne, and þe largid hond to hym ſecheþ to reſten, and ſecheþ fredam. Ȝoc and brydil reyne crooken þe harde necke; and þe ſeruaunt bowen beſy werkis. To þe euel willi ſeruaunt tormenting and gyues; put hym into werching, leſt he be voide; forſoþe myche malice idilneſſe taȝte. In werk ſet hym, ſo forſoþe it ſemeþ hym; þat if he here not, bowe hym wiþ gyues, and make þou not large vp on alle fleſh, but wiþ oute dom noo þing do þou heuy. If þer is to þee a feiþful ſeruaunt, be he to þee as þi lif; as a broþer ſo trete hym, for in blod of lif þou boȝtyſt hym. If þou ſchalt hurte hym vnriȝtwiſly, in to fliȝt he ſhal ben turned; and if enhauncende he ſchal go awei, whom ſchalt þou ſeche, and in what weie þou ſchalt ſeche hym, þou woſt not.

Capitulum XXXIIII.

Veyn hope and leſyng to þe mys felende man; and vnprudent men enhaunſun ſweuenes. As he þat caccheþ ſhadewe, and purſueþ wynd, ſo and he þat takeþ heed to þe ſeen leſingus. Aftir þat þing þe ſiȝte of ſweuenes; beforn þe face of a man þe licneſſe of an oþer man. Of þe vnclene what ſhal ben clenſid, and of þe liere what ſoþ ſhal ben ſeid? Deuynyng of errour, and diuynyng bi chiteryng of briddis, leſingus, or falſe, and ſweuenes of euel doynge men is vanyte. And as of þe womman berende child, þin herte ſuffreþ fantaſies; no but of þe heȝeſt were ſent out viſityng ne ȝyue þou in hem þin herte. Manye men forſoþe ſweuenus maden to erre, and fellen awei hopende in hem. Wiþ oute leſing ſhal be ful endid þe wrd of þe lawe; and wiſdam in þe mouþ of þe feiþful ſhal be maad pleyn. Who is not temptid, what kan he? A man in manye þingus expert, ſhall þenke manye þingus; and he þat manye þingus lernede, ſhal tellen out vndurſtonding. Who is not expert, fewe þingus knowiþ; who forſoþe in manye þingus is a fool, ſhal multeplien malice. Who is not temptid, what maner þingus kan he? Who is vnplauntid, ſhal abound ſhreudeneſſe. Manye þingus I ſaȝ in tellinge out, and manye cuſtomes of wrdis. Oþer while vn to þe deþ I was in perile, bi þe encheſoun of þeſe; and I was delyuered bi þe grace of God. Þe ſpirit of men dredende God is ſoȝt, and in reſpyt of hym it ſhal be bliſſid. Þe hope forſoþe of þem in to þe ſauende hem; and þe eȝen of þe Lord in to men loouende hym. Who dredeþ God, no þing ſhal quaken, and he ſhal not inwardly dreden; for he is his hope. Of þe dredende þe Lord, bliſſid is his ſoule. To whom biholdiþ he, and who is þe ſtrengþe of hym? Þe eȝen of þe Lord vp on men dredende hym. Defendere of myȝt, firmament of vertue, coueryng of brennyng, and þe hilet, or þe ſchadowyng place, of þe mydday; louli preȝende of gilte, and helpe of falling, enhauncende þe ſoule, and liȝtnende eȝen, ȝyuende helþe, and lif, and bleſſing. Of þe offrere of þe wicke þing þe offring is defoulid; and þe ſcornyng of vnriȝtwis men ben not wel pleſende. Þe Lord alone to men ſuſtenende hym in þe weie of treuþe, and of riȝtwiſneſſe. Þe ȝiftus of wicke men proueþ not þe heȝeſt, ne biholdeþ in þe offringus of wicke men, ne in þe multitude of ſacrifiſes of hem he ſhal han mercy to ſynnes. Who offreþ ſacrifiſes of þe ſubſtaunce of pore men, as he þat ſleþ to ſacrifiſe þe ſone in þe ſiȝte of his fader. Þe bred of nedy men is þe liff of þe pore; who bigiliþ hym, is a man of blod. Who doþ awei in ſwot bred, as he þat ſleþ his neȝhebore. Þat ſhedeþ blod, and þat doþ gile to þe hirid man, ben breþern. Oon bildende, and oon diſtroȝende; what profiteþ to þem, no but trauaile? Oon preȝende, and oon curſende; whos vois ſhal þe Lord ful out heren? Þat is baptiſid fro þe deade, and eft towcheþ þe deade, what profitiþ his waſhing? So a man þat faſteþ in his ſynnes, and eft þe ſame þingus doende, what profitiþ he mekende hymſelf? þe oriſoun of hym who ſhal ful out heren?

Capitulum XXXV.

Who kepeþ þe wrd, multeplieþ oriſoun. Holſum ſacrifiſe is to taken heed to þe maundemens, and to gon awei fro alle wickidneſſe. And to ſacrifien pleſing of ſacrifiſe vp on vnriȝtwiſneſſes, and louli preȝing for ſynnes, to gon awei fro vnriȝtwiſneſſe. He ſhal ȝelde grace, þat offreþ tried flour; and þat doþ mercy, offreþ ſacrifiſe. Weel pleſid þing is to þe Lord, to gon awei fro wickidneſſe; and louly preȝing to gon awei fro vnriȝtwiſneſſe. Þou ſhalt not aperen bifor þe ſiȝte of þe Lord voide; forſoþe alle þeſe þingus for þe heſtus of God ben mad. Þe offring of þe riȝtwis fatteþ þe auter; and þe ſmel of ſwoteneſſe is in þe ſiȝte of þe heȝeſt. Þe ſacrifiſe of þe riȝtwis is acceptid, and þe mynde of hym þe Lord ſhal not forȝete. Wiþ good wil ȝelde glorie to God, and laſſe þou not þe cheef frutis of þin hondis. In alle ȝifte glad mac þi chere, and in ful out ioȝing halewe þi dymes. Ȝif to þe heȝeſte aftir þe free ȝifte of hym; and in good eȝe mac þou þe finding of þin hondis. For ȝeldende is þe Lord, and ſeuenſiþe as myche he ſhal ȝelde to þee. Wile þou not offren ſhreude ȝiftus; forſoþe he ſhal not taken hem. And wile þou not biholden þe vnriȝtwis ſacrifiſe; for þe Lord is domes man, and þer is not anent hym glorie of perſone. Þe Lord ſhal not taken a perſone in to pore; and þe preȝing of þe hurt he ſhall ful out heren. He ſhal not diſpiſe þe preȝeres of þe faderles child, ne þe widewe, yff ſhe heelde out þe ſpeche of weiling. Wheþer not þe teres of þe widewe at þe cheeke gon doun, and þe outcry of hir vp on þe ledyng doun of hem? Fro þe cheke forſoþe þei ſteȝen vp to heuen, and þe Lord herere ſhal not delyten in þem. Who honouriþ God in liking, ſhal ben reſſeyued; and þe lowe preȝyng of hym vnto þe cloudis ſhal neȝhe. Þe oriſoun of þe meekende hymſelf ſhal perſen cloudis, and to þe tyme þat it neȝhe, he ſhal not be coumfortid, and not gon awei, to þe tyme þat þe heȝeſt beholde. And þe Lord ſhal not longen awey, but demen riȝtwis men, and don dom; and þe ſtrengeſte ſhal not han in hem pacience, þat he to-truble þe rigge of hem. And to Jentiles he ſhal ȝelde veniaunce, to þe tyme þat he take awei þe plente of proude men, and þe kingus dignetees of wicke men he totruble; to þe tyme þat he ȝelde to men aftir þer deedus, and aftir þe werkis of Adam, and aftir þe preſumpcioun of hym; to þe tyme þat he deme þe dom of his folc, and he ſchal delite riȝtwis men wiþ his mercy. Fair þe mercy of God in tyme of tribulacioun, as a cloude of reyn in tyme of droȝte.

Capitulum XXXVI.

