Þe Prologe of Apocalips
Jon, þe apoſtil and euangeliſt of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, choſen and loued, in ſo gret loue of dileccioun is had, þat in þe cene on his breſt he ſhulde lyn, and at þe cros he hadde bitaken his owne modir to hym ſtondende alone, þat whom willende to be weddid to þe cleping of maidenhed he hadde clepid, to hym alſo he ſhulde han bitake a maiden to be kept. Þis alſo, whan for þe word of God and þe witneſſe of Jheſu Criſt wiþ outlaweri ſhulde be born in to þe ile of Paþmos, þere of þe ſame þe Apocalips forþ ſhewid was writen, þat as in þe bigynnyng of canon, þat is, of þe bok of Geneſis, an vncoruptible principle is fornotid, ſo an vncoruptible ende bi a maiden in þe Apocalips ſhulde be ȝoue of Criſt, ſeiende, I am alfa and oo, bygynnyng and ending. Þis is Jon, þe whiche knowende þe dai of paſſing fro bodi to han becomen to hym, his diſciplis in Effeſy clepid togidere, wente doun in to a delf place of his birielis, and, preȝeere fullfild, he ȝeld þe goſt, as wel fro þe ſorewe of deþ made ſtraunge, as fro corupcioun of fleſh he is knowen alyen. Of whoſe ſcripture neþeles þe diſpoſing, or þe ordynaunce, of þe boc þerfore of vs bi alle þingis is not expowned, þat to men not knowende deſyr of ſeching be ſet, and to men ſechende frut of trauaile, and to God þe doctrine of maiſterhed be kept.
Here endiþ þe prologe, and bygynneþ þe Apocalips.
Capitulum I.
Apocalipſis, or reuelacioun, of Jheſu Criſt, þe whiche God ȝaf to him for to make opyn to his ſeruauntis, whiche þingis it bihoueþ to be maad ſoone. And he ſignyfiede, ſending bi his aungel to his ſeruaunt Joon, þe whiche bar witneſſing to þe word of God, and witneſſing of Jheſu Criſt, in þes þingis, what euere þinges he ſiȝe. Bleſſid he þat rediþ, and he þat heriþ þe wordis of þis prophecie, and kepiþ þo þingis þat ben writen in it; forſoþe þe tyme is nyȝ. Joon to ſeuen chirchis, þat ben in Aſye, grace to ȝou, and pees, of him þat is, and þat was, and þat is to comynge; and of þe ſeuen ſpiritis, þat ben in þe ſiȝt of his trone; and of Jheſu Criſt, þat is a feiþful witneſſe, þe firſte bigeten of deede men, and prince of kingis of erþe; þe which louede vs, and waiſchide vs fro oure ſynnes in his blood, and made vs a kingdom, and preſtes to God and to his fadir; to him glory and empire in to worldlis of worldlis. Amen. Lo! he comeþ wiþ clowdis, and ech iȝe ſhal ſee him, and þei þat pungeden, or prickeden, him; and alle þe kynredes, or lynages, of erþe ſhulen weile hem ſilf on him. Ȝhe, Amen! I am alpha and oo, þe bigynnyng and endyng, ſeiþ þe Lord God, þat is, and þat was, and þat is to comynge, almiȝty. I, Joon, ȝoure broþer, and parcener in tribulacioun, and kingdom, and pacience in Criſt Jheſu, was in an yle, þat is clepid Paþmos, for þe word of God, and witneſſyng of Jheſu. I was in ſpirit in þe Sunday, and I herde aftir me a greet voys, as of a trumpe, ſeiynge, Þat þing þat þou ſeeſt, wrijte in a book, and ſende to þe ſeuene chirchis þat ben in Aſye; to Epheſo, to Smyrma, and Pergamo, and to Tyatira, and Sardo, and Philadelfia, and Loadicia. And I turnede, þat I ſhulde ſee þe voys þat ſpake wiþ me; and I turned ſiȝe ſeuene candilſtickes of gold, and in þe mydle of þe ſeuene goldun candelſtickis a liche to þe ſone of man, cloþid wiþ a long preſtly clooþ, and bifore gyrd at þe teetis wiþ a golden gyrdel. Soþeli þe heed of him and heeres weren white, as whijt wulle, and as ſnow; and þe iȝen of him as flaume of fijr; and hiſe feet lijke to droſſe of gold, or latoun, as in a brennynge chymeney; and þe voys of him as þe voys of many watris. And he hadde in his riȝþond ſeuen ſterres, and a ſwerd ſharp on boþe ſijdis wente out of his mouþ; and his face ſhijneþ as þe ſunne in his vertu. And whan I hadde ſeyn hym, I fel doun at his feet, as deed. And he puttide his riȝþond on me, ſeiynge, Nyle þou drede; I am þe firſt and þe laſt; and I am alyue, and I was deed; and lo! I am lyuynge in to worldlis of worldlis, and I haue þe keyes of deeþ and helle. Þerfore wrijte þou whiche þinges þou haſt ſeyn, and whiche ben, and whiche it bihoueþ for to be don aftir þes þinges. Þe myſterie,or priuytee, of ſeuene ſterris, whom þou ſiȝe in my riȝþalf, and þe ſeuen golden candelſtickes; þe ſeuen ſterres ben aungels of ſeuene chirchis, and þe ſeuene candelſtickes ben ſeuene chirches.
Capitulum II.
And to þe aungel of þe chirche of Efeſus wrijte þou, Þes þinges ſeiþ he, þat holdiþ ſeuen ſterres in his riȝþalf, þe which walkiþ in þe mydle of ſeuen golden candelſtickis. Y woot þi werkes, and trauel, and þi pacyence, and for þou mayſt not ſuffre yuele men; and þou haſt temptid, or aſayed, hem þat ſeien hem ſilf for to be apoſtles, and ben not, and þou haſt founden hem liȝers; and þou haſt pacience, and þou haſt ſuſtenyd for my name, and faylediſt not. But Y haue aȝen þee a fewe þinges, þat þou haſt left þi firſt charite. And ſo be þou myndeful of whennus þou haſt falle, and do penaunce, and do þe firſte werkes; if not, I come ſoone to þee, and ſhal moue þi candelſticke of his place, no but þou ſhalt do penaunce. But þou haſt þis good þing, for þou hatediſt þe dedes of Nycholaytis, or folewers of Nychol, þe whiche and I hatede. He þat haþ eres, here, what þe ſpirit ſhal ſeie to þe chirchis. To þe ouercomynge I ſhal ȝiue for to ete of þe tree of lijf, þat is in paradiſe of my God. And to þe aungel of þe chirche of Smyrma wrijte þou, Þes þinges ſeiþ þe firſt and þe laſt, þat was deed, and lyueþ. I woot þi tribulacioun, and þi pouert, but þou art riche; and þou art blasfemyd of hem, þat ſeien hem ſilf for to be Jewes, and ben not, but þei ben þe ſynagoge of Saþanas. Drede þou no þing of þes, whiche þou art to ſuffringe. Lo! þe deuel is to ſendinge ſumme of ȝou in to priſoun, þat ȝe be temptid; and ȝe ſhulen haue tribulacioun ten dayes. Be þou feiþful unto þe deeþ, and I ſhal ȝiue to þee a coroun of lijf. He þat haþ eres, here, what þe ſpirit ſhal ſeie to þe chirchis. He þat ſhal ouercome, ſhal not be hirt of þe ſecounde deeþ. And to þe aungel of þe chirche of Pergame wrijte þou, Þes þinges ſeiþ he, þat haþ þe ſwerd ſharp on eiþer ſijde. I woot where þou dwelliſt, where þe ſeete of Saþanas is; and þou holdiſt my name, and denyeſt not my feiþ. And in þo dayes was Antiphas, my feiþful witneſſe, þat was ſlayn at ȝou, where Saþanas dwelliþ. But I haue aȝens þee fewe þinges; for þou haſt þere men holdinge þe teching of Balaam, þe which tauȝte Balac for to ſende ſclaundre bifor þe ſones of Yrael, þat is to ſeie, for to ete of ſacrificis of ydolis, and for to do fornycacioun; ſo and þou haſt men holdinge þe teching of Nycholaytis. Alſo do þou penaunce; if not, I ſhal ſoone come to þee, and I ſhal fiȝte wiþ hem in ſwerd of my mouþ. He þat haþ eres, here, what þe ſpirit ſhal ſeie to þe chirches. To þe ouercomynge I ſhal ȝiue manna hid; or aungel mete, and I ſchal ȝiue to him a whijt ſtoon, and in þe ſtoon a newe name writun, þe which no man woot, no but he þat takiþ. And to þe aungel of þe chirche of Tyatira wrijte þou, Þes þinges ſeiþ þe ſone of God, þat haþ iȝen as flaume of fijr, and his feet lijk to droſſe of gold. I haue knowe þi werkes, and feiþ, and charite, and myniſterie, or ſeruice, and þi pacience, and þi laſte werkes mo þan þe formere. But I haue aȝens þee a fewe þinges; for þou ſuffriſt þe womman Jezabel, þe which ſeiþ hir for to be a propheteſſe, for to teche and deceyue my ſeruauntes, for to do leccherie, and for to ete of þingis offrid to ydolis. And Y ȝaf to hir time, þat ſhe ſhulde do penaunce, and ſhe wole not do penaunce of hir fornicacioun. Lo! I ſende hir in to a bed, and þei þat don leccherie wiþ hir ſhulen be in mooſt tribulacioun, no but if þei do penaunce of her werkis. And I ſchal ſlee hir ſones in deeþ, and alle chirches ſhulen wite, for I am ſekinge reynes and hertes; and I ſhal ȝiue to ech man aftir his werkes. Forſoþe I ſeie to ȝou, and oþere þat ben at Tyatire, who euere han not þis teching, and þat knewen not þe hiȝneſſe of Saþanas, hou þei ſeien, I ſhal not ſende on ȝou an oþer charge; neþeles þat þat ȝe han, holdiþ til I come. And to him þat ſhal ouercome, and ſhal kepe til in to þe ende my werkes, I ſhal ȝiue power on folkes, and he ſhal gouerne hem in an yren ȝerd; and þei ſhulen be broke to gydere, as veſſel of a potter, as and I receyuede of my fadir; and I ſhal ȝiue to him a morewe ſterre. He þat haþ eres, here, what þe ſpirit ſhal ſeie to þe chirchis.