Haue mercy of vs, God of alle þingus; and behold vs, and ſhew to vs þe lyȝt of þi mercy doyngus. And ſend in þi drede vp on Jentilis, þat ſoȝten not þee, þat þei knowe for þer is not God, but þou; þat þei telle out þi grete wrþi deedis. Rere vp þin hond vp on aliene folkis, þat þey ſee þi myȝt. As forſoþe in þe ſiȝte of hem þou art halewed in vs, ſo in oure ſiȝte þou ſhalt be magnefied in hem; þat þei knowe þee, as and wee han knowe, for þer is noon oþer God, ſaue þee, Lord. Ennewe þou ſignes, and chaunge merueiles; glorifie þe hond, and þe riȝt arm. Rere vp wodneſſe, and heeld oute wraþe; enhaunce þe aduerſarie, and tormente þe enemye. Heeȝe þou þe tyme, and haue mynde of þe ende, þat þei telle out þi merueilis. In þe ire of flaume be he deuoured þat is ſaued; and þat werſt treten þi folc, finde þei perdicioun. To-broſe þou þe hed of princes, and of þe enemy, ſeiende, Þer is noon oþer, ſaue wee. Gedere togidere alle þe lynagis of Jacob, and knowe þei for þer is no God but þou, þat þei telle out þi grete wrþi deedis; and þou ſhalt eritage þem, as fro þe bigynnyng. Haue mercy to þi puple, vp on þe whiche is inwardli clepid þi name; and to Irael, whom þou haſt euened to þi firſt goten. Haue mercy to Jeruſalem, þe cyte of þin halewing, þe cite of þi reſte. Fulfil Syon wiþ þin vntellable vertues, and þi puple wiþ þi glorie. Ȝif witneſſing, for fro þe bigynnyng þi creatures þei ben; and rere þe preȝeres, þat þe raþere profetes ſpeeken in þi name. Ȝif meede, Lord, to men ſuſtenende þee, þat þi profetes feiþful bee founden; and heere þou þe oriſoun of þi ſeruauns. Aftir þe bliſſing of Aron ȝif to þi puple, and riȝte reule vs in to þe weie of riȝtwiſnes; þat þei alle wite, þat dwellen þe erþe, for þou art God, biholdere of worldis. Eche mete þe wombe ſchal ete, and þer is mete betere þan mete. Cheekes touchen neȝh þe mete, and þe mysfelende herte leſyng wrdys. Þe ſhreude herte ſhal ȝyue ſorewy ſlouþe, and þe wiſe man ſhal wiþſtonde to it. Þe womman ſchal taken eche male child, and þer is a doȝter betere þan þe ſone. Þe fairneſſe of a womman gladiþ out þe face of hyr man, and ouer alle luſt of þe man ſhe ſhal ouer leden deſyr. If þer is tunge of curing, þer is and of ſwaging, and of mercy; þe man of hir is not aftir þe ſonus of men. Who weldiþ a good womman, bigyneþ poſſeſſioun; helpe aftir hym ſhe is, and a piler as reſte. Wher is not hegge, ſhal ben to-broken þe poſſeſſioun; and where is not a womman, weileþ þe nedy. To whom byleeueþ he þat haþ not a neſt, and bowing doun wher euere ſhal ben derk, as a gird vp þef, lepende out fro cite in to cyte?

Capitulum XXXVII.

Eche frend ſhal ſeyn, And I frenſhipe couplede; but þer is a frend, bi only name a frend. Wheþer not ſorewe is in vnto deþ? A mete felawe forſoþe and a frend to enemyte ſhul ben turned. O! moſt ſhreude preſumpcioun, whennus art þou foormed to coueren drie malice, and þe treccherie of it? Þe mete felawe to þe frend ſhal be merie in likingus, and in þe dai of tribulacioun he ſhal be aduerſarie. A mete felawe to þe frend ſorewiþ wiþ, bi cauſe of þe wombe; and aȝen þe enemy he ſhal take ſheld. Forȝete þou not of þi frend in þin inwit, and be þou not vnmyndeful of hym in þi werkis. Wile þou nott counſelen wiþ þi wyues fader; and fro men enuyende to þee hyd counſeil. Eche counſeiler diſcouereþ counſeil, but þer is a counſeiler in hymſelf. Fro an euel counſeiler kep þi ſoule; firſt wite þou, what be þe nede of hym, and what he in his inwit ſhal þenken; leſt par auenture he poote a pol, or a ſtake, in to þe erþe, and ſey to þee, Good is þi wey, and ſtonde aȝeenward, to ſeen what falle to þee. Wiþ an vnreligious man trete of hoolyneſſe, and wiþ þe vnriȝtwis man of riȝtwiſneſſe, and wiþ a womman of þo þingus þat ſhe enuyeþ. Wile þou not counſeilen wiþ hym þat haþ þee ſuſpect, and fro men enuyende to þee, hid þou þi counſeil. Wiþ þe dredful trete of bataile, and wiþ þe marchaund, of caſtinge out of ſchyppe; wiþ þe biere, of ſilling, wiþ þe enuyous man, of graces to be don; wiþ þe vnpitouſe, of pite, wiþ þe vnhoneſt, of honeſte, wiþþe werkere, of alle werk; wiþ þe annuel werker, of þe ful endyng of þe ȝer, wiþ þe ſlowe ſeruaunt, of myche werchyng. Tac þou not heed to þeſe in al counſeil, but wiþ an hoely man be þou byſy, whom euere þou ſhalt knowe kepende þe drede of God, whos ſoule is aftir þi ſoule. Who euere ſhal wageren in dercneſſes, ſhal not togidere ſorewen to þee. And herte of good counſeil ſette þou wiþ þee; þer is not forſoþe to þee oþer more þan it. Þe ſoule of an hoely man telleþ out oþer while ſoþis; more þan ſeuene lookeres aboute ſittende in to heiȝte to beholden. And in alle þeſe þingus louliche preȝe þe heȝeſt, þat he riȝt reule in treuþe þi wey. Biforn alle werkes a verre wrd go bifor þee; and biforn alle deede ſtable counſeil. A ſhreude wrd ſchal chaunge þe herte, of þe whiche foure partis ſpringen; good and euel, lif and deþ; and þe lordſhipere of þeſe is a byſy tunge. A wys man many men taȝte, and to his ſoule is ſweete. Who ſofiſtically ſpekeþ, is hateful; in alle þing he ſhal ben bigilid. Forſoþe þer is not ȝyuen to hym of þe Lord grace, forſoþe he is bigilid of alle wiſdom. Þer is a wys man wiys to his ſoule, and þe frutes of þe wit of hym ben preiſable. A wis man techeþ his folc, and þe frutis of þe wit of hym ben feiþful. A wys man ſhal be fulfild wiþ bliſſingus, and men ſeende hym ſhul preiſen. Þe lif of a man in þe noumbre of daȝes; þe daȝes forſoþe of Irael ben vnnoumbreable. A wis man in puple ſhal eritagen wrſhipe, and þe name of hym ſhal ben lyuende in to wiþoute ende. Sone, in þi lif tempte þou þi ſoule; and if it were ſhreude, ȝif þou not to it power; forſoþe not alle þingus to alle ſpeden, and ne to eche ſoule eche kinde pleſeþ. Wile þou not ben gredy in alle plenteuous mete ȝyuyng, and heeld þee not out vpon eche mete. In manye forſoþe metus ſhal ben infirmyte, and gredyneſſe ſhal neȝhen vnto colre. For glotonye manye men dieden; who forſoþe is abſtenent, ſhal eechen lijf.

Capitulum XXXVIII.