Capitulum III.
And to þe aungel of þe chirche of Sardis write þou, Þes þinges ſeiþ he, þat haþ þe ſeuen ſpirites of God, and ſeuen ſterres. I woot þi werkes, for þou haſt name, þat þou lyueſt, and þou art deed. Be þou wakinge, and confirme oþere þinges, þat weren to diynge; forſoþe I fynde not þi werkes ful bifore my God. Þerfore haue þou in mynde, hou þou receyuediſt, and herdiſt; and kepe, and do penaunce. Þerfore if þou ſhalt not wake, I ſhal come to þee as a nyȝt þeef, and þou ſhalt not wite in what our I ſhal come to þee. But þou haſt a fewe names in Sardis, þe whiche defouleden not her cloþes; and þei ſhulen walke wiþ me in whijte þingis, for þei ben worþi. He þat ſhal ouercome, ſhal be cloþid þus wiþ whijte cloþis; and I ſhal not do awey his name of þe boke of lijf, and I ſhal knowleche his name bifore my fadir, and bifore his aungels. He þat haþ eres, here, what þe ſpirit ſhal ſeie to chirchis. And to þe aungel of þe chirche of Philadelphe wrijte þou, Þes þinges ſeiþ þe holy and trewe, þat haþ þe keye of Dauid; þe which openiþ, and no man cloſiþ, he cloſiþ, and no man openiþ. I woot þi werkis, and lo! I ȝaf bifore þee a dore openid, þe which no man mai cloſe; for þou haſt a litel vertu, and haſt kept my word, and denyeſt not my name. Lo! I ſhal ȝyue to þee of þe ſynagoge of Saþanas, þe whiche ſeien hem for to be Jewis, and ben not, but liȝen. Lo! I ſhal make hem, þat þei come, and worſchipe bifore þi feet; and þei ſhulen wite, for I louede þee, for þou keptiſt þe word of my pacience. And I ſhal kepe þee fro þe hour of temptacioun, þat is to comynge in to al þe world, for to tempte men dwellinge in erþe. Lo! I come ſoone; holde þat þat þou haſt, þat no man take þi coroun. And him þat ſhal ouercome, I ſhal make a piler in þe temple of my God, and he ſhal no more go out; and I ſhal write on him þe name of my God, and þe name of þe citee of my God, of newe Jeruſalem, þat comeþ doun fro heuene of my God, and my newe name. He þat haþ eres, here, what þe ſpirit ſhal ſeie to chirchis. And to þe aungel of þe chirche of Laodice wrijte þou, Þes þinges ſeiþ Amen, þat is verreyli, þe feiþful witneſſe and trewe, þe which is þe bigynnyng of Goddis creature. I woot þi werkes, for neþer þou art coold, neþer hoot; I wolde þat þou were coold, or hoot; but for þou art lew, and neþer coold, neþer hoot, I ſhal bigynne for to caſte þee out of my mouþ. For þou ſeiſt, Þat I am riche, and ful of goodis, and I haue nede of no man; and þou wooſt not, for þou art a wrecche, and wrechful, and pore, and blynd, and nakid. I counſeile þee, for to bye of me gold fijrid, and proued, þat þou be maad riche, and be cloþid wiþ whijt cloþis, þat þe confuſioun of þi nakidneſſe appere not; and anoynte þin iȝen wiþ a colirie, þat is, medicynal for iȝen, maad of diuerſe erbis, þat þou ſe. I whom I loue, reproue, and chaſtiſe; þerfore ſue, or loue, and do penaunce. Lo! I ſtonde at þe dore, and knocke; if ony man ſhal here my voys, and opene þe ȝat, I ſhal entre to hym, and ſoupe wiþ hym, and he wiþ me. I ſhal ȝiue to hym þat ſhal ouercome, for to ſitte wiþ me in my troone, as and I ouercam, and ſat wiþ my fadir in his troone. He þat haþ eres, here, what þe ſpirit ſhal ſeie to chirchis.
Capitulum IIII.
Aftir þeſe þingis I ſiȝe, and lo! a dore openyd in heuene. And þe firſte voys þat I herde, as of a trumpe ſpekinge wiþ me, ſeiynge, Stiȝe vp hidir, and I ſhal ſhewe to þee whiche þinges it bihoueþ for to be don ſoone aftir þes þinges. Anoon I was in ſpirit, and lo! a ſeete was put in heuen, and on þe ſeete oon ſittinge. And he þat ſat, was lijk þe ſiȝt of a ſtoon iaſpis, and to ſardyn; and þe reynbowe was in cumpas of þe ſeete, lijk to þe ſiȝt of ſmaragdyn. And in þe cumpas of þe ſeete foure and twenty ſmale ſeetes; and vpon þe troones foure and twenty eldre ſittynge, gyrd aboute wiþ white cloþis, and in þe heedis of hem golden crownes. And leytinges, and voyces, and þundringes camen out of þe troone; and ſeuen laumpes brennynge bifore þe troone, þe whiche ben ſeuen ſpirites of God. And in þe ſiȝt of þe ſeete, as a ſe of glas, lijk to criſtal; and in þe mydle of þe ſeete, and in cumpas of þe ſeete, foure beeſtes ful of iȝen bifore and bihynde. And þe firſt beeſte lijk to a lyon; and þe ſecounde beeſt lijk to a calf; and þe þridde beeſt hauynge a face as of a man; and þe fourþe beeſt lijk to an egle fleynge. And þe foure beeſtes hadden ech of hem ſixe wynges; and in cumpas and wiþ inne þei ben ful of iȝen; and þei hadden not reſte dai and nyȝt, ſeiynge, Holy, holy, holy, þe Lord God almyȝti, þat was, and þat is, and þat is to comynge. And whanne þo foure beeſtis ȝauen glorie, and honour, and bleſſing to þe ſittinge on þe troone, to þe lyuynge in to worldlis of worldlis, þe foure and twenty eldre fellen doun bifore þe ſittyng in troone, and worſchipeden þe lyuynge in to worldlis of worldlis. And þei ſenten her crownes bifore þe trone, ſeiynge, Þou, Lord oure God, art worþi for to take glory, and honour, and vertu; for þou madiſt of nouȝt alle þinges, and for þi wille þei weren, and ben maad of nouȝt.
Capitulum V.
And I ſiȝe in þe riȝþalf of þe ſittinge vpon þe troone, a book writun wiþ inne and wiþ out, and ſeelid wiþ ſeuen ſeelis. And I ſiȝe a ſtrong aungel, preching wiþ a greet voys, Who is worþi for to opene þe boke, and for to vnbynde þe ſignetes of it? And no man miȝte in heuene, neþer in erþe, neþer vndir erþe opene þe book, ne biholde it. And I wepte miche, for no man is founden worþi for to opene þe book, neþer for to ſee it. And oon of þe eldre ſeide to me, Wepe þou not; lo! a lyoun of þe lynage of Juda, þe rote of Dauid, haþ ouercomen for to opene þe book, and for to vnbynde þe ſeuene ſignetes of it. And I ſiȝe, and lo! in þe mydle of þe troone, and in þe mydle of þe foure beeſtes, and in þe mydle of eldre, a lomb ſtondinge as ſleyn, hauynge ſeuene hornes, and ſeuen iȝen, þe whiche ben ſeuen ſpirites of God, ſent into ech lond. And he cam, and toke of þe riȝþond of þe ſittinge in troone þe book. And whan he hadde openyd þe book, foure beeſtes and foure and twenty eldre fellen doun bifore þe lomb; hauynge ech of hem harpis, and golden fiolis ful of ſaueringis, whiche ben þe preyers of ſeyntis. And þei ſungen a newe ſong, ſeiynge, Lord, þou art worþi for to take þe boke, and for to opene þe ſignetes of it; for þou were ſlayn, and aȝen bouȝtiſt vs to God in þi blood, of al lynage, and tunge, and puple, and nacioun; and madiſt vs to oure God kingdom, and preſtis; and we ſhulen regne vpon erþe. And I ſiȝe, and herde þe voys of many aungels in cumpas of þe trone, and of beeſtes, and of eldre. And þe nombre of hem was a þouſynd of þouſyndis, ſeiynge wiþ greet voys, Þe lomb þat is ſlayn, is worþi for to take vertu, and diuynte, or godhed, and wiſdom, and ſtrengþe, and honour, and glory, and bleſſing. And ech creature þat is in heuene, and þat on erþe, and vnder erþe, and þe ſe, and whiche þinges ben in it, I herde alle ſeiynge, To þe ſittynge in troone, and to þe lomb, bleſſing, and honour, and glory, and power, in to worldlis of worldlis. And þe foure beeſtes ſeiden, Amen. And foure and twenty eldre men felden doun in to her facis, and worſchipeden þe lyuynge in to worldlis of worldlis.