Honoure þe leche, for nede; forſoþe hym foormede þe heȝeſt. Of God forſoþe is alle leching; and fro þe king he ſchal take ȝyuyng. Þe diſciplyne of þe leche ſhal enhaunſe þe hed of hym; and in þe ſiȝte of grete men he ſhal ben preiſid. Þe heȝeſt foormede of þe erþe medycyne; and þe prudent man ſhal not agriſen it. Wheþer not of þe tree is mad ſweete þe bitter water? At þe knowleching of men þe vertue of þem; and þe heȝeſt ȝaf to men kunnyng, to be wrſhipid in his merueiles. In þeſe þingus he curende ſhal ſwage ſorewen, and þe oynement makere ſhal make pymentis of ſwoteneſſe, and enoyntingus he ſhal make of helþe; and þe werkis of hym ſhul not ben ful endid. Þe pes forſoþe of God vpon þe face of þe erþe. My ſone, in þin infirmytee ne diſpiſe þou þiſelf; but prei þe Lord, and he ſhal cure þee. Turne awei fro gilte, and dreſſe þou þe hondis, and fro alle gilte clenſe þin herte. Ȝif ſwetneſſe, and mynde of tried flour, and mac fat þe offring; and ȝif ſtede to þe leche. Forſoþe þe Lord foormede hym, and go he not awei fro þee; for his werkis ben nedeful. Þer is forſoþe tyme, whan þou renne in to þe hondis of hem. Þei forſoþe þe Lord ſhul louly preiȝen, þat he riȝt reule þe reſte of hem, and helþe for þer conuerſacioun. Who gilteþ in his ſiȝt, þat made hym, ſhal falle in to þe hondus of þe leche. Sone, in to þe deade bringe forþ teris, and as harde þingus ſuffrid bigyn to wepe; and aftir dom touche his body, and diſpiſe þou not þe biriyng of hym. For þe acuſing forſoþe bitterly ber weilyng of hym o dai; and tac coumfort for heuyneſſe. And do weilyng after þe deſeruyng of hym o dai, or two, for bacbiting. Of ſorewi ſlouþe forſoþe heeȝeþ deþ, and couereþ vertue; and ſorewi ſlouþe of herte boowiþ þe nol. In ledyng awei dwelliþ ſtille ſorewy ſlouþe; and þe ſubſtaunce of þe helpeles aftir þe herte of hym. Ne ȝyue þou þin herte in ſorewy ſlouþe, but putte it awei fro þee; and haue mynde of þe laſte þingus, and wile þou not forȝeten. Ne forſoþe þer is conuerſacioun, and to þis þou ſchalt no þing profiten; and þi ſelf þou ſhalt werſt treten. Myndeful be þou of my dom; ſo forſoþe it ſhal ben and þin, to me ȝiſterdai, and to þee to day. In þe reſte of þe deade mac to reſten þe mynde of hym; and coumforte hym in þe goyng out of his ſpirit. Wiſdom wrijt in tyme of voydeneſſe; and who is laſſid in deede, wiſdom ſhal parceyue; for wiþ wiſdom he ſhal be fulfild. Who holdeþ þe ploȝ, and who glorieþ in þe ſpere, wiþ þe pricke ſtereþ þe oxen, and woneþ in þe werkis of hem; and þe telling of hym in þe ſonus of booles. His herte he ſhal ȝyue to ben turned þe forewis; and þe wach of it in þe fatneſſe of kyn. So eche ſmyþe, and cheef werkere, þe whyche þe nyȝt as þe day ouerdoþ; þe whyche grauede grauen broochis, and þe byſyneſſe of hym varieþ þe peynture; his herte he ſhal ȝyue into þe licneſſe of peynture, and his waking parformeþ þe werk. So þe iren ſmyþ ſittende biſide þe ſtiþie, and biholdende þe werk of þe iren, þe humour of þe fyr brenneþ his fleſh; and in þe hete of þe furneys he trauailiþ wiþ ſtryif. Þe vois of hamer ennewiþ his ere; and aȝen þe licneſſe of þe veſſel þe eȝe of hym. His herte he ſhal ȝyue in to þe ful ending of þe werkis; and his waking ſhal enourne þe inparfitneſſe. So þe crockere ſittende at his werk, turnende wiþ his feet þe whel, þe whiche in beſyneſſe is put euermor for his werk; and wiþ oute noumbre is al þe werking of hym. In his arm he ſhal foormen þe cley; and bifoorn his feet he ſhal crooken his vertue. His herte he ſhal ȝyue, þat he ful ende þe daubing; and his waking ſhal clenſe þe furneys. Alle þeſe in þer hondis hopeden; and echon in þer craft is wys. Wiþoute alle þeſe is not bild vp þe cyte. And þei ſhul not wonen in, ne gon in; and in to þe chirche þei ſhul not ouerlepen. Vpon þe ſete of þe domys man þei ſhul not ſitte; and þe teſtament of dom þei ſhul not vnderſtonde, ne maken opene diſciplyne, and dom; and in parablis þei ſhul not ben founde. But þe creature of ſpirituel tyme þei ſhul confermen, and þe lowe preȝing of hem in werking of craft; leeuende to þer ſoule, and togidere ſechende in þe lawe of þe heȝeſte.

Capitulum XXXIX.

The wiſdom of alle olde men þe wiſe man ſhal ful out ſechen; and in profetes he ſhal take heed. Þe telling of þe nemned men he ſhal kepen; and in to þe ſleiȝtes of parables togidere he ſhal entre. Þe hid þingus of prouerbis he ſhal ſechen out; and in þe hid þingus of parables he ſhal dwelle. In þe myddel of grete men he ſhal mynyſtre; and in þe ſiȝt of þe chef domes man he ſhal apere. In to þe lond of alien folkys he ſhal paſſe; goodus forſoþe and euelis in alle þingus he ſhal aſaȝe. His herte he ſhal take to wake þe morutid to þe Lord þat made hym; and in þe ſiȝt of þe heȝeſte he ſhal louli preȝen. He ſhal opene his mouþ in oriſoun; and for his giltus he ſhal louli preȝe. If forſoþe þe grete Lord wile, wiþ þe ſpirit of vnderſtondyng he ſhal fulfille hym. And he, as reynes, ſhal ſende þe ſpeches of his wiſdam; and in oriſoun he ſhal knouleche to þe Lord. And he ſhal riȝt reule þe counſeil of hym, and dyſcyplyne; and in his hid þingus ſhal counſeilen. He open ſhal make þe diſciplyne of his lore; and in þe lawe of þe teſtament of þe Lord he ſhal glorien. Manye ſhal preiſe þe wiſdam of hym; and vnto þe world he ſhal not be don awey. Þe memorie of hym ſhal not go awei; and þe name of hym ſhal be ſoȝt fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun. His wiſdam folkis of kynde ſhul telle out; and his preiſing þe chirche ſhal ſhewen out. If his name ſchal abijde ſtille, he ſhal leue more þan a þouſend; and if he ſhul reſten, it ſhal profiten to hym. Ȝit I ſhal counſeilen þat I telle out, as wiþ wodneſſe forſoþe I am fulfild; and in voys he ſeiþ, Al aboute hereþ me, ȝee Goddus frutes, and as roſes plauntid vpon ryueres of watris, makeþ frutes. As Liban, ſmel of ſwoteneſſe haue ȝee. Floureþ floures, as lilie; ȝyueþ ſmel, and brauncheþ in to grace. And preiſiþ togidere þe ſong dite; and bliſſeþ þe Lord in his werkis. Ȝyueþ to his name gret doyng, and knoulecheþ to hym in þe vois of ȝoure lippis, in ſong dites of lippis, and in harpis; and þus ȝee ſhuln ſeyn in knoulechyng, Þe werkis of þe Lord, alle þei ben ful goode. In þe wrd forſoþe of hym ſtood þe water as an hep; and in þe wrd of þe mouþ of hym as reſceyuyng places of watris. For in þe heſte of hym a pes makere is mad; and þer is not laſſyng in þe helþe of hym. Þe werkes of alle fleſh biforn hym; and þer is not any þing hid fro his eȝen. Fro þe world vnto þe world he biholdiþ; and no þing is merueilous in þe ſiȝt of hym. Þer is not to ſey, What is þis, or, What is þat? forſoþe alle þingus in þer tyme ſhul be ſoȝt. Þe bliſſing of hym as a flod ſhal flowe; and as þe vnyuerſel flod drunkede þe erþe, ſo þe wraþe of hym ſhal eritagen Jentyles, þat ſoȝten hym not out. What manere he turnede watris in to droȝte, and þe erþe is dried, and þe weies of it to þe weies of þem ben forþ ſtraȝt; ſo to ſynneres offenciouns in þe wraþe of hym. Goodis to goode men ben foormed fro þe bigynnyng; ſo to moſt wicke men goodis and eueles. Þe bygynnyng of neceſſarie þing to þe lif of men, water, fyr, iren, and ſalt, and mylc, and bred of tried flour, and hony, and cluſtre of grape, and oile, and cloþing. Alle þeſe to hoely men in to goodus; ſo and to vnpitous men and to ſynneres in to eueles þei ſhul ben al turned. Þer ben ſpirites þat to veniaunce ben formed; and in þer wodneſſe þei confermeden þer tormentes. And in tyme of ful endyng þei ſhul heelden out vertue; and þe wodneſſe of hym þat made þem þei ſhul ſhende. Fyr, hail, hungir, and deþ; alle þeſe to veniaunce ben foormed; teeþ of beſtes, and ſcorpiouns, and ſerpentes, and two bitende ſwerd veniende in to outlawyng vnpitous men. In þe heſtes of hym þei ſhul plenteuouſly eten, and vpon erþe in nede þei ſhul be greiþid; and in þer tymes þei ſhul not paſſe biſide a wrd. Þerfore fro þe bygynnyng I am confermede; and I counſeilede, and þoȝte, and ſcrites lafte. Alle þe werkes of þe Lord good; and ech werk in his hour ſhal vndermyneſtren. Þer is not to ſeyn, þis þan þat is werſe; forſoþe alle þingus in þer tyme ſhul be proued. And now in alle herte and mouþ preyſeþ togidere, and bliſſeþ þe name of þe Lord.

Capitulum XL.

Gret ocupacioun is ſhape to alle men, and a greuous ȝoc vp on þe ſonus of Adam, fro þe day of þe goyng out fro þe wombe of þe moder of hem, vn to þe day of þe biriyng in to þe moder of alle þingus. Þe þoȝtis of hem, and þe dredes of herte, þe fyndyngus of abidyng, and þe daȝes of endynge; fro þe cheef ſittere vp on þe glorious ſete, vn to þe meekid vn to þe erþe and aſken; fro hym þat vſeþ blu ſilc, and berþ þe croune, vn to hym þat is couered wiþ raw lynen, wodneſſe, enuye, noyſe, wagering, and dred of deþ, wraþefulneſſe ſtedefaſtly bidende, and ſtriuyng; and in tyme of repaſt in þe bed, ſlep of nyȝt chaungeþ his kunnyng. Litil forſoþe as noȝt in reſte; and of hym in ſlepes as in þe day reſpit. He ys diſturbid in þe ſiȝte of his herte, as he þat is ſcapid in þe dai of bataile. In þe tyme of his helþe he ros out, and wndrende at no drede, wiþ alle fleſh, fro man vn to beſte, and vp on þe ſynneres ſeuenfold. To þeſe þingus, deþ, blod, ſtrif, and two bitende ſwerd, opreſſiouns, hungres, and totreding, and ſcourges; vp on wickid men ben formed alle þeſe þingus, and for hem was mad þe ieneral flod. Alle þingus forſoþe þat of þe erþe ben, in to erþe ſhul ben turned; and alle watris in to þe ſe ſhuln be turned. Alle ȝifte and wickidneſſe ſhal ben don awey; and feiþ in to world ſhal ſtonde. Þe ſubſtaunces of vnriȝtwis men as a flod ſhul ben dried; and as gret þunder in reyn þei ſhul ſowne ful. As þe riȝtwis man in openyng his hondis ſhal gladen; ſo þe lawe brekeres in þe ende ſhuln wanen awey. Þe ſonus ſonus of vnpitous men ſhul nott multeplie braunches; and vnclene rootes vp on þe cop of þe ſton ſounen. Vp on eche water greneneſſe; and at þe hour of þe flod biforn al þe hey it ſhal be pullid vp. Grace as paradis in bliſſingus; and mercy in to þe world abit ſtille. Þe lif of þe ſuffiſaunt werkere to hymſelf ſhal be mad ſwete; and in it þou ſhalt fynde treſor. Þe bilding vp of þe cite ſhal confermen þe name; and ouer þis an vndefoulid womman ſhal be countid. Wyn and melodye gladen þe herte; and ouer eiþer þe loouyng of wiſdam. Trumpes and ſautre maken ſwete melody; and ouer eiþir þe ſwete tunge. Grace and fairneſſe þe eȝe ſhal deſyren; and ouer þeſe grene tilþis. A frend and a mete felawe in tyme comende togidere; and ouer eiþer a womman wiþ a man. Breþern in to help in tyme of tribulacioun; and ouer þem mercy ſhal delyueren. Gold and ſiluer, and ſetting of feet; and ouer eiþer counſeil wel pleſid. Facultes and vertues enhauncen þe herte; and ouer þeſe þe drede of þe Lord. Þer is not in þe drede of þe Lord laſſing; and þer is not in it to ſeche helpe. Þe drede of þe Lord as paradis of bleſſing; and ouer alle glorie þei couereden it. Sone, in þe tyme of þi lif ne nede þou; betere is to dyen, þan to neden. A man biholdende in to an oþer mannes bord, þe lif of hym is nott in þe þenking of liflode; forſoþe he nurſheþ his lif wiþ oþer mennus metes. A man forſoþe diſciplyned and taȝt, ſhal kepe hymſelf. In þe mouþ of þe vnprudent ſhal be maad myſeiſe; and in þe wombe of hym fyr ſhal brenne.

Capitulum XLI.

O! deþ, hou bitter is þi mynde to an vnriȝtwis man, and hauende pes in his ſubſtaunces; to a quyete man, and whos weies ben riȝt ſtraȝt in alle þingus, and ȝit myȝti to taken mete. O! deþ, good is þi dom to a man nedy, and þat is laſſid in ſtrengþe, failende þurȝ age, and to whom of alle þingus is cure, and to þe vnbeleeueful, þat leeſeþ wiſdam. Wile þou not dreden þe dom of deþ; haue mynde what biforn þee weren, and what vp on ben to come to þee; þis dom fro þe Lord to alle fleſh. And þat ſhuln ouercomen to þee in þe wel pleſid þing of þe heȝeſt; wheþer ten, or an hundred, or a þouſend ȝer. Forſoþe þer is not in helle acuſing of lif. Þe ſonus of abhominaciouns ben mad þe ſonus of ſynneres; and þat wonen biſide þe houſis of vnpitous men. Þe eritage of þe ſonus of ſynneres ſhal perſhen; and wiþ þe ſed of hem þe beſyneſſe of repref. Of þe vnpitouſe fader pleynen, or weilen, ſonus, for for hym þei ben in repref. Wo to ȝou, vnpitous men, þat han forſaken þe lawe of þe heȝeſt Lord. And if ȝee ſhul ben born, in curſing ȝee ſhul ben born; and if ȝee ſhul dien, in curſing ſhal be ȝoure part. Alle þingus þat of þe erþe ben, in to erþe ſhul ben turned; ſo vnpitouſe men fro curſing in to perdicioun. Þe weylyng of men in þe body of hem; þe name forſoþe of vnpitous men ſhal ben don awey. Cure haue þou of a good name; þat forſoþe more ſhal abide ſtille wiþ þee, þan a þouſend grete treſores and precious. Of good lif þe noumbre of daȝes; forſoþe good name ſhal abide ſtille in to þe ſpirituel world. Diſciplyne in pes kepeþ, ȝee ſonus; hid forſoþe wiſdam, and treſor vnſeen, what profit in euere eiþer? Betere is a man þat hidiþ hys folie, þan a man þat hidiþ his wiſdam. Ner þe latere turneþ aȝeen in þeſe þingus þat gon out of my mouþ. Forſoþe it is not good to waiten aboute, or to kepen, alle vnreuerence, and not alle þingus in alle pleſen in feiþ. Shame ȝee of þe fader, and of þe moder, of fornycacioun; and fro þe cheef ſittere, and of þe myȝty, of leſyng; and of þe prince, and of þe domes man, of gilte; of þe ſynagoge, and of þe folc, of wickidneſſe; of felawe, and of frend, of vnriȝtwiſneſſe; and of þe place in þe whiche þou dwelliſt, of þefte; of þe treuþe of God, and þe teſtament; of ſitting doun in loeues, and of þe derknyng of þe ȝoue þing, and of taken; fro men ſalutende, of ſtillneſſe; fro biholdyng of a fornycarie womman, and fro þe turnyng awei of þe chere of þe coſyn. Ne turne þou awei face fro þi neȝhebore; and fro taking awei part, and not reſtoring. Bihold þou not a womman of an oþer man; and ne enſerche þou þe hand womman of hym, and ſtonde þou not at þe bed of hir. Bewar of frendus, of wrdus of repref; and whan þou haſt ȝyue, ne vpbreide þou.

Capitulum XLII.