Capitulum VI.
And I ſiȝe, þat þe lomb hadde openid oon of þe ſeuen ſignetes. And Y herde oon of þe foure beeſtis ſeiynge, as a voys of þundre, Come, and ſee. And I ſiȝe, and lo! a whijt hors; and he þat ſat on him hadde a bowe, and a coroun was ȝouun to hym. And he wente out ouercomynge, þat he ſhulde ouercome. And whan he hadde openyd þe ſecounde ſeel, I herde þe ſecounde beeſt ſeiynge, Come þou, and ſee. And an oþer reed hors wente out; and it is ȝouun to him þat ſat on him, þat he ſhulde take pees fro erþe, and þat þei ſlee to gydere hem ſilf; and a greet ſwerd is ȝouun to him. And whan he hadde openyd þe þridde ſeel, I herde þe þridde beeſt ſeiynge, Come þou, and ſee. And loo! a blak hors; and he þat ſat vpon him hadde a balaunce in his hond. And I herde as a voys in þe mydle of foure beeſtis, ſeiynge, A bilibre of whete, þat is, a weyȝt of two pound, for oo peny, and þre bilibris of barly for oo peny; and hirte þou not wijn, and oyle. And whan he hadde openyd þe fourþe ſeel, I herde a voys of þe fourþe beeſt, ſeiynge, Come þou, and ſee. And loo! a paal hors; and þe name Deeþ to him þat ſat on him, and helle ſuede him. And power is ȝouun to him on foure partis of þe erþe, for to ſle wiþ ſwerd, and hungre, and deeþ, and wiþ beeſtis of erþe. And whan he hadde openyd þe fyueþe ſeel, I ſiȝe vndir an auter þe ſoules of men ſleyn for þe word of God, and for witneſſing þat þei hadden. And þei crieden wiþ greet voys, ſeiynge, Hou longe, Lord, holy and trewe, demyſt þou not, and vengiſt oure blood of þes þat dwellen in erþe? And white ſtoolis, for ech ſoule a ſtoole, ben ȝouun to hem; and it is ſeid to hem, þat þei ſhulden reſte ȝit a litel tyme, til þe euen ſeruauntes of hem be fulfillid, and þe briþeren of hem, þat ben to be ſlayn, as and þei. And I ſiȝe, whan he hadde openyd þe ſixte ſeel, and lo! a greet erþe mouyng is maad; and þe ſunne is maad blak, as a ſak of heyre, and al þe moone is maad as blood. And ſterres of heuene fellen doun vpon þe erþe, as a fijge tree ſendiþ his vnripe fyges, whan it is mouyd of a greet wijnd. And heuen wente awei, as a book infoldid; and all mounteyns and ijles ben mouyd fro her places. And kinges of erþe, and princes, and tribunes, and riche, and ſtronge, and ech ſeruaunt, and fre man, hidden hem in dennes and ſtoones of hillis. And þei ſeien to hillis and to ſtoonys, Falle ȝe on vs, and hijde ȝe vs fro þe face of þe ſittynge on troone, and fro wraþ of þe lomb; for þe greet dai of her wraþ comeþ, and who ſhal mowe ſtonde?
Capitulum VII.
Aftir þes þinges I ſiȝe foure aungels ſtondinge vpon þe foure corners of þe erþe, holdinge foure wijndis of þe erþe, þat þei blewen not on erþe, neþir on þe ſe, neþir in to ony tre. And Y ſiȝe an oþer aungel ſtiȝinge fro þe riſyng of þe ſunne, hauynge a ſigne of þe quike God. And he criede wiþ a greet voys to þe foure aungels, to whiche it was ȝouun to noiȝe to þe erþe, and ſe, ſeiynge, Nyle ȝe noiȝe þe erþe, and ſe, neþer to trees, til we ſigne, or marke, þe ſeruauntes of oure God in þe forhedis of hem. And I herde þe noumbre of markid, an hundrid and foure and fourty þouſynd markid, of euery lynage of þe ſones of Yrael; of þe lynage of Juda, twelue þouſynd ſigned; of þe lynage of Ruben, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Gad, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Aſer, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Neptalym, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Manaſſe, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Symeon, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Leuy, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Yſacar, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Zabulon, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Joſeph, twelue þouſynd markid; of þe lynage of Beniamyn, twelue þouſynd markid. Aftir þes þinges I ſiȝe a greet company, whom no man miȝte noumbre, of alle folkis, and lynagis, and puplis, and tungis, ſtondinge bifore þe trone, in þe ſiȝt of þe lomb; couerid, or cloþid, wiþ whijte ſtoolis, and palmes in þe hondis of hem. And þei crieden wiþ greet voys, ſeiynge, Helþe to oure God, þat ſittiþ on trone, and to þe lombe. And alle aungels ſtoden in cumpas of þe trone, and of ſenyouris, or eldre, and foure beeſtis. And þei fellen in þe ſiȝt of þe trone, in to her facis, and worſchipiden God, ſeiynge, Amen! bleſſyng, and cleernes, and wiſdom, and doynge of þankingis, and honour, and vertu, and ſtrengþe to oure God, in to worldlis of worldlis. Amen. And oon of þe eldre men anſweride, and ſeide to me, Who ben þes, þat ben couerid, or cloþid, wiþ whijte ſtoolis? and fro whennus camen þei? And I ſeide to him, My lord, þou wooſt. And he ſeide to me, Þes ben þei, þat camen fro greet tribulacioun, and waſchiden her ſtooles, and maden hem whijte in blood of þe lomb. Þerfore þei ben bifore þe trone of God, and ſeruen to him day and niȝt, in his temple. And he þat ſittiþ in trone, dwelliþ on hem. Þei ſhulen no more hungre, and þirſte, neþer ſunne ſhal falle on hem, neþer ony heete. For þe lomb, þat is in þe mydle of þe trone, ſhal gouerne hem, and ſhal leede hem forþ to þe wellis of watris of lijf; and God ſhal wipe awey ech teer fro þe iȝen of hem.
Capitulum VIII.
And whan he hadde openid þe ſeuenþe ſeel, ſilence is maad in heuene, as half an hour. And I ſiȝe ſeuen aungels ſtondinge in þe ſiȝt of God, and ſeuen trumpes be ȝouun to hem. And anoþer aungel cam, and ſtode bifore þe auter, hauynge a golden cenſer; and many encences ben ȝouen to him, þat he ſhulde ȝiue of þe preyers of alle ſeyntis vpon þe golden auter, þat is bifore þe trone. And þe ſmoke of encenſis of þe preyers of halewis ſtiȝede vp of þe aungelis hond bifore God. And þe aungel toke þe cenſer, and fillide it of þe fijr of þe auter, and ſente it in to erþe. And þundres, and voyces, and leytinges ben maad, and greet erþe mouyng. And þe ſeuene aungelis, þat hadden ſeuen trumpes, maden hem redy, þat þei ſhulden ſynge in trumpe. And þe firſt aungel ſong in trumpe; and hayl is maad, and fijr mengid to gydere in blood; and it is ſent in to erþe. And þe þridde paart of erþe is brent, and þe þridde paart of trees is brent, and al green hay, or gras, is brent. And þe ſecunde aungel ſong in trumpe; and as a greet hil brennyng wiþ fijr is ſent in to þe ſe; and þe þridde part of þe ſe is maad blood, and þe þridde part of creatures is deed, þat hadden ſoules, or lijfes, in þe ſe, and þe þridde paart of ſhippis perſchide. And þe þridde aungel ſong in trumpe; and a great ſterre brennynge as a litel brond, fel fro heuen; and it fel in to þe þridde part of floodis, and in to wellis of watris. And þe name of þe ſterre is ſeid Wermod. And þe þridde part of watris is maad in to wermod; and many men ben deed of þe watris, for þei ben made bitter. And þe fourþe aungel ſong in trumpe; and þe þridde paart of ſunne is ſmytun, and þe þridde paart of þe moone, and þe þridde part of ſterris, ſo þat þe þridde paart of hem was derkid, and þe þridde paart of dai ſhoone not, and alſo of niȝt. And I ſiȝe, and herde þe voys of an egle fleynge bi mydle heuen, ſeiynge wiþ greet voys, Wo! wo! wo! to þe dwellinge men in erþe, of oþere voycis of þre aungels, þat weren to ſyngynge in trumpe.
Capitulum IX.
And þe fyueþe aungel ſong in trumpe; and I ſiȝe a ſterre for to haue fallen doun fro heuen in to erþe; and þe keye of þe pitt of depneſſe is ȝouun to him. And he openyde þe pitt of depneſſe, and ſmoke of þe pitt ſtiȝede vp, as þe ſmoke of a greet fourneys; and þe ſunne is derkid, and þe eyr, of þe ſmoke of þe pitt. And of þe ſmoke of þe pitt locuſtes wenten out in to þe erþe; and power is ȝouun to hem, as ſcorpiouns of erþe han power. And it is comaundid to hem, þat þei ſhulden not hirte hay of erþe, neþer al grene þing, neþer ech tree, but onely men, þat han not þe mark of God in her forhedis. And it is ȝouun to hem, þat þei ſhulden not ſle hem, but þat þei ſhulden be tourmentid fyue moneþes; and þe tourmenting of hem, as þe tourmentyng of a ſcorpioun, whan he ſmytiþ a man. And in þo daies men ſhulen ſeke deeþ, and þei ſhulen not fynde it; and þei ſhulen deſijre for to die, and deeþ ſhal flee fro hem. And þe lijkneſſes of locuſtis lijk to horſis made redy in to bateyle; and on þe heedis of hem as crownes lijk to gold, and þe faces of hem as faces of men. And þei hadden heeres, as heeres of wymmen; and þe teeþ of hem were as þe teeþ of lyouns. And þei hadden haberiouns, as yren haberiouns, and þe voys of þe ilke wyngis as þe voys of chaaris of many horſis rennynge in to bateyl. And þei hadden tayles lijk of ſcorpiouns, and prickes weren in þe tayles of hem; and þe miȝt of hem for to noye men bi fyue moneþis. And þei hadden vpon hem a kyng, þe aungel of depneſſe, to whom þe name bi Ebru, Labadon, forſoþe bi Greke, Appolion, and bi Latyn hauynge þe name Deſtrier. Oo woo paſſid, and lo! ȝit comen two wos. Aftir þes þingis and þe ſixt aungel ſong in trumpe; and I herde oo voys of foure corners of þe golden auter, þat is bifore þe iȝen of God, ſeiynge to þe ſixte aungel þat hadde a trumpe, Vnbynde foure aungels, þat ben bounde in þe greet flood Eufrates. And þe foure aungels ben vnbounde, þe whiche weren redy into hour, and day, and moneþe, and ȝeer, þat þei ſhulden ſlee þe þridde paart of men. And þe noumbre of þe hooſt of horſmen twenty þouſynd ſiþis ten þouſyndis. I herde þe noumbre of hem. And ſo I ſiȝe horſes in viſioun; and þei þat ſaten on hem hadden fijry haberiouns, and iacynctines, and of brunſtony. And þe heedis of þe horſis weren as heedis of lyouns; and of þe mouþ of hem fijr comeþ forþ, and ſmoke, and brunſton. Of þeſe þre plagis, or woundis, þe þridde paart of men is ſlayn, of fijr, and of ſmoke, and of brunſton, þat camen out of þe mouþ of hem. Soþeli þe power of horſis is in þe mouþ of hem, and in þe taylis of hem; forwhi þe tailis of hem lijk to ſerpentes, hauynge heedes, and in hem þei noyen. And þe toþir men, þat ben not ſlayn in þes plagis, neþer diden penaunce of þe werkis of her hondis, þat þei worſchipiden not deuels, and ſimulacres golden, ſilueren, and braſen, and ſtoonen, and treenen, þe whiche neþer mowen ſee, neþer heere, neþer wandre; and diden not penaunce of her manſleyngis, neþer of her venemyngis, neþer of her fornycacioun, neþir of her þeftis.
Capitulum X.
And I ſiȝe an oþer ſtrong aungel comynge doun fro heuen, couerid, or cloþid, wiþ a cloude, and þe raynbowe in his heed; and þe face of him was as ſunne, and þe feet of him as a pyler of fijr. And he hadde in his hond a litel book openyd; and he putte his riȝt foot on þe ſe, forſoþe his lift on þe erþe. And he criede wiþ greet voys, as a lyoun whan he roriþ; and whan he hadde cried, ſeuene þundres ſpaken her voices. And whan þe ſeuen þundres hadden ſpoke her voyces, I was to writynge. And I herde a voys fro heuen, ſeiynge, Signe þou, or marke, what þinges þe ſeuen þundres ſpaken, and nyle þou write hem. And þe aungel whom I ſiȝe ſtondinge aboue þe ſe, and aboue þe erþe, liftide vp his hond to heuen, and ſwoor bi þe lyuynge in to worldlis of worldlis, þat maad of nouȝt heuen, and þo þinges þat ben in it, and þe erþe, and þo þinges þat ben in it, and þe ſe, and þo þinges þat ben in it, for time ſhal no more be. But in þe dayes of þe voyce of þe ſeuenþe aungel, whan he ſhal bigynne for to ſynge in trumpe, þe myſterie of God ſhal be endid, as he euangelizide bi his ſeruauntis prophetis. And I herde a voys fro heuen eftſoone ſpekinge wiþ me, and ſeiynge, Go þou, and take þe book openyd, of þe hond of þe aungel ſtondinge aboue þe ſe, and on þe lond. And I wente to þe aungel, ſeiynge to him, þat he ſhulde ȝiue to me þe book. And he ſeide to me, Take þe book, and deuoure it; and it ſhal make þi wombe for to be bittir, but in þi mouþ it ſhal be ſwete as hony. And I toke þe book of þe aungels hond, and deuouride it, and it was in my mouþ as ſwete honey; and whan I hadde deuourid it, my wombe was bittir. And he ſeide to me, It bihoueþ þee eftſoone for to prophecie to heþen men, and to puplis, and langagis, and to many kingis.
Capitulum XI.
And a meſure lijk to a ȝerde is ȝouun to me, and it is ſeid to me, Riſe þou, and mete þe temple of God, and þe auter, and men worſchipinge in it. Forſoþe caſte out þe porche, þat is wiþ out forþe þe temple, and mete it not; for it is ȝouun to heþen men, and þei ſhulen defoule þe holy citee bi fourty moneþis and two. And I ſhal ȝiue to my two witneſſes, and þei ſhulen prophecie a þouſynd dayes two hundrid and ſixty, þei cloþid wiþ ſackis. Þes ben two olyues, and two candelſtickes, ȝeuynge liȝt, þei ſtondinge in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord of erþe. And if ony man ſhal wolen for to anoiȝe hem, fijr ſhal go out of þe mouþ of hem, and ſhal deuoure her enemyes. And if ony ſhal wolen for to hirte hem, þus it bihoueþ him for to be ſlayn. Þes han power of ſhittinge heuen, þat it rayne not in þe dayes of her prophecie; and þei han power on watris, of turnynge hem in to blood; and for to ſmyte þe erþe wiþ al plage, and hou ofte euer þei ſhulen wole. And whan þei ſhulen ende her witneſſing, þe beeſt þat ſtiȝeþ vp þe of depneſſe, ſhal make bateyl aȝens hem, and ſhal ouercome hem, and ſhal ſlee hem. And þe bodies of hem ſhulen ligge in þe ſtreetis of þe grete citee, þat is clepid gooſtly Sodom, and Egipt, where þe Lord of hem was crucified. And þei ſhulen ſee of lynagis, and of puplis, and of tungis, and heþen men, þe bodies of hem bi þre dayes and an half; and þe bodies of hem ſhulen not be ſuffrid for to be put in biriels. And men enhabitinge þe erþe ſhulen haue ioye vpon hem; and þei ſhulen make myry, and ſende ȝiftis to gydere, for þes two prophets tourmentiden hem þat dwellen on erþe. And aftir þre daies and an half, þe ſpirit of lijf of God entride in to hem; and þei ſtoden on her feet, and greet drede fel on hem þat ſiȝen hem. And þei herden a greet voys fro heuen, ſeiynge to hem, Stiȝe vp hidir. And þei ſtiȝeden in to heuen in a cloude, and þe enemyes of hem ſiȝen hem. And in þat hour a greet erþe mouyng is maad, and þe tenþe paart of þe citee fel; and þer ben ſlayn in þe erþe mouyng þe names of men ſeuen þouſynd; and þe toþer ben ſent in drede, and ȝauen glorie to God of heuen. Þe ſecounde wente, and lo! þe þridde woo ſhal come ſoone. And þe ſeuenþe aungel ſong in trumpe, and greete voices ben maad in heuen, and ſeiynge, Þe reume of þis world is maad oure Lordis, and of Criſtis, his ſone; and þei ſhulen regne in to worldlis of worldlis. Amen. And þe foure and twenty ſenyoures, or elder men, þat ſitten in her ſeetes in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, fellen in to her facis, and worſchipiden God, ſeiynge, We don þankynges to þee, Lord God almyȝty, which art, and which was, and which art to comynge; which haſt takun þi greet vertu, and haſt regned. And folkes ben wroþe, and þi wraþe cam, and tyme of deede men for to be demyd, and for to ȝelde hijre to þi ſeruauntis, and prophetis, and halewis, and dredinge þi name, to ſmale and litle, and of deſtriynge hem þat corrumpeden þe erþe. And þe temple of God in heuene is openyd, and þe ark of his teſtament is ſeyn in his temple; and leytingis ben maad, and voyces, and erþe mouyng, and greet hayl.
Capitulum XII.