Ne double þou þe ſermoun of heering, of þe openyng of þe hid wrd; and þou ſhalt ben verrely wiþoute confuſioun, and þou ſhalt fynde grace in þe ſiȝt of alle men. Ne for alle þeſe þingus be þou confoundid; and ne accepte þou perſone, þat þou gilte of þe lawe of þe heȝeſt, and of þe teſtament of dom, to iuſtefien þe vnpitouſe; of þe wrd of felawes, and of weie goeres, and of þe ȝyuyng of þe eritage of frendis; of þe euenes of balaunces, and of weiȝtes, of purchaſyng of manye þingus, and of fewe; of þe corrupcioun of biyng, and of marchaundis, and of myche diſciplyne of ſonus; and of þe werſt ſeruaunt, to make þe ſide to bleden. Vp on a ſhreude womman good is a ſigne. Where ben many hondis, cloſe þou; and what euere þou ſhalt take, noumbre þou, and peiſe; þe ȝyuen þing forſoþe, and þe taken, al diſkryue, or wryte. Of þe diſciplyne of þe mysfelende, and of þe fool, and of þe elderes, þatt ben demed, of þe ȝunge waxen men; and þou ſhalt ben lerned in alle þingus, and prouable in þe ſiȝte of alle men. Þe doȝter of þe fader is hid, þe wache and þe byſyneſſe of hir ſhal don awey ſlep; leſt par auenture in hir ȝunge waxen age auoutreſſe ſhe be mad, and wiþ a man dwellende, hatefull ſhe be mad; leſt any tyme ſhe be pollutid in hir maydenhed, and in hir fader keping ſhe be founde wiþ child; leſt par auenture wiþ hir man dwellende, ſhe treſpaſſe, or certus bareyn ſhe be mad. Vp on a leccherous doȝtir ſet warde, leſt any tyme ſhe make þee in to repref to comen to þin enemys, of bacbiting in þe citee, and of caſting awey of þe puple; and ſhe confounde þee in þe multitude of þe puple. To alle men wile þou not taken heed in þe fairneſſe; and in þe myddel of wymmen wile þou not dwellen. Forſoþe of cloþis comeþ þe moȝhe, and of a womman þe wickidneſſe of a man. Betere forſoþe is þe wickidneſſe of a man, þan a womman doende benefet, and a womman confoundende in to repref. Myndeful be Y ſhal þerfore of þe werkes of þe Lord; and which I ſaȝ, I ſhal ſhewen out, in þe wrdis of þe Lord, his werkus. Þe ſunne ſhynende þurȝ alle þingus biheeld; and of þe glorie of þe Lord ful is his werk. Wheþer not þe Lord made ſeyntes to tellen out alle his merueiles, þe whiche þe Lord almyȝty ſhal confermen ſtable in his glorie? Þe depþe of þe ſe, and þe herte of men he ſhal enſerchen; and in þe ſlyȝe wit, or gile, of hem he ſhal out þenke. Þe Lord forſoþe kneȝ al kunnyng, and beheeld in to þe tocne of þe ſpiritueell world; ſhewende out þat ben paſſid, and þat ben ouer to come; openende þe ſteppis of hid þingus. And þer paſſeþ not biſide hym any þenking, and any wrd hidde not it ſelf fro hym. He made faire þe grete wrþi werkes of his wiſdam, þe whiche is biforn þe world, and vnto þe world; ne it is echid, ne it is laſſid, and it nedeþ not þe counſeil of any man. Hou deſirable ben alle þe werkes of hym, and as a ſparcle þat is, to beholden. Alle þeſe þingus lyuen, and dwellen in to þe world; and in alle nede alle þyngus obeſhen to hym. Alle þingus double, oon aȝen oon; and he made not any þing to failen. Of euery þing he ſhal conferme þe goodus; and who ſhal be fulfild, ſeende þe glorie of hym, and who witende ſhal conferme þe ſtrengþe of hym?

Capitulum XLIII.

The firmament of þe heiȝte is þe fairneſſe of hym; and þe fairnes of heuene in þe ſiȝte of glorie. Þe ſunne in þe ſiȝte, ſhewende out in þe iſſue, a merueilous veſſel, þe werk of þe heȝe. In þe myddai it brenneþ out þe erþe; and in þe ſiȝte of his brennyng who ſhal moun ſuffre? Kepende þe furneys in þe werkis of brennyng; þre maner þe ſunne brennende oute hillis, blaſtende out fyrene bemes, and aȝeen ſhynende wiþ his bemes, blendeþ þe eȝen. Gret þe Lord, þat made it; and in þe wrdis of it he heeȝede þe weye. And þe moone in alle þingus in his tyme ſhewende of tyme, and tokne of þe ſpirituel world. Of þe moone þe ſigne of þe holy day; a liȝt ȝyuere þat is laſſid in þe ending. Þe mooneþ aftir his name is waxende, merueylouſly in to þe ful endyng. A veſſel of tentes in heiȝe þingis, in þe firmament of heuene ſhynende gloriouſly. Þe fairneſſe of heuene glorie of ſterres; þe Lord liȝtnende þe world in heiȝtes. In woordis hoely men ſhuln ſtonden at þe dom; and þei ſhul not failen in þer wacches. See þe bowe, and bliſſe hym þat made it; ful fair it is in his ſhynyng. He cumpaſide heuene in þe circuyt of his glorie; þe hondus of þe heȝe openeden it. Bi his maundement heeȝede þe ſnoȝ; and he heeȝeþ liȝtnyngus to ſenden out of his dom. Þerfore opened ben þe treſores, and flowen awey þe litle cloudys as briddes. In his mykilneſſe he putte þe cloudus; and ben to-broke þe ſtones of þe hail. In his ſiȝte ſhul ben ſtired togidere þe hillis; and in his wil ſhal ſpiren, or breþen, out þe ſouþ. Þe vois of his þunder ſchal beten þe erþe; and þe tempeſt of þe norþ, and þe gederyng of wynd. And as a brid puttende doun to ſitten ſprengeþ þe ſnoȝ, and as a locuſt drenchende þe deſcendingus of it. Þe fairneſſe of þe ſhynyng of it þe eȝe ſhal merueilen; and vp on þe weder of hym þe herte quakeþ. Froſt as ſalt he ſhal heelden out vp on þe erþe; and whil he blowiþ, he ſhal be mad as þe coppis of þe brembil. Þe cold norþerne wind bleeȝ, and þe criſtal freeſede fro þe watyr; vp on al þe gederyng of watris it reſteþ, and as an habirioun, it cloþide hymſelf watris. And it ſhal deuouren hillis, and brennen out þe deſert; and quenchen out þe greene as fyr. Medecyne of alle þingus in þe heeȝyng of þe litle cloude; þe dew, metende to þe comende brennyng, lowȝ ſhal maken it. In his wrd þe wynd heeld his pes; bi his þenking he ſhal peſe þe ſe; and þe Lord Jheſus plauntide yt. Who ſeilen þe ſe, ſhuln tellen out þe periles of it; and herende wiþ oure eres wee ſhuln wndre. Þere ful cleer werkis, and merueilous, and dyuers kindis of noȝouſe beſtes, and of alle helpely beſtes, and þe creature of beſtes. For hym is confermed þe ende of þe wey; and in þe wrd of hym alle þingus ben mad togidere. Many þinges we ſeyn, and failen in wrdis; ful endyng forſoþe of wrdis he is. In alle þingus gloriende, to what ſhul we be myȝty? he forſoþe almyȝti ouer alle his werkes. Ferful þe Lord, and gret hugely; and merueilous þe power of hym. Glorefiende þe Lord hou myche euere ȝee ſchul moun, he ſhal ben ouer wrþi ȝit; and ful merueilous þe gret doyng of hym. Bliſſende þe Lord, enhaunce ȝee hym as myche as ȝee moun; more forſoþe he is þan alle preiſing. Enhauncende hym ȝee ſhul be fulfild wiþ vertue; ne trauaile ȝee, forſoþe ȝee ſhul not ful comen. Who ſaȝ hym, and ſhal tellen out? and who ſhal magnefien hym, as he is fro þe bigynnyng? Many hid þingus ben more þan þeſe; forſoþe fewe þingus wee han ſeen of his werkes. Alle þingus forſoþe þe Lord made; and to men pitouſly doende he ȝaf wiſdam.

Capitulum XLIIII.

Preiſen we glorious men, and oure fadris and modris in þer generacioun. Myche glorie þe Lord dide in his grete doyng. Fro þe world ben men lordſchipende in þer poweres, grete men in vertue, and bi þer prudence biforn oþere mad riche; tellende in profetes þe dignete of profetes, and comaundende in þe preſent puple, and bi vertue of prudence of þe puple, moſt hoely wrdis. In þer wiſdam ſechende þe muſyk manerys, and tellende þe dytes of ſcriptures. Riche men in vertue, hauende þe ſtudy of fairneſſe, pes makende in þer houſes. Alle þeſe in þe ieneraciouns of þeir folc han taken glorie; and in þer daȝes ben had in preiſyngus. Who of hem ben born, laften þe name of telling þe preiſingus of hem. And þer ben, of whom is no mynde; þei perſheden as þat weren not, and ben born as not born; and þe ſonus of hem wiþ hem. But þey men of mercy ben, of whom þe pitouſtees faileden not; and wiþ þe ſeed of hem dwellide ſtille good eritage. And þe ſed of þe ſonus ſonus of hem ſtod in þe teſtament, and þe eritage of þe ſonus of hem for hem, in to wiþ oute ende dwelleþ; þe ſed of hem, and þe glorie of hem, ſhal not be forſaken. Þe bodies of hem in pes ben biried; and þe name of hem ſhal lyue in to ieneraciouns and ieneraciouns. Þe wyſdam of hem puples ſhul tellen; and þe preiſing of hem þe chirche ſhal ſhewen. Enoc pleſede to God, and is tranſlatid in to paradis, þat he ȝyue wiſdam to folc of kynde. Noe is founde a parfit riȝtwis man, and in tyme of wraþe he is mad recounſylyng. Þerfore is laft þe remnaunt of þe erþe, whan þe flod was do. Þe teſtaments of þe world ben put anent hym, ne myȝte be do awey wiþ þe flod eche fleſh. Abraham þe grete fader of þe multitude of þe folc of kinde; and þer is not founde lijc to hym in glorie, þat kepte þe lawe of þe heȝeſt, and was in teſtament wiþ hym. In his fleſh he made to ſtonde þe teſtament; and in tempting he is founde feiþful. Þerfore by oþ he ȝaf to hym glorie in his folc of kinde, to encreſen hym as an hilloc of erþe; and to enhauncen þe ſed of hym as þe ſterres, and to eritagen hym fro þe ſe vn to þe ſe, and fro þe flod vnto þe termes of þe erþe. And to Iſaac he dide þe ſame maner, for Abraham, his fader. Þe bliſſing of alle folc of kinde þe Lord ȝaf to hym; and his teſtament he confermede vp on þe hed of Jacob. He kneȝ hym in his bleſſingus, and ȝaf to hym þe eritage; and he deuydede to hym part in þe twelue lynagis. And he kepte to hym ſonus of mercy, findende grace in þe ſiȝt of al fleſh.