And a greet token apperide in heuene; a womman couerid, or cloþid, wiþ þe ſunne, and þe moone vndir hir feet, and in þe heed of hir a coroun of twelue ſterris. And ſhe hauynge in wombe, and ſhe criede, beringe chijld, and is tourmentid, þat ſhe bere chijld. And an oþer tokene is ſeyn in heuen; and lo! a greet reed dragoun, hauynge ſeuen heedes, and ten hornes, and in þe heedis of him ſeuen diademes. And þe tayl of him drewȝ þe þridde paart of ſterres of heuene, and ſente hem in to erþe. And þe dragoun ſtood bifore þe womman, þat was to beringe chijld, þat whan ſhe hadde born chijld, he ſhulde deuoure hir ſone. And ſhe chijldide a ſone male, þat was to reulinge alle folkes in an yren ȝerd; and hir ſone is rauyſchid to God, and to his trone. And þe womman fleiȝ in to wildirneſſe, where ſche haþ a place redy of God, þat ſhe feede hir þere a þouſynd dayes two hundrid and ſixty. And a greet bateyl is maad in heuen, and Mychael and his aungels fauȝten wiþ þe dragoun. And þe dragoun fauȝt, and his aungels; and þei hadden not miȝt, neþer þe place of hem is founden more in heuen. And þe þilke dragoun is caſt doun, þe greet olde ſerpent, þat is clepid þe Deuel, and Saþanas, þat deceyueþ al þe world; is caſt out in to erþe, and his aungels ben ſent wiþ him. And I herde a greet voys in heuen, ſeiynge, Now is maad helþe, and vertu, and kingdom of oure God, and þe power of his Criſt; for þe accuſer of oure briþeren is caſt doun, which accuſede hem bifore þe ſiȝt of oure God day and niȝt. And þei ouercamen him for þe blood of þe lomb, and for þe word of his witneſſinge; and þei loueden not her ſoules, or lijfes, vnto deeþ. Þerfore glad ȝe heuens, and ȝe þat dwellen in hem. Wo to þe erþe, and ſe; for þe fend cam doun to ȝou, hauynge greet wraþþe, witinge for he haþ litel tyme. And aftir þat þe dragoun ſiȝe, for he was caſt doun in to erþe, he purſuede þe womman, þat chijdide a male ſone. And two wynges of a greet egle ben ȝouun to þe womman, þat ſhe ſhulde flee in to deſert, in to hir place, where ſhe is fed bi tyme, and tymes, and þe half of tyme, fro þe face of þe ſerpent. And þe ſerpent ſente out of his mouþ aftir þe womman watir as flood, þat he ſhulde make hir for to be drawen of þe flood. And þe erþe helpide þe womman, and þe erþe openyde his mouþ, and ſoupide þe flood, þat þe dragoun ſente of his mouþ. And þe dragoun is wroþ to þe womman, and he wente for to make bateyl wiþ oþere of hir ſeed, þat kepen þe maundementes of God, and han þe witneſſing of Jheſu Criſt.
Capitulum XIII.
And he ſtood on þe grauel of þe ſee. And I ſiȝe a beeſt ſtiȝinge vp of þe ſe, hauynge ſeuen heedes, and ten hornes; and on his hornes ten dyademes, and on his heedes þe names of blasfemye. And þe beeſt, whom I ſiȝe, was lijk to a parde, or a lipard, and his feet as þe feet of a bere, and his mouþ as þe mouþ of a lyoun; and þe dragoun ȝaf to þe ilke his vertu, and greet power. And I ſiȝe oon of his heedis, as ſlayn in to deeþ; and þe wounde of his deeþ is curid. And al erþe wondride aftir þe beeſt. And þei worſchipiden þe dragoun, þat ȝaf power to þe beeſt; and þei worſchipiden þe beeſt, ſeiynge, Who lijk to þe beeſt, and who ſhal mowe fiȝte wiþ it? And a mouþ ſpekinge greet þinges, and blasfemyes, is ȝouun to it; and power is ȝouun to it, for to do in two and fourty moneþis. And it openyde his mouþ in to blasfemyes to God, for to blasfeme his name, and his tabernacle, and hem þat dwellen in heuen. And it is ȝouun to hym for to make bateyl wiþ ſeyntis, and for to ouercome hem; and power is ȝouun to him, in to al lynage, and puple, and tunge, and folk. And alle men worſchipiden it, þat dwellen in erþe, whois names ben not writen in þe book of lijf of þe lomb, þat is ſlayn fro þe bigynnynge of þe world. If ony man haþ eres, of heringe, here he. He þat ſhal lede in to caytifte, ſhal go in to caytifte; he þat ſhal ſleeþ in ſwerd, it bihoueþ him for to be ſlayn in ſwerd. Þis is þe pacience and feiþ of ſeyntis. And I ſiȝe an oþer beeſt ſtiȝing vp fro þe erþe, and hadde two hornes, lijk þe lomb; and it ſpak as þe dragoun, and dide al þe power of þe former beeſt, in his ſiȝt. And it made þe erþe, and men dwellinge in it, for to worſchipe þe firſt beeſt, whois plage of deeþ is curid. And it dide grete ſignes, þat alſo it made fijr for to come doun fro heuen in to erþe, in þe ſiȝt of alle men; and deceyueþ men, dwellinge in erþe, for ſignes þe whiche ben ȝouun to it for to do in þe ſiȝt of þe beeſt; ſeiynge to men dwellinge in erþe, þat þei make an ymage of þe beeſt, þat haþ þe wounde of ſwerd, and lyuede. And it is ȝouun to him, þat he ſhulde ȝiue a ſpirit to þe ymage of þe beeſt, and þe ymage of þe beeſt ſpeke. And he ſhal make, þat who euer ſhal not honoure þe ymage of þe beeſt, be ſlayn. And he ſhal make alle, ſmale and greete, and riche and pore, and fre men and ſeruauntes, for to haue a caracter in þe riȝt hond, or in her forhedis; þat no man may bye, or ſille, no but þei þat han þe caracter, or lettre, or þe name, or þe noumbre of his name. Heere is wiſdom; he þat haþ vndirſtonding, acounte þe noumbre of þe beeſt; ſoþeli þe noumbre of man is, and his noumbre is ſixe hundrid ſixty and ſixe.
Capitulum XIIII.
And I ſiȝe, and lo! þe lomb ſtood on þe mount Syon, and wiþ hym an hundrid and foure and fourty þouſynd, hauynge his name, and þe name of his fadir writun in her forhedis. And I herde a voys fro heuen, as þe voys of many watris, and as þe voys of greet þundre; and þe voys which I herde, as of harpers harpinge in her harpis. And þei ſungen as a newe ſong bifore þe ſeete of God, and bifore þe foure beeſtes, and þe eldre men. And no man miȝte ſeie þe ſong, no but þei an hundrid and foure and fourty þouſynd, þat ben bouȝt of þe erþe. Þes it ben, þat ben not defoulid wiþ wymmen; ſoþeli þei ben virgyns. Þes ſuen þe lomb, whidir euer he ſhal go; þes ben bouȝt of alle, primycies, or firſte fruytis, to God, and to þe lomb; and in þe mouþ of hem leſyng is not found; ſoþeli þei ben wiþ outen wem bifore þe troone of God. And I ſiȝe an oþer aungel, fleynge bi mydle heuen, hauynge þe euerlaſting goſpel, þat he ſhulde euangelize to men ſittynge on erþe, and on al folk, and lynage, and langage, and puple; ſeiynge wiþ greet voys, Drede ȝe þe Lord, and ȝiue ȝe to him honour, for þe hour of his doom comeþ; and worſchipe ȝe him, þat made heuen and erþe, þe ſe, and alle þinges þat ben in hem, and þe welles of watris. And an oþer aungel ſuede, ſeiynge, Þe ilke greet citee Babilon felde, felde, þe which ȝaf drinke to alle folkis of þe wijn of wraþþe of hir fornicacioun. And þe þridde aungel ſuede hem, ſeiynge wiþ greet voys, If ony man ſhal worſchipe þe beeſte, and þe ymage of it, and take þe tokne in his forhed, or in his hond, and þis ſhal drinke of þe wijn of Goddis wraþ, þat is meynd wiþ cleer wijn in þe cuppe of his wraþþe, and ſhal be tourmentid wiþ fijr and brunſton, in þe ſiȝt of holy aungelis, and bifore þe ſiȝt of þe lomb. And þe ſmoke of her tourmentis ſhal ſtiȝe vp in to worldlis of worldlis; neþer þei han reſte day and niȝt, þe whiche worſchipiden þe beeſt, and his ymage, and if ony man toke þe carecte of his name. Þis is þe pacience of ſeyntis, and whiche kepen þe maundementis of him, and þe feiþ of Jheſu. And I herde a voys fro heuen, ſeiynge to me, Wrijte þou, Bleſſid þe deede men, þat dien in þe Lord; fro hennus forþ now þe ſpirit ſeiþ, þat þei reſte of her traueilis; forſoþe þe werkes of hem ſuen hem. And I ſiȝe, and lo! a whijt cloude, and aboue þe cloude a ſittinge, lijk to þe ſone of man, hauynge in his heed a golden coroun, and in his hond a ſharp ſikel. And an oþer aungel wente out of þe temple, criynge wiþ greet voys to þe ſittynge vpon þe cloude, Sende þi ſikel, and repe, for hour comeþ, þat it be ropen; for þe rijpe corn of erþe driede. And he þat ſat vpon þe cloude, ſente his ſikel in to erþe, and repide in to erþe. And an oþer aungel wente out of þe temple, þat is in heuen, hauynge and he a ſharp ſikel. And an oþer aungel wente out of þe auter, þat hadde power on fijr; and he criede wiþ greet voys to him þat hadde a ſharp ſikel, ſeiynge, Sende þi ſharp ſikel, and kutte of þe cluſtres of þe vijnȝerd of erþe, for þe grapes of it ben rijpe. And þe aungel ſente his ſikel in to þe erþe, and kutte of þe vijnȝerd of erþe, and ſente in to þe greet lake of Goddis wraþþe. And þe lake is defoulid wiþ oute þe citee, and þe blood wente out of þe lake vn to þe brijdels of horſis, bi furlonges a þouſynd and two hundrid.
Capitulum XV.
And I ſiȝe an oþer tokne in heuen, greet and wondirful; ſeuen aungels hauynge ſeuen þe laſte plages, for þe wraþ of God is endid in hem. And I ſiȝe as a glaſen ſe mengid wiþ fijr, and hem þat ouercamen þe beeſt, and his ymage, and þe noumbre of his name, ſtondinge aboue þe glaſen ſe, hauynge þe harpes of God; and ſyngynge þe ſong of Moyſes, ſeruaunt of God, and þe ſong of þe lomb, ſeiynge, Greet and wondirful ben þi werkes, Lord God almiȝty; þi weies ben iuſt and trewe, Lord, kyng of worldlis. Lord, who ſhal not drede þee, and magnifie þi name? for þou aloone art piteous, or merciful; for alle folkes ſhulen come, and ſhulen worſchipe in þi ſiȝt, for þi domes ben opun. And aftir þes þingis I ſiȝe, and lo! þe temple of þe tabernacle of witneſſinge in heuen is openyd; and ſeuene aungels hauynge þe ſeuene plages, wenten out of þe temple, cloþid wiþ a ſtoon cleene and whijt, and bifore gyrd wiþ golden gyrdlis aboute þe breſtis. And oon of þe foure beeſtis ȝaf to þe ſeuene aungels ſeuen golden violes, ful of þe wraþþe of God, lyuynge in to worldlis of worldlis. And þe temple is fulfillid wiþ ſmoke of þe mageſte of God, and of þe vertu of him; and no man miȝte entre in to þe temple, til þe ſeuene plages of þe ſeuene aungels weren endid.
Capitulum XVI.
And I herde a greet voys fro heuen, ſeiynge to þe ſeuen aungelis, Go ȝe, and ſchede ȝe out þe ſeuen violes of Goddis wraþ in to erþe. And þe firſt aungel wente, and ſhedde out his viole in to erþe; and a wounde feers and worſt is maad in alle þat hadden þe carecte, or marke, of þe beeſt, and in to hem þat worſchipiden þe beeſt, and his ymage. And þe ſecounde aungel ſhedde out his viole in to þe ſe, and blood is maad, as of deed þing; and ech ſoule, or lijf, lyuynge is deed in þe ſe. And þe þridde ſhedde out his viole on þe floodes, and on welles of watris, blood is maad. And I herde þe aungel of watirs ſeiynge, Juſt art þou, Lord, þat art, and þat was holy, þat demyſt þes þingis; for þei ſhedden out þe blood of halewis and prophetis, and þou haſt ȝouun hem blood for to drinke; forſoþe þei ben worþi. And I herde an oþer aungel ſeiynge, Ȝhe! Lord God almiȝty, trewe and iuſt þi domes. And þe fourþe aungel ſhedde out his viol in to þe ſunne, and it is ȝouun to him for to tourmente men wiþ heete and fijr. And men ſwayleden wiþ greet heete, and blasfemeden þe name of God hauynge power on þes plages, neþer þei diden penaunce, þat þei ſhulden ȝiue glory to him. And þe fyueþe aungel ſhedde out his viole on þe ſeete of þe beeſt, and his kyngdom is maad derk; and þei eeten to gydere her tunges for ſorowe, and þei blasfemeden God of heuen, for ſorowis and her woundis; and þei diden not penaunce of her werkis. And þe ſixte aungel ſhedde out his viole in þe ilke greet flood Eufrates, and driede þe watir of it, þat weie were rediede to kyngis fro þe ſunne riſyng. And I ſiȝe þre vnclene ſpirites in to manere of froggis for to go out of þe mouþ of þe dragoun, and of þe mouþ of þe beeſt, and of þe mouþ of þe falſe prophet. Soþeli þei ben ſpirites of deuelis, makinge ſignes, and þei gon forþ to kyngis of al erþe, for to gedere hem in to bateyle, to þe greet dai of almiȝti God. Lo! I come, as a niȝt þeef. Bleſſid he þat wakiþ, and kepiþ his cloþes, þat he wandre not nakid, and þei ſeen his filþhed. And he gederide hem in to a place, þat is clepid in Ebru Hermagedon. And þe ſeuenþe aungel ſhedde out his viole in to þe eyr, and a greet voys wente out of heuen fro þe trone, ſeiynge, It is don. And leytinges ben maad, and voyces, and þundres; and greet erþe mouyng is maad, which manere neuere was, ſiþ men weren vpon erþe, ſich erþe mouyng ſo greet. And þe greet citee is brokun in to þre parties, and þe citees of heþene men fellen doun; and greet Babilon cam in to mynde bifore God, for to ȝiue to it þe cuppe of wijn of indignacioun of his wraþ. And ech ijle fley awey, and hilles ben not founde. And greet hayl as a talent cam doun fro heuen in to men; and men blasfemeden God, for þe plage of hayl, for it is maad wondirly greet.
Capitulum XVII.
And oon of þe ſeuen aungels cam, þat hadden ſeuen violes, and ſpake wiþ me, ſeiynge, Come þou, I ſhal ſhewe to þee þe dampnacioun of þe greet hoore, þat ſittiþ on many watris, wiþ which kynges of erþe diden fornycacioun; and þei þat dwellen in erþe ben ful drunkun of þe wijn of hir leccherie. And he toke me awey in to deſert in ſpirit. And I ſiȝe a womman ſittynge on a reed beeſt, ful of namys of blasfemye, hauynge ſeuen heedes, and ten hornes. And þe womman was enuyround wiþ purpur, and coccyn, þat is, reed, and engoldid wiþ gold, and wiþ precious ſtoon, and peerlis, hauynge a golden cuppe in hir hond, ful of abhomynaciouns and vnclenneſſe of hir fornycacioun. And in þe forhed of hir a name writun, Myſterie, Babilon þe greet, modir of fornycaciouns, and of abhomynaciouns of erþe. And I ſiȝe a womman drunken of þe blood of ſeyntis, and of þe blood of martris of Jheſu. And whan I ſiȝe hir, I wondride wiþ greet wondringe. And þe aungel ſeide to me, Whi wondriſt þou? I ſhal ſeie to þee þe ſacrament of þe womman, and of þe beeſt þat beriþ hir, þat haþ ſeuen heedes and ten hornes. Þe beeſte whom þou ſiȝe, was, and is not; and ſhe is to ſtiȝing vp fro depneſſe, and ſhe ſhal go in to periſching. And men dwellinge in erþe ſhulen wondre, whois names ben not write in þe book of lijf fro makynge of þe world, ſeeynge þe beeſt, þat was, and is not. And þis is witt, þat haþ wiſdom. Þe ſeuen heedes ben ſeuen hilles, on whom þe womman ſittiþ, and ben ſeuen kingis. Fyue han fallen doun, oon is, and an oþer comeþ not ȝit. And whan he ſhal come, it bihoueþ him for to dwelle a ſhort tyme. And þe beeſt þat was, and is not, and ſhe is þe eiȝtþe, and is of þe ſeuen, and ſhal go in to periſching. And þe ten hornes whom þou haſt ſeyn, ben ten kynges, þat ȝit han not takun kingdom; but þei ſhulen take power as kinges, oon hour aftir þe beeſt. Þes han oo counſeyl, and ſhulen bitake her vertu and power to þe beeſt. Þes ſhulen fiȝte wiþ þe lomb, and þe lomb ſhal ouercome hem; for he is Lord of lordis, and kyng of kyngis; and þei þat ben wiþ hym clepid, choſen, and feiþful. And he ſeyde to me, Þe watris þat þou haſt ſeyn, where þe hoore ſittiþ, ben puplis, folkes, and tunges. And þe ten hornes þat þou haſt ſeyn in þe beeſt, þes ſhulen make hir deſolat, or diſcoumfortid, and nakid, and ſhulen ete þe fleſch of hir, and ſhulen brenne hir to gydere wiþ fijr. Soþeli God ȝaf in to þe hertis of hem, þat þei do þat þat is pleſaunt to hym, þat þei ȝiue hir kyngdom to þe beeſt, til þe wordis of God be endid. And þe womman whom þou haſt ſeyn, is þe greet citee, þat haþ kyngdom vpon kynges of erþe.
Capitulum XVIII.