Capitulum XLV.

Moiſes looued of God and of men; whos mynde is in bleſſyng. Lic he made hym in þe glorie of ſeyntes, and he magnefiede hym in þe drede of enemys; and in his wrdis he ceſede hidous wondris. He glorefiede hym in þe ſiȝt of kyngus, and he comaundide to hym biforn al his puple, and he ſhewede to hym his glorie. In feiþ and ſofteneſſe of hym he made hym hoely; and he chees hym of alle fleſh. Forſoþe he herde hym, and þe vois of hym; and he ladde hym in a cloude. And he ȝaff hym an herte to þe heſtes, and to þe lawe of lif, and of diſciplyne; to techen Jacob þe teſtament, and Irael his domes. Heeȝ he made Aaron, his broþer, and a lic to hym of þe lynage of Leuy. He ſette to hym an euere laſtende teſtament, and he ȝaf to hym þe preſþod of þe folc of kinde; and he made hym blisful in glorie. And he girde hym aboute wiþ þe girdil of riȝtwiſneſſe, and he cloþide hym þe ſtoele of glorie, and crounede hym in veſſelis off vertue. Shon, and breches, and coepe he putte to hym, and girde hym aboute wiþ manye litle goldene belles in cumpas; to ȝyue ſoun in his goyng in, and to make þe ſoun herd in þe temple, in to mynde to þe ſonus of hys folc. An hoely ſtoele, wiþ gold, and blyu vyolet ſilc, and ſanguyn ſilc, þe werk wouen, þurȝ þe dom of þe wiſe man, and þurȝ þe treuþe of þe enourned; wiþ fyr red ſilc foldun aȝeen, þe werk of þe craftis, wiþ precious iemmes figured in binding of gold, and wiþ werk of þe lapidarie grauen, in to þe mynde, after þe noumbre of þe lynagis of Irael. A goldene croune vp on þe mytre of hym, expreſſid wiþ þe tocne of hoelyneſſe, þe glorie of wrſhipe, and þe werc of vertue, to þe deſir of eȝen enourned. So faire bifor hym weren not ſuche þingus, vnto þe eſt. Þer is nott clad wiþ it any alyen, but only alone þe ſonus of hym, and þe coſynes of hym, bi alle tyme. Þe ſacrifices of hym ben ful endid wiþ fyr eche day. Moiſes fulfilde þe hondis of hym, and enoyntede hym wiþ his hoely oile. It is mad to hym an euerelaſtende teſtament, and to his ſed as þe daȝes of heuene, to vſen þe offis of preſþed, and to han preyſyng, and his puple to be glorified in his name. Hym he chees of alle lyuende, to offre ſacrifice to God, encens, and good ſmell, in to mynde, to make pes for his puple. And he ȝaf to hym power in his heſtes, in teſtamentes of domes, to teche Jacob witneſſingus, and in his lawe liȝt to ȝyue to Irael. For aȝen hym ſtoden alienus, and for enuye þer cumpaſſeden hym men in deſert, þat weren wiþ Daþan and Abiron, and þe congregacioun of Chore, in to ful wraþe. Þe Lord ſaȝ, and it pleſede not to hym; and þei ben waſtid in þe bure of ful wraþe. He made to hem hidous veniaunces, and he waſtede þem in þe flaume of fyr. And he eechede to Aron glorie, and he ȝaf to hym eritage; and þe chef of þe frutes of þe erþe he deuydide to hym. Þe bred of hym in þe firſte, in to fulneſſe he greiþede; for whi and þe ſacrifiſe of þe Lord þei ſhul ete, þe whiche he ȝaf to hym, and to þe ſed of hym. For whi in þel ond he ſhal not eritagen Jentiles, and part is not to hym in þe folc; he is forſoþe þe part of hym, he is and þe eritage. Fynees, þe ſone of Eleaſar, þe þridde is in glorie, folowende hym in þe drede of God, and to ſtonde in reuerence of þe folc; in goodneſſe and gladneſſe of his ſoule he pleſide to God of Irael. Þerfore he ſette to hym a teſtament of pes, and a prince of ſeyntes, and of his folc; þat þer be to hym and to his ſed dignete of preſþed, in to wiþ oute ende. And þe teſtament of Dauid, þe king, ſone of Jeſſe, of þe lynage of Juda, eritage to hym, and to þe ſed of hym; þat he ſchuld ȝyue wiſdam in to oure herte, to demen his folc in riȝtwiſneſſe, leſt were don awei þe goodis of hem; and þe glorie of hem, in to þe folc of hem, he maade euere laſtende.

Capitulum XLVI.

Strong in bataile Jeſus Nauee, þe ſucceſſour of Moiſes in profetes, þat was gret aftir his name. Moſt in to þe helþe of þe choſen men of God, to fiȝten out þe enemys aȝenriſende, þat he ſhulde han afterward þe eritage of Irael. What glorie he hadde in taking vp his hondis, and in caſtynge aȝen þe cites twey bitende ſwerdis. Who biforn hym ſo wiþſtod? for whi þe enemys þe Lord ſmot. Or not in wraþefulneſſe of hym is lettid þe ſunne, and o dai is mad as two? He inwardli clepede þe heȝeſt, myȝti in aȝenfiȝting his enemys on eiþer ſide; and þe grete and hoely God herde hym, in þe grete ſtones of hail of ful gret vertue. A bure he made aȝen þe enmyable folc; in þe goyng doun he diſtroȝede þe contrarious; þat þe Jentilis knowe þe myȝt of hym, for aȝen þe Lord to fiȝte is not liȝt; and he folowede þe myȝti men bihinde. And in þe daȝes of Moiſy mercy dide he, and Calef, þe ſone of Jefone; to ſtonde aȝen þe enemy, and to forfende þe folc fro ſynnes, and to drawen awei þe grucching of þe malice. And þei two ordeyned fro þe perile ben deliuered, fro þe noumbre of ſix hundrid þouſend foot men, to bringe þem in to þe eritage, in to þe lond þat flowiþ mylc and hony. And þe Lord ȝaf to Calef ſtrengþe, and vnto eelde abod ſtille to hym vertue; þat he ſhulde ſteȝe in to þe heȝe place of þe erþe, and þe ſed of hym heeld þe eritage. And alle þe ſonus of Irael ſeȝen, for it is good to obeſhe to þe hoeli God. And alle þe iugis bi þer name, of whom þe herte is not corrupt, þe whiche ben not turned awei fro þe Lord; þat þe mynde of hem be in bleſſing, and þe boenes of hem buriounen fro þer place; and þe name of hem abit ſtille in to wiþ oute ende, þe glorie of hoely men abidende ſtille to þe ſonus of hem. Samuel, þe profete of þe Lord, looued of þe Lord his God, renewede þe empire, and enoyntede princes in his folc. In þe lawe of þe Lord he demede þe congregacioun, and he ſaȝ þe Lord of Jacob, and in his feiþ he is proued a profete. And he is knowen in his wrdis feiþful, for he ſaȝ þe Lord of liȝt. And he inwardly clepide þe almyȝty Lord, in aȝenfiȝting þe enemys aboute ſtondende on eche ſide, in þe offring of þe man vndefoulid. And þe Lord þundrede in fro heuene, in a gret ſoun his vois he made herd. And he to-trad þe princes of Tyres, and alle þe dukes of Filiſteys. And bifore þe tyme of þe ende of his lif, and he ȝaf witneſſing of þe world, in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and of Criſt; monees and vnto þe ſhon, of alle fleſh he toc not; and þer acuſide hym not a man. And aftir þat he ſlepte, and made knowen to þe kyng, and ſhewede to hym þe ende of his lif; and enhauncede his vois fro þe erþe in profecie, to don awey þe vnpitouſte of þe folc.

Capitulum XLVII.