And aftir þeſe þingis I ſiȝe an oþer aungel comyng doun fro heuen, hauynge greet power; and þe erþe is liȝtned of his glorie; and he criynge wiþ ſtrong vois, ſeiynge, Greet Babilon fel doun, fel doun, and is maad þe habitacioun of deuelis, and þe keping of ech vnclene ſpirit, and þe keping of ech vnclene foul, and haatful. For alle folkis drunken of þe wraþþe of þe fornicacioun of hir, and kinges of erþe, and marchauntes of erþe, diden fornycacioun wiþ hir; and þei ben maad riche of þe vertu of þe delicis of hir. And Y herde an oþer voys of heuen, ſeiyng, My puple, go ȝe out of it, and be ȝe not parceners of þe treſpaſſis of it, and ȝe ſhulen not receyue of þe plagis of it. For þe ſynnes of it camen vn to heuen, and þe Lord hadde mynde of þe wickidneſſis of it. Ȝelde ȝe to it, as and ſhe ȝeldide to ȝou; and double ȝe double þinges, aftir hir werkis; in þe drinke þat ſhe medlide to ȝou, menge ȝe double to hir. Hou miche ſhe glorifiede hir ſilf, and was in delijcis, ſo miche tourment ȝiue ȝe to hir, and wepyng; for in hir herte ſhe ſeiþ, I ſitte a queen, and I am not a widewe, and I ſhal not ſee wepyng. And þerfore in oo day hir plages ſhulen come, deeþ, and moornyng, and hunger; and ſhe ſhal be brent in fijr, for God is ſtrong, þat ſhal deme hir. And þe kinges of erþe ſhulen wepe, and weyle hem on hir, þe whiche diden fornycacioun wiþ hir, and lyueden in delicis, whan þei ſhulen ſe þe ſmoke of brennyng of hir; ſtondinge fer, for drede of tourmentis of hir, ſeiynge, Wo! wo! wo! þe þilke greet citee Babilon, and þe ilke ſtronge citee; for in oon hour þi doom comeþ. And marchauntes of erþe ſhulen wepe vpon hir, and moorne, for no man ſhal bye more þe marchaundiſes of hem; þe marchaundiſes of gold, and ſiluer, and precious ſtoon, and of margarite, or peerl, and bijce, and purpur, and ſilk, and coccyn, and ech tre þyme, and alle veſſels of yuer, and alle veſſels of precious ſtoon, and of bras, and yren, and marble, and canel, and amome, þat is, a ſwete ſaueringe tree, and of odoramentis, and oynementis, and encenſe, and of wijn, and oyle, and floure, and wheete, and of iumentis, or werk beeſtes, and ſheep, and of horſes, and cartes, and of ſeruauntis, and of ſoulis, or lijfis, of men. And þin apples, þe deſijres of þi lijf, wenten awey fro þee, and alle fatte þinges, and ful cleere periſchiden fro þee. And marchauntes of þes men ſhulen no more fynde þo þinges. Þei þat ben maad riche of hir, ſhulen ſtonde fer, for drede of tourmentis of hir, wepinge, and moornynge, and ſeiynge, Wo! wo! þe ilke greet citee, þat was cloþid wiþ bijce, and purpur, and cocke, and was goldid wiþ gold, and precious ſtoon, and margaritis, for in oon hour ſo many richeſſis ben deſtitute. And ech gouernour, and alle þat ſhippen in to place, and mariners, and þat werchen in þe ſe, ſtoden fer, and crieden, ſeeynge þe place of þe brennynge of hir, ſeiynge, What lijk to þis greet citee? And þei ſenten poudir vpon her heedes, and crieden, wepinge, and moornynge, and ſeiynge, Wo! wo! þe ilke grete citee, in whom alle þat han ſhippes in þe ſee ben maad riche of priſis of it; for in oon our it is deſolate. Heuen, and holy apoſtles, and prophetes, glade ȝe on it, for God haþ demyd ȝoure doom of it. And oo ſtronge aungel toke vp a ſtoon, as a greet mylne ſtoon, and ſente in to þe ſe, ſeiynge, In þis bire þe ilke greet citee Babilon ſhal be ſent, and now ouer ſhal not be founde. And þe voys of harpers, and of men of muſike, and ſyngynge wiþ pijpe and trumpe, ſhal no more be herd in it. And ech crafty man, and ech craft, ſhal not be foundun in it. And þe voys of mylne ſtoon ſhal no more be herd in þee, and þe liȝt of lanterne ſhal no more ſhijne to þee, and þe voys of þe huſbonde and of wijf ſhal not ȝit more be herd in þee; for þi marchauntes weren princes of erþe. For in þi venemous dedis alle folkes erreden. And þe blood of prophetis and ſeyntis is founden in it, and of alle men þat ben ſlayn in erþe.
Capitulum XIX.
Aftir þes þinges I herde as a greet voys of many trumpis in heuen, ſeiynge, Alleluya; heriynge, and glory, and vertu is to oure God; for trewe and iuſt ben þe domes of him, þe whiche demeden of þe greet hoore, þat corrumpide þe erþe in hir leccherie, and demyde, or vengide, þe blood of his ſeruauntis, of þe hondis of hir. And eft þei ſeiden, Alleluya, þat is, Herie ȝe þe Lord. And þe ſmoke of it ſtiȝiþ vp, in to worldlis of worldlis. And þe foure and twenty elder men and þe foure beeſtis fellen doun, and worſchipiden God ſittynge vpon trone, ſeiynge, Amen, Alleluya. And a voys wente out of þe trone, ſeiynge, To oure God, ſeie ȝe, alle þe ſeruauntis of him, heriyng, and ȝe þat dreden God, ſmale and grete. And Y herde a voys of a greet trumpe, and as þe voys of grete þundris, ſeiynge, Alleluya; for oure God almiȝty haþ regnyd. Enioye we, and glade we wiþ out forþe, and ȝiue we glory to him; for þe weddinges of þe lombe camen, and þe wijf of him made redy hir ſilf. And it is ȝouun to hir, þat ſhe couere hir wiþ whijte bijce ſhijnynge; forſoþe bijcen ben þe iuſtifiynges of ſeyntis. And he ſeide to me, Wrijte þou, Bleſſid þei, þat ben clepid to þe ſoper of weddingis of þe lomb. And he ſeide to me, Þes wordis of God ben trewe. And I fel doun bifore his feet, þat I ſhulde worſchipe him. And he ſeide to me, See, þat þou do not; I am þin euen ſeruaunt, and of þi briþeren, hauynge þe witneſſyng of Jheſu; worſchipe þou God. Forſoþe þe witneſſing of Jheſu is ſpirit of profecie. And I ſiȝe heuen openyd, and lo! a whijt hors, and he þat ſat vpon hym was clepid Feiþful and ſoþefaſt; and wiþ riȝtwiſneſſe he demiþ, and fiȝtiþ. Forſoþe þe iȝen of him as flaume of fijr, and in his heed many diademes; hauynge a name writun, which no man knew, no but he. And he was cloþid in a clooþ ſpreynd wiþ blood; and þe name of hym was clepid Þe word of God. And þe hooſtes, or companyes, þat ben in heuen, ſueden him in whijte horſis, cloþid wiþ biſſyn, whijte and cleene. And a ſwerd ſharp on ech ſijde cam forþ of his mouþ, þat in it he ſmyte folkes; and he ſhal reule hem in an yren ȝerde. And he trediþ, or defouliþ, þe preſſour of wijn of woodneſſe of wraþþe of almiȝty God. And he haþ writen in his cloþ, and hemme, Kyng of kyngis and Lord of lordis. And I ſiȝe an aungel, ſtondinge in þe ſunne; and he criede wiþ greet voys, ſeiynge to alle briddis, þat flewen bi þe mydle of heuen, Come ȝe, and be ȝe gederid to gydere to þe greet ſoper of God, þat ȝe ete þe fleſches of kingis, and þe fleſches of tribunys, and þe fleſches of ſtronge, and fleſches of horſis, and of þe ſittinge on hem, and þe fleſches of alle fre men and ſeruauntis, and of ſmale and of greete. And I ſiȝe þe beeſt, and kingis of erþe, and þe hooſtes of hem gederid, to make bateyle wiþ him, þat ſat in þe hors, and wiþ his hooſt. And þe beeſt is cauȝt, and wiþ hir þe fals prophet, þat made ſignes bifor hir; in whiche he deceyuede hem þat token þe carect of þe beeſt, and þat worſhipeden þe ymage of it. Þes two ben ſent quyke in to þe pool of fijr, brennynge in brunſton. And þe oþere ben ſlayn in ſwerd of þe ſittynge on þe hors, þat comeþ forþ of þe mouþ of him; and alle briddis ben fulfillid wiþ þe fleſchis of hem.
Capitulum XX.
And I ſiȝe an aungel comynge doun fro heuene, hauynge þe keye of depneſſe, and a greet cheyne in his hond. And he cauȝte þe dragoun, þe olde ſerpent, þat is þe deuel and Saþanas; and he boonde him bi a þouſynd ȝeeris. And he ſente him in to depneſſe, and cloſide, and ſignede, or ſelide, on him, þat he deceyue no more folkes, til a þouſynd ȝeeris be fulfillid. After þes þinges it bihoueþ him for to be vnbounde a litel tyme. And I ſiȝe ſeetes, and þei ſaten on hem, and doom is ȝouun to hem. And þe ſoules of bihedid men for þe witneſſing of Jheſu, and for þe word of God, and hem þat worſchepiden not þe beeſt, neþer þe ymage of it, neþer token þe carect of it in her forhedis, or in her hondis. And þei lyueden, and regneden wiþ Criſt a þouſynd ȝeer. Þe oþere of deede men lyueden not, til a þouſynd ȝeeres be endid. Þis is þe firſt aȝen riſyng. Bleſſid and holy he, þat haþ paart in þe firſt aȝen riſyng. In þes men þe ſecounde deeþ haþ not power; but þei ſhulen be preſtis of God, and of Criſt, and þei ſhulen regne wiþ him a þouſynd ȝeeris. And whan a þouſynd ȝeeres ſhulen be endid, Saþanas ſhal be vnbounde of his priſoun; and he ſhal go out, and he ſhal deceyue folkes, þat ben on foure corners of þe erþe, Gog and Magog. And he ſhal gedere hem in to bateyl, whois noumbre is as þe grauel of þe ſe. And þei ſtiȝeden vp, on þe broodneſſe of erþe, and enuyrounden þe caſtels of ſeyntis, and þe loued citee. And fijr cam doun of God fro heuen, and deuourede hem. And þe deuel, þat deceyuede hem, is ſent in to þe pool of fijr and brunſton, where and þe beeſt and falſe prophetes ſhulen be tourmentid day and niȝt, in to worldlis of worldlis. Amen. And I ſiȝe a greet white trone, and þe ſittynge on it, fro whois ſiȝt erþe fleiȝ and heuen; and place is not founden of hem. And I ſiȝe deede men, greete and ſmale, ſtondinge in þe ſiȝt of þe trone; and bookes ben openyd; and an oþir book is openyd, þat is þe book of lijf; and deede men ben demyd of þes þingis þat weren write in þe bookis, aftir þe werkis of hem. And þe ſe ȝaf his deede men, þat weren in it; and deeþ and helle ȝauen her deede men, þat weren in hem. And it is demyd of alle, vp þe werkes of hem. And helle and deeþ ben ſent in to þe pool of fijr. Þis is þe ſecounde deeþ. And he þat is not founde writun in þe book of lijf, is ſent in to þe pool of fijr.