Aftir þeſe þingus ros Naþan, þe profete, in þe daȝes of Dauid. And as talȝ ſeuered fro þe fleſh, ſo Dauid fro þe ſonus of Irael. Wiþ leouns he pleyede, as wiþ lombis; in beres lijc maner he dide, as in lombis of ſhep. In his ȝouþe wheþer he ſloȝ not a ieaunt, and toc awei repref fro þe folc? In takinge þe hond in þe ſton of þe ſlynge, he þreȝ doun þe ioȝe of Golie, where he inwardly clepede þe Lord almyȝty; and he ȝaf in his riȝt hond to don awey a ſtrong man in bataile, and to enhaunce þe horn of his folc. So in ten þouſendis he glorifiede hym, and preiſede hym in þe bleſſingus of þe Lord, in offringe to hym a croune of glorie. Forſoþe he to-broſede þe enemys on eche ſide, and diſtroȝede Filiſteys contrarious, vnto þe day þat is now; he to-broſede þe horn of hem, vnto wiþ oute ende. In alle werk he ȝaf knouleching to þe hoely, and to þe heeȝe in þe wrd of glorie. Of alle his herte he preiſede God, and loouede þe Lord þat made hym, and ȝaf to hym aȝen þe enemyes myȝt. And he made to ſtonde ſyngeres aȝen þe auter; and in þe ſoun of hem he made ſweete motetes. And he ȝaf wrſhepe in ſolempnyſingus, and ournede þe tymes vnto þe ful endyng of lyf; þat þei ſhulden preiſen þe hoely name of þe Lord, and make large erly þe hoelyneſſe of God. Criſt purgede þe ſynnes of hym, and enhauncede in to wiþ outen ende þe horn of hym; and he ȝaf to hym þe teſtament of kingus, and a ſete of glorie in Irael. After hym ros a ſon weel felende; and for hym he caſt doun alle þe myȝte of enemys. Salomon comaundide in daȝes of pes, to whom God ſogetede alle þe enemyes, þat he ſhulde maken an hous in his name, and greiþen hoelyneſſe in to euermor, as he was taȝt in his ȝouþe. And he is fulfild as a flod wiþ wiſdam; and his ſoule aȝeen couerede þe erþe. And þou fulfildiſt in compariſouns derk prouerbis; to ylis aferr is puppliſht þi name, and þou art looued in þi pes. In ſongus, and in prouerbis, and compariſouns, and in remenyngus wndreden þe londis; and in þe name of þe Lord, to whom is þe toname God off Irael. Þou gedereſt as latoun gold, and as led þou fulfildiſt ſyluer. And þou bowediſt in þin hipes to wymmen; power þou haddeſt in þi body. Þou ȝeue a wem in þi glorie, and curſedeſt þi ſed, to bringen in wraþefulneſſe to þi free childer, and in oþere þingus þi folye; þat þou ſhuldiſt make þe empire partid on two, and of Effreym to comaunden an hard maundement. God forſoþe ſhall not leuen his mercy, and he ſhal not ſpille, ne don awey his werkes, ne leeſe fro þe ſtoc his choſun ſonus ſonus; and þe ſed of hym þat looueþ þe Lord he ſhall not ſhende. He ȝaf forſoþe an oþer Jacob, and Dauid of þat lynage. And Salomon hadde ende wiþ his fadris. And he lafte after hym of his ſed þe folie of þe folc, and þe mynuſht fro prudence, Roboam; þe whiche turnede awey þe folc bi his counſeil. And Jeroboam, þe ſone of Naboþ, þat made to ſynnen Irael, and ȝaf þe weie of ſynnyng to Effraym; and ful manye redoundeden þe ſynnes of hem gretli, forſoþe þei turneden hem awei fro þer lond. And he ſoȝte alle wickidneſſes, vnto þe tyme þat defending ful cam to þem; and fro alle ſynnes he delyuerede þem.

Capitulum XLVIII.

And Helie, þe profete, ros as fyr; and his wrd as a brond brende. Þe whiche broȝte in to hem hunger, and folewende hym bi þer enuye ben mad fewe; forſoþe þei myȝten not ſuffre þe heſtes of þe Lord. Þurȝ þe wrd of þe Lord he wiþheeld heuene, and caſt doun fro hym fyr to þe erþe. So mad large is Helie in his merueiles; and who mai lic maner glorien to þee, þe whiche haſt borne vp þe deade fro helle, fro þe lot of deþ, in þe wrd of þe Lord God? Þe whiche þreȝ doun kingus to deþ, and þou breeke liȝtli þe myȝt of hem, and þe gloriouſe fro þer bed. Þatt herdiſt in Syna dom, and in Oreb domes of defenſioun. Þat enoyntiſt kingus to penaunce, and profetes makeſt ſucceſſoures after þee. Þat art reſceyued in whirlewynd of fyr, in a char of fyrene hors. Þat art inwrite in domes of tymes, to ſwage þe wraþe of þe Lord, and to ioynen, or acorde, þe herte of þe fader to þe ſone, and to reſtoren þe lynagis of Jacob. Blisful ben þei, þat þee han herd, and in þi frenſhepe ben mad faire; for why wee wiþ lijf lyuen only, after deþ forſoþe ſuch ſhal not ben oure name. Helie forſoþe in a whirlewynd is couered; and in Helyſe fulfild is his ſpirit. In his daȝes he dradde not a prince, and bi myȝt no man ouer cam hym; ne ouercam hym any wrd, and his body dead profeciede. In his lif he dide huge wondris; and in deþ merueilouſe þingus he wroȝte. In alle þeſe þingus þe puple dide not penaunce, and þei wenten not awey fro þer ſynnes, vn to þe tyme þat þei ben caſt awey fro þer lond, and ben ſcatered in to eche lond. And þer is laft ful fewe folc, and a prince in þe hous of Dauid. Summe of hem dyden þat ſhulde pleſen to God; oþere forſoþe diden manye ſynnes. Eſechias ſtrengþede his cite, and broȝte in to þe myddel of it water; and dalf wiþ iren þe roche, and bilde vp to þe water a pit. In his daȝes ſteȝede vp Senacherub, and ſente Rapſacen; and vnderputte his hond aȝen hem, and putte out his hond in to Sion, and proud is mad in his myȝt. Þanne moued ben þe hertes and þe hondis of hem; and þei ſoreweden as wymmen trauailende wiþ child. And þei inwardly clepeden þe mercyful Lord, and ſtrechende out hondis þei rereden vp to heuene; and þe hoely Lord God herde anon þe vois of hem. He remembrede not þe ſynnes of hem, ne ȝaf hem to þer enemys; but purgede hem in þe hond of Yſaye, þe hoely profete. He þreȝ doun þe tentes of Aſſiries, and hem to-broſede þe aungil of þe Lord. For whi Ezechie dide þat pleſede to þe Lord, and ſtrongli he wente in þe weie of Dauid, his fader; þat Iſaie, þe grete profete, and feiþful in þe ſiȝte of God, ſente to hym. In his daȝes bacward wente aȝen þe ſunne; and addede to þe king lif. Wiþ a gret ſpirit he ſaȝ þe laſte þingus; and coumfortede þe weilende men in Sion, vn to euermor. He ſhewide þingus to come, and hid, er þat þei fellen.

Capitulum XLIX.

The mynde of Joſie mad in a making of ſmell, is a werk of a pyment makere. In eche mouþ as hony ſhal be inwardly ſweete þe mynde of hym, and as melody in þe feſte of wyn. He is euene riȝt godly in þe penaunce of folc; and he took awey þe abhomynaciouns of vnpitouſneſſe. And he gouernede to þe Lord his herte; and in þe daȝes of ſynnes he ſtrengþede pite. Saue Dauid, and Eſechie, and Joſie, alle þe kingus diden ſynne. For whi þe kyngus of Juda laften þe lawe of þe myȝty, and diſpiſeden þe drede of God. Forſoþe þei ȝeuen þer kingdam to oþere, and þer glorie to an alien folc. Þei brenden vp þe choſen cite of hoelyneſſe; and deſert þei maden weies of it in þe hond of Jeremye. For whi euele þei treteden hym, þat fro þe wombe of þe moder is ſacrid a profete, to turnen vpſodoun, and to leeſen, and eft to bilden vp, and to renewen. Eſechiel, þat ſaȝ þe ſiȝte of glorie, þat he ſhewede to hym in þe char of cherubyn. For whi he remembrede of þe enemys in weder, to wel don to þem, þat ſheweden riȝt weies. And þe boenes of þe twelue profetes ſpringen oute fro þer place; for whi þei ſtrengþeden Jacob, and aȝeenboȝten þemſelf in feiþ of his vertue. What maner ſhul wee make large Zorobabel? for whi and he as a tocne in þe riȝt hond of Irael; and Jeſum, þe ſone of Joſedech? þe whiche in þer daȝes bildun vp þe hous, and enhaunceden þe hoely temple to þe Lord, mad redy in to euermor glorie. And Neemye in þe mynde of myche tyme, þat rerede vp to vs þe turned vpſodoun walles, and made to ſtonde ȝates and lokes; þat rerede vp oure houſes. No man is born in þe erþe ſuch as Enoch; for whi and he is reſceyued fro þe erþe. And Joſeph, þat is born of man, prince of breþern, faſtnyng of folc of kynde, gouernour of breþern, ſtablyng of puple; and þe bones of hym ben viſitid, and aftir þe deþ þei profecieden. Seþ and Sem, þeſe anent men hadden gote glorie, and ouer alle lif in þe ſpringyng of Adam.

Capitulum L.

Symon, Onyes ſone, þe grete preſt, þat in his lif vnderſette þe hous, and in his daȝes ſtrengþede þe temple. Alſo þe heiȝte of þe temple of hym is foundid, þe double bilding, and þe heȝe walles of þe temple. In his daȝes ſprungen out þe pittes of watris; and as þe ſe þei ben fulfild ouer maner. Þat curede his folc, and delyuerede it fro perdicioun. Þat hadde þe maiſtrie to make large þe cite; þat gat glorie in to þe lyuynge of folc; and þe incomyng of þe hous, and of þe porche he made large. As þe morutid ſterre in myddel of þe litle cloude, and as þe fulle moone in his daȝes he liȝtneþ; and as þe ſhynende ſunne, ſo he ſhyneþ out in þe temple of God; as þe aȝenſhynende bowe betwene þe litle cloudis of glorie, and as þe flour of roſes in þe daȝes of ver, and as lilies, þat ben in goyngus of water, and as cenſe ſmellende in þe daȝes of ſomyr; as fyr ſhynende out, and ſens brennende in fyr; as a maſſee veſſel of gold, enourned wiþ alle maner precious ſton; as a buriounende olyue, and cipreſſe in to heiȝte puttende out itſelf; in takynge hym þe ſtoele of glorie, and to be clad hym in þe ful endyng of vertue. In þe ſteȝyng vp of þe hoely auter, glorie he ȝaf þe amyſe of hoelyneſſe. In takynge forſoþe partes of þe hond of preſtes, and he ſtondende biſide þe auter. Aboute hym þe croune of breþern, as þe plaunting of a ceder in Liban hil; ſo aboute hym þei ſtoden as palm braunches, and alle þe ſonus of Aron in þer glorie. Þe offring forſoþe of þe Lord in þe hondis of hem, biforn al þe gedering of Irael; and þe ful endyng vſyng in to þe auter, to make large þe offring of þe heȝe king, he ſtraȝte out his hond in þe ſacrifiyng of likoures; and he ſacrifiede in þe blod of a grape. He helde out in þe foundement of þe auter, godly ſmel to þe heȝe prince. Þanne crieden out þe ſonus of Aron; in beten out trumpes þei ſouneden, and herd þei maden a gret vois in to þe mynde bifor God. Þanne al þe puple togidere wenten forþ, and fellen in to þe face vp on þe erþe, to honoure þe Lord þer God, and to ȝyue preȝeeres to þe almyȝty heȝe God. And þei largeden ſynging in þer voiſes; and in þe grete hous is mad a vois ful of ſwetneſſe. And þe puple preȝede þe heȝe Lord in preȝere, vn to þe tyme þat ful don is þe honour of þe Lord, and his ȝifte þei parformeden. Þanne comende doun, his hondis he putte out in to al þe congregacioun of þe ſonus of Irael, to ȝyue glorie to God of his lippes, and in his name to glorien. And he rehercede. his oriſoun, willende to ſhewe þe vertue of God. And aftir eft more he preȝede þe God of alle, þat grete þingus dide in al erþe; þat encreſide oure daȝes fro þe wombe of oure moder, and dide wiþ vs aftir his mercy. Ȝyue he to vs inward ioȝe of herte, and to be mad pes in oure daȝes in Irael bi euere laſtende daȝes; Irael to leeuen, wiþ vs to ben þe mercy of God, þat he deliuere þem in þer daȝes. Two folkis hateþ my ſoule; þe þridde forſoþe is, þat noon more folc I ſhulde haten. Þat ſitten in þe hil of Seir, and Filiſteym, and þe fool puple, þat dwelliþ in Sichemys. Þe doctrine of wiſdam, and of diſciplyne wrot in þis boc Jheſus, þe ſone of Sirac, Jeroſolomytane; þat renewede þe wiſdam of his herte. Blisful þat in þeſe goodus abit; þat putteþ þo þingus in his herte, wys ſhal ben euermor. If forſoþe þeſe þingus he ſhul do, to alle þingus he ſhal ben myȝty; for þe liȝt of God is þe ſtep of hym.

Capitulum LI.

I ſhal knoulechen to þee, Lord king; and I ſhal al preiſen þee, God my ſaueour. I ſhal knoulechen to þi name, for helpere and defendere þou art mad to me; and þou haſt delyuered my body fro perdicioun, fro þe gnare of a wicke tunge, and fro þe lippes of men werkende leſyng; and in þe ſiȝt of men ſtondende neeȝ þou art mad to me an helpere. And þou haſt delyuered me, after þe multitude of þe mercy of þi name, fro þe rorende men greiþed to mete; fro þe hondis of men ſechende my ſoule, and of manye tribulaciouns þat enuyrouneden me; fro þe tormenting of flaume þat cumpaſede me, and in þe myddel of þe fyr I am not brend out; fro þe heiȝte of þe wombe of helle, and fro þe defoulid tunge, and fro þe wrd of leſing; fro a wicke king, and fro an vnriȝtwis tunge. Shal preiſen vn to þe deþ my ſoule þe Lord; and my lif neȝhende was in helle beneþe. Þei cumpaſſeden me on eche ſide, and þer was not þat wolde helpen; biholdende I was to þe helpe of men, and þer was not. I hadde mynde of þi mercy, Lord, and of þi wiþ werching, þat fro þe world ben; for þou takeſt out men ſuſtenende þee, and delyuereſt hem fro þe hond of Jentiles. Þou enhancedeſt vp on þe erþe my dwelling; and for þe deþ flowende doun I louly preȝede. I inwardly clepede þe Lord, fader of my Lord, þat he forſake not me in day of my tribulacioun, and in tyme of proude men, wiþ oute helpe. I ſhal preiſen þi name byſyly, and I ſhal wiþpreiſen it in confeſſioun; and ful out herd is myn oriſoun. And þou haſt delyuered me fro perdicioun, and þou haſt caȝt me out fro þe wicke tyme. Þerfore I ſhal knoulechen, and preiſyng I ſhal ſey to þee; and I ſhal bliſſe þe name of þe Lord. Whan ȝit ȝungere I am, bifor þat aboute I ſhulde erre, I ſoȝte wiſdam openly in myn oriſoun. Biforn tyme I aſkede for it, and vn to in þe laſte þingus I ſhal gretli ſechen it; and it ſhal floure as a firſt rip grape. Myn herte gladide in it, my foot wente a riȝt weye; fro my ȝouþe I enſerchede it. I bowede in a litil myn ere, and I toc it. Myche I fond in myſelf wiſdam, and myche I profitede in it. To þe ȝyuende to me wiſdam I ſhal ȝyue glorie. I counſeilede forſoþe to don it; gretly I loouede good, and I ſchal not be confoundid. My ſoule wraſtled in it; and in doing it I am confermed. My hondis I ſtraȝte out in to heiȝ; and in þe wiſdam of hym weilede my ſoule, and myn vnkunnyngus he liȝtede. My ſoule I riȝt reulede to it; and in knowyng I fond it. I weldede wiþ hem herte fro þe bigynnyng; for þat I ſhal not ben forſaken. My wombe is diſturbid in ſechyng it; þerfore good poſſeſſioun I ſhal welde. Þe Lord forſoþe ȝaf to me a tunge my meede; and in it I ſhal preiſen hym. Comeþ nyȝ to me, ȝee vntaȝt; and gedereþ ȝou togidere in þe hous of diſciplyne. What ȝit ȝee tarien? and what ſey ȝee in þeſe þingus? ȝoure ſoules þriſten hugely. I openede my mouþ, and I ſpac, Bieþ to ȝou wiþoute ſiluer wiſdam, and ȝoure necke vnderleiþ to þe ȝoc of it, and ȝoure ſoule vndertake he diſcyplyne; in þe nexte forſoþe is to fynden it. Seeþ wiþ ȝoure eȝen, for a litil I trauailede, and I fond to me myche reſte. Takeþ to diſcyplyne in myche noumbre of ſyluer, and plenteuous gold weldeþ in it. Glade ȝoure ſoule in þe mercy of it; and ȝe ſchul not be confoundid in þe preiſing of it. Werkeþ ȝoure werk bifor tyme; and it ſhal ȝyue to ȝou ȝoure meede in his tyme.

Here endiþ Eccleſiaſticus.

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