Capitulum XXI.
And I ſiȝe newe heuen and newe erþe; forſoþe þe firſte heuen and þe firſte erþe wenten awey, and now is not þe ſe. And I Joon ſiȝe þe holy citee Jeruſalem, newe, comynge doun fro heuen, of God, maad redy as a wijf ourned to hir huſbonde. And I herde a greet voys of þe trone, ſeiynge, Lo! þe tabernacle of God wiþ men, and he ſhal dwelle wiþ hem; and þei ſhulen be his puple, and he God wiþ hem ſhal be her God. And God ſhal wijpe awey ech teer fro iȝen of ſeyntis; and deeþ ſhal no more be, neþer moornyng, neþer criyng, neþer ſorowe ſhal be ouer; þe whiche firſte þinges wenten awey. And he ſeide, þat ſat in þe trone, Lo! I make alle þinges newe. And he ſeide to me, Wrijte þou, for þes wordes ben mooſt feiþful and trewe. And he ſeide to me, It is don; I am alpha and oo, þe bigynnyng and ende. I ſhal ȝiue frely to þe þirſtinge of þe welle of quyk watir. He þat ſhal ouercome, ſhal weelde þes þinges; and I ſhal be God to him, and he ſhal be ſone to me. Forſoþe to proude men, and vnbileueful, and curſid, and manquellers, and fornicatours, and to men doynge venym, or ſleynge men by venym, and worſchipers of ydolis, and to alle liȝeris, þe paart of hem ſhal be in þe pool brennynge wiþ fijr and brunſton, þat is þe ſecounde deeþ. And one cam of þe ſeuen aungels, hauynge violes ful of ſeuen þe laſte plagis. And he ſpake wiþ me, ſeiynge, Come þou, I ſhal ſchewe to þee þe ſpouſe, wijf of þe lomb. And he toke me vp in ſpirit in to a greet hil and hiȝ; and he ſhewide to me þe holy citee Jeruſalem, comynge doun fro heuene of God, hauynge þe cleerte of God; and þe liȝt of it lijk to a precious ſtoon, as to þe ſtoon iaſpis, as criſtal. And it hadde a wal greet and hiȝ, hauynge twelue ȝates, and in þe ȝatis of it twelue aungels, and names writun in, þat ben þe names of þe twelue lynagis of þe ſones of Yrael; fro þe eeſt þre ȝates, and fro þe norþ þre ȝates, and fro þe ſouþ þre ȝates, and fro þe weſt þre ȝates. And þe wal of þe citee hauynge twelue foundementes, and in hem þe names of þe twelue apoſtlis, and of þe lomb. And he þat ſpake wiþ me, hadde a golden meſure of a reed, þat he ſhulde mete þe citee, and þe ȝates of it, and þe wal. And þe citee is put in ſquare; and þe lengþe of it is ſo miche, hou miche and þe breede. And he mat þe citee of þe reed, bi furlongis twelue þouſyndes. And þe hiȝþe, and lengþe and breede of it, ben euen. And he mat þe walles of it, of an hundrid and foure and fourty cubytis, bi meſure of man, þat is, of aungel. And þe bildyng of þe wal was of ſtoon iaſpis. Soþeli þe citee it ſilf was of cleene gold, lijk to cleene glas. And þe foundementes of þe wal of þe citee ourned wiþ al precious ſtoon. Þe firſt foundement, iaſpis; þe ſecounde, ſafirus; þe þridde, calcedonyus; þe fourþe, ſmaragdus; þe fyueþe, ſardonix; þe ſixte, ſardius; þe ſeuenþe, criſolitus; þe eiȝtþe, berillus; þe nynþe, topaſius; þe tenþe, criſopaſſus; þe eleuenþe, iacinctus; þe tweluþe, ametiſtus. And twelue ȝates twelue margarites ben, by ech; and eche ȝates weren of eche margaritis. And þe ſtretes of þe citee clene gold, as glas ful ſhijnynge. And I ſiȝe no temple in it, forſoþe Lord God almiȝty is temple of it, and þe lomb. And þe citee haþ no nede of ſunne, neþer moone, þat þei ſhijne in it; forwhi þe cleerte of God ſhal liȝtne it; and þe lomb is þe lantern of it. And folkes ſhulen walke in liȝt of it; and þe kinges of þe erþe ſhulen bringe to her glory and honour in to it. And þe ȝates of it ſhulen not be cloſid bi daye; ſoþeli niȝt ſhal not be þere. And þei ſhulen bringe to þe glory and honour of folkis in to it. Neþir ony þing defoulid ſhal entre in to it, and doynge abhomynacioun and leſyng; no but þei þat ben writun in þe book of lijf of þe lomb.
Capitulum XXII.
And he ſhewide to me a flood of quyk watir, ſhinynge as criſtal, comynge forþ of þe ſeete of God, and of þe lomb. In þe myddil of þe ſtreet of it, and on ech ſijde of þe flood, þe tree of lijf, bringyng to twelue fruytes, bi eche moneþes ȝeldinge his fruyt; and þe leefes of þe tree to helþe of folkis. And ech curſid þing ſhal no more be; but þe ſeetes of God and of þe lomb ſhulen be in it. And þe ſeruauntis of him ſhulen ſerue to hym. And þei ſhulen ſee his face, and his name in her forhedis. And niȝt ſhal no more be, and þei ſhulen not haue nede to þe liȝt of lantern, neþir to liȝt of þe ſunne; for þe Lord God ſhal liȝtne hem, and þei ſhulen regne in to worldlis of worldlis. And he ſeide to me, Þes wordis ben mooſt feiþful and truewe. And þe Lord God of ſpiritis prophetis ſente his aungel, for to ſhewe his ſeruauntis, what þinges it bihoueþ for to be don ſoone. And lo! I come ſwiftli. Bleſſid is he, þat kepiþ þe wordis of prophecie of þis book. And I Joon, þat herde and ſiȝe þes þinges. And aftir þat I hadde herd and ſeyn, I fel doun, þat I ſhulde worſchipe bifor þe feet of þe aungel, þat ſchewide to me þes þinges. And he ſeide to me, See þat þou do not; forſoþe I am þin euen ſeruaunt, and of þi briþeren, prophetis, and of hem þat kepen þe wordes of prophecie of þis book; worſchipe þou God. And he ſeide to me, Signe, or ſeele, þou not þe wordes of prophecie of þis book; forſoþe þe tyme is niȝ. He þat noyeþ, noye ȝit; and he þat is in filþis, wexe foul ȝit; and he þat is iuſt, be he ȝit iuſtified; and þe holy, be he halewid ȝit. Lo! I come ſoone, and my mede wiþ me, for to ȝelde to ech man aftir his werkes. I am alpha and oo, þe firſte and þe laſte, bigynnyng and ende. Bleſſid þei, þat waſchen her ſtooles in þe blood of þe lomb, þat þe power of hem be in þe book of lijf, bi ȝatis entre in to þe citee. Forſoþe wiþ oute forþ, houndes, and venym doers, or poyſeners, and unchaaſt men, and manquellers, and ſeruynge to ydoles, and ech þat loueþ and doiþ leſyng. I Jheſus ſente myn aungel, for to witneſſe to ȝou þes þinges in chirchis. I am þe roote and kynde of Dauid, a ſhynynge moru ſterre. And þe huſbonde and þe ſpouſe, or wijf, ſeyn, Come þou. And he þat heriþ, ſeieþ, Come þou; and he þat þirſtiþ, come; and he þat wole, take freely þe watir of lijf. Forſoþe I witneſſe to ech man heringe þe wordes of prophecie of þis book, if ony man ſchal put to þes, God ſchal putte on him þe plages writun in þis book. And if ony man ſhal do awey of þe wordis of þe book of þis prophecie, God ſhal take awey þe paart of him fro þe book of lijf, and fro þe holy citee, and fro þes þinges þat ben writun in þis book. He ſeiþ, þat beriþ witneſſyng of þeſe þingis, Ȝhe, amen. I come ſoone. Amen. Come þou, Lord Jheſu. Þe grace of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt be wiþ ȝou alle. Amen.
Here endiþ Apocalips.